eccentric-corvid · 2 months
People go on about how Ulfric and the Stormcloaks are racist. Like by Talos EVERYONE IS RACIST…Cept orcs. Orcs are chill.
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When everyone is racist, it’s hardly something you can use as a point against someone (unless they are a orcs, they get it as a positive point)
Also this TES oblivion, before the big war. Everyone is extra racist now as well, IDK about the orcs now.
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eccentric-corvid · 4 months
What do you think the clan cats would think of those robot cats? Like it gets out like a roomba with the door open and one of them stumble across it.
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eccentric-corvid · 8 months
Is Husk really a 'ex'-overlord?
Husk is called a ex-overlord on the wiki, and he says he used to be a overlord, until Alastor got his soul....
But Alastor doesnt have his soul either, someone else has him on a leash, and yet Alastor is still a Overlord...
So what if Husk is still a overlord? First, what makes a overlord? From the wiki 'Overlords gain and increase their power by "owning" souls'
So owning others souls is what makes a overlord, but thats seems like a bit to easy, surely then anyone could become a overlord easily
So what if Overlord are the only ones to be able to make deals in the first place (not including the higher hierarchy demons)?
In which place, Husk would still be a overlord, just simply one who currently has no souls but still able to make a deal
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eccentric-corvid · 1 year
My Advice for France
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If any of the rioters arrested during the protests are in France illegally, they should be immediately deported.
Those individuals can go back and burn and loot their own country.
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eccentric-corvid · 1 year
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eccentric-corvid · 1 year
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This isn't counter angst to ressioo for once. I'm still obsessed with re4 remake and god dammit i'm gonna project it at my current favourite characters
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eccentric-corvid · 1 year
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eccentric-corvid · 1 year
How to people write so much? I felt like I've been doing this for ages and I'm only at 1k words...
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eccentric-corvid · 1 year
Baby Brother
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In my rainworld canon iterator puppets are grown in incubators, and I suppose that Moon was there to see every step of Pebbles' construction as he was made to help her.
I imagine it was like a little kid seeing their parent pregnant with their sibling. Though iterators can't move themselves, their overseers can help make it seem like they are there.
Headcanon crap below ⬇️
Puppets are notably smaller than the ancients, to help give a child-like feel to them. The port for their mechanical umbilical once connected to a true umbilical cord, and the antenna bases were open neural caps. When a puppet is "born" it spends several days in stasis so the superstructure can become acquainted with controlling it.
Iterators have a different concept of the self since while the puppets themselves can feel and think on their own, so much of their processes are externalized. Since the puppet is grown as an empty vessel there is a small chance it might reject the iterator can if neural imprinting goes wrong. By then it must be destroyed before it develops its own consciousness or triggers an autoimmune response in the can. The first few weeks of booting up an iterator are a stressful and delicate time.
There used to be a joke that asked which came first, the puppet or the can?
Thankfully most iterators were too occupied with the great problem to focus on existential crises—at least before communications went down and left them all with their own thoughts.
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eccentric-corvid · 1 year
Expanding on my Rot Erratic Pulse AU
We know other iterators have gotten The Rot, but why did it effect Five Pebbles’ systems unlike the rest? The Erratic Pulse profile. It meant the system had a place to put the new ‘user’ that others didn’t. When the Rot took control of the Erractic Pulse profile, the Rot proper stopped attacking the Iterator Superstructure, as that would be seen as attacking itself now, this means Five Pebbles, while haunted by his own mistakes in a much more literal sense, has suceeded in not ‘dying’ of supercancer (L Hunter). For the design of the Rot Erratic Pulse profile’s hologram ‘puppet’, i was thinking of a silver and black puppet, with the Rot’s iconic blue acting as its ‘main’ colour, in a similar sense to how Five Pebbles has his light blue as his ‘main’ colour despite being a pink and orange mess of a god-computer The split of the superstructures systems was very in favour of Five Pebbles, with him having a very strong home advantage to the Rot Erratic Pulse, this meant Five Pebbles got what he wanted (Communications, puppet, overseers, etc), but still only half of the actual systems, while REP got what was left over (Pumps, city systems, Gravity etc) This left the superstructure in a bit of a imbalance, as ROP got all the maintenance and general stuff, stuff needed for upkeep, while FP got the nonessenstails, favouring the ability to have a body and be able to talk to others in his moment of ‘’oh shit i might ‘die’ now’’ This imbalance meant, that once REP actually figued out the whole ‘being alive and sentient’ thing, it had very good leverage, trade the pumps for Overseers, trade the Overseers back for Communication, and so on. The other Iterators, namely SRS and NSH (Since LttM is busy being half dead) have no idea whats going on, with SRS wondering why the hell Five Pebbles’ ‘secret’ silverist pseudo identity is suddenly being used again and acting like a freak (REP has no idea how be normal or act is any sensible way, give what might as well be a fungi near limitless intellegence and sentience and be shocked) while FP in seemingly random fits, appears proper and starts explaining something that makes no sense very quickly NSH doesn’t know what Erratic Pusle is (Or was rather) besides it being silverist, and assumes the worst, that someone has somehow ‘hacked’ into Five Pebbles, for some unknown reason, taking advantage of his weakness from the Rot.
REP is hostile to slugcats, scavs, pretty much anything not rot or the superstructure, however, since Five Pebbles is in control of the puppet no real attack can be down by it, but it can just turn the gravity of on them to catch em into the rot 
Artificer starts to clear out a route in the rot, allowing access to the city, the puppet and access to the superstructure itself, but besides that the rot and REP’s control over systems prevents anything else being done (Artie is now a gardener and a assassin!)
I once more still have no idea for any sort of story, but i am catching threads
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eccentric-corvid · 1 year
Random Rain World AU idea i just had
So the rot that is infecting five pebbles is the key ‘character’ in this idea, so during its infecting of five pebbles, it gets smarter, it starts to become linked to the structure in a similar way Five Pebbles himself is (he is biomechanical not full robot after all) 
Now the systems in Five Pebbles would usually have no idea how to deal with this type of situation, except for the fact it has a open ID, Erratic Pulse. The rot, before unorganised and not sentient, tips, and Five Pebbles splits, as Erratic Pulse, before just a seperate ID used to hide his identity, becomes alive.
Five Pebbles first notices that the rot stops attacking, wondering if he’s somehow killed it accidently, before he feels an attack, seemingly from his own systems. Now Rot Erratic Pulse doesn’t have its own puppet, so it tries to take Fives Pebble’s, but Five Pebbles is able to stop it, but in doing so loses the Gravity Control to REP, FP gets the Overseers but REP gets the Pump Systems, FP gets the Communications Array, but REP gets control of the City’s Systems
Five Pebbles and Rot Erratic Pulse split the superstructure between themselvs in a mad dash, and as things seemingly settle, Five Pebbles sees what is basically hallucinations, as Rot Erratic Pulse is able to show itself through the holograms in the puppet chamber, and Pebbles screams
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eccentric-corvid · 1 year
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This is my first attempt at like...proper art, ill be honest, i know it aint good, but i like drawing it so i dont care
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eccentric-corvid · 1 year
*SPOILERS* Artificer’s cataclysmic attack on the Scavengers ended their golden age, but what about Scavengers that were far enough to not be targetted?
In Artificer’s campaign, we see the Scavenger with eletric spears, and singualrity bombs, elite scavengers are a lot more common and the general population is in a boom. However, this changes, with Artificer wiping swaths out, and taking out the Scavenger Cheifton atop Five Pebbles.
However, this event wouldn’t have effected Scavengers outside of Five Pebbles and Looks to the Moons local area. It’s a bit headcannon-ish, but i prepose, that the Scavengers have become the dominat species, above Slugcats, they are the smartest species (Outside Iterators of course), and have entered an odd age of technological ‘growth’, with the Scavengers learning to usalise old technology and modify to create new things, like elteric spears and singuality bombs.
However despite this advancement Iterators still prefere Slugcats to do their more secretive work for them, Scavengers being used more as a work force then messangers as slugcats are, reparing and fixing broken Superstrucure, or collecting parts and materiel, as slugcats aren’t strong enough to do, while the tribe nature of Scavengers allow them to work together much better on projects
Only the Scavangers inside the Local Area of FP and LttM have stagnated, unable to advance due to Artificer’s actions
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eccentric-corvid · 1 year
Why would they make the iterator superstrucures on god dammed pillars?
Surely it would be cheaper, and much more structurely sound to just make it a normal building, instead of one earthquake away from collapse, is their a reason for making them on struts? If they were built like normal structures then weaking structral integrity due to failing systems or the rot wouldn’t be as much as an issue
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eccentric-corvid · 1 year
puki are you real? because you honestly feel like you're one of those shoulder angels and devils but both sides are bad
Fuck you !!!!
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eccentric-corvid · 1 year
puki are you real? because you honestly feel like you're one of those shoulder angels and devils but both sides are bad
Fuck you !!!!
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eccentric-corvid · 1 year
puki are you real? because you honestly feel like you're one of those shoulder angels and devils but both sides are bad
Fuck you !!!!
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