#the thing about me is that clones are gonna cuddle
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the-bi-space-ace · 6 months ago
Clone Cuddle Headcanons
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Wrecker is the biggest cuddle bug idk what to tell you. He does run hot however. The amount of times whoever he’s cuddling with wakes up sweating and a thousand degrees is unbelievable. He’s real great to lay on top of though. Right on top. Get up there.
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Crosshair is a surprising confusing individual and I keep looking at him in disbelief. He’s not averse to touch but he does want to be the one to initiate it. Especially cuddling. He will sit by himself in silence and then randomly walk up and just plop on top of whoever he’s chosen. They then have to lay there and let him choose the position, the blanket situation, the temperature, etc. otherwise he’ll leave. Cat rules.*
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Tech isn’t huge on cuddling either but is willing to not be the initiator if they also respect whatever activity he is doing. If he’s sitting working on a project he will allow one of them to lay their head in his lap or wrap around him as long as they aren’t in the way. He may even play with their hair or rub their backs absentmindedly.
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Echo goes through phases. He wants to be touched but not all the time and sometimes he really hates it and other times he really craves it. It’s mainly important to either ask first or let him ask. He likes to sleep near another person and will choose someone to latch on to if he’s in a cuddling mood. Sometimes he literally can’t get enough physical contact to feel comfortable and it drives him up a wall. (Can I please suggest that part of the reason Hunter touches his shoulder so often is bc of those moods where Echo legitimately can’t get enough physical touch. I just think that would be a nice thought.) He feels best when he gets to hold someone else and he is especially partial to Wrecker who not only keeps him warm but also is pretty willing to switch the cuddling up at any point. Good man.
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Hunter! Hunter here! Really enjoys a good cuddle! Loves his back scratched or his hair played with! He has passed out on top of the other batchers before and woken up two hours later not knowing where tf he is. He also appreciates a good weight on him so his preferred position if he’s holding somebody is on his back with the other person laying their head on his chest. He runs warm so he’s a good option for the cold nights.
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Fives loves everyone’s personal space. Especially Echo’s. He is a cuddle while sleeping type of guy. No need to feel weird about asking him for a cuddle he’s down for it. If anyone sits on the edge of his bed while he’s trying to sleep he rolls over and wraps his arms around their waist and hugs them. Had so much practice at comfort when he was a cadet that it is second nature for him. When he joined the 501st he got real protective of the shinies so they sought him out often when they needed support.
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Rex does like a good cuddle but only with specific people. Doesn’t really want to be touched by people he doesn’t know well. Is honestly more accustomed to touch if it’s playful but again. Usually with people he knows well. Likes to lay his head in people’s laps or let them fall asleep on him. Is not too hot or too cold. Got used to the dominos crawling into his bunk while he was asleep and had to adapt to them being clingy on bad days. Got used to it and ended up missing when they weren’t there. Cody calls him a softie. Says they ruined him forever. He gets so grumpy back.
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Cody. This man. Idk why but I always headcanon him as a physical touch kind of guy. Doesn’t like overly fond affection in public spaces but is real affectionate in private. Like Rex he’s more comfortable with the playful affection but there’s always a spot in his bed if someone needs it. He’s rarely sleeping through the night anyway. Might as well be the support system for those who need it. More accustom to holding hands honestly. It’s quiet it’s easy he can still use his datapad while he holds someone’s hand.
*I have a cute addition which is that the first time Crosshair plopped down and decided Echo was going to be his cuddle target Echo was in the middle of something and Crosshair just threw whatever Echo was working on aside and laid his head in Echo’s lap while this man just looked at the rest of the batch like ‘help?!? He’s never done this before am I in danger? What do I do!?!’ And everyone else was just like ‘you’re fine just be normal about it’ and after a few minutes of silence he just plopped his hand on Crosshair’s head and that’s how they both accidentally took a three hour nap and woke up disoriented with aching necks.
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tootiecakes234 · 1 year ago
I just know you would receive “gifts” from Katsuki all the time. They’d be little things to make your life easier that you didn’t even know you needed.
You like to read at night to unwind, but sometimes it’ll be a really good book so you want to stay up reading it. The thing is you don’t wanna bother Katsuki cuz you know he has a strict bedtime. This means often times you’ll stay a little longer in the living room reading as to not bother him.
One night you’re getting ready for bed when you see a box next to your bed.
“Hey Kat, is this yours?”, you say loud enough for him to hear you in the bathroom.
He peaks his head out the door and says, “No, I ordered it for you.” And then goes back to what he was doing.
You sit on the edge of the bed and open it up. It’s a reading light with a dampener so you can adjust the brightness.
He comes dragging his little slippered feet towards his side of the bed.
“Now you can keep your ass in bed. Tired of waking up and you being asleep on the couch. I’m an old man, I can’t keep carrying you to bed.”
You look at him with a bright smile on your face.
“You know you can just say, you like me being in the bed with you while you’re sleeping. You know, because I’m your big bad protector and I make you feel safe.”
“There is no talking to you sometimes you know that?”
It’s winter time and you always have your gloves on because you HATE your fingers being cold. The only problem is of course you have to remove said gloves to use your phone when you’re out and that SUCKS.
You’re out with him one day and you’ve been texting back and forth with Mina because her and her girlfriend are in an argument and she of course comes to you about it.
You are always there for your friend so you’ve been removing and putting on your gloves over and over again until Katsuki can’t stand it anymore.
You’re outside on a bench waiting for him while he runs into some shop when he comes back out he snatches your phone out of your hand.
“What the hell? I’m usin-“ you start shouting at him.
“ give me those shitty gloves and put these on. I’m sick of watching you struggle.”
When you look down you see a pair of gloves in your favorite color.
“How are these any different from the ones I have now, Mr. Know-it-all”
He smirks at you, “These gloves are thicker than those thin ones you use AND they work on smart phones.. so yea. I do know it all.”
“Oh…. Well thanks I guess” you murmur lowly.
“Now you can talk Racoon eyes through her mental breakdowns without getting frost bite in your fingers.”he says then hands you back your phone. “She deserve better than that idiot anyways. Don’t why she keeps putting up with it.”
Katsuki is leaving for a mission today and you’ve been so gloomy. He gonna be gone at least 3 days, maybe even the whole week.
You’re been wrapped around him like ivy since you woke up this morning.
“Listen woman, I have to go. You do this every time.”he says with his arms wrapped around you waist pulling you even more flush against him.
“You should clone yourself or something. Who am I gonna cuddle with now?? And who is gonna cook for me?? I’ll die of starvation before you get back. Is that what you want. To come home to a dead girlfriend???”
“You are so damn dramatic. Cuddle with the damn plethor of plushies you have in my goddamn bed. And as far as food… you won’t starve. You’ll just eat out everyday and I’ll come back to you complaining you’ve gained weight when you look the exact same.”
“I do not.”, you start to object.
“Yes you do. Which is why I made a few meals and froze them.” He says all smug, cuz he knows that would surprise you.
“You what??” You ask looking up at him with wide eyes.
“There’s a pot pie and dumplings. I even stored a lasagna in there.” Then his phone buzzes letting him know his ride is downstairs.
“Ok I gotta go. I love you.” And he bends down to give you a deep kiss. “Be safe. Call Eiji if you need anything and try not to burn the house down before I get back.”
“I love you too. Come back to me in one piece please.”
He smiles at you, “always”
He kisses you one more time and then heads to the car.
You go directly to the fridge to see the frozen meals he left you. And not only are the packages all neatly but he’s left the heating instructions on top for you.
To say there were tears shed would be an understatement.
Katsuki Masterlist
Tags: @dreamcastgirl99 @xxvendettaxx @justbepeace @moonpieshawdy @theloveofnagiseishiroslife @mintsbubbletea @darkstarlight82 @anon-mouse223 @b134ch-m4h-ey3z @i-literally-cant-with-this @flowerbedbaby @kit-katsukii @blaize-hewwo @sweetblueworm @tippy-toes @superlegend216
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lucabyte · 7 months ago
If you wouldn't mind, could you explain to me in detail how your sifloop works? Would there ever be a romantic relationship between the two (and how do you think they would get to that stage) or do you just think they'll be stuck in this weird messed up obsession and loathing loop forever? Anyway your takes on sifloop are my favourite if you couldn't tell
Oh, I've been depicting it as romantic the whole time (remembers I'm asexual and aromantic and thus my depictions of such are alien at best) Er, though you'd be forgiven for not noticing.
I know I don't draw them being particularly traditionally cute (kissing, cuddling, etc) (even though I do envision that any time it's not literally extremely inconvenient that they are entangled like a pair of magnetised squiddles) particularly often.*
(Though, I do have some hints at that kind of behaviour: (x) (x) (x)) But this is where, hm, my particular readings of these characters' self-assessment comes in.
I believe that I (an aroace tumblr user who has been immersed in nuianced language about such things since i was an early teen) and Siffrin/Loop (a guy approaching their thirties who seems to have escaped social pressures primarily via isolation from their peers) will have some different views on things. Hell, Sif/Loop don't even have words for Asexuality and Aromanticism even if they seem to be able to point toward the feeling with roundabout language.
I think that their relationship, in the way that it would manifest, would first and foremost be Physical. Some real Maslow's hierarchy shit. Both of them are viciously touch starved and given the whole shared-ownership-of-body thing I keep alluding to (x) (x) I think they are prone to being a tangled pile of limbs both clothed and unclothed.
Now I (enlightened modern day asexual) do not think that physical/sexual/romantic are in any way synonyms unless you want them to be. I believe that literally all associated behaviours of these can be platonic if that's how you feel about it. Howeverrrrrrr. I really cannot envision "black-and-white-thinking-world-champion siffrin and/or loop" being able to disentangle that so easily. I think they would have trouble squaring the circle of certain actions not being reserved for romance, at least not until after several years of continued unpacking and philosophical discussion with Mirabelle and Odile.
And then there's the part where Siffrin/Loop (and also Isabeau!) have some absolutely insane Jealous streaks. Not even on the downlow, they just do. I think that combination of jealousy and posessiveness when paired with unevenly splitting time between A Guy You're Established To Be (at the very least on his side, romantically) In Love With, and Your Weird Fucking Clone Who You Keep Being Intimate And Intensely Emotional With, is going to cause some problems when it comes to labelling things.
I do not think Sif/Loop are stupid, but man do they ever lack emotional intelligence in a lot of areas (a thing the whole game hammers home). I do not think that they would be level-headed enough to independently invent the idea of "QPR, but the kind where you do basically fuck sometimes". I think they would just (agonise over cheating, first of all.) call it a romantic pairing and be done with it.
And then Isabeau is also there I guess. I gesture at him and at my aforementioned Iseabeau Torment Nexus thoughts (x)(x). I believe this polycule can work and even be healthy but hahahaha oh man they are gonna have some weirrrrrrd fuckin tension beforehand lolllll.
as for how i think they'd get to that stage? lol, lmao. I think of things with a lens of 'what would be the most narratively intense' a lot of the time, so my answer there is:
They basically act like one right out of the gate, at least to the average onlooker**. This makes the fights feel worse. This makes them both paranoid in different ways about how this affects Siffrin's relationship to Isabeau. This makes it more difficult for the party to go "hey so, your friend, we're all being very accepting of their sharp edges because they're clearly someone who's struggling, but why are they suuuuch an asshole?". They fret about this and it causes more push and pull as either side feels guilty about this relationship they're not 'supposed' to have. Even if their relationship woes could easily be squared away by either categorising it as a QPR or talking to Isa (who is vaugardian and probably thus lax about polyamory) neither of them are going to do that right out of the gate because they lack the language, are prone to being wracked by guilt, often assume the worst will happen should they talk about difficult topics, and straight up maybe just see intimacy/sexuality/romance as a package deal due to lacking the social expertise... You see what I mean.
I don't Know if what I envision is... The literal platonic ideal of "A Romantic Relationship". I don't know that if Cupid came on down and inspected my brain that they'd agree that this is romantic and not just like, something really fucking weird, man. I don't even know if I would call it romantic, necessarily. BUT. I Do Think. That These Two. Would Maybe Label It That Way. Because it would make it easier for them to understand and come to peace with that way. Which is what matters. Labels are Descriptive, not Prescriptive.
What I DO think i envision however is something so fucking aroace brained that i can point to sif/loop's canon labels, point to MY labels, and then give you a big thumbs up hoping that you won't get on my ass for implying several sentences upstream that "they probably basically fuck, or something, idk, does star-sucking count as sex? i'm not a doctor nor medical professional of any kind. you probably shouldn't drink whatever comes out of it though"
Implicit question 2: "Jesus Christ you make them seem to hate each other, is that not contradictory? Is that all supposed to be during them being romantically involved?" Yup! Sorry for the subtle undercurrent I haven't previously explicitly and overtly established literally at all but a good chunk of that percieved hatred is a byproduct of Loop keeping their identity secret. That's the space wherein I set most of my fanart. (x) Once that cat is out of the bag I think the heat cools off significantly because then they aren't both talking around each other trying not to actually say what they're fighting about. They can actually bond about shared experiences out in the open rather than keeping their traps shut in case the party overhears. They still fight and have problems thereafter, but it's not made worse by being unable to directly discuss the core issue (+ the party can actually contribute/try to shut things down rather than being unclear on what exactly the issue is)
The above ALSO not helping when it comes to jealousy/feelings of infidelity re: Isabeau. (When specifically in the context of Romantic Frustration here, since that jealousy extends to the whole party when generalised) So that adds another thing to, not necessarily fight about, but be bitter over.
As for hatred being contradictory. Mmm. Nah.
The opposite of Love is not Hate. It is Indifference. (A theme ISAT notably gets at). Hate is distinctly something you do if you care. Often if you care Way Too Much.
I try not to write them hating each other, so much as feeling extremely intensely about each other. (x)
Feeling intensely Thankful, Understood, Sorry, Trapped, Devoted, Jealous, Protective, Pitying, Indebted...
^ Scary ! Complicated ! Hard to deal with ! Even the positive ones can be overwhelming! It's gonna make things weird!
So uh, Yeah. There's your answer? I suppose tl;dr: I view relationships as nebulous and only defined by those in it. (This is something I have previously yapped about at length in essays about my OCs lol) And generally view that there's no "true" label for any relationship except the one that doesn't cause undue distress. (which. i mean it does here. but it probably works out in the end with enough talking)
Asking me to define if something is romantic is like asking me to pin down the true form of the Human Soul. Like dawg i dont know how to do that i dont even know if that shit is real. there are merely actions and their constructed societal categories. If i tell you I think they kiss sometimes does that clear it up? (It shouldn't, obviously, but you get what I mean)
But yeah. Gestures broadly. Shipping an ace (and maybe even aroace based on some shit that little fella says) character like this means it comes with an essay. Because it necessarily interfaces with their nonstandard mode of interaction in that arena. The part where its weirdo fucking ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ selfcest merely adds a layer.***
... Anyway I'll leave you with this. The mirasifloop qpr "so what is.... romance?" discussion sessions are probably downright dialectical aren't they. Feelings Buddies discuss the phrase "Self-Love" 23467324235 dead 3 injured
*i do have like . 2 wips. that would. include this kind of behaviour explicitly. but i simply have not gotten around to them yet. and also don't worry neither of them are purely fluff both of them still have an air of worrying fuckedupedness about them. yay !
** inkeeping with my "geared for maximal conflict" mind, this can be flavoured with some "technically nobody can say it's not canon, I guess?" during-the-game Sifloop. By handing them the 'started leaning on each other for comfort more blatantly toward the end of a4' thing, since, well, I think exploring the "Loop expected at least one of them to be dead by the end of this/Loop never expected this to end, and thus began filling in that 'Lover' role as comfort/pity/selfishness/mercy given their knowledge that Isabeau is forever out of reach for both of/at least one of them" angle is... Well it's certainly fuckin' compelling that's for sure. Like oops, you let the timeloop malaise get to you and maybe started a trist because you thought you'd be dead before there'd be any lasting consequences. Here's those consequences, motherfucker !! But you won't catch me putting that explicitly in my comics because I don't want to change anything about the raw text of canon when I'm exploring its consequences. However, nothing I do is Incompatible with this read. And I enjoy making things more tortured so. Shrugs and hands this to you. Be free. (....x)
*** those of you that know what i mean by this just had all of it click just now didnt you. lol.
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pinejayy · 2 years ago
Rutting Urogi and Hawks x F!Reader
I love my men with wings, but I would love see them how they would act around you when it's spring time // both characters are gonna get their separate headcanons
also I have like 5 requests in my inbox so imma work on those when I have a day off from work
trigger warnings: nsfw, dry humping, oral (both receiving), fingering (on hawks part), face sitting, le sex, cock warming
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Oh so dating the four clones was a handful but You deeply loved them all. But when you experienced your first spring with the boys it was handful, there was a bunch of fighting.
Those flights mainly were around Urogi, because it was spring and that's when birds experienced mating season. And he became more clingy towards you.
He doesn't allow any of the other clones around you. And if one of them were to grab you he would lash out and fight them. And he becomes really aggressive.
One time Aizetsu made the fatal mistake of grabbing you and Urogi went crazy, he literally jumped him and beat him up. The poor blue eyed Demon was a crying mess. "YOU HAVE TO SHARE HER!"
The clones have this schedule to decide which day they get to have you, but Urogi is like fuck that! And of course he’s getting yelled at!
“You selfish demon! You can’t keep her to yourself!” And “I don’t care what time of the year it is! Go jerk yourself off!” And “Please give me Y/N! She’s not yours!”
The Bird Demon has made a nest, and the nest includes your favorite clothes mostly your underwear and bras. The nest also includes pillows so you could be comfortable. But he's also added sticks and leafs he's found around the woods.
Whenever he wants total alone time with you and without the constant nagging about the clones he'll pick you up and fly you somewhere so you guys are alone.
As much as you wanna spend time with the others he won't allow you to leave. Please just stay with him. He needs you. He craves you.
He loves seeing you sleep on his nest. A bunch of cuddles!!
Oh boy!! This boy always wants sex with you. Your moans drive him crazy! He loves watching you lay on his nest completely naked.
You're definitely covered in bite marks, hickeys and scratch marks.
Whenever he wants to bury his cock inside of you he's gonna hold you close against his chest and place gentle kisses along your neck. The Demon is also gonna dry hump you until you give him what he wants.
Please Sit On His FACE!! He wants to feel your weight on him, he wants to be your seat so please for the love of god sit on his face!
But when you do sit in his face he moans about how good you taste, he loves lapping his tongue on your folds and clit.
A bunch of teasing!! Like!! "Who's my good girl! Or I'm gonna fill you up so good baby girl!"
Dude is gonna force you on your knees and shove his cock inside your mouth, he doesn't care if your a gagging mess. You're gonna take that cock sweetheart.
Whenever you're tried he'll allow you to sleep but he'll still have his cock buried inside of you!
He loves making you feel good, so good! Heck to spite the other clones he’ll make you moan out his name! Let them hear you! He doesn’t care uwu
He’s so good with aftercare, he’ll make sure you’re good and well taken care of! Lots of kisses and cuddles! He’ll holding you and whisper sweet things to you. “You did a good job babygirl.”
Once his rut is over the other clones are now fighting over you and who’s gonna get you first! So oof you have 3 other cocks to think about still! Good luck princess.
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Keigo Takami (Hawks)
Hawks has been clingy with you, and with spring around he’s extra clingy with you. He doesn’t allow you to leave his eye sight, even going to the store alone is a huge no no for him. He doesn’t want anyone around you!
Since you guys live together he’s always by your side and grabbing your body, and around this time he’s extra sweet. A bunch of nicknames “Princess, My Song Bird and Mine.”
Hawks also build a nest around the living room, the nest consist of your clothes, underwear and pillows/blankets you sleep with. He’s so addictive to the way you smell.
He hides your dirty underwear so he can smell them as he jerks off while you’re not giving his attention he craves for.
During this time he’s also quite aggressive, and during his rut he’s specifically has told Endeavor not to contact him, since it’s not a good time for him. And Endeavor doesn’t wanna know what’s going on and also because he doesn’t care enough but he does pray for you because you’re gonna need it. 💀
Hawks doesn’t allow you outside so you have everything delivered to the house, one time you ordered a pizza and the guy who brought over the pizza was chased away, how dare you look at someone!
Hawks yelled at the poor pizza man. He loves making the pizza guy cry.
Do not touch his wings…please. He’s very sensitive with him and especially during this time of the year! And speaking of his wings! There’s red features everything, and I mean everywhere!
The poor baby loves to hold you, he loves feeling your warm body against his. Please let him hold you
He always wants to be by your side, while sleeping, eating and in the bathroom. And good luck trying to get him away from you. He doesn’t understand personal space ..
Hawks always wants you in the nest with him. And if you don’t get in he’ll start throwing a hissy fit. Honestly he’s kinda childish during this time of the year but that’s because he always wants you by his side!
Dude is so rough with you when he’s pumping into you. He loves holding you down by your waist and loves seeing his cock slid in and out of you. And your moans drive him even crazier.
He loves being in between your legs, he loves licking your folds and he can’t help it but moan at the way you taste, you taste so divine to him and he lets you know as well. “You taste so divine princess.” “Good you taste so fucking good! God I want more!”
And dude is gonna make you sit on his face! He wants you to suffocate him with your lovely thighs. And if you move your hips against his face he’ll get worked up.
He’ll choke you as he’s fucking you. uwu
He enjoys seeing you a moaning mess, and during this time he’s also a huge tease. He’ll drag his fingers around your folds and clit. He wants you to beg for his cock. Like he’ll finger you real slow and smirk. “Come on princess beg for my cock…beg for me to fuck you.”
But you can also be a tease too, you especially love pinning him down and love placing kisses all over his body. First you start off at his lips then slowly you make it to his neck then his chest until you have your pretty little lips around his cock, sucking him.
God he loves watching your head moving up and down, taking his cock down your throat. And he’ll be begging for more. “Please Princess, I want you inside of me…please ride me.”
Hawks knows this can be very exhausting for you so whenever you’re feeling sleepy he’ll allow you to sleep but in one condition. You let him cock warm you. He just wants to be inside of you. He can’t get enough of how tight your walls are against him.
You’re covered in marks!! And I mean everywhere! You’re covered in bite marks, scratch marks, and bruises. And this makes him weak!! Seeing your body marked by him.
But honestly he’s great with aftercare! He’ll make sure you’re good and that he didn’t hurt you. He’ll order food (and he’ll try his best not to yell at the poor person who delivers it ) and he’ll cuddle you too. Lots of sweet comments and kisses.
Once his rut is over, he makes sure to clean up the house since he made into a mess! And jokingly he’ll tell you “How about around 2!”
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imnotsimpingyouare · 2 years ago
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NSFW Headcannons - Minors DNI
For Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Hantengu Clones
I think it's so funny putting writing like this underneath some stupid meme or some shit. Like I can't even. Why is it so funny to me.
Also sorry but something about Gyokko is fishy to me so I'm replacing his little hand-having Muichiro-torturing ass with Kaigaku in the next bit.
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This man is the demon king. I hope you're not expecting him to be nice with you, cuz you're wrong.
He's a dom.
And a bit of a sadist.
But how can you hate him for it? Especially when he looks like that.
I know this man LOVESS to have you under him for hours at a time. Like bro will not leave you alone until you physically cannot go anymore. At least he has the decency to listen to you when you safeword out.
He's evil, but not like... evil. Yk?
He especially loves to punish you when you do wrong. And getting a rise out of him is fairly easy, so one wrong step and you'll be over his lap until you can't even remember what you did to set him off.
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Kokushibo is a dom, but I can see him getting off to you trying your best to take control. He adores that you try so hard to prove your worth, but I think both of you know it's not gonna happen.
He loves to listen. Sometimes he becomes eerily quiet, lost in the sounds you're making while he's absolutely annihilating your poor cunt.
He's a huge fan of receiving also. Not that he won't eat you out whenever you ask, but I feel it would be..... uncomfortable for his lower pair of eyes?
Are they closed? Are they open? Can he even close them separately?
I'm sorry for bullying you Koku.
He can't get enough of seeing your head between his thighs, trying your best to take him all with that tiny human mouth of yours.
He's mean with punishments though. He's not easy to irritate like Muzan, but if you tease him too much you'll find yourself edged for hours, with only a 50/50 chance of getting to cum (depending on if you beg right). Moreover, he mainly thinks it's sad how his lovely little human has done something to upset him when your track record was so good.
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Absolute sadist. Look at this devious fuck. He'll do anything to make you beg, anything to hear your beautiful voice beg him for more.
Oh he started soooo vanilla. Sweet nothings like "Are you okay, flower?" "I'm not hurting you, am I love?"
But one day he dug his claws in a little too hard, and your whine at that burning sensation..
🔒🔑 sadist UNLOCKED
From that moment on he made it a point to leave as many marks on you as possible. Bites, hickeys, scratches, anything that proved to everyone else that you are HIS. And ONLY HIS.
He'll even present you to his followers that way, proudly demonstrating that you've been "chosen by him to aid his spiritual work."
He reeeeeaaaaally needs to do a better job at knowing when to stop. Demons have unlimited stamina, and you feel so good around him, he'll only stop when he's noticed your moans have ceased, and you're passed out under him. WHY DID YOU EVEN CREATE A SAFEWORD.
It just feels so good, you know? You have to REALLY get his attention when you want him to stop, or so help me god he will get lost in it.
It's because of this that he is one of the best at aftercare. He'll clean you up, cuddle with you, do anything he can to appeal to his pitiful, fucked-out human.
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Look at him. You know him.
The most vanilla MF ever.
He's so gentle and sweet with you, taking his time on every little thing.
He prefers to have control over the pacing, and that's why he fits into the dom role. He doesn't like to go too fast, or graze over the most intimate parts of the act.
This man will die to give. Don't get me wrong, he'll take some good head any day of the week, but it can't compare to seeing your expression from between your legs when his tounge laps at your overstimulated clit.
He'd never tell you, he's your brave Akaza, but he's SO scared of hurting you in ANY way. He's always checking up on you, making sure his grip isn't too tight, he's not going too fast, you're properly prepared... ect.
He's the aftercare KING 👑
No one can match up to this man. He has cooked you FIVE STAR MEALS at the mere words "kinda want a snack"
He'll hold you in his arms and will NOT LET GO. FOR ANY REASON.
He's just so happy to be connected with his sweet little human. Can you blame him for that?
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Roughest dom to exist. He wants nothing more than to absolutely destroy you, what better way to release his anger? Not that he'll ever truly be not angry, anyway. But you help.
I feel like he's one for routine. He doesn't want to change things up, because why would he change something that's already so good.
Does not know how to be gentle with you. He BITES YOU. When he wants to KISS YOU.
Beware of the fucking dog. Man needs his own damn sign.
It all starts when you wear a skirt that's a LITTLE too short. You don't even notice. But he does. He notices.
One minute, you're making dinner, and the next moment, you're bent over the kitchen counter, taking it while he marks up your neck and shoulders.
From then on, he's unafraid to take you anywhere. In the forest. In a STRANGER'S(victim's) HOUSE. HE DOESN'T CARE.
As free-use as he is, he refuses to allow any one else to see you coming undone for him. He'll only take you if he knows there's a 0% chance of being walked in on. Not only will it turn him off, it'll make him so incredibly angry he'll rip off somebody's head.
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Boy is a switch. 100%
He just wants to be in you, he doesn't care who's doing the dominating.
He's loud.
Like, bb tries so hard not to make any noise, but how can he not, when you're bouncing on his cock like that?
Whines and whimpers all the way. I literally have not seen anyone deny this. It's a fact.
He can't handle when you talk dirty to him. It's like a spell. ESPECIALLY words of encouragement. He just wants to feel validated by you, poor guy. He's literally depression if depression was hot and if you wanted depression to fuck you over in another way than figuratively.
He loves to give you head as much as he loves receiving it. He wants to see you melt to his touch, he wants to know that he's the only one who can make you feel this way.
Aizetsu lives in fear of you yearning for one of the other clones instead. That's why his mission is to be as nice to you as possible. Not... *slow* nice, just *gentle* nice. He'll cuddle with you, he'll kiss you, he'll keep his cock in you for as long as he wants. Only when you're absolutely spent he'll be done with you.
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Man is the pleasure clone.
He knows EXACTLY how to get you off. It only takes one time for him to learn the ins and outs of your body.
He just wants you to feel as good as you can. He'll keep your legs pinned for hours, not caring when you tug his hair or beg him to stop. If you're not safewording, you can take more. That's his motto.
He'll cum where he wants, he'll fuck where he wants, in any position he wants, he's selflessly selfish, if you get the juxtaposition.
He loves to switch it up every now and then. If he has an idea you'll partake in, you're doing it. As long as it's with you, he's open to whatever.
Karaku is the king of teasing you. He's not going to let you cum until you're BEGGING. Like capital B Begging.
His favorite thing is to see you riding him. It makes him feel so good inside when he sees your legs shake. His poor little human can't even handle riding him. How sad is that? But he's not opposed to helping you.
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Bro goes absolutely wild. Like.. he cannot get enough of you after the first time.
So incredibly loud. Grunts, moans, yells, man has no shame and no fucks to give because his only fuck has already been spent on you.
He's sensitive on his back because no one ever puts their warm little human hands back there. No one can reach because of his massive fucking wings. So when you massage him, preen his wings, anything that involves your gentle touch on his back, AUTOMATIC HORNY.
He doesn't even know how to articulate when he's horny. The only thing he can think about is fucking. Literally you'll just be cuddling and he'll start undressing you, no warning.
He's really bad at pacing. Like.. he has no routine, no rhythm, no idea when he's gonna cum or how he's gonna get to that point. You've really gotta help him out on that.
I feel like Urogi would have a hard time prepping you because of his massive, razor sharp fucking talons. Like he went to do it after you told him "dude I can't just take your whole dick out of the blue" and realized for the first time that having talons may be inconvenient when trying to be intimate.
No worries though, he gets equally horny watching you stuff yourself with your own fingers, wanting to put his hands all over you, but knowing the real fun will come soon.
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princessbrunette · 2 years ago
How do you think Anakin would be with a touchy s/o or someone who’s love language is physical touch
anakin himself is super touchy, so he’d love it. the two of you would constantly be wanting to live in eachothers skin and he wouldn’t have it any other way. however, it takes him a while to get used to it all — let’s remember that anakin has been denied affection since he was just a child.
you’d try and control your urge to press your hands into his warm skin all the time when you first start secretly seeing eachother. you’d indulge when the two of you would kiss, running your hands over his firm chest and arms as if trying to consume him through your fingertips. but anything further than that, you feared making him uncomfortable�� aware that jedi were taught to reject all attention, physical included minus a friendly back pat from a clone or an arm grab from a fellow jedi after a close encounter. as expected, he was stiff as a board when you first crawled into his lap after a long day, wedged your head beneath his chin and snuggled down like an animal burrowing into the ground.
“a‘you alright?” he called casually, face feeling hot knowing he was being totally awkward about it.
“sorry, ani. just… need you. had a bad day.”
those words, and that tone, was enough to make him melt a little— body relaxing and arms wrapping around you, squeezing tight. from that very moment on it was like a drug, once he’d began touching you he couldn’t get enough, constantly seeking out your body temperature and your heartbeat and the rise and fall of your chest so he could hold you and be reassured that you’re here, you’re safe.
there were some days, especially when he’d come back from battle that the two of you were just inseparable. you’d sleep on top of him, cheek pressed to his chest, drooling on his skin as you dozed. he’d let you inside his robes as you cuddle on the couch watching holo-dramas. he’d carry your sleepy body on his hip effortlessly in the morning when he’d be making his Caf, not wanting to leave the warmth of your body alone in the bed, letting you groan sleepily into his neck, leaving the skin there warm and tepid from your shallow breathing.
your favourite is when he’d be typing away a mission report and you can’t bare to be apart from him, needing him in every way despite his mind being consumed by work. he’d have you sat on his lap, cheek to his shoulder, cock seated deep in you. you’re instructed not to grind or bounce or anything, just “take what you’re given, beautiful.” and who are you deny that low and raspy voice?
if you get all whimpery and whiny about it, he’s more than happy to type with one hand, letting the other somehow nonchalantly slide up your throat and give it a soft but stern squeeze, before continuing on to push his fingers into your mouth. of course you’d suck on them like they were the best thing you’d ever tasted, the taste of him addicting to someone who just wanted to feel him closer, inhumanely closer, impossibly so.
“can feel you clenching, my love. you’re gonna work yourself up. try breathing for me, that’s a good girl.” he doesn’t hide the smirk, feeling your walls strangle him harder at the words.
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spacedace · 2 years ago
I know it was a prompt and u said you werent gonna do anything with it (and you so should) but i love ur two posts on the Queen of Clones Elle/Amnesiac Champion Kon AU (especially Kon's knight design (like ghost tattoos?!?!? so so cool) and Elle's relationship with him). Got anymore headcanons about this au? Who are the other clones you envisioned playing the background characters? Do Kon and Tim actually cuddle in the Only One Bed scenario? Does Elle get a cool princess/queen design(s) since Kon gets a knight one? Does Tim walk into Kon's knight practice and have a "oh no he's hot" moment? Just afagshjdksll this au is so cool please tell me all about it
The thing is, whenever I say "I'm going to put X idea here for someone else to grab since I'm never going to do anything with it" I'm lying. I'm a liar. It's still lives in my brain and is taking over all rational thought. I have at least 85% of a story written in my head when I say that, I just know that I'm never going to sit down and actually write it down lol
I have SO MANY thoughts about this AU, you have no idea what you've done asking me about it haha
(and seriously if anything at all in my ramblings here is of interest to anyone have at it, everything I post should always be considered free game to use as a writing prompt haha)
Like, between Elle getting snatched by the GIW & Kon ending up in custody with the Justice League for a bit, a lot of the clones that weren't involved in the rescue(s) who are out in the wider multiverse come pouring in to check on them and there's this huge impromptu "Congrats on Escaping a Government Agency" party for the two of them.
There are so many clones just everywhere, Tim is overwhelmed by them all (and hasn't actually realized that the whole deal of the place is that everyone there is a clone yet). But he's dealing. He's sticking close to Kon (because he's never letting Kon leave his sight again, especially since he's half convinced that Elle kidnapped & brainwashed Kon into being her loyal servant for evil purposes) and getting introduced to the most diverse group of entities he's ever seen before (humans aren't the only ones who get into cloning).
And then there's an excited whoop as some kid comes flying out of a portal and launches himself at Kon, talking a thousand miles a second, just so happy Kon is back and okay and the boy is so chipper and happy and sweet that it takes Tim a second to realize holy shit is that Damian????
The kid is the Heretic, aged down and growing up again with a fresh slate after getting sent to Elle's Haunt post however he disappeared/died in DC canon (I'm a bit fuzzy on those details). Of course that information takes a bit for Tim to figure out, becuase the kid has no memories at all of being the Heretic or of Damian or Talia or Bruce or fighting his way out of a whale fully grown. As far as he's concerned he's Antonio, Paulina Sanchez' adopted son, and like sure he's somebody's clone but that really doesn't matter to him, he only comes to Elle's haunt to hang out and tag along behind Kon because he thinks Kon is the coolest. (Kon is explaining this to Tim as a bright, cheerful, normal kid version of Damian is sitting on his shoulders. Tim is losing his god damn mind).
And the Only One Bed Thing!! Okay, so like, Kon is Elle's Champion and basically her unofficial Heir. When Elle isn't around he's in charge of her Haunt and looking after all the other clones. And even when she is there he just goes full Big Brother mode on everyone. It doesn't matter if the clones that end up in the Haunt are actually older than him, he's their big brother now.
To that end, clones end up coming to Kon all the time in the middle of the night, unable to sleep because of nightmares and stuff. And Kon is the cuddliest motherfucker. He's all about platonic cuddles to help people sleep. Just about every clone that's ever spent any time at Elle's haunt has ended up curled up in a blanket fort in Kon's room getting cuddled into feeling safe and cared for.
So for Kon? Only One Bed is no issue at all.
Oh all the clones coming over for the party has taken up all the rooms and Elle is "too weak from recovering" for her Haunt to make more? Of course Red Robin can stay in his room! His bed is so comfy and there's more than enough room for both of them (and like, sure, he's kinda panicking a little because he's never cuddled with anyone he's sorta had a tiny bit of a crush on, but he cab be cool! Besides, its hard to fully commit to the crush one Red Robin when Mystery Boy is out there somewhere, oh maybe he can ask Red Robin about him! He seems to know so much about Kon he'll know who Kon is in love with back in his old life!)
Tim, on the other hand, is just fully:
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Over the prospect of having to keep his shit together while sleeping in the same bed as Kon (who sleeps without a shirt, jesus fucking christ, Kon has tattoos now since when did that happen??? why is he somehow more attractive than when he disappeared??? oh god Tim is going to have a fucking heart attack) especially after Kon drops the bomb that the only thing he can remember from before is some guy that Kon was apparently totally in love with??? Like Tim is being thrown wildly between being a Bi Disaster to being totally devistated and back again.
He mostly manages to keep himself together, at least until it's actually time for bed and it turns out that Kon is a cuddler when he sleeps (Kon did warn him! "just shove me off if I end up trying to use you as a pillow it won't wake me up" he said, and Tim thought "well it can't be that bad" he was so fucking wrong) and Tim ends up wrapped up in a cocoon of muscled and tattooed Kryptonian arms with his face smushed into Kon's chest and Kon nuzzling into Tim's hair in his sleep and it's the most comfortable Tim's ever been in his life and Kon purrs in his sleep like how is that even fair??? (I love the Kyrptonian's purr headcanon so much it has to be in here lol)
By the end of the first week Tim's has slept more and better than he has in years. He's genuinely forgotten what it's like to have a normal sleep schedule. Even with all his panicking, Kon sleepily curling up around him and hugging him like a teddy bear just knocks him out. It's insane.
And Elle! I have so many thoughts about Elle in this AU!
I mentioned it in one of my other posts on this AU that Elle gives off Vibes based off her various Epitaphs that she's gained, and I think that she'd kinda push that to the max when it came to Tim for awhile when Kon first shows up with him.
Like, she takes one look at Tim and is like "ah, this is Mystery Boy my amnesiac bestie has been on about forever" while also realizing that Kon has no idea that he's just panic-kidnapped the one person he sorta remembers from his old life. Which is the oppurtunity of so much fun matchmaking chaos. And she loves Kon, she's planning on officially making him her Heir so that he becomes Prince of Clones as well as her Champion, she wants him to be happy.
But also she's protective over him, more even than a lot of the other clones that end up in her Haunt. Kon doesn't remember his old life and he was so badly injured when he ended up in Elle's haunt that Frostbite hadn't been sure he would survive. Add in the fact that Red Robin was clearly with the people that had captured Kon while he and the other clones were getting her out of the GIW facility (and that the Justice League is sort of a government agency in it's own right) and Elle isn't totally sold on Tim.
She goes out of her way to give off extra creepy vibes while around him. Making sure he understands that she's more than strong enough to destroy him if he even thinks about hurting Kon. At least in the early days of Tim being in her haunt. She does, eventually, lighten up - especially when Kon gives her the big eyes and asks her to trust him, that he knows that Red Robin is someone he believes is good and that won't ever hurt him. She's still keeps a close eye on Tim, but does chill out a little after that.
And she does have a Queen Form (and a princess form when she's doing her Crown Princess of the Infinite Realms thing). She has a couple different forms/designs depending on which Epitaph she's invoking (and of course a fun vaguely eldritch shadow form that scares the shit out of Tim haha).
Her Clone Queen design is BIG, not quite massive Eldritch Ghost King Danny big, but definitely big. Like 20-30 feet tall big, so she can pick up and carry/hold all her clone children like little babies (if any clones are from a race/species that's bigger than that her size adjusts so she's always big enough to carry them).
She has a crown made out of mirror shards that float around and move so that it's always changing shape (I've been feeling clones being called "Mirrorborn" in the Infinite Realms since there's kind of a naming convention already with "unborn" and clones could be seen as kind of like reflections in a way. Elle's official title is actually "Queen of the Mirrorborn" though sometimes is called "Mother of Mirrors" that's why Kon's sheild reflects things, since Elle made it for him out of a piece of her crown while naming him her Champion) and wears a dress that also looks like it's covered in mirrors. It's actually very soft and comfortable and it's super common for clones to climb around or curl up in her skirts and sleep in there.
Her dress does turn into armor though if she needs to fight. And while in Clone Queen mode it's actually super easy for her to duplicate herself a bunch of times.
Knight Training!
Once Elle chills out on Tim a little and is fully onboard the matchmaking train with the rest of the clones (all while absolutely none of them tell Kon that Red Robin is obviously his Mystery Boy) she has Fright Knight show up more often to train Kon specifically for the purpose of Tim walking in on shirtless Tim expertly going through sword forms and sparring with various other clones. And of course Tim and Kon have to have a sparring scene, where Tim is so distracted by Kon being so fucking attractive he ends up pinned against a wall with the flat of a sword under his chin and Kon giving him a cheeky wink and then it's on and there's a whole dramatic flirty fight scene as they make their way through half of Elle's Haunt while sword fighting.
Also! Since Elle's entire court is actually there for once, a bunch of different monarchs around the Infinite Realms decide to host a tournament, so Kon gets to do official knight stuff in his best armor. And Tim gets place of honor right next to Elle during all the jousting and fighting stuff so he gets the best view of Kon kicking ass.
Tim (still wearing his mask because even if he's pretty sure that no one here is evil or would use his secret identity against him - or even care that he has one) has been all dressed up in some gorgeous clothes fit for his status as "Companion" to a Queen's Champion/future Heir. Just something absolutely insanely georgous in the colors of his Red Robin suit, with a dramatic but entirely functionless cape and Kon's crest (not Elle's but Kon's) embroidered on it and it's Kon's turn to blue screen at seeing Tim for the first time all dressed up.
And Tim is maybe finally putting together from talking with Kon that he might be Mystery Boy that Kon remembers from before and that Kon is in love with. So just before Kon is going out to joust, Tim - taking Elle's advice that he should give Kon a favor before the tournament for good luck - and wanting it to be more meaningful than just a handkerchief or something, takes his mask of and gives it to Kon as his favor.
And Kon just loses his god damn mind because Mystery Boy and Red Robin are the same person and all he wants to do is kiss Tim stupid but Fright Knight Master of Chivalry is like "nope you gotta win this tournament and bring honor to your beloved and do this whole ridiculous song and dance about it, no kissing, get out there and smash some heads together - and keep your helmet on this time!" and just yeets a disgruntled Kon out into the field before he can do anything.
And of course with all this extra incentive - Fright is serious about that whole "prove your love through combat" thing he's not going to be allowed to even kiss Tim's hand unless he wins and is perfectly chivalous while doing it - Kon wins the Tournament and is given the flower crown he's supposed to give to the most beautiful of all the observers and of course he gives it to Tim and he doesn't care if there's a forty step courting process he's supposed to follow Fright, he's fucking kissing Tim and there's nothing you can do about it!
Literally seconds away from them finally kissing is when the Justice League kick down the door to get Tim back.
The ghosts aren't even the ones that wrecks the Justice League's shit for interuppting, it's just Tim screaming at them about being cock blocks for forty minutes while Kon screams into the void in the background.
(Kon does get his memories back eventually, and he and Tim do finally get that kiss and start dating. But at that point Kon has been named Elle's heir so Fright Knight is even more rediculous about Correct Courting Steps than before because Kon is a Prince now. Elle is just relieved that it turns out that the Justice League nuked the GIW while they were looking for Tim, because they were not okay with them or the Anti-Ecto Laws. Kon is mortified at having what is effectively his adoptive mother constantly popping in to dote on him while in the middle of fights, Elle is having a great time.)
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bruciemilf · 1 year ago
Been such a long time since I watched Sonic, but Sonic 2 revived my interest by offering me the one thing I cannot resist: A mediocre, goofy white man
Wade; It’s fucking Wade
I want him to become a guardian for Shadow in Sonic 3; Maybe Amy. And Cream.
I love the idea of Shadow, Sasuke fuckass clone, the OG edgy teen, being a good big brother to Cream. And his overall goof father.
Most of all, I am begging, let him be an absolute nightmare teenager. Wade isn’t exactly thrown, — coming from a family of 4 sisters equips you with a wide range of techniques on how to handle moody teenagers. He should know, given he was the moodiest.
“I want to watch that blue Buffon slowly die under my furious hands.”
“Oookay buddy! That sounds like big anger! Come on, we’re gonna take a walk and color in our angry diary, okay?”
Also?? Let Wade be such an embarrassing dad. I want him to cheer while Shadow fights someone, “YOU’RE DOING AMAZING, BUDDY!” and off screen, you hear Shadow’s voice slightly crack, “SILENCE AT ONCE! and stop taking my picture!”
Make no mistake Shadow is very protective of his earthling guardian. Sonic says Wade is perfectly capable of taking care of himself.
Shadow says he burned his hand when trying to snatch a pop tart from the toaster. “He is soft. And vulnerable. And weak. I can’t leave him. Not to mention. His pan— kakes are good.”
“Correct me again, and I tell your Earth Mother about you using her income for Net-flixe.”
Imagine being Tom and visiting Wade only to find him passed out on the couch with a spiky terror napping on his shoulder, with an alien toddler cuddled up between them.
You can’t say you’re surprised, — Wade always wanted kids.
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jester089 · 1 year ago
The more the merrier
I was gonna sleep but my brain wouldn't let me until I wrote about that concept I brought up in past writing. The one where it glitches and their is more then one of a character. I'm gonna say that they kind of have a hivemind too. Cause I want to. If you want where this was originally brought up look for "A well deserved a#$ kicking (Part 2)" as that's where I first though of it. As this is entirely delf indulgent it's only gonna have my favs in my fav situations. But if yall like it enough ie I get a request I can do more characters. Or just go into more detail.
TADC crew x Reader
Gangle (Receiving)
She can be a lot to handle on her own as she has a lot of very overwhelming emotions. Now their's two of her. Good luck! That means double the problems and double the masks to fix. But it's worth. At first for good reason walking in on two Gangle's was surprising. First place your mind went to is it's a adventure or something from Caine. So you took the two Gangle's to see him only for him to be surprised when seeing them. He explained how this wasn't his doing then tried in vain to get rid of one. Welp now you have two emotional girlfriends. Lucky mf. Before when their was just one Gangle she had the tendency to wrap around you during cuddles or just when she wanted to be close to you, but now their's two of them so when that happens you get half mummified until they decide they've had enough. 10/10, your so incredibly lucky you get that. I would fight/kill so many people to get what you have.
Gangle (Giving)
Gangle was relaxing in her room enjoying having a day without a ton of weirdness in it when she heard some incredibly rapid knocking and doorbell ringing. She gets up and opens the door only to come face to face with two of you! The cinnamon roll could barely handle one of you teasing her and being affectionate with her. And now their's two. She might just pass away right then and there. Well at least she doesn't have to worry about Jax anymore. You would rock his s^#$ when their was just one of you, now their's two. If he knows what's good for him he'll stop messing with you and Gangle. And when you stand on either side of her like body guards she can and will get incredibly flustered. Before when you would help out Gangle and the others with things you would be good but clearly overwhelmed. But now you get things done incredibly quickly. Gangle's mask repair time was shortened from a day or so to less then an hour. 10/10. She's overwhelmed and overstimulated, but happy.
Ragatha (Receiving)
Ragatha was an amazing S/O at the worst of times able to handle so much on her own. Now double that. Way I see this going is she has one of her with you at all times making sure you're ok while the other helps out the others. Only time you have to be alone now is if something big goes wrong and more then one Ragatha is needed to fix it properly. Ragatha's hugs before were tight, tight enough for you to need a second to recover after each one just from the sheer force and love put into each one. Now you have to deal with that doubled, whether that mean double the amount or a Ragatha on either side of you squeezing your life essence out. 10/10, while she's around you don't have to deal with anything and you get two overwhelmingly loving partners.
Ragatha (Giving)
Ragatha got back to her room after a long and tiring day. She walks in to see you laying on her bed in a jokingly seductive way. She smiles and rolls her eyes then moves towards you. Once in bed with you she feels someone gently hug her from behind and freaks the f&#$ out. She full on socked second you in the face hard enough to leave a dent and knock you out of bed. You quickly get up to help yourself and make sure you ok while Ragatha stares at you two in disbelief. She ask what's going on and you explain how you woke up with a clone and how you went to see Caine only for him to not know what to do. You apologize for scaring her you just couldn't resist. You two sit down on the bed on either side of her causing her to blush and not know who to look at while you two talk in sync. Once she is more accustomed to all this and realizes that it's you, just times two. She will really really enjoy double cuddles from you two. And will definitely enjoy the feeling of being picked up and held on you two's shoulders. 10/10, flustered but happy.
Jax (Receiving)
Get ready for a whole lot of teasing. He teased you a lot before, now their's two. Good luck! He, of course first used it as a prank. He would be relaxing in your room with you then ask you to grab something from his room. When you get there he's laying on the bed in a teasingly seductive way and greets you. You, confused go back to your room only to find him in the exact same pose on your bed too. So either he knows a really fast and secretive shortcut or he learned how to teleport. You stand in your rooms door staring at him stunned when you feel a gentle hand on your shoulder. You turn to see Jax. You have to like quintuple take and look between the two so many times before freezing. Overall it would be the more of the same. But do be warned if you show one of him more attention/affection the other can and will get jealous. 8.5/10, way to overwhelming and hard to deal with.
Jax (giving)
You just like Jax, youused it as a prank. Yours was a little more mean though cause he deserved it from all his teasing. Jax was walking around looking for you cause he had something to show you. He caught a glimpse of you walking towards the rooms and follows behind. He sees you go into your room and is about to follow before he sees you walk out of his room. You wave at him then keep walking while he's stunned. He turns around and is about to follow you to show the thing before you walk out of your room. Ok he's confused. He walks up to you and asks about it. But you play dumb to it. You keep that shtick up for a few days only stopping when he started to genuinely believe he was looking his mind. Their being two of you will make it much harder for Jax to do anything mean or teasing as if he does you can easily return it ten fold. 9/10. Having two of you is the only real way to handle one Jax.
Pomni (Receiving)
Oh gosh. She had the tendency to spiral when their was just one of her. Now their's two so she spirals and breaks down 2x more and 2x faster. You're going to have your hands full, if you want this to not end badly you better hope your a god at comforting her. Before she easily got overwhelmed by your affection and attention but is ever so slightly better at handling it now that their's two of her. I can 100% see you walking around a Pomni on each shoulder which she both loves and hates, loves cause she gets to be close to you and feel special, hate because it feels so public and she feels like she sticks out when you do that. Before she could kind of handle being alone for a while. Now, not so much. So I hope you're ready to spend an unhealthy amount of time with her just to keep her alive. 5/10, she's lovely but she's got a lot of problems. And when their's two of her those problems multiply by a lot.
Pomni (Giving)
Now this will end well. Having two incredibly supportive and loving people who know when you need attention could help just about anyone. When you first found out you did your best to ease her into it. You knocked on her door only one of you there and told her that you had something to show her. Something that could cause a panic attack. She was worried but with your encouragement and knowing that'll you be there with her helped. So she followed you to your room. You opened the door for her and gestured inside. She looked inside to see another you sitting on your bed looking awkward. Once the initial shock has worn off she'll actually really enjoy it. She likes laying on one of you as a mattress while the other gives her attention. 10/10, helps her with her problems and she's surprisingly good at handling both of your attention at once.
(I really REALLY enjoyed writing this. I don't expect others to enjoy this as much as it's definitely more in my tastes but still. I hope you enjoyed it. And the things I would do to be in that situation, sadly best I can do is write about it.)
xoxo, Jester
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To be Claimed - NSFW version
Hello friends! I found these marriage prompts by @brainbright for our favorite batchers! I immediately felt they struck gold and pushed this fic out in 12 hours.
I have two versions of this fic: a sfw and a nsfw. The sfw one ends before the smut begins so if you want to avoid smut, I'll link the SFW one here.
CW: brief violence, mention of misogyny, revealing of feelings, idiots in love. Unprotected sex, PiV, light gagging, oral (M! receiving), fingering, clit play, aftersex cuddles.
Hunter x reader
Word count: 3100
You didn’t expect the mission to go as it did, but all of you were alive. That’s what mattered to you. Hunter, Echo, Wrecker and Tech were all alive and Omega was safe at Cid’s. That’s all you could ask for.
Cid came to you with a new mission. In exchange for some pure spice, you and your Batch were to offer protection for a week to a leader from this backwater planet. The culture was rather archaic. Women were subservient and silent, to be seen and not heard and the men handled everything. Being on that planet made you grateful to have grown up on Naboo. You were in the same classes as Padme Amidala, or Naberrie as you knew her. You were quite a bit younger than her though. She excelled in her politics and academics, while you were more a physical girl. You would rather settle a fight with your fists than words.
You made the decision to keep your helmet on the whole time you were on this planet. Tech modified your armour to give you more protection on your chest and midsection, so your gender wasn’t obvious to others as it was to your squad. You were grateful for the voice modulator. It deepened your voice a bit, so it just sounded like you were effeminate man.
You were protecting the leader of this community for a week from some assassin. You didn’t know which assassin was after the leader, but you knew there were more bounty hunters around trying to lure you away from the leader. They’d threaten locals to make you distracted. So, you and Tech were stationed with the leader, while Echo, Hunter and Wrecker took care of the other troublemakers. As you waited for the all clear to move the chief from Hunter, you and Tech conversed quietly.
“You are certainly mistaken. There is nothing going on between Phee and I.”
Rolling your eyes, you pointed out that Phee flirted with him constantly with every encounter you had with the pirate.
“Tech, she calls you Brown Eyes at every opportunity! She pays more attention to you than any of us! She’s clearly into you.”
Glancing up at you from his datapad, Tech shook his head. “Regardless, I have no interest in pursuing Phee romantically. Not when I have the squad to look out for.”
That was the one thing you loved and admired about Tech. He’d sacrifice everything for his family without question or hesitance. You only hoped he wouldn’t get himself killed protecting everyone.
“Alright boys let’s move the bird out!” you heard Hunter through the comms.
You lightly pulled the chief to his feet as Tech told him it was time to move. Tech pulled up the rear as you held the lead, blaster in hand. You shot at every bounty hunter you saw, hoping to deter others from trying anything.
As you rounded a corner, you nearly met your fate at the end of a blaster barrel. You paused, looking at the blue skinned woman in front of you. You recognized her deadlocked ponytail and single antenna and clocked that Aurra Sing was in front of you.
“Well, isn’t this a pleasant surprise,” she sneered. “My target handed to me on a silver platter by two clones.”
You pushed the blaster away from your face. “Sing. I should’ve smelled your disgusting perfume from atmosphere,” you hissed.
Chuckling, Aurra took aim at you again. “Oh, don’t worry, I’ll make sure I’m the last thing you see before you die.”
“Like kark!” You pushed her aside, pinning her to the garden wall, shouting at Tech to move. If someone was gonna die, it was gonna be Aurra Sing. The bounty hunter took far too much from you during the clone war and so you had a little vendetta.
She kneed you in the torso, causing you to be winded for a moment. You immediately swung back, clocking her in her nose. As she backed away holding her nose, you kicked her head, bending her antenna.
Aurra became furious, lunging at you and pinning you to the ground on your back. You gritted your teeth, pushing her off as best you could but she had the advantage. Aurra took your viroblade from its sheath and moved it to your neck. As it dug closer to your jugular, you thought of your squad and how you’d miss them if you didn’t push her off.
Blaster shots rang out from your right, causing Aurra to pause in her assault on you. You turned your head, seeing Hunter and Wrecker firing at the assassin. Aurra quickly got off you and bolted, firing back at your boys.
Eventually, another bounty hunter picked Aurra up from your pursuit of her. You fired your blaster again at the small ship, hoping to bring it down but she escaped again. You prayed someone would take her out one day.
You and the boys were celebrated as heroes and offered a feast in compensation. Never one to turn down a way to keep Wrecker full, you all gladly accepted. There was music and dancing and singing, in a way you’d never seen before. Sure, you had had parades on Naboo but nothing this extravagant. There were colours of red, blue, turquoise, orange and many more. You were carried on these little mini beds by some locals. You and Echo sat side by side, admiring all the colours and festivities.
“So, you gonna say something to Hunter? Once we’re back on the ship?” he murmured into your comm channel.
You looked at him through your helmet. You almost regretted telling Echo about your feelings toward your sergeant. Sure, there was nothing to stop you now from fraternising with squad mates, but the gods know there was something stopping you from revealing your feelings.
“Depends on how the rest of this goes. There’s always chaos to follow us so I’m just waiting for it to reveal itself.”
Reveal itself it did. As soon as you were all seated the leader gave a speech in their native tongue before gesturing to you to eat. You removed your helmet for the first time in days, grateful to breathe fresh air and eat fresh food. A collective gasp rung out from everyone except you and the boys, confusing you as you took small bites.
The leader and the elders look furious, yelling at you in their language. You were scared and confused, looking to Tech for an explanation.
Tech put his helmet back on and translated quickly, fearing the worst for your safety.
“Apparently, they are accusing us. We deceived them into thinking we were all men. According to tradition, all women of marrying age who step foot in the chief’s house, as we did early this week, are automatically married to him unless they are already claimed. Since you are of marrying age and do not seem to be claimed, he claims you as his wife.”
As Tech finished his translation, you were yanked from your seat and dragged through the seating to be thrown at the chief’s feet. You yelled and screamed, begging the boys to help you. They did, but not in the way you had expected. You almost wanted to face palm.
“She is claimed though!” Wrecker yelled out, looking to Echo for support.
Echo nodded, playing along. “Yes, she’s claimed by our Sergeant! They were wed last year!”
The leader looked from you to Hunter and back. Spitting out another question, Tech translated, going along with this idea. “He asked why we didn’t reveal that upon arrival. Why such deception?”
Echo looked to Hunter, who was both furious and concerned for your wellbeing, and tilted his head almost to say, ‘do something!’. Hunter was shocked at the turn of events but over his dead body you stay here as some archaic cultures wife. He came up to you and pulled you up to your feet. Pressing a gentle kiss to your temple, he pulled you closer. You nuzzled into his chest, fearing for your life. You had no idea this culture was that antiquated. Hunter brought his hand to your head and started to gently stroke your hair, making it look like a husband consoling his wife.
“We didn’t want to put the other in danger. Should anyone find out we were wed, they would use it against us. We never meant to deceive you.” Hunter had Tech translate.
Hunter led you to the seat next to him. “You okay with this?” he whispered.
You smiled weakly, hating that this was the improvised plan the boys chose. “I kind of have to be, don’t I? You sure you’re okay with playing husband?”
Hunter took your hand, kissing your knuckles gently. He could feel the leader’s anger at him and at you, so he laid the lovesickness on thick. Pulling you closer, kissing your temple, holding your hand and much more. You were blushing like crazy, wanting nothing more than this to be real. Gods you wanted this to be real. Hunter was so good at being loving. You wished more than anything that this was real, and you really were married.
As the festivities settled back into joyous ruckus, the boys encouraged you and Hunter to move into a private area so you could discuss things a bit more. You needed to make things convincing if you were to get out of there as one squad. You didn’t really want to leave the other three, but Hunter agreed it would make it look like you finally had some alone time as husband and wife. Shifting from one foot to the other, you reluctantly agreed to follow Hunter away from the celebration.
Hunter led you to secluded clearing, a short walk from the tents of the settlement. You sat on the ground, not facing him. He sat next to you, listening quietly to your heartbeat. You did not want to make the first move. You had no idea what to say!
Smiling, Hunter pulled you closer, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You froze a second but relaxed into his hold. Taking a breath, you finally spoke.
“I’m gonna kill Echo. I should never have told him about my feelings for you.”
Chuckling, Hunter squeezed your shoulders. “You really thought you could hide those from me? I can feel your heartbeat, I can smell your scents, and I certainly read your body language well enough.”
You froze again. You were a complete nong! Of course, Hunter could tell! He could feel the electromagnetic pulses from a base halfway across the planet! He would obviously be able to tell you had feelings.
Pursing your lips, you wanted the ground to swallow you whole. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
He shrugged one shoulder. “Figured you’d say something when you felt the time was right. Didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Laughing, you elbowed his ribs gently. “Well, you failed at that! I’m so embarrassed.”
Smiling and laughing with you, Hunter let his head fall to meet yours gently. “You wouldn’t have had to worry about rejection. The others have known about my feelings since you joined us back in the Clone War. Didn’t want to endanger you by risking fraternisation.”
Your heart was ready to burst out of your chest. The man you had held feelings for, all this time wanted you just as much! Leaning in, you brushed your lips lightly over his, letting him control the rest. You could feel your heart beating harshly in your chest, and you knew Hunter could feel it too.
Hunter, softly took your chin and pulled you back to his lips, giving you a fiercer kiss than what you gave him. It felt amazing, to finally have his lips caress yours in a way you’d only had imagined prior to today. His were slightly chapped yet soft, pressing to yours softly as you keened for more.
Hunter pulled you onto his lap, having you straddle his hips to have a better angle to kiss you. His hands met your hips, lightly pulling you down to meet his pelvis. Your kisses eventually became heated, as your hands pulled at his chest plate, wanting it off.
Moving to your neck, leaving little kisses and bruises, Hunter whispered into your skin, “Should we head back to the ship?”
Smiling, you pulled his hair lightly to bring his lips back to yours. “Oh, kriff yes!”
Hunter smirked, lifting you up from the ground. You wrapped your legs around his torso so you wouldn’t fall.
You let your legs drop, so you could run to the ship. You pulled Hunter along, you both laughing the whole 5 minutes to the ship. Hunter captured your lips once again as you walked up the gangplank. Your brain was turning to mush, and you quickly locked the ship down, lest one of the boys return before getting your message.
Hunter kissed down your neck, deftly pulling your breastplate off, letting it fall to the floor. One by one, armour came off and blacks were slipped off. Your breastband was left on as Hunter laid you onto his bunk. His large hands moved up and down your body, almost as if he was trying to memorize what your skin felt like. He leaned down, capturing your lips once again, caressing your skin before hooking your leg over his hip. He rolled his hips into your pelvis, creating friction for you against your clit.
You let out a moan, so sinful Hunter could’ve cum right there. His hands moved up to your breasts, pulling the band up and off. Kneading your left breast, his mouth descended onto your right. Tongue circling your nipple, causing gasps and moans to escape your mouth. He was so talented with his mouth. How was he so talented with his mouth? In all your time with the Batch they never brought a single woman back. How was he so good?
One hand left your breast and travelled down to your clit. Hunter gently pressed one finger against it before circling it. Your back arched off the bed, begging for more. Chuckling, Hunter removed his fingers, licking them clean of your juices.
“You don’t think I’d let you come that easy?”
Whining, you pulled him closer to you again, wanting to feel him close to you again. You kissed him hard, flipping the two of you over so you straddled him. Your hand slid up from his neck into his hair, pulling his bandana from his head. You tied it back around your neck, just loose enough you could put it in your mouth if needed.
Hunter smirked, loving the image of his bandana in your mouth. Groaning, he felt your hand caress his cock. Deftly, up, and down but never actually wrapping your hand around. You were teasing him, just as he teased you. You took it a step further, slowly sliding off him until you knelt on the cold metal floor of the Marauder. Hunter sat up, confused until he felt your hand caress him again. Only this time, he felt something warm and wet. Your tongue had felt up from the base and circled around his tip. He was in heaven, feeling your skilled mouth on his. You always had a smart mouth, but dear gods had he known your other skill sets sooner, he would’ve told the GAR to kriff themselves and take you for himself.
Sucking softly, you bobbed your head, wanting to give Hunter all the pleasure he deserved. His hand slid into your hair, gripping by your scalp causing a little moan to come out of you. His hips started to thrust gently into the back of your throat, groans turned into soft grunts, and he quickly pulled you off him.
You looked up, wondering if you had hurt him at all but he quickly pulled you up into a kiss.
“If you had done that anymore, I would’ve come down your throat,” he growled.
“Maybe that was my plan,” you smirked.
He threw you back onto the bunk, finally having enough teasing. He crawled back on top of you, kissing fiercely. He pulled up and grasped his throbbing cock. He rubbed some of your arousal on before slowly pushing into you. You cried out in ecstasy, so loud Hunter pulled the bandana from your neck into your mouth. It was a good look for you he decided.
He slowly started to thrust in and out, relishing in how you felt around him. Warm and soft, yet you clenched around him so sweetly. You had no idea how much pleasure you’d be in but all you knew was you were on another place of pleasurable existence. You met each one of his thrusts, feeling a delicious friction against your clit.  You felt that knot in your belly growing tighter and tighter, the heat between your legs growing hotter and hotter.
You could tell Hunter was getting close as well. His hips were starting to stutter but he didn’t stop. His hand travelled down to your clit and rubbed furiously. The overstimulation causing that band inside to snap and break. You saw white behind your eyes, pulling Hunter in for a kiss.
His hips stuttered once more, and you felt warmth coat your insides. Hunter collapsed on top of you, careful not to squish you with his body weight. You both stayed like that for a moment before he rolled off you. He pulled you into his side, relishing in your closeness. Humming in contentment, you snuggled closer, wrapping your leg over one of his.
Hunter absentmindedly caressed you shoulder with his fingers, loving the feeling of you next to him.
“You think the others got our message yet?”
You chuckled. “I’d be surprised if Tech did not get our message. He never takes his eyes off his datapad.”
“Very true… Wanna go again?”
You smiled against his chest. “In a minute. I just want to lay here a moment.”
Echo was watching Wrecker show off his strength to some locals when all their comms beeped with a message from Hunter.
You might wanna avoid the Marauder for a few hours. We have some more things to discuss ;)
Groaning, Echo settled in for the night in his seat, waiting for Wrecker to switch weights until they got a comm, saying your “talk” was finished.
“It was only a matter of time,” Tech reasoned. “They’ve been pining for years now.”
Echo grimaced, knowing Tech was correct. This was gonna be a long night.
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I hope you enjoyed it! Hopefully my writing is a bit better than last time!
As always, criticism is welcome as long as it's kind and constructive.
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pinejayy · 2 years ago
Heyyy sorry if this is weird or anything but can you do the upper moons with a s/O that has a gen Z like personality 😭 like they got teleported to other world yk like head cannons of what it's like you can ignore this or swoosh away but PLEASE DO THIS🫶🫶🫶
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sure thing! I hope you enjoy these!! sorry for the long wait! uwu // I'm gonna add the clones and muzan as a bonus
Upper Moons with Gen Z Personality S/O
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Honestly he would be so confused, he doesn't understand why you're dressed differently and also talk different. And you like messing around with him by saying "YEET" or "OOF" And he's like what's a Yeet.
And one time you grabbed him book and threw it across the room and yelled out "YEET" and he just looked at you, ah that's what a yeet is. Yeah he doesn't like it, don't do it again. Unless you wanna be yeeted out of life.
You should be lucky he hasn't killed you yet because wow he finds your humor kinda annoying, considering he enjoys some peace and quite while you're here with crackhead energy.
The Upper Moon Demon wonders if you were dropped on your head as child, why would you be acting like this. But he does care for you, even though you get on his nerves.
He finds it odd that you find humor in everything, like you two could be on a date and you'll burst out laughing at anything and crack a joke too.
You're his special little something so he'll protect you. The other Upper Moons don't saying anything about how annoying you are because since he's number 1 he'll probably rip their heads off.
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Oh boy! He would be so confused about your weird humor, but he'll love it honestly. He loves how you giggle at something random and then you'll add a random ass joke too. He finds you entertaining. Like a little clown.
You taught him the meaning of "YEET" and he loves abusing it, like imagine him throwing a women's head at Akaza and him saying "YEET"
Oh I'm sure the both of you would love pulling pranks on Akaza. Like imagine throwing a bag of flour at him. And you'll guys be like "Get recked!"
Ahh! He loves it whenever you praise him because come on, he's an Upper Moon Demon and you're nothing but a human. So you better being telling him "SLAYY"
You taught him more words like "Slay" "Oof" and "No Cap" and the other Upper Moons hate him even more. Like to the point where they wanna rip his head off. And they hate you too, like how did he mange to become more annoying.
But since you're with him you keep him busy and away from them, so don't have to deal with him. But the Upper Moons do appreciate you keeping him away from them :))
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He honestly finds you kinda annoying and funny at the same time, like you act more annoying than Douma but he doesn't hate you like he hates Douma. But he does get used to your odd sense of humor.
Whenever you guys are hanging out and he needs to rant about something he'll talk to you. And you'll be like "Spill the Tea!!" And he would be so confused, like you want to spill tea? Wouldn't that make a mess.
He doesn't allow you near Douma! Never!! Imagine if you two were to meet he'll go crazy and he's afraid that your odd humor is gonna rub on Douma so he doesn't want two idiots running around.
He loves talking crap about Douma and you'll be like "PERIOD" while you snap your fingers. Earning a look from Akaza.
But within time he'll get used to you, he thinks it's funny that you're kinda weird in your own way. Sometimes when you guys are cuddling you'll saying something like "I like apple and bananas" And he'll be like "Me too Y/N." While patting your head.
You're so special to him and he'll do anything to protect you and he'll keep you away from everyone else.
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Bro is gonna cry whenever he doesn't understand your jokes. Like why are you laughing at something randomly?? He doesn't understand!! He's going to throw a huge temper tantrum.
Whenever he's crying you'll go to him and be like "Stop being a snowflake." And he'll cry even more, why are you calling him that! He's not a snowflake!! He's a Demon!! An Upper Moon Demon.
You do love him but you also love T-Posing him and of course he'll be crying a lot...he's so confused.
You stop your non sense when you guys cuddle. He's the little spoon of course, and this is the only time he'll catch a break from your jokes and humor.
The other Upper Moons wonder how you're even with him?? Both your personalities don't match what's so ever, but I guess whatever catches your boat right.
Imagine whispering in his ear. "You're Sus." He'll cry...poor babey.
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Honestly he would find you very annoying, like he honestly doesn't know why he doesn't end you, maybe deep down he does care for you but you're still pretty annoying to him. Just don't push his buttons too much, he will kill you oof.
Like imagine him showing you his newest vase and he's like "Look at this beautiful vase!" And you'll be like "LoOk At ThIs BeAuTiFuL vAsE." And you two would stare at each other in silence. "Did you just mock my art?" Silence and you smile and giggle. "DiD yOu JuSt MoCk My ArT."
He could have killed you for mocking his art but he hasn't, he truly does care about you...just don't push it.
He finds you funny, sometimes. And he's shown you off to the other Upper Moons. And they all think "Ah the funny looking demon gets the funny S/O"
You like telling him his art is "BUSSIN" and he's like??? What does that even mean??
"Hey Gyokko have you ever heard of the word Yeet?" You told him while holding a vase of his... RIP YOU
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He'll be very confused about your jokes and humor, he's never heard of them. So he'll like to learn some of your jokes so he could make you laugh. And you do teach him some words and jokes and he's confused as heck!
You make jokes like "Hand over your things! This is a STROBBERY!" While holding a small strawberry. He found it weird but he chuckled softly.
You're his little special human, his human with odd jokes but your his :))
You love telling him. "You Slay!!" And he'll just reply. "I know, I love slaying humans.."
He's always giving you head pats when you make a joke or a funny comment. And you love getting head pats from him uwu
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Hantengu Clones
Sekido would find you very annoying, like to the point where he wants to rip your tongue off, Aizetsu would find you kinda odd but he loves you no matter what, you're his special little human. Both Urogi and Karaku would love your funny jokes and humor.
Sekido used to have two dumbasses to look out for *coughs* Urogi and Karaku. And now he has you too!! Great!! But in reality you love sharing your jokes with both Urogi and Karaku.
Wow imagine Aizetsu crying in the corner crying, and curled up into a ball because Urogi, Karaku and You are T-Posing him. And he's crying because he doesn't understand what's going on. And of course Sekido yells at you guys >:(
But the four Demons do love you, even grumpy ass Sekido.
Whenever Sekido gives you a threat and you'll just stand there like "BET!"
Aizetsu is the victim of your jokes most of the time. One time you went to him and were like "Hey Aizetsu...I think i've caugh Ligma.." And he would be worried for you and answer "Oh no Love! What's Ligma??"
You just stand there with a huge grin on your face... and boy started crying when you told him the joke.
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Oh no, he'll find you annoying...very annoying.
One time you told him a "Ligma" joke and it was your last words.
Yup! You're dead..
He won't even eat your body, he's afraid of catching your sense of humor.
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arcsimper5 · 1 year ago
Episode 5 - Rants!
Okay, so, first off WHAT AN AMAZING EPISODE!
Putting spoilers below the cut just in case, and this is gonna be way out of order, but my brain is still firing on all cylinders lol.
So first off - Echo!
Our baby is back! And he is taking no shit which is just perfect. His reaction to Crosshair is interesting though. I imagine, with him having been with the 501st and around Jedi, he may well have heard 'the stories' about Jedi falling to the Dark Side and being welcomed back. He's also probably heard about Slick from Rex, and seeing other clones turn on the empire despite being loyal, he is likely more sympathetic towards Crosshair than the others.
The 'What, no hug for me?' did have me cackling though. Such snark, such sass. Cross and Echo are underrated as friends, honestly.
Omega on Pabu. That opening was so lovely, her cuddled up with Lula and being so happy! And I LOVE how when she leaves to find Crosshair, Wrecker and Hunter have an entire conversation just through facial expressions. They've been through so much together, they can read each other better than ever, and it's wonderful.
Crosshair and AZ! I love how much that little droid wants to help. Crosshair's line about Lyanna and Shep's ability to find him being 'uncanny' also made me smile. Shep is just a homing missile of care, and of course his daughter is going to be the same!
Him explaining sniping to Omega as well, her just being a sponge of information must remind him of Tech at least a little. Then Wrecker and Hunter peeking over the rocks. Sorry, had to laugh!
Wrecker telling Hunter that if Omega trusts Crosshair, that's enough for him. YES! He's not letting things go, but he's giving it a chance, unlike Mr Face Tattoo Grumpy Pants.
Echo hug, and that is just wonderful. Not long enough, but hey, Echo's always been straight down to business.
Batcher's relationship with the moon-yos is also beautiful, them asleep on her by the table is just lovely!
The dining table scene, Tech mention, heartbreaking, but it shows there is still a void there. They're all aware, and all working to fill it, but it's still gaping and raw.
As soon as Crosshair said he knew an outpost, I was like, NO, THEY'RE GOING BACK TO BARTON IV *crying*
Then Wrecker giving him back the armour and the way Crosshair's eyes WIDEN when he sees it. Just UUUUUGH!
The 'little brother' moment and the chuckle made my heart SING. These two are just peak sibling and I AM HERE FOR IT!
And man, did I ever want them to turn up and Mayday be there, alive and having survived thanks to Crosshair and telling them all what he did and how amazing he was.
Sadly no :(
But Mayday's helmet, and Crosshair making a memorial to him with the rest of his squad beside him as well, it shows real growth, and THE MUSIC! Ooof!
Hunter being all side-eye-y by the door, what a dramatic bitch lol
Echo and Omega work so well together, and the tension between Crosshair and Hunter is ridiculous. Just fight already! And make it a good one!
So close, but Mama Echo stopped it lol
The entire scene with the wyrm was wonderful, from the beginning argument (I could write an entire novel on how much I love Crosshair calling Hunter out on his BS in a way no-one else does) and Hunter being an angry boi.
But the innate trust that comes out as soon as Hunter falls in that hole.
Also... 'HUNTER!!!!!' :')
The nods at the end, then loading onto the ship. I REALLY wanted Crosshair to tell Hunter about Mayday, that he shot the officer for a Reg, because they refused to help him. I wanted him to tell him how he was tortured, how he kept them safe.
I only hope Echo goes through the medical records and finds what they did to Crosshair, shows it to Hunter and they finally get a bit more understanding.
Overall, it was AMAZING!
My only gripe is with the perimeter - Hunter has enhanced senses but it seems like they write him like he can turn them on and off lol. If it's high pitched enough to keep the wyrm away AND bother Batcher, he's sure as hell going to be hearing it, helmet or not! And it wouldn't be pleasant!
But no, he has to look through his helmet to pick it up? Yeah, I call BS on that :P
But considering that is the only complaint I really have, 9.9/10!
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theemporium · 1 year ago
ok so i started this ask earlier this morning and am just now getting aroundn to finish it so apologies if it's all over the place
vegas has been a lestappen weekend and I am thinking THOTs like honestly so much happened this race weekend and i am reeling
1. no1 vegas hater max verstappen saying that he's excited to go back i love him 😭😭😭 i'm so glad he had fun lmaoo. like i can just imagine him in the hotel with charles and reader the night before the race all huffy and upset because this whole weekend is a farce and he is NOT going to have a good time. and charles is just like "it's gonna be fine mon amour, i think at this point you're just determined to have a bad weekend and spoiling it all for yourself" and maybe yeah he is but in max's opinion that is NOT the point. anyways after the thrill of Racing™️ he's like "hmm okay yeah u weren't wrong, i had a good time" and charles is jsut liek "SAY IT WAS YOUR WHOLE CHEST PLZ !!!! I WAS RIGHT !!!!"
2. obsessed with carlos being all kinds of protective big brother vibes to werewolf!reader. like he sees max and charles crowding her and is just like 🤨🤨 "alright alright we get it, you love her, but let her work pls. if you keep crowding her i'm gonna call this sabotage" but he's also the one who goes "i pretend i do not see it" when he catches max trying to wiggle his way into the ferarri turf
3. there are mould your own dildo kits called clone a willy (don't ask me how i know) but i can see max getting one as like a gag gift or something and he's just like haha ok whatev. but the days go on and really the more he thinks about it the more appealing it is to have a custom dildo bc then he can fuck his two loves with his cock at the same time. and also he needs to know what his dick feels like, you know for scientific purposes. so anyways he gets charles and reader to help him and it is SO messy, positioning is important, and the amount of effort it takes to stay hard is ASTRONOMICAL. his dick is stuck in a tube of goo, it's not sexy. but now if someone tells him to go fuck himself he can. so he stays winning 😘😘🤩
4. i also really hope lando gots a nice long sleep after the race. like he sounded horrible on the radio. he needs a nice cuddle stat. i feel like we don't talk about werewolf lando a lot but
1. there’s something so funny about max suddenly changing his tune😭he was probably just happy to do some actual racing and know that the whole weekend was over after it, but it’s still hilarious. and I could see charles and reader giving him such shit over it, teasing him that the elvis race suit put him in a good mood and maybe they should keep it all year round (no, they should not. it’s a cursed wee thing. I want it gone)
2. CARLOS BEING AN OVERPROTECTIVE BROTHER PLEASE😭even the idea that she’s upset with them over something, it’s carlos who she goes to and his driver’s room that she stays in🥲but he would be so supportive of their relationship and definitely help hiding it when he can
3. I have seen the clone-a-willy sets in stores here, it’s so😭😭😭I know it’s this hot concept or whatever but it genuinely makes me cackle at the idea of these boys trying to follow the instructions. like charles is confused and max is convinced he doesn’t need instructions and it’s just such a mess. it would be so fucking funny
4. baby lando deserves all the hugs and cuddles and kisses after that crash :( but we do not talk about werewolf!lando near enough!!!
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fatuismooches · 1 year ago
PART 3 TO THE DOTTORE FIC WAS ABSOLUTELY LOVELY AND YOU RELEASED IT SO FAST I WASNT EXPECTING IT SO SOON!!! gosh the pacing of it was so well, and I absolutely adore how you write fragile!reader and Zandik. AND THE NUDITY SCENEEEE!! >w< it was so so soft I absolutely adored it words cannot describe how much I was smiling during it. AND THE LITTLE ZANDY SNEAK WITH HIM BEING ALLOWED TO SEE ALL THE PREPERATIONS COLUMBINA IS DOING FOR FRAGILE!READER AND THEIR OUTFIT <33 AHHHHH!!!! Also the book scene as well 😭 SOB!! poor reader getting exposed out of nowhere because Zandik was “curious”… AND THE WEDDING SMOOCHES OH MY GOSH!!! I wasn’t expecting to read them getting married in this fic but im overjoyed to see you write it!!! their ceremony being private and the clumsy dancing after they’ve been officially married made me giggle and kick my feet in the air!!! honestly the marriage reminded me of an old ask I sent MONTHS ago!! fragile!reader and dottore having a private ceremony and how Dottore would most likely keep his ring in his box, but fragile!reader enjoys wearing it everyday as it’s a sign that Zandik truly does love them for who they are, and they’re bonded for eternity. :((( I would absolutely LOVE to see what type of rings you had in mind for them and what kind of suit you portrayed Zandik wearing!! I love these two so much that im honestly scared for the fourth and final part. :( my heart is not ready for angst…I loved all the hurt and comfort in this fic it’s literally my favorite thing!! and to say I will reread this AT LEAST 5 times, (just like I have with the first and second part) is an understatement. I always appreciate seeing you also mention me in your notes it’s so cute mwa mwa!! <33 make sure to rest sweetheart alright? currently dying because of midterms but I know part 3 will get me through it. AND BEFORE I EVEN FORGET THE MENTION OF BATHING TOGETHER ADJNDJAIJSJDK!!!! still one of my favorite ideas EVER im so happy to see it being dropped for a second in the fic it made me blush <33
But I truly hope you have an absolutely wonderful day and week and happy December cutie!!! Christmas will be here soon and I honestly can’t wait to bake. always imagining m fragile!reader because of my condition >_< im very delusional for him I think of him every second, minute, hour, day, every week!!! not a day goes by where I don’t think of him AT LEAST ONCE! but ANYWAYS!!! I give you loads and loads of cuddles and chu chus <33 I love you so much I just wanna hug you so tightly and swell up your cheeks because of how many chus I gave you!!
-from your dear boo boo bear 🎐 anon! ౨ৎ
AHHHHH 🎐 ANON IM SCREAMING TOO!!! YOU'RE TOO NICE!! I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT!! please, my weekend literally consisted of two things, writing that fic, and finishing a project for college, i kept alternating between the two 😭 I WAS JUST SO EXCITED I HAD TO! AND OF COURSE!! Bb Zandy gets all the privileges (he gets the last cookie in the jar too, much to the other clones' dismay) 😌
AND YEAHHH the book idea just came to me one day. i just thought it'd be not only cute but funny, since i also love thinking about the playful banter you two have 🥺 HEHE I'M GLAD YOU LIKED THE WEDDING SCENE TOO!! I JUST HAD TO WRITE IT SINCE I FEEL IT NEEDS TO BE INCLUDED IN THEIR LIVES!! and yeah i was thinking about your asks too, because i like to go back and reread the asks on your tag 😭💗 Dottore keeps his ring in his box so when he's stressed he can just pop it open and admire it, thinking about you if you're not around, and put it away again now that he's had some time to slack off thinking about you. You though? Oh boy everyone has every detail of your ring memorized by how much you've gushed about it (poor random Fatui agents)
AND I'm not gonna lie i didn't really picture the rings or outfits inside my head. 😭 but i did look up some rings rn to see if i could find anything that's cute!! (i think. I'm not very good at fashion/aesthetics and this stuff 😭) but i think these first three for reader are pretty!! i feel like they're pretty elegant but not too much at the same time! Dottore's as i said would be much simpler, i can't find a good picture but i feel like the last one would be similar, thin with fewer jewels though. But ngl, i always love this interpretation of the ring Dottore would give you!! It's so pretty and to think he'd make the ring yourself is so!! AND I WOULD GIVE YOU OUTFITS BUT IM SORRY IM SO BAD AT THEM. Honestly though. I'd probably imagine him in like, the classic black and white suit. Maybe with some pieces of blue here and there. There's a fanart i'd show you too but the comments are EXTREMELY down bad so yeah,,
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🎐 ANON DON'T WORRY 😭 THERE WILL BE ANGST BUT HOPEFULLY THE FIFTH PART WILL MAKE IT BETTER!! AND OMG OVER 5 TIMES??? I'M HONOREDDD 🥰🥰🥰💗💗💗 MAKE SURE TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF TOO OKAY?? i know midterms are the worse but you got this!! And omg have fun baking!! I wish i could taste your sweets, they must be delicious!! AND I LOVE YOU MORE!! mwah mwah!!
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zephamello · 9 months ago
thoughts on the dave clones in general? there are so many...
*Cracks knuckles* here we go
I absolutely adore them all but we gonna go through each one in detail. Just gonna go through the order on the wiki list
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This one!! I headcanon named him Squish / Squishy :D He's my favorite clone based on appearance, he looks like a big confused sweetie and I just. want to bundle him up and give him a cuddle. He looks innocent and he deserves to be loved.
Kinda like with Sarah I headcanon that his "imperfect flaw" besides the melted skin and teeth is, he has an extreme sensitivity to sound. Like normal talking volume and above is really harsh on his ears and that's why he does the scream thing (I got that vibe from his sound, what sounds like the room full of people talking and then him freaking out). 10 out of 10 will hug again and again
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Neck guy! Honestly he just depressed me so. damn. bad. his lore and what happened to him and what happened leading up to him breaking his neck. It was just, really heartbreaking and if I could kick Dave Tab Cander Ruy in the ass for it I would make sure to have the biggest steel toe boots known to mankind on first.
His sound bc of his lore is also depressing as hell, but I do really like how it sounds, it is kinda eerie too. I hate how quickly it gets drowned out when you put other sounds up though :(
In my AU he is called Moore and was actually named by Sketch / Stanlee :D He's a big innocent sweetheart that loves cuddles, especially from Tab. He does get a brace so he can hold his head up :3
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The blue one!!
I absolutely love his design and everything about it, anything with the teeth is just really cool. I also love how he's the only clone with colour on him and it looks like a snazzy cozy scarf
His sound is really cool too, it's another one of those signature Breakthrough sounds that's really great <3
In my AU he named himself Aster! He is very intelligent like the perfect clone, although he is very clumsy. He can get lost walking in a straight line, he'll trip and fall when just standing still, he falls out of bed at night. But Tab always helps him whenever he can <3
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The perfect clone <3
I just really like his design. The eyes staring into your soul and the shadow on his face, it really gives him the evil clone vibe and I love it smmm
He's my favorite clone in terms of the sound he makes, and he's my favorite sound in all of Breakthough! Idk how to describe it, but it's just really cool and anytime I hear him in a mix I immediately love that mix very much
In my AU Tab named him Dave, after himself, in one attempt to mask that the guy is actually his clone. He's about like Tab in every way. Except times 100. A very exaggerated Tab xD But he is innocent at heart, he sees Tab like his dad and loves him a lot
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Last but certainly not least, our other favorite ceiling dweller, the Imperfect Clone! I was so excited to find a clip of his jumpscare, I never got to encounter it before the original mod post was taken down nkdnfkljbn
He is The Silly! Given who he is, his design is perfect (oh the irony), it also gives off that evil clone vibe. The lack of detail really does a lot for him and I don't think anything else could be done to somehow make him better :D
His sound is really creepy too, I both wish he kinda did a little more, and am kinda glad that that's all he does. If his sound was extended in any way I feel like that would ruin his eeriness yk? What it is now suits him <3
In my AU he named himself Alan because he heard it on a show or something and thought it sounded really cool. He is also innocent at heart, though his emotions are a bit unstable. Extremely excited, extremely upset and prone to violent reactions. He just has a weird chemical/hormonal imbalance in his noggin that people have to be careful with their choice of words around him. All in all, he's a lovable, playful sweetheart that wants to play :D
(Also did anyone notice how none of the clones have Tab's white hair? I wonder if Tab did that on purpose when he made them.)
(You're never going to actually believe whose designs for them I adore)
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frostycatblr-fandom-files · 25 days ago
FFF's Fic Request Guidelines
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**These guidelines are not cemented or exhaustive in any capacity.**
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Short series; the caveat is that it will be a matter of IF I am inspired by the request
Non reader-insert fanfiction [This is will be about a character or group of characters instead of involving the audience]
Distinction or choice between Platonic/Romantic relationships
Content that involves mature material and/or IMPLIED smut [Fic will be marked [M] for Mature]
Distinction of Female or Gender Neutral reader [Formatted as "Fem!Reader" and "GN!Reader"]
Specified occupations - like medic, mechanic, pilot, veterinarian, bounty hunter, Jedi, etc.
A nickname/callsign that the characters know and refer to you by [EX: a favorite color/animal/food or drink item, inside joke, or personality trait.]
LGBT+ Friendly: I'm a bi woman. 🩷💜💙 You're gonna be safe, welcome and accepted, here!
Default is 2nd Person POV [ex: You didn't know whether you wanted to kill or kiss them the longer that stupid smile stayed on their face.]; can be written in 3rd or 1st POVs instead upon request.
Alternative Universes: Modern, Soulmates, Canon-divergence, "XYZ Lived", Happily Ever After, etc.
Fic Type: Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Fix-it, Slice of life, Domestic fluff/comfort, etc.
Tropes: One Bed/Escape Pod, Enemies/Idiots to Lovers, "Gray Jedi", Fake-dating, Knight/Princess, Confessions, Cuddling for warmth, etc.
This is not a fanon thing! The conlang Mando'a was created specifically for the Clones of the Star Wars franchise, so please feel free to specify a comfort level or preference (little vs. a lot) for your request.
Familial and/or Military Terms - brother/sister/sibling/etc, weaponry, commands, and rank(s).
"Oops! All Pet Names!" - darling/sweetheart/beloved/etc.
Total Allergy - No Mando'a, please.
On a related note, if you would prefer not to have minimal or any swearing in your fic I'd be happy to do that too!
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Clone whitewashing: I believe in evidence of Temuera Morrison's physical characteristics in our beloved Republic troopers, here. Some descriptions of what these characters look like will be different than their visual portrayals in much of animated Star Wars media.
"Clonecest" or "Clone-shipping" subject matter: I understand people will do as they please, but I do not personally support, consume or enjoy this material. I will never see them as anything other than brothers, as they are referred to in canon/legends content. Respect my boundaries. That is all.
Captain Rex x Ahsoka [Rexsoka] material: Again, I acknowledge people will read, write, and like what they please. But I am not comfortable with this business. It is simply too questionable, to me personally. (Yes, even when Ahsoka is older in series such as Rebels.) Respect my boundaries, please. I have spoken.
On a similar note: Master x Padawan!Readers. Uh-uh. Not happening. Not even platonic.
Incest, grooming, or other abusive/harmful dynamics
Dubious consent [shortened to "dub-con" with or without hyphen]
Non-consent/consensual ["Non-con" with or without hyphen] - My belief is that non-con does not differ from rape in any way and you don't have to agree with me. But I will enforce my boundaries.
Consensual non-consent [CNC] - not my kink or cup of tea, amigo.
Bigoted, hateful or upsetting content like racism/xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, ageism or ableism.
EXPLICIT smut, as of now. (But never say never!)
M[ale]!Readers - Afraid I lack the experience...
Stories involving OCs belonging to you and/or your friends/someone else; would hate to mess up precious details that are very important to you/them about this original character.
I reserve the right to decline requests; whatever the reason may be. More than likely, I will give you my reasoning and encourage you to re-request. (But I am not obligated to do so.)
I WILL either delete or postpone a request if you are rude, demanding or impatient with me. Fanfiction is not my job, it is a hobby.
I've already turned one of my hobbies into a job, I will not be adding another. This is done for free, for fun, and as time and health allows. As an late-diagnosed adult with ADHD and chronic health conditions that impact those dreaded Adult Responsibilities, I give my requests first priority. Unfortunately, the inspiration is out running errands when the energy is sitting at home waiting, sometimes. That's as frustrating for me as it is for you. Please be patient with me.
If you're curious about how close I am to completing your request, you are more than welcome to ask. So long as it is done fairly respectfully and all that. But being nasty about it means your ask will be trashed and I'll publish the story whenever I feel like it. (Or not.)
This is War of Stars and Shit's Whack Anyways: I value having a bit of fun with the source material above complete and strict adherence to it! And if someone else requested something that doesn't align to whatever the current canon is? So what. This franchise is a giant sandbox full of lots of other little sandboxes. I want people to enjoy their request and have fun reading it.
If you ever have questions, or would like me to clarify something here, please don't hesitate to drop by my ask box or DMs for a chat. You are also welcome to come ask about things I've previously written, fish for answers about particular headcanons I've worked into the fabric of a story, or just indulge your curiosity about all these Clone OCs I keep sneaking into everything.
Authors appreciate having a chance to hear from people who've taken the time to read what we've written! Take care, and may the Force be with you. 🩷
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[FFF Masterlist]
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