#the mentalist fanfiction
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run to you: ch 9
marcus pike x f!reader
A/N: we're getting somewhere now and I for one am fucking thrilled. Enjoy the new chapter with some feels! And, as always, a huge thank you for all the love! I appreciate each and every one of you! I have a day off tomorrow so I'm gonna sit and reply to the reblogs I've kept in my drafts from the prev chapter and reply to your asks x
Summary: Following on from ‘Traitor’ and ‘You’re Somebody Else’. An unexpected visitor throws you right back into the life you thought you left behind. Working beside the man that put you behind bars is one thing, pretending like you never loved him is another.
Word count: 5.7k-ish
Warnings: there's angst because obviously, but I believe we've finally earnt some semi-sweet and comforting fluff now - finally (don't get too comfortable tho lmao). Swearing, mentions of murder, vague descriptions bullet wounds, talk of the break in, lots of anxiety and sweating, scribs is going through it, not exactly a suicidal mindset but more of a 'whats the point fighting this' mindset regarding the danger and threat of the whole situation, protective!Marcus coming in HOT, bit of yearning and touching and FEELINGS and they're finally getting somewhere thank god, but again, don't get too comfortable lol. I finished this at 4am so we're gonna ignore any mistakes thank u
main masterlist | series masterlist
This story is 18+ only.
The slam of a door has your breath halting to a choking stop in your throat, and the person responsible for slamming it open in such a hurry steps through not even a second later. You knew it was him coming, heard his hurried rush up the stairs from the speaker of your phone clenched tightly in your hand, but the pure and utter relief that still washes through your system is so overwhelming your knees threaten to give out from beneath you.
He spares you a long glance as he closes the distance between you while sliding his own phone into his pocket, eyes rolling over your body where it half leans against the wall until he’s satisfied you’re unharmed. His hand raises, a gesture for you to keep where you are, and your heart slams against your ribs as he pulls a gun from out behind him.
“Stay here.”
It’s not a request, it’s an order.
You follow it, swallowing around the lump in your throat as he steps into your apartment and the silence that follows does nothing to quell the anxiety twisting its way around your nerves. What if you were wrong, and someone was still in there? What if he finds something? What if whoever did this is coming back and you’re left out here alone?
He appears only a few moments later, the frown between his brows deep.
“Are you okay?”
Are you? Physically, yes.
You give a little nod, shifting under your jacket and doing an internal check over your frazzled nerves and endlessly whirling mind. “Just… shaken, I guess.”
“That’s understandable. You haven’t touched anything? Moved anything?”
“No,” you murmur, fingers pinching and tugging at your sleeve. “You told me not to.”
“Good, that’s good. You did good.”
The praise does little to settle your nerves, but you appreciate the thought.
The door to the stairwell opens, your heart all but stopping dead in your chest at the thought of the unknown and the fear that freezes the blood in your veins. It’s nothing to worry about, the new faces that come through the door bare you no harm, but you still can’t seem to wind down from the pure and utter panic that seizes you.
Marcus immediately strides forward to greet the couple of police officers that introduce themselves, leaving you behind with your arms wrapped so tightly around your chest in an effort to ground yourself.
A high pitched ringing pierces your ears and your eyes flutter closed, focusing every thought on counting the breaths that leave your lungs. In, out. In, out. It works for the most part, the ringing in your ears slowly subsiding until you’re able to hear a familiar voice carefully reach out to you.
“Hey Picasso.”
Jacob’s coming to a stop in front of you when you open your eyes, concern swimming in his eyes as he rakes them over you. He’s dressed much like Marcus, clad in wrinkled track pants and a loose fitting tee that you can plainly see is inside out. Another friendly face is calming, and the little smile that pulls at your lips isn’t easy and probably comes off more like a grimace, but he doesn’t mention it.
“Hey Jacob,” you murmur quietly, hands rubbing along your arms.
“You doin’ okay?”
You give a shrug, eyes darting past him to watch Marcus and the couple of officers talk. “I’m alright. What are you doing here?”
“Pike called in for backup on his way here,” he explains, head turning to eye where your front door had been pried open. “I live the closest so…”
You nod, eyes dropping to the floor. “Sorry to get you out of bed for this.”
“Don’t be. You should be more sorry for leaving without saying goodbye. Thought we were friends, Pollock.”
He’s frowning playfully at you when you look up at him, and you shift a little from guilt. He means no harm, you know that, but you didn’t even think of him when you decided to back out of the case. Was he a friend? You suppose so. You’d opened up to him, warmed to his easy going presence and the way he stood up for you. He was nice.
“I’m sorry about that. I just couldn’t—”
He holds up a hand with a gentle smile. “You don’t need to explain yourself to me, it’s alright. Gotta do what’s best for you.”
Marcus appears beside him not even a moment later, slapping a thankful hand to Jacob’s shoulder before resting his eyes on you.
“They’ve just got a few questions for you. Nothing major, just a little statement and then they’ll call in the crime scene team and we’ll leave.”
“What’s the plan, boss?”
“She’s coming with me. She can stay at my place tonight,” Marcus says, and Jacob merely nods in return, as if he was expecting it. “I need you to stay and consult with the local detectives—”
You stop listening, brows coming together as you process his words. His place? Since when is that an option? And why couldn’t you stay somewhere else? A hotel? The little warehouse space they had reserved for you to paint? Hell, you’d settle for the couch at Jake’s at this point.
Marcus sighs sharply, brown eyes fixing on you.
“Don’t fight me on this. We can find you somewhere else in the morning, I just—please.”
You find yourself nodding in response to his plea.
The officers behind them make themselves known, reaching out to you by name and beginning a small line of questioning. You answer their questions to the best of your ability, doing your best to focus on them as Marcus and Jacob discuss your apartment quietly behind you.
What time did you get home? What did you do when you found your apartment broken into? Do you know anyone who would do this? Is there anyone who would wish to harm you?
All of the questions begin to make you sick after a while, and Marcus must see it.
He steps in easily, directing their attention to him and cutting any further questioning off with the kind of finality only an agent of his standing could. They back off under his reassurance that he’ll answer any further questions regarding your situation and the investigation you were involved in himself at a later time, once you were settled somewhere safe.
With a nod of goodbye from Jacob, you follow Marcus down the corridor and down the stairs of your building. You try to relax, try to reassure yourself that you’re okay now, but with the gun in plain sight in front of you tucked into the waistband of Marcus’s pants and the tense way he seems to hold himself, eyes checking and rechecking every corner and space on your way out of the building, it does little to settle your nerves.
He opens and holds the passenger door of his car for you, and it’s impossible to miss the way he studies the street with eagle eyes over your head as you slip into the seat and settle yourself against the leather. You watch him walk around the front of your car, wondering what he sees, what he's thinking.
He’s on high alert, even when he slides in beside you and starts the car. It’s silent as he drives. He doesn’t move to flick the radio on to fill the silence, too lost in his own theories to even spare it a thought. Minutes tick by, the flash of streetlights passing by your window and washing over your features as your face twists with your thoughts, running over theories again and again until you feel almost dizzy.
You need to know what he thinks before you drive yourself mad.
Your voice catches in your throat. “Is this related to the investigation?”
“I don’t know yet, but given the timing it’s probable.”
“Am I in danger?”
His fingers rub over his mouth, his gaze focused solely on the red light in front of him as he internally debates on how to answer. You study his side profile, wondering if he’s intentionally avoiding your eyes to dodge answering truthfully or simply just trying to find a way to process his own thoughts.
A soft sigh eventually leaves his lips.
The stirrings of a chill begins to creep along your shoulders, a sick feeling bubbling in the pit of your stomach from having your chaotic string of anxiety ridden theories confirmed.
“Hey, I meant what I said. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
You don’t have the strength to say anything, couldn’t even find words if you tried. A thank you attempts to build itself on your tongue, yet it dissolves away the more your mind races and tears start to bite at your eyes. Your hand reaches across the small distance over the centre console to rest on the back of his own, hoping the silent gesture would get your words across well enough.
Ever so slightly his hand shifts beneath yours, and a part of you wilts at the thought of him pulling away and taking away the comforting reassurance the physical touch provides, your fragile state finding an anchor in the familiar touch of skin.
But he doesn’t take it away.
His hand carefully turns, palm now warm against yours, and his fingers gently tangle with your own.
He says nothing, merely letting the rough pad of his thumb stroke along your skin. The steady back and forth of the touch begins to coax the race of your heart into something calmer, soothes the sting of tears. Neither of you move your hands for the rest of the drive.
It’s exactly what you expect.
The apartment is neat and tidy, decorated with simple pieces of furniture and little splashes of character throughout. You’re not surprised to see art, and lots of it. Framed prints hang from walls, ranging in size and emotion. A floor to ceiling mahogany bookshelf stretches along a wall behind a small dining table and you itch to tread closer to the collection of books lining it, to see who sits in the few frames that sit peacefully on the shelves.
“It’s very… you,” you comment quietly after studying your new surroundings, readjusting the strap of your weekend bag on your shoulder.
Marcus shifts where he stands, fingers toying with his keys and a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Is that a compliment?”
“You’ll never know.”
The smile widens and he walks deeper into the apartment, keys rattling softly as he places them on the breakfast counter. “The spare bedroom is just in the hall to the left, the bathroom is opposite.”
“Spare room?”
“You didn’t think I was going to make you sleep on the couch, did you?”
“I don’t know,” you reply.
You honestly didn’t know what to think when he bought up the topic of staying at his place. You weren’t opposed to sleeping on a couch when the occasion called for it, and God knows you’d rather take the floor than his bed. That felt entirely too personal given your history.
A spare room was a welcome development. You’d be out of his way and in your own space until he’s able to organise something else.
“Okay, well…” you falter, somewhat awkward just standing there in the middle of his apartment. “If it’s alright, I’m—I’m going to get some sleep. It’s been a long day.”
He nods, eyes falling briefly away from you.
“Yeah. Yeah, of course. Uh, help yourself to the kitchen if you need anything during the night. If you need something else and can’t find it, my room’s at the end.”
You linger for just a moment more, a small piece of you clinging to the reassuring safety his presence seems to provide after the previous events of the night. His gaze moves back to you, so open and steady and soft, it finally pushes you to speak the words you’ve been struggling to get out since he all but flung himself out of bed to get to you.
“Thank you, Marcus, for… everything. I really appreciate it.”
“Anytime,” he murmurs, gentle but with the firm seal of a promise.
His eyes follow you as you begin to make your way to the spare room, the weight of them familiar and surprisingly not unwelcome. No, you feel comforted, secure under his watchful gaze, able to breathe and release the tension embedded into your shoulders.
He doesn’t shy away when you spare him a final glance over your shoulder, and when he returns your small smile with one of his own, something in your chest seems to warm at the tender curl of it. The feeling follows you even when you close the door and slip into something more comfortable, stirs along your nerves when you slide into the crisp clean sheets of the bed and settle against the fluffy pillow.
And it’s still there, even when you succumb to the weight pulling at your eyes and slip into a heavy sleep. It’s not enough to keep the nightmares away though, shadows creeping along the familiar walls of your apartment in your mind and ghostly hands reaching out to tighten around your throat. You awake with a start sometime later, hands tight as they twist in the sheets and heart drumming against your ribs.
You attempt to settle back against the mattress with a few deep breaths, but the shadows dance along the ceiling of the room, taunting you with your recent fear.
Maybe they’d have faces if you knew who was behind this. Maybe they’d be the faces of old acquaintances, pinched with hatred and disgust that you’d given them so easily to the FBI and out for revenge. Maybe they’d be strangers, twisted by fury and fuelled by the significant loss of money from your replicas replacing their targets.
Maybe you deserved it.
Maybe this was just karma, the fall out of your choices and the consequences of each finally catching up to you. Maybe Marcus was wasting his time trying to step in, to save you from a fate you had probably sealed yourself in for when you first agreed to step into that forbidden world all that time ago.
These people, the widespread global business that runs behind closed doors, it was all so much bigger than you ever could’ve imagined when you started out.
What hope do you have of outrunning it? Of surviving the escape of it? There’s no leaving it behind.
Your body feels heavy as you pry yourself from the sheets and sit along the edge of the bed, neck stretching to either side in an effort to rid the ache slowly building behind your temples. Your mind continues to race, barraging you with questions of the unknown, the logical part of your mind struggling to comprehend, to put together how this came to be and how it could possibly play out.
None of it seems to lean in your favour.
The mere notion of it is dark, the apparent threat of death stretching and twisting through your mind until it’s seemingly all you can think about.
Marcus can try, but in reality, how much difference could he possibly make in the end? Whether it was now, or months, maybe even years, down the line… he won’t always be a phone call away. He won’t always be there with a promise that nothing will ever happen to you because of all of this, because of the life you chose to live.
You’re quiet as you slip out of the room and into the living area of his apartment, ensuring to keep your feet light over the floorboards to not disturb him. He had left a light on for you, a lamp perched on the side table beside the couch. That little trace of warmth returns with the thoughtful notion, attempts to coax the darkness plaguing your mind away, but it does very little in the end. The thoughts still run rampant.
The blanket you reach for on the couch is soft and smells comfortingly familiar as you tuck it around your shoulders. In the subdued light of the apartment, you nuzzle into it as you pad to the kitchen, taking in one final steadying breath before setting about finding a glass and filling it from the tap.
Sinking into the couch, you tuck your feet beneath you and huddle deeper into the blanket, thankful the warm light keeps your mind from finding shapes within the shadows stretching along the walls.
You don’t know how long you sit there, mind racing and anxiety spiralling out of control, but the telltale sound of a door opening down the hall has your eyes immediately fixing on the hallway, waiting for him to appear. He does only a moment later, hair askew and shadows under his eyes.
“I can’t sleep,” you offer quietly as an explanation, tucking the blanket tighter around your shoulders. “I’m sorry if I woke you.”
“You didn’t,” he replies, footsteps almost inaudible as he tracks his way to the couch and sinks into the cushions with a soft sigh. “I can’t sleep either.”
Every time he closed his eyes he saw your body spread out on an autopsy table, the soft skin of your forehead swollen and pierced by a single bullet wound. He hears vivid descriptions of your death, the degree of decomposition. His mind plagued him, tortured him, with it all over and over.
He swallows the bile building in his throat, rubbing tiredly at his eyes and taking comfort in the fact that you’re beside him. Breathing, alive.
Is that how this could’ve turned out? What if you had gotten home and they were still there? What if you didn’t have the chance to call him? Who would’ve eventually found you? What if they had come back and he was too late? He shakes the thoughts away, refusing to entertain them for another single second.
It won’t happen. He simply wouldn’t let it.
“How are you doing?”
“Not good.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Do you? You wouldn’t even know how to form your thoughts into words. Where would you even begin? What would talking about it achieve? Nothing. There was no point. Besides, it wasn’t his burden to bear. This struggle was all yours and yours alone.
“No,” you mutter finally, sighing quietly. “It’s nothing. It doesn’t matter.”
“It is something, and it does matter,” he pushes softly, head resting gently against the back of the couch and head rolling to the side to watch you pick at his blanket. “I know it won’t mean much coming from me, but you’re not alone. You can talk to me.”
“To be honest, I don’t even know where to start. My mind’s all over the place. I had a nightmare and it—I don’t know. I just… I’m scared. That’s all.”
Your tone is dismissive, and he seems to take the hint that that’s all he’ll be getting out of you while you’re in this state. He doesn’t push any further, and simply lets the silence fall over you both as his eyes trace the outline of his coffee table.
“Are you hungry?” He asks after a little while. “I can cook you something.”
Your face twists, eyes bouncing to the window where the night still stretches out beyond it. “Marcus, it’s like 3am.”
He hums lowly, and in the corner of your eyes you see a small boyish smile forming on his lips.
“Perfect time for pancakes.”
Pancakes? At this hour? But your stomach rumbles at the thought, reminding you that you didn’t get to enjoy the leftovers sitting in your fridge that you were saving for after your shift. You can’t remember when you ate last, wondering if it was something small before leaving for work or even something earlier than that.
He must see the indecision play across your face.
“Come on,” he coaxes gently, standing from the couch and holding a hand out to you. “We’ll make some pancakes and then we’ll watch a movie or something. It’ll take your mind off of everything. I’ll even let you pick what we watch.”
The offer of a distraction is welcome and highly appreciated, but guilt still bubbles in your system from keeping him from rest yet again. He has a rough job, with sleep surely being scarce already. You couldn’t ruin his attempt of getting what little sleep he could after you practically pulled him out of bed earlier.
“Shouldn’t you go and try to get some sleep, agent?”
He gives a small shrug, that smile curling along the edges of his lips. “It’s not my first all-nighter. Come on, you know you want to.”
You fight a smile of your own and relent, reaching for his hand and letting him pull you to your feet.
It works.
Through the making of the batter, the playful tossing of the pancakes, and the soft drone of American Pickers playing out across the screen when you both finally sink back into the couch with your plates, you find that your mind had been peacefully quiet, your anxiety calmed to a minimum.
Another thing to thank him for.
That warmth, soft and sweet, stirs back to life, and when you glance over at him you have a fleeting thought that you might be in more danger than you’re ready to admit. You immediately stamp it out and refuse to let it grow into something more, swallowing down your appreciative thank you and instead moving to cuddle into the plush arm of the couch, ensuring to keep a distance stretched out between you.
Your tea’s cold, the steady rolls of steam wafting up from its pale brown surface long gone. You don’t have the appetite for it right now, the craving all but snatched away with the one simple phone call Marcus had stepped into his bedroom to take. He said he’d be back, that he’d tell you everything.
Time rolls on, and your impatience merely grows along with it.
Do they have any answers? Do they know who was in your apartment and why?
You hope for something random, a break in from someone’s need for quick cash and that can be in, but deep in your gut you know it’s not the case. It wasn’t random. It wasn’t that easy, that simple.
He immediately has your full attention when he eventually reappears, frowning down at his phone before sliding it into the pocket of his slacks. He’s dressed and ready for work, the soft comfortable side of him hidden behind his neatly pressed suit. He senses your questions before you have time to even form them on your tongue, and he gets straight into it, confirming your theories and curdling that bitter anxiety back to life.
“There were fingerprints at your apartment,” he starts, and you shift on the couch as something flashes across his face. “They were a match to the prints we previously pulled—”
—from a gun.
He feels physically sick.
They matched the prints from the ones found on a gun, linked to the murder of one of your old crew. These people, this person, had been in your home, touching your things, been so damn close to you…
Marcus stiffens his shoulders, heart beating at the back of his throat. He doesn’t know their motives, but judging by the state they left your apartment in, he gathered they weren’t there to recruit you. Someone somewhere knew you, knew what you had done, and they weren’t fucking happy.
“I’m putting you into protective custody.”
It’s final, leaving no room for argument.
You’re left to nod, accepting his decision readily despite the dark thoughts that return with it all. What’s the point? His face twists, eyes suddenly narrowed and on you and it’s only then that you realise you’d unintentionally said it out loud. You sigh tiredly, eyes falling away from the questions flashing across his face.
“Marcus, they—” you falter, hands clenching to hide their tremble, “—they’ll find me eventually, whether it’s now or in the future. What more can you do?”
“Anything. Everything. I’ll bounce you around this country until I find all of them if I have to.”
It’s spoken with such a determined vigor you’re left with nothing to say in return. You can’t argue with his resolve. You can’t tell him that it’s ridiculous, that you’re not worth that trouble and that you doubt the FBI would waste such resources on keeping someone like you safe. You’re hardly on the top of their priority list.
“But what kind of life is that? I’m practically on the run until you think it’s safe?”
“If it wasn’t for us—if it wasn’t for me—requesting your assistance with the case, you wouldn’t be in this situation. It’s my responsibility to see to it that you’re safe while we continue the investigation and apprehend those responsible, no matter how long it takes.”
So he thinks it’s his fault you’re in this position. This is him just covering his back, crossing the T’s and dotting the I’s so he wouldn’t be held responsible for anything that happens to you. It’s understandable, his job must mean a lot to him considering his position. It’s your fault you’re even here in the first place.
“Marcus, you don’t have to feel guilty for any of this. I chose to do it. It wouldn’t be your fault if anything happens to me, that’s just the consequences of getting myself mixed into everything when I did.”
“Nothing is going to happen to you.”
“You don’t know that, you can’t promise that—”
“Nothing is going to happen to you,” he repeats, firmer.
There’s that resolve again. You see it etched into his expression, buried within the tightness between his brows. There’s no moving him from it, no talking sense or pushing your case. He won’t hear it, won’t entertain any other possibility than the one he’s seemingly settled on. How could he be so sure?
It wouldn’t kill him to admit there’s a risk here.
You sigh, hands itching to busy themselves as worry curdles along your veins. It pushes your heart faster, turns your stomach until you feel a sickening ache building in your throat. You could take comfort from how hell bent he is on keeping you safe from harm, but your mind pushes to see reason, to know why he’s being so damn stubborn about this.
Even if Jane was right about his supposed ‘feelings’, going to all this trouble for a silly little crush built from your past is just ridiculous. Unless that’s what he’s trying to make up for. It’s not about feelings that are or aren’t there, it’s about fixing what happened. That’s what he’s doing. He couldn’t stop everything spiralling last time, so maybe that’s what he’s trying to do this time.
“You don’t have to do all of this, you know.”
Confusion bleeds into his expression, his hands finding his hips as he waits for further elaboration.
“You don’t need to make up for the past or anything. It’s fine. We’re fine.”
And you were, in a way. Oddly enough, this whole experience had given you closure on a chapter you never thought you’d be able to close. Never did you think you’d be able to achieve this kind of… peace with it all, and yet here you are—in his apartment, comfortable in his presence and the bitter hatred that had curdled so viciously in your heart nowhere to be found.
Of course it still hurts, and probably always will, but he wasn’t all bad. His continuous insistence in keeping you safe, his genuine sincerity in comforting you, and respecting the boundaries you had made along the way through coming into the investigation had shown you that. You can believe he had no intentions of letting it spiral as much as it did back then, didn’t mean for it to develop into what you had shared. It must have been confusing for him, the lines blurring between real and fake.
“Is that what you think I’m doing?” He questions softly, hardened frame weakening under your gaze. “Making up for the past?”
“Why else would you be doing all of this?”
The quiet that falls between you is built with something you can’t seem to place in the moment, his warm brown eyes flicking over your face almost as if he were debating saying something. His mouth opens, and you wait, watching some kind of conflict pass across his face before he exhales gently, his gaze falling to the floor.
He leaves your question unanswered.
“I’m going into the office to organise your accommodations and to follow up on those prints. I’ll have an agent come to collect you sometime later this morning—you can grab some things from your apartment before we move you.”
You should leave it, but you can’t. You want to know why. If it’s not because he’s trying to compensate for the past, then why is he going to all these extremes? Protective custody is a logical step in this kind of circumstance, but you highly doubt there are agents just opening their homes to victims needing somewhere safe to stay.
He had wanted you here, in his apartment where he could watch over you himself. He had made you pancakes, made such an idiot of himself making a mess with batter and tossing the pancakes until a chuckle finally broke its way past your lips, and carefully tucked the blanket around your shoulders when you had fallen into a light sleep on the couch.
Though you weren’t fully conscious enough to recall all of it, a part of you had felt the shift of the couch, sensed his hands near and the sudden reassuring warmth of the blanket before slipping into a dreamless slumber. He was asleep and spread out beside you when you awoke a few hours later, hand stretched across the couch and resting on the cushion just shy of your covered feet, almost as if he were looking for you while lost in his own dreams.
“Marcus, why are you doing this?”
“Because it’s my responsibility—”
You’re shaking your head before he can even finish his sentence. He lets it hang in the air, body slackening as soon as your eyes meet his. The vulnerability that seems to work its way through his system displays openly on his face.
“Be honest with me. Tell me the truth.”
He huffs in wry amusement, face twisting. His head drops, he shuffles on his feet and then he sighs, resigned. “After your conversation with Jane, I think you know why.”
You can’t help but recoil from his words, a frown quick to pinch your brows in surprise. “You know about that?”
His small smile is sad, uncomfortable.
“Jane may be a dick, but Rigsby’s a good guy. He pulled me aside and told me about it when he heard you had dropped your involvement. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry you were put in that position—it must’ve been difficult for you. And it’s not something you should’ve heard from him, of all people.”
He’s not denying it. He’s not rejecting Jane’s words. He’s not standing there insisting it’s just another one of his silly little mind games, or that he was making a big deal out of nothing. He has feelings for you. Actual feelings, and not some strange little crush carried from the past, and from seeing you again after so long. You don’t even know how they could be there. He doesn’t know you, not anymore at least.
“You can’t have feelings for me,” you state plainly, heart suddenly beating at the base of your throat.
“Why not?” He fires back immediately, defensively.
“Because you—” you flounder for words, eyes darting around the apartment in an effort to string your thoughts together. “Marcus, before this investigation, we hadn’t seen each other since—”
“Yeah, well… I guess they never went away.”
“They weren’t real!” You cry out, a touch of anger seeping into your tone as you stand from the couch and face him fully. “You were working, I-I was just a lead! You couldn’t possibly have—”
“You were never just a lead!”
You’re taken aback by the sudden force behind his voice, and he must see the way you flinch at it. He calms almost instantly, chest heaving with a sharp exhale as he breaks away from your gaze and curls in on himself. You don’t know what to say. You merely wait for something more, hanging on the way he seems to be thinking so damn hard on his words.
“You—you weren’t just a lead. Not to me.”
“What are you saying? The whole time, you… the whole time?”
“The whole time,” he confirms quietly, and for a split second you just wish he would look at you.
He doesn’t, and your mind spins. The revelation hits you deeply, the stirrings of confusion, heartache, simmering in the pit of your stomach. It doesn’t change anything. It couldn’t. The damage had already long been done, but strangely enough there comes a wash of comfort that soothes the bitter sting, and the question slips free of your lips before you even comprehend it.
“It was real,” you choke out, eyes prickling from the build of tears, “wasn’t it?”
Maybe not the whole thing given the circumstances, but what you shared, what he felt for you—
“It was always real to me.”
And with those few little words, he shatters the perception you had built of him and the time you shared together. You feel it hit you—hard, your body taking a step back as your throat tightens until you worry you won’t be able to get a breath in or out. The tears slip free, spilling down your cheeks as your mind hurries to replay every memory of him in a different light, one not tainted with betrayal or hatred.
He follows your step back on instinct, one foot coming to move his body forward towards you before he stops himself short. He swallows, a hand finally leaving his hip to run over his face and collect the stray tear that had slid along his cheek.
“Someone will come to collect you soon,” he rasps quietly, leaving you to your chaotic mess of thoughts and slipping out of the apartment, the door clicking shut softly behind him.
#marcus pike x reader#marcus pike x f!reader#marcus pike x you#pedro pascal x reader#the mentalist fanfiction
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𝑨 𝑯𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒄𝒖𝒆
pairing: Marcus Pike x f!reader
word count: 3.0k
note: Fluff. Drinking. Colleagues to lovers. Mutual pining. Written for the lovely @pedrostories Secret Santa event ♥︎ My gift is for @always-andromeda , I hope you like it! It was so lovely to get to write for this blog again, and so exciting to share my first fic in a year and my first ever Marcus story! Thank you so much for the prompts, I tried to mix them both together, but it ended up dividing a bit from that first plan and turn into something else ♥︎
(This is the first fic I've written in a year and english isn't my native language, so I apoligies for any possible mistakes ♥︎)

The air hangs thick with the scent of pine needles and something suspiciously like cheap eggnog. The office is decked out in holiday cheer. Tinsel glints off the overly-enthusiastic Christmas decorations strung across the office, a jarring contrast to the usually austere environment. Twinkling lights are adorning the walls, and a massive tree stands proudly in the corner, its ornaments shimmering softly under the warm glow. Laughter fills the air as colleagues mingle, while festive music is playing in the background. It is the annual holiday party at the precinct, and the atmosphere is filled with a sense of camaraderie and celebration.
You are standing near the refreshment table, a glass of spiced wine in your hand, watching the cheerful chaos unfold before you. Your gaze drifts across the room, landing on Marcus, who is in the midst of animatedly chatting with a group of detectives, his smile infectious, and his laughter like music to your ears. You have harbored a crush on him since the day he started at the precinct, and tonight, with him looking so dashing under the twinkling lights, that crush feels more potent than ever.
Just as you’re lost in your daydream of Marcus’s charming smile, the sound of a familiar voice cuts through the festive din. It’s Harold, the department’s oldest and most verbose agent, and he’s making a beeline for you. “Ah, there you are! I’ve been meaning to talk to you about the new policies coming in next year,” he begins, his voice booming over the festive music. His passion for regulations is palpable, and his eyes light up as he launches into a detailed explanation of compliance protocols, the words spilling out like a torrent as you nod politely.
You try to interject, to steer the conversation towards lighter topics, but Harold is in full flow, oblivious to your subtle attempts at diversion. He recounts every last detail, his hands animatedly gesturing, as you mentally calculate the number of holiday cookies you could have consumed instead of standing here. You definitely need another drink to endure this conversation. Preferably something stronger.
As Harold continues his monologue, you glance over at Marcus again, still engrossed in his chat with the detectives, the laughter radiating from their group like a beacon. A small pang of envy hits you; how easy it seems for him to connect with others, while you’re trapped in this policy discussion. But just then his head turns and your eyes lock across the room.
Time seems to slow as you feel the warmth of his gaze wash over you, momentarily breaking through the haze of Harold’s relentless chatter. Marcus’s smile broadens, a genuine connection sparking between you like the twinkling lights around the room. He raises his glass in a playful toast, and for a heartbeat, it feels as if the chaotic buzz of the party fades away, leaving only the two of you in that shared moment.
You lift your own glass in response, the spiced wine glinting in the soft light as you return his toast. The world around you blurs as you focus solely on Marcus, your heart racing with excitement and a hint of nervousness. His gaze is warm and inviting, making you feel as though you’re the only one in the room.
You smile back at him, but not as broad as his. He seems to notice, raising a brow in a silent question. Just then, Harold’s voice breaks through the enchantment, his monologue picking up speed as he transitions to the next policy. You catch snippets about “streamlining processes” and “regulatory compliance,” but your thoughts are elsewhere. You can’t help but steal another glance at Marcus, who is still looking your way, seemingly unbothered by the raucous laughter surrounding him.
You let out a little sigh, which Harold doesn’t seem to even register, as you try to focus enough on the conversation to hum along at the right times and ad and “oh, really,” at the appropriate time. But you can’t help but look over in the direction of Marcus again. You heal how your heart softly flutters in your chest as you watch him make his way through the crowd in your direction.
“Hey there!” Marcus calls out, his voice cutting through the festive noise with a warmth that sends a thrill through you. He stops just in front of you, his gaze shifting from you to Harold and then back to you. a gentle smile lingering on his face.
“Hey,” you say back, your voice a mix of surprise and excitement, momentarily forgetting all about Harold’s policy monologue. You’re suddenly aware of how the spiced wine feels warm in your hand, and how the alcohol is warming you up from the inside.
“Am I interrupting something?” Marcus asks, his tone light and polite as he glances at Harold, who immediately seems to deflate under the charming weight of Marcus’s presence.
“Oh, not at all!” Harold replies. “Just discussing the new compliance protocols for next year. Absolutely riveting stuff, I assure you.”
“Oh, I can imagine. You must tell me about them after the holidays,” Marcus says, his smile is easy, and the way he leans casually against the table makes your heart skip a beat as he turns to you again. “I’ve been meaning to talk with you all night. I need to ask you about something for the report on the Sollery case.”
You can’t help but smile. There is no Sollery case, but you’re not about to correct him. Instead you play along, immensely grateful for Marcus’ graceful way of saving you from Harold’s relentless monologue. “Of course,” you reply, your heart racing as you revel in the attention. The warmth of the spiced wine seems to spread throughout your body, mingling with the butterflies flitting around in your stomach.
You say a polite goodbye to Harold before he can dive back into another detailed explanation of compliance, the relief washing over you as you follow Marcus to a quieter corner in the other end of the room. The festive music swells around you, but it feels like a distant hum compared to the electricity crackling between you and Marcus.
“So, what do you need to know about the ‘Sollery case’?” you ask, a teasing lilt to your voice, eager to maintain the playful banter.
He chuckles softly, his brown eyes shining as he looks at you, a slight flush is dusting his cheeks, from the alcohol you assume. He looks adorable.
“You looked like you needed a rescue,” he replies, his voice low and conspiratorial, “and I just couldn’t let you endure another second of Harold’s riveting lecture on compliance protocols. I mean, I love the guy, but sometimes it feels like listening to paint dry.”
You let out a genuine laugh, the sound buoyed by the atmosphere around you. “You have no idea how grateful I am. I was convinced I’d have to start counting the decorations on the tree just to stay awake.”
Marcus grins, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. “Well, I’m glad I could save you. I can’t let our brightest agent fall asleep at the Christmas party. That would be a tragedy.”
He nudges you playfully with his elbow, and you feel your heart race at the light touch.
“And uhm, speaking of saving,” he continues, his expression turning slightly more serious but still warm, the flush on his cheeks darkening just the slightest. “I was wondering if you’d like to come over to my place after this? I have a bottle of whiskey that I think we could both use after the year we’ve had.”
Your breath catches for a moment, the invitation hanging in the air between you like the lighted ornaments strung above your heads. “Whiskey?” you ask, feigning nonchalance while your heart races with excitement. “What kind?”
“Only the best,” he replies, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. “I promise it’s not eggnog.”
You laugh, feeling the tension ease slightly. There’s something about the way he looks at you, something that makes you feel seen in a way that you haven’t before. “Well, I do like whiskey,” you say, your voice teasing.
“Great,” he says, his smile broadening, and you can’t help but feel a swell of happiness at his invitation. This is more than just a drink; it feels like a chance to finally connect with him outside of work, away from the watchful eyes of colleagues.
You take a sip of your spiced wine, trying to calm the excitement bubbling within you. You stay at the party for a bit, chatting and laughing with your colleagues together with Marcus, the warmth of his presence enveloping you like a cozy blanket. After about an hour Marcus leans in a little. “Ready to get out of here?”
You nod eagerly, a smile spreading across your face at the thought of leaving the crowded FBI office behind. “Absolutely,” you reply, your voice light with anticipation. The idea of spending time alone with Marcus makes your heart flutter, and you feel a rush of excitement as you both make your way towards the exit.
The cold december air hits you as you step outside, a stark contrast to the warmth of the office, but it’s refreshing. Marcus walks beside you, his presence comforting as you both navigate the snow-dusted sidewalk. The streetlights shimmer against the night sky. You make light conversation as you walk towards the metro station.
The city is alive with holiday lights, casting a warm glow over the streets. You can’t help but steal glances at Marcus as you walk next to him, the way he moves with a casual confidence, his laughter still echoing in your ears. The anticipation of what the night holds has your heart racing, a mix of nerves and excitement simmering just beneath the surface.
As you approach the metro station, the atmosphere shifts slightly. The previous bustle of the office party has now faded completely into the background of your mind, and the intimate setting with just you and Marcus now feels charged with a new energy. You both descend the steps to the platform, the sound of your footsteps echoing off the concrete walls.
“So,” Marcus begins, his tone light, “how are you spending your holiday season this year?”
You chuckle, leaning against the cool metal railing. “Alone,” you admit with a playful shrug, trying to keep the mood light. “Just me, some takeout, and a few too many holiday movies. It’s gonna be casual.”
Marcus raises an eyebrow, a hint of disbelief mixed with amusement playing on his lips. “Alone? What about family or friends?”
“I mean, I have family, but they’re several states away, and I’d rather not deal with the holiday chaos,” you reply, a hint of defensiveness slipping into your tone. “Plus, my couch and a good movie sound pretty appealing right now.”
“Fair enough,” he says, his expression softening. “I’m spending Christmas alone too this year—just me and a stack of books I’ve been meaning to tackle.” He chuckles, a genuine warmth in his eyes. “I guess we’re both in the same boat, huh?”
“You’re not going back to Texas over the break?”
“Nah, I decided to stay here this year. I love my family, and it would be nice to see them, but a lot happened back home before I transferred. Kind of left there heartbroken and I’m not sure I’m ready to go back just yet, even though I’m mostly over it,” he replies, glancing at you with a slightly embarrassed smile.
You nod in understanding, the weight of his words resonating with you. You open your mouth, you want to say something, even though you’re not even sure about what to say, but then the train arrives with a rush of wind and a clatter of metal on metal. You both step back, momentarily distracted by its arrival. As it slows to a halt, the doors slide open.
Marcus gestures for you to enter first, and you can’t help but notice the way he stands just a little closer than necessary, the warmth of his body radiating towards you. You step into the metro car and find a place to settle in, the metallic seats cool against your skin. Marcus sits beside you, his shoulder brushing against yours, sending a thrill of excitement through you.
As the train starts moving, the rhythmic clattering of the tracks fills the silence, and you glance sideways at Marcus. He’s looking out the window, the lights reflecting in his eyes, and for a moment, you just take him in. There’s something undeniably comforting about being with him, an ease that feels almost electric.
“Is it your first time spending Christmas alone?” you ask, breaking the comfortable silence, your voice soft. “It’s my first time, my first time spending the whole holiday alone… I’m starting to worry it might be a bit lonely.”
He turns his gaze back to you, his expression thoughtful. “Yeah, it is my first time, but it’s just a few days, right? I think it might be good though, to have some time to regroup. Plus,” he adds with a smirk, “I can’t wait to binge-watch whatever I want, I haven’t had time to watch a show in ages.”
You laugh, the sound bubbling up easily. “True! That’s a definite perk.”
“And, you know, if I’m lucky, I might even get to finish that book series I’ve been meaning to read,” he says, an excited, almost boyish, glint in his eyes.
“What series?” you ask, genuinely curious.
“It’s a fantasy series,” he replies, his enthusiasm infectious. “It’s about dragons and magic and all that good stuff. I know it sounds really nerdy, but it’s amazing!”
You can’t help but let out a little chuckle, hiding your mouth behind your glove covered hand. He really doesn’t have any idea about how adorable he is, and it warms your heart. “Of course, you’re a fantasy nerd,” you giggle, shaking your head gently.
Marcus feigns offense, his eyes widening in mock indignation. “I’ll have you know that fantasy is a very legitimate genre! It’s all about world-building, character development, and epic battles. Plus, who wouldn’t want to ride a dragon?” He leans in closer, a playful glint in his eyes, and you can’t help but lean in too, drawn by his enthusiasm.
“Okay, okay, you make a compelling argument,” you concede, laughter still dancing in your voice.
“Seriously, you should give it a try. I think you will like it actually.”
“I might just take you up on that,” you say, your heart racing with the idea of sharing something with him. “Maybe I’ll start it over the holidays,” you reply, smiling at him. “I could use some good escapism.”
He smiLes at you, but you don’t get to talk more about it. The train begins to slow as it approaches your stop, and Marcus shifts slightly, his arm brushing against yours again. You feel a warmth spreading through you, a sense of closeness that makes your heart flutter.
As the doors slide open, you both step out into the crisp night air. The walk to his place is short but filled with light-hearted banter and laughter.
Finally, you reach his townhouse. Unlocking the door, Marcus leads you inside, turning on the light of the hallway as he closes the door behind you. He takes your coat hanging it on the coat hanger while you take off your boots before showing you to the living room. The cozy setting, filled with soft light and comfy looking furniture, feels welcoming and familiar.
Marcus moves to the kitchen, and you take a moment to look around. The walls are lined with shelves filled with books, and a few framed pictures catch your eye—some of him with friends, others of family, and one of him as a kid with a goofy grin on his face.
“Make yourself at home,” he calls out from the other room, you can hear the clink of glasses.
You settle onto the plush couch, feeling a wave of contentment wash over you as you sink into the cushions. The warmth of the room envelops you, and you can’t help but smile softly as you take it all in.
Moments later, he reappears with two glasses in hand, a bottle of whiskey perched under his arm. “I hope you like it neat,” he says, pouring a generous amount into each glass and handing one to you. “Cheers to a surprisingly delightful holiday evening.”
You clink your glass against his, the sound ringing with a sense of promise. “Cheers,” you echo, taking a sip. The rich, smooth flavor warms you from the inside out, and you savor the moment. “Thank you for having me, and thank you for saving me from Harold earlier.”
Marcus chuckles, the sound warm and genuine. “Anytime. I’d take a night with you over compliance protocols any day,” he replies, leaning back against the couch, his glass resting comfortably in his hand.
“Ditto,” you smile in response. You watch him, the way his eyes light up when he talks, how he seems to genuinely enjoy your company. The atmosphere is relaxed, filled with the soft hum of distant holiday music coming from his speakers. The tension you felt earlier at the party has melted away, replaced by a sense of ease that envelops you both.
“You know…” Marcus’ expression changes as he leans forward to put his glass down on the coffee table. “I was thinking… Since you are spending the holiday alone, and I’m spending it alone, and you said you were scared that it might get lonely…” He takes a deep breath before continuing and you feel your heart fluttering in your chest as you realize where this is going. “Maybe... we could make it a little less lonely together?” His voice is soft yet hopeful, and you can see the sincerity in his brown eyes.
Your heart skips a beat at the suggestion. “That sounds nice.”
“It does?”
“Yeah, it really does,” you respond, your voice steady despite the fluttering excitement beneath the surface. “I’d love to spend the holiday with you. It sounds… perfect, actually.”
A smile spreads across Marcus’s face, a mix of relief and joy that makes your heart swell. “Yeah, really perfect...”
Unbeknownst to the two of you, this would be the first of many, many holidays spent together.
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Pairing: Marcus Pike x Female Reader
Summary: Your husband Marcus challenges you to a little game.
CW: Pleasure Dom, vibrators, unprotected p in v (they’re married, it’s ok), ass play, Marcus gets a little mean, name calling (slut and whore), pet names (baby, sweet heart, etc.), edging, teasing, squirting, fingering, crying.
AN: Why do I IMMEDIATELY start writing for Pike when I’m ovulating?? Also this is definitely not beta’d.
Word Count: 2773
“Sweet girl?”
Marcus’s soft voice floats across your bare skin. You’re splayed out, every inch exposed to him. He has pressed his lips to every part except the one you want him to most. He’s been kissing and licking from your lips to your back, to your chest, then your arm skipping to the back of your leg. Treating your body like his own personal slalom course. Rolling you back and forth as he needed. The occasional graze of his teeth when you became too pliant, a yelp filling your dimly lit bedroom.
“Yeah?” You whisper, his strong hands guiding you to roll onto your back.
“Here.” He states. Your hooded gaze meets his. He’s holding your favourite vibrator out to you.
You lick your lips and revel in the way his soft brown eyes immediately watch your warm tongue trace along your lips; lips he loves to kiss so much. “What’s that for?”
“Figured we could play a little game.” He smiles at the confused furrow of your brows as he continues. “I’ll count down from thirty while you play with yourself, when I get to one, you can come.”
You nod and close your hand around the vibrator. He tugs on it roughly, snapping you to be at his full attention. “But you can only come when I get to one. Do you understand?”
The flutter in your chest is almost immediate at the bossy tone in his voice. “Y-yes.”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good girl,” he praises as his hand lets go of the black silicone toy. “Go ahead, click it on and start playing with yourself.”
You turn it on low and gently place it on your clit. Electricity feels like it’s humming through your veins and you gasp out.
Marcus climbs off the bed and slowly drags his white t-shirt over his head as you watch him.
“You’re so beautiful, baby, and fuck, you’re already so wet. Is that from me?”
“Yes. Yes. Oh god.”
His boxers slide down next, his thick cock slapping his stomach when it springs free.
“Twenty-nine. That’s it, baby. Keep swirling your toy around your clit. Just like that. Good girl.”
Lastly, he slides off his socks, tossing everything into the laundry hamper.
“Twenty-eight. Keep that vibrator on that pretty little clit, baby.”
He slides back into the bed, laying on his side next to you, his elbow resting on the bed to cradle his head in hand. You turn your head towards him, nose rubbing against his thick neck.
“Marcus,” you whine.
“Whining already? We’ve only just started. Twenty-seven. You can do it.”
You can feel your orgasm already ready to crest. He’s been teasing you for over half an hour already. The silicone head of the vibrator easily glides around your clit.
“Please, sir.”
“Twenty-six. Please what?” He whispers into your temple, kissing your hairline.
“Let me come.”
He laughs silently, “So needy. We just started, sweet girl.”
It’s quiet for a moment between the two of you as you lift the vibrator from yourself, unsure of your ability to hold it even after years of him training you to come practically on command.
“No, no. Don’t make me tie you up and make it worse for you,” he says deeply.
You whine, placing the vibrator back where he wants it and bringing your legs together.
“Twenty-five. God, baby, you look so beautiful right now.”
You focus on your breathing. Slow and controlled inhales, anything to distract from how badly you want to let go.
“Can you spread your legs for me, honey? Twenty-four.”
You moan in disagreement and his hand comes to your chin, pinching it between his fingers and bringing your gaze to his.
“Twenty-three. You’re doing so good for me. Did you know that?”
You nod into his grasp. “Fuck, sir. Please.”
He kisses your lips gently and whispers. “Mmm - I love making you beg. Twenty-two.”
“I’ll do - hnnng - anything, baby. Let me come,” you say between gasps.
“Anything?” He grinds his hard cock onto your hip. “Make me an offer. What will you do if I let you come right now.”
His hand moves from your chin to the wrist that’s holding your toy, flicking it up slightly to that spot that makes you lose all sense of yourself. That little spot that he knows will have you falling apart in seconds.
“Nonono. I can’t. Marcus, fuuuuck.”
“Twenty-one. Not yet. Don’t you dare come yet.”
You slam your legs together again, squeezing every muscle in your body as tight as possible is the only way for you to stop your orgasm from happening. You sob out a cry of desperation and Marcus releases your wrist.
“Good girl, but you gotta spread your legs or I’m going to get the spreader bar out. Twenty.”
You try to slow your breathing, moving the vibrator down a little bit as you open your legs for your husband again.
“That’s it, just like that. What will you do for me if I let you come right now.” The tip of his hooked nose runs along the bridge of yours, his soft brown eyes melting into you.
“My ass,” you say breathily. Every single thing about Marcus Pike is overwhelming. He has a way of making the room feel smaller.
He smirks, a dimple carving into his soft and clean shaven cheek. “My little slut gonna let me fuck her ass if I let her come? Nineteen.”
“Yesyes - god, yes. Please, sir.” You’re practically writhing in pleasure, hanging right on the edge, lava bubbling in your core just waiting to erupt.
“Fuck you sound so good when you beg.” He groans, his cock pushing harder into the meat of your thigh. He sits up adjusting himself to sit between your legs. “Open up for me, sweet girl.”
At this angle, you can see his flat, toned stomach. The slight v of his hips leading to his perfect cock. Long and thick, his balls taut to his body with arousal. The slit of the velvety tip leaks a milky bead of pre cum that makes your mouth water.
“Eighteen. Should I get the lube, baby? Get you all nice and ready for me while you play with yourself?”
You nod frantically, “please! Please let me come and then fuck my ass!”
“Mmmm - I love when dirty words leave that beautiful mouth.”
One of his strong hands wraps around your hip, the other up to his mouth. He spits, then reaches down to prep you.
“Fuck, Marcus. Fuuuuck. Can I come now?”
He shakes his head, “mm-mmm, not yet. I know you can take more.”
His strong fingers circle the sensitive skin of your ass. Jolts of pleasure cause you to arch off the bed.
“Sixteen. You’re doing so well. So perfect for me. I love you so much.”
His pointer finger pushes harder at the tight ring of muscle. “Can I come, sir? Please. Let me come and you can fuck my ass.”
He leans over you, moving his hand from your hip to plant beside your head. He looks down at you darkly, the softness from early gone. “You seem to be forgetting one thing, baby girl. You don’t make the rules here.”
His hand moves away from your ass and you feel the tears of frustration pooling in your eyes. “Fifteen,” he says with a wink.
You can’t stop both the tears and the orgasm, it’s only a matter of time before one takes you. The first time Marcus made you cry with need it unlocked something inside of him, a deep and sinister rush of endorphins. Crying kink, neither of you knew it was a thing, and now he almost gets off on it when it happens to you. Just the sight of you sobbing in needy frustration is almost enough to make him explode.
“Uh oh,” he says cockily. “Are you gonna cry?”
“No,” you half whine, half moan.
“No? Fourteen. Cuz it looks like my little whore is so desperate for it that she’s about to cry.”
“No. No. I’m not. Just please, sir. I can’t - I can’t.”
“Cry for me. Cry for me and I’ll skip down to ten,” he growls.
You break, blinking the tears of pent up sexual frustration to flow free. Marcus groans at the big tears rolling down your cheeks. Each word out of his mouth is its own sentence as he says. “Desperate. Little. Whore. Thirteen.”
Your bedroom fills with your lust filled cry, “You said ten.”
He lowers his face to yours, kissing a tear off your cheek. “Twelve”. He moves swiftly, kissing a tear off the other side, “Eleven”. And then moves again, catching one along your hairline, “ten”.
He sits up, “what do you say?”
“Thank you, sir,” you murmur.
“That’s my girl,” his eyes trail down your body, his hand returning to grip your hip tightly. “Let me take this now, sweet girl.”
You sniffle and pout up at him, knowing he’s going to go exactly where you can’t fight it. “Be nice - Please be nice, Marcus.”
His hand wraps lightly around yours on the vibrator. “Don’t cry anymore, my love. You’re almost there. I’m so fucking proud of you for holding on.”
He smiles warmly at you and as your face mirrors his you let go of the vibrator. “Nine, that’s a good girl.”
He clicks the vibrator up a speed and runs it up and down your soaking wet cunt. Lightly grazing your clit with each pass. “She’s crying for me too. Eight. God damn, you’re so fucking perfect.”
Your hands move to fist the sheets, your feet planting on the bed as you watch your beautiful husband play with you. Your chest rises and falls rapidly, it’s getting harder and harder to hold on.
“You’re a masterpiece. Did you know that?” He clicks the vibrator up again, still trailing up and down, your arousal making everything slick for him. “This pussy belongs in a museum. So pretty. Seven.”
You scream as he flicks it along that spot that ruins you. His hand on your hip squeezes a few times before releasing. His finger coming to your lips. “Suck,” he instructs. You slide his fingers eagerly into your warm mouth, “Six. Fuuuuck.”
You bob your head up and down, gagging as his thick digits hit the back of your throat. Once they’re wet enough for him he pulls them free, spit landing on your chin as he brings his fingers down to your cunt.
“You're clenching so hard I can barely see the entrance. Let me in, sweetheart.” He presses, fingers slipping into your needy cunt, your walls gripping and pulling him in. “So tight. Shit. Five.”
Once his fingers are all the way in he turns to be palm up. Your eyes widen as he curls them forward, not moving them around, just putting pressure on that spongy spot of your anterior wall. “Aaaah, baby, fuckfuckfuck.”
“Hold it. Fuck, I can feel it. I can feel all that cum you’re holding in. Four. Doin so good. Almost there.” He flicks his wrist up, the vibrator and his strong fingers now pushing on the two spots that make you crumble. Your screams of pained pleasure echo through the room.
“I can’t. I can’t. Fuck fuck. I can’t.” You repeat it over and over, squeezing harder.
“Three, I got you. You can do this, my wife. My perfect little slut. Almost, almost fucking there.” He clicks the vibrator up again and it takes every ounce of energy you have left not to push free and use your safe word. “Fuckin pussy is clenching my fingers so tight. Shit, I wanna feel this orgasm on my cock. Can I go inside of you, baby?”
You mumble ‘yes’ over and over, all your muscles going slack, your bones going soft. Everything comes back to life as he slides his fingers out. You gasp at the sensation then whine at the loss of the feeling of him.
“Gonna be full of me soon, don’t whine.” He brings his now free hand to his lips and sucks your juices from his fingers. The sides of your vision blur from the pleasure of the vibrator until you only see him. He spits into his hand and fists his cock, pumping it a few times to get it nice and wet.
“Two,” he growls, and then without warning slams himself to the hilt.
“Fuck, Marcus. Fuck. Fuck. I need - Please, sir.”
“Jesus fucking Christ, babe. I’ve never felt her this tight and juicy before. You gonna gush all over me. I can feel it.”
The lava in your core starts to erupt, you can’t fight it anymore. You’ll take the punishment if he wants, but you’re convinced you can’t hold it any longer.
He removes the vibrator and softly says, “Eyes on me.”
You hadn’t even realized your eyes had closed, they flutter open to meet his gaze. “It’s time baby. Are you ready?”
“Oh god, Marcus. Please. I need to come.”
“I know, sweet girl. I know. I want you to gush all over me, okay?” He clicks the vibrator up 3 notches and presses it roughly against your aching, puffy clit. “One. Come for me.”
You explode and implode all at the same time. Pleasure rocking through every limb. Your legs shake uncontrollably, your hands wrapped in the sheets, your back arches off the bed and you aren’t sure if you’re screaming loudly or silently. All that you are is the euphoria of this long overdue orgasm.
“Fuckin gushing all over the place. That’s it, baby. Push into it. Good girl. Let it take you.”
The walls of your pussy flutter, gripping your husband's perfect cock over and over. Your hips rock up and down in a jerky, uneven pattern as you squirt all over him.
“Look at you. Fuck, gonna make me come, honey. Don’t stop,” he praises encouragingly.
You let the orgasm continue to course through you, your throat hoarse from screaming his name. Finally, you feel it, the warmth of his cum, filling you up and mixing with your own cum. He throws the vibrator to the side and fucks you through his high as you finally start to come down from yours. He moans your name loudly as he reaches his peak and then collapses down onto you, kissing you deeply as you both twitch with the aftershocks.
“Are you okay?” He asks gently as your lips break apart from one another.
You smile sweetly and nod. “Ya, that was amazing.”
“I’m sorry I made you cry,” he says softly, kissing the tip of your nose.
“It’s ok, Marcus. You already know that these are the only kind of tears you’re allowed to cause.” You reach up and run your fingers through his short hair. “You’re perfect.”
He blushes slightly at your praise and you think again how incredibly lucky you are to have this amazing man in your life. “We should clean up and get some sleep.”
He slips his softened cock out of you and heads into the bathroom. He grabs you a wet cloth and a soft towel. He hates that you want to clean yourself up after nights like this, he feels like it should be part of his aftercare, but you’ve explained how sensitive you are he’s learned to let it go.
He watches as you wipe away the mixture of both of your arousals and then pat yourself dry with a hiss. The sound of your distress has him moving towards you, concern and worry etched across his face.
“I’m okay,” you state. “Just sore.”
“Did I hurt you?” He asks, tossing the towel and wet cloth towards the hamper.
“No,” you giggle. “I don’t think I’ve ever come that hard. That was amazing.”
“Good,” he laughs. “Let me help you up. You need to pee before we go to sleep.”
You whine as he grabs your hands and pulls to help you sit. “Sleepy,” you pout.
“Go. Then we can sleep.” He pats your bum as you walk past him, feet dragging on the soft carpet of your bedroom.
When you get back to bed Marcus is on his back, both arms behind his head. You smile at him sleepily before tucking yourself against him, your leg draped over him and your head resting on his strong chest. The arm closest to you comes to wrap around your bare back, his hand finding its home on your hip once more. “I love you,” he whispers.
You barely get out that you love him too before sleep takes you.
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Loose Change
Marcus Pike x f!reader | 2.2k | masterlist | ao3
summary: You loved playing in the orchestra, but when you needed a change, you started busking at a few places around town just for fun. You weren't expecting the attractive man that stopped to listen. Or his smile.
a/n: happy birthday to my amazing friend and the best beta reader, @katareyoudrilling!! you are busy playing your violin right now, at this very moment, performing Holst's Planets, which I know must be amazing. so I hope you like this little treat when you get back. I'm so, so glad we met on here and so happy to have you as a friend. 🧡🥰 also shout out to @secretelephanttattoo who prompted me with what became the original version of this idea almost a year ago! and thank you to @hauntedhowlett for reading this and reassuring me since I obviously couldn't ask Katie. lol
tags/warnings: flirting, fluff, meet cute, busking, my attempt at sounding smart about music and playing violin, Katie I did my best lol, coffee mention, a teensy bit of angst/worry, touching, kissing, reader is a professional musician but no description otherwise
It was Tuesday, so you were at your spot near the Archives stop. Not inside the metro, since they could be a bit picky about that, but just outside. It was a good spot — you usually caught the suits going to work and the tourists heading for the National Mall or a museum. On Tuesday mornings it was busy but not so busy that you had to compete with other musicians.
You’d been playing for about 30 minutes when you saw him. You tried not to smile when you caught the angle of his shoulders out of the corner of your eye.
Him, the reason you’d been thinking about coming to this spot more than twice a week, even though it didn’t fit in your hectic schedule of rehearsals and performances. You’d only started busking a couple of months before, dying for something different, to play something different.
He was tall with dark hair and an absurdly handsome face. He was clearly a fed – he always wore a suit, for one, and he walked like the rest of them. Like he had somewhere to be but he didn’t necessarily want to go there. Blank face, steady gait.
Broad shoulders.
You decided weeks ago that he was probably with the bureau, just going by the suit and the direction he turned out of the station. But he was definitely the hottest agent you’d ever seen. He didn’t look like an agent, otherwise — were any other agents this attractive?
And then there was the way he smiled whenever he stopped to listen to you play.
You’d noticed, a couple of weeks back, that he always seemed to walk by whenever you were there. And he would always stop for at least a few minutes to listen and smile and distract you from your music.
On that Tuesday you were just starting up the Indiana Jones theme song — you liked to throw in a few crowd pleasers, of course, and this one always caught people’s attention — when he appeared at the top of the stairs to the station. You’d also noticed that he seemed to stay longer when you were playing pieces from movie scores, so you had added a couple more to your repertoire.
You refused to stare, but you tracked him as he got closer and slowed to a stop to your right. He joined the small crowd that had stopped to listen and you smiled to yourself. You could feel his eyes on you as you played and you fought a shiver.
Like always, he watched and smiled and clapped when you finished. And then he dropped some change in your open violin case and turned to walk away.
As he turned, he caught your eye, and you felt the moment stretch around you.
He winked.
The following Thursday you noticed something new — he appeared at the top of the stairs about 6 minutes earlier than usual, as if he’d caught an earlier train.
You just noted it, at the time, nothing more than a curious change in his schedule. Maybe he had an early meeting? But then on the following Tuesday he did it again, and on the Thursday after that.
As always, he seemed to really enjoy your music. He tapped his foot during “Fly Me to the Moon” and laughed when two little girls danced to “Let It Go.” (You didn’t let your eyes linger on how his laugh lit up his face.) He even seemed to appreciate the classical pieces that you knew many of your listeners couldn’t name. And each time, he stayed longer to listen, only turning to leave at his usual time. As if he’d gotten an earlier train just so he could stay longer.
Your entire face turned hot every time you thought about it. That couldn’t be it, right? An earlier train, just to listen to me? You turned it over in your mind while sitting on the train yourself and in rehearsal and at home.
But whatever the reason, he did stay and smile and listen to you play, every time.
One Thursday morning, about two weeks after he changed his schedule, he didn’t appear at all.
When he didn’t come up the stairs at the new, earlier time, you shrugged, mentally. But when he didn’t appear at his previous normal time, or any time after that, you started to worry.
Maybe he’s sick? you wondered as you gently put away your violin, much later than usual. You might have stayed, waiting to see if he would appear, but you couldn’t push it any longer and make it home before rehearsal. Maybe he has a day off. You couldn’t stop yourself from running down the list of options in your mind as you started to walk towards the metro.
Maybe he got a new job and I’ll never see him again? You bit your lip, brows furrowed.
But what could you do? You didn’t even know this guy, outside of your weeks-long habit of making eye contact twice a week. Steady eye contact that made you shiver and turn warm and smile, when you remembered it later, but nothing more than that.
Still, you worried about it all weekend. You even told your best friend, who already knew about your “hot FBI guy,” and who told you, “I mean, there’s nothing you can do about it until Tuesday.”
Thanks, Mari.
So, you worried.
On Tuesday you woke up early, already jittery with nerves. Would he be back? You wished the question hadn’t plagued you all weekend, but it had.
You packed your bag and thermos of tea and headed for the metro with your violin. You knew you would be there about half an hour earlier than normal, but you couldn’t stand to be in your apartment for even another minute.
The crowd was a bit more sparse so early in the morning, but you quickly set up in your usual spot outside of the Archives station. You did a short warm up to get ready.
And then you took a deep breath, and began to play.
Immediately, you felt a bit more at ease – concentrating on the music helped. You’d made it through two pieces and were feeling much more relaxed when you were startled by a cough to your right.
You jumped a little and your bow made a little squeaking noise where you held it against the strings. You winced as you turned.
It was him.
He smiled and waved and you felt yourself begin to smile back. You spoke before you consciously decided to, and exclaimed, “you’re back!’
His smile widened and he ducked his head, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand. “Yeah,” he said, and you blinked. His voice was very deep and warm. “I was sick last week. You… you noticed?” he asked, and looked at you with his head still ducked. It was very cute.
You felt your face get warm, realizing what you’d given away. “Of course,” you said, deciding to lean into it. You looked around and saw that the rest of your small crowd had drifted away, so you stepped closer. “I mean, you’re a regular.” You smiled and tilted your head.
He stepped closer, too. He was looking up at you now. “Do you have many regulars?” He looked hopeful. It was a very cute look on him.
You shook your head, laughing. “You know, I do have a few. But only one that I look for every morning.”
He started to grin. “Just one?”
You bit your lip and nodded. “I might keep an eye on the exit over there while I’m playing, you know.”
“I uh…” he laughed, looking a bit sheepish. “I might have started getting up earlier, so I could be here longer.”
You grinned at him. I knew it. “I might have noticed.”
For a moment you just smiled at each other. He cleared his throat and held out his hand. “I’m Marcus, by the way.”
You looked down at your hands, which were holding your violin and your bow.
“Oh! Sorry,” he started to drop his hand, but you quickly transferred your bow to your other hand, gently holding both in your fingers. You held out your hand and introduced yourself.
He slid his hand into yours, and you couldn’t help but notice it was warm, and big. You shivered.
“Nice to meet you,” he murmured, not letting go of your hand. “Do you think I could buy you a coffee sometime?” He squeezed your hand gently.
You smiled. “You’re early today,” you said, voice teasing. “How about now?”
He grinned and nodded. “Now is great.”
You slipped your hand out of his, immediately wishing you hadn’t. But you turned to pack up your violin. “You know,” you said, looking at him over your shoulder, “I was hoping you’d talk to me, sometime.”
Marcus was still smiling. “I wanted to,” he said, a bit wistful. “I didn’t want to bother you, if I was just some guy to you. Thought maybe it was just me that couldn’t keep my eyes off of the pretty violin player every morning.”
You turned back to your violin case, grinning. “You didn’t notice how I kept sneaking glances at the hot guy in the suit? The one who actually seemed to appreciate the music?”
You stood and turned, and found him suddenly much closer. His eyes crinkled as he smiled at you. “I might have. And I do. You play beautifully, you know. Just didn’t want to assume anything.” He looked down at your bag. “You ready?”
Nodding, you let him take your hand and lace your fingers together. “Let’s go.”
He led you to a cute coffee shop just around the corner. “I usually stop in here on my way to work, but lately I haven’t had time.”
You quirked an eyebrow at him as he held the door open. “No?”
He smiled. “I might have been staying and listening until the last possible moment, before I would be late to work.”
“Marcus,” you said, voice serious. “Have you been skipping your morning coffee to listen to me play?”
He laughed. “Maybe. Is that weird?”
You shook your head, smiling, as you stepped towards the counter. “I’m honored,” you said, mock serious, and he laughed again. He was so lovely when he laughed, you wanted to make him laugh again. “But really, how have you been dealing without coffee?”
He smirked. “Well, it’s been tough,” he said, matching your mock serious tone. “But worth it.”
Your face warmed again as you turned to order. Marcus bought both of your coffees before you could stop him. “I’ll get the next one,” you said, and he turned to look at you.
“Next one?” he asked, smiling. “You’d do this again?”
“What, you wouldn’t?” You asked, teasing.
He picked up your coffees and nodded towards an empty table by the window. “Oh I would,” he said, sounding sure. “Just happy to hear you would, too.”
Over coffee you learned you’d been right – he was an FBI agent – but you never would have guessed what he focused on. “Art crimes, huh?”
He nodded. “I know, it’s not the usual thing.”
You shrugged. “Not sure I know much about it, either way. But it sounds interesting. Did you study art or something else related to being an agent? Wait, what do agents study?”
Marcus laughed and you let your eyes trace over his eye crinkles. Cute. “I studied art history, but yeah, agents study a lot of things. And you studied music?”
You nodded. You told him a little bit about the orchestra you played with, and the shows you were doing.
“Could I…” he looked hesitant. “I’d love to come to a show. If that’s alright?”
You grinned. “I’d love for you to come to a show, Marcus.”
He looked down at his watch and frowned. He sighed. “I better head in, before I’m late. I wish I could stay longer. Could I take you to dinner? Maybe this weekend?”
You shook your head, but teased him, “Marcus, I said I’m paying next time. So I’ll take you to dinner.” You raised your eyebrows and he laughed again, looking relieved. You gave him your number and smiled when he texted you his.
“Alright. Saturday?” He stood and reached out to help you up from your chair.
“I’d love to.”
Outside on the sidewalk, he hesitated again. “I’m glad we finally talked. I…” he ducked his head, looking shy again. “I wondered if you would notice I wasn’t there when I was sick.”
You stepped closer and slipped your hand into his again. “I wondered if you would be back.”
He looked surprised. “Of course,” he said, eyes tracing over your face. “I couldn’t stay away.”
You decided then that you didn’t want to wait for your dinner date. You leaned forward and brushed your lips lightly over his. You felt him gasp, but before you could pull away, suddenly unsure, his hand came up to cup your jaw. He kissed you again, firmer this time.
“I’ve been wanting to do that,” Marcus murmured, lips moving against yours. His thumb traced your cheek.
“Me too,” you said, pushing forward to kiss him again.
He stepped back, but it was clear he didn’t want to. “Saturday?”
“Saturday,” you agreed, and he grinned and squeezed your hand before he let it go. “See you then.”
a/n: happy birthday from Marcus and me!! lol
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Take a Break
Summary: You go on a hike with Marcus Pike despite having chronic fatigue Warnings: Reader has a disability called chronic fatigue (she’s just like me fr), Marcus being perfect and sweet, reader being hard on herself and trying to push through and generally just needing a hug. A/N: I know this one is niche – more of a self insert than a reader insert – but i think it’s sweet. Hope y’all like it <3
Marcus Pike Masterlist | Masterlist | Prompt Fills | AO3 | Kofi | Seasons of Life Masterlist
The footpath in front of you is rocky and steep, daunting. Marcus is halfway up the hill before he stops and turns around.
“Do you need to take a break?” He asks with a concerned look on his handsome face.
“No! No, I’m fine,” you say, lying. You are not fine. You’re exhausted already and you’ve only been hiking for 30 minutes. Hiking is not an activity you would have agreed to do with anyone before Marcus. Your relationship is new, but you’re already starting to care deeply about him. He wanted to go hiking, so you agreed.
Marcus waits for you as you trudge up the hill, eyes focused on your feet so you don’t trip. You’re not even getting to enjoy the beautiful green foliage around you because you’re too worried about your legs not working properly. When you make it to Marcus, he gently places his hands on your shoulders. You meet his eyes and see worry there.
“We’re gonna take a break now, okay?”
“I don’t want you to have to stop for me,” you hate this. You hate looking weak.
“I want to stop, it’s okay. I promise.” He guides you to the edge of the trail and plops down on the ground, patting the spot beside him indicating he wants you to join him. You slowly sit down and he hands you a water and a granola bar from his pack.
You take both gratefully and feel tears well up in your lash line. You blink them away, but not before Marcus notices.
“Hey! Hey, don’t cry baby. I’m not upset with you, I promise,” he reaches over and brushes his thumb across your cheek, wiping away a stray tear.
“I’m upset with myself,” you huff. “I thought I could do this and I can’t.”
“You can do this. We will take as many breaks as we need to. I’m gonna kiss you at the top of this hike no matter how long it takes to get there. We have plenty of time.” He wraps an arm around your shoulder and pulls you into him. You lay your head on his shoulder and feel yourself calming down.
“Thank you, Marcus… Sorry for being a crybaby.”
“Hush. You’re perfect.”
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Isolated Incident

My goodness it's been a minute! Hello, tumblr, wonderful to see you again 🤗
Description: When a hike doesn't go quite as planned you're forced to seek shelter for the night, only the little cabin isn't empty when you reach it.
Warnings: Marcus Pike x Female Reader, reader is defined as female but has no physical descriptions at all, mention of the bear vs. man thing, smut, minor angst.
Author's Note: This is something of a request from my good friend @bilibiche although I've altered the setting from winter to autumn because it just came easier to me right now, oddly enough. Sorry for the delay, and I hope you like it, love!
Word Count: 4720 Author's Masterlist Dividers by @saradika-graphics
Wednesday 12:38 PM
”Can I ask you a serious question?” one of your newer colleagues wonders while you’re having lunch together.
“I thought all your questions were serious…” you say with a critically raised brow, because this particular guy is of the less than goofy sort, and it bothers you how it feels like he’s labelled you as flimsy, or lax, just because you approve of a little light-hearted fun now and then.
“Well, yeah, but like serious as in; life or death.”
“I’m not sure what you mean by that, but sure, ask away.”
“Okay. Why would you risk your life just to walk to the top of a mountain?”
You can’t help but smile a little at his apparent lack of insight into how the world works, but you soon turn serious again since it’s not really a fun topic.
“I hike because the woods are peaceful and make me feel strong and at ease with myself. And if some wild animal does decide to try and eat me, I actually have a much better chance of scaring off a bear or puma, than a man.”
He looks slightly confused by that.
“Sure, but… the leading cause of death for female hikers worldwide is drowning or falling, not encountering either men or animals.”
“And the leading cause of death for women worldwide is cardiovascular disease, but you don’t see us leading healthier lives just because we know that,” you counter, and he tilts his head with curious interest.
“So, you equate the risk of hiking to the risk of dropping dead from an unknown disease?”
Instead of trying to explain to him that you never actually weigh the dangers of anything you do, since that would just put you off of doing anything, ever, you decide to give him a comparison he might understand.
“I look at it this way: When going to a club, or on a date, is even more dangerous to my overall health than being alone in the woods, why shouldn’t I walk to the top of a mountain?”
Thursday 07:41 AM
The drive was long, especially when you’d decided to get started before dawn to get the most out of the daylight hours, but now that you’re on the trail, the fatigue has vanished and not even the light drizzle and grey skies are able to dampen your mood. You’ve only walked this trail once before, and you’re planning on exploring a different section of it this time, which is supposedly a bit more challenging as you get closer to the top, so it somehow feels like the mountain is still completely new to you.
In terms of height, the mountain is a small one, only about a thousand feet, but the base of it stretches for about ten miles in every direction, making it massive all the same. And the view from the peak is amazing since nothing else in the area comes close to the same height. It boasts impressive cliffs where erosion and the occasional earthquake has cracked the stone and generated immense landslides, and since rain is pretty consistent around here, some of those cliffs have become breathtaking waterfalls.
The woodlands are thousands of years old, untouched save for the narrow trail which is kept clear by the many hundreds of feet which tread on it every year. It’s illegal to cut down trees or start fires, or just do anything which negatively impacts the natural state of the forest, like leave garbage or dig any hole bigger than what might be needed to bury your natural waste.
And to help people keep to these rules, a volunteer group has built little cabins on regular intervals along the trails, where hikers can take shelter in case of bad weather or if they get injured. Each cabin has basic survival equipment like chopped wood and lighting tools, jugs of fresh water, first aid kits, candles and blankets. And there’s a wood-burning stove in all of them. You’ve never needed to use one, but you’ve familiarized yourself with them anyway.
Thursday 11:24 AM
The weather improves all through the morning, first with the stopping of the rain and then gradually becoming less cloudy, until the entire sky is suddenly bright blue above you, just in time for your lunch-stop. You’ve gotten high enough by now that the trees are much fewer and further apart, and there are large sections of bared rock in between, some of them chiselled smooth by millennia of rainfall and snow, and others covered in soft moss.
You don’t stay for long, both to avoid getting chilled by the autumn air, but also because your timeframe is limited. It takes roughly six hours to get to the top, and then between five and six hours back down, depending on how slippery it is, and that’s about as much daylight as there is for the time of year, so there isn’t much left over for you to sit around. Not if you wanna avoid having to stay the night.
There’s a sleeping bag designed for arctic survival in the bottom of your backpack, and protein bars as emergency food if you should need it, so you are prepared to spend the night on the mountain if it becomes necessary, but you’d prefer not to. Which is why, just as you reach the top and notice another shift in the weather, you start to feel a bit anxious. You take a few pictures up there and give yourself a moment to just sit and catch your breath, but the looming black clouds on the horizon won’t let you fully relax.
It looks incredibly dramatic, the contrast of the soft-looking woodlands with their colourful fall leaves against the dark pine needles, all caressed by bright midday sunlight, against the darkness of the incoming storm and the shadow it casts over the landscape further to the east. That weather system is going to swallow up the sun soon, and if it lingers, which it looks like it probably will just going by the size of it, you’re not gonna have another six hours of daylight. You might not even have half that.
Thursday 16:18 PM
The rain comes down so hard that even your baseball cap isn’t enough to let you have full vision in front of you, and although it isn’t fully dark yet, your flashlight is your only hope of seeing where the hell you’re putting your feet, not to mention where the trail is. You’d hoped to make it down to where you’d parked your car, but it’s taken you twice as long to walk down as it did going up, so you still have at least four hours left, and it’ll be pitch black and way too dangerous to keep moving long before then. So, when you reach the next cabin, you decide to call it a day.
But as you approach the unassuming little wooden structure, you can see faint lights through the one small window in the door. There’s no electricity out here, so it’s not like someone could’ve accidentally left the lights on when they left, unless a hiker forgot to blow out a candle, which seems unlikely. Even the rookies on this trail know better than to jeopardize their own or someone else’s chances of survival by burning down a cabin.
So, in conclusion, there’s another hiker here, and you haven’t seen a soul along the trails so you have no idea who this person might be. But you also can’t keep going to the next one, because it’s more than an hour’s walk away. Suddenly your conversation with George pops up in your head again, and you find yourself weighing the risk of sleeping in a cabin with a stranger, compared to the risk of walking in the pouring rain in complete darkness on a trail you’re not really familiar with.
“Shit…” you mutter to yourself, before slowly approaching the cabin.
You knock on the door, since it seems rude to just walk in, even though whoever’s occupying the tiny house doesn’t have any more of a claim to it than you do. It takes a few seconds, during which you don’t hear anything at all from inside, until the door swings inward and a tall man comes into view before you. He’s wearing wool underclothing, the figure-hugging kind designed to keep people warm and dry closest to the skin to prevent hypothermia, so he’s probably not a rookie.
“Hi,” you half-shout over the thunder of the rain, thinking you probably look like a drenched cat, while this guy looks more like a movie star than anyone you’ve ever met.
“Hi. Come on in,” he offers with a smile, and you only hesitate for a second because this man’s smile is as disarming as a cat’s purr.
“Thank you.”
Once inside you take off your pack and then get started on your soaked outer layer of clothing, while he politely closes the door for you and then moves over to the stove where he’s apparently in the middle of boiling some water.
“That’s some monsoon level rain,” he chats while he works. “How long have you been out there?”
“Yeah. Uh, since 7:30 this morning. I could tell from the peak that it was gonna come in fast, so I tried to keep up the pace, but the trail was still wet from the morning drizzle.”
“I came from the south trail and there was a lot of fog down there this morning, so I decided to wait and get a later start, but then I got stuck in this instead. It wasn’t on any of the forecasts, as far as I know.”
“No, it wasn’t. I chose this week specifically because the worst of the autumn rains have hit two weeks later for the past five years,” you share, since he’s being very kind and keeping his eyes on what he’s doing while you strip down to your underwear and then put on a dry set of underclothes, almost identical to his.
“Same. I’ve been coming here around this time every year for almost a decade now.”
“If you came from the south and you decided to stop here you must be doing the circle trail, right?” you ask, curious now that you’ve begun to feel comfortable around him.
There are three trails that lead from the bottom to the top of the mountain from three different directions, each one difficult in its own way, from steepness, to long stretches where the trail is impossible to see, to marshlands and tricky seas of rounded boulders that like to shift under your feet. But the circle trail takes you along all of them while also bringing you around the entire base of the mountain. It’s the hardest one and it takes a minimum of three days to complete.
“That’s right. Is this your first time here?” he wonders while you take your sleeping bag out of your pack and use it as a cushion when you take a seat closer to the stove, facing him.
“Second, but I love this mountain.”
“You’re not a rookie, though,” he observes. “You’ve got all the right gear. I noticed the bear spray on your shoulder strap, and the stiletto on the other one.”
“Honestly, I carry those mostly in case I need to protect myself from people,” you admit, to which he smiles again.
“I figured. And you’re right to do so. I know you don’t really have any reason to believe me, but I promise you won’t get any trouble from me.”
You just nod in return, and he refocuses on the stove, where his water is now steaming hot, so he pours it into a thermos and then reaches for his wood-carved cup and what looks like a packet of dehydrated soup.
“You want one?” he asks when he sees you looking at the cup.
Initially, you’re about to decline because you have your own emergency food with you and he clearly has a long way to go before he’s leaving the mountain, so you should let him keep his nutrition. But you don’t have anything you can heat up with you, except for plain water, and while you’re not exactly cold, the prospect of warm soup after a long day of walking sounds too good to pass up.
“Do you have enough to spare?”
“Don’t worry about it, I’m ex-military, I know how to stay alive even if I run out of food,” he offers, and then just hands you a packet. “I’m Marcus, by the way.”
You give him your name after thanking him for the soup, but while you dig out your own cup, you decide to let your growing curiosity take over.
“So, what’s a former military man with good manners doing all alone in the wilderness on a random Thursday afternoon?”
“That’s possibly the most subtle way anyone’s ever asked me if I’m single,” he chuckles, and the humour brings a playful glimmer to his eyes.
“Don’t forget the subtle hint to unemployment as well,” you smile in return while stirring the soup, and a warm laughter rocks him back a little where he sits.
“That’s right. You’re good, I like it. Well, I’m actually really crap at taking vacations, so my boss has made it a tradition to kick me out of the office around this time of year. And since I don’t know how to exist without a purpose, I spend that time out here, which should tell you everything you might wanna know about my relationship status, reminding myself how big the world is and how easily it can crush me.”
“Wow, you’re just a big bag of sunshine, aren’t you…” You say it with a smile, but the ironic tone is unmistakeable. Still, he just chuckles again.
“Alright, look, I know it sounds kinda negative, but it’s really the opposite. I’ve been in wars, seen people’s lives be destroyed by hurricanes, pulled animals out of mudslides, dug skiers out of avalanches. I’ve seen survival where it should’ve been impossible, so when I come out here, it reminds me that no matter how bad a situation I might find myself in, there’s always hope. Knowing I’m small and fragile doesn’t make me feel any less alive. It makes me feel like every step is a victory.”
Having no words to offer in return to something so unexpectedly profound, you end up just staring at him, suddenly wanting to know absolutely everything about this man.
“And the good manners I got from my mother,” he finishes with a wink, making you laugh.
Thursday 22:19 PM
You spent the entire evening talking and getting to know each other, but eventually your curiosity gave way to fatigue, forcing you to accept that no matter how interesting this man is, you’ll have to part ways in the morning, so you might as well get some rest. Learning that he’s an FBI-agent was a bit of a shock, since he looks like he belongs in Hollywood, but it’s done nothing to dull your attraction to him. And you are attracted to him. Way too much for someone you just met.
The rain is still hammering the metal roof and the fire crackles in the stove as you try and create a comfortable sleeping place with nothing but the blankets as mattrasses on the wood floor, although the padding of your respective sleeping bags helps a bit.
“I love the sound of the rain,” he quietly ponders after you’ve both settled in.
“It’s like it harmonizes with the background noise of your mind and creates a melody only you can hear,” you chime in, and hear him turn his head towards you.
You’re both on your backs right next to each other, so you turn your head as well, meeting his brown eyes, turned black by the darkness of the cabin now that you’re no longer by the fire.
“Exactly,” he whispers, and a peculiar look sneaks into the frame of his features.
Something you can’t name but somehow know in your soul all the same. And the longer you meet his gaze, the clearer that expression becomes. Until you realize that his response isn’t just referring to the rain, but to the harmony that each of you have instilled in the other, by just existing in the same space. He’s telling you that he feels it too. How the two of you just… fit.
So, with a nervous inhale setting a thousand butterflies lose in your stomach, you roll onto your side and gently press your lips to his, silently begging him not to pull away, not to reject you when you’re taking a chance. Pouring all your hope into the perception you’ve created of him as a good man. A man worth that chance, even if just for tonight. He meets your lips with soft desire, the most welcoming sensation anyone can offer, and you let all guards and barriers fall.
The sleeping bags are rearranged to accommodate you both together, then the clothes are discarded without hurry or fanfare, because this isn’t two people merely wanting a release, but seeking a connection. He settles down on top of you and you pull his sleeping bag over his back, then you lay there just looking at each other while your bodies warm one another.
“Of all the things I imagined might happen on this hike, this wasn’t one of them,” he whispers, and at first you think he’s just being sweet, but then he continues. “Which is my way of saying I don’t have any protection with me.”
Surprised that he’s even thought of it, you need a few seconds to decide how to respond.
“Same. But I still want to.”
He nods in agreement, letting his fingers trace your jawline.
“Would you trust me to pull out?”
You hold his gaze for a long moment, seeking any kind of crack in his gentlemanly character, and when you can’t find it, you have your answer.
The next kiss is deeper, filled with craving and lust but still so warm and harmonious. You’re both still seeking connection, figuring out how to fit together entirely without tension, and it isn’t until you feel yourselves relax into one another that he finally unites your bodies. He pushes himself inside and you both seem to enter a new dimension in your shared pleasure, somehow knowing what the other feels without words.
You settle your hands on his lower back, letting one slowly slide up to the nape of his neck, making him shiver, and he scrapes his teeth against your shoulder in return, generating the same response in you. His hips are firm but rolling with each push to give you more friction, and every time you shift yourself to alter the angle between you, he follows your lead, letting you show him what you need.
And when the pressure builds and the need takes over, you’re already so attuned to each other that it happens organically. But then, just as you’re about to fall into the rapture, you feel him tense. Holding back, to let you come before he has to pull out, but in doing so, he breaks the harmony.
“Don’t,” you whisper through strained breaths, tightening your arms around him. “Stay.”
He doesn’t question it, he wants it just as much as you do, and the moment the tension eases, you’re suddenly falling together, and it’s better than anything you’ve ever experienced before this moment. Every time his muscles curl, your body responds, and vice versa, until you’re both so drained that your bodies won’t move at all anymore.
Friday 06:11 AM
The dusky light of dawn wakes you, and Marcus is the first thing you think of. He’s still there, having only just managed to lift his torso off you before he passed out last night, but his arm is resting heavy over your stomach and his legs are still entwined with yours while he sleeps soundly, nestled against you. For a few minutes you just watch him sleep, wishing that time would stop today and let you stay here with him, but then he stirs.
You don’t say anything even when he eventually opens his eyes and smiles at you. You just keep looking at him, and he quickly figures out why.
“You’ll see me again, honey,” he promises in a husky morning voice, and you want to believe him.
But life has taught you not to expect you’ll get to keep the amazing. It always seems to come and go according to someone else’s will, never listening to what you want or need. So, you close your eyes and try to burn the image of him into the backs of your eyelids. A kiss graces your lips then, and in his touch the promise seems so real.
“We should pack up,” you hear yourself say, even though that’s the opposite of what you want.
He lets go of you when you sit up, and a part of you wishes he’d forced you to stay with him, even though that would only prolong the inevitable. You each pack in silence. There’s no fire this morning, because then one of you would have to stay until it burned out, which means that breakfast is simple and quick.
“I know what you’re doing,” he says when you’re pulling your pack on, “I’ve done it myself so many times, trying to cut ties before I get hurt, but I’m not gonna let you do it to me.”
“Marcus… I want to keep you,” you admit once you’ve clipped all the straps into place. “I didn’t even know it was possible to feel this connected to another person, of course I wanna see you again.”
“Then why are you trying to say goodbye to me?” he understandably wonders, and you sigh deeply, looking for the words.
“Because connection is hard. Relationships are hard. And I’m soft… You look at me and you see this strong woman out here all alone, ready to take on anything, but underneath all that, I’m just scared,” you explain, somehow feeling smaller while you watch him quietly absorb and consider his reply.
“We all are.” He says it so simply, and yet the words sound so heavy.
Resting your hands against your hips, you lower your gaze to the floor and try to silence your fears for a minute.
“And what if we work?” you question, watching him as he tries to follow your logic.
You can see the moment it clicks. The moment he realizes what you’re really saying. Because in the end, it isn’t this moment that’s going to solve anything.
“We’ll figure it out.”
“But that’s the thing… I finally have my life figured out. I finally have the house I’ve scraped and saved for my entire life, the job that makes me happy and lets me live the way I want to, the true friends that I can depend on for anyth-…“
“And yet, you’re still alone,” he gently cuts you off, and the look in his eyes is so sad it makes your chest tighten. “Because you’re scared. Just like I am.”
You step out of the cabin without another word, setting a careful pace on the slippery track, still saturated with water even though the rain has stopped, and the sun is about to rise to a mostly clear sky. He doesn’t have your number, nor do you have his. Walking away means ending this relationship before it’s even begun, but somehow it feels like the easier path. Still, every step taking you closer to your car makes your feet feel a little bit heavier.
The woods deepen, growing wilder with the lower altitude, until you need to keep your arms up in front of your face to keep the branches from scratching it. You emerge from the path onto the road exactly where you’d entered it yesterday, and your car is right there waiting for you. The drive home feels longer than any journey you’ve ever taken.
Friday 10:32 AM
Your house somehow looks lonelier than before. Even the flowers in your garden seem to have lost some of their colour and the chirping of the birds sounds hollow to your ears. And all this is because of him. Because for a few hours, you experienced true harmony, and now nothing could ever compare. Part of you regrets ever meeting him, and another part regrets walking away. But it’s done.
The rest of the day is endless and too short at the same time, spent in a haze of confusion while you do the laundry, cook, clean up the kitchen, shower and try to watch something on TV. All while Marcus fills every corner of your mind, every second that passes. When you eventually fall asleep it’s with an anxious restlessness which has you twisting and turning, waking up every thirty minutes, and dreaming strange things in between.
Monday 07:46 AM
“I thought you said the hikes make you feel better…”
“When I asked you why you’d risk your life to walk up a mountain you said it was because it makes you feel better,” George reminds you at the breakfast break, but you still have no idea why he’s bringing this up.
“Yeah. What’s your point?”
“Only that you look more like you’re feeling worse.”
“Thanks a lot…” you scoff. “It wasn’t a great hike.”
“How come?”
“It rained most of the time.”
“And here I thought all you outdoorsy people didn’t mind rain.”
“It just wasn’t a great hike, okay,” you snap at him, not at all interested in talking about this with him, or anyone else, for that matter.
“Alright, I’m sorry I asked.”
He’s quiet for a while after that, scrolling on his phone like everyone else in the break room. But just a few minutes before your break is over, he suddenly looks up from his device with a very puzzled wrinkle between his brows.
“Uh, who the fuck is Marcus Pike?”
You literally drop your own phone onto the table and just stare at your colleague with absolute shock. And when he doesn’t get a response, he glances back down at his phone and then looks back up at you, even more confused.
“Why is he asking about you? How the hell does he know we work together? How did he even get my number? Who is this guy?”
“He’s… an FBI-agent,” you finally reply, and George turns a shade paler.
“Why does an FBI-agent wanna talk to you? And why would he go through me?”
“My number isn’t that easy to find, I guess he decided to take a shortcut.”
“Again, why?”
You’re not remotely interested in sharing the details of your meeting with Marcus with your coworker, so you counter with a question instead.
“What exactly is he asking?”
“He just texted me asking if I could pass the phone to the woman sitting across from me. Wait… How does he know where in the room we are?”
“Because your idea of phone security is sharing your data with absolutely everyone,” you admonish, then snatch the device from his hand.
The moment you see the message, a call comes through from an unknown number, so you take a breath and then pick up the call before you can change your mind.
“Hi,” he answers, identical to the way he did when he answered the door at the cabin, and it immediately makes a lovely warmth spread through you.
“Agent Pike. This is unexpected,” you reply, highly aware that you’re in a room full of people who are all listening.
“You’re surprisingly hard to find, honey. But once I figured out where you work, your address was a piece of cake,” he confidently announces, and there’s something in his voice that makes you feel like his confidence is about more than a victory over a technical limitation.
“Where are you, right now?”
There’s a soft laughter on the other end, and right then, you can hear birds in the background. The same chirps you always hear from the trees around your house.
“I did promise you’d see me again.”
@harriedandharassed @pedrostories
#marcus pike fanfiction#marcus pike x female reader#marcus pike x reader#the mentalist fanfiction#au fic#the mentalist au#pedro pascal characters#pedro pascal character fanfiction#sirowsky stories
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I'll Crawl Home To Her | Marcus Pike
Fic Summary | Marcus Pike had been the man of your dreams until a promotion tore your away from him. Four years later, a wedding brings you back together, but it the bubble you've built over this one weekend going to crash and burn just like it did before?
Pairing | Marcus Pike x Bridesmaid F!Reader
Fic Warnings | Explicit. Exes to Lovers, themes of second chance love, references to food and alcohol, descriptions of a wedding, Marcus Pike being a dirty talking menace, talk of contraception, unprotected PiV sex, creampie, semi-public sex, oral sex (F), overstimulation if you squint, allusions to oral sex (M) and mentions of a facial cumshot, mutual pining, flirting, two idiots in love, a touch of angst, basically two idiots who never got over each other have a lot of sex over a weekend.
Word Count | 7.9K (I can only apologise lmfao)
Authors Note | So, two weekends ago I was a bridesmaid and spent the entire time messaging @undercoverpena about how I wished Marcus Pike would whisk me away to the bathroom, tell me how pretty I was and give me a good time.... and this is what's come of this. Entirely self-indulgent but we love that for me sometimes. If you enjoy this, please consider commenting or reblogging - I'd love to know what you think of it! And if you'd like to support me further, you can donate to my Ko-Fi.
Moodboard is for aesthetic purposes only - reader is a blank slate. Although if you're interested in the dress I chose for her - it's this.
Divider by the amazing @saradika
Please follow @thetriumphantpandanotifs for writing updates.
Main Masterlist | Ko-Fi.
“I’m sorry, Mike,” Marcus is still out of breath as he clutches the champagne flute in his hand, chest heaving as his sucks in air to his lungs, “I didn’t mean to be so late.”
“Marcus, buddy, it’s fine,” His friend puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder, he knows Marcus gets anxious when things outside of his control happen, like the delay to his flight from D.C. to London, and then the delay in getting from London to the wedding venue, “You’re here now, that’s all that matters.”
Marcus nods, chugging down half the champagne in one go, hoping it’ll calm his anxiety a little. He had cursed Mike and Cassie for choosing to have their wedding in England, but Mike’s family, most of them ageing now and unable to make the long trip to D.C. had insisted on it. As he looks around the large reception room, he muses internally to himself that it was beautiful. A huge room, semi-decorated for tomorrow’s reception and dinner. It’s a smaller affair tonight, immediate family and friends for the rehearsal dinner, but he can imagine that tomorrow, once all is said and done, it’ll be the perfect backdrop for their wedding.
“Where’s Cassie?” Marcus asks, looking around the room, finding a distinct lack of the bride and the bridal party Mike hadn’t shut up about over the last few months.
“She’s just sorting the last of the decorations for the ceremony room,” Mike explains, waving a hand to the waitress currently doing the round with a refilled tray of champagne, “She’ll be here soon.” He finished with a wink, which, although is odd, Marcus doesn’t question, just picks up another glass of champagne and stands talking to his friend and whoever is milling around offering their congratulations.
There’s a flurry of conversation that has Marcus turning around a few minutes later, he can see Cassie and her mother, who are pulled to the side by someone from the venue holding up two different types of ribbon, asking which one they want to drape around the columns and which one to tie around the chair backs. It’s not Cassie that Marcus is interested in though, it’s the bridesmaid that follows behind her.
He can feel his throat constrict, a small pit opening in his stomach that’s somewhere between the feeling of dread and excitement. He can feel the palms of his hands starting to get clammy, so he drains his glass and sets it down on the nearest table to avoid an accident. Then, he thinks he might actually pass out when you finally look at him, eyes searching his face and then the glimmer of recognition that you know exactly who he is, remember exactly the last time you’d seen him, and exactly what had happened when you had.
Your leg is bouncing underneath the dining table, food somewhat eaten regardless of the fact that it’s your favourite. You’ve dug half-moon shapes into the palms of your hands and bitten the inside of your mouth enough to taste blood.
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” It’s Marcus, sitting across from you, plate cleared, completely oblivious as to what’s about to come.
“I got offered a promotion.” You tell him simply, running one hand up and down your opposite arm in an attempt to soothe yourself.
“Darling!” He exclaims, “That’s amazing!” He doesn’t move to get up, but reaches his hand out, palm up for you to take, which you do, letting his hand softly clasp yours in his own, “Why are you so upset then?”
Taking a deep breath in, biting your bottom lip, you decide it’s best to rip the band-aid off sooner rather than later, “It’s not here, Marcus,” You sigh, “The job is in D.C.”
The smile, the light of his eyes, everything on his face that had just seconds ago been showing joy, had faltered. Much like you imagine your face would have when you’d been offered the job. A significant pay rise, governmental opportunities, bigger clients, a shot at being a proper lawyer for once, but with the caveat that you had to uproot your comfortable Austin life for D.C. and with it, Marcus Pike.
“I don’t have to go,” You follow up with, “I haven’t accepted yet, I’ve got some time to think.”
You feel him squeeze your hand, his other palm coming out to rest on your wrist, slowly tracing the blue veins he can see there, “Look at me,” He asks softly, which you do, the tears that had been forming in your own eyes starting to spill down your cheeks when you find Marcus’ eyes glassed over too, “Baby, this is such an amazing opportunity, you can’t say no because of me.”
Because that’s what you would be doing. Marcus, brilliant, funny, intelligent Marcus, wouldn’t be able to follow you to D.C. There had been some talk about his work in the Art Crimes team with the higher ups, people who were impressed at his success rate, people who wanted to keep him here, send him off to California even. He was at too much of a crossroads to be able to follow you to D.C.
“I don’t want to lose you though,” You sniff, free hand coming to wipe away some of the tears that are falling from your eyes, “I love you.”
Marcus hums, finally pushes himself off his chair, letting the legs scrape across his kitchen floor, until he’s sat right in front of you, knees touching, his palms on the tops of your thighs, warm and soothing, “I love you too,” He says, bringing one hand up to cup your cheek, making sure you’re looking at him, “But this is what you’ve wanted, you’ve been working so hard baby and I’m not going to let you stay here just because of me.”
It’s killing you inside, because you want so badly to ask him to follow you. To drop everything and come to D.C. You’ve been together two years, you’re comfortable together, he makes you so happy, you’ve talked about moving in together, starting a life together, but you know deep down you’re asking him to do something unfair.
“So, I guess your stance on long-distance relationships hasn’t changed?” You ask, tone soft and sad, tears falling down your cheeks.
You watch him as his own tears fall, his hands clutching your own so tightly as he gives you a soft smile, “Baby, I wish I could say yes, I wish I could drop it all and follow you, or promise you we’d talk on the phone every day and see each other every weekend, but you know we can’t do it.”
Biting at your lip, you nod, because you know he’s right. You’re a lawyer, you barely have free time as it is - weekends more often than not spent sat on the couch with him, tapping away at your laptop whilst he looks over case files. It would never work.
Marcus leans forward, presses a kiss to your forehead, then pulls you into a hug. You clutch your hands to his back, inhaling the smell of him on his shirt , watching the light blue turn darker as it catches your tears.
“When do you go?” He asks quietly into the crook of your neck, soft kiss placed to the skin right after.
“A few weeks, probably.”
“Well, let’s enjoy them while we still can, hey?” You nod silently, “And maybe one day, we’ll find each other again.”
“And maybe one day, we’ll find each other again.”
Those words still echo in your ears four year later, like they have at various different points since you last saw Marcus Pike. Leaving had been hard. He’d helped you pack everything up, driven you to the airport, kissed you before security and promised he wouldn’t forget you. You’d text a for a few weeks before life dragged you in one direction and him in another. No-one had quite been able to live up to him either. Sure, you’d tried dating, seen people for a few months before deciding they weren’t quite the man who had almost been able to give you everything you ever wanted.
And now here he is, standing in front of you, pale as a ghost as if he’s about to keel over and have a heart attack. You want to run to him, to fling yourself into his arms and make sure he’s real. You want to press your lips to his, let him kiss you like he always used to, to clutch you to his body and whisper sweet things into your ear, but you have no idea what he’s been doing these past four years - for all you know, you could get closer and find a wedding band across his left finger.
It’s a blessing when Cassie’s hand wraps around your wrist and pulls you over to the side.
“Do you prefer the dusky rose or the blush pink?” She asks, holding up two ribbons that look identical to your eye.
You want to tell her does it really matter, they both look exactly the same. You want to tear your wrist away from her and go to Marcus, but instead you settle for a warm smile and “It’s your wedding Cass, you choose what you want.”
And when you turn around, looking back over to Mike, Marcus Pike is nowhere to be found. Like he was a mirage. A figment of your hopeful imagination. Something conjured up after your mother had set you down at the airport and said, “Bridesmaid’s always get lucky at weddings, you might find your own husband.”
When everyone is called to sit down for the rehearsal dinner, you jump at the opportunity to let Cassie sit down and eat, whilst you get pulled away by the staff to advise on which candles to use for the ceremony room and where exactly to place the flower arch for the best photos tomorrow. When you make it back, everyone is standing, milling around, getting drinks from the bar, which you decide you desperately need.
“A negroni, please.” You ask for after taking a few seconds to peruse the cocktail menu set out. The stronger the better.
“I see your tastes haven’t changed in the last few years.”
You’re pretty sure that if there was a mirror in front of you, the look of shock on your face would be comical, as Marcus Pike sidles up to the bar next to you. Up close, he’s just as handsome as he always had been, except now, he’s got a beard and more fine lines in the corners of his eyes, which means he’s been happy, smiling, whilst you’ve been gone. It makes your heart swell that he’s been happy.
“I wonder if yours have.” You counter, tilting your head towards the bartender who is waiting for him to order.
“Just a beer for now.” He smiles, but at you, not the bartender.
“That’ll be a no then.”
There’s a moment of silence between the both of you as you sip the cocktail given to you, and Marcus takes a swig of his beer. His left hand is wrapped around the bottle, no sign of the wedding ring you were convinced you’d find. You want to say something, anything, but when you go to open your mouth, he beats you to it.
“You look well.”
You can’t help but chuckle. Of all the things he could have chosen to say to you, you hadn't thought it would be that.
“So do you.” You compliment back.
There’s another silence, the two of you just looking at each other. You’re soaking him up, committing him to memory to replace the old Marcus you knew so well.
“Are you here alone?” You ask, playing with the glass in your hand.
You watch as he runs his tongue over his bottom lip, “Are you?”
“I asked you first, Agent Pike.”
He tilts his head towards his shoulder in a movement that says he’ll give you that one, “I’m here alone.”
You can’t help but smile a little, biting at your bottom lip to try and hide how pleased you are, “So am I.”
Looking up at him through your lashes, you notice the exact moment those brown eyes that you’re so used to getting lost in darken, watching you as you sip your drink, tip of your tongue jutting out to catch a drop from your bottom lip.
“Is your room completely over the top?” You ask, watching as he swallows deeply, “Because mine is, I’d love to know what the honeymoon suite must be like.”
“Depends what you mean by completely over the top?” He quirks an eyebrow.
“Do you want me to show you?”
He doesn’t even respond. He sets his half-finished beer down on the bar, takes your almost-empty negroni from your hand and does the same. Then he’s taking hold of your hand, lacing your fingers together like he always did, dragging you out of the room. You turn to find Cassie and Mike, looking at you both as you have to jog to keep up with Marcus’ pace. Both of them are winking, smiling, and Mike even throws a thumbs up your way. You can feel heat rising on your cheeks as you turn your head away from them.
“Which floor?” Marcus asks then you reach the grand staircase in the lobby.
He doesn’t let go of your hand, but takes the stairs two at a time, meaning by the time you reach the second floor, you’re out of breath from running behind him, trying to keep up.
“Which room?”
It’s your turn to lead him now, stepping in front of him to walk down the hallway to room 212. You fish the keycard from the back pocket of your jeans, wasting no time in pushing the door open when the tiny light turns green.
It’s dark inside, but you don’t care. Marcus Pike pins you against the wall, his thigh between your legs, both hands on your waist, and then his lips are on yours. The way he kisses hasn’t changed a bit. His mouth slants over yours, softly at first, but when you open your lips against his, hands clutching at the collar of his shirt, it’s just like you remember from all those years ago. He tastes the same, mint from the gum he always chews, the tang of the beer on his tongue, and that distinct taste that’s just him.
He swallows a groan from you as your pitch your hips down, denim rubbing on denim as he devours your mouth. His hands on your waist trail down just a little, finding the top of your jeans, floating under your shirt just a little to touch the bare skin underneath. His hands are warm and strong as they start guiding you to move against his thigh as his tongue works against yours.
Marcus pulls away from your mouth just as a particularly breathy moan leaves your mouth. It makes you both stop. Stand still. Eyes adjusting to the darkness of the room as you both realise exactly what’s happening. You know you should stop, talk about what’s clearly about to happen, but when did talking ever help anything.
“Don’t think about it,” Marcus sighs, leaning down to trail kisses along your jaw, “We talk after.”
“We talk after.” You say, mainly to the room more than anything else.
Your hands are still clutching at his shirt when his fingers find the button on your jeans. Still as adept at it as he’d always been, he pops the button open and pulls down the zipper, letting his hand trail down, settling across the lace of your underwear, cupping your pussy, letting his fingers trace along skin through lace.
A hiss leaves your mouth as you work your body in time with the slow, teasing movements of Marcus’ hand, “You’ve changed,” You manage to breathe out, your hand coming to the back of his neck to pull his mouth nearer to yours, “When you were desperate for me you’d never tease.”
You can feel his lips smile against the skin of your neck where he’s tracing wet kisses along the skin, hand still feather-light between your legs, “I’ve learnt to be more patient, honey.”
“And if I asked you not to?”
“In all the years I knew you, never once did you beg for it.” He pulls back, your eyes now accustomed to the dark, able to see him better, his voice is low, “Unless you’ve changed, you’ll have to put up with it.”
You grasp his cheeks in your palms, his hand still teasing you, pull his attention to you fully, “Marcus Pike, I swear to all that is holy that if you do not spread me out on my bed and fuck me in the next five minutes, I will die.”
He makes a ‘tsk’ sound, his head shaking in your hands, “That’s not begging for it honey,” He coos, “You gotta ask nicely for it.”
You let out a grumble of frustration, but you have to admit, this new version of the man you knew so well before is enticing. You can feel the way wetness is settling between your thighs, you’re sure if he dipped his fingers down he’d have some smart comment about how soaked you were for him already.
So you swallow your pride, you know it’ll be worth it in the end, “Please.”
“Good girl.”
It all happens in a flurry. One moment you’re against the wall, the next your back is against the mattress, Marcus’ hips pressed to yours as his hands work to push your shirt up and off your body. Your back hits the mattress again and his mouth is on you almost instantly, his lips trailing down your sternum, between the valley of your breasts. Pushing himself back on his knees, he brings his hands to the cups of your bra, pulling them down. Your nipples pebbling against the cold of the air.
His lips are back on you almost immediately, nipple enveloped into the warmth of his mouth, tip of his tongue flicking at it, making your back arch off the bed, pressing further into his mouth. Your hand comes to tangle in the curls at the back of his head, anchoring him to your body. As his mouth works across your chest, you can’t quite believe what’s happening to you. The man of your dreams, the person you always thought you were destined for, back, right here between your thighs, the bulge in the front of his jeans all too familiar to you.
Head tipped back in pleasure, you breathe out into the air, “I can’t believe you’re here.”
He tears off your breast with a wet pop, looking up at you through his lashes, mouth kissing down your body, across the soft of your tummy, he taps at your sides, lifting your hips up to drag your jeans and underwear down your legs, flung behind him and forgotten when you plant the flat of your feet onto the bed and let your knees fall open.
Marcus isn’t a religious man, he never has been, but knelt between your thighs, hands flying to rid himself of his clothes, watching as you gingerly trail your hand between your thighs, eyes on him as you play with your clit, he thinks he might have to start believing. As he stands to take the last of his clothes off, standing at the foot of the bed, naked with his cock in his hand, watching your face, he thanks the Lord for whatever mischief they had to concoct to get you back here with him.
He crawls back up your body, kissing from ankle to thigh, settling himself between your thighs, cock sliding through your slick folds as he lays his body down against yours, one of his hands slipping under your neck, cradling the back of your head, the other cupping your cheek, moving your face to look right into his eyes. He’s so fucking close to you, lips barely a hairs breadth from your own.
“I have to be inside you,” He pants against your mouth, “I promise I'll spend hours between your thighs later baby, but I have to be inside you.”
He doesn’t give you any time to respond, just shifts his hips a little, sinking himself into your aching cunt. You arch up into him, moaning against his mouth as he stills. The hand clutching at your cheek trails down your neck, thumb flicking against your nipple as it travels to rest on your hip.
“Stop squirming,” He pleads, “Please.. Just stay still a minute.”
He feels so right, nestled inside your pussy. The weight of his body pressed against yours takes you right back to all the nights before, locked away in his Austin apartment in the dead of night, making each other feel good, making promises at the height of your combined pleasure to each other that never materialised. You can feel tears settle in your eyes as he starts moving, pulling himself out of you slowly, pushing back in even slower.
Marcus leans down, kissing the salty tears from your cheeks, shushing you, “Don’t cry baby,” He whispers into your ear, “I’ve got you now.”
Your hands are clutching at his shoulders, nails digging small, half-moon shapes into his skin there. He feels just as incredible moving inside you as he always did, but there’s something settling in your tummy, the feeling that you knew so well with him, that you’ve only really known with yourself since.
“I can feel you baby,” Marcus groans into your ear as the thrusts of his cock get a little faster, a little harder, “Clenching all perfectly around me,” He takes hold of one of your wrists, dragging it between the both of you, resting it right where you need it, “I won’t last baby,” He admits, “Touch yourself and we’ll do it together?”
So you do, you rub tight, precise circles over your clit as Marcus pushes himself up, takes your thighs in his palms, pushing your legs back as far as he can. The change in angle makes you cry out as he really starts fucking you now. The only sounds in the room are the slapping of his skin against yours, your whimpers and his groans. You can feel the tightening coil across your abdomen, breath hitching in your throat, you’re so fucking close to coming undone on him.
“Marcus,” You whine, “I’m gonna-” You trail off as he shifts a little more, pressing your legs further back, cock hitting that unholy sweet spot inside you, “Gonna come.”
“Go on baby,” He encourages, “I’ll be right behind you.”
And that’s how it ends. Eyes shut so tightly you can feel tears pooling at the corners, cunt clenching around his cock as you cry out his name. It’s so familiar, the way it feels, the way he sounds, like no time has passed at all and you’re exactly the same as you’d both been four years ago. He’s pounding into you as your body convulses underneath, thighs shaking and toes curling as his hips start to stutter.
“Where?” He manages to choke out, his tone reminiscent of all those times before when he was holding on, teetering on the edge, wanting to know what you wanted.
“I’m s-safe,” You manage to choke out, head reeling from your own orgasm, “The pill.”
He doesn’t need to hear anymore, finally giving in, knowing you’ve fallen apart for him, he’s groaning your name into the dark, you can feel him spilling into you, claiming you, marking you as his own in a way only the two of you could ever understand. He lets go of your thighs, letting your legs drop back into comfort as he slowly drags himself from you, collapsing onto the bed next to you.
There’s a few moments of silence. Your arm is draped across your face, chest rising and falling as you try to suck in enough air to calm your breathing, Marcus doing the same across the bed. You roll over, putting yourself on your side so you can look at him. He’s led on his back, head turned to look at you in the dull light of the room - the moonlight through the window the only thing illuminating the two of you. He reaches out, traces your face with his hand.
“I can't believe you’re real.” He speaks softly, rolling over to face you, pulling your warm body to his.
“I know we said we’d talk after,” You whisper, hand trailing over his waist to rest across his back, “But can we just stay like this for a while?” It’s a soft plead, you don’t want to be reminded that this was probably a bad idea, you want to hold this man in front of you and forget that in a few short days it’ll all be over, he’ll go back to wherever he is now, and you’ll go back to D.C. lonelier than ever.
“I’ll stay here as long as you’ll let me, honey.”
Marcus, against his better judgement, stays with you all night. You don’t talk. You curl up into his side, settle against his body as he wraps his arms around you. It’s inevitable that he casts his mind back to how things used to be. To the history you share with each other. He still, to this day, hasn’t stopped thinking about you, about what would have been if you’d stayed. Would you be married? Probably, he thinks. He’d thought of it often towards the end, before your promotion. Stopped outside jewellery shops, tried to imagine which kind of ring you’d want – he’d even slipped one of your rings onto his own finger, figuring out where it stopped so he could pick the right size when the time came. Would you have children? He isn’t sure, neither of you had ever spoken about it, you’d never expressed a want to have them, but he’s certain if you’d have asked, he’d have given them to you.
He falls asleep, waking up hours later, darkness still pervading. He turns on his side, spooning his front to your back. You’re half-awake when you press yourself back into him, bring your hand up to clutch at his head as he slips inside you once more, his hand holding your thigh up. He breathes into your ear, whispers filth to you as he rocks his hips against you. When you feel his teeth trail over your shoulder, he chuckles when you tell him off.
“I can’t walk down the aisle with bruises on my shoulders, Marcus.”
It’s soft, and he tips you over the edge, feeling you clench around him as his fingers trace circles over your clit, following just behind you, filling you up once more. He doesn’t pull away from you, just settles your thigh back down, resting himself inside of you as you both fall back to sleep.
Then, he’s awake before your alarm. He wakes you with a kiss to your forehead, tells you to go back to sleep when you protest and try and coax him back to the warmth of your sheets. He has to shower he says, has to help Mike get ready, but he’ll be waiting for you, watching you all day. Marcus smiles, really smiles, when you curl over back onto your side, soft breaths and mumbles as you fall back to sleep, and as he walks to his own room and stands waiting for the shower to warm, there’s a feeling of content that spreads through him – should he have fucked you last night? Probably not. Should he have encouraged you to talk more? Probably yes. He knows he’s got his cards hidden, he’s not letting on that this might not have to just exist here, but he’ll keep that to himself for just a little longer.
“So,” Cassie smirks from her place in the make-up chair, artist flitting around her, pressing all number of products into her face, “You and the groomsman?”
“Shut up,” You mutter to her, trying not to scratch at your face, make-up already settling uncomfortably across your skin, “A momentary lapse of judgement.”
She hums, and then moves her focus back to the make-up artist who is tilting her face to put on some blush, “You don’t have to lie to me, you know,” She says to you as you pass her a mimosa, “I know that was Marcus. The Marcus.”
There’s a moment where you feel like a deer in headlights, like you’ve been caught being up to no good, even though you know that’s not the case. Then you turn slowly to her, eyebrow raised, and see her smirking, much to the chagrin of the make-up artist who urgently wants to get her lipstick on her so she can move onto the final bridesmaid.
“He’s Mike’s friend, they went to school together, see each other quite often these days – apparently he always talks about a girl from Austin, no-one could ever compare, he’s tried moving on, done this, done that, but always came back to thinking about the one who got away,” She stops talking to take a drink, “Which sounded oddly familiar to someone else I know.”
She’s not wrong really – Cassie had been a lifeline when you’d moved to D.C. a work colleague turned best friend, who has been the shoulder to cry on whenever dates had gone badly, or even when they’d been good, but you just couldn’t get Marcus Pike off your brain. She told you, like most good friends would, that it would take time, you’d find someone right for you, someone who would take your mind right off Marcus, but it never happened.
“You did this on purpose!” You accuse, but its friendly, because really, her and her soon-to-be husband have only done what you had always wanted to do yourself, pick up the phone, no matter how long it has been and tell the man you still loved him.
“Of course we did,” She chuckles, “Don’t think about it too much,” She adds, “Just enjoy this today and most of all, behave yourself.”
When Cassie walks down the aisle, it’s not her that Marcus is looking at – it’s you. He hadn’t thought it possible for him to find you more beautiful than he had before, but in your dark green dress, slit cut into the fabric to show off one of your legs as you walk, dress cut perfectly to sit on all the curves of your body that he always did love, he can’t deny you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. He spends the entire ceremony making eyes at you, smirking when you meet his gaze. He wants to tell you how lovely you look, lean down and plant a kiss to your lips in front of everyone, but he doesn’t get a chance until cocktail hour, once you’ve had your pictures taken and Cassie has insisted on you finally having a drink and enjoying your day instead of flapping about whether she needs anything from you.
“Has anyone told you how beautiful you look today?” He asks, hand settling on your waist as you lean against the bar waiting for your drink.
“Funnily enough, it’s not me most people have been looking at.” You quip back, taking the margarita from the bartender when it’s handed to you.
“I’ve been looking at you.”
“I know,” You smirk, “Pretty sure I ruined my panties stood at the top of the aisle.”
“Because the ceremony moved you so much?”
“Because I couldn’t stop thinking about your face between my thighs, actually.”
He looks exactly like he always used to when you flirt with him like this. Eyes low and dark, mouth slightly ajar like he can’t quite believe you’ve just been so forward. He’s not thinking straight anymore, and much like he had done last night, he grips around your wrist and starts dragging you from the reception room, this time there are considerably more people so you manage to slip out unnoticed.
Instead of heading up the stairs, taking you to your room or his, he turns left down a hallway, tearing open the door to one of the bathrooms. It’s a single stall, lock clicking behind him. You press your back against the wall, setting your drink down on the sink.
Marcus takes three steps towards you, hand slipping around your waist, pulling you flush against his body, lips so close that you can feel his breath on your skin.
“Do you know how sinful you’ve looked all day?” He asks, “Walking around looking all innocent, but I know you’ve been begging to get fucked all day, haven’t you?” You whine at him in response, trying to chase his mouth as he pulls back, “Don’t think I didn’t see you rubbing your thighs together during the ceremony.”
“It’s only because you wouldn’t stop looking at me.”
His hand finds the skin of your thigh, the slit of your dress making it easy for him to trail up to the hem of your panties.
“If I put my fingers on you,” He breathes, “Will you be wet?”
“Why don’t you find out?” You cock your head to the side, biting your lip as you look at him, his hand pulling your panties to the side, thick fingers slipping between your folds.
“Baby,” He moans, finally taking your bottom lip between his, nipping your skin with his teeth a little before he pulls away, fingers slipping inside you, pulling a groan from your throat, “Soaked for me?”
“Always, Marcus.”
He drags his fingers from you, spins you around, and reaches down to bring your palms up to rest against the wall in front you. He puts his hands on your hips, dragging your ass backwards until you can feel him through his trousers. His hands shuck your dress up to your waist and instead of tearing your panties off, he pushes them to the side. You look over your shoulder at him, as much as you can, and watch as he undoes his belt, pulls the zipper of his trousers down and reaches in, pulling his cock out. His trousers are pushed down just enough to let him free himself, and you don’t think you’ve seen such a beautiful sight in your life, than Marcus Pike with his fist around his cock, running his hand up and down himself as he moves to nudge the head of his cock at your soaked core.
Unlike last night, he isn’t gentle when he pushes into you. He’s buried inside your cunt in seconds, setting a pace that punches the air from your lungs. You know that even though you’re locked in here, away from the party, there’s still every chance someone is going to walk past, try the door handle, and hear exactly what’s going on in here, so you’re trying your best to keep the noise to a minimum.
“Needed you so badly, baby,” Marcus chokes out behind you, hands gripping your hips hard enough that you’re sure you’ll have his fingerprints embedded onto your skin, “Always so pretty for me, aren’t you?”
He’s hitting that sweet spot inside you, over and over again, and you have to bite your lip to keep yourself from crying out. You feel one of his hands trail up your spine through the material of your dress, coming to rest with a grip around the nape of your neck, his fingers itching to slide up into your hair and grip it.
“You can’t,” You plead, “Don’t mess my hair up.”
“I won’t baby.” He pants out from behind you, trailing his hand down just a little so he’s not tempted to take a fistful of it to pull you back, arch you into him even more.
It’s fast and it’s hard, everything Marcus never really used to be. He liked to take his time, spread you out and have you crying for him before he slipped inside you, slowly, watching every contort of pleasure on your face. You think you like this new version of him, the one so desperate to have you he couldn’t make it up the stairs, couldn’t even pull your panties down your legs.
“Marcus,” You moan out, “Please.”
“What’s that, baby?” He asked, mouth right by your ear, “You begging for something?”
“What do you want?”
“Make me come?”
You think maybe he might try and tease you some more, but mercifully he takes the hand he’s got resting on your hip and snakes it down your body, letting his fingers find your clit - he had always been good at that. He drags the gathered slick where he can, cock still moving into you, pulling whimpers and moans whenever you feel his skin slap against yours, circles your clit quickly with the pad of his finger. You can feel your walls tightening around him, your thighs starting to shake as he continues doing exactly what he’s doing.
It’s no secret to either of you that making you come always took time. He’d never shamed you for it, always been more than happy to do whatever it took, for as long as it took, to get you there. But the mix of desperation for him, elation that he’s waltzed right back into your life, and the fact he’s fucking you in a public bathroom, have that coil tightening inside you quicker than ever.
“Can feel you getting tight around me baby,” He groans into your ear, “You gonna let go for me?”
You don’t have time to tell him yes. The tight coil snaps inside you, your eyes closed so tightly you’re sure the make-up around your eyes is dragging down your cheeks on tears. You can keep your voice down now as you flutter around his cock, you cry out his name, feeling his hands holding onto your hips to keep you steady as your legs threaten to fall out from underneath you.
You’re only half aware of him speaking into your ear, telling you he’s close. You can feel him start to pull himself out of you, so you reach behind you quickly, fingernails digging into the part of his thigh you can reach to keep him inside you.
“I swear to god if you get cum on my dress Pike, I’ll kill you.”
He lets out a deep, throaty chuckle behind you, slams himself back into you, “You just want an excuse for me to come inside you, don’t you?” He hisses into your ear, teeth nipping at the skin behind your ear, “You just have to ask nicely for it.”
“Please, Marcus, please.”
Never one to deny you, he does, having held out as long as he could, he thrusts once, twice and then he’s moaning your name into your ear. You can feel him spilling inside of you, filling you up, then you can feel him dripping down your thigh when Marcus starts pulling away from you, not quite quick enough to put your panties back on. He tells you to keep still, fumbling behind him for some paper he can use to clean your thighs up.
He speaks to you as he lets the material of your dress fall back down over your legs, “Walking around full of me for the rest of the night.” He coos as you turn around, reaching out to pull his mouth to yours in a chaste kiss.
You stay like that for a moment, both attempting to fix the others clothes. Marcus brings his thumb to his mouth, letting his tongue jut out to wet it, before he drags it under your eye, getting rid of the worst of the black marks he’s caused.
You reach behind him, unlock the door, but take hold of his hand as you push the door open. Thankfully there’s no-one waiting outside to use the bathroom as you drag him back down towards the party.
It’s late. Or early depending on how you look at it. Marcus had dragged you from the dance floor at midnight, walked you slowly up to his room instead of yours. He’d helped you out of your dress, let you shower and wash yourself clean, then, before you could put your robe on and insist on going to sleep, he’d taken your hand, led you to the chair near the balcony doors and he’d made good on his promise of last night to spend hours with his face between your legs.
“I can’t,” You whine, Marcus hand’s pinning your legs open, his tongue flicking against your clit, “It’s too much.”
He pulls off you just enough to speak, “Believe in yourself baby,” He says, sinking two fingers into you, curling them upwards, “I know you can, just one more for me.”
Your whole body feels like its on fire. You’ve lost count of the amount of times he’s made you come tonight. There had been a small reprieve when you’d begged to suck his cock, Marcus obliging, painting your face and your tongue, before he settled right back to his knees. It’s almost as if he thinks if he stops you’ll disappear.
Your fingers are tangled in his hair, battling between tugging his face closer and pulling it away as he sucks your clit into his mouth, the added pressure along with the flicking of his tongue setting your skin on fire even more than before. Your hair is sticking to your forehead and the back of your neck, rivulets of sweat gathering at various points across your body as Marcus tips you over the edge once more.
Your mouth drops open in a silent scream, body feeling boneless as your whole body convulses at his touch. Almost like he knows, he pulls himself away from you gently, knowing that any more would be too much, saving you the need to beg him to stop. He presses soft kisses to the skin of your tummy, kissing up your body until he’s sitting up on his knees, kissing into your mouth, letting you taste yourself on him.
Marcus clambers to his feet, takes hold of your hand and pulls you to your feet, guiding you over to the bed to settle you under the sheets, the air peppering your sweaty skin with goosebumps. It’s a sad realisation that you have to go home tomorrow, that the bubble you’ve caught yourself up in over the past few days is about to burst. You think this might break your heart even more than the first time around.
“What are we going to do?” You ask against the skin of his chest as he pulls you into him.
“What do you mean?” He asks back, kiss pressed lightly to your forehead.
“With us, after this?” Your fingers are tracing over his skin, trying to map the feeling of him before he leaves.
“Well, I thought maybe we could go for dinner sometime?”
You look up at him, face contorted in confusion, “You’re going to come all the way from Austin to take me for dinner?”
“No baby,” He chuckles a little, “I don’t live in Austin anymore, I live in D.C.”
You push yourself up in bed, one hand on the mattress to keep yourself upright, looking down at Marcus, who reaches up to cup your cheek in his hand, thumb rubbing soft lines across your skin, “Since when?”
“Two years?” He offers, “I would have-” He trails off a little, “I would have told you but I wasn’t in a great place when I first moved, had no idea what your life would have even looked like either, I didn’t just want to turn up out of the blue if you’d moved on, found someone else.”
Your hand comes up to clutch at the wrist of the arm cradling your face, “I’ve waited so long for you,” You sigh, “I tried, tried to find someone else, but none of them were ever you Marcus.”
“I tried too,” He admits, because Lord knows he did, and for what? “I promise I’ll tell you everything one day, but right now, I want to fall asleep with you right here.”
You settle back down in bed, curling up against his side, arm draped over his waist, “Where in the city do you live?” You ask, sleep starting to make your eyes heavy.
“I’m on 4th street, in Petworth.”
You can’t help but laugh, because of course he fucking does. Marcus Pike has been living four streets over from you for the past two fucking years.
“You’ve been living four streets over from me for two years, Marcus.”
He runs his hands up and down your spine, gently, soothing you, “Well, that’s convenient, isn’t it?” He asks softly, “I can be at your front door in five minutes.”
“You want to be my booty call, Marcus Pike?”
“If that’s what you want,” He speaks, “I’ll be whatever you want me to be.”
“What are you doing Wednesday night?”
“Nothing, as far as I’m aware.”
“How about you take me on a first date?” You offer, “Let’s learn each other all over again and take things from there?”
Marcus colts your chin up to his face with a finger, leaning down and giving you the softest kiss you think you’ve ever received, “I would love nothing more.”
#Marcus Pike#Marcus Pike Smut#Marcus Pike x reader#Marcus Pike x you#marcus pike fanfiction#Marcus Pike x female reader#Marcus Pike x F!reader#Marcus Pike fic#Marcus Pike fanfic#the mentalist#the mental illness is winning#the mentalist fanfic#the mentalist fanfiction#Pedro pascal#marcus pike fluff#Marcus Pike angst#Marcus Pike Pedro Pascal#Marcus Pike The mentalist
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Christmas fic party request:
Where reader is an fbi tech (post red John) and shoots her shot at Jane at the Xmas party. Smut. Lots of smut. Very comforting because I just imagine him being SO lovely. Age difference mentioned.
Patrick Jane x female reader
Summary: your feeling brave, the man you’ve been pining for is older than you, surely he’s not interested in you, right? Smut. 18+ only,protected sex, praise kink, lots of praise, eye contact , so much praise ugh I’m mad for this man okay! I’m begging people to send in more requests for him 🙏🙏
Warnings: explicit smut, 18 plus ONLY. Smut, protected sex, praise kink x10. Fingering. Pet names, Minors be gone from here!
A:N - I’m super proud of this one. Thankyou for requesting I hope you liked it 🥹🥹please feel free to request more for Patrick Jane too!! ❤️
The wince on your face as you glance around the room is prominent. You only came tonight for one reason. And he’s not here.
Your colleagues are busy getting merry, rigsby and van pelt wearing matching Christmas jumpers and paper hats. The music is so loud you can feel it coursing through you.
Jane had seen your mood dip around the holidays and he had made you promise you would at least show your face. You agreed solely because he said he would accompany you and your heart fluttered at his offer. The small touch he left on your elbow, the reassurance in his face when he said ‘I’ll be with you the whole time’ had you screaming internally.
You weren’t the newest member of the team, but you were quite a bit younger than Jane, and as he is so observant you did your absolute best to keep your crush on him secret.
It had been a long few years.
Fed up of the party, you duck out and find yourself wandering straight into something tall and hard.
“Oh shit I’m so- you start, blinking at him as you try and play it off.
“Are you okay?” He asks rubbing your arm soothingly.
It seems your brain has short circuited as you just stare at him, he looks good, so good.
“Hey” he says softly, moving his hand to cup your face.
“Hey Jane” you squeak out, praying he can’t tell how flustered you are.
His brows crease at you, his thumb runs across the curve of your cheek and you cannot take this anymore so you bring your hand up to connect with the hand that’s on your face.
His eyes bore into yours as you wait for him to pull his hand away.
But he doesn’t.
“Jane, I- I need to tell you something I - you whisper closing your eyes as you speak.
“I know” he says lowly
“You what!” You say, horrified, eyes shooting open as heat rises to your face.
You try and turn away but he stops you, hands flying to your waist, gripping tightly.
Your lips part slightly as you take in the man in front of you. He smiles, leans forward and
Runs his thumb across your lip and once again your brain short circuits, you think you might die right there. There’s no way he doesn’t feel the way your pulse starts picking up and your eyes blow wide at his action.
“Jane?” You ask, voice cracking
“Yeah honey?” His voice slightly deeper, it makes your pussy clench and your heart soar.
“I love you” you say, and for a moment you panic thinking he doesn’t feel the same and then he closes his eyes and sighs, before pulling you in closer
“You don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear that” he growls.
He searches your face for any kind of hesitation and you nod, he smiles as he shakes his head.
“Use your words my darling”
“Hurry up and kiss me, please” you whine,
Your breath hitches as he cups your face again and brings his lips to yours. His lips are soft, he presses into you as he deepens the kiss.
You can’t help but let out a moan as he presses into you, it’s comforting, safe, and leaves you wanting more.
“Patrick” you whisper, as he reluctantly breaks the kiss, his hand comes back to cup your face, finger stroking slowly down your cheek.
“You okay?” He checks.
You nod a bit too quickly, and he chuckles.
“Shall we, go somewhere more private?” He whispers as he leans in to place a feather light kiss to your neck.
“God, yes” you mutter. He grabs your hand instantly and leads you up to his room above the office.
“It’s cold in here” you mutter as he shuts the door to his living space, instantly his arms are around you again, catching your lips in a searing kiss he cages you against the wall. One of his arms rest on the wall, the other tracing down to your waist. Your chest heaves as he teases his fingers up and down underneath your shirt.
“Please” you whine and he smirks, dipping his hand beneath the waistband.
“God your dripping” he murmurs rubbing your throbbing pussy through your panties. You clench your thighs together at his actions, and his words.
“Jane” you croak, desperate, needy.
“I love the sound of my name falling from your lips” he breathes, making you look at him before moving your panties and sliding in a finger.
It’s agonisingly slow, and of course Patrick can tell your getting frustrated with his teasing.
He speeds up a bit before adding another finger, your walls flutter around his fingers.
“Mm, Jane fuck” you whisper, he increases the pressure and starts to curl his fingers up as they enter you. His thumb comes to circle your clit and he catches your moan with a kiss.
“D-don’t stop” you moan as he presses his thumb into your clit as he curls his fingers hitting your G spot.
“Oh OH god” you whine
“That’s it honey” he soothes, breaking the kiss as your walls clench around his fingers.
“Jane” you say as you feel your orgasm approaching
“Come for me, that’s it, good girl” he says as he curls his fingers once more and you see stars as your orgasm crashes over you.
He holds you steady, fingers lazily pushing in and out of you as he fingers you through your orgasm.
“You okay”? He whispers placing a gentle kiss to your forehead. You nod and he pulls you into his embrace.
“God that was- incredible” you pant, leaning in to give him a kiss.
He pulls you gently towards his bed.
He pushes you gently and you fall back
“Lie down” he whispers, he’s out of breath and it’s so arousing you can’t help the throb that courses through you.
Patrick unbuttons his suit jacket, hanging it up on the chair he climbs on top of you. Once again you feel safe within his presence.
His arms come to rest on either side of your head, he looks down at you, a soft smile on his face.
“Stop it” you say, trying to turn away from his stare.
“Don’t, don’t do that, your beautiful, let me see you yeah?” he tilts your face to look at him, as if you could love this man any more.
“Would you like to stop?” He asks and his face tells you that he would not mind one bit if you said yes, which just makes your heart pound faster in your chest.
“No, I’d very much like to continue” you say. And Jane runs his hand across your face, smiling.
You can feel Jane’s cock pressing into your leg through his jeans and you shift your hips slightly. He sucks in a breath as you sit up to undo his belt.
You do it slowly, payback. But it doesn’t last long as he ends up pulling it off himself before guiding you to lie back down.
He stands up and removes his pants before coming back and resting his hands at the top of yours.
He waits.
You nod.
He pulls down your pants and can’t help but moan at the wet patch in the middle of your underwear.
Your breath hitches as he leans down and presses his lips into your clothed pussy and hooks his fingers in the line of your panties and pulls them down.
Jane frees his hard cock from his boxers and it springs up against his stomach. A drop of precum glistening on the head.
You clench your thighs at the sight. Jane reaches for the condom under his bed and rolls it down.
He pumps his cock a few times before lining up with your entrance.
You breathe in as you prepare.
Jane’s hand find your clit once more,he watches your face as his fingers circle your clit. You relax slightly as he continues his actions.
“Hey” he says softly
“I’m okay” you say.
“Take a deep breath for me darling” he places one hand on your lower stomach and the other wraps around his cock.
You do, and he slides his cock into you, slowly.
“Good girl, keep breathing for me” he soothes as he pushes his cock all the way in. Your breath catches in your throat as he pushes deeper into you.
“Keep looking at me” he says and you throb around him.
“You’re doing so good for me” he praises as he goes to rub your clit again.
“Patrick” you whisper
“Can you- I need you to go-
“I know, I know” he coos, rubbing your hips with his hand,
“I’ll go slow, I got you” he soothes before thrusting into you slowly. One of his hands is still splayed across your stomach.
“Mmhm” you whine.
“You feel so good around my cock like this” he says, pushing his cock in and out, he feels you clench around him as he speaks.
You close your eyes as he angles himself a little differently, still thrusting slowly, but his cock is hitting your g spot.
“Patrick- fuck” you choke out.
“Mm, you make the prettiest sounds” he breathes, every moan out of you sending him closer to release.
He moves his hand from your stomach as he reaches for your puffy clit, gently applying pressure as he thrusts into you.
“Patrick, I’m-
“Look at me, good girl, come for me, come all over my cock” he encourages as he presses into you again.
You hear him groan just as his cock twitched inside you and your pussy clenches,
Your toes curl and you see stars as your orgasm washes over you. Your ears ring as you hear muffled praise falling from Patrick’s mouth as you come down from your high.
“So good for me, you did so good, you’re incredible my love” he soothes, rubbing gentle circles into your hip.
You whimper underneath him. He places his hands on either side of your face.
“Jane, that was - god that was perfect you say a lazy smile painting your face. A big smile lights up his face, “I love you” he says, placing a gentle kiss to your lips.
“I’ve wanted to say that for a very long time” he admits.
“Me too” you say shy all of a sudden, turning your face from him.
He tuts
“No honey, what did I say about doing that, now, I’ll get you a warm towel and some water and I’ll be back in a moment” he soothes as he gets up.
And you, couldn’t be happier.
#patrick jane x reader#Patrick jane imagine#Patrick Jane fanfiction#the mentalist imagine#the mentalist fanfiction#gems Christmas fics
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second chances | pt. 1
Character(s): Marcus Pike x fem!Reader Summary: After a stressful past couple of days at work, Marcus is ready to spend his day off relaxing. Until he gets a new neighbor asking for his help. Word count: 1.3k A/N: I've become a Marcus Pike girlie and I can't go back now. Don't even get me started on Lisbon... So, I decided that Marcus Pike deserves a happy ending. Stay tuned and enjoy! Warning: None. SERIES MASTERLIST - ultimate masterlist
Since moving to Washington DC – alone – Marcus has busied himself with work. Long hours in the office. Late nights. Barely any sleep. It was his way of distracting himself from the fact that Lisbon had chosen Jane over him. Marcus wasn’t a jealous man, but he was filled with frustration at himself for seeing a future with someone who was so obviously in love with someone else.
Marcus was never going to be the one Lisbon chose.
And he should have known better.
Now, after six months of being in DC, Marcus’s colleagues finally convinced him to take the next couple of days off. Each day was getting better and better, but the pain still lingered.
He wakes that morning to the sound of a knock at his door. Marcus looks at the time; he’s usually awake and out of the door by six, but with today being his first day off, he had decided to sleep in a little bit. It’s only eight in the morning and Marcus wonders if he just stays in bed that maybe the person knocking on his door would just leave and after a few minutes, the knocking stops.
With a relieved sigh, Marcus sits up from bed and decides to get ready for the day. He isn’t yet sure what he has planned, but he does know that he wants to keep to himself, to minimize the amount of people he would need to talk to as much as possible. He stands from his bed and stretches his arms above his head, dressed in a white v-neck and plaid boxers.
“Coffee,” he mumbles to himself. “First thing’s first, need coffee.” Marcus runs a hand over his hair and walks out of his bedroom to the kitchen, beginning to make a pot of coffee for himself.
He looks around and lets out a sigh. He had imagined that his life in DC would be different, that he’d be with Lisbon, that she’d give more life into this home, but instead, he’s standing alone in a very bland and basic apartment. It has a nice view, but how nice could it be if you can’t share it with anyone else?
He walks to his patio and opens the sliding door. Marcus can hear the sounds of cars – honking and speeding – as it passes below him. He glances over to his right and Marcus can hear the chatter from his neighbor. He doesn’t remember someone living next to him, so he just assumes that it’s someone new moving in. Marcus just hopes that this new neighbor of his won’t keep him up at night.
His mind drifts to Lisbon and Marcus wonders what she’s doing. Her green eyes and smile had captured his attention from the moment he laid eyes on her. Marcus was sure that what he had with her was real, that it would be his second chance at love after his failed marriage, and for a while, Marcus believed that his life would be different when Lisbon agreed to move in with him to DC, then agreed to marry him.
Marcus never wanted to let her go.
His thoughts are interrupted when the coffee pot goes off and the knocking on his door begins again. Marcus figures that the person wouldn’t leave until he answers, so he walks towards his door and opens it. His eyes soften instantly at the sight of you and he’s now become so aware of what he’s wearing.
“Hi, I’m so sorry. I know it’s early and you’re probably getting ready for work, but I’m having trouble with moving my bed through the door and I just–” you take a deep breath, realizing that you must be rambling and that you’re asking a complete stranger to help you move.
“Let me start over,” you say. “Hi. Good morning. I’m your new next door neighbor,” you laugh nervously and then tell him your name.
The corner of Marcus’s lips lifts upwards and he nods, looking over your shoulder at the large bed that’s leaning against the wall. “Nice to meet you. I’m Marcus.” Then, he points to your bed. “You sure that’s gonna fit?”
“A bit too late for that, I think.” You blush. “I should have just hired movers, but I thought I could do this myself.”
“You’re in luck,” he chuckles. “It’s my day off and I have no plans whatsoever, so I’m happy to give you a hand. Let me just get dressed and I’ll be right out.”
Then, you look down at his frame and realize what he’s wearing. Your eyes slightly widen and the blush on your cheeks redden even further. “Oh right! I’m so sorry. I’ll just–” you clear your throat and point over your shoulder, turning on your heel and tripping over your feet. “See you in a bit.”
Marcus quietly chuckles to himself. He finds your clumsiness cute and he gives you one more glance before he shuts his door. He walks back into his bedroom and slips into a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. Marcus walks back into his kitchen and grabs two mugs, pouring the coffee he made into each cup before he walks out of his apartment. When he looks up at you, he smiles when he sees you trying to make the bed fit into the door all by yourself.
Eager, he thinks to himself. And independent.
“Hey,” Marcus calls out softly. “Here, take a break.” He hands you a mug of coffee.
You look up at him and smile, taking the mug from his hand and leaning against the wall with a sigh. “You’re amazing, thank you.”
“So, it’s just you moving in?” Marcus asks, sipping his cup of coffee.
“Yeah. I got a new job teaching kindergarten at a nearby private school, so…” You take a careful sip of the coffee and look down at your feet.
“Well, welcome to the club. I just moved here about six months ago.”
“From where?”
“Texas, you?”
“California.” Then, you raise your mug and gently tap it with his, smiling up at him. “Cheers to us newbies here in DC.”
Marcus chuckles. “Cheers to that.”
You drink about half of the coffee before you set it down. You then clasp your hands together and look up at him with a hopeful look in your eyes. “You ready?”
He smiles to himself. “That was barely a break.”
“It was five minutes, that was enough.”
Marcus chuckles. He finds that it’s easy to talk to you and he’s beginning to enjoy being around you, even if he just met you ten minutes ago. “Alright, you’re the boss.”
It takes you and Marcus the next half hour to bring your king-sized bed into your apartment and then into your bedroom. Your apartment is a bit smaller than his, but it might also be because of the amount of boxes scattered around. Once you and Marcus set your bed the way you want it to in your bedroom, you lead him back outside to your living room and plops down onto the couch.
“So, uh, I should get going and–”
“Wanna grab breakfast?” you interrupt him. “Sorry. If you have something to do, that’s okay. I appreciate all your help, Marcus.”
Marcus wants so badly to say yes, to get to know more about you, but he has to remind himself that this is what happened last time with Lisbon. He’s sure that love and being in a relationship is no longer something he’s interested in.
“I actually have to go into the office,” Marcus lies. “But rain check?”
You nod and stand from the couch to walk him out of your apartment. You smile up at him and then reach down to grab the two mugs that were left in the hallway. You hand it over to him and stare into his eyes. “Next time, I’ll bring coffee to you.”
Marcus smiles and takes the two mugs. “Sounds like a plan.”
“Thank you again, Marcus.”
Marcus nods and then begins walking towards his apartment before he turns around and faces you. He’s a few feet away from you and you’re about to walk into your apartment before he stops you and says, “Welcome to the neighborhood.”
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Sage (Marcus Pike Drabble)
Rating: PG
Summary: You and Marcus can't agree on anything.
Tags/Warnings: fluff, mentions of alcohol
Notes: The challenge: write a drabble in 30ish minutes with the assigned Pedro boy for the prompt "finally, something we can agree on." Thanks to @saradika-graphics for the lovely dividers! No beta we die like my soul working 40+ hours a week.
Words: 452
Author Master List | Marcus Pike Master List | Daily Clicks for Palestine
“We should go out sometime,” Marcus says, a charming smile painted on his face as he leans against your desk.
You move your eyes up toward him and then pull them back to the case file in front of you. “No.”
“It’ll be fun. I know this great Mexican place just around the corner-”
“I don’t date coworkers, Marcus.” You look through the case file like it’s the most riveting piece of literature you’ve ever read.
“Oh, Bob was gonna come too.” He points to the desk right behind you.
You spin around and Bob waves at you with a smile. Marcus returns the gesture to your coworker. “See you at 7? I’ll text you the address.”
He’s gone before you can protest.
You laugh at something Marcus says as you finish off your margarita. Bob left an hour ago, but you and Marcus haven’t moved. They kick you out at closing.
“Wanna come to mine? It’s just around the corner.”
“I told you I don’t-”
“Who said anything about a date?”
“You told your mom about me?”
“No.” Marcus scratches the back of his neck.
You cross your arms, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Not intentionally,” He says weakly. “She really wants to meet you.”
“No,” You say as Marcus’s doorbell rings.
“You want Pizza or Chicken for dinner?”
“Pasta.” You bite back a smile.
Marcus looks at you with a half-annoyed look.
“I love you.”
“No, you don’t.”
“Excuse me?”
“You just think you do. I have that effect on people.”
“You’re just being difficult.
Marcus burrows his head into the crook of your neck, leaving soft kisses on your skin. Your legs stretch out under the covers as you blink away the sleep haze.
“Good morning.” His voice is soft and husky.
“Good morning.” You smile.
“I’ve been thinking.”
“Never a good thing.”
“Why don’t you move in with me?”
“I like having my own space.”
“You can have the spare bedroom.”
“Beige or charcoal?” Marcus asks.
“That wasn’t an option.”
“It’s a better one.”
“Silver or gold?’
“You should know the answer to that.”
“Humor me.”
“Figure it out, Mr. FBI.”
“Marry me?” He’s on his knee in front of you, a diamond ring set in the correct metal in a velvet box.
You’re wide-eyed, not expecting it tonight. He’s looking at you with nothing but big heart eyes and a hopeful smile. It makes your heart melt. This is your man. He’s all yours. Your Marcus.
“Yes,” It falls from your lips as you meet him on the ground, pressing your lips to his. He laughs, arms wrapping around your waist
“Had me worried you were gonna fight me on this too,” he teases.
“Shut up.”
#marcus pike#marcus pike x reader#marcus pike x you#the mentalist#the mentalist fanfiction#marcus pike fanfiction#pedro pascal#ppcu fanfiction#pedro stories#pedrostories#drabble
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run to you: chapter eight
marcus pike x f!reader
A/N: it's here. Finally. Don't look at me. Can't believe we only have 4 chapters to go after this one! I have such a deep fond love for this little universe and I'm so damn thankful for all of your comments, reblogs and asks! Your kind words make my bloody year! Hope you enjoy angels x
Summary: Following on from ‘Traitor’ and ‘You’re Somebody Else’. An unexpected visitor throws you right back into the life you thought you left behind. Working beside the man that put you behind bars is one thing, pretending like you never loved him is another.
Word count: 4.7k-ish
Warnings: angsttttt, swearing, general heartache and bittersweet goodbyes, a break in, these two make me want to listen to a heartbreak playlist all day and just cry
main masterlist | series masterlist
This story will have explicit sexual scenes in the future so 18+ only.
The words play in your mind as you make a beeline to the public bathrooms, a relentless cycle over and over and over. Your conversation with the consultant had been mind achingly frustrating, and yet, despite knowing his little tricks and various mental hoops he gets his chosen victims to jump through, you can’t help it—you give in.
You find yourself jumping through those damn hoops, letting his words drive you borderline insane.
Jane has it all wrong—so wrong—so why can’t you stop thinking about what he said? What would give him the impression that Marcus has feelings for you? Feelings that extend beyond the expected responsibility of a leading agent, and mere guilt lingering from their shared history.
Does he see something you can’t? Has he heard something? Found something?
The bitter tang of resentment builds in the back of your throat as your mind goes down more paths, creating more questions with no answers in sight. This is what he wants.
Jane wants you to be overwhelmed with questions and what ifs and a desperation for the truth, so you’ll go to him for the answers. So he can spin words, play and pick your brain some more. It’s a cycle, one that obviously works well for him. This is how he plays, and it’s vicious and cruel, and—
—and yet you still let his words confuse you, still mull over them in your head.
You keep fucking falling for it.
Your hands shake as they deposit your bag beside the sink, the cold water splashing over your skin doing nothing to divert your thoughts or distract you.
Of course there are no feelings anywhere.
Maybe this is just a ploy to hurt or embarrass Marcus—surely there’d be some bad energy there, given the history between them both. Maybe Jane’s not finding enough entertainment within the investigation and is instead making his own.
You don’t know. What you do know is that you refuse to waste one more fucking second wondering what is going on in that man’s head, and what his ploy is.
It hits you as you stare back at your reflection in the mirror, the obvious internal war written across your face with creases of stress and watery eyes—you can’t do this. You’re not cut out for this rollercoaster of drama. You’ve had enough.
Jane, the case, Marcus, the FBI—you’ve had enough of all of it. You’ve done enough, and Marcus has always said to tell him when you decide you’re done. He’s always said that you’re under no obligation to do anything you don’t want to do, that you could back out at any point. Or maybe that was just another lie.
The bitter part of you churns to life, still angry, still holding onto the aching resentment from the past. Vicious thoughts and memories tainted by heartbreak flood your mind, but it doesn’t seem to cut as deep as it usually would. He didn’t lie about that.
He said you were in control, he gave you his word—and you took it. You trust it.
Would he be disappointed?
You did tell him that you’d help, that you’d do what the FBI asked of you and get them the information they need, but at what cost? Your mental health was already taking hits, an array of emotions continuously assaulting you from merely being around Marcus again, let alone being bombarded and interrogated by some wanna-be mentalist freak from California.
No. He’d understand.
You dry up, blotting the paper towel across your throat and willing your heart to slow down as you look over your frame in the reflection. The wire’s still perfectly hidden, tucked deeply away under your jacket from where Marcus had pinned it, but the mere thought of it sitting there has a cold dread creeping along your veins.
That whole conversation with Jane had been recorded.
Marcus is going to listen to it. His team is going to listen to it. You can’t deal with the fallout of that. You can’t be humiliated like that. What would he do? What would he say?
Though of course you know the truth and that the idea of Marcus having any type of romantic inclination towards you is fucking ridiculous, you’re still not exactly fond of the idea of sitting there and listening to him explain why he does not, and would not, ever have feelings for you.
Maybe—maybe you could get ahead of it.
Surely if you just tell him, ask him, that the recording be discarded as you’re backing out. There’s nothing on there, there’s no need for it. Just delete it, forget about it and move on.
You grab your things and leave the safety of the bathroom, clutching your bag like a lifeline as you begin to make your way towards the exit, but then you see him. He’s a good distance away from the path you’re taking, and you wouldn’t have noticed him at all if you weren’t suddenly highly aware of every person milling about the building.
Edward Thomas.
Someone who had played a big part in your life before everything went to shit. He’d been involved with some of your replicas, their creations and the deals around them once they were complete. You weren’t aware of his exact place in all of it, but you know damn well it was much higher on the food chain than you.
He looks the same, despite everything. Did nothing happen to him when it all fell apart? Was he not arrested along with everyone else?
Probably not. He had money—serious money. He had connections. He had the network you had ensured to keep out of. Perhaps you would’ve been better following his footsteps, kissing asses and sucking up to the underground elites of the world, making more of a name for yourself behind closed doors. You would've been untouchable, invincible.
Where would you be now? Back in your penthouse, mostly unscathed and living life as normal.
There’s no use dwelling on it. It’s a can of worms you could continue to open and close for the rest of your life, wondering what if until it drove you mad.
Doing what Edward Thomas did, does—it’s not you. It wasn’t you back then, and it wouldn’t be you now. You just wanted to paint, you weren’t in it for the money. Although, admittedly, it did help.
You want to move towards him, to hover in the background beyond the group of smartly dressed people surrounding him, enough for him to see you, to peak his interest. This could be what Marcus, the FBI, needs. This could, potentially, help the investigation, if he is still doing dealings under the table.
But then what? You’d be stuck having to go further. There’d be no backing out. There’d be more drama, more headaches, more mind games, more lies. You can’t do it.
This has developed into something you don’t think you have the nerve for. The idea of it all seemed so easy when Marcus came to you, but the reality of it? You don’t have the mentality for it all. You’re not an agent. You’re not trained for this. You don’t have people behind you, covering for you and protecting you.
You turn away.
Rigsby lingers by the bathroom you had exited from, nose in a pamphlet showcasing the must sees of the museum, but his eyes flick to you as if to check on your movements. You swallow, give a barely there shake of your head and then continue on your way out, leaving him to alert Marcus that you had left.
You’re only a mere few feet away, but he can feel the distance that now stretches in between you. Distance that could never be removed or forgotten. The thick sheen of glass hides him from your gaze, but that doesn’t stop him from flinching when your eyes glance at the mirror upon entry.
He’s a coward. A fucking coward. He intentionally sat out on the move today, refused to be a part of the team bringing you in, all because he was scared of seeing your face and the look of betrayal in your eyes. Shit, he’s still scared now. Maybe that;s why he stays behind the glass, refusing to be a part of the interrogation.
You’re holding on so fucking strong, he’s damn near proud.
Jenner throws everything at you. He does all that he can, but when you don’t budge, he throws an apologetic glance towards the mirror that you thankfully don’t catch. It’s time to pull out the ace card, to let you know they had more on you than you think, and it makes him fucking sick.
He can’t move.
You’re confused when you hear the mention of his name, his real name, and why wouldn’t you be? You have no idea who he is, who he really is.
Sweat slicks his palm as he pulls at the door to the interrogation room, builds on the back of his neck under the crisp collar of his shirt as he takes a seat. He can’t look at you. He can’t look at you because he’s a piece of shit coward, unable to confront all the shit he’s done.
Bile stings at his throat.
It takes every fucking bit of him to keep it together.
The file is heavy in his hand as he slides it across the table before he finally manages to meet your gaze. It cuts him to the very core. He feels the hit of it deep in his chest. His jaw starts to ache from the pressure of keeping his teeth clenched tightly together, forcefully swallowing down every flicker of pain and guilt and self fucking loathing until he’s nothing but a blank slate.
Tears start to build rapidly in your eyes and he knows then and there that he’ll never forget that look of pure and utter heartbreak creasing your face. The face he had stroked so softly, kissed so lovingly.
“Special Agent Pike,” you rasp softly, almost choking on the words.
It’s a viciously harsh blow to the system and he falters almost immediately.
I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. I’m sorry—
You don’t look at him anymore, and he’s almost glad for it. You’d see how he starts to crumble, how his tongue darts out to wet his lips in a panic and how Jenner makes a small gesture for him to take a deep breath and cool it before he says something that’ll end him in deep shit.
“I want a lawyer.”
“I can’t—I can’t do this anymore. Any of it.”
He seems to be expecting the words, taking them in with nothing but a small reassuring smile and a simple, “Okay.”
Honestly, you were expecting a little more. Maybe a few questions fired as to why you couldn’t do it when you seemed so intent on following through with it all originally, but when he says nothing else, you deflate. You wet your lips, wondering if there’s some sort of catch, but Marcus remains silent, watching the flutter of emotions pass over your face.
“That’s it?”
“When I told you that you’re in control of this, I meant it. If you’re done, then you’re done.”
Hearing him confirm it brings such a sweet relief to your mind, you can practically feel the weight of it all start to seep from your shoulders, but despite that guilt still sits in the pit of your stomach, uncomfortable and relentless. It falls from your mouth before you can even think to stop it—
“I’m sorry. I thought—I don’t know. I guess I just thought it would feel different, or be easier than it actually is. I think I’m just… tired. Of everything. I want—”
“You don’t have to explain yourself to me,” he cuts in quietly, giving a small reassuring smile when you glance at him. “We asked a lot of you, and I understand that. It’s okay—really.”
Your conversation with Jane plays back through your mind, almost tauntingly. A small part of you wants to tell Marcus about it, he should know Jane’s off parading about on his own path without a care for the plans or rules or whatever it is that gets set in place during an investigation, but then what?
He’d want to know what he said, and you don’t have it in you to look him in the eyes and tell him. You don’t want to open yourself up to that embarrassment. Of course what Jane said is all bullshit, it’s ridiculous to even think about yourself, but to have Marcus bluntly tell you so would be a bit of a slap across the face.
“The recording,” you start with the creepings of hesitation, tongue rolling along your lips in an effort to bring the words out smoother, “what happens to it?”
A flutter of a frown creases his brows as he eyes you from across your kitchen before he gives a noncommittal shrug, finding no harm in your curiosity.
“It gets put in with the rest of the evidence.”
“Even if there’s nothing on it?”
“It would need to be cleared by an agent first, but if there’s nothing of use on it then it just gets discarded.”
“If—if I asked you to delete it now, without listening to it, is that… would you?”
The frown immediately deepens.
He seems to stand straighter, something seeping into his expression as your question lingers in the air, and you watch, waiting for the suspicion that doesn’t seem to come. He just seems concerned, whether on your behalf or his investigation you don’t know. He doesn’t seem to know that Jane had jumped on you at the museum, surely that would’ve been something he would address immediately upon seeing you after the last time, so you’re positive he’s unaware of what’s on it.
“I—” he stops, tongue running along his lips, “I can’t risk the case—”
“I wouldn’t ask that of you. There’s nothing worthwhile on it, but if I wanted you to forget about it and delete it, would you?”
Would you trust me?
It goes unspoken, but it lingers behind your words. Despite the anxiety churning in your stomach and the panic building in your chest from how he’ll take your request and what he’ll think of it, you’re curious. He has no reason to trust you whatsoever, especially given your history, but some sort of shaky foundation had been built between you over your time working with him—how far did it go?
His concern grows, and he takes a careful step towards you. “Has something happened?”
Should you tell him? No. Just be done with it all.
“Just answer the question.”
“What happened?”
The frown remains steady between his brows, his eyes unwavering as they focus on yours and study your features, but eventually, after a few moments of searching your expression, he gives a small careful nod. You can’t help but recoil slightly in surprise, not expecting the answer. You don’t even know what you were expecting.
Your first response is to call him out, because surely he wouldn’t, but as you watch him and the way he starts to shift almost nervously, you start to believe him.
“You would?” You question softly, brows pulling together. “Why?”
“Because you asked me to.”
That’s it? That’s all it would take?
He swallows, eyes falling to the floor as his hands find his hips. “Are—are you asking me to?”
“Can you tell me why?”
It’s not an answer he wants, but he seems to accept it. His frown stays on you, his eyes bouncing back and forth between your own as he attempts to work out whatever you may be thinking. You see the conflict play across his face, the urge to push for more answers, the want to understand.
Something seems to click behind his eyes and you don’t know what to brace for in the seconds that follow. Anger? Accusations?
He strides towards the kitchen counter, takes the little device in hand and holds a small button along the side until it gives a small beep followed by a clear confirmation of ‘recording deleted’. It’s over and done with within the span of thirty seconds and you’re left reeling.
Holy shit. He did it. You stare, wide eyed as he tosses it back down and runs a hand over his mouth, before turning and pacing the small width of your apartment.
You watch him go.
There was nothing on it other than your little spat with Jane, but he didn’t know that. You could be hiding anything. You could’ve turned on him, evaded Rigsby’s watchful eye, found someone in your old circle and told them everything you and the FBI have been doing. Anything could’ve been on it, and yet he listened to you.
He trusted you.
“You could’ve just deleted evidence,” you breathe, still stuck in disbelief.
He knows it wasn’t. He fully believes you would never ask that of him, but at that very moment, he couldn’t have cared less if it was evidence. He would’ve dealt with it, like before. Technology isn’t always reliable, and issues almost always arise during cases with something tech-related. No one would know. No one would need to know.
“Yes,” he states plainly, and you’re so perplexed by the word and how he seemingly shrugs off his actions that you need to take another moment to process it.
“Just like that.”
He finally stops pacing, turning to face you fully.
“Just like that,” he echoes quietly.
This was a bad idea.
Not just the erasure of potential evidence and his apparent nonchalance regarding it and the risk to the position he had gruellingly earned over the years, but the whole thing.
The whole fucking thing.
He should never have bought you into this. He should never have knocked on your door. He’s right back to where he was back then, stuck and doing some very questionable shit he would easily lose his job over all because he’s an idiot.
You don’t hide away from his gaze, and he doesn’t shy away from yours. You’re still trying to work out his thought process, the logic behind his actions, and you keep coming up with nothing. There’s no reason why he would do something like this, for a nobody like you. There’s no motivation, no need on his side to do as you ask and blindly delete shit without questioning it further… unless—
Unless, what Jane said holds some merit.
Why else would he do it?
Maybe he’s just doing it as a favour, to try and make up for all of the shit he put you through. That makes more sense than him having feelings for you. He hasn’t been around you enough to justify any sort of feelings—he doesn’t know you. Or is he carrying them from your previous relationship? But it’s been ages since you were together, and that was all fake back then. There was nothing real there, it was all a lie.
The headache is coming back.
You exhale slowly through your lips, eyes falling away from him and to the simple black device once more. It doesn’t matter. None of it matters. You don’t need to know any more. It’s all done. It’s over, and you can finally get back to your quiet little normal life. You can move on.
“Thank you.” And you mean it.
“Thank you,” he murmurs quietly, clearing his throat. “I know this must’ve been very hard for you, and we appreciate all of the hard work you’ve put into this investigation. I appreciate it.”
“It wasn’t so bad,” you half smile, the pull of it natural.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” he huffs softly in amusement, slowly coming closer to pick up the device from the counter and tuck it away into his pocket.
“I mean, I wasn’t thrilled to begin with, but… it turned out okay.”
He smiles fully, and it hits just like it used to. You don’t look away. There’s no harm in taking it all in one last time. You won’t see him after this. You didn’t know last time, before it all fell apart. You didn’t get a chance to enjoy all of the little things you liked. You didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye.
“Well, I’ll—I’ll leave you to it. Thank you again. There might be some final paperwork, but I’ll post it out.”
You nod as you follow him slowly to your door, tucking your cardigan around you and crossing your arms tightly across your chest. You ache. Somewhere deep inside your chest twists, and your throat starts to tighten. You’re not exactly sure what you’re thinking when you call out to him before he can reach for the door, and you’re left with nothing to say when he pauses and turns to you.
There’s nothing to say. He doesn’t bother filling the silence. You stand there, eyes roaming his face in an effort to picture him as he was back then, when he was Alex. He lets you. There’s something there, something hanging in the stillness surrounding you both because you can feel it start to tug and twist at your insides.
This is goodbye—a proper one.
It’s not Marcus you want to say goodbye to.
Slowly, deliberately, you step into him and he doesn’t move a muscle. He stills under the hand you steady yourself with on his arm, breath all but hardening in his lungs when your face nears his own.
Your lips press ever so softly to his cheek, only mere millimetres from the corner of his lips, and the shaky little exhale he lets out confirms it all for you.
Jane was right, but you have no idea just how much. He was in deeper than you could have possibly ever imagined. Everything was still there, simmering right under the surface and threatening to be his entire undoing. He doesn’t speak, can’t speak, for fear of saying the wrong thing and fucking this last little moment up.
He relishes in it, in the one final tender touch of your lips that sends his pulse to a heavy hammer beneath his skin. It kills him, destroys him, but he takes it willingly with an open heart. The final punishment to close the last chapter of your story.
His eyes are closed when you pull away, but they soon flutter open to meet yours, and they swim with all the apologies and guilt he doesn’t let himself say anymore. You’re thankful for it, you don’t want to hear it. Not now. Your lips tingle, and a warmth spreads along the skin of your cheeks.
“Bye Scribbles,” he rumbles finally, and you swear there’s a slight shine of tears in his eyes.
They mirror the ones suddenly building in yours.
Goodbye Alex.
“Goodbye Marcus,” you return softly, and then he’s gone.
He wants to tell you to run.
The words sit on his tongue: a beg for forgiveness, a plea to just get on the first plane out of the fucking country and disappear, and he damn near draws blood to stop himself.
Though he tidied up as much as he could, ensured there were appropriate plea deals in place and a chance for you to get out of this better than the others if you cooperated, he still dreaded the next few days.
You have no idea.
No idea that your world’s essentially going to shatter and come down around you, and it’s all his fault.
Your kisses feel like a punishment. Each one threatens to cut through his restraint, and when you whisper those three sweet words in his ear he wants to vomit.
He wants to tell you everything. He wants to explain that this fake persona you had given yourself to so fully was still him—it was all him, just under a different name.
He doesn’t.
He lets the guilt eat away at him, lets the heartache practically tear him apart from the inside out until he feels raw. There’d be no salvaging this. There’d be no walking away from this with you still on his side, and rightly so. This will fucking break you, and he’ll carry that for the rest of his life.
He sits up long after you fall asleep, studying each dip and curve of your face and committing it all to memory. He traces over your skin, attempts to smile when you sleepily wake from his touch and hides the presence of his tears by scooping you into his arms for the last time.
It’s surprisingly easy to return to life as it was before he knocked on your door. A weight had been lifted free from your shoulders, a promise of new beginnings born from finally gaining closure. Was it what you expected? No, but it was no less welcome.
You managed to get your old job back at the diner, and spent days sketching aimlessly in the park.
It was normal, until it suddenly wasn’t.
The door’s pried open when you return from a late night shift, the obvious signs of a forced entry with the wooden edges of the door chipped and the frame split from pressure. Your hand shakes as you push it open, stomach turning as it gives way to the utter chaos that is your little apartment. Your home.
Your things are everywhere, drawers are opened and the contents spilled out onto the floor, furniture upturned and tossed carelessly to the side. Someone had been looking for something, but you know you have nothing of worth. Not anymore. They wouldn’t have walked away with anything of significance but still, there’s a bitter sting of loss, of intrusion that seems to rattle you to the core.
Heart beating heavily in your throat, you carefully step over the mess and further into your small apartment, and beyond the thunder of your pulse you hear nothing else out of the ordinary. Whoever had been here was long gone, leaving nothing but destruction and questions in their wake. Who the hell did this?
He’s the first and only person that comes to the forefront of your mind, and when you shakily reach for your phone and find his name still saved in your small list of contacts, he answers after the second ring despite it being so late. You almost feel guilty for bothering him, but something about the way he seems so immediately concerned placates any doubt.
“Hi, I—I’m sorry, I don’t… someone broke into my apartment—”
There’s a sudden flurry of movement on his end that crackles down the phone.
“Get out of there,” Marcus demands, before you can even finish working out the right words to say.
He doesn’t tell you to call the cops, he doesn’t tell you it’s not his problem and that you’re on your own now. You feel a slight wave of relief, but facing the disaster of your apartment has a wave of vulnerability hitting you and your eyes start to burn.
“There’s no one here,” you mumble around the sudden dryness of your throat, “they’re gone. Can you—”
“I’m on my way. Listen to me, I need you out of there, do you understand? Do not touch anything, leave everything as it is.”
You nod, despite knowing he wouldn’t be able to see it, and step back out into the quiet corridor of your floor.
There’s no one around.
Your skin prickles with worry, your nerves working into overdrive to stay vigilant. Every quiet shuffle and bump beyond the walls of neighbouring apartments rattles your senses, and the hand holding your phone starts to shake. He must sense your panic, hear the way your breathing starts to pick up as your chest starts to tighten.
“It’s okay, I’m coming. Stay on the phone with me.”
“Okay,” you exhale as a tear tracks down your cheek, leaving a cool trail in its wake.
Maybe this is an overreaction. Maybe it’s just some random burglary, someone out to get a quick bit of cash for whatever they need, or maybe it’s not. Maybe it’s not all over as you had hoped. Has someone found you? Do they know who you are? Do they know what you did?
You feel sick.
Your voice catches in your throat, “Marcus—”
“I know. I’m coming.”
#run to you#marcus pike x reader#marcus pike x f!reader#marcus pike x you#marcus pike#the mentalist fanfiction#pedro pascal x reader
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The Mentalist – Fanfiction Masterlist ☕︎
Last update: 12/12/24 ┃ Sources: ArchiveOfOurOwn, Fanfiction.net
Collection of The Mentalist fanfics I’ve enjoyed, based on my personal preference. Most of these focus on Jisbon ship, set after the series, with a few canon-compliant, canon-divergent, and alternate universe stories mixed in. Don’t forget to check the ratings and tags as preferences can vary.
Fanfics set after the The Mentalist series ends, featuring the Janes. Mostly domestic and fluff Jisbon married life. These are stories I've enjoyed based on my personal preferences. Don’t forget to check the ratings and tags, as preferences can vary.
A Trip Down Memory Lane – donkeydomination
Finally – angrylittleprincess
Her Beauty – fan4000
I just thought I'd tell you – lastavica
Injuries – mentalagent13
The Mentalist: Bear Claws – donnamour1969
Well time has a way of throwing it all in your face – littleyellowhouse
Yellow Sand Beneath Your Feet – autumn0689
I sang for you the softest tune – stxrdustwidow
Irreplacable – glindalovesshoes
Letters to Teresa – idan*
Threads – lisbon
Here’s a list of fanfics I’ve enjoyed, including both canon-compliant and canon-divergent ones. Don’t forget to check the ratings and tags, as preferences can vary.
Season 1
Bagheera and the Little Prince – idan
Blind Faith – idan
Dawn – chibinoyume
Impromptu Lullabies – hardly loquacious
Season 2
And It Tasted of Fear – a testament to improvement
Ruddy Drops that Warm My Heart – aquila1
Victimology – idan
Season 3
Assurance – laury the latrator
Blood for Blood, 3x14 – donnamour1969
Calculation – idan
Checks and Balances – idan
Red Gold, 3x15 – donnamour1969
Red Lightning – castiello
Strawberries with Chocolate - kushiro
Season 4
After the Fugue – hlj137
Lay your head down for me darlin' – brittwho
Little Red Book, 4x2 – donnamour1969
Ruby Slippers, 4x21 – donnamour1969
Shatter – ruuger
Silent Promise – polarnightFox
We stand in stillness – brittwho
Where in the World? 4x6 – donnamour1969
Season 5
A Bad Idea – inkstainedfingers97
Missing scene: 5x16 – scarfeza
Boiling Blood – easilyobsessed
Episode Tag 5x14: Ew – Colourful Glitter New!
New Years Resolution – calladragon
Reversal – mtm
Speechless – idan
Tag to 'Red Dawn' – jacketandboots
The Picadors – hayseed socrates
Season 6
72 Hours – easilyobsessed
Accidental Confessions – lestrangle
Blue hyacinth (for constancy of love) – lemoncellbros
Black-Winged Red Bird, 6x2 – donnamour1969
The Wizard of Oz – littleyellowhouse
Unexplained Endings – scriiibble ×
Season 7
Black Market – kykkio
Drifting – vinividivinci
Does anyone know who you are? – vixx2pointoh
Of All the Beds I’ve Made – excelsiors
Stay – lisbon
The Dollhouse – lizzabet ×
Wedding Gifts – idan
List of fan fictions set in alternate universe or similar settings. Don’t forget to check the ratings and tags, as preferences can vary.
Red Violin – inkstainedfingers97
» annotations: *~personal fave ; ×~not updated
» tags:
#The Mentalist#Teresa Lisbon#Patrick Jane#The Mentalist tv series#Jisbon#The Mentalist fanfiction#The Mentalist ao3#The Mentalist tv#Jane x Lisbon#my masterlist#jisbon fanfiction#fanfiction
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🌊 Beach Babe 🌊
Pairing: Marcus Pike x Female Reader
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 1.5k
Summary: There’s no summary, this is just you and Marcus having a hot one night stand on the beach. It’s all corn, no plot
Content Warning: oral (m receiving), fingering, unprotected p in v, praise kink (duh, have we met?), dirty talk
AN: This is my entry for the beautiful @mermaidgirl30��s Ocean Challenge. She is usually my beta but I wanted to surprise her so this is not beta read or proof read really, but it’s not like the internet is forever or anything haha. Dividers by @saradika-graphics. Friendly reminder that I’m no longer doing a tag list, please follow @mountainsandmayhem-updates for updates 🙂
“You can do it, baby. Yeah. Fuck, just relax your throat.” His voice is a heady whisper. You squeeze the meat of his upper thigh like he showed you and he pulls you off of him. Salvia and pre cum falling onto your tits, the triangle cups of your wet swimsuit are tucked underneath them, holding them high for the stranger that just had his dick pressing against the back of your throat.
His thumb reaches down and swipes across your swollen bottom lip. “Good girl,” he praises. “Let me know when you're ready for more.”
You haven’t even caught your breath yet and you’re already nodding your head, you’re not above begging if that’s what he wants. “More. Now. Please, I want more.”
His hands tangle back into your hair, he looks around the sand dunes and tall grasses that keep you somewhat protected to ensure you don’t have any visitors before he thrusts roughly into your mouth. You hold back a gag, closing your eyes and trying to breathe through your nose.
“Fuckfuckfuck,” he whines softly when you push your tongue past your bottom lip to swipe your tongue along his balls. He yanks you off him and you gasp out, sucking in the cool salty air of the ocean just behind you.
“Fuck me,” you coo, pulling at the baby pink drawstrings that are holding up your bottoms. They fall to the soft sand with a wet smacking sound. His eyes fall to the apex of your thighs and he licks his lips hungrily.
“Get on all fours, now.” You smile at the rough commanding tone, spin your ass towards him and get on your hands and knees. He lets out a groan as you arch your back enticingly.
When Pike was assigned a new trainee in California he wasn’t overly thrilled about it. He had finally settled in DC after what he’d been through the last time he was in this state. However, ego aside, he was the best in the country at this job, and the training would only take a few weeks. The guy he was training had an impressive resume, he was probably more educated on art than Pike himself. He didn’t want to think about that now though, he’ll meet him tomorrow. Right now he wants to focus on this insatiable ball of need that was pushing her pert little ass out at him. He’s not sure what came over him when he saw you sitting in the sand, but he knew he would be fucking you before he left, and with the beach pretty much deserted as the sun started to set he made his move.
“I’m Elle,” you had said as you shook his hand, biting your bottom lip.
It wasn’t long after he said his name was Marcus that the two of you were ducking between the dunes and grass and he had his swollen cock rammed down your throat.
He lowers himself to the sand, tracing a thick finger through your folds, spreading your wetness. He swirls your clit and you cry out in pleasure, “Gotta be quiet for me, sweet girl.”
You nod and hum in agreement as he slips two fingers deep inside you. To stay quiet you focus on your breathing. Short, laboured breaths in and out, in and out. He twists his wrist to be palm down, watching the way your tiny pink entrance sucks at his fingers, the way your juices squeeze out, and then he curls his fingers forward and every nerve in your body tingles. Marcus has never had an issue finding that spot before.
You gasp, the salty air burning your lungs as you try to keep your noises to nothing but hushed whimpers. “Good girl. Stay quiet. That’s it.”
He picks up the pace, pushing and pushing on that spongy spot inside you before bringing his free hand around, his middle finger easily finding your swollen clit. Your arms buckle at the pleasure of it all, landing on your elbows, opening yourself up to him more. You bite the skin of your forearm as the pleasure starts to reach its peak.
“Come on, you can do it. I can feel how close you are. Squeezing my fingers so tight. Let go, baby, let go.”
Just as you start to come he pulls his fingers out and slams his rock hard cock inside of you. The welcome stretch has you coming harder than you ever have before, back arched like you’re in some sort of tantric yoga pose. His cock is so buried so deep that you can feel it pressing into your cervix. He doesn’t stop the tight circles of your clit as you clench around him tightly, body twitching and legs shaking at the feel of him.
You thought you were just going to have a relaxing evening on the beach, a nice way to celebrate the promotion you recently received at work. Truthfully, what better way to celebrate than being fucked into oblivion by a handsome stranger.
As your orgasm begins to morph into overstimulation you release you teeth from your forearm, deep red and purple marks left behind. You voice comes out breathy and you almost don’t recognize it as your own, “Fuck me now. Just fuck me. Please.”
“Not gonna last long,” he says as he pulls out to the tip and thrusts hard back into you.
“I don’t care, just fucking give it to me, Marcus.” His hands grip your hips tightly as he repeats the same motion. Pulling out torturously slow, allowing you to feel every ridge and vein of his heavy cock, before he slams back in.
“Ready?” He hums, his hips pressed firmly to your ass.
“Yesss,” you whisper.
He starts to really fuck you. Its fast and hard and with every thrust you can feel his dick swelling bigger. He bruises the walls of your slick pussy with the pace he’s setting, all while whispering praises about how good you are and how well you're taking him. “Should see how much this little pussy loves being stretched. She’s crying for me, baby.”
“Cum all over my back. I wanna feel it.” You moan.
“Fuckfuck - oh god, such a good girl for me.” He pulls out roughly, strings of your arousal and his pre cum keeping you connected temporarily before he grips his cock and pumps into his fist.
You look over your shoulder to watch him. He looks wrecked, his outgrown hair all messy, eyebrows fused together as he looks at your ass with glazed over eyes. With a shuddering breath he comes, coating your ass and back in warm white ropes of cum. He sits back on his heels and admires his painting. Smirking to himself he says, “Look like a work of art, baby.”
After a few calming breaths he grabs your swimsuit bottoms and wipes off his cum. “Stay here,” he says, slipping his red swimsuit back on and after a careful look around he jogs over the sand dune. You stay there, almost fully naked with your ass in the air waiting for him.
Marcus rinses the cum off your bottoms in the ocean and then jogs back to you. He helps you up and watches you put your swimsuit back on. As you grab your cover up from your bag he says, “Well, that was fun. Unexpected, but fun.”
“I agree,” you say, feeling your cheeks warm.
“I’m - umm, well I’m just visiting for a few weeks but if you wanted to see each other -“
You cut him off, “You don’t have to do that. It’s really ok if this was just a one time thing.”
He nods.
You grab your stuff and after you two smile at each other sweetly you turn to start to walk back to your condo.
“Elle,” he calls after you. You stop and turn to face him. “What if I don’t want this to be a one time thing?”
You laugh and shake your head. You call back, “Then you better be at the beach tomorrow around eight.”
When you wake in the morning you can still feel the dull ache of Marcus all over your body. The back of your throat, in between your thighs, the bite mark on your arm and the small bruises on your hips. He’s still everywhere and you relish in it.
You start your new job today, so after finding a long sleeve blouse to cover your teeth marks, and doing your best to look both professional and serious you head to your new office building.
You trace your fingers over the nameplate on your door. They’ve used your full name and you’ll have to ask them to update that to Elle, people always assume things when they see your full name.
You put your bag down and log into your computer just as you hear a soothing, deep and friendly voice travel down the hallway.
“Good morning. I’m looking for Elliot Hall. I’m supposed to be training him for the next few weeks.” Your spine stiffens. You know that voice.
No way. There’s no way.
The receptionist giggles, “Elliot is a female. Her office is second door on the right. She just got in.”
His shoes click on the hardwood of the hallway, each step closer has your heart racing. There’s a quiet knock on your open door and when you look up you lock eyes with Marcus.
#marcus pike x f!reader#marcus pike fluff#marcus pike x female reader#marcus pike x reader#marcus pike x you#marcus pike fanfiction#marcus pike#Marcus pike fan fic#the mentalist#the mentalist fanfiction#pedro stories#pedro pascal fandom#pedro pascal smut
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Blossom and Bloom
Summary: Marcus Pike visits your flower shop Warnings: meet cute, flower shop!AU, shy!marcus Rating: G A/N: I kind of struggled with this one, but I like where we ended up, I think. Thanks to my wife @murder-wife for the idea <3
Marcus Pike Masterlist | Masterlist | Prompt Fills | AO3 | Kofi | Seasons of Life Masterlist
It’s been a long day at your flower shop, Blossom and Bloom, getting bouquets ready for multiple weddings when a man comes in. He’s… very cute.
You blush and look down at the arrangement you’re making avoiding eye contact as you say,“Welcome in! Let me know if I can help you find anything.”
He comes up to the counter and you meet his doleful brown eyes – god he’s cute.
“I need a bouquet for my mom,” he blushes like he’s embarrassed. His voice is deep, rich, attractive.
“I can help you with that!” You say cheerfully. “Do you know her favorite flower?”
“She uh, really like peonies,” he runs a hand through his hair, nervously. You notice he’s not wearing a ring.
“Great! I actually have a pink peony bouquet all made up already.” You go to grab the bouquet and show it to him.
“I’ll take it.”
You ring him up and take the cash from his hand, fingers brushing. A pleasurable shiver runs down your spine at the contact.
“What’s your name? For the card.”
“Marcus,” he says.
You carefully fill out the card – to: mom from: Marcus. “Is there any special note you want to include?”
“Can you write ‘Happy Birthday’ on them?”
“Of course!”
He leaves with the bouquet and you watch him go, a little sad you don’t have a way to contact him again. You’re about to close up shop when the door opens again. Marcus stands just inside the doorway.
“Is there something wrong with the flowers?”
“No! No, nothing like that… I was wondering if, um, if I could get your number?” He looks at you hopefully.
“Yeah!” You shout, a little too excited. “I mean, yes, I’d love to give you my number.”
You grab one of the cards you use for floral arrangements and carefully print your phone number, you walk over and hand it to him, unable to contain the grin or the heat rising to your cheeks.
“Call me soon, yeah?”
“Yeah,” he smiles.
#Marcus Pike#Marcus Pike fics#Marcus Pike x reader#Marcus Pike x you#The Mentalist fanfiction#fanfictionoverload#seasonsoflifechallenge#pedro pascal#pedro pascal character fanfiction#ppcu fanfiction#pedro pascal fanfiction
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in shades of gray and candlelight
➔ Marcus Pike x fem!Reader - 7.2k
➔ Nothing good starts in a getaway car, but you sure do have fun delaying the inevitable.
➔ Rated MA for artist!reader my beloved (reader is able-bodied, basic female anatomy and feminine pronouns used, reader is described as having hair that is long enough to be put up but otherwise she’s a blank slate), unprotected p in v sex, cum swallowing, creampie, semi-public sex acts, oral (r + m receiving), handjobs, fingering, very light switchy dom/sub dynamics, a couple spanks, pet names (sweetheart, pretty girl, baby, honey), heavy praise kink, light size kink, consent king!marcus, just like the song it does not end happily [please let me know if i missed any at all :)]
➔ this is my (first 😈) submission to @beskarandblasters Taylor Swift Drabble Challenge! i really did mean for this to be a drabble especially since i didn't know anything about marcus before receiving this prompt but he has my whole fucking heart and mind now 😩 thank you so much for the challenge lovely kel, and special thank u to my baby @fhatbhabie for betaing and screaming with me ily <3 (dividers by the amazing and talented @saradika-graphics)
You meet Marcus Pike on a Friday night and it’s obvious from the start that he’s going to change your life forever.
He looks a little disheveled when he enters the gallery–brown hair ruffled and standing up in places, tie loose, top shirt button undone. There’s an alluring five o’clock shadow burgeoning across his jaw and cheeks. He looks like he’s had a long day, and it’s only going to get longer. It’s all part of the plan, of course. He’s supposed to look like a standard blue collar worker, and he pulls it off with ease.
It’s the exhibition’s opening night, so it’s a little more packed than the gallery normally would be. It works in his favor–he’s able to collect a plastic cup of champagne from the refreshment table and blend seamlessly into the crowd.
His eyes are diligent as they scan the faces that come and go. He tries to commit them all to memory–the tall woman with the slight limp, the short guy wearing the Hawaiian patterned shirt. There’s dozens of people that pass by, and so many of them are forgettable. It’s exhibitions like these that make him dread undercover work.
The art on the walls isn’t exceptional, but it’s not bad. Nothing that seems worth stealing, that’s for sure. But his source is good, and his source said that this place was getting hit tonight. So he keeps his watchful eyes vigilant and pretends to sip the champagne in his hand.
Until he finds your exhibit.
There’s a depth to your art that he’s come to be familiar with–something he sees often in work of high value. Anyone can make abstract art, it’s as simple as flicking paint at a canvas. But few can charge it as emotionally as you have. To convey feeling and passion and heart through abstraction is a separate art form all its own, and it’s one you’ve mastered.
He’s seen original Rothko’s, Van Gogh’s, Kandinsky’s; he’s held their frames in his own two hands. But nothing’s ever made his breath hitch in his throat quite the way yours does.
He stands in front of a canvas simply labeled “Waves In Motion” with your name printed neatly underneath, brow creased with a concentration that seems a little unnecessary given the subject matter of the painting. It’s all shades of blue and violet, swirling together in a way that seems partly sensuous, partly violent. It makes the hair on the back of his neck prickle, and he takes a step closer. That’s when he notices it: a single dot of red paint right in the middle, a focal point of all the swirling cobalts. So small that he wouldn’t notice it if he wasn’t close; so small it could almost be interpreted as a mistake.
But he knows without having to ask that it’s not an answer. He wonders who that dot represents: you, the artist? Most likely.
Without meaning to, he smiles. It’s been a long time, years really, since a piece of art provoked such thought.
The voice Marcus hears next to him is soft, dulcet. He doesn’t turn to the noise quickly–from the tone in that word alone he senses a hesitance, as if you’re a fawn that’s lost its mother and you’re bound to run if he makes any sudden movements.
And, truth be told, part of him thinks he might not be able to look away even if he tried right now. There’s something so beautiful about this painting–and underneath, something so ominous. There’s an air about the work that says he might unlock the secrets of the universe if he just keeps looking.
“Hi there.” He keeps his eyes trained on “Waves In Motion” as he responds–playing the game. He’s here to brush shoulders, after all; to be the right amount of forgettable yet memorable.
“This is my best, I think,” you murmur while taking a step closer. “It took the least time of all of them, surprisingly. But… I think when you know exactly what you’re trying to convey, it just comes to you easily.”
“These are yours?” There’s admiration in his eyes and an air of something akin to disbelief in his voice as he takes in the group of canvases proudly displayed on the plain white gallery walls.
And then he turns and lets himself take you in. More specifically the curling strand of hair that falls out of your updo to frame your face, the deeply plunging neckline of your dress, the way your calf muscles work even standing still in your high-heeled shoes. You’re a work of art in your own right; the most beautiful piece he’s seen in a long time.
“Yeah.” You duck your head–shyly, modestly–and he’s hooked. There’s one thing in this building that deserves awe and reverence more than your painting, and it’s you. “You know, you’re only the second person who’s come over tonight.”
“No way. They’re all just working their way back here,” he whispers before he can calculate a more articulate response.
But it works in his favor–your giggle is gorgeous, if a sound can be described that way. Sweet and syrupy, it seeps over him as if he’s standing under a cracked honeycomb. He hasn’t actually taken a drink of his champagne, and yet he can feel his nervous system tingling. You’re just that intoxicating.
“The gallery closes in half an hour,” you tell him–a little wistfully at that. “In my defense, I don’t have any family or friends in the area. I wasn’t really expecting anyone to show, not with so many other talented artists here.”
It seems so indignantly unfair to Marcus. That you’re shoved into the far back corner of the gallery, that people haven’t come in droves from all over the country to see your work.
“Where are you from?” He asks as his mind finally starts to clear from the haze it’s been in the past few minutes. With only half an hour left on the job, he allows himself a small sip of the drink that he’s been cradling all night.
“New York. This is actually only my second exhibition,” you explain, and you almost sound shy about it; as if you need to be embarrassed about being young and fresh-faced in the art industry, as if you aren’t the most talented artist Marcus has ever met in person.
He hums in response, eyes unconsciously dragging over you once more. “You came a long way for this.”
You smile so prettily up at him, and in that moment he sees something in your eyes. He can’t describe it–maybe it’s something akin to longing. Something incomplete, unexplored. It’s familiar; it’s the red dot from your painting. Solitary amidst the swirling, lost yet not hopeless.
And just like your painting, he finds himself wanting to get lost in your eyes.
“Well, it’s not every day a gallery wants to host you,” you say after another sip of your drink. “Plus, I’ve never been to Texas before, and I needed a change of scenery.”
There’s something so charming, so boyishly intoxicating about the smile he graces you with. “How are you liking it so far?”
“It’s hotter than I’m used to,” you say with a chuckle that he echoes. “And I haven’t been able to do any exploring yet, my flight only got in a couple hours before I had to be here.”
“That’s a shame,” he hums in a tone that reveals deeper meaning. “How long are you here for? Do you have any plans?”
“A week,” you murmur. Subconsciously he leans in closer, on the edge of his proverbial seat. To seal the deal, you lean in too. “And not a damned one.”
There’s no air between you and Marcus. You exist in a vacuum for this moment–unable to breathe, choking on anticipation. He’s so close, yet way too far away. You want to be consumed by him–for him to be swirling blue; and you, a single speck of red in his midst.
The moment shatters with an audible sound–a deep, penetrating voice. “He’s still not here, huh? I don’t think your boyfriend’s coming. If he even exists.” There’s something strange in the raspy voice that drawls these words–something strange enough to immediately put Marcus on the alert.
You flinch at the sudden intrusion into your vacuum, but you recover quickly. You have to, because this intrusive stranger is standing way too close and has way too much alcohol on his breath.
And then something strange happens–you worm your arm around Marcus’s waist and press yourself firmly into his side.
“Actually, he’s right here,” you say. There’s a quality to your voice that wasn’t there before when you were just talking to Marcus–it’s firm, clipped, bordering on hostile. “He just got held up at work. Isn’t that right, babe?”
Thankfully, Marcus has always been one to think quickly on his feet. He wraps his arm around your shoulders and pulls you closer, unconsciously moving an inch or two in front of you. Protecting without really meaning to. “I’m sorry, honey. I got here as soon as I could.”
The man–burly and balding, probably a good twenty years older than you–scoffs. “Unbelievable.”
“Is there a problem here?” Marcus draws up to his full height–towering a good few inches over this strange intruder.
Whoever this guy is, he’s not completely stupid. He senses this isn’t going to be a fight he’ll win, so he backs off. “Not at all, man. Just didn’t want little miss standing here all alone the whole night.”
“Thanks,” you say with bitter reprehension. You wind even closer to Marcus–closer than this sudden farce demands. “But we’re fine now.”
He nods once–curt and unhappy, but seemingly satisfied that he’s not going to get what he wants. “Have a good night, ma’am. Sir.”
Marcus takes a mental inventory of the man as he storms off, committing his physical description and his outfit to memory. He doesn’t look like a casual art viewer, and he doesn’t look like a collector. He’s exactly the type that Marcus came here to look out for.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper as you step out of Marcus’s personal space. “He’s been hovering all night, asking me who I’m going home with and shit.”
“That’s the other guy who came over to talk to you?” It brings a deep frown to his face, a crease forming between his brows. It certainly raises a red flag–if the guy has any eye for value, of course he would be drawn to your exhibit. And if he has an eye for value, he could be the guy Marcus came for.
“Yeah.” You rub the back of your neck awkwardly and avert your gaze, as if you should be embarrassed for drawing that guy’s attention. “It’s not been the greatest night.”
Marcus hates that. He hates that you came all this way to be let down, that this is only your second exhibition and you’ve had such a bad experience with it. More than anything, he hates that he can still see the spark in your eyes when you look up at him, and he can tell that it’s dimmed.
“Gimme just a minute.”
He doesn’t mean to be so abrupt, but he wants to make it quick. He hustles to the single-stall men’s room and tugs the radio out of his inside jacket pocket to call in the man’s description. Then he turns it off, tucks it back into its concealed pocket, and goes over to the sink.
He thought he looked perfect for the part he had to play when he left his house to come here. Now, he’s too disheveled. He wets his fingertips and tries to tame the mess on top of his head; he re-buttons his shirt and tightens his tie. He looks flustered, and he’s not even surprised by it. You’ve got his heart pounding with anticipation in a way he doesn’t think it ever has before.
Butterflies fluttering on in his stomach, he emerges from the restroom to resume his position by your side.
Except you’re not by your exhibit anymore, and the crowd has thinned considerably. He checks his watch and realizes there’s only five minutes before the gallery closes for the night. Maybe you’ve decided to cut your losses and leave early.
He hates the way his gut twists with disappointment, but then he reminds himself that he didn’t come here for you. He’s working, and he needs to stay vigilant. No distractions, no complications.
“You’re still here.”
There’s a wave of relief that washes over him as he hears your voice, and this time he’s not too timid to turn towards you. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Thought I might’ve scared you off.” There’s a fresh cup of champagne in your hand and a hint of vulnerability in your voice, and it makes his heart pick up pace just the slightest bit. You duck your head–that shy, modest gesture again. “I… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have just done that without permission.”
“Don’t be sorry,” he tells you, more earnestly than he’s ever said anything in his life. “I didn’t mind at all, I swear. Just had to hit the head.”
You look so deeply into his eyes he almost wonders if you aren’t looking through him. But whatever you find, you must like it.
He clears his throat and tries to not show how thoroughly unraveled he is by your gaze. “I’m Marcus, by the way.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Marcus.” You pause for a moment, and he can tell that there’s something else lingering on the tip of your tongue–so he remains silent in hopes of drawing it out.
“Do you have someone to go home to?”
There it is–the invitation he was both dreading and hoping for. He should really lie. He’s here on a job, after all–he’s supposed to avoid complications, and some instinct tells him you’re going to be much more than a simple distraction. But he’s told you the truth so far, and he doesn’t want to stop now.
“No. No, I don’t.”
This is everything that Marcus has never even considered doing. It’s late, it’s dark, it’s a little chilly for spring in Austin. The alley is grimey and drafty–your hair blows in the breeze even as you kneel down before him.
All he can do is stand there, dumbstruck with his back up against the rough brick wall, and stare down at you.
He’s still breathless from the way you’ve been kissing him–all heat and passion, fire and brimstone. Your hands ran through his hair and undid the effort he put in while in the bathroom, and his hands clutched your waist in a futile attempt to ground himself. Your lips are so soft; he thinks he could kiss you forever and never get tired of it. He was certainly planning on finding out, until you dropped to your knees in front of him.
“You… you don’t have to–”
But the way you look up at him through your lashes makes his throat close up around whatever protest he was going to try.
“I want to,” you assure him–more of a purr than a spoken statement.
And this really isn’t the place. He shouldn’t let you do this here. But he’d be lying if he said the thought didn’t make him harden in his boring gray work slacks.
Marcus has never been about excitement. He’s always strayed to the comfortable and familiar–he falls into the sweet, caring companion role with grace and ease.
And tonight doesn’t have to be that different. If you’re going to suck his dick in a dark, dingey alley, he’ll let you. But he’s going to lay his jacket down on the ground so you don’t scrape up your knees first.
You keen at the thoughtful gesture and grace him with a grateful smile as your adept fingers work his belt open. He’s straining against the seam of his pants now, begging for the attention that your gaze promises him.
If he didn’t know better, he’d think you’re every bit as eager to get his trousers and boxers down as he is.
And Lord help him, he delights in the gasp you emit when his cock springs free from its confines.
“Fuck, Marcus.” Your lips actually part as you freeze for a moment, just taking him in. He’s thick, maybe an inch longer than average, swollen head peeking through uncut skin as if begging for your waiting mouth. He curves to the left just a little bit, and you can almost see his pulse thrumming through the prominent vein that runs along the length of him.
“S’not that impressive,” he mumbles, and you know that he knows that he’s full of shit.
Your fingers almost don’t wrap all the way around him, and suddenly you’re second-guessing this back alley stint, too. You want him in bed. You want him deep inside you, kissing your face as he fucks you, hands all over your body, thrusts hard yet slow. You want it languid, you want it desperate, you want it any way he’ll give it to you. You don’t want to blow him and say goodbye.
He calculates your hesitation as something other than pure unadulterated lust, and he lifts your chin gently with his index and middle fingers.
“Hey, we don’t have to–”
Again, you cut him off–this time, by dragging your tongue from the seam of his balls all the way along his length to swirl messily around his tip. You taste every heady inch of him and then moan at the salty foreshadowing on your tongue when you catch a droplet of precum leaking from his slit.
Your hand springs into action with a long, slow stroke along his cock, and then you sink your mouth around him and he moans. Without caution or pretense, like you’re not in an alley that anyone could walk down at any moment. It’s a little more high-pitched than he’d like for it to be and his head thumps back against the brick wall hard enough to hurt, and even still he’s never felt so overwhelmed with pleasure before in his life.
Your nose meets the neat patch of hair at his base and your free hand comes up to his hip, effectively pinning him against the wall when he tries to buck greedily even further into your mouth.
No one’s ever taken him so relentlessly before. You’re insistent, pressing onward even as you gag on his length, and it makes his balls tighten in a way he’s never felt before. It’s like you’re hungry for him; like you’re doing this more for your own pleasure than for his.
Marcus Pike has been a giver his whole life. Tonight, with you, he finally decides to take.
He’d be embarrassed about how fast he comes if you weren’t so eager for it. You moan around him and push yourself as deep as you can, throat working around him desperately not to choke on the size of him. Before he can warn you he’s spilling into your mouth, maybe more than he’s ever come before, thick and salty but undeniably sweet too. You allow yourself a moment to savor him as he pulses in your mouth, tongue swirling around the sensitive head of him in a way that makes him shiver and whine.
He’s panting, nearly light-headed, when you finally pull off of him and press one last gentle kiss over his slit.
“Holy shit,” he murmurs, because there’s nothing else to say.
You giggle, and he realizes with a strange wistfulness that he would do anything to keep this girl–a girl he’s just met, a girl who’s leaving to go back to her home on the other side of the country in just a week–smiling and laughing the way she is now.
“My hotel is only a couple blocks away,” you tell him as he helps you to your feet. “Would you like a nightcap?”
You pick up his jacket and dust the grime off it–it makes him chuckle. Everything about this encounter has flown in the face of what he’s used to.
He’s never felt so alive.
“I would love a nightcap.”
Your senses wake up slower than normal.
First it’s your eyes–they tune in on the bright mid-sunrise light streaming through the open balcony blinds on the far wall. It falls in slivers and shards over the rumpled white hotel-standard bedding–the second thing your senses tune into. Everything is so soft and light, but it’s a little cold too. Especially the other side of the bed; there’s no heat remaining there at all.
You push yourself up with a grunt and let the sheets fall away from your bare torso, tired eyes scanning around the room. You notice clothes scattered all over the floor while your ears wake up enough to hear water running in the bathroom, and you can’t help the involuntary smile that spreads over your face. He’s still here.
Marcus lets the too-hot water wash over him in scalding waves, muscles still a little sore after a long night tangled together with you.
He checked his phone first thing this morning, and the gallery was quiet all night. They think the suspect he radioed in was the guy they were looking for, but they weren’t able to apprehend him. The running theory is that he might’ve recognized Marcus and decided low-value art wasn’t worth the hassle, but one guess is as good as the next until they can bait and catch the guy.
It’s the weekend now, and Marcus is thanking his lucky stars. Not only does he have a successful mission to celebrate, but he has the most beautiful woman in the world to celebrate it with.
He emerges after a few minutes, wet hair messily scattered over his forehead and wide hips straining against a low-slung hotel towel. He’s a languid Saturday morning wet dream on two legs.
“G’morning,” he hums with a smile–he doesn’t even try to hide the way his eyes dip down to hungrily take in your naked torso.
“Good morning, Marcus.”
He stalks towards you slowly, eyes darkening with each advancing step. It doesn’t take more than a second to realize he didn’t get his fill of your body last night, but you’re certainly not complaining.
He’s already starting to harden as he drops his towel and crawls over the foot of the bed, surging forward to capture your lips in a sweet kiss. If last night was desperation and passion, this morning is syrupy and sweet. He explores your mouth slowly, tongue sweeping between your lips and tracing every curve and ridge he can–almost like he’s trying to commit you to memory.
There are universes in the depths of his dark eyes. He may not say exactly what he’s thinking, but you can see it playing out in those baby browns of his. There’s something simmering underneath the surface–something more than just lust or desire.
Something dangerous.
You tug him closer and cup his face in your hands, enjoying the gentle scratch of morning stubble underneath your palms. He surges forward and presses you into the pillows as he settles himself comfortably between your spread legs.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmurs through kisses scattered along the length of your jaw.
You know you probably look like you got run over by a bus–you toss and turn in your sleep, and it always leaves your hair a matted mess. And that’s not even mentioning the slight tremble in your thighs, left over from Marcus’s enthusiastic attention last night. But there’s so much sincerity in his voice; you don’t think he would waste his breath saying it if he didn’t mean it, and that fact alone makes your heart pound with desire.
There’s a syrupy slowness to the way he moves down your body, lips leaving behind heavy wet kisses as he works down your chest and over your stomach.
And it’s almost like he senses the protest working its way up your throat when you feel his hot breath on your thighs, because he looks up at you and there’s sternness in his gaze. You got your fill last night, and now it’s his turn.
“May I?” He looks up at you from the apex of your thighs with big, round puppy eyes that are impossible to refuse–so you nod eagerly and don’t even try.
If you were eager to have him in your mouth last night, he’s desperate.
There’s no hesitation, no build-up. It’s almost aggressive, the way he buries his face in your heat. He laps like a dog at a bowl, hips canting into the mattress involuntarily as your taste floods his mouth.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” he growls into your sopping cunt. “You taste incredible.”
You keen at the praise and card your fingers through his hair, tugging slightly at the damp, spiky strands when his tongue laves heavily over your sensitive clit.
Marcus’s greedy hands grip underneath your thighs and push them as far as you can comfortably spread them. You’re still so sensitive after at least three orgasms last night–you lost count after a point–and it serves to wind your nerves tighter than they’ve ever been wound before.
One hand slides to the junction of your thigh and his thumb comes to take over the pressure on your clit as his tongue plunges between your soaked folds. It’s even more overwhelming like this, and there’s not a thing in the world that you want to do more than let him have his fun. Especially when that hand and his tongue switch spots–his lips seal and suck around your clit while he presses two achingly thick fingers into your waiting entrance.
It actually makes your muscles tighten and your back rise off the bed as he curls his fingers just right to find that spot that makes you fall apart for him.
He can tell you’re getting close–he’s already so intune with the way your muscles twitch, the change of pitch in your moans. You whine and cry for him the tighter he winds the rubberband, and he’s eager to make it snap.
“That’s it, pretty girl,” he says over the overwhelming flutter of his fingers scissoring and curling inside you. “Let me have it.”
You squeeze your eyes shut so tightly as pleasure wracks through your body that you can see constellations. Large hands come to pin your thighs open as his tongue keeps working, lapping and gliding against your cunt with ease as a wave of arousal gushes from your entrance.
You’ve never been so wet in your life, and he’s just getting started.
He trails open-mouthed kisses up your body as you catch your breath–his slick-soaked lips coat your skin with your own arousal as he works his way up to allow you a taste of yourself.
The first wet lick of his tongue into your mouth makes you moan. It’s not the first time you’ve tasted your own slick–you’ve had a moment or two of curiosity–but it’s never been quite as enjoyable as it is on his tongue. It pairs so perfectly with the minty tang of toothpaste left on his breath and makes you hungry for more.
He moves fluidly under your direction as you push him onto his back and roll to straddle his lap all in one graceful movement. It’s perfect like this–he doesn’t have to support his weight so he can run his big meaty hands all over every inch of you, and you can kiss him as deep as you want while you grind down on his aching length.
“Shit, baby,” he pants against your lips. Those aforementioned beefy palms grasp hard at your asscheeks to guide your hips, pulling you into a slow, long grind that bumps the head of his cock against your clit deliciously.
Your pulse thrums with desperation until you’re seeing white–no more teasing, no more preamble. You take his girth in your hand and give him a firm stroke; if you had a little more presence of mind, you might be embarrassed at how wet his dick is simply from grinding against you for a few seconds.
“Go ahead, baby, take it when you’re ready.”
He gasps at the first press of his cockhead against your entrance, head flopping back against the pillows as his hands squeeze your asscheeks with bruising force.
“Shit, you’re tight,” he murmurs, throat working around a thick gulp. “You can take it baby, I know you can. Did so good for me last night.”
You think you would honestly do anything he asks of you so long as he just keeps talking like this.
It takes a moment for you to work your way down his length–he’s so mouth-wateringly thick and the curve of his cock hits the most delicious spot inside you that you didn’t even know existed.
“Atta girl,” he praises breathlessly as your hips settle flush against his. “Just sit there for a minute. So pretty on my dick.”
God, he makes your entire body flush with heat. He turns your blood to molten lava with his words, lighting every inch of skin on fire. You’ve never felt a sensation like this–so overwhelming yet so intoxicating.
You start with slow movements as his hands trace up and down your sides sweetly–it’s more like you’re grinding on him than anything else. His thumbs rub abstract little patterns into your skin as his hands work up to your tits; when he finally takes them in the palms of his hands and squeezes all pretense of soft, sweet morning-after sex flies out the window.
You drop down hard on his cock and it nearly punches the wind out of him.
“Yes!” He growls darkly. His eyes flash with something dangerous–it’s the only warning you get before his hand slaps the meat of your ass and grabs a greedy handful. “Just like that baby, use my fuckin’ dick.”
And maybe, if he was someone else, you wouldn’t be nearly as eager to follow instructions. But with Marcus, you’re nothing if not obedient.
Last night was exploration and discovery–hours into the early morning spent learning each other’s bodies, finding what makes the other squirm and whine and beg. This morning is in perfect juxtaposition to that sweet, soft, probing sex–you know what drives each other crazy now, and you each use it to your advantage. Aggressively.
He surges up to suck a pert nipple into his mouth as you set a hard pace on him, long fingers pressing into your skin hard enough to leave marks. He lands another sharp smack to your ass when your thighs start to shake–a reward for using his cock exactly how he asked.
”I know, sweetheart,” he purrs through a guttural moan. He cants his hips up to meet your thrusts at just the right moment—he hits something so devastatingly pleasurable that your vision prickles white around the edges. “I know, it’s so much, isn’t it? It’s okay, you can let go. Come for me.”
There’s a condescending note to his voice that only makes you squeeze harder around his cock, and within seconds you’re hurtling uncontrollably into ecstasy.
He fucks you through the telltale fluttering of your cunt even when your hips stop moving; strong hands hold you in place and work you through the ebbing waves of pleasure that wrack through your entire body.
”M’so close, honey,” he grunts with a particularly sharp thrust upward. One hand comes up to cradle your jaw in his hand, forcing your eyes to meet his. “Where do you want me?”
”I-inside,” you gasp. “Come inside me, Marcus.”
He fills you as soon as he has your instruction—hard thrusts punctuated by breathy moans as he pumps you full of his release.
There’s a long, silent moment where Marcus pulls your bare chest tightly against his own and you pant into the crook of his neck while trying desperately to even-out your breathing. His fingertips dance across your skin-feather-light, soothing.
The sun is higher in the sky now and meets your eyes with blinding rays through the balcony shutters when they finally open again.
”That was amazing, honey,” he murmurs into the crown of your head. He’s caught his own breath now, but he doesn’t make any attempt to let you go. “How’re you so perfect?”
”M’not perfect,” you mumble into his shoulder; but even to your own ears, it sounds half-hearted. The truth is, he’s so earnestly honest that you believe him.
He hums his dissent with a kiss pressed to your hairline. ”You are to me.”
And you so desperately want to believe him that you don’t even try to argue.
You bask in this warm, lovely afterglow for a few moments longer before Marcus gently taps your hip. ”Come on, sweetheart. Let’s get cleaned up and I’ll buy you breakfast.”
You pull off of his softened cock with a whine and try not to get worked up all over again at the feeling of his cum leaking down your thighs. ”Th-there’s a free continental breakfast downstairs.”
”Oh, then I’ll definitely pick up the tab,” he jokes with a smirk—all you want to do is kiss his goofy, stupidly handsome face.
He pulls you into the bathroom and starts the water running to fill the tub—he’s never really been a bath guy, but your legs are a little too shaky to endure a shower. He’s so attentive—from running a damp cloth between your legs to helping lower you into the water. He doesn’t complain in the slightest when you catch his hand and ask him to join you; he just shuffles you forward and slides in behind you like it’s a casual act that he performs with every hookup.
It’s intimate. That’s really the only way to describe it. You sit between his spread legs, back to his chest, head rested back against his shoulder while his fingers ghost idle paths over your skin. You don’t talk; you don’t really need to. Somehow, you fit together like souls who have known each other for years. Like all you’ve been missing is each other.
You drift off in his arms as he traces soap over all the curves and ridge of your body, the steady beat of his heart thumping in your ear.
It breaks his heart a little bit to wake you—the fact that you’re so comfortable with him, that you trust him with such vulnerability, makes his head spin a little bit. But the water’s turning cold, and the last thing he wants is for you to come down sick or something.
He rouses you with gentle, feathery kisses scattered over your rosy-scented shoulders and neck.
”Mmm… what time is it?” You grumble, pressing your sleep-addled face further into the crook of his neck.
”Just after noon,” he whispers into your hair after glancing up at the clock on the wall.
He can feel the way your mouth shifts into a pout. “Shit. We missed breakfast.”
The adorable downward tilt of your frown as you lift your dad to look at him makes his heart flutter. “Let’s go out, then. The first farmer’s market of the season is going on downtown. I’m sure we can find something good for brunch.”
”Kinda sounds like you’re asking me on a date,” you hum with a slight smirk dancing at your lips.
”Maybe I am.” His tone is light, his meaning clear—he knows this goes beyond a one-night stand, and there’s no harm done if you’re not wanting to cross this boundary. He’d understand not wanting to get too serious about someone who lives thousands of miles away from your home, of course. He’d never blame you.
You give him your best appraising look, staring deep into those constellation-filled brown eyes. ”You’re not sick of me yet?”
”I have a feeling I couldn’t get sick of you if I tried.” There’s nothing but sincerity in his tone, in his eyes. He genuinely wants to spend time with you, even if there’s nowhere for this to really go.
You hum thoughtfully. “I do love farmer’s markets.”
You’re with Marcus more often than not over the course of the next week.
He takes you sightseeing to some of his favorite spots around Austin, brings you to his favorite restaurants, shows you his favorite movies. But he multitasks—while teaching you about himself, he learns as much as he can about you and picks activities he knows you’ll love, too.
He’s a pragmatist; he knows your time together is short, and he wants to make himself unforgettable. If he never sees you again, he wants you to think about him every once in a while and look back on this time fondly.
You spend your days while Marcus is at work painting or drawing or lingering around the gallery, and you fall asleep in his arms every night. With shades of gray moonlight and candlelight cast over your hotel room, it almost feels like this could go on forever.
He tells you to wear something nice before he picks you up on the last night–he wants to celebrate in style, which starts with reservations at an up-scale restaurant.
He’s so achingly handsome. He’s in a matching gray suit over a white button-up, top two buttons undone and no tie to be seen. His face bears the slightest five o’clock shadow and your eyes gravitate to the curve of his lips–the instant smile that takes over his face when those gorgeous brown eyes of his land on you.
If you never see him again, this is exactly how you want to remember him.
“Wow,” he whispers reverently. “You look amazing.”
It’s not the most impressive dress you own, but he looks at you like you’re wearing something worth millions–like you’re worth millions.
You lean up and kiss him, and everything feels right. His hands rest on your waist and it’s so easy to pretend that you won’t be on the other side of the country twenty-four hours from now.
The restaurant is beautiful. Dimly lit and romantic, tables spaced enough to give you some privacy. He takes your hand on top of the table and holds it the entire meal. The conversation is light and airy–you’re both stubbornly dancing around what really needs to be said.
Dessert is cleared and the wine bottle is empty by the time Marcus finally works up the courage to acknowledge the elephant in the room.
“I don’t want you to go.”
You knew this would be coming, but it doesn’t make it any easier. You avert your gaze, instead focusing on his large hand wrapped around yours and the windshield wiper motion of his thumb tracing back and forth over your palm. No one’s touch has ever sent such electric tingles through your nervous system the way his does.
You don’t know what to say, so you say nothing at all.
“Look, I…” He takes a deep breath and straightens his spine a little bit, hand leaving yours to gently cup your chin. He forces you to look him in the eyes as he breaks your heart. “I think this could really be something, if we gave it a shot.”
You haven’t lied to him yet, and you don’t plan to start now. “I… I think it could, too. If I didn’t have to go back.”
“Don’t go back then.” There’s a firmness to his voice, but it couldn’t be any more obvious that he’s begging if he actually got down on his knees. “Stay here with me. We’ll figure this out. Just… don’t go.”
And here–with his earnest eyes on yours and his gentle, loving touch on your skin–it’s easy to pretend that it’s that simple.
He takes you back to your hotel room and sheds you easily out of your dress. As cliche as it sounds, it’s not just sex this time. Things that it’s too early to say are buried deep within every kiss, every thrust. He hooks your legs over his shoulders and looks deeply into your eyes while he fills you and you’ve never felt so overwhelmingly connected.
The thud of his heartbeat is insistent in your ear as you come down from your high–so calming, so heartbreaking. You lay on his chest while his breathing evens out and soak up these last few moments of bliss. And then, once you’re sure he’s sound asleep, you carefully worm out of his grip. There’s one more thing you have to do before you go back to New York.
Loud, insistent ringing pulls Marcus from the depths of sleep. He tries to ignore it and go back to sleep, but now that his senses are alert, the sound in combination with bright Saturday morning sunlight won’t allow him the luxury. He presses his face deeper into the pillow that he’s somehow wound himself around in his sleep, but that damned ringing won’t stop.
He sits up slowly and tries to rub the sleep from his eyes–and that’s when he notices the empty sheets next to him. Your side of the bed is long cold, and he knows. Before he even sees the note on the dresser and your room key next to it, he knows you’re gone.
He finds his trousers discarded halfway between the bed and the door and pulls his blaring phone out of the pocket.
“The gallery got hit sometime early this morning. They took everything. Every goddamn piece. You need to get here now.”
His body moves on autopilot as he pulls yesterday’s clothes back on, fingers numb to all sensation as they work to button his shirt. This can’t be happening. It can’t be you.
He notices the note on the dresser as he’s threading his belt through the loops of his trousers, and his gut twists with a sickening sense of foreboding.
I really did fall for you, Marcus. But nothing good starts in a getaway car.
He’s not sure if you knew who he was the whole time and this whole thing was calculated, or if you just got lucky. He doesn’t want to believe you’re that cunning and cruel. He wants to believe that this is just a misunderstanding, that you’re out for ice or something and you’ll walk back through the door at any moment.
But you don’t.
The note is enough of a confession for him. He’ll have the power of the FBI on his side to find you–and he will find you. What he’ll do when he does, he’s not sure. He guesses he’ll know when he sees you.
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#marcus pike#marcus pike x reader#marcus pike smut#marcus pike fanfiction#marcus pike one shot#marcus pike x you#pedro pascal#pedro pascal characters#the mentalist#the mentalist fanfiction#the mentalist one shot#cece writes
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I always forget to post it here... My twitter followers liked this redraw, so yeah!
the left one was drawn a few days ago (january 26, 2025) and the one on the right about the same time last year!
how amazing to see this kind of progress, right? I'm sure getting an ipad helped a lot, but, still... maybe next year will be even better, who knows lol <3
share it with friends if you like it! and you could also comment/send me prompts and ideas for future fanarts!
#art resources#jane x lisbon#jisbon#mentalist#patrick jane#robin tunney#simon baker#teresa lisbon#fanart#the mentalist#kimball cho#the mentalist fanart#the mentalist fanfiction#illustration#digital illustration#sketch#the xfiles#criminal minds#bones tv#richard castle
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