#you definitely never appreciate what you had until later on lol
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nyhne · 6 months ago
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star-girl69 · 7 months ago
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hi everyone! this is so lazy but pls enjoy 🫶🫶
warnings: swearing and also slight freaky stuff 😣
you: good morning my sweet girlfriend
kk: wtf
kk: why r u not in my bed??
you: babe… i told u i had to leave early this morning bc i had an appt
kk: for what?
you: getting my nails done
kk: u abandoned me to get ur nails done?
you: yes…?
you: i don’t think i appreciate this attitude maybe i’ll just go back to my dorm
kk: please come back to my place.
you: say pretty please with sprinkles on top
kk: y/n
you: ok see u tmrw then
kk: pretty please with sprinkles on top.
you: ofc i will come back to urs 🥰
kk: 🙄
you: attitude????
kk: no ily
you: aww i love u too!
you: can u plz drive me to my friend’s birthday dinner on friday and pick me up
kk: what times
you: drop me off at 6 pick me up at 9
kk: ok no problem
you: thank u ily
you: i would carpool w my friend serena but i don’t trust her in a car
you: she runs red lights a lot lol
kk: ??? plz don’t ever get into a car with her. i will drive u always
you: aww ur so sweet! not wanting me to die 🥰
kk: anything for my passenger princess
kk: im sorry
kk: i’m so sorry
kk: i’ll make it up to you i promise im so sorry
laila: what did you do to kk 😭😭
laila: she’s staring at her phone in horror and when i asked her what was wrong she just said y/n before putting her head in her hands
you: i’m letting her sit in fear for a minute
laila: i admire you a lot ❤️
you: so i wake up this morning
kk: yes and u looked so pretty when i left
you: thank u
you: anyways and i then go about my day and i’m ready to run out and do my errands i look at myself in the mirror
kk: and u saw how beautiful u r?
you: yes and also i saw a GAINT FUCKING HICKEY ON MY NECK
kk: do u really want me to say sorry for that
you: yes??? i need so much makeup to cover this up. actually i think u should buy new concealer for me
kk: as long as i can do it again
you: no this is so embarrassing
kk: it’s ok you’ll be saying different later
kk: besides u were encouraging me last night
you: ur delusional i’ve never done that
kk: if u say so babe but we both know
you: *link to new concealer*
kk: just bought 2 prepare to use them up
you: no
kk: yessss
you: no
kk: 😉
you: die
kk: ❤️
you: i’m really craving chick fil a
kk: ok
you: i’m REALLY craving chick fil a
kk: u mentioned that
you: bye u don’t care abt me
you: gonna go text my other hoes
kk: u don’t have other hoes
you: im about to
kk: we’ll see
kk: thought u were texting other hoes?
you: i lied ur my only hoe and ilysm
you: plz get me chick fil a
you: i’ll do a cartwheel on it
kk: ???
kk: babe i’ll get u chick fil a
kk: thanks tho? i think
kk: i know ur asleep right now and i know u r very tired and i’m sorry but i forgot my helmet can u pls bring it to me at the rink
you: how did u forget ur helmet
you: like it weighs 10 pounds and it’s huge
kk: mean
kk: and idk i’m stupid plz bring it
you: ugh fine i’m On my way!
you: omw.
you: im not excited
kk: i love u so much u r the light of my life i cannot imagine waking up without ur beautiful face next to me u are brighter than the sun and i love u
you: thank u shakespeare ur so romantic
you: can we go shopping tmrw and u pay i need new pants
kk: u don’t need pants
you: it’s 9am
kk: yes we can go shopping tmrw
you: love u!
kk: ❤️
you: hi
you: are u doing anything tn?? i feel like we haven’t seen each other in forever
kk: i know baby i miss u
kk: i have practice until 8 but u can come over still after? sleepover?
you: yes definitely i’ll be there
kk: i cant wait to see u pretty girl
you: omg this restaurant looks so good we should go
kk: sunday at 6?
you: um yes i’m free
kk: just made a reservation
you: damn 😭 i’m impressed
kk: whatever my girl wants she gets 🤷‍♀️
you: hi baby
you: so what position u got her in rn?
you: missionary? cowgirl?
kk: why do i love u
you: blocked
kk: i have no girls in no positions except for u
you: why are u so busy then?
kk: picked up this new hobby called hockey idk if it will go anywhere
kk: been at the gym for an hour about to go hit the rink
you: send workout pics 😜
kk: hiiiiiiiiii
you: hi babe
kk: tone down that attitude plz
you: ?
kk: actually
kk: turn around show me that ass
you: are u drunk rn
kk: maybe
kk: you have an amazing ass do i tell u that enough
kk: i should tell u more
kk: i love ur ass
you: thank u…
you: do u need to be picked up?
kk: no laila is dd
kk: wanted to talk to my pretty girl
you: u sure know how to make a girl blush
kk: only u babe
kk: i like ur boobs too
you: oh my god pls hand the phone to laila
kk: this is laila don’t worry we’re going home rn
you: laila ur a goddess thank u
kk: i try ❤️❤️
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fatuismooches · 3 months ago
My personal headcanon is that Dottores main lab in sneznyaha is underneath his mansion (that the fandom all collectively agrees each harbinger was given lol) so walking into his mansion it’s completely deserted. No lights, no decor, not much furniture, just …empty. Further into the mansion there would be a secret hidden entrance that leads down into the massive laboratory that is buzzing with activity.
After waking up fragile reader probably wouldn’t even know there’s a whole mansion above them because dottore is very protective and he hasn’t installed security up there. Maybe once they learn about that a segment will take them up to see it . I imagine reader would like the mansion portion of their lovers property. They can sit by the windows and watch the snowfall without being scolded for being in weather too harsh for them. Dottore doesn’t like them up there alone because of the lack of security.
Maybe once they’re feeling better they can make use of the grand and untouched kitchen and whip up their lovers some treats because we all agree he has a sweet tooth <3
Dottore had never needed or cared for a fancy way of life. His lab was suited for his desires (always engrossed in his research) and was equipped to handle all of his needs (and yours too, of course, he had made sure of every little detail before you woke up.) The only reason he remembers the existence of the upper floors is because he and the segments obviously need to exit from there. Honestly, he could do without it... new agents sometimes get lost trying to find the entrance to the lab. (The mansion was given to him with expensive furniture too, but over time the segments eventually started selling it for a bit of extra funds. No one questions the bareness.)
You never really questioned the layout of the lab because well. Dottore + lab just makes sense. You don't find out about the whole mansion aspect until you hear a poor agent talking about how dusty it is up there. Of course, your interest is immediately piqued while you're also impressed the entrance upstairs is so well hidden despite your thorough analysis of the lab... hmph.
Dottore, on the other hand, is a bit annoyed at the babbling of his agents, but he knew that this would happen eventually. He just wished it was at... a later date. Preferably farther into the future. Preferably when he had an actual chair up there and the copious amount of dust wouldn't make you flare up. That was just preferable of course. Now with your pleading eyes and constant clinging to his arm quick measures were to be taken.
He still doesn't quite understand why you'd want to be up there when the lab has everything and more, but it makes you content... so it's fine. Something that Dottore had learned was that he doesn't need to analyze and pick apart every part of your brain all the time but rather just go along with what makes you comfortable. (Which could be a challenge sometimes, considering the kind of man he was.)
If the mansion had a balcony there would be many cute dates there... a good way of being outside while being able to quickly warm up! You two would watch the view together and some birds would visit you!
(I always imagine Reader shares the big lab kitchen with the Fatui agents, and although Dottore makes them clear out while you use it, sometimes they pop in accidentally and just. Watch you make sweets for *the* Il Dottore. With a cute lil 'remember to take breaks!!' note to the side. Real crazy stuff goes on in his lab... So yes, you would definitely appreciate that kitchen. Dottore watches from the side because you banned him since he kept stealing bites before the sweet was even finished.)
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wings-of-ink · 7 months ago
Hear ye, hear ye!
All of you who have been anxiously awaiting Chapter 4 can send a big thank you to the Microsoft mayhem that happened on Friday. Because of it, I have had two entire, unprecedented, days off of work during which all I did was write and edit chapter 4! Stuff like this never happens to me either, so I ate it up. My work computer is still super broken too, so who knows what will happen tomorrow, lol.
So, chapter 4, barring anything disastrous that I do not yet foresee – is coming very soon. Like, any day this week soon. For now, I am looking for bugs and other errors until I feel comfortable getting the update loaded. I will also be updating the warning list and some things on the itch page. I keep feeling like I'm forgetting something I wanted to do, and am having a hell of a time remembering what it was…
Anyway, if it interests you, more details below!
In going through some of the Google Error Reports, I had a couple that I either could not resolve or find.
It was reported that checking player stats in chapter 1 would not work – that it would flash only for a moment. I could not recreate this. If anyone else has seen this, please let me know.
In the end of chapter 2 where there are multiple ways to spend your time there seems to be some issues with how choices become unselectable after certain clicks and it just doesn't seem to function correctly. I have fixed the issues I have found, but could not recreate all of the instances that were reported. This section may get an overhaul in the future since I understand the coding a bit more now.
It was also reported that fonts are not changing. There is definitely a weird issue with this and it will take some time for me to sit down and hammer out. The fonts do change for me, but notably, I don't think they are switching to the correct font types. They don't even appear to be the same fonts from when I first starting this project, lol. This issue is on hold for now.
The last 2 bonus segments for the end of chapter 3 are being pushed aside for the time being. I kept finding myself feeling like I was hammering them into the chapter and it was a little exhausting. If I force it, it will be less enjoyable to read. The segments that are missing are the ones for hanging out with Zahn and Nathanael. Zahn's is easy to wiggle in elsewhere at least, but I'm not sure if Nathan's will make it in or not. We'll see, my motivation was purely for chapter 4, so now that it is ready to go, I'll have another crack at it before I drop or move them completely. They aren't super important to the story, but are just for fun (and if Oswin got his, it's only fair that Zahn gets theirs too). That last section of chapter 3 ended up way too long, so it may get adjusted later anyway.
As with any work in progress, I can't guarantee that your old saves will work. That's probably how we are going to have to roll for a bit until I really get things nice and smooth. Eventually, I will add an option to start from a later chapter and go through and make the (MANY) relevant choices to skip ahead. This may be implemented when Chapter 6 is ready to go since all the ROs will be available.
I also want to figure out how to implement named saves to make it easier for you to sort. I appreciate IFs that feature this, but I do not yet know how to do it, but I'm going to research. I like to play through with several MCs, and I'd like to offer enough info in the saves and/or Stats Menu that you can do this and easily know who you are playing as. Let me know what you would like most in the Player Stats Menu too. Note, that some options do not appear here until you choose them in the story.
Coming up…
Since Chapter 4 is down, I will soon be posting a big poll about future IFs. I've been compiling info for it here and there for a couple weeks on possible options for me to write in conjunction with God-Cursed. So, stay tuned for that in the coming days.
I will FINALLY get to my inbox in earnest as well! I will keep reaction asks paused until further notice since they take me the longest to answer. Feel free to still send in comments or quicker questions. If your question is too spoilery to answer, I will not be able to post about it.
Anyway, hope you are all doing well! I can't wait to see what you think of chapter 4. I hope you enjoy it. I'll get it out just as soon as I feel comfortable enough with it. ^_^
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cambria-writes · 9 months ago
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welcome to the very final chapter of honey and the hatchet! 🎉 it quite literally took eight whole entire years to get here, but i finally made it!
big thank you to everyone who's stuck around, read and flooded my notes with likes and shares this story around. i cannot express in any language i know how significant and meaningful that is.
for those who might be wondering, i used these photos of a suite at the macarthur to kind of situate myself.
...also sorry for kind of maybe edging you at the end there lol anyways enjoy!
pairing: patrick jane x named reader/ofc word count: 4,883 rating: A for adult content, MDNI warnings: smut, wearing, i know nothing about opera, PiV, unprotected sex, mild dom/sub, sir kink, neck grabbing but no choking, hair pulling if you squint, mentions of planned murders, relatively minor injuries (jane might have a cracked rib it's probably find), confession, the L word, this was not proofread and i'm almost sorry, please let me know if I should take anything else!
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕹𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓: ℭ𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔫𝔷𝔞
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Several Months Later
An opera house. A fucking opera house is where you end up spending Christmas Eve. It’s not something that a lot of people would get upset about, normally, and you know this. That’s why you’ve schooled your face into an expression that’s more rich, entitled boredom than resentful impatience.
But you’re in a box for a fancy show, wearing a dress that definitely costs more just to look at than your apartment likely does in a whole calendar year, and there’s free alcohol. Not that you’ve been indulging up until now, but it’s nice to know that there’s expensive, free booze for when you will be able to pay attention to literally anything else. 
Right now, your eyes are half-heartedly trailing around the stage, eventually halting at the Sopranist singing her heart out. You can’t make out the lyrics at all—never could, with how broad and loud the voices are in operatic compositions, nevermind the insane acoustics of this place—but the sound of the song feels appropriate. A slow build that keeps on building despite several fake-outs that make you believe you’re finally out of this eternal musical waiting.
Conveniently, it’s when the Sopranist pauses for a quick breath that you hear it. The drag of a foot against an old velvet rug. You whip your fan open and feign interest in the elaborate emotional display the singer is putting on. You’re not worried; you know you look like every other bored twenty-something in this place.
Patrick had personally made sure of that. 
“Enjoying yourself?” A woman asks, her deep, airy voice drifting around you as she moves to sit down to your left, French accent heavy in her words. She flips open a small hand fan with a short “thwap” before turning her attention to you.
Madame Jonquière is someone whose gaze feels heavy. Patrick hadn’t told you much about her. Just that she was at Stonewall and that he owed her a favour. Didn’t mention what the favour was for, and you didn’t bother prying any further. Madame Joncquière’s eyes go down to your hands for a second before meeting yours again. She smiles politely and inclines her head expectantly. You realize you haven’t answered yet.
“Sorry, yes,” you reply quickly. Clear your throat before looking back at the stage. “I can’t understand most of it but it sounds lovely. Thank you for letting me accompany you tonight.”
Madame Joncquière swings open a hand fan with a muted ‘fwap’ before fanning herself. “Oh no, thank you for your presence tonight!” she exclaims quietly, leaning forward closer to you.  You grin and leave over. “No one ever wants to come to the opera house with me anymore. They all think it’s boring!”
You laugh quietly along with her. Madame Joncquière leans back into her chair and fixes her gaze to the stage. You appreciate the space she’s leaving you. Despite the fact that she knows damn well that you’re here to make sure she doesn’t get assassinated, she seems to be taking everything in good stride.
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You watch his back as he carefully pours a drink out of a shaker. You have no idea what prompted him to pick you up at 11:30AM for cocktail hour. On a Wednesday. In the empty, closed bar of some man who happened to also owe him a favour. You hadn’t expected an explanation. But Patrick had kept silent the whole car ride. It hadn’t been uncomfortable, but the whole time you can’t help but feel like you’re being psychologically edged. You can only refrain from asking the slew of questions floating in your head for so long.
A highball glass filled with some strange red-purple liquid swirling enticingly inside it. The colours almost make the ice look like it’s sparkling. You’re dazzled for a second before looking up at Patrick.
“One Purple Haze for our esteemed guest,” he says, dramatically, with a flourish and a bow. You laugh quietly before picking up the highball. Hold the glass up to the light to watch the colours mingle.
“It’s definitely nice to look at.” Distracted, you don’t notice Patrick walking out from behind the island to stand behind you. You don’t flinch when his cold hands part your hair to slide down your neck and rest on your shoulders. “Am I really expected to drink this before lunch? I haven’t even had breakfast.” 
“I did tell you to get up early last night,” Patrick says, voice low, by your ear. “Sounds like someone snoozed their alarm four too many times.”
You don’t answer. You instead try to see how quickly you can down the purple haze that was handed to you. Hoping to maybe inherit some of its own haze. You only stop when you’ve gulped down half.
“It’s a bad one, by the way,” Patrick adds, pressing a soft kiss at your temple before moving away. He sits on the stool next to you, slotting his knees between yours. “You’re supposed to pour the liqueur last to let it settle at the bottom. It isn’t supposed to swirl like that.”
You hum in understanding a look at the glass in the light again. “Shame, it looks nice this way.” Bring the glass back to your mouth for another sip. “Why am I getting a lesson in mixology today?”
“You’re going to the opera,” he starts, and you chug the rest of the drink before bracing yourself for another briefing. “And I’m going to need you to remember to order this, and how it’s supposed to be made.”
You frown. “Okay, so if I get it and it’s well made that means… what?”
Patrick smirks. Your stomach flips, entirely unaided by his hands running up your thighs. “It means I might have gotten… held up.”
“And this is… bad?”
Patrick hums and leans in, brushes his nose against your jaw. “If you consider first degree murder ‘bad’ then yes, it would be quite bad.”
You scoff at the blazé tone he takes, but it’s half-hearted. His fingers are working their way up your loose shorts toward your hips. 
“It might be a bad idea to sip at something that might have been poisoned.”
Ah, so this was it. 
Patrick hadn’t kept you in the loop for the entirety of this particular… situation. Not only because Madame J had gone to see him directly rather than the CBI, for reasons that hadn’t been obvious at the time, but because this seemed to be a personal slight. You’d kindly asked to be kept at an arm’s length for it all; solving murders had been one thing, but actively trying to prevent one felt beyond you.
You put your hands over his to halt their movement. Patrick immediately pulled back, brows furrowed in concern.
“I feel like too much hinges on me here,” you say quietly, pointedly staring at your knees. You can see the veins starting to honeycomb on your hands. Your fingertips feel cold and stiff.
“You don’t have to,” Patrick answers, just as quietly, pulling one of his hands back to run down your face, brushing your cheekbone with his thumb. “I can bully Rigsby into it.”
You can’t help but laugh a little. He’d probably love the chance to go out at the opera with someone who also wants to be there.
“How long do I have to think about it?” 
“Only until Saturday,” Patrick answers, and you can hear the apology in his voice. The last-minute nature of this annoys you–it only gives you three days, including today, to decide whether or not you want to be the final hurdle.
“I’ll sleep on it and let you know tomorrow.”
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The evening goes well enough. You still can’t understand much of what’s being sung, but you enjoy the performance. The drama and emotion in the acting, while singing, is something that’s at least legitimately interesting to watch. 
You occasionally look over the audience as well. Your perch from the box gives you a fantastic vantage point to see most everyone in the hall. The hairs at the back of your neck have been raising every now and then. Same feeling as you get being observed in the dark. But every time you try to scan the crowd, everyone’s either facing the stage or canted forward in somnolence.
You hear a knock at the door of your box before the door opens. This is it, you think. You’d ordered drinks just as you were coming back from the intermission. You take a quick look at the dainty gold watch Patrick had wrapped around your wrist earlier in the evening. It’s been… fifteen minutes. Which seems like an awful long time to prepare a purple haze and a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon.
You don’t bother turning at all until you hear the serving tray being gently placed on the table between you and Madame J. You note, with no small amount of relief, that your purple haze muddled to absolute fuck and back. Perfectly safe to drink then.
Your server speaks up just as you notice, reaching for your glass, that there’s quite a spill on the tray.
“Au plaisir, mesdames.”
A thrill runs up your spine. Madame Joncquière looks up while you slowly wrap your fingers around the cool glass. She almost makes a joyful exclamation, but seems to stop halfway through taking in a breath for you. Keep your eyes on your drink while you listen to retreating footsteps, muted on carpet, until you hear the door open and close again.
Madame J’s hand lands softly on your shoulder to give it a squeeze. 
“How wonderful of Monsieur Jane to come look in on us himself!” she says to you, barely above a whisper. “Shall we cheers to that then, chérie?” 
Your heart still thrums in your chest from the thrill of it all. You raise your glass along with her, but just before knocking it against Madame J’s, you draw your hands back.
“Would you mind indulging me?” you ask quietly, trying to control the smirk threatening to take over your expression. 
Madame Joncquière clearly sees the scheming glint in your eyes and doesn’t hide her grin. It’s toothy, like a fox. And you feel like a peer, having caught a rabbit dead to rights. 
“Absolument! What would you like?” She leans in closer over the small end table between you. 
You carefully move to grab her wine glass and press your glass to her palm. She beams and immediately gets your meaning. You link arms together, giggling quietly as you try not to spill your respective drinks. 
“Cheers to yet another wonderful night on this train wreck of a planet,” you say, tilting the wine glass to clink against the highball. 
“I’ll drink to that!”
No sooner has the wine touched your lips, you hear a small commotion in the audience. Not enough to interrupt the show, but not something that won’t be noticed. 
The wine is bitter and sour on your tongue and you don’t bother to school your expression into something tame. Madam J laughs quietly behind her fan and offers your drink back. You hastily hand her back her awful wine and nurse your significantly sweeter cocktail.
The rest of the evening is blessedly uneventful. Patrick doesn’t make another appearance, but you don’t expect him to. You were surprised that he showed up personally in the first place. At the end of the show, after having another attendant–a real one, this time–slips you both back into your coats. Opens the door and thanks you for your patronage and only closes the door behind you once you’re most of the way down the hallway. Madame J links your arms together as you walk, chittering away about the singers’ performance. 
Once you reach the lobby, excuses herself for a moment to make a phone call. You make your way over to a plush lounge chair by one of the floor-to-ceiling windows and take a seat. It’s fairly early, for a Sunday evening, so you pass the time people watching. Your phone vibrates in your coat pocket just as you see Madame Joncquière making her way over to you. Quickly look at your phone notification. 
‘Have her drop you off here,’ followed by an address and a room number. You don’t have time to respond back and ask where the fuck that is before Madame J extends her hand out to you. 
“I’ve been instructed to provide transportation for you, chère,” she says as you accept her hand to stand. “You’re alright to give my driver your address, yes?” 
Your body doesn’t seem to know if it should be excited or apprehensive. You acquiesce to Madame J after a second. Once you do actually enter her car–a vintage Cadillac with the classic wings–and let the driver know where to drop you off, she practically begins vibrating in her seat next to you. 
“Oh, please, you have to tell me who you’re meeting there!” she says, eagerly reaching for and grabbing your hands. The question must be written on your face because she laughs giddily. “Ma belle, the MacArthur is a veritable oasis in Sacramento. If you’re going there and you don’t know this, someone is very eager to make sure you enjoy yourself.”
This time the excitement wins over; you can feel your face heating up and you’re not entirely sure what your face is doing. You struggle to come up with something to say to that–what do you say to that?--but Madame Joncquière giggles some more and pats your thigh.
“So it’s Monsieur Jane, after all? What a man. I wonder who he conned into letting him stay there tonight.” 
“Probably someone else who owes him a favour,” you mutter. Your cheeks hurt from trying not to smile too widely.
“That would be a pretty sizeable favour to cash in on for leisure.” Her tone says she’s just thinking out loud, but you think you understand what Madame J’s trying to say.
Awful big favour to cash in on one woman. Must be a special one.
You try not to think too much about it.
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The general manager meets you at the car. You wouldn’t have known he was the general manager if Madame Joncquière hadn’t turned into a gossipy 14 year old girl at the sight of him exiting the hotel doors. He opens the car door for you and helps you out with a hand.
“Lovely to have you, Ms Benraft. I’m Stephen Crawford, General Manager,” he introduces himself, taking a moment to lean forward to address Madam J. “Always a pleasure, Madame. Your friend will be in good hands with us.” 
“Always a pleasure, Monsieur Crawford. Have a wonderful night, chérie,” she finishes while addressing you, tossing a wink. “À la prochaine!” 
The general manager understands his cue to close the door, and the Cadillac slowly pulls away. 
You’re guided through the main building, where Stephen explains the history of the hotel and its various accommodations, all of which go into one ear and out the other. You’re taking directly to your lodgings, and  the general manager assures you that all amenities have been accounted for, including a late dinner and, in his words, “a small wardrobe in anticipation of whatever you would find comfortable”. 
You’re starting to understand why Madame Joncquière reacted the way that she did. Patrick has treated you to luxuries before–dinners, various events, even a trip out of the country–but none of it felt quite this… decadent. Almost overindulgent, actually. 
It truly feels like being spoiled rotten, and you’re still not sure how you feel about it.
Stephen hands you a very intricate key and steps back to wish you a good night, and that the front desk is available 24/7 should there ever be anything you need. You thank him and wait until he’s out of sight before turning back to the door. 
Your blood feels like it’s effervescing in your veins.
You consider knocking first, but decide to just let yourself into the room. You’re expected, after all, so it shouldn’t really matter, right? 
The first thing you notice is the fireplace. Then, the plush chairs, then the bed, then the bay window. The lighting is dim; only two lamps lit and the faint glow from the electric fireplace. The last thing you register is the sound of a shower running. 
You carefully close the door behind you and shrug your coat off, throw it in the direct of one of the chairs to your right. Walking further in, you spot a desk in a took to the left of the door with a chair conveniently pulled out. You carefully sit down to remove your shoes. Beautiful as they are and however aesthetically pleasant it was to have them match your dress, you’re happy to have them off. Carefully massage the soles of your feet, rotate your ankles, before leaning back in the chair.
This is lovely. You almost feel like you’re in one of those secluded little getaway suites in Bali or something. The vibes certainly match, even if late December weather is a bit too chilly. If you actually just let yourself enjoy everything for a second, and stop worrying about what it cost, this is just very nice. 
Maybe you’re starting to feel a little less spoiled and a little more pampered.
You’ve half dozed off by the time you feel warm hands on your shoulders. You sleepily hum, content, and sit up a little straighter. Stifle a yawn behind your hand and hear Patrick chuckle behind you.
“Have fun?”
You groan as you stretch. “Mm, would’ve been more fun withou–”
You cut yourself off after turning around and actually lay eyes on Patrick’s face. His lower lip is split on his left, and there’s a cut above the brow on the same side that you immediately know was from getting decked in the face. There’s also a disconcertingly large bruise on his left side, above his ribs, and you can’t fathom what would have caused that.
“Oh my–shit, are you okay? What happened?” 
You get halfway to standing up before Patrick gently presses you back down onto the chair. “Nothing too bad, I promise,” he answers, almost cajoling. Well, he’s breathing fine, from what you can see and hear. And he doesn’t seem like someone who got stabbed, you don’t think.
You still let the fingers of your left hand glide over the bruise. Patrick does a decent enough job to hide the wince, but it’s still there.
“Can I at least know what caused this one?” “Fire extinguisher.”
The words take a second to sink in before you start laughing. The image in your mind is absolutely far more cartoonish than what actually happened, for sure, but after an entire night of holding your breath, you can feel the tension start draining from your shoulders.
You turn back to face away from Patrick, and he resumes kneading the stress out of your traps and your neck. Thumbs dig into your neck on either side of your spine. It feels heavenly. Your breath catches when a shudder runs up your spine. There’s a heat that flares at the base of your spine when you feel his fingers gently wrap and brace against the sides of your throat.
“You did well tonight,” Patrick whispers into your hair. Takes a moment to brush your hair away before pressing a soft kiss to the back of your neck. 
You temper the rising, bubbling pride. “I didn’t even have to do anything.”
You can feel his laughter at the back of your neck. Hands slide down your arms before you feel him resting his forehead on your shoulder. 
“Switching your drinks was a clever idea.” You feel Patrick pulling away, squeak in surprise when he grabs the sides of the chair to spin you around. Crouches in front of your–and only now do you realize that he’s only got a towel around his waist, which parts dangerously wide as he lowers himself. “Made it a lot easier to catch our guy.”
Whatever tension in our shoulders Patrick hasn’t been able to dispel and disperse with his hands just… vanished. It had been a relief, initially, to know that Madame was safe and sound and not at risk of dying a slow, horrible, poisoned death. For the past 48 hours, it’s been a struggle to reign in your mind. You could barely sleep at night just for trying to distract yourself from what would happen if you didn’t pay well enough attention.
Patrick runs his hands over your thighs, up to your hips, tapping twice with his thumbs.
“I’m here,” you say airily, shaking off your thoughts to look Patrick in the eyes. “Just basked in the fact that it’s over now.” Lift a hand up to his face and gently smoothing your thumb below the cut at his brow. “Starting to wonder if I should have been worrying about you this whole time, instead.”
“Probably should have,” Patrick shrugs, and there’s a thrill that runs through you when you think, Of course I should have, of course you’d be getting yourself in some kind of mess.
He doesn’t say anything else when he stands back up and extends a hand out to help you to your feet. You feel silly for it, but you giggle when he makes you twirl, puling you back in with a hand at your waist. 
“Love the dress,” Patrick says, dipping in for a peck on the lips. “Where’d you get it?”
You scoff to compensate for the blood rushing to your face. “Some absolute scamp made me wear it tonight.”
Leading you into a slow, gentle sway by the fireplace, he puts on a show of looking offended. You laugh lightly at the exaggeration, but clear your throat once his expression settles. 
“I suppose the scamp should take it back, then,” he answers, voice low as the hand that held yours skips over ribs and moves up your back. 
You tilt your head when he begins to place opened-mouthed kisses down your neck. You let him pull your zipper down but otherwise don’t help him. Not that he needs much help; once the zipper stops, nearly at the very bottom of your spine, the top of your dress simply crumples away, taking the rest down with it.
Patrick takes a moment to pull back, hands smoothing down your upper arms as he takes a look at you. There’s a very self-content smirk on his face when he takes stock of the lacey, racy lingerie you’re wearing. A hand reaches down and tugs at your garter before letting it snap back into place.
God, the way he looks at you with such open, raw hunger continues to do things to you that you hadn’t known anyone was capable of. Until him.
“Even happier to see someone can follow instructions,” Patrick comments, sounding every part like the cat that got the cream. Both hands both over your hips, up your ribs, thumbs tracing the underside of your breasts.
Patrick leans in, lips barely brushing against yours. “Think you can keep following instructions?” 
You sigh shakily at his tone. “Yes, sir.”
You can feel his chest vibrate with his rumble of appreciation. He doesn’t speak when he tugs you along to bed. Doesn’t need to tell you what to do when he sits, tossing the towel from his waist in the general direction of the sitting area, leaning against the headboard. You dutifully install yourself on his lap, slowly settling your weight over his thighs. 
With two hands firmly on your rear, Patrick pulls you in as close as he can. Thrusts his hips up as he does so. Just the heat of his erection, throbbing against your damp underwear, has you moaning behind tightly sealed lips.
“That’s it,” Patrick encourages when you begin to rut against him without prompting. “Take what you want, I’ll give you the rest.” The rest of his sentence is almost unintelligible as he takes turns between kissing and nipping at your breasts. The bra is a pathetic excuse for fabric, and you understand why he had you wear this particular set; it almost feels as though there’s nothing at all between your skin and the wet heat of his mouth.
It doesn’t take long before you have to brace yourself against Patrick’s shoulders, and soon after that you find yourself whining as you toss your head back. The friction and heat are both wonderful in their own respect, but the angle is wrong, and it’s not nearly enough. 
You’re ravenous, and Patrick is a meal that loves to hold himself out of reach just a bit past long enough.
“Use your words,” he breathes into your collarbones, one hand moving us to massage at one of your breasts while the other moves lower. Down past the delicate lace waist of your panties, thumb teasing around your clit. 
“Fuck,” you choke out, unable to keep yourself from grinding down harder and faster in the hopes that something will change. 
“Not quite enough words,” Patrick quips, and you growl, annoyed. Bring your head back forward and do your best to maintain eye contact. 
It still feels embarrassing, even now. To say it out loud.
You’re learning to accept that… maybe you’re just. A little bit into that.
“Please, sir,” you start, clearing your throat and swallowing thickly. “I would very much like you to fuck me, please.”
Patrick practically purrs, satisfied. This part, too, is well rehearsed. You muster just enough self control to raise your hips. Enough room so he can pull his cock forward. Enough for you to gather saliva in your mouth and let it dribble down. Over Patrick’s hand, and over his cock.
He groans with the feeling of it as you exhaled in something you think might be awe. His eyes are close and head tilted back. He looks debauched, you think, but not quite enough. 
“Can I–can I touch, sir?” you pants, hands already raised by the sides of his head.
“Can’t say no when you ask so nicely,” he breathes out. You immediately run your hands through his hair, digging your fingertips into his scalp. He moans, a drawn-out thing that has your cunt clenching in a desperate way. 
A shudder like electricity shoots through you when you feel Patrick simply pulling aside the gusset of your underwear before lining himself up with your entrance. He takes a second–during which you whine in complaint–to get a hand at the back of your head, fisting the hair there just enough to get your attention. Look down at him with impatient, hooded eyes. 
“You’ll forgive the terrible timing,” he starts, sounding about as breathless as you’re sure you currently do. “But there’s been something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
“You’re right,” you groan, leaning your head forward to rest against his. “It’s terrible ti–”
Your sentence is blissfully interrupting when Patrick thrusts up into you. Not quite hilting himself, but damn well near it. You’re not sure what you would call the sound that cracked its way out of your throat. He groans in unison with you, and you’re not sure who’d trying to pull who in closer.
“Fuck,” Patrick breathes out, one hand guiding your hips to slowly move against him, the other smoothing the hair at the back of your head. “I love you.”
You keen, a quick, sharp pitched sound. Push yourself just far away to look him in the eyes. Takes him a second to build enough composure back off to raise his head and look at you straight on.
He’s been unguarded before, sure, but not like this. There’s something swirling in your chest and low in your abdomen. Something heavy, heady. 
“Christ,” you exhale, lifting your hips before slamming them back down. Your sharp inhale catches in your throat and Patrick bites back another groan. “Worst timing. Other women would question your motives.”
“Mmh, good thing you aren’t any other woman.” The end of his sentence is punctuated by a particularly sharp thrust upward. You can feel the tip of his cock just brushing against your cervix, and the jolt it sends through has you grinding down back in turn. 
Patrick winds his arms around your back and presses your against his chest. You feel him bracing his feet against the mattress, immediately move to grab the edge tof he headboard. Feel him chuckle under you, flinch when you feel teeth against one of your nipples through the sparse lace.
“Fortunate that I love you too, then.”
You don’t get to properly register the sound you hear bubbling up from the back of Patrick’s throat before he thrusts back up into you. Sets a pace that might’ve been brutal, but even in the haze of oxytocin in your brain you can recognize that this is relief. 
A man that’s been alone and snarling at and against the world for so many years just… just told you he loves you.
When you feel a hand make its way around your throat, you take the cue. 
It’s a tomorrow problem.
Tonight you can just feel, and bask in several jobs well done.
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@fucklife-or-me @mamacakeishereforfun @newavenger @yearningforsappho @natsukee @piper570 @rikuisthesweetestboy @berry-blink @wandabillywrites @leftovers-and-headrubs @pauphs @gamingfeline @racoonkitty @dogmatic255 
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adorawasright · 11 months ago
Hello! I just saw ur post saying g hintlow is badly written in your opinion. Could you please tell me why you think so? I'm kinda curious?
I also didn't really like huntlow since it kinda came outta no where all of a sudden but what do you think??
*cracks knuckles* (just kidding lol)
Honestly, I just think H/untlow has several writing problems. I'll be pointing out the main reasons I think so under the cut. If anyone who follows me or comes across this post ships H/untlow, it's totally fine, just please don't send me hate for what I'll say here:
Hunter and Willow have nothing in common. The show forces the "half a witch" thing onto Hunter despite the fact he was never called that anywhere in the show, he's usually just called annoying or a brat. Besides, Hunter could be a metaphor for disability considering he doesn't have natural magic powers (until the show decided to kill off Flapjack, but I'll get into that later). However, Willow is not the case. She may not be good at abomination magic, but she's incredibly powerful with plant magic. But for some reason, the show treats these experiences as equals, even though that's a thing Hunter has more in common with Luz than Willow (and in this case I'm not talking through a romantic lens).
Hunter and Willow are out of character. Hunter, the prodigy and the emperor's right hand, becomes utterly pathetic and wimpy just so Willow can look like a badass girlboss. And Willow then just comes off as cruel sometimes. I appreciate Willow for being nice but also being a badass, but even then, Willow was never cruel prior to her meeting Hunter. She apologized to Luz when she realized she could've hurt her, and when Willow met Gus she was patient and understanding, teaching him a breathing technique to calm him down. I'm not saying Willow has to be overly nice, but she just randomly captures Hunter to make him join her flyer derby team. And at this point she doesn't even know that Hunter is the Golden Guard, so she just... attacks a random kid and scares him for no reason. Worse yet the fact that she drags him into the ground THE SAME WAY BELOS DOES in Hollow Mind. Even after Hunter tells her he's "half a witch", Willow isn't patient with him, she's just a brute again. Which is my next point:
Unhealthy power dynamic. Hunter refers to Willow as "captain", and it's honestly a red flag to me. I am NOT saying Willow is abusive. However, we have to remember that Hunter's abuser uses his position of power to mistreat him. Hunter looks up to someone who's not an equal to him and in turn, he does not value himself. And Willow never seems to realize it and explicitly say that she's not his leader, she's his friend. This pairing is basically the girlboss/malewife model, but not only does it not make sense, it's not healthy for Hunter to fall in love with someone who has power over him, and who might be paralleled to his abuser as I pointed out before.
Ruined character arcs. I think most of us agree that Hunter's character arc was unsatisfactory as he became another Caleb without ever processing it, but Willow was definitely done dirty as well. Willow never had her own episode, not even Understanding Willow was about her, it was more about Amity. Any Sport in a Storm also focuses more on Hunter. Even Gus had more character development than Willow, despite the fact he was also done dirty in the end. Willow's breakdown wasn't carefully developed, it was never hinted in Thanks to Them or anywhere before that. It came out of nowhere in For the Future, and in turn it just pushed Hunter's character (and Gus, literally) aside so he could save Willow. And this is yet ANOTHER point I hate:
Willow only reciprocates Hunter's crush when he gains powers. Seriously, for the longest time I didn't even think H/untlow was going to be mutual. Only Hunter seemed to be attracted to Willow, by blushing and being shy around her. Willow never seems to see Hunter in another light in the following episodes, not even in Thanks to Them despite them living with each other for months. That only happens in For the Future, which left a bad taste in my mouth. Like I said before, Hunter might be considered disabled, but his disability is "cured" with magic, and ONLY THEN does Willow fall for him. That contradicts the entire message of the show, which welcomes and celebrates disabilities.
And overall, Hunter and Willow never have a genuine emotional connection. Hunter has more connection and things in common with Luz, Gus, and even Amity (and sadly, his parallels with Amity were never really explored after Eclipse Lake). Hunter and Luz don't have magical powers. Hunter and Gus are both taken advantage of by others, and they have an identity crisis, not knowing how to trust themselves anymore. Hunter and Amity then, they were both raised in an abusive household and they're expected to be someone they're not, and they have to push everyone else down so they can be better. But Hunter and Willow don't share this kind of connection. They might touch on the "half a witch" thing but that never deepens. And in For the Future, it comes off as rushed, and Hunter has to push down his grief for Flapjack to save Willow. Not to mention Gus and Hunter never get to talk about Caleb - Gus always knew about Hunter's secret, and not even THAT gets a satisfying payoff because the show is more concerned in making H/untlow canon. But that would have to be its own post.
Sorry this got long, lmao. I have very strong feelings about how H/untlow was handled. I actually used to ship it at first, I think it COULD'VE worked. But they don't even seem to be close friends at the very least. It sucks because even R/aeda was written better despite the fact it had less screentime than L/umity. Sure, Eda and Raine were ex-lovers, but I thought their relationship was written very well for the most part. I don't know how the writers dropped the ball with H/untlow this way.
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witheringwidgetwrites · 2 years ago
could I get one of the OM boys reacting to a singer-songwriter or musician MC? i'd love to hear you're thoughts on it!
Ahh im down! Here are some ways they'd appreciate MC!! I tried to be fairly general with these? But i have the most experience w jazz, and classical stuff soo idk. I also played bass clarinet and clarinet lol so my bias will prob show
Casually encourages MC to join 1 of the few clubs at RAD.
He is the 2nd most likely to discuss the formalities of music. Will listen outside your room and mention it casually later, probably after most of his brother have left the dinner table.
Once you grow closer, he's prone to not falling asleep until you sing to him. Soft stuff, even if thats not your normal, he just loves it. Won't ever say it much, but wow it brings him so much comfort.
He used to mind listening when he was trying to do paperwork, but as your relationship progresses, he's a lot more willing. Brings him a little bit of peace.
If you ever decide to post publically, he goes all out to support you. Watches your videos a couple times a day, leaves a single, well thought out comment on the details in your music. An analysis, if you will. Asks his brothers a couple times a week if they've shared it.
Jumps at the chance to support you, even if he's tsundere about it. Comments under different profiles, shares your socials allll over. Especially at his modeling gigs. You'll get traction fairly quickly. Even if it's not what you wanted
Loses his mind if you sing softly to him. He'll feel like he has all your attention just feels so loved and cared for. Will probably get in his feelings and start crying.
Also asks his brothers if they've liked/watched anything you might post.
Tendency to listen outside your door when he hears you singing, even if it's while you shower.
Takes you on late night car rides just to hear you laugh and sing to the radio. He'd drive for hours if you let him.
Definitely falls asleep when you hum or sing slower songs for him. It ends up becoming almost like a routine for him, he starts to struggle to sleep without you.
Takes him quite a while to hear you sing. He just hasn't had the opportunity. The first time he hears you sing, he's captivated. Would never ask you to sing for him outright however, but would stealthily try and get you to karaoke with him. (Like he'd actually sing tho lol)
Probably records it and listens to it sometimes. One of his biggest guilty pleasures.
Once you get closer, he'll turn his game music down to listen to you hum or sing softly to yourself, never mentions it, but enjoys it quietly. Usually feels the blood rush to his face though, as it feels really intimate to him.
Will lowkey ask for help cleaning his room, or asks if he can help you clean yours, just because he knows you'll start singing.
If you ever show him your lyrics, expect him to be speechless. He's pretty blown away by your trust, compliments you quietly, he doesn't want to scare you away.
The most outright to ask you to sing for him. He hears you for the first time when he takes you to a party at The Fall. He's captivated instantly, stays close to you to hear you better in the loud surroundings. Claps for sure.
He also takes you to karaoke. He'll sing with you, but lets you have most of the solos. It's odd for him to not be the center of attention, but he absolutely adores showing you off!
Is very likely to record and post a video of you that goes viral because he already has many followers. He is very excited to show you how much love your video got!
Tries to help you come up with song ideas. He's not a ton of help, but he tries!
Asks you to write him a love song. 100%
First time he hears you, you're singing softly to yourself in the almost/empty library. He stays behind a stray bookshelf to avoid spooking you. He listens for a while before he slides in the chair next to you.
He leans his head back, closing his eyes, "Have you heard Blue Skies by by Ella Fitzgerald?" He pauses, "you should sing something for me sometime."
Likes to read your song writing, it's like poetry to him. He feels like he's able to understand you more. He likes being closer to you.
Some nights, he'll play music in his room before inviting you in, taking your hand and slow dancing with you. He enjoys the closeness, and he loves listening to you hum softly to the music. After the first couple times, he learned to clear his floor a little.
As you get closer, you're likely to find yourself singing him to sleep. Playing with his soft blonde locks while he dozes off in your lap, his book long forgotten.
He first hears you late at night when he's in the kitchen. He actually stops himself mid-bite for a moment before shaking his head, realizing he can eat and listen at once. He pauses once you finish and step into the kitchen.
"Very nice MC, please do another one." He almost cocks his head a little despite not phrasing it as a question.
Asks you if it's a popular human world song, he's impressed when you tell him that you wrote it! "Do you have any other ones?" He looks like a big puppy and it's so hard to say no, so you stay for a while and sing to him while he eats.
After you grow closer, he finds himself in your lap more often than not, and he's almost as sleepy has Belphie when you sing him those soft songs again.
He first hears you as you come up the stairs to the attic. Your voice is almost luring him to sleep. He's almost enraged after he realizes it's you.
First time he really hears you is when he enters the planetarium and you're already there. He's quiet, you're not entirely comfortable with him yet, and he wants to listen.
Skipping the angst, as you grow closer, he'll ask you to sing him to sleep. He enjoys laying in your lap in the planetarium while you sing him something.
He's likely to start asking you regularly about your writing. "Anything new today, MC?" frowns a little when you say no.
He's uncharacteristically eager to see and hear your new work, especially as you grow closer.
Very likely you'll have him and Beel laying in your lap fairly often while the drift off to sleep at the sound of your voice.
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tinkerbelle05 · 2 years ago
hi! can you write a miles (1610) x gn/fem pop star s/o? thanks so much!!
My Muse
Characters: 1610!Miles Morales x Black!Fem!reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: (Requested) Thanks for the reqs, sweets
Warning: none :)
A/N: Did I use this as an excuse to talk about my favorite songs? Maybe lol. Let me know if you have heard of any of these, they are listed below.
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Dating someone famous was not for the weak, Miles expected that. You tried to keep your relationship private, knowing how unhinged your fans could be. You loved and appreciated them (well most of them) but they could be a bit much at times.
And because of that your dating life was on standby until you met Miles. He was perfection in every sense of the world. And somehow, when your relationship inevitablely got leaked, he was calm about it. Well of course during first week Miles was the definition of a mess because who wouldn’t be. He was constantly refreshing the comment section of posts and the like.
But after that he went private and kinda moved on. Two months later and it was like the leak never existed. You moved on with your lives and the rest of the world did too.
Miles was hanging out in your room, music playing in the background. You were writing lyrics in your book and he was sketching in his. With the afternoon sun lighting up the room, the scene felt picturesque.
You felt someone watching you, and when you looked up, it was Miles. His face was resting on his palm and he had a lovesick expression on his face.
“You should take a picture, it'll last longer,” you joked and that broke him out of it whatever daydream he was having.
“Oh…oh. Um, was I staring?” He asked sheepishly.
“Yes, you were,” you chuckled. “But it’s cute.”
You leaned over and caught a glimpsed of his sketch book. But only that as he snatched the thing out of your reach. “Hey, hey, you know the deal. You look into my book, and I look into yours.”
You stared at Miles, mulling over the offer in your head, weighing the pros and cons in your head. “Okay, fine.”
You really wanted to see what that boy was so secretive about in there. And you always wanted to stare at the lil sketches he made of you. You exchanged books and went to looking.
You just hoped he wouldn't be a dork (affectionately) about what you written in your book.
But this is Miles we’re talking about here. Being dork is practically his middle name.
He glances up at you and his eyes says it all. Your cheeks were getting hot but thankfully with your complexion, it won't show.
“Can’t stop thinking ‘bout the way you kissed me, under the stars’?” Miles recounts the lyrics you wrote.
You ignored him and continued to look through his sketchbook. Even though you were enjoying his reactions.
It's one of your favorite parts about thing whole singing thing (other than the money obviously), it was how people reacted to your songs. Especially the ones who inspired it.
“Oh, and another one! ‘You’re the water when I’m stuck in the desert. You’re the Tylenol I take when my head hurts. You’re the sunshine of my life.’” He reads the words from the book with a smug smile on his face.
“What you cheesing for?” you asked with a big smile of your own.
Miles sets the book down on his overcrowded night table and comes closer to you, “You know, while reading this book, one would assume that I'm your muse."
He's staring at me with a teasing smirk on his face, “Well, am I?”
Instead of answering you shoved his book in his face and flipped through the multiple drawings that Miles has of you, “And what about this? Does this mean I'm your muse too?"
“Okay, okay you got me. I guess we’re both muses for eachother then?”
You look at him and can't help but smile, “Yea, I guess we are.”
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Tags: @butterfi, @somber-dreamz, @jam-skullz, @hoeboat101, @randomhoex, @badbehaviorxx, @gw3ndyswonderland, @midnight-the-shadow-wolf, @eight-cats-in-a-box, @itstooearly-its3am, @sleepdeprivationis4coolkids, @rosebunny, @maypersonne, @yourtsahik, @mur-docs, @sawi-06, @707xn, @andhdi68a, @emgavi, @nagi3seastorm, @ghostsimp000, @cloudstrifefantatic, @vixqn, @ellatienesuscosas, @laylasbunbunny, @minimari415, @im-jisoo-im-okay, @universallypeanutpizzapersona, @avatarl0v3r, @nerdyparker616, @jell0buss-37, @centipider, @keawio, @skullux, @luci1fer, @jazisc00l, @thebestandrealestever, @baneofthemultiverse, @1uvvmi,
Anonlist & Reqs Info & Masterlist & 500 Followers Celebration!! & Taglist
Songs used: ur so pretty - wasia project & best part -HER ft. Daniel Caesar
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upslapmeal · 8 months ago
So I had vaguely seen things about Moffat coming back, but I'd always interpreted the 'next' series as being... the NEXT series. after the upcoming one. anyway BIG ol' surprise in the opening titles lol
are these those anglican marines back from what?? s5? s6?
....is this a flashback? I think those guys had the same name
we're finding out he swapped a duty and now he's injured
oh wait it’s not a flashback lmao
this is where being bad at faces fails me
is this an american ambulance situation where they cost too much and ruin your life?
they ruin your life in another significant way
‘villengard’ assuming this is pre-bananas lol
*dramatically throws open tardis doors* 'someone needs me!!!'
Fifteen’s theme is so good
Moffat??????? well that explains the anglican marines
Fifteen is excellent at answering questions. shame they're not the questions Ruby is asking
‘one wrong move and boom’ eyy title drop
when can Twelve and Fifteen bond over capitalism and being scottish
‘i’m not even screaming. yet.’ yeah
‘it’s going to be tricky’ ‘it’s going to be a MOMENT YEAH’
gotta think of health and safety at war what can I say! only the finest ventilated air before our ambulances murder you
Ruby on her first planet <3 (though only now after 6 months?? Fifteen you've been slacking clearly!)
‘he was being sMELTED??’ ‘it’s a good word smelted’ 'NOT AT THE MOMENT???’ obviously Fifteen's not having the best time but poor Ruby lmao
‘ooooh I am. havin’ a day 🙃🙃’ never has a Doctor been so me. minus the landmine.
Ruby don’t make the Doctor laugh when he’s balancing on one leg!!
oh man the Doctor really IS having a day
ok those soldiers are definitely not the same guy lol but I could have sworn they had the same name!
‘everything is possible. everywhere is a beach eventually’ RIP Mundy left out of that lil callback to earlier
Ruby grabbing the gun, shooting it and yelling is v much banging the pipes in Space Babies lol
love that her instinct is make noise and yell, think later
meanwhile Splice is chilling with her lil photo album
…did I mishear shoot me little bitch??
oh lol ‘shoot me a little bit'
nooo Ruby!!
‘I can’t think unless I’m talking and I can only talk to you’ oh that is VERY Twelve Clara
and also a lot to put on someone you’ve known for so little time that they’re only just seeing their first planet RIP
Fifteen: do you get it do you get it!! Ruby: 😴
'there are no Kastarions’ big Doctor’s Daughter vibes
Thirteen: have faith!!! <3 Fifteen: >:(
love fifteen giving his big speech with snot running down his lip. giving Nine in Dalek
‘how much of the countdown left’ ‘3 minutes maybe’ I mean you said 5 minutes 4 minutes ago
speaking of which what is the point of assessing for life and having a countdown if it just blows anyway
(to give it flashy lights and features I know)
bud I appreciate the romance going on here but now is maybe not the time
oh yeah very much not the time
…..delighted that Ruby hasn’t been smelted. yet.
(.....also 3 minutes have now passed. where is the boom the title promised!!)
the deaths are stacking up and Splice is just having the best chill time lol
oh the ambulance is the twist lady!
just for the record it took that failsafe 8 minutes to trigger
lol poor confused Ruby. honestly rude to die and miss the action
there’s the closeup from the trailer!!
who knew that serene deep breath came shortly after prolonged near death by landmine
‘he’s not gone. he’s just dead’ <3
‘you keep the faith Splice’ there we go
‘snow isn’t snow until it falls’ maybe it’s just my love for Twelve’s era but I’ve been endeared to these nonsense Moffatisms lol
ok looking at the credits those characters have different names but they're still similar! you can’t have two characters with similar names played by incredibly similar-looking people and expect us to tell them apart??
varada sethu????? as in new companion???????
is Mundy coming back?????? or is this a Karen Gillan situation?
Really enjoyed this one!! Easily my fave of the first three, very tense and WHAT a showcase for Ncuti!!! Absolute powerhouse. However. On rewatch I really did notice how much Ruby was written like Clara lol. Ah Moff you've got your strengths and weaknesses like us all
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caitlynkirammansrifle · 1 month ago
Three thoughts: Firstly - really liked your fic, was the first one I got invested enough in to put more than a single comment on Ao3 (and this ask too yay). Secondly: as to alternate perspective ideas, chapter 27 between Vi blacking out and waking up in the Piltover hospital. How did that meeting between Vander and Cassandra go? Thirdly: as to the council/founding lore - why can't both Heimerdinger and House Kiramman be the founders of Piltover? My headcanon is that there were multiple founding families of Piltover, and that's the origins of the council. Heimerdinger gets to be "the founder" because he's the only individual still around, but the Kirammans (and maybe also the Ferroses and the Hoskels, but not the Medardas) were definitely part of founding Piltover too. I'm also now wondering if the hypothetical divide of "founding councillor / elevated later" fits onto the fic's status quo / revolutionary council divide neatly. Did Cassandra first try to persuade the councillors whose houses were elevated to the council after Piltover's founding?
Glad you liked it!! <3 <3 I appreciate all the comments you've left! All of you make my day when I see them :D
As for the story parts:
I could definitely add that perspective, but I believe I can post that little one shot today, so we'll see how it goes. That's a good request!
Here's my headcanon (of my own lore lol):
The main reason is that I wanted Cassandra to have a sense of responsibility to to the city. In the chapter from her point of view, she tells the old sheriff before Grayson: “Sheriff, my ancestors shaped the very cobblestones that laid the foundations of this city,” she stated in a tone that brooked no argument. “If I wish to traverse a single one of them, then I shall, no matter how unsensible it may seem to you. Am I understood?” TL;DR: I like the gravity of the Kiramman's being the original founders.
Now, how the elevating of councilors works:
The whole city was once Zaun, the last bastion of the Valoran Empire, which I imagine that the Valoran empire set up the council there to run the city while they expanded their empire. So when the empire fell, Zaun was just left with the council and went on business as usual. Their main areas of government, law enforcement, etc., were located where the present day Zaun is now. It just kind of existed like any other city in the world until one day, the trade merchant family, the Hoskels, proposed the creation of the Sun Gates, which is a massive canal. They created the River Pilt and built up the artificing, trade, and science centers for the Sun Gates on the northside of the river that would become Piltover.
Once Hoskel's family set off the bombs that led the the creation of the fissures and sunk half of the south side of Zaun into them, those on that council were destroyed along with it. So a new one had to be formed and, due to the destruction of the south side, the new one was built on the north side. Because the surviving governing families (think of them like distant relations of the original council in Zaun who worked on the Sun Gates) were related to the original councilors, nothing actually changed in terms of what family ruled, but now you have a bunch of people who never would have been in powerful positions or receiving a lot of wealth suddenly getting it, fueling the greed that led to them not providing aid to the destroyed part of the city. Not a great foundation for government immediately following a devastating disaster. Now, families come and go, some die out, some leave, some are exiled, etc. So some families have changed, such as Shoola's being 600 years on the council as opposed to Cassandra's being on it for 800 years.
I will say, part of my clean up throughout this fic will be fixing up the lore a bit. Making it up as you go along, especially for a fic as long as this one, will lead to discrepancies. I'll do what I can, but for the most part, the important parts are what I want them to be and will be unchanged: the Kirammans are the ones who built Zaun/Piltover and are the oldest family on the council, the Hoskels accidentally sent half of the city into the fissures--which would turn into the Undercity--and ever since The Sinking, no one from what was the south side of Zaun has served on the council.
Lastly, because its been so long that these family's have been on the council, there isn't much weight between who was elevated and who wasn't, except perhaps Cassandra's and that was mainly due to the fact that she had the most money because of how old her family is (that's changed, however, because Mel is now the richest person in Piltover). The reason Heimerdinger is the leader of the council now is because he is the longest serving councilor and his wisdom, despite its inconsistency at times, still does serve them well in other matters.
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catholicfacade · 3 months ago
So, your wip is fire 😳
The tiktok filming setup as a way to bring reader/Valentine into the world of Joost and his friends is such a a good idea. Something so believable and so very them. Like, it could really happen. I’m immediately immersed. You are incorporating a lot of little irl lore details that do a really good job of not letting me forget that I’m reading a joost fic. The way you include and build upon the stitch plushie is such a good moment of this. 
The way you explain joost’s immediate fascination with reader the instant he sees the tiktok is extremely satisfying. When self inserting here I felt so wanted 🥰 (I know he is being horny not sweet at this point but what can I say). I really enjoyed how joost is displaying a hint of degradation kink lol. Real femdom enjoyer hours. Can’t wait to see if it’s their whole dynamic or just one aspect of it. Also let me just directly say that this jack-off scene was hot as fuck. Superior descriptions. Wowowowow.
Rewatching the tiktok on loop until you get low battery notification 😂
Him liking his own comment immediately 💀😂
Reference to Valentine not looking as lively in the one other video foreshadowing for learning about traumatic backstory???
I love how direct joost is about what the tiktok did to him in the flash forward bit at the end. Communication is important! 😤
I’m already so invested in the success of this couple.
Your summary makes it sound like we are in for a hell of a ride. I love me some hurt/comfort so I’m very excited for this. I can’t wait to read more 💛
omg i didn’t think i would be deserving enough to ever get an inbox like this !!! thank you soooo much my mutual in shining armor !!!
i love in fics when people reference something highly specific irl, like joosts clothing or lyrics or places he’s been! it’s always super immersive, i try and add in as much as i can!
trust me these two will be on some freaky bob ™️ type shit in the bedroom ;P joost jerking off is like…he’s literally such a man…he saw one beautiful girl online and had to go take care of himself??? boy please be serious!! 😭
joost and v are the literal definition of “it gets worse before it gets better” at multiple points in their relationship. no spoilers but their love runs so deep and so heavy, even when they’re so upset with each other, i think they get a little overwhelmed. but that’s for me to show you eventually…
i’ll be honest, i’ve never finished a chaptered fic in my entire life but i’m trying the hardest i’ve ever tried to make this one the one! i appreciate every ounce of support i’ve gotten thus far and i’m really working hard on trying to write faster and more consistently for you all <333
[ps. i might drop another preview this wednesday for a much later part in the series to show how different their dynamic can be, so stay tuned !! 🪽]
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acourtofquestions · 9 months ago
I personally love all of SJM’s books, and have read TOG and ACOTAR (I’m on the second book of CC) but I’ve seen multiple anti-SJM posts on tumblr. I personally disagree with them, but what’s your opinion?
(One of the main things they argue is that Rhysand was abusive)
A very good question! Thanks for asking! I always love talking about fandom stuff & your posts are always a fav😊🫶 @romantasyreader28 (apology in advance for the delay & long ramble lol; it was a good question I had many thoughts on🤣)
I was actually pondering something similar within this note but separate for an updated reading post on Rowan from TOG (I’m reading HoF for the first time; & though I generally try not to pick “pro/anti” (as there’s always another side to the story) not gonna lie I was near “anti”-Rowan… until PT. 2… hence the more “pro”-Rowan upcoming post😂).
— So there are definitely a LOT of changing opinions depending on the point in the series.
As far as Rhysand goes:
I was on a rollercoaster with him at first too, the introductory chapters & UTM time period were concerning (assault is a big trigger for me; so having Feyre drink faerie wine, “marking” her with paint, & kissing her without consent was disturbing).
With that said, I did find his character generally easier to “like/not loathe” on first read in comparison to other “enemies to lovers”. I think this is because of a few reasons… The 1st being you know there is more going on beneath the surface. 2nd, the perspective it’s written in shows their draw to each-other & makes swaying the audience easier. 3rd the undercurrents to their banter & little clues to more within their interactions; such as him betting on HER; shows he believes in her & also something more. Finally, it is furthered by the already very dark setting, not to give excuse but to more easily explain the why which is NOT of malice. My biggest point is that he does not defend it, apologizes for it & it is not portrayed as “okay”.
He is not perfect, he can be read as hero or villain; he does NOT make the same mistake twice, he DOES apologize, he does TRY to be better. He creates a sanctuary specifically for women to escape abuse, he makes a lot of effort to give Feyre HER choices & empower her to make them. And the times we are shown his side it is much less morally murky.
I know there is a lot of anger around him hiding the risk of Feyre & Nyx; I don’t disagree it is wrong & confusing, but we do not get the full picture, clearly showing in the other perspectives. & The other being his threat to Nesta after she tells Feyre; which was wrong & he knows it. — There is a difference however between anger & action. — While many of these patterns could probably be deemed as abusive, they could also be deemed as acceptable/explainable. Which one is correct?
— Well, at the end of the day it’s fiction. Within a genre that very much struggles with this as a whole. & While there is something to be said for “real world” power within fictional escapes. It also comes with a different & messier set of non-existent rules; if we are to examine them all, quickly everything becomes problematic. & maybe that’s good to do, maybe not; it’s worth acknowledging; but in that acknowledge that it is fiction.
Meanwhile, writers are real people. So be wary of jumping toward conclusions on either side…
As far as SJM goes:
I don’t know & we’ve never met, I don’t know what she’s like, what she believes in, what she’s experienced. I doubt anyone would write a series with the intention to sway people into abusive relationships. & though intent is a good question to ask; I tend to lean similarly towards no.
There are times I think abuse is shown; whether intentional (as Arobynn and Celaena), or questionably (Tamlin & Feyre’s first kiss; a moment that bothered me as she is drunk, but I actually appreciate because it is shown how problematic they are later; point to it as a key warning, not “romantic fairytale” to aspire for).
I also think the Maasverse does take time to give survivors & “unspoken stories” a spotlight, that means a great deal (or at least it did to me) with characters like Gwyn being a large one.
It serves as an enjoyable escape from the world; one we know is fiction. A morality that can be more “fun” to debate & ponder, but still exists within fiction & opinion primarily over actual moral grounding.
For me: I love Rhysand (though I may not wish to marry him in the real world) I wish to have someone to hold my hair when I have nightmares & I loved watching him and Feyre fall in love in moments like that; I love the way SJM turns plots on their heads & think she does a great job with them.
Reading throne of glass as my next Maasverse series has been cathartic; I have thoroughly enjoyed many dynamics and actually praised them for flipping stereotypes on their heads & NOT being abusive.
So, while I think there are many sides and points to argue & at the end of the day is generally within fiction; I enjoy SJM’s writing & reading them. I generally don’t find it more problematic than other series. And prefer to enjoy fandoms, or move along if it doesn’t feed me healthily.
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saiyanwitcher · 6 months ago
I have been waiting for part one to be finished, because when I first started eyeing Prince of Death, it was close to being done. And oh my it hit just right. I devoured the whole thing.
I love it, my honor. It is the perfect combination of high-stakes plot, romance, main characters being a self-sacrificing dumbasses (always peak literature) and everything i was looking for. So from all those ingredients, you have created the perfect meal and I have been fed and watered and everything is great.
The whole thing just flows so nicely. You have a very clear, lovely writing voice.
I think I understood everything I needed to with ample additional mystery to be uncovered, but I never felt like I had no idea what was happening even though I had no prior knowledge of the universe. And this is indeed a feat, because honestly sometimes I read whole published books and I’m like, "Wait, what? WTF is happening?"
Another thing that is so hard to master, which you just got down here, is the pacing. It never stalls, but there are enough quiet moments for me to breathe and get to know the characters. And for Max and Charles to fall in high-stakes, low self-esteem love, which is just chef’s kiss.
Talking about Max and Charles, they are so dear to me in this fic. I live for the protective boyfriend trope and this is all set up for greatness in that regard. Kicking my feet, jumping in joy. I’m just overall a happy reader when it comes to this fic.
Also, I need to make a shout-out to all the effort you have put in outside of just writing the fic. All the pictures and posts and playlists. It adds a lot and I know that it must take effort and time; it is appreciated.
To conclude this rambly too long ask: thank you for writing this and sharing it with us. You are a gift and a treasure.
I may come here with some more superlatives later. I hope thats alright 😅
Hello there!
I always forget that people wait until fics are finished to start reading. I'm so impatient, I generally just jump right in and then get stuck on a cliffhanger and want to kms. I respect the self-control I definitely do not have!
So happy that you enjoyed part 1 ❤️ As I stated in my authors note at the start of the work, this is literally the first thing I've ever tried to write and I almost trashed the whole thing at least a dozen times through the learning process. I'm also pleased to hear that it isn't confusing or like boring to read (things I've been very worried about).
Pacing is something I wasn't quite sure if I got right either, so I appreciate the feedback! I love slow burn as much as the next person, but I also want to be engaged with a work and not get too bored with slice-of-life type stuff. I'm also a huge fan of "okay, we're together now, but the universe isn't going to let us be together," which is the definition of this entire fic. 🫣
If the angst doesn't make my chest doesn't ache every few chapters, I don't want it your honor lol
Max will continue to struggle with many different issues (as he should) in part 2, and Charles will have to learn what his triggers are and how to handle someone with such a traumatic past. He will be over protective and do some things that Charles/the reader might be confused by, but the poor guy has been through some shit, and he needs some time. I'm really looking forward to exploring that dynamic if I'm honest. I've read a lot of fic where it's either, all the trauma and no recovery or trauma happened off camera and it's all focused on recovery. Attempting to have both feels like a big ask, but I'm certainly going to try!
Making an edit for the start of each chapter was a fun idea I had starting on chapter 2, and then quickly got out of control by the time I was on chapter 20 😅 but I really like visual aids, and I will probably continue to make them for part 2 as well.
Come back any time as my ask box and DMs are always open! There's a lot of clues and subtle things in the finer details that may not have seemed important in the early chapters, but on second or third inspection, have HUGE implications on the later plot for this story.
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vacantgodling · 7 months ago
my brain is a pile of mush but i wanna learn more about tcol so. holds microphone up to you. i would like to learn more about forte the handsome archer,,, anything you'd like to share,,,, pwease he seems fun
thank u for always indulging me i really appreciate it 🥺🥺🥺. this is also gonna be long as fuck so uhhh sorry in advance.
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(there he is!! for context lol. just need to add pointy ears to him like i need to for everyone lmao. i’ll redraw him and the rest sometime… eventually…)
forte the handsome archer! aka, the most well adjusted mother fucker in contingent 17 (aka our main characters). and why is he the most well adjusted? WELP! he has the best family situation and the most stable upbringing lmao.
forte’s immediate family is made up of father, tenor symphonia; mother, soprano symphonia; and younger sister, melody symphonia (who’s about 10 at the time of the story’s beginning)—and they all live in the city of bass landing—which is located like here.
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(BL stands for bass landing)
it has 2 rivers that border either side of it, the river cadenza to the north, and the river adagio to the south.
the adagio river is what separates the borders of bass landing to marthveil (the M on the mini-map) and both cities are an inland sea away from the birthplace of beasts and the conquest of MIZDARR, The Thicket… but neither nation knows this. this is because that (currently nameless) inland sea is unusually volatile, and that volatile nature greatly affects the northern river cadenza who is tumultuous as a mf. it’s nearly unpredictable… unless you have some sense for chaos magic.
forte does have a bit of this inkling—a bit, but it is enough. have an excerpt about it (tweaked since i’m rereading it for the first time in awhile)
Bass Landing was a quiet sort of place. Forte grew up amongst his neighbor’s gardens; their tall leafy plants teaching him his first lessons in utilizing visage and the tumultuous river Cadenza his first teacher of the treachery life could bring. Almost every year, Cadenza brought forth her waves and flooded the landscape. And every year since he was a boy, Forte watched. It didn’t take long until he began to feel the tug of something in his gut—a subtle intuition whenever her floods would strike—never taming, but an understanding of her unpredictable nature. When he eventually told his findings to the village overseer, he received his first bow; for he had proven the intuition of a Ranger—a test he was never informed he would be taking, but one he was glad took all the same.
said inkling will be important for later in the story. cough.
anyway, his father, tenor, was a magnificent bard proficient in using the magic cantatio, and he used to travel all among the continent—eventually meeting soprano who became a groupie for him of sorts, and the two returned to their home city (bass landing) when she became pregnant with forte.
forte definitely takes more after his mother—he’s always been a quieter sort, but he looks like the spitting image of his father. his resemblance to tenor is actually what made many assume that he’d grow up to be a bard, and it’s not that forte couldn’t if he wanted to. he has an amazing singing voice, and sang often as a child with his parents, and seems to have a natural affinity for music. but, that’s never been what interested him. nature always had; and more than nature, observing it, and discovering what lays in the hidden places of the world.
when forte first came of age and decided that he would go to school to become a ranger, he wasn’t actually planning on becoming a guilder. he was more thinking he’d be a rouge traveler of lands, really. the first test to becoming a student at Pinella’s Pass Survivalist School (the school all guild-trained rangers and scouts usually attend if they aren’t trained at home) is to actually locate the school on your own. it has less to do with chaos sensing, and more to do with tactile tracking techniques, which forte slowly mastered, giving him a good foundation when he found the damn place. he studied hard and ended up becoming a great, traditional ranger.
as an aside—there’s sort of 3 schools of archery that exist in terrae: the first is “traditional” so the kind forte and another character eryn are. that’s your kind of probably comes to mind first, short to mid ranger archers who wield short to medium bows and who also tend to climb trees or hide in brush for coverage. then, there are trick archers, of the likes of another character helix, these tend to be the ones who have more fun tricks up their sleeves such as status ailed weapons, multiple arrows nocked at a time and so on. finally, there are the bowmen of diisai, such as erik, who wield MASSIVE bows that are near your full body length and can shoot across long wide open ranges: more about power for taking down large beasts than providing cover from afar.
ANYWAY on topic—once he graduated from the school, he sort of ended up funneling into guilding; just as a way to gain money and experience before he decided to go off on his own and explore, which leads him to the aegean guild of explorers, aka contingent 17, aka part of the main cast.
with him being the eldest of the main 5 (he’s 27, while san and clear are 26, deux is 25, and san is 24) he ends up falling into a somewhat peace keeper role… in a different way than deux. simply put, forte doesn’t have any major beef with any of the other members of his team. san and piper butt heads all the time, san and clear also have beef, clear doesn’t have beef with deux but definitely jealousy to some extent… and forte is just vibing. LMAO. he also has his generally level headed nature to thank for also being the linchpin for making sure they either don’t kill each other or don’t die doing something stupid.
this isn’t to say forte is some stick in the mud though. far from it. he’s reserved—but not introverted. and he’s really comfortable and self assured in his own merits and in his place in the world. he makes acquaintances easily; he’s well versed in many topics so he navigates conversations easily, he’s just pretty much the only neurotypical person on this fucking squadron 💀💀 at least until the ptsd kicks in :)) but thems spoilers lmao.
i also mentioned he’s a bi king right? yeah he’s also comfortable in his sexuality which is just a far cry from the inner turmoil of clear 💀 but this is also because bass landing, like much of the rest of terrae minus kiskkaddon and eros/argos, operates on the bond system and same sex relations are literally as mundane as taking a shit literally nothing to sneeze at. eros/argos by comparison is in the fucking dark ages, and kisk is more… extreme monogamy. cough.
but because of this, the budding love… angle with him in the middle is actually a weird situation for him. he bonds with clear near immediately (clear is the first person to see him laugh or get him to crack a joke, and they’re pretty similarly tempered when clear isn’t having mental breakdowns) but he develops feelings for deux as the team grows closer (in its own way) and clear is… yknow. having meltdowns. he’s actutely aware of his own feelings and wasn’t really sure what to do about it for the longest time until the situation kind of took itself out of his hands, but aside from the yknow. ptsd cough (as he’s the most directly affected by the 300 year drama, deux being next in line) figuring out where his emotions stand is kind of a central conflict for him. but it’s not even really a conflict. as i mentioned forte is more of a stop, listen, observe, then take action type. so he really was deadass gonna ride out his feelings for potentially years if he had to just to observe and understand not only how he feels but how deux or clear felt towards him and what would be best for everyone in that relationship.
this ability to think rationally and critically is also why, when push comes to shove, he’s really the de facto leader of contingent 17—no matter how much san and piper bicker between themselves about it
SOOOOOO uh yeah, that’s kinda a basic?? overview of him… with a few extra details bc i can’t help it :P but thank you again for asking seriously made my whole night <3
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doing-swell · 9 months ago
(totally understand if this is too personal/you don't want to answer on anon, I'm just also too embarrassed to direct message) how did you work through religious guilt around sexuality/especially attraction to pregnancy? I'm 28f and finally starting to explore more sexually. I definitely don't want kids but the idea of being pregnant is so hot to me and I feel bad even looking at blogs about it. I know logically there's nothing inherently wrong with finding this stuff hot but ooooh boy shame brain disagrees. If you have capacity/ability to talk about how this was for you I'd appreciate it--I also have felt this way since I was a kid and it was really helpful just to know that someone else had that experience!!! Thank you either way, hope you're well<3
Anon! Thank you so much for asking 🩷
It’s taken me a long time to get here, even just viewing these blogs and seeing this content a few years ago would have REALLY scared me away. I always knew I was interested in pregnancy from a young age, and growing bellies were something that I looked to in absolute awe. I didn’t realize it was something I was thinking sexually about until I was in my teens — and then, I was confused even more because I didn’t know I was gay (lol). To be honest, I don’t even remember coming to the realization it was sexual. THAT is how much I pushed it away in my brain. A lot of my life I’ve been suppressing these feelings, taking them and shoving them in a box and putting them on a shelf. Thinking… okay I’ll save THAT for later.
(Continued below!)
It was this blog that made me come to terms with the fetish and kink in general - and the people I’ve met on here made me realize what I experienced was unlike what they also experienced. That was the first step in me realizing, oh hey, this isn’t fucking weird. Other people have the same thoughts and that’s OKAY!
I also think in general it’s so hard to know the people around you and what turns them on… and tbh, no one needs to know that (unless they want to be forward about it). EVERYONE has something a lil kinky they like, whether they’ve found that thing or not, and at the end of the day I’m grateful I know what turns me on AND that I can (or could) actually experience it one day.
Telling my therapist was a huge step for me as well, I told her about my pregnancy fetish a few months ago and what I thought would be met with judgement and disgust was met with… neutrality. She told me that EVERYONE has their thing, and a huge part of why I’m shameful of it is that I’m embarrassed by SEX. Not my fetish. Embracing your sexuality, especially growing up in religious communities is not easy. We were taught our whole lives to be good little girls and never think about such horrid things - but I’m here to say that thinking about these things is 1. Fun and 2. Teaches you who you are and how your relationship with sex could be!
The next step after telling my therapist was telling my girlfriend. I truly thought in my teens and in college I would NEVER tell anyone about my fetish but here I am, in a healthy and happy relationship, with a partner who loves me AND knows about this blog and my fetish. It is freeing in a way I never knew was possible. Hearing her tell me the show we’re about to start has 3 pregnancies I can look forward to, or her telling me she’s so excited for me to be so hot and pregnant with her babies…. It’s HOT. And it’s what other folks who don’t have our certain fetish experience too. We deserve love. We deserve to be turned on and to not live in shame of who we are.
At the end of the day, as long as we’re not hurting anyone with this fetish, we’re only hurting ourselves by suppressing it.
Sorry for the lengthy response, but you definitely unleashed something in me! Always happy to chat with you if you’re ever comfortable. No need to be embarrassed. I wish you so much love and luck in your journey. 🥳🩷
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imaginespazzi · 9 months ago
Nivi, bestie, I can’t believe this is it! The final part, and hence the final review (and potentially the longest? 😅):
The flashback scene is so incredibly perfect. I can’t really describe how much I loved this scene – probably one of my favourites of the entire fic. Just thinking of how far they’ve come since then, with their first kiss not happening until 5 years later, then finally being together in the same place at the same time almost a decade later.
You talk about being a nostalgic writer and this scene just fully encompassed the feeling of nostalgia, you know?
Their WNBA game against each other was also so good, and it just really boosted my craving of a Paige-Azzi rivalry in the W irl for at least a few years. With the way everybody’s tuning into all the W relationship drama right now, I just know that Pazzi on court rivalry mixed with all their off-court sweetness would hit like crack for everyone haha.
Even though I know we already saw it in the snippet, seeing Paige bring up the bloody UCLA decision again and using it against Azzi took me back and still got me a little mad lol, but I know it was necessary to show the growth and I did love seeing that play out. Plus, you had to add in a little bit of angst, and I’m always appreciative of that.
Side note: Cam being in charge of recruiting – ofc she would be, who else? The sweetest soul, indeed. This actually also made me think of what if Azzi gets drafted to GSV, then after Cam’s rookie contract ends with the Sparks, the Currys also lure her over to GSV. And then the year after that, Paige goes over and joins them?! Let me cook (and be delulu) here, bestie. Ofc, I still would love to see our big 3 that never quite was (Li, P, Az) but I wouldn’t be opposed to a P, Az, Cam Big 3 either.
The 2am phone call took me back to that phone call, but a much happier version this time ofc. The “come home” – yeah, there were definitely tears by this point.
And then the airport reunion 🥹 “Do you want me to drop you woman?” – was that a callback to an earlier flashback scene (I could totally be making things up here but that was the first thing that came to mind haha)? Also, I see you let P really be her 6ft self here 😂. Nah I believe her.
Then ending it the way you did, with their first WNBA championship, it doesn’t get more perfect than that. And when you talked about Azzi having been there for the state championship, then the college natty, and then finally the league championship. Man, I so hope that’s what reality has in store for them too. Like just how special it would be having been there for each other’s high school achievements to hopefully winning the natty together next season, then hopefully winning a WNBA championship together at some point. It’s the way that if you described their story to a random stranger, it really would sound like a piece of fiction, fairytale and daydreams, but like it’s not, it’s real, they’re real. Insane.
And tying it all back to that first scene. You’re like the master of that. Like I said, it was the perfect ending.
Well this is usually the part where I would put my thoughts for what’s next but I guess there is no next huh (big sad):
Nah for real, cannot thank you enough for letting me, well all of us, live out this Roman Empire.
Who would have thought one comment from 5 months ago would have led to all this?! The one good thing that came out of that horror UCLA game 🤭
Also, if somehow Paige does end up at the Sparks and Azzi at GSV, I will never not think about UCLA fic Paige and Azzi ya know, they’ll be my roman empire forever now. It would be incredibly poetic though if they do both end up at Minnesota someday. Then I’ll know you were just writing the script for them all along 😌
Oh and I see you incorporating “in between shades of blue” at the end there 👀 I’m sorry we never used the actual title when referring to the fic 😭 You ate with that though.
Favourite lines:
“It’s peaceful out here,” she says quietly, sounding shy even to her own ears and she can’t help but wonder when the hell that happened, “you wanna stay a little longer?” “Yeah okay let’s stay longer,”
She swears she feels her before she sees her.
“This. The same exact thing you did. For someday.”
Alternate lyrics:
I don’t have one this time. I was hoping you’d use This Love tbh and had the biggest smile when I saw the lyric. I think I recall you mentioning one time how much UCLA Azzi was This Love-coded and I’d always thought it was the perfect song for this fic so, no notes.
Instead, as I was listening to This Love, I was kinda replaying the fic in my mind, and these were the scenes that came to mind so I guess you could say they’re my favourites (with the ones in bold being the most special to me):
When Azzi first shows up at Paige’s Airbnb in LA
Paige seeing the pictures of them on Azzi’s wall
Their first kiss outside the bar
Paige circling the Fudd house a billion times while Drew’s dying in the passenger seat
The phone call after Azzi’s date with Zoe
The night at the Cayman Islands
Azzi returning P’s stuff
All of Paige’s unanswered messages
Paige seeing Azzi at the natty game and Azzi celebrating with her and the team
Draft night
The date
Dancing in the snow
Their kiss after Azzi wins the natty
The phone call where Azzi finally chooses Minny
The ending
You did it, bestie! I don’t know if you have a holiday planned during your summer break, but I hope you do (get those 3,562 pictures taken! 😂), you definitely deserve it after gifting us with this masterpiece!
I don’t know what’s next but trust I’ll always be tuned it to whatever you write, whenever that may be again. Got a fan in me forever 💗
See you around, Nivi!
Much love always,
WE DID IT BABEEEEE <3 Before I start replying to what you said, I just wanted to THANK YOU BESTIE because this fic wouldn't exist without you. You've shaped so much of the story and your chapter reviews were my biggest source of motivation.
I'm really glad that sense of nostalgia came through because I definitely felt it while writing it. And I couldn't help but think just how far they've come since that scene and just the beginning of the fic tbh
Fun fact, the WNBA scene was initially a part of Here's to Eternity but I didn't like something about how it fit with that fic so I had it saved to add into this one. And I've been so tuned into the Nai-Lyss drama, that I just had to include Pazzi-esque version of that tension.
LMAO I knew you'd be mad at Paige lol. Listen in this fic, she's the kinda person who needs to take a step backwards so she can take five forwards. But yeah, I really wanted to bring things full circle with her being supportive this time, so I hope that came through!
PAIGE AZZI CAM BIG THREE WOULD SAVE LIVES (well after everyone dies of happiness first lol) but I'm a big Cam Brink fan and she felt like the perfect cameo to add here
The way you just get my writing >>> Cause I was fully gonna add in a throwaway line about the other 2 am phone call but then I was like nah I'mma do the show not tell thing and hopefully people will see it anyway (idk if anyone else did but as long as you did I'm happy)
I really hope that even if this an AU, real life mirrors it a little bit and they're about to get a championship at every stage of their career and live it out with each other. And you're so right, they're straight out of a novel by God Himself.
As we've established now I think, I do love a good full circle moment.
Why did you saying "I guess there is no next" make me so emotional like damn
That UCLA game might have given us emotional trauma but at least we made lemonade out of the lemons and all of that right?
AHAHAH yeah I wanted to do an ode to the title at the end even if nobody really refers to this fic by it's title because I did have some reasoning behind that being the title and them finding forever in between shades of blue
This Love is honestly the overarching theme for this whole fic so it felt fitting to the end it with that as the main theme song and I'm glad you approve!
3,562 picture is insane and unlike Paige, I literally will not let anyone take that make photos of me
Please keep coming back here bestie because I'mma miss you so much if you don't. Love you babes <3
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