#you great big baboon ass
moonstonediaz · 1 year
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tabsterfm · 2 years
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Oh thank god, my sleep schedule is fixed enough to where they can evolve on their own and not rely on jogressing. This was a blessing and a curse- I'll explain in a bit.
Duke evolved into an Algomon, and Wendy evolved into a Toropiamon. I'm surprised to find out that this is the first time I'm ever raising a Toropiamon as I thought I had before. I think I am misremembering it for the time I raised an Entmon. The Algomon, on the other hand... very unfortunate. I've already raised one before, and because it's a linear anime line, I already know what it'll become. Now, when the time comes, I can try and use the Entmon in my Wind Guardian Z's storage to jogres with my dupe Algomon, but I think for the sake of this run, I'll leave her as is to show off to y'all (if I wasn't logging these runs on a log I'd do that so fast though lmaooo)
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It seems like Wendy got her revenge for being burnt into a crisp last time they got into a fight. Eyup, karma's a great big baboon's ass like that, Duke. Sorry you had to find out the hard way.
Anyways, that's it for me today! I'm gonna see if I have the balls to try put Smite or grind away at PTCGL. Whatever it may be, these digi-dudes will be cheering me on the whole way through... I hope. Thanks for reading, I'll see yall next time!
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5amfever · 1 year
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Italian special effects artist Carlo Rambaldi had an incredible career, with work ranging from some of the '60s HERCULES flicks to classics like Dario Argento's DEEP RED, the 1976 KING KONG, E.T. and many more. Naturally, heads gotta turn when his son Vittorio Rambaldi jumps behind the camera to unleash 1988's PRIMAL RAGE with the help of his daddy's FX, and they'd be right to! While it isn't the animals attack, monkey-gone-ape-spit feature you might be expecting from the premise and cover art, it's a rabid 92 minutes of very stupid fun. 
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PRIMAL RAGE starts with a pair of student journalists, Sam and Frank, looking for their next big scoop, and they have their eyes set squarely on Ethridge—played by Bo Svenson with the help of a glorious little rat tail—a doctor suspected of performing unethical experiments on lab monkeys. When Frank jumps the gun and breaks into the lab to get evidence, he unwittingly causes the monkey to escape, biting him in the process and setting off an infectious chain of events that will leave Frank and others afflicted with what one might call a primal rage. 
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Prior to the initial attack, it's very important to note that PRIMAL RAGE features an intricate animatronic baboon. Yes, there's also an actual baboon in the movie, but I want to put more emphasis on the fact that this animatronic baboon is grossly underutilized. Perhaps it was too powerful to keep on screen in a state other than "drugged and sleepy," but it's a cinematic crime from which the world is still reeling. 
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Featuring a script written by Umberto Lenzi and James Justice—and one that it sounds like stemmed from a choice between two not-so-great scripts and a lot of rewriting—PRIMAL RAGE has decent enough performances, some great on-screen freakouts and a third act Halloween party with some of the most buckwild costumes you'll ever see on screen. I have a hard time believing any college students would go to much effort beyond Frankenstein's monster and Sexy Frankenstein's monster, but the proof is right there on screen. That, my friends, is some Rambaldi magic at play. 
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There's also a Noid cameo.
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As enjoyable as PRIMAL RAGE is, the fact that I'm still thinking about the robot baboon and lamenting its lack of screen time just goes to highlight one of the key quotes from the film. When Cheryl (Lauren Daly) is about have her car towed, the tow truck driver callously says, "It's a red-ass world, honey baby." I tried to do some searching to find out if this is a well-known expression or not. What is a "red-ass world?" Is it one in which a baboon, by nature of doing nothing else other than acting like a baboon, might find itself shackled in a lab getting experimental injections directly into its brain? Is it sweet, red-ass justice that this baboon infects others and wreaks havoc upon the local populace even after its passing? All I know is this is definitely a red-ass world, and we're just livin' in it. 
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rpmemes-galore · 2 years
kitchen nightmares, uncensored ... sentence starters
tw: swearing. lots of swearing
“Bloody hell.”
“I speak feline.”
“I think it’s all good.”
“You’re deluding yourself.”
“I am also shitting myself.”
“You've got the part, relax.”
“It looks like a cremated turd.“
“Forgive me; they have sinned.“
“How fucking depressing is that?”
“I just won that one. I won that one.“
“I wouldn't trust you running a bath.”
“Right now, you've won jack fucking shit!“
“I can't believe you'd be so fucking polite.”
“I’m not going to blow smoke up your ass.”
“My Gran could do better, and she's dead!“
“Seafood crêpe? Yeah... that's seafood crap.“
“It took everything in me not to just, freak out.“
“How is that missed? How is that overlooked?“
“You know what? I'm done. No more chances.“
“That's to get them in the mood to get married.“
“You're overlooking extremely important things!“
“You’re going to have to excuse my arrogance.”
“You don’t hand me raw food in my dining room.”
“Oh, come on, this hasn't been cleaned in years.“
“I'm ready. I'm ready to tear it down and start over.“
“I'm not disrespecting you. I'm telling you the truth.“
“You think I'm mad? I'm fucking embarrassed, now.“
“I think pressure’s healthy, and very few can handle it.“
“How long has that been staying outside for? Truthfully.“
“What, are you saying; are you trying to say something?“
“I've never met an individual that's so full of shit in all my life.“
“This is ten thousand times worse than I thought it would be.“
“You can’t just stick your head back in the sand and ignore it.”
“I've got to get some air before I do something I really regret.“
“Hate it. How can you be positive about something you hate?“
“Time to drag me through the mud some more. It is what it is.“
“There’s enough garlic in here to kill every vampire in Europe.“
“Now, unfortunately, I can’t afford to fuck off and die right now.”
“You're so full of fucking shit that you'd make a great politician.“
“Right now, I'd rather eat poodle shit than put that in my mouth.”
“I was hoping that this would be my launching pad for my name.“
“What have I got to show? I'll tell you what I've got to show. Pride!”
“Fresh frozen? There's no such thing! It's either fresh or it's frozen.“
“Off to a bad start unfortunately. It's like somebody's pissed in my soup.“
“I'll wait, but the thing is I don't want you to stick it back in a microwave.“
“What do you want me to do, stand here and start crying or something?“
“I'm not going to stand there and argue with you. You can have that! Okay?“
“Oh my god. I've never, ever, ever seen anything quite extraordinary as that.“
“Just... this is what I'm talking about, kid. You've got to cut the fucking bullshit.“
“You haven't got fucking one right so far! How the fuck can you think about two?”
“I’m fucking pissed off and I’m upset at the kind of shit that I just discovered in there.“
“You're jumping up and down like a big fucking baboon and ‘Ho, ho! It's good! Whoo!’“
“That is extremely unacceptable, dangerous. People could get extremely sick with that.“
“This shit is the most disgusting fucking bought-in crap I've ever tasted in my entire life.“
“He was giving me shit. I gave it back to him, and he was like, ‘Uh, yeah whatever’, and-”
“If you're convinced in your mind that this is going to work, you're beyond reach, you know that?“
“Do you work for a microwave company? You know so much about microwaves. Unbelievable.”
“I didn't expect this. I don't think it could get worse, I don't even know what could make it worse at this point.“
“I'm trying to move forward, I'm trying to get going, but every time I put my foot on the ladder, I get knocked back.”
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chromatic-lamina · 4 years
crawling the catacombs–chapter 996 spoilers
So, you know, while all the other allies are racing to the top of the castle (other than the ones who dropped through the floor) in Onigashima, Law’s fighting monsters and heading to the basement
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(where any good hurt/comfort writer feels he might belong. But I jest. Let the guy have some peace. I’ve always thought Law was more than his Dressrosa mission).
And so what he really meant when he said this:
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was that those two idiots (Kid and Luffy) were the perfect decoy for him to go off on his Lone Wolf, poneglyph, Will of D., mission. 
Fair, they do make a great diversion, and Law is slicing up the bad guys as he descends. Plus, he did a great job of getting everyone to the island (and seemed to have awareness of the layout then).
Also, I know that his conversation with Robin said that taking down the Yonkou was necessary for getting information from the  poneglyphs (and the translation differs from the official, but the meaning is basically the same).
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Though, toppling Kaidou and co is not an easy task, as our dark duo maybe concur (though I think that Law bets all against very narrow odds a lot of the time). And taking down Yonkou is not a necessarily a guarantee of securing lost secrets. But shared aims, folks, or methods at least.
And I just had to highlight the top platonic LawBin moment (or otherwise). These two, shared history and all, compatible. Anyhoo, the greater question being of course:
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Where these guys at? But yeah, just as the Straw Hats scatter into cells during fighting, I’m sure our boys are NOT getting themselves captured and are kicking ass.
But gotta love Law. Down in the dungeon, doing his own thing, while Kid and Killer rip all the metal from the awnings; O-Tama, racing in on her lion-dog, rescuing Nami and Usopp while her Baboon friend fights Ulti and Page, and Big Mom and calm Marco all set to wreak havoc (are wreaking havoc), and not just them.
I can just see the crack fic,: Law’s boots clicking across the cobblestone, singing an out-of-tune ditty to himself, turning a rare coin in his pocket, on the lookout for Stealth Black and other nasties. He is fighting in his own way. I approve.
Can’t wait to see it unfold. Hope he gets an imprint for Robin, regardless. And I love this turn of events.
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cardest · 4 years
Japan playlist
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Are you turning Japanesa? I don’t think so! This, I believe is the ultimate Japan playlist. One of my favorite countries in the world to visit. it truly is a fascinating place in the world. The music from this region is just so. Crazy even! I have been a few times and cannot wait to get back over there again as soon as Crap-19 takes a hike and leaves this planet already. Meanwhile, here is the Japan playlist to keep us happy. Perfect for those of you out there in lock down.
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I hope you dig the list of songs I put together. You can even let me know what songs or bands I forgot and let me know! 私はあなたがそれを掘ることを望みます Arrigato! Hit play right here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1_IcliLasW5eajllU8pA5Gh
001 Fantomas - 4-30-05 002 INXS - I Send A Message 003 LADYBABY - candy 004 Babymetal - DoKiDoKi MORNING 005 MOMOIRO CLOVER Z vs KISS - YUMENO UKIYONI SAITEMINA 006 The Cure - Kyoto Song 007  Kill Bill Vol.1 - Isaac Hayes - Run Fay Run 008 CHAI - GREAT JOB 009 Mutant Monster -  Barabara 010 Sigh - Inked in Blood 011 The Vapors - Turning Japanese 012 Fantomas - 4-7-05 013 Ocean Machine -  Night 014 Masayuki Sakamoto - Psy'chy 015 Astro Boy - 1980 English Intro Theme 016 Go Misawa - 悪魔人間 (デビルマン) - 不動明 017 Red House Painters - Japanese To English 018  八十八ヶ所巡礼「仏滅トリシュナー 019 Acid Mothers Temple - Floating Flower Shizuku No Youni 020 Ween - Japanese Cowboy 021 Otoboke Beaver - Don't light my fire 022 Gojira's Godzilla Theme Song 023 Cavalera Conspiracy -  Bonzai Kamikazee 024 Ultra Bide - DNA vs DNA 025 David Bowie - Crystal Japan 026 A Flock Of Seagulls - Tokyo 027 Sakura - Cherry blossoms 028 BON JOVI - Tokyo Road 029 Aneka - Japanese boy 030 Endon - Boy Meets Girl 031 Junko Ohashi - Dancin' 032 Ike Reiko - Yoake No Scat 033 Shohjo-Tai - Flamingo Island 034 Chthonic - Kaoru 035 Herbie Hancock - Nobu 036 Akiko Yano - Dogs Awaiting 037 Inoyama Land - Glass Chaim 038 Fantomas -  4-14-05 039 Hide - Dice 040 Japan - Talking drum 041 Sabbat - Samurai Zombies 042 Brian Ice - Tokyo 043 W.A.S.P. - Tokyos on fire 044 UHNELLYS - SWITCH 045 Boris -  LOVE 046 Kill Bill Vol. 1 - Battle Without Honor or Humanity Tomoyasu Hotei 047 eX-Girl - Pretty You Ugly 048 Gonin Ish - Shagan No Tou 049 Banana Erectors - Fed Up With Highschool Days 050 Strapping Young Lad - Japan 051 Yoshida Brothers - Ibuki 052 Zeni Geva - Total Castration 053 Flower Travellin' Band - Satori, Pt. 1 054 MOMOIRO CLOVER Z - GOUNN - 055 Tom Waits - Big In Japan 056 ABIGAIL - A Witch Named Aspilcuetta 057 Sigh - The Tombfiller 058 Marty Friedman-Dragon's Kiss-Dragon Mistress 059 RIOT - Tokyo Rose 060 Fantomas - 4-13-05 061 Guitar Wolf - High Schooler Action 062 Becoming a Geisha - Memoirs of a Geisha Soundtrack 063 Seven Samurai- Ending Theme 064 Miki Sugimoto - Rei's Ballad (Theme from Zero Woman Red Handcuffs) 065 Yoshida Brothers - Rising from Best Of Yoshida Brothers 066 Ruler - Jeanie Jeanie Jeanie 067 Kill Bill Vol. 1 OST - Twisted Nerve - Bernard Herrmann 068 Fantomas - 4-23-05 069 Shonen Knife - It's a New Find 070 Polish National Radio Symphony OrchestraKrzysztof Penderecki - Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima 071 ACID MOTHERS TEMPLE - Helen Buddha; Miss Condom X 072 Shugo Tokumaru - Decorate 073 PiGu - Bye Bye Honey 074 Hello Kitty Theme Song - Hello Kitty 075 ACUTE -  生き地獄 076 Sabbat - Karmagmassacre 077 Yellow Magic Orchestra - Tong Poo 078 Yojimbo OST -  Main Theme 079 Anpan-man (Red beans bread man)theme song 080 Ex-Girl - The Crown of Dr. Keroninstein 081 Kate Bush - [The Whole Story] Breathing 082 Coffins - Hatred Storm 083 The Books - Tokyo 084 Fantomas -  4-19-05 085 男の一生/松方弘樹 086 Azuma Kabuki Musicians - Dojoji 087 Saxon -  Walking Through Tokyo 088 Kill Bill, Vol. 1 Original Soundtrack - The Flower of Carnage - Meiko Kaji 089 Les Rallizes Denudes - Now is forever 090 G.I.S.M. - Nih Nightmare 091 Mono - Silent Flight, Sleeping Dawn 092 Deftones - Romantic Dreams 093 Strapping Young Lad - Zen 094 Dead Can Dance - Kiko 095 Kinoco Hotel - キノコホテル「キノコノトリコ」 096 Esashi Oiwake - Ensemble Nipponia 097 Naitemo idayoi - bcmomoiro clover 098 Bryan Ferry - Tokyo Joe 099 Suzuki Junzo - Crying Out Double Suicide Blues 100 Iron Maiden - Sun and Steel 101 Kikagaku Moyo - Dripping Sun 102 Fantomas -  4-3-05 103 BARBATOS - Tokyo Rock'N Roll Show 104 BABYMETAL - MEGITSUNE 105 Eternal Elysium - Shadowed Flower 106 The Erections - stupid punk 107 The Seatbelts - Cowboy Bebop (Original Soundtrack 1) 108 Rush - Manhattan Project 109 Today Is the Day - Samurai 110 Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OST - main theme 111 Japanese War Music - Samurai Battle March 112 Steel Panther - Asian Hooker 113 The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation -  A Place For Fantasies 114 Guitar Wolf - FIGHTING ROCK 115 HEAVY METAL ARMY - That's Hammurabia 116 Michale Graves -  Godzilla 117 Noriko Miyamoto - My Life 118 Loudness - Ashes in the Sky 119 Mary's Blood- Save the queen 120 Mellvins - One Fine Day 121 High On Fire - Bastard  Samurai 122 Shakuhachi - The Japanese Flute 123 Luna Sea - IN SILENCE 124 Tatsuro Yamashita - Sparkle 125 PIG DESTROYER - Kamikaze Heart 126 Tomoko Kawada - Akanegumo 127 Sodom - Kamikaze Terrorizer 128 Carlos Toshiki and Omega Tribe - Sky Surfer 129 TOKKAEBI - cheon mun 130 Pere Ubu - 30 Seconds Over Tokyo 131 Wanda Jackson - Fujiyama Mama 132 Witch Cross - Night Flight To Tokyo 133 F.O.E. - Total Eclipse 134 Coffins - The Frozen Styx 135 Sword of Doom (1966) - Main Theme OST 136 Sigh -  The Transfiguration Fear 137 Yondemasu Yo, Azazel san - Opening song 138 Thundercat - Tokyo 139 GHOST IN THE SHELL O.S.T.2 - i can't be cool 140 Japandroids - No Allegiance to the Queen 141 YAMANTAKA - SONIC TITAN - Hoshi Neko 142 Doraemon 2005 Opening - Sha La La 143 Akira Soundtrack - Kaneda's Theme 144 Anatomia - Morbid Hallucination 145 Traditional Japanese music - Honno-ji 146 Kodo - Lion 147 Tomita Planets - Mercury, The Winged Messenger 148 Yuji Ohno - Lupin The Third Theme '78 149 Ninja Scroll TV Series Soundtrack - Jubei's Theme 150 OKAWARI_BOY show me your space 151 Boris - The Woman on the Screen 152 Sepultura - Kamaitachi 153 X Japan - X 154 L'Acephale - Hitori Bon Odori 155 Zilch (hide) - Inside the Pervert Mound 156 Fantomas -  4-12-05 157 Kodo - Akatsuki 158 Sigh - Hunters not horned 159 Pucca Theme song 160 Tujiko Noriko - Solo - Magic 161 MYSTERY KINDAICHI BAND - THEME OF KOSUKE KINDAICHI 162 Akiko Yano -  クマ 163 Sooo Baad Revue - バッド・レビュ 164 Pharoahe Monch - Simon Says (instrumental) 165 Imaginary Flying Machines - Sanpo (My Neighbor Totoro) (feat. Living Corpse & Yoko Hallelujah) 166 Mutant Monster - kamisama o negai - pv with romaji lyrics 167 Mount Fuji - Neun 168 Kumi Sasaki - Tanchame Bushi 169 Yakuza - Yama 170 Chai - Choose go! 171 Goto Mariko – Drone 172 Blue Oyster Cult  - Godzilla 173 Kinoco hotel –  F No Junkai 174 ASS BABOONS OF VENUS - Jet Unchi 175 James Bond you only live twice OST - Aki, Tiger and Osato 176 PJ Harvey -  Kamikaze 177 BABYMETAL - Awadama Fever 178 Alcatrazz - Hiroshima Mon Amour 179 Tokyo Blade - Warrior of the Rising Sun 180 TIK & TOK - TOKYO GIRLS 181 Queen - Hammer To Fall 182 Nana Kitade - Kibou No Kakera 183 Gallhammer - Blind my eyes 184 Yellow Magic Orchestra - Kai-Koh 185 Chikyuu Kyoumei  Resonance of the Earth 186 Hoodoo Gurus -  Tojo 187 John Waite - Euroshima 188 Tommy Snyder / Yuji Ohno) - ザ・マリン・エクスプレス (The Marine Express) 189 Boris - Riot Sugar 190 Yellow Machinegun - Again 191 Kill Bill, Vol. 1 Original Soundtrack - The Lonely Shepherd 192 Church of Misery - Chilly Grave 193 Jimmy Takeuchi  - Yasuki bushi (Shimane) 194 Yuji Ohno "Andromeda no kanata ni" - (OST - Captain Future) 195 Bo Ningen - Henkan 196 Blood Stain Child - Electricity 197 Crime - Yakuza 198 Tatsuya Yoshida & Satoko Fujii - Feirsttix 199 Ike Reiko - Kokotsu No Sekai 200 Fantomas -  4-9-05 201 David Bowie - It's no game 202 Manon - xxFANCYPOOLxx 203 Sparks - Here In Heaven 204 MAD SPYAIR - samurai heart Gintama 205 Terror Squad - Nightmare Rider 206 Fantomas -  4-6-05 207 Mutant Monster - Hanabi 208 Jimmy Takeuchi - Akita obako 209 NAKED CITY - OSAKA BONDAGE 210 Death Panda theme 211 Crossfaith -  Monolith 212  OMD - Enola Gay 213 Dir en Grey - Obscure 214 LADYBABY Age-Age Money 215 Fantomas -  4-17-05 216 S.O.B. - Deceiver (Napalm Death cover) 217 Jimmy Takeuchi - Time Of The Season 218 Dark Mirror Ov Tragedy - Thy Sarcophagus & Unwritten Symphony 219 Laurie Anderson -  Kokoku 220 THOMPSON TWINS  - TOKIO 221 Electric Eel Shock - Killer killer 222 Kodo - Nanafushi 223 Ningen Isu - Heartless Scat 224 Amachi Shigeru – Showa Blues 225 BlackLab - Insanity 226 TENGGER - achime 227  Riot - Narita 228 Martin Denny - Japanese Farewell Song (Sayonara) 229 LADYBABY - Renge Chance 230 Tokyo Electron  - She Keeps Me Shut 231 Kan Mikami - Anata Mo Star Ni Nareru 232 Kraftwerk - Radioactivity 233 CHAI - N.E.O. 234 Fantomas - 4-27-05 235 Gacharic Spin - Next Stage 236 Loudness -  Crazy Nights 237 David Bowie - Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence 238 The Presidents of the USA -  Japan 239 Fantomas -  4-4-05 240 Kyary Pamyu P - Fashion Monster 241 Wagakki Band - Senbonzakura 242 Deep Purple - Woman From Tokyo 243 Krokus - Tokyo Nights 244 Kyoto - Venetian Blinds 245 Happy End - Natsu nandesu 246 Motohiko Hamase - Plateau 247 Boris - Tokyo Wonder Land 248 Asia - Countdown to Zero 249 Hiiragi Fukuda - Me And My Marshall Amp 250 Marty Friedman -  Ai Takkatta 251 Kodo -  O-Daiko (japanese drummers - Taiko - tambours geants Japon) 252 Sonic Youth - Tokyo Eye 253 Otoboke Beaver - Anata Watashi Daita Ato Yome No Meshi 254 Y&T - Midnight in Tokyo 255 Metalucifer -  Heavy Metal Samurai 256 Urami Bushi - Meiko Kaji 257 Alphaville -  Big in Japan 258 M.O.D. - Godzula 259 Akiko Yano - Hitotsudake 260 Japan - Life in Tokyo (Giorgio Moroder Version) 261 Boris with Merzbow - Sometimes 262 Dragonforce - Power Of The Ninja Sword 263 Fantomas -  4-10-05 264 The Guyver Dark hero Theme song 265 Minami Deutsch / 南ドイツ - Futsu Ni Ikirenai 266 Yukihiro Takahashi - Drip Dry Eyes 267 ZooBOMBS - Doo Bee 268 SIGH -  Shingontachikawa 269 Burt Bacharach - Me Japanese Boy I Love You 270 Kay Cee Jones - Japanese Farewell Song 271 Dhidalah - GRB 272 Kikagaku Moyo - tree smoke 273 The Fall - I Am Damo Suzuki 274 Ryuichi Sakamoto - Thousand Knives 275 Yasuaki Shimizu - kakshi 333 Godiego - The Birth of the Odyssey (Monkey Magic) 666 BABYMETAL -Headbanger
Here are the songs to listen to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1_IcliLasW5eajllU8pA5Gh
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bkdk4liferzz · 3 years
Chapter 1(bakugou's POV) - that bastard
"DEKU-KUN!!" pink cheeks screeched. Great start to katsuki's already shitty morning, not that anything in particular happened; mornings are just generally shitty. The fact that his little (obnouxiously fucking large) crush on a certain dopey greenette was in full force, making it impossible to tune out his and fucking round faces' conversation wasnt making it any better.
"ururaka-kun, calm downnn" deku winced out, the blonde could tell without even looking the nerd was as red as a baboon's ass right now "i- it's really not that big a deal... so will you quite down?"
Ok, katsuki's boring shitty ass morning was getting a little better, the fuck was she so fucking elated about?! Its deku. Boring, annoying ass deku. Who does nothing but mumbles like the stalker idiot he is and smile that dumb smile that puts the fucking sun's christmas tree to shame.
"OK ok im sorry, but oh my god!! Deku-kun are you kidding?!?" The explosive teens thoughts were cut off by the brunettes rambling (thank god for that, he does not need to explain why he's blushing like an idiot over absolutly nothing to a bunch of extras)
"no! I swear im not, i- i'm still shocked myself.. but i wouldnt joke about somthing like this ururaka! You know that.." deku seemed a little panicked with those words. The hell were they going on about?
"I know but really?! I mean, im not that shocked because your great in almost every way" she was definaitly pushing katsuki's limits on jealousy with that, but beside's a light snarl he kept it together since he wasnt even meant to be part of the conversation. "Seriously though," pink Cheeks continued "Somone really asked you out?! Who?"
The blonde's heart practically stopped and he probably looked like he just saw a damn ghost, his morning was turning out to be 100 times shittier than he thought possible. At this point its surpassing shitty, it's literally fucking up his entire life before 10 a.m. this is not how he wanted to start his day
"um, yeah.. somone asked me out!" the nerds tone picked up a little and he was definaitly smiling that christmas tree fucking smile right now, and that alone was making the blonde teens blood boil. Somone else is making deku smile like that, no. The thought alone of somone else was making deku smile like that. Katsuki was going from a ghost to a red-raged bull real quick. "And he's um.. well," the nerd was clearly still star-struck, making katsuki even more pissed than he already was, and even more hurt
"oh my- deku-kunnnn! Spit it out, your killing me here!"
For the first time in there almost 2 Years at ua, the blonde agreed with that loud ass helium balloon. He needed to know the who the fuck Dared to go after his deku. Ok, not technically his, but he really fucking wished. And he was planning on making that wish a reality at some point.. but really, who's fucking ass did he need to explode to next fucking millenium.
"Sorry! Sorry... his name is Yo Shindo.. remember? The vibration quirk user at the licencing exam..?"
No way. He was way to fucking touchy-feely with deku at their damn test. But no way the nerd actually said fucking yes to that electric toothbrush asshole, he could do so much fucking better. Katsuki was going to murder somone, preferably that Shindo bitch but the blonde himself was coming in a close second for not just asking the nerd out himself when he knew for a fact other people liked deku. Round Cheeks was right after all, the nerd was pretty fucking perfect.
"Oh my GOD. DEKU REALLY?! LIKE FROM KETSUBUTSU HIGH?!" The brunette was screeching again, "I THOUGHT HE WAS DATING THAT TURTLE NECK GIRL" at this point katsuki has Turned back to look at the two, round face was hovering over deku's desk while he sat on top of it, and as it turns out; the blonde was right(as he always is when it comes to the greenette) he was smiling and blushing like an idiot. That toothbrush bastard was gonna get it.
"Ururaka! Shhhhhhhh" deku blushed harder and put his index finger to his lips to emphasize the deku version of 'shut the fuck up'. "A-and apperantly him and nakagame-san broke it off pretty s-soon after the exam" deku stuttered the entire sentance out, katsuki hated how absoulutly giddy the nerd looked at this whole arangment, that stupid smile was as bright as it is when he gets a new limited addition allmight figurine.
"Deku-kun!! Im so happy for you! Give me details though!! When did he ask? How? Like did he call you? Do you even have his number? Whens the date? Ho-" her pop-quiz on the nerds date was cut short by aizawa-sensai opening the classroom door, forcing her back to her assigned seat. But katsuki's eyes were still locked on the nerd. He had a date. Maybe even a boyfriend. That thought made his heart rench, the idea that somone that wasnt the blonde would be most important to the nerd. Before katsuki even had a chance to make things right, apoligize for years of torment caused by a crush making him feel vulnerable. Making him feel weak. He sat there engulfed in waves of anger and guilt for what felt like an eternity, completely tuning out the lesson going on until the nerd made eye contact with the blonde; his face went through a look of confusion and worry at katsuki's expression which was probably laced with utter rage and hurt. The explosive teen just scoffed and turned away, trying as hard as he could not to dwell on those bright emerald orbes deku dared to call eyes, looking at somone else.
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un-beel-lievable · 4 years
I saw you were taking requests! Could I request mammon confessing and some emotional intimate nsfw if you want to do that?? Thatd be cool :)) thank you
So I kinda took this and ran with it. I love this concept of Mammon being horny but sweet at the same time. It kinda went from a scenario ask to a fanfic which is why this took so long! Plus I’m working on a whole bunch of stories at once and also I’m a perfectionist by nature and thus I’m usually never 100% confident in my work and I spend so much time doing rewrites. I apologize for the delay, I just wanted it to be perfect. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy!
Mammon glanced up at the clock. He began to grow more and more restless in his seat. He fidgeted with his pen in his sweaty palms as his last class of the day drew nearer and nearer to an end.
‘Only 8 minutes left,’ he thought to himself. ‘8 more agonizing minutes. You can do this Mammon. It’s just four minutes two times! It’s just two minutes four times!’
Of course this would be the one period he doesn’t have with you. And clearly you knew that. But you said what you said anyway, letting him stew in his overactive thoughts until the final bell at the end of the day. 
“Mammon...hypothetically speaking, what would you think if I told you I had a crush on you? And like, I wanted to start dating you...hypothetically? Cause I mean like, if you think about it that doesn’t seem like that bad of an idea. We have a lot of fun together and get along really well. If you and I were dating I- oh! That’s the bell! We can talk about it after school, okay?”
And that was it. You scampered off to class, leaving Mammon standing in the middle of the hallway, a sputtering mess in a sea of students shoving past him.
What was he supposed to make of all this? Was it really hypothetical after all or were you serious? You must have been if you asked what he thought about it. Did you ACTUALLY like him back? 
It was no secret that Mammon was absolutely in love with you. He was so obvious. Saying he thought you were just some dumb human, but ravenous for the slightest bit of attention you showed him. He would often become frustrated at himself for not being able to admit his own feelings.
“Mammon you’re completely ridiculous,” he remembered hearing Satan say. “That’s something seven-year-olds do. It’s playground romance. Tell them they have cooties, but miss them as soon as they’re gone.”
That’s not true...he never said you had cooties. But he DID miss you when you were gone. Hell, he missed you right now and you’re down the hall! He wanted to confess to you, and there were a few times when he almost did! But the timing was just never right. He was always being interrupted by someone or something and then the moment was gone as soon as it came. Who knew when he’d get another chance? Unless he just went for it. Should he do it today after school? What would he say? What would YOU say? How could he play it cool?
“Roflolol Mammon’s tsundere attitude is just proving that he’s soooo desperate. I’m embarrassed FOR him lololol.” Levi’s voice rang. He became more and more frustrated with each ill-timed memory that popped into his head.
‘Screw that little otaku creep.’ He thought. ‘What does he know? Kid hasn’t gotten laid in centuries! The GREAT MAMMON is NOT desperate.’
Except he was. 
He WAS desperate. The more he thought about dating you the more he saw himself playing with your hair, and taking you on cute dates, and holding you by the waist, and kissing you softly, and unbuttonin-
“Mammon?” Solomon asked, snapping in front of Mammon’s face, bringing him back to reality.
“Whattaya want Solomon? Can’t you see I’m busy thinking?”
“Oh, so you ARE capable of thought!” He said with a wry smile.
“Dick…” Mammon muttered under his breath.
“Well, I just saw you staring into space and I figured I should let you know that the bell rang like almost two minutes ago.”
“WHAT?!” Mammon bolted out the door and down the hall. 
“You’re welcome!” He called after him. Solomon looked at the pen he lent Mammon (of course he was unprepared) left abandoned on the desk.
“School supplies. The one thing he DOESN’T steal.” He chuckled with a roll of his eyes.
“Oh, there you are!” You said smiling as an out-of-breath Mammon caught up to you walking back home from school.
“Jeez would it kill ya to wait for a guy?” He panted. 
“Sorry,” you giggled, “I waited for a bit but I thought you weren’t coming. I thought what I said before scared you off…”
“Pft! ME? Scared? I- uh...” However, it dawned on him that now you were with him again… alone. And now was the time! He was finally gonna confess his feelings! 
‘Just do it now Mammon,’ he thought. ‘Get it over with you pussy! Rip the bandaid of love off!’ 
But how the hell can he say it? He hadn’t gotten to that yet in his daydream… he kinda just skipped to the part where you guys like...touch butts and stuff? Solomon snapped him out of it before he could come up with something super suave and clever to say to you instead of stuttering like an idiot.
But here he was.
Stuttering like an idiot.
“Uh, I… uh.”
“Relax, I was just joking! It’s kinda cute that you're nervous though.” You admitted with a little sway in your step, fiddling with your backpack straps as they dangled tantalizingly by your hands.
“Yeah well-” 
Wait...CUTE? YOU THOUGHT HE WAS CUTE? Damn it, now he’s blushing. Oh god could you see? Of course you could see! He looks like a baboon’s ass! 
“At least now you have company in cute-ville. Ha hah, Cute-ville, population: us.”
Fuckin SMOOTH.
Did he have to add the finger guns at the end? He mentally kicked himself for saying the dumbest thing possible. And shortly following his self-loathing came the state of panic he found himself in as you began to laugh. Were you laughing with him? Or at him? 
“Oh so you think I’m cute too then? Thank you.” You said, a teasing edge to your words.
Mammon hadn’t meant to call you cute. Well...he HAD but not by saying you lived with him in cute-ville, whatever the fuck THAT meant. He stared down at his feet kicking the dirt around. His mind raced as he tried to think of something to say to reverse the damage he had done already but he came up blank. And then the worst thing that could have possibly happened at that moment, happened.
It got silent.
You said nothing. He said nothing. For like, thirty whole seconds. Why weren’t you saying anything? Did he screw it up? He turned to see if he could get your attention by saying something, ANYTHING, only to find you already looking at him with wide, sparkling eyes. He audibly choked on his breath. You let a small giggle out at his strained sound.
‘Mammon you fucking nerd.’ 
His eyes returned to the road in front of him as you both came up on The House of Lamentation. 
With all the courage he could muster, and all the pride he could swallow, he stopped as soon as the two of you reached the door.
‘It’s now or never.’ He thought. 
You could see that Mammon was visibly tense and blushing a deep crimson. You knew what was coming, you had set it up so perfectly for him. You knew exactly what you were doing when you brought up him hypothetically dating you. You planted the seed of confessing to you in his head right before your last class, knowing you wouldn’t be together. That way he could sit there and think about it without you there. All you had to do was give him that last little nudge.
“Mammon? Are you okay? You know you can tell me anything, right?” You said with fake concern, knowing precisely why he was so uncomfortable. 
“MC… listen up will ya?” He said, voice shaking. “I gotta tell ya something…” he trailed off. You hung on his every word. “MC, I’m only gonna say this once, got it? So ya better be payin’ attention. I...I love you, okay? I love ya, I’m crazy about ya. I can’t stop thinkin’ about ya and it’s drivin’ me nuts! And when you started talking about dating me, I almost lost it right in the hallway. That’s all I’ve wanted, since I met ya. I’m greedy, ya know? I want you to be mine and ONLY mine...”
You weren’t expecting THAT. Sure maybe an ‘I like you’ or an ‘I really like you’ or even the coveted ‘I really REALLY like you’. But for him to fully confess his undying affections to you, right here on the doorstep? 
Unprecedented. It shook you, if you were being honest. Of course you loved this moron back but this situation had escalated from 0-60 in 2.2 heartbeats and now it was your turn to be a blushing, speechless, mess. 
“M-Mammon… I…”
This was it. He was about to be humiliated even more wasn’t he? This was the part where you say that you were only joking about dating him and how you never want to speak to him again because he creeped you out. Mammon wanted the ground to swallow him up right there. Why did he just spill his guts out like that? It was diarrhea of the mouth. Absolute word vomit. He couldn’t stop himself! But at the same time he wanted to keep going. To let you know how beautiful he thinks you are, how much he adores you, how he wants to take a bath together and wash your body for you, how he wants to smell the lovely scent of your hair in his face after a night spent in each other’s embrace, or how you’re the only thing that matters more than money and Goldie, how he wants to be a better person for you so you could be proud to call him your boyfriend. But he had to clamp his lips shut before he admitted to more than just wanting a cuddle with you...
“Mammon... I love you too…” You croaked out softly.
Mammon could hear the pounding of his heart in his ears. What? Did he hear that right? You loved him back? Was this a prank? Was it a dream? 
“And… I’d like nothing more than to be yours.” You added. 
Mammon’s heart soared and there was no way to hide the big goofy grin or the tinge of red on his face. He moved instinctively and pulled you toward him, squeezing you against his body.
Your synapses momentarily pulled a cease-fire at his sudden action but after regaining the ability to think for yourself, you quickly returned his affection and wrapped your arms around his waist. You nuzzled into his chest, breathing in his natural scent mixed with his high-end cologne. 
“O-of course you do! Who wouldn’t want The Great Mammon to be their boyfriend? Y-you should be honored.” He said into the crown of your head with a soft fondness and a hint of relief. 
You tilted your head up to capture his lips in a soft, yet needy kiss. Taken slightly aback at your brash actions, he leaned into the kiss, snaking one of his hands up behind your head to steady you and the other down to the curve of your hips to draw you even closer. Now that you had admitted your feelings to him, he had received a boost of confidence. Hearing you say you loved him was an ego stroke and we all know what happens when his ego is stroked...
You gasped at his touch and let out a sigh as he slipped his tongue inside your mouth, letting him take over without much of a fight. He licked into your mouth and gently tugged on your bottom lip to elicit tiny squeaks from you. Months of pent-up sexual tension and frustration between the two of you finally coming to a head. Gazes from across the room, touches that lingered just a moment too long, flirty words and claims of being your first man all lead to this at last. 
Somehow in that moment you had enough consciousness to realize that the two of you still stood outside the door of the house where anyone could see the show you were putting on.
“Mammon...why don’t we take this back to my room?” The question came out far more seductively than you intended but you were breathless from the kiss and your voice presented itself as more of a moan. Mammon shuddered slightly at the way you spoke and couldn’t help but think of the sexual implications behind the innocuous question.
“Babygirl,” he spoke, with a warning tone. “Ya shouldn’t start something you can’t finish…”
Your eyes intuitively dropped just below his belt to get an eyeful of Mammon’s prominent “concern”. The cocky air in your response was unmissable.
“Who said I wasn’t gonna finish it?” 
And that’s how you ended up on your bed in only your underwear, underneath Mammon who was kissing and nibbling at the sweet spot on your neck. You intertwined your fingers through his, your other hand free to travel the vast expanse of his exposed torso. Your skin flushed deeper with each nip he gave to your collarbones.
“Ah~!” Your small hiccupy moans and breathless whines filled what little space was left between you. Mammon sat up and pulled you up to him so he could unlatch your bra, throwing it to the side. He kissed in between your breasts as his hands came up to massage them. He wrapped his lips around one nipple and started suckling while rolling the other one tenderly between his thumb and forefinger. He continued kissing down your stomach until he reached the hem of your panties. He glanced up into your eyes asking for silent permission to take them off. You nodded rather curtly, signaling your wish for him to continue. He hooked his fingers in the sides of your panties and you lifted your hips up ever so slightly so he could slide them off of you. His eyes trailed every inch of your fully naked form.
“You’re so fuckin’ beautiful.” Mammon said between kisses at your hip bones. “I can’t believe I have you here like this, all to myself.” 
“Mammon, please…” You nearly whispered.
“Please what, doll?” He asked coyly.
“Touch me, kiss me, eat me out, fuck me, anything! I need to feel you…” You admitted, shying away from the hunger in his eyes.
“You got it babe.” Mammon spread your legs open and placed a kiss right to your core followed by a few strained licks to your sensitive clit. You gasped at the sensation and your hands flew down into his soft, fluffy hair. You unconsciously pushed his head down, forcing him to lick into you deeper. He groaned softly at your taste on his tongue which only caused him to become more ravenous. He was eating your pussy with fervor now, softly nipping at your clit and drawing circles with his tongue. 
“Ah, fuck!” You cursed out, feeling yourself beginning to let go. At this compliment, he sped up the pace of his ministrations. You noticed how he wrapped his arms around your thighs, drawing you closer so he could fuck you deeper with his skilled tongue. Your praise sparked something primal in him and you wanted to push him a little further.
“Fuck, you’re eating me out so well Mammon! I feel like I’m gonna cum!” You praised. 
At this point Mammon was practically GROWLING into your cunt, eating you out like a man depraved, slurping and sucking and licking.
“Yeah? Then cum for me baby. Hump my face if ya have to. Cum on my tongue. Your pussy is fuckin’ delicious, let me taste how sweet your cum is.” He said between licks and kisses, nibbling gently at your labia. 
You felt the tell-tale pit feeling in your abdomen tightening as he spoke his obscenities. All it took to get you over the edge was Mammon shoving two of his fingers into you and pumping them in and out in time with the flicks of his tongue and you were gone. Your eyes fluttered as you came with a loud sigh. Mammon gave you a couple of pumps while you rode out your orgasm, careful of not overstimulating your pulsing clit.
He barely let you get a few good breaths in before crashing his lips into your own. You could taste yourself on him, not that you minded, really. Something so lewd only helped in refueling your arousal. 
“Fuck baby, that was amazing.” You moaned into his mouth, as he continued kissing you through your words.
“Yeah? Well I couldn’t have stopped even if I wanted to. Ya taste real fuckin’ good.” He said as he climbed off the bed to take his pants off. He was about to unbuckle his belt when you stopped him. 
“Somethin’ wrong, babe?” He asked with a look of concern. Now he was starting to panic again. Did you not want him to fuck you? 
“Allow me.” You said, quelling his fears as you sauntered over. You stood in front of him and he placed his forehead against yours as you began to work on his belt, the clanging sound and your combined heavy breathing the only noise in the room. You then undid the button of his jeans and slid them down to his ankles, while dropping to your knees. His erection was trapped still behind his boxers. You grabbed his clothed member and Mammon squeaked at the solid grip you now held. You gazed lazily up to his glassy, hooded eyes and began to mouth over his cock gently, leaving wet patches on his boxers wherever your sinful tongue lay. He inhaled sharply, head already reeling from that hot, wet, little mouth of yours. You had your fill of teasing and finally freed him from his boxers, feeling the weight of his rather large cock in your hands. You gripped him with one hand around the base the other on the shaft, the soft skin juxtaposed by it’s hardness. You kissed the tip lightly and lapped at it with kittenish licks. Mammon suddenly grabbed your hair and pulled you off. You looked at him with confusion.
“Sorry babe, as much as I’d love to fuck that pretty mouth a’ yours, I just can’t wait any longer. I wanna fuck that pretty pussy of yours instead.” He walked back towards the edge of the bed and sat with his legs spread, palming and slowly stroking his stiff cock as he took in the sight of you. 
“C’mere hun, why don’t ya have a seat?” A chill ran through you and straight to your exposed nipples, stiffening the little buds and this did not go unnoticed by Mammon. “So turned on you can’t even answer babygirl?”
All you could get out was a dry little  “Mhm~” Mammon chuckled at how cute you were.
You straddled him as you lowered yourself onto his throbbing cock feeling every inch pushing deeper inside your quivering little hole, feeling the delectable stretch as he entered.
“Fuck,” Mammon cursed, “you’re so tight…” You let out a small huff as the back of your thighs met the top of his and he fully seated himself inside you. Now with you connected, he laid on his back, leaving his hips off the edge, giving him enough leverage to begin slowly thrusting into you.
“Ohhh fuck.” You cursed out in bliss. His hands gripped your waist as he rocked into you creating a steady rhythm.
“Fuck, you’re so big Mammon.” Upon hearing this compliment he began to push into your tight, wet heat faster, making your tits bounce with each thrust. He wasn’t sure how long he was going to be able to keep this up, not only because of the challenging position, but because he felt like he could burst with every passing second. 
“How ‘bout we try another position, hm? Whattaya say babe? Missionary? Kinda boring, I know, but-” He paused. His expression shifted slightly. Gone was the lust from before as he looked into your eyes and in its place was something more endearing.
“But what?” You inquired. 
“I-I want to look into your eyes when you cum… I want to see how beautiful you look when I make you cum...I wanna see that look of ecstasy on your face...all cause a’ me...” He began to blush which seemed odd to you because he was literally fucking you seconds ago and yet still had the ability to be embarrassed while telling you something sweet. 
‘He’s too adorable.’ You thought as you laid your head on the pillows. Mammon followed suit, climbing on top of you and kissing you tenderly. He guided himself to your entrance while gripping your hips. Once fully sheathed in you he leaned down for another kiss. 
This kiss was different from the last few. It was certainly passionate, but it was almost desperate. He didn’t just want you, he NEEDED you. 
He loved you.
You grasped for his hand amid his thrusts interlacing your fingers and he squeezed your palm earnestly. No words had to be spoken for you to both understand this intimate declaration of devotion.
Mammon began to pound into you harder, the sound of your lovemaking most likely audible from down the hall. Wanton moans and pants and skin slapping echoing through the room.
“Fuck you feel so good Mammon! Fuck, I love you! Ah~! I’m-I’m cumming!” You cried. Your walls clenched and pulsed around his cock with the intense wave of your orgasm.  Mammon looked directly into your eyes with such adoration as you came, you could almost cry. 
“Babe… fuck...I’m g-gonna cum-”
“Come inside me Mammon, I want to feel your love inside me.” You said not breaking away from your eye contact with his blue orbs, hazy from sex. He screwed his eyes shut with a shout of your name as he came into you, resting his head on your as his hips stuttered into you, releasing his load. You kissed the back of the hand you were holding as he came down from his high, slipping out of you and plopping down next to you. The two of you laid in silence, regaining your composure. You curled up into Mammon’s side, resting your head in the dip of his shoulder.
“I love ya so much MC...and I’m so happy I could die.” He said with a laugh and a sigh, wrapping his arms around his girl.
“I know Mammon...I love you too.”
He tilted your chin up to kiss you once more before drifting off into sleep. He awoke the next morning with the sweet smell of your hair tickling his nose, just like he always imagined it would after a night spent in each other’s embrace.
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
One Piece Chapter 1004 - Initial Thoughts
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We keep on rolling to 1004
Last time we continued with the fight as Luffy ran out of gas, leading to some hype and highly anticipated moments, so let’s see if they unfolded in 1004
Spoilers for Chapter 1004, Support the Official Release too!
A nice Chopper cover this time, looks like you get enough value for your money with that bag of rumble ‘candies’
The chapter title also raised a brow, lots of theories could indeed come to fruition
So of course, Speed is the ‘enemy ship’ that let Tama in, makes sense since she’s their master so they can’t pull the ‘you’re too young card’ on her
She’s also hard at work using her DF, Kibi Dangos all around!
Sometimes all a girl needs is a supportive family of a Tengu sensei, a pet dog and baboon, a tea shop grandma, a caring horse lady, crazy pirate brothers, a samurai aunt, a ronin uncle and your very own army of human/animal hybrids
Tama wanting to see Momo as Shogun was a pretty big statement too
I do particularly love that Speed, Gazelleman and Daifugo - who were all minor characters in the last 2 acts of Wano - are coming in big clutch for Tama, Oda doesn’t forget
Also funny is there different methods, Speed is all ‘this is a special dango that makes you stronger’, Gazelleman is just all ‘have this snack’ then there’s Daifugo that’s just ‘EAT YOUR DAMN DANGOS’
Over to Franky vs Sasaki though and Sasaki’s defence is pretty strong, but General Franky is also pretty strong too
Cheap shot though, the Armored Corps holding General Franky down to be charged by Sasaki, looks like this Flying Six member doesn’t share the honour rules that Franky does
Fortunately Nami, Usopp and Tama are riding in...aaaand they’re being chased
Nami and Usopp’s chaotic grins are great behind Determined Tama
And then Sasaki wipes his own men out XD
I have mixed feelings about Thunder Lance Tempo, on the one hand Yay Nami! but on the other Nooo Ulti!
Usopp as well using his salt sniping skills but this time with Dangos...another Thriller Bark callback in Wano...
Oooof, got him in the fleshy belly. I doubt he’s done though, if Ulti can take a lightning bolt through the chest then Sasaki can deal with a belly slice
Not looking good with Sanji though...well, depending on your point of view, should’ve used the Raid Suit
Maria wants Sanji to betray Robin? Ha, good luck with that
Sanji doing the badass face there too
Magical Squirrel Girl and maybe-maybe-not-CP0 Bao Huang has found the Scabbards though due to her mouse spy
Whoa now hold up, who as that Bird person with the eye tags that is an epic design!
Second floor treasure room huh? Guess that means no Yamato :/ shame
Wonder if Marco is the one keeping King’s hands full
That girl is wearing an earpiece for sure, maybe it’s a den den mushi earring, or an earworm SMILE....they do keep bringing attention to it
Maria to face down the Samurai, Sanji may yet get a reprieve
Ten people huh? Reminder that the Akazaya are only 8 at the moment; Kin, Denjiro, Inu, Neko, Kiku, Izo, Raizo and Kawamatsu, so that means 2 other people are tending to them
Hidden Person is the final panel
So...no Hybrid form this week...or next week, maybe not even next chapter. We seem to have used this as respite to show the movements of the lower floors, but right now we’ve only really covered Nami, Usopp, Sanji and Franky. This does leave open Chopper (and Drake and Marco), Brook and Robin, Carrot and Wanda, Jimbei and Yamato, on the enemy side we have yet to see movements from Queen, Hawkins, Apoo, Jack or Who’s Who either.
There was a lot of love about the chapter though, revenge of the Queen of Beasts! Tama is directly working to shift the black tiles white as she is practically absorbing Kaido’s armies into the alliance’s. Now the SMILE atrocities are on our side, but there is still the matter of the Tobi Roppo and the Lead Performers, but this is indeed a turning point CP0 may not have anticipated from their reviews last chapter.
As for the person helping the Scabbards, they do look feminine and have one long bit of hair drooping down, people are saying Hiyori though I wouldn’t put it past it being Robin and Brook, Robin would want to find a treasure room for any intel and her and Brook would attend to the Akazaya if they saw them, on top of this it can lead to the confrontation that Black Maria wants; Robin vs Maria. This could also bring Sanji back from his rough spot in the raid, he started strong but in the face of his simpness he fell from grace, but if he escapes Maria and is confident that Robin can handle the giantess then perhaps he can move towards other fights.
This being said, the fact that we left the top of the dome with Luffy exhausted and Kaido in Hybrid form does worry me greatly, who knows how long it’ll be before we see Luffy and Zoro again, and what state they could be in.
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peikonlainen · 3 years
Just a quick question but what often gets you inspired?✨
Oh boy ehhhhhh - here we go to the never ending rabbit hole!!
Sometimes small things gets my attention like e.g. squirrels paws, unique red face of a person at a cold day or seeing chair upside down on icy lake (honestly I am now working on long comic about trolls inspired by that chair).
Comic art and animations inspires me greatly! Lately I have been inspired by animations gems like the thief and the cobbler, treasure island from 1988 (and other Soviet Union animations) and the king and the mocking bird. The animation process fascinates me greatly, how can one make smooth and imaginative animations is wonderful! I can't get enough of it all.
Also concept of kindness inspires me greatly. I have gone throw...lets say a lot. I love stories that show kindness where it is needed, e.g. Tove Jansson's story of invisible child. The child was bullied by their family so much that they turned completely invisible and lost their own voice, eventually they found confidence and selfworth in themselfs thanks to kindness of Moomins. I want my feelings to be seen and heard but sometimes world or people are overwhelming. Kindness is important, otherwise we will fall apart or at least I do. I am still on my way to be kind and understanding of myself and othets but those qualities are more important to me than ever.
Couple weeks ago I started to collect stuff that inspires me or I find interesting. I will list most of them below. If I am not saying anything about certain box, it means I enjoy the show/comic/meme/animal but cannot put my finger on why. Usually those make me smile and give new pespective about life. Somethings might be there twice because I am forgetful baboon!
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Junji Ito's horror comics are visually out of this world! But my fav is his humorous comic about his cats. It was so different from his other comics that I fell in love with it.
Emma manga made by Kaoru Mori. Usually I can't stand romantic stories but the characters but the story and the art works perfectly together in her comics.
Comics and animations of @cecameron are gorgeus and fun!
Tove Jansson's books, comics, art and life in general.
Rainbow Road from Muppets is my favourite song and I wish it would be played at my funeral one day. Its hopeful song that fills me with joy.
Entranta from Shera. She never gives up, I wanna be like her! I wanna see failure is part of the process and helps me get further little by little + its nothign to be shamefull of.
Ponyo's fathers frustration is relatable, also the whole movie is wonderful and colorful. Its maybe my favorite ghibli movie.
Scarr my beloved weirdo! The image was in the tarot pack of the grim adventures of Billy and Mandy and he is of course the hermit (which is my personality card)
@deep-dark-fears comics surprise me by giving new ideas to express fear.
Hugo Simberg was Finnish artist at 1900's. Symbolism and sympathetic characters of devils and death has inspired me since I was 8 years old.
Treasure planet is one of my favourite disney movies. The father son relationship between Silver and Jim is great and makes me cry everytime.
Hypnopotamus and Warren Stone from ROTTMNT. Their relationship is wholesome and inspiring + the show itself is fun, full of action and passion! I love it!
Tintin comics are almost religious in my family. It was one of the first comics I saw different from different parts of the world and how tintin could become friends even the most oddest (looking at you captain Haddock) people is marvellous.
The penguin my belowed ❤❤❤
Mörkövahti is Finnish children book that accidentally inspired me greatly. The world of troll like creatures, magical elements in the story and research of the creatures made me fall in love in the world of the books. I often love to read books for kids or teens, they are more interesting and I don't have to fear to be faced with rape, sexism and other nasty stuff.
Stop motion animation and expecially Arman animations have been always part of my life. I have soft spot for the pirates movie thanks to it's humor, naivety and animation style.
Adventure time is one of my favourite series and couple of things stuck with me. Some people are build different, you don't have to understand it but you need to respect them. I love this idea greatly and I try to live by it.
Pinsir is my favourite pokemon and it says a lot.
Mr Pogo and other smart ape characters inspire me greatly. No wonder new planet of the apes trilogy is part pf my movie collection. I am not sure why I love smart apes as characters but it always works.
Wander over yander whole concept is to be kind and help people out, I love it.
Peto was made for me by @elle-eedee at lgbtq trolls discord server. Peto ended up becoming my ultimate comfort character and I love to draw him and make stories for him. I loved the way elle-eedee combined my favorite things to create him ❤ also their colorful art inspires me everyone I see it.
@alioutfit blog is blog of style choices of man named Ali. I want to find my own style like Ali.
The murder she wrote is nostalgic for me and I wanna get into that series again! The fact smart older woman is the main focus inspires me. I love Agatha Christi stories too so it checks out.
Hugs + rottmnt. I love hugs and the show has a lot of good hugs!
Don Rosa's Donald Duck comics are the best! Those who don't know, Donald Duck comics are big in Finland!
Heikko Peikko (meaning Weak Troll) was stop motion animation series in Finland at 70's. Its wonky, basic and charming story of Heikko Peikko's everyday life.
The meme that made me less depressed
@foxing_around had wonderful comic that made me think over my friends over my sad ass.
Squirrels, I like them a lot. They remind me of my grandpa who loved forest and nature.
My sandwich with a face
Monsters petting each others! My friend has a lot of arkham maddness board games that comes with monsters. I like to play with the figurines, they are so lovely monsters!
Concept art of toothless from how to train your dragon. Why toothless couldn't look like this little ugly thing??? I would have loved him from bottom of my ❤
Kingdom of lonely bananas sign was at supermarket. Little imaginative ideas like these are great.
Pasila series is good stuff, it was said to be Finnish South Park.
My photo of snail ❤
WoY faces are glorious
The snow queen movie from 1957 gives me live. Its one of my favourite Soviet Union animation movie.
My photo of my special secret place at summer
I know only these two from Transformers comics and their love is wonderful. Truly I haven't read the comics...I wish I could tho!
Sherlock Holmes books are awesome
New ducktales series had so many characters from the comics I couldn't believe it at first! Finally I had my favourite characters like Fethry on the show!
I love odd looking animals because I am one too
Animal Crossing is a game I thought I would never play. It looked like a baby game when my big bro gave the it to me at the time gamecube was new console. He bought it because it had a memory card and he know nothing about the game. I tried it and never looked back ❤
The ping pong animation is my favourite animation series from Japan. I got the manga even I can't read it since it's straight from Japan. It's more about the lifes of the characters and how they grow as people than the game itself (or at least it feels like it). The story feels real in a way, that the characters are three dimensional and their reactions are natural. Some charachters stop developing as players, some loose interest completely, some work hard to be the best, some forget why they played in the first place and some found new ways to live their lives. The story is good for my soul.
Comic of @catmilks made me realise there are other people like me. The feeling of the comic is relatable and hopeful, things will pass and life goes on + make sure you take care of yourself.
Comics of @ stuffnoonetoldme made me reflect my life and how I see myself.
@diva-humon has good points of life. I realised I have very christian way of thinkin even I am not religious or have ever been part of any religios.
Suomenlinna, I loved it!
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Embry x Reader: Bitch
Warning: N/a
AN: Not my best work, but……
“Bitch” by Bea Miller
I hate little bitches. Granted, I am a little blunt, but that’s not my problem if people don’t like the truth. I had just started at Forks High and somehow, I found myself with a group of people on my third day here. I don’t mind, some of them are great people, it’s the other bitches that are bothersome. For example, Mike was hitting on Bella in the most desperate way possible. It was disgusting and I can tell Bella was too nice to say anything.
“Hey, Mike?” I called his attention,
“Yeah Y/n,” he said irritated, bitch you just fucked up.
“You know, I was going to say this the nicest way possible, but because of that attitude, I don’t give a shit. Please, for the sake of all of us, stop flirting with Bella. She is highly uninterested and you’re being a creep. Matter of fact, all of you guys, stop, the girl is too nice to tell you back the fuck up.” I said to all of them. Bella gave me a thankful look, Jessica looked shocked, Lauren looked pissed (like always), and Angela was laughing.
“Oh, what do you know! How are you so sure that we’re all flirting with her?”
“Because the smell of desperation oozes off you guys. End of discussion.” I look over to Bella and Jessica, “Do you have the lab notes from last week. I have no idea what is happening.” I said, ending the conversation. The guys rolled their eyes and called me a bitch.
“Heard that.”
I been runnin' my mouth around the corner Chasin' it down the street I cash in my words like I'm a billionaire But I don't have food to eat And I keep talkin' like I'm taller than the trees But my eyes never see much higher than five feet And I keep on tellin' everyone the truth But maybe that's not the move And everyone wants to hear a strong opinion If it's the same as you And they say honesty is the best policy If that were true, don't think all of my friends would hate me
I wouldn’t say I was a troublemaker, nor a problem starter, just an honest person. I may have gotten detention for standing up for a girl that was getting picked on by Lauren. The next day, I was in my history class minding my business when said girl decided to get me in trouble again. Thankfully, Rosalie Hale was just as irritated with her as I was.
“Keep talking Lauren and you’ll easily regret it.” If hell had a look, it would be the face Rosalie gave her. That shut her up quickly. I looked over at her and bowed my head towards her saying “thanks” and she did the same. She went back to talking to her boyfriend Emmitt and I went back to doodling. At the end of the day, I was walking towards my car when I heard someone call out to me.
“Hey!” I heard behind me. It was Erick, great.
“Yes Erick, how may I assist you?”
“Look, I just need to warn you. You can’t go around acting like you own the place. Being rude and such, that will get you nowhere girl.” He said, in response to this morning when Tyler came in with new J’s. Everyone was amazed, minus a few of us, and he started to act like he was better than everyone for having them.
“You know, you can have nice things and be humble at the same time.” I didn’t call them ugly, but, in guy code, I did. What-the fuck-ever.
“How do I put this nicely…No. Have a good evening.” I said walking away.
Society is suckin' on your dick And since I got a pussy, I'm a bitch And since you are a dude, yeah, you can tell the truth But as soon as I do, I'm a bitch Society is suckin' on your dick And since I got a pussy, I'm a bitch And since you are a dude, yeah, you can tell the truth But as soon as I do, I'm a bitch
There was a time, this guy, he tried to tell me "Men can cheat, women can't" Then he proceeded to ask me out on a date And I fuckin' laughed If you're a woman, you were made to pleasure me But out in public, hide them shoulders underneath
Overtime, Bella, Angela, and I got closer. One day We all went to La Push beach to meet up with some of the kids on the reservation. Angela had a date with Ben and couldn’t make it, so here we are, riding in Bella’s big pick-up truck, on our way to meet up with “Jake.”
It was awkward being the third wheel. Luckily, some other guys came to Jake's garage. One of them was short and kind of tubby and adorable…like a chipmunk. The other was cute as fuck, lanky, but cute with a nice smile. Chipmunk (later to find out his name is Quil), Embry, and I were talking while Jake awkwardly attempted to flirt with Bella. It was a horror show honestly.
“God, it’s hard watching him flirt with her.” Chipmunk said, Embry nodded and I kind of laughed.
“I want to say something. But I’m too amused at this. Anyone have some popcorn?” I say, Embry laughs and agrees.
“We always clown him about it so if we were to do it now, it won’t be the same reaction.” He looks over at me and gives me one of his cute smiles that seems to be thrown my way a lot.
“You just opened the gates of hell, my friend,” I tell him, look towards Bella and Jake and smile.
“Hey, Jake?” I yell towards him,
“Yeah?” awe, the cute puppy….
“Just ask her out.” We all laughed, Bella turned red like a baboon’s ass and Jake hid his face in his hands that were covered in oil.
“Hey, Bella! I like her!” Chipmunk said,
“Yeah, make sure to bring her around more often,” Embry said, sending a grin my way. I smiled at him and looked away. Bella looked at me, shook her head, but still laughed.
Society is suckin' on your dick And since I got a pussy, I'm a bitch And since you are a dude, yeah, you can tell the truth But as soon as I do, I'm a bitch Society is suckin' on your dick And since I got a pussy, I'm a bitch And since you are a dude, yeah, you can tell the truth But as soon as I do, I'm a bitch
I'm that motherfuckin' bitch (If I have to be, I'ma be that bitch) You should be suckin' on my clit (If I have to be, I'ma be that bitch) I said I'm a, I'm a, I'm a bitch (If I have to be, I'ma be that bitch) I dare you, stop me
Months passed and it was up to me to help Bella. Edward left and Jake disappeared on us. When she was dating Edward, Bella pushed everyone away, but I refused to be ignored. Plus, Rosalie liked me, so I was invited to the table. I noticed some things about the Cullen’s; I knew that they weren’t human, and I knew that they had special abilities. I never asked what they were, and they never asked what I knew. Edward read my mind and knew I knew they weren’t mortal but appreciated how I never went out searching. I was told to not say anything.
“Ha! And who would believe me? Plus, not a whole lot of people like me here anyways. Emmett, let me have your fries.”
After Bella’s birthday, they left. It took a while, but Jake and I put Bella back together. But then he left, and that pissed me off. So, here we are, in Bella’s truck on our way to Jake's place. She knew I was just as pissed, and I would have been more pissed if she didn’t invite me. Who would’ve thought that that would be the day that I’d meet, or re-meet, the love of my life?
Society is suckin' on your dick (on your dick) And since I got a pussy, I'm a bitch (I'm a bitch) And since you are a dude, yeah, you can tell the truth But as soon as I do, I'm a bitch Society is suckin' on your dick (on your dick) And since I got a pussy, I'm a bitch (I'm a bitch) And since you are a dude, yeah, you can tell the truth But as soon as I do, I'm a bitch
Watch me (If I have to be, I'ma be that bitch) I said, I'll be that bitch So stop me
Wolves…they’re all wolves and the Cullen’s are vampires. We showed up at Jake’s house and was turned away by his dad. Bella spots a group of giants and runs to them…the stupid bitch.
“Bella! Get back here!” she continues to be a stubborn ass and walks towards the football players. As we get closer, I notice Chipmunk and Embry.
“Chipmunk? Embry?” I call out while Bella yells at ‘ol boy named Sam.
“Uh...Hi Y/n. What are you doing here?” Chipmunk asked nervously. I looked him up and down then looked at Embry and damn nearly fell over. Hot damn, whatever life did to him, I would like to personally thank. He was staring at me with a look of shock and disbelief. Out of nowhere, I hear Sam yell.
“Get back!” I look over and see a pissed off hulk deforming himself. I back up slightly before a pair of arms wrap themselves around me and move me out of the way. Bella runs and, of course, trips, but outcomes Jake who shifts into a goddamn wolf. I watch in disbelief as the two wolves go at it and I can’t say a damn thing. Well, except for…
“The fuck was that shit! How does the Hulk turn into a wolf?” I said, not moving from the arms wrapped around me.
“Jared, Quil, Embry, bring them back to the house.” ‘Ol boy says and just walks off.
“Come on, let's get you somewhere safe.” The body holding me said, I look up and see it’s Embry and I’m not mad.
“Good, cause you and Chipmunk owes me an explanation.” And they did. Jake and crazy boy Paul come back in as if nothing happened and apologizes. They explain to us in short what was going on and what they were.
“So now that, that’s out of the way; and you see me like this. Y/n, can I get another name besides Chipmunk?” Quil asked. I laughed and laughed and laughed.
“No. Stay humble. Remember your roots. Plus, be thankful I didn’t name you squirrel, that was runner up next to hamster.” He looks sad but slightly smiles when the guys laugh and attempt to make fun of him.
“I don’t know why you guys are laughing. I already named Paul the Hulk, Jared your chicken, and Sam is ‘ol boy.” They all looked at me and I heard Embry laugh,
“What about lover boy over here?” Jared asked pointing his chicken leg towards Jake.
“Ha! Which one?” Hulk says, “We all know Jake's love for Bella, but Embry hasn’t stopped looking at Ms. Blunt over here since we were outside.” I look over at Embry, who is looking at me with wide eyes and slowly turns his head towards Hulk.
“Run.” *beat drops* and he takes off while Hulk sprints away going outside.
“Did he just call you Ms. Blunt?”
“Yeah, I kind of like it,” I say, not a bad name. Better than Bitch, but still. “I take it as a compliment.”
“What? How?” I hear an ‘oh God’ coming from Bella who knows why I like it.
“Because, a blunt makes people happy, hallucinate, and is secretive…by law in some states. It’ll trip you out and your reaction would be unknown. All of which is how I inspire to be every day. A fucking blunt bitch.” I smile.
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
Hello, don't know if you are still doing requests but would love to hear your thoughts on my fav character kukaku shiba! Congrats on the 500! Can't wait for BLEACH 2021!!! (also if the requests are specifically drabble I'd love to hear some ikkaku/renji banter or headcanons instead) 🦑
These are both very good requests and they’re the only ones I’ve gotten so far, so you can have a two-fer.
Kuukaku is awesome. She is the best Shiba. I love everything about her. I am extremely pro her terrible architecture choices. I hope that the moment Yoruichi set foot in her house, cold shivers went down the spines of at least 10 people in Soul Society. I would ship her and Yoruichi, but that is waaaaay too much top in one relationship. Mostly, I want to see them go on Ocean’s 8 style capers together where they look extremely good and own people.
The thing I want to know most about the Shiba is how they got kicked out of being a Great Family. I like to think that after Isshin’s disappearance (it also bothers me to NO END that we don’t know whether Kaien died first or Isshin vanished, so I made an executive headcanon decision that Kaien died first, and also that both events happened in a relatively short span) and Kuukaku raised hell about not enough investigation being done, and was basically fomenting rebellion and was using her power to poke into a bunch of rich dudes’ business, so they had her family demoted on the merits of “conduct not becoming a noble family” or some shit. If Kuukaku doesn’t own a jacket that says “If I die, drop my body on the steps of the Central 46″, I will eat my hat.
This is a bit of a hot take, but I do not actually want more canon Kuukaku content. Bleach has too many characters, and it would be better if more of them were allowed to be cool and mysterious in the background. If I ever find out how Kuukaku lost that arm, I want to find out from a brilliant fanficcer who has spent three years thinking this shit out. I would, however, very much appreciate (1) filler episode where Isshin goes back to Soul Society to sheepishly apologize to all the people who grieved for him, and I want Kuukaku to put him through some sort of humiliating Shiba penitence ritual. Also, I want her to teach Karin and Yuzu to build fireworks and smoke pipes and bully their brother. For some reason, I see Yuzu taking to this more naturally than Karin.
Ikkaku/Renji banter, set shortly after the end of the Soul Society Arc: Renji shows off his new bankai. I admit I went slightly over 500 words, like we all didn’t know this would happen.
“So have you thought about if you’re gonna be one of those ‘straight-to-bankai’ guys, or a slow roller?” Ikkaku asked as he hopped the fence to Training Field #3.
“Oh, straight to bankai,” Abarai replied as he followed. “Right away. Gonna show up to fights in bankai, if possible.”
“That’s probably the right choice for you. You get beat up a lot. Okay. Go ahead. I’m ready.”
Renji wrinkled up his face for a moment, and drew his sword. He rolled out his shoulders and, with a flick of his wrist, released into shikai. He raised his eyebrows. “Eh? Nice, huh? Right?”
“Yeah, no release command, great. Get to the good part,” Ikkaku replied boredly, investigating the contents of his ear with one finger.
“You gotta back up a little bit. It’s kinda big.”
Ikkaku glowered at him and took a step backwards.
“Like three more steps.”
Ikkaku sighed heavily, and took three bored steps backward. He thought he had done a better job teaching Abarai to be cool about stuff, but every time the kid managed to do anything decent, he turned into a big, fucking puppy about it. Or maybe it was just around him. Ikkaku decided not to interrogate that too deeply.
Ikkaku had to take a jump backwards to avoid a massive coil of bony snake. “Fucking sweet!” he exclaimed.
“I know, right?!” Abarai crowed. “Listen to this!”
Ikkaku’s field of view suddenly filled with a lot of fangs and glowing eyes. The skeletal jaws opened wide and a brain-jarring SKCHREEEEEEEEEEEECCCCCHHHHH!! filled all his senses. If Ikkaku had any hair, it would have been blown back. Fortunately, the thing did not have breath, although knowing Abarai, if his bankai had breath, it would just smell like cookies, or some shit.
“What good does that do?” he shouted back, hitting one of his ears with the palm of his hand, trying to get his hearing to come back. 
Abarai’s mouth was moving, but Ikkaku couldn’t hear him. Oh, well, the kid sure could blather. “--mmmph mmblle defense!”
“Mmm, sure,” Ikkaku agreed, pretending like he’d paid any attention to that. “What the fuck are you wearing? Yumichika is gonna piss a brick when he sees that thing.”
“It’s a stole!” Renji frowned defensively. “Look, it’s got a baboon skull on it!”
“Why the hell do you have a baboon skull? Your bankai’s a fucking snake.”
“It’s actually a nue. A baboon snake.”
“Sounds like some nerd shit to me. So, are you gonna let me fight that thing?”
“Yeah yeah yeah! I thought maybe you could go to bankai and we could have a bankai-to-bankai fight!”
Renji’s face fell. “No?”
“You know I don’t have bankai.”
Renji scowled. “Madarame, I’ve seen it.”
“Someone probably hit you on the head too many times and you dreamed it.”
“Come on, what better thing do you have to do with that three tons of hot mess than fight my bitchin’ snake guy? And Captain Kuchiki says it’s gonna take a lot of training before it’s ready to use in battle. Who better--? I mean, I thought, maybe--”
Ikkaku sucked his teeth and scratched his ass. “I told you, kid, I’m done with you. I don’t want people thinking you fight like me. Besides, for fuck’s sake, you outrank me. You should start acting like it.”
“That’s bullshit!” Renji protested. “You’re just worried that if you keep training me, I’ll figure out how to beat you.”
Ikkaku snorted. “Is that how it works? A guy offers to do something nice like training you, and you spend the whole time trying to reverse engineer his whole fucking deal and figure out how to beat him?”
Renji made a face. “Well…”
“You aren’t even in my squad anymore, junior. Kuchiki thinks you need training, go tell him to train you himself. You’re his problem now.”
“That would be-- I mean, if he would-- wait!” Realization started to dawn over Renji’s face. “Wait, are you suggesting--?”
Ikkaku drew his sword and shook it out into its polearm form. “Fuck, you talk a lot. First one with a concussion buys drinks.”
“You’re on!” Renji agreed with a grin.
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monkey-network · 4 years
Larva is a Cartoon I Enjoy
It’s a cloudy morning outside as I type this. *inhale* *exhale* Alright.
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Western mainstream media can disappoint me sometimes. The MCU? Gotten stale. Steven Universe? Hurt my brain. Voltron & She-Ra? Sucked the life out of me, they’re so bad. Barbie’s Princess and the Pauper? Pretty alright, kinda want a remastered version. Even the good shows like Teen Titans Go!, modern Spongebob, The Loud House, and Unikitty fall under a tiresome conventional taste. There are some gems out there but actual gems can be few and far in between and even then you might tire of singing their complex praises. Sometimes you just want a modern show that doesn’t devise some deeper themes, be subversive, or push that you’re a valuable part of society. You want a good show that doesn’t require thinking. So, out of the blue, World said “fuck it” and got South Korea to make a cartoon about dumbass bugs that eat, survive, and fart.
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Said farts puts hair in all the right places
Listen, I review media, nice hobby of mine. And over many years, I’ve seen some thoughtful, introspective features and shows and I’ve committed my darnedest to sharing my feelings about them. Then again, I’m a tired, stupid, hairy, lazy, terribly honest baboon that sometimes hates when people enjoy things I can’t, when I get my hopes up only to wish I never bothered, and when people have an hot take about something they, in truth, are not gonna see so really the pompous cunt that they are should’ve not bothered opening their fugly ass mouth in the first place. To get to the point, I really have no explanation as to why I like this because it speaks for itself. It’s essentially A Bug’s Life meets Happy Tree Friends but without the gore. The characters, name the Red and Yellow ones, go from a sewer setting to a house setting to the NY streets to an island and whatever happens happens. This series is the equivalent of a good high. It’s goofy as shit, you chuckle feeling light in the face, and you feel compelled for more. The ugliness of it can take some getting used to but hey, I was actually high when I first started to love it. It isn’t like some those twitter accounts that essentially repost the same cartoon clip with different audio, this is some actually entertaining stuff.
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It got me to enjoy Power Rangers for God’s Sake
I’m just saying, we typically tend to dive into these wannabe complex shows and movies, analyze what’s great about it, bitch about what other people think and do with it to accommodate the fact they have little else to show for themselves and will make no radical effort to change that. And that’s fine, but I say we need true balance. A chance to stop thinking about how Avatar: The Last Airbender and Redline are the greatest of all time and enjoy some good stupid bliss. A show that allows you to have fun with the madness that ensues. A cartoon that’s able to evolve itself and yet feels just the same YET never feels old. That’s what Larva is in its entirety and I just love it. I can drone on about the caveats but positives far outweigh the negatives as it’s mostly personal preference and taste. It's like my 4th Grandfather once said...
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Now you can disagree, and you’d be wrong but welcome regardless. The point I want to get across is that sometimes you deserve, no, need a show that’s dumb, silly and proud of it. Not saying they’re better than your Disney, Cartoon Network shows or your all angle anime extravaganzas, but I say it’s vital that you should have something to freely turn to to turn your brain off and enjoy. And I also don’t mean media that’s bad but apparently good IF you turn off your brain, I mean media that revels in just being profoundly stupid. You can have some rough days, weeks even, and sometimes turning to the revolutionary big brain writing doesn’t pick you up like expected. Even if they’re your high class comfort food, that doesn’t mean you’ll be as into it as before. Junk food isn’t healthy for you, but we shouldn’t be snooty enough to pass it and appreciate it any differently.
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So Enjoy Yourself, you Magnificent Bastards
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amnachil · 4 years
The College Society Chapter 4 Part 6
The next part!
Some feelings ;)
Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey Thursday April 4
"You should have tell me sooner."
Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey rolled his eyes. As if it would have change anything.
"Archie and I have this shit under control. There isn't much you can do."
Even through the phone, he guessed she was annoyed. D.R didn't like to be kept in the dark. Especially on that matter. Archie had insisted : they had to warn her about Nate. And I guess he's right.
"The victim isn't from our college anyway." he continued. "You can't make further investigations."
"I get that." she sighed. "But I'm a specialist with a diploma. I know Archie must've been a good support, but he isn't trained. What if he reawken his own traumas ? You remember as well as me how hard healing him had been the first time... I never had a case like his before... And by judging his ever expanding pack, we can tell he isn't completely cured."
"Yeah but until now, he's fine. And I think he can learn from this experience. For fucksake, I'm not stupid."
Seriously it was so annoying. He knew how to help people, he wasn't some heartless jerk ! D.R was the kind of person to worry anyway.
"Let's say I'll trust you on this for now." she decided. "I'll send a girl to watch discreetly over him when he goes out anyway. Sadly, I don't have any boy working for me. And once he's ready to be seen, you bring him to me. Now let's talk about our second... matter. My team didn't manage to get to the root of the website. Our prankster is good and we can't do much as long as he remains anonymous."
Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey gnashed his teeth. Damnit this is so fucking frustrating.
"This hunt is totally unethical." he grumbled. "There is nothing you can do ?"
"Well, I agree with you. A bounty for a prey isn't something I can tolerate." she replied. "But what do you want me to do ? I can order all the hunters to stop coming close to him but that's include you. There's no way I will treat you differently."
But this baboon is mine ! I'm his fucking boyfriend god damnit ! It made him think about what Zack had told him. I'm not ready to admit it yet. Not that he wasn't happy with the baboon but... He could already imagine the reaction of the community. The laughs and the teasing. They would never let him go away with that. Everything he had built so far would be wrecked.
"Forget it." he mumbled. "Let them try to catch the prey and fail miserably. It'll be fun to watch."
After all, many of them had already tried. And nobody had succeeded.
Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey tasted his pancake. They were delicious. Of course they're... I'm the best. But still, he was a bit worried. It was their first date since Liam had discovered the truth about Nate, and the Dean's grandson couldn't help but be stressed. What if his baboon held a grudge against him for having lied ? Liam was probably too concerned about the midget to truly enjoy a date with his newly boyfriend anyway. They weren't that close and... Stop. Wait a fuckin second. What the hell ?! Was he, the best hunter, seriously thinking like a weakling ? This is... Man I just don't get it. Why am I stressing over something like that ? Is it because... It was so hard to admit it. The baboon wasn't any boyfriend. He was nothing like his precedent relationships. It was the reason Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey couldn't resolve himself to reveal the truth to the community. Because in barely five month, Liam became an important part of his life...
"Hey Dami, you okay ?"
Speaking of the devil, the baboon had arrived. Albeit against his will, the Dean's grandson ogled him. Damnit. Not only he had a great and unique (very unique) personnality, but he was hot for crying out loud ! Was it these strong arms ? Or maybe these thick thighs ? Or the eighth wonder of the world that was his ass ? It could've been these insane pecs or the little portliness of his belly... Anyway SOMETHING was attracting Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey like hell.  He wanted to cuddle Liam like... forever. At least feel his strong yet soft body against his. And his damn hands. Big and warm ! Okay. Let's breath and stop being such a shame for myself.
"Dami ? Are you talking with the alien forces ?" asked the baboon, who suddenly stroke his cheek.
"What the... No. No." he stammered, now more than flustered. "I was just thinking about some stuff."
His boyfriend smiled. What a smile. Damn I hate him so much.
"Nate and I talked a bit." he suddenly revealed. "It's kind of clearer for me. He doesn't want to tell me for now, he doesn't felt ready and I respect thtat. He assured me I'm important for him and this is why it's so hard for him to talk... At least thanks to Archie, I know what I have to do now. I was so lost and pissed... I owe you an apology for my behavior this night."
The junior looked at him with amazment. This dummy was apologising ? Seriously ? Baboon, when I'll be used to all your cuteness and not affected by it anymore, I'll teach you how to be a little less sweet.
"You owe me shit." he retorted. "Nate is your bestfriend for a lifespan. After what happened to him, you have the right to be mad or whatever. And I'm the one sorry for having lied to you like that. I know we ain't dating for long and I'm already failing... I told you I suck at being a boyfriend so I guess it's also your fault for..."
Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey was so busy talking, he didn't notice the baboon move. Liam embraced him with both arms and kissed him softly.
"Trust me Dami, you are wonderful and I'm not asking for anything more than you being yourself. You're doing an amazing job at this boyfriend's stuff and that's pretty normal because you're the best."
Okay. I wasn't expecting that at all. The blond lad buried his red face on his boyfriend's chest. What should I do ? This is so nice and so corny ! He needed a way to regain composure. To take the lead again ! Because there was no way, absolutely none that the baboon was consoling him !
"I'm sure you're sayin' that only for the pancakes." he finally whispered, not convincing at all.
It made Liam laugh.
"I'm not." he stated. "But the pancake definitely help your case babe."
Liam Saturday April 6
Nate grunted. Well, he was grunting a lot since the... The rape. According to him, it was because he wasn't feeling like talking. Anyway, so he grunted. Liam had learnt how to distinguish a frustrasted grunt from a scared one. Or, although it sheldom happen, an amused grunt. This one belonged to the last category. Well, the situation was kind of amusing to be fair. At first, they had head out only to go to the stadium, were the football team was gonna play soon. It was the only event Nate had agreed to come because Archibald was playing and Liam had insisted. So they were casually walking to join Nick, Colton and Dami when they encountered the witch. Which was why they were now hiding behind a low wall.
"How long are we supposed to stay here ?" asked Nate.
"Not so loud bro !" replied (not so discreetly) his bestfriend. "I swear, she'll kill us if she find us. Let's crawl over there."
The shortest lad rolled his eyes but obeyed nonetheless. He certainly didn't want to be killed by the witch. She's very persistent. But I'm getting used to her tricks now. They managed to move for ten meter at least before she decided to come in their direction. Liam froze, and held Nate next to him. First, I protect Nate. Then I run. (Sure he was taller and way beefier than her but she had magical powers, remember ?!).
"Do you need help ?" asked someone.
The chestnut lad raised his head and looked at the newcomer. She was a tall but thin girl. Her pale skin planted an idea in Liam's head.
"We're trying to enter the stadium." explained Nate before he could speak. "But we need to avoid this woman."
The stranger looked at the witch and smiled. These teeth... That's no good.
"It's manageable." she assured. "Come with me. I'm Jolenne by the way."
Liam was very wary but well, they followed her anyway. She led them in a dark path, apparently to enter the stadium by the staff's door. I can't let Nate alone with her. There is no way I let him alone with a woman anyway. His bestfriend had tensed up quickly. She was isolating them from the crowd, and he didn't like it at all. Neither did Liam of course. (He wasn't brave but for Nate, he would be ready to fight and get his blood sucked.) (Because yeah, she was certainly a vampire.)
"Here we are." she finally announced. "The back door, as you asked."
The two boys sighed, relieved. She doesn't want our blood for now. We have a lucky escape...
"Well have a nice evening." Jolenne continued. "I'm looking fowards to our next meeting."
They politely thanked her and went inside. There is something fishy about her, I'm sure of it. And it wasn't only because Dami asked him to be prudent around girls !
Their team won the game. Liam enjoyed it. He was with his friends and they all seemed fine. Even Nate. Besides, his boyfriend was there too. Sure, it didn't show much affection because they were in public but it was nice anyway. Dami had surely opened his heart to the chestnut lad since their trip in France. Now, Liam knew what kind of person he truly was. And yeah, because he's a succubus he's still sleeping around but it doesn't matter that much. (Liam is very open-minded). They didn't attend to the party after, because Nate wasn't feeling ready for it. So they ended up at Dami's place to spend the evening. The hero had already cooked diner beforehand, and Liam thanked him a lot for that. He enjoyed himself. He's so good. The food is so good.
"I know I made too much." Dami stated. "But I also know you eat a lot."
He was right. Liam and Nick dug in pretty fast. Everything tasted so terrific. The chestnut lad went for second, thrid and fourth. He would've eat more if only there were some leftover, but it appeared they had emptied everything. Liam found himself cozily sat in the sofa, his boyfriend curled up next to him. He was pleasantly full and happy. (Honestly ? Yeah his inner desire asked for more food until he was about to burst !). (The idea of a swollen stomach made him kind of excited.). The group played games until Liam started to feel dozy. The young lad didn't want to ruin the fun but he was falling asleep. His filling diner wasn't helping.
"Do you want to sleep here with me ?" asked Dami when he noticed.
Hmhmh... The tone was hopeful.
"We won't do anything of course..." he continued while blushing. "Just... you know... it would be nice if you stayed for the night and all."
"I would love to stay." assured Liam.
He liked this part of his boyfriend. The one unconfident and shy. I think it's super cute.
The chestnut lad woke up because someone was hammering on the door. At 10 am. Who was nasty enough to do that ? Even the forces of evil wouldn't be that mean ! The lad yawned and spawled. Not only he's a hero with amazing cooking skills, but he's so nice to sleep with... Dami had a soft skin that Liam loved. Not to mention, his little plumpness made him very attractive.
"Open the fuckin' door you dam brat !" a voice shouted. "I know you're in there idiot !"
The junior swore from the kitchen. He was probably awake for awhile now and cooking breakfast. Anyway, he arrived in the bedroom kind of... stressed ?
"My father arrived baboon." he mumbled. "You need to get out of here before he sees you."
Liam frowned. Wasn't he supposed to meet him ? Then he remembered how unkempt he looked. His messy hair, his loose sweatpants and his dazed expression weren't appropriate to meet Dami's father.
"Go by the window." this one ordered. "I'll see you later okay ?"
"Sure. Love you."
Liam didn't care that they were on the first floor. Leaving by the balcony what somehow very fun !
Nicolas Sunday April 7 – Monday April 8
< Imagenius : Late mb !! Very sorry Sav pls don't yell. >
< Abeautifulwomen : it happens a lot lately dude ! Was it ur hunter thing again ? >
< TheSavior : and here we go. >
< Imagenius : well yeah it was and it sucked !!! I tried to catch a prey but u know what he said to me ?! That I am too fat !!!! looool >
< Abeautifulwomen : he ? So a man ? Gays >
< Imagenius : Shut up fke girl. I still think u're an ass becuz u don't wanna tell me what the big hunt is about. I know the reward is huge !! >
< Abeautifulwomen : Maybe one day you'll understand i do this for your own good you idiot !! This big hunt is only troubles i swear >
< Imagenius : as if i would trust ya ! You lie abut being a girl so... >
< TheSavior : Okay now you guys will shut the fuck up with this hunt thing or god be my witness i'll blow a fuse ! >
< Imagenius : sorry boss... I'm just so frustrated... >
< Abeautifulwomen : sorry too... let's play to calm you ok ? >
< TheSavior : at least you're coming back to your senses. Let's go. >
Monday lessons were easy and Nick didn't pay attention. Honestly, his mind was drifting towards Nate and things related to him. The feeling of being powerless wasn't gone yet. Liam and I talked with him but it's obvious he doesn't want us to know everything... He probably doesn't want us to think less of him. Anyway, truth must be told, Nick was getting paranoid. They knew it was a girl who did this. And now, the dark haired lad was seeing shady girls everywhere. There was this "witch" Liam had talked about. She was following them most of the time. And I'm pretty sure she's trying to seduce at least one of us... She wasn't the only one. There were girls at every corner of this damn college. Nick was certain he had noticed Leila, Colton's sister, watching them from afar. But he did not know what they wanted exactly. I'm just turning crazy that's it. His own experience with the girls here didn't gave him a reason to trust them either. Their professor announced the end of the lecture. Nick was about to stood up but Colton held him.
"Dude maybe we should wait a bit before leaving." he smiled.
Liam was slowly waking up. If he wasn't sleeping most of the time, the man would've been one of the three top students around here, no doubts.
"Why ?" asked Nick. "Is there a problem ?"
He knew his friend : he was probably trying to avoid a conflict or something like that.
"Well... your trousers hum... split on your back." revealed Colton. "I don't want anyone to embarrass you by seeing it you know ?"
It led to a blank. Nick felt his cheeks burn. Well this is awkward. But it explains why I felt relieved... It was time to go shopping again...
Colton decided to come with him after their last class. Liam was heading back at the flat to see Nate and his boyfriend. The duo ended in a specialized shop at the mall. I didn't know this kind of shop were real. A lot of things were plus-sized here.
"You're not really that huge, but since you like loose clothes this shop will be nice." explained Colton. "Here, let's try these pants."
Nick looked at him, surprised.
"If I was smart, I would say you are a regular... " he teased. "Oh wait. I'm smart ! Dude how the hell do you know your way around a plus-sized shop ?!"
His friend smiled softly.
"My step-brother is on the heavy side too and we used to go buy clothes together because my parents wouldn't come wih him." he replied. "So yeah, I'm used to it."
To prove his point, he started to show Nick many trousers and shirts which suited him just fine. More than used to it, he loves shopping... He's boyfriend material. The dark haired genius would've been interested himself if he didn't knew Colton was hetero. Well, it didn't prevent him from coveting this hot stuff. Once they had finished, the two boys decided to grab a quick meal for diner. Nick thought it would be nice before meeting with his virtual friends who were annoying lately. But they bumped into Rebecca and Barbara right after they had bought their hotdogs. The petite blonde tried to ignore them, but her tall friend didn't.
"Hey neighbour !" she smirked. "Enjoying a snack I see ? I'm not sure you need it tho."
Nick rolled his eyes. Why was she so mean ? What was her problem ?
"I have something to tell you bro." she continued. "For the old times sakes. If you ever want a girlfriend, you should really lose that gut. You're so fat, that's disgusting."
She pinched his belly.
"I mean, Liam's padding looks kind of hot but you... This is just pure blubber. What a..."
"I think we got your point Rebecca." intervened Colton. "You and Barbara despise chubby people, it's your choice and we respect that. Now we're leaving."
He took Nick by the wrist and led him outside the mall. The poor lad watched the two girls laugh. Seriously... But deep down, he couldn't help but wonder. Was she right ? Maybe it was the reason why Theo had stopped their affair ? Maybe he was just too fat after all...
To be continued
Well, well, well... Dami has feelings. Cute :D
Liam is dealing with the truth now, and do is best to follow Archie’s advice. Each person suffering from this kind of trauma will deal with it differently, Nate has his own way to do. A professionnal like D.R is what they need to find these ways.
It’s the turning point for Nick. Maybe it wasn’t clear enough before, but he’s a bit of a social inept, and the opinion of others matter to him. So yeah, with time, he started to doubt his body, and now, he wants to change back.
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earthnashes · 5 years
Hey so I don’t typically do this but, on a whim I watched the Lion King remake and wanted to share my thoughts on it! <:
Final verdict? It... actually wasn’t as bad as I originally thought it was. Like I try not to have an opinion on a movie I haven’t seen, including remakes, because I wouldn’t have much to base said opinion on it otherwise. But after hearing how much people seemed to despise the movie and call it entirely soulless (and seeing clips out of context of the full movie) I was inclined to agree with that verdict.
But now that I’ve seen it? I honestly enjoyed it. I admit it lacked something magical the original had but for what it was, it was pretty good. This felt more like a slightly darker take on the story, and took a little more inspiration from Hamlet as far as I can tell and for what it’s worth, it worked for the realism the movie tried to convey.
So my thoughts on the movie! (below the cut cuz it got longer than I anticipated)
-The voice acting was pretty damn good. What the characters lacked in facial expression the cast tried to compensate with their voices and it kinda worked.
-The animation was beautiful; this is probably the most realistic looking CGI movie I’ve seen and I say that in a positive way. It’s just bloody gorgeous to look at. Speaking of realism, to touch back on expression I did notice that what the animals lacked in facial expression was also compensated by body language typical of that specific animal. Scar does a strange trot-pacing when he was scared, Mufasa rolled around on his back and did the cute happy cat squint while letting Simba climb all over him when they were playing, Zazu would ruffle his feathers when agitated, so on. There could have been so much more emoting, don’t get me wrong because that attention to detail was sometimes made too subtle to catch but, when it was there, I appreciated it. It felt like these creatures was emoting human feelings but in a way natural to them.
-I love the fact that Scar actually feels threatening and menacing. The original Scar is a joy, one of the best Disney villains created, and I always liked the fact that he’s shown as a whiny self-entitled brat when he actually becomes king (and further cements why he wasn’t chosen in the first place). But this Scar had actually fought Mufasa for the title of king and lost, and is entirely bitter about it; hell I wouldn’t be surprised if that scar on his face was from Mufasa in this version. His resentment toward his brother felt like it had more weight to it: Mufasa took the kingdom, Mufasa has the love and admiration that Scar believed is owed to him, Mufasa was the one chosen by the lioness Scar wanted. His want for everything Mufasa had felt personal, not like a mere obstacle, so much so that he went to the hyenas to achieve what he wanted (instead of it being implied he was actually friends with them; they were a means to a gain he couldn’t achieve alone).
 And it didn’t simply stop at Mufasa: when Sarabi refused to be his queen he basically sentences the lionesses to starvation until she relents (which she doesn’t thank god), it’s implied some of the lionesses have tried to leave before because Scar and hyenas patrol Pride Rock seemingly 24/7: I have no doubt he would have killed Nala if he found her in that scene. Zazu can barely be around the pridelands to give the lionesses news of the goings on in their home. Everyone owed him something and he was stopping at nothing to achieve it.
Like there was the scene where Simba and Scar were talking to each other and Simba turned his back on him and it felt like Scar was only just refraining from killing the cub. Yikes.
Scar was legit scary in this iteration and I honestly loved it.
-The added scenes give a tiny bit more depth to the suffering the Pride Lands faced in Simba’s absence and I really appreciated that. I also like how we’re shown some of Simba’s life with Timon and Pumbaa and why he seems so torn about being who he was meant to be: every time he brings it up, Timon and Pumbaa kinda shut him down on it. Not out of malice but it’s hurtful nonetheless and his hesitation showed from it. I think a lot of that might have to do with how Danny Glover voiced him: Simba stuttered a lot or would back away when his beliefs were challenged and that, at least for me, showed his fear of bringing change. What if it’s the wrong kind of change? The last time he tried to change something, his father died, so its better to be a nothing and not cause anything, right? Maybe I’m lookin’ too deeply into it but hey, that’s what I do best. <:
-The music is fucking amazing. If there’s no other takeaway from this remake then at the very least, the music is just... awe-inspiring, particularly the orchestral scores. There’s new scores in the movie that just got me caught up and was just... bro, it’s so damn good.
-Seeing Mufasa die in fully realistic CGI was painful. Every time he’d get hit or ran over I cringed; the sound design and the weight to the animation made sure you knew he was getting trashed. The part where he slipped and struggled to get down just to start rescuing Simba was a nice touch too, like it fully showed just how dangerous it all was, not just the wildebeests.
I love the addition of how he spoke to Simba through the chaos too, like trying to be assuring despite it; there was a scene where he’s like “it’s alright! Come to me son!” then he gets BLASTED and I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I do miss how he called to Scar as his brother though; with how they added dialogue to show Mufasa still loved his brother despite everything in the beginning, keeping the “Brother! Help Me!” would have nailed it home, but they got rid of it for some reason. :/
-The scene where Simba escapes was a nice change: I’m pretty sure one hyena did fall with him and like, legitimately died, and when Shenzi told the other two to look for him they were like “uhhhhhhhh actually, if that dude died there’s no way a cub would survive that. o3o” I like how they were honestly certain he had died instead of just pretending he was, but it would have been nice for that certainty to be challenged a little more when Simba had shown up at the end.
Also, Simba limping out of the bramble and into the desert, then him eventually just lying down to die was really sad to see. :C
-SHENZI WAS FUCKING SCARY AND I LOVED HER. I LOVE HER SO MUCH. She was more menacing that Scar, I’d say, because the hyenas felt more like they were following her, not Scar. They only went along with it because Shenzi thought it would work, and the moment he tried to throw them under the bus, it was Shenzi who put the nail to his coffin. Which was... oof. Yeah, seeing Scar pathetically attempt to fight for his life before being swarmed and screaming was a little horrifying, it was a little more than just his shadow this time.
-Speaking of Shenzi, I love the fact that she and Nala had a throwdown, that was so fuckin’ cool. Actually, the entire final fight (up until the Simba and Scar fight anyway) was great. I liked that we got to see more of the lions fighting for their home instead of slapstick stuff (which was great in the original but wouldn’t have worked here).
-Speaking of the final battle? The whole scene was really cool... but the final fight between Simba and Scar was so WEAK. That shit was weak sauce bro. They had this whole buildup to the final confrontation between true king and false king, the dialogue before it was tense and everything, the start of the fight was promising... then Scar accidentally falls off. Like... really? Fuckin LAME. Dude, I was hoping for a big-ass scrap like the final battle in Jungle Book. There was power and impact in the fight between Shere Khan and the animals, and the final confrontation between him and Mowgli was so well done. The original fight in the original was fuckin AMAZING! The two tear into each other and Simba wins because he outsmarts Scar by using a move he learned from Nala, something he always fell for himself and he used it to his advantage. Like, hell yeah!
But this? I legit said “that’s it?” out loud after it all, I couldn’t believe it. Lame. :/
-Simba and Nala bantering was really sweet. They were arguing about things they did together in the past and I did enjoy that, like showing that they were best friends through the past experiences they had. I also like the dynamic of when they actually got to the Elephant Graveyard and Nala was immediately aware of the danger they could be in and how reckless Simba really was being. She tried several times to convince him to leave, even as far as saying “okay, I can see just how brave you are so can we please go home?” and.. I dunno, I just thought it was a nice added touch to her character as a cub. As if she knows Simba so thoroughly she can see right through him.
-I really missed the characterization of Rafiki in this version. He came off as more a silent shaman than a kookie but wise baboon, and that would have worked if they... showed more of him and his personality? He was in the movie less here than he was in the original and I wasn’t really feelin’ that. :/
-I’m not gonna lie, the scene where Simba and Mufasa’s spirit reunite made me tear up a little. The original left goosebumps in its wake and it was a powerful scene, but this one was powerful in a different way? Like in the original Mufasa told Simba who he was, where as in this one Mufasa told his son how proud he was of being his father and how he always would be. And ya’ll, when Mufasa began going away and Simba just quietly, desperately saying “please... don’t leave me again” and Mufasa goin’ “I never left you, I never will” I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Yeah, it got me man. DAMNIT Mufasa! ;-;
So all in all? I can honestly say I liked it. Is it to the point where I’d be willing to sit down and rewatch several times over like I did the original? Not quite. But this remake felt a lot like “The Lion King, but what if it was with legit real animals?” and in that sense, it worked. This felt about as realistic as the story of the Lion King could possibly get and I could appreciate it for that. They told the same story with a different flavor and direction and I still enjoyed it, and while I think Disney should be criticized for trying to shamelessly cash in on the nostalgia of their long time fans with the remakes, the actual people behind creating this remake (director, animators, sound design, everyone actually making the film and not distributing it) seemed to honestly care about the product they were creating and it shows in more than just the characters’ facial expressions.
Sooooo yeah. Sharing my thoughts on something no one asked for but I did it anyway. I enjoy talking about this stuff but enough about what I thought, what about you? If you’ve seen the remake, what did you think of it? O:
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somedayonbroadway · 5 years
Jack sighed, watching Higgins walk off one way and DaSilva storm off in another. They were the closest friends that he’d seen in a long time and he knew how friends got sometimes. They fought.
But this seemed to be different. Too different in a way that Jack understood all too well.
They were pushing each other away.
Glancing around the hall that was supposed to be empty, the young teacher’s eyes landed on the three powerhouse bullies of the school. And he approached them easily. “Hey, Conlon! Ya got a minute?” he asked calmly, crossing his arms over his chest and sticking his chin up at the three boys.
The kid only glanced at him with an all too confident smirk on his face. “Nah, sorry, I’m fresh out,” he responded, turning back to his conversation.
Nodding and smiling, like he’d found that amusing, Jack spoke again. “Find one.”
This seemed to get the boy’s attention. Conlon turned to him, seeming to realize who he was for the first time. And then he looked down at his watch, pointing to it and turning to face him fully. “Oh! Yeah, there’s one now.” Though this kid might think he was tough, he wasn’t an idiot. Word had already spread around school.
Don’t mess with the new teacher.
“Yeah, I thought ya might,” Jack smirked, leaning against the railing of the stairs beside them. “Hey, listen... I been noticin’ Tony Higgins hangin’ around with you n’ your boys,” he explained.
The bully jumped in quick, always a smart mouth. “Oh, sorry! We’ll all filled up. We’d be happy ta put you on the waitin’ list though,” he joked.
This was a sensitive matter to Jack. He knew it shouldn’t be. He knew he shouldn’t be getting involved. But it was almost personal. “Conlon, cut the kid a break, will ya?”
A scoff escaped the teenager. “I think I did by lettin’ him hang out with me,” he informed smugly.
Jack couldn’t get angry. He was the teacher. He had to stay calm. “Wow... what a guy you are...” he congratulated sarcastically. “But, ya know, I don’t think hangin’ with you is what the kid needs right now,” he tried simply.
Raising up his eyebrows and letting out more of a laugh, Conlon turned to him. “Oh wow, am I getting the speech?”
Only slightly nodding and setting his jaw for a moment, Jack stared down all three of the boys that sat in the empty hallway. “You’ll get more than that if Higgins isn’t back in my class...”
And with that, he walked away, leaving the three bullies alone to get detention from someone else.
But Spot Conlon was not one to take kindly to being threatened.
“What’s a’ matta’ with ya?” Hot Shot asked. “Ya just stood there n’ took that fr’m a teacher?”
“How come ya didn’t say nothin’?” Fangs joined in, looking up at the other boy.
Conlon shook his head, staring off in the direction of Mr. Jack Kelly. “Because, gentlemen... actions speak louder than words... I just came up with the perfect initiation f’r Higgins...”
Race watched nervously as Conlon sat all too confidently on a bike that wasn’t his. The other were laughing. The kid was too anxious to join in. “Kelly’s bike...” Spot smirked, running his hands over the handle of the prized possession. Mr. Kelly loved his bike. It was no secret. “Looks like he takes real good care of it... shame what’s about ta happen to it...”
Unable to help himself, Race shrugged. “What’s about ta happen to it?”
Fangs laughed, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. The younger boy wasn’t sure whether it was to encourage him or hold him still. He had to assume it was the latter. “You are, kid...” he stated.
Suddenly, there was a bat in Race’s hands. And his eyes widened just a little. Conlon pat his shoulder. “Don’t go for the home run on the first swing. Just try ta make contact...”
Hot Shot gave him a wink and walked around to the front of the bike. “I recommend goin’ for the headlights first. Nice sound a’ breakin’ glass is always an incentive ta keep goin’...”
Nodding along, afraid of what might happen if he didn’t, he walked up next to Hot Shot. He lifted up the weapon in his hands and he glared at the right headlight. He tried not to imagine Mr. Kelly’s disappointed gaze when he found out. Mr. Kelly was one of the only adults that had ever been nice to him right from the start. No questions asked. But he lifted the thing up. And he swung hard.
It went right over the vehicle.
“What the hell was that?” Fangs seemed irritated. Race shrugged.
“I... I j’st wanna get in a few practice swings first... ya know?” he tried, taking a single step away from the group.
But the two goons stepped up closer to him, looking him up and down. “What d’ya think we got here, Fangs?” Hot Shot asked threateningly.
“I think we got ourselves a chicken.”
The kid tried not to let the words bother him. He looked up to Conlon to see what he was doing. All he saw was a smirk. “C’mon, Higgins. Show us what ya got,” he ordered calmly.
This was who he was. Trailer trash. Son of a drunk. Nobody. So he lifted up the bat again.
“Hey, guys, what’s goin’ on?”
Albert. Dammit.
“What’re ya doin’ here, Al?” Race asked, glaring up at him. “You shouldn’t be here.”
“Well neither should you...” Albert argued. He took a glance around and let out a small laugh. “Looks like you’re holdin’ a bat above Kelly’s bike.”
Scoffing and rolling his eyes, Race responded, “Congratulations, you have eyes. Now get lost.”
But his best friend shook his head and continued to walk closer to him. “Nah, this looks like fun. C’mon... lemme go first...” he suggested, grabbing for the weapon in Race’s hands. But Race’s grip only tightened.
“Give it up, Albert! Ya don’t belong here!”
“If you belong here, then so do I!” Albert spat out at him, shoving the bat back towards his friend.
The big bad Brooklyn boy put a hand on Albert’s shoulder. “C’mon, Baboon, ya don’t wanna get caught in the middle a’ this...” Conlon warned, shoving the redhead in between him and his bully friends.
But Albert was having none of it. “No! You don’t wanna come in between me and my best friend! So I suggest ya take your bat and your ratfaced thugs and get outta here!”
It was only after he said it that he realized what he’d just done. These boys were big. Much bigger than him. They had years, feet and muscle on him and he’d just insulted all of them.
Wanting to take it back, the kid’s lips curled into a nervous smile. He let out an anxious laugh. And Spot laughed with him. But stepped closer anyways. So Albert surrendered. “Okay, Spot, ya get one punch... but make it good... cause it might kill me...”
He squeezed his eyes shut and braces himself for impact.
But a door swung open. And suddenly, the whole bad boy routine went out the window.
“Oh my God, hey!” Jack Kelly called, rushing towards them, anger and rage clear in his walk but absent from his voice. “Hey, thank you so much for lookin’ out for my bike! From my window up there it looked like some morons were gonna bash it, which they should know is an offense that can lead to jail time,” he rushed out, pretending to be completely clueless.
But the second his eyes turned on Conlon, the boy’s eyes widened in fear. “Yeah, I mean, I’s just glad we got here in time!” he played along, giving Kelly a nod before glancing at his goons. “C’mon boys, we got other appointments t’day...”
Jack watched them go, a scowl on his face, before he looked back down at his own students, glaring at each other from either side of him. “You two wanna tell me what the hell’s goin’ on here?” he demanded.
Albert shook his head. “No problem...”
Plastering on a smile, Race looking up at the man. “Everything’s great.”
But Jack had played this game before. Only now, he was on the other side. “Who’re you kiddin’?! What is with you, Higgins? Why d’ya wanna hang out with these lowlives?!”
Shaking his head, Race looked down at his shoes. “Maybe I’m a lowlife too, alright?”
Scoffing, Kelly placed his hands on his hips. “Is that what you think?”
“It’s what everyone thinks-“
“I wanna know what you think!” Jack knew he was supposed to be calm with these kids. It was how it was supposed to work. But he wasn’t Mr. Kelly right now. Right now, he was Jack. And sometimes Jack had more to offer than Mr. Kelly did.
“I think I’m done bein’ everybody’s charity case!” Race cried. Jack ripped the bat from his hands.
“Is that what you think this is?!” Albert demanded, stepping closer to him and their teacher. “Race, you’re my best friend! We take care of each other! What else is there ta know?!”
“What the hell is gonna happen ta me, that’s what!”
It was a lot. A lot to realize. Jack’s heart broke for the kid. It really did. “Kid, listen ta me right now... you are gonna be alright. You’re smarter than this. Lowlifes don’t have friends. They don’t got nobody,” Jack stated, knowing what he was talking about. “You got people. Maybe not the ones ya thought ya would, but you got people... now get your ass outta here, into school tomorrow mornin’.”
Race shook his head. “Ya really think I’m gonna be alright?” he asked.
Jack shrugged. “Do you?”
The question was heavy. Jack knew it was. But he’d asked it anyways. And, without giving him an answer, the kid stepped away from him and walked out of the small space.
“Mr. Kelly...” Albert called, watching his friend leave. “Is he really gonna be okay?”
Jack looked down at the bat in his hands. He let out a sigh and nodded. “I turned out alright, didn’t I?” he responded vaguely, turning to go.
He glanced back at the redhead for only a moment. But it was in the kid’s eyes. He understood.
And they left it at that.
A/N: I love writing Jack as Mr. Turner. What do you guys think?
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