#you can do whatever you want forever etc etc. however the saying goes
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 2 years ago
thanks for the ike kissing shitpost fic it gave me a nice laugh with all the current stuff happening. always good to see more from you regardless of it's more serious writing or just fun and silly stuff i just love seeing you pop up on my dash 💛
i said this earlier in tags and i'm gonna say it louder: your work is only as serious as you take it!!! and so is everything else in this bitch of an earth!
i like to laugh and be happy. and the idea of a poor unsuspecting quilldren reading 1k of steamy ike and then getting suckerpunched with sonic high school would REALLY make me laugh and be happy
in a more serious note i've mourned what i needed to mourn and i'm genuinely happy for progress, so i don't see the point in holding back. vtubers come and go but the enjoyment stays, and if there's anything i've learned over the last almost-two-years of this fandom it's to enjoy every moment. just 'cause it's been a rough time doesn't mean everything has to be just as rough, it's the little moments of fun that makes them manageable. soooooooo. gay balls
it's what he would've wanted
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citricacidprince · 5 months ago
Does relativity falls Ford still wipe Stans memory's? And if so what is the aftermath?
Yes!! Ford still does erase Stan’s memory, I even did a drawing of it right here cause thinking about it hurts me soooo bad hehe
As for the aftermath, I have sooooo many thoughts
Stan still gets his memory back like in the show, however due to being 13 I like to think he didn’t come out completely unscathed. After all your mind is still growing at that age so i bet you ain’t gonna get out of a mind wipe without any side effects.
His mind quickly remembers everything he WANTS to remember or anything he considered important, however things Stan would rather forget or didn’t think were very important took longer to come back to him, if at all.
Here’s a quick doodle I did of Stan post series not remembering who his dad was for like 3 days because I thought of that randomly and it made me feel ill :)
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Stanley also begins to struggle in school, but like, 3 times worst before. Again, the memory wipe wasn’t very kind to him education wise, that stuff didn’t come back to him very easily. Stanford, who is easily the world most guilt ridden child, is dead set on making sure Stan can pass every grade with him, even if Stan has to cheat off his papers. Stan insists that Ford doesn’t have to go out of his way to help him but Ford won’t take no for an answer.
After Weirdmageddon the twins are attached at the hip and get really codependent on eachother and that doesn’t ease up as the years go on. Stanley feels more dumb the years go on but he feels happy that least he has his brother with him and Ford doesn’t treat him like an idiot. Stanford is constantly fretting over Stan, making sure he’s around if Stan has any memory lapses, or about to tackle someone like a rabid dog if they try fight Stan. It’s not the most healthy codependent relationship, but the two feel safe with each other and after all they’ve been through they can be a bit unhealthily codependent, as a treat <3
Filbrick still kicks Stanley out of the house when he’s 17, this time because he was furious at the fact Stanley wasn’t going to be able to graduate due to low grades and too many write ups. The main difference between the show here is that Stanford doesn’t even hesitate to walk out the door with Stanley, even when his dad tells him to go back inside. Ford almost lost his brother forever when he was a kid due to letting his father’s words bleed into his head, he refuses to ever let that happen again.
Stanley tearily calls Dipper and Mabel and tries to explain what happened before Stanford takes the phone and talks for Stan, explaining what happened and asking if the two could stay with them. Dipper and Mabel don’t even need to think about it, instantly fussing over the two as their voices overlap each others asking if the two are okay, if they need money, do they need to come get them, etc etc. Stanley insists that they’re fine and he’ll just take the 2-3 day drive to Oregon just like he did last summer when he got his permit.
The next morning their mother sneaks them into their old home and lets them take whatever they want and a wad of money she had hidden away, telling the two that she’s sorry but she was backed into a corner and didn’t know what else to do. Gave the boys a kiss on the cheek and ushered them out before their father caught on that they were there.
The drive is pretty quiet, the only disturbances being Ford asking Stan if he needs a break from driving to which Stan immediately turns down, and Stan guiltily saying that Ford didn’t have to leave with him to which Ford immediately shuts down that train of thought and says that where ever Stan goes, he’ll go.
When the two arrive at Gravity Falls Dipper and Mabel instantly squeeze the two to death, being nonstop worried ever since they got the call. Mabel helped the boys unpack while Dipper made a couple low threats into the phone and soon enough he had custody over the twins. (His blood boils when he thinks about how Filbrick didn’t even hesitate to give custody of Stanley, but fought about Stanford. Makes him happy that he never met the man in person.)
Stanley and Stanford finish off High School in Gravity Falls. Ford begins college courses online and Stan begins working at the Mystery Shack with Mabel and Anjelita, finding out he quite enjoyed theatrics and art, much to Mabel’s enjoyment.
I still want Stan and Ford to sail. Even if it’s just for a summer I want them to sail so bad. They deserve it.
I may put these boys through hell but I want them to be happy by the end of this that if they aren’t I think I would cry 💥
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 2 months ago
How do you feel about aromantic idia
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As a headcanon? I love (jokingly) bullying Idia for being a socially awkward and sexually repressed otaku, but personally I also like the idea of him being aromantic. He doesn't like attention focused on him and generally seems to prefer fictional characters (ie his waifus/j) to interacting with real people. However, I think it goes deeper than just that. There's many lines in his Suitor Suit card that hint at Idia being repulsed by romance (even if you remove the context of him being kidnapped and forced to wed a ghost):
"There's no reasoning with people who lose their minds over every little infatuation. Like, just keep your head down and focus on school!" (He prioritizes other things, such as school and dismisses things like crushes.)
"I could never swear my eternal love. There's no such thing, and I'm nothing if not honest." (Here, he denies the existence of "eternal love".)
"Love is just chemicals in your brain. And people call that fate? They're all nuts, if you ask me." (He describes the feeling of love in a cold, scientific manner when this isn't something most people would think that deeply about.)
"Don't leave me. Stay with me forever. ...Oof, these emo lines are killing me. I'm gonna steer clear of proposals for the rest of my life." (He makes fun of typical romantic lines and then outright states he doesn't ever want to propose to anyone.)
"Do whatever you want with me. Just get it over with!" (Idia conveys distress and wanting to quickly be done with the kiss/general romantic circumstances.)
"If you want to talk romance, I'm your guy. I'm familiar with all the popular fan ships in video games and manga. You might even call me an expert." (He diverts the topic of real-life romances to his hobbies; aromantics, contrary to popular belief, can still enjoy romantic media without being attracted to or having limited attraction to real people themselves.)
Beyond his Suitor Suit lines, Idia has expressed upset at romantic love being viewed differently than platonic love. In 6-76, during his post-OB flashback, Idia shows off Ortho to Styx researchers, who are appalled by what he has done. "Wait... You built your late brother?! But that's wrong, Mr. Shroud!" they tell him. To that, Idia says, "So it's romantic when a hero rescues his ladylove from the Underworld, but when I do the same for my brother it's wrong?" He's frustrated that the story about Hercules diving into the Underworld to save Megara is praised, but him going that same extreme distance to revive his loved one--an act of platonic love--is denounced.
Idia is also consistently a character that has been shown to enjoy optimization and efficiency. He doesn't like anything that overcomplicates what can easily be done or made easier by machines. For someone like him, who was raised in isolation and has to bear the guilt of potentially dooming a future partner to the Shroud family curse, I think he'd just say "fuck it" at some point and decide it's ultimately not worth that hassle. It could read like a justification for him if others ask why he never looked into finding a spouse, S/O, etc. Like he'd tell them it isn't worth his time or something to get them off his back.
Of course, this is just my personal headcanon and you're free to agree or disagree with me on it! (I support all you Idia yumes and shippers out there 😉) Let's remember that we're all here to have fun and to not take these things too seriously.
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olderthannetfic · 29 days ago
Ever since JKR terfed out, I've seen a lot of people talking about alternatives to Harry Potter. And i respect it, because I do think most of those people have good intentions, not to mention there are obviously people out there who are genuinely uncomfortable with the series and can't divorce the art from the artist.
But idk...for a lot of people, they like Harry Potter because it's Harry Potter. While some might find comfort in picking up a different "magic boarding school", "chosen one", "found family", "kids as the heroes", etc story, or whatever it is that someone might enjoy about HP...for some people it goes beyond just tropes or settings or character dynamics and they just like HP. They like Hogwarts, they like Harry and his classmates and teachers, they like to read about the creatures in the specific way they exist in the Hp universe, they like to read about Quidditch, they like things and characters that are only a thing within the Wizarding World and the "read another book" thing just doesn't work. (The "read another book" MEME though, however, can be pretty funny depending on the context though, ngl.)
Anyway, like, I get it, I really do, I have a lot of sympathy for those who want to separate themselves from HP forever. I don't think they're all virtue signallers/performative activists/whatever else you might say. it's one thing to call HP irreedemable media and how you should DNI if you still like it, it's completely different to be like, "hey here's another magick school story that might fill the void for those who genuinely want to cut all JKR out due to their own comfort"!
But regardless of you twist it, there will always be people who just...still enjoy HP. And I'll admit I do sideeye those who *knowingly, being aware of her politics* monetarily support her who wrote the books, but I don't think that having your House in your bio, or writing/reading fanfiction, or buying unofficial merch, or using the HP things you've already bought...I don't think any of that is bad by default. It's wild to me that some people think that those are all inherently red flags. And for some people, letting go of a franchise entirely is really hard, especially for most of the demographic of the HP fandom that I know, those who grew up with it as a part of their childhood and as SUCH an iconic pop culture thing. I'm not gonna read some new up and coming series if you just market it to me as "best friends at a wizarding school, but with more diversity than HP!" You know where else I can find that? HP fanfiction.
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the-bi-space-ace · 6 months ago
Clone Cuddle Headcanons
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Wrecker is the biggest cuddle bug idk what to tell you. He does run hot however. The amount of times whoever he’s cuddling with wakes up sweating and a thousand degrees is unbelievable. He’s real great to lay on top of though. Right on top. Get up there.
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Crosshair is a surprising confusing individual and I keep looking at him in disbelief. He’s not averse to touch but he does want to be the one to initiate it. Especially cuddling. He will sit by himself in silence and then randomly walk up and just plop on top of whoever he’s chosen. They then have to lay there and let him choose the position, the blanket situation, the temperature, etc. otherwise he’ll leave. Cat rules.*
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Tech isn’t huge on cuddling either but is willing to not be the initiator if they also respect whatever activity he is doing. If he’s sitting working on a project he will allow one of them to lay their head in his lap or wrap around him as long as they aren’t in the way. He may even play with their hair or rub their backs absentmindedly.
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Echo goes through phases. He wants to be touched but not all the time and sometimes he really hates it and other times he really craves it. It’s mainly important to either ask first or let him ask. He likes to sleep near another person and will choose someone to latch on to if he’s in a cuddling mood. Sometimes he literally can’t get enough physical contact to feel comfortable and it drives him up a wall. (Can I please suggest that part of the reason Hunter touches his shoulder so often is bc of those moods where Echo legitimately can’t get enough physical touch. I just think that would be a nice thought.) He feels best when he gets to hold someone else and he is especially partial to Wrecker who not only keeps him warm but also is pretty willing to switch the cuddling up at any point. Good man.
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Hunter! Hunter here! Really enjoys a good cuddle! Loves his back scratched or his hair played with! He has passed out on top of the other batchers before and woken up two hours later not knowing where tf he is. He also appreciates a good weight on him so his preferred position if he’s holding somebody is on his back with the other person laying their head on his chest. He runs warm so he’s a good option for the cold nights.
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Fives loves everyone’s personal space. Especially Echo’s. He is a cuddle while sleeping type of guy. No need to feel weird about asking him for a cuddle he’s down for it. If anyone sits on the edge of his bed while he’s trying to sleep he rolls over and wraps his arms around their waist and hugs them. Had so much practice at comfort when he was a cadet that it is second nature for him. When he joined the 501st he got real protective of the shinies so they sought him out often when they needed support.
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Rex does like a good cuddle but only with specific people. Doesn’t really want to be touched by people he doesn’t know well. Is honestly more accustomed to touch if it’s playful but again. Usually with people he knows well. Likes to lay his head in people’s laps or let them fall asleep on him. Is not too hot or too cold. Got used to the dominos crawling into his bunk while he was asleep and had to adapt to them being clingy on bad days. Got used to it and ended up missing when they weren’t there. Cody calls him a softie. Says they ruined him forever. He gets so grumpy back.
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Cody. This man. Idk why but I always headcanon him as a physical touch kind of guy. Doesn’t like overly fond affection in public spaces but is real affectionate in private. Like Rex he’s more comfortable with the playful affection but there’s always a spot in his bed if someone needs it. He’s rarely sleeping through the night anyway. Might as well be the support system for those who need it. More accustom to holding hands honestly. It’s quiet it’s easy he can still use his datapad while he holds someone’s hand.
*I have a cute addition which is that the first time Crosshair plopped down and decided Echo was going to be his cuddle target Echo was in the middle of something and Crosshair just threw whatever Echo was working on aside and laid his head in Echo’s lap while this man just looked at the rest of the batch like ‘help?!? He’s never done this before am I in danger? What do I do!?!’ And everyone else was just like ‘you’re fine just be normal about it’ and after a few minutes of silence he just plopped his hand on Crosshair’s head and that’s how they both accidentally took a three hour nap and woke up disoriented with aching necks.
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blossoms-phan · 7 months ago
Hi! I am a X escapee relatively recent Dan & Phil returnee who loves your posts, you seem so reasonable. I have just been given what felt like a 90 min presentation detailing how my innocent assumption that Dan and Phil were anything other than platonic housemates was incorrect and offensive.
The lecture i was given included every reference that highlighted, amongst other things: their "obvious" separate bedrooms, bathrooms, towels, angles of items shown in bedrooms, closets, mentions of wanting to go out and meet other men, lack of real concern (X words, not mine) at each others medical emergencies and every use of bro and friend that they have said post hiatus. It was very detailed, they were very insistent and I was very apologetic. I decided to flee the X hostility and head back to tumblr, but here everyone appears to think they are together. So now I am confused and don't want to offend a whole new group of people.
I think what set the X people off was i said "partner" as I was under the, I now know, incorrect impression that they went public years ago. Oops. Don't trust the internet is what I have learned from this. I thought all this drama would have died out long ago, but I assume this is a topic to stay far away from still? Thanks
hi anon! first of all, thank you for saying that (still can’t believe I’ve garnered enough attention on here that people specifically like my posts!), I really appreciate it. second of all imma be so real with you I am a person that still primarily refers to “X” as twitter bc I refuse to get with the times so this greatly confused me until I realized there was only one possible platform with those kind of people you could be talking about. i’m sorry you endured that exhausting sounding lecture and welcome you to phannie tumblr with open arms 🫶
i am here to gently reassure you that you can take what dnp say and do and show and form your own opinions about it, don’t let anyone tell you you’re right or wrong for drawing conclusions or making assumptions. however I will also be so bold and tell you why that individual is so blatantly wrong and maybe clear some of your confusion.
first of all, i think dnp would refer to themselves as anything but "platonic housemates." it all comes back to this but i dare someone to look me in the eyes and be so fr when saying that just because they've never stated in words "we're dating/boyfriends/partners etc" the simple fact that they share a mortgage on a "forever home" together, (according to them) spend literally all their time together, are partners in work/life/play (vacations), share families (dan being uncle to phil's niece) implies anything other than them being life partners. i'd also like to draw attention back to possibly the most blatantly open statement either of them has made about the nature of their relationship, in dan's video titled "basically i'm gay" where he describes them as "actual soulmates" and more. there are lots of people who have been discussing/answering posts about the concept of a "hard launch" recently which i could direct you to and i am of the mind that there's nothing wrong with conceptualizing the idea of a hard launch or them being more open to sharing details of their romantic relationship to an extent, but BIG is the most profound public statement of the nature of their relationship and, in my humble opinion, "the" hard launch as dan QUITE LITERALLY says "more than just romantic" and goes on to say he and phil are private people and that that's all he will say of it for now (keep in mind it's been 5 years since this statement- still relevant but minds can change, specifically theirs in terms of what they feel more comfortable and open sharing in a post-comeback world)
now moving on to the "references" you mentioned. again, highlighting literally any of this as "proof" that they are just friends or whatever is utterly ridiculous but i'll still go through it for funsies. i'd like to challenge this person that claims they have "obvious" seperate bedrooms by saying... what is so obvious about it?? dnp are highly aware that whatever they share with us will be analyzed or viewed under a microscope, so obviously they've carefully chosen which parts of the phouse to show us and they're not going to be like oh yeah this is OUR bedroom where we sleep TOGETHER every night. now i'm aware that yes, the "black" bedroom with dan's closet is more obviously a dan room that has been claimed as "his" bedroom. can't find it to link rn but they have posted a photo of the shelf of that room and while it is mostly dan stuff on the shelves, there was also a photo of phil's family and some of phil's books and items on the shelves. storage? sure, but if someone wants to claim that makes it so obviously dan's room then i can say that having phil's stuff in there could also point to them sharing the space. the room that phil films amazingphil videos in has been called a guest room/bed by them both, and in terms of rooms we've seen that just leaves the green room. imho everything points towards this being another guest room/possibly a room for family specifically to stay when they come- iirc nothing has been said to claim this as phil's room other than the fact that there is a painting by his dad and he occasionally films in there. i'm not going to pretend to know the ins and outs of their sleeping arrangements, but i think for two adults that own a huge house together and spend a lot of time together and have a lot of their own things it's perfectly reasonable to have "separate" bedrooms, multiple bathrooms/their own towels (?? i don't get this one i assume they're referring to the part of the golden pig video but like. obviously they have their own towels wtf lmao) and utter those things more on camera and then sleep together/share spaces in their own time.
once again, dan and phil know what they're doing. they are in control of what they show and share. calling each other "bro" and "friend" is an intentional choice and very much second nature at this point after doing it on camera for years. also it's not wrong or implies that they aren't romantic- i am of the opinion that they are friends first and they know that too. however, in a post-hiatus/comeback world, it almost feels pointed at this point. like a joke. a wink wink, nudge nudge, look-to-camera "we know you know" thing that they're keeping going just because they can.
in terms of the "going out and meeting other men" bit i assume they refer to jokes made by dan in the wad era? again, i'm not going to dive deep into this but dan is a comedian and post-coming out, wad and those other shows were the first time in his life he was able to be openly, unapologetically gay and himself and i think he was allowed to make a few grindr jokes for the fun of it. if dan values privacy in terms of his personal life, i highly doubt he would go around telling everyone he was hooking up with dudes- these are jokes plain and simple. but if you're interested @freckliedan has a wonderful post about dnp and the concept of monogamy/them sleeping with other people that i don't entirely disagree with and that is worded much better than i ever could so. i'd also like to talk to this person bc in what fucking world have they EVER shown a "lack of concern" at each others medical emergencies????? this is possibly the most baffling claim out of all of these to me. dan could not have made it more clear how scared/worried/traumatized he was by phil literally almost dying recently, and there have been more instances than i can count of him just being there for phil during all of his more recent health issues/scares. if this is referring to the eye incident, again i'm not going to pretend i know all the ins and outs of their relationship bc i don't- we know what they tell us. literally everything about this they said in a joking way, i don't know why people got their panties in a bunch- phil sending dan alone doesn't mean he doesn't care about him or anything, i honestly don't think he wouldn't have been much help going and i think they both kind of knew this, they were just playing it up to be a funny anecdote because they're entertainers. it's what they do. they've been making stories out of their lives for 15 years.
this is getting far too long and rambley as i don't know how to rein in my yapping when responding to asks but. i promise you're fine. discussing their relationship isn't "drama" or some forbidden thing, it happens on here a lot actually. except you will find most people on here use critical thinking and what dan and phil knowingly share with us, as adults with brains, to draw conclusions about their relationship based on everything from the way they look at each other to the little ways they tell us they care about and love each other bc they do. and that's not something they shy from now. come join us! don't let people tell you you're wrong for thinking they're partners bc in the nicest way possible, they literally are (if you want to sugarcoat it and say life partners instead of romantic go ahead bc they've literally described themselves as companions through life which is a more poetic way of saying partners imo) and respectfully anyone who thinks otherwise is in denial at this point
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r0-boat · 14 days ago
Byleth NSFW Alphabet
Hehe, I love him so much!
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Clingy, uncharacteristically so. It feels like if he lets go of you, you'll disappear forever. So he'll bury his face into your neck, inhaling your scent, holding you close to his still-naked body, taking in the afterglow. His hands roam all his favorite spots on her body. If you ever try to leave his arms for whatever reason, Byleth will give a disapproving sigh before getting up to follow you like a lost puppy.
Once he finds the reason why you gotten up he'll just silently step in front of you and do it for you. Saying something like "You could have asked me I would have done it for you."
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He has no particular favorite, He likes all of you, However if He had to choose. Byleth would say your smile. When you express such happiness for anyone for anything He couldn't help but feel your happiness as well. He also likes that your eyes seem to smile back at him when you look at him.
He also likes that you look at him when he's over you He likes having your attention. It seems a little selfish but he's quite possessive of it. Which he tries not to impose on.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He'll never admit what seeing your face covered in his cum does to him.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
When you're not here, and he misses you, he takes a shirt or a piece of clothing he stole from your room and puts his face in it, inhaling your scent. Sometimes, actually often, his hand will slip under his pants while he thinks about you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Yes, He basically grew up a part of a mercenary company. He's probably had a few sexual encounters.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Any position where you're holding him or looking at him. He likes your undivided attention and if he sees your attention drifting elsewhere he can kiss your lips.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's naturally more serious but if you're joking around then he can't help it but smile or chuckle.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Sometimes. Honestly it's because he forgets not that he doesn't want to or doesn't have time. Byleth isn't really naturally hairy unless it's on his head despite his father being a relatively hairy man... Guess he inherited that from his mother...
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He knows how to have sex but romance he has no clue about. He only kisses you because he likes doing it and your lips feel good on his. Romance does not come naturally to him. If he is doing things like lighting candles or giving gifts he's probably picking it up from somewhere else. And Byleth likes to please to see that cute smile he loves so much.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Byleth is still deciding whether or not he should or would want to jerk off when, if he could, he could just wait for you and (silently) ask for your attention. The tightness in his pants feels very uncomfortable, but the times he had it weren't nearly enough to satisfy him compared to what you do
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
If you ask him he would probably just tell you that he doesn't know.
But I feel like he would have a weird obsession with listening to your heart or trying to. Maybe it's because he doesn't have one himself. He likes that. He's the reason why it moves fast. He likes that if he fucks you hard enough or makes you ride him, you'll be out of breath, your heart beating out of your rib cage. He wants to hold you close until he hears it.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Byleth honestly would do it anywhere where it's just the two of you, he'd rather just fuck you in his bedroom though.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Byleth would never admit it, but when he feels that jealousy when someone else has your attention for a little too long that's when his hands find your hips and you feel his nose and lips press against the back of your neck.
Sometimes, when he hasn't seen you all day or all week, he will actively seek you out for some alone time.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
You would not hurt or, Gods forbid, put a blade anywhere near you. No, He doesn't even want to imagine a blade cutting your skin. When he saw you cut your hands with a knife, He practically rushed to snatch anything that he could rap the wound up.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Byleth is a little rusty, but he is a very quick learner because he not only likes your taste and likes to please but also your reaction. The way he will mutter out an apology if he uses a little too much strength to pry your legs open, his pupils blown wide, his breaths heavy as he salivates in his mouth for your taste.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Byleth pace always fluctuates in bed, However, it always tends to drift on the rougher side which he tries not to do.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Yes and no. He likes the idea of finishing inside you when he doesn't have a lot of time to spend with you. The problem is he always wants more after.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Byleth will try anything you're willing to try and then afterward he'll just say "I liked it, It felt good."
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Byleth absolutely has the stamina to go for a while. The reason why he doesn't keep you in bed until he's finally done is because he has duties to attend to or because you can't go on anymore.
Honestly it's just that He doesn't have the heart to tell you that he's not satisfied with just one round, So until that happens, he is done when you're done.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Byleth wouldn't like toys at first, probably because they would be new to him, and he's not used to them, but he starts warming up to them and maybe even starts using them. Personally, he prefers to try to make you feel good on his own.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Despite sometimes teasing you; Byleth doesn't do well with teasing. Personally, I don't advise it. If he could Byleth What instantly flip you back over. Before you get a little too cocky for his liking.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
The most you're getting is a quiet moan or two heavy breaths and shaky grunts. You though? He'll try to make you make noises.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Byleth has a lot more dirty thoughts than you'll ever know. Byleth's inner pervert is so closeted it's locked in a vault.
Byleth likes going out in the forest with you, especially when there is a lake with running water or a river if you ask to swim with him He will react to the idea of being naked with you but he will not oppose.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Byleth is big and he is a shower, The kind of likes that he is, It's addicting feeling the tight squeeze as he tries to spear and bully his big cock deeper inside. He likes me more muscular than you. He likes that he could pick you up easily.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Before, it was pretty low, but after he met you, it kind of skyrocketed to above average. It's like he's addicted to you, because in a way he is.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards
As soon as you're in his arms Byleth tends to fall asleep faster when you're cuddling him then after you've had sex with him. You give him safety and comfort that no one else could provide.
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mm-275 · 2 years ago
Request: nope
tw: some cuss words
- You would probably have had to have asked him out first, cause I know everything that happened with Gwen and when he flirted with her, scarred him.
- If you asked him out, honestly good for you cause he would’ve taken literally forever to do it himself 😭
- Butttt, if he asked you out, he took FOREVER to even think about talking to you, let alone asking you out on a date.
- This boy is so incredibly bad with saving up his money. He was able to do it the first few dates, but don’t get used to it because most dates will be on his roof or in his or your rooms (you don’t mind because he makes it fun)
- You guys get into a good flow of a relationship pretty quickly, and if you have classes with him, the teachers hate you guys so much (it’s his fault he’s throwing stuff at you) 
- He would never rush you in anything, so any “major” steps in the relationship will probably have to be initiated by you (hand holding, first kiss, etc etc)
- But you were never made aware of this, so on the like 5th date you’re like “wtf why won’t he hold my hand”
- He just doesn’t know how a relationship works (we know his mom would murder him if he got a girlfriend), so please help him out he’s clueless 😭
- When you meet his parents, Rio and Jeff think your great (you have the decency to call them Mr & Mrs Morales), and you brought Rio some flowers (you bugged Miles for WEEKS to get him to find out her favorite flower)
- They do question you thoroughly, not to be rude, they wanna make sure you’re a good influence and that you care (I love Gwen but Miles had to have had so much patience I would kick her out the SECOND she put her shoes on my bed)
- Reassure them that you don’t want to nor that you’ve ever done drugs/gotten drunk, and it’s even better if you get good grades.
- They probably invited you to stay for dinner, and you devour Rio’s food (cause I can smell that she cooks like a goddess) and if you ask her to teach you to cook she’s in love and she will make you hang out with her more than you hang out with Miles.
- I think Jeff would be a little less trusting, I mean, he’s a cop so he knows shit that goes down in the streets (he followed you around once or twice when he saw you and Miles walking somewhere together)
- When you wanna take Miles to meet your parents, he’s fucking terrified. He forgets everything and runs everything by you 4x to make sure
- “Does this outfit look good?” “Miles, it’s fine my parents don’t care that much” “I don’t like this shirt hold on-”
- Wears his nicest clothes and shoes he can find, and makes sure to bring your mom her favorite flowers (this is his payback for your weeks and weeks of asking him about his mom)
- He seems like the type of kid that parents love, so he leaves with your parents loving him (he checks 3x a week if they still like him)
- I don’t think he has a big type, I think he’s cool with whatever as long as your personalities click (he’s a thigh guy I stand by that)
- Whatever classes you guys don’t have together, he will walk you to yours. Don’t try to stop him, he will not listen. He will, however, be late to his own class because he did want to hold your hand down the hallway.
- He’s so terrified to tell you about him literally being spiderman, and when he does tell you, you dont believe him, then he pulls out his suit and climbs on the wall and you’re like wtf (like the tom holland spiderman scene)
- Will sneak into your room/sneak you into his room at night because he’s lonely and he loves you (especially before you meet parents)
- Says I love you first, but does it without realizing it because he’s been thinking it, but it slips out and he doesn’t realize it until you react to it.
pt. 2 is up but tumblr hates me and wont let me link anything
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dakusan · 3 months ago
K-POP Roleplay!
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𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗥𝗢 ˋˏ Hello! Name's Roxy or Dakusan, whatever you prefer. I am looking for someone to roleplay with who will be just as enthusiastic as I am: sending headcanons; fanart; music; chatting, active communicator; I don't want this to be only about the roleplay itself, I am trying to create a bond here. I will be listing below what I am looking for and my rules, so please have a look through them and read thoroughly. ˎˊ
𝗪𝗛𝗔𝗧 𝗜'𝗠 𝗟𝗢𝗢𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𓆩⟡𓆪 I am looking for a Kpop roleplay, as it is my forever obsession at this point. 𓆩⟡𓆪 I would like someone that is open to Doubling so we can all be satisfied with each side. I am not going to neglect your side, so definitely don't be shy! 𓆩⟡𓆪 I have ocs for Stray Kids, ENHYPEN and BTS. Though I have severe Bangchan brainrot so I am specifically looking for someone to play Channie for me and in return I can play anyone!!  𓆩⟡𓆪 Looking for someone that is fairly active both OOC and IC. Someone that can post multiple times a day. 𓆩⟡𓆪 Discord friendly only! 𓆩⟡𓆪 Only Canon x OC 𓆩⟡𓆪 Please be 18+ or 21+
𝗥𝗨𝗟𝗘𝗦 𝗢𝟭 ┊┊ No one-liners please. I feel as if I am being robbed off of a better response. If I do not get the detail needed or more information on what's going on with your character, I don't know how to react. Please, do not get offended if I ask for more from a response you give me! I am guilty of this too, so ask if you need more from me. My writing style is Semi-Lit, Lit, and Adv. Lit, it all depends on my partner as I try to match. 𝗢𝟮 ┊┊ I need a detailed character layout before we start the roleplay. Everything I say or respond with is based on who your character is, not just who my character is. Your character is just as important as a factor on replies as mine is! 𝗢𝟯 ┊┊ My life can become hella hectic sometimes, however, I will never leave you hanging for a reply. I will tell you what’s going on and let you know when I’ll be back so that we can continue. And the same goes for you! 𝗢𝟰 ┊┊ Beware that I roleplay with individuals over 18+ and 21+ as I do like adding NSFW content. Also, be comfortable to write ONLY in 3rd person. I've also had people refer to either of our ocs as "you and me", this isn't a self-input, this is an OC, there is no "you" nor "me" in the plot, there is only your OC and my OC against respective love interests.  𝗢𝟱 ┊┊ I'm a person that replies rather quickly, so expect that, I've had someone get intimidated by that (somehow), so that's just a fair warning. Because of that, I'd prefer someone who is also able to reply multiple times a day, and I'd love to be able to talk OOC with you c: . 𝗢𝟲 ┊┊ Beware that I only roleplay CanonxOc, and in terms of pairings I only do FxM, I can do GxG for your side, but MxM I have had bad experiences and so I am not comfortable doing, sorry. I also only Double in my roleplays. 
𝗗𝗢'𝗦 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗗𝗢𝗡'𝗧'𝗦 𓆩⟡𓆪 𝗗𝗼'𝘀 ⟡ Be 18+ or 21+ ⟡ Develop the plot with me and contribute. This means as we are making the plot and roleplaying I will not be the only one carrying the plot out. ⟡ Be willing to have or create a google doc. ⟡ Match the amount I am roleplaying with. ⟡ Be okay with adult content. ⟡ Be communicative! Let's talk about anything, about your day, us simping over the characters, tiktoks, youtube shorts, pinterest, etc etc.  ⟡ I only roleplay over Discord, so I am expecting you to also be willing for us to share discord tags and take it there. ⟡ Be an active replier and communicator please.
𓆩⟡𓆪 𝗗𝗼𝗻'𝘁'𝘀 ⟡ Randomly leave and expect me to not be confused and annoyed. Understand I can get impatient, I will check in on you, but if I see there's been more than a month since you have replied both IC and OOC, I will terminate the roleplay/leave the server. This will only apply if you have stopped replying altogether to everything. If you are active OOC but not in IC that's fine, life happens, or if you lost interest we can talk about it and such. ⟡ If you are someone who does not like to talk OOC, joke around, or is not active or simply shy to talk OOC or in worst cases, dry texting, then please don't message me. It frustrates me having to carry the conversation. ⟡ If you are going to message me all interested, but then when we share OCs suddenly stop replying, or when we started to plot you suddenly disappear, please don't message me. Saves us BOTH the time that just got wasted. ⟡ Attempt to just branch off what I say and only give reactions. I cannot carry the weight of the��roleplay all on my own. 
𝗪𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗘 𝗧𝗢 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗖𝗧 𝗠𝗘 -ˋˏ Do message me privately on here; Introduce yourself to me, do tell me if you have any ideas or if you want to brainstorm, who you want me to play for you, etc etc. I roleplay over Discord only, so if we are compatible to which I hope we are,  then we can switch to there! I look forward to meeting you. ˎˊ
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mirlvshft · 8 months ago
introduction to my waiting room! — PART I .𖥔 ݁ ˖ִ ࣪⚝₊ ⊹˚
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this is part I of my very in depth showcase of my wr which is a luxurious penthouse in ny. i believe you can get a feel of the overall aesthetic so try to keep that in mind as you take in the visuals as they all do not reflect the same style.
this wr is like any wr, to relax in and whatnot. however i am catering mine towards my drself (criminal minds) which is reflected in part II.
if anyone has questions or further ideas please let me know! now…
「 ✦ welcome to mir’s
waiting room ✦ 」
| part II
i have the ability to keep and or change the time of day and weather. although, a very soothing dim rainy weather would be constant more often than not. the temperature inside will always be kept nice and cold.
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the most recent addition to my wr: connor, an android from the game detroit become human. he’s company and sort of a helper. connor can help with absolutely anything— he has tons of capabilities in addition to what i personally added to him. he can do a number of things such as help in redesigning the penthouse, give advice, help with scripting, etc,. although i will say his purpose isn’t to solely act as a strict servant or android per se. mmm, almost like a roommate? like how androids become “alive” in the game. hope that makes enough sense. side note: i did not finish the game, i just can’t
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my bed is huge and so incredibly comfortable, it’s serene really. this also moves over to temperature, it never gets uncomfortably hot— the apartment as a whole is at a very crisp cold temperature. i have fluffy pillows that never go flat and support me amazingly. the bed also has the softest, fluffiest, plush blankets— my bed is literal heaven. the sides of my bed have these nightstands as you can see, consisting of all my little necessities; phone, headphones, etc,. everything will always be well kept and never change in condition; always pristine. if i ever want a drink or food, whatever i may want, it’ll appear on the nightstand. as for the rest of the room, it’s all pretty basic furniture.
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it’s huge, i mean huge. it literally has an upstairs but i couldn’t find a picture good enough but trust, it looks great. it has everything i have in my pinterest, all of my wardrobes. it’s organized by the type of clothing and color. another feature is any desired clothing i find while on my phone or any other way, will just show up there neatly organized for me. i can also do automatic alterations to pieces that don’t fit me like how i want them to, useful huh?
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my kitchen is pretty big and has literally everything i could ever want from food to all the necessary dishes; pots and pans, glasses, etc., i can think of a snack or food i want and it’ll just appear there but sometimes i want to cook, you know? don’t know if that’s an unpopular opinion or whatever but i definitely want to cook myself sometimes. i want to have the option to mess around and actually make food, bake and all that— i think it can be quite helpful and i find it therapeutic. although the mess that occurs always cleans itself up or connor can help me (bc fuck all that). everything will always keep clean; no dust, no mess, no mopping or anything and will always smell good with whatever scent i want lingering!!
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these pictures are good examples but don’t do it justice, it’s bigger and has a few more elaborate details. the hot water will never run out, any wash for body or hair, bathbombs, essential oils, etc etc,. all that would be ready in the cupboards or wherever i want it. this also goes for cosmetics and whatnot. the whole space is such a vibe.
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i finallyyy made this post, its been sitting in my drafts since i damn near made this blog. i’m trying to open up more and not be so shy on my blog about my dr’s ( ˶°ㅁ°) !! but at the same time i could go on and on forever about them — finally putting this together was very fun and motivating!!
as lengthy as this guide is, i didn’t go in complete detail about every. single. thing. but just enough to explain the main features and rooms and to also give some scripting ideas to you guys too— i could go on forever but i will spare you all. if anyone has questions or further ideas to give me about my wr please let me know! (。> ᴗ ☆。) ‧₊˚
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taylortruther · 1 year ago
I've been following the discourse on The Alcott, which I love, and I couldn't resist chiming in (long-time reader, first time sending an ask hehe). I agree a lot with everything that has been said, and even though The Alcott is canonically about Matt and his wife, I do think aspects of Taylor's dynamic with Joe towards the end inevitably bled into it.
In the song, The Alcott is a place sacred to the lovers bc it's where one of them runs off after a fight and the other one chases after them, and in the Alcott (could be a bar or cafe), they manage to reconcile. To me, "I get myself twisted in threads to meet you at The Alcott" is the charcater saying that he will do whatever is neccessary to meet his lover at this place of reconciliation in order to fix things after a fight, no matter how hard it might be, but in a way it's also the character saying that he will pick fights over silly things, as in having to do mental gymnastics ("get twisted in threads") to find something to fight over just to get the chance to meet her at the Alcott, bc even if the rs is going through a horrible rough patch where they're emotionally distanced from each other, causing a fight would force them to at least feel something towards the other and talk, and that is better than feeling nothing, even if the emotion is anger. He knows exactly where she will be bc that's where she retreats to when they fight ("I'd go to the corner in the back, where you'd always be"), and seeing her there reassures him that that's where she (and him) will continue to run to in the future: not away from each other, but to this place of reconciliation. She's "writing something about someone that used to be me [him]", which could be a way of saying that she's now writing about someone else that she might be falling in love with as she's falling out of love with him. However, to me it feels more like a reference to how in the last couple of years (see the Joe songs on Midnights) Taylor reverted to writing about the beginning of their rs, back when things were good and joyful, bc at the present things were very bad and she desperately wanted to get back to how good it once was; hence why she's writing about it. I agree that "the last thing you wanted" and "the first thing I do" is referring to saying "I love you"; the reason why it's the last thing she wants could be bc that's how he usually tries to fix his wrongs in an easy way and she's tired of him saying that but not actually making an effort with his actions, which I do think Joe was guilty of towards the end. Or, alternatively, it could be bc the charcater has fallen out of love with him and therefore doesn't want him to say "I love you" bc she can't truthfully say it back. "I tell you my problems, you tell me the truth" could also be in this context: he tries to apologize by telling her his issues, she tells him that the truth is she no longer loves him. In the context of Joever, however, imo it refers to Joe telling her all the problems he has with her excessive fame and the public attention on them that it implies etc, and Taylor being honest about how songwriting and performing are an essential part of who she is, and giving it up forever would be devastating to her. But that she would do it for him if it could save them.
The fact that he waits for her to look up makes me think that he's cautious bc she might still be angry and/or that he doesn't have the courage to initiate the apology, and instead waits for her to do it or tries figure out what to say that will earn her forgiveness. "How many times will I do this and you'll still believe?" shows that he knows he screwed up badly and has done so repeatedly, yet she still always forgives him bc that's how much she believes in their love and wants to fight for it. How long can the relationship withstand and survive his repeated offenses again and again though? (which goes back to "how long could we be a sad song till we were too far gone to bring back to life?").
"Tell me which side are you on" is very interesting in reference to the "you fire off missiles cos you hate yourself" in Renegade and the "I tried to be your bravest soldier, fighting in only your army, frontlines don't you ignore me" in YLM. She's saying "why are you fighting against me, when we're supposed to be fighting together? I'm not the enemy, I'm always on your side and fighting for you", yet he still (consciously or subconsciously) treated her like the enemy, blaming her for things that were completely out of her control and all the outside stuff that they thought was the cause of their rs problems, instead of being on her side and fighting for her too. He left her all alone on the frontlines and not only ignored her efforts but also contributed to the missiles fired her way. Will be very interesting if she further develops the Archer metaphor in TTPD, under the theme of "I had only arrows as defense from your angry missiles and your love bombs" or something akin.
"Have I become one of your problems?" seems like her conclusion to him telling her his problems: apparently, they all have to do with her/her career. Yet, she's clearly exhausted and drained by their fights, and desperately wants it to be easy for once, so she puts the blame on herself ("everything that's mine is a landmine"), knowing that her continued forgiveness and desire to love him could redeem and heal him but it could also very much enable him to keep hurting her ("did my love aid and abet you?").
Then, as the lovers sing "I'll ruin it all over for you" together, they're both accepting the blame for the fight equally, which is the ideal conflict resolution (but sadly, not at all how I think it went with Taylor and Joe towards the end).
The back and forth in the last chorus is particularly gut wrenching to me. In a way, it echos the desperate begging and pleading in the bridge of YLM, but in this case it's softer, more hopeful perhaps, and as you and anon said, it alludes to pain and pleasure (both emotional and sexual): she's telling him "go ahead, shit on my art and my job, rip it off me, set the terms and conditions you want ("read my sentence out loud"); anything to save our love" but there's also a darkness to this, where she would rather he use her for his own physical pleasure even when still mad at her bc that way he at least feels something for her, which is very 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 but it goes to back to how in the beginning of the song he says he will pick fights in order to at least make her feel something (anger/rage) towards him, instead of remaining in the coldness and disconnect in which they were before. Florence + The Machine's song "Dream Girl Evil" describes this type of dynamic very well imo (which is even more😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫), where sex is used as both a weapon during conflict and as a means of resolution. I do think this was the case with Taylor and Joe after their honeymoon phase (False God, Afterglow) and also towards the very end, hence the TTPD cover. During folkmore it seems like they had a couple of years where they learned to use their words to resolve arguments instead of resorting to sex, but unfortunately went back to that dynamic when the rs started to fall apart.
In this way, the metaphorical Alcott for Taylor and Joe was the bedroom ("you had turned my bed into a sacred oasis"): it became their sacred place of reconciliation. Their love, once a blessing, is now a curse, but a curse that she loves and cherishes bc it's theirs, it keeps them together, within this home (both physical and metaphorical) they have built together over the years; she sees no other option but loving him (as we know, Taylor thought she would die if she lost him). All of this is emulated in the beautiful yet vulnerable and almost sad way in which Taylor sings the last "back in love with you": in The Alcott, sacred place for the lovers, they reconcile and fall back in love with each other.
I didn't mean for this to turn into an essay but oh well 😅 those are my two (or twenty) cents. Would love to hear what you and the anons think! Also, I love reading your blog, your takes are brilliant :)
i don't have much to add, because i like just letting this interpretation just sit on its own! but i do love that your interpretation of the alcott being the bedroom fits in perfectly with the discussions we've been having the last 2-3 days.
other things i really liked here:
Will be very interesting if she further develops the Archer metaphor in TTPD, under the theme of "I had only arrows as defense from your angry missiles and your love bombs" or something akin.
me too!!! how will the combat theme she discusses so often evolve in ttpd?
also intrigued by this:
"Tell me which side are you on" is very interesting [...] She's saying "why are you fighting against me, when we're supposed to be fighting together? I'm not the enemy, I'm always on your side and fighting for you",
Or, alternatively, it could be bc the charcater has fallen out of love with him and therefore doesn't want him to say "I love you" bc she can't truthfully say it back. "I tell you my problems, you tell me the truth" could also be in this context: he tries to apologize by telling her his issues, she tells him that the truth is she no longer loves him
this was my first take!
but what i've noticed is that everyone has a different opinion on which role taylor is occupying (the one going to the alcott and confessing, or the one receiving the confession.)
also, i feel the need to address this for the readers: no, we do not know which parts specifically that taylor wrote, and she did write this from the pov of matt berninger's wife. acknowledged!
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gilverrwrites · 11 months ago
if you had any inclination to do nsfw black mask headcanons, i'm just saying there is an audience for that and i'm in the front row 🖤🔥
NSFW Alphabet- Black Mask
Have been waiting all my life for 1 (one) singular person to ask for this. So here you go. Have a full alphabet of entirely self-serving NSFW Black Mask headcanons that give me life, I could go on forever but I wont. Please just take whatever resonates and have fun with it.
You can fix him? Oh yeah, well I don’t want to fix him, I want to be his good girl while he continues to be a vile and despicable villain.
CWs: Swearing, dirty talk, mentions of: humiliation/degradation, bdsm, blood, spit, pain. Nothing is graphic, but its there. I just think he's kinky and depraved, and I want him to do bad things to me ok bye. Rating: 18+
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Aftercare can really vary. Roman is very kinky, and intense kink can come with intense drop both sides. So, if you’re someone he really cares about, he’s really good with the aftercare. He’s rubbing lotion on your bruises, running a bath for you both to relax in, “Whatever you need doll, I’m your man.” If you’re not someone he cares about, he’s not good with the aftercare. He’s sparking up an after-sex cigarette and tapping his fingers until you leave. If you take too long he’s kicking you out, he’s a busy man, no time to be waitin’ around for you to get of your ass. You should of known what to expect when you jumped into bed (or whatever surface) with him.   If you’re in the weird in between phase where he’s trying to woo you, but he’s not ready to bare all yet, you’ll get a slightly softer side to him. He’ll offer you a cigarette, wipe down any stray fluid, and maybe even let you stay the night. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He likes his hands, they’re the best tools for inflicting pleasure and pain. With his partner, he likes their mouth. Likes hearing them moan, or cry, or praise him. Likes putting his fingers to the back of their throat and seeing how long they can handle sitting still, fighting their gag reflex, ignoring the drool that seeps down their chin, until they crack. “That’s it baby, hold still. Get my fingers nice and sloppy.” 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
There isn’t a single part of your body he would object to cuming in/on. However, he really enjoys a good cream pie. Especially loves watching his cum seeping out of you, then scooping it up and either pushing it back in, or having you lick it off his fingers. “Can’t let a single drop go to waste.”
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I thought long and hard about this, I really did but… This man just has no sexual shame. Will he jack off into your lingerie, yes, and then he’ll tell you to wear it. Does he wanna watch you fuck yourself? Yes, so spread your legs and show him what you can do. Does he x, y, z… Yes, let’s do it.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Roman has been around the block and back again, multiple times. It’s rare however that he comes back to the same person unless he sees potential.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary may seem vanilla, but it gives him most of the power, and allows him a good view of your face. He wants to watch the way you respond to him.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Usually deadly serious, but he can crack a joke or too, usually at your expense.
H = Hair (how well-groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
(This may be a little self-indulgent here but:) Mans got such a deliciously hair chest and a matching happy trail, leading to a well-trimmed pubic area. Gotta look smart, in and out of his clothes.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
I think intimacy and romance are two different things in this scenario. The things he does to you, and the things you do for him in the bedroom are highly intimate, but not necessarily romantic. His romantic side comes out in the seduction and the aftercare.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Why would he ever jack off, when he has a perfectly good cocksleeve available to him 24/7 (you). He does masturbate when you’re separated for whatever reason, but if he can, he’ll do it with the aid of photos/videos he has of you. Will sext, but prefers a phone call, he wants to hear you getting off, and he loves the sound of his own voice.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Include, but are not limited to:
S&M: By nature he’s a sadist/dom, but will occasionally switch for the right person. Gotta put his money where his mouth is. Prove he can take as hard as he gives. Bondage: Less shibari, more suspension, spreader bars. Think restrictive and exposing. Medical kink: I’m not talking costumes and role play, I’m talking insertion, scalpels, examinations, enemas, etc, the whole 9 yards. Sensory deprivation: Sight, sound, touch. Impact play: Self-explanatory. Body worship: Give and take, he likes to be worshipped, but he loves to adore you too. Degradation/humiliation: Extension of worship, wants to fuck you so hard that you’ll do anything for him, even at the expense of your dignity. Don’t worry, it’s for his eyes only, “nobody will know what a desperate little whore you are for me.” Orgasm control and overstimulation: Especially when it results in dumbification. Praise: You did such a good job for me, “who’s my good girl/boy/baby?”  Gotta keep you sweet. He also likes to be told when he’s doing a good job.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Man loves pain and torture, you can’t tell me he doesn’t have some kind of red room for a good torture session with one of his enemies. By extension, I refuse to believe that he doesn’t have a sex room. Both are filled with tools and toys meant for inflicting very similar, but very different forms of pain, yk?  
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
I once heard someone say something to the effect of: Sex is like money, only to much is enough. And I think that perfectly encapsulates Roman’s libido. Show him some shoulder, look at him too long, breathe in his direction and you’re in for it. “You lookin’ to get your shit rocked right here, right now sweetheart?” “What, no I just- ” “You keep makin’ eyes at me like that and I won’t have a choice.”
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Roman loves to get down and dirty, cum, spit, blood, sweat, and tears. However, he doesn’t like actual dirt. You’d catch him dead before he fucked you in a back alley, or just outdoors in general.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
In his heart of hearts, Roman is a taker. He loves having someone on their knees. There are very few feelings better than having your cock worshipped, choked on, cried on, by someone ready and willing. One of the few better things is pushing someone over the edge again and again until they’re bumbling and begging with no idea if they want him to stop or to NEVER stop. Overstimulation and/or edging is a delicious form of torture all on its own.
“Are you all fucked out already? Pity, cause I’m nowhere near done with you yet.”
It may seem generous of him, but he’s really doing it for his own thrills.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It really depends on the mood, but typically foreplay & build up is slow, teasing, building to a hard and fast main event.   
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Not his first choice, but still a fan. If he has too busy a day or hasn’t seen you in a long while, then he won’t be able to help himself from bending you over the nearest surface and reminding you why you keep coming back to him.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’d never let someone other than himself see you in a precarious position, however, that wont stop him teasing you about it. Taking you in his office or the back seat of his car. Anyone could poke their head in and get an eye full. “What would everyone think if they saw you like this huh? Maybe I should show everyone what a needy little slut you are.” Realistically if anyone actually did interrupt, they’d be leaving without eyes, if they’re lucky. Bonus points if you have a secret hero/villain dynamic going on!!! He’d fucking love winding you up by telling you he’s gonna film you and show all your bat-friends, or that he’s gonna broadcast to all the civilians that their hero gets their kicks on their knees for him ahhhhhh.  
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go like 2-3 short rounds at a push, but prefers one long, drawn out session.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Yes. Yes. Yes and yes. Whips, chains, gags, a myriad or impact toys, vibrators, plugs, the works, and then some. See K= Kinks for more idea of what kind.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
His teasing is relentless. Before during and after. “You want me to what now? Oh, well you’re gonna have to bed real nicely then, aren’t ya?” “Does that feel good? Don’t you fucking look away, I said does that feel good?” “You were so sexy, blissed out on my cock earlier, think I’m gonna have to make you do that again, soon.”
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not loud per se, but he does not shut the fuck up. Grunting with each thrust, raspy groans against your skin, in your ear, and so so so much dirty talk. “Don’t you fucking dare squirm away. That’s it, you can take it, take it reeeallll good baby.” “What do you want, you want it here? You want it harder? Tell me what you need.” “Does that feel good? Yeah? Who did that to you? That’s it baby say my name, say my fucking name.”
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
I can’t not talk about the gloves, right? I mean, the gloves don’t always stay on, obviously, he loves running his bare hands over your skin, pulling, pinching, spanking, skin on skin is so intimate. But also him being fully clothed, masked*, gloves on, just his zipper open enough to let his cock out while you’re fully nude; total head rush, he loves the power exchange.
*Yall can HC/imagine whichever version you want but I personally prefer my Roman with the mask stuck on, so it’s not like he has a choice in the matter.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Sad to say its nothing special. He is physically fit, yes, with maybe a bit of pudge after overindulging, but the main attraction is maybe 6 inches, cut, and of average thickness. It’s not the size that counts, its what you do with it, but he’ll internally thank you if you pretend it’s the best and biggest you’ve ever had.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
See M = Motivation. Very high sex drive, he’s ready to go at the drop of a hat. However, he’s good at suppressing it, being a busy man, he cannot be thinking about sex all hours.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
I think he has a pretty good control over his body clock, he’s one of those people that can just switch himself on and off when it comes to sleeping. He doesn’t have the time to be lying awake when he needs the rest, so through sheer spite he can will himself to sleep as soon as it’s time to, and he wakes up when he knows he needs to. This man is too busy, and to stressed. So if you’re doing it before bed, as soon as his needs are met he’s conked out.
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tangledinink · 2 years ago
Question about your Teenage Mutant What Now AU!
Has Leo always just been in puberty blockers since forever? Because I'm assuming he never had a period in his life because, well, reptiles menstruation is laying eggs
Kinda! I've actually thought about this a lot because I had the same question and went back and forth on it for a while. tldr; Leo has been on puberty blockers for the past three+ years and has never had a full menstrual cycle, but he does menstruate rather than lay eggs, at least when he's under the effect of his bracelet. Further details abt Leo's trans experience and how the cloaking crystals work below!
Leo has been on puberty blockers since he turned twelve and went on them before he had his first period. As we've established, Yoshi just kind of discovered that Leo was afab when he put the cloaking bracelets on them for the first time and was like "fuck it I don't have the time to unpack this right now you're Leo and you're my son whatever lesgo," and that was just kinda that and everyone involved was always just down with Leo being Leo. Leo certainly never had a problem with it, and he never felt any desire to switch over to being a girl and would get pretty upset if anyone (such as teachers or other parents) suggested he may be female. As such, Yoshi has always just treated Leo as his son and is more than willing to defend him from anyone who ever questioned his identity. His brothers, likewise, have always been very defensive of Leo and quite frankly were usually confused as children if anyone tried to say Leo was their sister. 'Cause??? Like??? Literally no he's not??? He's always been our brother???
When Leo was around eleven Yoshi did sit him down to actually talk to him about it in-depth, like, 'I love you no matter what and I support your choices but we've never actually for-real talked about this and I wanna make sure this is something that you want and not just something that you went along with,' (Leo, of course, at that point doesn't realize WHY he 'came out as trans' when he was five, he just kind of figures that he must have made the decision to start presenting as masc and go by 'Leo' when he was very little and doesn't remember it now,) as well as discuss the option of puberty blockers with him and ask if that's something he wants. And Leo is 1000% like. YES, I'm sure I'm a boy and YES I want to go on puberty blockers so very much I've been dreading the concept of puberty for months now pleeeesssase let's do that. So... they do, and that's that!
(And Yoshi would have gone along with whatever Leo said, but internally he's like, OH THANK GOD, because he's also like ?!?! How tf would turtle puberty translate?! Would the cloaking crystals cover that??? Surely my son wouldn't lay FUCKING EGGS but holy shit what if he did and would I be morally obligated to warn him just in case--!?!)
I do think that the cloaking crystals cover menstruation, however. In this AU, the cloaking crystals (at least the ones the Hamatos have) do provide an active transforming effect rather than just a 'disguise.' I don't think it could really work otherwise! It's definitely not a 100% transformative effect, though, and their true biology still plays a major influence on them. (ie they get cold easily! They swim really well and can hold their breath for a long time! They're naturally more athletically inclined than most other kids and a lot hardier! etc. etc. etc.) but I don't think it would leave gaps as big as to let them lay eggs or anything like that, just like it doesn't allow them to shed their skin or to go into full brumation. It's also worth noting that they're turtle mutants, but they're not full turtles. They're half-human, too! So who's to say if Leo would lay eggs even if didn't have the cloaking crystals or the puberty blockers? He does end up having one little baby period right after he goes on blockers, which is not super uncommon, and is very dramatic about it, but April big-sisters him through it and he hasn't had any since. In the fic he is currently in the process of starting testosterone in the near future, which is something that will be discussed/explored in later chapters!
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greenqueenhightower · 1 year ago
Maybe this is something that just bothers me but every time a TB stan says that Rhaenyra (the heir) has more power than Alicent (the queen) I want to rip my hair out. I hope I'm making sense here. Like, Alicent is the QUEEN, she's the second or third most powerful person in the realm. Asking for Viserys to kill her as punishment for giving Rhaenyra a cut is absurd. I don't think I explained what I mean quite well and I'm sorry for that.
Hi anon, sorry it took me forever to respond!
I think I get what you mean, and in Olivia Cooke’s words, Alicent has every right to say “I’m the f*cking Queen actually” because she is. But at the same time, even when she has certain power being Queen Consort of Viserys she is not ruling in her own right. She sure is worthy of respect and Rhaenyra is expected to show this respect (even resentfully) when Viserys and Alicent are married (e.g. she goes to the hunt because it’s Alicent’s command etc) as well as post-Driftmark, when Rhaenyra refers to Alicent as “Your Grace” and there are many more instances like this.
HOWEVER the throne is never Alicent’s, and while she rules to some degree, she never has absolute power. She never can have the power that Rhaenyra would have if she becomes Queen in her own right. So yes, technically Rhaenyra is supposed to listen to Queen (Consort) Alicent and show respect as long as she’s an heir but she can very well do whatever the hell she wants when she becomes Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen because she’d have absolute power and control.
This is why I say their relationship is complex. As to who makes a better Queen, this is another long argument as per the books. At the same time, hotd Alicent has displayed a natural inkling toward ruling the kingdom, she’s interested in the smallfolk’s peace and wellbeing whereas Rhaenyra (and Daemon) like to be ostracized and feared “for what they are capable of.” That tells a lot, in my opinion about where their interests and ambitions lie.
As for the second part of your ask, it is absurd to ask Viserys to kill her, when he knows that he would anger half the lords in his kingdom as well as his Hand and house Hightower and his children and god knows who else. As much as I hate Viserys, he would never get rid of Alicent because he wanted someone to stand by him in his illness and weakness as a ruler, father, human being, you name it. Alicent was the only one who could cope with his sh*t so he knows he has literally won the jackpot and that no other woman would be as compliant. He’d never give the word to execute her in my opinion.
In many ways Alicent was for Viserys a collectible, so he’d keep her with him for as long as possible.
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hepaidattention · 2 years ago
I think the difference between JJ thinking he was never gonna see Kie again when she was taken by Singh and when he thought he might not see her again when taken by Kitty Hawk is so important.
When Kie is taken in early s3, JJs panic of not seeing her again comes out of a mindset of, "Okay, I love her but she doesn't need to know that, we're friends. However there is no way in hell I can ever live without her so we ARE getting her back. I will do anything." He even offers himself as a sacrifice because hes JJ but also because he just wants her safe. Hes not thinking about how much Kie would want him safe too. There is love and mourning but there isn't any regret. They were separted on good terms. He doesn't regret not telling her something because JJ never considered telling Kie he loved her as an option. He was content with her just being there with him forever, because JJ didn't think he deserved love back enough to ever consider that. He would've done anything for her and forever never tell her his feelings because he had convinced himself (out of his own self loathing) that that door was never open.
Then they reunite and she tells him she was afraid she would never see HIM again. And they're on the boat and she's looking at him like THAT and telling HIM they're gonna face all of this together and suddenly the adrenaline and the passion and just raw emotions of having her in his arms again makes him vulnerable and in that very moment everything between them changed. There was a shift, and JJ realized he wasn't the only one with feelings, and he didn't know what to do with that information.
Then he isolates. Self sabotages. Self destructs. Etc.
Now, when Kie goes missing the second time, this time is so so different. The first time he wanted Kie safe out of pure love, no want for anything else between them, just wanted to see her at his side.
But now, now she's gone and she'll never hear how sorry he is. Now she's gone and she might never know how much he loves her too. Now there's regret, regrets he can't live without fixing. So now, he not only can't imagine living a day without her, but he can't imagine living with her never knowing that he loves her so insanely much.
Now there's an actual chance for something more between them, and he's this close to losing it forever. He's not just panicking over losing Kie forever, he's panicking that he might never get to kiss her, get to say "I'm sorry", get to say "I love you" every single day of the rest of their lives.
I think this all slowly clicks together at the plane, then at the Carrera's, and then when he sees her and hears her immediately go along with his crazy plan, all the pieces clicking together to make him realize that he can't go another hour without telling her he loved her back.
JJ needed the push of reality slapping him in the face, telling him she's his "something to lose" and he cannot ever allow for that to happen. But to be able to accept happiness and love back, he needed to first know how Kie felt. Now he did.
The first time I think it brought JJ to realize that whatever was between them was very real. I think it really showed him his love for her wasn't a crush or a found family love. He would give his own life just to see her smile one more time, and he realized she might just feel the same.
The second time brought JJ to realize that he was the only thing standing between them from being real. It made him realize that the only reason he had regrets were because he got her back to only push her away.
I fully believe that JJ had to refrain from saying that he loved Kie so many times. I think he wanted to tell her everyday since getting her back from Singh. I think it took everything for him not to say it on the boat, say it at his house, and when she said it at the party he was so thrown because she wasn't supposed to say that. JJ had been trying not to say that for so long and she just said it so casually and no. She couldn't love him, that was ridiculous. No one could love him.
But he wanted to say it back so desperately. I think it took everything for JJ not to text her, "I love you too" in the middle of the night, or when he saw her at the chateau, or when he was trying to apologize, but there's no way he could actually let himself do that. Because Kie deserved better than him.
and suddenly she's gone again, and he never said it back, and why did he not say it back?? Suddenly being vulnerable and allowing himself to be loved sounded a lot better than living with the regret he had on his back if he never saw her again.
and he's standing there saying sorry and all he can think is how much he loves this girl, and then she says it, and the words just get caught in his throat because he's not sure how to even say them. he practically whispers it like it's a new language, like him saying it aloud is something he never thought he was capable of.
But he did. Because he loves he so incredibly much.
JJ needed losing Kie over and over again to finally realize that she was the only thing he had in his life that he wasn't willing to lose.
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zerokissingbooth · 9 months ago
screwhill / bootllum sex headcanons
im a screwllum warrior first and foremost so this is like 80% driven on by my carnal want for him. also these are just edited discord messages. these are nsfw
if i see u are ageless or a minor liking or reblogging this i will block u and then delete this post. forever. i am not joking.
its screwllum who makes the first few flirtatious moves- asking boothill about his modifications, what specific functions he has that arent human, etc. hes really fascinated esp since he's had his own sort of body overhaul himself. boothill probably starts feeling for him first and makes more offers to hang around whenever they cross paths and go for drinks. at some point screwllum sees boothill struggling to do some minor self repairs and offers to help and its like lowkey edging for boothill bc hes horny due to gentleman robot not giving a fuck ab his accent his bounty or whatever but also screwllum being like a whole hand in with wires near his torso. screwllum asks if he's ever had sex as a cyborg and boothill says somewhat and screwllums like Well do you want to see how we inorganics copulate? and boothill gets so hard he audibly lets out static
sex wise it can go 50/50. theyre both switches and both okay with being the dom or sub in the bedroom. i think screwllum prefers being dom just bc he likes observing but he wont say no if boothill wants to wirebang him
boothill learns ab screwllums 'sir' kink and likewise screwllum finds out boothill Really enjoys seeing his clothes on screwllum
so they both really REALLY love wireplay. a lot. boothill especially likes making screwllum become a mess just from messing with a few exposed panels.
when boothill is topping or whatever he loves like. mean praise. like not degredation but he looooves reminding screwy that hes a genius and a leader of an entire planet and yet he loves being turned into a mushy cpu by a wanted cowoby
boothill prefers riding (he makes cowboy jokes the entire time) whenever they both use genital attachments and screwy likes missionary bc he likes watching boothills expressions
ok this is moreso a personal general robofucking hc but each conscious cyborg or robot or whatever has a bluetooth like ability where they dont need to really 'plug in' their attachments. this makes it easier for charging stuff and for less port space. however this also means for stuff like genitalia attachments if left on their partners can make it REALLY easy to edge them or even overstim them. when theyre sexting one of them (screwllum most of the time) will take advantage of this and start basically edging boothill when he's on the low somewhere. its a game of patience to see how long boothill takes until he goes hopping to the nearest shuttle to get him back (the bluetooth function also allows them not to have to 'pack' anything persay)
boothill usually takes initiative in the bedroom but when screwllum wants to tease he will be the first to do it. and everyone around them who knows theyre dating or fucking loathes it bc its so easy to instantly tell when boothill is getting flustered or aroused. when boothill is topping or in charge or whatever its a lot of fingering and rough touching
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