#zack little white lie
rottenpumpkin13 · 3 months
Okay I have been trying to figure this out in my head, and I thought “hey, this person always has fun ideas/prompts!”
FF7 as mean girls. Who is who?
I just picture Cloud as Kady Herron (aka Lindsay Lohas character).
Apologies if you have no idea who I am talking about
Meet The Plastics
*Cloud, Zack and Kunsel walk into the SOLDIER training facility where everyone else is training*
Kunsel: In the name of all that is holy, will you look at Angeal Hewley's uniform?
*They look over and Angeal is glistening with sweat, his uniform stuck to his body*
Zack: Of course all The Plastics have a training session together.
Cloud: Who are The Plastics?
Kunsel: They're SOLDIER royalty—If the HQ was Midgar Weekly, they would always be on the cover.
Zack: That one there, that's Angeal Hewley.
*Angeal is cheery and talking to a group of starstruck Thirds*
Zack: He is one of the dumbest guys you will ever meet. Kunsel had him as a temporary mentor last year.
Kunsel: He asked me how to spell "orange".
Cloud: .....That sounds like a lie.
*Zack points at Genesis, who's too busy talking on the phone. A stray ball of firaga is launched his way. He shrieks and ducks*
Zack: And that little one? That's Genesis Rhapsodos. He's totally rich because he invented Banora White juice.
Kunsel: Genesis Rhapsodos knows everybody's business. He knows everything about everyone. That's why his red coat is so long. It's full of secrets.
*Sephiroth is teaching a group of Seconds correct footwork*
Zack: And evil takes a human form in Sephiroth.
*Sephiroth is now laughing with the Seconds and high-fiving them*
Zack: Don't be fooled, because he may seem like your typical selfish, back-stabbing, slut-faced ho-bag. But in reality, he is so much more than that.
Cloud: He literally looks so nice?? What??
Kunsel: He's the queen bee. The star. Those other two are just his little workers.
Zack: Sephiroth. How do I even begin to explain Sephiroth?
*Reno and Rude pop out of nowhere*
Reno: Sephiroth is flawless.
Rude: He has two Bahamut summons and a 7ft sword.
*Lazard appears out of nowhere*
Cloud: WOAH
Lazard: I hear his hair's insured for 10 million gil.
*Cissnei also appears*
Cissnei: I hear he does Donbei commercials. In Japan.
*Tseng appears*
Tseng: His favorite movie is Mamma Mia.
*Roche appears*
Roche: One time, he rode with President Shinra on a plane and he told him he was pretty.
*Rufus appears*
Rufus: One time, he punched me in the face.
Rufus: It was awesome.
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closedrop · 1 month
Okay now that I’ve thoroughly processed the ending of Crisis Core, I have some thoughts
- I’m kinda upset that I was wrong about what was gonna go down because honestly I would’ve found it really interesting to see like the mako reactor blow up(?) is that what happened in Gongaga? And then Zack have to see that happen or something. It’s alright though I can deal without it ig…
- I didn’t actually realize Genesis liked poetry (cough cough LOVELESS) when I got my first impression of him and said “he seems like he’s into poetry so that’s a plus” and then when I realized I was right that was really funny.
-Speaking of Genesis liking LOVELESS he HAS to have read that book more times than anyone else imaginable. It’s just not possible for anyone to have read LOVELESS more than he has. Simply impossible. You can’t do it.
- I am still a big fan of all the little details that cause the future in Crisis Core, like Aerith’s bow and her dress too, Zack’s limit break, Zack helping name 7th heaven. And even foreshadowing like LOVELESS, because especially in Act I where it says “Three friends go into battle. One gets captured, one flies away, and the one that is left becomes a hero.” (Even though the game touches on this a little where Rothy and Genny discuss it) it can clearly reflect onto the fates of Angeal, Genesis, and Sephiroth. Although Sephiroth in his and Genesis’ discussion of Act I says that Genesis is welcome to have the role of hero it is actually he who becomes the hero I believe? That or he’s the one who flies away. It’s unclear to me because there can be multiple interpretations but here’s my take basically. *Ahem*
Scenario 1: Rothy is the Hero because he’s the only one from the AGS that appears in FFVII so hence “the one that is left” and he’s known AS A HERO before he kinda goes mad and kills a bunch of people. And that makes Genesis the one who flies away, this could be evidenced by how he is a deserter who worked with Hollander to try and stop the degradation orrr something like that but yeah.
Scenario 2: Genny is the Hero because of how Sephiroth and Angeal both died technically (idk the lore is weird there, Sephiroth like died but then he came back to life in FFVII because he was preserved or something?? I forgot- anyways-) this makes him the one remaining though, and Rothy flies away, as in he dies I guess. And also in the cutscene where he gets thrown with the masamune or something I guess he kinda like willingly throws himself down there using his singular wing (iirc) so that could be interpreted as flying away.
And Angeal… ehh let’s not dwell on it and say “being captured” just means he like kinda was killed by Zack or something. Sorry this kinda turned into my interpretation of LOVELESS mb
- IIRC Genesis basically created the idea for Banora white apple juice? Which is insane to me because how did nobody think of this before him?? Like, what’s with this child inventing apple juice? Let’s go?? I guess??? Good on him???
- I literally watched Zack go through the stages of grief throughout the whole game like at first iirc was like whaaat? SOLDIER and Shinra wouldn’t do this, naaaaah. Then it was how could they do this??! And just cover it up too!?? For why! And after that it was, him like (iirc) begging Cissnei to let him and Cloud go on since they didn’t do nothing but escape from testing that Hojo was putting them through in those test tube thingies. After this Zack is all depressed (not like he wasn’t before but he is super depressed now) because he feels like one, he can’t save anyone, and two, like he’s just been living a lie (especially after finding out about Lazard’s betraying Shinra), after that he continues to be tested on what he believes in choosing to in the end not to back to Shinra and instead protect Cloud then finally accepting his fate and knowing that the price of freedom is steep (haha reference TvT) and goes in to fight that whole army I guess which he most likely knows is going to get him killed, but he fights anyway for his freedom. And yeah that’s the stages of grief. You got Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, “testing” apparently according to Google, and then acceptance.
- This game made me like Sephiroth “Rothy” Sephiroth a little bit more than FFVII did because I got to see the side of him that shows before he’s lost to the madness. It’s interesting especially when you realize he is how he is in FFVII because he’s found out what made him. Poor guy 😔
- The probability of the “Silver elite” Sephiroth fan club being run by any of Angeal, Sephiroth, or Genesis is really high, especially when you consider the fact that they have information that nobody outside of those people would have. And the “never before seen” photos of Sephiroth/“photos that only not your average fan” could see. That information being though, the part about the training room and how apparently they’d like shoot an apple off the head of one of em. (Thin k it was Rothy slicing an apple offa Genny’s head? IIRC?) if I recall, it was said that they would SNEAK to be in the training room. Implying that nobody else knew about it other than them. It’s either that or they were really bad at sneaking. But the mail from Silver Elite said something along the lines of them sneaking to the training room to use as their personal playground, and if I recall Sephiroth says something similar in his flashback, saying they’d like sneak to use it when the seconds are out. (Sorry repetitive but yeah) so either it’s run by one of them OR that chairperson is very good at getting interviews with them.
Yes I joined all the fan clubs what about it? I’m a dedicated fan of all of them. Or something like that.
Idk I probably have more thoughts but it’s late and I’m tired soooo that’s all I have for now
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prismaticpichu · 1 year
Updated Master List!
Howdy!!! Hope you’re having an awesome day! I thought it was high-time to do an updated Masterlist of all my little thingies! If y’all don’t know who I am and wondering wtf is on your dash, I’ma little gremlin who loves to write FF7: Crisis Core-centric stories :33 If you do know who I am, you know that Zack & Sephiroth dominate almost every individual sentence that my keyboard produces. Either way, I’m shoving this in your face!
Thank you so much forever and always for giving me a safe place to share my stuff!! <33
✨ Pichu’s Writing ✨
The Bonds That Kept Me Sane Universe - A universe revolving around the unbreakable friendship between Sephiroth & Zack Fair! Stories are extremely floofy and filled with a lot of heart! You will find a needle or two in there, but for the most part, this is the safe side of town <33
1. Blazes & Bullets (10 chap/10) - Zack refuses to accept that his friend has gone insane, and instead decides to try and break through rather than fight against him (later rewritten as Candle in the Rain- really recommend reading that instead xD).
2. Wish - Sephiroth doesn’t know it’s his birthday.
3. Procedure - Sephiroth’s brutal memories of getting his wing.
4. Surrogate - Zack is homesick; Sephiroth remedies this.
5. Snow Angel - Snowball fight!
6. Guard Dog - Zack retrieves his sick friend from Hojo’s lab.
7. From My Eyes - Zack is mourning over Angeal
8. Movie Night - It’s literally a movie night, mate.
9. A Silver Veil - Sephiroth doesn’t like Halloween; Zack absolutely does.
10. Daylight - Sephiroth accompanies Zack to visit Aerith.
11. I’ll Name the Dogs - Zack comes home from a solo mission.
12. Green-Eyed Reindeer - Sephiroth goes home with Zack to spend Christmas in Gongaga.
13. Let Sleeping Puppies Lie - Sephiroth wonders why Zack left his favorite toy behind on a mission.
14. The Art of Distraction - Zack doodles during working hours.
15. Purify - Following the events of Nibelheim, Zack solaces his broken best friend.
16. Enter the Plush Dragon - It’s Zack’s birthday! Sephiroth needs to find a present stat.
17. Don’t Cry Over Spilled Coffee - Early in their friendship, a small mistakes causes a small fight.
18. Shedding Coats - Zack & Sephiroth swap clothes for the fun of it!
19. You Ain’t Nothing but a Hound Dog! (2 chaps/?) - Zack is turned into an actual puppy, and now he and Sephiroth have to fix that little pickle.
20. On Pins and Needles - Zack walks in on an unexpected hobby.
21. Scissors - Zack discovers his friend’s wing, and what it symbolizes to him.
22. It’s the Best Medicine - Zack remembers the first time he heard Sephiroth laugh.
23. How to Save a Life - Zack finally thanks his friend for saving him from Ifrit.
24. The Zack & Sephiroth Safe Haven - A collection of originally-deleted works I put together because I regretted taking them down; all of these take place in the same universe, consisting of:
Just Your General Soup - Sephiroth gets the sniffles
Irreplaceable - A misunderstanding breaks Sephiroth’s heart.
Songs of Silence - Zack is away in Junon, and things are too quiet in the office.
The Cozy Caretaker - Zack’s a little sick; fic is bite-sized.
The Bright Side of White - Angeal comes to visit his old puppy in his sleep.
Cereal Killer - A 7-yo Zack discovers his hero on the back of a cereal box.
Dream Catcher - Zack & Sephiroth share nightmares about the other.
Candle in the Rain - This is what I was talking about! An updated version of Blazes & Bullets that ACTUALLY takes “Sephiroth not being too happy about the Jenova Project” into account; same plot and outcome, with Zack trying to break through to a mind-controlled evil Sephiroth.
Say Cheese! - Zack accidentally gets Sephiroth’s coat dirty.
Paths Ahead - Sephiroth is thinking about the future; Zack assures him they’ll always be together.
Under My Wing - Following the events of Modeoheim, Sephiroth vows to take care of the broken puppy left behind.
Sandwiched Between Society - Sephiroth eats Oreos wrong.
Palentines Day - Zack celebrates Valentine’s Day with his very platonic pal.
Cat’s in the Cradle - Sephiroth thinks his slitted eyes make him a monster; Zack is there to assure him otherwise.
25. Catch You Letter - Sephiroth goes into panic mode after finding a love letter written by Zack
26. Are You For Teal? - (An AU of this universe) - Zack develops a little something in his heart while taking a magazine quiz with Sephiroth
27. Lightning - Zack comforts his rattled friend after Sephiroth relives a horrible memory
Traffic Cones on the Highway to Arson - Disjointed fics that revolve around the sole purpose of keeping Nibelheim flame-free!!
1. Fragments - Before Sephiroth can reach the library, Zack stops him right in the Nibelheim mountains.
2. To Soothe the Savage Beast - Zack has a clever solution to get Sephiroth to fall asleep in the manor.
3. Sephiroth’s Pet Rock - Sephiroth gets a pet rock. This cures his depression.
4. Call to Action - All it took was one single phone call to save the day
5. The Inns and Outs of Things - A last-minute confession at the Nibelheim inn changes the course of history.
Miscellaneous, uncategorized fics! - Fics that don’t fall into either category and are purely just Ideas™️ brought to life!
1. Angeal and the Kitty Crisis - Hollander’s clone machine malfunctions.
2. Paw-Padded Calamity (10 chap/10) - Zack finds a lost little Pichu in the slums. May revive the sequel if I decide to continue!
3. Treasure - Masamune breaks.
4. Study Buddy - A time traveling Zack warns his younger self not to leave Him alone in the library.
5. The Thirst for Knowledge - Sephiroth passes out from dehydration and wakes up in Cloud’s childhood bed.
6. Take Your Best (Mug) Shot - J-cell purging coffee!
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radley-writes · 1 year
Tell me! About the new wip! Yell things! Plz!
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mundus transit et concupiscentia eius
Age range: MG or YA (haven't yet decided the MCs' ages...) Genre: urban fantasy, high school fantasy, light horror Main characters: Zack, white British bi trans boy, 13-15, absolute coward and proud of it. Sour and sneaky, he doesn't know how to do this whole friend thing and doesn't intend to start. Reacts to kindness like a feral kitten to strokes; would lie about getting bitten in a zombie apocalypse. Zoe, Pakistani-British hijabi bi cis girl, 13-15. Fun-loving and adventurous, she's the sunshine to Zack's scowl. In fact, she's a little too eager to throw herself into danger. She has all the self-preservation instinct of a gingernut biscuit and (worse yet, if you ask Zack) a deep-seated desire to do the right thing. Vanderloss, Black British disabled Ehlers-Danlos enbie, 26-ish. An overpowered disaster of a teacher. Despite caring deeply for all xer little brats, xe remains an extremely distractable dork. Has lost children on school trips. Will do it again. I love xem anyway. <3
Every night in Cambridge, the Time Eater clock strikes twelve.
Then it strikes thirteen.
And the monsters come out.
Reality and Dream: two worlds in a locked orbit, converging only at their furthest-flung edges. During the thirteenth hour, when time traps mortals like flies in tree sap, nightmares seep into our realm and devour human minds. They leave comatose victims in their wake, lost to the deadly Sleeping Sickness, as well as a constant, palpable undercurrent of fear.
But the nightmares should be frightened, too.
Beneath the grand Gothic vaults of Trinity and Kings lies another world of academia - one far more ancient, devoted to the arcane. Every year, a hundred humans are born a step outside of time, able to walk through the inverted lightscape of the Thirteenth Hour as if they too are spun not from substance, but surreality. The Sandman Academy gathers these youths, grants them their hourglasses - containing solidified granules of sunlight, the only effective weapon against dreams - and trains them to fight for all humanity.
And to die.
Torn apart by their worst nightmares.
So, when Zack Strange is chosen as one of humanity's guardians, you can see why his reaction is no way in hell. Allergic to risk-taking, conflict, things that go boo in the night (and, some would say, fun) Zack just wants to restart his nice, normal life at his nice, normal school, under his new name. And to find a binder that's comfy for PE class. Is that really too much to ask?
In contrast, when Zoe Ansari received a giant hourglass and was told she would train to slay nightmares, her only question was when do we start? Zoe quickly falls in love with the warped Escher-world of the Thirteenth Hour. She knows no fear. She knows no danger. She knows, if you ask Zack, far less than she thinks she does, and is likely to get herself and everyone in a ten-mile radius dead - which makes it a crying shame that he's her training partner.
Zack grudgingly joins the Sandmen in the hopes that they can save his grandma, who is in hospital after having her mind stolen by a dream. But shadowed secrets lurk in the heart of their new school. When Zack and Zoe discover a dangerous truth about the Sleeping Sickness, they will be forced to question their loyalty to the school and each other, and what it truly means to be brave.
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sentmail · 2 months
CEMETERY :  for one muse to find the other at a gravestone.
a comprehensive list of scenarios
The fact that the church is still standing will never cease to feel like a dream, a fragment of a life gone by lingering in the cracks of the floorboards and the few scattered pews… but it is the scent of lilies in the air that gives him pause as he walks past the doors.
For a brief second, in the up swell of emotions within his chest, Kunsel wonders if it is sadness that nests in his rib cage, a presence that leaned against his heart — but it is not an ache, not something he wants to rid himself of. It is an acknowledgement, a melancholy, a memory plagued with affection…
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And when his eyes raise towards what was once the flower patch, now a pond of still water as the foundation slowly caves to the tides of time, he sees it — and the feeling is given it's proper name:
The buster sword, now properly maintained, repaired. Standing tall where once Zack sought to spend all his free time at, thrown in the throes of a kid's puppy love. It was fitting - at least more fitting than his own selfish want to take it for himself, admittedly.
He walks the empty church with a light step, not wanting to disturb the stillness in the air, feeling like an intruder in the tranquility present, but he couldn't help himself, wanting to take a closer look, wanting to fill back in the details that were beginning to fade with time.
A hand reaches out to trail over the hilt of the blade, for a moment briefly considering grasping it before shaking his head and leaning back against the wooden lectern behind the buster sword, a small smile on his lips.
"Never did figure out how you managed to wield this thing." It's an admission spoken into empty air, taking his solitude in the church as a chance to vent what thoughts lingered in him still. "I was hoping that you'd teach me for a change… but I guess we'll do that next time around."
That was how it worked, right? They'd all go back to the same place and begin anew… it was a nice sentiment, even if at times he feared as all SOLDIERs did that they were too corrupt, too wrong, to be granted such grace.
But he lingers not on that, his gaze instead fondly focusing on the idle reflections on the water's surface, the lily petals floating on it still.
"… I blamed myself, you know. Thought that I should've done more, looked harder, searched for you myself… but that would've just gotten me terminated for good. We both know that." The laugh he gives rings hollow, but it is earnest in the bitter irony of it all. "Besides, how was I supposed to know you'd be trying to come back to the lion's den, eh? I would've revived you myself only to slap some sense into you if I could've… but I should've guessed."
He lifts his eyes to the sky, feeling a growing pressure behind his eyes - but he stubbornly refused to acknowledge the tears swarming his vision. He'd promised himself he wouldn't cry.
"You're stubborn, and you keep your promises. You came back after all that time because you're Zack Fair, and you don't let anyone stop you, for better or worse."
He sighs, raising a hand to wipe at his eyes.
"Bet you two are all caught up now, huh? Must be nice having company over. Me? Well… I'm good." He pauses, as if expecting incredulity. "I mean it. Finally figured out what to do with myself now that the world hasn't been on fire for more than five consecutive minutes. Gonna write a book, write down what I know — some proof that we existed. You'd take up half the book to be honest, but I think I'll save some stories for your parents."
He quiets down with that, thinking about having had to be the one to break the news… even if with a little white lie: Zack died helping people in meteor-fall, a hero until the end.
He chews on his lip as he thinks of all the words that he'd kept in his chest for all these years, of everything he'd once written down with no way of knowing if Zack ever got his messages… but although it hurts to handle them, there is a freedom in letting them go after all this time.
When he hears footsteps breach the entrance of the church he again wipes at his face, trying to conceal the earnest emotion dug out of him just moments ago… and his vision falls on one such Cloud Strife.
Zack really liked Cloud - he probably would've liked for both of them to be friends too… but, well, they were both too stubborn for that, having forged familiarity in their petty animosity, having both grown as people since knowing Zack.
And hey: on a good day it was even kind of fun, in it's own way.
Kunsel lingers in silence a little more, his gaze falling back to the buster sword and then back at Cloud, as if searching for what to say, somewhat bristled at having possibly been caught pouring his heart out… but also feeling disarmed enough by the environment to just.
Let it be, for now.
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"It looks good." He finally said, sounding genuine for once. "Could use a little touch up but… the rust's all gone. I can tell you sharpened it. The leather's re-wrapped." He finally looks Cloud in the eye proper. "… Thank you. For bringing it here, for taking care of it."
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thetravelingmaster · 2 years
Snap Snap
Female’s Point of View - Brainwashing - Conditioning - Hypnosis
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​I walked into the room and bit my lower lip when I saw Zack, lounging on the sofa, completely focused on his phone. I came in to talk with him, but thought better of it once I saw he was occupied so I sighed and turned to leave. “Hey Jess...” he said. “You seem preoccupied with something... What’s up?” I smiled before turning back to him. I don’t know how he does it, but lately, he always seems to know what’s going through my mind. “Oh nothing much...” I said as I came closer. “I just had a strange conversation with Lily.”​
“How so?” he said, finally looking up at me. He smiled as he looked me over. I couldn’t help but feel a rush of pleasure at his obvious approval. “Love the outfit by the way...” he said, letting his eyes go up and down my body. I looked down at myself and suddenly realized what I was wearing. “Outfit?” I said with a smile. “It’s just a comfy bikini bottom and an old shirt I used for a wet t-shirt contest. I’m just wearing this until the laundry is done.” The last part was a little white lie. I hadn’t decided to wear this ridiculous number because of the load I was doing. I wore this because I was comfortable in it and I sure as hell was going to be comfortable in my own home! “I certainly won’t complain.” he said with a wink. “Anyway... What was so strange about your conversation with Lily?” “Well...” I said, looking down. “We were talking about the party you guys went to and she happened to mention that she saw you do this hypnosis party trick with Debby.” He chuckled. “Yeah! That was a fun party!  ” he said. “What’s so strange about that?” “Well for one thing...” I said, looking at him. “We didn’t know you knew how to hypnotize people!” He looked at me and smiled. “Just a little hobby of mine.”   he said “But why is that strange? There’s plenty of things you don’t know about me.” “Sure. But..” I said, shifting my weight. “Lily asked me if you ever tried to hypnotize me. Which seemed a little strange...” “Why is that strange?” he asked. “I mean... We live together so... It’s not a stretch to think I would offer it to you.” “No you’re right...” I said. “It’s just that... She didn’t sound like she believed me when I said I had no clue about your little hobby. She’s convinced that you hypnotized me.” “Interesting...” he said, lifting his hand to snap his fingers...
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Copy this link to your browser to read the rest of this story
Model: Kiki Passo
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akiyamanemu · 2 years
sub goo, vasco or zack,,, WITH A BIT OF CRYING,, but not depressing crying,, like,,,,, YK,, crying out of desperation and desire
👓. Goo Sub x Dom Reader
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W:dacriphilia,femme dom
You had Goo in your hands, literally, the strong boy was sitting on the couch shivering and whimpering with pleasure as he looked at you pleadingly between his crooked beaded glasses and messy hair.
A little earlier you and Goo had bet that whoever won would get what they wanted from the other, and you ended up winning the bet, so trying to choose what to ask for him, since he was such a kind boyfriend, you ended up choosing to have him as your sub once.
It all started with small acertive provocations, the body must respond extremely well to the stimuli, you would touch his body slowly, squeezing where you were most attracted, the strong arms covered by the noble fabric of the boy's shirt, the chest lightly marked in the fabric, the thighs, waist, your hands explored Goo with all the calm in the world, he couldn't stand that, since he was always a bit impatient, he never gave you time for these things, time was always focused on your body, it was always about Goo dominating you.
-You like to play like that, right?! He asked through gritted teeth as he settled down on the couch, his face was slightly reddened.
-Do you like to be touched like that? You returned the question whispering in JoonGoo's ear.
His skin prickled before your eyes, your lips went down the boy's neck as your hands opened the white shirt he was wearing, Goo had his hands behind his back, the only thing holding him there was his own self-control, and he he was sure he would go crazy in the face of so much provocation from him.
Your lips were now moving down Goo's soft chest, he was watching you intently as you took one of his nipples sucking slowly, Goo's hips arched on the sofa and he swore in confusion.
-What the fuck... The boy's voice was slurred, you'd never done that to him, but you knew he had sensitive nipples, it was maybe the only chance you'd have to taste Goo that way.
The blonde melted under you, he bit his lips leaving only a few greedy moans of pleasure to escape, it was amazing to see him writhe on top of you, you could feel Goo's cock throbbing inside your tailored pants, and you took advantage of that all the time. touching there briefly only to frustrate him.
-What do you want me to do to deserve what I want? he asked smiling mockingly.
-And what do you want? You ask taking off the shirt you were wearing so Goo could see your tits.
-Your pussy... He smiled confidently as he stared at your breasts running his tongue between his lips.
You lifted your body holding one of your boobs, Goo didn't think twice before sucking your nipple vigorously, he played with his tongue holding your nipple between his teeth, his hands landed on your waist squeezing there, he had fallen into your trap, you held Goo's hair pulling him back, the boy's lips were red and there was an unassuming smile on his face.
-Try to be dominant again and a month will go without that pussy. You whispered in his ear looking into his eyes when you finished saying, now Goo understood that you were taking this seriously.
You threw him against the sofa making him lie on the upholstery, your hands wandered through the upholstery to the boy's pants, the clear volume there made you smile slightly. Goo looked pleased to see you get rid of his pants, so when you straddled him the confidence in his eyes was clear, little did he know he wasn't going to get anything he was expecting.
His dick dripped precum as you laid him down on his abdomen, he took a deep breath when he saw you lift your hips reaching your body forward, with one of your hands you positioned Goo's dick between the lips of your pussy while you rocked on it, Goo groaned in frustration, he was looking forward to having his cock wrapped around your wet, tight insides.
Goo's feline eyes stared at your body intently, he had already lost control but tries to maintain the pose of dominance, even if his hips rose every time you used one of your hands to touch the head of his cock rubbing it slowly.
-You're going to drive me crazy with this... He muttered under his breath trying to keep his self-control.
-That's the intention... You said increasing the pace at which you rubbed your pussy on his cock, you could feel him throbbing, it was difficult even for you to maintain self-control in that situation, Goo's expressions, the way he bit his lips when your pussy touched his glans, or how his hands ached to touch your waist, it was so visually erotic to have your boyfriend so needy of you, begging you in desperation to have more of your body, to be inside you.
You leaned over him starting to mark his strong and immaculate body, your lips roamed his neck leaving visible hickeys and a few bites, Goo's hands gripped the pillows, his parted lips released gasping moans, it was your first time seeing him so vulnerable to you, seeing him like that made you want to want so much more than that.
Goo's face contorted gracefully as his abdomen contracted slightly below you, your body trembled against his you didn't know how to deal with him in such a sexy way, crying with pleasure as he called your name amidst ravenous moans.
Goo came in his own abdomen, his glasses were now almost falling off as the boy's feline eyes brimmed with tears of pleasure, his thighs twitching and his hips heaving her up as the thick cum covered his strong abdomen.
[Thanks for asking, I was very happy to receive a request about Goo because I wanted to write about him, sorry for not doing the others, in the future I will try to bring something from them]
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mezzomorendo · 3 months
for as cheerful as zack is, he absolutely has nightmares from his time being experimented on and the year on the run. like. you don't just walk away from that kind of trauma.
and based on what i've been told from the OG game, he and cloud left messages for one another on the inside of their tanks, which implies that they were lucid for part of the experimentation.
which brings me to my next point that they kept zack usually in a half-comatose state. lucid enough to be aware they were doing things to him (and sometimes what) but sedated enough he couldn't fight back. it definitely took a toll on his mind and tbh props to probably his ability to compartmentalize that it didn't overwhelm him immediately.
he probably got HELLA little sleep during the year on the run, having to be the only one on watch - to jump at every little noise and shadow just in case it was shinra.
g o d the wear and tear on this man's mind. he hardly sleeps, and when he does its incredibly lightly. he's definitely got some kind of unhealthy attachment to cloud, he doesn't trust ANYONE related to shinra or really most medical professionals
(ok that's a lie he trusts nurses but FUCK doctors white lab coats in particular trigger him)
and like just
the amount of therapy to get him to a semblance of normalcy like... he's still going through it but it would've felt wrong if i just threw him back into the story without letting him process SOME of it. like he def still needs help (and maybe medication) but hey he's got Storm which is. something.
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kimberlyannharts · 2 years
So......a little while ago we had the big milestone of MMPR reaching 100 issues.  Which I’m not going to lie - is a really big deal, and something worth celebrating.  Even if it’s technically cheating a bit because we’ve been splitting MMPR into two for the past few years.  But still!  It’s a big deal, so we’re going to talk about it now that everything’s done and the books are moving on to other things.  It’s Charge to 100 - Power Rangers edition!  
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As I said in the Mighty Morphin post, the Power Rangers’ side of Charge to 100 is actually more of an event storyline, as everything it does leads up to #100′s story.  And in all honesty, this is because Charge to 100 and MMPR #100 is, in essence, the finale of the Power Rangers side of the main series; and not just because after this, the series rolled back into one monthly MMPR release.  The Mighty Morphin side contributes to #100, and the storyline calls back to events in MMPR, but ultimately it’s a Power Rangers story more than a Mighty Morphin story.  So how does that work out?  Well, um.
Summary time.  Jason decides looking for the fascist murderer that they let escape at full power isn’t worth wasting time on anymore so he and the Omegas put it upon themselves to tell the entire universe they’re their personal cops now.  Andros sees their message and enlists their help to free the last survivors of KO-35 and then get his Astro Megaship (with bonus twinksicle inside) back from his enemies.  Meanwhile Trini and Zack save and adopt an alien baby they name Journey, whose gimmick is they age super fast.  Jason and Andros save the KO-35ians and Jason’s condescending white boy attitude towards the genocide victim is interrupted by his mom we’ve never met dying.  Andros commits some war crimes and steals a Gold Omega morpher from the Safe Haven vault.  Some people fight aliens to cope so after the funeral the Omegas go to take back the Astro Megaship and Andros Pet Semetarys Zhane with the Gold Morpher, unleashing the Death Ranger.  Surprisingly the Death Ranger is evil and “kills” all the Omega Rangers.  Zombies.  The MMPRs once again need to clean up the Omegas’ mess so they fight and fight and Jason learns to let go of his mom I guess and Death Ranger goes bye-bye and Jason loses his connection to the Omega powers somehow so he leaves.  Trini becomes Omega Red and Kevor, one of the Harturian refugees from Ultimate Power, becomes Omega Yellow.  Due to their accelerated aging, Journey dies of old age.  THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As usual, the positives.  Because despite my distaste for the Omegas, there were some things I liked here!  While I didn’t think much of Journey the first time I read due to the reliance on family sitcom cliches and just waiting to get to the point of their inclusion, I liked them a lot more on a reread.  They had a fun personality and I welcome any kind of alien physiology in Power Rangers that makes them more than just a funny-looking human.  Their relationship with Kevor was cute, even if it only got an issue before it turned weird with the whole aging thing.  And of course the inclusion of a regular non-binary character, even if.....well.
The most memorable part of the event is undoubtedly Death Ranger, who caused a stir the moment they were first revealed to the public.  And let’s be honest, it’s because they’re a super cool concept!  A lost Omega ranger, with the powers to manipulate death itself; and more non-binary representation, to boot.  Like!!!!!!  They raise zombies!!!  Who doesn’t love a good zombie story?
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Beyond the initial cool concept, they’re...........boring.  I’m sorry guys.  They dropped the ball hard with this character.  Their main source of intrigue comes from their origin book, something that is barely referenced in the main series at all.  Obviously they want you to read the Unlimited book alongside the main series, to the point where it’s being included in the volume collections, but with how little the main series references their backstory, it makes you wonder what the point of telling their origin was in the first place.  Which is a shame because their backstory promises an evil but ultimately nuanced and tragic character with their own identity and past life, but the main series just delivers generic evil conqueror.  (Hmm, sounds familiar.)  It feels like such a waste of potential, since there was a lot to talk about here - they’ve technically outlived their old team.  Xi worked with them, yet the two never acknowledge each other.  (On Xi’s part, it’s established they refused to upload their old memories, but this doesn’t amount to anything but a personality change and again, Spa’ark doesn’t acknowledge them.)  The core of their struggles coming from how they were separated from their species’ hivemind and thus didn’t have “death” the way most beings do.  How they are ultimately motivated by wanting to help others find justice.  Nothing from that ever comes to play to make them seem more than just Evil Death Spirit who is too mean about wanting to do the right thing.  Their biggest claim to fame in the main series comes from their powers, which even then is confusing (they kill the Omegas to take control of them, yet when they’re defeated and their influence over the dead is gone, the Omegas....are still alive?  Jason gets stabbed clean through the chest and Zack is implied to have gotten mauled alive by a zombie Yale, and there are no consequences there?)
I understand Boom wanting to keep Death Ranger an open concept they can return to, especially considering their immediate infamy, but their defeat in this book amounts to the basic “you bested me, but I’ll be back!!!!!!!!” - something we saw with Alpha-1, of all villains.  So it just adds to the feeling of wasted potential - this character could have been SO much more and told a way better story than what they gave them.  Especially when over on MM we had a very intriguing story about someone trying to beat death......though I’m biased.  And I know recent solicits have confirmed apparently the Omegas’ newest mission is to search for Spa’ark but.....with both of their ties to the Morphin Grid destroyed, how is there anything left of them to search for? 
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On that note, let’s talk about The Themes.  Obviously this story is ultimately about loss and the importance of treasuring every moment you have with your loved ones, because you don’t know when they’ll be taken away.  It’s something told through Andros losing his planet, Zack and Trini losing Journey, and Jason losing his mother.  The best way I can describe its execution is...........you can see it, but you can’t feel it.  Especially with Jason’s plotline, which is arguably meant to be the heart of it all with him becoming Death Ranger’s new primary host.  
I’ve complained about this a million times ever since the reveal but having Jason’s mother die hurts this more than anything.  And it’s not from lack of trying to make this work thematically; a lot of emphasis is given to how lot of the tragedy comes from how unexpected it was.  That Jason had given himself time to prepare for his father’s death, but not his mother’s.  And that’s fine.  What hurts it is that this apparently huge loss does not translate properly to the reader.  Jason’s mom was never, and I meant NEVER, a character before this; just someone we knew existed because Jason and his dad would talk about her sometimes.  And even then it’s implied in early GGPR that his mom was just as distant with him as his dad was.  There is nothing for the audience to connect here with beyond just basic-level “sad my mom died” in any kids’ movie (and even then, there’s at least ONE scene that establishes how important the mom is to the kid before she dies.)  And it’s taken even further when what you would think is the ultimate consequence of Jason’s grief, that he would choose to go along with the Death Ranger’s promises of bringing her back.................he doesn’t.
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He says “I would give ANYTHING to see my mother again” literally right after he refuses to go along with the Death Ranger.  To contrast this, Andros going to these huge extremes to save Zhane and his people actually does translate to the audience that this loss was impactful in a way that......means something to the story.  (Which it should be, because Andros is a victim of genocide in an interplanetary war.  It bothers me that the book tries to act like Jason understands this, when their tragedies are nothing alike?)  And it hurts it even further during Jason’s trip through the Morphin Grid/mindscape or whatever and sees the illusion of his mother being alive; we already know he refused the power of the Death Ranger to bring her back, so where’s the tension in him being given the chance to stay with her if he stays with Death Ranger, or the character development that comes with him refusing Death Ranger’s power?  He already said no to it!!!!!!!  
It just boggles my mind that something that seemed so clearly set up - Jason suffers a sudden and tragic loss, in which part of his grief comes from taking his mother’s presence for granted under the assumption he’d always have her, and is presented with a chance to make it right - but he immediately says no.  So Death Ranger’s takeover of him has to be done through a sneak attack and forced consumption.  (It doesn’t help that the possession in general is just......Spa’ark puppeting their bodies and not a mutual combination of wills a la Eddie Brock and the Symbiote.)  In general, Andros’s choices carrying the Death Ranger storyline this much works to its detriment, because it robs the Omegas of really having agency throughout it.  Zack, Trini, and Yale in particular are presented as mindless, generic minions once they’re possessed, with the only indication they had more going on with Zombie Trini apparently holding back....something that’s only told to us via Journey and not shown. (Which is weird considering Zombie Zhane was able to talk and outright mocks Andros for fighting back???)  I’m not sure if Andros’s inclusion was an editor mandate or not, but I feel if you took him out and gave the basic drama of his storyline to the Omegas, it would feel more earned and give their choices real weight.  
(And honestly, having Jason’s dad die could still work for the theme - such as Jason believing that living it up on Safe Haven and neglecting his Earth responsibilities left his dad without the extra care he needed.  There’s a lot of emphasis on the Omegas treating Safe Haven like this perfect utopia, including a scene where Jason is acting extra flippant about how great they have it, that I thought for sure that’s where this was going.)
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On Zack and Trini’s side of it, well.......I’m honestly not sure what to ultimately think of it.  As I said before a lot of it mostly serves to tie to the themes of spending time with loved ones because you don’t know how long you have with them, which makes it feel very self-contained as a whole, especially how Journey - whom is arguably the main character of the arc, even more than Zack and Trini - dies at the end without really contributing anything to story beyond lending an extra hand in the final battle.  Outside of that it really just feels like a basic funny adoption story (complete with that stupid “Dad hates my boyfriend” trope that is honestly out of character for Zack) that I don’t really want to call filler, but it can feel like it was just something to give Zack and Trini something to do while Jason and Andros do all of the important stuff.  Zack and Trini don’t really develop as characters (Trini becoming Red happens offscreen and she's been teased as a new leader long before this), and their relationship doesn’t develop into anything more significant than it was before despite them being....you know.....PARENTS (and this was written way before we knew Minh existed so “oh well Zack/Trini isn’t endgame in the show” is no excuse.)  It was a bit of a wasted opportunity to not have their possession via Death Ranger tie into their own griefs about the possibility of losing Journey or how they miss their own families (because apparently “fear of losing their loved ones” doesn’t apply to the ones they left behind on Earth.) 
Yale is also there.  And like.  They do stuff with Jason and Andros?  But it really shows how they’re not so much a character than a mascot when after they become a ranger you immediately bring in three new characters for the Omegas to bounce off of.  And as for Kevor, the new Omega Yellow......well.......after a strong introduction where he rightfully points out the problems with the Omegas and Safe Haven, it’s never brought up again (a common scene in the Omega books) and he just becomes Journey’s friend/kind of love interest before they die and he gets the Yellow morpher offscreen.  It’s......extremely forced, and disappointing that his character development goes from “criticizing the Omegas to becoming one of them,” especially when we don’t even see that happen.  He and Zack don’t even resolve their arc-long tension.  It’s less “yeah, he deserved the powers over anyone” and more “well, Journey’s dead and Arkon’s old, so I guess he’s the last named Safe Haven character we have left to fill the suit.”
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Meanwhile Kiya is still in that fucking jar.  
(Also in general it sucks that pretty much everyone in the fandom was assuming Journey would become a ranger, giving us the possibility of another non-binary character who’s an active ranger that isn’t an animal or robot.  Instead the book ends with both Journey AND Spa’ark gone.  Thanks, guys.)
I think the harshest criticism I can give #100 is it doesn’t feel like a huge milestone event of MMPR, despite claims from other readers that it celebrates ALL of the MMPR comics and not just Ryan’s run.  Like Eltarian War before it, it’s a finale that belongs solely to the Omegas; specifically for Jason.  Sure the MMPRs come in to help and land the final blow on Death Ranger, but it’s once again relegating them to just an extra pair of hands rather than characters with personal stakes.  The only time we really get a “celebration” of anything else is through Jason’s little trip through the Morphin Grid, and that involves.....a page where he’s with the originals on the Megazord, a page of the scene where all the rangers gathered back in Shattered Grid, and one last page of quick flashes of events mostly from Necessary Evil.  I know Ranger Slayer, Ari, and Remi’s inclusion back in Necessary Evil’s finale had its own problems, but at least there it gave a better impression of the previous eras of comics contributing to the big milestone’s victory.  And in general I just don’t understand why it only led to Jason’s departure when all three of them retiring their powers to members of Safe Haven would have felt like the story encompassed all three of them rather than Jason - because really, even his departure feels lackluster because it’s literally described as “just a break” that’s more or less forced onto Jason rather than an ending he chooses.  
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Yes yes I know this is most likely referring to how he’ll eventually become Zeo Gold but you can still foreshadow that while making it clear Jason learned something from this whole experience.  And besides, this could be twisted into him possibly returning to the OMEGAS, which would be completely shit writing.  Not even going to be nice about that.  It would be shit. 
And the worst part of it is not having ALL the Omegas retire is it apparently leading to one book switching perspectives between two separate teams again......because THAT went over so well in Necessary Evil.........
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pantoneyoongi · 10 months
the sun & the stars | 05 | kth
title ; the sun & the star pairing ; taehyung x you
word count ; 5.7k
masterlist | part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | epilogue
description ; 
taehyung’s known you almost his whole life - his sister’s best friend, the girl who invades his home and his life on the daily. you’re the one who gave his sister the nickname ‘sky’ to begin with - and also the one who relented when he whined about it at age five and said okay, you can be the stars, then.  it’s funny, because to him, you’re just the petty, mischievous neighbor from across the street with a penchant for stealing his snacks. but over the years, you’ve somehow landed yourself a reputation that stretches beyond the 1.5 year age gap he has with you - for someone who generally likes to keep things low key, you sure have a way of drawing attention.  sky’s friendly, teasing best friend is known for being cold, impassive, and immovable. which is weird, because when he’s around you, all he sees are unabashed grins and terrible jokes. until he realizes maybe he doesn’t know you like he thought he did. maybe they’re right - it just so happens that the walls you throw up around him look a little different from the walls you throw up around everyone else. 
tracklist ; willow - taylor swift, give me your forever - zack tabudlo ft. billkin, limbo - keshi
notes ; 
i cannot believe i still didn't manage to finish this out woops but here is part five, pls enjoy :) the next part will probably be just a short epilogue !
tags ; college!au, best friend’s little brother!au, childhood friends to lovers, angst, fluff, mentions of absent parents and financial instability, insecurity, brief mentions of infidelity, sun is a words of affirmation girlie, yoongi cameo!!
you don’t make it a habit to think about seokjin. but sometimes he sneaks in, slips past your defenses, and he floods you. 
the moment he first smiled at you, you knew it was game over. seokjin had you wrapped around his finger and you were too willing to let him play you like a puppet on strings. 
you suppose a dog on a leash would be a more accurate metaphor. you’d convinced yourself you’d follow him to the ends of the world and back, just to see that smile. you wanted a white picket fence home badly enough to settle for being the family pet. 
seokjin made you laugh, effortlessly. he never once looked at you the way others whispered about you, the beginnings of your reputation and the wildfire rumors that you didn’t care enough to put out. he treated you only as the way he saw you: defiant, childish, even a little bit shy. 
the truth is that if hoseok hadn’t told you what was happening between seokjin and sky, you never would’ve even noticed, so wrapped up in his pretty eyes and pretty smile and pretty words. 
you loved him. you did. 
you were just never going to choose him over sky, no matter how you loved him. 
whatever damage he left you with, you’ve refused to acknowledge. you admit to the hurt, but you don’t admit to its depth. how far it’s sunk into you, how the poison spreads to all the other wounds you have, slowly burning you to ash. 
because seokjin is a reminder that every possibility of the home you dream of is a lie. you don’t ever get to come home to someone. all those nights he fell asleep with you on the phone, the pseudo-concept of someone tucking you into bed, all of it was a mirage. 
you don’t get to have a family that’s there when you need them. you don’t get to have a family that hangs up holiday lights with you, or goes on vacations together, or helps you unpack at your freshman year college dorm. you know your parents work hard and try their best, but there’s no stepping around the fact that they weren’t there for you. they aren’t. they’re absent and you have no choice but to be grateful even if you feel resentful, too. you have to sit with the guilt of that resentment, knowing you don’t get to have what all the other kids around you have - you’re the outlier. you’re the one whose parents you can never find in the crowd. whose parents are never home. 
you used to think seokjin could sort of be like home. 
he wasn’t. turns out, what you knew all along was true: sky is your home. 
taehyung is your home. 
yet, even knowing this, they felt so far away. maybe it’s your fault, for watching too many shows and too many commercials about happy families with kids who get to live carefree childhoods. who don’t jump from one shift to another to class then back to work, who spend their afternoons in front of frozen yogurt counters, talking and laughing, instead of behind them, handing out change and cleaning up after they’ve gone. you’ve been working since before you were legally allowed to, paid under the counter just to stock up spare change. 
when you were younger, it was easier. kids don’t know any better. can’t tell the differences as easily. but the older you got, the more obvious it became. and the less you wanted anyone to notice. 
the jealousy doesn’t sit well with you. but it is there, and you never wanted sky and taehyung to know. you don’t think it’s fair. sky and taehyung are lucky to be so loved and protected, and you would never wish them any worse off kind of life, but the days add up and the nights pass and sometimes, when you were younger, you’d stare outside your window towards their house, and feel so, terribly, far away. 
envy is the monster living under your bed. loneliness is the one that sleeps next to you. 
it’s only been a couple days. but every time another sunset passes, taehyung feels himself grow more and more on edge, the anxiety gnawing away at him. 
he camps out by his window, trying to catch sight of you coming home from your shifts, but somehow you still manage to elude him. the fight lingers in his mind and it feels brutal, replays on a loop, taehyung’s own personal torture mechanism. 
sky can tell something’s shifted in taehyung’s mood. something larger than the fact that you still haven’t stopped by, with enough time passed that even their parents are asking about you. sky doesn’t push, though, only asks on occasion if he wants to join her whenever yoongi drops by to pick her up to visit hoseok. 
taehyung doesn’t join. the guilt is eating away at him, knowing that the reason you won’t come over now includes him and the careless things he said that night. 
you don’t pick up his calls. you don’t answer his texts. taehyung considers leaving a voicemail but knows it’d too quickly deteriorate and you don’t deserve taehyung’s messiness in your inbox. you continue to put up a front in the group chat instead, where it’s easy for you to not acknowledge him there, letting the conversation die or move on. 
you’ve never been angry with him before. maybe annoyed, but never angry. he can’t unsee the hurt in your expression, the shame and the utter anguish, the sense that you’re just… alone. taehyung made you feel alone. 
because he doesn’t understand you. you’re right. he has no idea what it’s like. everything he thought he was so clever for seeing and noticing about you - it was all surface level, the very peaks of the mountains you kept hidden behind the way that you chose to love your friends. 
taehyung buries his face in his hands. jimin had smacked him over the head and told him to apologize, but that would require being able to find you, and you’re not interested in being found. for someone who literally lives across the street, you do an excellent job dodging your neighbors. 
“look,” jimin had sighed when taehyung admitted what he’d said to his friend. “i know she doesn’t talk about the hard things with us, but none of us are stupid, right? it is hard on her, whether or not she says it. and she’s trying so hard to hide it, trying so hard to protect us, it feels wrong to not at least let her pretend we don’t know. to just let her have it. but that’s because that’s the kind of relationship i have with her. i don’t want to push her. but you, of all people -” jimin had cut off then, rubbing his head frustratedly. “just - go find her and apologize.”
taehyung sighs, staring out at your dark house across the street. every attempt he makes to find you is fruitless, and it looks like you have no intention of coming home to him. 
his heart aches in his chest, and he hates that he knows this feeling. 
he’s lost at sea, with no idea how to get home. 
“fucking finally.” 
you back snaps straight at the sound, mouth open to greet whoever came through, but you slump back down into your godawful posture when you realize it’s just yoongi. you probably should’ve known it was him based on the drawl in his voice, but hey, you’re tired. sue you. 
“how can i help you,” you say dryly, flinching back when yoongi tries to flick at the ridiculous cap that comes part and parcel with your froyo uniform. he smirks when you throw him an unamused look. 
“you’ve been mia,” he says, placing his hands on the counter and leaning forward slightly. you give a charming, sarcastic smile and gesture around the store. 
“i’ve been busy.” 
yoongi matches your sardonic smile. “you’ve also been ignoring my texts.”
“don’t take it personal,” you smile sweetly. “or do, actually. since when were you a double texter anyway?” 
yoongi exhales loudly. “well i have this friend,” he starts off, and you roll your eyes, knowing he’s about to get dramatic. “and i’ve been trying to get ahold of her for weeks now, because someone else told me that she’s been an avoidant little shit lately, so me, being the good friend i am, have been trying to figure out what’s going on. you’d think that my friend would text me back at least once, but instead, even though out of the goodness of my heart, i used to go out of my way to drive her to and from school, she seems to have completely forgotten how generous i am and forced me to go on this wild goose hunt bullshit to track her down so we can have one conversation-” 
“give it a rest, yoongi,” you groan, lolling your head back. yoongi grins. 
“and now i’m here,” he finally finishes. “waiting for an explanation. why are you giving sky a hard time?” 
you narrow your eyes at him. “why do i always feel like you like sky better than me?” 
“because i do. why are you giving sky a hard time?” 
you suck your teeth in annoyance but yoongi persists, staring you down, one eyebrow raising expectantly. 
“i’m not giving her a hard time, yoongi.” 
yoongi stares at you. you stare back. he stares harder. 
you resist the urge to toss your cap at him. when you don’t relent, he exhales a long sigh, running one hand through his hair. “why are you being so stubborn?” 
something anxious curls in your stomach, but you ignore it. “i’m just busy, yoongi.” 
“can you stop giving me bullshit answers, y/n?” he snaps back, patience waning, and you lower your head. you’re no longer talking to regular yoongi. you’re talking to protective yoongi, the same one who drove you back and forth from school just so you could avoid sky when you were in high school. this version of yoongi is no longer taking your side, though. 
he softens a little at the sight of your ducked head, the way your fingers curl against the countertops. “look,” he says, gentler this time. “whatever’s happening, you can’t keep running from it every time. i let you hide when you were in high school because you needed the time to process the shit seokjin put you through. but we’re not kids anymore, sun, and sky and taehyung are your best friends. they worry about you. everyone worries about you, because they care about you, and they want you around. so get that through your thick skull, would you?” 
you look up at him a bit petulantly when you hear his last sentence, but he just gives you a half-smile, eyes kind in spite of the somewhat rough way he delivers his words. he leans forward again, waiting for your answer. you lower your eyes. 
when you still fail to respond to him, yoongi sighs quietly. “y/n,” he says, and you return your gaze to him, a little more vulnerable than before. “let your friends in, kid. they can handle it. just give them a chance to.”
he lets you mull over what he’s said, watching you turn the words over in your head. they feel so much like a foreign concept, but you know he’s right. you can’t keep running from your friends. you can’t keep locking them out of your head just because you’re scared. 
you need to break your own worst habits, and trust that your friends will be there to catch you. 
when you finally look back up at him, a little teary-eyed, he lets out a scoff, but there’s no malice behind it, just fondness. he taps the top of your cap, then drags a chair over to sit across you at the counter, propping his chin against his hand. 
“now tell me,” he prompts. “what’s been going on in the life of sun?” 
despite yoongi’s intervention, you still haven’t stopped by sky and taehyung’s house. part of you is embarrassed, but another part of you simply isn’t ready. 
you’re not sure what you’re supposed to do, honestly. do you just show up, act like you haven’t been missing for like two weeks straight, or…? what does the handbook say about dodging your friends without explanation and then suddenly reappearing in their lives? 
you contemplate this as you sit in your driveway, staring at your dark house. it’s cold outside, but you don’t want to go in. your head feels too messy, too many things jumbled up that you can’t untangle. 
with a sigh, you heave yourself out of your car and lock it behind you, turning away from your house to walk down the street instead of through your front door. it’s dark, but the other houses on the street have their lights on, and combined with the street lamps, you can see well enough as you trudge down the sidewalk with your hands shoved into your pockets. 
you grew up on this street. the winding sidewalk is familiar to you, having talked off sky’s ears for a decade straight every morning and every afternoon on the way to and from the bus stop. you take pause only at the neighborhood park, smiling a little at the memory of a younger version of you and sky running around it, dangling from monkey bars and barreling down slides, screaming happily. 
you step onto the wood chips, running a hand over one of the spring riders. there’s two of them, a little dinosaur and a seahorse. sky always wondered who picked the creatures - “they don’t make any sense, sun,” - and you always countered that, “it’s not supposed to make sense, sky, it’s just supposed to be fun.”
you lean against the dinosaur, feeling it sway a little. you shift to slightly sit on it sideways, one hand on the handlebar but both feet still largely on the ground, so it takes most of your weight but doesn’t bounce forwards and back. 
when you were kids, the dinosaur was always yours, and the seahorse was sky’s. if you close your eyes and think for long enough, you can probably still hear sky laughing at your ridiculous explanation for why the dinosaur and the seahorse are best friends at the playground. 
you smile wryly. it makes you nostalgic. things were simpler back then. you don’t know when things started to get complicated. you don’t know when you learned to run away, instead of running straight to sky and taehyung. 
you suppose you just didn’t want to be the reason their lives were anything less than picture perfect. 
you feel like a stain in their lives. like someone filmed their movie and forgot to take you out of the scene, a misplaced prop left behind and memorialized in their reel. but maybe if you try hard enough, no one will notice that you were mistakenly left in view. maybe you’ll blend in enough and the audience will think it was intentional. 
you just don’t want to be the reason two adored and unconditionally loved kids, who have been shielded their whole lives, have to learn and understand what it means to be hurt. 
even if that means you have to bleed out alone. 
a scuffling noise has your head snapping in the direction of the sound, body tensing in preparation to either fight or (more likely) run for your life. but you relax at the sight of a familiar face, taehyung’s embarrassed expression as he rights himself, having just narrowly avoided letting his face meet the sidewalk when he tripped over… air, probably. 
you try to hide your amusement. you really do. 
but then it hits you that taehyung’s here, and it hits taehyung that you’re here, and now both of you are stiff again, staring at each other, unsure what to do or say. 
taehyung shifts uncomfortably from one foot to another. “i was just… on a walk,” he mumbles. 
you bite your lip. “...me too.” 
neither of you seem capable of looking at each other, instead staring at aimless spots further away, lingering in each other’s presence in silence. it’s painfully awkward, and you can’t stand how quiet it is, so with a shaky breath, you try, “why are you out so late?” 
taehyung’s eyes immediately fall to you, and you despise how easily your heart rate jolts up. taehyung always looks at you like you really are the sun. the center of his universe. 
he shrugs one shoulder, letting it rise and then fall. “just wanted some fresh air, i guess.” 
you eyes shift to the side as you think this over, brows drawing in. “...in the dead of winter?” 
he clears his throat. “well…” he trails off, then frowns. “why do you always question it when i’m out and about?” 
you stare at him. “because you’re always out and about at the weirdest times!” 
you watch him straighten a little, affronted. “you’re out too.” 
you sputter. this is ridiculous. you’re sitting on a dinosaur toy at a children’s playground arguing with taehyung about nonsense. you feel silly having this discussion while literally still perched on top of a wobbly spring rider so you clumsily slide off it, pushing back for leverage to stand up straight again. 
but taehyung takes this as you exiting the conversation, uninterested in even bickering with him about nothing. he panics. he’s not ready for you to leave. he just got here, just found a chance to talk to you again, and he’s wasting it squabbling over - over curfew, more or less. 
no. he can’t let you go like this. not without having the conversation he meant to have with you, the one you’ve been trying to avoid that he doesn’t want to avoid, no matter how hard it might get. 
but whatever eloquent bid for you to stay with him is exchanged in favor of the fear that’s been building in him for days, maybe even weeks. he blurts it out without thinking, “why are you always hiding from me?” 
it was supposed to come out frustrated but instead it came out desperate, begging to understand why you’re always running, why you won’t ever let all parts of you show, why there’s always one side hidden away, never once all of you standing in front of him. there’s always some part of you shadowed, like you don’t trust anyone enough to let them see all of you. 
he can’t read you. he’s realized he’s never been able to; you do so well putting up masks, like it comes naturally to you. maybe it does. maybe years of pretending like nothing’s wrong makes you feel like it could be possible, that everything is okay. 
but the longer he waits for your answer, the more the cracks begin to show. you can’t laugh this off, or distract him with something else. you weren’t trying to leave in the first place, but when he asks you so bluntly, you can only stand there, frozen in place. everything in you says to run, but your feet won’t move. your eyes shift away from him, and your jaw sets tight, like you’re trying not to cry. slowly, it dawns on him that maybe the front you spent years putting up is exactly what you need. for everything to be okay. 
he takes a cautious step closer. you don’t move away, but you do flinch a little, and it breaks his heart. he makes his way to you, slowly, carefully, and with every step, more and more of you reveals yourself to him. the slight tremble in your bottom lip, the tears that start to blur your vision, but they don’t fall, you just blink them away, out of habit. 
when he’s in front of you, you still don’t look up to meet his gaze. it’s like you’re paralyzed. 
gently, he places his hands on your arms, rubbing slow, soothing circles. he ducks down a little to look you in the eye, and finally your eyes flick to his. he hates how wounded you look. how completely helpless. 
your breaths are shaky, and your lips part to say something, but then you glance away from him again. he squeezes your arms a little, reassuring. “sun,” he murmurs, and when you look at him, everything falls apart. 
taehyung makes you feel a lot of things. things you’re not used to, things you don’t know if you could ever get used to. all the years growing up with him, he’s made you worry, he’s made you laugh, he’s made you feel shy. hell, he’s made your heart flutter a couple times, too. those are all still things you can handle, whisk away into a locked box in the corner of your mind. 
but he also makes you feel safe. he so easily takes away the weight on your shoulders, just by being near you, and that’s the part that you can’t stand. that’s the part you’re always running away from. 
because what if one day, the home you found in taehyung, isn’t there anymore, either? 
it’s so much easier to run away than it is to be left behind. 
he dismantles you, sheds off every layer of armor and distance you keep between you and the world. he does it quietly, delicately, with so much love. you can’t fight him. you don’t know how to. 
he lifts a hand to brush a lock of hair behind your ear, his touch soft and familiar. your eyes close from the soothing action, and when you open them again, taehyung has a small, yearning smile on his face. he’s still patiently waiting for you to let him in. 
your words come out as a whisper. if he wasn’t standing so close, you don’t think he would’ve heard them, “i’m sorry.” 
he shakes his head. “you don’t have to be sorry, sun.” just come back to me. 
the tears spill over silently, and he wipes them away with so much care, like you’re beloved. you stare up at him, wishing it wasn’t always so hard for you to just say what you’re thinking. but with every caress, the words feel less like sharp scrapes coming up your throat and more like deeply buried childhood kept secrets that can finally touch the air. 
“i only know how to be alone, taehyung,” you admit, and he nods, listening, eyes a bit sad as he brushes away your tears. “so it’s what i default to when i get scared. it’s what i know. so even when it hurts, it feels like protection. i’m used to it, so i just…” you trail off for a minute, and he uses the hand that’s not wiping your tears to thread through your hair, combing it back. the feel of his fingers through your hair is so comforting, a fresh set of tears rises up, but taehyung wipes those away, too. 
“i guess i just figured it was easier to cope with what i know, than the possibility of something that could be worse.” 
he hums, knuckles brushing against your skin. he’s so warm, and you lean into his touch. “what are you so afraid of, sun?” he asks, and you squeeze your eyes shut. before you can say it out loud, he promises, “i’m not going anywhere. not without you.” 
your eyes flash open to look at him. he means it; you know he does, you’ve always known this, but your insecurities and your fears have always trampled over the promise taehyung makes in every action he takes, every moment in which he chooses to stand by you, search for you, ask to be by your side, so long as you let him. but hearing him say it out loud feels different, and you let the words sink into you, slowly. 
taehyung watches it all happen, and before he can second guess himself, he tugs you to him, pulling you flush against his chest. you’re so surprised you squeak a little, and taehyung has to hide a smile that probably isn’t appropriate for the serious conversation you’re having right now. your ears flush a little so he knows you saw his smile anyway, but your hands still hesitantly wrap around his middle, glassy eyes peering up at him. 
his hand is warm on your back, and he tucks his head over yours, feeling you relax into his arms. you shift to rest your head against his shoulder, letting your eyes close. 
they say love isn’t really about butterflies in your stomach. it’s more about comfort, and steadiness, feeling safe with someone. 
you feel safe, here. 
you can feel the rumble in taehyung’s chest when he speaks, voice low and familiar. “sun,” he plays with the ends of your hair absently as he speaks. “there’s a lot that i don’t know. i admit to that. jimin says you keep me and sky and the rest of us from really knowing because… because, like always, you want to protect us. but,” he draws away slightly to look at you. “it goes both ways, sun. i’m your friend. we’re your friends. if you can’t lean on us, then what’s the point?” 
he brings one hand up to your cheek, cradling it. “i don’t want to be the kind of friend that’s only here when things are good.” 
i don’t want to be the kind of friend that’s only here when things are good.
taehyung shatters you. your lips part but all that leaves you is a gasp and the tears that have been silently trailing down your cheeks, brushed away so tenderly by taehyung, erupt into sobs, your hands clutching at him as taehyung murmurs comfort into your ears, holding you close to him. he lets you cry into his chest, rocks you back and forth soothingly, makes promises and reminds you of all the things you’ve been scared to ask of him - of anyone - to love you even when things aren’t good. to love you for all of you, and not just the brightest parts of you. to love you and to stay. 
you crumble like this, in his arms, because it finally feels safe to. 
the walk back home is awkward. you’re still sniffling here and there, taehyung’s jacket tugged warm around you. but there’s no amount of layers to hide the embarrassment, of how loud and how long you just cried against him.
god, and he’s younger than you. get it together, y/n. 
but still, your heart feels steady. like someone’s cradling it, keeping it safe. you know that someone is taehyung, who’d held you so close, like you were precious, even if he was pretending like he wasn’t crying a little, too. 
(taehyung’s always been a bit of a crybaby.)
he drops you off at your front door, and you try to hide the reluctance in giving back his jacket. you also try to offer his scarf back, too, but he stops you, instead tugging it so it’s snug around your neck. “it’s yours now,” he says simply, but when he looks at you, you don’t think he’s just talking about the scarf. 
when he smiles, all remaining thoughts fly out the window. you love that smile; you’ve spent almost every day trying to put it on his face. but then his thoughts begin to show on his face, smile fading as he carefully forms the words he wants to say. 
your quiet, sincere taehyung, whose words have always been far and few between, because he wants every one of them to count. 
you probably should’ve expected the apology. but you don’t, already overwhelmed by the gentle way taehyung takes care of you, and your expression instantly changes in protest, but he places one hand against your cheek, immediately disintegrating anything you would’ve said into nothing. 
you guess if nothing else, he figured out what it takes to shut you up. 
“listen,” he persists. “just for a minute. please don’t tell me i don’t have to be sorry. i said a lot of things i shouldn’t have. not just that night, but especially that night. i panicked, and it’s not an excuse, and it doesn’t change the fact that i hurt you because i didn’t think about what it might mean, especially when it comes from someone like me, who’s never had to worry about even my tuition to pay. and i knew you were tired that night. i knew you didn’t want to talk, and i pushed you, because i needed it. and that’s not fair, sun.” 
his thumb brushes over your cheek, gaze steady on you. “it was careless. i was wrong. i’m sorry.” 
you stare up at him. he’s resolute, serious, and when he sees you give in, fold to him; when he feels you relax against his touch, he smiles gently. with a voice barely above a whisper, he murmurs, “can you try and trust me? with even just a little bit. whatever you need - whatever you want, sun. i want to be here for all of it.” 
you move from your spot so quickly it catches taehyung by surprise, his hand dropping away from your face. you feel him jump a bit when you wrap your arms around his waist, tilting your head back to look up at him. 
he blinks wide eyes back down at you, color rushing to his cheeks that you suspect has nothing to do with the cold. even though you’ve both been outside for awhile now, and you’ve had his jacket for the entire walk home, taehyung feels warm, the kind that seeps into you, and makes you feel warm, too. 
you don’t say anything. for once, you don’t think you have to. you study every inch of his familiar face, let yourself feel the race of his heart against yours. you let yourself sink into the feeling of not needing to run. not needing to protect yourself, or someone else. 
of just being here, safe and loved. by someone as kind as kim taehyung. 
when you show up on sky’s doorstep for the first time in over two weeks since winter break started, you don’t barge in like nothing’s wrong. you stand there with an apology on the tip of your tongue, only to be tackled by sky instead, wrapped in a tight hug. 
despite your physical affections with taehyung, you and sky on the other hand don’t actually hug that much. neither of you tend to notice this fact, up until one of you is wrapped around the other. 
despite this, both of you relax immediately. the relief is palpable, that you’re standing here, at her home. with her, your home. 
when she pulls away, you both give each other small, meaningful smiles. you step into her house, kicking your shoes off, the both of you going to lay on her living room floor to stare up at the ceiling together. like old times. 
you don’t say anything, letting the house hum around you. the heater running, the fish tank filter, the rumble of the laundry. it’s calming, to just lay here next to sky, surrounded by idle noise. 
sky speaks up first. “sun,” she calls for you, softly. you don’t turn to her, and it’s not until she continues that you realize you’re holding your breath. “you know there’s no one i’ll ever choose over you, right?” 
you inhale slowly. on your exhale, you breathe out, “i know.” 
“you told me you would never choose anyone over me,” her voice grows impossibly quieter. you both know. you both remember. the aftermath of seokjin, the topics you never touch on. the sensitive things you try to skim over, so you don’t disturb the waters. “it was easy for me to believe you, because it was obvious to me. i always knew that, because you always made sure i knew.” she turns to you. “i should’ve done the same. i should’ve made sure you always knew.” 
you can’t look at her. you don’t want to cry, not again. even when sky is trying to tell you that it’s okay to lower your walls, to show her the parts of your life that aren’t shiny and pretty, your habits stick to you. even after all of taehyung’s efforts. 
but you know what she’s trying to say. you feel it in the way the comfort starts to settle into you, a sense of belonging. 
“i promise, sun,” she whispers. “i will never choose anyone over you. and i’m sorry. i’m sorry i never asked about the things that were hurting you. i didn’t want to hurt you more by asking you about them, and instead i let you deal with it all on your own. and that was wrong. and before you tell me it’s not my fault, it is. you spend every day making every effort to be there for me. to protect me. i can say that because it’s obvious not only to me, but to a literal entire college campus, sun. it was obvious to everyone in high school, and it’s obvious to everyone in college, now, too. every year that you’ve stood by me, i felt it. that you’re my best friend, and i’m - i’m lucky that it’s you who moved in across the street, and not someone else. that it’s me you chose to stand by.”
the tears are welling up in your eyes now, the words you didn’t realize you’ve been waiting so long to hear. you thought it was enough to just know. but you hadn’t felt any of it, not until she said it out loud. 
“sun,” her hand grabs yours, and you squeeze back. “i promise. no matter how good or how bad. however far you’re willing to go for me, i would do for you, too. to the ends of the earth and back.” 
when you cry, sky cries with you. you must look like a couple idiots, just sobbing on her living room floor together, but it doesn’t matter. it doesn’t matter because sky is your best friend. it doesn’t matter because you would do anything for sky. it doesn’t matter because sky would do anything for you. 
it doesn’t matter. 
you’re home. 
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masterlist | part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | epilogue
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marie-dufresne · 2 years
A TURK, or Somethin’
🧬 Main Verse Page 🧬
A TURK, or Somethin’: Vincent Valentine, all but a ghost to ShinRa now, encounters a starry eyed new SOLDIER.
Vincent Valentine sighed, perched on a wall in the courtyard of headquarters, cleaning the forehead of some young, starry eyed lad who tried playing hero.
“There is an HR department for this sort of thing, you know,” he said, dabbing at the sizable wound with an alcohol pad. He gave the young man no warning, and didn’t flinch when he cried out.
“Ooooowwww mannnnnnn that hurts!”
“Infection would hurt worse.”
With a pout, he accepted the treatment from the older man, but crossed his arms, giving a little huff. “You know we have a clinical department for this sort of thing,” he mimicked back.
Vincent’s mouth curled up a bit. Oh yes. They had an entire medical wing. Funded and fueled by the science department. He wasn’t the pillar of morality, but any chance he had not to subject someone to anything Hojo had his hands on was a win in his book.
“Besides,” he went on, “I can’t watch a lady get picked on and not do somethin’ about it.”
This Vincent could sympathize with.
“I’ve enlisted in SOLDIER so…next time I won’t get clocked with a lunch tray.”
“Don’t move,” Vincent muttered, sterilizing a needle, and leaning forward, his grip on the boy’s thick black hair firm, but not unkind.
“Whoa whoa how do you know how to do this. Maybe you shouldn’t—“
“Don’t move.”
He froze, obeying the command of the older man, squeezing his eyes shut as he began stitching. Calm down Zack. You gotta get used to this kinda stuff if you’re gonna be a hero like Sephiroth.
“I’ve done this plenty of times,” Vincent assured him, “you’ll be fine.”
“Mmm….” Through grit teeth, he tried to make conversation. “Whaddaya a TURK or somethin’?”
Technically he still was, yes. On paper though…he no longer existed. He was checking in today as nothing more than a ghost.
“I have three violent sons at home,” he answered instead. Not untrue. The triplets were in a constant state of brawling, but their bodies healed on their own. Still, omitted truth was not entirely a lie.
“Ha. Maybe your sons should join SOLDIER too, then. Straighten ‘em out! Make ‘em heroes!”
Vincent didn’t reply right away, finishing his stitching and cleaning up.
“I have a son in SOLDIER already,” he replied.
That was a lie, but it felt…so good to say it aloud. To claim Sephiroth. He didn’t have a right to. It was pure indulgence that satisfied nothing but his own fantasies. Still, he had been more of a father to him than Hojo ever was.
“Oh yeah? Who is he?! Maybe I’ll know him!”
Closing his medical kit, Vincent stood, lifting his black suit jacket from the wall and draping it over his arm.
“No, you won’t.”
Handing the boy a little white tablet for the pain, Vincent returned the kit to his pocket.
“Good luck, Mr. Fair.”
He turned, walking back towards the building to meet with Tseng, ignoring the cries of wait wait! How do you know my name?! Hey, mister!
After all, he was a TURK.
Or somthin’.
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websitewizard2005 · 3 years
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i was rewatching little white lie and this fanart idea popped into my head, it took me like 4 days because of all the details but it was worth it hfsdjgsdjk
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🌐 Zack 🎤
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melchron · 3 years
everyone thought it was boy toy (affectionate) but zack learned the truth. zack learned it was boy toy (derogatory)
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table-top-horror · 5 years
there is a severe lack of Brian Holden love in the starkid fandom
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sscarletvenus · 2 years
• off to a wild start with tom lee demanding to see some danglers
•huge fight breaks out between workers and tom lee, with him one-shotting everyone
•meanwhile eugene tells samuel to run an errand *ominous music starts playing*
•cap guy and mandeok are now in this too and they're definitely something
•also implied that cap guy and mandeok are homologus to gun and goo respectively? idk
•anyways they did pretty well against a monster like a tom lee, and he recognized their abilities...
•just when all seems lost, eugene makes tom lee an INTERESTING offer - he knows where Park Jinyoung is!
•and turns out tom lee has been desperately looking for him, to the point of opening the White Tiger Job centre as a bait??? wow
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huge jumpscare but that name unsettled tom lee so much that he lets eugene go from this, to literally offering to do everything can IF eugene helps him meet park jinyoung
•Eugene's offer is simple - the workers suffered a huge blow in strength after losing their God of Combat, Sinu Han.
•thus, for tom lee to meet park jinyoung, tom lee and his white tiger job centre must pledge themselves to the workers
•anyways so big daniel is still at the circus. turns out, he always intended to remain with the workers by first earning their trust, and then destroying them from the inside!
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samuel finds big daniel and brings him over to eugene
•big daniel tries to convince eugene that his mask was taken away forcibly, but eugene sees through his lies easily? like this bitch CANNOT lie to save his life literally like. stupid little bitch. i love you.
•also eugene reveals that he actually knew about big daniel and doo lee's convo at the beginning of second affiliate as they were constantly under surveillance... HOWEVER, despite that, big daniel managed to carry his plan out PERFECTLY... highly sus
•now eugene wants to know the truth behind daniel park
•well mandeok chokes big daniel until he passes out (srsly what's with big strong men choking my girl? first gun, now him... i get it his neck is pretty but damn??? HAVE SOME CLASS)
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gonna tattoo this panel on my forehead brb
•the next panel is literally a lab... this is NOT looking good for big daniel
•this picture is straight out of a lot of people's sick fantasies
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•??? like why do they have him butt naked and tied up??? it cannot be that serious
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thought this mf was sinu and almost offed myself
•i swear its always the guys having jyp initials
•park jinyoung... park hyungseok... guys ik i sound silly BUT WHAT IF HE'S DANIEL'S FATHER OR SOMETHING
•chapter ends with a lot of questions ...
•why is tom lee looking for park jinyoung? is he the only unknown gapryong fist member in leopard print? (because its a popular theory that the glasses guy is chirman choi, apart from tom lee and gapryong)
•is park jinyoung another one of eugene's cards to bring charles choi down? does he have something to do with the second-in-command's betrayal that taesoo ma mentioned? was tom lee not being able to move one of his hands, his doing?
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•charles choi, his old comrade or eugene, someone who has park jinyoung - who will tom lee choose?
•also how will small daniel get big deal to help without sounding batshit crazy? what will happen to big daniel?
• where even is zack? where are the second affiliate executives? did vin, warren and sally make it out?
•also will hostel b tell the others that they already have double agents (chuck and justin) within workers, and there's literally NO FUCKING NEED for big daniel to sacrifice himself?
•where did steve hong fuck off after exploiting a minor? where is dg when you need him? (probably in coachella tbh)
•stay tuned!!!
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