#nah kiddo you’ll love it in a few years I promise
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nyhne · 6 months ago
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damon-loves-pie · 3 years ago
“You'll Always Be Freaks"
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader. (Plus Size Reader)
Word count: About 2150 words.  
Warnings: 18+, some crying, mention of a bite wound, talking about sacrificing children and cats, feeling of being kidnapped, and some sexual speak between adults but nothing major. I believe that’s all. 
Requested by:  missfangirl-slightly-obsessive 
Summary: Plus size fem!reader and boyfriend Eddie take reader’s little sister trick-or-treating and happen to run into Jason Carver. Teasing of Jason, making his mind spin as the two decide to mess with his head. 
Author’s note: I hope you enjoy this, I wanted to create a scenario for you for the kind of imagine you wanted and hope you enjoyed the one I created. I hope I wrote everything you were looking for! I had fun coming up with this idea!   missfangirl-slightly-obsessive
Writing Masterlist
The wind was blowing making it a chilly Halloween evening. You and Eddie were walking along the sidewalk, leaves crunching under your feet as your little sister ran ahead. "Thank you for doing this with me Eddie," you smiled, your eyes wandering away from your black converse. Eddie's eyes twinkled as they met yours, "No worries (Y/N), this is just practice for when we have our own." He teases, giving your shoulder a little nudge. Laughing, you knock your shoulder back against his. "Oh is it now?" You smirk, eyes full of love for the long haired boy as your little sister runs back from the decorated house.
"(Y/N) look they gave me a full-size candy bar!" Your little sister reveals excitedly. Turning towards her you saw in her little fingers a full-size Reese's.  Squatting down, you ruffle her hair happy to see her so excited. "That's awesome kiddo, and you got a good one too!" You smile, making her eyes light up. "There was so many, I didn't know what to pick!" She tells you as Eddie squats down next to you. Motioning with his finger he tells her to move towards him. Curiously the little girl takes a step forward as Eddie looks around. Leaning closer he whispers, "How about we get these next couple of houses then I can take you to the houses that have more of those?" He offers, acting like he's sharing top secret information.
"Really? There's more?" She asks, jumping up her little hands grabbing his shirt.  Eddie's big brown eyes look at her as he nods. "Tons more, you'll get so many you won't have to buy candy all year," He tells her, giving her a poke on the nose with his finger. Giggling she nods, "Okay, lets go there." Letting go of his shirt she runs off to the next house, eager to get to the land that carried full-sized candy bars.
"You're cute, you know that?" You smile as Eddie wraps his arm around you while you two follow the little witch. "Really? I thought you were with me because I was weird?" He jokes, kissing your temple. "Nah Munson it's because you're cute." You grin, pulling his lips to yours as his hand slips into your back pocket. You give him a stern look as he smiles sheepishly. "My hand's cold and your thighs carry warmth. Chuckling, you shake your head. "Whatever Eddie."  
The little girl was full of excitement hopping out of Eddie's van, ready to gain a pile of full sized candy bars like Eddie had promised.  She had never really been on this side of Hawkins before, all the nice houses were fully decorated in spirt of the holiday. You smile at the little girl, thinking back to when you were her age. You too didn't come to this side often, but for a different reason. You've always been on the heavier side of the scale so your parents would avoid taking you here in hopes of sparing you a few pounds.
Sighing, you look at the little girl who was nothing like you. You were happy you got to be the one to take her out tonight. You didn't know if your parents would of been fair to her, you knew they were worried about her looking like you. But you weren't going to stop her from having fun because of their irrational fears. "Here's what we are gonna do little one, we are going to start here then make our way down ending at this house right by the van okay?" You tell her, pointing at the house. She nods understanding, "This house will be the last one?" She asks, pointing back to make sure. "Correct, now go get some candy." You laugh, pushing her towards the first home.
"Think we are going to see anyone from school?" Eddie asks as you two stroll behind your sister. You shrug, looking around. "Maybe, but there's that Halloween party going on so maybe not." You remind him, watching your sister line up behind all the other little monsters. If you were being honest with yourself,  you didn't even know who lived over here from school. "That's right, the infamous Halloween party, you trying to crash it later?" The rocker asks, raising an eyebrow. Shaking your head you nudge him slightly. "No, I was thinking about maybe stopping by to see Steve and Robin and then going back to your place to watch some movies." You tell him suggestively, wrapping your arms round his neck. You two stopping in place while the little girl waits in line. "I'll dress up for you," You whisper onto his lips just inches away as Eddie's eyes darken.
"I'm defiantly down for that than a party any night," He smirks, pressing his lips against yours. Little feet approach you two as your bodies pull apart. "Gross, kisses." Your sister gags, motioning towards the next house. "Let's just get through this Munson." You laugh, pulling him down the side walk, hands intertwined. Both of you smiling at the little girl eager to see what awaits her behind the door after already having got another great treat.
The little witch managed to get a pretty awesome collection of candy as she worked her way through the neighborhood. Her bag looked like she had robbed the gas station down the street.  Glancing at your watch you realized it was about 8:30 while you three walked towards the last house. With it only being 30 minutes till trick-or-treating was over, you figured it would be alright to just head back home after finishing the neighborhood. Lifting your head up you make eye contact with her, notifying her. "After this we're going home okay?" She nods in response as she runs towards the long line of kids waiting for their next treat.
Eddie had been enjoying the night with the two of you, loving the little conversations you two had. He knew that you didn't get the same attention growing up, and it wasn't fair. Your size didn't matter, you were healthy. You didn't let it affect you though and he loved how hard you tried to protect your sister from your parents thinking. Pulling himself out of his thoughts he turns towards you. "Now this is not how I thought I would spend my Halloween, but it has been fun." Eddie admits, wrapping his arm around your waist. Your eyes light up under the moonlight smiling slightly as you leaned forward. "Just wait, it's gonna get more eventful big boy." You whisper into his ear, smirking deviously. "I know and I can't wait, but I would be happy even if the night ended here." He grins as you smile back. Leaning towards him you go to kiss the boy, so thankful he was in your life.
The interaction got cut though as a Jason Carver walked out of his house to see the school's freaks in his yard. "Hey freaks! What the fuck are you doing outside my house?" Jason spits, both of you pulling apart at the interaction. Groaning internally you thought of course Jason lived here while he watched you two in disgust. Eddie was ecstatic though, ready for the night to gain a little spice. "Just having some Halloween fun of course." Eddie smirks pulling away from you. Both of the boys blood starts to boil as they take each other in.
Jason looks you up and down, judging you as Eddie kept his arm around your waist. "Piggy here had to try to get some candy huh?" Jason sneers at you causing your jaw to clench in response. He was always making comments on your figure. He even said once you wouldn't be a freak if you "took care of yourself." And that hell you would probably actually be "kind of hot." Glancing at the door behind him you see his mom passing out candy with his little brother, sparking an idea. "You know what taste better than candy Jason?" You ask him, taking a step towards him as Eddie's hand drops to his side. Jason shakes his head in response as you laugh. "Children. And you know if my memory serves correct you have a little brother right?" Your voice taunts making Jason's stance loosen.
Eddie watched as you teased Jason, knowing you were pushing his buttons. "You stay away from him you freak!" He yells making Eddie chuckle as he figured he better join in on this act. "Nah baby we wouldn't want him, he would taste too bitter." Eddie reminds you, leaning against his van which was parked next to him. Nodding, you turn to look at him as he sends you a wink, before turning back towards Jason.
Jason's mind was racing, wondering if you freaks were actually looking for a child. "Oh that's right, we want someone a little sweeter, like a little girl." Jason gulps watching you rub your hands together. Looking over his shoulder you see your sister approaching. "I think I just found the perfect little witch too," You wink at Jason.
Moving forward you run right past Jason dodging his grip, scooping your little sister into your arms. "I agree baby I think that's the one." Eddie laughs, hearing the little girl shriek. Your little sister was excited, thinking you were playing a game. The little girl let you hold her sideways as you start to move towards the van. Jason who had been frozen in place from fear runs towards you causing Eddie to pull off of the van, ready to fight him if needed.
Jason couldn't sit here and watch you take this kid, he knew you and the rest of hellfire would sacrifice her under the darkness of the night. He felt like he was being heroic helping the child. "Put her down you monster!" He shouts grabbing your sister's arm as he rips her out of your grasp. Breathing heavily, he keeps his eyes on you, wrapping his arm around the little girl thinking he was her savior.
But your little siter was your sister, she was terrified not knowing who Jason was or why he pulled her away from you. Tears formed in her eyes as she looked between you two thinking he was trying to take her away like the bad men she had been warned about. Glancing at the arm in front of her, she bites down hard causing a scream out of Jason as he pulls his arm back. Letting go of the little girl, he cusses under his breath. Running into your arms she cries into your waist. "I want to go home (Y/N)" She sniffles, tears staining her cheeks. "Eddie get her into the van please," You ask the rocker, feeling bad for having pulled her into this mess.
Jason stood in front of you examining his arm, worried about how it would look at the party. "Should of known she was your sister, the little freak broke through skin!" He cusses, placing his hand around the wound. Shaking your head you tell him, "Yeah well I think you deserve it Carver." You laugh, hands in your jacket pocket.
"Yeah well you're all freaks, and now leave before I call the cops." He tells you, sticking his finger out towards the van. Eddie had stepped out of the van after making sure your sister knew she was safe and about to go home. "We're gonna go, but be warned Carver the night is still young." Eddie chuckles, wrapping his arm around your torso. Glancing at him you watch as he eyes land on the white cat in the window. "Yeah, I would be down for some cat instead." You warn Jason as the two of you turn towards the van.
"You stay away from Fluffy!" He cries, horrified because he didn't know what to think. You guys played the satanic game, and openly admitted to being in a cult named hellfire. You two had to be evil right? Hearing him cry out causes a loud laugh to come out of your chest when you reach the passenger door, you two were defiantly messing with his head. "No promises Jason." You tell him, pulling your fingers behind your head into little devil horns. Giving him a wink you open the van door.
Driving away you hear a muffled "You'll always be freaks!" causing a small giggle to slip from your lips. "You're my freak," Eddie smiles, lifting your hand up to his lips giving it a small kiss. "And you're mine," you smile softly in return. Turning towards your sister you see her sound asleep in the back, opened Reese's in hand, tired out from all the activities, "Well tonight has already been pretty eventful, but like you said the night is still young." You laugh turning back towards Eddie.
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maybe-theres-hope · 3 years ago
Tarlos Fic - Dinner Date
3.2k | T | Warnings: Blood, Injuries (mostly minor) | Contains: Judd/Carlos friendship, Tarlos being perfect, blue Camaro (rip)
Read on AO3
“So, what are your plans for the night?” Nancy asked as they exited the ambulance, their shift nearly over as long as the bell didn’t go off in the next ten minutes. 
TK smiled to himself for a moment before he spoke. “Well, Carlos is taking me to Jeffrey’s, so…”
“Holy mother,” Nancy breathed, looking at him with obvious envy. “Do you guys have a ten year anniversary or something coming up? Did he get some kind of commendation at work? Because I know your last one was like a month ago, so.”
“No, no anniversary, that’s in a couple of months. And its three years, Nance.” He chose to ignore her muttering about their mushiness ‘aging me ten years’. “And nothing from work that I know of. Maybe he just loves me?” TK couldn’t stop grinning while they stocked the bus and readied for the handover. 
“He loves you crap ton! Their wagyu strip steak is a hundred and twenty-five dollars!” Nancy had her phone out, obviously googling the menu. 
“Well at least we’ll save money on wine,” TK said with a chuckle.
“I’ve heard of the place by reputation but like, dude, who ever gets the chance to actually go there?”
“TK it seems,” Tommy cut in. “Why don’t you go on? We got it here and you’re gonna need at least an hour to pick out an outfit.”
“And gel your hair. You and your dad are way more alike than you want to admit,” Nancy added with a roll of her eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. You sure, Cap? I can stay and help?”
“I’m sure, kiddo. Go get dolled up for your man. Eat a few bites for us, yeah?” Tommy yelled at his retreating figure. She and Nancy looked at each other with grins as they caught the little skip in his step. 
“So, what do you think the occasion is?”
Tommy looked back at Nancy with a gleam in her eye. “I can wager a guess, but I don’t want to jinx it.” Nancy just gave her a look and went back to restocking.
Around 8 p.m., Owen was sitting in his office toying with his phone in his hand, smiling at his last text exchange. 
we’re just leaving the house now, wish me luck!
you’re not gonna need it, kid :)
“Not if I know my son anyway,” Owen said aloud to the empty room. He wondered if it’d happened yet. No incoherent string of emoji’s from TK yet, so he doubted it. 
He was shoving the phone back into his pocket with the bell went off. 
“Alright guys,” Owen said into the mic from the Captain’s chair. “Dispatch says three vehicles involved, two still on the road and one went over the side into the ravine. Police are on their way but we’ll probably beat ‘em there. Strickland, Marwani, soon as we get there I want you to harness up and get down in that ravine. Judd, you too. You’ll be in command down there and I’ll stay up top with the other two vehicles. Everybody else you’re with me, got it?”
A chorus of “Copy that, Cap,” and suddenly they were on the scene. 
“Marjan, Paul, we’re goin’ down!” Judd called to them as the rest of the crew went over to the silver Prius and black Mazda that were crumpled in the middle of the two-lane highway. Judd wasn’t a prayin’ man, but he sent up a little something to the man upstairs that this went their way. It looked bad. 
Paul arrived at his side first, strapped into his gear. “Marjan’s grabbing the bag from the truck, she’s coming.” 
“Alright. We’ll go down this way,” Judd said, pointing to a safe-ish stretch of hillside. “Can’t see the other car from here but dispatch said bystanders saw it go over. Probably just hidden in the trees.”
“Okay guys, let’s do this!” Marjan called, harnessed and carrying the medical bag and a backboard. “TK’s gonna be sad he missed this. Medical doesn’t get to harness up a lot and I know he loved it. He coulda helped.”
“Nah, he’s got better things tonight. Carlos was takin’ him to Jeffrey’s,” Paul said with a waggle of his eyebrows.
“Ohh, fancy,” Marjan said with a smile. “What’s the occasion?”
They’d reached the bottom and were starting to look through the brush and low-hanging trees for a vehicle. 
“Don’t know,” Paul answered. “But I think Cap’s in on it somehow.”
“Yeah,” Judd cut in as he whacked a few branches out of his way. “Carlos came by the station a few weeks ago, and they sat up in Cap’s office for an hour before he left grinnin’ like a possum eatin’ a sweet tater.” 
“I have no idea what that means,” Paul said with a laugh. 
“Hey guys, look!” Marjan called from a few yards to the left. The other two went to her position and saw what she’d found. A track in the underbrush where it had been torn at and flattened. “Think this is the place.”
“Let’s go,” said Judd. They followed the path through the brush for a couple of yards before they caught sight of it: taillights. “Alright, Marjan you go on the passenger side, I got the driver. Paul you see if you can clear some of that brush off the back in case the doors are jammed and we gotta get ‘em out that’a way.”
Visibility was still low despite the lights of the car and their flashlights, but as they approached they saw the car wrapped around the trunk of a tree on the passenger side. “I don’t know if I can get in there, Judd, but I’ll try,” Marjan said as she broke out into a jog.
“Wait!” Paul cried. Judd looked over at him, and he would have said such a thing couldn’t happen to a calm and collected person like Paul, but his face had gone ashen. “That’s Carlos’s car,” he said on a breath. 
“What?” In the dark, now that he was really looking, he could see they were coming up on—what used to be—a blue Camaro. 
“I’m sure of it. TK bullied him into putting that sticker on the back because he said it was too pristine and it needed personality.” He shone his flashlight at the rear bumper and sure enough, there was a SXSW sticker half ripped off from the path the car had taken to get there. 
“Come on,” Judd said, heart rate kicking up.
“Should we call Cap?” Paul asked.
“No, we stay down here and do our jobs, and he stays up there and does his. We’ll get ‘em.” His voice sounded numb even to his own ears, but he was determined. 
“They were on their way to dinner,” Paul said lowly.
“Yeah, probably takin’ the backroads to avoid traffic,” Judd said, shaking his head. Fate was hell sometimes.
When they reached the car, Marjan was yelling. “TK! TK can you hear me?” She turned to Judd. “I can’t get in there. The tree trunk is halfway into the car, probably pinning him to the console. He’s unresponsive.” Her face was also pale, but determined. 
Judd went to the driver’s side and saw Carlos, head hanging to the side facing the broken window. He tried the door as he called out. “Carlos? Hey Carlos, come on buddy. Can you hear me?” The door wouldn’t budge; Judd figured the car had rolled a couple of times coming down the hill, crumpling it like a tin can. Then he heard a soft groan.
He looked up, and one of Carlos’s eyes was trying to open. The other was swollen shut, where he’d probably hit his head on the steering wheel before the airbag deployed. Half his face had burn marks from it. 
“Hey, hey Carlos, look at me, that’s it.” That one eye tracked around before it landed on Judd, drawn to the light of the flashlight on his helmet. “Hey man. We’re gonna get you out okay? Now, can you move your fingers and toes for me?” Judd stuck his head into the window to see down in the floor boards. “Alright, likely no spinal damage. How’s your head?”
“Hurts. Shoulder, too.” His voice was barely audible. 
“Okay, it looks like you dislocated it,” Judd said as he prodded his left shoulder. “I don’t see anything broken but we’ll have to get you out to determine that.”
“TK—“ a wheeze, “TK…first. Been out…a while.”
Judd peered over to the passenger side, where TK was shoved almost fully into the center console, head laid back on the headrest and his face covered in blood. Marjan and Paul were still hard at work outside trying to clear a path into the car. 
“We can’t get to his side just yet, but we can get you out first and then we’ll be able to pull him out this way, okay? We wanna focus on you right now.”
“Yeah, you’re alive, Carlos. You’re not gonna leave us yet,” he said as he assessed the door panels where they could cut through with the saws they brought. 
“No. TK. Weak, but…alive,” Carlos breathed out, coughing through the end.
“We’ll make sure he’s alive, okay?” Judd said, trying not to lose his professionalism at this whole messed up situation.
“He is.” Judd stopped looking around and looked back at Carlos. The man raised his right hand just as much as he was able, showing where he had two fingers on TK’s radial pulse. 
“Good, that’s good Carlos,” Judd assured him. That meant Carlos had had some minutes of consciousness after the accident before they showed up. “Was he talking at all? After you hit the tree?”
“Little. Minutes, maybe.”
“That’s good, that’ll help. Alright Carlos, we’re gonna get this door off so I’m gonna cover you with this while we do okay?” Judd waited for a small nod before he covered Carlos’s face and torso with his own turnout coat. 
After an agonizing four minutes, the door popped off in a shower of metal and broken glass. Judd removed the coat and went back in to assess. “Carlos? How you doin’?”
“Tired. But won’t…sleep. Promise. That’s bad.”
“You learn a few things from your Paramedic boyfriend?” Judd said with a watery smile.
“Judd, I got the back cleared. Maybe we can get in there to at least check TK’s vitals,” Paul informed them. 
“Get on it, I’ma try to get Carlos here out onto this backboard. Marjan, radio for another backboard and have two RA’s ready to go topside!”
“Copy that!” Judd had to admire those two. They never let their professionalism slip too far, though he could see they were worried sick. He could relate. He wouldn’t relax until both of the boys were back up the hill and on the way to the hospital.
From the looks of things, maybe not even then. But he had hope.
“Alright, Carlos, I’m gonna grab your legs and behind your shoulders here and pull you out, okay? It’s gonna hurt like hell, but it’ll be quick.”
Judd stopped cold.
“Left…pocket. Please.”
“You want me to get at your left pocket?” A nod. “Alright, hang on.”
Judd carefully shifted Carlos’s leg so he could reach into his slacks, which had probably been part of a very nice suit at the beginning of the night. His fingers searched until they hit a small bump, an object no bigger than a baseball, soft velvet over a hard shell. He sucked his lips between his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut for a moment as he pulled it free in his hand. 
“Keep it…safe…for me?”
Judd looked down at the little black box for a moment, then clutched it tight in his hand before transferring it one of the innermost pockets of his turnout. 
“Of course, man. I will guard this with my life.” He looked up and saw Marjan coming back with another backboard. “Alright, buddy. It’s go time.”
Carlos gave a weak nod and winced when Judd started to pull. 
“Welcome back, man. You had us worried there for a bit.”
Carlos opened his good eye to see Judd sitting at his bedside, smiling softly. It took a moment to remember where he was. Hospital. Accident. Tree.
“Is fine. Banged up and will need crutches for a few weeks, not to mention a killer headache with no meds, but he’s fine. All things considered.”
“Where is he?”
“On his way, so you just stay put, okay? You’re pretty banged up, too, ya’know.”
Carlos shifted a bit and winced. His left arm was in a sling, his head bandaged over his left eye, and his right side hurt like hell.
“Broken rib when the tree went into TK’s door, door went into TK, TK went into the console, then the console went into you. He’s got a femoral fracture in his right leg but like I said, all things considered, you’re both pretty well off for how far you fell and probably rolled.” 
“Yeah, he said his leg had gone numb but he could still move his toes. He made sense for about five minutes, then started talking all jumbled, then went quiet. I uh…freaked out a bit after that. I thought he had…” Carlos trailed off, looking haunted. 
“Yeah, and you kept your fingers on his pulse that whole time. What you were able to tell us at the scene helped us treat him. You did good, Carlos.”
“Not good enough to swerve in time,” he said.
“Not your fault. And don’t you dare go thinkin’ it is. I don’t wanna hear it, Carlos,” Judd said in what TK called his Dad Voice. Stern and no room for argument. Carlos just nodded. 
“And uh, hey. I been waitin’ to give this back to you.” Judd stood and walked over to the bed, holding out a tiny black box. Carlos took it and cradled it against his chest. “It better be a nice one, cuz I about had a heart attack while I was showerin’ thinkin’ someone was gonna come get my pile a’clothes and take ‘em to the laundry while I was gone.”
“You didn’t open it?”
“Nah, I figure the big reveal? TK deserves that all to himself.” 
“Owen’s seen it,” Carlos countered, smirking.
“Uh huh. He approve?”
Carlos laughed. “He whistled and said I spent too much.”
“To impress the Cap it must be a lot,” Judd said with a small whistle of his own.
“Well, what was it Michael Scott said? Three years’ salary?”
Judd’s eyes almost popped out of his head, and Carlos laughed harder before wincing again at his broken rib. “I’m kidding, Judd. But I can tell you, no matter the cost, TK deserves the best and that’s what I hope I got.”
“You gonna make another reservation? Soon as y’all get back into fightin’ shape?”
Carlos looked down at the box again for a moment, contemplating. “I…don’t think so.”
Judd had a confused expression on his face but at that moment, a nurse was wheeling TK into the room, followed by most of the 126. Carlos’s face lit up like starlight at the sight of him.
“Hey, babe,” TK said with a smile. His leg was in a full cast, so the nurse was careful in maneuvering him around to Carlos’s bedside. 
“Hey, I feel like you should be the one in bed! Why are you out and about?”
“Because you were still asleep and he’s an absolute menace. We made multiple apologies to the staff on his behalf for the last hour,” Owen said as he walked into the room behind his crew. “He’s a stubborn little shit. Always has been, always will be. You sure you’re up for that?” He asked knowingly. TK was still looking at Carlos, blushing at his dad’s ribbing. Carlos met his eyes and said, “Yes.” He blushed more. 
“In fact,” Carlos continued. “I’m ready to get started. I’ve waited too long anyway. I mean, how many times do you and I have to beat death before I get the nerve to do this?” He said, looking into TK’s beautiful eyes which were looking confused. 
“What are you talking about, babe?”
“Look, I’m sorry this didn’t go how I planned. And I’m sorry I can’t get down on one knee right now, but. I hope you love me enough not to mind.” He lifted his good arm, his hand holding out the box. “A little help, Judd?”
“It’d be an honor,” the man said before leaning in and opening the box, since Carlos only had one good arm. 
At the sight of the contents of the box, TK’s eyes went as big as saucers. Surprise was written clearly over every inch of his features, which were all still beautiful even scarred and stitched up as they were at the moment. God, Carlos loved this man so much. 
“Tyler Kennedy Strand, you are the love of my life. I tried so many different scenarios in my head of how this speech would go, before I just said screw it, I’ll speak from the heart. You’re kind, funny, sexy, sweet, and everything in between. You can’t boil water and you absolutely can’t properly separate laundry. I have a dozen pink shirts as proof of that.” At this, the gathered group chuckled and TK went bright red. “Ah, but you also know just how to ease the tension from a long day just by hugging me on the doorstep. And I can always count on you to be there for me when the world gets too much, when what we see out there creeps in too far. And I want you to know, that I want to be that for you too, for the rest of our lives. So, TK. Will you marry me?”
The room was silent, apart from the hum and beeps of the machines. Everyone on the edge of their proverbial seats, but no one having any doubt to the outcome. 
“Oh, my God! Of course I’ll marry you! Yes, yes! Yes!” The last was said through TK’s fingers covering his red face, hiding the few tears that had started to fall. He held out his left hand to Carlos, who Judd had kindly helped by removing the ring from its box and handing it back to him. He slid it over TK’s finger, smiling like an idiot the whole time, barely registering the whoops and hollers of the 126 throughout the room. 
He only had eyes for TK. 
“I love you,” TK breathed through his happy tears.
“I love you too, baby. Always.”
“Oh, my God, dude, were you seriously surprised?” Nancy asked incredulously once the commotion had died down.
“Well…yeah? I didn’t expect this at all,” TK said, looking sheepish. 
“TK…my dude…he was taking you to Jeffrey’s! How could you not know?”
Once again, the room erupted in laughter and TK ducked his head again. Carlos reached out and touched his chin, catching his eyes again.
There was nothing but love there. 
CLEARLY every Tarlos fic I write has to have a proposal in it *shrug emoji* 
Also I wrote this in like an hour after I had a dream so please excuse any typos I didn’t catch!
Please reblog if you liked it! I would really really appreciate it :) Thank you for reading!
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gone-to-oregone · 3 years ago
FINALLY getting to watch Yellow Jacket
-the intro, iconic
-I LOVE the Yellow Jacket music video, Mariah and Angela did a hell of a job
-I like Lauren as Hannah!
-oh fuck this, I hate saws
-Lauren continuing to be iconic, making herself cry on commend
-Eddie is EVERYTHING I hate him and I love that I hate him
-Lauren in the WIG for the test lady, I
-I do a stupid voice for my sister, and I named him Pizza Pete after the series. I love that Curt’s Eddie voice is similar, albeit mine sounds more like a mix of him and Wiley during the Wiggly jingle
-Jeff in a suit!! Looks great!! 🥰
-JON 😆 “small hooded figure” he says about the tallest Starkid actor
-good GOD Bryce looks hot
-Curt did the fire effects! Don’t they look great?? Everyone say thank you, Curt
- “a matter of time”
-the fact that I own her sunglasses-
-also the fact that I know that this is going to go so bad-
-we caught you a Poke-mans!
-oh no she’s gonna feel bad that “it’s her fault” again 😭
-Daniel beloved 🥺
- “that was the first time any kid said it was nice to meet her” 🥺
-oh no, I hate this already-
-Chiplucky… not “chip lucky”… “chi- plucky”
-Nevermind I hate Eddie, promoting underaged drinking /hj
- “killer sting”… oh no
-Say it with me, darling, Lauren has the range
-Hannah is Carrie confirmed. This scene is just reverse Carrie
-“I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m dead”
-“sorry. I need to hit you now.”
- “the room shook, and I peed everywhere!”
-oh god, Use It or Lose It is a threat from Pokey, huh? Making these kids live with so much “fun” with their powers, then like “if you don’t come back, you’ll lose them and then we’ll kill you”
-this video is FIRE tho, JLB in the black light??? Hello???
- “Gotta go sell those drugs”
-the fuckin STONKS
-oh god a water bed, is she gonna have a dream she’s drowning
- “are you happy, Lexi?” 🥺🥺🥺
- “you make me smile” 🥺
-god DAMN Angela in this light looks sick
-Charlie did NOT just call Pokey “kiddo”
-I know he’s not getting her- me remembering that this ends up sad-
-“what about a skull and crossbones” Ethan, I-
-Angela in this lighting FUCKS
-I KNOW Lex isn’t completely falling for the stonks bit-
-“we’ll talk about it later” probably not, not if you’re dead-
-I! Hate! The Pokey mask!
-OOF I like the callback to “I’m going to eat you, Han-nah!”
-“get your nose out of my ass, it’s uncomfortable”
-Hannah nooooo not a hundred million, you’re gonna die bb
- “if he’s let out…” just let it out…
-rip Webby
-I wanna know how Charles got CONTROL over Pokey
-the Guy theme, Matt you genius
-yep, Hannah’s totally safe :))
-“one singular voice” and I know it’s a singular voice, Paul
- “Lexi” 🥺
-oh god, Pokey dolls- he won-
-Well, Pokey’s doing better than Wiggly. The Wiggly dolls didn’t move
-your apotheosis will be upon you at any moment
-Webby went to Lex 🥺
-I would like to punch Charles in the face
- “the bloody nosed boy” give him a NAME
-rip to Hannah-
-fuck yeah, Lex!
-me remembering Curt promised this was sad, and me knowing that there’s still 15 minutes-
-Awee, Ethan 🥺
-yep, there it is, oh look, there’s tears in my eyes
-not the faucet 🥺
-“all the pieces are connected” Where’s Tazzy, they need to figure this out
-me feeling like the Miss Holloway making her new identity the year Hannah was born is confirmed
-fuck Curt was right this is fucking s a d. He mentioned he and Kim both cried about this episode a few times
The closeups of the smiles I fucking can’t, I love these nerds so much, look at this incredible thing they did, you guys. I’m not sobbing at 3 am you are.
Also! VHSCC ad!!
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moldisgoodforyou · 4 years ago
significant upgrade
i wrote the rest of this on the plane don't come for me if there is a MISTAKE !! (however do politely shoot me a message so i can correct my typo lmao)
wordcount: 3.4k
warnings: nada except brooklyn is a BITCH, ok so maybe cursing is a warning
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James: SOS
Sophie: what do you want
James: Come bar
To the bar
Sorry not sober
Sophie: I’m grading, buddy
James: No no no
After their short back and forth, and James’ little typing bubble popped up multiple times before going away, Sophie pushed aside her work and called him. She checked Find My Friends first, feeling better about the situation once she saw Rafe’s dot at the bar with the boys. “James? Something wrong?”
“Yes. Sophie, listen, look. You gotta get here.” James told her with a little slur to his words, but what was more telling was the sheer volume on the phone call as he yelled. He was always a loud person naturally, but she swore he got ten times louder when he had an ounce of alcohol.
“I already told Rafe I couldn’t, I have to catch up on grading stuff if I want to go out tomorrow. Is something really wrong?” She questioned, but considered going anyway. She’d already graded over half the work and it was proving easier to mindlessly go through than she thought, and she could knock it out tomorrow morning if she really needed to.
“It’s like, urgent, Soph. Look, come here, wear your sluttiest top - that’s not an insult, by the way, it’s a compliment or whatever - like, empowering or some shit - shut up, Colin -”
“James -”
“I’m serious, she is not backing down -”
That caught her attention and she stood, glancing over her appearance in the mirror. “Who?”
“Just c’mere. I’ll have a drink ready for you. Are you still on that Fireball peach schnapps kick? Like a fuckin’ psycho?”
She laughed. “You drink vodka redbulls, James, shut the fuck up. I’ll be there in...uh...ten.”
“Deal. Sluttiest top!” He added before hanging up.
She rolled her eyes, looked herself over in the mirror, and shrugged. She wore an old pair of Nike shorts and a t-shirt of Rafe’s with his name on the back, an old intramural shirt. If it wasn’t senior year, and if she wasn’t locked down already, she’d probably give more of a fuck, but she just wanted to take the opportunity to hang out with her friends while she could. After swiping on a quick coat of cherry lip balm and brushing her hair, she shoved her feet into sandals and made her way to the bar.
When she arrived, she went straight to their usual corner booth and slid in next to Colin, who greeted her with a grin and a drink, as promised. James threw his arm around her shoulders and messed with her hair immediately, making her squawk in protest. “Flint, kiddo, that is not nearly as slutty as I expected.”
“The Cameron on the back adds some possession though, don’t you think?” Colin pointed out, slapping James’ hand away from her.
Sophie scowled, combing her fingers through her hair. “What am I here for?”
“Oh! Right.” James stood on his toes and scanned the bar, locating Rafe in the far corner. Rafe wore a forced smile and was leaning against the wall with a couple of the other interns from Jeni’s over the summer - including Brooklyn, who was twirling her hair and stood right next to Rafe.
Sophie stood on her tiptoes, hand on James’ shoulder for balance as she followed his gaze. “I don’t see him, what am I looking at - oh, shit.”
“Yeah, see why I told you to go for the slutty top?” James reached for her shirt, tugging at the hem until she shoved his hand away.
“No, she would have just implied I was a prostitute or something.” She shook her head and turned back to the table, then took a long sip of her drink, draining nearly half of it in one go. “I don’t want to seem, like, overbearing - I mean, she’s with the whole group.”
Colin raised his eyebrows, skeptical. “She’s touched his arm multiple times and made him link arms when they did shots earlier. Had everyone else partner up too as an excuse.”
“Exactly.” James nodded, emphatic. “I already tried to rescue him, but Colin says m’ too drunk.” He hiccuped to punctuate his statement, then pushed a plastic shot glass toward her. “Here. Got you tequila.”
She wrinkled her nose, eyeing it with a frown. “I hate tequila.”
“See! I told you!” Colin exclaimed, snatching the shot glass away and knocking it back. “If you need backup, just wave or look over or something. I’ll deck her if I need to.”
She grinned, drinking the rest of what James got her. “Thank you, both of you. I appreciate it.”
“Hey. Whoever Rafe’s dating, we’re dating too.” James proclaimed, patting her head affectionately. “Just without the fun parts.”
“Lovely.” She replied, glancing over toward Rafe again. Brooklyn was now leaning just a little closer and Sophie could practically feel the tension radiating from his body, even from all the way across the room. She frowned when the other interns seemed to agree on something, dispersing, but Brooklyn stayed.
Sophie stood there and watched for a few more moments, seemingly frozen, until Colin nudged her shoulder. “Go.”
“I’m going, I’m going.” She dismissed, taking another breath before striding across the room. Of course, someone turned at the exact moment she rounded the bar, spilling their drink down her light pink shorts, soaking the entire left leg. She didn’t even let the guy apologize before she shrugged him off with a grimace and made her way toward Rafe.
He noticed her immediately out of the crowd, grinning and straightening up once he saw her. “Soph!”
She smiled at her eager boyfriend and how he always lit up upon seeing her, without fail. “Hi, baby.” She greeted, slipping her arm around his waist as he rested hers comfortably around her shoulders. She never - ever - used pet names in public, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
“Thought you weren’t coming out tonight?” He asked, glancing over her outfit and frowned when he realized half her shorts were wet. “What happened?”
“Grading went quicker than I expected.” She dismissed, her eyes flitting over his expression. He looked confused and she could tell from the way his eyes were glassy that he was drunk and nearly on the verge of falling asleep. “Can I try your drink?”
“Rafe, are you going to introduce me?” Brooklyn feigned a smile, fingers tightening around her own drink.
He furrowed his brow even more, looking between the two of them. “I thought you guys met. At the charity gala thing, remember? Sophie had that really pretty dress?”
“Yeah. We’ve met.” Sophie replied coolly, taking Rafe’s whiskey sour from him and took a sip. She hated them, with all her heart, but wouldn’t dare make a face in front of Brooklyn.
“Oh! Sorry, I just didn’t recognize you, you must have been wearing a ton of makeup or something at the gala.”
“She still looked like herself.” Rafe supplied, confused. He traced his thumb over Sophie’s cheekbone, staring at her in concentration before tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. Sophie swore she saw Brooklyn’s jaw tick as she watched the two of them, as she watched what she used to have.
“Okay, okay. Rafe, did you tell her about all the fun things we did this summer? Sophie, you were away or something, right?” Brooklyn asked, hyper-conscious of how Rafe leaned into Sophie more and how he pressed a sleepy kiss to her temple.
“Nope.” He replied, popping the p. “Nothin’ to share. The internship was kinda boring. She was in Barcelona.”
“Oh, right. Long distance wasn’t too hard on you then?” Brooklyn probed with a sympathetic smile. She reached toward Rafe to touch his arm reassuringly, then seemed to remember at the last second that Sophie was right there, and jerked her hand back like she’d been burned.
“Nah. Why?” Rafe asked, cocking his head to the side, some of his hair flopping into his eyes.
Brooklyn grinned. “I just didn’t think you’d still be together, is all.”
“That’s funny, because I’m pretty sure you follow me on Instagram. So you’d know.” Sophie shot back with an equally fake grin, determined to come out on top in the petty exchange.
She wished Rafe was more sober so he could make an excuse for them to leave or shut the whole conversation down, but when he was drunk he didn’t pick up on any tone inflections. (She’d accidentally made him upset more times than she could count with a poorly worded sarcastic insult, and immediately felt guilty as his drunken gaze gave way to his signature pout.) To an outsider, their conversation seemed as civil as possible, like three friends catching up, until you got close enough to see the bared teeth and the tense jaws.
“No...I don’t think I’d waste a follow on you.” Brooklyn retorted, glancing down to the Cartier ring on her hand. “Sophie, usually when people wear designer, they have to have the clothes to match the rest of the outfit. Not whatever…” she looked her up and down, scrutinizing her clothing choice. “...Whatever is going on here.”
“Hey.” Rafe interjected, finally noticing the hostile undertones in the conversation. “Be nice, she’s hot in whatever she’s in.”
Sophie had to resist rolling her eyes at his completely unhelpful comment. “It’s okay, Brooklyn, I actually have style, so I don’t have to rely on wearing tacky designer clothes. Now, if you’ll excuse me, my boyfriend and I are going to go hang out with our friends.” She glanced over toward the boys for backup and tilted her head toward the door, and James and Colin started making their way over. Alright. So she’d handled that well, she thought, matched her energy without getting too emotional or heated -
Brooklyn wrinkled her nose at Sophie’s comment. “Careful. He gets emotional when he’s drunk.”
“He doesn’t, actually, he was probably just being manipulated by you.” Sophie shot back with a sharp tone, protectively curling her arm tighter around Rafe’s waist. He just watched the back and forth with a furrowed brow, not sober enough to keep up.
James and Colin arrived just as Brooklyn sneered at Sophie, shaking her head. “Whatever. He’ll end up drinking away his problems in private like his dad anyways.”
As Sophie’s nose flared and as she took a quick step toward Brooklyn, getting right up in her space, Colin immediately grabbed Rafe’s arm and pulled him away. “C’mon, Rafe, let’s wait for her outside.”
Rafe let himself be tugged along, but frowned as he glanced back at the girls. “She’s gonna be okay?”
“Yes. She’ll be fine.” Colin replied confidently, dragging Rafe and James out of the bar.
Sophie stood tall, eye-to-eye with Brooklyn. “Don’t say that shit about Rafe. You don’t know him like that -”
“I do, actually. I know a lot more about him than you probably realize. Has he taken you to the Bahamas yet?” Brooklyn didn’t back down at all, smirking when she saw Sophie’s expression falter for a split second. “Still no? He’s probably embarrassed.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Sophie snapped, unable to come up with a better response. “Give it up, you’re not with him anymore.”
“Yeah, but I know he’s not going to keep up this little facade once we graduate college. He needs someone that can keep up with his family, that’ll do more than just hang on his arm at all the charity events.” Brooklyn smiled, taking a step back. “I’ll be there for him when you can’t hold your ground.”
“You’re delusional.” Sophie shook her head, so furious she couldn’t snap back with a sharp comeback. When Brooklyn just shrugged and lifted her drink to her lips, Sophie tipped up the bottom of it, making it splash all over Brooklyn. “Have a good night.”
“Fucking -”
Brooklyn exclaimed, but Sophie just turned on her heel and flipped her off over her shoulder as she strode out. She was fuming, practically shaking, but didn’t dare break down in front of anyone in the bar.
Colin regarded her carefully, making sure she was okay. “You good? Need me to go back in and finish the job?”
Rafe, leaning on James, seemed to finally realize she’d come out. “Baby! You’re back!”
She bit the inside of her cheek, taking a deep breath. “No, I’m okay. Thanks Colin. Need help walking these two home?”
He grinned, gesturing at the way the two boys were slumped against the wall of the bar. “Might need a little help, yeah.”
She nodded and slipped her arm around Rafe’s waist, unsurprised when he leaned into her and pressed a kiss to the crown of her head. “Alright. C’mon, Cameron, your bed awaits.”
James sighed, striding along with them. “I want a girlfriend to bring me home.”
“Too bad, you’re stuck with me for now.” Colin quipped, grabbing James’ arm when he tripped on the uneven sidewalk.
“Was she being mean?” Rafe asked with concern, reaching for her hand. “I wasn’t listening.”
“Yeah. Your ex is a bitch.” She replied bluntly, taking his hand and squeezing it. “Am I gonna have to drag you home?”
“No ma’am. I’m good. All good.” He replied quickly, though unconvincingly as he slurred his words. “There’s a chance that I might be a tiny bit drunk.”
“A tiny bit?” Colin snorted, waving his hand in front of Rafe’s face. “You and James did multiple Jagerbombs. That always does you in.” He glanced over Sophie again, concerned. “Soph. You okay?”
“Huh?” She did her best to help Rafe along and guide his 6’3” frame so he wouldn’t trip over the sidewalk or walk the wrong direction, but was running through a script in her head of all the things she wished she had said - or done - to Brooklyn.
Colin frowned. “You’re doing that thing, Rafe says you bite the inside of your cheek when you’re mad. You want me to go back in? I’ll talk to her, I swear -”
“S’true. She does.” Rafe confirmed, then finally seemed to pick up on the anger radiating from her. “Did I do something?”
“No, baby, you didn’t do anything wrong.” She reassured him quickly, then gave Colin a small smile. “It’s okay. Thank you. I just - she just -”
“Yeah. I know.” Colin nodded. “Fuck her.”
“Exactly. Fuck her.” She repeated, a little louder and a little more confident.
James whipped his head back and started walking backward for about two steps until Colin forced him to keep his eyes ahead. “Who are we fucking?”
“We’re not - James, pay attention.” Sophie sighed, urging him along.
Rafe leaned over to press a kiss to the crown of her head, then whispered - in the loudest stage-whisper possible - “I think I’m a little too drunk for fucking.”
“Please shut up.”
“Yes ma’am.” He nodded dutifully, hooking his arm in with hers. They made it to the boys’ house a couple minutes later and Colin shoved James onto the couch, tugged off his shoes and grabbed him a water bottle from the fridge.
“Alright. He’ll be fine here, Sophie, do you need help with the stairs?” He asked, noticing the way Rafe slumped onto her.
“Um...no. I think we got it.” She took a deep breath, her mind still racing from what Brooklyn said at the bar. “Thanks, Colin.”
“Night, you two.” He paused on the stairs, glancing back at James and then at Sophie for a moment before heading upstairs.
Sophie nodded, more to herself than anything else. “Alright. Rafe, baby, work with me on the stairs and then we can go to bed?”
“I got it, I got it. M’not that drunk.” He protested, but tripped up the first step anyways, knocking his knee against the stairs as he fell hard with a thud. “Ow!”
Without even asking, Colin was jogging back down the stairs all the way from his room in the attic, hauling Rafe up before Sophie could blink. He dragged Rafe up and into his room, ignoring his protests, and pushed him onto the bed. “Soph, you can go get ready for bed, or whatever. I’ll babysit.”
“I think I got it, Colin -” She started halfheartedly, only to be cut off by Colin just pointing at the door. She nodded gratefully and hurried into the bathroom, quickly wiping off her makeup and brushing her teeth. When she returned, she paused just outside the door to hear Colin talking to Rafe.
“Give her a break, okay? She just had to deal with your insane ex -”
“She didn’t have to -”
“She did, because you’re a fucking pushover sometimes.” Colin interjected, exasperated. “Your breath reeks, get your ass up and go brush your teeth.”
“You’re mean.” Rafe grumbled back, but got up and ambled out to the bathroom, giving Sophie a dopey grin as he passed. Colin followed him out but stopped in the doorway, acknowledging her with a nod.
Sophie looked like she was about to cry, overwhelmed by how nice he was being and the fact that someone even noticed that she was struggling a little with dealing with Brooklyn. Without a warning, she stepped forward and gave him a quick hug. “Thank you.”
He stiffened in her arms, then awkwardly patted her back after he was released from the hug. “It’s no big deal. Anything for a friend. Especially a friend that’ll stand up to that bitch.” He cracked a grin, nudging his shoulder against hers.
She laughed, rubbing her eyes quickly. “I didn’t realize you felt that strongly about her.”
“Yes. She’s awful.” Colin nodded. “You are a significant upgrade.”
“What are we upgrading?” Rafe asked as he returned from the bathroom just wearing his boxers slung low on his hips, with damp hair - even though they hadn’t heard the shower running - and his breath smelling of mint.
“Nothing, bud. Good night, you two.” Colin gave them a nod of dismissal and strode back upstairs, leaving the two once he was confident Rafe could stand on his own again.
Rafe reached out, noticing her slightly teary eyes, and affectionately stroked his hand over the top of her head. “You good, angel?”
“Just tired.” She yawned to make a show of it. “Where’d your clothes go?”
“Oh. Uh…” He glanced back to the bathroom. “I was gonna shower, but that was too much work, so I just got my hair wet.”
“...Right. Okay, bud, you need sleep.” Sophie ushered him into his room and onto the bed, then changed quickly into a spare pair of pajamas she’d left behind. When she returned to the bed and slipped under the covers next to him, he rolled over to face her, concern written all over his face.
“You’re upset.”
“Not at you.”
“But you’re still upset. Talk to me?” He stroked his thumb over her cheekbone tenderly, unsure what was going on - and honestly, the room would spin a little if he shut his eyes - but he was still conscious enough to pick up on Sophie’s feelings.
She nodded, rolling onto her back so she didn’t have to make eye contact. “It’s just - it makes me so fucking mad that you dated her. Not because of anything you did, but I just know you deserve so much better. And then she just still thinks she has any influence on you, she’s so damn condescending - ugh.” She rolled back over, frowning. “If we ever broke up I don’t think I’d ever be able to see you again.”
“You wouldn’t see me anymore?” He frowned, trying to keep up.
“No. It would hurt too much. That’s how I know she damn well didn’t love you like she should have.” She insisted, eyes bright again as she ranted. “She fucked up by letting you go, you’re a fucking catch, Rafe. I’m sorry she didn’t realize your worth.”
He blushed and pulled her close, nudging his nose against hers before kissing her. “You wanna repeat that again tomorrow when I’m sober? So I make sure I remember?” He had a joking tone, but seemed a little unsure too.
“Absolutely. I’ll tell you that every damn day if I need to.” She kissed him back, heatedly, as if to emphasize her point. “I love you. You’re mine and I love you.”
“M’ yours.” He confirmed with a sleepy nod, not nearly reciprocating the kiss as hard as hers. “My favorite girl.”
She pulled away, peppering kisses over his nose and cheeks before resting her head on his chest. “Good night, baby. Don’t you dare throw up in bed.”
He laughed as he wrapped his arms around her, closing his eyes. “I won’t. Sweet dreams, Soph.”
taglist: @drewstarkey @lemur46 @jjmaybanksbaby @edgeofgr8 @quxxnxfhxll @obxtess @hoodpankow @vtgirl802 @outerbankies @messagesinthesky @nicolecarsley @svechnikolan @ilovejjmaybank @obxtess @abbyj1822 @oopsiedoopsie23 @g4bster @jjmaybankzz @freddymaybank @dontjinx-it @illbesafeforyou @moniamaybank @tovvaa @jailcalledlife @sunshineitsfine44 @randomficsandshit @outerbankspreferences @outerbanksbro @karsinner @kkmaybank @whoeveniskendall @lemur46
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omg-im-such-a-masochist · 4 years ago
Prompt: Just some good old fluff with Finny boy
Word Count: Long, bitch! So fucking long
Pairings: Finn Bálor x Reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, smut (implied)
Editor: @thenightmareismyreality
Tag: @theworldofotps , @new-zealand-chic , @sassymox , @waywardwrestlewritingwaif , @yungbludjazz360 , @starwithaheart
Notes: Found this in an old file (wrote this about two years ago, maybe?) But I kinda like this little story ❤️ If you’d like to check out my previous works, you can find them on my Masterlist 😉
A deep sigh of relief left my lips as I brushed my damp hair. I heard a commotion in the living room, and began to dread the potential fight I would have to break up between a four and six year-old over a remote control.
“Mommy, mommy, mommy!” Caleb screamed in excitement, while bursting through my bedroom door like a maniac
“You’ll never believe who’s downstairs with us” He jumped with a cheeky smile
“Cal, who’s downstairs?” I ask worryingly, instinctively reaching for the gun that I kept in my nightstand
Caleb laughed and ran downstairs again.
As a homicide detective, my cop instincts combined with my motherly instincts took over me and I ran to the living room in only a tank top and panties, with my gun already aimed to shoot.
Although, the last person I thought I would see standing there, braiding my daughter Maeve’s hair in a style reminiscent of queen Elsa, and watching Caleb showing off his somersault technique was HIM…
That caught me off guard and he must have sensed it, because the first thing he did was look up.
“Hi” He said shyly
“What are you doing here, Finn?” I asked, putting my gun down on the dinner table
“I swear I didn’t break in” He laughed, attempting a joke
“What do you want?” I decided to ignore the small talk...there was no need for that, not after everything he did
“I have an injury. So I have some time off for a while and I wanted to stop by to see the kids and you” He whispered the last part
“Injury, huh? Is it bad?”
Even after everything he did, I couldn’t help but worry about his well being, you know, for the kids sake!...
Ok fine, I still love him, but he doesn’t need to know that.
“No, nothing serious. But I got two months off and I was excited to see my family” He looked at me when he said that
“Are you going to see your parents?”
“Yeah and I was thinking if it would be ok with you if I take the kids with me?”
“Of course! Why would I mind?”
His family was always very loving and kind to me, and we became very close once the kids were born. Sometimes I would take them to Ireland on my vacation so they could see their grandparents or they would travel to New York so they could see the kids.
“Because of...you know” He trailed off
“Neither your family or the kids have anything to do with that. I’m a grown woman, Finn. I know how to separate the sheep from the goat, ok?!”
I could feel the air becoming thicker with the tension, until Maeve said
“Mommy, why aren’t you wearing any pants? Are you feeling hot? I can get you the Japanese hand fan daddy gave it to me, if you’d like” She smiled
“Thank you buttercup, but that won’t be necessary. I’ll be right back”
Now, properly dressed, I made my way towards the kitchen to get dinner ready.
“Do you need any help?” Finn asked from behind me
“No, thank you. You can go stay with the kids” I didn’t even bother to turn around to face him
“Y/N, can we talk?”
I sighed “There’s nothing worth talking about, Finn”
“What can you possibly say that will change what happened? Nothing! It will be a bunch of empty sorry’s and excuses, so let’s just save it, ok?!”
“It’s not empty, I truly am sorry”
“You should’ve thought that before you believed the bunch of lies she told you”
He opened his mouth to say something but Caleb began calling for him to go watch the cartoons with them.
“Mommy, can daddy have dinner with us?” Maeve asked
“Of course, pumpkin. If he would like to”
“Yay” She screams “Daddy, come!” She beckoned him
The subjects of conversation at dinner were mostly controlled by the kids. They, as per usual, asked me how many bad people I had taken down that day, but also asked Finn about his traveling, which state or city he liked the most, the best foods he’d eaten, which LEGO set was he building, if the hotel beds were soft and ‘what about the blankets?’
“Alright, I know you two are very excited to see daddy, but we need to brush those teeth! So, let’s go kiddos” I got up from my chair
“I’ll do it” He grabbed both kids, resting one on each side of his hip and went up to brush their teeth
When he came back down alone, I give him a questioning look
“They’re asleep” He smiled softly
“Oh, you already put them down for bed?! Thank you” I said, cleaning the kitchen island.
He nodded “I just didn’t bathe them because they said you already did”
“Yeah, that’s the first thing I do when I get home. Or my mom does it for me if I get caught up in a case, but most of the time I do it”
“How’s work?” He asked, sitting down on one of the high benches.
“Good, Richard is my superior again, so he helps me a lot with my shifts, because of the kids” I smiled
“The old man is still working?” He laughed, amused
“Yeah, he already said he will only leave his badge when he’s dead” I cackled “How’s road life? Amazing, I presume”
“Nah, don’t let the bright lights fool ya” He laughed, bitterly “I love wrestling, being in the ring, performing for the audience, but once I pass through the curtains backstage it gets lonely” A little bit of sadness could be heard in his voice “It’s very lonely... it’s different from when I came back home to you and the kids. Now I just get back to an empty apartment, wishing I could get back home” He looks at me
“Finn, please”
“I love you! Why can’t we just try again?”
“Because no!”
“Why?” He pleaded
“Because you don’t know what it was like ok?! You don’t know how much it hurt me, the things you said, the fact that you believed some envious woman’s gossip about me having an affair with Lucas! He’s married for fuck’s sake! To a man!”
“I- I didn’t knew Lucas was gay, Y/N”
“Yeah, you didn’t! And why is that? Oh yeah, because you did not trust your own wife, all you saw was the fact that he is a man and my work partner so you just bought the assumption that woman sold you, choosing to believe her instead of me!”
“It wasn’t like that, ok?” He tried to explain
“It wasn’t like that, you say? When you were the one who came in here filled with accusations! Saying that I had an affair with him, that I cheated on you, that you wished you would’ve slept with half of the women who throw themselves at you everyday, doubting that those kids upstairs are yours, when they’re the fucking spitting image of you! You said all those horrible things, Finn. Not me!”
He stared at his knuckles as I continued, now crying
“How do you think that made me feel? To listen from my own husband how much he wished he had cheated on me. Bragging about all of the hot young women who are waiting to be fucked by a wrestler...You know it was always hard for me to accept that you wanted me and not some hot girl in the locker room, that you had chosen me, that I got lucky enough to not only marry a man who’s physically breathtaking but also such a beautiful person on the inside. And still, it was that same Prince Charming who became the frog! I never thought that” I had to stop myself from saying the next horrible words roaming through my mind
“You never thought that, what, Y/N?”
I shook my head
“Say it”
I shook my head again and he got up from the bench, coming to where I was standing
“Say it, love. I can take it”
“I don’t want to say it” I whispered as more tears rolled down my cheeks
“Shhh, it’s ok, love” Finn pulled my head to his chest “Please don’t cry, I hate when you cry” His arms are tightly locked around me, providing me the sense of comfort that only he could give. And I hated that!
“Let me go” I tried to push him away
“What’s wrong, Y/N?”
“Just don’t touch me” I said, shoving him away
He knew that I was closing him off, I could see it in his eyes
“Say it! You never thought that what?” He insisted, more forcefully this time
“I never thought that someday I would regret meeting you! Marrying you, starting a family with you. If I could do it all again, I wouldn’t!” I spat
“You wouldn’t?” He scooted closer
“No” I answered with venom in my voice, trying to turn my undying love for him into hatred
“But I would!” Finn said firmly
I shook my head in denial, as he cupped my cheeks in his calloused hands, making me look up to meet his blue eyes
“I would do it, all over again. Meeting you, dating you, marrying you, having kids with you, in the future seeing the kids graduate high school, college, be at their wedding, take our future grandkids to the park, and spend the rest of my life with you! I would choose you over and over and over again! I choose you everyday, Y/N”
I squeezed my eyes shut
“You’re lying! Stop lying, Finn” I whispered
“Am I though? Open your eyes and look at me. I was never able to hide ANYTHING from you, I can lie to anyone but you. You can always see through me, so just look at me and tell me if I’m lying. If I am, then I promise you, I’ll leave this house right now and you’ll never have to see me again! Just open your eyes” He kissed each closed eyelid
After a few minutes, I gathered the courage to finally look at him and I could only see love, regret, pain and truth.
“I love you Y/N and always will. Yes, I was dumb to listen to some random gossip and I’m paying the price for it, but the only thing I ask you is: please, don’t give up on us! I’ll give you whatever time you need, just promise me that we’ll fix it. That we’ll be together again...You, Caleb and Maeve are my life! I would die to save you in a blink, love. If I had to choose between your life or mine I would choose yours, becau-“
I placed two fingers on his lips
“Stop talking like that! You know I don’t like it. It attracts those bad vibes, you know?”
Finn lightly chuckled “But I mean it”
“Stop! I don’t like when you talk like that... I hate to think that something bad could ever happen to you. You know, because of the kids” I tried to hide my feelings
“And you wouldn’t miss me, not even a little bit?” He teased
“I miss you everyday” I quickly slapped a hand over my mouth when I realized what I just said
He smiled sweetly, leaning down to place sweet and innocent pecks all over my face.
Finn started on my forehead, then he went to my temples, followed by the cheekbones, apple’s of the cheek, jaw, chin, side of my lips. Finn pulled back to search for any resistance signs and when he found none, he kissed my lips. A lazy kiss, that grew more urgent by the minute.
“Fuck, I missed you so much” He moaned, now kissing my neck
“Finn, wait. Wait a minute” I tried to pull his head back by his hair but that only made him moan.
“Finn!” I said harshly, finally having his attention
“What’s wrong, love? Don’t you want it? I thought that-“
“Have you seen anyone since we broke up?” I asked, not even letting him finish his sentence
“We didn’t break up! You asked me for some time and-“
“Finn, just answer the fucking question please” I pleaded
“No, I haven’t been with anyone in those 8 months. Except for my hand when I look at your pictures” He smirked
“You’re so ridiculous” I whispered in relief as my arms circled his waist
“So...do you still want to make love?” He eagerly asked
“We never made love, Finny. We’ve always fucked senseless” I laughed
“No! We’ve always made love it’s just that we’re more frantic about it” He chuckled
“Ok, we sleep together and then what?” I asked
“Then you stay here and I go back to my apartment” He simply said
My heart sunk in my chest as a faint “Oh, ok” left my lips
“So I can pack my clothes and bring them back home” He said, as a devilish smile grew on his face “That’s of course, if you want me here”
“Asshole” I lightly punched his chest “I thought you just wanted a one night stand and that’s it. You scared me!”
Finn chuckled, beckoning me closer to him
“You could never be just a one night stand, love. You fuck too good to be just a one time thing” He winked
“So you just want me for my bedroom skills, huh?” I teased
“Yes and no” He giggled “Yes, because no other woman fucks like you do” He bit my neck, growling “And no, because there’s so much more about you than the bedroom” He hugged my waist “You’re my best friend, my nurturer, my supporter, the air that keeps me alive, my everything!” He kissed me passionately
“Can we try again? Start over and leave all that shit behind us?” He whispered
“If you promise me that if we get back together, you won’t listen to other people’s gossip and will come to me whenever you hear somethi-“
“Yes!” He pecked my lips excitedly, as a wide smile took over his face “I promise you, love! That’ll never happen again, you have my word!” He gave me a bear hug and spun me around the kitchen
“Finn!” I squealed, when we almost fell to the ground “We’re going to wake up the kids” I giggled
“Oh no, shhhh” He shut me up with a kiss “We can’t let that happen! Because as much as I love our children, I haven’t gotten any in eight months and I can’t wait to change that with you right now” He pushed us towards the couch and laid on top of me
“But I thought you were going to go and get your clothes”
“I don’t need clothes, woman! You know I like to sleep naked” He winked
And roamed his head down to...
Please, if you’re comfortable with it, let me know your thoughts on this? Feedbacks are always appreciated 🥰😘
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holylulusworld · 5 years ago
Sharing is caring
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Request: Can you do ‘bed-sharing’ with Wolverine? He’s grumpy and you believe he doesn’t like you, but he can’t stop himself from sniffing at your neck and it can be smutty or just fluff. You decide.
Pairing: Logan x Reader
Characters: Scott Summer
Warnings: angst, language, arguments, smut, unprotected sex, bed-sharing, cuddling & snuggling, fun
6000 Followers BINGO CARD kink: Bed-sharing 
6000 Followers Celebration Masterlist
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It’s late, too late to drive back to the mansion. Now you are stranded in the middle of nowhere, only thirty bucks in your pocket and a very grumpy Wolverine at your ass.
“I told you to not drive that fast.” Grumbling the tall mutant glares at you. “You could’ve killed both of us!”
“You mean I could’ve killed myself as you don’t die that easily, old man!” Smirking you glare at Wolverine as he tries to find a snarky comment.
“I got thirty bucks. Let’s call it a day, sleep a bit, and tomorrow we can call Scott to pick us up.”
“Great. Now I have to spend more time with an annoying brat.” Wolverine’s eyes narrow and you throw your hands up in surrender.
“Please forgive me Wolverine for trying to not get caught by those sick bastards. I didn’t want to end up as a slave like the other mutant girls.” Shuddering you try to shake the memories away. “I didn’t want them to touch me.”
“I would’ve protected you.” Snorting you flip Logan the bird.
“Sure. The big bad Wolverine would’ve saved me. I don’t think so. You hate me after all…” Storming toward the reception you can't see the confused look on Logan’s face.
Do you believe he hates you?
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“Only one bed. Great. Can my day get even more miserable?” 
While Logan is busy to puff one of his cigars outside of the only room you could get you to try to find a way to tell the grumpy mutant that you’ll have to share a bed.
“Why are you muttering loud enough for anyone to hear?” Logan steps into the room, dropping his bag as you pace around the bed. “Y/N?”
“There’s only one bed! I told that idiot we’ll need two but he was busy staring at my ass!” Teeth gritted Logan balls his hands into fists, close to ripping the guy ogling you apart.
“That vulture stared at your ass, kiddo? Where is he? I’ll teach him some manners.” Wolverine seems to be angry and you look at him, blinking a few times to process he would defend your honor.
“I think he went home or crap. Still, there is only one bed.” Pointing toward the queen-size bed you sigh. “What do we do?”
Laughing Logan locks the door before he shrugs his jacket off his shoulders. He doesn’t miss the looks you give him when he removes his shirt.
“We will have a shower. Eat something out of the mini-bar and share the bed, kiddo. I won’t bite your cute ass. Promised.” Logan’s smile is almost charming and you nod silently, not showing the tall mutant you are beyond nervous close to him.
“I’ll go first! You are taller…more to wash and all…” Smirking you open your bag to fish fresh panties and a shirt to sleep in out. “Tomorrow we need to explain I crashed the car. Scott will be pissed…it was his car.”
Logan smirks amused. “I bet he’ll pee his pants, Sweetie. If you want me to, I’ll take the blame.” Gaping at Wolverine you search his face. You assume he tries to trick you, tries to make a fool out of you so you refuse to take his offer.
“I am a grown woman; I’ll face the consequences of my doing. I drove too fast as I got scared so I’ll have to pay for the repair and crap.” Grabbing your clothes, you storm toward the bathroom.
“Y/N, I meant it. He won’t go at me like a missile! Especially as I might use these.” Logan grunts as he slides his claws out. “Could rip him a new one.”
“No. It’s my fault so stop pretending you care.” The door slams shut behind you and Wolverine still got no clue why you believe he hates you.
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Snuggling into one of the scratchy pillow you try not to look at Wolverine who sits at the table, only in his too-tight jeans, sipping at a drink. “Do you want one too, Sweetie?”
“I do not drink.” Ogling Wolverine for a moment you lick your lips as your eyes roam his firm chest, his abs, and biceps. “I’ll sleep now. Try not to slice me open in your sleep.”
Logan nods, a dirty grin on his lips as he saw you staring at him once again.
“Night, kiddo. Do not cuddle me at night.”
“As if I would ever cuddle your old ass.” Grumbling you turn around to face the wall. “Idiot…”
“You know, I heard that.”
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Sleep didn’t come. Lying still on your side of the bed you can hear Logan sip at his drink, rummage in his bag or walk around the room.
It takes him ages before the bed finally dips and you hold your breath as Logan lies too close for comfort. His breath fans over your neck and you whimper as he buries his head into the crook of your neck.
“You’re so warm, Y/N.” One arm wraps around your waist to bring you close to his chest.
A tiny moan escapes your lips feeling his erection prominent press against your ass. “So pretty and soft.”
You don’t know what to do or how to react. Logan is cuddling you and your heart starts to race while he’s just holding you in his arms, whispering soft words into your ear.
“I can feel your warmth every time you are close to me. I wish I could just drown into you, make you mine and never let you go.” Whimpering you feel Logan’s breathing quicken. “You’re awake…”
“Logan…” One hand becomes brave as he can feel you relax in his arms. “What are you doing?” His hand slipping into your panties answers your question and you feel your cheeks heat up as he will find you dripping.
“Such a wet little cunt.” You always assumed Logan is a dirty talker but hearing him husk dirty promises into your ear let you melt into a puddle. “All for me, kiddo?”
“You…oh—god!” Two thick fingers slip into you, roughly rubbing over your g-spot.” Logan…you…oh…fuck…”
“I think that’s what I’ll do with you my disobedient brat. If I tell you to stay behind so I can concentrate on killing those assholes trying to touch what’s mine and you just throw yourself into the line of fire…”
Wait…did Logan just call you his? Listening closely to the curses leaving the tall mutant's mouth you stick your ass out to grind against his growing bulge. “I did my job! I was the bait, Logan!”
“No. You were my backup, Y/N. Now be good and let me just…” His fingers leave your slit and you whine as he rolls you onto your stomach to slice your shirt open with his claws. 
“Hey! I liked the…” Your panties are gone seconds later, and you squeak as Logan brings you onto your back. You are not against manhandling but, damn,  Wolverine is strong enough to throw you around like a ragdoll.
“Shush…let me just…” His lips wrap around one nipple and you can help it - a giggle leaves your lips as his beard scratches your sensitive skin.
“Uh—I think you are in trouble when Scott gets to know you railed his sister.” It’s your turn to give Logan a dirty grin but he braces himself on his forearms to grin back at you.
“Oh—Sweetie. When I am done with you your brother is lucky if you can even remember your name. I may be old, but this means I have a lot of experience. Now be silent and let me have a look at my prey…”
“Prey?” Squeaking you watch Logan spread your thighs to inspect your pussy. “What the? Am I an exhibition, Logan?”
“Looks good. I think tomorrow when we are back, I’ll feast on you for hours but I am tired and only have enough energy to pound this tight little pussy for a few hours…” 
“Hours?” Your eyes round at Logan’s words but he doesn’t seem to care as he slides his boxers down to reveal his throbbing length. “I am not into marathon fucking.”
“Shame. I’d like to break you…” Smirking Logan kneels between your thighs, giving you a wink as he moves his hands over your thighs before he bends down to place a searing kiss above your belly button.
While you grasp for his hair, Logan kisses his way up your body to finally claim your lips in a heated kiss. “You’re mine. No one touches my girl.”
“Jesus…” Teasingly running his tip up and down your slit, Logan hums as you whimper his name. “Please…”
“What was that?” His hips snap forward, and you are full to the brim as he bottoms out with one forceful thrust. “Did you want my dick?”
“Holy hell, Logan! Warn a girl if you plan on ruining her.” Spreading his legs wide, kneeling between your legs Logan places his right palm next to your head and his left forearm next to your shoulder to gently caresses your face.
Your hands move to his back, holding tight onto Wolverine as he slowly starts rolling his hips. His lips ghost over yours, he’s breathing praises against you to let you know this is what he wanted for years.
“Always wanted you.” Nodding you struggle to breathe as every thrust makes you cry out. Logan is slowing down, more grinding than thrusting to rub his pubic bone over your clit. “You’re so beautiful and warm.”
Your nails dig into his flesh as you feel the heat in your abdomen spread through your body. Moans leave your lips as he speeds up to push you over the edge.
“Come for me, Y/N. I want to feel you choke my dick.” Laughing at his words you press your lips to Logan’s. He’s slamming his hips against yours, curses your name as he can feel your walls contract around him.
“I love you…” Your words let Logan lose all control. He’s cupping your face kisses your fiercely the moment you feel his cum float your belly. 
“Love you too, brat…”
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“So…” Sliding your fingers over Logan’s chest you glance up at him. He’s humming against your temple, not wanting to let go of you. “Did you mean it?”
“Yes, you are a disobedient brat.” Grinning he raises one eyebrow when you slap his shoulder. “…and I like to piss your brother off by fucking you.”
“That’s not what I meant…” Resting your head onto his chest you want to hear those three words again. “I meant it…”
“I meant it too, Sweetie. I love your cute ass, even though you are one annoying girl.” Nodding you wrap your arms around his waist, not wanting to get up.
“We should call them…”
“Nah, we can stay here forever and ruin the mattress some more…” Logan snickers but you give him a death glare. “Maybe we test mine at home?”
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“Did he behave?” While Logan carries your bags toward the jet your brother tries to check on you. “Did Logan hurt you?”
“Hurt me?” Licking your lips, you glance at Logan’s ass. “He would never hurt me. Or he would but only in a good way…” 
“Good way? Oh—for fuck's sake!” Scott grunts before he storms toward Logan. “You touched my sister! I’ll kill you! No matter what I have to do, I’ll rip you apart!”
“Relax.” Logan smirks as your brother tries to attack him. “You can be my best man at our wedding…”
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atomicblasphemy · 4 years ago
Eda becomes some kind of flying taxi service
Amity: So I told Malphas he needed to have a talk with Gary about our coffee break space.
Emira: Mhmm.
Amity: I mean, for one, Gary never cleans after himself. Like, I once saw him leaving his mug dirty for over a week. A WEEK. It was disgusting. It was just sitting dare on the table for days. I didn’t want to clean it, I’m not a doormate. But it was dire and I had no choice. And don’t get me started on the fridge situation. My lunch has been getting smaller by the day and I can’t seem to figure out the culprit.
Emira: That’s nice, Mittens. Isn’t it nice, Edric?
Edric: What?
Amity: Will you guys pay attention? I need some advice on...
*Windows cracking”
Edric: What the...
Amity: I... What?
Hooty: DOTH THOU DARE DEFY FATE? *Swallows Amity*
Emira: ... What just happened? Wasn’t that Eda’s house demon? You know, the one we met before Grom?
Edric: I think it was. I’m not sure though, he sounded more... ominous...
Luz: It’s early... Do you really have to go already?
Amity: Yeah... I still have to finish homework, and I have work tomorrow. But I’ll come back here tomorrow... If you’re okay with it, that is...
Luz: YES! I mean... yeah, I’d love that...
Amity: Anyway... I guess I should get going, we’re not exactly neighbors after all. See you tomorrow then.
Luz: Wait, I have an idea. *Turns around* EDA!
Eda: *Not stopping her flight practice* What?
Luz: Do you think you could give Amity a lift back to her place?
Eda: Oh? Not walking your girlfriend home? Thought you’d be more chivalrous.
Luz: *Showing that Amity’s tomato like properties are infectious* EDAAA!
Eda: Sorry, sorry. But yeah, sure. *Picks up Amity and flies away at neckbreaking speeds. She soon slows down to a more reasonable pace* So... Amity, before I give you that whole “What are your intentions?” scare there’s something I’ve been itching to ask you. What made you chose to dye your hair of all colors, and how did Odd-alia react?
Amity: Luz... Me... Girlfriend...
Eda: Ugh... Don’t make me regret making harmless fun of young love, kiddo.
Eda: *Placing Amity on the Blight Manor’s front porch and looking at the two bewildered faces watching her* Sup. *Turns to fly away* Oh right, I guess purple here is in not in the mental state to give any explanations.
Amity: Small ceremony... Human realm... Only friends and family... Boscha is not invited...
Emira: Are you... Edalyn Clawthorne?
Eda: Last I checked I was.
Emira: You look different.
Eda: Oh right... Look, it was a very eventful night so let me start with the simpler one. King, you remember him, right? Tiny, angry, looks like a cat, was the MC at the last Grom along with Goops.
Emira and Edirc: Yeah...?
Eda: He’s harnessing all the powers of yelling. I guess all children his age kinda do that but he went above and beyond and actually learned how to make things go boom with his voice alone, and that’s why both Luz and your sister are still alive. And now I’m realizing I should probably go hide all those Death Metal records I got in human realm. Can’t risk turning my son into a weapon of mass destruction. Not yet.
Edric: That’s... nice... I guess?
Emira: How about Mittens?
Eda: Right. She and Luz are an item now. It was adorable, I called her Luz’s girlfriend then I think it finally really hit her and that made her go all catatonic on me. Sorry about that.
Edric: WHAT?
Emira: Okay, okay... So came out with it? Ed and I have some scores to settle.
Eda: I... Both, I guess? I don’t know, it was sort of at the same time. But I don’t want to spoil it for when she recovers. So I guess us three are kinda family now, huh? Tangentially at least, like you’re my nephew and niece-in-law or something like that, I don’t know.
Eda: The important thing is: there’s a huge waterway under my house and I think it is actually part of my property. Now I need to figure out a way to find out how big that place actually is without letting town hall know so my taxes won’t go up. Can’t push my tax evasion skills. I mean, can you imagine it? The Owl Lady, the most successful outlaw in Boiling Isles history: arrested for fiscal crimes.
Emira: Okay... That’s... cool.
Edric: Yeah... Not to pry though, but what happened to you?
Eda: Oh... Me? I got very high. Not on purpose. Then I became a Harpy. Also not on purpose.
Emira: ... I’m sorry but I’m not following the cause and effect relation between those thing.
Eda: Neither am I. All I remember is: Hooty spiked some cookies; I revisited that time I gauged out my dad’s eye, also not on purpose; then when I push my ex away (You know, Raine Whispers, current head of the Bard Coven, lead a small revolutionary guerrilla, now under mind control. Oh, yeah, guess they’d make to sure to keep it under wraps, anyway...)
Eda: Then it got pretty weird. I got trapped by this tall hooded sun and moon figure and I’m not sure whether that was an actual memory (I did get arrested a few time after all) or if it was just a hallucinogenics induced manifestation of the subconscious trauma of being persecuted for years by the state. Anyone’s guess to which was it.
Eda: And then I became Icarus, fell into the sea, and became a piece of paper. Then I was at the beach, the piece of paper was also there, but that’s not important... I hope... Anyway, so, my curse was there too an for a moment there I thought we were gonna play some chess, but nah.
Eda: I did have an epiphany though. The sky changed colors and now I’m a Harpy. Gotta a lot of stuff to process right.
Edric: *Wide eyed and mouth agape* Mother of Titan...
Emira: *Same as her brother* Do you... need a hug or something?
Eda: Ehh... Don’t worry, I’ll get through. I mean, I’m a badass Harpy woman now, what else could I want? I appreciate the thought though. Anyway, I’ll get going, Luz has probably been stuck in the same place ever since I left. Was nice seeing you guys. *Turns around*
Edric: WAIT, EDA.
Eda: Yeah? What is it?
Edric: Can you take me flying a little bit like you did Mittens? Pretty please?
Emira: *Elbowing her brother* EDRIC!
Edric: What? There’s a tall and friendly winged lady standing in our front porch and calling us family...
Eda: Kinda family.
Edric: Kinda family. And we only went flying, on dad’s staff mind you, like twice. And I mean, look at her. That’s clearly a person with next to no regard for speed limits or any form of flying safety. *Turns to Eda* I mean that as the highest of compliments, by the way.
Eda: *Nodding and smiling* Well, I’m not one to brag... But you’re on point there.
Edric: *Turning back to Emira* See? It will be fun. *Turns back to Eda while making puppy eyes* So, pretty pretty please?
Eda: Eh... What the heck, why not? I do need to get a better hold of this flying thing after all. Fair warning though, I only had these for about an hour, I’m not taking responsibility for any loss of limb or life. *Picks Edric up and place him on one of her shoulders and turns to Emira.* You sure you don’t wanna come with? There’s plenty of room.
Emira: ... I never said I didn’t want to...
Eda: *Placing Emira on her other shoulder* Alritty then, make sure to hold on tight to my hair, just don’t fall into it. Can’t promise I’ll find you if you do. And up we go. *Takes off at neckbreaking speed*
Eda: So... I tried that to Mittens herself, but she was too lost in elation to form coherent sentences. What’s the deal with her hair color change? Why did she pick that specific shade of... pink? Lavender? Purple? Whatever, I was a tad curious about that choice coming from one of Odd-alia’s offspring. So either of you can shed some light on it for me?
Emira: Eh, what can I say? Our little Mittens is growing up, coming out of her shell. I mean, if you told me a month that she’d have a girlfriend by now I’d call it bullshit. Though I would have guessed Luz as being the most likely candidate. In any case, I’m pretty proud of the steps our baby sister is taking, not gonna lie.
Edric: Yeah... Same. But I can’t shake the feeling that it is at least in part an act of rebellion against mom. She did always have that weird fixation with Amity’s hair after all...
Eda: Hum, I see. This actually takes me to my follow up question. How did your mom react when she saw it?
Edric: *chuckling* Oh, I thought she’d have a stroke right then and there.
Emira: Yup. Never saw mom that mad. You’d think the two of us would be the ones to cause it but nope, Mittens beat us to it. Again, I’m a proud big sister.
Eda: Hehehe Sounds about right. You two are the troublemaking type then huh?
Edric: That’s a way of putting.
Emira: We like thinking of ourselves as practical entertainers however. We are in the Illusions track so it comes with the territory. Buuut...
Edric: We indulge in some prankery every now and then, and there’s no one better at it than us.
Eda: Is that so? Ever get in trouble for it?
Edric: Sometimes... When we (kind of accidentally) cause more property damage than intended because SOMEONE botched their end of the spell and caused Bump’s office to almost go up in flames.
Emira: Awww. Ed, I told you already. Don’t beat yourself over it. Accidents happen. You’ll do better next time.
Edric: HEY!
Emira: Anyway, Eda. Why were you asking about Mittens’ hair?
Eda: Oh... You guys are going to love this. I think. Anyway, did you know that me and your parents attended Hexside at the same time?
Edric: Yeah, I remember mom seeing one of your wanted posters a while back and calling you “Ewdalyn Clownthorne” or something like that.
Eda: Ah, haven’t heard that in a minute, Titan those were the day. Anyway, as you might have guessed by now me and your mother we... had a bit of a rivalry. Unfortunately, I couldn’t top the nickname she gave me, best I could do was Odd-alia. No offense, but Blight doesn’t give much to work with in terms of puns, can’t get funnier than that. Especially when thrown at her.
Emira: None taken. And yeah. I mean, it is fun when people call us stuff like “The Blights of Hexside”. But it is kinda sad to know we’ll never get a nickname as cool as Owl Lady or Lord Calamity.
Eda: Oh, my fame still precedes me huh? You know, I think the three of us will get along just fine.
Edric and Emira: Yup, we sure will.
Eda: Anyway, flattery aside... Part of the reason why I love poking your mom with a short stick was, other than how aggravated she’d get and how surprisingly good at paying in kind she was, the fact that she was in the Oracle track. You see, that made her a challenge. And given how she would actually prank me back (successfully, mind you, I have no shame in admitting that) I feel like like we actually a weird sort of friends, or at least we reached some kind of agreement that we were fair game for each other. And trust me, she was ruthless, and very good at escalating things.
Emira: Wow...
Edric: That sounds nothing like the mom we know. Other than the ruthless or the escalation part, that is still true.
Eda: Yeah, anyway. Part of our little game was keeping it hidden. Neither your dad or my sister actually ever realized what was going on until... well, I’ll get to that.
Eda: Anyway, so some lovely day I notice how weirdly obsessed with her hair Odd-alia was. This gives me some ideas, but I know I have make this the mother of pranks, so I decided to just keep a watch, to figure out what the best way to go about it would be. And I was also making those smaller pranks, something to throw her Oracle powers off-balance, you know?
Eda: Well... Back in the day your mother wasn’t monochromatic as she is nowadays. She’d circle through all colors you can think off on her accessories (which she used an ungodly amount, and no judgement it just never seems physically possible). But I noticed that there was one very specific color that she never got anywhere near her.
Edric and Emira: No way...
Eda: And as I said, she was weirdly obsessed with her hair... And as top student of the Potions track making hair dye was child’s play for me... So... do the math... And guess what very specific color was? I may be bad at color names, but I won’t ever, EVER, forget that particular shade.
Edric and Emira: No... freaking... way...
Eda: Yes... freaking... way... I mean, seriously, the first time I saw Amity’s new hair I had to do a double take. The resemblance was just too uncanny.
Emira: And what did she do?
Eda: Well... For a couple weeks there I thought I’d have to place a restriction order on her or something like that. Ultimately the two of us, along with Lilith and Alador (they were our attorneys, no they were not qualified for the role.) sitting across from each other in a very formal looking table, signing a contract. An actual freaking contract setting clear limits to our mutual pranks, like what was off limits like her hair or my then partner, how long was the maximum period a prank could last, so on. Surprisingly enough that was Al’s idea.
Eda: And let me tell you, that was probably the toughest negotiation I ever been a part of. Shame it was not long before I dropped out so never could really put it to use. You know, sometime I think this actually made Odd-alia realize she wanted to be a business woman. I mean, before that she’d go off about how she’d join the Emperor’s Coven all the damn time.
Edric: Wow...
Emira: I second that. Really, wish I had brought something I could take notes on. You completely blown anything we ever did out of the water.
Edric: No wonder she never told us that. You know what? I think I’m dying my hair that color first thing tomorrow.
Emira: Can we tell Amity this story?
Eda: Are you two actually thinking of antagonizing her? Are you crazy? First off, she’s your mother, she holds power over you. All you’d accomplish is getting grounded. Not to mention that she has decades of experience on you, even if she wasn’t your mom, she’d demolish the two of you. No offense, you’re still young, naive, you lack guidance in the ways of the pranksters.
Edric and Emira: *Dejectedly* Ohh... You’re right...
Eda: Hey... Don’t look so gloomy. I see a lot of potential in you, in both of you. *Sighs* I can’t believe I’m gonna take more kids under my wing... But.... Have you guys ever heard of the Bad Girl Coven Initiative? We annoy our foes into submission.
Edric and Emira: WE’RE LISTENING.
Eda: Heh... We’ll get along just fine indeed.
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stormcrawler75 · 5 years ago
if it hasn't been done yet (re the bad things happenbingo) could I ask for either amputation or damaged wing(s) with Remus please? I love what you've done with the prompts so far
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Warnings: Amputation, hospitals, diseases, talk of surgery.
Characters: Remus, Patton, mentions of Roman, Logan, Virgil, and Janus.
Hospitals smelt like absolute, sterilized shit.
Remus couldn’t fucking stand hospitals. Just the smell alone made Remus want to stay far away from hospitals for his entire life. Like, Remus got it. The people who worked there saved lives and the world would probably die without them. But Remus really hated hospitals. Maybe the problem was that they didn’t get enough money? Or that usually only shitty things happened at hospitals? Or maybe because of how many times Remus had been in one recently and he had only gotten shitty fucking news?
Whatever. No matter the reason, hospitals were still at the top of Remus’ shit list at the moment.
Plus, the gowns were itchy. Though, that might just be Remus’ opinion. He currently had one tied around in and was lying in a bed, waiting impatiently for the stupid kiddie clock - which was actually pretty cool because it was shaped like an octopus - hung on the opposite wall to hit three o’clock. Remus was so ready for this to be over with so he could go back home. Roman had promised to make whatever he wanted for dinner when Remus came back and Remus was so craving pancakes with cheese sauce.
Remus sighed and glanced over at his Dad, who was sitting next to him and reading a battered old Highlights magazine. “How much longer,” he whined, giving Patton his best pout. “We’ve been waiting here forever!”
“We’ve been waiting here for two hours, Sweetie,” Patton said gently, putting the magazine down on his knee. He glanced at the clock hanging opposite from them. “Well, it looks like you only got about twenty more minutes to go, Hon. Are you nervous?”
The question had been asked so many times by so many people lately that Remus could barely manage a scoff. “Me? Nervous? Nah, not at all! Hey, it’ll be pretty cool, if you think about it!” He forced a gasp and grabbed Patton’s wrist. “Do you think they’ll film it? Could I watch it later!?”
Patton laughed and shook his head fondly. “I don’t think so, Kiddo. But I’ll ask your doctor, okay? But if we do get it then no showing your siblings, okay? Especially don’t let Virgil catch you watching it, he would have nightmares for weeks. He’s already so worried about today.”
Remus’ jaw clenched at the memory of his two-year-old brother sobbing just a few hours ago and trying to cling to Remus’ hand. Virgil hated hospitals just as much as Remus and, unlike Remus, he didn’t have the maturity and wisdom that Remus had to understand why he hated them or remember just how long he had spent there as a baby. “He doesn’t have any reason to worry,” Remus spat, hating the pit of fear that was growing in his gut. “The doctors said that this is the best option for me and even if I’ll have to do therapy and stuff, I should be just fine.”
“Oh, Honey, he’s only a toddler, he doesn’t understand what’s happening,” Patton said gently, taking Remus’ hand and squeezing it. “All he understands is that his big brother is in pain and is going away to a scary place and is going to come back without one of his legs. He’s much too young to know what osteomyelitis is.”
“I’m fourteen and I don’t even fully understand what this stupid disease is,” Remus muttered, crossing his arms. So many people had tried explaining it to him and all Remus fully understood was that some stupid fungi had injected his right leg bone and they had caught it so late that amputation was the only option. “But I know that he shouldn’t be worried. It’ll be fine and he didn’t need to be crying so much. Logan and Roman weren’t crying.”
And, no, Remus wasn’t disappointed that Logan and Roman - old enough to understand what was happening - didn’t cry like Virgil had or looked worried. Not that there was any reason to be worried but it would’ve been nice for them to pretend to be worried!
Patton squeezed his hand again, looking down at him sympathetically. “Trust me, kiddo, they were crying plenty last night. Logan’s been looking up the operation ever since he learnt what you have and Roman is so scared about his twin. They were trying to be strong for you, that’s-”
“But there’s no reason to be worried,” Remus cried, throwing out his arms in frustration. “There isn’t, I’m going to be fine and there’s no reason for anyone to worry!” His eyes were filling with sudden tears and his jaw trembled with the force of keeping them back. “I-I’m gonna come home and annoy everyone a-and t-they don’t need to worry ‘bout me cause I am gonna be f-fine!” He sobbed and pressed the palms of his hands into his eyes, images of all the things that could go wrong flashing through his mind.
Arms wrapped around his shoulders and pulled him forward until he was leaning against his dad’s chest. “Shhh, shhhh, you’re okay, you’re going to be okay,” Patton cooed, rubbing a hand up and down Remus’ back. “You’re gonna be fine, kiddo.”
“They’re gonna take my leg,” Remus sobbed, gripping Patton’s shirt so tightly that his knuckles were turning white. “D-don’t let them take my leg, don’t let them, Papa!”
“Oh, Kiddo,” Patton sighed, resting his cheek on the top of Remus’ head and holding him close. “Sweetheart, I wish I could stop them from taking your leg. If I could, I’d take this infection and put it in my own leg so you wouldn’t have to lose yours. But I can’t, Sweetie, and I’m so sorry. And I know this is very scary but I’ll be right outside the room the entire time. And I’m going to buy you the best prosthetic that money can buy, I promise.”
Remus sniffled and he rubbed at his eyes, looking up at Patton sadly. “O-one with some design?”
Patton gave him a wobbly smile and nodded, kissing Remus’ forehead. “I’ll buy you two. A plain one and one with any design that you want on it. We’ll do it together, okay baby?”
“Okay,” Remus sniffled, leaning back against Patton and closing his eyes. “...How long now?”
“...Two minutes.”
Remus’ breath hitched and he fought back the urge to vomit. It’d be hilarious but then they’d have to wait even longer for this surgery to take place. “I’m scared,” he admitted softly. “I’m so scared, Papa.”
“I’ll be right outside the surgery room and I’ll be right there when you wake up,” Patton promised softly, sounding like he was holding back tears. It made Remus want to dig a hole in the ground and cry. He was making his Papa cry. “And as soon as the Doctors say you’re ready, we’ll go home and see your brothers and Uncle Janus, okay?”
Remus sniffled and nodded, wiping away the tears trailing down his cheeks.”Okay,” he whispered. He let out a shaky breath and forced a smile. “It’ll be okay.”
“Remus?” The two of them turned to see a Doctor and a Nurse waiting for them. “We’re ready for you.”
Remus glanced at Patton nervously and got a confident smile in return. “You’ll be okay,” Patton said, looking so sure that he might as well had been saying that the sky was blue. “I’ll be right next to you when you wake up, okay?”
“Okay,” Remus said softly, turning to the Doctor and Nurse. “I’m ready.”
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appalachianwiine · 4 years ago
Swim - Chapter 8 - Only Twenty Minutes to Sleep
Only 20 minutes to sleep
But you dream of some epiphany
Just one single glimpse of relief
To make some sense of what you've seen
“Epiphany” by Taylor Swift
“It hurts daddy.” Lydia whimpers, snuggling closer to his chest. It’s four in the morning and he’s been here most of the night. Lydia laid on top of him, crying and sleeping and complaining. She’d thrown up most of her meager dinner and had refused all attempts to get her to eat anything else. Even the offer of waffles had been refused, all she wanted was to be held.
“I know kiddo.” Daryl whispers, kissing her sweaty hair. She’s got a strange smell to her now, one that makes Daryl think of a hot bedroom in the back of a trailer in northern Georgia and a hacking cough that wouldn’t go away. One that means she’s sick. 
“I want to go home now.” Lydia whimpers, she’s clung to him like a monkey, she’s got to be more exhausted then he is, but she hasn’t slept much, every time she drifts off they come in to do vitals and she starts crying again. He reaches up to rub his eyes, god he wants to go home. Have a hot shower, his own bed, some real sleep. But they can’t. 
Instead he presses another kiss to her hair and says; “want something’ t’ drink?” 
“No.” She mutters. “I might throw it up.” 
“Okay.” He whispers. “Want a story?” 
“A song?”
“I guess…” 
“Down in the willow garden,” he beings quietly. “Where me and my love did meet.” He feels her small hand go to his elbow and start rubbing it in circles. “There we lay a’ courtin’ my true love fell asleep. I had a bottle of the burglars wine but that my love did not know…” 
It was a macabre song really, but he hadn’t really thought of that when he started singing it to her years ago. He just remembered it from his own childhood. The heavy smell of red wine on his momma’s breath as she knelt next to his bed singing the same thing. Her stroking a few dark locks from his face as he did to Lydia now. . 
“There I murdered that poor lil’ girl down on the banks below.” He supposed it should’ve been kind of obvious, but it was this or Merle Haggard - who wasn’t known for his lovely lullabies to little girls. 
From on his chest he hears her tiny voice join in “I stabbed her with my dagger, which was a bloody knife. I throwed her into the river which was a terrible sight.” 
It was even creepier coming from her. Though, if he was honest most songs were. She had that quality about her, even on the best of days, when she would sing her eyes would glaze over, and she took on an almost hypnotized look. Even ‘Row row row your boat’ was a little unnerving when she sang it. 
“My daddy always told me.” He continued, rocking gently from side to side “That money would set me free. If I would murder that poor little girl who’s name was Rose Connolly.” 
His mothers face drifts before him, a little blurry from time, but as young and beautiful as he remembered. Dark curls framing blue eyes, the ghost of a bruise across one cheek. He hummed a little and rubbed her back before starting the last verse. 
“Now he sits by his cabin door, wiping his tear stained eyes, a thinkin’ about his own dear son, upon the scaffold high. My race is run beneath the sun an-“ 
Lydia pushes back suddenly, making him start and he has just enough time to push her hair back before she starts heaving. 
He doesn’t have time to get her to the bathroom, bile and spit she’s able to throw up lands on his chest and the sheets surrounding them. 
“I-I’m sorry.” Lydia sobs, coughing and sputtering tears pouring from her eyes, a little vomit dribbling down her chin. 
“It’s okay.” He whispers, leaning over to push the nurses call button. “It’s okay, I can change.” 
“You ain’ mad?” She sobs. 
“‘course I ain’t.” He whispers, lifting the edge of his shirt to wipe the vomit from her chin and reaching out to wipe her tears. “Yer sick baby girl it ain’ yer fault.” 
The night nurse comes in and flicks on the light, the bright light makes him blink and squint. Fuckin’ fluorescents. 
“Everything okay?” The nurse asked. 
“Nah, I think - we probably need a sheet change.” He muttered, looking around. Most of it was on him, but the sheets and. Bedding had a few dribbles too. 
“Oh sweetie, you get sick?” The nurse asks. 
“Y-yeah.” Lydia nods. “I need new pajamas.” 
“Okay, how about daddy gets you sorted and I’ll change the sheets.” The nurse says.
“Kay.” Lydia sniffles. 
“C’mere kiddo.” Daryl says, sliding out of the bed and picking her up. She wrapped her arms around her neck and wrinkled her nose. 
“You got sick on you.” She mutters. 
“Yeah, looks like I’ll need t’ change too.” He says, carrying her into the bathroom. “You wait here, I’ll bring ya yer pajamas.” 
“Okay.” She lets him set her down on the toilet lid. Daryl shuffles out of the bathroom and over to their suitcases. He pulls out Lydia’s Aladdin night gown and a clean t-shirt and pants for himself and returns to the bathroom. 
Changing Lydia around the PICC line is a bit of an ordeal even while she’s disconnected. The long tube hangs loose and every time it moves too much she whimpers and pulls away. He’ll have to get it bound up before they got back in bed. He reaches for the hairbrush on the back of the toilet and combs through her sweaty hair, no vomit in it, which is a good (he doubts she’d tolerate a bath right now), but he braids it back just in case it happens again. 
“You wanna go on out and wait?” Daryl asks. 
“No.” She sniffles. “Carry me.” 
“Baby girl.” He sighs. “Yer clean an’ I ain’. I don’ wanna get ya dirty again.” 
“You won’t.” She protests.
“Yeah,” he sighs. “I will.” 
“You’ll come lay with me after?” Lydia pouts. 
“Yeah.” Daryl nods. “I’ll lay with ya after.” 
“Okay…” Lydia sighs, shuffling out of the bathroom. 
He figures he may as well use this opportunity to grab a much needed shower. He hadn’t showered in far too long, and he peels off his sweaty clothes aware that the vomit isn’t the only reason they smell. He doesn’t wait for the water to warm up before stepping under it. Even cold it feels damn good running over him. He reaches for the hospital issue bar of soap. He lathered his hair first, feeling the grease underneath the lather. It could really use a second wash but he doesn’t want to push it with Lydia. After giving his skin a quick scrub and rinse he steps out, drying haphazardly with the towel and pulling his clean pajamas on. He puts the dirty ones in the hamper in the corner, he’ll have to find the hospital laundry later today. 
“I don’t wanna!” Lydia is protesting, clutching the end of her PICC line tightly and scowling at the nurse. 
“What’s up baby girl.” Daryl frowns, glancing at the night nurse. 
“She needs fluids.” The nurse sighs. “She’s not keeping anything down and she’s getting dehydrated.” 
“They make me pee.” Lydia scowls. 
“You need to pee.” Daryl mutters. 
“Do not.” 
“Lydia.” He sighs, he’s bone tired, he doesn’t want to fight with her over this. 
“If they give me those and I pee they give me the medicine again!” She protests. “And that tastes bad and made me feel sick!” 
“Shhh,” Daryl says, aware that she’s shouting. “Baby girl this isn’t for the medicine.” 
“They won’t give it to me again?” Lydia scowls, not bringing her volume down any. 
“They’re gonna give it to you again.” Daryl sighs, telling her otherwise won’t do any good. “But not right now. Right now they just have to get you hydrated.” 
“No medicine ever again!” Lydia snapped
“Lydia.” He can feel a headache starting behind his eyes. “You have to get the medicine again. You’re sick baby girl we - we talked about this. But right now the IV will help you feel better, I promise.” 
“I don’t want medicine.” She whimpers. 
“I know.” He says, sitting down on the edge of her bed. “I wish you didn’t have to have any medicine. But you do, just not right now okay?”
“O-Okay.” Lydia mutters. 
“Can they give you the fluids?” Daryl asks. 
“You have to hold me.” Lydia says. 
“Of course I will.” He promises, sitting back up against her pillows and letting her crawl on his lap and pull the covers over both of them. “They need your arm baby girl.” Lydia grumbles but sticks her arm with the PICC line out of the blanket. 
“Thank you Lydia.” The nurse says, pulling the end of the line up to connect the fluids. “There, all connected. Feel free to press the button if you need anything.” 
“Go away.” Lydia mutters, pulling the blanket up over her head and her arm back into the cocoon.
“Thanks.” Daryl says, rubbing Lydia’s back. He can hear her sniffling underneath the blanket. “‘S okay t’ cry.” 
“You smell funny.” She mutters, poking her head out at him.
“What?” Daryl frowns. 
“You smell funny.” She mutters, sniffing at his shirt. “You don’t smell like daddy. You smell like… soap.” 
“Oh.” Daryl says. “I had t’ take a shower’s all. Forgot my soap.” 
“I don’t like it.” She mutters. “I like daddy smell.” 
“Sorry kiddo. I’ll get my soap as soon as I can.” He promises. He’d never given much thought to how he smelled before, but he supposed he had used the same soap for years. Hell he couldn’t even remember the scent off the top of his head, he usually just grabbed it off the shelf in the grocery store and went on his way. 
“Good.” Lydia mumbles. 
“Try to sleep okay kiddo?” Daryl whispers. 
Daryl must’ve fallen asleep at some point too, because the next thing he knows the day shift nurse is in their room and light is flooding in from the windows. Lydia whimpers on his chest and curls herself into a smaller ball, just the PICC line drifting out from under the blankets she’s pulled tightly around her. 
“Wha’ time is it?” He mutters, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his hand.
“A little after seven.” The nurse smiled apologetically, it’s Sasha again. The shift change has already happened. “Sorry to wake you.” 
“‘S fine.” Daryl mutters, it’s not like it’s her fault anyway. “You uh - you need her vitals?” 
“Yeah.” Sasha nods. “Dr. Rhee is going to come talk to you in a bit, but I’ll get vitals out of the way first.” 
“Biopsy results?” Daryl’s awake now. Those were supposed to come in today.
“I think so.” The nurse nods. “But it could be about the next dose of chemo too. She’s due for that today at around one.” 
“Oh.” Daryl glanced down at the lump which is Lydia, she wouldn’t be thrilled about that. He pulls at the blankets. “Lyd.” 
“No.” She moans. “No pokes.” 
“No pokes.” Sasha says. I just need your temperature and your blood pressure and your oxygen levels okay?” 
“No.” Lydia mutters. 
“What hand do you want me to put the pulse oximeter on? Your left or your right?” Sasha asks, pulling the machine over. 
“Left.” Lydia mutters, offering her right hand. Daryl has to repress a smile, she’d never been good with left and right but he was pretty sure Sasha would tell her rainbows came out of her ass if it got her to cooperate.
“Left it is.” Sasha smiles. Clipping the monitor to her finger. “And how about blood pressure?” 
“Left.” Lydia mutters, exposing a little more of her right arm for Sasha to put the cuff on. 
“Alright.” Sasha says. And do you want forehead or tongue temperature?” 
“Tongue.” Lydia mutters, poking her little pale face out from underneath the blankets and opening her mouth. 
“Thank you.” Sasha smiles, poking the thermometer under her tongue and holding it there for a moment before pulling it out. “Fever free, good job kiddo.” 
“Thanks.” Lydia mutters, letting Sasha remove the pulse oximeter and the blood pressure cuff then retreating into the cocoon of blankets again. 
“You want something to eat?” Daryl asks quietly. 
“Waffle.” Lydia mumbles. “Plain.” 
“No butter or syrup.” He repeats. “Your tummy feeling better?” 
“Kind of.” She mutters. “Still feels like I’m on a tire swing.” 
“You gonna let me out of bed to go get it?” Daryl asks. 
“Fine.” She crawls off of him and curls up in the middle of the bed. “Hurry daddy.” 
“I will.” He promises, sliding into his boots and shuffling out of the room. Across the hall Henry’s door is open, the blinds are up, and the bed empty but unmade. He wasn’t sure if that was good or bad, but he tried not to linger on it.
He gets a waffle for Lydia and a cup of black coffee for himself. He knows he should eat something but he doesn’t really have the energy or appetite to get anything down. Especially not with Lydia’s biopsy results hanging over him like this. This would mean a treatment plan, a timeline, a discharge date, a real tangible plan that could get his daughter well again. 
When Daryl returns to the room he finds Dr. Rheesitting on the end of the bed, letting Lydia hold her stethoscope to her swollen belly. 
“Daddy guess what!” Lydia says eagerly. “There’s a baby in there and I can hear him!” 
“Really?” Daryl frowns. 
“Yeah I use the listening thingy and I can hear his heart.” Lydia grins.
“Alright Lydia.” Dr. Rhee smiles. “It looks like it's time for your breakfast. How about I take that and go talk to your daddy while you eat?” 
“Okay.” Lydia frowns, handing the stethoscope back to Dr. Rhee. “He’ll be back soon?” 
“Yeah.” Dr. Rhee says. “Mr. Dixon if you’ll come with me?” 
“Oh uh, yeah sure.” Daryl nods, handing Lydia her waffles and following Dr. Rhee out of the room and down the hall. “Are we uh - going to that - that same room.” 
“Yeah.” Dr. Rhee says. “It’s a little more private.” 
“Is this about her biopsy results?” Daryl swallows, remembering what Carol had told him about that room.
“Yes.” Dr. Rhee nods. “We got them back this morning and I wanted to discuss the new treatment plan with you, we’ll be starting it today.” 
“Today.” Daryl swallows. “Isn’t she still on - on that other chemo?”
  “She is.” Dr. Rhee nods. “But we’ll be adding some new ones.” 
Ones. Plural. Daryl's stomach sinks father. 
Dr. Rhee holds the door open for him and he steps into the room, there’s a stack of papers on the table. She’s prepared this in advance. He takes a seat in the same chair he sat in the other day and takes a drink of his coffee, ignoring the burning sensation it sends down his throat. 
“So,” Dr. Rhee says, pulling some of the papers towards her and shuffling through them. “We got the results back from Lydia’s bone marrow biopsy and we were initially correct. She does have Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.” 
“Okay.” He says slowly. “Like… that’s it?” 
“No.” Dr. Rhee slides the paper over to him, the text is small, and even though she’s highlighted portions of it it sort of dances around in front of him. “Lydia has a rare mutation we don’t often see in acute leukemia. It’s called the philadelphia chromosome. Essentially what it means is that two of the genes in the Leukemia cells have switched places. It also means that Lydia’s Leukemia is very high risk and will need to be treated aggressively. We’re going to do this with three different kinds of chemotherapy and a geneblocker called Distautinab. Distautinab is a newer drug and when used in conjunction with it’s predecessor Imatinib we’ve seen cure rates go up dramatically.” 
“Dramatically what - what does that mean?” Daryl swallows. 
“Well currently we’re at about 80 percent for this particular subtype of leukemia.” Dr. Rhee says. 
“Eighty percent.” He breathes. “And this - um - this is what subtype?” 
“Ph+ ALL.” Dr. Rhee says. 
The name triggers something in the back of his brain, he’s so exhausted that it takes him a moment to come back around to it. Carol. That’s what her daughter had. Carol’s daughter was dead. 
“Um Carol -“ 
“Yes,” Dr. Rhee says. “This is the same type of leukemia that carol’s daughter Sophia had. However Distautinab was not available for use in children at the time Sophia was treated.” 
“And Lydia.” He mutters. “What am I - what does this entail?” 
“A treatment plan of about two and a half years.” Dr. Rhee says. 
“Two and a half years.” Eh breathes. 
“Yes, though a period of that will be what is called maintenance Chemotherapy. It’s about a year of active treatment all together and a year and a half of maintenance. During active treatment she’ll have periods of chemo infusions both inpatient and outpatient, but during maintenance barring complications she’ll be at home taking daily oral chemo therapies.” 
“I - okay.” He mutters. 
“Do you need a minute?” She asks. 
“Please.” He breathes. 
“Alright, I’ll give you sometime.” Dr. Rhee stands and exits the room, Daryl fumbles for his phone in his sweatpants pocket. It’s not yet eight o’clock, the school day shouldn’t have started. He finds Carol’s number in his phone and hits the call button. 
“Daryl?” She picks up almost immediately. “Is everything okay?” 
“I - Lydia’s biopsy results.” He manages. “They’re  they’re not good.” 
“Okay.” Carol’s voice is blessedly steady. “What happened?” 
“It’s um - that chromosome thing. Lydia’s got it.” He mutters, running a hand over his hair and leaning against the table. He feels like he’s going to throw up. 
“Oh.” Her voice is almost silent on the end of the line. 
God this had been stupid of him. He shouldn’t have called and told her that. Her daughter died from that. He opens his mouth to apologize. 
“School gets out at 330.” She says, unknowingly cutting off his attempt at apology. “I can leave right after and be there by 430 okay?” 
“You don’t have t’ do that.” He says. 
“I’m going to be there by 430.” She says. “You - this is a lot to process. It’s hard. Have you gotten your treatment plan yet?” 
“No.” Daryl admits. “We-we’re about to discuss that she’s got a - a folder.” 
“Okay.” Carol says. “Look, I won’t promise you everything is going to be okay, but things have changed, three years is a long time in the world of cancer. And even if they hadn’t, you’re not alone in this Daryl.” 
“Two and a half years.” He chokes out. “She’s - she’s gonna be going through this for two and a half years.” 
“Yeah.” Carol says. “And so are you. This is your fight to Daryl, and you and Lydia aren’t alone here. I have a half an hour until class starts, are you okay?” 
“I- no.” Daryl says “She had a really rough night and now, now I’m going to go in there and condemn her to more and - and I know it’s going to save her life but she doesn’t know that. She doesn’t understand that.” 
“She understands more than you think Daryl.” Carol whispers. “She’ll be okay, she’ll get through this.” 
“We don’t know that.” Daryl whispers. 
“She has a father who’s fighting like hell for her.” Carol says. “That’s gonna make her okay. Not every kid has that. I’ll be there at 430 okay? I’ll bring dinner.” 
“Yeah.” He nods. “I uh - I should go. I need t’ - i need t’ know what’s gonna happen.” 
“Okay.” Carol says. “You want me to call at lunch?” 
“No.” He says. “I - she’s due for chemo around then, she likes me t’ hold her.”
“See, you’re all she needs.” She says. “I’ll see you tonight.” 
“Yeah.” He hangs up the phone and rests his head in his hands. 
“Ready?” Dr. Rhee steps back into the room. 
“Not really.” He sighs. “But yeah, lets do this I guess.” 
“So we’re going to start with the induction phase. That will consist of daily oral chemotherapy and steroids and weekly chemo through her PICC line.” Dr. Rhee slides a calendar sheet in front of him. “It will look something like this, though the dates will change based on her discharge date. We’re aiming for sometime next week, we just need to give her one round of inpatient chemo, check her counts and keep her fever free for 48 hours.” 
“We could be home next week?” That didn’t feel real to him, the idea that they could be home in a week. Hadn’t she just said that Lydia’s chemo was aggressive? 
“If everything goes well.” Dr. Rhee nods, tucking some of her short hair behind her ear. “We’re going to finish this round today and on saturday and then if all goes well you could be home by Wednesday. Now you’ll come back weekly for labs and chemotherapy, and if she spikes a fever above 100.4 you have to come into the ER right away.” 
“Okay.” He nods. “And that’s - that’s it? For two years?” 
“Well, no.” Dr. Rhee says. “Because of the type of leukemia that Lydia has we need to be aggressive in our treatment. This cancer likes to hide, so we’re going to do the induction phase, then we’re going to pull back on the chemo, to give her body a break and a chance to recover and then she’ll start three rounds of very aggressive chemotherapy. She’ll be inpatient for those, expect up to 30 days.” 
“30 days.” He mutters. 
“Yes. And she’s going to be a very sick little girl. But as I said the chances of a good outcome are high with this new drug.” Dr. Rhee says. “So if you’ll sign the paperwork I can get her chemo together and we can get ahead of this thing.” 
“Yeah.” Daryl nods, reaching for the papers and pen. “Jus’ - I want her t’ be a kid again.” 
“Kids are resilient.” Dr. Rhee says. 
“Yeah.” Daryl mutters. 
Can she still be resilient? 
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blackhakumen · 5 years ago
Mini Fanfic #475: Two Guys and the Farm Boi (RWBY)
12:00 p.m. at Vauco
Oscar: (Looks Around his Surroundings in the City of Vauco) This place is even more lively than I thought it would be.....
???: Yo! Lil' Oscar!!
Oscar: (Turns and See Two Familiar Faces Making their Way Towards Him) Oh. Mr. Wukong and Mr. Vasilias. Good Afternoon.
Neptune: (Chuckles Lightly) C'mon, man. Mr. Wukong and Vasilias are our old men's names.
Sun: (Ruffles the top of Oscar's Hair with a Bright Smile on his Face) He's right, kiddo. Just Sun and Neptune are fine with us.
Oscar: (Chuckles Lightly from the Hair Ruffling) R-Right. Sorry about that. I'm always like when I with people.
Sun: It's all good. I take your going solo today?
Oscar: Yeah.....The gang already left to another mission they were mission assigned to an hour ago. They're worried about my safety as usual so they wanted me to stay here. Are you guys going out on a mission too?
Neptune: Nah. We already finished ours yesterday.
Sun: Neptune and I are heading to the beach. You wanna come with?
Oscar: (Genuinely Surprised) Wait. You really want me to come with you guys? I-I mean, I don't wanna be an bother or anything.....
Neptune: (Smiles Brightly) Of course we want you to come with us. It's a perfectly good chance for us to get to know each other more, you know?
Sun: (Smiles Softly) And you're definitely not a bother to any of us. You're one of our pals. (Ruffles the top of Oscar's Hair) And any friends of Blake is a friend of ours.
Oscar: (Smiles a Little) Well....if that's really what you guys want, then count me in.
Sun: (Pumped his Fist up in the Air) Alright! Operation: Three Bros at the Beach is Go!
Neptune: Yeah!- Wait. (Turns to Oscar) Shouldn't you tell the others that you'll be gone all day first?
Oscar: I wouldn't be so worried about that. I already written a note back in the hotel room, saying I'll be back and everything. Plus, I already texted Ruby earlier just in case.
Sun: (Shrugged) Good enough for us. Now let's hit the beach!!
Neptune: ('Took a Deep Breath') Okay......Here goes nothing.....
Neptune slowly but surely begins to trying setting his foot down on a very small wave of water.....only for the larger wave to appear
Neptune: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! (Immediately Runs Away from the Waves) NOT WORTH IT!!! NOT WORTH IT!!! NOT FRICKIN' WORTH IT!!!!!
Oscar: (Stares at the Whole Scene in Complete Disbelief) So..... He's afraid of water....
Sun: (Already Facepalms in Embarrassment) Yep.
Oscar: But.....His name is literally Neptune.
Sun: ('Sigh') Yeah.....I know......
Oscar: (Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) You wanna do what now?
Sun: (Smiles Brightly) Set you up on a date, my guy.
Neptune: You technically are teenager after all. Nothing's wrong with meeting the ladies your own age.
Oscar: That is true and all, buuuuut....I think I'm gonna pass on the offer.
Sun: Seriously? How come?
Oscar: Well....To tell you guys the truth, I...(Starts to Blush a Little) Kinda already got a girlfriend.....
Neptune: (Eyes Widened in Shocked) NO WAY!! For real?!
Sun: Dude! Congratulations! Who's the lucky lady?
Neptune: If you don't mind us asking, of course
Oscar: W-Well....T-The girl I'm.... currently dating now is.....(Took A Deep Breath Before Speaking Again) Ruby.
'Record Suddenly Scratch'
Neptune: (Let his own Drink Slip off from his Hands While Being Shocked by Oscar's Answer) ............
Sun: (Eyes Widened in Complete Surprised) ...............Ruby. As in Ruby Rose.
Oscar: Yes.
Neptune: As in the girl with the red, hoodie like cape thing.
Oscar: Yes......
Sun: As in the girl with a giant scythe, gun hybrid for a weapon.
Oscar: (Facepalms While Sighing in Embarrassment) Yes............
Neptune: As in the same girl who likes eating chocolate chip-
Oscar: My god, you guys, yes! It's Ruby. As in Ruby Rose. The same Ruby with the red hoodie cape, a red scythe for a weapon, the one who loves cookie, and the leader of her own team, with a 'W' on it's own name. That's the Ruby I know and love!!
Oscar: (Blushes in Bright Red) S-Sorry! I.... Didn't mean to yell like that.... Really didn't even know what went over me there......
Sun: Dude..............(Smiles Brightly) That is so awesome!!
Neptune: (Smiles Brightly as Begins to Ruffles Oscar's Hair) Yeah, Lil' man! ('Sniff') You're already making us proud here......
Oscar: (Sighs Heavily in Defeat Before Slowly Smiling a Little) Thanks......You guys. Really.
Neptune: (Stilling Running Around in Fear) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Oscar: Okay, Seriously. Should we try to calm him down or........
Sun: Nah. He'll tire himself out...... Eventually......
Oscar: Okay. I think that's enough about me in this conversation....What about you guys? Are either of you dating anyone?
Sun: Nope. We're still single.
Neptune: (Smirks Confidently) Not to brag for anything, buuuuut....I usually get all the digits from every girl we see and meet.
Sun: ('Heh') Yeah right. I bet all of them gave you fake numbers after your so called 'Neptune Charm' goes haywire.
Neptune: (Glares at Sun) Hey! My charms never gone haywire!
Sun: (Raised an Eyebrow) Oh really? Then name me one girl you actually got a real number from.
Neptune: (Was About to Give Sun a Definitive Answer.......Only to Realize He Really Couldn't Think of Anything and Begins to Look Away, Pouting) W-Whatever!
Sun: Uh-Huh. (Turns back to Oscar) Now, as what I was still say, Mr Failed Ladies' Man over there and I are still in Singles-Ville. I did had a crush on a girl once......
Oscar: Really? Did it work out between you two?
Sun: Eh. Not really. I realized sooner or later that the girl wasn't really into me like that. She....Already had eyes on someone else.....
Neptune: (Frowns for his Best Friend) Dude......
Oscar: (Frowns as Well) I'm sorry, Sun......
Sun: (Chuckles Lightly) No need to worry about me, you guys. I'm still good friends with the girl and everything, I'm just not the one she's looking for romantically. I promise you there's no hard feelings between any of us.
Neptune: (Place his Arm Around Sun in a Supportive Matter) Well.....if you're really okay, bro, then that's good enough for us.
Oscar: Yeah. A-And I'm sure you'll find someone for you eventually. So try not to give up hope yet, okay?
Sun: (Smiles Brightly) You got it! Thanks, guys.
Illa: (Makes her way to Sun and Oscar While Carrying an Unconscious Neptune) I finally calmed Neptune down......
Sun: Tased him?
Illa: Yep.
Sun: (Turns to Oscar with a Smile) Oscar, I like to introduce you to our new friend, Illa.
Illa: (Smiles Softly to Oscar) Hello.
Oscar: (Smiles Softly as Well) Hey.
Oscar: So......there you have it. Professor Ozpin isn't really dead. He's.....Been inside my self-conscious this entire time. Hence the reason why I decided to travel with the gang and became a wizard in training. (Sips on his Drink)
Sun: (Shocked in Awe) Woah........
Neptune: That's.......Pretty sick, kiddo.
Sun: But in good way!
Neptune: Yeah!
Oscar: (Very Surprised by Sun and Neptune's Optimistic Behavior) Wait. You..... really mean that?
Sun: Definitely.
Oscar: So...... Neither of you guys are mad at me? Or not even try to let your frustrations out on me or anything?
Sun: (Frowns Sadly in Surprised) What? Buddy, no. We wouldn't do that to you.
Neptune: (Frowns as Well) Yeah. Why would you think we would- (Eyes Widened Once Realize Something) Oh...... I'm..... guessing the everyone didn't take it too well once they found out the whole news, huh?
Oscar: ('Sigh Heavily') Yeah........ Let's just say that the past few months and almost year of my quest wasn't anywhere of being a happy time....I got punched in the face, shoved into a wall, get yelled at on some occasion, and I was even shot at one point..... All because of everything that deals with Oz and Salem's past together. It's also because of their stupid truth issues, but that's beside the point.
Neptune: Ah....Dude......
Sun: I'm sorry, man.......
Oscar: It's alright, you guys. I just......('Sigh') Sometimes, I wish everyone in the entire world would stop seeing me as Oz, his host, a meat shield or whatever. And I know that Ruby and the others already love me for who I am and all, but even that doesn't stop everyone else to think otherwise. Like they're expecting me to have all the answers when I don't even know a damn thing anymore. It's just gets..... really tiring, you know?
Sun: Hey, man.......(Smiles Reassuringly) We totally get where you're coming from in all of this.
Neptune: (Smiles Reassuringly as Well) Yeah, man. I mean, granted, we can't entirely relate with the whole wizard-professor being inside your head or anything, but we do get what it feels like to being put on too much pressure and expectations from some people.
Sun: You don't need to keep worrying about what other people think about think about, Oscar. Because to me, Neptune, and all of our other friends, you are definitely your own person. And if anyone thinks otherwise, then that's all on them. They'll never to see how cool and amazing you really are to us.
Oscar: (Begins to Smile Sincerely as he Wipe a Tear off his Eye) You guys, I......Thank you. Thank you so much.
Later that Mid Evening.........
Oscar: (Happily Walking Alongside Sun and Neptune) Thanks again for inviting me to the beach with you guys. I had a really great time today.
Sun: (Smiles Brightly) Not a problem at all, Lil' Bro. Thanks for hanging out with us.
Neptune: (Smiles Brightly as Well) Yeah, man. You're a pretty cool kid, you know that?
Oscar: (Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth While Blushing a Little) Thanks. You guys are pretty cool too.
???: (From a Distance) OSSSSSSSCCCCARRRRRR!!!!!!!
Neptune: (Noticed a Group of Very Familiar People Making Their Way to From a Distance) Wait......Is that......
Sun: Could it be......
Oscar: (Eyes Widened in Fear) Not again.........
And just like that, Oscar immediately gets hugged tackled by none other than Nora Valkyrie and the entire JNPR Team.
Oscar: (Already in a Group Hug) Guys! Come on! Again?!
Nora: (In Tears While Hugging her Baby Tight) Oscar Everlynn Pines!! Where the heck have you been young man?!
Jaune: Do you have any idea how much you made us worried today, mister?!!
Ren: (Gives Oscar a Fatherly Glare) You made me cry.....
Nora: You made your dad cry today, Oscar!!
Oscar: ('Sighs in Embarrassment') Didn't any of you read the note I wrote back in the hotel room?
Pyrrha: (Blush a Little) We..... Didn't had the time to go back to the hotel and look. (Frowns Worryingly) Still, you should've told us you were going to do something today before we left this morning. (Gives Oscar a Kiss on the Forehead Before Hugging him Again) You had us all so worried.
Oscar: I know. I'm sorry......
Sun/Neptune: PYRRHA?!
Pyrrha: (Turns to see Sun and Neptune Staring at Her with a Very Shock Expression) Oh. (Smiles Brightly) Sun and Neptune. It's so nice to see you two again. Thank you so much for watching over our baby boy for us.
Sun: P-P-Pyrrha.....Y-You're alive!
Pyrrha: (Giggles Softly) That I am.
Neptune: B-B-But you were on the news...... During the Fall of-
Nora: Nooope! Never happened!
Sun: But-
Nora: Nope! Everything is just fine! Pyrrha is fine and well again. And nothing bad will ever happen to us again. EVER AGAIN!
Oscar: (Facepalms In Complete Embarrassment) I'll explain everything back at the hotel........
Sun: Thanks, bro.
Ruby: (Gives Oscar an Adorable Smile)
Oscar: (Very Confused by the Smile) ......What?
Ruby: (Gives Oscar a Loving Hug) You said you love me!~
Oscar: (Eyes Widened While Blushing Bright Red) How.......
Ruby: Blake told me that you told Sun that I'm the girl you love. Is that trueeeeee?~
Oscar: ...........(Groans in Embarrassment While in Ruby's Embrace)
Ruby: (Giggles Softly) I knew it. I'll take that as a definite yes~ I love you too, Oscar~
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440mxs-wife · 4 years ago
Test Results, Part 2
Pairing: Sam x Reader
You sat on the edge of your bed in the bunker, trying to make sense of what had just happened. A tear slipped down your cheek and landed on the back of your hand. Today was the day you found out that your boyfriend of three years, Anthony, had been cheating on you.
After you left work early and ran some errands, you went over to his apartment to decorate it for his birthday. You were greeted by the sight of clothes strewn all over the floor, including a black bra and panties. The clothing trail led to the bedroom, and judging by the sounds coming from the other side, Anthony was not alone.
You barged in the door, grabbed a bag and stuffed into it the few possessions you may have left there when you stayed with him. The worst part was, Anthony didn't even seem to be sorry for what he was doing, nor was he at all upset that he got caught. Anthony told you it was over, and that he had traded up from you to the woman currently in his bed. Once you got all of your stuff, you went home to your room in the bunker.
Sam walked down the hall past your room on the way to the library, and noticed that your light was on. He gently knocked on your door, so you quickly wiped away any tears and tried to compose yourself. "Come in," you said, clearing your throat.
"Hey, I was on my way to the library and saw your light was on. Aren't you supposed to be over at Anthony's, celebrating his birthday?" Sam asked as he entered your room.
"Hmm? Oh, um, we're going to wait until this weekend to celebrate. That way it's not on a night where he has to work the next day," you lied.
Sam cast a skeptical glance at you and moved to sit next to you on the bed. "Seriously? Come on, what's really going on? You know you can talk to me, right? Me Sam, best friend?" he said as he lightly nudged your shoulder.
You chuckled. "I left work early today, ran some errands, then went over to Anthony's apartment. You know, to decorate for his birthday? Well, as it turns out....he wasn't alone," you explained, the tears threatening to start anew.
"WHAT?!? Oh, that's it, I'm going over there," Sam jumped up, headed for your door.
"No, Sam! Wait!" you called and grabbed his hand to pull him back. "Please. I appreciate the sentiment, but just leave him be. It's not worth you getting into a fistfight with him over. We're over, done. I never want to see him again. Especially not after what he said," you added softly, tears now streaming.
Sam tilted your face up to meet his warm hazel eyes. "What? What did he say?" Sam asked.
You shook your head, too embarrassed to tell Sam. In your mind, if you said it out loud, then it was true, and you couldn't bear it if Anthony was right.
Sam took your hands in his and gently caressed the back with his thumb. "Please? Whatever it is, I'll guarantee you it's not true," Sam affirmed.
You paused to collect your thoughts before answering. "He said that he had traded up from me to that other woman. Meaning he found someone better than me," you said as you dissolved into a crying mess.
Sam looked away and swore under his breath. He silently promised that if he ever saw Anthony again, he was going to make him regret ever hurting you. "Listen. That's not possible, because there is no one better than you. There's someone out there for you, believe me. Someone who loves you for who you are, which is pretty great person. Then you'll be saying, 'Anthony who?'" Sam finished.
You giggled a bit through your tears and leaned your head on Sam's shoulder. "Thank you, Sam. I appreciate you for saying all of this," you smiled.
"You're welcome, anytime. I'm only stating the facts, you know. Now let's go get some ice cream for dinner and watch a movie," Sam suggested, to which you agreed.
A couple of months had passed since you and Anthony broke up. You got back into a regular hunting routine with Sam and Dean, and soon it seemed like old times again.
This morning, you were packing up to visit Sheriff Jody Mills and her daughters in Sioux Falls. As you were packing, you suddenly felt a wave of nausea hit you. You ran to the bathroom, where you proceeded to lose your breakfast and anything else you'd consumed in the last few hours.
As you sat on the bathroom floor and waited for the nausea to subside, you wondered what could be causing it. Stomach bug? Maybe. Then you did some math in your head and realized it was more than likely a common case of pregnancy. You leaned your head against the wall and closed your eyes, trying to figure out what you were going to do.
You got up from the floor, washed your face and brushed your teeth. You picked out some more clothes to stuff into your duffel bag. Sam poked his head in your doorway. "You about ready?" he asked.
"Just need my bathroom stuff, and then I'll be packed," you explained. You walked back into your bathroom to get your toothbrush, shampoo and other toiletries. You didn't realize Sam was still standing there, watching until you zipped your bag closed and looked up. "What?" you asked.
"I don't know. It's just....is everything okay? You look kind of tired. If you want, I'll talk to Dean and tell him you want to stay here and rest," Sam offered.
"I'm fine, Sam. No need for me to stay here. I've been looking forward to this visit for awhile. Besides, it's a long-ish drive, I can sleep on the way to Sioux Falls," you replied. You picked up your bag, only to have Sam take it from you and sling it over his shoulder. "Sam, I can carry that," you grumbled.
"I know, but so can I. Let me take care of you for once," he replied. You stomped your foot in playful protest and crossed your arms over your chest. That made him laugh and he took off, running up the stairs with you close on his heels.
Once in the garage, he handed your bag off to Dean, who placed it in the trunk. "Thank you, Sam," you relented, giving him a side hug. "You're welcome," he said as he kissed your forehead. Everyone got into their respective seats, and it was off to Sioux Falls to see Jody and her girls.
After a couple of hours on the road, Sam turned in his seat and saw that you had fallen asleep. His long arms reached back and replaced your bookmark then he closed your book. He rested his chin on the back of the seat, taking the opportunity to study you a bit.
A lock of your short, wavy brown hair had fallen out of place, so Sam tucked it behind your delicate shell of an ear. His thumb brushed across your lips, causing them to part slightly. Your breath was hot against that part of his hand, which sent an electric spark shooting through him.
He sat back in his seat and stared out of his window at the scenery zipping by. Anthony didn't deserve you, he told himself. You belong with someone who appreciates your kindness, your generosity, your sense of humor and your beauty.
Sam found himself imagining what it would be like for you to look into his eyes as if he were your whole world. He wanted your long, slender fingers to thread through his hair, to feel your hands as they slide their way up his chest. Most of all, he longed to kiss your perfect lips and find out for himself if they were as soft as he imagined them to be. But, he had no idea if you even felt the same, and he wouldn't ever want to give up on the friendship you had in order to find out.
"Everything okay, Sammy?" Dean smirked.
"Yeah, Dean. Everything's just peachy," Sam grumbled.
"Dude, come on. I can tell you like her, so you should just tell her. Ask her out, something. This dancing around you're doing is getting on my nerves," Dean muttered. Sam just mumbled something in return.
About an hour later, the Impala pulled into Jody's driveway. Sam opened your door and offered his hand to help you out of the backseat. You blushed and when you took his hand, you felt a jolt of electricity shoot up your arm.
Jody, Claire, Alex and Patience all came pouring out of the house to see you. Hugs were exchanged all around, with Jody lingering a little longer with you. "You okay, kiddo?" she asked.
"I'm fine, Jody, why?" you returned.
"Come with me," she said as she took you by the hand into the kitchen.
"So, what's up?" Jody asked. "And don't give me that 'nothing', because something about you is different," she remarked.
You took a deep breath before answering. "I think I might be pregnant, Jody," you confided.
Jody did a little happy dance before she realized you hadn't joined in. "I take it this may not be good news?" she asked.
"Only because it's Anthony's baby, and he said so many times that he never wanted kids. If I did the math right, I'm about two months in, just before Anthony and I broke up. Jody, what am I going to do?" you whispered.
"I'm so sorry, sweetie. Whatever happens, you've got Sam, Dean and us to get you through it. The question is, what are you going to tell the boys, especially Sam? Don't look so shocked, I saw how he looked at you as he helped you out of the car. I also saw that same soft look in your eyes, chickie," she teased.
"Really? I never paid attention. Do you think maybe....nah, Sam and I are best friends. He doesn't see me that way," you replied. "He's so wonderful, Jody, so kind and loving. But I'm not even in his league," you said softly. "Besides, what's he going to say when he finds out I'm pregnant with another man's baby? How's that going to work? He definitely won't want me then," you choked out.
Jody brought you into a hug again, rubbing your back to try and calm you down. Sam walked in and saw that you were upset. He gave Jody a puzzled look, but she waved him off with a shake of her head. When Sam went to put your bag in one of the bedrooms, Jody called Alex over. She asked Alex to take you in to the hospital for a blood test to confirm whether or not you were pregnant.
Sam saw you getting ready to leave with Alex, and asked where you were going. Jody said she was sending the two of you into town for some extra supplies, and for Sam not to worry. Sam mentioned that he was going to go and take a nap while you were gone, then he kissed your forehead.
After Sam left the room, Dean went to talk to Jody and asked what was really going on. All Jody said was that it's your business and that he should ask you if he wanted to know. Then the two of them stood in the kitchen, discussing how you and Sam needed to confess your feelings to each other.
On the way back from the hospital, all you could do was stare out the window. You now had confirmation that you were indeed about two and a half months pregnant. Alex turned to you and put her hand on your shoulder. "Hey, it'll be fine. You are going to be an amazing mother," she tried to assure you. "What about the father?" she asked.
"My ex-boyfriend, Anthony, made it clear very early on in our relationship that he did not ever want children. He said that it was non-negotiable, that he would never change his mind. I still feel like I should call him and let him know, though. I'll wait till we get back to Jody's to do that," you decided.
As soon as you walked in the door, Sam engulfed you in a hug. "Are you all right? What happened? Claire said you and Alex went to the hospital," he chattered. "Are you still feeling sick? I can make you some soup if that would--" you cut off his rambling.
"Sam, please. I'm okay, nothing happened. Jody asked Alex to take me in to the hospital because she thought I looked dehydrated or something. I'm fine. I just need to make a quick phone call," you assured him. "I'll be right back, I promise," you reached up and gave him a lingering kiss on his cheek.
Once out on the back porch, you pulled out your phone, but paused before calling your ex-boyfriend, Anthony. You thought back to what Jody said to you about Sam and how you looked at each other. It was true, that your feelings for Sam had grown beyond friendship. The only problem was, you had no idea how he felt about you. You didn't know whether he just considered you to be his best friend, or something more.
Sam Winchester....so kind, supportive, sweet and so much more. He always knew just how to cheer you up when you felt like everyone was against you. In his arms is where you always felt the safest, like nothing could hurt you. His hands were strong and sure, ready to pick you up and dust you off to face the world again. And his smile....it never ceased to warm your heart, and seeing it was the best part of any given day.
You scrolled through your contacts to find Anthony's number. To your shock, he picked up on the first ring. "Hello?" he answered.
"Anthony, it's me. I have something to tell you, something that involves both of us. I'm pregnant," you blurted out.
Silence reigned on the other side of the phone. "And? What exactly do you expect me to do about it?" Anthony retorted.
Back in the house, Sam was full of questions about your phone call. "Who's she talking to? She looks upset. I'm going out there," he said as he started for the door.
Jody grabbed his arm. "Whoa, wait a minute there, cowboy. Give her a few minutes. When she wants you to know, she'll tell you," Jody explained.
Sam took a seat in the kitchen, hands folded in front of his mouth and his elbows resting on the table. He swore to himself that if he found out anyone hurt you, he was going to take care of it.
"Anthony, I'm calling to tell you, because as the baby's father, you have a right to know. After the baby is born--" he cut you off.
"If you decide to keep that baby and let it be born, you will be completely on your own with it. I told you early on in our relationship exactly how I felt about having children. I don't want to be involved in any way, shape or form. You will get no financial support from me whatsoever. Don't even think about putting my name on the birth certificate," he snapped.
"Fine, Anthony!" you snapped back. "I don't need or want your support anyway, financial or otherwise. I can and will do this on my own. This baby will always know how loved he or she is, and will never have to know what a colossal jerk you are for rejecting your own child!" you shouted as you hung up from the call.
Sam ran to the door leading to the porch as soon as he heard you shouting. He waited to hear what it was you were talking about before running outside. Baby? he thought. It all made sense now, you being tired and getting sick right before leaving to visit Jody.
From your conversation, Sam gathered that you were speaking to Anthony, telling him it was his baby. He heard the pain and frustration in your voice that Anthony didn't and would never want anything to do with it. What an asshat, Sam thought. She deserves better than Anthony, and the baby is going to need a father. At that moment, Sam knew in his heart what he should do. Before he stepped outside, he locked eyes with Jody, who smiled and nodded in encouragement.
You slipped your phone back into your pocket and turned to kneel on the bench seat. You clasped your hands together and looked up at the starlit sky. Tears silently streamed down your face as you pondered your next move. "Please. I don't know what to do. This baby means everything to me. I promise to be the best mother I can be. I need some sort of sign that it's all going to work out," you whispered as you rested your forehead on your clasped hands.
A few seconds later, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You gasped in surprise and saw that it was Sam, a soft look in his eyes. He nodded as he took your hand, and you leaned into his broad chest. His arms closed around you in a protective embrace, his chin rested on top of your head. Hot tears rolled down your cheeks and dampened the front of Sam's T-shirt.
"Shh, shh, it's going to be okay. I promise," he soothed. Sam placed one hand on the back of your head and stroked your hair as he rocked you back and forth.
"What am I going to do, Sam? Anthony doesn't want anything to do with the baby. Not now, not ever. I swear, I'll be the best mother and raise this baby on my own if I have to," you declared.
"Hey, you don't have to do this on your own. I'm right here with you, and I'll be with you every step of the way," Sam promised. "Every craving, every doctor's appointment, all of it."
"Why, Sam? Why would you offer to do this? It's not even your baby," you sobbed.
"Because, sweetheart....I love you," Sam declared. "I have for some time now, but if you don't feel the same--" you stopped him by putting an index finger on his lips.
"Sam, I absolutely love you too. I never said anything before, because you're my best friend. I couldn't bear to lose that if you didn't feel the same," you explained.
You leaned back from his chest and tilted your head up to look into his eyes. You smiled and slowly nodded, then Sam dove in to capture your mouth with his. The kiss was a bit rough at first, driven by an intense need, then it settled into a slow burn fueled by desire. "Oh, my love," Sam whispered.
"Oh, my sweet Sam...." you whispered back.
Still wrapped in Sam's arms, you turned so that your back was resting against his chest. Sam rested his chin on your shoulder. Every so often, he placed feathery kisses on your neck. You giggled, because you were ticklish from his 5 o'clock shadow. In response, you felt his laugh rumble deeply in his chest.
"Remember what I said to you the night of your breakup?" he asked and you nodded. "I told you there was someone out there for you. Someone who would love you for the great person that you are?" he continued, and you nodded again. "Guess what? It's me. I love you for everything you are. For your kindness, your generous spirit and your sense of wonder. Our baby is going to have the best mother ever," Sam declared as he pulled you a little tighter in his embrace.
"Our baby....I love you for everything you are, Sam. For your strength, your intelligence and your mesmerizing smile. You are my other half, the missing piece to my puzzle, my safe place. Our baby will have you as the most amazing father ever," you finished.
"Too bad for Anthony," Sam remarked.
"Anthony who?" you replied with a grin.
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jimlingss · 5 years ago
The President’s Son [12]
Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13
➜ Words: 4.2k
➜ Genres: 100% Fluff, Slice of Life, Bodyguard!AU
➜ Summary: Kim Taehyung is the President’s son, mischievous and playful, and infamous for being a troublemaker. When everyone’s given up, they call for you to be his personal guard. There’s no other choice when your dad’s assigned you to it and surprisingly Taehyung doesn’t mind either. Maybe because you happened to grow up with that brat.
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“Are you going to miss me?”   Taehyung trails after you with timid steps, his face melted into an exaggerated pout and puppy dog eyes glistening in the light. You keep walking ahead without stopping, not paying any mind to him. “No.”   “Wow, that hurts, dumbo.”   “It’s only a day, Taehyung.” While you don’t care much for taking an entire day off, you’d like to think you deserve it. After being on duty for a full two weeks, day after day since the rest of the team was busy with a foreign minister visiting the country, you’re finally getting a chance to breathe and worry about things that don’t involve Taehyung. It’s a break you’ll enjoy, to say the least.   “But I’ll miss you.” He’s being clingy and you suspect it’s just to irritate you. So you ignore him completely and giggles bubble up his throat. “What are your plans, Miss Bodyguard? You only get one day free from me.”   “How unfortunate.”   “Hey!”   His protest is disregarded and you consider what your plans are with a sigh. “I don’t know. Sleep. Eat. Probably go to the gym to work out or to the dojo to watch the students and maybe practice.”   “Still doing work on your day off?” He lolls his head to the side, clicking his tongue as if to scold you. “You should rest up. I’ll make sure your daily workout is included in your job, don’t worry. You can always chase me while I ride my bike — that’s always a fun game to play.”   “No thanks.” You continue to walk ahead, making large strides and Taehyung breaks out into a light jog to keep up. There’s a few seconds of silence before a thought flickers into your mind, making your eyes light up. “Oh yeah. I almost forgot.”   “What?”   Without thinking, you mindlessly reveal, “I’m going out for a drink with Jin in the evening.”   “Wait, what?” Taehyung’s hand reaches out to grab your elbow, stopping you in your tracks. You glare down at where he touches you, surprisingly never flinching, and he doesn’t let go. “You’re going out with Jin?”   You meet his eyes. “He invited me.”   “So...it’s just going to be the two of you?”   “Yeah. It’s been a while.”   “Huh.”   Your brow quirks. “Is there an issue?”   “Not really,” he mutters and continues walking, causing you to play catch up as he once followed you.   You’re not one to get excited about things. From a young age, you were taught not to bring your hopes up for the sake of preventing disappointment. Many matters in life are futile anyways and at this point, it’s intrinsic in you to remain calm and composed at all times.   But it proves difficult to hide your eagerness this time. It’s been a long time since you’ve caught up with Seokjin or even shared a drink with him. He’s an upperclassman you’ve always respected and admired. You should’ve done this a long time ago, but the timing was never right. This time when he asked you, you agreed, promising that you’d never reject his offer twice.    You make sure you look presentable, but not overdressed. If you came in the usual suit, he’d scold you for being overly professional and even distant. So you opt for jeans, a white blouse, and a blazer. It’s something a passing business student wore and you figure it’s both refined and casual enough. You make sure to check twice in the mirror before leaving.   The corner of your lips quirk as you walk down the street, wobbling in the black heels you bought and saved for special occasions. It’s the only pair you have and you pulled them out for the first time. You’ve yet to break into them and it’s difficult to find balance when you’re used to loafers and sneakers, but you manage with a good amount of concentration and your breath held steady.   “Why are you smiling?”   You stop in the middle of the city sidewalk at the familiar voice. Your eyes lift from the pavement in front of you to the person standing in your way.   Kim Taehyung has his arms crossed.   The reaction is instant. “What are you doing here?”   Your mouth falls, pulling into a straight line. Your face dims. Your expression glazes over, becoming blank, impassive, empty.    He continues to stare at you. His feet are shoulder-width apart, standing square with his head held high and eyes sweeping your frame like he’s caught you sneaking out in the middle of the night. He’s dressed in sweatpants and his university hoodie, the institution name slapped across his chest. Jimin also stands behind him off to the side, timid with his downcast head, unspoken apologies practically rippling off his body, a puppy who’s scared of getting in trouble.   Then, Taehyung’s thin lips part and he announces, “I was craving sushi. Heard this place was good. I didn’t know I’d run into you here.”   “Huh. What a coincidence.”   “I know right.” Taehyung grins brightly, eyes crinkling in a way that’s overly charming. He looks over his shoulder. “C’mon Jimin, let’s go.”   The college boy struts into the bustling restaurant and his bodyguard holds the door open for you, murmuring your name. You acknowledge Jimin before walking up to the waitress giving a warm welcome and asking you how large the party is.    “Actually there’s a reservation. It should be under the name Kim Seokjin…” You look around, trying to peek to see if he’s here yet. The waitress hums, instantly knowing which way to go, but Taehyung stops you.   “Let me join, dumbo. It’s more convenient that way. It might take a while to get a table since it’s so busy and I’m starving,” he tries to reason, eyes hopeful as they glimmer in the low lights of the restaurant. The prolonged silence makes him add unnecessary explanations. “I promise I’ll eat and get out as soon as possible, so you can enjoy the rest of the night. I won’t even make a peep. You won’t know I’m there.”   “I can’t watch you, Taehyung,” you tell him shortly. “I’m off duty here.”   “That’s what he’s for.” The boy hitches a thumb over his shoulder to Jimin and then he scoffs, “I know you’re not working.”   There’s another moment of silence.   You look over at Jimin who seems to neither protest nor advocate for him. Then you look over at Taehyung and all he needs is to do is bat his lashes and give another sweet ‘please’ before you’re reluctantly giving in.   He ends up trailing behind you with a skip in his step.   The door slides open and the man sitting on the floor with the table in front of him smiles. “There you are, chickpea! Thought you would leave me waiting for the next five years!”   Seokjin’s appearance is casual, his hair simply brushed after a shower, without any suit and tie or earpiece. He’s dressed in a black slacks and a cozy, green sweater that you’re tempted to sink your hands into. He reminds you of a student at the university, but more mature and reliable.   You give a meek smile. “I’m sorry.”   “I’m just kidding, kiddo.” He laughs. “I would wait for you as long as I need to.”   It’s unfortunate that you can’t reciprocate his warm greeting wholeheartedly, not while entering the room, the door widens and a certain someone is poking his head in. “This is a nice place, huh?”   Jin sets his glass of water down, pleasantly surprised by the uninvited guest. “Mr. Kim?”   “It’s Taehyung,” he corrects and brushes past you, taking a seat across from Seokjin in the private room.   “I’m sorry. I….ran into him before coming here.” It was meant to be a private affair between you and him, an opportunity to talk without any interruption. Now that there was an extra person in the room, it shifted the dynamics and you couldn’t help but sigh.   Jimin nods his head, standing outside the room, hands clasped in front of the midsection. Your eyes acknowledge him before sliding the door closed.   “Nah, it’s fine. The more the merrier as they say.”   “I hope your wallet has the same sentiment,” Taehyung mumbles, vigorously flipping through the menu.   “Taehyung,” you scold him in a low tone while Seokjin laughs.   “Don’t worry about it. I’ll treat you too.”   The younger boy has his eyes narrowed as he stares up at the male. He debates telling him ‘no thanks’ and that he doesn’t need it, but Taehyung ultimately decides to say, “I won’t hold back then.”   The tension in the air is electrifying.   It’s going to be one long night.   //   Kim Taehyung orders a whole sushi boat to himself, fresh sashimi and tempura all for himself while you order a few appetizers to share with Seokjin. Drinks are ordered as well as you chat to Seokjin and true to his word, Taehyung doesn’t speak a single syllable.   He seems to be watching.   Eventually, the waitress comes by with your drinks and after thanking her, Seokjin pours you one.   “I was really surprised when you told me you were in the police force,” he says. “But you must’ve been really good to rise up in the ranks so quickly.”   “Well….” Your smile is lopsided and your playful shrug attempts to be nonchalant. “I wasn’t half-bad.”   “Ooh.” He laughs and clinks his glass with yours. “Is that cockiness I see from Y/N?”   “I’m just being honest,” you quip while shyly tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.   The older man grins, eyes crinkled, wrinkles creasing around his mouth. “I love the confidence.”   Your cheeks feel warm despite not having taken a single sip of your drink. On the thought, your hand grips the glass tighter, about to bring it to the seams of your lips. But suddenly, you’re stopped.   Taehyung, beside you, has his hand plopped on top of the rim. You turn to look at him, glaring slightly. He smiles at you. “Let me drink it.”   Without being able to say otherwise, he takes it from you, downing it one go. His brows seem to twitch and he finishes within seconds, exhaling. “Can you even drink?”   He scoffs. “Of course I can. Pour me another.” Taehyung’s arm extends across the table and when you look over, Seokjin wears an impressed expression, pouring another.   “You’re not drinking for me, right?” you murmur to him, trying to stop it at once if he’s trying to show off. After all, your own drinking tolerance is one of steel, high enough that you don’t feel a single thing after numerous shots. You have an inkling that Taehyung, on the other hand, can’t hold his liquor whatsoever — and the evidence comes from stories told by Jungkook.   “I’m just trying to have a good old time, dumbo. You don’t have to worry about me so much.”   There’s a second before you lean away, giving into his persistent will. “Alright then.”   The drink ends up stolen away from you and you’re more sober than you’d like to be.   You’d grab the waitress for another glass, but Taehyung insists someone remain sober in case something happens and while you’d vouch Jimin could technically handle all three of you, there’s no arguing when Seokjin agrees.   The two men drink with each other to an oblivion. It’s almost a competition with no one stopping, with no end in sight.    “I just thought you’d end up going to the army or the marines. Wasn’t that what you told me you wanted to do during junior high?”   “Yeah, something like that,” you say, “I thought I’d try going to apply for the police academy before that and I managed to get in. The army is what…..my dad wanted.”   Jin hums, turning the glass in his hands. “Chief’s proud of you either way. I can tell.”   There’s a sudden itch to drink or to change the topic. But there’s no need to divert when Taehyung spontaneously inhales, nodding towards the male across from him. “Pour me another one, old man.”   “I’m only four years older than you.” Jin laughs, but compiles anyhow even though Taehyung should be the one pouring for the most senior person in the room.   “So can you keep up or not?”   He chuckles. “I still got some youth in me, don’t worry.”   “I wasn’t.” Their glasses clink together. “No one goes home sober tonight.”   “Deal.” Except you. It feels like you’ve faded into the background, becoming wallpaper as the conversation begins to revolve around them both and you’re left leaning your chin in your hand, elbow to the table, dejected without any intoxication running through your veins like you intended. “But why are you suddenly so enthusiastic about having a drink with me?”   “Why not?”   “Fair enough,” Seokjin muses. “Guess we all have our own troubles.”   “What’s yours?”   “Just the business and hecticness of work, feeling like time’s passed too quickly, that I’ve aged so much and didn’t even realize it. I wanted to catch and reminisce.” Jin smiles your way before sipping on his drink and turns to face Taehyung. “What about you? What are your troubles?”   There’s an extended moment of silence.   Taehyung drinks and shifts to stare at you. You don’t understand why he’s looking at you like that, but before you can decipher what it means, he tears his eyes away from you with a drawn out sigh. “Everything.”   Seokjin laughs, in a way that acknowledges his answer, not one made of malice. “Touché. As cushy as your life seems, Taehyung, I know it must be suffocating.”   The younger scoffs and rolls his eyes. “That’s not even the tip of the iceberg.” His head falls to his own shoulder, becoming sleepy and tired at once as the drink begins to settle inside him. Seokjin doesn’t think much about it and pours Taehyung and himself another one. The atmosphere is no longer as awkward as it used to be, dissolving with their defenses. In this very moment, they’ve become equals. “Why is it so damn difficult to be normal and do mundane shit?”   “It’s because you’re not normal. You’re the President’s son.”   “Yeah, but it’s a title I didn’t ask for.” Taehyung downs his drink, neck snapping back as he does so and he allows the glass to bang against the wooden table once he’s finished. “I just...want to go to school normally and not have to be followed by people or be watched all the time. I want….normal relationships. I want...not this.”   “Eventually,” Seokjin tells him and Taehyung lifts his head. Their eyes meet each other’s. “This will only last for so long. Soon enough things will go back to normal.”   “Yeah.” A puff of air leaves Taehyung’s nose and he smiles to himself, a smile tinged with sadness. “But it seems so far away. And even when it’s over, it’ll never be the same. Is it...is it bad I hope my old man doesn’t go for another round? I really hope he loses if he decides to run again.”   “It’s not bad.” Seokjin refills another glass. The bottle finishes but Jin quickly opens another one, hitting the cap against the rim of the table before you can object to it. “If we weren’t selfish, I don’t think we could ever take control of our lives. Have you ever thought of moving abroad?”   “I don’t know. Maybe. But there’s nothing for me if I go and I’m scared...they’ll be nothing when I come back.”   You gaze at the profile of Taehyung’s face, eyes running along his full lashes, the smooth slope of his nose to his pouty lips that naturally seem to downturn. Seokjin seems to be stunned momentarily too, the sadness and loneliness tangible. Taehyung exposes his vulnerabilities, but it isn’t showing his weaknesses — it shows bravery.    “I’m envious of you,” he continues, words beginning to slur, blinking with heavy lids.   Seokjin smiles, softening around the edges and speaking with a care you recognize that he only offers to close friends. “Why me?”   “Because you can leave here without anyone knowing who you are. Because you’re normal. Because you’re successful in your passion….and people like you. Important people...like you.” And Taehyung doesn’t mean people of prestige or status. “I’m jealous.”   Jin personally pours him another, reaching over the table and Taehyung takes it graciously. “If it means anything, I’m jealous of you too, Tae. You’re a lot more courageous and honest than I can be. And you have a lot of potential to do and be whatever you want. It wasn’t like that for me. But I have full confidence you’ll achieve what you want if you work hard enough. You just gotta get there, but it’ll come if you keep going.”   He exhales with another smile. It’s reserved, but genuine. “Thanks.”   //   Midnight arrives with ten empty bottles discarded by the side and you put an end to this shenanigans, having enough. Taehyung’s face is planted on the table, snoring, and while Seokjin is calmer, he’s giggly and pulls out three different cards to pay — the waitress takes a random one.   Farewells are bid and Jimin comes to collect Taehyung, but the latter whines and moans that he wants you instead. One good look of him and you give in.   “Are you sure you’ll be okay?” Jimin asks in concern.   “I’m fine. I’ll just tuck him in for the night before heading home. Make sure Jin gets home safely, okay?”   “I’mma be okay, chickpea.” Seokjin grins easily, walking over and engulfing you in a hug. You’re suddenly surrounded in his scent, his broad shoulders, and your heart stutters in your chest. “See you tomorrow, mmkay? M-mak-ke sure you get home soon. Gonna be late for school! Your dad’s gonna make you run laps again ‘round the dojo!”   You smile, patting his back once. “I don’t go to school anymore, Jin.”   “Heeey!” Taehyung’s arm lifts and he stumbles over, only to fall asleep halfway. He’s shaken awake again when Jimin re-adjusts, having to shoulder his weight. “D-Don’t touch heeeer.”   A drawn out exhale pulls from your lungs.   The two men are switched. Jimin shoves the team leader into the back of the car and you insist you’re able to take Taehyung back on your own considering the apartment is only a few blocks away and you want to make sure Jin gets back as soon as possible. Taehyung’s also moaning about how he doesn’t want to go to the Blue House and the last thing you need is to fight against drunk Taehyung.   It takes a minute and you watch them go, taxi turning the corner before you walk in front of Taehyung with your back turned to his front. With your knees bent, he gets the cue and happily hops on for a piggyback ride.    He giggles giddily. “So soft, dumbo.”   “Uh-huh.” Taehyung isn’t heavy — the issue is that he’s taller than you. His limbs are long, and his toes end at your ankles, but luckily they don’t drag on the ground. The other issue is how your feet ache in the thin heels. It causes you to wobble and waver from side to side of the sidewalk. You end up catching yourself on the brick wall, regaining balance before continuing down the empty street.   “Ain’t the guy ‘pposed to carry the girl?”   “Who says?”   “I dunno. Movies.” Taehyung snuggles closer to you, nuzzling into your neck and his blonde hairs tickle your skin. “You smell nice.”   “Weren’t you sleepy, Taehyung?”   “No~” He sings with more laughter and leans into you. Your feet lurch, curse spilling underneath your breath and you stop for a second to bounce him on your back and get a better grip around his thighs. His arms stay locked in front of your neck. “’m sorry”   “For?”   “For botherin’ you on your day off, I know you wanted to be alone or with Jin and not see me and I wasn’ invited, but showed up and probably pissed you off, don’t be mad.”   “It’s okay. I missed you.”   “Really?” Taehyung’s slurred words spill of innocent hopefulness, head lifting slightly off your shoulder. You smile, eyes pinned ahead of the road, bathed in the orange light as you pass beneath streetlamps, listening to the car engines and motorcycles riding off in the distance. It’s serene and you bask in the way the breeze cools the heat of your cheeks.   “Yeah.”   “You’re not lying? Promise?”   “I promise, Taehyung. Why would I lie?”   “Cause I always piss you off — you hate me.”   “I don’t hate you.”   It goes quiet and you suppose he’s finally fallen asleep, but then Taehyung pipes up with a groan and mumble, “Wish you’d smile at me like that.”   “Like what?”   There’s no point in conversing with an intoxicated individual. You’re wasting your energy, but your curiosity has been piqued and you want to see what Taehyung without any true inhibitions is like.    He ignores your question. “You never smile at me like that. You always look so upset when you look at me. When you look at me….when you look at me…...you’re never ever happy.”   Kim Taehyung hugs your backside. You’ve finally found your balance, discounting the blisters forming on your toes and the pain of your heel, continuing forward. He speaks again, “’m sorry for bullying you.”   The corner of your mouth tugs. “It’s not a big deal.”   “‘ssa big deal to me. I was mean and a brat and annoying but you still put up with me when I know you didn’t wanna just cause your dad told you to, but you never told on me or fought back or yelled at me so, I’m sorry.”   “It’s okay. It never bothered me, Taehyung.”   “What’ll happen when you’re not my bodyguard anymore? Cause Jin’s right, y’know? One day I won’t be the President’s son no more, what will happen to you? Where will you go? Are you gonna go back to the police force or join the army or do MMA fighting? You’re strong enough to do whatever you wanna do.”   You hold back the laughter that tickles up your throat. “I don’t know yet.”   “Can I stay with you then?” he asks in a voice too timid to be the Taehyung that you know. “If I gotta workout or join the army too, I’ll do it. We can be bunkmates — or if you need me to go to the gym, I’ll do it.”   Taehyung can’t see it — he can’t see how he’s made you smile. And it’s in a way that’s too genuine from what you’re used to showing. But you’ve softened with his sweet words, overwhelmed by his innocent truths spurred on by the liquid courage. “Why would you want to come with me?”   “Cause I was lonely without you. I don’t want you to go.”   “You can always make friends, Taehyung. You don’t need me.”   “But I want you. I want you, I want you so bad,” he sobs like the words are clogging in his mouth, frustrated he can’t explain, voice husky around the edges yet tender as they’re only meant for your ears to hear. “I can’t find another one of you out there. There’s only one you. One Y/N. One dumbo. I can make friends, but no one’s gonna take your place ever.”   A long sigh leaves the seams of your lips. You glance up at the night sky, feeling a sense of melancholy. The boy on your back is a friend, someone who considers you family, and you were cruel enough to ignore that. “I’m sorry I didn’t keep in touch, Taehyung.”   “You shoulda taken me with you.”   “I couldn’t have.”   “I know…..”   Taehyung’s talkative nature simmers down into sleepy mumbles. He takes a deep inhale, filling his chest before his words become completely incoherent.   You enter his apartment complex, the lobby man recognizing you and allowing you to pass with a nod and a sympathetic smile. The elevator takes you up to the twenty first floor and you open the door at the end of the hall, entering the living space and slipping off your heels.    Instantly, your feet are soothed against the cool floorboards and you make your way to his bedroom, throwing Taehyung off your back and onto his cold bed. He groans tiredly and you take off his shoes before pulling the blanket up and tucking him in.   You stare at the boy for a long second. His hair is sprawled against his pillows, a few strands stuck to his sweaty forehead. His brows seem to furrow in his sleep. Happy go lucky Taehyung isn’t so happy underneath it all and while you were aware of it, you severely underestimated him. You treated him like a child when he was hurting inside, and while he doesn’t know it, you’re the one who feels more apologetic towards him.   But you appreciate that he’s made amends in the past, that he remembers and never forgot.    With the smallest of smiles, you flicker the lights off, shutting the door quietly without hearing him mutter your name to stay.
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sunshinejs · 5 years ago
Our Family
A/N: Didn’t think I was going to put anything up for a while but this idea struck in me a few days ago. Enjoy this little fluff, with a sprinkle of dad!Connor!
Word count: 4k
“Babe, are you sure?” Connor asked nervously as he followed you deeper into your house “It’s not too soon or anything?”
You stop in your tracks and turn around to face him. “Connor, are you nervous?” You break into a smile as you take in his expression.
“Of course, I’m nervous!” He answered “What if she doesn’t like me? What do I do? Do I just leave? Do we end our relationship then?”
“Oh, bubs” You giggled as you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him closer. You hear him sigh as he rests his chin on top of your head “I’m not letting you out of my sight that easy, mister. And hey, you have nothing to worry about okay? Maya is going to love you, honey”
“You promise?”
You nod and press a kiss to his clothed chest “I promise. Now come on, let’s go introduce you to the cutest girl in the world”
You told Connor about introducing him to Maya about a week ago and he has not stop freaking out ever since. Maya is the most important person in your life and getting her to like him is important for Connor.
When you both stood in front of her playroom, you squeezed Connor’s hand gently, asking “You ready?”
He takes a deep breath and nods “Yeah”
You smile as you watched your daughter sit at her table while doing some colouring, just like you left her about two minutes ago.
When Maya hears footsteps in the room, her head shot up as she grinned at you “Momma look!” She exclaimed as she held up a piece of paper “Cat!” She giggled, pointing to her drawing.
“Wow, baby! That looks amazing” You gushed, walking over to her and pulling out the plastic chair next to her “And who is that?” You asked, pointing to the stick figures.
“Me,” Maya points to the smaller person then to the taller person “And momma!” She cheered.
Her eyes trailed over to Connor’s person, who stood by the doorframe. The little girl had a confused look on her face as she leaned closer to you and whispered “Momma, who’s that?”
“That is mommy’s friend, baby” You answered, smiling as you tuck a strain of her hair behind her ear “And he’s a little nervous to meet you”
“Why?” Maya shrugged “I won’t bite him”
“You hear that, Con?” You called out to him, teasingly “She won’t bite you”
Connor laughs, shaking his head as he walks over to the table and pulls out the chair across from Maya “Hi Maya,” He greeted “I’m Connor”
“Hi Connor!” The 3-year old said cheerfully; offering him a big smile. She pushed a clean piece of paper towards him and asks “Wanna draw?”
“Yeah,” Connor lets out a deep breath and smiles at her “Anything particular you want to see me draw?”
“Connor here is a little bit of an artist, honey” You grin “Bet he can draw you a unicorn if you asked him”
“You can?” Maya gasps “Oh pretty please! Can you draw me a unicorn, Connor?”
He chuckles and nodded “Anything for you, Maya. And you can colour it later and make it pretty, okay?”
And just like that, you watched as Maya and Connor bonded quickly over their drawing sessions. Maya was typical friendly to everyone and wasn’t shy with your friends but the way you saw her and Connor interact, you’ve never seen it before. The little girl was easy to let her walls down around him and you were so happy for that.
4 years later
“Where is he?” Maya whined as she rests her chin on top of the barrier “I thought his flight landed already!”
“Honey, you’ve got to go through immigration and the baggage claims before coming out, remember?” You laugh as you wrapped your arms around her from behind “Be a little patient, kiddo”
“I’ve been too patient, momma” She pouted “It’s been 5 months since we saw Uncle Connor and I just miss him a lot”
“Aw,” You cooed, dropping a kiss on top of her head “I know, baby. I’ve missed him too. A little longer, okay? He’s going to come out soon”
When Maya finally sees him coming through the doors, she ducked under your arms and ran around the barrier towards him “Uncle Connor!” She exclaimed.
Connor’s smile widens when he sees her petite frame running towards him. He abandons his luggage and kneeled down just as she stood in front of him and wrapped her arms around his neck “Hey little bean” He sighs happily as he hugs her tight “I’ve missed you so much!”
“I missed you too, silly” Maya giggled “Can you not leave us for a long time again? It sucks when you’re not around”
“Yeah?” He asks, pulling away so he could look at her and tapped on her nose lightly “Maybe you should ask Uncle Shawn to look for a new videographer then? He’s right behind me”
Maya’s eyes trailed over his shoulder and saw Shawn and Brian not too far from where they were. Her eyes lit up instantly and nodded “You go say hi to mommy while I go talk to Uncle Shawn and Brian!” She said and ran off to greet the other two guys.
Your eyes locked with Connor’s and his heart starts beating faster. After countless times of being homesick and sleepless nights without having you in his arms, you were just a few steps away from him.
He drags his luggage and rushes towards you. You couldn’t even let the word ‘hi’ came out of your mouth because Connor already has his hands on both cheeks as he presses his lips against yours gently.  
You and Connor rarely displayed PDA but right now, you couldn’t care. Your boyfriend was finally home and that was all that matters.
“Wow,” You breathe out after pulling away later. Your arms locked around his neck and you stood on your tip toed “For a second there, I thought you were only happy to see Maya and forgot all about me” You teased.
“Okay, no” Connor shakes his head “Never joke about that. Not in this life time, ma’am. You have no idea how happy I am to hold you in my arms right now”
“Me too, bubs” You whispered softly “Welcome home, my love”
Brian clears his throat, which caught your attention. He stood with Shawn and Maya, with a smirk on his face and his arms crossed “Hate to break this lovely reunion but shall we make a move before more people spot us?”
You rolled your eyes playfully and smiled “Come on. You guys are probably hungry too so we’ll stop by the diner for dinner?”
“See, Connor? This is why your girlfriend is the best!” Shawn grins “She knows us too well”
Connor looks at you lovingly and nods “Don’t I know it”
“Alright missy, it’s past your bedtime” You said as you glanced over at the wall clock “Time for bed”
“No!” Maya whined “Can I stay up for a little bit, momma? Uncle Connor just got home!”
“Baby, you’ve got school tomorrow” You frowned “You’re going to be grumpy if you don’t get enough of sleep, remember?”
“But I wanna spend some more time with Uncle Connor” The little girl pouted “Why can’t I just skip school tomorrow?”
“Hey, now. I’m not going anywhere for a long time, okay?” Connor told her “Tell you what. I’ll pick you up from school tomorrow and we’ll go to the mall, okay? How does that sound?”
“Really?” Maya’s eyes lit up “You won’t be too tired or anything?”
“Never too tired for you, little bean” He smiled “Now, say goodnight to mommy and go get changed into your pyjamas. I’ll come in a bit to tuck you in, okay?”
The little girl nods and immediately jumps up from her seat. She gives you a hug and a kiss on the cheek, bid ‘goodnight’ before rushing up the stairs.
“You didn’t have to do that, you know” You said softly “You just got back, baby and you’ll probably be jetlagged from all the travelling. Maya will understand if you can’t take her to the mall”
“Babe, I’ll be fine” Connor insisted “I haven’t been around for a while so it’s the least I can do. Besides, I love spending time with her, you know that”
You smiled, scooting closer to him as you gave him a hug “You’re amazing, you know that?” You muttered against his neck “You’re so great with her even though you’re not obliged to and I just can’t thank you enough”
“Hey, baby, listen to me” He ordered as he pushes away so he could look at you “You don’t have to thank me for anything, okay? The day you introduced me to her, I vowed to always take care of her no matter what happens. I don’t ever want you to think I’m doing this just because I’m with you or anything. I love her a lot, babe and she’s so important to me”
You nod “I know… God, I’m lucky to have you”
“Nah, I got lucky with you” He chuckled and took a hold of your hand as he brings it up to his lips and pressed a kiss to your knuckles “Got a beautiful girlfriend and the most adorable little girl in the world, so there’s nothing much to complain about”
“Uncle Connor! I’m done!”
“I’ll tuck her in really quick and meet you in bed?” Connor suggested as he stood up “We can watch that movie you were telling me about on Netflix, if you want”
“Sounds like a plan, Brashier” You agreed “I’ll make the popcorn and bring up some wine”
“You’re the best, babe!” He grinned and headed upstairs to Maya’s room.
“Looks like you’re all comfy in bed already, missy” Connor said as he walked into her room and saw the little girl tucked under her duvet.
“’M about to fall asleep, Uncle Con” Maya replied sleepily.
He slides into bed with her and the little girl curls up in his side. He rubs her back softly and smiles when he notices the blue fabric of his sweater held in her hands “And why do you have my sweater, Maya?”
“Mommy gave it to me” She muttered softly “It helps me sleep better at night when you were away for tour”
“Little bean, you’re the cutest, you know that?”
Maya lifts her head and looks at him, smiling softly “I’m really glad you’re back, Uncle Con”
Connor’s heart melts at her words and he couldn’t hide the ridiculous smile on his face “I’m really glad too, kiddo” He said “I’ve missed you and mommy tons”
“Oh! Can we get ice cream, please?” Maya asked as she pointed towards the parlour.
“Sure, honey” Connor nods and lets her drag him towards the direction of the shop “Just no telling mommy about it okay? You know we’re supposed to have it only after meals”
“Deal!” Maya giggled.
Once they picked out the flavours, Connor and Maya sat at the table in the corner.
“So, how’s school going, kiddo?” Connor asked “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, it’s going good!” She answered cheerfully “Ryan made cookies with his mom and he gave some to me today. They were delicious!”
“Ryan?” He wondered with furrowed eyebrows “Who is Ryan and why am I only hearing about him now?”
“Because you’ve been away, silly!” She replied in an obvious tone “And Ryan is my crush”
Connor nearly spits out the ice cream in his mouth at her words. Maya looked unbothered as she continued to eat her ice cream, like what she said wasn’t a big thing.
“I’m sorry, what?” Connor choked out “Ryan is your what now?”
“No?” Maya asked confusingly “What do you mean no?”
“No as in no crushes or boyfriends, Maya”
“Uncle Con!” She whined “Why not! You and mommy are dating!”
“That’s different” Connor answered defensively “We’re adults, little bean. You’re still a little girl”
“So, I can get a boyfriend when I’m 20?”
“Hmm… Try 30”
“That’s in forever, Uncle Con!” Maya exclaimed “I’ll be old and no one would want me then!”
“You’re just exaggerating now, princess” Connor chuckled “You’ll find your prince charming one day, okay? And he is going to love you so much. But for now, try not to mention any boys or I’m going to have a heart attack, little bean”
The little girl sets her cup down and looks at him hopefully “Like how you love mommy?”
“Like how I love your mother” He agreed “Anyone is going to be lucky to have you and if they don’t treat you like a princess, I’ll kick their butt”
Maya giggled “Thanks Uncle Con. You know, I’m really glad you and mommy are together”
“Yeah?” Connor smiled “I’m glad too, little bean. And I’m glad to have you too”
There was another reason why Connor wanted to take Maya out without your presence. He has thought about this for a few months and he’s never been surer of you or the relationship you have. Connor knew you were the one he wanted to spend his life with from the first date five years ago. As cheesy as it sounds, there was just something about you that made him think ‘yeah, she’s definitely the one’ and he was right. After five years of being together, he thinks it’s finally the time to pop the question and start the next chapter of your lives.
But of course, he wasn’t going to do it if he doesn’t get Maya’s blessings.
“Speaking of which… There is something I wanted to ask you” Connor said nervously. Maya nodded for him to continue as she continued eating her ice cream “And I need you to promise me that you won’t say anything to mommy, okay?”
“I promise” Maya responded “What is it, Uncle Con?”
Connor takes the cup out of her hand and sets it down on the table. He takes a deep breath, here it goes, “Maya, you know I love your mom a lot, right?”
When she nods slowly, he continued “We’ve been together for a long time now and I want you to know that I’ll continue to love and take care of her for as long as I’m alive”
“I know that, Uncle Con” The little girl answered “You and mommy are soulmates”
“Right,” Connor smiled “Your mommy is my soulmate because she completes me, Maya. And I don’t know what I would do without her”
“So now, I’m asking you… Would it be okay with you if I asked her to marry me?”
Maya stares at him, blinking her eyes, which made Connor a little nervous. When he sees the tears in her eyes, he grew more worried.
“Hey,” He called out softly as he stood up and slide into her booth “Maya, don’t cry” He frowned and was caught off-guard when she throws her arms around him. He feels her tears against his neck as he rubbed her back “Hey, hey, what’s going on?”
“Nothing” The little girl sniffled against his neck as she tightens her grip around him “’M just so happy, Uncle Con. I’ve been waiting for you and mommy to get married for the longest time”
Connor lets out a laugh as he pressed a kiss to her head “Really?”
“Well, yeah” She answered as she looked up at him “You make mommy so happy and you’re so nice to me even though I’m not your daughter”
“Hey, I love you either ways, okay?” He told her and wiped her tears with his thumb “I love you like my own, Maya and I’m always going to take care of you. You and your mom are the most important people to me and I’m so grateful to have you, little bean”
“I love you, Uncle Con” Maya leans up and kisses his cheek “Do you know when you’re going to ask mommy?”
“Hopefully soon, honey” Connor answered “I need to buy the ring first”
“Oh, can we go look at rings before we go back? Please?”
He chuckles at how excited she looks. Connor nods “Yeah, we can take a look around. Maybe we’ll find the right one”
And they did. It was the first one they saw when they walked into the shop and it was like their minds were in sync because both Connor and Maya thought it was the perfect one for you.
By the time Connor pulls up in the driveway, your car was already parked in your usual spot. Connor turns off the engine and was about to open his door when Maya broke the silence “Uncle Con?”
He turns to the girl sat in the passenger seat and smiles “Yeah, Maya?”
Maya fiddled with her fingers as she stared down on her lap “Would it be okay… if I called you dad now?”
And Connor immediately froze. He was too stunned to say anything and Maya took it as a bad sign. She lifts her head and held back tears as she shakes her head “Nevermind, forget it. That was a silly question”
Maya was about to get out of the car when Connor pulled her back and wrapped her in a hug. The tears in his eyes rolled down his cheeks as he let out a shaky breath “Yeah, honey. Of course, you can”
“Really?” She asked in a fragile tone “You’re okay with it?”
“More than okay, little bean” He assured “It’s an honour to be your dad, honey”
“Hey! There you are” You exclaimed as Connor and Maya walked into the living room. Maya runs over to you and hugged you “Did you have fun with Uncle Con, baby?” You asked, kissing her forehead.
“Yeah!” Maya said excitingly “We had a good time!”
“Sounds great, honey” You smiled “Why don’t you go up and get changed, okay? Then we’ll have dinner”
“Okay, mommy!” She answered. Right before she left, Maya wrapped her arms around Connor’s waist “Thanks again for today, dad!”
Connor smiles softly and drops a kiss to her head “No worries, honey. Change quick!”
Once the little girl was out of the room, Connor plops down on the couch next to you and presses a kiss to your cheek “Hi baby, how was your day?”
You were stunned by Maya’s words and Connor’s unbothered reaction.
“Con, did Maya just-… but you-… Maya called you dad?” You stuttered out.
Connor bites his lower lip to hide the huge smile on his face “She asked me earlier if she could” He admitted “I was surprised, of course, but I told her she could”
“Unless if you don’t want her to” He quickly adds when he saw her expression “Which I understand, you know. I’m technically not really her dad and you probably don’t want people to be confused or-…”
“No” You said firmly and scoot closer to him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled with tears in your eyes “If she wants to then I’m okay with it. You’re her dad, Connor. You’ve acted like her dad for the past few years”
“Speaking of acting like her dad… She told me about her crush on this Ryan kid”
You burst into laughter and shake your head “Did you give her the no dating rule already?”
“Yeah. She knows to not have a boyfriend before 30”
“Definitely like her dad now, bubs”
A year later
“Uncle Shawn?” Maya called to him as she watched the small crowd in the reception hall.
Shawn doesn’t look up as he was in the midst of tuning his guitar “Yeah, Maya?” He asked.
“I’m really nervous” She admitted “I don’t think I can sing right now”
He finally sets his guitar down and offered her a smile “Hey, that’s the nerve talking. We’ve rehearsed this a bunch of times, remember? You got this, Maya”
“Really?” Maya asked, hopeful “I’m not going to sound bad or embarrass myself?”
“Honey, you could never embarrass yourself!” Shawn encouraged “It’s a sweet thing that you’re doing for your parents. Just take a deep breath for me, honey. You’ll be okay and just remember that I’ll be up there with you”
“Okay” She nodded “Thank you again for doing this with me, Uncle Shawn”
“Anytime, honey!” He smiled.
Her eyes trailed over to where her parents were dancing in the middle of the dance floor and she broke into a smile “You think they’re going to like it?”
“They’re going to love it, sweetheart”
As the song ended for your and Connor’s first dance, Brian’s voice filled the speakers in the hall “And that was Mr. and Mrs. Brashier everyone! Once again, I would like to say congratulations to the happy couple!”
Connor led you back to your seats and you were confused to see that Maya wasn’t seated in her chair, like she was before you and Connor were called out for your first dance.
“Dyl, where’s Maya?” Connor asked his brother, who sat to his right.
Dylan smiles, “Just sit, you two”
“And now, we have a surprise performance for the bride and groom!” Brian continued “Please give a warm welcome to Maya and Shawn!”
Shawn looks down at the little girl and offers his free hand “Ready, Maya?”
Maya takes a deep breath once more and gives him a confident smile “Yeah”
Staring at the crowd in front of her, her only focus was on you and Connor “Hi everyone! My name is Maya” She greeted “On behalf of my parents, I just want to thank you all for joining us to celebrate this special day”
“When I was 3 years old, my mom introduced me to my dad” Maya started “But back then, my dad wasn’t my dad. He was Uncle Connor to me. My dad is the most loving and caring man ever. He takes care of us and always tries his best to make us happy. It’s always hard when he leaves for work and we don’t see him for a while but he always promises to come home to us”
“When I look at my mom and dad, I see so much love… And someday, I hope I’ll find someone who looks at me the way they look at each other. But I’d have to wait until I’m 30, because daddy said no boyfriends before that” She added, which made the crowd laugh as Connor yells ‘And I was serious about that!’.
“This song is dedicated to my parents. I love you both so much and I’m so glad for our family”
There are days, I wake up and I pinch myself
You're with me, not someone else
Your breath hitched in your throat as you watched Maya sing your song. It was the first song you and Connor danced to back when you were still dating and it unofficially became ‘your song’.
Nights when Maya couldn’t sleep, this became her safe song that you or Connor would sing to her.  
You lean back against Connor as he wrapped his arms around you. Both of you watched her in amazed with happy tears in your eyes.
“She’s so amazing” Connor muttered in your ear “God, I get to call you my wife and call her my daughter? Yeah, I’m the luckiest man in the world”
Once the song was over, the crowd erupt into cheers. You and Connor rushed over to your little girl and gave her the biggest hug.
“Thank you, baby” You sniffled as you press a kiss to her head “That was so beautiful”
“Really?” Maya asked shyly “You liked it?”
“Honey, we loved it!” Connor gushed “That was the second-best surprise ever”
“Second best?” She looks at him confusingly “What was the best surprise then, dad?”
“That’s easy… It’s you and your mom, little bean”
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junkyardlynx · 5 years ago
I’ve finally released my collection of dark poetry.
It’s titled Unblinking, and you can purchase it here for $7 USD.
I’d love it if you reblogged this to spread the word for me. 
The rest of this is just...dressing. Things I want to say now about my life and my late father that I’ve hit this milestone. Now that I spent a good couple hours crying in relief from making it this far. I’m an emotional boy, I’m sorry. You can safely ignore all this sentimental dreck if you like. 
Writing is something I’ve been passionate about from a young age. Due to my awful eyesight as a kid, I ended up burying my myopic face into things like books. Mostly to tell what the hell they were at first, then mostly because I was enthralled by the worlds I’d found. The ability to create an entire universe with nothing but twenty-six letters arranged in different combinations remains the most perplexing and wonderful thing to me to this day. I wanted to hold that kind of magic, too.
My dad fostered my love for literature, buying me all kinds of books. If we were at the supermarket for groceries, I’d bother him in the most polite (but incredibly annoying) way I could muster. He’d usually relent and I’d tear ass through the aisles, running to the back of the store where the electronics and the books were kept. We weren’t rich or even... stable most of the time. Didn’t stop me from coming away with a new treasure more times than not. Looking back, it’s easy to see how much he did to nurture my interests. Hell, when I was like 9 and obsessed with becoming a “scientist” I used to pester him to make math problems for me to solve. That uh, that didn’t last. Turns out I don’t like math. Sorry, dad. At least I know my times tables reaaaal well.
I bring this up because he passed in early 2017. It was always just my father and I, and he became disabled when I was 12 after a work accident. An industrial steamer fell on him and shattered parts of his hip and spine. Life changed a lot after that. We weren’t ever well off, but we had been approaching lower-middle class stability. We went from making it to scraping by on $1,200 a month for the both of us, and even that took a lot of pain and hardship to reach. I remember a doctor asking my father if he was really disabled, as my dad stared at him with a mix of disbelief and naked fury. He waved a mangled hand (torn up in a drywall accident some decade prior) at his skinny, malformed leg, then jabbed himself in the side with that hand where his hipbone stuck out at an awkward angle. He stared and he asked the doctor what he thought. Before the doctor could answer, my dad had peeled off his t-shirt as he sat on the examination table, showing the misshapen lump in his back where his spine curved hard.  
Things weren’t easy for us. They only got worse. My dad became prone to illness and eventually contracted MRSA during a stint in a rehab home, a problem that would plague him for the rest of his life. Emphysema reared it’s head, brought on by all the years my father had been a smoker. Funny how it only became a problem five years after he stopped smoking. 
I watched my dad’s physical and emotional health fail, and I threw myself into my writing. It was all I knew. It was what comforted me. Sometimes I wrote emo kid nothings and trashed them almost instantly. Sometimes I wrote papers for kids in high school in exchange for cash to help out my father and I. Sometimes I just wrote because what else could I do? I’d been convincing myself for years that the amazing advances in medical technology would return my dad’s quality of life. That we could ride bikes together again, that we could throw a football around again. That they could fix his hands and he could even play games with me again. Haha. Yeah, right.
Things only got worse. He moved into a “rehab” facility full time a while after I got a full time job. Medicare was willing to front the costs, but it meant my father’s disability money would be pretty much gone every month. I told myself that it was the best option - he could be looked after full time, he could get proper physical rehabilitation and things would get better. I visited him two to three times a week, bringing an offering of... well, peanut butter M&Ms and movie recommendations. I taught him how to torrent movies on the laptop I’d bought him. The laptop sitting four feet away from me right now. 
The staff neglected him and his pain, his suffering, his obvious agony. I showed up more often to exert some kind of pressure on the apathetic nursing staff. I felt my blood boil when they treated him like some senile fossil. My father was articulate, kind and had patience with them I couldn’t muster. They ignored him. For months.
I remember getting a call on December 24th. I was playing Destiny on my PS4, having a generally good time, sipping on some crappy rum and coke I’d made. I had my worries and fears as anyone did, but I was okay all things considered. Until I picked up that call from my dad. 
“Hey, bud. Whatcha doin’? Playin’ a game?”
“Hey dad. Yeah, Destiny. What’s up?”
“I think this is it for me, buddy. They’re moving me into hospice.”
My stomach had rolled in that moment, but some wellspring of optimism bloomed in me.
“Oh, like a temporary thing before they move you to that other facility we were talking about?”
“Nah, kiddo. They’re just trying to make me comfortable for my last few months. I love you, Spence.”
I didn’t cry on the phone, for which I am very proud. I hate that word. “Comfortable.” I know what they mean, but who’s left comfortable by the word? Certainly not those that have to live on.
“Um, okay. I’ll be over tomorrow, ok dad? I love you.”
“I love you too buddy, you’ll be okay. Things will be okay.”
Fast forward three months to the day, my father died alone in the early morning. In hospice. I’d left just an hour before he passed. Said I’d be back the next day. I missed it by an hour. He died alone in hospice. Alone, forsaken, deprived. It tears me apart to this day. 
We’d only had a few chances to talk while he was in hospice care as the cocktail of drugs they used to, ah, assure comfort put him under most of the time. He told me to keep writing. He said I’d make it one day. I promised him I’d do my best. I wanted him to be proud of me, fast food failure of a worker that I was. 
Here I am, dad. 
Can you see me? I know we weren’t religious, we never talked of heaven. But can you see me?
I did something with myself. With my talents. With my pain and blood and tears. Maybe I’ll sell five copies to friends. Maybe I’ll sell five million copies. What matters is that I did it.
The world’s on fire right now. I’m glad you don’t have to see it. But today, I’m trying to burn just a little brighter.
So I dedicate this to you, my father. My king.
I love you. 
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hitchell-mope · 4 years ago
(Third film. After “I’ve gotta be me”. Uma looks around nervously)
Uma: I really hope nobody in there heard that
Ben: nah, don’t worry, I shielded and soundproofed is from them
Uma: surprisingly thoughtful, uhhhh, aheh, at this point I usually call you derogatorily by your last name
Ben: Le Roi. Well legally it’s Bach. But officially it’s Le Roi
Uma: Benjamin. Florian. Le Roi. Do you have any idea how fucking ridiculous that sounds?
Ben: and your last name would be
Uma: Facillier. She doesn’t have a last name
Ben: ah.
Uma: oh. Oh my.
Ben: what’s up? Oh. Yeah he does that.
Uma: s’clever.
Ben: that’s Doug for you
Uma: why am I interested by that
Ben: we’re eighteen. And therefore weak to his power.
(They’re watching Doug eat a bowl of peanuts with just his tongue. Ben snaps out of the stupor first)
Ben: moving swiftly onwards. Hit me
Uma: heh?
Ben: hit me, sock me one, deck me, gimme a knuckle sandwich. Any variations the phrase retains the same meaning. Punch me in the face.
Uma: why?
Ben: I’ve got a theory I wanna test out.
Uma: but aren’t you...
Ben: ...more powerful then you? Yes. So make sure to give it you’re all then. C’mon, cahmon. C’mon, cahmon. HitmehitmehitmehitmehitmeWOOOO
(Uma slogs him around the face do hard he flips horizontally in midair and lands flat on his back right next to where the gazebo was. A full three feet away)
Uma: Z’that what you wanted?
Ben (utterly jubilant): as a matter of fact. Yes
Uma: so now what? Gonna Tell the missus?
Ben: nope. I’m gonna offer you a job.
Uma: ahahah that’s funny. I thought you said you were offering me a job?
Ben: I figure. If you put that much effort punching me. You’ll put the same effort into protecting me.
Uma: n-no, no, you’re not supposed to do that. You’re supposed to hate me. I had you kidnapped. I almost had you thrown to sharks. I hypnotised you. I almost capsized your stinking yacht. And you wanna give me the job of protecting you? Who the fuck does that?!?! For all you know I could do that again?
Ben: now why would you do that when our interests align? Besides the fact that I forgive you. I want to get kids off the island. You want to get kids off the island. What better way to do that then by working together? And yeah. You could probably do that again. But I’m willing to take that chance.
Uma (as Ben’s saying all this, and devolving into tears): no, no, shut up I your forgiveness that’s not how it’s supposed to go you’re supposed to hate just like I hate her will you SHUT UP
Ben: ooh. (Through a Cheshire Cat grin) Finally
(She’s skewered Ben in the stomach with her sword. He smiles, bends the blade in half, pulls it out of him and throws it upwards. He leaps up ten foot in the air and gives it a flying kick, shattering it into a chunky powder. He lands next to Uma, conjures an umbrella, pulls her close and lifts the umbrella over them just as the powder lands on their heads. In response she blasts him away with magic. What follows is a very violent, very acrobatic duel that trashes the garden, obliterates what’s left of the gazebo and Harry, gives Uma a broken arm, Ben a broken nose and leaves both of them missing a foot each. As a form of foreshadowing, throughout the entire fight the instrumental for “superhero” plays)
Uma: god I hope you’re happy
Ben: I am actually. Cause now I know I’m right
Uma: what?
Ben: we are both almost perfectly evenly matched. My twelve months of sheer power with your eighteen years of practice and look what we managed to do?
Uma: give your future sister in law a coronary?
Ben: fight to a stalemate. Please? For six months. You’ll get paid to yell at people and beat them up if necessary
(This is when “superhero” happens. After the song Ben starts fixing the garden)
Uma: ok then. Let’s say I did take the job? Wouldn’t one of your own be more trustworthy?
Ben: Jane’s still in school. Lonnie’s going off to college with Gil next year and she was only filling in for the summer anyway. And Doug’s my major-domo. So can’t choose them even if I wanted to.
Uma: and the other three?
Ben: conflict of interest. Carlos is legally my son and he’s also still in school. Mals my fiancé and Evie’s her sister. So again. No go.
Uma: couldn’t you...
Ben: duplicate myself and have him as my bodyguard? I could. But then I’d be breaking my promise to my mother
Uma: huh?
Ben: she was ok with me having magic so long as I legitimately practiced it, didn’t use it for schoolwork, didn’t use it for paperwork, didn’t use it for personal gain, and it didn’t give my subjects cause to worry. For a year at least
Uma: personal gains the best part of magic though
Ben: last time a king used the power he’d been afforded for personal gain...well. You grew up in the result so telling you wouldn’t achieve anything
Uma: oh. But...
Ben: I could use my magic to quicken the relocation? Like I said. Paperwork, personal gain, worrying the subjects. It’s definitely something that needs to happen. But I’m not taking shortcuts because it needs to be done properly and through the correct channels.
Uma: well that’s bullshit. Wait. What was all that fighting singy thing for then?
Ben: loophole
Uma (snickering): oh beasty boy you are perfect
Ben: why thank you kindly captain
Uma (flatly): Don’t push it
Ben: ok, ok
Uma: I’m serious though. The best part about magic is that you can do anything you want
(This is when “everything is not what it seems” happens. After the song they go back into the house to find it in chaos. Doug has Cj in a full Nelson with her head near the lit stove. Elsa’s downing an entire bottle of sambuca. Evie’s preventing Harriet and Hades from trying to patch up Harry. Mal has stuck Hadie to the sofa so he can’t help Harry. Jane’s drunkenly yelling about how much she loves her friends. Carlos is on Jay’s back, Celia and Dizzy are hanging off Jay’s arms and all four are chanting “kill her” at Doug. Lonnie’s eating a sloppy joe omelette and watching the events unfold intently. Gil is swirling round a smoothie. He notices them first)
Gil: oh you’re back. Finally. D’you wanna...?
Ben: yeah. Um...ooh. Yes that’s it. Uma. Take half of this sceptre and follow my lead
(He snaps his own, collapsible sceptre in half, hands one of those halves to Uma, jumps onto the kitchen island, helps Uma up and together they spin each half until they make a high pitched screeching sound that makes the chaos stop)
Ben: could all my friends please come over to my side
Uma: alright you useless fuckers, SIDDOWN!!!!
Ben: now, what happened
Uma: yeah ceej, what did you do?
Cj: why do you assume I did anything when it was clearly this heterosexual imbecile
Uma: cause I know you kid, since you were five in fact, so I know it was probably your doing
Ben: what happened Doug?
Doug: she insulted Evie and I in our own house, belittled our relationship and tried to stab me in the head with a rotisserie blade. And I f that wasn’t bad enough
Evie: she called me a traitor and slapped me around the face
Doug: and that is how the situation you walked in on transpired.
Cj: bald faced lies
Uma: eh I believe it. What about you beasty boy?
Ben: sounds airtight
Cj: I cannot and refuse to believe that
Uma: that I believe him over you? Well get used to kiddo. Ya just like Harry, no matter how much ya try to deny it
Ben: one question tbough. How are you a traitor
Mal: oooh yeah, you dunno do you? It’s ugly. Just like every Hook in existence
Evie: if everyone must know. When I was fourteen she flirted with me. And I turned her down
Cj: her mother braINWASHED HER
Everyone except for her siblings: shut up!
Evie: I turned her down. Because. A. I’m straight. And. B. Even if I wasn’t, I have higher standards then filthy pirates
Ben: were you rude?
Evie: pardon?
Ben: were you rude? Sometimes you can be a little bit rude.
Evie: if I remember correctly my exact words were “I’m very sorry but my gang sent me on a mission so I must go”
Ben: that was very polite
Evie: thank you. Plus. I even withheld the information from Grimhilde cause I know she wouldn’t take it well.
Cj: What has that got to do with anything?
Evie: Quinn Harts
(The room seems to grow colder as hades and the Vks, including the hooks, all look at each other uneasily)
Cj: oh. So it’s not because you’re
Evie: homophobic? God no. It was incompatible orientation pure and simple.
Cj (chuckling nervously now because the eggs on her face): but you see I thought
Doug: all straight people are jackasses? Quite a few are. But Evie and I aren’t. If we’re being wholly honest. Your sexuality is literally the only thing I respect about you. If you weren’t a pirate I might’ve even introduced you to my cousin Sadie. But you’re an asshole. So I won’t
Ben: good to hear that’s all cleared up
Evie: we are as well. Now. You three. Get the fuck out of my house. You stray bitches have been here too long. I’m sure there’s a nice posture ruining rock outside for you to sleep on
Harriet: we’re family
Hadie: actually. No. You and straw girl aren’t our family. Harry is. But not you.
Evie: nah. He can piss off too. I’m still waiting for a dna test. Until then. He can rot from the inside for all I care.
Mal: even when the test is confirmed he can still rot. (Uma scowls at her) What? It’ll be funny
Elsa: Jay. C’mere. Would it be completely out of the question for you to replicate your previous spell.
Jay: uhhhh....No. But I’d need a living conduit. Like a performer.
Hadie: I’ll do it. The party’s dying and that won’t do. What? I’m a disciple of Dionysus. Partying is literally my job description.
Elsa: as well as loose morals.
Hadie: harsh much?
Jay: she means you sleeping around with any dude that looks at you nicely. Ready
Hadie: fire away
Jay: To get rid of these ants in their pants/I command thee all to get up and dance. Again
(This is when “shut up and raise your glass” happens. After the song everyone but Hadie, Jayand Elsa looks very disgruntled)
Mal: seriously? Again? That’s like twice in one hour
Jay: had to be done. And it’s of my professional opinion that every time you guys get uppity I’m gonna help instigate an impromptu rave
Ben: well it worked. And it was funny. So two birds one stone. Now. I believe Doug and Evie asked you three to leave
Harriet: ya cannae do that man. Ya don’t have the authority
Doug: ok then. Get out of our house. NOW!
Harry: no I. I don’t think we will.
Celia: get out. Or I’ll throw you out.
Cj: you and what army?
Celia: this one
(Here is glow fuchsia and the wall is washed down in shadows)
Harriet: d’ya really think I’m scared of a little girl like you?
Ben: to hell with this. May I?
Doug: please
Ben: thank you. (He jumps off the kitchen island, lifts Harriet off the ground by her coat collar with one hand, morphs his face into that of a beast and screams in her face) GET OOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!
(There’s a moment of deathly quiet. Harriet whimpers. There’s a sound like a leaky faucet. And Ben morphs back to his human face which now bears a look of disgust)
Ben: did you just...?
Harriet: it’s been a really stressful day with no let up
Ben: uh-huh. (He drops Harriet on the floor and turns to his brother) Gil, buddy, uh
Gil (stony faced): burn the shoes then burn them again then throw them out.
Ben: on it
(He poofs out. Celia turn to Doug and Evie)
Celia: my turn?
Evie: yup. But don’t break the glass
Celia: perfect (she grabs Harriet by the back of her coat) out ya go rummy. (She throws her towards the window making her dissipate into shadow before contact). I’ve wanted to do this for years (she slaps Harry around the face, he too turns into shadow) buh bye you fatuous egotist (she pulls Cj’s hair and the final pirate disappears into smoke) that felt good
Uma: where did you put them?
Celia: eh don’t worry. I put them in the nautilus. Now. Shall we crack on with the party?
Everyone but Uma: HEAR HEAR
(Mal inches over to Jane and Lonnie)
Mal: what do you say we get some air for a while
(They nod and two minutes later they’re all on the bench laughing their asses off about certain unsavoury topics)
Lonnie (crying due to laughter but still trying to speak): all I’m saying is going to my grans seventieth in my ROAR uniform is nothing compared to you and Ben and his you know what
Mal (in the same state as Lonnie): its still pretty damn funny though
Jane: my mother should be here
(The other two stop laughing)
Mal: I know hon
Jane: but if she were here she’d complain. “Leave room for Jesus”. “Time for the lobster quadrille”. “I know you can now but you shouldn’t drink when you have guests”. The only ones I wanted to invite are here. Plus the four stooges. And she didn’t even show up to the party she made me have!
Lonnie: oooh please can I call the squid a stooge M? Pretty please with merlot on top?
Mal: you shouldn’t really be calling her a squid or a stooge. But if you do. Ok not responsible for what happens to ya.
Lonnie: fine.
Mal: now Janey. What say you we try and get all these annoyances out huh?
Jane: errrr...I’m game if you are.
Mal: perfect. (She gets up, goes to the midpoint between the bench and the gazebo and magically constructs a model version of Verna) now. What do you wanna say to her?
Jane: I ha...I can’t. I can’t. I’m sorry.
Mal: it’s ok bud.
Lonnie: could uh could music help? Possibly?
Jane: it might. I dunno.
Mal: shall we try it?
Jane: yes. And uh. You can vent too, I mean, if you want.
Lonnie and Mal: well alright then
(Mal clicks her fingers, a copy of Maleficent and Fa Li appear and music starts up. This is when “you don’t own me happens”. After the song they look and feel better. That’s when they hear Evie scream a profanity and a slap rings out from the kitchen)
Mal (heaving a heavy sigh): and once again. Chaos reigns supreme.
Lonnie: I’ll stay with Jane. You go.
Mal: I’ll send Hadie out to keep you company
(She goes back inside just in time for Evie to stalk past her. Hades is on the floor with a slightly shocked expression, a handprint on his face and he’s apologising profusely to Doug)
Mal: you got it down here? (Doug nods). Good. I’ll go kick her head into gear.
(She heads upstairs. Doug turns to back to Hades)
Hades: I’m so sorry my boy, I was just trying to help, if I caused——
Doug: yeah, no, my opinion of you doesn’t matter. Only Evie’s does. I want to ask you a question.
Ben: uh. Doug. Can I eat what’s left in the freezer? Only I can smell somethings about to go out of date
Doug: yeah sure. There only meat products in it. Go crazy. But please please mute the chewing.
Ben (brightly): thank you!
Hades: what is it you want to know
Doug: Maleficent
(Up in the guest room. Evie enters in a huff and slams the door to show Mal hiding behind it)
Mal (sardonically imitating a British accent): hello Harold (Evie screams in surprise) we need to talk
Evie (fed up): what? What now? What could we possibly have to talk about?
Mal: what I thought you got over earlier toady
Evie (cackles hollowly): THAT? That! Was a fluke. And then he tried to “help” me by getting in my way
Mal: has it maybe occurred to you that he actually WAS trying to help?
Evie: if he really wanted to help then he wouldn’t have abandoned me with Grimhilde sixteen years ago
Mal: oh Christ. You know why he did that
Evie: I know why he did it but it still hurt though. He could’ve taken me with him. He could’ve taken us with him
Mal: they wouldve hunted us down and made him watch as they killed us. Or worse
Evie: that doesn’t make me feel any better
Mal (in what she hopes is a comforting voice): look on the bright side. You got me as a sister. That’s gotta count for something, right?
Evie: no, not really.
Mal: urrrrgh. Would me making a fool of myself help you feel less of a loser?
Mal: fine. Remember back before graduation we got paired up for the senior class showcase because verna wouldn’t let you and Doug dirty dance?
Evie: yeah
Mal: Bea Arthur or Bette Midler?
Evie (chuckling slightly): surprise me
(Mal clicks her fingers, they’re transported to a music hall stage with an invisible audience and the song starts up. This is when “sisters” happens. After the song Evie looks briefly empowered. Then deflates and flops onto the bed face first. Mal chuckles at this)
Mal: uh. Sis. Your remember that apart from being the guest room, this is Lonnie and Gil’s room as well, right?
Evie (in a muffled tone of voice): what’s your point?
Mal: well besides both being very sweet they’re also a pair of incorrigible gym rats who always forget to clean up the bed before they leave for home. So it wouldn’t be entirely out of the realm of possibility that there’s still a certain amount of used up gym wear under the covers you’re currently laying on...
(Evie’s eyes snap open cartoonishly, she screams, jumps up from the bed, makes claw hands at Mal in an attempt to throttle her, flails at the window, then looks down at her clothes and screams again. Throughout all this Mal is calmly amused, silently watching her sister crisis. When she’s had enough she grabs Evie by the arm and hurls her into the en-suite. Evie re-emerges two seconds later in new clothes and a cloudy expression)
Mal: lemme guess. Doug make that sweater?.
Evie: of course. I can sew. Doug can knit.
Mal: mmkay. Now are you going to get over yourself and let go of this ridiculous grudge you have against our father?
Evie: you just don’t get it do you?
Mal: probably not so enlighten me
Evie: this isn’t something I’m gonna get over in a day. This isn’t mamma Mia. I found out who my father was in the middle of a crappy day with even more crappy events piled on it. The man I love was put in a coma. My daughter was missing for most of the day. Ive had to fight for my life at least twice. I’ve had no time to process any of this. And you’re expecting me to get over this massive family reveal instantaneously? No. Something like this will take a lot longer then a day to get over. He abandoned me. I understand why he did it. But it still hurts. And as much as you say that you’re not like me. You have to understand that I’m not like you either. I’m angry. I’m angry he could’ve been there for me and wasn’t. And that anger’s not gonna go away any time soon. Either accept that or get out of my face
Mal: ahhhh. Ok. Now I understand. Katara
Evie: what?
Mal: you’re acting like katara. She was mad that her dad went off to war because she was a kid who needed him but felt like she couldn’t be because the reason for him leaving was noble. Dad let us go to save our lives. So you feel pissed that he left us. But you also feel like you can’t be cause of the REASON he left. It’s ahh, it’s a dilemma for sure
Evie: that’s not a dilemma. A dilemma is deciding between chicken and fish at your wedding. This is an impasse
Mal: mhmm, mhmm, uh huh. You know what would help.
Evie: what?
Mal: talking to him. And I mean not just calling him a rat bastard abandoner. Actually talk to him.
Evie: it’s not that easy M. Not when you were raised by Grimhilde. Not when every time you try to talk something out your met with scorn.
Mal: ohhhh. So that’s where “when in doubt, don’t” came from.
Evie: yup.
Mal: you were the good child. The golden daughter. You never misbehaved and you never spoke up for yourself. And now it come back to use your posterior as an entree.
Evie: yup. So you understand why it’s difficult for me. I can’t. I just can’t. Not after how my upbringing went.
(This is when “here I am” happens. After the song Evie confronts Hades in the kitchen just as he’s finishing his talk with Doug)
Hade:...I’m sorry my boy that’s all I know. Hello dear
Evie: I’m mad at you. I’m always gonna be mad at you. But. I don’t hate you. If I’m being honest, to protect Dizzy, I would’ve done the same. But it’s going to take time for me to...accept you.
Hades: I understand
Hadie: per...perhaps it would help if she saw it. The uh...incident in question, pops, maybe she’d understand a bit more if she saw what happened?
Evie: what, what incident
Mal (who’s been listening in): when he made the decision to stop contacting us.
Hades: I’m going to need a wand. And...A hat.
(Mal takes the sceptre, shrinks it down so it resembles a wand, ignores Uma’s incensed expression and hands it to her father while Hadie hands him his top hat. Hades sticks the wand handle in his right ear up to the emitter, to the teenagers collective disgust, roots around for a minute, then pulls out what looks like ash grey smoke tinged with midnight blue and pours it all into the top hat)
Hades: there you go. Just put the hat on the floor and spin
Doug (taking the hat): thanks. I think.
Mal: that looks worse then the hair ball Dude coughed up at his birthday party last month
Doug: how can...
Mal: don’t ask
Doug: ready
Evie: I guess
(In devies room. They’re sitting in the footlocker at the bottom of they’re bed)
Doug: now remember. No ones pressuring you into anything. You can stop any time
Evie: you’re very sweet. But I need to do this.
Doug: well ok then
(He sets the hat on the floor and spins. It goes faster and faster until it’s a blur. Light fills the room and replaces it with an alleyway on the island. They see Hades in his John Barrowman guise arguing with Grimhilde. He obviously loses since he gets a horrified expression on his face and leaves as Grimhilde smirks. There’s no sign of Evie. In Hades’s lair)
Anastasia: it couldn’t have been that bad
Hades (now Sebastian Stan): they both said the same thing. Iris and Hestia will be imperilled if I remain in contact. I have no choice. Please Antoine. For me
Facilier (wearily): only if you’re sure
Hades: yes. It doesn’t matter about me. Do it. Now.
(In the foyer)
Doug: are you ok?
Evie: no. But I want to keep watching
Doug: as you wish
(Anastasia pours Hades a drink and Facillier gets started. This is when “losing your memory” happens)
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