#you don’t know jack volume 1
passiveagreeable · 15 days
Ya know. I don’t know how many years it’s been, but I still haven’t forgiven apple for changing how you limit audio output volume on your phone. The setting used to be very simple. There was a scale, you instituted a limit in settings. And then it did that. Max volume was whatever you had set, and audio levels were confined to what you indicated on the scale. You also had more precise control within that specific volume range.
Now it’s based on decibels. Which is fine. It could have been better, even. Could have. But the bottom is 75 decibels. Lowest possible, period. And frankly that’s not good enough for me, because I have no self control and will crank it up to the max mindlessly and it may stay that way for a while before I realize it’s too loud for me.
Such a small thing that wrecked my entire music experience for months after they did it, and continues to be bothersome to this day.
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snaileer · 21 days
Call to my Bedside - 3
Part 1:
When Maddie wakes up with chains around her wrists and a pounding her head, she is surprised to see her family in front of her.
As she blinks in the darkness, ignoring the way her eyes won’t focus, her surprise gradually washes into fast-paced terror.
It’s not just her family in front of her, but also her children’s friends. Her son’s friends.
But her son is nowhere to be seen. Amongst the grime and dinge of the space, there is no unruly mass of black hair.
She counts again. 1, 2-
1, 2,-
Her son exists as a group of three to her.
Jazzy, Jack, and Danny.
Tucker Foley, Sam Manson, and Danny.
But- she counts again.
1, 2-  1, 2-
Her son is not here. Danny is not here.
Her family is injured, Jazz and Jack in one cell and the kids in another, her in yet one more, and her son is missing.
Maddie tries to remember what happened, why she is injured, where they are, why-
There were people, she had fought them, all black clothes and blades, Jazz had come downstairs at the sound, Jack had defended her, Maddie watched them both go down under a blow, the distraction enough- Danny had never come home from school.
Her husband starts to rouse, a low groan.
“Jack.” She whispers harshly, “Jack!”
“Maddie-kins?” Jack mumbles, trying to push himself upright but stumbling when he realizes his hands are bound together by manacles.
His are not chained to the wall like her own, but they are still heavy steel.
“I’m here Jack, I’m alright,” She can see him turn to her in the dim light, “Banged up, but alright.”
Indignant anger flashes across her husband’s face, “Who did this? What happened-those people!” Jack increasingly gets louder, “The ninja people! They got past our ghost barrier-!”
“They’re not ghosts, hun,” Maddie cuts in, making him look over.
Some of his righteous exuberance fades, “Then why..?”
Maddie shakes her head, immediately regretting it, headache increasing as she tries to talk, “I don’t know. But Jack, Danny’s not here, I don’t know where he is, but he never came home, something’s wrong-“
“Danno!” Jack yells, looking frantically over the group through the bars between them.
Finally, his volume seems to rouse the others. Sam and Tucker both wake with a lurch, Jazz soon on their heels with a groan.
“Danny!” Sam yells, looking around them, “They got Danny!”
“And my tech!” Tucker yells, hands patting himself down.
Sam glares at him, “That’s what you’re worrying about?!”
“What, like having a satellite capable PDA wouldn’t be helpful right now!? Danny told us to run, you’re the one who made us stay-!”
“We weren’t gonna leave him-“
“Oh well look at us now, we’re not doing much better than-“
“Kids!” Maddie yells, and their heads snap over to her, “What are you talking about? Where’s Danny?”
For some reason they both seem to glance at Jazz before answering, receiving a hesitant nod.
Sam started, “We don’t know where he is now, but we were walking home and something exploded-“
“We thought it was just another ghost attack!” Tucker cut in, looking increasingly distressed, “But then Danny was fighting off these freaky ninja people, and telling us to run-“
“But we couldn’t just leave him there! We tried to help-
“There were so many, and they grabbed us and then we saw them grab Danny and…-“ Tucker stopped, looking down at the chains on his wrists, “And then we woke up here…Mrs.Fenton, where are we?”
“I don’t know, hun,” Maddie looked at her son’s friend, then to her own daughter, her husband, “But we’ll figure it out. And then we’re going to find Danny.”
Jack beamed at her, his trust in her confidence shining through.
She wished she believed it even half as much.
The first time they come, a group of five people, still dressed in black, weapons lining their body, Maddie yells and shouts. Demands they tell her where Danny is. They are silent.
They methodically go to each of their cells in pairs, one pointing a gun and the other setting down a bag of food. Military rations.
She screams and yells the entire time.
When they go to Maddie’s cell last, removing one arm from her shackles so she can eat, she takes advantage, lashing out with a yell and just as much anger as vicious desperation.
She punches the one nearest, a sloppy front kick displacing the other’s gun pointed at her.
Before she can attack again, one arm still pulled back to the wall behind her, the click of a safety coming off silences her.
The rest of the chapter is thru Ao3, cuz Tumblr says its too long. *^*
@thecrystallabyrinth @isnt-that-grape @riverdancingwerewolves @mimblizzy @chaos-deimos-et-eris @miraculousandmore2 @mys-tia @jitteryjuttury @moonlight-opal @nerdypaintbrush @thedragonqueen1998 @luminanightfall @cowarddragon @cyrwrites @kamireadsmcu @manapeer @imaginationmademanifest
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aliferousonyx · 8 days
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Mabelverse AU
Volume 1: Back in Town"
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 ||Part 8 || Part 9 || Part 10 || Part 11 ( soon )
(Narrated by R.S. )
"Alright, listen up, you clueless meatbags. You think you know Mabel Pines? Well, you don’t know jack. She’s back in Gravity Falls, and it’s not just the same old giggling, sweater-wearing girl scout you remember. No, no, this Mabel’s got something different going on, and the town’s about to get a whole lot weirder—and not the fun kind.
See, when Mabel shows up again, things start breaking bad in ways you don’t even want to understand. Old friends, new threats, and secrets deeper than the freakin’ Mystery Shack’s basement. She’s got her own game now, and believe me, you don’t want to be on the wrong side of it.
Gravity Falls thought it knew strange. Heh. Buckle up, because Mabel’s bringing a whole new brand of crazy, and this time, she’s playing by her own rules. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya."
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haruka-norikoyo · 3 months
Monoma x reader who is Mirio’s younger sibling Part 6
I added Aoyama in ‘girl’s night’ so male readers can have a reason to be there <3 Also, apparently it’s canon that the girls agreed that Monoma’s objectively the most attractive hero course boy (if it weren’t for his personality they said 😭). I was told it’s in volume five but I can’t find it so is it in one of the light novels? Side stories? Please let me know where I can read it! I wanna feel validated for being head over heels in love with him!
Other parts:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Part 6/?
“Man, it’s been over a week but I’m still sore!” Kirishima groans as he walks together with you, Ashido, Jiro, and Ojiro. Each of you are in your gym uniform with a bag or a water bottle. “But that just means he’s really that powerful. Togata, your brother’s real manly!”
Jiro grimaces at the mention of him, “I’d rather not think about that training…”
“Yeah, you had it rough, huh Jiro?” Ashido pipes in, remembering how Mirio had tied her earphone jacks around her and Kaminari, who was unfortunate enough to be the one closest to her.
“Well, that’s why we’re gonna train real hard, right guys!?”
“Yeah!” you and Ashido cheer while Jiro and Ojiro each raise an arm in response to Kirishima’s enthusiasm. It’s your day off. Kirishima suggested a group training at Gym Gamma. Everyone else are either training off on some other location or decided to do their own thing. “Hm? Do you think Bakugo’s still in there?” Kirishima asks, seeing the lights of the gym on. They usually shut down after some time when no one is inside and turn back on once it senses someone walking in. Ojiro furrows his brows. “If I remember… he left the dorms around six… would he really be training for seven hours straight?”
Kirishima shrugs, “Eh, maybe he took breaks. I wouldn’t put it past him to train for that long.”
“It could just be someone else,” Jiro says as Kirishima pushes the door open. Then—
“AHHH!!!” Jiro shrieks, falling on her back. She covers her eyes like acid as been thrown in them because HE’S THERE AGAIN! NAKED. AGAIN. Mirio casually looks over his shoulder while someone lets out a small “urk!” further in the gym. “Ohh, (y/n) and friends!”
“What’re you doing here senpai?” Kirishima asks.
You deadpan, helping poor Jiro and Ashido cover their eyes while looking at the ceiling yourself. “Nii-chan, cover up. My friends are here.”
“Right right,” he chuckles, taking his sweet time to pick up his pants. As he puts them on, he explains. “I’m here to train. Or, rather, assist in training.”
“Assist..?” Kirishima trails off as his gaze drifts to the other person in the gym, who isn’t as used to public nudity as Mirio and is scrambling to put on his gym clothes without accidentally fazing through. “Monoma from 1-B!?”
“Why do you guys always say it so dramatically..?” You don’t know if you should laugh or cry.
“So you’re helping Monoma train, senpai?” Ojiro asks.
“Yep. As you can probably tell, I’m teaching him how to use my quirk.”
Kirishima raises his hand, “Uh… sorry if I sound rude for this; but, uh, why..?”
Neito scoffs. “Typical 1-A. What, do you think your class are the only ones who can be mentored?” The usual bite in his tone is dulled by his flushed cheeks and the vulnerability of public nudity. Seriously, how the hell does Mirio do it? Kirishima waves his hands in dismissal. “No, that’s not what I mean. I’m more so asking if you guys know each other..?”
There is a pause. You and Neito freeze up and glance at Mirio.
“Yeah, you can say that. He’s sort of a relative, so I offered to help him train.”
“Sort of a relative..?” Jiro wonders to herself once she has her bearings back.
Mirio’s description has the corner of your lips quirking up. ‘Sort of a relative.’ Is he saying it to keep suspicions away or is it like he accepts him as his future brother in law? Which ever it is, it implies that Neito is family. That simple thought has you feeling giddy.
“What? (Y/n) you never told us that he’s related to you!” Mina exclaims, pointing an accusatory finger at Neito.
Okay, now accidentally being related to your boyfriend is an irrational fear you have, so that has you furrowing your brows. “We’re not blood related nor technically relatives yet, relax.” You guide Mina’s arm down.
“What does that even mean?”
Mirio clasps his hands together. “Well, we’ve been training for almost three hours, so,” he turns to Neito, who is more than ready to leave. “You wanna call it a day? We can still continue if you’re still up for it.”
The thought of being buck naked in front of 1-A students— not to mention you— sends him to flight for flight, and he is vehemently shaking his head to flee. His face is red till his ears. “Haha, yeah, I thought so. You up for ramen today?”
You perk up hearing this. Your brother, bringing your boyfriend out to eat? His favourite food nonetheless. Now that’s some development! You won’t have to worry about him plotting to kill him!
Seeing your obvious smile, Mirio turns to you. “Before you say anything, it’s because I’m such a good upperclassman.”
You deflate, but the smile remains anyway. “Good grief, you’re stubborn.”
“Won’t be a great hero otherwise! See you (y/n), you guys,” he waves once he and Neito got their bags.
The five of you wave at them as they walk out of the building.
“That was embarrassing earlier…” You and Neito are in his room, laying side by side on his bed. He has his face covered by his hand as he recalls what happened at Gym Gamma. You chuckle. “Yeah… If I had known you were training today I would’ve warned you.” You toss to the side facing him, and he parts his fingers to glance at you. “How’s progress?”
“Pretty terrible as you can imagine.”
“Mm… yeah, it took nii-san years to be able to do the basics. Even once he got to UA in his first year, he still sometimes messed up.” “He’s pretty amazing, your brother…” Neito trails off. He has a faraway gaze at the ceiling, face reflective and calm. You close your eyes, leaning against his shoulder. “What’re you thinking about?” Neito absentmindedly picks up your hand, fiddling with your fingers while he gets his thoughts in order. “Hm… I guess I’m just thinking about how he’s similar to me.”
You look at him and blink. “Ah, yeah, now that I think about it. Is that why you agreed?”
“Yeah, well,” Neito scratches the back of his head. “I didn’t realize it because he made it look easy, but when he pointed it out… yeah, it’s the kind of quirk you’d expect a support or espionage hero to have. But he found a way to make himself a star with it.”
This time, he turns his head to you. “Do you think… if I can master this quirk like him… I’d be more of a main character?”
Immediately, you respond, “You’re already a main character in my eyes.”
“No, seriously I mean—”
“It’s not fair how you monopolize my thoughts, you know,” you insist. He smiles a little. “Now that’s your problem for getting side tracked by a side character like me.”
“I’m gonna hit you.”
“What? Why so violent?” he teasingly pokes your cheek.
“Because there’s no way a side character is getting this much screen time in my head.”
“You’re so cheesy…”
“Hey, you’re the one who calls people ‘main character’ and yourself ‘side character’!”
Neito sighs, though he can’t stop a smile from forming on his face. “Okay fine, let me ask this way— do you think that I’ll be a lot stronger if I master your brother’s quirk?”
You grin. Is that even a question? “Strong. Strong as hell.”
He ruffles your hair. “Well then, I’ll have to work hard to be like your brother.”
You laugh, leaning into his touch. “You don’t have to be like him… But I’m glad you’re getting along…”
The two of you lay there in silence. The warmth of your bodies comforting, and lulling you to relaxation in Neito’s arms. You get a glimpse of the time, 5:01 pm.
“Oh shit, girl’s night with the girls and Aoyama!” Neito raises a brow as you got up from the bed. Seeing his questioning gaze you say, “Girl’s night as, like, vibes. Apparently. Not just strictly girls.”
“What? Where?”
“The common room here.”
“I see… Well, I’ll be in my room if you need me.”
You were able to get down to the common room before any of your classmates arrived, so they didn’t notice you walking down from upstairs. That would be suspicious as hell.
The girls of 1-A and 1-B, and you, plus the boys who passed ‘the vibes’ ergo Aoyama, Koda, Shoji, Shishida, and Rin are all sitting together in the lounge area with drinks purposefully made to look like alcohol. It’s really not all that sacred of a girl’s night. The other boys passing by to get something from the kitchen can listen in if they really wanted to. “Did you guys have heroism class yesterday?” “No— why!? Is the exercise insanely difficult?!”
“Yeah, it was excruciating!”
“No way..!”
That is how the general conversation went on. Despite being a fun ‘girl’s night’, it was more of a… review on heroism. Which, you were more than happy to partake in as long as you’re with your friends. Though, Aoyama thought otherwise.
“Mademoiselles— shouldn’t we take this as a chance to take a break from the stress of hero work?”
Everyone’s chatter slowly dies down as they think about it.
“I suppose it is a good idea… but what can we talk about?” YaoMomo asks.
“Well, what do people usually talk about in girl’s night?” you ask.
Jiro smiles wryly, “You know, it’s kinda sad that we have to ask that…”
Mina raises her hand up. “Ooh~! Lets talk about love!!!”
You stiffen along with Uraraka. The two of you make eye contact, but you both look away, agreeing to not pry in whatever secret the other is worried about. Not that one of them is exactly a secret…
Kodai raises her hand a little. “What does that exactly entail..?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure everyone in the first year hero course is single.” You can feel the gazes of the 1-B students discreetly turn to you when Jiro said that.
Hagakure places a hand on her chin. “Then… who do you think is the course’s cutest guy?” “Cute as in adorable or as in charming?”
“Lets say overall charm.”
Rin, Shishida, Shoji, and Koda glance at each other, wondering if they wanna be here to hear all this. Aoyama meanwhile is all for the tea. The boys in the kitchen subtly inch closer to the lounge area with their ears peeled.
“Ooh~! Todoroki’s definitely one of them!” Mina says. “He’s 1-A’s ikemen!”
“I see it, yeah.”
“Todoroki-kun is rather handsome…”
“I’d say Kaibara-kun would be our class’s ikemen, huh?”
At the mention of his name, the boy stares at the ceiling while his fellow classmates in the kitchen nudge and elbow him as vengeance.
“Yeah..! He’s so handsome!”
“If we’re talking cute as in erm… cute…” Uraraka hesitantly speaks up, averting her eyes. She holds her drink in front of her for moral support as her face heats up by the second. “It would be… Deku-kun..?” “Okayyy Ochako I see you.”
“Midorya’s the cinnamon roll who can beat people up for you.”
“Is that a criteria..?”
“Of course!”
“Don’t forget about our cuties over here!” Tsunotori says, hands gesturing to the boys who passed the vibes. They’d been sitting silently, taking everything in. When everyone looks at them, they each turn away, scratching the back of their head with a blush. Except Aoyama who takes the compliment in stride. (Our masc presenting readers are part of said cuties.)
“No no, not cutie, I am dazzling!”
A few more of the boys are brought up, the group highlighting their charming sides and the others either adding to it or simply agreeing. The boys in the kitchen celebrate to themselves whenever one of their names gets a mention, listening to what the girls like about them. It had them blushing and smiling ear to ear. Giggling, even. “Sato-kun’s cake is delicious! And he made cookies this morning.”
“Does that count as a trait?”
“Absolutely it does!”
“Wait then we skipped over so much other charming traits from the others.”
“We can all agree that a guy that can cook good food is instantly more attractive right?”
There is a pause in the conversation as the 1-A students glance at each other, telepathically communicating the same person to each other.
“What? Who are you thinking of?” Yanagi asks.
“…Bakugo can cook well, kero…”
“That’s surprising,” Komori says.
“I remember he yelled at Todoroki for cutting the chives wrong in the training camp.”
You laugh. “Hah! I remember that!” “Bakugo…” Mina thinks about it. “He’s not bad looking..? Actually, he’s kinda handsome?”
“Yeah, you’re kinda right.”
“He reminds me of a Pomeranian, though.”
“Hah!” you snicker, as a memory is dug up from the depths of your mind. “Bakugo’s Best Jeanist hair!”
“His what now?” Tokage blinks, confused like the rest of the group’s 1-B students.
You giggle like a maniac as you pull out your phone. “Oh right, you guys weren’t there to see it. Hold on, I have a picture in my phone.”
“Togata, do you have a death wish..?” Tsuyu asks. If Bakugo found out you have a picture of him, and with that hair… oh boy.
“I took it while Sero and Kirishima were distracting him!” You pull it up for the 1-B girls and guests to see. The boys eavesdropping in the kitchen even move closer to look. They were quite fascinated, especially at the blurry transition picture of when his hair was reverting to normal.
“There’s something unnerving about his hair being… kempt…” says Awase, one of the intruding boys from the kitchen.
“Hey! It’s girls night you guys!”
“Wha— Rin and Shishida were invited!”
“It’s cause they passed the vibes!”
“I’m vibes! I’m so vibes!” Awase is left grumbling. Though, no one shooed the intruding boys away.
“Bakugo’s pretty charming if he wasn’t so… aggressive. Though, I guess there are some people that like that,” Tokage shrugs.
“Kero, you know who else is actually kinda handsome if it wasn’t for his… concerning personality?”
The 1-A students, again, telepathically communicate. Only this time, you aren’t in the mix. You turn your head back and forth between your classmates’ knowing looks in utter confusion. “What? Who?”
“C’mon (y/n), you know…”
“I don’t know?”
Even the 1-B students are catching on.
“Ah, I think I know who you mean…” Kendo smiles wryly.
“I’m so lost.”
Yanagi leans over to you, whispering so that your classmates can’t hear. “Togata-san, you probably don’t realize it since you find nothing wrong with his personality, but try to think about what he’s like in your classmates’ perspective…”
The lightbulb in your head switches on. “Ohh! Nei— Ohhh, Monoma?”
“Yes! Jeez (y/n)!”
You sweat, thankful that they didn’t notice your slip up.
“I’m gonna be honest since he’s not here— he’s probably the cutest guy in our grade! You know, aside from when he’s berating our class…”
“Yeah, he’s like a prince! When I’m not worried for his mental health…”
“I can’t help but agree with you… though of course, his personality with our class is a bit concerning…”
You sigh, feeling both proud that your friends can’t help but admit that your boyfriend is drop dead gorgeous, but also in distress from the other edge to their words. Tetsutetsu (intruder) just laughs, raising his red cup filled with apple juice. “Yep, that’s our Monoma!”
“He probably is the most charming based on all the criteria we’ve previously mentioned…” Kodai says with a finger on her chin in thought.
“Good fashion sense, knows how to cook, knows how to deal with kids, aside from his grades is smart…”
“Isn’t he lowkey boyfriend material?”
You can already feel the pride swelling in your chest and the corners of your mouth twitching to a smile. So, before your expression can reveal the smugness you feel for having such a wonderful boyfriend, you raise your glass. “I think we have come to agreement that N— Monoma is the cutest and most boyfriend material in the first year hero course. A toast, shall we?”
Awase side eyes you, knowing full well why you sound so triumphant, but he’ll give this one to you. He raises his cup. “I beg to differ, but agree to disagree.”
“I hate to admit it but the board has made a decision.”
“I’ll admit it since he’s not here. Lets all agree to not tell him about our verdict, okay?”
“…he’ll hold it over our heads forever.”
“Uh huh.”
By now, everyone in the common room has their glasses and cups raised. “To agreeing that Monoma’s the cutest boy in the first year hero course but swearing to never tell him!”
You had your fingers crossed behind you. After all, who said you didn’t adore all sides of his personality?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N: Ah, I had fun writing that lmfao
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ghostboneswrites2 · 5 months
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ⇘A Mess-Volume 2⇙ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
About: A 5 part sequel to A Mess with lots of sex and drama and cute moments. The goal is closure and a happy ending so I hope you’ll all enjoy! It’s written over the course of the final seasons of TWD. So, Savior arc -> the very end!
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader (Ex Reader!Walsh)
Era: Alexandria Pre-Saviors -> Post Whisperers
Genre/Vibe: Fluff, Angst, Smut, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Happy Ending
Warnings: lots of smut, profanity, TWD typical things, spoilers
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cover art by the amazing @dixons-sunshine ! Please check out this lovely person’s blog!
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ Teasers ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
╰┈➤        “Must’ve needed that.” He smirked. “That attitude o’ yours was gettin’ kinda old.”
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╰┈➤        “The hell’s goin’ on in here?” Daryl called into the disarray that was once his home. 
        “Daryl!” You gasped, skipping over to him and jumping into his arms. With his attempted killer preoccupied and another witness to his potential demise in the room, Eugene finally felt safe enough to stand up, both hands still hugging the Jack Daniels tightly to his chest. 
        Daryl tilted his head at Eugene as you dangled from around his neck. 
        “I — She’s crazy.” Was all Eugene managed to say.
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╰┈➤       “I just—“ He took a breath to collect his thoughts. “She don’t know about none of it, ya know? I just.. I don’t look at her and see somebody I let down.”
        “Is that what you see when you look at me?”
        “No.” He shook his head. His gums were raw from how hard he’d been chewing at them. “I see somebody I’m afraid o’ lettin’ down.”
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╰┈➤       “Wasn’t what?” You snapped, turning to face him, eyes blazing. “Wasn’t what it looked like? Yeah, right. Heard that one before.”
        Your body was trembling with rage. Considering the events that led to your relationship with him in the first place, you were infuriated that he’d be doing the same thing to you as your sleaze bag ex.
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Part 1 - here
Part 2 - here
Part 3 - here
Part 4 - here
Part 5 - Coming Soon
Haven’t read the original series? Find all 10 parts on the masterlist! (Banner credits also linked on the masterlist!)
tags: @kissmeunicornbaobei @thesadcatt0 @clairealeehelsing @duckybird101 @tmntfixationxreader @ryoujoking @blackvelveteen1339 @yondus-girl @ladylincoln @sunshinebug9 @saylum559 @yoowhatthefuck @duffmckagansbandana @celtic-crossbow @virginsexgod69 @dazzling-roaring-20s @l0kilaufeys0n7 @uhnanix
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puck-luck · 4 months
new beginnings | may 27 - june 2
note: before i start this, i just want to warn y'all that it's 24.4k. if you want to read this in one sitting, i recommend locking in.
please hit me up in my inbox to give me feedback! or your thoughts! or speculation on what's coming next! i want you guys to talk to me all the time and tell me every thought you have. if i could send each of you the google document and force you to leave comments, i would.
also, i think by the time this fic is finished, it might be long enough to be a novel. should we all work together to get it published?
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1:90 – TREVOR
“Do we really think it’s a good idea to spend the summer down here instead of the Michigan house?” Jack asks. “We own that one, after all.”
“Everyone knows about the Michigan house,” Trevor points out.
Cole, who had plotted this with Trevor after last summer’s debacle, sighs. “We can’t keep having the same conversation. We decided that we would train at the Checkers’ rink when we can get down to Charlotte and use the cement slab as our own rink in the yard of the rental house in the meantime. So that’s not your problem. So, what is, Jack? You’re gonna miss the girls?”
Jack fixes Cole with a cutting glare. “Fuck off.”
“You know, there are girls in North Carolina,” Cole says, a grin dimpling his cheeks. “Sweet, southern belles, even.”
Jack rolls his eyes. “I can’t wait for the rest of the goons to get here. We’ll put it to a fucking vote and I’ll get to go home.”
“If you want to go home so bad, why don’t you?” Trevor asks. “We’re not forcing you to be here.”
“You triple-belted me in the backseat,” Jack argues. “You’re taking me away from Michigan and you can’t even let me have shotgun.”
“Talk, talk, talk,” Trevor mocks. “You have hands. And fingers. You’re not helpless.”
Jack huffs from his spot in the back, stubbornly turning his head to the right to watch the trees pass. Cole does the same from the passenger seat, tapping his fingers along the pane of the window.
There are twenty miles, an hour total, still on the GPS. Trevor hasn’t seen a town since they stopped at the gas station at the bottom of the mountain, the closest city being Winston-Salem almost an hour and a half ago, barely more than sparse houses and fields in the time since. They’re driving along a stream now and the latest exit off this small, two lane highway said “Love Valley.” Trevor snickers at the sign and goes to point it out to Jack, but Jack beats him to it.
“Don’t, Z.”
“It’s funny, dude.”
“It’s not, though.”
Cole cranks the volume up, drowning out the continuing argument that floats forward from the backseat. 
They drive on and Trevor thinks about it– everything. They have three unobscured months in Litchton, the only people knowing about their whereabouts are their families and coaches. The goons, as Jack referred to them, would be joining them sometime in the next day or two. Quinn and Luke had to wrap up some loose ends at home (Quinn, closing up his apartment for the summer; Luke, visiting some college friends as their semester comes to an end.
Litchton was the safest bet and Krebs had mentioned North Carolina to Trevor in passing the one time they caught up throughout the year, heaving heard from Leschyshyn that the mountain towns of his home state were notoriously quiet and drama-free and that their inhabitants, although lovers of gossip, kept to themselves. 
After those girls had snuck into the Michigan house at the end of the summer and started showing up wherever the boys went in the evenings, Trevor just wanted a summer off. He wanted time with his friends the way they used to have it, just working out together and drinking until they dropped, swimming and parading around the town like normal guys in their early twenties. 
In Litchton, they could pretend to be guys that were home for the summer, ready to start some corporate finance or everyday-tie job. It was a look into what could’ve been, had they not dedicated their lives to their sport. 
For three months, he gets to be Trevor Zegras, the kid who complained about his name being last on the roster in every class growing up and the kid who worked in his mom’s store after school. But he’s also Trevor Zegras, NHL superstar, ninth overall pick, owner of the best Michigan goal in the United States, so he might toss his name around in Litchton this summer. Just to see if it gets him anything.
If it doesn’t, his good looks certainly will. What’s flirting with a few old ladies on the street? It’ll be the highlight of their year.
Trevor misses the driveway the first time the car passes it. It’s hidden by brush and along a curve. The GPS reroutes them– but they have to drive an extra fifteen minutes along this road before they can turn around. 
They drive into a small town, a strip of eclectic stores littering the main road. There’s a small grocery store with a fruit stand out front that Cole points to.
“We could pick up some food while we’re out here,” Cole suggests. Upon hearing Jack’s mouth open in the backseat, he continues, “Just so we don’t have to come back later.”
Jack slouches against the backseat, huffing about being cut off at the opportunity to express his discomfort. 
“Jacky, will you relax? We’re going to have fun this summer.” Trevor tells him, turning into the parking lot and choosing a spot close to the entrance. 
Cole laughs when Jack unbuckles his three seatbelts in the wrong order and has to untangle them. Trevor flips the mirror down and fudges his hair, fluffing the ends. He had gotten it cut just before they left for this trip, so the edges were still even and sharp. 
Jack is the first to exit the car, practically throwing himself onto the pavement with his excitement to leave the vehicle behind, if only briefly. They’d been driving for hours. Cole flew into New York from Montréal, so Trevor had to pick him up from the airport. They picked Jack up in Jersey in the early morning and started driving south. 
Trevor can’t blame Jack for his annoyance. They’ve been in the car with him for ten long hours and they forced the first stretch of driving on him, having spent about two hours in the car before getting him. He had just woken up and had to drive four hours through the traffic of Philly and into Baltimore. He napped while Cole drove down through most of Virginia, and then woke up grumpy anyway when Trevor took over to take on North Carolina. 
It’s been a long fucking day.
They shop together, but they bicker quietly. After years of friendship, their arguments seem more like brotherly spats. The knowing smiles from the women in the grocery store prove that they’ve heard encounters like this before, likely in their own homes. 
Eventually, Trevor rolls his eyes and goes to sit in the car. He leaves Cole and Jack to pay for the groceries. Upon leaving the store, he pulls his phone out of his pocket and pulls up Instagram, hoping to catch up on the posts that he had missed on the long drive.
Walking past the fruit stand out front, Trevor bumps into someone and he stumbles back.
“I’m sorry,” Trevor apologizes, reaching out and steadying the girl with a touch to her elbow. “I didn’t see you.”
“Hard to see me when you’re on your phone,” she replies with a tilted smile. 
Trevor lets out a little laugh at her reply, barely a breath. “I’ll be more careful next time.”
She nods with an approving hum and turns back to the stand, picking up a peach and turning it over in her hand. 
Trevor turns and walks to the car, climbing into the vehicle and settling behind the wheel. He watches the sliding door for his friends, but his eyes drift back to the girl.
She’s tied a red bandana in her hair and she slips peaches into her mesh bag. She talks to the vendor, using her hands to speak. She’s pretty, he realizes, far prettier than the girls he knows from California. The vendor hands her a basket of strawberries, which she takes carefully, inspecting the red berries by twisting the basket’s handle from side to side, spinning it. Trevor can see her profile this way– the slope of her nose, smooth. Her eyelashes, long. Her lips, pink and pursed into a little smile. Her stance is tilted, one hand on her hips.
Trevor is back outside the car before he can think. He approaches her as she pays for her fruit, standing behind her when she turns around.
She jumps when she sees him. “You’re still here?” She asks.
“No, but I’m back,” Trevor replies, realizing just how lame he sounds. “My friends and I are staying here for the summer and I just wanted to introduce myself.”
When he falls silent after explaining himself, she looks at him expectantly. He can see the bottoms of her teeth as her lips part. “So introduce yourself.” She gestures for him to go on.
“I’m Trevor,” he says, sticking his hand out. “My friends call me Z.”
Her eyes drop to his hand briefly. She considers it before reaching up and taking his hand, shaking it. “Why?” She asks.
“My last name starts with a Z,” Trevor supplies. “Zegras.” The smile he gives her is strained, expecting her eyes to light up in recognition. They do, but it’s not in the way he expects.
“You’re Greek?” She asks, her interest piqued. 
“Yeah,” Trevor replies. “But not, like… Greek. I’m from New York, but I live in California now.”
At the mention of California, her face stiffens. She hums disapprovingly. “Got sick of the West Coast, I take it? Is that why you’re back east this summer?”
Trevor flounders for a moment. “I love California, but the guys and I always spend our summers together. Usually we’re in Michigan.”
“So y’all travel all around, huh?” She asks. She doesn’t sound impressed, which makes Trevor nervous. In fact, she sounds almost disdainful, but the look on her face appears as though she’s holding back a laugh. Whether that is at his expense, he doesn’t know.
“We’re very lucky,” Trevor confirms, nodding tightly. “Most of our travel is for work, though. We all work in the same industry and it involves a lot of, um, business trips.”
“Business trips?” She asks, letting the laugh overtake her this time as she looks him up and down. “You?”
Trevor looks down at his own outfit, the basketball shorts and loose t-shirt. They’re two of the few clothes he owns that are not branded with the Ducks logo. He scratches the back of his head sheepishly. “We’ve been driving a while and I wanted to be comfortable.”
“You certainly look comfortable,” She agrees with a nod, her grin knowing and wide.
“I didn’t catch your name,” Trevor says with a similar grin, shuffling forward just a step now that he’s got her smiling and laughing.
It’s then that Cole and Jack exit the grocery store, each with a hefty load of grocery bags on their arms. They’re laughing, so it appears Cole has managed to cheer up the sullen Jack in Trevor’s absence. Trevor watches the girl’s eyes leave his, drawn to the movement and volume of his two friends. He curses them in his mind, watching as they find him and decide to approach.
“I thought you were warming up the car, Z,” Jack accuses, his eyes flickering between Trevor and the girl. “D’you get distracted?”
Trevor bites his tongue before forcing a smile on his face. He turns back to the girl. “These are the some of the friends I mentioned, Jack and Cole. The other ones, Jack’s brothers, aren’t here yet.” Trevor knows he’s overexplaining, but he can’t help it. Something about this girl has him awkward and tongue-tied, yet his tongue can’t stop forming words and pushing them out.
“Yeah, your business partners.” She rubs a hand over her face, smoothing out the half-smile that was clearly keeping a laugh at bay. “Are they also from California?”
Cole snorts. “Business partners?” He repeats. “From California? No way. You’d never catch me dead in Anaheim, unless we’re playing there. Believe me, I’d be on the quickest flight back.”
“I just said we all worked in the same industry,” Trevor corrects, throwing on his most charming smile to try and salvage the situation. He wasn’t lying, but this girl might think he is, and that would be disastrous. He doesn’t know why, but it would be. He wants her to think highly of him and now he’s made two bad first impressions.
The second one is his friends’ fault, of course.
And she does think he’s lying– Trevor can tell by the way she looks him up and down, then Cole, then Jack. Her eyes squint imperceptibly at Cole’s mention of “playing” in Anaheim, rather than working. It was a statement that could have extended the conversation, but this girl seems to decide that she is uninterested.
She nods sarcastically, then scoffs quietly. “I have to go,” she says. “It was nice to meet you, Trevor. Have fun in Litchton this summer, boys.”
“Oh, we will,” Jack assures her. Trevor hates how his eyes rake over her, combing through each detail of her skin, her clothes, and her hair.
“Nice meeting you!” Cole calls after her as she walks away.
Both boys turn to Trevor, equally annoying smiles on their faces. 
“Shut up,” he hisses before they can say anything. 
“Who was that?” Cole asks.
“I didn’t get her name,” Trevor growls through gritted teeth. “She was just about to tell me and then the two of you showed up.”
“Boo-hoo,” Jack teases. “So you won’t be the first to bed a girl this summer, for… how many summers in a row is it now, Coley?”
Cole’s laughter breaks his face, but Trevor interrupts before he can speak.
“It’s not even a real competition, Jack. You only act like it is because you fuck the same girl every summer as soon as we get to the lake house. It’s trashy.”
“Being a winner isn’t trashy, Trev. In fact, maybe I should go follow after the girl you were just chatting up. I’ll show her how a real man flirts.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Trevor feels a flare of anger well up inside of him when Jack insinuates taking this girl for himself. It should be anger about questioning Trevor’s manhood, but it is not. “Get in the car.”
He stalks off, starting the car this time and situating himself behind the wheel. Jack vies for the passenger seat unsuccessfully, souring his mood yet again. Despite Cole’s smaller stature, Jack is the one left in the backseat with the bags of groceries around him. Soon, Trevor’s shirt joins him after a misguided throw to the trunk of the car where their luggage resides.
When they arrive at the house, Jack only carries the groceries inside. He claims he’s been stilted all day and Trevor can’t really do much to prove otherwise. Cole carries in his and Jack’s luggage into the home– a rental that Trevor paid good money to book for the entire summer. 
“I get the best room!” Trevor yells after them. “I paid for it! I want the ensuite bathroom!”
“Go fuck yourself,” Jack replies. He’ll leave the room for Trevor to take anyway. 
The three boys had planned this ahead of time. They would be in Litchton the whole summer, so they will take the three bedrooms that have king beds. Quinn and Luke will take the queen beds in the other bedroom, and the various guests throughout the summer will take the bunk beds in the basement. From the pictures alone, Trevor realizes that the house could sleep more than ten people. If they can find ten people, maybe they could throw a party. 
and invite that girl, Trevor thinks.
He’s taken aback by the thought and its suddenness. He doesn’t even know her name or if he’ll see her again– so why is he thinking of her?
Trevor shakes the thought and grabs his bags from the back of the car. He used an extra practice bag from the bottom of his closet in Anaheim to pack his clothes for the summer, so he has a free hand to open the door that Cole closed behind him. 
He finds the big bedroom easily and drops his bag in the closet, not bothering to unpack. He looks out the sliding door onto his porch, the wrap-around that encircles the entire back of the house. His porch holds two rocking chairs and a wooden bench. The house is built out of wood– almost overwhelmingly so– and the decorations match. His bedframe, his dresser, his bedside table, his small desk, the fan, even the blinds on the window… all of them are made of wood. 
His bathroom has double sinks and a granite countertop. The handles are gold in color, but likely not in material. The spout of the sink is more like a water spigot that one might find outdoors, but it’s classy. When Trevor enters his bathroom, he’s in awe of the jacuzzi tub and shower on the other side of the room. 
The tub and shower are both built from dark marble, bespeckled with lines of darker ore. The tub has wooden cabinets beneath the feet of marble on either side of the tub, which holds towels and toiletries on the right and left respectively. The tub has jets and a handheld spout that’s detachable. Trevor considers them. He can think of a use for both.
The shower is spacious with an overhead spout, wide and fancy. It has ledges for toiletries, as well as a seat in the corner. The door is glass and there is a hook for towels next to the opening. The shower stands from ceiling to floor, completely confined. Despite the windows to the side of it, the occupant of the shower would be completely hidden from sight, once the glass door steams up. 
Trevor explores the house further, but doesn’t take up residence anywhere. Cole and Jack seem to have put the groceries away while he found his room and looked around. Now, they’re nowhere to be found. They’ve likely taken up residence in their bedrooms for the night, tired from their eleven hour drive.
Lord knows Jack needs sleep before he braves this vacation. He always gets grumpy when he’s tired, part of the reason why he naps prior to every game. 
Trevor is glad that all of the boys can make it up for the summer. He can’t wait to get things started.
2:90 – HONEY
She wakes with the sunrise, as she does every Tuesday. It’s her first day of the week at the bookstore and she has to open. The Reading Nook is always closed on Mondays and she is one of three workers– the owner, Ada and her best friend since childhood, Bea. Ada opens the store on Thursday, whereas Bea opens it on Friday. Every other day of the week, the responsibility falls on her.
She makes her coffee and drinks it on her couch, looking out the window towards the mountains in the distance. It’s clear today and she can see the rows of mountains clearly– ten rows back. Once, her father had told her that if you could count ten rows back, you were looking at the mountains across state lines. If you could count ten mountains, then you could count all the way to Tennessee. 
She believed him, until she realized that the sun always rises behind those mountains. She faces east. Tennessee is to the west.
Still, the memory comes with fondness. It was before she moved away from home to pursue a life of quietness in the mountains, her favorite place in the world. Those days are long in the past. She has no interest in returning to them, given how far she’s come. The only person from her hometown that was welcomed into this new life was Bea and she has proven time and time again that she is deserving of that role.
Not only did they grow up together, but she got her nickname because of her friendship with Bea. As children, a long-forgotten teacher had made a comment about the two being attached at the hip, stuck together like glue. She had corrected herself with a laugh, evidently feeling clever when she said: “No, more like a bee to honey, right, girls?” From that day on, she had only gone by Honey and Bea had shortened her name from Beatrice to keep the analogy. 
She drives to The Reading Nook and unlocks the store, wiping the counter and sweeping the main room while she waits for her regular patrons to enter the store.
On Tuesdays, the “founding” women of Litchton convene in the bookstore and knit. Some days, Honey joins them. Others, she just wishes to sit and read at their table, listening in on the gossip of the week. The women are not so much founders as the grandmothers who lived in Litchton since their birth, having married and worked and raised families here. They are true Appalachian women– driven by superstition and fantastical solutions, lovers of a good story, and wonderful bakers who only crave to share their gift. They are churchgoers, often multiple times a week, and headstrong believers in their chosen politician. These are the attributes that Honey does not share with the women– she was an outsider, although she has been welcomed into the Litchton society since moving here. She attended church when the ladies asked her to, usually for the rare wedding or baptism. Rarer for a funeral, luckily. Honey does not feel any particular way about politics, at least not out loud, and she’s lucky that the ladies try to reserve that topic for the debates of their husbands over dinner parties, not the knitting circle on early Tuesday mornings.
Sacha is the first to arrive to the bookstore that morning, armed with blueberry muffins in a tupperware that Honey will have to wash in the little sink in the back while the women are knitting. Sacha has left one too many tupperwares and bowls in The Reading Nook and Honey won’t allow her to leave another behind. 
Honey plates the muffins for Sacha while the elderly woman secures the long table in the store for her friends. It does not take long for Scarlett, Gillian, Vera, and Rosalind to join. The women each knit their own project, waking up over coffee and muffins before the gossip starts.
It begins with Vera’s son’s divorce, something she had been dreading since he proposed to his soon-to-be ex-wife while they were still students at NC State. They had moved to Raleigh permanently, an action that Vera believes started this whole thing. When her son left home, and his wife finally revealed that she didn’t want children, Vera knew it was over. Or so she said. Honey thinks that she’s just butthurt about her son fleeing the nest… ten years ago. She wonders, briefly, if her own mother feels this way about her.
Honey shakes herself out of her thoughts as soon as Scarlett introduces the next topic, the topic that Honey knew was coming since the night before.
“Did you see those young men at the store yesterday? I know you always do your shopping on Monday evenings, Rosalind.” Scarlett tilts her head like she’s conspiring with Rosalind, like Rosalind has been holding information from the group.
Rosalind nods, eyes glinting behind her wired glasses. “They were such handsome boys. Lord, I tell you, if I were a young lady nowadays…”
She trails off and Honey stifles a laugh, looking down at the counter. She can feel the ladies’ eyes on her, no doubt hoping that the mention of boys piques her interest. Honey knows how these ladies were in their day– boy crazy but also efficient, looking for the perfect match and settling for no less. All of them prevailed, although from their complaints, you would never know their husbands were the loves of their lives.
“Ladies, you know this conversation would be better suited for Bea,” Honey teases. 
“Bea is too forthcoming, you are still somewhat of a mystery.” Gillian lifts an eyebrow. 
“Where is Miss Bea?” Vera asks. “Wasn’t she supposed to be here half an hour ago?”
Honey doesn’t stifle her laugh this time. “Miss Vera!” She exclaims. “It is a Tuesday morning. You know Bea has no interest in showing up to work for at least another hour.”
Vera shakes her head. “You and Ada have got to stop allowing her to show up so late.”
Sacha laughs. “As if they could stop her if they tried!”
All of the women, and Honey, laugh at the joke. It’s well established in Litchton that Bea is the tardy sort, whereas everyone else prefers to be early or on time. Bea has the attitude of a city girl, to quote the old ladies, but the work ethic and priorities of a Litchton woman. She likes her men, she likes her job, but she loves a nice lay-in.
“Besides,” Honey tells the women, hesitating with a coy smile before dropping the bomb of information: “I’ve already met those men.”
The effect is instantaneous. All of them drop their knitting onto their laps and gasp. Gillian clutches at her chest, always the most dramatic of the quintet. 
“My darling,” Rosalind marvels.
“Well?” Scarlett questions. “How? When? Tell us everything.”
Honey moves from behind the counter to an empty seat at their table. She sits next to Sacha, the woman taking her hand and holding it tightly. 
“You ladies seem to forget that I go to the fruit stand outside the store on Monday evenings,” Honey begins. “Which is where I ran into them. Literally, too– one of them had his nose buried in his phone and bumped into me. He could’ve knocked me over!”
“You should have fallen so that he could have helped you up,” Rosalind suggests. The women murmur in agreement.
Honey rolls her eyes. “I did not. He apologized, I told him that he only bumped into me because he was caught up in his phone, and he said he would be more careful next time.”
“Next time,” Gillian repeats, nodding. “So he wishes to see you again?”
“Turns out, ‘next time’ was about five minutes later, when I went to leave the stand and he was right behind me!” Honey reveals, purposefully lacing incredulity into her voice. She places a finger on her lips and widens her eyes, playing into the dramatics of the ladies as if to say “What do you think of that?”
The women gasp in time. 
“Which one was it?” Scarlett asks.
“I only saw the other two for a moment, so I don’t think I could describe them well enough to you,” Honey says. “The one I spoke to is named Trevor.” She pauses to roll her eyes before adding sarcastically, “But his friends call him Z.”
Scarlett and Rosalind nod and look to each other. 
“It must have been the one who left earlier than the other two,” Scarlett says. “With those awful tattoos.”
Honey bites back a giggle. Once a southern mother, always a southern mother. “He did have tattoos,” she confirms.
“You two would get along,” Vera suggests, not so subtly casting a glance at the leafy vines that crawl up Honey’s arm.
Honey goes quiet, glaring at Vera. She has worked to try and get the ladies to stop commenting on her body and habits over the past few years, but the ladies are stubborn and traditional in most senses.
“How long will they be here? Or were they just stopping through?” Gillian asks.
“They’ll be here all summer, so I’m sure we’ll get our fill of them.” With that, Honey effectively ends her role in the conversation. She returns to the counter and opens her book, pretending to read it.
She knew the ladies would have caught wind of the men’s arrival by now and would want to discuss it. She knew that the ladies would be interested in setting her up with one of these new arrivals. They were cute, she’d give them that. At a glance, any of the three could have been nice company at a brewery, but Honey wasn’t looking. She was perfectly content with finding herself and making her own life, even if it meant that she wasn’t finding a husband like most women in Litchton wanted her to do.
The other thing was this: Trevor hadn’t made the best first impression. He bumped into her, then startled her, then told her some story about business partners or colleagues that definitely was not true, and he was from California. He’s a yuppie, a hipster who probably enjoys the bustle of Los Angeles and can’t handle the slow, satisfying life of a small town. To her estimate, Trevor has got a week before he leaves Litchton for something more glamorous and fast-paced.
The ladies relay the news to Bea when she finally shows up for her shift, a travel mug of coffee in hand from which she sips throughout each tantalizing detail of Scarlett’s retelling. Upon Honey’s information, Bea’s eyes flicker knowingly toward the counter and Honey just shrugs. Bea’s eyes then narrow, accompanying a questioning tilt of her head. Honey shakes her head at that, and Bea lets it go.
“Well, I heard the reason that Mr. Mayes wasn’t at church last week wasn’t his hip acting up,” Bea says to the ladies when it’s her turn. That starts a whole new tangent for the knitting club, one that will keep them occupied and in their seats for a number of minutes. It gives Honey the time to slip into the back and cut up one of the peaches that she brought from home to snack on during work. 
The ladies leave The Reading Nook about an hour after Bea’s arrival, leaving the store empty except for the two girls and floaters looking for their next novel.
Bea leans against the counter with a smug smile, blinking innocently at Honey. 
“What do you really think about them?” She asks.
“I think they’re trouble,” Honey says. “They didn’t seem on the same page about their jobs, they don’t know anything about living in a small town, they travel a lot, and I think I saw one of them carrying a 48-pack of beer.”
“Are they cute?”
Honey fixes Bea with a stare that could put a stop to anyone else’s questions. Unfortunately, Bea is immune to Honey’s intimidation tactics and her sarcastic jabs. She sees right through them. Honey’s silence is another thing she sees through.
“Interesting.” She draws herself up to her full height. 
“I think you would find them cute,” Honey says.
Bea hums. “You can’t backtrack now. You said enough without saying anything at all.” She crosses her arms over her chest then leans back down onto the counter. “So, tell me, Honeybear,” she muses. Fortunately, she changes the topic. “Did you get my strawberries from the stand, or were you too enthralled by the pretty boy in front of you?”
“He wasn’t pretty.”
“Sure he wasn’t.”
Honey scoffs, then leaves to the back to grab the basket of strawberries. She does so carefully, not touching the strawberries in case she breaks out in hives like she did last time. Bea swears that more exposure to the fruit would “cure” her allergy, but Honey only picks up the baskets to humor her. Honey doesn’t think she’s missing out on much, being allergic to strawberries. It’s her peaches that she would miss, and the blackberry pie that Ada makes when her vines turn ripe. That’s something to look forward to– blackberry season is starting and Ada could show up with a pie any day now.
The day continues slowly, with Ada making an appearance to close down the shop with the girls and help unpack a new shipment of books. After they’re done, Honey and Bea head to their respective homes.
Honey curls up with her book in her bed and listens to some music before the soft noise of the background and the comfort of her blanket draws her to her sleep.
3:90 – TREVOR
They have to go to the hardware store today. 
Yesterday, the boys wasted the day, sleeping later than they have in weeks. They ate a late breakfast, which turned into their lunch. They played pool on the pool table, ping and beer pong on the foldable table, and sunbathed out on the porch. Cole watched lazily as Trevor and Jack tried to outline half of a rink in chalk on the cement slab. They never finished the other half of the rink.
Today, they have to go get some wood and tools to make the rink into a 3D structure so the pucks don’t go flying into the woods when they shoot them. Trevor and Cole are the ones who are supposed to go to the store– Jack has decided to stay behind and wait for Quinn and Luke if they show up while the other boys are at the store. 
A convenient excuse, even though the goons are planning to show up today. Trevor expects the brothers to try and weasel their way out of working on the rink, claiming that they’re too tired from travel or they need more time to unpack. The thing is, the boys are flying into Charlotte and renting a car for the summer so that there will be two at the house, so they’re only driving for like an hour compared to Trevor’s eleven. They have no right to be complaining, but they will likely enact a vote and outweigh Cole and Trevor because if the Hughes are anything, it’s lazy and loyal to each others’ laziness.
They’re very driven, but only when they choose to work. When it comes to hockey, they’ll work all day. When it comes to creating the hockey rink or putting together equipment, they would much rather watch. Jim spoiled them that way– he was always the builder of the family and the boys were left to go do whatever they wanted as long as they weren’t annoying their father.
Trevor and Cole put off the trip as long as they can, hoping that maybe the Hughes brothers will show up early and they can force them to go to the store before they can even get out of the car. 
When the clock hits two, Trevor decides that the waiting is useless. They could’ve done so much during the day instead of sitting around waiting, but no. He was lucky enough to sit around and do nothing all day and watch stupid daytime TV with Cole while Jack read his texts with his brothers out loud.
The hardware store would be heaven compared to this.
He leaves without Cole at first, driving slowly down the driveway until he sees Cole’s figure run out of the house and after the car. Trevor can imagine what he’s saying as he yells after the vehicle– something about not being left with Jack in case the other Hugheses show up, something about how Trevor is a dick. 
They follow the one road on the mountain up to the strip where all the stores are. The hardware store is just a few doors down from the grocery store, so they park in the same parking lot.
Cole and Trevor walk side by side, Cole’s eyes on his phone as they walk while Trevor takes in the brick walkway beneath them. Names are etched on some of the bricks– Jude Doyle, Frederick Lawson, Ansley Hood… Grandma. Trevor has seen stuff like this before, but there’s something different about these names being etched on the bricks of this small town. Everyone probably knew these people, or knew someone who knew them, when they died. It’s so personal.
When they reach the hardware store, Trevor holds the door open for a man leaving. They give each other a curt nod, just a passing glance. Trevor sees absolutely no recognition in his eyes and comments on it. Cole doesn’t care, and says so. Trevor punches his shoulder.
“Welcome in,” the elderly woman at the counter greets. “What are you boys looking for?”
“Hi,” Cole replies, a charming smile on his face. “Could you point me towards the power tools? I can find my way from there.”
The woman smiles and points toward the back of the store. “They’re on the left, sweetie.” She turns to Trevor. “And what about you?”
“We’ll be needing some plywood,” Trevor says. “We’re building a little roller rink.”
“Oh, how fun!” The lady, named Vera if her nametag has any truth to it, claps her hands. “How much do you need, dear?”
“How much have you got?” Trevor asks. 
Vera waves her hand. “I don’t know. I’ll call Earl, he’ll send you off with what you need.” She turns and takes a breath before shouting the man’s name. Trevor’s heard that shout before– his grandmother used to do the same thing with his grandfather. 
The balding, age-spotted man appears at the door to the back of the shop. “I done told ya I have my hearing aids in, woman,” Earl grumbles to his wife, fond and mean and familiar in the way that only a couple who has been married for fifty years can be. 
Vera smacks Earl’s arm as he ambles by her. Earl pulls his arm away and puts another foot between them. 
“What do you need, young man?” Earl asks.
“Lots of wood,” Trevor says. “A couple of sheets of plywood and some 2x4s, maybe?”
“Boy, you do not think I have all’a that laying around.” Earl fixes Trevor with a stink-eye. 
“Don’t you tell him that!” Vera chimes in. “I know you’ve got plenty of wood out back because you bought all of it and never finished our damn basement.”
“I’m going to finish it!”
“Earl, you’ve been saying that for thirty years, you ain’t never finishing the basement.”
Trevor wants to laugh at the absurdity of this conversation. He wants to laugh at this domestic argument and how unreal it is that it’s unfolding in front of him. Instead, he clears his throat. “Excuse me,” he interrupts gently. “I don’t know if I want thirty year old wood for this. We’ll be hitting pucks off the boards all day and I’d like to keep the pucks inside the rink, please.”
“You’re a hockey boy?” Earl questions with a raised brow. When Trevor nods, he lets out a grunt. Trevor can’t tell what that means. Nonetheless, he waves Trevor to follow him into the back.
Trevor squeezes past Vera– she pinches his butt, he thinks– and catches a glimpse of her knitting under the counter when he walks by. She’s knitting something green. It’s too bundled up for him to tell what it is, though. Maybe he’ll ask later.
When he enters the back room, Earl gestures around. “Take your pick of the wood and make a pile over there–” he points to the corner– “and you can drive around back and we can put the wood in your truck there.”
“Oh, I didn’t drive a truck down,” Trevor says before he can help it. Earl makes a face. “But my friend and I can carry the piles ourselves to the car, don’t worry about that.”
“I wasn’t worried,” Earl gripes, shuffling away to sit at a bench with a circular saw and a half finished product on the table. 
Trevor sifts through the wood, all neatly arranged into piles of similar sizes– but labeled completely wrong. Trevor thinks that Earl might’ve refused to follow Vera’s labels when she first put them up in the shop, but realized that they’re more helpful than harmful. He’s just petty enough of an old man to ignore the labels, but follow the categorization.
Trevor ends up with a pile of ten sheets of plywood– four that are as long as lunch tables, and six that are just squares. Those will go behind the goals, while the long ones will go around the sides of the slab. He picks up a couple of 2x4s, just in case he needs them, and throws them on the pile with a clatter.
“I’m going to go grab my buddy,” Trevor says to Earl.
Earl grunts, but doesn’t budge. He also doesn’t look up from his station.
Cole is chatting up Vera when Trevor rejoins them. He’s leaning over the edge of the counter, asking about Vera’s knitting and her grandchildren. He’s got a bag of goodies next to him– powertools and nails, Trevor assumes. 
“Coley, come help me,” Trevor interrupts.
“No manners, this guy,” Cole says to Vera, scoffing and pointing his thumb at Trevor with a shake of his head. 
“Well, don’t keep the bear waiting,” Vera replies. Trevor watches her pinch Cole’s ass as he passes, but Cole just laughs and bats her hand away.
Fucking annoying. Always so good with the grandparents.
“The bear?” Trevor asks once Vera is out of earshot. “Is that me?”
Cole smirks. “We’ve got nicknames.”
Earl looks up when they reenter the back. He lets out a laugh, just a short bark. “This is your friend who’s going to help you carry all that wood?”
As the smirk falls off Cole’s face, Trevor picks it up.
“I can carry some wood,” Cole insists. “Probably all of it. I’m stronger than Z is, anyway.”
Earl’s gaze slides over to Trevor. “Z,” he repeats. “I hope you don’t stick with that one.”
Trevor laughs. “You sound like–” he cuts himself off. He never did learn her name, anyway. What’s it to this old man, who he sounds like?
Cole picks up on it though. “Like who, Z?” He asks with a tilt of his head.
Trevor glares at him. 
“I don’t give a rat’s ass who I sound like and I don’t want to hear your smug little bickering,” Earl admonishes. “Get your wood and get outta my shop.”
Trevor laughs in Cole’s face, then pushes him over towards the pile of wood. “Go on, strong man.”
Cole makes like he’s going to throw a punch at Trevor– Trevor doesn’t flinch, because he hasn’t fallen for that since their first stint on the US team– and puffs up his chest before deciding to pick up the long pieces of wood.
“Compensating for something?” Trevor asks.
“Go fuck yourself,” Cole replies cheerfully, turning on his heel and swinging the wood around with him, hoping to hit Trevor in the stomach. Trevor jumps away.
He picks up the rest of the wood and follows Cole out of the shop, bidding Earl a quiet farewell.
Earl grunts.
Trevor nods to himself, not surprised by the response. Vera is much more sad to see them go, gushing over how strong they are and telling them to come back soon. 
“What’s your nickname?” Trevor asks suddenly, as they load the wood into the back of the car.
Cole grins, crooked and smug. “Sweetie.”
“You’re fucking with me.”
“Oh, I assure you, I’m not. I’m a real hit with the ladies.”
“Yeah, you’re a real fucking hit with the married seventy year olds,” Trevor scoffs. “Don’t fucking talk to me, dude.”
Cole laughs, tossing his head back. He looks over Trevor’s shoulder. “Hey, isn’t that your girl?”
Trevor spins around. “Where?” He asks, looking to his left and right. 
When Cole starts cackling behind him, Trevor takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. “I’m gonna fucking kill you, dude.”
“Bear, you wouldn’t know what to do without me.” Cole pats Trevor on the chest before rounding the car, settling in the passenger seat.
“Fucking passenger princess,” Trevor seethes. 
“You wish you were me.”
“I fucking don’t.”
“The more fucks you say, the more fucks you give.”
“Fuck off.”
They drive back to the house in silence, Trevor’s knuckles white as he deliberates driving off the mountain and taking Cole with him. There are pros, certainly, the top one being that Cole would no longer be part of this vacation. The cons, unfortunately, outweigh the pros: without Cole, Trevor would be alone with the Hughes brothers all summer, except for the occasional visiting savior.
Quinn and Luke have arrived by the time the duo returns to the mountain house. They brought with them another SUV, this one only slightly bigger than Trevor’s vehicle. It’s got a third row of seats, but it’s cramped– they’ll definitely have to take both cars down to Charlotte when they go to practice. Because of the limited trunk space in Quinn’s rental car, Trevor’s car will likely end up being the gear car. 
Which is lucky, because who wouldn’t want to spend three hours total in the car with smelly gear while the other car gets to have fun and smell nice?
On second thought, the time alone might be good for Trevor. He loves his friends, he really does, but it’s hard to be around them for so long. He’s lucky that they’re all on different teams, that they keep up when they can, and that it’s not constant. Jack can’t escape his brothers, especially not Luke, but Trevor can escape all three of them.
He spends the evening building the outdoor rink, mostly alone. Quinn helps a little bit, mostly chalking up the lines on the remaining half of the slab. He holds the wood for Trevor while he screws some nails into the pieces to keep them in place. They work mostly in silence, as they often do. Trevor is itching to talk with Quinn, see how he is, but he knows that Quinn is a man of few words. He also knows that Quinn is quick to say that Trevor talks too much. They’re at the point in their relationship where Trevor lets Quinn dictate how much they speak.
Luke tries to cook dinner, he does. Trevor can’t fault him for trying. Jack had to jump in to save them from burnt steaks and soggy vegetables, and even if he can’t salvage everything, he does a pretty good job. Luke apologizes and does the dishes. He’s quiet for the rest of the night, falling asleep on the couch during the movie they picked out, and Quinn wakes Luke like a good big brother and shoos him to bed. 
It’s more calm than the lake house, Trevor thinks. They’re not really doing anything differently, are they? And yet, here they are, sitting together in calm silence. They’re drinking bottled beer and laughing over the same jokes they’ve heard a million times, reminiscing about summers past and what they’ll do this summer. Quinn wishes for a lake. Jack tells him they’ll find one.
Trevor goes to bed when the movie ends, frogs croaking past his bedroom window in the depths of the night.
4:90 – HONEY
It’s a Thursday, so Honey gets to sleep in until nine. Sleeping in until nine means that she really wakes up at eight, because she just can’t sleep in late after working at the bookstore for five years now. She sits on her couch on Thursday mornings and reads. She does the crossword in the Litchton Local, the newspaper that comes out weekly on Wednesdays. 
There’s an immeasurable stillness in the mountains.
Honey noticed it the first time she came up to this house as a child. Everything moves, like the bugs outside and the leaves on the trees, but everything is so still. Like it’s being held in place by something bigger. She knows the feeling well, but it’s comforting here. 
At home, it was uniforms and piano lessons after school. She loves piano, even still, but there was something so crushing about the weight of her perfect posture on that bench when there was all the pressure of beauty breathing down her neck.
Home, Honey thinks again, and laughs. 
In the mountains, all of the beauty of the world is there and present and taking up space– but it’s not forced. It’s not the idealized version of everything. It just is.
And everything is so green, especially on a rainy day like this. Honey thinks there’s something sacred about the greenness of the mountains, but it’s the melancholic side of divine that leaves you waiting for another whisper or breath in the wind that never comes.
She used to have a piano that she could play in the mornings. She toted it to the antique store down the road when she made the mountain home hers. Sometimes, she wonders why she did that and regrets it, staring at the dents on the floor where its legs used to stand.
But then she remembers that she’s thinking about the past again and she shakes herself out of it. Five years later, but it’s hard to forget all of the things you grew up knowing.
Honey picks Bea up on the way to work, relishing in the girl’s consistent lateness because it allows her the chance to catch up with her friend. They see each other every day, yes, but the bookstore isn’t suited for some topics.
Such as Bea’s current woes:
“I’ve run out of dating app men,” she complains.
Honey bites back a smile. “Did you run out, or did you just swipe left on all of them?” She asks knowingly.
Bea cuts her eyes at Honey. “All the ones I swiped left on are ugly,” she says. “I can promise you that.”
“Is anyone good-looking in Litchton, Bea?”
Bea’s silence speaks for itself.
Honey laughs, her hair whipping around her face in the breeze from the rolled-down windows of her car.
“If I had known you were dragging me to the Ugly Capital of the World, I wouldn’t have come with you,” Bea announces, like it matters. She’s a liar. She wouldn’t have let Honey leave their hometown without her, no matter where she was going.
“You couldn’t turn it down, you had to come,” Honey replies. “Especially since they asked you to be Mayor.”
Bea gasps, affronted. She stares at Honey, her jaw hanging open. “Are you mad at me? Be honest.” She pouts, her voice whiny.
“Oh my God,” Honey groans, rolling her eyes. “No, I’m not mad at you.”
“Okay, well, stop being a cunt, please,” Bea sasses. If Honey were more annoyed, she’d reach out and slap Bea’s arm for the attitude. “We have to go to work and I need to put all my focus into pretending to like you.”
“Yeah, because it’s so hard to like me,” Honey says. Her voice is dripping with sarcasm, monotone and grating. 
“Yeah, it is, you suck.” Bea flips her hair over her shoulder, digging through her bag to find her Walmart lip gloss. She smears the cherry flavored gloss over her lips and puckers up, batting her eyelashes at Honey exaggeratedly. “Gimme a kiss.”
“No.” Honey pulls up to The Reading Nook and parks on the street in front of the building, parallel parking with the practiced ease of someone who’s been dealing with nothing but parallel parking (except in the grocery store and church parking lots) for the last five years.
“Ugh, one day you’ll kiss me,” Bea mutters, staring forlornly out the window. 
Honey rolls her eyes. “Bea, we’ve already kissed. You weren’t that good and I didn’t like your lip gloss then, either.”
Bea cringes. “That was like ten years ago, Hon. Things have changed since then. Number one, I’m not in middle school. Number two, I’ve had boyfriends and I’ve had sex since then. Number three, you know it wouldn’t mean anything. I want you to try my lip gloss so bad, come on.”
Honey stares. Bea’s got a stupid smile on her face, teasing and annoying. They hold each other’s eyes for too long before Honey speaks. 
“You’re insufferable, did you know that?”
Bea nods. “You are so easy to work up.”
Bea and Honey exit the car at the same time and enter the store through the front, the bell jingling behind them. Ada greets them from behind the counter, teasing Bea for being late again and threatening to cut her pay. She never will, never. Bea is too good with the kids, too happy to talk to mothers, and just dry enough to understand the miserly old man that walks through the door looking for a new World War I book. 
In the back, Ada has a bowl of biscuits and jam that Honey reheats and eats over the counter before she starts her day. 
She’s supposed to reshelve some books from their Borrow Before You Buy section, the part of the store that acts as the town’s public library. It’s a small task. The pile of books that were returned yesterday is less than a hundred. A good portion of the books are little kid chapter books, the kind you could finish in an hour as an adult because the font is so big and there are full-page pictures twice a chapter. 
Bea has to read to the kids at noon– some of the mothers bring snacks, like the end of a youth soccer game. It’s like a potluck lunch and the kids love Bea. Most weeks, it’s just her, but since it’s summer, she’s starting to bring in guest readers. Honey refuses to do it every time. Well, that’s not true– she acts as guest reader once a summer, right before school starts. It’s her one moment of the year. 
As she’s restocking the books, Honey hears the bell twinkle with each new customer that walks in. She’s grown used to the noise over the years, so it doesn’t draw her eye anymore.
What does draw her eye, however, is the blunt tap on her shoulder. When she turns around, Bea is blinking innocently at her– no doubt the offending hand in this scenario– with Trevor by her side.
“I was just talking to Trevor here, Honey,” Bea says. “And he was wondering if we had any books that a man his age might like. I thought maybe you should talk to him.”
Honey glares at Bea, purposefully obvious about it so that Trevor sees. What does she know about book recommendations for a man in his twenties? He probably wants some shit sports biography, or worse– he’s embracing his inner old man and he’s ready to venture into the world of World War I non-fiction. Either way, book recommendations are Bea’s thing, not Honey’s. She just stocks the books, builds the shelves, and bonds with the old ladies who come in on Tuesdays.
Bea shrugs with a coy little smile– Honey wishes she could slap it off of her face– and disappears behind the stacks. Honey can tell that she’s still listening from a few feet away, always nosy and overly interested in Honey’s exploits. If she can’t indulge in her own, she’s happy to butt in on Honey’s.
“Trevor,” Honey says, crossing her arms over her chest. She didn’t wear a bra today. She doesn’t trust him not to look. She also doesn’t trust her nipples not to peak in the cold air. 
“Is Honey your real name?” Trevor asks. 
She balks at him. “What is it with you and my name?”
Honey expects Trevor to back down, to act timid and normal and earnest like he did at the fruit stand on Monday. She expects him to apologize, yet again, for another inadvertent mistake that Trevor seemed unable to avoid. It’s because he doesn’t think– he just says the words as they come to mind, hoping that the sentence comes out fully formed and making sense.
And yet, he doesn’t.
“Just wanted to know what name I’ll be saying when I’m telling you to come,” is what Trevor answers. 
Honey gathers her wit quickly, scrambling to find a response to Trevor’s bold statement. She wants something clever, something to turn him down, something to tell him that he’s a cocky prick for saying such a thing while she’s at work, but she comes up with none of the above. Instead, she settles for: “It’s a nickname.”
A smirk tugs at Trevor’s lips and Honey wants to reach out and strangle him. He’s smirking because he thinks he bested her– bested her– and that he’s got the upper hand.
“What kind of book are you looking for, Trevor?” Honey changes the subject, trying to get back on task. She turns, continues restocking the Borrow Before You Buy shelves. 
“I’m not sure, Honey,” he replies, really milking his use of her name. “What kind of books do you think I’d like?”
She glances at him, looks him up and down. She tamps down a smile and says in a curt, monotone voice. “Guides on how to make the best of your business trip.”
Trevor laughs at that, more of a shake of his shoulders than a real laugh. “You’re funny, Honey.”
Honey raises her eyebrows and waits for him to continue.
“Hey, that rhymed. Maybe a book of poetry? I need to study my craft if I’m going to be waxing poems about you.”
He’s bold, she thinks. He’s really bold, much more sure of himself than he was on Monday. He’s much more confident, a sharp 180º from where he was the other day.
“Why don’t you keep your waxes to yourself?” Honey asks.
“How can I?”
She turns to him, planting a hand on her hip. “Don’t you have something to do today other than bother me at my bookstore? You don’t even know me. Why are you here?”
“I’m here to get a book. I’m not trying to bother you, I’m just trying to make conversation.” Trevor shoves his hands in his pockets and has the decency to look ashamed, even if it’s just for a split second and just to see if Honey will crumble. She knows his type. She’s seen them before.
“You’re flirting with me,” Honey accuses. “Not making conversation.” She puts air quotes around the last two words.
Trevor smiles. “You caught me,” he says simply, no shame evident in his voice. The smile stays on his lips as he and Honey look at each other. He raises his eyebrows and she takes it as a challenge.
“I’m not interested, Trevor.”
“I could show you a good time, Honey.”
“In Litchton?”
“Don’t you hear how good it sounds when I say your name? It’s like we’ve been hooking up for ages and I’ve got a special little name for you.”
“A name that everyone else uses.”
“It’s special to me.”
“How about a self-help book?”
Trevor clutches at his chest, jaw dropping in fake-misery. “You think I need help?”
“If you’re not going to buy a book, then you need to leave me alone.” Honey places the last book in her stack on the shelf and looks at Trevor expectantly. The silence sits between them, suspended for a moment.
“Do you have any books about space?” He asks. 
Honey notices that his voice is softer, a little more genuine. She examines his features, waiting for the other shoe to drop. She waits for the joke about not wanting space from her, needing her in his orbit, or whatever. It doesn’t come. She scans his figure one last time, realizing that her brow is furrowed and she’s chewing on the inside of her bottom lip as she does so. She smoothens her expression, hoping Trevor didn’t pick up on her calculating stare.
“How do you feel about creative nonfiction?” Honey asks.
Trevor scrunches his nose.
“Memoirs, personal histories, stuff like that,” Honey supplies. She softens her voice to match his tone. She almost feels a little shy. “We only have one book about space that I’ve read and it’s creative nonfiction, but it’s really good.” Quieter, then: “I liked it.”
Trevor nods, a little hesitant. This is the Trevor she met on Monday. “Okay.”
“Follow me.” Honey leads him to the nonfiction section, to the rows of books whose authors bear a last name that starts with ‘D.’ She runs her fingers along the titles of the books at the height of her chest while scanning the upper shelves. “It’s there,” she says, pointing to the row just out of her reach. “It’s by ‘Dean.’” She looks down, around her on the floor. “Where’s my step ladder…?”
“I can reach it,” Trevor says, stepping forward. He places a hand on the small of Honey’s back and reaches up, fingers hesitating as he searches for the right book. When he finds the spine bearing Dean’s name, he bounces up on his tiptoes for just a second to slide the book from its position on the shelf. 
Honey has never been more aware of a hand in her life. His touch is light, just a passing glance really, but it weighs on her. It’s like she’s standing in quicksand and she waited too long to try and get out.
He’s so close to her when he stands flat on his feet again. He’s got the book in one hand and his other still rests on Honey’s back.
She steps away.
His eyes follow her, but instead of saying anything, he just flips the book over in his hand. He reads the back cover and as he does so, Honey puts more space between them. She takes a breath, trying to stay quiet, and grounds herself.
“Is it really any good?” Trevor asks. “Do I have to buy it?”
“Yes, and, um.” Honey throws a look over her shoulder. She lost track of Bea while she and Trevor went to find this book. Fuck, her nosey best friend could be anywhere. “You can borrow it. We just usually give people a week or so to bring it back, and if you don’t, we track you down.”
“Track me down?” Trevor asks, chuckling. 
“Yeah.” Honey nods. “Small town. Everybody knows everybody, or knows somebody who knows everybody.”
“Stalking me, Honey?” Trevor teases.
“We’ve met twice, and both times it was because you came up to me. If anyone is the stalker here, it’s you.”
Trevor turns the book over in his hand again, looking down to avoid Honey’s gaze. “Leaving Orbit, huh?” He bites his lip and takes in the sight of Honey in front of him. He taps the book with his other hand. “I’ll let you know if it’s any good.”
“I know it’s good. I read it.”
“Baby, if you knew good, you’d be all over me.”
Honey scoffs. “Alright, fun’s over. Get out of here, Trevor.” She shoos him away, practically pushing him out of the shop. She sticks her tongue out at him through the glass after closing the door behind him. She watches him laugh, run his hands through his hair, and turn away.
‘Zegras’ is written in bold letters across his back, the number 11 in the center of his t-shirt. The detail catches Honey’s eye as she watches him walk away, down the street towards a car with a New York license plate that looks far too perfect and expensive to belong in Litchton. She bites the inside of her lip again, pondering. If anyone asks, she doesn’t care, but Trevor’s different than anyone she’s ever met. She wonders why.
But no, she doesn’t care.
Bea does.
“He plays hockey,” Bea announces, revealing herself. “He’s good, too. NHL. He was a top ten pick when he was drafted.”
Honey just nods. Twice. That’s all she needs. They’re small movements and she’s still chewing on her lip.
“What did he get?”
Honey clears her throat. “Just the, uh, Dean book about space.”
Honey can practically hear the face Bea makes behind her back. “You think he’ll enjoy that?” Bea asks. “It’s really personal.”
“It was the only book I could think of,” Honey replies with a shrug. She finally turns around to face Bea. “You’ve got to stop spying on me. I know you listened to our whole conversation.”
Bea pouts and stomps her foot, the sound echoing along the stacks around them. “How could I not?” She demands. “‘Just wanted to know what name I’ll be saying when I’m telling you to come?’ Honey, girl. Be serious.”
“Bea, you know I’m not looking for that right now.”
“You’re never fucking looking for that,” Bea hisses, pinching Honey’s wrist until she flinches away. “It’s falling into your lap and you’re pushing it out the door! What’s wrong with you?”
Honey glares at her with a tilted head. 
Bea relents. “One of these days, I’m going to kick your ass,” she threatens. “You can’t be a spinstery old maid forever, Honeybear. They’re only here for the summer. Maybe you should embrace it.”
“He’ll be gone within the week.”
Bea sighs. “Whatever you say.”
5:90 – TREVOR
“We need to throw a party,” Trevor says over breakfast.
“Why?” Luke asks, voice scratchy from lack of use. He yawns and runs his fingers through his hair, further messing up his already messy curls. He’s not wearing a shirt– none of them are– and Trevor is astounded by how pale Luke is. 
“We need to get you outside more,” Trevor mumbles, then clears his throat and continues speaking. “It’s like a housewarming thing.”
Unimpressed, Cole rolls his eyes. “Who do you want to invite?” He asks.
Trevor pauses, side-eying his friend. “Nobody,” he deflects. 
Quinn snorts, the spoon he’s using for his cereal clinking against the side of his bowl. “Not much of a party.”
“He wants to invite the girl that he met the other day,” Jack says, butting into the conversation. 
Luke frowns. “What girl?”
“Some townie that he met at the fruit stand when we went to the grocery store,” Jack explains. “He doesn’t know her name.”
“Her name is Honey, actually,” Trevor interrupts. 
The table stills. Each of the boys’ eyes turn towards Trevor and he suddenly feels like an ant under a child’s magnifying glass, boiling under the glare.
Cole pushes up an invisible pair of glasses and raises a finger, pursing his lips. “Actually,” he mocks, then drops the tone. “How do you know her name, Z?”
Trevor shrugs noncommittally. “I ran into her when I went into town yesterday.”
“Oh, when you were supposed to pick up laundry detergent and you came back with a book instead?” Cole asks. “That makes sense, much more sense than what Luke said.”
Trevor blanches. “What did Luke say?”
Jack snickers.
Trevor turns to Luke. “What did you say?”
Quinn smiles and hides his face, taking a large mouthful of his cereal to leave Luke hanging if he asked for help.
Luke flushes. “I mean, you know… that maybe you confused the two.”
“How the fuck would I confuse laundry detergent with a book?” Trevor snaps. “They’re two completely different things, fuckface.”
Luke throws his hands up in surrender. “We were just thinking of reasons why you might’ve come back without the one thing we needed.”
Trevor looks around the table. “You guys are such assholes.”
“Bro, you’re the one that forgot laundry detergent because you were too busy chatting up some chick,” Jack defends the group. “Now we can’t even do our laundry.”
“If it’s so fucking important to you, go get the detergent yourself!”
A smile breaks out on Jack’s face. “Maybe I will,” he says, his voice shit-eating. “I might need to grab a book for myself, too.”
Trevor’s anger increases tenfold, for no fucking reason. “The fuck you do,” he snaps. “You don’t even know how to read.”
Jack’s face twists, his emotions finally aligning with Trevor’s own. “Fuck you, dude. You know I can read, I just don’t like to.”
Trevor scoffs and rolls his eyes. “I just want to have a party,” he mutters, stabbing at his eggs with his fork. 
The boys fall into silence, finishing their breakfasts. Trevor pouts, frustrated that the boys weren’t immediately on board with his idea for a party. 
If they were in Michigan, the Hughes brothers would have the front door of the house unlocked past 10pm. The people they know from the golf course, from the lake, from the pickleball courts would all be pouring through the doorway and into the party. Everyone knows that on Saturday nights, the Hughes brothers invite people over and they have a big bonfire. Apparently, that only applies in Michigan.
Trevor leaves the breakfast table first, to jeers from the other boys about being pouty and bitchy for not getting his way. Trevor knows that he’s going to invite Honey and her friend– Bee? Bea? B?– over tomorrow night no matter what the goons say. There’s not much to do in Litchton, he knows that, so he doesn’t want to leave the girls out. Otherwise, they might just sit at home all night. Trevor can’t have that.
Obviously, that’s his only motive. He would never have any other reason to invite Honey and Bea over to the house at night. Never.
Maybe one other reason.
But that’s irrelevant. 
He spends the morning outside, using the extra wood from Earl to build a fire pit in the half-circle clearing near the edge of the forest. When they were younger, Trevor’s sister might’ve thought this area was where the fairies lived, and maybe she would have built them a house. He wonders briefly if Honey was the same way when she was a child, when she was growing up in rural Litchton with nothing else to do but imagine.
Come to think of it, he doesn’t know if Honey grew up here. She seems so intimately integrated into the town that she has to be from here, has to have grown up here. She must know all the town secrets and all the town gossip and fuck, Trevor wants to know all of that and more. 
He can’t explain the feeling he has about Honey. He’s just… drawn to her. It doesn’t make sense– he doesn’t know her. He’s barely met her. She did not exist in his life a week ago and yet, she’s popping up in his thoughts like they’ve known each other for years. Like they’ve been inseparable for years. When he thinks about it, he decides that Honey is like one of the girls he would have met in elementary school in Bedford. Honey is one of the girls that he would have grown up with, one of the neighbor girls from down the street with whom he rode his bike on hot summer days. 
She’s got a hometown charm feel to her. Trevor has to see her again.
He finishes building the wooden part of the fire pit before realizing how stupid it was to build the pit out of wood. A lightbulb seems to go off in his head, though, because it’s an excuse to go see her, to invite her to his party. He can go to the hardware store on the way, pick up some stone and gravel to line the wood, protect it from catching flame. He can pick up some firewood from the grocery store for their first fire and pick up the laundry detergent he forgot yesterday. Jack won’t be so annoying then.
Trevor doesn’t bother telling the boys where he’s going– he just gets in the car and drives away. 
It takes all of fifteen minutes to make his way to the bookstore. It’s still early, so he doesn’t even know if it’s open yet. Trevor and the boys are so used to waking up early for hockey that they’ve been up for about two hours and the whole day is still ahead of them.
When Trevor pulls at the front door of The Reading Nook, it doesn’t swing open the way it did yesterday. He knows the doors are easy on their hinges, considering how easily Honey slammed the door behind him yesterday, but today, the wood is barely budging. He knocks on the door, loud. 
Honey’s friend’s head peeks out from behind a stack, confusion written all over her expression. Trevor waves at her, gesturing at the door. She laughs, then approaches the door. She points down at the ‘Closed’ sign hanging near the handle.
Trevor tilts his head, unimpressed. “I have to talk to you,” he says through the glass.
Bea unlocks the door and opens it with a snorted laugh. “What’s up, Trevor? Honey’s not here yet.”
“I have a proposition for you.”
Bea steps aside and lets him into the store. “You want her.”
Trevor sputters at her honesty. “I don’t know her.”
“You want her,” Bea repeats with a nod and a knowing smile. “And you want to know how to get her.”
“Well, yes,” Trevor says. “But also, no. I wanted to invite you– both, you both– to a party tomorrow night.”
Bea smiles. She crosses her arms over her chest. “You want my best friend and all I get is some measly party? Come on, Trevor. What’s in it for me?”
Trevor thinks for a minute. “What do you want?”
Bea laughs. She pokes her tongue into her cheek and looks expectantly at Trevor.
“Whoa,” Trevor says, taking a step back. “That’s really… forward, but–”
“I don’t want you, Trevor,” Bea scoffs. She shakes her head and rolls her eyes. “So self-centered, Honey was right about that. But, I’ll help you get her and I’ll make sure we make it to your party if you give me what I do want.”
Trevor hums, narrowing his eyes. “What do you want?”
Bea smiles, devilish and conniving. “The dating pool up here is pretty dry, and I hear you’ve got a few friends.”
Trevor nods.
Bea blinks at him. “Do you have any pictures of these friends? I would’ve looked you up, but Honey and I swore off Instagram years ago.”
That makes sense. That’s why he couldn’t find Honey when he looked her up last night– not that he had much to go off of. Still, “Honey Litchton NC” didn’t reveal many results.
Trevor fumbles with his phone, showing her a picture of the group from last summer. He watches her fingers pinch and zoom in on the picture, on each individual. She keeps her expression neutral, a poker face that impresses Trevor. She hums, thoughts racing behind her eyes too quick for Trevor to understand them. 
“We’ll come to your party,” Bea says simply, handing the phone back to Trevor. She snatches it back at the last second. “Wait,” she says, and clicks around for a second. 
Trevor waits, then she hands the phone back. On the screen is a contact page for ‘Bea McLean.’ 
“It’s pronounced like McLane,” Bea tells Trevor. “Since you’re so obsessed with names.”
“Okay,” Trevor cuts her off with a sarcastic nod. 
Bea laughs. “Don’t get sassy with me, I have all the power here.”
“Yeah, but I have your number,” Trevor flaunts.
“I could just block you, easily,” Bea points out. “Then where would you be?”
Wisely, Trevor bites his tongue. After a deep breath, he asks, “So, I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Wouldn’t miss it. Now get out, Honey’s supposed to get here soon and I don’t want her seeing you. She’s annoyingly on time. She’ll know we’re in cahoots.” Bea, much like her best friend did yesterday, pushes Trevor to the door and shoves him through it. She slams it behind him, flipping the sign so it says ‘Open’ instead, and waving Trevor off with a blown kiss.
she’s a flirt, Trevor thinks. those guys will not survive her for a second.
He doesn’t know which boy she has her eye on, but it doesn’t matter. Quinn’s too quiet for her, Luke is too awkward, Jack is too cocky, and Cole is too… short. 
Trevor snorts at the insult, laughing to himself. He heads to the grocery store, where he parked, and purchases two gallon bottles of laundry detergent and a Sharpie. He writes “JACK” on one and puts them both in the trunk of the car. Then, he walks to the hardware store. 
“Bear!” Vera greets from behind the counter, joints creaking as she moves from her chair behind the counter to give Trevor a hug. 
“Oh, Vera, you don’t have to come all the way over here,” Trevor says awkwardly, but hugs the woman back nonetheless.
“Of course I did!” Vera exclaims. “You look so handsome, young man.”
Trevor blushes, shying away from Vera’s examining fingers. She squints at the logo on his chest, one of his shirts from Anaheim. 
“I live in Anaheim,” Trevor explains to the woman, catching her hands in his and holding them securely in front of her body before letting go. “Do you have any stone that I could secure a fire pit with?”
“Yes, baby!” Vera claps and leads him to a section of the store that’s, somehow, even more peculiar than Earl’s workshop. There’s bags of gravel, sure, but it looks like fish food compared to some of the other bags and miscellaneous stones on the shelves. “Pick whatever you’d like. I’ll give you a discount for being so darn cute.”
Trevor chuckles. “I bet you give that to all your customers,” he teases.
“I had a local girl put it in the computer for me after we met you and Sweetie on Wednesday,” Vera teases back, batting her eyelashes. Her cheeks are red with blush, too much blush. “His discount is a little more because I see you’ve changed the body God gave you.”
Trevor follows her eyes to his tattoos. He rubs his opposite hand over them sheepishly. “Yes, ma’am.” He tries to smile charmingly. “Maybe I should’ve sent him to do the shopping today, since you like Sweetie so much.” He throws a wink into the mix to punctuate his sentence.
Vera laughs, a twinkling sound.
“Plus, it’d be cheaper for me,” Trevor says, like it’s a scandalous secret.
“I know that’s right!” Vera claps again, waves a hand at Trevor like she’s slapping her knee. She walks off, back to the counter, leaving Trevor to shop for his stones. 
He shops through the stones for about half an hour, choosing his favorites. He settles on a midsize gray stone, one that he can stack and seal with cement. He buys the quick drying cement as well, and carries it all to his car. Vera carries the quick dry cement and giggles when Trevor easily shifts the stones in his grasp when she complains about the bucket being too heavy for an old lady. He picks up the bucket and shifts the stones again, knowing he can carry more than this if he needed to. He swears he hears Vera sigh dreamily behind him as he packs the car up.
Like he said, what’s flirting with a few old ladies?
When he bids her goodbye with a kiss on the cheek, Trevor makes eye contact with Honey in the bookstore window. He grins at her and winks to her for good measure. He thanks Vera for her help while he escorts her back to the store, just for the sake of Honey seeing how selfless he can be. He’s not self-centered, no matter what she told Bea. 
Vera insists that Trevor and “his band of boys” join her and Earl at church that Sunday morning, pledging to introduce them to the other members of the community. Trevor agrees, thinking that being on Vera’s good side might get him even closer to Honey.
Trevor drives back to his home for the summer to find that the boys are playing in the rink he built.
Come to think of it, he’s making a lot of improvements to this property, and the only one who has actually helped is Quinn.
Not self-centered at all.
He deserves a party.
“We’re having a party,” Trevor calls out, carrying his stones toward the fire pit. He dumps his supplies on the ground. “And I invited two girls.” He wipes the dirt and dust from his fingers. “Someone else needs to finish this fire pit because I’m tired of building your shit. C’mon, Quinn.”
He leads the way inside, to grab a beer from the fridge, and Quinn follows after kicking off his skates, eager to avoid the work. The other brothers and Cole are left dumbfounded on the concrete. Jack makes eye contact with the cement mix first, and he smiles. 
They always did love a little project, and maybe they can hide a drawing of a dick in the cement for the owners to find at the end of the summer.
6:90 – HONEY
“Where are we going?” Honey asks. 
Bea has barely crossed over the threshold of Honey’s home before the question falls from her lips. Bea’s been cagey about it all day– just explaining that “we have plans” and that “you’ll enjoy them.” Honey loves her, sure, but this is absurd. She feels like she’s being kidnapped. 
“More like when are we going,” Bea corrects. “Let’s get you an outfit.”
Honey stumbles back, Bea pushing her out of the way. She closes the door behind her friend, following Bea as she stomps up the stairs to Honey’s bedroom. Bea knows Honey’s place as well as she knows her own, a little townhouse off of the main street in town. Honey’s lucky to live a little farther from city center, closer to the magic of the mountains. 
“What kind of plans do we have, at least?” Honey presses. She looks at Bea’s outfit– a jean skirt that falls like an old Poodle skirt and a white bandeau top. It’s sort of see-through– Honey can see the shadow and outline of Bea’s nipples through the skimpy top. “I don’t want to dress like you,” Honey says.
Bea scoffs and turns to Honey. “My plan tonight is to get laid, your plan tonight is to accompany me while I evaluate my prey.” 
Honey pretends to gag. “I hate when you say that.”
“Maybe you’ll find someone to flirt with,” Bea says. 
“So, where are we going tonight? Statesville? Winston?” Honey asks again, hoping Bea will relent since she now knows the purpose of their adventure. 
“Dude, I’m not telling you,” Bea laughs. 
She reaches Honey’s closet and throws the curtain open. She strolls into the closet, looking through Honey’s clothes. 
“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” Honey asks, looking down at her athletic shorts and little tank top.
Bea turns around and surveys Honey. “The shirt is fine.” She returns to her task. “Nice tits.”
Honey looks down. It’s a revealing top and she’s not wearing a bra, because it’s a Saturday and she didn’t know they had plans until Bea told her this afternoon. “Maybe not, then.”
Bea glares at Honey out of her peripheral. “But that’s your favorite tank.”
“I have a feeling I’m going to get hit on if I wear this shirt.”
“You’re going to get hit on anyway. Keep the shirt.”
“No, I won’t, because my bitch face will keep most of the guys away.”
“Most of the guys. Which is the whole thing. Those ones will come to me.”
“Ew, you’re going to have a threesome tonight?”
“A threesome?” Bea spins around. “God, no! One at a time for me, thanks. I’m just going to fuck the other ones.”
“Other than who?” Honey asks. “I’m not fucking anyone tonight.”
Bea rolls her eyes. “You don’t know that.”
“Trust me, I do.”
“Whatever.” She digs through the closet, finding a long-buried white tennis skirt, the back pleats of the skirt puffy. Honey would never wear something like that, but Bea would– it’s probably Bea’s skirt in the first place. 
“I’m not wearing that,” Honey states.
Bea wrestles her into it– seriously. She tackles Honey onto the bed and literally redresses her, the absurdity of the situation so bizarre that it completely bypasses both girls’ minds. Honey fights Bea the whole time, but Bea comes out on top. She gets her way, Honey wears the skirt, but she’s not happy about it.
“Do I, at least, get to drive?” Honey asks.
“Oh, I was going to force you,” Bea laughs. “You don’t expect me to drive you home, do you? I’ll be… indisposed.”
Honey scowls the rest of the time they spend getting ready– Bea does Honey’s hair and forces Honey to put on some light makeup, just a bit of mascara, eyeliner, and some lipgloss. 
The only problem with Bea and Honey’s relationship is that Bea likes to go out, likes to meet people, likes to have a wild time, whereas Honey prefers to stay in. She’d rather watch a documentary or read a book or be present in nature than packed into a club dancefloor like a sardine in a larger can. Not that that matters to Bea.
By the time they get in the car, Bea is jumping off the walls trying to keep her secret destination to herself. Honey keeps trying to push, hoping for the right moment, but Bea won’t reveal her plans. All she does is direct Honey to the main road and type away at her phone, sending text after text to an unknown recipient, an unknown recipient that Honey is sure they’ll be meeting up with later.
They drive further into the mountains, to Honey’s surprise. They don’t head towards Winston or Statesville. They drive up, farther from town, farther from their neighbors. Near the top of the mountain, the houses are miles apart.
Perfect for a party.
Perfect for a party… thrown by boys in their twenties.
It clicks in Honey’s mind as Bea tells her to turn into the hidden driveway along the curve. “You’re not,” Honey says.
Bea laughs. “I was wondering how long it would take for you to catch on. I thought for sure you would’ve clocked me when we turned left instead of right.”
“Bea,” Honey scolds, her voice sharp. They’re on the driveway now, safe from the curves of the road, and Honey stops the car. She turns to her best friend. “You can’t be serious.”
For all of her audacity, Bea manages to understand the gravity of the situation at hand. It finally clicks in her head, why Honey isn’t happy with her plans, and why she’s even unhappier that she was dragged out here without knowing what she was walking into. She can’t just drop Bea off and leave– she would be abandoning her best friend in a house of strange boys all evening. Bea might be outgoing, but she hasn’t been hurt like Honey.
“It’s not going to be like that,” Bea reassures Honey gently, grabbing Honey’s hand with both of hers. “I promise, they’re not like that.”
“You don’t know them, Bea,” Honey explains. 
“You don’t either,” Bea points out. “And this time, we’re together. The second they do something– I mean it, the second– we’ll leave. I’ll go with you. Fuckery be damned.”
Honey grimaces, rolling her shoulders to try and relieve some of the tension. She takes a deep breath, then squints at Bea. “Are you really going to fuck all of them?” She asks.
Bea grins, knowing that she’s convinced Honey to at least try and hang out with the boys. She’s smug, getting her way once again. She winks at Honey, coy. “Just the ones you don’t want,” she simpers, giggling. “You get your pick of the litter.”
“I don’t want to fuck any of them. I don’t know how many times we have to go over this.”
“So, you don’t want Trevor? ‘Cuz I was thinking–”
“Don’t fuck Trevor,” Honey groans. 
“Why not?” Bea teases.
“You’re better than that, Buzzy,” Honey scoffs with a shake of her head. “He’s weird and a flirt and annoying.”
“I’m weird,” Bea says. “And a flirt. And annoying.” She puckers her lips and blows kisses at Honey as she shifts the car into drive and begins to creep down the driveway again. “Maybe it’s a match made in heaven, me and Trevor.”
“You don’t want him,” Honey growls, her voice short. 
Bea shrugs and faces forward in her seat, her hands tapping her thighs. Whether it’s from nerves or excitement, Honey can’t tell. If she had to guess, though, it would be excitement. Bea is the least anxious person that Honey knows, the kind of person who can talk to anyone or anything no matter the situation.
While they might be athletes, they’ve never met anyone like Bea. Honey never has, not since she met her best friend all those years ago. They’re fucked– and she’s irresistible.
Honey and Bea pull up to the house and park under the cover, right next to the front door. This house was a point of contention when it was being built the first year Honey moved to Litchton. It was her first introduction to the gossip of the founding ladies. Scarlett and Gillian had felt particularly perturbed by the building– a five bed, four bathroom house complete with a hot tub and a game room and two stories of wraparound porches. 
And it’s all made of the same wood, the same stain, the same ugly pattern. Honey cringes when she thinks about the number of trees that were cut down to make this house match. She’d think the same thing if it was made entirely out of the same stone. 
Bea knocks on the door as Honey wipes her sweat from her palms. It takes a minute, but then Honey hears the scrambling of feet and the shouting between one man and his group of buddies, who are just giggling as they do what they can to cut him off from the door. Honey can see it through the thin windows bordering the door, how they rush up the stairs and down the hall. She can also see how they’re holding Trevor back as much as they can.
The brunet from the first day opens the door with a charming smile. “Hi,” he greets. “Can I help you?”
“Jack, you motherfucker–”
Honey bites back a laugh as Trevor curses and struggles, still in the grasp of the shorter boy from the first day and one of the newcomers– another brunet, a taller one. She looks at him carefully– the curl of his hair at the nape of his neck, partially hidden under a baseball cap, the curve of his eyebrows, and the slope of his lips give him away. He must be one of Jack’s brothers. 
“We were invited to come over tonight,” Bea replies.
No matter how many times she hears it, Honey is always impressed by the way Bea turns on her charm and makes the people around her melt. It worked on her, too, when they first became friends all those years ago, and then less and less when Bea moved into Honey’s place when they first came to Litchton together and shared a bed for almost a year before Bea found her own townhouse. Then, her charm just got annoying, like a younger sibling who tags along with you everywhere because Mom said they had to.
It’s better for them when Bea and Honey have their time apart. Honey, especially, needs her time alone.
Jack’s eyes finally find Honey behind Bea and he grins. “That’s right,” he says, tapping his forehead like he just remembered. Honey can tell that all he’s doing is messing with Trevor, though. “The party! You must be the girls that Z invited. Hi, Honey.”
“Hi, Jack,” Honey replies, short and sweet. She turns on her customer service voice just for this. She finds Cole next to Trevor and smiles when her eyes slide over the imprisoned boy, as passive as she can be. “Hi, Cole.”
“Hey, Honey,” Cole says with an easy smile. Honey wants to snort and laugh– he’s got a smile that could get him into or out of anything. She wonders briefly if he’s childish and impish, still, even in their adult age, just because he’s got the smile to match.
Jack steps aside and lets the girls enter the house. He closes the door behind them and Honey has a sneaking suspicion that if she turned to glance at him, he’d be staring at one of their backsides. She doesn’t look. It’s not worth the joke that she could make if she caught him.
Bea nudges Honey and points up.
Honey tilts her head, and– “A chandelier made of moose antlers. Wow,” she marvels. She makes a face at Bea, then continues. “That’s really… something.”
“Isn’t it sick?” Cole asks, finally dropping Trevor’s arm and joining the girls where they stand. He spreads his arms out from his sides and spins in a slow circle. When he makes a full turn, he looks at both girls and wiggles his eyebrows. “Want a tour?”
The girls agree and Cole takes them throughout the house, leaving the other boys behind. From their pounding feet, Honey figures they’re headed downstairs, while Cole takes them upstairs. He shows them the bedrooms, the bathrooms, the common areas, the hallways, the outlet in his room that doesn’t work, and much more. They go back downstairs and get the same treatment– Cole even opens the fridge and helps himself to a beverage before offering anything to the girls. They see the kitchen, the living room, the den, the dining room and patio. Cole shows them the wraparound porch and its chairs. Honey takes in the view– it’s just as good as the one from her living room. 
Finally, finally, they make their way down to the basement. It’s a smaller room, minimized by a covered porch and larger patio with a hot tub. The basement is clearly the man cave, the game room, or whatever you want to call it. There’s a pool table, a large TV, a ping pong table, a foosball table… everything a boy could want. 
As evidenced by the two boys sitting on the couches near the pool table, while the other two wield sticks and study the position of the balls on the table.
Honey finds Trevor on the couch with Jack. His eyes found her first as she walked down the stairs and he hasn’t stopped staring. Neither has she, to be fair.
“Pool,” Bea notices. She looks at Honey and Honey shakes her head. Bea nods. “Honey and I are next,” she announces anyway.
“Oh, yeah?” Jack asks with a little laugh. “Are you any good?”
“I’m okay,” Bea says. She pauses, lets a smirk on her face grow as she looks over to Honey. “Honey’s worse.”
The boys turn to Honey. “Are you?” Trevor asks. 
“I wager she could still beat you, Z,” says the only boy that Honey had not seen when they arrived at the house earlier. He’s got dark hair, but it’s also hidden under a backwards cap. The only difference between him and his brothers, assuming he is one of the brothers that Trevor mentioned on Monday, is that he’s smaller, more sullen. The telltale sign is that his comment is offhanded, delivered with the calm venom of an older brother who knows exactly where to bite. He doesn’t even look at Trevor as he lines up his shot and sinks the ball.
Honey likes him immediately.
When she looks over, she notices that Bea likes him too. Her lips are pursed in thought, only the minutest pout on her mouth. There’s a tiny smile pulling at her cheek and her eyes are twinkling under the bright lights, but they would be hazardous in a club.
It’s a game they’ve played before. Bea sucks at pool– she always has, but… when you suck at pool, either the person you’re playing with will laugh at you or they’ll try to give you tips. The night usually ends with Bea sinking the 8 ball with a little bit of help from her gentleman caller and a celebratory, “thank you” kiss. 
Honey, however, loves pool. She wasn’t always great at pool, but found that, like almost everything, the more she practiced, the better she became. When Bea’s celebratory kisses turned into rushed hookups in the Winston-Salem dive bar bathrooms, Honey got her fair share of tips and tricks from the other men around. Usually, she would try to shack up with the alcoholic middle aged men who had nothing better to do than sip on their beer and play pool after dinner with their wives. It was rare that they flirted with Honey and she liked it that way.
The game goes like this: Bea finds a group of men that puff up their chest at the idea of beating a woman at pool, she “lets them win” against her (as if she would’ve won in the first place), and then it’s Honey’s turn. Honey, of course, feints a few shots and lets the men get comfortable before coming from behind and beating them. Usually, her win results in two drinks for her and her friend.
Today, the drinks won’t be her bargaining chip.
“What would you wager?” Honey asks the boy who last spoke. “If it were a real bet.”
His stormy eyes look her up and down while Jack’s brother, the tall one, paces around the table to find his best shot. “Money, normally,” he drawls. “But I’d rather not lose my money betting on you if you’re worse than her.” He nods to Bea, who takes the chance to blatantly look him up and down.
“How about this,” Bea proposes, twirling a strand of hair between her fingers. “I’ll play the winner of this game and then we’ll see if Honey can beat Trevor. If I win, I get whatever I want, obviously. If Honey wins…”
Honey meets Bea’s eyes. She nods, knowing that Bea is thinking back to the night when they visited ECU their junior year of high school and witnessed a rugby party in the flesh. It’s their usual punishment when their outings feature a house party and a pool table.
“...Trevor has to do a Zulu Run,” Bea finishes. 
Honey finds Trevor again and smiles, overexaggerated and sickly sweet. 
“What’s a Zulu Run?” Trevor asks, looking to the other boys and finding nothing but confusion. On the girls’ faces, he just sees plotted mayhem. 
“It’s fun, don’t worry,” Honey reassures him. “You only have to do it if you lose. Which, I mean, if I’m worse than Bea, then you should be fine.”
Honey sits on the loveseat across from Trevor and Jack, while Bea sits down next to Jack. Her knee presses against his, subtly, just enough that you can’t tell if it’s deliberate or just a lack of room on the couch and Honey presses her hand to her lips to hide a smile.
“So you’re Jack,” Bea says, interrupting the conversation that he and Trevor had been in when the girls walked down the stairs. 
Honey watches as Bea makes her eyes look wide and soft, very flirtatious and fairy-like. She’s got the perfect complexion for it– the light dusting of freckles over her skin, the ounce of baby fat still left in her cheeks and all the right places along her body, her expression just the right amount of interested but not desperate.
For a brief moment, Honey wishes she was more like Bea.
“You’ve heard of me?” Jack asks with a little smirk.
Bea scoffs and waves him off. “Don’t flatter yourself. Honey didn’t even tell me your name.”
Jack’s bright eyes turn to Honey. “Oh, yeah?” He tilts his chin up in challenge. “What is it with you and names? You wouldn’t tell Trevor yours, you haven’t properly introduced me to…”
“Bea,” Bea supplies.
Honey shakes her head fondly at her best friend’s eagerness. Honey bites her tongue to keep her comments at bay, and instead plasters a tight smile on her face. “I didn’t realize I would be seeing you all again,” Honey says, forcing politeness into her voice. “And I’m not the one who’s weird about names.”
Jack and Trevor share a look. Jack hides a snort poorly.
“What?” Honey asks, her eyebrows raised and her mouth in a straight, unimpressed line. 
Jack smirks and Trevor shakes his head. Jack speaks anyway. “I don’t know how you would have avoided us,” Jack says. “Considering.”
“Considering…?” Bea asks, leaning around Jack to look at Trevor. Honey catches Trevor’s panicked glance and can guess what Jack’s alluding to. She jumps in, hoping to switch the subject.
“Nothing to consider,” Honey and Trevor say at the same time. Trevor sounds rushed, Honey sounds indifferent. Both of their jaws drop and they stare at each other, Honey affronted and Trevor surprised. 
Cole, who had been sitting on the stool-saddles near the pool table, steps over the back of the couch and weasels his way between Trevor and Jack. “Creepy,” he says. “You’re like the twins from the Shining.”
Trevor cringes. “You know, I don’t think we are.”
Honey just hums, picking up her drink and taking a sip. She clears her throat and turns back to Jack. “So those are your brothers?” She nods over to the pool table, where the shorter boy is lining up the 8-ball with the corner pocket. “Trevor said you had family coming.” 
Honey doesn’t miss the smirk and blush on Trevor’s face when she says his name, even as he dips his head and takes a gulp of his beer to cover it up.
Jack smiles, a genuine smile. It’s easy to tell the difference with him, when he’s really smiling or if he’s smiling because he thinks he’s supposed to. 
“Yeah, the goons.” Jack looks over his shoulder and grins as his taller brother loses his game of pool. “C’mon, Rusty, you brought that pool stick all this way and your game still sucks?”
The taller boy glares at Jack and sulks, re-racking his stick. He walks over and stands awkwardly behind the couch, but flicks Jack on the back of the head and Honey giggles before she can help it.
She looks down at her lap after letting out the little laugh and misses the way Trevor’s eyes light up and train on her. 
“Luke, you fucker,” Jack swears, flinching at the impact of Luke’s flick. Jack frowns, his eyebrows furrowed as he rubs the back of his head. “He’s my little brother.”
“Little brother,” Honey repeats. “And you’re just going to let him flick you like that?”
Jack rolls his eyes. “Very funny, Honey. Obviously I’m not going to let him get away with it.” He reaches around and half-asses a punch to Luke’s dick, just hard enough that it expels an “oof” from the younger boy and he doubles over a little bit.
The other boy interrupts. “Quit it,” he says. He glares at his brothers, then his eyes fix on Bea. “Your turn.”
Bea stands and smiles, a smug little smirk reserved for her conspiratory looks with Honey that signifies that she’s getting what she wanted. She joins the man by the rack of sticks and clasps her hands behind her back, looking up at him through her eyelashes. “Which stick should I use?”
Jack looks a little put out by the loss of Bea at his side, and casts a glare toward his other brother. “And that’s Quinn,” he says curtly. “Pool master, or whatever.”
“So he’s the best in the house?” Honey asks.
“We’ll tally scores at the end of the summer,” Luke jumps in as Quinn says, “Absolutely.”
Jack scowls. “You just think that because you’re older. Remember, Quinn: first is the worst. Second is the best.”
Trevor snorts and takes another sip of his beer. 
He’s unnaturally quiet, Honey thinks. Trying to be cool in front of his friends, maybe.
“I take it you’re the second child,” Honey says. “That makes sense.”
“That makes sense?” Jack asks, repeating her statement like he can’t believe she dared to say that. “What the fuck does that mean?”
Honey looks over at Bea, who presses her lips together and raises her eyebrows. Daring Honey.
Honey rolls her head back, stretching the muscles of her neck. “You…” She starts, trailing off because she’s not sure how to finish the sentence without sounding mean. She scratches her eyebrow and scrunches her nose. “You like attention,” she decides, trying to keep her voice as free of judgment as possible. 
“Do I?” Jack asks, sounding unimpressed.
Honey shrugs. “You– I mean. Jack, you asked. You opened the door for us because you knew it would annoy Trevor, probably because you knew it would bother him that you were opening the door for m– us, instead of him. You flirt and smile when Bea sits next to you but you lean back and manspread when she gets up like you don’t want us to notice that you’re sitting without a girl at your side. You call your little brother a “fucker” and retaliate because you can, honestly escalating the situation from a flick to a punch to the dick. You act annoyed because your older brother is beating you at pool already this summer and it only just started, plus he took the girl from your side. It’s, uh… yeah. You like attention.”
Everyone but Jack starts to laugh.
“Stand up,” Cole says to Honey.
She does, her arms resting by her side awkwardly, her fingers twitching as she waits for him to do something.
Cole looks around the room and swears under his breath. “I didn’t think this through, one second,” he mutters, and disappears upstairs. 
Honey continues to stand there. She pats her hands against her thighs and looks around the room, trying not to make eye contact with anyone, but especially not Bea. If she makes eye contact with Bea, she’s going to burst out laughing. 
Trevor is still snickering, hiding his face in his shirt. Honey can still see the little crinkles by his eyes.
“She clocked you, man,” Quinn says with a shrug before pulling out a pool stick and standing it next to Bea. It comes up to the tip of her shoulder, Quinn’s chest. He nods in satisfaction and hands the stick over. Honey lets out a relieved breath of air at his approval, and then stifles a second when she watches Bea’s fingers brush over Quinn’s on the stick, her eyes lingering on his for just a second too long.
It’s too easy for her. 
Cole comes bounding down the stairs with a plastic soccer trophy in his hand. “Found this when I was snooping,” he says, approaching Honey and holding it out. He stands directly in front of her, makes eye contact with her, and stares into her eyes. “Thank you,” he says with a sincere nod. “For taking Jack down a peg. He needed that. We all needed that.”
And he hands the trophy off to Honey with a handshake, like she’s graduating from high school and he’s the principal handing her a diploma. He takes the handshake and pulls her into a hug, the trophy crushed awkwardly between them. 
When he pulls away, Cole puts both hands on Honey’s arms and stares into her eyes again. “If you’re going to do that again, please don’t do it to me.”
Quinn breaks the rack with a crack of his stick, standing at a slight angle, and Honey sits back down, cradling her trophy in her hands.
Cole engages Honey in conversation for a few minutes, with Luke jumping in here and there. Jack turns on the TV and pouts. As much as she tries not to notice it, Trevor just stays quiet and sips his beer and sneaks glances at Honey out of the corner of his eye. 
Eventually, the conversation dies out and the group turns their attention to the television, which is streaming some hockey game that Honey doesn’t have an interest in. The boys are chitchatting away, throwing out names and positions and yelling at the TV when a call doesn’t go their way– Honey can’t tell who’s cheering for what team, but she can also tell that Jack and Luke don’t like the team in white… at all. Trevor seems to prefer them over the team in red. Cole doesn’t seem to care. He’s just laughing, still, at Jack. Jack just sulks, but he seems to cheer up once the team in red scores, late in the first period.
“You all really like hockey, huh?” Bea asks between turns. Quinn has sunken a ball almost every turn, but Bea has only sunken one. Honey grins at her, then glances at the pool table and back to Bea. Bea sticks her tongue out at Honey, playful and easy. If Quinn’s the kind of guy that Honey thinks he is, it’s only a matter of time before he starts teaching Bea some tricks to tighten up the game. 
Cole laughs. “Yeah, I mean, I’d hope so.”
“What do you mean?” Bea asks, batting her eyelashes innocently, like she didn’t read all of Trevor’s Wikipedia page before coming here. 
“We play,” Luke says with a shrug.
Honey and Bea lock eyes and Honey plays along with her game. She tilts her head and blinks, as if this is the first time she’s hearing it. “Are you any good?”
Quinn snorts and shakes his head as Bea leans over to line up a shot and Honey notices his hand on her waist when he points at a different ball, explaining that that would be the better shot for her. Bea sinks the recommended ball and jumps up with a cheer, smiling brightly at Quinn and standing just a little closer than she would if she wanted to be just friends.
“We’re alright,” Trevor says, the first words he’s said to Honey since she walked through the door. He stands. “Does anyone want another beer?”
The boys’ voices ring out in a chorus of yesses, whereas Honey stays mostly quiet. Bea agrees to another drink as well, which is when Trevor turns to Honey. “You’re sure you don’t want another drink? I’m already getting them for everyone.”
“I’m sure, but thank you,” Honey says. 
“Why don’t you go and help him carry the drinks,” Bea suggests from her post next to Quinn. 
Honey glares at her, but stands. She leaves her trophy on her seat, saving it. “Fine,” she replies, hoping the edge in her voice is only detectable to her best friend. She follows Trevor up the stairs to the kitchen, like an antisocial cat who has FOMO, but only when it comes to their owner. She crinkles her nose in disgust when she realizes that that’s how she looks, not that Trevor would notice or care. Actually, he would probably be elated if she compared herself to a cat following him around.
Trevor opens the fridge and sifts around, the bottles of beer clinking. The beer takes up most of the bottom shelf, unsurprisingly.
“Do you think you have enough?” Honey asks, unable to help herself when Trevor passes her a third bottle, each a different brand of beer, to carry. 
“Q and J like Michelob, Luke is a Miller guy, Coley likes Budweiser, and I’m more of a Modelo drinker.” Trevor’s head is buried in the back of the fridge, rifling through a pack of Millers that seem to be running low. “We’ve had to go to the store three times since that first day because we keep running out of the one beer that someone wants.”
He retreats from the refrigerator and turns to Honey. He’s got two beers in his hand. He holds them up and asks, “Which one do you think Bea wants?”
Honey weighs her choices, but ultimately chooses the Michelob. Bea will use it as a jumping point for her conversation with Quinn– it’s a no-brainer. As annoying as Bea’s boy-craziness is, Honey is always going to be her wingwoman and helper when she can.
“Cool,” Trevor says and returns the other beer to the shelf. He turns back to Honey and takes two of the beers she was carrying, leaving her with just two, the Budweiser and the Modelo.
“I thought you were a Modelo drinker,” Honey says.
“I am,” Trevor replies, heading towards the stairs. 
Honey follows. “Then why am I holding your beer?”
“Because I want you to hand it to me.”
Honey snorts out a laugh. “Okay.”
When they return downstairs, they distribute the beer. Honey hands Cole his Budweiser and waits for Trevor to finish handing out the beers to the Hughes brothers and her friend. Bea has finally managed to get Quinn to do the work for her, with him leaning behind her and guiding her arms over the cue, pointing out where she should be looking and where to hit the ball. There are no other balls on the table except the 8 ball, which makes Honey chuckle. There’s no way Bea sunk all of hers– Quinn had to have “mistakenly” knocked a few in for her.
Trevor returns to the sitting area and Honey stands, offering him the Modelo in her hand. On purpose, she realizes, Trevor closes his hand over her own to take the beer from her and thanks her with a smile, his eyes far too kind to be harmless and friendly. 
Honey shakes her head with a look, then frowns when Trevor plops his happy ass right down on the other side of her loveseat. She shakes her head again and chooses to watch the end of the pool game, sitting on one of the stool-saddles near the table. She claps when Bea finally sinks the 8 ball after her third whiff. The ball only sinks because Quinn leaned over Bea again and did it for her, working together to finish the game.
“I win!” Bea squeals in delight, jumping in celebration in front of Quinn.
He lets out a little chuckle, the most awkwardly and quietly endearing laugh that Honey has ever heard. “You won,” he agrees. “With my help.”
Bea tilts her chin up and smiles at Quinn, proud of herself. “So we both win,” she says. “That means we both get whatever we want.”
Honey bites her tongue and ducks her head, waiting for what’s coming next. She wants to turn around and look out the window, even though you can’t see anything in the dark mountainside now that the sun has set. The thing is, she also wants to see the boys’ reactions to what Bea is going to say next.
Quinn smiles, a little tiny smile. His focus is only on Bea, who has inched her way closer to him somehow. There’s not much more room between them. “Whatever you want,” he repeats. “What do you want, Bea?”
Honey watches Quinn’s face, but she’s torn. She also wants to watch Jack.
“You know that tour Cole took us on when Honey and I first got here?” Bea asks, reaching out and smoothing out the turned-up fabric of Quinn’s sleeve.
“Yeah,” Quinn replies, a little confused.
Bea rests her hand on his arm, slowly making her way down so she can wrap her hand around his fingers. She watches herself do it, then looks up at Quinn through her lashes. “I don’t think I saw your bedroom,” she says. “Would you care to show me?”
Quinn’s lips part in surprise and Honey watches his eyes search Bea’s own for… insincerity, maybe? 
At the same time, Jack chokes on a sip of his beer. Honey’s eyes fly to him and Cole pats his back as Jack coughs it out. 
“Jesus Christ,” Jack says, clapping his hand against his chest and coughing one last time.
Bea smiles at him, oozing confidence and a little showmanship, as Quinn leads her to the stairs. He lets her climb them first and Honey giggles when Quinn sneaks a glance at Bea’s ass and visibly relaxes before hurrying to catch up with her and get his hands on her hips. Bea’s twinkling laughter grows softer and softer as she bounds up the stairs, her footfalls growing heavier as Quinn closes in on her.
“Well shit, Jack,” Cole says. “I guess you’re not the first to fall into bed with a girl this summer. The streak is finally over.”
“You don’t know that,” Jack says, pushing Cole’s hand off of his shoulder. He turns to face Honey, looking hopeful and a little desperate. “Wanna help me keep my streak up?”
A loud honking laugh escapes Honey. “Absolutely fucking not,” she replies, still laughing. She shakes her head at Jack, then notices the small, but mightily proud smile on Trevor’s lips. 
Choosing not to focus on that smile, a smile that she’s inadvertently becoming very fond of because she’s never seen him smile at his friends the way Trevor is smiling at her, Honey hops up from her stool and starts to gather the balls from the pockets of the table. She racks them, then grabs her cue and waves Trevor over. “I believe we had a game to play.”
“You had a game to lose,” Trevor corrects, standing and approaching Honey. He grabs his own stick, the one Quinn abandoned on the edge of the table when Bea proposed her bedroom shenanigans. 
“Hmm,” Honey voices, raising her eyebrows and exaggerating a grimace. “Consider me scared. Your break, Trevor.”
“When I win,” Trevor says. “I want to buy you dinner.” He lines up the cue ball and shoots, the colorful triangle of balls destroyed in a single swoop. One of the solids finds its way into a pocket and Trevor smirks.
“What a boring prize,” Honey muses. “But if you insist on those terms, then I agree.” She sticks out her hand to shake his. “And when I win…”
She leans down and eyes a line of three balls. The striped nine is farthest from the hole, but Honey wants to prove a point, so she angles her stick down at a steep slope and pushes– noticing Trevor’s mouth flattening into a line when her ball jumps over the other two and tips into the hole. She stands back up to her full height, tilting her head to the side. She cocks her hip and positions her hand against it, holding the cue up on her other side.
“I’m really going to enjoy your Zulu Run, Trevor.”
Cole whistles lowly from the couch. “I need to find you another trophy, girl.”
Honey shoots him a wink.
They play on. Trevor takes it easy– plays the safe route. With each easy fall into the pocket, he fistpumps to celebrate. Honey can only imagine how insufferable he is at the bowling alley. 
She shows him up, not even daring to let him pull ahead in their race and convince himself that he has a chance. She sinks the final black ball into the right-center pocket, bending herself all the way over the table to give him a good view of the girl who’s beating him. Her hips are high on the other side of the table, balancing up on her tip toes, facing the seating area. She doesn’t even look at the ball when she hits it, no, she’s looking up at Trevor with a tilted smile and mocking, bragging eyes. 
His eyes evaluate her– eyes, to lips, to chest, to ass. To the boys, making sure they aren’t looking, aren’t gawking at the round globes of Honey’s ass that are presented before them. Back to her ass. Her ass.
Honey stands, slowly, making sure Trevor memorizes the curve of her waist when she does. Her eyes drop to his pants, a smirk growing in time with his bulge, and she rests her hands on the edge of the table. She pulls her shoulders back, broadening her chest. 
It’s just a dominant stance. All Honey enjoys about this is the fact that his resolve and dignity crumble at the mere sight of a pretty girl bent before him. She likes knowing that he’s weak for her, but that she’ll never do anything about it.
She’s not looking for that.
“A Zulu Run,” Honey explains, clearing her throat to rid her voice of its sultry tinges. She shakes her hair back, over her shoulders. Trevor’s eyes darken at the sight of her throat. She smiles, but continues. “Is when you have to strip, sing a song, and streak around the house until the song is over.” She throws a glance over her shoulder at the other boys. “Usually your friends get to pick your song.”
Jack perks up at that. Honey turns and hops up on the ledge of the pool table, knowing that Trevor’s eyes have fallen to her behind. Jack looks at Honey with delight in his eyes, seeming to forgive her in an instant for psychoanalyzing him earlier in the night. His eyes slide to Trevor and the look in them seems more akin to yearning for vengeance.
“So, boys,” Honey drawls. “What’ll it be?”
They scramble over each other to reach her, shouting song suggestions as they fly into their head. Honey can’t hear anything they’re saying, so she laughs until they fall silent. Cole’s hand presses into the side of her thigh, she looks down at it in disgust, then back up at him. It falls to the edge of the table, noticeable space between her and the appendage. 
“How about this,” Honey decides. She sneaks a glance at Trevor, gloating as she lets her eyes roam all over his body. She takes in his arms, his thighs under his shorts, the way his shirt falls over his shoulders. “Trevor looks pretty fit. Why don’t we all pick a song?” She winks at him. “Make him run for, oh, eleven minutes or so?”
A flicker of recognition passes through Trevor’s gaze, but it’s quickly replaced by disbelief. He doesn’t know how she would know– weren’t they subtle about it? She lets out a breath of a laugh at the look– no, Trevor, you weren’t subtle, she thinks. but it’s cute that you think you are.
She realizes what she was thinking in a split second and shakes herself out of it, snapping her face forward and crossing her legs knee-over-knee. 
“But only his friends get to pick, so I guess I’m out.” Honey hops down from her perch and breaks through the boys, settling herself on the loveseat with her trophy, laying out to take up as much space as she could. She picks up the remote from the table and places her other hand behind her head, navigating to the Roku menu screen. “Do we have Spotify on this thing?”
Luke, Jack, and Cole each pick a song and Cole helps Honey connect to the outdoor speakers. He re-presents her with her trophy with a flourish and a bow, playful and lame. The boys push Trevor out to the patio with a whoop, pulling at his clothes even as Trevor fights them. 
Honey follows at a distance and watches through the glass door. She looks away when Trevor sheds his underwear and waits for Luke’s countdown to end before looking back up. She doesn’t want to see it. That’s just too far. She gets an eyeful of his ass as he rounds the corner of the house, though. 
As Trevor starts his third song, Cole’s cheesy Taylor Swift pick (“You can’t outrun my music now, bitch!”), Jack joins Honey at the door. 
“I think I’m going to head home,” Honey tells him, rubbing over the skin on her arms. 
Jack nods at her, shrugging easily. “I’ll walk you out.” 
Honey leads him up the stairs, hearing Trevor’s whoops grow louder as he finishes the second verse of the song. She knows he catches them walking up the stairs because his singing falters for a moment. His steps speed up. So do Honey’s. 
She walks briskly to the front door, bordering on a speedwalk, with Jack behind her. She swings her keys over her finger and wrenches the front door open. Jack catches it before it hits the wall. 
“What about Bea?” He asks, calling after Honey and making her pause. 
“She’ll find her way home,” Honey replies and steps off again. She has to get out of here before Trevor races up the stairs to stop her from being alone with Jack and she gets an eyeful of his– junk.
“Honey!” Jack calls again. 
She lurches to a stop and cringes, turning to face the boy. 
"Honey, I don't think I'm going to flirt with you anymore."
Honey takes a breath, walking back and reaching up to pat Jack's cheek, just forceful enough that it'll sting for a moment after she walks away. It's not quite a hit, but it's definitely not a love tap. "That doesn't hold the power that you think it does," she tells him with a nod and a close-lipped smile. She goes to leave, but Jack stops her by grabbing her hand.
"Trevor likes you, you know. He was quiet tonight, but he likes you. He's reading that book you gave him and everything," Jack says in earnest, his blues boring into Honey's own eyes. 
Honey picks up on the unsaid words. He's trying, take it easy on him, he might be annoying but he's good, and he likes you. You should like him too, and all of that.
The edges of Honey's smile soften and she gently pulls her hand from Jack's. "It's nice to know he can read," she replies, deflecting. Whatever Trevor feels for her, not that he can really feel anything because he doesn't know her like that, doesn't matter. She's not looking for that right now. "Thanks for hosting us, Jack. I'm sorry for what I... said."
"It's okay." Jack shrugs. "Thanks for coming."
"Goodnight," Honey bids him, and starts to walk away.
"Come back," Jack says, and Honey whips around and finds him looking like the words surprised him when he heard himself speak. He clears his throat. "Friday. Um, it's— it's National Chocolate Ice Cream Day and National Donut Day." He scuffs the tip of his shoe against the ground. "Really... important holiday."
Honey can't do anything but laugh. "I'll bring the donuts."
She walks to her car and ignores the chirping of bullfrogs echoing in her ears as she drives down the mountain to her home, alone.
7:90 – TREVOR
Jack glares at Trevor when he walks down to the kitchen early the next morning. As Trevor rubs the sleep out of his eyes with a yawn, Jack shifts under the frozen pack of peas that rests precariously on his shoulderblades. Trevor had barely touched him last night, he was just being dramatic. So he had a bit of soreness on his back from where Trevor pushed him against the wall and asked him what the hell he was doing, who cares? He went upstairs with Trevor’s girl. Alone. 
“Bea’s taking you to church with her this morning for laying a finger on me,” Jack growls out when Trevor looks at him and laughs.
“No shit,” Trevor replies, snorting.
“It’s true,” comes the female voice from the couch. Bea leans forward, her tube top skewed and tilted enough to draw a wandering eye. Trevor rolls his. “You shouldn’t get violent, not on my watch.”
“You weren’t even with me last night, Bea,” Trevor says sweetly, tilting his head down to dismiss her. “You didn’t see me do shit. How can you prove it was me and not Luke?”
“Luke put a video of it on his private story, then showed me,” Bea snickers in the same tone. “So you’re taking me home and helping me choose my best church outfit to hide these hickeys, and then you’ll join me at the service. It’ll be good for your reputation in town.”
“I don’t really care about my reputation in town,” Trevor laughs.
“Honey cares about your reputation in town,” Bea clarifies, a tight, ‘there’s no room for discussion here’ smile on her face. She pointedly looks him up and down. “Little Bear.”
Trevor scowls at her condescending tone and use of the nickname. How dare she flaunt her inner circle-ness to Trevor. 
“I was going to go to church anyway,” Trevor boasts. “Vera told me to bring all of the boys.”
“Well, you’re the only one resorting to violence–” Jack begins, seething, before Bea cuts him off.
“No, this is a good idea,” she says, waving her hand to quiet him. “We should all go to church.”
Jack scoffs. “I don’t think we need to go,” he says. “Sounds like you’ve got an ulterior motive.”
“I don’t want the town to think y’all are reclusive party folk who have no interest in the happenings of Litchton,” Bea snaps. “You’d be surprised how quickly the old grannies will turn on you.”
“And you get to walk into church with five guys on your arm,” Jack says, still scowling. This time, his attention is focused on Bea, not the man who physically hurt him the night before. 
“Said she wanted five guys, she ain’t talking ‘bout burgers,” Trevor deadpans, a disgusted look thrown Bea’s way.
She’s unperturbed by it, probably from many years of Honey– Honey.– throwing her similar looks. All Bea does is smile and reply, “My pussy already got murdered, Trev. I didn’t need five guys.”
“No way Quinn ‘murdered’ your pussy, Bea,” Jack jumps in, air quotes around the word. “The dude doesn’t fuck.”
Bea laughs. “I assure you, he fucks.”
“Yeah, I fuck,” Quinn agrees, descending the stairs. He veers to the couch first and drops a kiss on Bea’s head in greeting.
“Well, fuck your way to church,” Jack says. “Bea’s making everyone go with her.” Jack looks at Quinn expectantly, maybe waiting for pushback.
Quinn shrugs. “Okay,” he says. “It’s not like there’s anything else for us to do on a Sunday morning in this place. Everything is probably closed.”
“It’s true, everything is closed on Sundays except the grocery store and the gas station,” Bea says with a nod. “And the church, of course.”
Jack scowls and removes his pack of peas from his back. Trevor takes his opportunity to approach the fridge, conveniently behind Jack. “Why can’t we just stay here?”
“Because it’ll be fun,” Trevor replies, trying to exude optimism now that he’s not the only boy being forced to attend church and wash themselves of their sins. He turns and purposefully claps his hand down on Jack’s shoulder, hard. Jack howls in pain. Trevor squeezes just to watch him tense up. “It’s our chance to become one with the community, Jacky.”
Bea smiles, voice dripping with cheerfulness. “Yeah, Jacky, it’ll be good for you. Why don’t you two head upstairs and change?” Her eyes fix on Quinn, whose shirt rides up as he grabs a glass from the upper shelves of the cabinets. “I want to chit-chat with Quinn for a second.”
Trevor and Jack make a face, but scramble towards the stairs. They push and shove each other all the way up– Trevor is particularly satisfied when Jack bumps into the wall and groans– then split off into their respective rooms. Trevor treats it like a race– whoever finishes changing first wins.
Jack is already back downstairs by the time Trevor returns. Cole is there, and Luke, and both of them seem to be dressed for the service too. None of the boys have the best church clothes, but it’s a small town with farmers. Surely not everyone will be in their Sunday best every Sunday. Quinn is noticeably missing, but Bea is standing by the door with a smile on her face. Her lips look a little more red than they did before Trevor went upstairs. He narrows his eyes at her.
“You, and you,” Bea says, pointing at Jack and Trevor. “Come with me. Trevor, grab your car keys. You’re driving.”
“What about Luke and Cole?” Trevor asks, picking up his keys from their spot on the hook next to the door and trailing behind Bea. Jack trails behind Trevor, still grumbling and pretending like his shoulders hurt for dramatic effect. Trevor ought to show him some real pain next time.
The three people climb into the car, Trevor behind the wheel and Bea in the passenger seat. Jack, once again, finds himself relegated to the backseat. He straps himself in and Trevor catches his murderous glare in the rearview mirror.
“Quinn’s going to drive them,” Bea explains. “They’ll meet us at the church.”
“Whipped,” Jack coughs out. He does a terrible job of masking the word. 
Trevor rolls his eyes, just like Bea. She opens her mouth to say something, sass him, but thinks better of it.
They drive on in silence, the occasional sigh or grunt from Jack as he shifts in his seat. Trevor glares at him again in the mirror and Jack hits him with a fake smile before looking out the window to watch the trees whip by.
Bea directs them to the main strip of shops, then tells them to take a left onto one of the sidestreets near The Reading Nook. They pull up to a big brick house, separated down the middle by a massive staircase. Bea climbs the stairs and turns to the left again, unlocking and pushing her front door open.
She leads the boys into her living room, which is decorated exactly how Trevor expected it to be. The couch is white with pink pillows and a white shag rug beneath it. Her furniture is odd, thrifted and worn in. None of it matches, although Trevor suspects that her theme was “Barbie girl aesthetic.” It’s messy, and comfortable, and Trevor almost envies how she lives. His apartment in Anaheim is sparse– when you’re on the road so much and as busy with your job as Trevor is, you really only need a place to eat and sleep. His decorations reflect that.
Trevor sprawls out on the couch, leaving Jack standing awkwardly next to the coffee table. Bea disappears down the hall and enters her bedroom, her closet door creaking open.
“Jack, come here, will you?” Bea asks. 
Jack’s eyebrows furrow in confusion, but he starts down the hallway nonetheless. 
Trevor snoops in his absence, Jack’s presence no longer a threat to his comfort. He drags himself off of the couch and stands, advancing towards the shelves of knickknacks on the wall near the television.
Bea has got a number of books on her shelves, overtaking two of the four rows. The other rows are sparse and far more interesting– there are picture frames spread along the rows, six frames that depict Bea’s life and what she loves.
Four of the pictures feature Honey. The other two are groups of people that Trevor assumes are Bea’s family, her extended family on each of her parents’ sides. He can ignore those easily, not caring about about Bea to scan each of her cousins’ faces. The pictures with Honey are a different story.
There’s a picture of the two when they were ten, or eleven, riding their bikes down an asphalt street lined with suburban houses. Bea’s bike is pink with streamers and flowers and a little basket. Honey’s is dark green and sporty, similar to Trevor’s own bicycle from childhood. Honey’s smile is wry, whereas Bea’s is glowing.
The second, from a birthday party. It’s Honey’s birthday and they’re four, from the looks of the lit candle on her cake. Honey’s smile is wide, much wider than the previous image. Her hair is messy and her tongue is stained green, probably from a lollipop or a Jolly Rancher. Her arms are wrapped around Bea’s neck and she’s pulled her friend close, their cheeks pressing together. Bea’s expression is a little different. Only one of her eyes is squeezed shut, the one closer to Honey. Her lips are pursed like a duck and her little fingers are raised in a peace sign.
Trevor chuckles. If his mom had been the one taking the picture, she would’ve said “What a ham” about the girls’ goofiness.
In the next picture, they’re older. They’re sixteen, probably. Bea’s wearing these short jean shorts and a bikini top and Honey wears a matching top under some long, gray sweatpants. She rolled the waistband up and her back is mostly to the camera, Bea lifted off the ground in a swooping hug. Bea’s legs are kicked up behind her like she’s experiencing a really good, Princess Diaries kind of kiss and her face is frozen in laughter. Honey’s is the same. Trevor’s heart clenches at the smile on her face and the way her hair blows out behind her.
Finally, there’s a selfie of the two of them in a handmade frame. It’s from a high angle and Trevor can’t tell if it’s a .5 picture or a regular one. Honey’s eyebrow is raised and she wears an exaggeratedly thoughtful expression, goofy enough to tug at Trevor’s smile. Bea’s mouth is open and she has a hand pinching Honey’s chin, while the other is raised to take the picture. Behind them is the Welcome to Litchton sign that Trevor passes each time he goes into town. 
Trevor’s eyes glide down to the handmade frame, the written message along the top and bottom borders.
“New Beginnings!” and smaller, in the corner, a more personalized message. Trevor thinks that she wrote the message in a thin Sharpie– it’s too pristine still, after years. “There’s no one I would rather have join me in Litchton than you. Thank you for always being the Bea to my Honey! Honeybea 4ever <3”.
Trevor reaches out and takes the frame in his hand, inspecting it. He turns it over. More script, also in a Sharpie: “2019”, it reads. He replaces the item, making sure it’s back in the exact right spot. 
“Bea, hurry up!” Trevor calls, returning to the couch.
“Don’t get your panties in a twist,” she replies, leading Jack out of her bedroom. She’s clasping a necklace as she walks, then holds out her wrist and a bracelet for Jack to clasp. “We can go now.”
They leave the apartment and climb back into the car, Jack beating Bea out for the passenger seat this time. He’s smug about it too, grinning to himself while he buckles up. Trevor opens the back door for Bea and helps her into the car with a guiding hand in hers. When Jack realizes that he fumbled the chance to look like a gentleman, his face returns to its scowl. 
“If you’re not careful, your face will get stuck like that,” Trevor warns when he finally sits behind the wheel again. He shifts the car into drive and pulls out of the parking space.
Bea directs them to the church and Trevor pulls into the parking lot next to Quinn’s car, which is still running. They’ve got about five minutes before the service begins and Bea chastises the three boys for not going inside and reserving seats early. 
“There’s only a few instances where the whole town goes out to do something,” Bea complains as they walk inside. “Church is one of them. We’re never going to find a spot for all six of us.”
“No Honey?” Trevor asks, taken aback. He expected her to join them, especially since the ‘whole town’ is here.
Bea casts Trevor a look and snickers into her palm. “You’re sweet, Trevor,” she says and Trevor rolls his eyes at her saccharine tone. “But Honey decided a long time ago that she had enough religion in her life growing up. She and God know where they stand.”
Trevor reaches the door to the church first and holds it open for the group, letting them file in. He’s grateful that they’re in the church now, because all of the other boys are either too respectful of the space and what it represents or too awkward in a silent building to make fun of Trevor for seeking out Honey. Or they don’t want to get on Bea’s bad side and act a fool in church and suffer her wrath.
They file into one of the back pews, Bea sandwiched between Quinn and Luke. Trevor sits on the other side, right at the aisle. 
For an hour, he stays quiet and moves and speaks with the congregation. He counts the number of times that Cole tases Jack’s side, sticking his fingers between his ribs to cause him to flinch and make noise in the reverent area. He does this five times throughout the mass before Bea leans forward and threatens to cut his hands off herself. 
For an hour, Trevor stares forward and lets his mind wander to Honey, and all the thoughts he has about her. She’s a mystery and she’s quiet like Quinn, but confident in a way that Quinn never achieved. She knows exactly who she is and won’t budge for anyone, won’t change herself or act in any special ways around certain people. 
Trevor admires it– he’s spent his whole life performing for people, in a way. Hockey is his life and always has been, but sometimes it’s tiring to realize that all of his friends are people he met on ice. To think that he can be surrounded by his teammates and the fans in any arena and still feel lonely– it’s the kind of thing that leaves Trevor wondering if this career was a good idea. 
In another world, he’s playing in a beer league in a town like this, with a girl like Honey on his arm. 
The thought leaves him feeling heavy, weighed down. It ruminates in his mind, even after the service is over. It sours his mood completely and Trevor wishes he was back at the house so he could take a shower or something and stop the prickling feelings from taking over his skin.
In the parking lot, the group chats about nothing. Trevor doesn’t listen. Bea introduces the boys to come of the townsfolk and Trevor smiles and shakes the men’s hands, hugs the ladies or send a special look their way. Vera and Earl honk as they drive past the group, Vera blowing a kiss towards Trevor and Cole through the passenger window. Cole catches it and sticks it to his cheek, then sends one back. It makes Vera laugh.
Trevor tunes back into the conversation as the boys discuss plans for the upcoming week– Jack edges away from Trevor before he mentions that he invited Honey over that coming Friday and that Bea should come too. 
“Well, you’ll rarely find a Honey without its Bea,” Bea teases. She claps. “Okay. I’ll see you guys then. Quinn, take me home?”
Quinn nods and puts his hand on the small of her back to direct her to the car. Bea pauses and waves Trevor over, shooing the other boys away. Quinn stays, his hand still on Bea’s body.
“There’s a fruit stand outside the grocery store on Mondays,” Bea says.
“I know, I’ve been,” Trevor interrupts.
Bea quiets him with a click of her tongue. She chooses her words carefully, her eyes hard. “Go tomorrow at, like, six,” she suggests, a faux-nonchalant shrug lifting her shoulders. “You might find something that you like there. I recommend buying the strawberries. They make a lovely gift, Trevor.”
Trevor frowns, confused. “I don’t like strawberries,” he replies.
Bea closes her eyes and processes his words for a moment, a tight smile on her lips. “They make a lovely gift, Trevor,” she repeats.
“Sick,” Trevor says, his voice hard. He doesn’t understand what she’s saying. “I’m not buying strawberries for you, Bea. I don’t know you enough to give you gifts.”
Bea stomps her foot. “Good fucking God, Trevor. Quinn, can you explain this shit to him?” She asks, then walks off to the car. She takes Quinn’s keys from his hand and gets behind the driver’s seat herself. 
Quinn watches her walk away, then turns to Trevor. “She’s telling you that you’ll run into Honey, you fucking idiot, and that you should buy her strawberries.” 
He leaves Trevor standing there, eyes wide.
Yeah, he’s definitely heading to the fruit stand tomorrow and buying strawberries.
He concocts his plan on the drive home, silent compared to the other three boys, that are laughing and flopping around the backseat with every turn in a game of Jell-O. They’re not wearing their seatbelts. When they get too loud, Trevor envisions ejecting them from the backseat, leaving them sailing down the mountain, falling through the air.
He holes himself up in his room to nap when they get home, too excited to see Honey to let the time pass organically. It’s like time travel, this way. Trevor will wake up and be two hours closer to seeing her, to getting another chance to win her over. This time, with a gift.
In the afternoon, he laces up his blades and skates with the boys. Quinn has come back by now, not spending much time at Bea’s apartment after church, according to Luke. They all skate and shoot for a couple of hours, playing a game of pickup with an extra player to sub in and out. When that ends, they run some drills. Luke and Quinn play defense, like always, with Trevor, Cole, and Jack recreating their legendary line from USNTDP. It works out perfectly, and each boy pushes himself like they’re playing a real game. It’s the brotherly competition that fuels them– and when the drills start to fall into disarray from hits and other penalties that would certainly be called out in a game, they head off to shower.
The night ends slowly, fizzling out compared to the way it ended the night before. The boys lounge in the game room, sprawling out on the couches and snacking and sipping their beer. Trevor isn’t made to perform another Zulu Run, no one picks up a pool cue, and they watch shitty TV movies on the Spanish channel instead of English. They make up the dialogue as they go and Trevor is the first to go to sleep. He makes it to midnight, but then he forces himself to go to bed. 
He’s got a big day ahead of him… after 5 p.m., anyway.
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hyperfizationss · 11 months
Charlie nsfw alphabet.
X male reader smut.
Charlie(yuurivoice) x amab/male (can be gender neutral but it is focused on male) reader
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A-after care (what they’re like after sex)
Yeah,no.not that he would like to do it,but he’s either stunned or sleepy after sex,so your the one doing aftercare
B-body part (their and your favorite body part)
Personal headcanon that Charlie has really veiny hands for no reason,so he adores his hands,the way he can hold a joint and grab your dick is amazing.his favorite body part of yours would have to be your hair,long short as long as he can use it to grip you while your sucking his dick he likes it.
C-cum (kinda self explanatory)
He’s has mixed feelings abt it,he doesn’t mind it but he’s not completely into it.but he doesn’t like to swallow it,so don’t try that kinky shit on him
D-dirty secret (also self explanatory)
Desperately wants to be choked out and called a male slut.
E-experience (does he know what he’s doing?)
Charlie has definitely had his share of hookups,he knows what he’s doing but he’ll act like he doesn’t cause he’s a Whiney baby
F- fav position (also kinda self explanatory)
Pirates bounty and suspended congress (both are gay sex positions.and as a girl,I think they both have the funniest name on planet earth)
G-Goofy (how are they in the moment,serious or silly?)
Charlie likes to be a tease,he prefers to keep the bedroom light hearted and fun,he definitely keeps you entertained if you here what I’m saying
H-hair (how well groomed are they,does the carpet match the drapes)
He shaves,nothing special about it.but I do think he’d be a bit harry
I-intamicy (how are they in the moment,on the romantic aspect)
He can be lovey dovey,like dying I love you in low groans as she fucks you
J-Jack off (masturbation hc)
I’ll give you this much,he wants to be caught,he wants you to see him jacking off to a picture of you while you were sucking him off once
K-kink (any kink of theirs)
Praise kink,choking kink(even tho it doesn’t happen) and not sure if this counts but he really likes to slap his dick around your face before you suck him off
L-location (places he likes or has done it)
He’s definitely took you in the closet of Pete’s Pizzeria,and in the back of his car,and he’s pushed you over the kitchen counter before,but he stopped and said he was joking cause he was nervous
M-motivation (what gets him going)
When you admit your horny to him,that could make him cum anytime anywhere
N-no.(something he wouldn’t do)
He wouldn’t be into hate fucking,he’s a strong believer of “we don’t go to bed mad in this house”
O-oral (giver or receiver?)
He honestly doesn’t care,he likes to give just as much as he likes to receive.but don’t make him swallow cum,that’s how you get no oral for a week
P-pace (how fast/rough are they)
He’s fast and rough,he likes hearing you whine ass he fucks your ass and digs his hands into your lower body
Q-quickie (opinions on them)
One simple word
R-risk (risky thoughts or experiments)
He so wants to pull you into an alley and give you the best blowing of your life but he’s to afraid to do so
S-Stamina(how many rounds)
Depends on the day,if he didn’t have work he’s more likely to go for about 5 maybe 6,but after a long day he really just needs to cum so maybe 1 or 2 rounds
T-toys (does he own them?like them?)
He personally doesn’t own anything other than a dildo he keeps under his bed,but I’d you have cooler stuff you want to sue on him he’s down
U-Unfair(how much they like teasing)
If you start to whine and say fuck offs and fuck you’s to him he’ll force you to look at him and apologize(which is so hot)
V-Volume (how loud is he)
Oh Jesus he can be loud and whiney,like no matter what the position is,he’s a big whiner
W-Wildcard (random headcanon)
He likes to bite your thighs(god damn I’m mains myself blush,and I’m writing about gay sex)
X-X-ray (how big is he)
A tiny bit over average (6.7 inches)
Y-Yearning ( how high is his sex drive)
Anytime,anywhere,no matter what
Z-zzzzz (how quickly they fall apart)
He gets tired so easily,so easily so he’s asleep almost immediately
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Kinda a gift for a friend (i know I usually don’t do smut but ya know ppl change)
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zayray030 · 3 months
Interrogation, Twisted Wonderland, Chapter 1/3
Summary: being Tranquilized and forced to relive some of his hoe-ist moments with his friends was not the way Ace had intended to spend his sleepover, but plans change.
Yuu tranquilizes Ace so the first years can force him into confronting his feelings about the upperclassmen.
Note: Honestly this was supposed to be a crack fic and then it got all sad...but then it became fun again! This is literally everyone x ace except for the first years lmao. Also I do take commissions now! All information is on my pinned!
“Are you sure this is going to work? And that he’s not just going to run away from this?” asked Epel worriedly as he tilted his head in concern at Yuu’s direction.
“Nah. I already have the rope and I finally bullied Crowley into giving me doors that can be locked through a remote or my phone so Ace can’t open the doors. Plus, we also have the ghosts, so he can’t escape without gaining some form of brain damage.” Added Yuu sweetly, as they he finished plating the last cherry pie, one of the few bribes that they had to make sure that the night went well.
“And you’re certain that the human will actually respond to our questions and won’t just ignore us until he passes out from sleep?” asked Sebek, raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms, fully doubtful about the plan that Yuu and Deuce had concocted. Well, the one that Yuu had concocted and bullied Deuce into.
“Whether Ace Trappola chooses to answer the questions that we have or not, I can still scan his heartbeat for any changes which can give us more honest answers.” Ortho reassured him, floating happily, excited for his first proper sleepover and interrogation.
“What if Ace has genuinely not noticed anything and we’re doing this for nothing?” asked Jack, a part of him worried that they were taking this too far and the other half worrying that he’s ruining his sleep schedule over something stupid.
“Don’t worry about that! Whether or not he’s not noticed anything, he has been reciprocating certain things.” Yuu waved the concerns dismissively away. “Besides, nobody runs away like that with that hiding something and knowing so. Besides I have a little something to make sure that Ace won’t be able to get one step away.” He giggled manically, scaring the room besides Ortho before he composed himself. “Now, get into your positions, Deuce is going to bring Ace here any minute now.”
And on cue, the doorbell rang.
Deuce tried not to fidget guiltily as he and Ace waited in front of Ramshackle for Yuu to open their door so that they can have their sleepover. He tried to ignore the voice that sounded like his mother telling him to be honest, and tried to listen more to the devil Yuu on his shoulder who was reassuring him that what he was doing was for the greater good.
“You okay, Juice?” asked Ace, looking up from his phone and glancing a critical over Deuce, who looked as if he was holding a hot potato. “Didn’t forget anything did you?” he asked teasingly.
“NEVER BETTER!” okay so that was louder than Deuce was going for and winced alongside Ace at the volume of his own voice.
“Okay! Damn.” Muttered Ace, rubbing an ear in pain. Deuce winced again, guilt intensifying as he remembers what he and the other first years had planned.
Honestly, he had been against it from the start, mostly because tying a student up and forcing them into talking had seemed very much like something that an honours student would NOT do, however Yuu had worn him down.
/ “You can’t tell me that you haven’t been concerned? Worried? Curious even, about Ace interacting with the others.” They had cornered him, poking his chest with each word. “It wouldn’t hurt to check up on him, especially because he keeps running away or brushing off any questions.” They then shrugged and cast him a pitiful look and continued. “I just wanna ask him a few questions Deuce, honest! I’m just so worried about him!” /
And that’s all it had taken to get Deuce to trick Ace into coming to the interrogation. Honestly, a part of him was feeling slightly vindictive in this, however, a larger part was also swimming in guilt.
‘You’re doing this for Ace!’ he reminded himself as he rang the doorbell again only to have it dramatically open up with the ghosts flying around.
“Nice to know that bullying the Headmage can get you some sweets digs.” whistled Ace as he looked at the new door.
‘I wonder how cool he would find it when he realises it’s to trap him inside the house.’ Deuce sweat dropped as he and Ace made their way down the hallway.
“Hi you two!” Called out Yuu excitedly as they walked into the living room, the only one who didn’t look guilty. “Come on in. I have cherry pie for you Ace.” Yuu offered a plate that had a generous helping of cherry pie that looked as great as the ones that Trey regularly made.
Normally, Ace would have jumped at such as opportunity and taken the pie without a second thought, however, he was glancing at everything with a critical and suspicious eye.
“You know.” Ace began, inspecting the room as if he was a detective looking for a dead body. “Typically, when we have these get togethers, I have to get on my hands and knees for cherry anything, let alone cherry pie.” He turned and pointed at an extremely guilty Jack and Epel “Especially when these two consider it treason to suggest anything other than pear or apple and especially because of your profound hatred for cherries.” He narrowed his eyes further, hands on his hips.
“Maybe these two have realised how childish they were being.” Yuu ignored the affronted look being given to them by the beast man and farm boy. “Besides, I wouldn’t call it a hatred.”
“Mhhm” Ace looked wildly unimpressed “Additionally.” He continued his critique, observing each of the freshmen, “Normally by now Sebek would have yelled at us for being late. Instead, he’s just sitting there as if he’s been fired as a guard for Malleus. In fact Deucey, Jack and Epel all look guilty…” Ace trailed off, eyes widening as he took a step back, realising the  trap he had been lead to.
“Surprise!” yelled Ortho, popping a party streamer.
Ace bolted. Well, he attempted to, because the moment his back was runed, he felt something pierce the back of his neck. The only thing he could hear was everyone else’s yells with Sebek’s very loud “WHAT THE FU-!”
Ace blinked and tried not to wince at the soreness of his wrists before his widened properly as he realised that he was tied up. With his fully open he can see Yuu looking possessed whilst the others were mixed between anger and amusement.
“What the actual fu-!”
“Language!” Yuu cut off, placing his finger on Ace’s lips in a shooshing gesture “There are impressable ears here.” The little hypocrite had the nerve to look disappointed at Ace.
“Says the crazy son of a bitch who tranquilized me and now has me tied up!” snapped Ace before turning on the others “And why the hell are you lot not doing anything?” he demanded, struggling in his binds.
“In my defence I had no idea that Yuu had planned to tranquilize you.” Said Jack honestly, refusing to be tied down to that incident. “…however, I did now that he was plannin’ on questioning you tonight.”
“Oh, and that’s better?” asked Ace sarcastically as he shot a foul glare at the other teen. “Why are you lot even doing this?” he huffed, trying to escape form Yuu who was truing to feed him tome pie.
“We were just worried. Especially because you kept dodging us whenever we asked you about what was going on.” Epel tried to, for once willingly, play into his more innocent side. However, that only caused Ace to send him an unimpressed pout.
“And your best idea was to TRANQ me and then what? Annoy me into answering?” he raised an eyebrow at the other first years.
“Oh no!” replied Ortho cheerfully, also Joining Yuu’s mission in feeding Ace “I would just scan your heart rate and your emotional signal into giving us an answer-.”
“Oh wow, I can’t wait to answer all your questions 100% accurately and truthfully.” Ace replied in such a monotone voice and opened his mouth to accept the pies hovering around his mouth with as much joy as someone who’s just been told their dog died. Jack was slightly worried that Ace had been possessed by a ghost at some point during his struggle for such a melancholy response.
“We all frankly have one question. Are you doing our upperclassmen?” asked Sebek, fully serious. Ace stared at him for a moment before turning to Deuce.
“If you wanna make this up to me you’re gonna go punch him.”
“There will be no violence.” Yuu told them, much to the rooms outrage.
“Besides.” Yuu continued, feeding Ace another slice of pie. “This question isn’t exactly entirely unfounded. WE have collected evidence to help support our hypothesis of these recent activities.”
“Careful or you’ll fry Deuce’s brain.” Snarked Ace as he chewed on another mouthful of pie. “Besides, what ‘evidence’ do you even have?”
“So glad you asked!” Yuu tossed the plate and Fork up in air which Jack quickly caught. They rummaged under the sofa before pulling out a thick book. “Here! No let us start with Riddle!
“WHAT THE-!” Anything else that Ace wanted to yell out was muffled by the huge chunk that Jack forced into his mouth.
“Ace, you’ve been so good lately.” Riddle purred, cupping Ace’s cheeks, a knowing smirk on his face as he gazed at the bashful freshman, who averted his eyes and pouted at the praise.
“Y-you don’t have to s-say it like that i-idiot!” whimpered Ace
“THAT DID NOT HAPPEN!” Snapped Ace, jumping up, somehow managing to look threatening despite being tied up with crumbs on his face.
“Oh wait, that’s the fanfiction page. Give me a moment.” Yuu shuffled through the pages as everyone else gaped at him. 
“Deuce, get me out of here.” Demanded Ace as he turned to his roommate.
Deuce bit his lips nervously before he steeled his resolve. “Sorry Ace, but you need to see the truth for yourself! You have been flirting with the upperclassmen!”
“When have I ever-“
“Ah here!” yelled Yuu. “Here we go.”
“I must congratulate you Ace, these roses are painted quiet well.” Praised Riddle, as he inspected the flowers that were painted to perfection. “This might be the best you’ve done so far.” He continued, observing al the bushes.
“Awe, housewarden!” Replied Ace with fake bashfulness, rubbing his neck whilst also looking for more praise. “It wasn’t that hard. It’s a little trick that my brother showed me last night and I just applied it to painting the roses.
“Regardless, I believe this behaviour deserves rewarding, turning to Ace with a genuine smile. “We can share a pie together as I try and figure out the trick you used. It can be cherry, and you can even take the first bite.” He told the younger, who laughed eagerly. “However, can you first lower your head for me for a moment?” requested Riddle, face turning serious.
Ace, confused, did as he was told, unsure of what this will lead to. A gasp left his mouth involuntarily as he glanced back up at Riddle. Said Riddle, who was patting him on the head. Ace jumped back, shocked and blushing, spluttering for a few moments. In contrast to Riddle who still looked composed, the only trace of amusement visible In the glimmer in his eye.
“W-h-why would you do that!” spluttered Ace, cheeks bright red as he glared at his housewarden. Frankly, he did not look at intimidating as he would have liked and it only led to Riddle chuckling and guiding him inside.
“So what?” snapped Ace, face red from having to hear such an embarrassing memory.
“Soooo, it means that you inherently get submissive and-.”
“Finish that sentence and I will leap over this table and do the worm on you.” Threatened Ace.
“You have to admit, you do get extremely happy whenever the upperclassmen praise you and you blush a lot when they do.” Deuce tried however he was just met with a betrayed look from Ace that caused him to back to dejectedly eating one of the many pies that Yuu had laid out, with Epel comfortingly patting him on the back.
“Okay so I get happy when my housewarden praises me? So what? Don’t all of you?” minus the disgusted look of Epel, everyone else in the room nodded at the statement. “See so that evidence Is unfounded.
“Okay, but what reason does a vice warden have to act like this?”
“Thanks again for helping me with this, Ace.” Thanked Trey again as he whisked the ingredients inside the bowl and set it aside as the topping for the cake that was almost done.
“Anytime, Trey senpai! So long as I get a piece of cake I’m game.” He laughed as he finished cleaning the bowls, in one of his rare moods oof obedience where the reward was actually good enough for him to go above and beyond. “Besides, I’m just being a good little freshman.” He jokes, eyes narrowing teasingly. Trey let out a chuckles the prankster.
Suddenly, the oven ding went off and Trey went over to the oven with mitts, ready to take out the cakes. There were two inside One big one reserved for the dorm for the upcoming unbirthday party and a little one that was reserved for Ace as a thanks for helping Trey with baking.
Trye took them both out and Ace excitedly bounded over for his portion of cake and pouted up at Trey.
“Can I have it now?” he pouted, looking at Trey with puppy dog eyes.
“I guess you can have it now.” Sighed Trey teasingly as he moved the bigger cake away so it can cool down before h turned to the smaller cake and spread some icing on it. “Here you go.” Teased Trey, holding a fork with cake on it to Ace. Ace pouted at the merciless upperclassmen before sucking up his pride and taking a bite. Unfortunately, their actions were not coordinated, and it led to icing smudging on Ace’s cheeks.
Trey chuckled as he swiped as he swiped the icing from Ace’s cheeks with his thumb. Then Ace did something that surprised him. Ace, hungry and waiting for the cake all this time wasn’t about to give up on his hard-earned reward and leaned forward and wrapped his lips around Trey’s thumb and sucked.
It was quiet as Ace collected the icing. Trey slowly tilted the others head and made it so that his hand was cupping the side of Ace’s face and waited for the younger to finish. He made sure to move slowly as to not alert the redhead.
Finally, Ace let go and looked up at the other, cheeks slightly red from his greed and sucking the thumb. However, when he looked up, instead of the teasing smirk he expected, it was to Trey’s smouldering look.
“When the hell did you even see that!?” Ace demanded to know; cheeks red as he realised just how dirty the actions were. Immediately Yuu pointed at an extremely guilty looking Deuce, who also looked embarrassed at having heard the story again.
“In my defence it was because I wanted to make sure that it wouldn’t infect the kitchen so I can make omelettes.” Deuce defended himself, annoyed by the looks he was getting sent by the first years.
“Okay so I’m helping my vice-housewarden to bake.” Began Ace, ignoring Jack’s mutter to Sebek and Epel of ‘and giving sexual favours in the kitchen. “So what?”
“And what about the photos that Cater takes of the both of you?” asked Yuu.
“Hey Acey. Come here!” Cater told Ace, already wrapping an around Ace’s waist and throwing his phone up for another picture.
“Again Cater-senpai?” whined Ace, already leaning into Cater, peace sign up.
“I can’t help but want to take pictures of cute things!” complained Cater as he angled his phone correctly.
“You saying embarrassing stuff isn’t exactly going to motivate me into doing ths, y’now?” sighed Ace as he felt Cater tighten his arms around waist even more. The snap of the phone went and Cater pressed a cheeky kiss on his Ace’s cheek and smiled at him teasingly.
“Too bad I can’t take more cute photos of you. I just know that you can be cuter.” His words ended with a seductive tilt that Ace didn’t both figuring out, simply due to the fact that he felt too hungry to argue.
“Whatever. Can we get some food now?” he pouted.
“It’s a date then.” Cater agreed as he hooked his arms around Ace’s and walked to the kitchen to scavage for food.
“So? I talk to one of my upperclassmen? So what? You don’t?” snarked Ace, rolling his eyes at the flimsy evidence presented in front of him.
“Well Silver doesn’t call out outings dates and neither does he seductively talk about taking compromising pictures of me.” Argued Sebek, questioning how much in denial Ace was.
“No one wants to hear from the peanut gallery!” snapped Ace when he realised that none of his friends were on his side.
“Okay. So, you’re friendly with your upperclassmen which is fair. But why are you so close with other upperclassmen?” asked Jack, raising an eyebrow, finally able to release all that he’s been holding inside.
At first, he had felt as if he was going crazy and reading too much into things. However, as he listened t Yuu and Deuce talk about what Ace was doing with his own dorm, he remembers Ace with his upperclassmen and he realised just how far Ace had gone into this. It was time to break his peer out of whatever in-denial delusion he was in.
“What are you talking about?” Ace fidgeted again, reminding everyone uncomfortably about their crime and how they were going to suffer for it later.
“Oh you will when I start listing these interactions!” argued Jack, affronted at the sheer obliviousness in front of him.
‘Vil is so going to kill me for the lack of sleep I’m going to get tonight.’ Thought Epel as he watched the two oldest first years argue in front of him, reluctantly shoveling some cherry pie in his mouth and trying to ignore the betrayal in his heart.
[2] [3]
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joleneghoul · 2 years
Booster Gold vs Disability
AKA, how Disability is an integral part of Booster Gold’s character
Foreword: This is a LONG personal essay and will use mostly casual language.
 This will be an analysis of the character Booster Gold from the perspective of a physically and mentally disabled reader— thus will include a lot of my opinions. I will consider only canonical moments for this essay, no elseworld or alternate universe comics will be included in this specific analysis. Every image used in the essay is described.
TW: Topics of ableism, classism, addiction, death, eugenics, and violence will be mentioned.
 Thank you for reading.
THE FUTURE, A closer look at 25th Century ideals.
    The topic of disabilities has been ingrained within the story of Booster Gold since his first solo series ‘Booster Gold volume. 1 1986’. This not only is the base point of where his character jumps off from and thus is important to any conversation to be had about this character’s past and future— but also contains the context of the 25th century society views on disability and is crucial to talking about how he would view himself. Specifically within Booster gold Volume 1 we will be looking at the “Back To The Future” arc, aka issues #13-#15. 
    Booster Gold Vol. 1 Issue 13 starts with Dirk Davis, Booster’s manager, telling Jack Soo and Trixie Collins (fellow members of Booster’s team) that Booster is dying and there is nothing they can do about it. Even doctors seem to be “bamboozled” about the origin of his illness but it’s clear it is fast acting and terminal. In order to save Booster (and repair skeets, who was broken in the previous issue) they devise a plan to travel to the future where a cure may be possible. Jack Soo calls Rip Hunter, who he knows from college, and for the first time in the series Booster actively travels back to his home, the 25th century. 
    This arc, besides being the first introduction of some notable characters to the future of Booster Gold (like Rip Hunter and Michelle Carter) gives us an insight to the society Booster grew up within. Specifically, I want to focus on how this society views illness and disability for this analysis. The first bit of information we get is a call to Booster's backstory, the fact his father had a gambling addiction that he inherited as a way to cope with poverty. 
    Illness becomes one of the main themes of this 3 issue arc. At the end of Issue 13, Booster, while dying of his own illness attempts to visit his mother but learns she passed away from an illness shortly after he left for the past. As we move into issue 14 Booster continues to blame himself for his mothers death— claiming it a result of his own greed. This shapes how Booster’s backstory evolves.
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ANIMAL, the post nuclear future and eugenics. 
    As we return to Booster Gold Volume 1 issue 14 we are introduced to yet another aspect of the 25th century Booster grew up in. While Rip Hunter and Jack Soo are searching for information of their whereabouts they find out that centuries of information has been lost due to a nuclear fallout. We don’t learn much about this future but one thing we do learn is that eugenics apparently has a place in the post-nuclear government. Eugenics, in general, is known to often have resurgences after and during global catastrophes, war, or pandemics. 
    In this issue it’s revealed that the government hunts down “Genetic Mutations” using people they strictly refer to as “Animals”. While an ‘Animal’ is sent after Booster he tells us that ‘Animals’ themselves have mutations but are raised to be unthinking, ruthless, and loyal to whoever is in control of them. While Animal is a small piece of this story over all, we can use him to look into how the America Booster is from treats people with disabilities.
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    Would I say that this character is a good representation of disabled people? Not at all, but it is clear to me what he is supposed to represent. I feel as though the way he is treated is more of a reflection of how a lot of people with mental disabilities/disorders were treated in the media at the time. Animal is shown to have either a limited vocabulary or to be partially non-verbal. When he speaks it is using grunts, made up words, or other sounds. He is large and brutish as well, all of these are tropes that were (and sometimes still are) prevalent in the writing of disabled characters.  
    Though does that mean those traits are always bad? No, of course not. I often find myself feeling the most sympathy for characters like Animal. But instances like this are more like looking at a skewed representation of symptoms me and others have than an actual mirror. It’s a matter of how it’s handled, and here I can’t help but feel torn. 
    We as the readers are meant to feel sympathy for Animal through the arc but it feels as though the narrative treats him more as a tool than a person— which very well may be the point because that’s how the world views him. Animal ends up saving everyone during Booster Gold issue #15, making sure that everyone is able to travel back to the past and escape the cops and his master. In this process Animal sacrifices himself, dying at the hands of his master. Thus he fulfills his purpose to the plot outside of being an actual character himself.
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    Furthermore, throughout this arc Booster is terminally ill and is treated extremely poorly despite it. We meet Boderick, Animals “master” and federal agent. He is a cruel man who treats Booster (on account of him stealing a time machine, which is treason in the future) in an abusive/violent manner. A notable scene is when Trixie is begging for them to get Booster help and Boderick taunts Booster’s illness, shoving him out of his chair onto his already broken arm. 
    Within this arc Booster is cured of his illness before his trial and his arm is healed with future technology. Which proves furthermore that they are capable of healthcare but unwilling to provide it to individuals deemed “unworthy”.  
    This story is not the last time Booster will get sick or injured, and in fact it practically becomes a running theme with the character as we move forward. As this three part arc stands in the timeline of Booster Gold, it serves as coincidental foreshadowing of his future.
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GAMBLING, Boosters backstory.
    Booster’s backstory gets retold again in both ‘Secret Origins #35’ and ‘Justice League Quarterly #10’. While this is not the first or the last time his backstory will be revisited, I find it one of the most notable. 
    Booster tells his best friend, Ted Kord (Blue Beetle II) and the rest of the JLI, that the main reason he started gambling on his own games was that his mother had a degenerative heart disease and needed to pay medical bills. Booster admits that he couldn’t stop and became addicted to everything gambling brought to him. Addiction itself is a topic that comics in general struggle to portray in a sympathetic light.
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      Often people (including writers) will use Booster’s past gambling as a piece of evidence towards a narrative that Booster is a selfish or bad person— and while Booster does have flaws it is harmful to use his backstory to further an ableist ideology. Rather, I feel as though Booster’s addiction and family history is a truthful story of how poverty, disability, and illness can make things like gambling feel like less of a choice as time goes on. 
    A line that gets repeated throughout Booster’s backstories is some variation of “I couldn’t of hurt them more if I were a murderer.” in regards to Booster and his addiction. That quote itself is a reflection of how people view addicts, and in the real world it’s not much different.
    Genetic, environmental, and mental health factors are the main causes of addiction. We see Booster grew up under abuse, lived in poverty, and had a father who also struggled with the same addiction. As previously stated societal shame plays a huge role in Booster’s decision making and view of himself. 
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    Continuing with Justice League Quarterly issue 10, within the story ‘Killing Time’, we are told about the Rubenicos. The Rubenicos are a group of sports gamblers who promised to win Booster big money to save his mother, thus kick-starting Booster’s problem with gambling. 
    Only, in this story Booster has a chance to kill Rubenico and insure that his past, in the future, never happens. ‘Killing Time’ while full of action becomes more of an internal struggle within Booster as we see him angry not just towards Rubenico but towards himself. 
    During the climax of the story Booster comes face to face with the chance of killing Rubenico, only Rubenico’s daughter is watching. Ted, stands in the room as Booster tells Rubenico that everything is his fault. But before Booster can kill the man he claims to blame the most, Ted speaks up revealing that the only person Booster blames more is himself. Booster leaves without killing Rubenico.
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    Later as the story comes to a close we get one of the most impactful scenes regarding Booster’s view of himself. A conversation between two best friends where Ted and Booster discuss what had happened previously. Booster tells Ted that he had some nerve to step in like he did and Ted explains, maybe but he’s his friend. 
    We get a genuine scene where Ted explains that while Booster may have messed up in the past, he needs to look at who he is in the present instead. Booster balanced the scales the moment he decided to be a hero. Even if it was initially for selfish reasons, as time went on he grew and his perspective of heroism changed with him. 
    The heart to heart concludes with Ted talking about second chances. He tells Booster to stop punishing himself for his past in pursuit of forgiveness— because the only person who can forgive Booster and make himself feel better is himself. 
    This scene also is a reason that in the future Booster ends up viewing being a hero as his atonement for the mistakes in his past and we will see how that challenges him when the cost of being a superhero affects his health.
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EXTREME JUSTICE, physical ability vs self worth. 
    When it comes to superhero comics and physical disability it is a real toss up of how things will be handled. These are worlds where magic, hyper-technology, and retcons are abundant. Despite being thrown through walls, beaten down, or even killed and brought back we hardly see the toll on a hero's body as time goes on. Though, sometimes there is an exception to that— and for a moment in the 90s Booster was a pretty good representation of what it’s like to struggle with a new disability and ptsd from a traumatic accident.
    During Judgement Day, an arc that takes place throughout multiple comics,the league takes on The Overmaster. Booster Gold who was a history major in his past proclaims that the league will win the battle and leads everyone into battle. In the process The Overmaster inflicts a critical wound, cutting Booster's arm off.  Later Booster dies on the operating table as the world's best doctors and his best friend, Ted, try to save his life.
    Only Booster doesn’t actually die. Instead due to all new life and all death being paused because of The Overmaster, Booster stays alive. We instantly see Booster struggle with his body, calling himself a “dead man walking” and proclaiming that because of this event everything he knows is out of the window— that he has nothing to go on for. Amidst this Ted manages to get Booster a prosthetic arm from STAR labs as he also builds him a new suit. By the end of this arc, even as the cycle of life is un-paused, Booster manages to survive because the suit Ted built him doubles as life-support— but this is just the start of this era in Booster’s life.  
    During the Extreme Justice series we get a more in depth look at how this traumatic event affected Booster. His life support suit and arm are revealed to be faulty and causing him chronic pain despite keeping him alive. Often Booster is seen hiding this chronic pain from others. There is even a scene where his life support suit stops working, nearly costing him his life in battle, and he begs Ted to not tell anyone. 
    Outside of the chronic pain there is also the mental health factor. It’s clear that Booster views his body as one of his most valuable assets. Booster in the past has viewed his ability to be a hero as his redemption for his mistakes. He has been a model throughout the years to make money alongside being a hero. Further back than that his physical ability to be a star football player is what helped make the money to keep his mother alive. For the first time, Booster is faced with his body having a drastic and detrimental physical change resulting in body dysphoria.
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    Constantly through this series Booster talks down to himself. He refers to himself as a “clock-work man” who is breaking down and considers himself a burden to all of his friends. Booster begins to internalize any jokes or snide comments from his friends that in the past wouldn’t have bothered him. As his anger and frustration with his situation builds, more of a strain is put on his relationships, especially with Ted. 
    Ted obviously doesn’t view Booster in a negative light because of his disability. He cares enough about him to have built him his suit and encourages Booster to come to him with any issues he may be having with it. There are multiple instances where Ted promises he will make things better for Booster as he adjusts to his new disability. While all Ted wants to do is help, Booster views this as once again being a burden to his friend.
      This internal struggle is not helped by the fact the main villain of this arc, Monarch, is introduced by healing a kid's physical disability. Making the kid magically able to walk again. An event that Booster is there to see and instantly begins to consider the possibility of Monarch healing him too.
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    Booster grapples to find control in his life during this time. A common experience for many people who have a traumatic event happen to them. He ends up going as far to find his old manager, Dirk Davis, who had stolen all his funds in the past, and takes over his company by force. I personally see this as Booster also trying to prove some worth to both his friends and himself internally. 
    Unfortunately this leads Booster down the road of magically wishing his disability away with the help of Monarch. And that causes problems of its own but eventually everything is fine again. While this may seem to be a happy ending to abled people it actually is a very harmful trope. The idea that disabilities can just be wished away or that someone cannot be whole with a disability is a trope deprived from eugenics— not to mention in general is erasure. I find myself wondering anytime this trope is used, what message are the writers trying to send? 
    While it may make sense for Booster to struggle with internalized ableism towards his disability, and want to wish it away, when you consider the society he grew up within. The narrative going through with this only supports those ideals instead of challenges them.
   What purpose does this arc serve when it ends with Booster's possible growth towards learning he is worth more than his physical ability is cut short? This could have been the perfect opportunity for Booster to confront both the ideals he was raised around and his internalized ableism. 
    This is an arc that is important to me as a physically disabled person and IS important to Booster’s character, but the ending never will sit right with me. 
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FISH OUT OF WATER, Booster Gold and Neurodivergence.
    When it comes to neurodivergent characters in comics, we typically don’t get a story outright putting a definition or label to a character. This is especially true when it comes to older comics. Instead Neurodivergence lies between the lines and the actions of a character or how they are coded. 
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    There is a decent amount of evidence towards Booster being ND both within and outside of the comics throughout the years. In his introduction series he struggles to fit in. He has trouble understanding the society he finds himself in. Even after years of living in the present he still struggles with social cues, so it can’t be solely attributed to being from the future. Especially when there’s other heroes from the future who don’t struggle. 
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  We also often explicitly see him not understand when things are jokes as well. In Justice League International issue 18 we see a moment where Booster misunderstands a joke Ted tells him and drops a bunch of debris in the Free’s neighbors yard.  As he gets to know Ted better he gets better at telling when things are jokes or sarcasm. I think this is helped by the fact Ted Kord is a notably autistic coded character himself.
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MODERN DAY, how is Booster’s disabled history represented now?
    Unfortunately in the modern days of comics there are far too many portrayals of Booster Gold and his disabilities that are borderline cruel in their depiction. Rather than tell a meaningful story about mental illness or disability instead some writers turn him into a caricature of public stigma of mental illness. Some examples of this are Heroes in Crisis and The Gift arc from Batman. I won't go into further details about this specific writer's works due to personal reasons, and the fact I feel the works are counter productive to representation. 
    Otherwise the topic of disability comes up in genuine occasionally for Booster still. As disability is still a core part of his backstory that gets retold from time to time, Like in Action comics’ “Booster Shot”. Booster and Superman in that story end up traveling to the future where Clark learns about Booster’s past and meets his parents.  Another occasion of when Booster’s backstory is retold is in the early 2000s when the addition of Booster’s father pressuring Booster into gambling is added to the narrative. 
    Mental health (particularly post-trauma) seems to have taken the spotlight in modern Booster characterizations. In the 52 series we see Booster struggle with stability after the loss of his best friend Ted.  Booster is not only shown to be grieving but also to blame himself for Ted’s death because he was in the hospital during the time.
 He puts all his energy into sponsorships and being a public figure. There’s one point in the story where Booster has a public meltdown in front of the press and superheroes because things don’t go as he planned. His relationships fall apart as he struggles with coping and putting up a persona, often having outbursts towards others. These are all signs  of C-PTSD.
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    The exploration of Booster’s ptsd continues in Booster Gold Volume 2. Throughout the series Booster uses time travel to effectively re-traumatize himself over and over multiple times. He tries to save Barbara Gordon repeatedly, failing each time, being traumatized and beaten each time. He attempts to save Ted’s life, destroying the timeline and being forced to see all of his other friends die horribly, then in the end loses Ted once again. Later on Booster continues to visit Ted in the past, hurting himself emotionally in the process by reopening trauma. 
    Booster has multiple public outbursts during Booster Gold volume 2, most notably in issue 39. Booster runs into a 16 year old on the street attempting to be a Robin Hood type vigilante. Booster starts to have a ptsd episode, reminded of Ted. He begins to yell at the kid as if he WERE Ted, about how he kept hoping Ted would come back to life like other superheroes but he never did. He shoves the kid to the ground before flying away in the midst of an episode.   
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    There are still times when Booster is shown to be physically disabled also. When we have gotten a glimpse of Booster as an older man in modern comics and each time he is depicted as being physically disabled. He has a missing eye and uses a cane for mobility purposes to the point in DC Comics: Generations he uses a metal pipe as a cane in one scene as a backup. He uses a cane as well in the Cybernetic Summer special.
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    Overall I feel as though it’s important to remember Booster Gold when talking about disabled heroes. He has been depicted as being some form of disabled since his introduction to comics in the 80s. To ignore this fact is to let DC comics get away with cruel and ableist modern depictions of the character and other disabled people as well. Disabled people should be allowed to see themselves in hero media as much as abled people are allowed to.  
    I wanted to write this to bring attention to all of the ways Booster is an impactful character, at least to me a disabled fan.This was also a way for me to just infodump and get all of my thought’s i’ve had onto paper.
    Booster Gold is one of my favorite characters ever, next to Ted Kord who is also a canonically disabled hero. One day I might write up an analysis on him as well! 
    I hope that anyone who reads this enjoys this analysis and if you made it all the way through thank you so much!
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catierambles · 1 month
Blood Moon Ch.25
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The current coursing through his body burned away the last of the wolfsbane and the wolf burst out of his skin before he was even completely alert. He was immediately shoved out of wherever he had been and he looked around, seeing the people above him behind wire fencing, cheering and jeering, shouting wordlessly. Sy had been shifting almost every night since his first therapy session, so he was himself and not the beast as he looked around. It was a pit of some kind, a dirt floor rough against the pads of his feet.
Movement to his left caught his attention and he dodged as another wolf rushed him, snarling, the cheering getting louder. It swiped at him and he dodged again, moving around them, their moves easily telegraphed. They were smaller than he was, slimmer, their fur a russet brown instead of black like his. They were quick, though, and pain ripped through his chest as their claws connected, tearing open his skin, the volume of those watching increasing again.
His opponent relied on their speed, thinking his size made him slow. They tried to tackle him and he grabbed them, pulling them in and moving behind them, wrapping one arm around their throat and the other around the back of their head. They bucked against him, but he locked his legs around their ribs, bringing them both to the floor.
It takes nine seconds to render someone unconscious from a chokehold.
Them still struggling to get free would only hasten it, burning up what little oxygen was still getting to the brain.
They went limp and he relaxed his hold, but didn’t let go. He knew the moment they were awake again after a few seconds, their body stiffening.
Stay still. He said, knowing they would hear them, pitching it so only they would. I don’t wanna hurt you. Play possum. A moment of hesitation where he thought they would resume the fight before they relaxed again, going limp. He let go, releasing them and leaving them on the floor. A sharp pain in his side had him looking down and he saw the dart sticking out of his skin. Sy barely had time to pull it out before everything went dark again.
Jack and Denise along with Mike and Jake sat in her living room, Pete and Brian having given them a rundown of what was happening. Jack had insisted that a police report be filed, but when Annalisa told them that Sy had been given to a werewolf fighting ring run by a vampire, he acquiesced. No one would believe them and it would be dismissed as ravings. Ethan was already in contact with the private investigator she had on retainer, digging up where they could have taken him. She hadn’t told Sy’s parents that the other woman in the house had helped Eugene, just that she was Merediths’ mother. They had been pleased to meet her and once Annalisa reassured them that everything was being done that could be at that time, they started trading stories of when Mike and Meredith were little, much to their embarrassment.
It helped keep their minds off of what was happening.
“Oh, we stayed in Paris until after the Civil War was over before joining Lady Caulfield here.” Sweeney said.
“How old were you when ya had’er?” Jack asked.
“I was Turned in 1840 when I was twenty-three, had Merry a couple years later.”
“Still a baby yourself.” Jack said and she shrugged.
“There were women at that time younger than I was who already had several children.” She said.
“A friend of mine still overseas let me know Eugene had fathered a child,” Annalisa said, “And I extended the offer for them to join the coven.”
“Lady Caulfield—Annie, I—about Eugene—”
“It’s the past, Elizabeth.” She said, “I’m over it and so should you be.”
“Were you and the fuckhead still together when he got Sweeney knocked up?” Jake asked.
“Heavens no.” Annalisa said, “I had dropped him decades ago by that point.”
“You said he rabbited, yeah?” Jack asked and she nodded. “Got a plan how to find’im?”
“Once Sy is back home and safe, I’ll put the word out. There are a few covens in the area that he might try to request asylum from, but I don’t think he will stay local. I already had contacts in the State Department and Homeland Security put a flag on all the passports under names I’ve known him to have. He tries to leave the country, I’ll know.”
“You got contacts in Homeland Security.” Brian said and she nodded. “Ethan said you got connections, didn’t think it went that high up.”
“When you’ve been around for as long as I have, you can see whose careers have potential in their chosen field.” She said, “I owe them both a bottle of top-shelf scotch and invitations to the wedding, but nothing I can’t handle.”
“You ask a lot of favors?” Pete asked.
“Goodness no.” She said with a snort, “I don’t take advantage of our friendships like that.”
“It’s why they have no problem helping her when she does ask.” Ethan said from his seat in a wing-back chair by the fireplace.
“Okay!” Meredith said suddenly and they all looked at her, “I have to bring up the elephant in the room.”
“Meredith.” Annalisa said.
“Annie, I have to.” She said, “Mike and I agreed that when he turns twenty-five, I’m going to Turn him.” She said it a rush and they blinked at her before Annalisa let out a huff of a laugh. Not the elephant she was worried about.
“So in a few months.” Denise said and she nodded.
“It’s how old I was when that part of my genetics kicked in and—well we wanted to be the same age, kind of, and—”
“So I have a few months before my baby is—”
“Mom, I’m still going to be me.” Mike said, “Just—like Sy said, something extra.”
“Do you have to?” Denise asked.
“Mike is my Tovaras.” Meredith said, “He’s literally my other half. If I didn’t and he died, so would I. Eventually.”
“And I want this.” Mike said, “Merry and I are forever, and I want to be with her forever, not just for my lifetime.”
“Forever is an eternity, but over in the blink of an eye.” Annalisa said and shrugged when they gave her a questioning look. “I was contemplating Turning Sy before I found out he was a wolf.”
“Annie.” Jack said and she looked at him, “I know you’re workin’ on gettin’im home, you ain’t sittin’ idle, but...how you dealin’ with this, sweetheart?”
“Breaking down won’t help anything.”
“I know that.” He said, “But you can’t keep it buried. We’re here for you, babe, you don’t gotta be strong for our sake.”
“I’m just....” She stopped, “I’m scared. I’m terrified that at any moment I’ll feel him die and I—I can’t—” Ethan moved to get up from his seat, but Jack beat him to it, crossing the room and pulling her out of the chair and into a hug.
“We’re your family, sweety.” He said, “You don’t gotta put on a brave face for us.”
“I’m terrified, but I’m also so. Fucking. Angry.” She said, returning his embrace. “I believed the shit that was shoveled. If Pete hadn’t told us about Sy’s dyslexia, I would have kept believing it. I wouldn’t have known what had happened, or that he was in trouble, or what Eugene had been doing to line his pockets. I’m furious, at Eugene and at myself.”
“You’ll get’im home.” Jack said, rubbing her back soothingly. “I’m learnin’ more about you every minute, so I know you’ll get’im home, and I know you’ll hold that asshole accountable.”
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Saiko Metori NSFW Alphabet
→ Request: hihi!! is this still active?? if so, do you think i can request a NSFW alphabet for saiko metori from saiki k? if you're still doing those ofc!! thank you!
→ A/N: Manga Saiko had no right to be that fine
→ Warnings: Heavy NSFW [obv]
→ Fandom: The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K
→ Pronouns: They/Them
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He gets really emotional after he gets intimate.
For a few moments after he just likes to lay in your arms and listen to your heartbeat
Tries his best, but needs some help in the specifics of what you’d like
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He really likes your hands and all of the things that they can do
His favourite part of himself is his hair
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Likes to cum inside, but always wears a condom
If you want him to pull out, he will try his best 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Not really a secret but he likes to have his hair pulled, both as a dom and as a sub
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Zero, not experience at all
Doesn't really know what he’s doing, but he tries to learn
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Face-off and Standing O
Likes to make eye contact during sex
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Very serious, makes no jokes at all, not giggly either
May get a little annoyed if you are/do any of the above
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Buys only the most expensive grooming products
Probably waxes, doesnt shed a single tear either
It matches btw
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Very very intimate
Regularly pulls up with the rose petals and the candles
Hires a violinist to stand outside the door for mood music
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Does it pretty frequently, moreso if you’re uninterested in sex
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Probably marking as well, both giving and recieving
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Usually does it in his bed, but has done it in the bathroom [read:bathtub]
Avoids public spaced due to the risk factor and the harm it could do to his reputation
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
No, but really it’s super easy to turn on
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Anything that he considers unsanitary
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Prefers to give over receive 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Usually allows his partner to set the pace
Otherwise he’s slow and sensual
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’s conflicted about it
On one hand, is his high sex drive
On the other hand, is his strong desire to be romantic
All in all quickies don’t happen that often
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’s definitely down to experiment as long as everything stays in the bedroom
He usually only takes risks after a lot of pep talk to himself [and asking if his partner was okay with it]
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
1-3 maximum, if he goes for a fourth he actually passes out lol
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He owns a lot of them and most are for his partner
Probably gets really expensive ones too [buys with cash so his dad doesn’t know]
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Probably likes to get teased more than be the one teasing
But still probably dislikes being teased as much as he dislikes teasing his partner
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Loud, loud, loud
 Moans and groans and all of them are loud
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Really wants to get into roleplaying, but is too embarrassed to try and bring it up
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Honestly speaking I think he probably has a very high sex drive
At the same time, he’s also very considerate of your boundaries and desires [or lack thereof]
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He falls asleep super fast but might try not to if there's more to be done
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ecargmura · 1 month
The Case Study of Vanitas Volume 2 Review
Is it just me or is the second volume a bit thicker than the first one? Anyways, this volume covers the second half of Episode 3 to the end of Episode 5. Like what I said with my review of Volume 1, it’s the same as in the anime, but I can see that, in this volume, the anime did take away a lot of small, important details. You can’t take away small minor details in a Jun Mochizuki story! They’re all so important or the overarching plot or for characters!
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I don’t remember if Babel was mentioned in the anime (it’s been so long). I know for a fact that it’s going to be important in the story later on. Because if Babel was an incident that changed the world, it’ll definitely be visited in the future. I know how manga writing works—specifically Jun Mochizuki’s.
Why I say to pay attention to small details is because the anime took away Dominique’s flirty personality! Her being extremely flirty towards Orlok’s female assistant is a vital part of her character. If you didn’t know, Domi is canonically bisexual, and her flirty behavior is an important part of her character that won’t be revealed until later on. Because you can see that she was demure and sweet as a kid in Noe’s memories with Louis, but changed into a flamboyant character who is rather androgynous.
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Another small detail the anime took out was that Noe was once raised by an elderly couple that he called Grandpa and Grandma. They died and he was alone. This is why Noe’s rather fond of humans. I don’t remember if this was revealed in the anime, but my reviews don’t point this out.
Okay, small detail ramblings aside, I think this is as good as the first volume because of all the intensity. This volume introduces the vampire world, Atlus. What I liked about reading this volume is the fact that the more I read, the more I realize that Vanitas is a total bottom. He gets manhandled by Noe, bound by Domi, and gets his blood sucked by Jeanne. There is zero top energy from Vanitas. He is a total bottom. Even if you ship him with Jeanne, he’s the one that gets pegged. I really wanted to get this out of my chest. Disagree with me all you want, but it’s true.
There are a lot of Pandora Hearts easter eggs. In Noe’s flashback, there’s a panel where Domi and Noe were playing with black and white rabbit dolls. While they’re different from the dolls in Pandora Hearts, black and white rabbit dolls is a huge easter egg. They didn’t add these dolls in the anime too! These dolls aren’t important in this story, but if you’re aware of the story of Pandora Hearts, you might understand why I pointed out the dolls. I won’t spoil, but Domi, Louis and Noe’s story reminds me of Lacie, Glen and Jack. In fact, I think why I’m so fond of Domi is because she’s basically a ‘what-if’ scenario of Lacie if her situation was switched with Glen. Lacie is also a character I love in Pandora Hearts, hence why I like Domi. She reminds me a lot of her in a way.
I’m sorry if this doesn’t feel like a review. It’s basically 85% similar to the anime. All my thoughts are still the same thing I wrote in my reviews for Episodes 3-5. I bought Volume 3, so I can’t wait to read it soon! If you have read this volume, what are your thoughts?
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aineryeo · 2 years
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10 Things I Hate About You Jake Kim.
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Synopsis: "On the very first day in Jerry Kwon's new school, he instantly falls for Ryang Sang-min, the girl of his dreams. The issue is that Sang-min is forbidden to date until her ill-tempered, completely undateable older sister (You) goes and dates someone too.. In an attempt to solve his problem, Jerry singles out the only guy who might potentially be a match for Ryang (Name): His Senior, the same age as you, Jake Kim."
Themes & Warnings: 2000s Teen-Drama, Romance, Cliches, Fem. POV, Jake is a romantic idiot, slightly OOC, setting is in J-High, a little NSFW
Author Notes:
"Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You" - Frankie Valli | 10 Things I Hate About You (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
This is basically the whole movie but the cast is Jake Kim, You, a random character as your younger sister, Vin Jin, Mary Kim, the Practical Music Dept, Big Deal (Jason, Brad, Jerry), and cameos of our favorite characters/main lookism cast <3 I even recreated the title sequence I'm so happy for this! 1/3 parts + The OG Cast are Seniors (Vasco, Crew Heads, Daniel, etc.)
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*Set in a school environment & an alternate universe where Jake now attends J-High School, this includes the rest of the crew heads & Big Deal. There are no four major crews and no gangs, but Jake is still renowned as Gapryong Kim's son. Sinu Han is also present.
Chapter 1 (Current) » Chapter 2
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Jaewon-High School. A second-rate vocational school that focuses more on giving its students the experience they need for the jobs they want in the department they chose. There are eight (8) departments:
Fashion and Clothing Department
Architecture and Interior Design Department
Beauty Department
Comics and Animation Department
Vocal and Dance Department
Practical Music Department
Baking Department
Computers Department
Out of these eight, you were in your third year in Practical Music. The school was full of tools. The Fashion Dept always flaunted their brand clothes because they’re the only department allowed to wear whatever they want. The Architecture Dept. Always full of creepy guys who don’t look their age. Bundled together in groups to show off their strength or something like that... Unless they have a leader already. A well-known persona in their Dept was a person named Vasco for Burn Knuckles, and he’s a sophomore from what you know. There’s a rumor that a second group of men was formed, but it is not like they were all serious gangs. You hear it was because they like one guy, similar to the Burn Knuckles. 
If that was how the Architecture Dept worked, you could say the same for the Beauty Dept. Except they’re all girls, save for one Senior: Eli Jang. They all love their one boy. You could go on and on about how everyone is the same, readable stereotype. They all do things because they think they should be doing them. To act cool, tough, rich, pretty, or popular, listen to this famous K-pop group or dance to this new pop song. You hate all of it.
What you hate the most right now, though? Freshmen.
“Hey, have you listened to NCT’s new release, 119?”
“Yeah, I waited all night for the exact time of their release, and I memorized all the lyrics, yeah!”
“Already a big fan? You rock! I just mentioned this the other day!”
“You know me~.”
The girls had brightly colored hair, and they played whatever new song they were talking about loudly through the speakers of their phones while you were in the seat just behind them on the bus. Getting annoyed, you remove your headphone’s audio jack from your phone and start playing Bad Reputation by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts at a volume rivaling theirs.
“Hey, what the hell?” The first girl looks back to where you were currently sitting.
Just as they begin to protest, the bus driver halts at the station you get off. You get your bag and walk past them, giving them a natural look that makes them stare back a little before turning their heads in defeat. You? You were still playing your music. As you step off the public transport bus with the girls behind you in tow, grumbling about you ruining their vibe, you’re met with a litter of J-high’s students scattered around the grounds.
As usual, you navigate through the messy crowd. Filled with students who were learning how to skate. Some were walking to school, while the others had their bicycles.
The most intriguing sight you missed once you entered was the freshman in his small bike with a basket. Contrary to his small bicycle was a massive build defying the logic of a teen’s average growth. Pedaling this bike was none other than Jerry Kwon.
Ki Young-Mi was engraved in the wooden name plaque on the desk filled with books, papers, and a small, thick, and visibly old laptop. Below the name was Guidance Counselor, was it?
Ms. Young was a middle-aged lady with old style, permed hair, and rectangle-shaped glasses that were quite thick for her age, connected to the white-laced retainers wrapped around her neck. Her glasses were tipping around her nose as she looked down at her laptop with puckered lips.
Tap, tap, tap.
That was how slow she typed. Jerry was sitting in front of her desk, fiddling with his thumbs as if he didn’t look like a Senior student.
“I’ll be right with you.” Ms. Young says.
Jerry nods obediently.
Behind the screen, little did Jerry know was Ms. Young’s… Hobby. Right, she was writing for her novel. She was unfocused on what Jerry was asking her since he came barging in as she was still in her brainstorming stage. And now… 
«Gushiken wakes up from her slumber after her intense battle with Akaza. With the dim moonlight shining on her, she opens her eyes to see….»
Ah, perfect. For now. Ms. Young closes her laptop and takes off her glasses, leaving them dangling around her neck. 
“So, what are you here for? Did Gordon send you in already?” The Architecture Dept again…
“Oh, I’m a freshman, Ms. Young.”
Ms. Young, in her many years in J-high, had never seen a kid look… Like this. Ah, but she gets such a small salary, anyways, she shakes off her shock. She shouldn’t be shocked. Some students here could pass off as adults in their mid-twenties if they wanted to, seriously.
“Then you must be Jerry Kwon. Here you go,” Ms. Young gives Jerry a yellow piece of paper, printed with his class schedule and where his room is.
The guidance counselor then looks over Jerry’s documents, standing near the window in her solo office. She hums with a slight nod.
“You’re big for a first-year high schooler. You—” Once more, Ms. Young takes a good look at Jerry and points at him accusingly. “Are you sure you’re not a convicted criminal or something!?”
Jerry sweats nervously at this. He shakes his head and his hands in swift denial. “N-no! My father is—”
“Okay, that’s enough.” Ms. Young regains her lost composure. “I’m sure you’ll fit right into Jaewon. It’s not any different from the local schools, or any other schools, for the matter of fact.”
Splat! Behind the window protecting Ms. Young, who smiled with her eyes closed.
“Same little ass-wipe shit-for-brains everywhere.” And then she laughs as if it was normal. It probably is.
Poor Jerry didn’t know what to say, stuttering. For a big, intimidating guy, Jerry remembers what his big brother, by bond, had always told him: Respect your elders.
“Sorry, sorry… Should I go?”
The more Jerry sat on the chair, the more Ms. Young looked sweetly aggravated. “Go, I have deviants to see and a novel to finish. Bye-bye now.”
Jerry leaves with his bag on his shoulder as Ms. Young pats his back while ushering him out of the Guidance office. As Jerry approached the door, his prominent figure was almost rivaled by a familiar figure in a black compression short-sleeved shirt from Under Armour. Despite Jerry being in the original school uniform, the Architecture Dept was well-known to follow a different setup. The students usually wore jumpsuits.
“Big bro Jake!” Jerry grins.
Jake only gave a brief closed-eyed smile to Jerry, giving his head a small pat as he now faced Ms. Young, who had her arms closed.
“Jake Kim.”
Jake walks into the office just as Jerry leaves.
“I see we’re making our visits a weekly ritual.” Jake smiles at Ms. Young. Was it an attempt at charm? He nods a bit at the end of the statement. Jake places his hands in his school pants’ pockets.
“Only so we can have these moments together. Should I hit the lights?”
“Oh, very clever, the big boss, was it?” Ms. Young raises her thinly drawn eyebrow at the report in her hands. “Says here you exposed yourself in the cafeteria?”
“I was joking with the guys since it was bratwurst day. Doesn’t come all the time. And I didn't mean for the lunch lady to see anything.” Jake shrugged.
“Aren’t we the optimist?” Ms. Young’s eyes flit down briefly before flicking back to his eyes in a middle-aged, tired fashion.
Jake’s brows furrow at this. Always the weird faculty this school has. Though the students were much worse off. So, Mano a Mano. “Next time, keep it in your pouch, okay? Now scoot!”
The brief session in the guidance office was done in no time. Ms. Young had other… Business to attend to, yes…
«…“Are you looking for a wife? Oh, you know, just like a wife. Get married.”»
“Hello! Brad Lee, Sophomore from the Architecture Dept.” A similarly head-shaven guy approached the innocent Jerry waiting nearby the guidance office from earlier. Next to him was a lanky guy who wore red Converse shoes.
“Jason Yoon. We’re supposed to show you around; I’m a sophomore like Brad. It's rare, even for us, to see our No. 2. We usually just hear about you from Jake. Nice to see you in Jaewon, finally.”
They both shake hands with Jerry, whose other hand is holding onto the strap of his backpack. Brad looks at the little paper before looking back at Jerry.
“So… You play the flute?” Brad jests as they begin to walk.
“For a performance before, the flute is very important to me. It was given to me by big brother Jake.”
“Woah, the boss is amazing,” Jason remarks, walking with his hands behind his head.
Jerry hums in acknowledgment as he nods along. Brad then taps Jerry’s shoulder and points his chin toward a group of girls huddled together. Some had hair curlers for their bangs, even blow dryers. They all wore the standard uniform, but their hair was of different colors.
“Here’s the breakdown. Them,” Jerry looks at them again. “They’re from the Beauty Department.”
“Basic beautiful people.” Jason shrugged and looked up at Jerry, who was listening attentively. “Now, unless they talk to you first, just don’t bother.”
Jerry nods obediently at this. “They mostly only care about the only boy in their department, Eli Jang.” Brad chuckles.
Still walking along the long hall, they pass by a different group of kids. They were small, younger-looking boys.
“To the right, you’ll see the dweebs from the Fashion Dept. They’re your classic rich kids—” Jason explains.
“Hey, watch where you’re walking! You almost stepped on my Limited Edition Air Jordan 1s! You can’t find these anywhere anymore! Huh?!” A funny little lamb wearing glasses yelled. None of the three paid any mind.
“Tell them there’s a sale of whatever limited pair of pants, and they’ll come running alright. They won’t mess with you, though, I’m sure.” Jason gives Jerry a thumbs up.
Suddenly, some guy with his friend bumped into Jerry. The guy was petite compared to the giant Jerry Kwon, but he didn’t seem scared. No, his eyeglasses seemed to have lit up as he adjusted them.
“Konnichiwa (*In Japanese: “Hello”), are yuu new hero? (*In English: “Are you new here” — Korean accent)” 
Brad and Jason sweat at this. Brad leans close to Jerry to whisper and explain before Jerry thinks of beating him up. Though Jerry didn’t think of that in the first place.
“He must be from the AniCom Dept. Most think they’re the next Light Yagami or Satoru Gojo.”
Jason joins in and whispers on Jerry’s other ear, tip-toeing to reach it like Brad. “Never touch their body pillows.”
Jerry only nods rapidly and gives a brief wave before moving on.
“Arigato Gozaimasu!” The boy bows deeply for Jerry, catching a few stares from the passing students.
In one of the rooms they were passing by, they could hear loud laughter and a bunch of yells from the teacher. When the door opened, Jerry, Brad, and Jason could see the class monitor displaying… Porn. Obscene moans filled the rooms, and the furious teacher figured out why the remote wasn’t working suddenly. In the room, a particularly mischievous boy who sat on his chair with both his feet up like it was a dirty alleyway caught Jerry’s eye. 
“Dumbasses.” Jerry hears from the boy with purple hair and a devious smile.
“Kouji!!!!” The teacher screams. “Was it you again!?”
“Hah? You have no proof whatsoever, Mr.”
Jason laughed along while the porn didn’t stop playing. “Computer Department. That Kouji kid’s already famous for being known to hack easily into the school’s whole PA System.”
“Woah,” Jerry says something for the first time since their tour after exchanging names. This makes Jason Yoon and Brad Lee look immediately into whatever caught the quiet Jerry’s attention.
There walked a somewhat petite, classic, a little vintage-in-style girl. Sweetly holding her books as, for some reason, the wind picked up inside the school!? How was this possible?! But then Jerry thought, I guess for a goddess…! 
She had a strawberry-printed oversized jacket paired with the prettiest smile in Jerry Land while she walked over to a blonde girl with a cloth headband.
“Did the wind pick up just now?” Jerry hears her ask her friend.
“No, it’s just that fan over there. Someone turned it on just right on time.” Her friend replies while they walk off together.
Jerry couldn’t take his eyes off her. Is this what a campus crush is? He doesn’t think he’s seen anyone his whole life, which caught his fancy. With this, he whips his head towards his tour guides.
“Who is she..?” Jerry asks shyly. If you look closer, you’ll see a tinge of pink on his cheeks.
“The don't-even-think-about-it girl.” Jason sighs, putting his hands down on his head.
“She’s Ryang Sang-min of the Ryang sisters. A freshman like you, but she’s great friends with Mary Kim, Senior, since they’re in the same department.” Brad explains kindly.
Ryang Sang-min. Ah, Jerry will remember that name for the rest of his life. Brad and Jason notice how Jerry seems to be in wonderland, showing a small smile, but they worry for the little… Well, big guy.
“You see Jerry, Ryang Sang-min, a beautiful, deep, and a good dancer too. That, we’re sure of.” Brad Lee states, looking off into the direction that Sang-min and Mary walked off to. The trio was not so far behind the two girls walking off to their respective classrooms.
Sang-min speaks dreamily while holding her stack of papers in her arms, “You see, there’s a difference between like and love.”
“I like my Skechers, but I love my Prada backpack.”
“But I… Love my Skechers.” Mary replies.
“That’s because you don’t have a Prada backpack.” Sang-min shrugs.
Mary thinks about Sang-min’s point for a while until she finally gets the message. I mean, she didn’t have a Prada backpack, so that much was true. Mary chuckles and palms her forehead, “Ohh….”
And then they pass by the Second years’ Architecture Department room. Where Jason and Brad’s stop should be. Jerry still looks off towards the girls’ back. Specifically, Sang-min's, in pure awe until Jason waves a hand in front of him, and Brad starts talking.
“Look, Jerry, Ryang Sang-min has a very strict, uptight dad. It’s a widely known fact that the Ryang sisters don’t date.”
None of what they did or said got to Jerry, though, as he stared off into the distance. “Uhuh… Yeah.”
Jason Yoon and Brad Lee look at each other worriedly. They were here on behalf of Jake Kim’s request to look out for Jerry on his first day as part of Big Deal, but they don’t know if they failed or succeeded.
After the bell rang, all departments were in their given rooms. There were a lot of reasons why Practical Music had a strong competitiveness against the Vocal & Dance Dept. While they battled for agencies to take them in, performances, the lot, they also had mixed classes. Mixed classes are different from auditorium sessions. It was unique to the two departments since they had ragingly similar lessons anyway. Auditorium sessions take up all the departments in the most enormous room in Jaewon. However, it was primarily used for seminars. It was easy to skip if you tried.
The mixed classes between Practical Music and VD would happen with the core subjects and Music Theory or whatnot. But topics specific to your department are when the two would separate. For now, it was Literature. The sound of clapping hands garnered the students’ attention, stopping their mid-class talking.
“Okay, then. What did everyone think of ``The Sun Also Rises?``” Your professor, Mr. Il Pae-min, asks.
A student with a pixie cut raises her hand from the back. Dreamily, she says,
“I loved it. He’s so romantic.”
“Romantic? Hemingway?” You pipe up. Scoffing after looking at her, then looking upfront to your professor, who already saw your rebuttal from a mile away. “He was an abusive, alcoholic misogynist who squandered half his life hanging around Picasso trying to nail his leftovers.”
This makes Mr. Pae-min roll his eyes. 
“Look who’s talking, Ms. I’m-bitter-Boohoo-I-have-no-friends.” Vin Jin, the twerp who always wore sunglasses and some ugly-ass hat, laughs right after his statement. He’s even got the backup extras laughing with him and giving him undeserved low-fives.
This makes you roll your eyes.
“Shut your mouth, ripoff.” Mr. Pae-min scolds, and Vin frowns at his retort.
You found your opportunity, so you’ll take it. Laughing a little at first, you say, “I guess in this society, being male and an asshole makes you worthy of our time.”
“Oooh.” The class reacts. Vin Jin was definitely pissed off. But as they spot you open your mouth again, half the class groans.
“What about Sylvia Plath, or Charlotte Bronte, or Simone de Beauvoir—?” Your little speech is cut off when the door slides open, revealing a student who was unquestionably not from either Practical or DV.
It was a guy with a tattoo sleeve decorating both his arms, and in his hand was a black bomber jacket, probably to pair with his compression shirt. Without missing a beat, he asks, and you’re not even sure if it was genuine, “What’d I miss?”
You sigh exasperatedly. Attention has already gone from the boy who just entered. You answer his question. “The oppressive patriarchal values that dictate our education.”
“...” You don’t see it, but he nods and smiles. “Good. Not my class.” And just as quickly as he disrupted your class, just as quickly he left.
“Hey!” Your professor yelled at him, but he couldn’t catch him as another student called out for him. He looks to the student and, oh, another asshat.
“Um, Mr. Pae-min…” Vin Jin initially calls in mock sadness before morphing into an angrier tone. “Is there any chance we can get (Name) to take her Midol before she comes to class?”
You look back at Vin Jin, who sat on your left, just right behind you, with an unamused expression.
“Someday, you’re going to get bitch slapped, and I’m not gonna do a thing to stop it.” Your professor butts in before you do.
Vin Jin’s smug smile turns into a dissatisfied grunt. “Tch.”
“And Ryang (Name), I want to thank you for your point of view.” Now it was your turn to nod and feel the sweet, sweet satisfaction. That is until “It must’ve been hard for you to overcome all your years in upper-middle class suburban oppression.”
Mr. Pae-min shakes his head to express his point better, “Must be tough.”
“Anything else?” You ask. Whether sarcastic or not, your professor isn’t taking it anymore. So he replies, “Yeah, go to the office. You’re pissing me off.”
“What? Mr. Pae—”
“Later!” He cuts you off, not giving you any more than that. This fucking sucks, you think. Makes your day even worse than the annoying freshmen on the bus earlier. You roll your eyes and get your stuff, kicking Vin Jin’s leg before you leave.
In the guidance office, there sat Ms. Young, eyes closed to envision the scene of her novel in her head. Along with this, she vocalizes the lines herself. “A different and yet all the more beautiful….” And she opens her eyes.
“Yeonhui!” Ms. Young calls her intern.
“Yes, ma’am?” She springs from the open door that led to Ms. Young’s office. 
“What’s another word for engorged?”
“I’ll look it up.” The young adult says.
“Okay.” Ms. Young replies, shifting her attention back to her retro laptop. “Swollen. Turgid.” She recites to herself in thought.
“Tumescent?” You continue for her, hands in your jacket. 
Ms. Young looks at you, “Perfect.” Then types in the rest of her thoughts while talking. “So, I hear you were terrorizing Mr. Pae-min’s class. Again.”
You sigh. You couldn’t count how much you’ve done this for the day already. And it was just your first class. Sitting, you reply, “Expressing my opinion is not a terrorist action.”
“Mhm, the way you expressed your opinion to Doo Lee?” Ms. Young retorts, finally closing her laptop and taking her reading glasses off to dangle around her neck once more.
“My statement remains that he kicked himself in the balls.” You cross your arms.
Ms. Young gives you a second to stare at you with a smile that says how talking about it with you is just not going to work this time. Not like it worked all the other times, anyway. So, she gets her tall CBTL coffee mug, “So, the thing is, Ms. Ryang (Name)... People perceive you as somewhat—”
“Tempestuous?” You continue with raised brows.
“Heinous bitch is the term used most often.” Ms. Young smiles once more. You lay back on your chair with a sense of disbelief. Though you’re not so surprised about what the guidance counselor said. “You might want to work on that. Thank you.” She finishes.
You stand up from the chair facing Ms. Young’s desk. “As always, thank you for your excellent guidance.”
Just before leaving and fixing the strap of your sling bag on your shoulder, you say, “I’ll let you get back to Kyojuro’s quivering member.”
Ms. Young looked up at your back that was leaving. Humming, she nods. “Quivering member. I like that.”
“Virgin alert. Your favorite.” One of his friends pointed with his chin.
Vin Jin looks to his back, right where a familiar face greets him, exactly when Mary flips Vin off once she catches his attention. Sang-min notices Vin staring, and she gives him a shy smile while walking to the canteen with Mary and her other friends she met in her class. 
“Lookin’ good, ladies. And Mary.”
Vin and his lackeys stare at Sang-min walking off. “Oh, she’s out of reach, even for you.” 
Vin looks at Chul with an air of confidence only he can have. “No one’s out of reach for me.”
“You wanna put money on that?” Chul replies.
Putting his hands in his pants pockets, Vin smirks at Chul. “Money, I’ve got.” Looking back into the direction that Sang-min walked off to, he continues. “This, I’m gonna do for fun.”
As Vin and his friends kept ogling at Sang-min and her friends in turns, on the other side of the open grounds were the three loners in the big group that was Big Deal. It was only break time, and Jerry’s not precisely the most… Approachable in terms of face and body structure. So once Jason and Brad saw Jerry walking alone, they approached the big guy. And there they were now. Jerry is drinking strawberry milk on the bench next to Jason and Brad.
“Who’s he?” Jerry points innocently with his finger that could probably stop a truck single-handedly.
“Most people call him Vin Jin, sometimes Jin Ho Bin,” Brad answers first. “Aspiring rapper. Take note about aspiring.” Jason continues.
“He’s a prick, basically.” Brad chuckles, laying back on the benches behind them.
Jerry nods, taking note of the boy who is visibly interested in his goddess. While sipping the last strawberry milk, his eyes flit to Ryang Sang-min. So much so that he fails to notice that the box is already empty and crushed in his hand. “She’s so pretty….”
“Conceited.” Jason cuts him off, a notebook covering his face from the sun.
Jerry visibly gasps at this. “She’s perfect!” The boy rumbles. Twiddling with his fingers, Jerry is suddenly bashful as he recites how pretty Sang-min’s smile is or how her eyes are reflected in the sun. Jason and Brad were not entertaining Jerry’s ideas, looking at each other as Jerry kept going on.
“Look, Jerry, Sang-min is a snotty princess.” Jason scrunches his nose and removes the notebook that covers his face, “She wears short skirts and tighter blouse, all against the school dress code. So that guys like us can realize that we’ll never be able to touch her, and guys like Vin Jin realize that they want to.” Jason finishes bitterly.
“No, you’re wrong.” Jerry shakes his head, which is shining from the sun. If you listen closely, you can hear someone slipping due to momentary blindness.
Jason laughs. “Take a shot, big buddy.”
Brad hums, interested. “She’s looking for an English tutor.”
Jerry shines brighter ever than before. Like a lightbulb that lit up but instead of having it over his head, it was his head. “I can teach her.”
“You speak good English?” Brad asks.
Jerry sweats. “I will.”
End of class.
You walked with Crystal Choi to the bus stop when Vin brushed past you on his off-road motorbike. Was that new? But you internally groan and scold yourself for even glancing at it because now the dude is stopping to talk to you.
“Hey,” Vin smirks. “How’re those shitty headphones doing, (Name)?” He then leans into the handles of his bike with the cockiest face he can make, with half his face hidden in seven-layer tinted sunglasses. It wasn’t even hot out.
“Run along, loser.” You wave off, and Vin frowns, roaring his engine back to life and driving off slowly to greet another passerby.
“I know you can be overwhelmed, and you can be underwhelmed,” Sang-min’s friend trails off. “But can you ever just be… Whelmed?”
Sang-min didn’t know what to say, but she did think about it. “I think you can in Japan.” She shrugs.
“Hi, ladies.” Vin greets with his hotshot attitude. His motorbike calmed down next to them while Vin looked at the girl of his current interest. “I’m here to pick up a certain princess. Got one more free seat for a ride.”
This makes Sang-min giggle and look at her friend before she hopped on Vin’s ride. Wrapping her arms around his waist and waving goodbye to her friend. 
“Careful, the seats are brand new.” Vin notices, giving himself a little laugh once he feels the girl wrap her arms around him, “Heh.”
Somewhere near the school entrance, you can hear a certain blonde raging about someone stealing her cousin’s bike. You and Crystal watched the whole exchange between the jerkoff and your sister. Both of you were not close friends, but at that moment, the same thoughts were running through your heads.
“That’s an odd development.” Crystal remarks beside you.
You look down at Crystal, then back at Vin and Sang-min. Agreeing, you get on the bus that just arrived and sit next to her. “A disgusting one.”
The rest of the ride after that ordeal was comfortable. Later on, Crystal got off first. It was an upward stretch filled with shabby houses. Crystal was such a commendable spirit. She knew a lot of great bands, too. You think she’s fantastic for caring for that dog she told you about. Vin is more of an asshat for messing around with that mixed-breed golden retriever. You hope that one of these days, he gets just what he deserves.
Looking out the window, your bus quickly passes by the guy that mistook your room for his. You stare at him for a couple of seconds. It seems he felt the piercing look you gave him as he looked up at you from the sidewalk. Neither of you breaks eye contact, trying to see which of the other looks away first, an unspoken competition you’ve partaken in. You notice that he had a pretty well-defined face, a subtle side part where his slick hair was pushed back a little, sharply arched brows, and his black compression shirt. His bag was slung over his torso, and you know he probably wore a shirt like that on purpose.
And then he closed his eyes for a polite smile, catching you off guard.
You look away quickly, feeling your face heat up for no reason. Geez, who just suddenly flashes a smile at a stranger like that? This school’s filled with a bunch of weirdos. As your ride finally goes past him, you flip him off without looking back.
Back to the boy you had a staring competition with…
Samuel Seo, in his side-slicked undercut, white Ralph Lauren long-sleeve shirt with two open buttons at the top, the blue school tie hanging loosely on his neck, school pants, a missing coat, and his handbag lazily thrown over his shoulder, turns a corner and finally sees Jake Kim, face chasing a look to the bus that just left. The middle finger proudly displays itself in the window. When Samuel's eyes flit back to Jake, he focuses on what he is wearing. Making him scoff and call his friend out.
“The fuck you doing in my shirt?”
Jake looks back to see Samuel and walks to him. Shrugging, “Forgot to wash the jumpsuit.”
“Nasty,” Samuel replies.
“This shit’s fucking tight. How do you breathe in your shirts, man?” Jake pinches the front of his shirt, inspecting the material. 
“Shut the fuck up.” Samuel retorts, slapping the back of Jake’s head as they both walk off to their shared dorm.
“Have you seen Jerry?”
“Nah.” Samuel suddenly vividly remembers when he almost stumbled on his feet during the break when the sun shone on his glasses. Jake hums in reply.
Finally, you arrive home. You assume your sister got here first, considering she got a ride from the nation’s biggest asshole. Knocking on the door, you’re greeted by your middle-aged dad, who was just about to sort the mail in his neutral tone checkered shirt, covered by a brown vest and a tie underneath. After removing your shoes by the entrance, you get sorted into the living room and sigh from your typically long day.
Your dad approached you as you sat on the couch, putting your socked feet up. Still looking into the number of mail he had on his hands.
“Hello (Name). Made anyone cry today?” Your dad jests.
“No, but it’s only four-thirty.” You smile cheekily at him, to which he chuckles back at you.
“Hi, daddy.” Your sister butts in, coming down the stairs. Sang-min gives your dad a quick kiss on the cheek. “Hello, dear.” 
Looking at your sister and lying on your stomach on the sofa with your hands supporting your chin, you start your array of questions. “So, where have you been?” 
Quickly shutting you down, Sang-min looks at you with threateningly wide eyes. “Nowhere.”
“Hey, what’s this? Kyonggi University in Suwon?” Your dad suddenly pipes up, making you shoot yourself up from the sofa. Taking the piece of opened mail from your father’s hands and scanning it yourself. And there, it was written in bold:
«We are pleased to acknowledge and congratulate Ms. Ryang (Name) on her application’s acceptance. We were very impressed….»
Any message after that didn’t matter to you as the excitement and happiness caught up to you first. Jumping around and looking between the fancy paper, your sister, and your father, anyone could see how happy this made you from a mile away.
“I got in. I got in!!!” You yell for the umpteenth time, now running and plopping yourself back on the sofa, currently reading the whole message of the letter.
Your father followed behind you with a worried look. At the same time, your sister was curious about the current situation, following suit with your dad.
“Isn’t Suwon too far off Central Seoul?” Your dad asks.
“That’s one of the reasons why it’s absolutely perfect!” You grin.
“I thought we… Decided you were going to stay here and go to school? There’s a lot of universities in Seoul.” Your dad suddenly starts listing all the universities nearby, including the one he went to, even mimicking their university mascot. “Wooh! Go, Seoul!”
Your eyebrow raises before it scrunches together in confusion. Facing back to meet your father and sister’s gazes, you reply. “No, you decided.”
A small air of silence.
“Oh, okay. So what, you just pick up and leave, is that it?” Your dad gives you the same expression that you were now showing him. An air of annoyance was starting to radiate off you, and your sister didn’t seem to have picked up on that. Even annoyingly does her sweet smile while saying, “Let’s hope so.”
You now mirror her sickly smile. “Oh, dad, ask Sang-min who drove her home.”
“(Name) don’t change the—” Your dad points at you before facing your sister at record speed. “Drove? Who drove you home?”
“Now, don’t get upset, Daddy, but there’s this boy….” Your sister starts, testing the waters.
But you cut her off. “Who’s a flaming imbecile, by the way.”
“Please.” Your dad shushes you, but your sister starts blowing off. “And I think he might ask me—”
“Please! I think I know what he’s going to ask you.” Your dad then cuts your sister off too. Holding on to her forearms in a worried manner. “And I think the answer is always no. No. It’s always no.” Your sister’s expression turns crestfallen at your father’s reaction.
Your dad then directs her to sit beside you on the couch. Starting with his sermon every time the topic of dating arose. “What are the two house rules?” He says, volume now raised.
Once your sister sits on the couch, your dad answers his questions. “Number one. No dating until you graduate.”
And… “Number two. No dating until you graduate.” Your dad finishes counting the rules with his fingers. “That’s it. That’s all the rules.”
Sang-min crosses her arms, showing a deep pout. “But that’s so unfair!”
“Alright, you wanna know what’s unfair? This is for you too.” Your dad starts again, and you can already see where this is going. “This morning, I delivered a set of twins to a fifteen-year-old girl. You know what she said?”
In your mind, you recited: I’m a crack whore who should have made my skeezy boyfriend wear a condom.
“I’m a crack whore who should have made my skeezy boyfriend wear a condom?” Your sister said for you aloud.
Yeah, got that right. Sometimes, you even wonder how you and your sister can share the same thoughts. Your dad pauses for a while, raising his brows in acknowledgment. That hit the nail right on the head. “Close, but no.” Never mind, then.
“She said, ``I should have listened to my father.`` ”
“Oh, she did not say that!” Sang-min argues.
“Well, that’s what she would have said if she wasn’t doped up.”
You remained quiet for the whole ordeal while your sister was totally blowing up. You hear your sister groan, and she flails her arms forward before saying, “Can we please just focus on me for a second?”
“I am the only girl in school who’s not dating.” 
“Oh, no, you’re not.” Your dad shakes his head quickly and then refers to you. “Your sister’s not dating.”
“Aaand I don’t intend to.” You assure your point by looking between your sister and your dad.
“And why is that again?” Your father declares.
“Is that even a question? I mean, come on, dad. Jaewon’s either filled with boys who probably don’t even wash their hair,” You count with your fingers. “Snotty prepubescent little boys who think they’re it with their branded clothes, probably stolen shoes, or just major criminal-looking men.” The last one suddenly had your brain remind you of the boy who flashed you a smile. Internally shaking away the intrusive thoughts because that was not what you meant by criminal looks.
“Where did you even come from?” Sang-min gawks, “Planet Loser?”
“Oh, yeah? As opposed to Planet, `` Look at me, look at me.``” You taunt, with your hands flailing around like one of those nobles from the 1800s.
A swift clap of hands disrupted your little argument, making the two of you look up at your father. “Okay, here’s how we solve the problem. Old rule out. New rule in, Sang-min can date.”
Your dad’s statement leaves your mouth open in shock, and for Sang-min to cross her arms and smiles happily. Your father begins to walk off, but just before he does, he finishes his sentence. Walking backward and pointing to you. “When she does.”
And suddenly, the happy smile Sang-min had was replaced with the bitter shock that overtook her. She stands up abruptly, trying to chase your dad while you laugh at the situation.
“Wait, dad, but what if she never dates? She’s a total mutant!”
Your dad shrugs. “Then you’ll never date.” Turning his back, he mumbles to himself. “Oh, I like that. And I’ll get to sleep at night!”
Raising his finger, he makes his point clearer. “The deep slumber of a father whose daughters aren’t out being impregnated.” Then the ring from his phone indicates the end of the conversation.
Standing up from the sofa, you walk off to your room while your dad points at you as he prepares to leave. “We’ll talk about Kyonggi University later.” You give him a hum of affirmation, going up the stairs that lead to your room. On the other hand, your sister tried to convince your unmoving dad, so, in the end, she resorts to you.
With a hand on the wooden rail of the stairs, she yells. “Can’t you just find someone blind and deaf to take you to the movies so I can have one date?!”
Turning to face her and looking down, you smile at her. “I’m sorry. Guess you’ll just have to miss out on the dreamboat Jin Ho “Eat me” Bin.” You pout.
Your sister gives you a scoff, waving you off and whining. “You suck!”
“You suck~” You mock her back, and she groans, annoyed by you.
Flipping the pages of the thick book that had «Speak English for Dummies!» right on the title page, at the moment, Jerry was trying his best to take in the overloaded amount of information so he could teach Sang-min all that which he learned. Yeah, he got lucky to score an English tutoring session with Sang-min, so he was trying his best on this! While avidly reading, the quick tapping of heels behind Jerry and the following plop of a bag on his desk made Jerry look up at the beauty that greeted him.
Sang-min smiles at him, and he feels his heart fly out of his chest.
“Hi. I almost thought I got the wrong table. I didn’t expect someone like you to volunteer as my English tutor.” Sang-min begins, and Jerry? Well, he was still formulating the words to reply in his head. “Actually… Can we make this quick?”
“Zack Lee and Daniel Park are having an incredibly horrendous public fight in their class, again.”
For the whole duration that Sang-min was talking, Jerry was unknowingly leaning close to listen to her voice more. It was until she stopped speaking did Jerry regain his stance. Stuttering, he says, “O-oh… Well, you s-see. Okay, I thought we’d start with pronunciation, i-if that’s alright with you.”
“Not the overuse of Rs. It’s actually so hard to remove our natural Korean accent. Can we start on anything else, please?”
“Ah, well, there is an alternative.” Jerry poses.
“There is?”
Jerry scratches his cheek, looking back to the back. “Yeah, uh, we can try American Food. We could, uh, e-eat some together. Maybe… Saturday night?” As subtle as he can, he tries to look back at Sang-min.
Sang-min squints her eyes with a genuine smile. Trying to decipher what was going on. Speaking up, she says, “You’re Asking me out?”
Then Sang-min grins, showing off her white teeth. “That’s so cute! I never expected you to be so timid too. What’s your name again?” She leans on her chin.
“J-Jerry.” He says, looking down bashfully with his hands and fingers crossed together in such a behave-looking position. “Jerry Kwon.”
Jerry clears his throat and smiles at Sang-min too. “I know your dad doesn’t let you date, but since we’re studying so you could learn English, you know….” Around Sang-min, Jerry had the peculiar habit of scratching his cheek or picking on his nails.
“Oh, sorry, wait a minute. Tom…” Sang-min cuts off.
“Jerry.” He corrected timidly.
“My dad actually came up with a new rule. So I can date when my sister does.” Sang-min trails off with her sentence.
“Really?” Jerry perks up, and suddenly, his whole body faces her while he is still sitting on the chair. “Do you like sailing? I read about this place that rents boats made for—”
“A colossal problem, Jeremy.” Jerry almost speaks up to correct his name again, but Sang-min continues. “In case you haven’t heard, my sister’s a hideous breed of loser.”
Feeling down, Jerry picks on the corner of one of the pages in the open book. “Y-yeah, I heard she was a little antisocial. Do you know why?”
“The only mystery even Scooby-doo can’t solve.” Sang-min shrugs. “She used to be popular, and then it was like, she got sick of it or something.”
“Theories abound as to why, but I’m pretty sure she’s incapable of human interaction. I mean, she basically, like, has no friends now.” Sang-min continues, smiling at Jerry again. “Plus, she’s a bitch.”
Jerry sweats at this, trying to cook up his solutions. “But I’m sure, you know, that there are lots of guys who wouldn’t, you know, mind going out with a difficult wo-man.” Jerry stutters throughout his sentence. Trying to regain his point, he shakes his hands because he feels what he said was wrong.
“I mean, you know, people jump out of airplanes and ski off cliffs or beat up a hundred guys to protect a street. It’d be like, uh, like, Extreme Dating!”
“Shhh!” A couple of students reacted at the back when Jerry picked up his volume by the end. Though once they saw Jerry apologizing sincerely, they piped down due to sheer intimidation.
Now hush-hush between Sang-min and Jerry, who leaned into each other to whisper instead. Sang-min cooks up a reply to what Jerry was trying to say earlier. “You think you can find someone that extreme?”
“I think so…” For you. Jerry thinks.
“You’d do that for me?” Sang-min holds her hand out to touch Jerry’s arm. Suddenly hyped up, Jerry immediately says: “Yes!” Nodding his head avidly.
A smack of a hand on their table catches their attention briefly. Showing a brunette guy with a messy haircut looking at them with an intense glare. “Quiet down.” And then he leaves, Jerry, taking note of the black army jacket that he wore.
Jerry comes down from his high, focusing on the girl of his dreams right next to him. “I mean— I’ll, I could, I could look into it.”
“There’s a lot of guys from our department. Maybe you can find one here.” Brad says, leading Jerry into the Sophomores' area, right into the deep man cave—the jungle that is the Architecture Dept.
With his hand resembling the “OK” gesture, Jason kisses the tips of his put-together thumb and index. “The finest of Jaewon.” And then the door opens.
It revealed a bunch of guys who were… Weightlifting? Half the class wore black leather jackets with “BNC” and a burning knuckle brass on top of the text. It trailed off to the sleeves with duplicated horizontal lines trailing down to the end. The other half had their jumpsuits down to reveal either a white shirt covered with a plain black coat or just the black jacket paired with whatever shirt or lack thereof they had.
Yes, the Architecture Department was filled with only men for the longest time. Usually, they’d form a single group under a single leader who had shown the most tremendous power amongst the whole batch. But for this year, there were two groups. The other was Burn Knuckles under Vasco, and the other was Big Deal. Under Jake Kim.
What they had in common was that they were formed with the pretense that they were solely just like their leader and had chosen to follow either of the two for as long as they could. Does this spark war, you ask? Well, neither of the leaders aren’t really into unnecessary fights. So, in the end, they simply coexist. Initially, Big Deal was from Sinu Han, an alumnus of Jaewon.
“Osu! Everyone from Big Deal, say hello to the No. 2!” Brad Lee pipes up, and the members of Big Deal immediately stand up from their seats to greet the freshman.
Even the men from Burn Knuckles thought Jerry was already an alumnus, whispering about how big he looked. Is this guy really a student? Was the question most asked.
“No. 2, Jerry Kwon! Welcome to our classroom!” They bow at a perfect ninety-degree angle.
“Geez, what’s the ruckus?” Jace scratches his ear, waking up from his power nap on the floor. When his eyes flit to Jerry, he reels. “Woah.”
“Our junior here was just asking for help. He’s looking for a guy that would be fit for a girl.”
“...” The classroom freezes and digests the information.
“A girl.”
“A girl?!” They yell in unison.
“Should I volunteer, Jace?” Vasco grins, tapping his best friend’s shoulder. Contrariwise, Jace was measuring the situation. He thinks about why a mafia boss has visited them. Vasco and I were just visiting the sophomores. I guess it was the right time to hang around…
Suddenly, everyone was raising their hands and asking questions.
Is she pretty?
From what department?
Can she lift 100kg?
“Who’s the girl first?” Jace asks, raising his hand, and the crowd goes silent. They were all waiting for the answer. Yui Kim? Zoe Park? Joy Hong? Ryang Sang-min?
“Ryang…” They all listen closely. Sang-min? Sang-min? Sang-min!?
“(Name).” Brad finishes.
And suddenly, they all slump their backs. No longer listening to whatever offer Brad and Jason were trying to give them. In the back, even Vasco was put down. Shivering, he recalls, “She once told me that I smelled.”
He cries to Jace, “Do I smell, Jace?!”
Jace pats Vasco’s back while the rest of the Burn Knuckles yell their reprisals. “You don’t smell, Vasco!”
“If Vasco smells, then Burn Knuckle smells!”
“It’s the true smell of a man.”
The other half of Big Deal was awfully quiet, avoiding the looks Jerry, Jason, and Brad were giving them. Absolutely no support whatsoever. None, nein, nothing. Brad sighs and palms his similarly shaven head.
“Well, we’re empty. Sorry, Jerry.” Brad apologizes while Jason tries to comfort the sad giant.
“I told you it was pointless, the girl’s hopeless man,” Jason says.
Jerry frowned as he slowly left the room. He looked like a sad baby. All things, including the scars on his face, were set aside. The rest of the sophomores felt terrible, mainly the ones under Big Deal, but it even caught the attention of Vasco and Jace by the end. At least until Jerry bumped into someone right before the sophomores’ classroom. When Jerry focused on who it was,
“Jake!” Jerry exclaims, to which Jake replies with an easygoing smile.
“Hey. Eat lunch yet?” Jake greets, patting Jerry’s shoulder. “You should eat more. Nutrients are important.”
Once the other members of Big Deal spotted their leader standing right outside the door talking to Jerry, they immediately crowded the entrance in a straight line. Once more, in unison, they speak at a volume that could be heard from the highest to the lowest floor of the whole school.
“Boss Jake! Welcome to our class!”
“Don’t I get a greeting too?” Samuel pops out beside Jake, who was busy telling them to lower their voices to not disrupt other classes.
The other Big Deal members stay quiet, and Samuel laughs, putting his hands in his pockets. “How come I feel a little hurt, huh? I was your number two for a while, too, you know.”
“The only number two you’ll be from now on is when you go to the toilet,” Jake says, using his index finger to pull his cheek down and poke his tongue out toward the male. Samuel was smiling, but a visible irk mark formed on his forehead.
While the two bicker, Jerry is downcast again. Jake immediately notices this.
“Hey, you okay, big guy? You know, if something’s wrong, I can always help.”
This perks Jerry up, and Samuel flinches at the sight of how Jerry is starkly different from what you’d assume his character was at first glance. It was then that Jerry recalled everything since the very beginning. From when he met Sang-min to his current dilemma: Finding someone that can date you.
“Oh, so that was your only problem?” Samuel reacts first. Leaning with his hand on Jake’s shoulder, he rubs his fingers together in front of Jerry. “If you’ve got money, maybe I can find someone to take up the job.”
“I’ll do it.” Jake perks up.
That was the second time that everyone froze. All motion stopped inside the classroom. It wasn’t just Big Deal that reacted harshly, screaming altogether with Burn Knuckles.
“He’s a true man, Jace. Maybe I should have taken the chance too. He feels so cool right now.” Vasco feels a teardrop on his cheek.
“Vasco…” Jace says. Looking at the unknowing man who was scratching his chin, Jace thinks He’s not normal. Is this why he’s the ``Big Boss`` of Big Deal!?
“BOSS! You don’t have to sacrifice yourself!” Some of the members from Big Deal retort.
Samuel recovers, breathing heavily as if he’d just been beaten to a pulp. “Jake, you’re different after all.”
Jerry sees his new hope surface in the face of Jake Kim. He hugged his big brother, who was ironically smaller than him. Unbeknownst to Jerry, he also accidentally squeezed Samuel. Squishing the two men together in the bigger man’s arms, making their cheeks stick and for Samuel to tap Jerry’s back multiple times as a sign for Tapping Out.
Suddenly, Brad speaks up. “But for Boss Jake to date (Name), he’ll need money for the dates. Do you have any funds on you, Boss?”
Jerry lets go of the two boys who are fixing their clothes. Samuel was rapidly wiping his cheek off, acting as if Jake had cooties. Jake, on the other hand, simply patted himself off of imaginary dust and replied, taking his pockets out that held nothing but crumpled paper and a bunch of coins.
“Then you guys need a backer,” Samuel suggests, fixing his glasses on his nose.
“What’s that?” Jake asks.
“Someone stupid, but with money.”
From the room, anyone could hear the oohs coming from the Archi Dept. 
It was break time in the school’s crowded cafeteria. At one of the tables, there was a student drawing boobs on one of the lunch trays with a permanent marker. That student was surrounded by his lackeys, as usual, save for one who wasn’t a lackey.
“Oh yeah.” Vin Jin says as he keeps on with his masterpiece.
“You look like a third grader who just learned how to draw, Vin.” Mary insults. 
“Vin Jin,” Jason says, sitting on the table with the rest of Big Deal, save for Jake. “He’s perfect.”
“Wait, he has money?” Brad asks.
“I mean, his shoes don’t look cheap. And he’s perfect. He likes Sang-min, too, so he’s sure to back Jake up if it means ``scoring.``”
Jerry grumbles at the term. “He will not ``score.``”
“Of course. Since that also means you can go on a date with your girl and have a chance at beating the jerkoff. We let him pretend that he’s calling the shots, so while he pays Jake to take out (Name), you can take your sweet time with Sang-min.” Jason explains
“Win-win!” Jason cheers, putting his arms up.
With this, the rest of Big Deal also cheers at the table. Jerry nods, understanding the situation. He admits, “It’s a pretty good idea.”
But a question now raises itself: Who’ll ask Vin Jin? See, none of them were intimidated, but they needed to pick the right person for the job to be done right. Because if Vin Jin refuses, then Jerry will never get married! Big Deal offered to gather up their funds together for Jake, but Jake refused to use his own group’s money. As Samuel said, if he was going to use someone else’s money, he might as well use the money of someone he didn’t care about. This made the other Big Deal members cry and inadvertently strengthened the loyalty they had for Jake Kim.
In the end, they picked one of the most reasonable people in Big Deal. Their one and only Lineman. Just as he approaches Vin’s table, Mary leaves to buy a drink. She gives a quick greeting to the guy, which Lineman acknowledges before passing each other. At the same time, Lineman takes the seat Mary once sat on and turns it so that he faces Vin Jin, who is puckering his lips in disdain.
The whole exchange was watched over intently by Jerry, Jason, Brad, and the rest of Big Deal. Lineman was their No. 6, after all. They couldn’t hear anything, but they saw the expression on Vin’s face change from annoyed to semi-interested. Even putting the cap of his marker back on, forgetting about drawing on the lunch tray. On their side…
“The Ryang sisters, they can’t date. Specifically, Sang-min can’t date if her older sister doesn’t.” Lineman starts pointing at the table to simply prove his point, “She can’t go out with you because nobody wants to go out with Ryang (Name). Well,” Lineman claps.
“See, what we think—”
“Wait, we?” Vin cuts him off. “Who the fuck are we?”
Lineman gives a glance and a nod to the side, pertaining to the many eyes that were overlooking the single table that had Vin and his two other friends in tow. Vin, for some reason, feels more animosity from the monster that sat in the middle of their long, lined table staring at him. Vin stays quiet and looks back at Lineman, who continues what he is saying.
“What we think is that you need to hire a guy who’ll go out with her.”
Vin places his elbow on the table, resting his chin on his palm and tapping his cheek. Still, with his puckered lips, this time, in thought. One of Vin’s friends then speaks up.
“What’s even in it for you guys?”
Lineman wastes no time responding, already having thought of this coming. “Our boss thinks that it’s a good idea to form good relationships with other departments. And you look like you’re the boss of Vocal & Dance. It’s only necessary to strengthen our bonds as students of Jaewon-High.” He preaches with no stutters.
“Who’s the guy you have in mind?” Vin Jin asks.
Right on time, Jake enters the cafeteria, yawning and looking like he just woke up from a sound sleep. He had a cowlick on the right side of his head, and a pen that he probably overlooked was still stuck on his cheek. Lineman points to him subtly with his hand.
“That guy? What makes you think that guy could stand the nutcase of a woman?” Vin inquires, already skeptical that he is just getting used for his money.
“He’s not the boss of Big Deal for no reason. A solid investment.” Lineman smirks.
With the sound of chairs being pushed back and feet padding across the hall, a clear path was made just so Jake Kim could pass through to an empty table with a meal already prepared with no problems. Vin also notices the visible slanted vertical scar that grazed Jake’s mouth. He felt a subtle chill on his neck before he cleared his throat.
“Tch. Fine. I’ll think about it.”
Field day.
Jake was sitting on one of the benches while the other students of J-high were either doing gym classes, having free time, or running around the grounds playing whatever sport they felt like. The sun was high, and it was hot with no shade, so Jake had to squint everywhere he looked. His black coat was off, leaving him in the baggy pants of the black jumpsuit for those in their Senior year with the top half let down, leaving him in a white tank top, his tattoos from his chest visible up to the ones on his wrists due to the sweat cultivating on his skin.
Jake had just taken a single stick of cigarette and lit it up, putting it in his mouth and inhaling.
Smoking was banned in school, but since his first year in Jaewon, Jake’s learned the habit of the professors that scolded the students for smoking. Plus, he’s got lookouts.
“Hey.” The callout makes Jake look at Vin, wearing gold chains and his leopard-printed sunglasses, he was missing his hat, and his favorite black and white-striped jacket hung on his shoulder, so this time, he was also in a tank top, though it was black. “Fuck.” He utters under his breath.
“You're the Big Boss, right?” Vin Jin asks. He was with his two other friends.
“Do I know you?” Jake asks, looking at Vin with bored eyes, tapping on the cigarette to let the ashes on the tip fly off in the passing wind.
Vin laughs under his breath, annoyed. He was about to take back his greeting and leave, thinking that the guy that talked to him probably messed with him. But Jake interrupts Vin’s thoughts as Jake remembers what Jerry told him.
“Nevermind, I remember now.”
Of course, I’m the boss of our department. Hah! Everyone knows me! Vin rubs his chin, releasing a devious smile. This makes Jake stop and visibly cringe. Man, this dude’s ugly. 
Standing a little closer, Vin smugly puts his hands on his hips and looks at where you are currently playing soccer with your class. This makes Jake look in front of him, right where Vin Jin is looking.
“You see that girl?”
“Hm,” Jake replies, inhaling another hit from the cig. 
“That’s Ryang (Name). I want you to go out with her.” Vin ordered.
While Jerry Kwon was in class, he suddenly felt the need to sneeze. “A-Who do you think you are, talking to Jake like that-Choo!” Everyone in his class looked at him weirdly, deservingly so. But Jerry seemed to have no clue why everyone was staring at him as he rubbed his nose. A thought came into mind while the professor in Jerry’s class resumed his lesson: I wonder if someone is disrespecting Jake right now…
Back to the field where Jake and Vin were staring at you— correction— Vin was staring at Jake, and Jake was staring at you. Jake realized that you were the girl that flipped him off on the bus a couple of weeks ago.
“You already know the conditions, right?” Vin continued as Jake remained silent. Giving Vin the passive treatment.
Now that Jake was actually at the premise of pulling it off, he felt terrible. Not for using Vin’s money. But because this whole ordeal felt as if you were the ultimate pawn and that everyone just wanted to get past you so they could get to your sister. But the image of Jerry’s sad face, and Vin’s annoying-ass face, got Jake reeling. I mean, he’ll be using this asshat’s money, and he’ll get to know you. Maybe it’ll be worth it, Jake thinks as he watches you breathe heavily, bending over slightly, with your hair sticking to your forehead, in the school’s soccer team uniform that was nearly skin tight from the immense practice it went through.
“So, you’ll be investing in me, isn’t that right? Let’s get this over with.” Jake puffs out another smoke. He hands out his hand, waiting for Vin to hand over his ``downpayment``. 
Vin smirks, happy to get his plans in motion.
Vin takes out the cash from his wallet and hands it to Jake, folded. Putting the cigarette in his mouth, Jake unfolds the cash to reveal about a hundred bucks. Guess Vin was stupid. But with money.
Jake pockets the early compensation and puts his cigarette out with his foot. With that, Vin walks off with his friends.
“Great practice, everybody! Good hustle, Ryang.” Your coach, Mr. Minji, calls.
You jog to the bench where the rest of the team’s stuff is placed. You thank your coach for the praise before you wipe the sweat on your forehead, threatening to drip on your eyes. God knows how much it stings when it drips into your eyes. You were fixing your bag, trying to look for your thermal 1.8L water bottle. When you finally found it, you unscrewed the cap and took a long drink to rehydrate.
Just as you finish, a familiar face greets you.
“Hey there, pretty. How’re you?” Jake Kim offers you his most charming close-eyed smile, along with a wink right after. Even leaning on his knees for a second to adjust to your more petite frame in contrast to his larger build.
You give a tight smile back, nodding. The fuck… “Sweating like a pig. And yourself?” You sling your bag over your shoulder.
“Here, trying to get your attention.” Jake shrugs and points to himself with his index finger. “You certainly got mine.”
“Finally.” You breathe out, and Jake tilts his head. Finally…? Were you— “You’ve certainly helped me achieve my mission in life since I’ve struck your fancy. It worked. Thanks.” You say with the most lifeless tone. Oh. 
Jake gives you a small laugh, following behind you closely whilst you walk. Which was faster than an average person, he noticed. Having a hard time catching up even with his giant strides. He places his hands in his jumpsuit’s pockets, now walking toe-to-toe beside you. Leaning a little closer so you could hear him amidst the array of students, Jake says with an air of playfulness:
“Pick you up on Friday?”
“Oh. Right, Friday.” You nod in mock enthusiasm before raising your hand in front of his face. “Uhuh.”
“I’ll take you places you’ve never been before.” Jake raises his already naturally arched brows.
“Take me places— Where? The Hypermarket in Gangnam?” You squint at him, unknowingly raising your shoulders in protest of his bad ideas. Plus, “Do you even know my name, dog boy?”
Jake stops in his steps for a while as you continue walking in front of him. “Ryang (Name).” Which makes you stop walking to face him with squinted brows. Both from the heat of the sun, and the way that he did, in fact, know your name. You two stand there for a while, almost recreating the time when you saw him on the bus.
“Doesn’t matter. Screw off.” Then, you walk away. Leaving Jake Kim to think.
In the sophomores’ classroom in the Architecture Dept, everyone, including non-Big Deal members, watched the whole interaction between the infamous Ryang (Name) and the more famous Jake Kim. They even saw how their Big Boss was left in the dust by the girl. Some were still commending Jake, some of the Big Deal members cried for Jake, while Jason and Brad…
“Jerry’s screwed. We’re screwed.” Jason relays to Brad.
“Hey, no, are you saying you don’t trust the Big Boss?” Brad replies. Though in his mind, he thought the same thing. To distract himself, he says, “We should be upbeat, upbeat!”
“We’re~! Screwed~!”
Brad could only nod and sigh at Jason in defeat. Placing his gaze back towards their boss, who was still standing there in the middle of the field, looking in the direction that you left him off with.
You just finished washing your face, already preparing for bed. You wiped your face off the droplets of water sticking to your skin, feeling refreshed.
“Have you considered a new look?” Your sister brings up abruptly. You shared the same bathroom, after all. “Like, seriously, you have some definite potential under all that hostility.”
Still patting your face with the soft towel, you give her a reply. “It’s not hostility. Just annoyed.”
Sang-min begins playing with your hair, trying to style it before you lightly push her off. She sits on her chair where a vanity mirror is displayed, reflecting her image. “Why don’t you try being nice? People won’t know what to think.”
You check if you have any zits on your face, “You forget, I don’t care what people think.” 
“Yes, you do.” Your sister quips, brushing her hair lightly as she stares into her reflection.
“No, I don’t.” You say with a subtle authority in your tone. You squint at Sang-min’s reflection, “You don’t always have to be who they want you to be, you know.”
A small air of pause as Sang-min finally notices you looking at her through her reflection. She looks back at you, “I happen to like being adored, thank you.”
You come out of the B&B Music Store after your little hustle of finding new headphones. You often visit here because they also sell instruments. And since you’re a well-known regular, sometimes, they let you try out the electric guitar you’ve been pining for and saving for since the dawn of time. It was almost afternoon, but the day was relatively calm, and the sun wasn’t too intense. A perfect day.
Until you see who’s leaning on your car. It was a blue and white used Chevy Chevrolet 1955 car that you also saved up for the longest time. Though your dad chipped in when it was your birthday, you’re proud of using the majority of your money on it. You don’t use it often since Jaewon wasn’t exactly filled with angels.
“Nice car. Very vintage.” Jake comments with a friendly smile, supporting his tall frame with his forearm on the roof of the car.
“Jake Kim…” You breathe out, pinching your nose. This makes Jake flinch, propping himself up from your car. “Are you actually following me?” 
With your accusation, Jake quickly raises his hands in surrender. “I was not! Please don’t think I’m a weirdo!”
You raise your brow, crossing your arms, waiting for more than that shitty excuse. Jake takes the hint and points back with his thumb. “I was in the laundromat. I saw you enter the store a couple of minutes ago. I came over to wait for you so I could say hi.”
“Honest.” Jake finishes off, drawing a cross over his heart. Today, he was in white, casual loose pants, a hoodie in a really light shade of brown, coated with another jacket in dark denim that was open, and plain white shoes.
“Eyes up here, pretty,” Jake smirks playfully, crossing his arms this time. This idiot. To think I was about to compliment his fashion taste.
“You came to say hi, right? Well, hi.” You remark, walking over to the door that led to the driver’s seat, just where Jake was blocking earlier. Just as you were reaching for the handle, he slid to stop it from your reach again.
“You don’t like talking much, do you?” Jake cranes his neck to level his face with yours.
You smile sweetly at him. “Hm, depends on the topic. My car nor your trip to the laundromat doesn’t really whip me into a ``verbal frenzy.`` Run along and wash your sweaty uniforms now.”
“You’re tough. You’re not scared of me?” Jake pouts. You don’t give him a reaction. He sighs and rolls his jacket sleeves up. “Not even one of these guns?”
“About forty-five percent of the school’s population consists of boys like you flaunting their inked skin. So why should I be afraid of you?”
“Hmmm… I don’t usually flaunt this, but how does being No. 1 of Big Deal sound?”
“Sounds like you’ve thought of that name just so you can say that you’re ``The Big Deal`` ‘round these parts. Corny when you actually hear it, sorry. Not afraid of that, big boy. Think of something else for me.”
Jake, still with his jacket sleeves rolled up, chuckles. He finds your replies genuinely interesting. Leaning a little closer towards you, “Okay, well, maybe you’re not afraid of me….”
“But I’m sure you’ve thought of me naked.” Jake gives you a cheeky smile and a sneaky wink.
You gasp. And Jake thinks he’s finally got you. “Am I that transparent?”
Placing your hand over your chest and leaning a little closer with every word, “I want you, I need you. Oh, baby. Oh, baby.” Jake actually blushed a little from the distance you closed in the short amount of time. If only you didn’t say that with the dullest voice and expressionless face, maybe he’d have felt butterflies.
You finally got a hold of the door handle, prompting Jake to push himself off the door. He scratches the back of his head in another failure.
“Careful on the drive home.” Jake waves, going back to his dirty laundry, waiting across the street as you prepare to leave, happy to be in your car with no nuances anymore. You put in the key, trying a couple of times as usual before the engine starts. Putting the gear on reverse, you were just about to leave.
But a motorbike parks right behind you to block your exit, and you groan, realizing who it is. Today was definitely an asshole day. You switch gear back to Neutral and raise your hand break. Peeking out of your open window, Vin Jin walks past you.
“Do you mind?” You ask, already pissed.
“Not at all,” Vin replies, twirling the motorbike’s keys around his index finger.
“Fine.” You whisper. You push the hand break back down, shifting into reverse, and you back onto the bike. Enough to tumble it to the ground.
Across the street, Jake watches and laughs at the exchange. Samuel, in his casual wear composed of mid-thigh shorts and a printed black shirt covered with a maroon hoodie because his tattoos were showing more this time, looks to what made Jake laugh and saw the scene, chuckling to himself too. They both continue to observe you laughing at Vin’s rage.
They hear Vin Jin panic and scream at you for being a massive bitch whilst you drove off, probably not listening anymore.
The whole affair with you maiming Vin’s bike, which you found out was actually Mary’s cousin’s motorbike, reached your dad and your sister later that evening. Sang-min was mad that she had to take the bus to school instead of being taken to by Vin, and your dad was angry because, well, of course, you had to pay for the minor damages to the vehicle. Still, you say, it was worth it.
Vin Jin grimaces angrily as he finally spots the guy he hired. He walks towards Jake, who is sleeping on his desk. Vin pushes Jake’s shoulder to wake him. Jake stirs awake, still in the throes of his break time nap, when Vin already starts his scolding, trapping Jake on his chair with Vin’s arms that hold both sides of the table. Jake leans back, unamused and certainly not intimidated.
“I shell out a hundred. I expect results.” Vin says with clenched teeth. Even with multi-layer tinted sunglasses in a dimly lit room, you could feel just how piercing Vin’s gaze was toward Jake. Anyone could feel it. But he’s Jake Kim. All that did was remind him that he probably had saliva that dried on his chin, wiping it off during the whole ordeal. “Watching that bitch violate my motorbike doesn’t count as a date.”
“Now, if you don’t get any, I don’t get any.” Vin taunts, “So get some.” He pokes Jake’s chest.
Just as Vin turns to leave, Jake speaks up. “I just upped my price. Add ‘nother fifty, in advance.”
“Huuuuh? Forget it.” Vin scowls. “Well, forget her sister, then.” Jake rebukes, starting to lay back down on his desk, taunting Vin by making it look like he was making himself visibly comfortable.
The next series of events were Vin grumbling as he reached into his pocket and slammed the bill in front of Jake. “You better hope you’re as smooth as you think you are, Jake Kim.”
Jake sighs exasperatedly, pulling the bill to place it in his pocket. He then goes back to his nap to replenish enough energy before the bell rings.
“Class Schedule, Reading List, Concert Tickets to one of her many favorite indie bands playing tomorrow.” Sang-min lists off, giving some of it to Jerry.
Jake didn’t know what he was doing here right now. With your sister, Jerry, as well as Jason, and Brad, who were waiting outside to give him a call in case you get home. This is definitely wrong, an absolute breach of privacy. This all feels against his personal code of morals, and in the back of his head, he can hear his previous superior, Sinu Han, scolding him in the form of a tiny angel sitting on his shoulder.
“I don’t want to do this,” Jake says, out of the blue, making Sang-min stop rummaging through your drawers to look at him.
“You didn’t seem so opposed earlier. Plus, we’re doing this so I can go to the party with Jerry that Beom from Practical Music is hosting. Right, Jerry?” Sang-min recalls, placing both her hands on her hips as she looks at Jerry for affirmation. To which the big guy nods frantically with a small smile. Seeing how Jerry was really into going to a party with your sister, Jake couldn’t help but let go of his morals for a little bit.
“Plus, it was you guys that asked for help. I refused at first, too, because it was creepy when I first thought about it, but for the sake of my social life….” Sang-ming trails. “And we’re not going too far into her stuff. You guys better not be stalkers or something.”
Typically, Jerry didn’t really ask for much.
But rummaging through a girl’s room is wrong! Imaginary Sinu says. Well, he was right, but…
But she’s actually pretty, isn’t she? Plus, poor Jerry doesn’t ask for much. Stop worrying. Who was this? Jake asks himself at the immediate entrance of a new imaginary figure. It was… Samuel?! What the fuck was going on in his head…?
“Oh, look, black panties.” Sang-min smiles cheekily, nitpicking your plain black underwear taken from inside your top drawer. Jake immediately covers Jerry’s eyes with his hand.
“Cover your ears, Jerry!” Jake sputters quickly. And Jerry, ever obedient, follows quickly. Already having a light shade of pink on the tips of his ears at Sang-min exposing your… Garment.
“What does that have to do with me dating your sister?” Jake asks with a clenched jaw, pissed but more so flustered and red at the same time.
Sang-min couldn’t believe that a guy like Jake Kim didn’t know what black panties meant. “She wants to have sex someday.”
On Jake’s shoulders sat the imaginary figures. One was laughing his heart out, while the other had a similar reaction to Jake. Sinu, who was also quite red despite being depicted as an angel, gives Jake a go-go-okay sign. Who does he think he is for giving me a go sign?! Go away! Samuel couldn’t stop laughing and hitting Jake’s shoulder in his miniature stature.
“She could just like the color. How can I trust you?” Jake rebukes, peeling his eyes off the article that is still in your sister’s hand.
Sang-min groans as if it was apparent. “Women just don’t buy black lingerie for nothing. They buy it because they want someone to see it.” She raises her eyebrows at Jake when she finishes her sentence. Jakes covers half his face with his other free hand, and he feels the heat that stuck to his skin because of whatever Sang-min said.
“So, first thing, (Name) hates...” Brad starts. Jake puffs out a smoke whilst leaning on a billiard table that he and the guys reserved just to hang out for the night. “Smokers. She said, and I quote, ``Would rather die than date a smoker.``”
Jake puts his cigarette out, recalling the detail that Sang-min told them earlier.
“And she likes pretty guys!” Jason remarks with his index finger pointing up, “As proven by the picture of that idol DG that Sang-min showed us earlier.”
The small group went quiet as opposed to their other buddies talking on the other reserved billiard tables in the local night bar. Jake forbids most of them to drink if they’re under twenty-one like him, though. Which, really, they all are. It just so happens that this was run by one of the girls from their street. None of them spoke a word as Jake pushed his hair back on both sides. “I guess we have no problem with that part.”
“...” Jason and Brad stare at Jake.
“...” Jake stares at Jason and Brad.
“Nothing, boss.” Brad states.
“You don’t think I’m pretty?” Jake asks the question they all dreaded. If Jerry was here, he probably would have agreed with no brakes, but Jake made him go home early. So he doesn’t forget to do his homework.
“Hey, no, he’s stunning!” Jason argues, lightly pushing Brad away, and points to Jake with both his hands. “Prettiest guy in Jaewon!”
“Gorgeous guy, of course.” Brad agrees, too, all of a sudden, grasping his head. “Just taking opinions. Everyone knows Jake is a pretty guy.”
Jake looks off, playing with his hands now that he can’t smoke. “So, she likes traditional Japanese food, indie rock, and psychological horror movies that can be portrayed easily in real life?”
Jason and Brad nod, knowing that Jake got it all right. 
“All right, then.” Jake finishes the conversation quickly, pushing himself off the edge of the billiard table and getting a cue stick, ready to play Pool. 
“Club ViVi, tomorrow night, her favorite band’s gonna be playing there,” Jason adds, getting a cue stick, too, whilst Brad prepares to arrange the balls for their game.
“Club ViVi?! I can’t be seen at Club ViVi.” Jake suddenly pipes up.
“But she’ll be there. She’s marked it in her calendar.” Jason rebukes, making Jake grasp his forehead in thought. He remembers getting into a brawl with their top bouncer there once, Xiaolung, was it?
“I mean, it’s just one night. Did you do something wrong there, Boss?” Brad looks at Jake, now having the balls arranged and prepped. He got a chalk to rub on the tip of his cue stick.
She has a pair of black underwear. His small demon, Samuel, whispered in his ear. Instinctively, Jake swats the image away, making Jason and Brad think there is a fly bothering Jake. Though they both wonder why their boss was red-faced all of a sudden.
“Nothing. It’s fine. I’ll go.” Jake shakes his head, still stuck on a particular image in his head.
The sticky air filled with sweat that any typical club would radiate permeated through the whole environment that was Club ViVi. Jake was easily let in by the two bouncers up front, allowing him to delve deeper into the club. He was trying his best to lay low and avoid meeting Xiaolung accidentally.
The club was full of drunk young adults, guys in loose shirts, and women in tight dresses. Jake opted to wear a black silk short-sleeved shirt that was unbuttoned from the top with a simple silver chain. He had black pants and black Johnston & Murphy pair of dress shoes. Jake didn’t bother tucking the shirt in his pants like Samuel told him, just allowing the smooth silk to stretch through his body. His tattoo sleeves were easily seen, and he was ogled by the many ladies that he quickly passed by.
The neon purple, pink, and the occasional green were blasting all through the rooms of Club ViVi, and Jake had to push through a bunch of people to get to the stage where a band called Bad Suns was playing. Jake’s eyes flit to the denser crowd surrounding the scene in the center of the glistering dance floor. Then to the band that was playing on the stage, shining with sweat.
“I had no reason to breathe,” Uninterested, Jake suddenly spots your image. “Until you knocked the wind out of me.”
You were wearing a white crisscrossed wrap top. Covering only what you wanted to cover. You had light-washed denim jeans and white strap heels, and despite the thin heels supporting your feet, you were still excitedly jumping around and dancing to the rhythm of the song. Full of energy, with a huge grin, your hair swayed and wrapped around your face. The same grin you had on was contagious enough to infect Jake Kim.
“Thanks for listening to Life Was Easier When I Only Cared About Me, now for Daft Pretty Boys! A one, a one-two-three!” The singer yells into the mic as the beat shifts.
As the song begins, Jake slowly makes his way to your singular form. He couldn’t believe that you go to clubs like this all alone. Even if there were so many raving people around him, Jake excused himself to keep going. Until he finally got behind you, who was still unaware. Jake bobs his head and moves lightly to the beats of the song just so he can meld with the others who are dancing with much more fervor than he was. He chose to focus more on you, waiting for you to notice his presence. Unwilling to disrupt your excitement and happiness at this moment.
“Like the gates of heaven are open now,”
Suddenly, Jake thinks about how anyone could ever be scared of you. How could anyone be angry with you? You were just— Abruptly, you accidentally stepped back and tripped backward, yelping on instinct. Your hands try to reach out for the closest support; your other leg is raised as the other is losing its balance. But just as you grab the silk material, Jake already has his stable hand supporting your back, you face him, and he meets you.
The flashing lights and the dark ambiance made it hard for you to recognize Jake at first. Thinking he was just a random boy who was trying to shoot his shot. Which wasn’t a pretty far-off conclusion, actually. 
Your eyes glowed with the neon lights, and his eyes could only softly reflect yours. With a dazed look, you finally figure it out, “Jake.” You breathe out.
“She says, ``There’s a dangerous kind of cool about you.``” The singer on the stage sang with fervor.
Jake raises you up from your leaning position smoothly. “What are you doing here?” You appraise, fixing yourself.
Still, Jake had his hand unconsciously on your back, ghosting above the semi-exposed skin. “I hang out here every now and then. I know a couple of people here.” Jake replies, leaning closer to your face so you can hear him talk. You face him, and you catch a whiff of the natural musk and a touch of mint from when Jake spoke. “You’re not surrounded by your usual cloud of smoke.”
“I quit.” Jake grins at you, and he cups his mouth. “Apparently, they’re bad for me.”
“You think?” You snarkily reply. You clutch your forehead, regaining your balance while you hold onto Jake’s forearm that he so generously offered to you. “But thanks for having my back. I think I need water, though.”
As you started to navigate through the dancing crowd that was taking your last place, Jake’s figure was right behind you, helping to push the other people lightly. He has his arm stretched out, reaching just above your head, and you look back at him, and all he did was give you a thumbs up and a wide grin. Noticing his scar that stretched out with his grin and you try to clear your throat, ignoring the way his shirt was brushing your back as you walked off.
When the both of you arrived, the bartender was cleaning a glass. When Jake looks up from your form, he notices who the bartender is. “Johan?”
“Oh. Hey.” The boy replies curtly. Jake leans on the counter, sitting right beside where you sat. “Did you always work here? Aren’t you a minor?”
“I make the drinks. I don’t drink them.” He explains. “I’ve been looking for a well-paying part-time job these days.”
Johan then looks at you then flits back to Jake. Mildly interested in how Ryang (Name) and Jake Kim mixed out of the blue.
“Uh, hey. I just need some water.” You call out to the boy. Nodding, Johan reaches out from the cooler behind him after he places the shot glass down. When he handed it to you, he decided to leave you and Jake to your own devices. Johan wasn’t one for engaging in gossip or whatnot.
Taking the cold bottle of water, you try to open the cap. But it was way tighter than it should be. Jake was looking at you struggle all this time, and you felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. He takes the bottle from your hands and opens it with ease, handing it back to you.
“Thank you again.” You fix a strand of your hair and drink the water. Both to cool down from all your burst of energy on the dance floor earlier and from the irritating man that was sitting beside you. Wiping your lip from the water, you face Jake. “If you’re planning on asking me out again, you might as well just get over it.”
Jake opts to lean on his enclosed hand supported by the table. He chooses to change the topic just as he drinks the glass of orange juice Johan left for him. “You know,” Jake starts with a loud volume, giving you a cheeky side glance, “These guys, Bad Suns? They’re pretty good. Though they’re no Weathers or the Technicolors.”
You feel your ears perk up at what he said. Skeptically, your reply. “You know who the Weathers are?”
Jake stands up and leaves his glass on the table. You quickly follow right behind him, with the both of you ending up just a ways back from the center, looking over the most crowded area in the entire club.
“Secret’s Safe With Me. Gave it a listen.” Jake says, inserting his hands in his pocket and using the other to tap his ear.
You pause, still holding on to the water bottle you got earlier. You’re surprised someone like Jake would even care about a band like Weathers. “I saw you out there earlier. Never seen you prettier than when you smile while dancing.”
“You’ve probably only seen me like, what, three, four times?” You chuckle. Jake then notices a waiter carrying trays filled with a bunch of margaritas about to pass by you at an unsteady pace. So, by instinct, he clears the path for the waiter. By having his hand no longer ghost above your back.
You face Jake’s semi-exposed chest, and you internally reel at the proximity of your bodies. Jake could feel your breath near his neck, and he had to gulp to think of something else quickly. But your hands were grounding him, and he could almost feel how you were trying your best not to be pushed further into him so that your chest won’t crash with his. Jake finally looks down at you only to find you already staring up at him, and he feels a form of heat rush up to his head, losing his cool and finding his words. Looking for them in the glimmer of your eyes.
“Come to Beom’s party with me.” Jake finally breathes out, something only you can hear in the noisy atmosphere.
What he says finally grounds you, “You never give up, do you?” You lightly tap on his chest, and he’s left there dumbfounded as you walk back to the dancefloor, right in front of the stage.
But Jake has to know. Cupping both his hands around his mouth, he shouts. “Was that a yes?!”
“No!” You reply, back turned.
Jake tries to catch up to you, grabbing your wrist lightly. “Then, was it a no…?”
You face him, with a close-eyed smile, just like his. “No.”
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jensjumbledmess · 4 months
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My review/thoughts about A Grain of Truth by Jack Rembiś, based on the short story by Andrzej Sapkowski.
Star & Spice Rating: ⭐️ 4/5, 🌶️ 0/5
TWs: Blood & Gore, Nudity (Female & Male), Sexual Assault
Judging a Book By It’s Cover: I think the cover is really pretty, the blue roses make a nice contrast to the beast door knocker and Geralt himself.
If you enjoyed the story A Grain of Truth from The Last Wish, then of course you’re going to enjoy this; it’s the same story, just told as a graphic novel. This little comic makes a great addition to any Witcher fan’s collection. The art in it is BEAUTIFUL, and as a matter of fact, I liked the art in this SO MUCH MORE than most of the art in The Witcher Omnibus, Volume 1. I can't get over it; the pages seem so vibrant, even the dark scenes. I love the way the characters are depicted. I will definitely be adding The Lesser Evil to my collection too at some point and I would love it if Jack Rembiś adapted all the other short stories as well.
For those that don’t know, A Grain of Truth is essentially a Beauty and the Beast retelling. Geralt encounters two dead bodies while traveling, leading to him investigate the area. He then stumbles across a strange, shy woman who runs away after he greets her; nearby finding  a manor, with a big courtyard and unique blue rose bush. While literally stopping to smell the roses, a large beast bursts from the manor in a (failed) attempt to scare Geralt away. The beast’s name is Nivellen, and he has been cursed into this form by a priestess after he was basically peer-pressured into sexually assaulting her many years ago. After Geralt and Nivellen talk and have dinner, Geralt decides to simply leave after Nivellen confesses that he has come to appreciate and favor his beastly form and doesn’t want Geralt to try to break the curse. Over night, Geralt has the revelation that the strange woman outside the manor, who has been keeping Nivellen company, may actually be very dangerous.
Thank you for reading! If you liked my review/thoughts, consider following me on [GoodReads], [Bookstagram], or [Threads]! (I tend to post on GoodReads & Threads first!)
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takeshitakyuuto · 1 year
Trigun Book Club reading update volume one
This is my first full experience with Trigun, and I am participating due to my civic duty as a tihylttw fan. よろしく~
What I know about the series already:
Space western! (+)
Vash is a twin? with someone named Knives?
Something about gods that I don’t understand and don’t want to
Kitty :3
I am infamous far and wide for my loquacious book club participations, so from here on out will be under read more. Spoilers for volume one of Trigun only
My usual file reader was glitching out so I had to find a new one to read this volume and oh my god the text is so tiny. why. thank god for zoom (and furigana)
Ch 1. Okay Vash’s fit is fire. Fashion icon
I really like the world building we get right off the bat. The little sign showing the day’s crimes was funny, clever, and really establishes what we’re dealing with.
Vash’s “death” chapter one? oooooo I really like where we’re heading with him...
He gave a child a pistol?!?!?!? childcare king tbh
So far my favorite character is the blonde lady with the huge gun (Milly?)
Ch 2. The appearance of The Cat!
Are these... human cars?
Freckles asking the questions I’ve had all along! I’m excited to see what Vash’s “quest” is and why it would put such a big bounty on his head, especially since he seems like a guy with strong morals.
*Gets “KISS MY ASS” tattooed on my hand* no you don’t understand, its a Trigun reference. So you know the genre space western? Hey, why are you walking away, I’m not done yet!
Ch 3. Does this place have a government???
Jack pot!!
Yaoi proportioned Vash
Oh the lesbians are from the government
I love Vash realizing the power of lesbians
Ch. 4 Vash the Stampede: impervious to bullets, but not to grate corners
Is this chapter 5 now? Bad Lads Group is an absolute top tier name for a terrorist organization
Oh boy the introduction of Rem. What a great introduction, I can’t wait to see what relationship she had/(has?) to Vash. Based on that little dream of his, I don’t think she’s alive anymore or at the very least has no contact with Vash
Ch 6. チビスケwwww
I might just be because they’re both space westerns but this is also giving me more and more Cowboy Bebop vibes in the way of I never know who’s going to be a recurring character or just in it for the chapter. I’m sure as the series goes on though we’ll start seeing more overarching plot and less “Vash Gets Himself Into Sticky Situations”
Also, this dude loves jumping out of windows
Ch 7. A Chapter called Rem? Excitingggggg
Ya’ll weren’t kidding when you said that the art could be a little hard to understand... I thought Vash got shot but it was someone else’s blood 🥵
Vash calling the group understaffed and then immediately opening a door to see a horde of grunts... the comedic timing in this series is impeccable
Oh look, おわり!
Final thoughts: I thought this was a solid first volume! It’s very out of my element- I don’t read much shounen and I read even less action series. It took me a while to get used to the shounen style of Japanese (unexpected yet happens every blue moon that I decide to pick one up) and the action vocabulary was also difficult, as I never see any of it. Okay enough about language learning, we’re all here for the plot. I still feel like I’m not completely sure about what the plot is, but I also know that that’s fairly typical with manga. I liked the recurring characters that we were introduced to and it opened up plenty of questions to be answered later. As for Rem, she seems like some sort of God character (as opposed to a god character). As for my favorite characters from the volume, it stays Milly and ohmygodijustforgothername Meryl. Let’s see if I stay on track with the reading or if I decide to read ahead :3c
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torscrawls · 2 years
One Step Forward and Then a Misstep
Danny told his parents who he was, what he was, and they accepted him. It's all he could have ever wanted, so why are they still pointing their guns at him? And why are they gesturing so weirdly towards Sam and Tucker?
Wait… He did tell them that his friends already know about his secret, right?
Words: 1 041
Can be read on AO3!
Danny had thought they had moved beyond this, but despite last week's talk and revelation—and the subsequent freak out and family therapy hosted by Jazz that had followed—he still found himself on the wrong end of his parents' weapons. Admittedly, they were pointed nowhere near him, but still. They were raised and he was clearly the target.
"Stop!" Jack screamed, nowhere near at his regular volume, and then he hesitated and cast Maddie an unsure look before he continued, "You–you fiend!"
And Danny did stop, frozen with a mixture of confusion and old instinctual fear from where he was hovering next to Tucker and Sam. His friends had tensed up as well, clearly just as confused as he was about what was going on.
"Fiend? Really?" Sam asked with raised eyebrows and what almost sounded like a laugh in her voice.
"Danny?" Tucker hissed out of the corner of his mouth with a weary look at Maddie and Jack's weapons.
Sam pursed her lips and sent his parents a calculating look as she asked, "Didn't you..?"
"That's right! Ghost!" Maddie stepped up next to her husband as she raised her own gun, aimed at the wall a good distance away from where Danny was hovering.
Danny gave a startled laugh, unsure what was going on. "What? What are you guys doing?"
A small kernel of dread took up residence in his stomach. Afraid that he had somehow not managed to get through to them after all. That all their acceptance had been fake. That they were back to square one, only this time he had nowhere to hide.
But they hadn't been anything but understanding since the reveal, and they weren't usually ones for being sneaky and for deception. If they hadn't accepted him, Danny was fairly certain that he would have known by now. So, something else must be going on.
Maddie sent Tucker and Sam a very pointed look, and topped it off with a very unsubtle nod t before loudly saying, "Silence!" Before promptly flinching and whispering, in a voice that could still be heard where the three of them stood, "Sorry, honey."
"Y–yeah!" Jack stepped in; one finger pointed right at Danny's confused face. "Don't talk to us like we know each other! We have no idea who you are! Or who you—who you were! Or–or anything!"
Sam leaned over towards Tucker and Danny and whispered, "This is bizarre."
Danny was inclined to agree. He frowned as he tilted his head at his parents. "So… Do I have to run away, or what's the deal here?"
"Yeah, Mr. and Mrs. Fenton, what's going on?" Tucker asked, before leaning in and asking in a much lower tone of voice, "Is someone watching us?"
Instead of answering, Maddie grabbed Tucker's arm and pulled him behind her. "Watch out! I'll–I'll protect you from the very dangerous ghost. Now get out of here, Phantom!"
Jack motioned for Sam to join him but she just crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "You should watch out for the–the–the ghost! Yeah, the ghost, especially this ghost, is dangerous. Which we know even though we don't know him. It! We don't know it. Of course, cause why should we? Were ghost hunters."
"That's enough, dear!" Maddie hissed at him and Jack finally stopped his rambling with another look cast in Tucker and Sam's direction.
Were they—were they trying to protect his secret? From his best friends?
But hadn't he told them…?
Danny slapped a hand over his face. He hadn't. He had told them about being a ghost, sure, but he couldn't remember mentioning the involvement of his best friends. To his defense, he had been very focused on getting the bare basics down before he got shot, so he might have left some parts out.
He dragged the hand down his face with a groan. "Please stop. This is painful to watch."
Maddie shook her head, eyes earnest. "But honey! We can't just–"
Danny cut her off with a smile. "It's okay. I get it now. I messed up." He gestured to Sam and Tucker, "They know. They have known from the beginning."
He punctuated the statement by flying down to stand next to Sam and Tucker, placing a hand on both of their shoulders to demonstrate just how much they knew.
"Oh…" Maddie trailed off as her arm lowered and the gun in her hand was redirected to pointing at the ground instead.
Jack gave a booming laugh that was loud enough to startle all them. "We just didn't want to give away your secret!"
"And that's very nice of you!" Danny hurried to assure them. And it really was. "It's just—"
"You didn't tell them about us?!" Tucker asked with incredulity and offense clear in his voice.
Danny slapped a hand over his friend's mouth and kept on talking, "But you guys have got to work on your acting if you're gonna do this again."
"Yeah," Sam nodded, "You guys really can't lie to save your life."
Maddie looked scandalized as she scoffed and said, "Of course we can!"
Danny laughed, feeling the last of the tension leave him. "You really can't. Just—maybe we should try to avoid each other when we're out in public?"
Maddie and Jack exchanged another glance and Jack looked almost guilty as he amended, "...Maybe that's for the best."
Sam hit Danny on the shoulder as she turned to continue the walk that had been so suddenly interrupted by his parents' arrival. "Well, come on then fiend. Let's go attack that homework."
"That is not becoming a new nickname!" Danny complained as he followed her.
Tucker snorted as he joined them. "Silence, ghost!"
"Stop it!"
"See you later, honey!" Maddie called after them. "Dinner's at six!"
"Mom! I'm in costume!" Danny whisper-shouted, thankful that the street was empty and that no one was out to see or hear this.
"Oh, right!" She covered her mouth with a hand and whispered, "Sorry." She didn't look sorry.
"Good luck!" Jack screamed.
Danny shook his head with a groan as Sam and Tucker snickered at his side.
Maybe telling them had been a mistake after all.
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