#you were supposed to be a oneshot dammit
hunn1e-bunn1e · 11 months
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Demon Brothers - With Flirty Male Reader
So! While writing this ask I've very quickly figured out that I can't flirt for my life. Thus; this ask was translated into Headcannons instead of my original plan of a split between Headcannons and a Oneshot. I hope you enjoy this because that was a half hour of embarrassment that I can't get back. —Benny🐰
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☕ You're either very brave or very very stupid; there is no in between. The audacity that you have to flirt with the avatar of pride: Lucifer himself is absolutely appalling. This poor overworked demon goes through full 5 minute factory reset just to understand what the fuck you just said to him.
☕ Stop. Please, just have a normal conversation with him. It can be about literally anything— A dream you had last night, the breakfast this morning, Beel's Fangol practice, your homework, how you think he should send Mammon to rehab for his obvious Kleptomaniac tendencies... Lucifer will even indulge in speaking about those weird captioned images and short videos that you call memes; just, please... he understands that he's handsome, but make it quick; he has paperwork to do.
☕ Do you really think that you can flirt your way out of a punishment? First Asmodeus and Diavolo (after Asmodeus spent some time with him, Diavolo attempted to flirt his way out of his Princely duties to take a few hour break) and now you? Goodness, he's surrounded by idiots. You're going to give poor Lucifer gray hairs, you know.
☕ Lucifer may let you bargain your way out of facing his wrath, though. He finds the image of you being ripped from your flirtatious facade and forced to think about things that you could offer him as collateral as he patiently taps his fingers on his desk to be on of the most amusing thing he's seen in almost 200 years. He won't lie; your nervous figiting is pretty entertaining too.
☕ Though... you might want to be a little more careful going forward, lest you catch the avatar of pride on a day that he's particularly stressed; he might just take you up on one of your occasionally more... lewd flirtatious remarks. Perhaps he'll put an end to your flirtatious ways with a well deserved spanking? Lucifer is sure you wouldn't complain, given your very clear attraction to him.
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💰 You broke him; the minute those words left your lips he went completely offline. Of course; Mammon thought that you were just making fun of him at first and tried to see of you'd slip up and insult him like so many others have. However, you only doubled down and now, the poor, flustered avatar of greed can barely look you in the eyes anymore.
💰 Truthfully, Mammon can't help but compare you to Asmodeus with how seem to need to add some sort of flirtatious comment into every sentence. Though you're not as dramatic and not at all cruel like his younger brother. He doesn't see your flirting as a bad thing but he can't help but get jealous when you start flirting with his brothers, Barbatos, Lord Diavolo and that angel. You're only supposed to do that sort of thing with him! He's your first man, dammit!
💰 Flirting your way out of being roped into a money making scheme? Pretty unlikely, believe it or not. When Mammon gets a hint of money he's chasing it and no amout of compliments will get you out of being dragged along for the ride. However, you might be able to flirt your way into getting him to take all the blame when the plan inevitably fails. All you need to do is lay it on thick and he's sold. This demon is madly in love with you, he will do anything you ask and more.
💰 While your first man is okay with taking the fall for you in any situation; he expects you to nurse his sore body back to health after hanging from the rafters for 6 hours again. You'll convince Lucifer to give him back Goldie too, won't you? Of course you would, Mammon doesn't work for free, after all.
💰 Mammon may or may not practice pick-up lines in his bathroom mirror. While he's confident in the solitude of his bathroom; once he's face to face with you his anxiety skyrockets and he stumbles over his words like a drunk man trying to navigate a dark room. You have no idea what you do to him, do you?
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🎮 Sorry, he's dead. Unfortunately, you had to go and flirt with this yucky otaku demon and he keeled over and died from overheating. Leviathan blushed so violently that he liquefied his brain and he fainted right then and there, bonking his head on various objects on his way down. Ah... poor guy...
🎮 Please, please, spare this poor man, he cannot handle it. Leviathan is too precious so go easy on him or he may just never leave that little hidey hole he calls a bedroom ever again. He's not brave enough to face you when you're like that! You may be his Henry but it feels like he's gone in too deep now, he can't even look at his beloved Ruri-Chan like he used to because you wrestled your way into her place! Just what the hell are you doing to him!?
🎮 You want to escape one of his long winded rants on TSL? All you need to do is give Leviathan a lovestruck gaze and his brain is fried; then you can make your escape. Fat Chance! As if he'd ever willing let you opt out of letting him share his one of his passions with you! Malfunctioning or not; he'll keep on talking; whether it's just to continue the conversation or to distract himself from you, we still don't know. You'll let him right? Or... do you think he's just a gross otaku afterall...?
🎮 If you do ever get into trouble with Lucifer for whatever reason; just pop into Levi's room and hide under the blankets in his bathtub while he's distracted by whatever game he's playing at the time. His older brother will never find out and neither will he until he stumbles upon you when he's feeling tired after an excruciatingly long raid. Of course, even after he finds you, he won't tell a soul.
🎮 Leviathan may or may not be hoarding various cosplays of characters with flirtatious personalities that just so happen to be in your size. How he got your measurements for the alleged cosplays is information that he will take to the grave. (He actually just asked Asmodeus but he prefers to seem mysterious about for some reason...)
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📚 Are you sure you wanna do that? Do you really want to take that risk? Truthfully, Satan knows all he has to do is amusedly raise a brow and you'll be quite as a mouse. But he finds it funny that you try to hide your fear of him behind that meaningless banter that you keep spewing. He's almost immune to your antics due to his abundant knowledge of human psychology and the time that he's spent observing you... almost.
📚 You'll have to either say something very shocking or tie it in with cats somehow in order to have an effect on Satan. He hangs around Asmodeus far too often (a personal headcannon of mine is that the two are actually very close) to be very influenced by flirtatious or suggestive remarks too much anymore. Usually he'll either raise a brow at you or just send you a teasing smirk. Though if you play into his vast knowledge and offer him a risqué fact he doesn't know, he'll be very interested.
📚 Wanna try your hand at flirting your way out of being on the receiving end of one if his wrathful outbursts? Are you a fucking idiot? Do you have no self preservation instincts at all?? You best get to steppin'; or else Satan will rip your face right off in his blind rage. To be honest, if you do go and try that, you deserve what you get in return for your stupidity.
📚 If you ever get into trouble with Lucifer, all you need to do is go to Satan and he'll harbor you in his room so long as you keep your hands to yourself. Make sure to let him know whenever you plan on flirting your way out of one of his oldest brother's punishments; he'll bring himself some popcorn. Not only will he get to see you embarrass yourself, he'll also get to see you annoy Lucifer; it's a 2 for 1 deal!
📚 If you catch him in a really good mood, Satan might just flirt back at you. Resting his chin on his palm and looking at you with the softest eyes as he lets loose words so sweet you'd think he was made of sugar. He can be really suave when he wants to, he just has to be in the right mood, ya'know.
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🛍 Look, I'll be blunt; Asmodeus hangs out with literal sex demons on the daily, he's heard everything. He's the avatar of lust; he is unfazed. So when I tell you that this man immediately thinks your just wanting to either have sex or something close to it, I'm serious. There is no if, and, but or in between; you guys are either doing the sideways tango or making out. If you don't want that, don't bother flirting with him.
🛍 Asmodeus is 100% unfazed by your flirting. No matter how sweet or raunchy you get, you'll never pull a big reaction from him. It'll mostly just be little hums of acknowledgement, his well rehearsed smile or bedroom eyes. I don't know what you were expecting, to be honest.
🛍 You think you can flirt your way out of doing anything with Asmo? Haha, no, you silly little human, you.~ He'll give you an airy little giggle and then drag you along to either his bedroom or whatever place that he needed to take you originally. Sometimes he'll strait up ignore you and act like you hadn't even said anything at all. Other times he'll use his charms and make you feel guilty for even thinking about opting out of spending time with him. It's a lose, lose situation; or a win, win depending on how much you like the guy.
🛍 You think he'll let you flirt your way out of one of Lucifer's punishments? Absolutely not! Or, at least, not without him giving you a few pointers first. Truth be told, Asmodeus thinks you have almost no rizz (he still loves you regardless~♡) and as the avatar of lust, he feels like it's his job to fix that! Or... at least try.
🛍 Truthfully, Asmodeus will keep you at an arm's length (for a while until he figures out your true intentions) like he does all of his sex demon friends. He believes you only want him for what they want him for; his body and looks. He won't ever show it but it does take a toll on him. He can breath a sigh of relief when he figures out what you really want from him.
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🍔 It's like talking to a brick wall; Beelzebub doesn't get the implications of your words. And why would he? He's far too innocent and thick headed (in the sweetest way possible) to understand something like that. Why do you even want to flirt with this precious man? Are you trying to corrupt him, you heathen!?
🍔 If you want a flustered Beel, you'll have to drop the flirting all together. Say what you need to say in clear message so he can't confuse any meanings or insinuations even if he tried to. And boom. You'll get a cute, flustered giant with flushed cheeks and an angelic smile. He'll be like a school girl with a crush; shyly fiddling with his fingers and giddily shuffling in place.
🍔 Trying to flirt your way out of sharing your food with Beelzebub? Don't. Give him a portion, you stingy bitch. Flirting aside— how could have the heart to say no to this man, you monster!? Back on topic; flirting will just fly right over his head, so I wouldn't even bother. Just give him some of your food, it's not that hard. You'll get a cute, grinning avatar of gluttony out of it, so what's that harm?
🍔 You're trying to flirt your way out of a punishment from Lucifer? Well... Beel doesn't wanna make his eldest brother mad... but he also doesn't like the idea of not helping you when you need it. He's so torn! What should he do! Unfortunately for you, the poor man will be so caught up in whether he should help you or not, that Lucifer has already found you and now you're hanging from the rafters. Please don't be mad at him, he didn't mean to ignore you, it was just a really hard decision for him!
🍔 When Beelzebub "flirts", he usually offers you some sort of food item that he really wanted to eat. He'll take occasional glances to see if you've eaten it or not and to see your reaction to it so he knows what you like in the future. Accept it! Don't you dare turn down a gift from this sunshine, you'll make him sad!
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🌌 Hey, so... you remember how he killed you via snapping your spine like a toothpick. I really wouldn't recommend flirting with him in any capacity. I don't think Belphegor would appreciate you waking him up to flirt or if he's already awake, which is a rarity in it's self, he'd rather you be quite so he can nap. He's just here to use you as a pillow, not to hear you run your mouth.
🌌 The best time to "flirt" with this slightly homicidal demon is when he decides that you deserve to take a nap with him. (Read as; when he decides to sleep on your bed and use you as a pillow.) However; said flirting must be soft and sweet. Gentle praises in a soft voice. Comb your fingers through his hair. Belphie will drift off to sleep with small smile on his face. Expect him to be in a very flowery mood when he wakes up again.
🌌 You want to attempt to flirt your way out of stargazing in the attic for the nth time in a row? Sure! You do that! In fact, Belphegor thinks that your bones are looking mighty crushable right now. Don't get too ahead of yourself, he's not above physically holding onto you and keeping you in the attic until he's satisfied. You're not getting out of this one, hun.
🌌 On the run from Lucifer? Belphegor's got you covered! Just head on up to the attic while he goes to Satan for a hex he can place on the door to keep the prideful demon away. Anything to fuck with Lucifer will have him come running, so keep him informed, okay?
🌌 On some rare occasions, when you and Belphie are alone together, he can be real sweet to you. Calling you something romantic like his north star or something of the like. However, he quickly ruins the mood with an obnoxious yawn. Whether he does that on purpose or not is up to you.
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bloodycassian · 6 months
Damsel in distress - reader x Rhysand oneshot
Reader is rescued from torture by Rhysand. Short.
Warnings - things you'd expect in a torture scene.
Okay, maybe going on a solo mission during the Starfall party wasn’t the most educated decision. And maybe not telling anyone but Azriel where you were, and swearing him to secrecy wasn’t the strongest idea. Because now Rhysand, the shadowsinger and Cassian were likely all walking straight into a trap.
“That High Lord has trained you well.” The King’s own personal torturer muttered in his thick accent, his scarred throat bobbing with the words. He had the look and sound of a male who’d spent a lot of time screaming, and learning the secrets of what made others do the same. 
Even through the blood dribbling in your eyes you could see how he took pleasure in this torture. His every slice into your flesh had him gleeful, you could smell a hint of arousal in it when your nose wasn’t blocked up. He’d suspended you upside down, making all the blood he’s spilled roll onto your neck then to your face. Your hair was coated and stiff with it, like a animal’s fur. Soon, you suspected they may be gutting you just the same. 
the bindings at your wrists and ankles burning with every slight movement. The way his mind slammed into your mental walls was relentless and unending as the tides. The darkness of his thoughts would roll back, collect then slam into you over and over, testing for any weak spot to creep into. Your mind was a ship slowly losing buoyancy. 
“Tell me where to find The Library and you’ll be allowed to live.” He repeated, his tone as clear and neutral as if you were having a brunch together.
You’d spit if you had the courage to do it. Truthfully, this male was terrifying. The daemati abilities alone would have been enough to best anyone not trained directly from Rhys. That and his pleasure for inflicting pain created a deadly combination. 
A loud thud sounded in the hallway, the wooden door rattling on it’s hinges. The male stiffened, straightening and setting the carving knife aside in favor for the sword at his back. 
The door did not open or slam against the wall, it simply shattered. The wooden splinters of it shredding into the room, some of them embedding into your skin. The pain of it is nothing compared to the long cuts from the knife. 
The male takes in a long breath, and smiles. “Even better than I expected.” He muttered, then rushed to the door.
The sounds were all that told you there was someone there to rescue you. Azriel’s sharp hiss of pain, and the clash of steel as they fought. You couldn’t move, could barely open your eyes with the sweat that burned them. Surely it wasn’t just Azriel here to rescue you? 
The clatter of a sword against the stone floor, then silence filled the air. Your ears strained for something, anything to indicate that Azriel had survived. Tension had your muscles aching, your bruised body struggling for relief.
Near silent footsteps ghosted over the floor, approaching slowly. You cracked an eye, and blue light shed over the dark walls. A sob escaped you.
Then there was shouting. Echoing, frantic shouting and someone was at your side, cradling you in the air while Azriel worked on your restraints. The sobs wracked your body, shaking you hard. Someone, a familiar scent and sound comforted you. 
“I’m here. Dammit, I’m here.” Rhysand. Rhysand- Your sobs turned hysterical, and you pawed at his chest, pulling him as close as you could possibly be. This scent, this male was your home, your everything. 
“Dont ever pull this kind of stunt again.” He growled in your ear, and you nodded fervently in agreement. He said something to Azriel, and another, likely Cassian. 
“It was supposed to be a trap…” You sniffed, lifting your head, then letting it fall back to Rhys’s chest. The dizziness was overwhelming, and your limbs ached with every movement. “for all three of you, how-”
“There’s not a force on this planet that could keep me from you.” Rhys said low in your ear. Your stomach flipped and your cheeks heated, though you knew now just how true the words were.
“Seven dead generals and two guardsmen, not bad for something out together so quickly.” Cassian said admiringly, nudging Azriel with an elbow. 
“It wouldn’t have had to been so quick had someone not sworn me to secrecy.” Azriel shot you a dirty look, and guilt washed over you. If Rhys had shamed his brother at all you’d-
“If someone hadn’t tried to turn vigilante, you mean.” Rhys corrected, but squeezed you tighter in his arms. He started out of the cage you’d been trapped in, stepping over the body of the male who’d bled you for days.
“I mean it, don't ever do this to me again. Promise me that.” Rhys said, and you nodded against his chest, unconsciousness finding you swiftly in his arms.
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poetryandfluffycats · 1 month
Hi! Can I request a one shot with an afab!reader riding sub!himeru while praising and being all sweet and comforting because he was stressed? Thank you in advance 💕
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A/N: HELLO OKAY never in my life did i think id write this much for himeru of all people but uh, it is what it is i guess?? i went off the rails with plot
Pairing: HiMERU x fem!reader
Content: As Crazy:Bs producer, you have lots of duties that tire you out so when your day off does cone you look forward to taking a much needed nap. The world has unfortunately got other plans for you, however.
Warnings: NSFW, porn with plot, dry humping, oral over clothes(m receiving), riding, kind of sub himeru, minimal amount of biting, messy making out, shared orgasms, mentions of depressive tenancies, rinne + niki have screentime, lots of praise and comfort, ooc himeru(?) he breaks character like once
Words: 5.6k
NSFW oneshot under cut!
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Ring, ring, ring. The phone stored safely in your pocket was vibrating, alerting you to the incoming call you were receiving. With a sigh, you stopped in your tracks and pulled out the device to check the caller ID.
A part of you hoped it was a scam caller rather than a member of the unit you produced. Not that you didn't like speaking to the members of Crazy:B, you enjoyed their company more than anything! The reason was that today was your off day and you had hoped to spend it catching up on your missed class work and then sleeping for the rest of the afternoon, not dealing to whatever new problem the boys had encountered.
Luck wasn't on your side today, unfortunately. The caller ID read 'Rinne Amagi', the smirk of the infamous redheaded idol staring you down through his contact photo, as if taunting you to get ready for whatever nonsense was about to spill from his mouth.
Another, much longer, sigh left your throat as you tapped the answer button. Duty calls, you supposed. Surely whatever he wanted couldn't have been too hard for you to handle. "Hello?"
"(name)! My dearest lil' producer, hows ya day off? Doin' alright without me? Missin' my handsome face?" Rinnes voice was as smug and as loud as ever through the speaker, so much so that you found yourself pulling your phone away from your ear so you didn't go completely deaf.
His cheeky tone didn't go unnoticed by you, and you let out a scoff at his sheer childishness. "Fine, yes, and no. Don't butter me up, what do you want?"
"Straight to the point, I like that in a woman!" There was a laugh cut off by a loud cough and 'ahem', Niki most likely, before the man on the other end continued speaking. "Ah, well, ya see. HiMERU didn't show up to practice today, and he ain't answering when we call"
Your eyes rolled so far back into your skull you nearly saw your brain. Of course on the only day you had off in forever would be the day Rinne decided to come and give you an unskipable side quest. And for such a mundane task as well, something he could have easily done himself if he bothered to get off his ass. Seriously, how typical.
"We were hopin' ya could go and get 'im for us? Since ya know, yer the most wonderful producer in the whole world and ya love me so much"
"Sure I do... and why can't you go get him?"
"I got shit to do! Leader stuff, important stuff! Ya wouldn't understand. I'm real hard at work here-ow! Niki! Stop hittin' me dammit! That fuckin' hurt! Whatdaya mean 'don't cuss'? She ain't a baby!"
The line went silent for a few seconds, the only sounds going between the two of you being the muffled groans and slaps of Rinne and Niki fighting like toddlers. You swore you could also hear Kohakus sighs of disappointment from across the practice room.
It was a mintute or two before Rinne came back on the line, breathing heavier than usual and voice more strained. Niki 1, Rinne 0. "Got no time left ta talk! Go find that bastard and bring 'im back here, alright? I'm countin' on ya!"
"Wait, I never said I would-"
"Fuck! Shit! Niki, let go of my phone! No! Don't bite me!"
"(name)? Its Niki! I'll make you dinner if you go and get HiMERU-"
Click, line dead.
Your phone screen was now black, Rinnes smirking face replaced by your dumbfounded reflection staring back at you. Typical of you to become involved in Crazy:Bs shenanigans even when you weren't in the same room as them. That nap you had longed so gracelessly for was seemingly drifting further and further from your grasp, all thanks to the laziness of your idols. How wonderful
No use trying to escape your faith now, unless you wanted to endure the wrath of the group when they forgot the routine for the next live due to not practising at all. You did a 180 turn on your heels and began walking back in the direction of the dorms. When people asked what you did on your day off, maybe you could say you exercised?
"HiMERU? Are you in there? The guys want you at practice"
HiMERUs apartment door stared you down like a lion stalking its pray, mocking you like this was some sort of sick game. "Gonna come in?" It seemed to ask, or maybe that was just some voices in your head, "or are you just gonna stand there like a weirdo?"
You'd really outdone yourself this time. Half an hour later and you had searched half the school for the blue haired man. Before coming to his doorstep you had come to two different conclusions to his absence. Either, he had gained the ability to teleport and was somewhere on the moon, or, he had died and you had lost one of your best idols. The former, unlikely, but knowing the strange man HiMERU was it wasn't entirely impossible. The latter? You sure hoped not.
Despite your wishes of being able to go home and take a well deserved nap, you held your hand in a fist and knocked on the door once more, louder and harder this time. "I swear to God if you don't open this door I will break it down HiMERU! This is ridiculous! I could have been relaxing right now if it wasn't for you!"
As you spoke, there was a shuffling sound from inside the room, accompanied by a few soft thump-thumps of feet against the floor. Finally, the door opened, revealing the man you had been searching for.
"You are giving HiMERU a headache"
HiMERU stood before you in all his glory, dressed in nothing but a pair of sweatpants hanging dangerously low on his hips and a long sleeved shirt that due to the nature of his pants, showed off his mid-drift. Blue hair was a flattened mess atop his head, and you noted that he looked far less formal than usual. You had to mentally slap yourself before you stared for too long. "(name), you are aware you are not a wild animal, correct? HiMERUs door does not require barking to open"
"Practice, now. I don't care if you've got a headache or if you're in a mood, Rinne wants you there now" You ignored his snide remark, crossing your arms over your chest in attempt to look more authoritative. It didn't seem to work all that well, however, as HiMERUs facial expression remained unchanged.
"What if HiMERU had a lady friend over? Or perhaps a gentleman friend? Such loud noise would have disturbed imitate times with a special friend. What if HiMERU had been having some fun with his body?"
The urge to punch the man in front of you was stronger than ever before. Was he really trying to gaslight you into believing that he couldn't practice because he had been having sex? HiMERU of all people? You doubted he even had a dick, let alone someone to get it wet. Anyone else, sure, you could believe that. Not HiMERU, no matter how good looking the media made him out to be he was still a whackjob. Whackjobs didn't have sex.
"Were you?"
"No. HiMERU was reading a nice book and drinking some lovely herbal tea, he was simply making a point that you should be more considerate of others"
"I don't care-"
"You don't care about HiMERU? How crude, is this how CosPro treats its idols now? HiMERU will not be attending practice, he has other duty's to attend too"
The audacity of this man. Here you were, trying to be as nice as possible, just trying to get him to do his job, and he can't even do that! How much of an ego could one man have? Sure, you weren't perfect yourself, but at least you did what was expected of you, like right now even when you weren't meant to be working!
You could feel a vein pulsating in your forehead, your patience wearing thinner and thinner by the second. If you had to stand here for any long, you swore you would explode in several tiny pieces. You had to keep your composer if you wanted to keep your job, however, so you chose to remain silent instead of ripping him a new one. You narrowed your eyes at him, shooting lazer beams through his body with your pupils, praying to whatever God was out there that it would scare him into listening to you.
HiMERU seemed to get the memo, finally, his lips forming into a massive pout that nearly hit the floor, a bad look on the usually stoic idol you noted. "As you wish, producer. Please, come inside and wait whilst HiMERU gets ready" He moved out of the way of the door, outstretching his arm in invitation for you to come inside.
You took the invitation, kicking your shoes off and bowing your head slightly as you walked inside. You had never been inside HiMERUs apartment before, besides on the off occasion when you dropped him off. Considering who HiMERU was, a prim and proper diva who seemed to think he was far better than you, you fully expected for his apartment to match his personality. Clean, neat, not a speck of dirt on the ground. Maybe a few plants here and there, real plants that were watered everyday and cared for to the full extent.
As you soon came to realise, you had been wrong. Dead wrong.
"Holy shit..."
HiMERUs apartment was the polar opposite of what you thought it would be. The lights were off, curtains pulled shut, and a musky smell of tea bags long gone cold lingered in the air. A messily made futon laid out in the middle of the floor, blankets and pillows thrown atop it like it was a fort for children rather than a grown mans bed. Finishing touches to the pigsty of a room were the dirty clothes scattered across the floor-some of which resembling his idol uniform, but you couldn't quite tell through the mess-and a book opened in the middle of the floor.
"HiMERU would prefer if you kept your opinions to yourself" His monotone voice hissed from behind you, a sigh evident in his words. "Take a seat anywhere you'd like, be careful not to trip on anything"
How could he be so relaxed? You'd been in many idols rooms before, seen many of them doing things you hadn't expected before, some of which made you want to bleach your eyes out thinking back at them. But none of them had ever been this messy, you didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or just stand there in shock.
"I... huh? Is it always like this?" You squeaked out, eyes trained on HiMERU as he walked past you and into the kitchen, picking up a mug from the counter and taking a long sip.
"No, not usually" He admitted, leaning down with his elbows against the countertop and staring at you with that unreadable expression of his. Dead cold blue eyes trailed up and down your figure, and you almost felt as if he were dissecting your soul. "Does it bother you? Are you offended? Does mess make you upset? Are you going to cry?"
"What? No!" You shook your head. "I'm just surprised is all"
"A crying woman in HiMERUs home, that would be a sight to behold, wouldn't it? Please, sit down, HiMERU will be ready in a moment"
You were at a complete loss for words. The longer you spent with HiMERU the more he confused you, like a never ending puzzle that only got harder the more you tired to solve it, or a board game where every round new rules that contradicted the old rules were added. Was there even a word to describe such a man? A person whose identity was so clouded and muddled it was impossible to grasp them?
Trying to guess what HiMERU was thinking about at any given time made you want to jump off a cliff, live, and then jump off another cliff for good measure. You were going to get Rinne back for this, he owed you big.
Taking a seat on the floor next to his futon, you crossed your legs over one another and watched as the blue haired man pottered around his dorm. He seemed to be moving in a daze, similar to a zombie or a sleepwalker. He would take a sip of tea for a moment, then stop to put away a dish, then drink some more tea, then inspect one of the plants on the counter, then back to his tea, repeat until you found yourself even further in bewilderment.
"You're weird" You commented, resting your chin on your knees and bouncing your heels up and down. "Why are you acting like this?"
"Like what, (name)?" HiMERU raised an eyebrow, finishing off his tea and placing his mug in thesink, now moving to rummage through a pile of clothes.
"I don't know, like... drugged or something? Like a dead man walking? Stranger than usual I guess" Your eyes darted from him to the book laying on the ground. It was a normal looking book, white cover with some black writing on it, thick but still slim enough to be a causal read. "Do you like reading?"
A small laugh came from HiMERUs lips at the question. "That book is not very good. The information inside is not factual and rather silly, things about mediation and healing your inner child. An interesting read, but a waste of HiMERUS time. He does not believe in those things"
It was your turn to raise your eyebrows now. "Then why buy the book?"
"HiMERU has had a rough week, he wanted to indulge in some self-care. Alas, you and your begging interrupted him"
You had half a mind to snap at him for that comment, but you bit your own tongue before the insults could come pouring out, instead opting to obverse his actions. Having been in the industry for awhile, you were aware of the basic signs of burnout, and HiMERU was the poster child for it
Dark circles under his eyes, sluggish movement, a general state of being out-of-character, the sudden urge to skip training and sleep instead. It wasn't unusual for idols to suffer from fatigue and stress, it came with the job after all, but HiMERU had never been one to let his emotions get in the way of work. For him to be this out of it, it was concerning to say the least.
"Are you okay?"
HiMERU froze mid action, hands hovering over a t-shirt in the pile of clothes, staring at you like you'd just asked for a thousand dollars. "Excuse me?"
"I asked if you were okay, are you?" You stood up from your spot on the floor, brushing the dirt from your pants as you slowly approached him, snatching the book from the ground and reading over the blurb. "I didn't take you as the type to read these types of books, you must be really stressed to pick this up"
"Before you were yelling at HiMERU to go to practice, now you are acting concerned for him? HiMERU said, he has had a tough week, that is all"
"There has to be some way I can help you. Look, you don't have to go if you don't want to, I'll tell Rinne you were feeling ill" You opened up the book, scanning through the pages and reading over some of the content.
The language was a tad confusing, obviously made by someone with a higher knowledge in psychology than you, but it was still readable. "Some of this actually looks helpful, maybe we should try some of it? Like, I could give you a massage, or I could-"
"Turn to page 77, please"
You nodded, turning to the page in question. On top of the page were two separate drawings, one a diagram of a mans body and the other a sketch of a man and a woman in the classic missionary position. You could feel your face growing hot with embarrassment at the images, but continued on reading the page. Underneath the drawings were a few paragraphs of text, some certain words having arrows pointing to different parts of the pictures.
Taking a large gulp, you shut the book and looked back up at HiMERU, pupils wide as plates from what you just read. You noticed that he was closer now, only a few mere inches away from your body. Had be always been this tall, this handsome? You couldn't recall.
"HiMERU? I don't understand, these are pornographic, what are you talking about?-"
"Page 77, healing through sex. It says here that orgasms can be a natural stress reliever, and that regular intercourse is healthy for a persons body and mind" One hand came up to brush your cheek, thumb stroking up and down in a way that made your heart flutter, "You wish for HiMERU to go to practice, yes? Then he expects something in return"
His lips were on yours before you had time to blink. You dropped the book in your hands, it hitting the ground with a loud 'bang!' and laying open on page 77. Wet lips moved against your own, hand the once stroked your cheek now moving downwards to grip your waist, spinning the two of you around to press you against the countertop.
What little emotion HiMERU showed in his face, his kiss made up for. It was filled with desire, passion, lust, all the things that were so silent but still screamed the same three words. 'I want you'.
He pulled away before you had a chance to deepen the kiss, the both of you panting with your lips swollen and glossy with each other's saliva. A lewd sight, sure, but who else was there to see? No one, just the two of you in the dimly lit apartment.
"HiMERU-no, I need you to help me. Please, please help me" His voice was barely a whisper, so quiet you had to strain your ears to hear him. His desperation was all the same, however, and it was enough to make your brain go fuzzy. "I don't like to beg, you know, but you're making me lose it"
If you had have been standing on a tightrope, that would have been what broke the string holding you up. Those damn eyes, once filled like a endless void of indifference now spilling with want and need, the need for you to make him feel good, the need for you to relieve his tension by fucking him. How could you deny him?
"Let's move to the futon, yeah?" You pecked his lips once more, watching as his eyes lit up like a puppies. "We can take it slow, if you'd like"
The smile that overtook HiMERUs face almost made your heart burst wide open. "Yes... thank you, (name)"
You wiggled out of his hold, taking his hand and guiding him slowly to the futon on the floor. He sat down first, scooting backwards until he was sat just below the pillow, stretching his legs outwards to allow you to climb in between his legs and straddle him.
It was a position you never thought you'd find yourself in, and yet here you were, tugging at the hem of HiMERUs shirt and pulling it over his head. The skin underneath was pale and cold to the touch, causing goosebumps to creep up your arms. You ran your fingertips up and down his chest, lingering on the dip of his collarbone and the ridges of his ads. They were only little, like tiny hills on the plains of his over wise flat stomach, but they were sexy all the same.
HiMERU watched you with half-lidded eyes, glazed over and unfocused. His lips stayed parted, a whine leaving his throat each time your fingers traced over his skin. You leaned down to kiss him again, this time wasting no time in plunging your tongue straight inside the wetness of his mouth, sucking on his own tounge and feeling around on the inside of his cheeks.
HiMERUs hips buckled upwards to meet yours, earning a moan from you and a louder whine from him. His sweatpants strained with the growing budge in his crotch, poking against your thigh and leaving a small wet patch on your skin from the pre-cum leaking through. He must have been super desperate.
"(name)~" HiMERU whimpered as you pulled away, a sticky line of spit still connecting the two of you. You licked the excess saliva from your lips whilst a grin spread wide across your face. "Please, (name). HiMERU would you to-ah!-"
His pleas quickly transformed into moans as you rolled your hips against his, savouring in the pleasure of your clothed crotch rubbing on his now fully erect cock, The friction was like heaven, and the fabric of your shorts didn't do much to hide the wetness gushing out from your panties. You'd probably need to buy new ones after this, you thought, but that was a problem for future you.
HiMERUs hands flew up to hold your waist, guiding you backwards and forwards over his budge and rutting his hips in time with yours, the two of you humping like horny dogs in heat. A light pink flush had spread all the way from his cheeks to his ears, down his neck and even to the tips of his shoulder blades, the most sinful look of pleasure on his face as he threw his head back on the pillow.
"Do you like when I do this? You seem to be really enjoying yourself" You cooed, leaning down to suck a lovebite onto the underside of his jaw. "You're pretty, you know? Real pretty, real handsome for me"
The only response you got from HiMERU was another moan, louder and raspier than the others. The sounds made you clench around thin air and your thighs quiver with anticipation. Each time your core met his covered tip you could feel him twitch and throb beneath you, and every time the feeling had your eyes rolling into the back of your head.
Like an awaiting forest fire, the atmosphere was getting hotter by the second, the heat of both your body's pressed together creating a sensation indescribable.It was the most bliss you had ever experienced and you were yet to even be undressed. You were panting, HiMERU was panting, sweat was forming on your forehead and dripping down onto HiMERUS bare chest.
"More, HiMERU wants more" The man below you whined, fingernails digging into the flesh of your hips to leave tiny marks for later. "HiMERU wants you to fuck him, don't make him-augh!-say it again!"
"Fuck.." You breathed, bracing yourself by placing your palms flat against his chest. You lifted your hips up, giving the both of you a short break to catch your breath before you reached downwards to tug at the waistband of his sweatpants. With a tiny bit of a struggle they were off, revealing the dark blue boxers beneath that were nearly bursting from the strain of his erection. He was huge. Certainly bigger than you had seen in porn anyway. "I-, fuck"
Your loss for words assumed HiMERU, who took a deep, shaky exhale before speaking again, that desperate tone still clear as day in his voice. "Are you impressed? Is HiMERU that big?"
"Yeah... it is. I can't wait to have it inside me"
You purred out your words, moving down to rest on his thighs rather than his hips, your face in eye-line with his throbbing budge when you leaned down. The entire front of the fabric was wet with pre-cum, it having spread all over the area due to his impossibly long length. Your lips came into contact with the tip, your tongue swirling around and lapping up the sticky stains.
It pulsated at your touch. HiMERU let out a groan of pleasure as you continued your ministrations, kissing, licking, and sucking him through the thin cotton. One vein that you could feel was particularly sensitive, causing HiMERU to basically jump each time you grazed your teeth over it.
"Wait! No, stop! HiMERU will cum if you keep doing that!" The bluenette suddenly cired out, his legs kicking you in the sides as he tired to pull you off. Of course, you obliged, but not without giving one last farewell lick to his tip. You sat up on his thighs and tilted your head to the side, studying his expressions carefully and awaiting his next words. "HiMERU would like to cum inside. He thinks that would be the best way to get rid of his stress, not finishing in his pants like a pathetic teenage boy"
You nodded, "so you want me to...?"
"Sit on it" You'd never seen HiMERUs puppy dog eyes until now. There was such a longing in them, desires hidden in the ocean of his irises that only you could bring out in the moment. "Ride HiMERU, use him like a chair. HiMERU just wants to feel you"
Denying him would be a criminal felony. Climbing back to straddle his hips once more, you grabbed a hold of his waistband, gently pulling it downwards to finally free his cock from its confinements. Once the fabric was completely removed and his cock had sprung free you tossed the underwear away somewhere in the room to be dealt with later.
To say the least, HiMERU was large. Slender, and long, with balls that were tight and full against his shaft, pent up and waiting to be emptied inside your cunt.
The vein you had been nibbling on was a blue colour that rivalled his hair and ran down and up the underside of his cock, stopping just below his head. Speaking of the head, it was glowing red, dripping with arousal. You were pround of yourself for having caused that kind of reaction, especially when it came from an idol you knew as emotionless and cold hearted. Your own heart pounded inside your ribcage as you began to strip yourself down. You tired to make a show of it, pulling your shirt over your head in slow movements that you prayed to God looked seductive rather than silly.
As if he could read your mind, "You look beautiful" HiMERU barely whispered the words, but they were still heard all the same by you. You thought he might be staring at your breasts, or at the spot between your legs as you removed your shorts and panties, but no. Instead of your body, his blue gaze was solely fixated on your face.
"Thank you, you are too. Beautiful, I mean" A small smile graced your face as you thanked him. With your shorts now gone and your pussy exposed to the air, you lifted your hips once more, slinging your entrance with the very tip of HiMERUS cock. "Are you ready?"
"HiMERU has been called many things before when he has been stressed. Annoying. Selfish. A nuisance. Never beautiful"
You didn't have much time to respond, or even react to his comment before a hand was on your shoulder, pushing you down and impaling you on his cock. It hurt, but not in the way that made you want to scream and cry, but more so in the way that made your walls clench around him, your eyes roll into the back of your head and your toes curl in your socks.
He filled you up to the brim, tip poking against your cervix and each vein and ridge moulding your walls into the prefect fit for him. A raspy whimper left your throat as you adjusted to his size. HiMERU allowed you to take your time despite the twitch of his hips just begging for any sort of friction, instead opting to rub gentle shapes into your shoulders while the both of you huffed and heaved.
"HiMERU is sorry, he couldn't help himself" HiMERUs lust clouded eyes avoided your own, staring at the wall behind you instead. "You won't judge HiMERU if he finishes early, will you?"
You shook your head, grinding down on his pelvis to give him and yourself some of that desperately needed pleasure. "Not at all. You're amazing, so good. You fill me so well, I don't think I'll last long either. And even if we don't, we can always go again"
A faint nod from HiMERU was all you needed before you lifted your hips, placing your hands on his chest to balance yourself as you released him from your velvet walls, leaving only the tiniest amount of the tip in before slamming your hips back down. A loud "plop!" was made as your body smashed against his, the heat from your shared arousals filling your brain with no thoughts other than HiMERU.
You set a gentle, but fast pace, bouncing your hips up and down in smooth rhythm, sounds of your wet cunt squelching and sloshing mixing in with the groans leaving HiMERUs lips. Him inside you felt like heaven. Hot and sweaty heaven. Your walls dragged along his cock like the prefect fleshlight, sending waves of electrical pleasure down his spine and all the way to the very tips of his toes.
Althought a little bit more stable, you were in a similar state to HiMERU. Each time you slammed back down onto him it felt as if all the nerves in your body were being twisted, pulled, and knotted in a way that had that oh so familiar warmth beginning to pool in your belly.
Praises spilled from your mouth, coating the inside of HiMERUs brain with words of encouragement and affection rather than whatever he had been feeling before. Right now, in this moment, you would have been lying if you said you didn't care for him, and not just in the way you would care for the other idols of Crazy:B.
One particularly hard bounce had you crying out, "HiMERU! H-hey, you know your a good boy right? So good to me, gonna make me cum, huh? You wanna cum too? I wanna see your pretty face when you're filling me up"
HiMERU only grunted in response, but you could tell your words had worked when he started thrusting his hips to meet yours. You could tell he was close, too, his eyes had become so dilated that his irises were only a thin string of blue around his pupils.
You felt bad for his neighbours, no, actually, you felt bad for anyone within 10ft of the building. The walls of the apartment were basically shaking from the sheer noise of you both, and what happened next didn't help that much.
HiMERU gripped your hips, nails digging in hard enough to leave marks, then pulled you flush against him. Chest to chest, skin to skin, you were as close as two people could possibly be as your lips found his in a sloppy open-mouthed kiss. Your teeth clashed together in an ugly way, tongues went anywhere but where they were supposed to and if your younger self could see you now, she'd probably throw up at how your saliva dissolved into each others.
You weren't sure who came first, or even how long the two of you spent whining and moaning into each others mouths, but you felt HiMERUs seed filling you up, dripping out of you and for sure staining the futon. Your own orgasm washed over you like a wave, a tsunami wave that destroyed cities and uprooted trees, leaving you breathless and trembling atop HiMERU.
It took you a few mintutes to come down from your high, since your vision was clouded with white spots and you could almost feel the tiny sperm cells swimming around trying to reach your uterus. Thank God you were on the pill, over wise you would have been in deep shit. One day, maybe, if whatever just happened was to happen again, but that wasn't something you liked to think about.
"Are you alright?" You whispered as you pulled yourself off of HiMERUs now softening cock, laying down on your side besides him. "How do you feel?"
The man in question seemed to be in a daze, staring at the ceiling with no thoughts in his eyes. You poked his cheek with a finger, quickly jolting him back to reality as a smile tugged at his lips.
"HiMERU feels good, thank you" The smile on his face was genuine. Sometimes you questioned whether HiMERU was real or not, whether his personality was as fake as your gut told you it was. Here, you could see how your gut was wrong. That smile was real, this feeling was real. "HiMERU feels he should get stressed out more often, no?"
You scoffed, crossing your arms over your bare chest, "Don't push it, I won't help you if your doing it intentionally!"
"Then a date? HiMERU will pay, all you will need to do is be pretty for him"
You smiled back at him, "I'd love too"
You spent awhile on that futon, just chatting and staring into each others eyes like any old couple would do. When you did leave, it wasn't without a goodbye kiss and a promise to meet up again soon.
And, you would've let Rinne off the hook for making you go over there in the first place, if it wasn't for the message you received later that night.
Rinne: what position he put u in??
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alrxiin · 9 months
"I can't do this anymore."
Sam x Darlin' (Gender neutral) | angst
TW's : Character d3ath, su!cid3, self-degradation, Quinn, just sad.
I haven't written oneshot's in a while, so this might be bad, but how else can I warm up than write something? :P
I just thought of how awful Darlin' must have felt with the whole Quinn situation when they caught him, and decided to make something of it.
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It was a few months after Quinn has been caught and executed, everything was going well. A day like all the other, that's all it was. Sam, working on his usual job – now that William has put him back on it – and Darlin'...
Sam's phone vibrated in his pocket, finishing up on something, he let it ring for a second before looking at the screen, noticing his mate's name showing.
The Vampire quickly picked up, pressing the phone against his ear just to hear shuffling along with a muffled wince.
- Darlin'? — He spoke softly, trying to pick up on any other noise, before the voice of his lover answers him.
- Sam, you picked up. — Their voice was quiet, strained almost.
- 'Course I picked up, why– scratch that. Darlin' is everything okay? — It felt like the stupidest question he could've asked, hearing as the shifters voice was softer than usual, and the strain on it.
- Sam I... — They hesitated for a moment. Questioning if this call was even the right choice, if this won't ruin what they had planned.
But finally figured, they did have to say a proper goodbye to their mate. The one who took care of them in their darkest moments, and the one they had planned a future that will not come to life anymore.
- I can't do this anymore, my love. — Was all they could've mustered. The petname that should have eased up the situation, bringing it up to a new state of worry for the man on the other side of the phone.
- What...what do you mean by that? Darlin', answer me, are you alright? — It stung their heart to hear his panicked voice, but they had to do it. Didn't they?
- It hurts, Sam. It hurts so much. — A cry escaped them, sending the Vampire running to the closest worker he could find to let himself off work.
- Dammit Darlin', please, be more specific. I need to know what happened. Please. —
- I can't take it anymore Sam. It's like he's everywhere, I can't escape him.
All I see is his features everywhere, and his voice, it's– it's taunting me, and I hate it so much... everything he said was right... I'm just a weak, disgusting thrall. His sloppy seconds. — The words were flowing out of their mouth like a faucet, words that should have never came out of such a precious, and innocent person.
- Darlin' don't say that, don't you dare say that!.. Are you at home? Tell me. — He didn't stutter, using his speed to get there as quick as he can.
- I'm home, please, don't come Sam. I just want him to go away finally. —
Sam didn't listen, talking to Darlin' as he sped to their home, that is before they went silent.
And that silence shot through him. Cry, that's what he wanted to do, sob out pleas for his lover to say something. But he just stayed silent.
The house was so quiet too, so cold, untouched. The Vamp quickly ran through the rooms, only to enter their shared bathroom.
And there they were, his sweet lover, propped up at the side of the bathtub, phone still in hand, and a bottle of pills that were supposed to help them...spilled on the ground next to them.
- Darlin'!... — He whisper-yelled, already by his lovers side, using his healing to fix whatever damage he could.
- No... p-please.. — Voice weaker than ever, they pleaded, eyes barely able to open. - I'm sorry S-Sam. — They finally spoke.
That's when he felt it.
Their body slowly going limp in his arms.
The spark in their eyes fading
And that last breath escaping their slightly parted lips.
- No. No no no no... — Frantic, he begged and finally sobbed, holding his lover close to him, trying to convince himself it was all a dream. Such a bad dream.
But it wasn't, the love of his undead life had just left him, and he was alone again.
He had their pack, yes, but it would never be enough to fill that void losing Darlin' made.
Even years later, he still has a small, hand built toy of a tank on his bedside table. Just another small thing to remind him of you, his Tank, as the others also called you.
On that toy sat a ring. One he could never give to you anymore, but he would always have with him, for it was supposed to be yours.
He knew, that his Darlin' would've loved it, with all their scarred heart, they would've said "yes".
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tineeericeee · 4 months
What Waits Off the Coast Of Santa Barbara
Chapter two: Stupid Fucking Net
Notes: Soooo I may or may not have gone a little crazy on the details writing this… and it got so long I had to split it again. So now instead of three parts it’s four. So uh. Yeah. THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A ONESHOT 😭
Anyways, enjoy!
Thank you @arrowheadedbitch for beta reading!
Shawn felt himself slowly come to, and cracked his eyes open delicately. He immediately shut them again. Everything was bright, so much brighter than the deep ocean, where things were darker and much softer in terms of color saturation.
He hadn’t been to the surface in… what, ten years? Time was difficult to keep track of down in the deep.
Had things changed much since he’d been gone? Were there flying cars and hoverboards like ‘Back to the Future 2’ said there would be? Maybe he could get one!
As his eyes adjusted, he saw he was staring straight up at the sky, a sky that was full of hundreds of twinkling lights. Stars, he remembered. It had been years since he saw those.
Shawn tried moving an arm to shield his eyes, but quickly stopped as his whole right side erupted into shocks of pain. He let out a low hiss as miniscule threads dug into his skin. He stopped trying to free himself and lay still, the stabbing ache slowly lessening to a dull throb.
Of course this happened to Shawn. It was just his luck he got into some kind of mess on the same night he decided to return to the surface. He could practically hear his dad berating him.
He tried to think back to how he got into this mess. It was a haze, but little pieces started stringing themselves together into a clearer and clearer memory.
He’d been on his way back when he swam into a school of fish, which had disoriented him enough to get tangled in a net that’d obviously been discarded.
His brain had gone into panic mode, and he thrashed around, blindly bumping into rocks and coral.
He remembered dozens of tiny fish flitting around his flailing body as he tried to gain control before hitting his head on a particularly large boulder, knocking him out cold.
Stupid, polluting humans. Shawn hated fisherman that discarded their old nets into the water instead of taking them back on land.
Whatever. He was awake and alert now, of course. Although the ‘alert’ part was still up for debate.
‘Okay, moving my right arm is a no go…’ He tried moving his left arm and neck to see if those had gotten injured as well. Thankfully, they just felt slightly sore. He began testing it further, cracking the joints in his neck, flexing his fingers and wrist, relieving minuscule amounts of tension. He raised his head to look down at his right side, where the pain was, to assess the damage done.
Sure enough, his entire right arm, along with his torso and tail, was wrapped in tiny yet sturdy threads of netting. Just looking at it made his wounds ache twice as much.
‘Okay, don’t panic. Just take in your surroundings.’ He looked further to his right, and saw nothing but beach and a lone plastic bottle rolling around in the wind.
He looked to his left, and…
Apparently, someone had seen him. Great. Fantastic. Life had 100% fucked him over, getting him stuck in some stupid net and also given him a possible concussion. And now on top of it all, Shawn had been seen in his mer form. Although, the person — who he had identified as Mr. Bean lookalike, wearing what seemed to be one part of a two-piece work suit— didn’t seem to be moving, simply lying in a heap. He probably fainted when he saw him.
‘Maybe I could just…’
Shawn shifted to the right an inch and immediately regretted it, pain blooming all over his injured body once more. Sand dug into the millions of tiny cuts sprinkled around him, sharp and stinging.
He stopped and sat still once more, allowing his body to settle down again.
Shawn could try to shrink to his human form, but the netting tangled around him made him nervous about attempting that. He normally wasn’t ever this cautious, but when it came to possible deformity he was extra careful.
His transformation wasn’t really like what was shown in movies. Thanks to the large size difference between this form and his human form, the process was a lot like a lizard shedding old skin, pieces of him flaking away until he was the size of an average person.
Shawn moved his left arm, and examined his claws. Maybe he could tear through the net with those?…
No, they were only good for ripping and digging into flesh, not for cutting fine threads of fishing net.
Shawn looked down to his left again, taking a closer look at the man, contemplating another plan.
‘What if I-’
He shook his head and tried to say out loud ‘No, that’s a bad idea,’ but was stopped short when his tongue wasn’t cooperating with him. It had been so long since he spoke actual words. He had almost completely forgotten how to, which was something he’d have to work on.
As he tried coming up with a different idea, he took in more details of the man. He was small, and — dare he say — cute.
Shawn had only ever seen two humans while in his mer form: his dad, and Gus. They had both definitely seemed small to him in comparison, but he had never thought of them as cute. But, there was just something about this one…
Shawn continued to take in more of the guy.
His button up was untucked on one side, and slightly rumpled. Legs and arms lay askew, slightly thin and dangly. ‘Scarecrow’, Shawn’s brain said.
Shawn squinted, trying to take in the minuscule details of the guy’s face. Lines and creases dispersed around his temple. Maybe he scrunched his face a lot in confusion. Or maybe he just got annoyed often. All of this together looked… really good, surprisingly.
Never in Shawn’s life would he have thought of someone with those features to be attractive. He had seen people with those features and thought they looked like an asshole.
And yet…
This guy somehow managed to pull it all off. And very nicely, if Shawn had to say.
He was cut off from his thoughts when his body gave another throb of pain.
Oh screw it. He’d already been seen by the guy, what was the worst that could happen now?
Shawn delicately reached out, bending his arm at an awkward angle to try and poke the unconscious guy awake. He marveled at the difference in size for second, before gently poking the man.
‘This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever done.’
‘But I really don’t have a better idea.’
ao3 link
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freaky-chips · 4 months
Boy In The Bubble
Words: 2,348
(Based off of this art piece I commissioned that I felt needed context. https://www.tumblr.com/sickfires/750383801732038656/commission-for-freaky-chips?source=share)
Finally! You’re finally alone with him! It only took a billion sweeps and what was left of your pathetic, sickly dignity. You’ve been dragged around by the humans all day for some bullshit god fuckery and dammit, this was supposed to be your day off! But Egbert messed something up and the plans you had with your moirail for today were rudely interrupted in favor of reigning in John’s idiocy. You’ve spent the last 6 or so hours with a raging fucking wiggly and keeping it in your pants was no longer a viable option; so in an act of pure desperation to get back to what you were doing before you were unwillingly ripped away from it, you made up some inane story about how you were having stomach issues. That you needed to go home to relieve yourself, and that Eridan absolutely had to come with you. Why? Nobody's business!
I wrote a fanfic to go with that thing I commissioned. Because I'm a creep and I soak up Erikar content like a sponge. Anyway you can find the artwork by going to the link in the summary. @sickfires is really cool and you should commission them.
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legendofzoodles · 2 years
Smoke Signal part 3
Remember that fic I did a while ago? Well, that was meant to be a oneshot, but someone asked that I follow through on those story notes. So yeah, here’s another chapter!
Read on AO3 here
Sky woke up in a dreamy daze. He was comfortable, warmed by his heavy blanket and the sun high in the sky. Feeling strangely peaceful. The most relaxed he’d been in a long time.
However that state of bliss lasted all but a minute or so, for as his waking consciousness slowly fired up he became attune to some far away commotion. In the fuzzy din, his twitching ears faintly picked up snippets of incoherent conversations, frantic rustling and loud clanking.
Startled, he sat up and through half lidded eyes witnessed what could only be described as sheer chaos. The camp was in complete disarray, to the untrained eye one would think that they were all acting as an efficient team, where everyone knew exactly what to do. But in reality it was the opposite.
He’d never seen the group act like this.  
The person closest to him and the loudest was Legend, who was on his knees and trying to shake awake the old man. Even though the aging hero wasn’t responding, the force Legend was using was too much and Wind seemed to think so too, as he was trying to pull the vet away. 
Just beyond the burnt out campfire was Four and Warriors who seemed to be sorting through everyone’s supplies. They were digging out single item stored and laid out in haphazard but somewhat orderly piles, not talking. 
Far off to the side was Hyrule who seemed to be hesitantly rooting through Wild’s food supply. He was probably getting ready to make breakfast since the cooking pot was already in place, though it was odd that the fire hadn’t been relit yet. Not to mention that the lid was on- a lid that Wild rarely used and he often forgot he had. What was most unusual was that they were two members short.
Both Wild and Twilight were missing.
Fully awake now, Sky lifted the covers off and began to stand up, but as he moved he felt weirdly restricted. So he looked down and was confused to see that he was still in his full uniform, boots and all. 
Frowning, he thought back to last night and tried to remember if he was supposed to be on night duty but accidently fell asleep again- but nothing came up. Literally nothing. He couldn’t remember a thing since the sun had last set.
Something wasn’t right. It too warm for the crack of dawn, he’d woken up fully clothed, two people were missing and the rest were intent on either turning the campsite inside out or shaking their leader inside out.
“Vet what are you doing?” Sky asked. He stalked over to Legend and firmly seized his arms, forcing him to let go. “Stop.”
“You’re awake?” Legend said, voice faintly cracking. He went still for half a second before snatching his arms away and manhandling Time again. “Dammit old man wake up!”
“Enough already, lay off!” Sky cried and he had to physically drag Legend off to the side. “Why’s everyone acting so weird? What’s all this about?”
Legend finally went limp in Sky’s arms, his floppy hair falling into his eyes as he watched Wind carefully lay Time down on his sleeping mat and gently try to coax him out of his slumber. “He was supposed to be on first watch, he’s the only one who can tell us what happened.”
“And what happened?” Sky carefully inquired, letting the slightly smaller hero climb out of his hold and take a seat on the grass.
“We don’t know,” he began, sitting cross-legged with his elbows rested on his knees. “Apparently Twilight woke up first, noticed Wild was gone, but didn’t do anything about it. Guess he assumed he’d gone off to take a dump or forage for breakfast- we are pretty low on food.” He gave Hyrule a worried glance. “He said he felt really sleepy and just kind of stayed lying down not moving until sparkles and smithy woke up. It was then that they checked the time and realised that it was past 11-”
“What?!” Sky exclaimed. He briefly glanced up at the sky and realised why it was so warm. The sun was practically at its highest point in the sky. It’d gone noon now.
Legend watched his reaction and gave an empty chuckle. “Yeah, that was my reaction too.”
“Did we all oversleep?”
“Looks like it.”
“Don’t know.” Legend shook his head. “But, sparkles and smithy think we were spelled. They reckon a group of found our camp and put us all under so they could take our stuff. Wild must have been the first to wake up, and knowing him, he’d for sure try to track them down alone.”
Sky looked out into the woods. “Has Twilight gone to find him?”
Legend sighed. “Of course. When enough time passed for us to worry he grabbed his crystal and ran off. That was about 5 minutes ago.”
“I see,” Sky slowly said, subconsciously nodding as he digested all that information. A crease began to form between his eyebrows as he thought of another possible reason for this chaos. “Have those two discovered anything missing yet?”
Legend spared a quick glance their way. “Not that I know of.”
“Have they checked Wild’s stuff?”
“No? But it would make sense for some of his stuff to not be here. He even had that little bag ready to go when he was gonna run off after that y/n. Probably took that with him.”
Sky’s expression hardened. His heartbeat quickened as he gathered his thoughts, fingers mindlessly dancing around each other as he carefully chose his next few words. With a sharp inhale he began with, “You remember how determined Wild was to leave us right?”
“Yeah?” There was an edge to his voice, as if the mere memory of Wild’s behaviour left a bad taste in his mouth.
“Ok well, what if…” Sky paused and stared straight ahead. “What if Wild did something? Not a spell, I don’t think he’s capable of that that- unless this group still has magical secrets being kept- but anyway, maybe something in the food?”
“Huh?” Legend’s voice was low.
Starting to remember more and more pieces from yesterday evening, Sky let his thoughts loose and spoke with less tact. “Twilight did mention that there was something off about the soup- yes, don’t you remember? And Wild brushed it off even though it was his recipe…can’t remember what he said though. Hey, maybe I’m imagining this, but do you remember him pouring something from a bottle into the soup? I thought it was some kind of seasoning, but what if it was some kind of potion to knock us out?”
“Come on Sky,” Legend scoffed, though his breath hitched a little. “He’s stupid, but not that stupid.”
“Did you see him pouring anything into the pot?” asked Sky.
Legend’s answer was swift. “No.”
“Well I’m pretty sure I did. And that might also explain why he did eat with us- do you remember that?”
There was  a pause before Legend responded. “He wouldn’t do that!”
“I think he would. He’s definitely determined enough and just maybe pigheaded enough to not consider-”
“I said-!”
The veteran hero was silenced by a harsh sound.
Both he and Sky whipped their heads around to where Time was lying. Above him was the young sailor, kneeling above him with a shaking hand hovering over the old man’s face, where a small pink blemish was starting to form. The palm of Wind’s left hand was also turning that colour, as was his face, but that didn’t deter him from bellowing, “Fucking wake up already!”
The entire camp went quiet. 
Four, Warriors and Hyrule, alerted by the noise, froze and turned to stare at them. The sun disappeared behind a few stray clouds and a chill swept through the air as Time’s only eye finally opened. At first it appeared glazed over, but quickly widened as it adjusted to the light and focused on the sailor’s flushed visage.
Time saw the questioning expressions of the other two and sighed heavily. His groggy voice cut through the icy silence, sending a chill through them all. “He’s not back, is he?”
Thanks for reading!
Smoke Signal part 1
Smoke Signal part 2
Smoke Signal part 4
Recovered Regrets
Story notes:
Yes, Wind slapped Time
It’s not that Legend has more faith in Wild than Sky, he just hates the idea of his judgement being questioned. He was watching Wild the most and saw nothing wrong with his behavior, he needs to trust in that. Maybe deep down he wanted to give Wild the benefit of the doubt
Wind does though, hence why he’s so desperate for Time to wake up as he hears them argue
Everyone knows that Twilight = that grey wolf
Legend has nicknames for the members who tease him the most, Sparkles = Warriors and Smithy = Four
Sky’s little ‘unless this group still has magical secrets being kept’ was a fun reference to that LU trope
No one woke up Sky because he wasn’t on the first night watch and no one needed him for anything. In the initial chaos he was just kind of forgotten about
Y/n will make an appearance soon. Maybe. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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maccca-chino · 10 months
Fanfiction Q&A
tagged by @thepagemistress , thank youuuuu! <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
a whopping 4 can you tell I don't write fics often!
though there actually used to be a few more short oneshots, but when I fell rather violently out of love with SPN, which they were for I just. couldn't stand to see them in there anymore (and I didn't like the writing itself anymore either) and I ended up deleting them... ^^"
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
41,198 (and the deleted fics would only have added around maybe 1000 words? 2k max but I don't even think they added up to that much)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
the only fics left are for DBH now, I have considered writing for Sandman, but tbh. there's sooooo many good writers in this fandom, anything I want to exist as fics is pretty much already there or in progress of being made and so I'm rather content to focus on art, slow at it though I may be :'D
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
er, well since there's only 4 of em:
1. no one can tell where your heart is (885, still in progress. and has been for a while I am so sorry)
2. lay bare the fire in me (328, .....the same as above. but I do have outlines for both fics, they WILL get finished dammit :'D)
3. and I don’t dance, but here I am (87, ...which is the sequel to 1 I couldn't wait to write even though the main fic isn't done yet xD)
4. freedom is a length of rope (34)
also yes, I am indeed very fond of the lower case titles
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I usually do or try to, even if it's just a short answer, because I love engaging with people over things that are important to me (and with comments I don't have to start the conversdation so to speak).
I do however have a few comments left in my inbox that I have not answered due to the crushing guilt of not having updated in so long.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
freedom is a length of rope (technically also in progress to have a more hopeful ending added, but the longer it exists, the more I want to. keep the angsty ending it has. also guess where that title is from lmao)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
and I don’t dance, but here I am though the in progress fics will likely end on the same level of everything is good and nothing hurts
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, people have been very nice and also so infinitely patient with me! TAT
While not hostile, the weirdest I got was someone trying to convince me to let them sort of cowrite the fic with me? I respectfully declined because I did (I do TAT) have the general story outlined.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
...haven't yet, but the two fics in progres will have it. We'll find out h kind then I suppose.
No sure I'd ever be confident enough for pwp.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have not and don't know if I would? If I did I'd probably only very loosely do it, because I am not confident I could do each included world/fandom justice. That's easier with art for me than writing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge, but with barely any existing and only half of em finished I would be surprised :'D
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I.. don't think so.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
no, and tbh I'd probably be very intimidated to try.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
....ohhhhh noooooo, I hate picking favorites :'D
but I think one that's been with me since forEVER is Ace Attorney's Wrightworth (or NaruMitsu as I got to know it hehe).
In newer terms I think Dreamling will stick with me too.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
freedom is a length of rope like I said, the more I think about "fixing" what happened in chapter 1 in an additional chapter, the more I find myself leanign towards "no. this works better as an angsty oneshot"
maybe one day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
hmmm, not sure I write enough to really find em. minimalism? Shorter stories in a more minimal style I'd say.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
hilariously, I think that's also minimalism. because writing longer overarcing storylines when this is your go to becomes difficult.
Or maybe that's just "long interesting storylines that aren't super predictable or cliché"
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic.
well, I am German, so if the opportunity presented itself for a character where it works I could.
as far as writing in general in English goes. idk, I spent a lot of my time conversing and writing in English even outside the internet, and it's hard for me to judge how well lI'm doing in terms of er. written eloquence? I try my best and that's all I can do really.
For languages I don't know, I'd probably try to find someone who knows them or make really sure I've got it correct, I don't trust google translate enough :'D
19. First fandom you wrote for?
unless we count the NaruMitsu proposal RP I wrote with a friend in ICQ, but that was never published outside that chatroom xD
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
no one can tell where your heart is
as far behind as I am with updating it and as much as I feel like I bit off a bit more than I should've with it, it's my baby ;w;
Offering this up for anyone who feels so inclined to answer and tagging @wizardofgoodfortune , @wordsinhaled and @academicblorbo but no pressure! <3
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goldeneyedkim · 1 year
Writing Today
So I have a little over an hour to kill at a coffee shop with my laptop (therefore I am, obviously, procrastinating), and I'm looking at all of the fics up in my browser.
We're having a little bit of decision anxiety. Of all of those fics, which should I work on?
Or should I start a new one? There's an omega Gundam Wing event hosted by a friend I do very much want to write for, but one problem: none of my omegaverse Gundam Wing ideas are short. They're all like min 20k ideas (and the way I've been writing lately, if I think it's 20k, it's probably actually more like 40k.)
So, looking at the list of longer-fics-than-they-were-supposed-to-be-dammit, what should I work on?
Probably the BNHA Ranma 1/2 quirk fic that I'm quite exasperated with. It was supposed to be a silly, genderbendy oneshot (and smutshot), and now it has feelings and implications, and it's growing a fucking Plot on me.
(If you have not seen me talk about my writing before, Plot is a four-letter-word in my house. I hate writing it. Yes, you can look at my catalogue and especially at things like Wreckage and Stars That Have People Names, and laugh at me. I only ever write plot by accident, and it makes me hiss and back away like an angry cat when it pops up in things it was not supposed to have. Like my damn smutshots.)
But I'm almost 9k into the Ranma 1/2 quirk fic and even if this one has grown out of scope for what it was originally intended to be... it's still probably the shortest thing on the list right now, so may as well knock it out.
Here's to hoping it lands around 12k instead of 15... 😅
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mitsuki-komori · 1 year
Death Oneshot #4: Luck Voltia as Sasha Brauss
Sad :( 
“Jeez… That was a pretty tough battle…” Luck smiled, heavily breathing.
“Tough? That’s a bit of an understatement…” Magna said, Luck looked at him.
“Maybe, but we still won!” Luck cheered, Vanessa smiled and nodded.
“Luck’s right. We won and that’s all that matters.” She told Magna. They had been traveling in their hideout, Henry was obviously navigating. Yami scoffed with a smirk.
“I mean, are you really that surprised, Magna? We’re the Black Bulls for crying out loud!” 
Magna straightened his stance. “No, Captain Yami, Sir!”
Luck laughed, Magna looked at him with a puzzled expression. “You’re so funny, Magna!”
“Huh? The hell’s that supposed to mean?” He glared at Luck.
“Magna, I’d say you owe Luck a ‘thank you’ for saving your life.” Vanessa told Magna, he gritted his teeth.
“What do you mean? I totally had that under control!” He tried to yell, but his coughing interrupted him.
“Y-y-you should p-probably get s-s-some rest, Magna! Y-you got hurt p-pretty ba-adly out there…” Grey stuttered. Magna shook his head.
“I’ll be fine! A real man never lets his guard down!” He tried to reason.
“Stop being such a baby, Magna… Really though… Those injuries don’t look good…” Luck muttered out, Magna raised an eyebrow. Was Luck worried about him?
Everything was interrupted as the door burst open. Crap! Did they miss an enemy!? All of them instinctively reached for their grimoire, but the enemy was faster. He pulled the string on his bow back with the glowing arrow, and fired it. It was so quick… Lightning? No… faster…
Luck gasped in shock before anyone could process what was happening. Magna’s heart sank as he turned to Luck… Who had an arrow sticking out of his chest… Luck coughed up blood and fell back onto the floor. Gasps and mutters could be heard in the Black Bulls. The enemy pulled back another arrow, but Yami, Gauche, and Asta got to him first… He was gone within a second.
“LUCK!” Magna screamed, he rushed to Luck’s side along with Vanessa, Grey, and Noelle. “Luck! Oh my god…” Magna panicked.
“Luck, Luck just stay with me dear… Don’t close your eyes!” Vanessa told him. Nero rushed over too. Vanessa, Grey, and Nero were going to do their best to help Luck… 
“Don’t you dare die, you brat! I still have to catch up to you in our spars… I’m only a few wins behind you…” Magna stuttered out, tears threatened to spill out. Luck snickered slightly, his breath raspy.
“What… are you talking about, Magna? I… I’m way ahead of you…” He smiled, Magna could no longer hold back his tears. “Why are you… crying? Cry baby Magna…” 
“Shut up… You can’t be joking at a time like this…” Magna cried, Luck looked at him and smiled. More blood came from Luck, the girls were desperate as they used their magic. Luck reached towards Magna’s hand and weakly zapped it. Magna could barely even feel it…
“Heh… Thank you for… Fighting me…” He grinned, he coughed again. Luck’s grimoire was starting to… No, don’t pay attention to that… He’ll be fine… “Can we… fight again… Magna…?” Luck’s grip on Magna’s hand vanished, Magna could feel his heart break into millions of tiny pieces.
“Luck…? Luck, hey… Luck! Stay with me, Luck! Who the hell am I gonna fight with you gone!? Luck, please!” Magna begged him, he squeezed Luck’s hand. The only response he got was Luck’s hollow eyes and blank expression… Hey… Where’d his grimoire go…?
Several cries could be heard around, Vanessa reached towards Luck’s face and closed his eyes as tears rolled down her cheeks.
“Dammit, kid…” He heard Yami mumble.
Magna couldn’t even see anything anymore… Come to think of it… He can’t breathe either… Luck was gone. The only person in the world he’s ever cared for as much as this. That cheery smile and those rude remarks he’d say in the most innocent voice… He felt like he could scream at the top of his lungs right now.
That’s when Magna realized he already was.
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Gen Genre: Family Characters: Gordon, Grandma, John
Back again with another fic for @gumnut-logic​‘s #irrelief!  Another one for you, Nutty: “Toffee on the couch”.  There are plans for this to go multichap, but until I’ve got that all firmed up, here’s the first chapter as a stand-alone/teaser (it won’t be crossposted elsewhere until I’ve finished writing the whole thing, so don’t expect it on AO3 or FFN any time soon).
Gordon is a lover of many things.  Toffee is not one of them.
Gordon was tired. Very, very tired.  By all rights, he should have stumbled to his bedroom to flop on his wonderful, soft, comfy bed, but that required tackling stairs and he was too tired for that nonsense.  His launch chute got him up as far as the den, so that was as far as he was going.  A graceless collapse had him landing face first on a sofa.
His body connected with cushions, as expected.  His face found contact with something less soft and desirable – and sticky.
Weariness was immediately abandoned as he lurched upright, clawing at his face in an attempt to clean it of whatever someone had left on the sofa.  Squinting, his fingernails came away with something brown under them, and his first instinct was to recoil in horror before the sweet scent registered.
Cautiously, he sniffed his fingers, and scowled.
Which one of his evil brothers had left half-melted toffee on the sofa for him to faceplant? It would have been a stroke of genius as a prank, if not for two important factors: first off, it was not Gordon’s prank, and secondly, they hadn’t left anything between the sticky nonsense and the cushions themselves.  Even he was careful not to make a mess that would get Grandma up in arms.
He didn’t know which of his brothers was responsible, but Gordon smelt an accident, not a prank, if only for that fact.  If even he didn’t dare push Grandma’s buttons when it came to food on the furniture, then none of his brothers would.  Now, the question was, did he ignore it and let it be someone else’s problem, or did he get up and do something about it?
The knowledge that if it was left to someone else, the blame might come crashing down on the resident prankster’s – his – head spurred him into reluctant action.  If nothing else, he could just report it to Grandma, he reasoned, yawning loudly.  Yes, he’d do that.  The clean-up could be done by the brother responsible.
He stumbled down the flight of stairs to the kitchen, where Grandma was almost certainly to be found, to his stomach’s ongoing distress.  Sure enough, arguing with the automated kitchen module again, his purple-clad grandmother was wielding a whisk in a manner that was too similar to the wooden spoon of his childhood.
“Hey, Grandma?” Interrupting her in the kitchen was a dangerous business, and already he was formulating several possible excuses to not eat anything he was offered as she turned to him.
“Hello, kid,” she grinned. “Long rescu-  What have you got on your face, young man?” she demanded as his toffee-covered face caught her attention.
“I think it’s toffee,” he groaned, making a half-hearted attempt to cover another yawn.  It had been a long rescue, and with Virgil off on another mission when the call had come in, and the trouble off the Australian coast, he’d had to launch from the island and complete it solo.
He didn’t do solo missions often.  Thunderbird Four often relied on her big green sister for transportation to rescue sites, meaning that Virgil was guaranteed to be with him, and it wasn’t unusual for Thunderbird One to come a-hovering overhead, worried big brother supervising and ready with a helping cable on the off chance it might be needed. Maybe, just maybe, he was used to being able to crash out on the way home, and actually having to pilot all the way back to base was unusual enough to be an additional strain on a tired aquanaut.
“And why is there toffee on your face?” Grandma asked him, finding a cloth from somewhere and wiping at his face like he was a child.  He was too tired to stop her.
“Face-planted the sofa and found someone left toffee on the cushion,” he yawned.
“Someone?” she asked, pausing her dabbing to narrow her eyes at him.
“Wasn’t me, Grandma,” he mumbled in protest.  “Don’t like toffee.  Wouldn’t get the sofa sticky, either.”
She scrutinised him intently for several moments before resuming her cleaning of his face.  He leaned against the counter and let her.
“So who is cleaning my sofa cushions?” she asked him, and he shrugged.
“I don’t know,” he admitted. “Not me.”
“I can see that,” she chuckled.  “You’re asleep on your feet, kid.  Up to bed with you.  I’ll find the culprit.”
“Wanna watch,” he protested, and she shook her head.
“I’m sure I can get Brains to record the hunt,” she told him.  “Bed, now.  Unless you want supper first?”
Gordon’s body found another surge of energy, straightening up and stumbling for the stairs.
“That’s okay, Grandma,” he waved sleepily.  “I’ll eat something later.”
It wasn’t his record for a kitchen to bedroom flight, but it was still pretty impressive. Face-planting his bed – where he should have gone in the first place, although at least now Grandma believed he hadn’t done it, against whatever claims his guilty brother might make – he made no effort to undress.
“John?” he called out sleepily, and a hologram flickered into life by his bed.
“I’ll record it,” his brother said without prompting.  “Get some shuteye while you can.”
“You know whose toffee it is?” he mumbled, and John let out a short sound of amusement.
“What do you think?”
Gordon groaned, because that was either John speak for ‘no, but I’m not admitting I don’t know something’ or, more likely considering the amusement, ‘yes, but I’m bored and I’m an evil, evil brother who wants to watch and laugh’ - or however John expressed his amusement, because flat-out laughter was not his style (although Gordon suspected he just laughed when there was no-one to hear him, thereby preserving his image).
“Sleep, Gordon,” John insisted.
“Sleeping,” he groaned into the pillow.
He wasn’t sure what woke him, but the sun was glaring in through his window which meant it was way past time he should have been doing his morning laps, and he groaned, pushing himself up from his bed and cautiously stretching out his back.  A little stiff, but nothing worse than usual.
Nothing a good swim couldn’t fix.
Urgh, he was still in yesterday’s clothes.  Forget showering after the mission, he hadn’t even shed his shirt, and the pool hadn’t done anything to deserve something this gross (it suffered enough from Thunderbird One’s exhaust, thank you, Scott).
Okay, shower first, then swim, then another shower.  That sounded like a perfect, if belated, start to the day, provided a certain space resident didn’t pipe up and send him out on a rescue.
Speaking of John, he’d been talking to him last night, he was sure of it.  What was it..?  He stumbled into his en suite, glared at the mirror that greeted his thoroughly dishevelled appearance, and poked at a lump of something brown that had caught in his hair.
The toffee!
“John?” he called, shucking well-worn and stinky clothes and lobbing them out into a dirty clothes pile by the door, ready to be well and truly shoved into the washing machine at the nearest opportunity.  Clean freak he was not, but Thunderbird Four was the only place he suffered foul-smelling laundry and body odour for any length of time.  The hazards of research trips.
“Did you have to wait until you got rid of your clothes before calling me?” his older brother sighed, ginger head flickering into view.  Was it slightly weird that his brother had access to his bathroom? Probably, but rescues didn’t wait for dirty squids (or flyboys, for that matter; Gordon had seen all of his brothers in less clothing than he’d particularly care for during mission briefings before).  Besides, it was a great place for private conversations – none of his fellow Earthlings were going to walk into his bathroom unannounced.
“Jealous?” he asked, flexing arm muscles out of habit as he stuck his tongue out.  There was at least a concession that the holocam couldn’t detect anything below chest height in bathrooms – whose benefit that was actually for, who knew.  It wasn’t like it was nothing any of them had seen before (individual bathrooms was an Island luxury – they’d been sharing bathrooms and even baths at times in Kansas).
“Of what, your height?” John quipped.  Gordon narrowed his eyes at him.  “I have something you want, Gordon.  Don’t try it.”
So that was a yes to the unasked question: Grandma had found the culprit, and there was a recording ready and waiting for Gordon’s viewing pleasure.  He looked at the floating head expectantly, hand on hip as he waited for it.
“You’re going to watch it in the shower?” John asked, before shaking his head with a sigh. “How am I related to you?”
“Because we both take entertainment from our brothers ending up on Grandma’s bad side?” Gordon offered. John acknowledged the point.  “So now that we’ve agreed that we are, in fact, brothers, can I have that video?”
“One last thing.” Gordon groaned.  Maybe asking John to record it had been a bad idea.  Maybe he should have trusted Grandma to get Brains or MAX to do it for him.  Who knew what he was going to have to pay John for this privilege?
Aw, who was he kidding? No matter who recorded it, John was going to end up with monopoly on who could watch it.  He was sneaky like that.
“Two, in fact.” Gordon groaned more loudly. Still, waiting was always worse, and unlike certain other brothers, John didn’t have the sadistic streak of making him beg – much, anyway.  He derived his amusement in other factors.  Like playing brothers off against each other…  Gordon was starting to get an inkling what one of those two things might be.
“Okay, what are they?”
“First is a message from Grandma:  She’s got him on laundry duty for the next week, including all of the sofa covers, and says to be creative with your revenge.”
“Revenge?  Moi?” Gordon certainly hadn’t been planning to exact a little revenge for an accident that got toffee on his face. Certainly not.
“Secondly,” John continued as though he hadn’t said anything – he was good at that, was John – “You did not get this footage from me, nor does any other assistance that might appear during your endeavours over the next week have anything to do with me.”
Ooh, Johnny-boy wanted to get involved.  Gordon’s face split into a grin.  This was going to be fun.  He hadn’t had a team-up with the second eldest, so-called ‘responsible’ one, in a while.
“What did our culprit do to you?” he asked.  The grin he got back was maybe a little chilling, as he was reminded that the current resident prankster was not the original resident prankster.
“Who said they did anything?”
That proved it.  John was bored.  Gordon almost felt sorry for the brother who left toffee lying around. Almost.  His face was still phantom-sticky.
“Play the video, big bro,” he grinned, stepping into the shower.
Grandma on the hunt. He hadn’t seen that in a while (without being the prey, anyway).
It was almost disappointing, how easily she collared the perpetrator.  She’d put on a show – one Gordon appreciated – of interrogating each and every non-Gordon Island resident (and even John, although both parties had been too busy trying not to show their amusement for that to be anything but staged), but it was clear even from the very beginning that she Knew.
The final confrontation was pitiful.  A confession, right off the bat?  Clearly his brother had no understanding of how the world worked.  Confessing to a crime of that magnitude did not reduce your sentence one iota, which a crestfallen face at a week of laundry duty showed some belated awareness of.
It did not escape Gordon’s attention that at no point had his unfortunate encounter with the toffee been mentioned.  Brothers had mentioned his name, of course (even Brains, oh ye of little faith), but Grandma had expertly deflected them away from his scent.  Oh to watch a master – or mistress, as it may be – at work.
Gordon hadn’t done a prank with Grandma as an ally since he was a very small child, imagination limited to switching the salt and sugar.  With John and Grandma secretly supporting him, the possibilities were endless.
But really, there was only one way to start this.
“John,” he sing-songed, stepping out of the bathroom after towelling himself dry and pulling on some underwear – if he wanted to pull this off, he was going to need to keep John on his side, which meant keeping him sweet and not playing the usual obnoxious younger brother beyond keeping up the charade.
“Yes, Gordon?”  John’s hologram appeared by his bed, this time almost full length and in an almost sitting position.
“How might a squid locate Scott’s toffee stash without the assistance of an eye in the sky?”
He hadn’t even known Scott had a toffee stash until the confession.  Crafty biggest brother.  Crafty.
Not crafty enough.
Chapter 2>>>
As this fic is still in its infancy, any ideas on toffee-related pranks are welcome :D  I can’t guarantee using them, depending on if they fit with where this fic is currently trying to head, but I am hopeless at thinking up pranks of any sort myself!
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kaashikuroo · 2 years
Can you do an angst to fluff oneshot with atsumu where he hurts y/n so badly that she has a anxiety attack and he comforted her and apologizes because i need to be hurt but also loved feel free to include bokuto and others
Sure thing! :)
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When you get an anxiety attack in the middle of an arguement -Haikyuu Scenarios
Character: Atsumu
Genre: Angst to fluff
Warnings: Shouting, tears, anxiety attack, DO NOT READ IF YOU WILL BE TRIGGERED.
Requests? Send ‘em here!
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You and Atsumu had a very stable relationship.
You had your silly moments and your serious moments.
But what was going on here was beyond serious.
Atsumu had been busy for days all together and today was date night. He skipped the previous date night because he was busy with practice. You didn’t mind it much cuz you thought it was urgent. But this time you expected him to at least send you a text, letting you know that he wasn’t going to make it. That would’ve at least saved you some time and weird/sympathetic stares.
You’ve been waiting for him at the restaurant for 2 whole hours until you decided you had enough and went home.
He didn’t come back till later that night. At 9.
Now, not hearing from him for that long and him standing you up like that worried you. So you were very relieved when he walked in through the doors.
Deciding that it’d get you nowhere to start a fight with him, you just decided to confront him and ask him why he stood you up.
That was the plan.
You two greeted eachother but you could immediately tell from the tone of his voice that he was not in the mood to have a conversation. But you also had feelings, right?
He showered and got changed and came to the living room to see you sitting on the couch, staring blankly ahead.
He scoffed, catching your attention.
“What’s fer dinner?” He said with stone cold eyes.
You had no idea why he was treating you like this.
“I didn’t make anything. I actually just ordered dinner.”
He scoffed again, but this time it was louder and more harsh.
“What the fuck do ya think ya do around here? Why ‘m a always the one pulling ma weight when ya jus’ laze aroun’ all tha damn time?” He looked at you, rather disgusted.
“It’s because you stood me up, ‘Tsumu.” You said, trying to hide your fear from his loud voice.
You have bad memories with loud, booming voices. It always reminded you of your past bullies and your parents that always looked down on you. Their gazes were always that of disappointment. It always made you anxious. You’ve always feared not being able to meet people’s expectations. You’ve always wanted to just curl up when you heard a loud voice or met someone’s disapproving gaze.
But to think that your lover would be staring at you like that. It just made you want to disappear.
“Stood ya up? Oh, that date? Well, ‘m sorry! Unlike ya, a actually have ta work. Now what am a supposed ta do? I’m tired, Y/n.”
You’ve never heard that much venom laced in Atsumu’s words, especially while using your name.
“Why’re ya still jus’ sittin’ there?! Do ya even care about me anymore? Am I a joke ta ya?” He grabbed your hand and pulled you up.
You yelped, standing up right infront of him.
He was looking right into your soul with deadly eyes.
You gulped and attempted to back away from him, feeling your breathing pattern waver.
“P-please stop, ‘Tsumu.”
He didn’t listen.
It was as he was possesed.
Like he couldn’t hear you.
He kept yelling and backing you up against the wall.
Fat tears which were blurring you vision, finally rolled down your cheeks, processing his words.
You looked away, not wanting to face him.
“YER ALWAYS SO CLINGY! LEMME JUS’ LIVE IN PEACE FER ONCE, DAMMIT!” He screamed at your face, making your knees weak.
You started to lose contol over your breaths, feeling everything become all fuzzy. You only felt fear. You were too afraid to even let out a sob.
He starting fuming even more when he saw that you wouldn’t even look at him in the eyes.
“Too good ta look me in the eyes now, hu-” He grabbed your chin, making you face him. However, when he saw your tear-stained face with a horrified expression, he cut himself off.
He felt his anger shimmer down.
Of course. an Anxiety attack.
“B-babe. Ya need ta breathe.”
You were shaking all over. Thoughts flooding your head that you not being good enough could be the only explaination to why you were being neglected.
You ears were ringing.
Thoughts invaiding.
You gasped and looked up at him.
There he was. Teary eyed, shaky hands on your shoulders with quivered lips.
“Thank god…y-ya scared me there.”
He remembered the time he grabbed your chin.
“Am sorry. A never meant ta touch ya like that. But please breathe.”
A confident apology.
One thing you always admired about Atsumu was that he never lied to you. Exception being ‘in the heat of the moment’. Like when he talked smack about you.
Taking a deep breath in, he silently directed you to do the same. Which you did.
After a moment, you spoke up.
“I’m tired, Atsumu.”
“It’s ‘Tsumu, babe.”
Ignoring him, you continued. “Your actions aren’t justified. You’ve been so busy lately and i wanted a date night so we could both clear our heads. It’s like I’m the only one putting efforts into this relationship.” It was as if you were mumbling to yourself. But he heard it as clear as day. You didn’t- couldn’t bring up the way he raised his voice at you. You couldn’t put him through that. The way you saw it, it would make it seem like you were belittling him, despising him; You can’t have him overthink the situation.
He straightened his spine and looked at you, advancing towards the couch. “Let’s sit down and talk.”
He was trying his hardest to man up and hear you out, because it seemed as if you you had way much more to say to him.
So you did.
You told him everything. What was wrong, what you wanted him to do to make it better. Everything.
“A see.” He nodded. “If yer okay with it, can a touch ya now? A won’ hurt ya. Promise.”
You looked at him with adoration in your eyes and nodded. He can really be a gentleman at times.
He sat closer to you and took your hands in his, leaning on your shoulder. “Never meant ta shout like that. Not at ya.” He pulled away and cupped your cheek with one hand. “Never meant to grab ya like that. Yer the only person a hav ta be gentle with.” He said, kissing you jaw.
He placed his hand above your heart.
He chuckled.
“Never meant ta break that heart of yers. Am sorry. A’ll ask fer yer forgiveness just this once. A don’ wanna come off as a toxic boyfriend.”
You chuckled. All those depressive episodes forgotten.
“Sure. Next time, I’m gonna blow your ass up and send you to the moon, ‘Tsumu.”
He laughed out loud and kissed your forehead.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way, princess.”
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fromasgardandback · 2 years
Khonshu’s Next Victim
Marc Spector x Reader
description: Khonshu made an assumption and Marc has to protect her.
word count: 1.1k
masterlist | oneshots
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“Marc, you don’t have a choice. You have to do this.” Khonshu made it clear. “She is not one of your targets. She will not become your next victim.” Marc gritted through his teeth.
“She has stolen from me. You know this information. Why is this something you cannot do?” Khonshu fought against Marc.
“Because you and I both know that she couldn’t have been the one to do it. She was with me when that happened.” Marc explained. “I will not let her go down for something that she did not do! You cannot make me do this.” Marc got angrier by the minute.
“I don’t need you to accomplish it. I just need it done. If you won’t be the one to do this crusade, I’ll find another willing soul.” And with that last comment, Khonshu vanished. Marc didn’t know what to do next. He didn’t think that Khonshu would be capable of finding someone else just for this one small thing. It baffled Marc, but he knew the only thing he needed to do now was to protect Y/N. 
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She laid awake that night not knowing what to do next. She could feel it, the sense that something was about to happen. That something could go wrong at a moment’s notice. She had to leave, and get out of the place she was in. Although it wouldn’t stop Khonshu from coming to her. He could get to her without even thinking about it. That is a perk of being an Egyptian god. Marc quickly got to her, comprehending that he had to get her out of that place as well. They were always on the same page. Neither of them had to worry about what the other was thinking, they just knew. Before Y/N could even open the door, Marc was on the other side. He grabbed her by the hand quickly, not caring if the apartment door closed, and hurried down the back exit of the building.
“Marc, what is going on? I can sense that something is off.” Y/N hesitantly commented. They went through side alleys and back ways through the crowded Egyptian city. Desperately squeezing through to safety.
“It’s Khonshu. He thinks you’re the one that stole the scarab. But for a fact, we both know that Harrow is the one who has it.” Marc leaned her back against the wall abruptly. “So we need to go find Harrow and get it back.” 
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Marc and Y/N made their way to one of the dig sites that had a marking of where Harrow was supposed to be. Finding Amit was the sole reason for Harrow’s journey, and him having the scarab wasn’t going to make a life for Y/N and Marc any easier. Khonshu had his main goal, and that was to murder Y/N for doing what she supposedly did. Harrow didn’t like either of them. Marc or Y/N, so if they went down for something he did instead of himself, then so be it. Harrow was not the most welcoming of people, especially for his kind. A supposed doctor with a mental health professional background yet uses his “training” for purposes of hurting other people and getting what he wants. Harrow was specifically known for these acts and the people that follow him are just trapped in their own ways and mindsets.
“There. He has to be here. There is no other way, we’ve been to every dig sight.” Marc explained looking at his iPad.
“I don’t think he’s here. I mean it shows that he has been, but…” Y/N pondered. “Marc. He’s not on the dig site, he’s inside of the dig sights. Dammit, Harrow’s inside the pyramids already.” She exclaimed. “Well, we don’t have a choice. Let’s get strapped up.” Marc grabbed the propelling gear and harnessed himself and Y/N to it. They locked eyes for a moment. They looked into each other, finding peace and understanding of what could happen, and what might happen to either of them. Not saying a word, they made their way down and through the tunnels of the pyramid. They found a room inside another room, which made it seem as if it were to spy or keep an eye on the kings and queens in the main space.
“They will never know or understand the value of this scarab. They will see the meaning behind it all. Amit will come to life once more and rule the earth with her great power and knowledge. What they don’t know is that they are the ones to be sacrificed.” Harrow said to his followers, sitting on one of the ancient thrones. Y/N looked over at Marc. “We need to get into that room and get that scarab.” He said already starting to move.
“Are you insane? How are we going to fight any of them off? You lost your immunity when you left Khonshu to save me.” Y/N said. “We have to try.” Marc commented back.
They walked into the room quietly, waiting for most of the followers to leave and head back above the surface. They then sneaked their way into the main room Harrow and his goons were to fight. Damn, was that bloody. Everyone that was there had some type of blood, bruise, or scar on them. It didn’t matter to Marc, he only cared about protecting Y/N. He had a scare before and almost lost her then and vowed that he would not allow that to happen to her or him ever again. “I hope you understand what you are doing Marc Spector.” Harrow coughed out.
“And I hope you understand the consequences you’ll face from Khonshu himself when he finds out.
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Later that night, Marc found Y/N sitting on top of the apartment building, overlooking the city. “Y/N, I need you to know I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. You’re the only one that’s been here for me. The only one that’s helped in this crusade. I love you. I won’t leave you or let you get hurt like last time.” Marc held her face gently in his hands. Softly he placed a tender kiss on her cheekbones, then her forehead, and then her nose. “I love you so much, Marc. I trust you. I feel safe when I’m with you. I won’t leave you.” Y/N quietly exclaimed, leaning into his touch. The two delicately kissed under the Egyptian moonlight on the rooftop. Both of them feeling secure in each other.
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Place for The Weary
So I have a lot of good pieces stuck in google docs file for me to write in whenever inspiration strucks or I want to read something I made. I don’t know where to go with most of these pieces of text but like hell I’ll let them stay in that file for another year. And since it’s Mental Health Month on Tumblr, I’ve picked three particular oneshots that fits the theme.
Take care of yourself wyrmlings and remember, it’s not a weakness to lean on somebody every once in a while.
 - Aldryrth (Al) The Chromatic Dragon
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(art does not belong to me)
Warnings: angst, comfort
Fandom: Devil May Cry
Characters: Dante, Vergil, Nero, V, Beatrice (OC)
Note:  This is written with an OC, I know this is not everyone’s thing but she’s a nice gal. I’m sure you’ll like her.
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As Bea watched the two women running excitedly towards the tree, she started to walk in the same direction when she noticed Dante hadn't moved, watching the tree silently with the pensive expression. 
Before she could say anything, Dante started to walk slowly towards the entrance. She knew something was wrong, she saw Dante this serious only a few times over the long time they knew each other. Whatever was waiting for them behind this gate, it was bigger, much bigger than anything they normally faced. 
Before she realized what she was doing, she quietly reached for lapels on the back of his coat and gave them a soft tug. Dante stopped, heaving a tired sigh before he turned to her, eyes silently asking for a reason they were still standing here. Beatrice opened her mouth, mind scrambling for something to say but couldn’t come up with anything. What was she supposed to say? That it’s going to be fine, that she’s sorry that his life, their lives,  is such a marginal clusterfuck, that whatever it is, he can talk to her? All those things sounded either like a shortsighted foolishness or things that were already repeated in the past, only for both of them to know that one just doesn’t just start to resolve years of trauma, grief, physical and mental battle. And Beatrice learned the hard way that she cannot save everyone, cannot help everyone. Only thing she can do is offer her strength and support. And that’s exactly what she did.
“Whatever it is behind this gate, we get through this together. You don’t have to handle everything by yourself. I know you can, but... you don’t have to.”
She put an arm on his shoulder, felt his warmth even through the thick, worn down leather of his coat, and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
Dante stared at her for a while, his expression unreadable. She started to worry she might have offended him somehow, or what’s more common, stuffed her nose in things that don't concern her, thinking she’s being helpful.
The last thing she expected was for Dante to envelop her in a tight embrace. He moved so fast, Bea hadn't fully processed what was happening until his strong arms squeezed her, almost painfully. She hasn't felt any warmth or good-natured humor from his stance, only a silent and sad need for comfort. Before she could react the moment was over. Dante untangled himself from her and immediately marched towards the Urizen tree.
Beatrice didn’t like the flash of determined but pained look on his face. It was the look she knew almost too well. 
It was the look of a person who is about to commit atrocity in the name of duty.
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“Dammit, Vergil, did you see the size of that thing?!” Beatrice turned to him excitedly, wildly gesticulating with her hands.
Vergil watched her with barely contained amusement, already used to her antics.
“You were so amazing!” She beamed at this and wrapped her arms around him in the heat of a moment, squeezing him tightly.
Vergil froze. He couldn’t remember when he’s been held like this, touched without murderous intention. For those brief seconds he couldn’t bring himself to react, to push her away, stab her, scold her or, lord forbid, return the embrace.
Beatrice loosened her arm around him when she noticed how stiff he was. “Verge? Are you alright? You know I’m not gonna hurt you, so no need to stab me.” She tried to joke her way out of it, but when Vergil kept silent she slowly, as if not to alert him, started to let go.
“It’s not that.” He blurted, his mind scrambling for words, he didn’t know why he bothered to explain himself, but there was something about her, something that allowed him to let his guard down just a little bit.
“It’s just that...it has been a long time since I...I’ve been touched in this...casual manner.” Vergil cleared his throat, hoping she didn’t notice the slight tremor in his voice.
Wishful thinking, she looked at him with sympathetic eyes, eyebrows scrunched with pity and Vergil wished to be anywhere but there. He didn’t want her sympathy nor anyone else's. He doesn’t need her, doesn’t…
“Oh, Vergil…” She whispered and enveloped him in her arms again.
For a while, they just stood there. Beatrice hugging him tenderly and him awkwardly staring at her shoulder. Vergil felt her warmth, smelled the sweet scent of her hair, despite both of them being covered in grime and demon gore, and her arms, still as strong in their hold as before, as if she’s willing to just stand in this dark, grimm void as the time passed around them for all eternity, until she was certain he had enough of her warmth. 
Beatrice didn’t hear him pull yamato out of its sheath, which was a good sign, but she also didn’t feel him move or say anything which...she didn’t know how to decipher. Vergil was bloody hard to talk to, she still couldn’t believe that he consented for them to travel together. Maybe he really doesn’t like to be touched. Not everyone is so starved for affection and protection as she is…
Is what she thought until she felt Vergil slowly pressing his forehead to her shoulder. The arm is still holding the yamato, placing itself on her waist. Beatrice smiled to herself as the blue devil little by little pressed himself closer, closer still until they were both squeezing the grief and loneliness out of each other.
And for the first time in her life, Beatrice felt the alien feeling of content settle in her heart.
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“That bastard called me a deadweight!!!” An angry roar echoed around piles of rubble. Nero paced furiously from one side to the other. One hand clenching in a tight fist while the other one was running through his hair. Beatrice watched him quietly from the sideways hands folded on her chest. He needed a time to vent first before he was able to listen to anyones words, that much haven’t changed since his younger years. She understood why he was angry. It wasn’t just the words that got to him. Despite his words, Nero respected and admired Dante, even moreso than her, so being cast away like this was painful kick to the heart. Not to mention Nero’s sensitivity to rejection, something he haven’t got rid off since his earlier years in orphanage. Damn you, Dante. She knew why he did this. It was the same situation like all those years back with her. He wanted to push him away to protect him, to make Nero hate him so if something happened he wouldn’t blame himself. A shitty technique Dante used everytime someone got too close to him. It didn’t even solve anything for anyone, just made things worse. She learned that the hard way. It was only because she recognized Dante’s true intentions and then stubbornly refused to leave him, that the two of them stayed together for this long. The woman let out annoyed sigh. Dante was a mess when it came to his relatives, but what could one want from a man whose life was mostly marked by blood, steel and gunpowder. Nero wasn’t much better. The only reason why he was still stomping around here and not towards the demonic tree was because he knew she would drag him back until he’s calmed down. V’s eyes nervously danced from her to Nero. From the piece of concrete she sat him on, he looked worse then ever. Heavy, labored breaths raked his narrow ribcage and his entire body trembled. He looked like he was about to pass out. She knew they don’t have much time, but sending her devil-boy like this into fray would do more harm then good. V opened his mouth to speak, possibly to calm Nero, but Bice raised her hand in sign for him to be quiet and walked towards the agitated Sparda. Nero was still pacing angrily, his body language growing more aggresive by the second. When she finally caught up with him she caught the words like “dead to me” and “worthless piece of-”, she wasn’t sure if those words were adressed to him or Dante. Bice placed her hand on the boy’s arm when suddenly, a fist flew past her face. The only reason she didn’t get punched in the face was thanks to her quick reflexes. When Nero realized what he had done, a horror flashed in his eyes. “fuck, I-I didn’t mean to…” Nero took a step back, scared and lost, all the emotions laying bare on his face. Beatrice could see it all. “I…c-can’t do anything right!” Head bowed, both hands now clenched so furiously they were trembling and face scrunched in a pained grimace. Beatrice knew Nero was tried to process all of these overwhelming emotions by himself and was slowly losing the battle. “I’m so sorry.” “I’m so…so sorry!” All the turnmoil in his face accumulated in his eyes as they started dangerously glisten. A small involuntarily sob escaped him and Nero buried his face in his hands shame and anger. Curled up like this, he looked just like that little boy clinging to her shirt when the kids in school called him a freak, when Fortuna Defense Forces repeatedly rejected his application or when Credo died. He put on a brave face for everybody, but once he was alone… Nero felt gentle but firm hands clasping his wrists away from his face. He still kept his head down though, too ashamed to show Beatrice, of all people, just how weak he was. But she didn’t let him, she never allowed sadness to cloud his mind and helplessness to weigh on his back. She lifted his head by the finger under his chin and looked in his face. Slowly, he peeled his eyes open, too embarassed to look her in the eyes. He was met with warm golden gaze of his guardian. No judgement in  them, never in those eyes. Her hands framed his face, thumbs wiping away few stray tears that escaped his eyes. At that moment, Nero felt like those palms are the only things that hold him together. “Feeling sad, lonely or frustrated doesn’t make you weak.” He stared at Bice as she gave him a gentle smile. “It makes you human.” Nero let her arms wrap around as his face buried in her collarbone. As he listened to her steady heartbeat, he felt the strong pair of arms squeezed him strongly, as if trying to wring out the stress out of him. As they stood there together, a pair of intense green eyes watched them curiously. There was something about this woman that felt familiar, it burned in the back of his mind but as soon as he tried to chase the memory, it disappeared. A human, hm?
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xtrashmammalstefx · 3 years
Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader oneshot where Joe surprises reader and proposes and it’s all sweet and romantic?
Forever and Ever (A Joe Mazzello Fluff!)
Warnings: Language
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You know when you meet someone and they waste no time in pushing every single button you have no matter how many times you shout: FUCKING STOP! Well that was Joe for me.
We’d know each other since we were kids and my God did he never cease to annoy me. ‘Course it didn’t help that our parents insisted on us becoming friends and even went as far as to arrange play dates. When we were fourteen he and his family came over. He was scheduled to film a movie and would be gone for a couple of months so our parents thought it best to squeeze in some time for us to hang before saying goodbye.
I was in my room playing on my Nintendo 64 when Joe walked in. “Hey.”
I peered over at him for a second. “Hey.” I was playing Mario Kart and once my current race was finished I held out my second controller. “Wanna race me?”
“Wanting to lose are we?”
“Big talk for a guy who can’t even beat a water level on Super Mario,” I teased.
“Y/N it’s a water level no one can fucking beat that,” he pointed out.
“Alright I’ll give you that,” I said flipping through the different race tracks.
“Tell me you’re not looking for Rainbow Road,” he whined.
“Okay I won’t,” I said finally landing on the infamous track o death.
“Wow okay sadist,” he said. “Remind me again why I’m marrying you?”
“Who the fuck said anything about us getting married?”
“Ouch,” he gasped. “You say that as if it would be a terrible idea.”
“Um, call me crazy but you actually have to be dating before you get married and last I checked we aren’t dating.”
“Yet,” he added.
“Awfully sure of yourself aren’t you?”
He smirked. “When it comes to us? You bet.”
He then drove his cart to the edge of the track squeezing passed me and knocking me off kilter.
“You’re the one that picked this bullshit track,” he said.
I got my cart back on track and sped up to catch up to him. When I did I nudged him to the side.
“You started it!” He then shoved his hand on my controller trying to stop me from getting to far. “Joe move it!” He didn’t though…. “JOEY!”
He knocked us both back onto my bed. “You fucking proud of yourself Mazzello?”
He rolled on top of me and smiled. “Definitely.” He then leaned in and brought his lips to mine. I froze, releasing my controller.
His lips were warm and sent a feeling coursing through that I’d never felt before… it’s like there was an ache within me and it could only be soothed by him. I kissed back bringing my arms up onto his back and curling my legs around him. After a while Joe pulled back breathless.
“I’m definitely marrying you one day,” he said.
“You’re supposed to say I love you,” I pointed out.
He pecked me on the lips. “I love you too.”
Years passed and Joe and I continued to grow and our feelings for each other became deeper and deeper over time.
One day during his off time from acting we were both sitting on the couch playing video games (because lord knows we never out grew our addiction). We were playing Mario Kart on the Wii U and this time we avoided the rainbow road like the plague (it’s gone up in bullshit levels since the 90’s).
“Okay if I win you’re on dish duty for a month,” I said.
“And if I win you gotta do whatever I want,” Joe said.
“What the fuck kind of a prize is that? Can’t you just ask for a months worth of sex like normal guys?”
“Who says sex won’t be a part of it?”
I rolled my eyes and sent my cart flying down the track.
“What the fuck? Have you been practicing?”
“Gotta do something fun in my off time,” I said. A while later I crossed the finish line not a foot or so behind Joe. “Dammit!”
Joe cheered and hooted.
“Alright what do you want? Lap dance, blow job..?”
“I actually had something else in mind. Though if you say yes then we will have forever for sexy stuff.”
I raised an eyebrow at him. “Say yes to..?” He then pulled out a small box from his pocket. He lifted the lid revealing a small ring with a beautiful diamond in the middle. I gasped and tears sprung from my eyes.
“Y/N I love you forever and ever. You give me strength and hope, and are insanely good in bed…” I smacked him on the shoulder. He laughed. “And you are the most beautiful, smart, and fucking amazing woman I know...so please, pretty please with a raptor on top, marry me?”
“YES, YES, A MILLION FUCKING TIMES YES!” We kissed hard and he slipped the ring on. I crawled onto his lip and snuggled into him. “I love you so fucking much Joey.”
“I love you too, Y/N Mazzello,” he said before carrying me to our bedroom.
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raindancer2004 · 3 years
NSFW Prompt List
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Please send in a request stating the name of the prompt list and number or numbers you would like, along with the Character you want writing for and I’ll write you a oneshot. Maximum 5 numbers.
Characters I write for: Demetri Volturi, Felix Volturi, Jane Volturi, Alec Volturi, Marcus Volturi, Aro Volturi, Caius Volturi and Heidi Volturi.
Please note Jane & Alec WILL be aged up for these prompts - Movie ages.
I may branch out and write for other Volturi Characters in the future. I will update this post accordingly. Thank you
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?”
“Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…”
“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice”
“Forget the bed…let’s do it right here”
“Stop teasing”
“The only way you’re getting off is on my thigh”
“Are you going to eye fuck all night or are you going to do something about it?”
“Try to keep quiet. We don’t want to get caught”
“This cock isn’t going to suck itself”
“You heard me. Take. It. Off”
“Look at what you did to me. I’ve had to deal with this all day”
“I’ll be gentle I promise”
“Give me a little show”
“You’re a virgin? How?”
“I’ll take you against that fucking wall if I have to”
“I don’t have to be inside you to make you feel good…”
“Get in the backseat or so help me”
“We’re in the middle of a restaurant, what are you doing?”
“I see you’ve started without me”
“I bet you look even better with your clothes off”
“You want to have sex in the elevator? Challenge accepted!”
“I can’t wait until we’re alone. There are so many things I want to do to you right now”
“There’s only one rule. You can’t use your hands”
“God dammit, now all I can think about right now is you licking my cock like it’s that ice cream cone”
“We’re in the bathtub”
“I’ll meet you in the changing rooms”
“Grab the blindfold”
“Hey, I’m trying to drive here!”
“Kiss me”
“Do you...well…I mean…I could give you a massage”
“Well, good morning to you too”
“Come sit on my lap”
“If I have to pull over, you won’t be able to walk for the next week”
“Did you just look me up and down and then bite your lip? ‘Cause if you did we’re having sex. Right now”
“Let’s pick a safe word”
“If you turn your back on me again, you better be bending over”
“I’ve never been in a relationship before, so I don’t really know how to do the whole…kissing thing”
“First one to make a noise loses”
“Bite me!” “If you insist”
“You look so good with my hand wrapped around your throat”
“I don’t care how good it feels you’d better not come until I tell you to”
“Look, I’m not into choking but I wouldn’t mind if you grabbed me by the neck every once in a while”
“You don’t have to be gentle with me. I don’t break easily”
“When I get home I expect you to be undressed and waiting on all fours for me”
“Did I stutter? Do as you’re told”
“Oh darling, you know you really shouldn’t tease me”
“If you keep making those sounds I’m not going to be able to stop myself”
“Why don’t you go and put on something pretty for me?”
“Shut up and take your pants off”
“Are you sure that’s what you want? I could really hurt you”
“She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but I bet behind closed doors she’s latex and whips”
“I want your cock in my mouth”
“I’m either watching or joining, you pick”
“I’ve never done this before” “Don’t be nervous, it’s me”
“I think it’s time you lost your V-card”
“I had no idea you were into this kinda thing”
“I know a workout you might actually enjoy”
“I think I like you better with my cock in your mouth”
“I really don’t care. You still look hot and I’m trying not to kiss / fuck you senseless right now”
If you can’t sleep…then how about we have sex?”
Just let me finish this / this level and I swear I’ll go down on you until you come at least three times”
“Put that thing away”
“No, I’m supposed to be making you feel good”
“I could just pull your panties / bikini bottoms to the side, noone will notice”
“Ten? I only need five”
“I heard shower sex can be dangerous, but right now, I’m willing to take that risk”
“Don’t pretend like you’re asleep. Should I find a way to wake you up?”
“I think I can convince you to stay”
“Please remind me again why we’re having sex behind a tree?”
“I can’t see your beautiful body with this over my eyes”
“Fuck me” “As you wish”
“Were you dreaming about me again?”
“I just want to stay buried inside you forever”
“I want to take a shower so you should probably join me. It’ll save on water”
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