#haha zack got played
arashi-no-saxlphone · 2 months
I have to tell you, I've been hit with Heavy Mob maybe 3 times in 3 years of play (one of those times was today) and I truly, honestly believe you can hit it more and you guys are just using it wrong - and that EXACT thought is how I figured out why they made that super so bad: it's a psyop by Daisuke to get people to get on Sol. He made it bad on purpose so we'd look at people whiff it and go "Psh, I could land that" and then you get on Sol and go "Hey this guy's easy and he's good..." and then you stay on Sol. I'm onto you Daisuke I see the vision I'm smelling the game I'm considering playing Sol Badguy after 600 hours of mostly Axl. You sly (junkyard) dog you...
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rottenpumpkin13 · 10 months
Mass text from Director Lazard:
Attention! According to my sources, the Department of SOLDIER is getting a surprise inspection by the President in less than 2 hours. Please wear your uniforms (shirt included!) and be on your best behaviour. If you have to, you can use the storage room 4903, but please no human or animal corpses this time. Use the incinerator in R&D. Please remember to pick up all your belongings after the inspection, let's not traumatise our cleaning staff again.
The Fire Olympics scheduled for Saturday is an unofficial event and we are NOT going to mention it to the President.
Kind regards,
Inspection Day
• Lazard sends the email, then casually goes back to work, reviewing some documents, the norm. The SOLDIERs are a handful, sure, but trusts his men. They're good people and that's why he's letting them have the fire olympics. After all, they deserve it. They've been on his best behavior lately and—why does he smell smoke and hear screaming?
• He gets up and rushes out into the main hallway.
• First thing he sees is Sephiroth running from a determined Angeal and four other SOLDIERs. Angeal has a uniform shirt in his hands and the others are all holding tranquilizer guns.
• Angeal is laughing manically while chasing him, screaming "HAHA WE GOT YOU NOW BITCH" and Sephiroth is heard replying with "I REFUSE. NEVER. OVER MY DEAD BODY."
• Genesis is crying. He's playing tug of war with his red coat while two 3rds try to wrestle it away from him.
SOLDIER: Commander, I understand why you're upset, but it's not part of the issued uniform!
Genesis: But I'm the Crimson Commander! The Red Mage of ShinRa! How else am I supposed to show that I'm special!?
• Meanwhile Kunsel stumbles out of Genesis's office looking dazed and petrified.
Kunsel: The amount of illegal shit in this man's office OH MY god. Zack! Hey Zack, help us drag some of this kerosene, gasoline, fireworks, Molotov cocktails, Dynamite, Sephiroth cardboard cutout filled with bullet holes, and what I hope isn't drugs down into the storage room...Zack? Zack, where are you going?
• Zack ignores him. He's holding a box of leashes and cages and looks as white as a sheet.
Zack, mumbling to himself: I knew this was going to happen one day. Okay, Zack, you got this. You got this, don't panic.
• And then Cloud stumbles out of Angeal's office holding a.... suspicious..plant.
• Angeal, who was passing by holding a struggling Sephiroth with duct tape over his mouth, stops cold in his tracks.
Angeal: I had WHAT in my office?
Genesis, hopeful: Oh! It grew!? <3
• At that moment Zack walks buy with about 8 dogs on leashes and a cage under his arm that contains a feral hamster.
• But no one pays attention because Sephiroth has freed himself, tears away his shirt, and is running away screaming through his duct taped mouth.
• Angeal and the other SOLDIERs run after him, nearly crashing into a dispirited Roche coming in
Roche: Bad news, guys. How are we gonna cover the hole in the lounge wall from the time I drove through it on my bike?
• Zack walks buy with 3 pigs on leashes and an exotic bird on his shoulder.
• Angeal walks back in dragging Sephiroth. Sephiroth has his hands and feet bound. They put him in another shirt and are now left with the arduous task of tying his hair up.
Sephiroth: #$*@&!
Angeal: Woah! You kiss your mother with that mouth?
Angeal: Ah shit, man, sorry.
• Zack rides by on a horse.
• Genesis walks in wearing the standard SOLDIER uniform without his added accessories.
Genesis: No, no, noooo! I look so boring! How am I supposed to—ACK!
• Kunsel crashes through the ceiling and falls on top of Genesis. Genesis is now partially unconscious on the floor covered in white dust, and there is now a gaping hole in the ceiling.
• Kunsel: Guys, quick, someone help me burn these illegal documents I stole from the turks and was hiding in the vents!
• A few SOLDIERS run out of the elevator hacking and coughing with watering eyes.
Luxiere: Commander Rhapsodos's illegal items broke the incinerator.
• Zack runs by chasing 7 chickens.
• Cloud runs in.
Cloud: You're not gonna believe this! Remember the stolen materia the Turks were investigating a few months back? I found the stash here. The culprit is a SOLDIER!
Genesis: Well they're not going to confiscate MY loot!
Cloud: IT WAS YOU!?
• Zack passes by with what could potentially be all of the Chocobos in Midgar.
• Angeal finally gets Sephiroth into the complete, official SOLDIER uniform sans accessories. Sephiroth looks severely miffed and wants to run away, but Angeal is holding a tranquilizer gun.
• Zack walks by with an Alligator. It's notable to mention that the alligator has a name tag that reads Lacoste.
• And then Roche walks back in.
Roche: Im gonna pass out. Did you guys read the handbook? Article 38 says all SOLDIER operatives cannot have hair that exceeds 30 centimeters.
• Angeal looks at Sephiroth.
• Sephiroth looks at Angeal.
• Angeal pulls out a razor.
Sephiroth: OH NO YOU DON'T
• Both he and Roche run away screaming.
Genesis: Oh, I almost forgot about the stripper pole we installed in the gym. Better go take that down.
• Zack rushes by riding an ostrich.
Lazard: I'm going to get fired.
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xxjustshakeitupxx · 3 months
I cannot express how excited I am to watch my boyfriend play Rebirth. We just started last night and I'm already having to hold myself back from reacting lmao
Example -
Boyfriend: *Playing as Zack and has no knowledge of OG FF7 or FF7 in general* What the fuck is happening? Why am I playing as rocker man? I want the characters I actually know.
Me: Zack's cool leave him alone
B: Ugggh
B: *Fighting as Zack reluctantly*
Me: *Trying to get him to like Zack* Look at this dude just swinging the Buster Sword around with one hand lol
B: He's trying to be like Cloud and I don't like it
Me: *Trying not to make a face* Leave him alone 😆 ... 👀💦
B: *Sees Cloud squatting in the truck and laughs* This dude is NOT squatting lol who does that?
Me: He's just a lively kid 😆
B: I like older Cloud better, this kid's a nerd lol
Me: He's happy!
Tifa and Aerith in Kalm
Tifa: This is gonna sound crazy but... As far as I know, Cloud wasn't in Nibelheim 5 years ago.
B: Wait, what???
Me: *Fighting a look*
B: No, this can't be a case of an unreliable narrator, he wouldn't have said anything in front of Tifa if he was lying. Right??
Me: I'm not saying anything, play the game haha
B: *After Tifa goes back to bed upset after the confrontation* I mean a scar doesn't mean anything, that's not proof.
Me: Yes it is?? It's in the same spot??
B: No that just means she got hurt, maybe it IS an unreliable narrator where they're both lying or something else is happening.
Me: Like what?
B: Like everything was orchestrated by Shinra or something.
Me: Like a Truman Show kinda thing?
B: Yeah
Me: Lmao sure
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browniefox · 5 months
Alright, more Crisis Core, let's go! This one ended up being REALLY long (we got through two chapters), so I'm putting a read more some ways down so it doesn't kill people's dashes.
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The boy said the line!
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Yay, Cloud is finally here! He still clearly has the basic infantry model other than the head, but it does mean he stands in the casual almost sassy way they all do haha. In general, it's so weird but cute to see him smiling and laughing. Aw, he's not traumatized yet!
I knew what was coming, but my friend I'm playing with didn't, so it was fun to see her reaction (tho i totally still got so excited anyway haha).
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This is just here bc I love them so <3 And then Tseng is also here being a third wheel. The sneaking portion that is right after this I sucked ass at. I couldn't make it five feet without being seen and tossed out, and I just had to wait until the game took pity on me and took the guards away.
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Genesis, please I'm begging you just kill Hollander. I do love seeing his hair, once so bright red, getting grayer and darker, how his nice leather jacket is getting all broken, giving a sense that he's not taking care of himself and his things as much as he should be.
My sister has tried to stay more-or-less blind to what happens in Crisis Core (she knows some stuff, I know a little more) but all fics tend to use the same Loveless lines (which makes sense, of course) but I did end up reciting this quote with him bc it's one of my favorites, much to the shock of my sister.
I can't believe Zack really thinks Genesis died tho. Like, the guy has a wing, he can fly, falling is not gonna kill him. I'm still not totally clear what Genesis is trying to achieve, but I've been watching some of ButterBuns CCR videos and she's kind of given me a better sense of Genesis. He's just flailing around, trying to get something, anything, to work. He's a dying man who is desperate and doesn't even know himself exactly what he wants.
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HELL YEAH! If the creators weren't cowards they would have let your models touch. Our new thing while playing is being proud of Zack for having two boyfriends and one girlfriend. The boy can get it.
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As per usual, my biggest problem with this game is the writing - especially with Angeal, tbh. I guess Angeal is just like Genesis in that he's desperately trying to figure out who he is, monster or man. But every time he talks about being a monster I kind of roll my eyes. He's like an emo teenager. Last chapter I felt like it was getting a better grip and liking for him, but I'm kind of back to just being like 'what's your deal man'.
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That being said, I kind of dig his weird monster form! It's a mishmash but super cool, and I love how his arms are folded in front of him. My friend and sister I don't think liked it as much and mostly made fun of it which, fair.
Mostly unrelated, but i really got myself into a big of predicament in that I'm super overpowered, which means I get through battles so quick, which also means I don't get to show off all the limit breaks and summons and such when we're playing ;-; but then I turn it to hard mode and die instantly.
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I'm always a sucker for sad sunsets. I might not get Angeal or his deal, but I do at least buy that Zack cares about Angeal. It's kind of like Angeal was too set in his ways of monster vs heroes, and that a monster needs to be killed by a hero. That Zack is the only hero left to kill a monster like him, or that by doing so Zack proves he's a hero. But really all it's done is given Zack trauma and made him more uncertain than ever who he is and what he stands for.
(It kind of reminds me of near the end of Homestuck, when Dave and Dirk are talking, and Dave admits it's possible that Bro was trying to train him, but all it did was make him scared.)
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I wish we got to spend more time in the game with Aerith, but at least you get the sense that they do spend more time with each other, especially with Aerith being there for Zack after this.
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MY BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL BOY! I wish your limit break looked cooler tho :P
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Wait, so are Angeal and Genesis brothers then?? I knew they were connected through Gillian, but I guess how connected never hit me. I mean, Angeal defo has her hair while Genesis has her face, but also I've been imagining and seeing them as boyfriends this whole time???
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So many mixed feelings about Zack right now. The first thing is yay, new hair cut! My sister absolutely hated his bangs, so big win for her. I do like that you get to see that, as one of the last remaining Firsts, Zack has started to take on more of a leadership and mentor role for the other SOLDIERs. However, him telling them to protect their SOLDIER honor is weird when Zack doesn't know what that is either. I've felt it, but I am glad Zack himself has acknowledged that he doesn't know what that honor is or what it means. I hope we get to see Zack figure it out. I also like that Zack is kind of unmoored and uncertain now. Puts him in an interesting place for whatever's next.
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Beach episode! It is FUCKING INSANE to me that Cissnei just... tells Zack that Aerith is an Ancient. Why? What was the point of that? Cissnei, you can't just say that! I guess it could be seen as her trusting Zack and demonstrating she wants to help him, but it's still so weird. It's nice Zack has been said to be hanging with the turks more, but I wish we could have gotten more of that in game. I don't think he even knows Reno and Rude's names.
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So I know Genesis is still alive, but interesting that this is beign considered since it's Sephiroth's whole deal. Tbh, tho, I'm not sure how I feel about Tseng openly acknowledging that Mako is life. How much is that recognized in general, actually? I mean, people do fade into mako when they die... hm, much to think about.
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The chase through the city was so dumb, I've had it with Hollander, how hard can it be to catch and/or kill one guy for real. That being said, I do like how cool the buster sword is, and at the end is Sephiroth :D I'm glad that Zack seems a little bitter towards Sephiroth; they're both mourning in different ways, and it's driven a rift between both of them. But at the same time, they're the closest thing they both have to someone who can understand what they're going through.
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Shoutout to Zack's little fidgets :D He's still a restless little puppy, despite it all. Sephiroth and Zack's relationship is just so good and interesting, I need them to hang out more so I can see more of it.
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God Genesis is so pretty. Both him and Angeal have fucked up looking wings - which adds to what they're going through - but I actually love it for Genesis. Again, what is this dude's goal? He'll probably tell you once he figured it out himself. I love the reveal that he was also at Junon this whole time. Interesting parallel to how the Firsts fought 'at Junon' altogether and now they can't be further apart.
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I need to pet that dog! Is Angeal still alive?? I totally thought he died, he has to be dead, right? Just living on in his copies? Anyway, the dog should be a character who manages to live forever because I love him. Also, laughed so hard when the little Shinra robots came into the church oh my god, it's not supposed to be funny I think but it's hilarious how non-threatening they look.
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Wow Kunsel, jealous much?? Also, a little creepy? Is my boyfriend stalking me? If I trusted Kunsel, at this point I'd think he was going to betray me at some point, but I trust him too much for that. It seems more like Kunsel just doesn't know how to say 'I'm worried about you and you should talk to me about what you're going through'. I love Kunsel <3
As usual, this game feels like it goes too fucking fast. It's always one thing after another, nobody's talking or explaining things. Maybe it's because you're expected to do side missions every so often? That would probably break things up a bit more. God, there's such an interesting story here! I just wish it was told better.
Also I've been playing so much of this game and only just learned you can sprint :P
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Have you seen this childhood show: 100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd (1999-2002), Canada and United States (English)
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Commentary/Context/Memories: The show got cancelled after 40 episodes so the main character never finished all 100 deeds.
[Mod A: This show was about a bully named Eddie McDowd who, after being caught bullying a kid by a mysterious man, is turned into a dog as a punishment for his merciless bullying/general selfishness. In order to become a boy again, he has to complete 100 good deeds (which is apperently the number that will prove that Eddie has actually learnt, changed and grown as an empathetic human being). Now, he must go through life as a dog, with everyone treating him like a dog except the last kid he bullied, Justin Taylor (who is also the only one who can hear Eddie talk in dog form). Eddie lives with Justin’s family while completing his deeds (I don’t know if Eddie’s original family think Eddie is missing or they don’t care where he is, in which case is a very sad backstory). Occasionally the mysterious man, known as the Drifter, will come around to mark whenever a good deed has been done, and if Eddie has messed up, will take away a good deed from the tally. As the submitter stated, the show was cancelled, so we will never know if Eddie becomes a boy again or not. While I love that Brenda Song was in this show (London Tipton from Suite Life of Zack and Cody), I don’t know if I would’ve liked this show, because as a kid, non-consensual body transformation freaked me out so much (like the scene where the parents turned to pigs in Spirited Away or when Charlie Cox got turned into a mouse in Stardust) haha. Sounds like a really interesting if not angsty concept (that may have been played for laughs)]
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rueitae · 1 year
Season 2, Episode 8: the Stockholm Syndrome Caper
Liveblog for @csweekly
I’m so normal about this episode.
WE MADE IT TO THE ANGST. My serotonin is on full blast right now. I apologize right off the bat I might be so taken with this episode that I may not pull together all of my thoughts. This is the episode that made me go from “oh this is a fun iteration of CS!” To me sitting up wide eyed and going “the French Connection Caper was not a one off you have my full undivided attention CS 2019”
Since we are on my favorite episode, I want to stop at the title sequence for a moment and point out one of my favorite things I forgot to mention in week 1. It’s so neat that on the title card with the silhouette of Carmen with her voice actor credit, that she literally tips her hat to Player when they show his credits. Bestie moment, and homage to all of the players that came before this one.
Maelstrom is Done 24/7. He just wants to be evil and they have to make such mundane decisions such as MOVING and blowing up their current home 😕 I love how fierce Brunt and Cleo are about staying they are the definition of stubborn in the looks on their faces. Bellum doesn’t care she’s got a state of the art facility in the Himalayas.
Okay but Bellum is right about relocation being invigorating. After a change of scenery I’m always reinvigorated to write fic.
“Only a matter of time before invading forces come rowing to our shore” knowing what Devineaux is about to do makes this so funny.
Look at Julia being assertive at the beginning here! The Fashionista caper really gave her the confidence she needed after what happened at the end of s1. It…stings knowing how quickly it’s about to go down the drain.
Love that Chief’s obsession with catching VILE is her early downfall. Her single mindedness prevents her from patience and seeing the whole picture as Julia suggests. It’s her undoing in the s2 finale.
The way Carmen shows up at the perfect time. And she is NOT pleased.
“Those suits” the way Ivy is so smug about leading ACME on when she literally joins them at the very end. May you and Zack never change.
Okay, so Zack says that this is Carmen’s actual coat? This means that Zack and Ivy have their own haha. And I really love how Ivy responds “little tight in the shoulders, but powerful” please the way Ivy looks up to Carmen literally slays me.
Zack: does a bad imitation of Player info dumping
Player: laughs dryly, rolls his eyes, and then proceeds to do said info dump
Me: this will never get old
Honestly, it’s stated so many times that Player chats with the sibs during capers almost as much as Carmen. If this conversation is any indication, I’d have loved more. Just to hear how they fill the time. Talking about software and hardware updates for red drone maybe? Where are the forbidden video game nights?
“That’s a ton of bridges for trolls to hide under!” The best troll comes in s3.
Also good time to point out that the geography brief in every episode foreshadows future events and dialogue in the episode.
Lol Carmen has the pen. Also! She learns Chief’s name!
I love Julia this entire scene. She’s trying to be SO coy, playing to what she remembers of Carmen, that is a confident and witty thief, with her own wit and lighthearted banter. It’s the first time she’s had an opportunity to speak with Carmen sorta on her own terms with enough information. But Carmen for once isn’t having it because of the nature of this particular caper. It’s like, one of the few times Carmen is not excited about a caper. For good reason considering they’re NUCLEAR LAUNCH CODES. This screams Dr Bellum, though I see Maelstrom enjoying the psychological power play that he could work with, once again coming in clutch for heists that endanger literally everyone on the planet. Go big or go home.
And then Chief spoils everything. Again. And it’s literally right after Julia says trust me. I think she and Devineaux both have bad luck, but in different ways. Neither can catch a break when it comes to Carmen. The difference is that Julia can’t control hers where Chase’s is one of his own making.
The move Carmen pulls off the wall and over the agent and the agent knocks themselves out with their own gas. One of my favorites.
Zari right at the top, coolly giving Carmen a dose. *chefs kiss* revenge for Milan. Zari as an agent character is so cool.
It begins it begins it begins IT BEGINS. Carmen is drowsy and Cornered at the top of the bell tower. The PERSPECTIVE from Carmen, showing how heavy her eyes are, jumping from scene to scene as she takes each desperate step. That’s the kind of imagery writers dream of.
PLAYER’S MUDDLED and INCREASINGLY concerned voice from Carmen’s perspective. She can’t concentrate on anything.
Whump/Angst Tally:
Carmen: 2 (gassed/falling unconscious and chased/“betrayed”)
Player: 1
The way Ivy invites trouble by staying in character is delightful. Do it again.
Moose Boy and Otter Man are such underrated VILE operatives. TASER
Whump/Angst Tally:
Carmen: 2
Player: 1
Ivy: 2 (tased and kidnapped)
MORE ANGRY JULIA. You tell her.
Carmen unconscious in the snow.
Quite possibly my favorite scene in the whole show.
“But if Carm’s MIA, too, who do I support?”
***Anguished silence***
“Go get your sister, Red knows how to fend for herself in a pickle”
This scene kills me so much. Player speaks with confidence and sureness but that brief silence and anguish on his face tells us all we need to know about his feelings. He lost his best friend for a whole semester while she was Black Sheep having to retake her classes. And now he’s faced with potentially losing her for good. He knows how serious the situation is. He knows she’s probably unconscious in the cold and he’s sitting at home in his room in front of the computer instead of being there physically. He could have told Zack to go after Carmen, but he knows he can’t. Ivy is the most important person in the world to Zack. And of the two, Carmen has the better chance of rescuing herself. He knows what decision he needs to make, but he can be sad about it. He takes the guilt and gives Zack his marching orders quickly and confidently, so that he can’t question Player’s pause or true feelings. Player, who has been ultra protective of Carmen since she left VILE island, is faced with the prospect that he might have failed her.
Whump/Angst Tally:
Carmen: 3
Player: 2
Ivy: 2
Zack: 1
The shot of Carmen banged up and lying in the snow unconscious. Super dangerous. Super amazing shot. The pen is intact but the communicator that was in her ear isn’t. So. Possible head injury/concussion then if she landed head first.
First thing she does is reach out to Player for help. 😭 “it isn’t getting any warmer” disconnected from her friends, cold, injured.
Whump/Angst Tally:
Carmen: 6
Player: 2
Ivy: 2
Zack: 1
This entire scene with Ivy is great. She really comes in clutch despite her situation. She’s cold and tied up and found out exactly what VILE is about to sell. And she is rightfully terrified.
She’s so clever though to figure out exactly how to manipulate Moose Boy and Otter Man both! And tease them! Either these two are fresh from VILE academy or they never hung out in the commons. This scene is simultaneously a comedy and so serious. Otter Man thinks he’s so smart but Ivy has him completely fooled. Where Moose Boy simply takes orders he’s willing to take Ivy at face value. It’s amazing to watch.
Also Ottoman LOL nicely done Ivy. "Sweden's coolest resort” idk Ivy, you kinda SOUND like Carmen. And very quick thinking to ask for the coat! Ivy knows the tools are there she made (assumingly) all of them.
Whump/Angst Tally:
Carmen: 6
Player: 2
Ivy: 4
Zack: 1
Carmen. Almost makes it to the top. : D and falls! :D immaculate. Counting that as two because not only is there the angst of almost making it, she adds to her injuries with the fall.
Whump/Angst Tally:
Carmen: 8
Player: 2
Ivy: 4
Zack: 1
And the geography brief comes in handy. Ivy uses the knowledge that Player gave her to earn rapport with Moose Boy. The great part about Otter Man is that he’s so focused on stopping Moose Boy from spilling the means, that he doesn’t realize that he can use that as his advantage. He’s basically confirming everything right now. But what if he were to give Ivy a lie? Then she’d be wondering which is true. It’s a great VILE character flaw. Otter Man does not see Moose Boy as a partner, just a lackey. They’d be terrifying otherwise.
Carmen realizing her choices are get arrrested or die. “Either way, VILE wins”. Absolutely screaming I love this stuff.
The horror on Ivy’s face when she finds out what the data crystal holds. Excellent dramatic effect.
LOL the chair does NOTHING
Literally ivy through the show:
Ivy: Carmen would do this.
Also Ivy: I am terrified
Also also Ivy: it’s the right thing to do *does the thing*
I love her for it so much.
The cool thing about Ivy’s part here is that she does it all her way. She took notes from Carmen but she ultimately succeeded because she’s herself!
Cool donning the red montage. Immediately slips and falls. Ivy ily
Whump/Angst Tally:
Carmen: 8
Player: 2
Ivy: 5
Zack: 1
Dgfggg the resigned and heartbroken look on Carmen’s face as she activates the pen. And she’s back in character as soon as Chief pops up.
Interesting to note that Chief must have reflected on Julia’s anger, because she is far softer on Carmen here than i expected the first time I watched this episode. Yes she’s professional, but she attempts a half hearted apology, which eventually devolves into genuine worry. Maybe it’s the cynic in me, but I wonder how much of that is caring about Carmen as a young person in trouble, or Chief’s ticket to finally catching VILE.
On Carmen’s side. It is interesting that she doesn’t trust ACME can take on VILE. I wonder how much of that is knowing Roundabout exists and just plain not trusting them to do it right after all the attempts to capture her. And then of course how much of it is Carmen putting it on her shoulders as her personal responsibility. Because it is telling that Carmen gives Chief the NASTIEST look when she points out that it need not be Carmen’s burden alone. She’s not even as angry at being chased that Chief is actually apologizing for.
In any case, Carmen waits until the last possible moment to contact Chief. Not only does it show her stubbornness and how much she values her freedom, but just how aware of her own body she is. She has just enough time to get information from Chief about how close they are to finding her…and then she can’t anymore. As soon as she knows they are coming, she gives out. Carmen plays her intel close, knowing now that’s her bargaining chip to stay alive, even if it’s in prison.
VULNERABILITY. : D in front of a not-ally (yet) Carmen can’t hold on she drops to the snow. And again it’s a bit hard to tell if Chief is legitimately concerned about Carmen or just the intel she has, but staying with her, talking to her, until help arrives most likely saved her life.
Whump/Angst Tally:
Carmen: 10
Ivy: 4
Player: 2
Zack: 1
That bartender is totally watching Ivy fall and not reacting at all like it’s a daily occurrence for guests to do that.
LOL the lady just scoots away as Ivy crashes into the back of the chair 😂😂😂😂
SHE MISSED. And Carmen would be proud she covers it up.
Ivy has such a keen eye! She finds that data crystal so quickly. I think it’s because she’s used to working on small parts, like Carmen’s gadgets, and also the literal car she built from scratch.
Ivy: I need to summon courage
Ivy: SCREAMS as she does the thing
Moose is so great. The second Otter needs him he stops struggling and is like “okay I’ll just take the infrastructure with me”
“This is not what Carmen would do!” You’re right. It’s not. And for all you know, that’s why the caper succeeded. Because Ivy did it Ivy’s way.
And because Player told Zack to get his sister, he’s right there to pick her up and get away so she isn’t recaptured.
THE SIBLING HUG. One of the greatest scenes ever. Zack’s hopefulness and Ivy’s joy.
Ahhh and Zack is so focused he’s ready to go after Carmen. Look at Ivy’s increasingly horrified face. She had nO idea that Carmen was missing. The GUILT as she’s about to find out is so delicious
Angst/Whump Tally:
Carmen: 10
Player: 2
Ivy: 6
Zack: 1
Fhghcb Carmen’s resigned and peaceful face as the helicopter finds her.😭
And you think the siblings get there just in time but no.
It takes 44 minutes to drive from the airport in the northern end of Stockholm to the forested area to the south with water on both sides. Carmen is probably fortunate she didn’t glide long enough to get to the ocean. So, from picking up Ivy, estimate 45 minutes to get to Carmen. Add in half that time for Zack to get from the city center to north Stockholm. That’s the fastest, not counting traffic. Carmen was unconscious and alone in the cold for perhaps a little over an hour, as the sun is going down. That is PLENTY of time to get severe frostbite not wearing appropriate clothing for the weather, as she does.
Zari please she’s down 😭
Carmen can barely speak let alone put on any defensive airs. She tries to sound angry but she’s clearly not well it doesn’t work. She’s steeling herself to never be happy again. And at this point, it’s very possible Roundabout can pull the strings and get her to VILE. Gets my hurt/comfort loving blood boiling.
And things turn for the better. That’s a lovely last look that Carmen has as she looks Julia’s way. It’s not hateful or angry, it’s very reflective. As if Carmen is realizing ‘okay, Julia was actually trying to help. There is some merit here. I understood why she did what she did. This was not her fault’ after Chief offers to let her go. It’s a far more peaceful look than Carmen had just a bit before.
Ivy wraps Carmen up in her coat and holds her to keep her warm and talk to her I’m emotional here’s the comfort part! She and Zack are so worried for her I’m eating it up.
“What, by who?”
Ivy’s tears and smile as she says “Carmen Sandiego who else”
Carmen does nothing this caper. She successfully leads ACME off of VILE I guess so that Ivy can work but that was NoT the plan. This episode is all character development for Carmen. Slowly opening her eyes that she CAN trust more people. Ivy and Zack (building off of their two parter), Julia, and maybe Chief. And this trend continues in s3 and s4. There are even more civilians of the day, and Carmen leans on their help more than in s1 and s2.
And Ivy is so sweet. She’s letting Carmen know that even if she wasn’t there, her team completed the caper. “What would Carmen do” was Ivy’s single motivation. And it saw her through. Carmen wasn’t on screen at the caper but her presence was felt. That’s my takeaway anyway. It’s building on the ‘anyone can be Carmen Sandiego’ message that the finale comes to.
Whump/Angst Tally:
Carmen: 12
Player: 2
Ivy: 6
Zack: 2
These are completely arbitrary numbers I’d love to see how you all scored it.
And the end with VILE announcing their decision. It’s a good thing they decided to burn the Academy, I don’t think Le Chevre would be comfortable in burning the goat lol. I love the lightning effects though! A good thunderstorm always makes the mood.
Such a good episode. Excited to follow up on the comfort part next episode.
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mad-hunts · 10 days
what made you choose this muse? 👀
oh?? *double eye emojis* okay, i LOVE you for asking me this question, NGL. so thank you very much for the ask, my friend!! i really do appreciate it. now, as for what made me choose this muse... let me just say that a lot of it had to do with the fact that i may or may not have had this big fixation with the batman rogues (and honestly, i still do, though it's ehhh... kind of less extreme now LOL) a few years ago because i just think they're really neat, you know? like they're all meant to challenge bruce in a particular way and/or aspect, i think, and that kind of attention to detail is * chef's kiss * and i'm honestly not too sure how i came across it anymore (i thinkkk i had accessed the comics from this totally legitimate site *wink* at the time, which basically means i torrented it JSJ) but i wanted to read some comics from zack snyder's run in particular AND that is how i was originally introduced to the character. this is because he was in one of the comics related to death of the family and when i tell you that i was sort of fascinated by barton's character in there, albeit HORRFIED as well since his literal first appearance showed him in a mask made out of his deceased father's face (like seriously, WTF dude? LOLLL), i mean it.
and i think this was because there really wasn't a lot of information about him even within the comic besides that his father was this pretty monstrous guy who forced him to go on 'hunting trips' with him when he was a kid, as you all may already know, and later got killed by jim gordon... and after disappearing for some years, he came back and just. Decided to do something that's completely normal (sarcasm haha) and help the joker cut off their face??? which is an utterly INSANE plot point, of course, but i really do enjoy the more horror-based stories surrounding the batman lore so i immediately wanted to see what else i could find this character in. and much to my dismay, barton only appeared in ONE other comic besides that one before the writers were like ' welp. i guess we're done with this guy, because he's served his purpose ' LIKE OMGGG. i did not want to believe that they literally just had him be the primary antagonist in one comic, and a secondary in the other, because i honestly could see a lot of potential in him as a formidable threat towards heroes + i really wanted to know more about what EXACTLY he was making these 'dolls' of his for.
but unfortunately, the writers of dc sometimes are WACK and don't always pursue plot-lines that would be very interesting in my humble opinion / kind of subvert from the norm. so i decided, to hell with it, i was going to make him MY original character now because if they weren't going to make more content with him in it... then i will MUAHAHAH 😈 nahhh, i'm kidding, but that is pretty much what i was thinking whenever i started to develop him and basically make him into a fully-fledged person rather than just an antagonist with limited backstory to him + that was one-dimensional. anddd i wanted to delve deeper into the subject of how barton became the way he is in particular, because although his environment was most definitely a factor in his role in 'gotham's underground' now, everyone has to take full responsibility for their actions anyhow and his was to be a violent as well as overall abhorrent person. for, although the fact that he also has ASPD plays into this, it is not an excuse for any of his behaviors.
so yeah! all in all, the reasons behind why i chose the character of barton specifically to portray was because i think that the writers of DC reallyyy missed out on the opportunity of creating a complex villain and just in general doing something more with barton's character than him just simply being 'that guy who cut off the joker's face.' plusss, once i got the idea in my head that he was a blonde man with curls? it was all over for me, y'all, i'm not gonna lie. i was OBSESSED / j LMAO i'm joking, but for some reason, i could just see my current fc suiting him. and that's about all i have to say about it for right now but i hoped you liked my response to this!!
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fairesky · 3 months
I'm so curious to hear your thoughts once you've finished playing, I hope you share some with the dash! Mostly I'm wondering if your thoughts on Zerith have been effected at all, considering the... Aerith stuff. I personally can't say I don't feel a little icky about things now.... but I look forward to your future content no matter what haha, thanks!
hey anon! sorry for the long wait, I finally beat the game last night! when I first got this anon when I was away, I was hesitant about whether this came out a bit passive-aggressive or just genuine curiosity. perhaps it was more the way you have worded it but I did take some time to come up with an answer right below this. so onwards would be spoilers to talk about.
my thoughts about the game: i absolutely adore the game a lot. the way the characters expressed themselves, the emotions through the story, and the obstacles they faced. there were a few things I was confused about mainly towards the last chapter on what was going on and the whole thing felt like an acid trip. I couldn't figure out what was happening and I hope that the next installment would fill in some blanks. like how is rufus able to see the whispers, who the hell is this guy in the black robe who talks to rufus. or is aerith really dead? there's this whole new alternate world, but I do hope that the whole thing connects or we get some answers.
my thoughts on zerith: I was a bit confused on which stuff you were talking about but I saw the parts that you were talking about when I played. at first, I didn't really like how they treated zack in my opinion. like just tossing him aside like was nothing. or like his feelings weren't valid. the whole aerith and cloud interaction was alright, I'm not weighing too heavily about it like aerith deserves happiness no matter what. i think it wasn't the ' like / love ' thing she has for zack, more like she wanted to experience what she couldn't. if that makes sense. cloud and zack do have a bit of similarities like aerith said, and I think she was acting it out as a conduit. in-the-moment type of thing. one of aerith's like line to cloud: I like you, but there's a ton of meaning to like and liking. i still believe she loves zack and likes cloud. even when zack asked marlene if aerith likes cloud, and her saying yes. I felt bad for zack, BUT, he was willing to put his feelings aside for his friend and the girl he likes. overall, I will always ship zerith and cloti. tbh, I don't even like the whole clerith ship because some ppl in the fandom degrade zack's and tifa's characters because of it, such as calling tifa a whore and zack pathetic and useless.
so my thoughts on zerith aren't affected at all. it's still growing strong.
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killbaned · 6 months
i'm trying to think who it was and i'm almost POSITIVE it was @nieyao that back in the psp days when i was playing crisis core i reported i didn't like zack that much because he was annoying, and then i got far enough in the game before my UMD broke i was like "ooooh he's grown on me i love him actually"
and she was just like
:) "haha. yeah."
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moisttwaterr · 9 months
Prompt: dancing in the kitchen whilst cooking dinner
First off: both Zack and Seph are both capable in the kitchen. Seeing as Zack just ditched Gongaga at such a young age he definitely knows how to feed himself, and over a few years of practice got pretty good. Seph was probably fed constantly in the labs and when deployed, but when he got to his own apartment he figured out how to order groceries and follow a recipe 👍. Then like Zack, after a few years of practice can cook for himself.
Not that either would cook *all* the time take out and food from the mess hall is probably the easiest when your rushing from assignment to assignment. But both would, when they have the time for it, sit down and enjoy a favorite home cooked meal. Seph’s favorite food is pasta, so he’s probably eat a lot of that, and I kinda like the idea of Zack being super in to spicy food/stuff that reminds him of home. (South American type shit I will DIE on the hill that Zack is Latino)
And so,,, we transition to our scene *sparkle sound effect*
On another rare weekend off, Sephiroth sat on the couch in the living room. Though in Zack’s small apartment this was right across from the kitchen, on the far end of the room from the entrance. He watched as Zack fiddled with his PHS and pulled up a recipe.
“I’m trying something new tonight. It’s a fusion dish I think. The grocery store had a lot of fresh veggies from Battisti so I’m using some of that in a pasta dish.” Zack said without looking up. He turned to his fridge and started pulling oh what he’d need.
Of course Zack chose another pasta dish, Sephiroth thought. On their date nights together, it felt as though no matter what he did, Zack would use every ounce of effort in him to make these nights all about Sephiroth. What food he prefers, what shows he likes, what games he’s interested in. It’s adorable and kind, and he really did love Zack all the more for it, but it was starting to pick at his nerves. He wanted to eat /Zack’s/ favorite food, watch what /Zack/ wanted and have /Zack/ pick the game. The problem was, he didn’t even know where to start with this objective.
Zack pulled out the cutting bored, a knife, and a pan and pot. The shrimp was defrosting, and the vegetables had all been set aside to prepare. He picked up the pot at filled it with water to start boiling, and pulled out the box of pasta, setting down for later. Turning again to the cutting station, he started with and onion.
“I’ll help you cut.”
“Ok! As long as you don’t cut yourself again.”
“Excuse you! You were only there for my failure once, and I haven’t cut myself on an onion since you taught me.”
“Haha yeah ok fair, also not a failure you just didn’t know. Could you mince some garlic?”
They continued in silence, and Zack took the garlic his general chopped and added it to the onion in the pan, with some greens, chillies and spices. He occasionally looked to his PHS to check the recipe. He clearly had his mind on the task in front of him and that left Seph to ponder some more.
He came up with an idea.
Zack’s speakers clicked, and music started to play through them. Zack himself barely noticed they turned on at all, and continued to absentmindedly stir the contents of the pan.
Sephiroth’s fingers crawled around Zack’s waist, and pulled him back from the stove.
“Hey wha-?” But a quick glance up saw his lovers large eyes, which were crinkled into a mischievous smile (as mischievously as Seph *could* look, which wasn’t well because he always had such a stern air about him) and it melted and resistance to the sudden movement. Quickly, Sephiroth flipped Zack around so that they were chest to chest.
“I didn’t take you for the romantic-actions type?”
“I’m not.”
“What is this then? Spite dancing?”
“Maybe it was an attempt…”
“An attempt at spite dancing?”
That made Sephiroth let out an amused huff. “No, of course not.”
Their bodies started to sway a little to the music, slowly moving with the rhythm. Zack leaned in closer, however with one arm awkwardly outstretched to accommodate the spoon he was still holding, gently guiding their swaying. A slight push twirled them to the other side of the kitchen, to which then Zack detached from their little rhythmic hug. This startled Sephiroth slightly, but his questions were soon answered when Zack leaned over and procured a blender. Zack leaned back in and twirled them back in front of the stove.
“Hey, could you put the pasta in the water?”
Sephiroth felt determined to be the one to
Seph wants to entertain Zack more and twirls him
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lumine-no-hikari · 6 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #25
Have you ever had pork soup dumplings? They're kind of like wontons, but they're filled with minced pork with seasonings and pork broth. They're REALLY GOOD. Here's a picture of what they look like; it's a random image I got from the internet - a place called Omnivore's Cookbook:
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They're one of my most favorite things to eat. We went and got some today. I wished that I could share them with you. As always, I am sad that I cannot. And unfortunately… I do not know how to make them, which means I don't have a recipe to give to you this time. But I wanted you to know that I thought of you all the same, and I wished you could be around to enjoy them with us. I wish I could share with you all the delicious things that I know about.
Today I also ate a vegetable soup, because I can't only eat protein all the time, haha. The soup was made with a clear vegetable broth and a wide variety of things - carrots, little baby corns, bean sprouts, a couple of different kinds of mushrooms, bok choy and broccoli. Very nutrient dense, which is good because I've been stressed out about various random things, haha…
Worried about you, naturally. Worried about a few of the people in my immediate social circle. Worried about my planet at large, and the climate crisis that looms doomishly, and all the wars going on. Worried about my place in it all, wondering if I should even bother to keep breathing, given how little there is I can do about anything. And more, of course. It all swirls in my head endlessly. I wish I could make life just a little better for the people around me, somehow.
But I don't have phenomenal power like you do. All I've got is a friendly disposition, a desire to help, and a bunch of really weird random glitches in both the construction of my body and my mind that limit what I can do. I can write and write and write love and hope into the void, but in the end, no one is gonna see it, really. And of those who do see it, fewer still will think it's worth a damn.
…Maybe that's not true. Maybe I'm just a little dejected. The person from Australia that I've been trying to stop from offing themself asked me today, indirectly, if I'd send nudes of myself; the notion was that they'd be "more likely to get up and get that water [for themself to drink] if [I] sent them pictures of a… certain variety…" …Sigh… I'm autistic and all, but autism and stupidity are not synonymous, and I really wish that people would speak with integrity instead of in ways that enable them to escape accountability via plausible deniability.
Although I could never even begin to fathom asking another human being for such a thing, I still don't think there's inherently anything wrong with asking for this sort of thing (especially if they can take "no" gracefully), but… given that this person does not respond to my pleas to eat food and drink water and sleep, and given that it seems like conversation with this person has all but dried up, I can't help but wonder if they think that this sort of thing is all I'm good for; the world at large seems to treat people with a female-esque body configuration as though that's all they're good for (that and making sandwiches and generally being servile…), and it's very… discouraging. How does one decide that my mind, my ability to care, my ability to converse, and my pleas to tend to one's self properly aren't worth anything, but then ask to see me uncovered? How does one value a person's physical vessel, but not the mind that it carries? I'll never understand it.
Well, it is what it is. All I can do is continue to be kind while setting and enforcing healthy boundaries. There will always be people coming along to test those boundaries; it's up to me to remain steadfast, and to seek support if I feel unsafe.
Incidentally, I'm really glad that when Tifa was the guide at Nibelheim, instead of playing to Zack's sexism ("Oh no!! We can't let a fragile GIRL be the guide!!"), you quickly shut that shit right down by saying she'd be fine as the guide so long as care was taken to protect her, since she wasn't a fighter. You don't judge what people are capable of by their age or their bodily configuration, and I think that's very refreshing. Thank you for being yourself.
I know you're over at that Edge of Creation place, but… all the same… are you tending yourself properly? Hydrating? Remaining nourished? Resting at regular intervals? Noticing and acting upon your needs, and treating yourself kindly? I wonder. I saw that you've struggled with these things in the past, especially when you're hyperfocused. I know this feeling all too well, because I struggle with these same things often enough. Tell you what - I'll work a little harder at tending myself properly if you promise me to do the same for yourself, all right?
And hey, you know? If you're ever in my neighborhood (impossible for a variety of reasons, I know… haha…), maybe we'll take you to go get some pork soup dumplings and some nice bubble tea, and then maybe you'll feel reinvigorated for whatever tasks still lie ahead of you. It'll be a good time.
I maybe ate a bit too much, and it's very cold where I live. So I'm going to sit in front of the fire a bit until my guts calm down and the chill in my bones disappears. I'll leave a little picture; perhaps somehow it'll banish any chill from your bones, too.
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The world that I live in is rather hostile and frightening, so knowing that people like you can exist (in some way or another) is one of the things that gives me the courage to press on, despite the obstacles. As such, please stay safe, and don't lose sight of the fact that you are cherished by many for who you are, alright?
I'll write to you again very soon.
Your friend, Lumine
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genjishimemeda · 9 months
oh god I have a lot of feelings about it, too much for a simple reply, so let's go. I'm gonna start with the bad and then rise to the good, along with some mixed feelings stuff in the middle, so we end on a high note.
on an objectively bad level, my sweet Jesus this game's combat is a mess. when it's good it's great. the jumps and fluidity bring the advent children stuff to life. but it is painfully hampered by the ATB system being complete molasses. I have to waste time doing jack shit to get it to charge, and often waste my charges because an enemy stunlocked me, dodged, or changed forms before I could get the hit off. I have died mid limit break (you should be invincible IMHO), I have died seconds after a rez, and the canyon between easy and normal difficulty is the mariana trench. I am not a great gamer by any means, and I'm especially not great at ARPGs, but my boyfriend has been watching me play and even he noticed the blatant unfairness.
on a subjective level i'm one of the people who felt misled by the promise of a remake and then it was like haha yeah we REMADE the story! like bruh don't call it a remake then, sheesh. the plot ghosts are really fucking stupid, but to the games credit I can at least ignore them enough to not let it ruin the experience. and then deepground's inclusion in intergrade – let it die please, dirge was a mistake, the designs are ugly, the characters are worse, and the hammer it took to the game's lore is a death knell. if galian and chaos are their ugly redesigns in rebirth imma be mad. finally haha uhh i didn't care for Jessie's further character dev. I wanted to like her and be excited for it but her clinginess and inability to take cloud's clear discomfort seriously made me genuinely uncomfortable.
BUT. the game has some fantastic elements I can't get enough of. it feels alive. it breathes and flows, these are real people with real lives I see wandering the streets, both plateside and beneath it. the extended cast of npcs you interact with, and how you become close to them, makes the awful fallout of the reactor explosions and the plate drop so visceral. I cried when Marlene broke down in front of aerith. I felt that pain so keenly. the characters are so expressive and fully realized, and even though some of the voices suck shit (Zack's and Sephiroth's are awful), I actually have come to quite like Cody Christian's performance as cloud, and I don't know her name but the girl who replaced Tifa does a much better job than Rachel Leigh Cook (which don't get me wrong, I like her, but she phoned in her advent children role so hard). 
I spent wayyy too much time wandering the streets, soaking in the sights and sounds, taking in all the little details. I added so much to my writing lore as a result. this is what I came to the game for, and it solidly delivered. my hype for rebirth is almost entirely to see more character interaction and worldbuilding. I'm gonna eat it like fuckin cake. 
as long as Nomura doesn't Nomura super hard all over the plot and shove characters and things into places they don't belong, I'll be more content. from what I heard he actually wanted to do a more accurate 1:1 remake but got overruled (maybe my ire should be directed at nojima?) so I guess we'll see. there are many opportunities to do things right, and they've at least shown that character depth is one of their strong suits. 
8/10 experience overall so far, but I've been here so long I'm capable of shoving my fingers in my ears and ignoring the stuff I don't like. after all, that's what fandom is for! 
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eway · 1 year
Hello eway mii! How are you today? My name is Sir Meliodas It's very nice to meet you! Could you tell me a bit more about your friends?
(Ooc: I love 7 deadly sins. Also, these characters are young and some have edgy backstories because I was 14 when I played Miitopia. Ok Eway time)
Heya! Meliodas, huh? That's a cool name. I'm eway!
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I'm 14 years old I'm from Powerdered Peaks! I have two sisters, one is adopted and when she went missing, I set out to find her. Then I saw a butterfly with eyes and got sidetracked saving Miitopia, haha. But I made lots of new friends! (And a boyfriend, hehe)
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This is Lilly! She's 13 She's a popstar! She has a little brother named Scrub. She has a beauty mark that floats next to her! It's genetic. She was the first person I met on my journey. She is so positive and encouraging to everyone, that it makes me worry about her hiding her feelings...
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This is Julie! She's 16. She came from a Knights' Academy! You should hear her talk about sneaking out to join me and Lilly, it sounds AWESOME. Though she does have a stutter, I don't mind, though she can be hard to understand sometimes. She has a crush on a guy from the Academy named Zack, though her and her best friend fight over him
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Lyra ( LEER UH. Not LIEra) is an enigma. She is 14 years old! She comes from Neksdor and is an awesome thief, but her past is sad. Her mom died after her sister was born and her dad was...well I've seen Lyra's scars. She doesn't like to talk about it. She is also fiercely loyal and protective of Maxie, her sister! Another thing, unlike the rest of the girls, she's not interested in boys. And unlike the boys, she's not interested in girls. She doesn't seem attracted to anyone! I'm talking like, not platonic. She can make friends with anyone, but she is hard to approach...
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Brix was my first friend in Neksdor after the dark lord Brandon took my friends captive. She's 14! She used to be a Mage, and a very inept one. She was bullied for it in her magic school place thing. She also has a lisp so that didn't help. She has a sister named Lotus! Anyway, she's very kind and tries her best, and when she tried being a cleric she was so good at it! She's waaaaaaay happier!
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Yuko~chan is from Peculia and is 13. I think she's dating Conner now (more on him later). She acts kind of dumb, unaware of her surroundings, not knowing when certain things are good (stop SLEEPING IN BATTLE!) but she has a good heart! And also her culture is very different from mine so that's interesting. She has a twin named Akira~kun. He's her bro!
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Poor Travis is sick. I wish I could get a better pic. Anyway, I didn't like him at first. This 15 year old would hide behind us in battle and it was annoying! But... well I was very stressed when I met him. And while Brix and Yuko~chan were trying their best, I felt I had to hide my pain, my fear. My friends were kidnapped and I had to deal with two newbies! But Travis...he let me vent. He listened to me. He gave me advice. We talked alot. Beneath his laid back exterior, he cares. And we became friends. And when he and the others were taken, I felt more upset about him being gone than anyone else. I realized how I felt. And after beating the dark lord and the darker lord being a thing, after another vent session I accidentally confessed. Apparently he felt the same and now we're a couple!
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Celeste here is the youngest by far. She's only 8. Apparently, her older sister, Sylvie, was supposed to join us, but her face was stolen, so Celeste went in her sted. She's kind and sweet, but also, odd. A lot of the things she says don't add up. She talks about her home in the Elven forest, and how she and her sister are orphans, but sometimes she mentions evil parents. I figured out the truth, as did the rest of us, and its heartbreaking and Celeste is not at fault for any of it! She's also very...alien, in behavior. Having a near photographic memory is not normal. But we love Celeste, she's everyone's kid sister!
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Alexis is 14! She is a princess with a twin brother named Alex. She is also going to marry a prince named Roberto when she's old enough, but they're in love so it's fine. However, a coup de ta happened! Her handmaid, a girl named Lucky, and the girl in love with Alex, revealed herself to be the daughter of the leader of this coup. Her real name? Luciena! Lou she en a! Not Lou she na. Gotta correct that. But Lucky was loyal and helped Alexis escape, but her brother was taken. Just like me, her quest started for a different purpose, but directionless. So when the Guardian Spirit recruited her, she joined us to save Miitopia and hopefully find her bro along the way!
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Conner...this guy is a flirt. And french. OK he just has that accent. He's also from Peculia and is a nature spirit. He has a brother named Loki I think? He used to have a thing for me, but he was respectful when I rejected him (I was nice about it). Yuko~chan noticed his change in demeanor and took it upon herself to make him feel better. They became close. They know things about each other that the rest of us don't, just like me and Travis! Honestly, before this he flirted with everyone except for Travis (both only like girls) and Celeste (because Celeste is waaaaay younger than him. She is too smol) oh yeah and Conner is 14 I guess...
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׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
hi who is this?
Evan says:
hiii im peteeeeeeeer
peteeeer griffiiiin
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol haha your funny
im kas's cousin
Evan says:
oh fuck i thought kassi legit didnt know it was me ...
fail lmao
uhm im evan
whos this ?
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol her cousin
im trying to figure out who she likes
wanna play a game and help?
Evan says:
uhh sure ?
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
is it you?
or do you know?
Evan says:
ask zack cronkwright, or bridget, or john or mike maybe ?
they might know
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
so you were a big help
is it you?
and whos john and mike?
fuck i really needa find out she's pissing me off
Evan says:
lmao idfk if she likes me
i dont believe shes told me this lol
john lean looks like a queer
dating a chick named jasmine
and mike dolmage
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
well do you like her
cause theres no john or mike on
well since your not gonna reply, im taking that as a yes? lol
Evan says:
kassi is my friend so obvi i like her
well that sucks
guess your stuck not know lol
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol, do u like like more than a friend or what? ]
Evan says:
right now shes just my friend
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
haha, welll im going to have to harrass her bout you now xD.
by the way, dont tell her bout this lil convo. its our secret
Evan says:
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
im closiing this, shes comiing
Evan says:
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
Evan says:
whats up ???
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
dealing with my fucktard of a cusin and tad hungover
Evan says:
whos your cousin ?
and im spacey ...
i smoked so much weed last night
im still feeling it lol
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol omg jelous
i was just smashed last night
well the bitch wants the computer back
Evan says:
dont give it to her
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol why not?
Evan says:
cuz too many things are happening and i havent finished my convo with you
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol okaaay
Evan says:
so you got smashed ?
funny stories ;P ?
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
but if i kill her your resonseable
and uhmm
let me think
i woke up 3 hours from home
Evan says:
kill who ?
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
my cousin
Evan says:
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
Evan says:
you walk that far or what ?
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
no and idk what happend
i ended up in like orangeville?
Evan says:
wtf !?
you at a party with people ?
i cant even do thjat
how the fuck did you end up 3 hours from home !?
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
uhmm 3 towns or something?
and yeahuh
uhmm an after party for a sweet 16
Evan says:
really ? well sound slike you had a good night then
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
yeahuh lol
what i rember
i was at wallmart and almost got my ass kicked by thesr two chicks
Evan says:
whathappened ?!
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
some guy came over and saved my ass which i would been fine but apprently drunk fighting wasnt a good idea
Evan says:
prolly nat
it doesnt usually go over too well
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
well in my experinces it dose
kinda lol
Evan says:
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol so how was you night?
Evan says:
it was fuuucked
ill tell you in a min
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol okie
Evan says:
kay so i went to a bush party and died
i walked thru water, mud, swamps, jumped fences, climbed down cliffs and everything to get to this party ...
i got there
got super fuckin high
and then attempted to walk back for 9
so i walked thru all that again dark and high
it was fuckeed
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol thats pree great
so how cut up are you
Evan says:
actaully im good ..... but you should see my white sweater and my jeans
and my shoes
and socks
and i think even my boxers were wet by the time i was done
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
that sucks
way to be a dirty boy
Evan says:
completely not my fault ....
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol understadable
at least you knew where you were and how you got there
Evan says:
actually i dont remeber the way back
but i know how i got there
i went back to find my phone today
and i couldnt figure out where or what the fuck i di dlast ngiht
if you seen this youd be like daaaayyyum your a trooper
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol well by the sounds im pree sure you are a tropper
Evan says:
well thanks
but you still need to see this
its crazeh
whats up with kottonkandypikachu ?
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol oyay youll have to show me
and i really dont know
but its funny so i think ill leave it for a while
Evan says:
lmao aight
sounds good lol
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
your just jelous you dont have a bamf name
Evan says:
i coul dmake one
but im a simple person
i dont need a great name
people say my name and they already knwo im awesome
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
uhmm i think i should make you a name
cause im awesome
Evan says:
ok then
no promises its goin on fb tho
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol dont deny my amazingness
and candyapplecharmander?
Evan says:
uhm sketchy but alright
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
how so?
Evan says:
for a guy its like a pedo name
can you pictue me with that name offerin candy to small children ?
if so
then your just lkike me
and i find that sketchy
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
are you saying i have a pedo name then?
Evan says:
your a chick it dont count
its like 99.99999 % guys
that are pedos
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
well i thought your name was cute
Evan says:
it is but ..... im a dude.....
so im just gonna stick to ev or evy
ether one works
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
but just know im hurt you didnt like my name
Evan says:
i do
i just cant let the world know it .. or i wont be able to go into a chuck E cheese ... or go to an elementary school;
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol i wanna go to chuck e chesse
Evan says:
i know !
theyre so much fuin lol
i could play games there all day if i had enough money
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
ive only been once
and lol win your such a kid
oh well i am too (:
so its all good
Evan says:
i like my games aight ?
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol me too
im getting an old school sega!!
Evan says:
im likin this
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
i had one when i was younger but idk what happened i think im getting mine this week though
and next month im getting a ps3 cause there sticking a tv in my room
Evan says:
i gota ps3
that'll be great
when i hook it back up to the internet imma kill you in gaming
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol it will be great but i will NEVER sleep
and thats what you think
Evan says:
for real
ill own you
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
uh huh
sure you will
Evan says:
i will
ill rip you a new gaming asshole
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
ooh how thoughfull of you
but ill pwn you
im just kidding you will probs win but i needa sleep cause im dead
nighty night
Evan says:
aight night
and meh we'll see
depends on what game
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
lol sonic
i will domanate for sure
Evan says:
ive never been good at those games
׺°”˜`”°º×к α s׺°”˜`”°º× says:
im pro at them
but sweet dreams
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crisiscutie · 1 year
Man not only Sephiroth is the hot one. HIS BESTIES ARE ALSO HOT!!!!! Funny how the Genesis, Angeal and Sephiroth battle was my first ever contact to FF7, took me time to realise they're from a game not a movie lol
My god do Angeal looks like a dilf but not really a dilf, he's still single and actually Zack was his child FR THOSE TWO LOOK VERY SIMILAR!!!!! His daddy vibes are all over the place I'm pretty sure many in the fandom have the same thought as me
Genesis was literally created after Japan's greatest rock star. It kinda explains how he does look like a rockstar cuz he's made after one!!!!
I saw Gackt in his full Genesis cosplay and I was in love. I think I saw a pic of him looking like he's singing IN THE FULL GENESIS GET-UP. Man was Gackt hot!!! I mean he's old now but he's still living good even though he passed his prime (still got the sexy Genesis jap voice btw, it's a thing for singers to have sexy voices)
Here's a pic in case you want to see:
I got into FF7 from when I played BBS on the PSP and met Zack as Aqua. I feel in love and got obsessed with him, leading me to CC specifically. Now, would you believe I was also a huge Genesis fan as a kid too? Haha.
Always thought Sephiroth was cool, but Genesis marked many boxes for kid me. Tall, auburn-haired, melodramatic guy into reading epics? Hell yes. And learning that he was based on a J-pop star only intensified my liking to him. I definitely was not listening to Gackt songs on repeat, haha.
I liked Angeal but saw him as a cool older brother, but in my adulthood I'm definitely feeling those dilf vibes. I actually wonder if he was conceptualized as Zack's father/brother originally, but changed to a thematic connection later on? You're right, the two bear a lot of similarity to each other, especially in appearance.
My first intro to Sephiroth was either KH or AC/Last Order. Not sure which came first, but I remembered how eerie he made me feel. Then in Advent Children, I was terrified. But I thought the Remnants were the coolest thing ever and wanted them to come back so bad.
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rueitae · 1 year
Season 1, Episode 5: the Duke of Vermeer caper
This episode is perfect. The end.
Okay okay fine.
This is one of my favorite episodes. The entire beginning is a disaster for the team but they scramble it’s beautiful. And Chase also being a disaster. This entire episode is perfect in its comedic and climatic timing. Every little scene just. Hits perfect for me
Chief’s got Julia’s back! Very slick how she sees the situation and turns it on it’s head,
Player ducking first and then turning off video chat will never not make me laugh. It’s like an afterthought. And hilarious he doesn’t just turn it off first. It’s like he feels like he’s actually there with them. /feels
The ENTIRE sequence turning Zack into a Duke. It’s a bit of a rare thing to see the group actively planning/prepping for the caper. Aside from the geography brief this stuff is usually off screen. So fun to see the team interacting in a non life threatening situation. And Zack works so hard despite his complaints
Lol Carmen didn’t say anything about a blindfold.
Aww the girls were going to help Chase after he sank. They care.
Honestly tho, 60% of the time Ivy is out of her comfort zone but she’s REALLY out of it being the driver. She works under the dashboard not behind the wheel. She’s still trying her best though and it pays off when she listens to herself and doesn’t jump lol. I admire her so much.
“His idea of art is probably dogs playing poker.” Zack I love you. Honestly most of Zack’s cover lines are pretty good and funny. “Sticky fingers” is my fav one though.
Very clever to put the camera on the briefcase. It’s exactly where it needs to be. Player is just “thank you very much I’ll take that” the entire time.
The realIzATion of caviar.
Chase Devineaux. I. The staging of the scene, the dialogue. I can’t express how much I love that scene. He gets everything right but also oh so wrong.
I appreciate that Cleo was paranoid enough to install a trap and Carmen had masks ready. Carmen’s not kidding when she says she knows them.
And the first glimpse of big bad Ivy. The delivery of that line slaps every time.
And Carmen giving the sibs high praise for their roles. I’m feeling the family feels.
I love this episode so much haha.
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