#yooo wait check this thing out §
a-random-warrior · 2 years
Posting this out of context cause I think it's funnier that way
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peachhcs · 4 months
jealousy, jealousy
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
will does a bit of stalking on his burner account
1.7k words
here's a bit of will's groveling while talking with the guys from back home. if i had a burner account, i would also stalk my ex on it, so will's kind of real for that haha
au masterlist
will's eyes glued themselves to his phone screen. he didn't mean to click into samy's account, but one thing led to another and his fingers just typed away the password to his burner account that the girl had no idea he had so he wasn't blocked there.
he just needed to look. a check-in? what sounded better than calling it plain stalking? at least gabe and ryan weren't there to peer over the boy's shoulder and chirp on him for stalking his ex.
the boy's fingers slid through her profile. he hadn't seen it in awhile, so when he saw four new posts in her feed since the last time he looked, he was immediately tapping into them. will's gaze slid over every single photo.
samy's smile was wide and bright as she stood with hannah and their other friends. even her soccer photos captured her large smile and seeing it made will smile back. he always loved seeing her love soccer as much as she did.
the blonde scrolled until he stumbled onto a photo in one of her recent posts. the fourth picture out of the ten in the set was of samy standing very close to a guy will didn't quite recognize. his arm was wrapped around her waist and something in will pinched.
that feeling—one he had so long ago he hardly remembered it—started resurfacing the longer he stared at the photo. memories of samy's senior homecoming flashed in will's mind while he compared her date to the guy in this photo.
who the fuck was this guy? luckily, he was tagged, so will went to his account. it was public.
upon further inspection, the guy was their age, a soccer player for the men's team, and worst of all he had a similar photo of him and samy on his account too. actually, the brunette was in his feed twice.
they looked really close. too close.
will scoffed. the guy wasn't even that good looking. plus, he so wasn't samy's type. the boy clicked back into her account to inspect the rest of the photos.
for some reason he couldn't believe how happy she looked as if they didn't break up. she looked like nothing even happened, but that was how will looked too. at least he tried to.
suddenly, the boy's phone buzzed in his hand. gabe's name flashed across the screen and a smile appeared on the blonde's lips as she slid to answer the call. his friend's face quickly appeared.
"hey, did i catch you at a bad time?" gabe wondered when he connected.
"no, no. i'm in my room," the blonde chuckled.
"okay, good. ry and drew are with me too. they wanted to say hi," the dark-haired boy pointed his laptop towards the other boys who waved.
"hey smitty!"
"yooo, what's up!"
will smiled widely at their hello's, "hey, it's good to see you guys again."
"we miss you a lot here. it's not the same without our other guy," drew cut in.
"i miss you guys too. it doesn't feel the same not playing on the same team anymore," the blonde hummed a bit sadly.
that was the hardest thing about all of this. on top of going through a breakup, will's best friends weren't around to help him through it. he only saw them through a screen now.
"you start soon, right? in a week?" ryan wondered as him and drew sat behind gabe in what must've been one of their rooms or something. 
"yeah, i make my debut at the game next week," will nodded, excitement filling his system at that. he's waited since he was a kid to finally take the ice as an official nhl player and knowing that day was finally a week away didn't quite feel real. 
"dude, you're gonna be awesome. i wish we could be there to see it," gabe frowned a bit which made will frown again. 
"i wish you guys were here, too. how's boston been? the same?" 
"yeah, pretty much. tailgates, parties, practice, you know. the usual," drew commented earning small eye rolls from gabe and ryan. 
"mostly practice. coach wants us working extra hard this year after last season," ryan cut in and the blonde nodded. he figured coach would get on the team harder this season after they lost the ncaa finals without scoring any points. 
"what've you been doing though? are the guys cool?" gabe changed the subject. 
"oh, they're great. they've been showing me around the area and i think i'll really like it," the boy nodded. he felt content and the people on the team seemed like good guys, so he knew he was in good hands. 
there was just a few things missing. 
"met any girls?" drew teased with a large smirk. 
will's expression faltered while gabe and ryan glared in the other boy's direction. they didn't hound will as much about the whole breakup anymore, but the subject was still touchy and they knew for a fact will wasn't ready to meet other people yet. 
"dude," ryan mumbled, but will still heard him through the call. 
"uh, no. i haven't, but it's fine," the blonde offered a tight-lipped smile. the other three studied their friend for a moment, trying to decide if he was being truthful or not. 
samy's name wasn't one that came up a lot around them anymore when will was in conversation. they knew he didn't wanna talk about her, so they tried keeping her name out of their mouths as much as possible. they never even told him she visited last weekend to see them for their first home game of the season not knowing how that'd make will feel, but gabe decided to try his luck today with the topic. 
"uh, samy was up last weekend. she came and saw us for the first home game of the season," the dark-haired boy informed. he studied his friend's face for a reaction, worried that will would get mad or something. 
"oh, she did?" was all will said. 
"yeah, it was really nice of her. she was pretty excited for us. we took her out for dinner and everything, too," gabe smiled a bit. 
"that's cool. i'm glad she..she went out," will nodded while a part of him twisted. 
he knew the guys were still her friend, he just never really thought that she'd actually fly out to see them still when he wasn't there. plus, none of them even said anything to him about it last weekend. there wasn't even a story post about her being there. will knew his friends loved him, but did they really think they needed to hide whenever they were hanging out with his ex so he didn't know? 
"she asked about you..or well..we started talking about you a bit and she asked about you," ryan hummed making the blonde's ears perk up. 
"what did she say?" 
"just asked how you were. we said you were good. settled into san jose. she said she's glad you're doing good," ryan continued. hearing all of that made will's stomach continue twisting. of course she was glad he was doing good even when he (stupidly) broke her heart. 
"i haven't talked to her. i don't think she'd wanna talk to me anyway," will laughed dryly. 
"i'm sure she does if she asked how you were doing. she's not that heartless, will," drew chuckled some. the blonde could only manage a weak smile in response. 
"do you know if she's like..talking to anyone or anything?" will tried asking casually so it wouldn't seem like he was stalking her account and so the guys didn't know he resorted to the burner account to look her up. 
"uh..not really. i think she's just going on random dates. nothing serious," gabe shrugged. 
"so she is seeing people though?" 
when gabe nodded will felt his heart sink. he figured she probably would, but hearing it aloud hurt even more than he thought. 
"why do you ask?" ryan wondered, eyebrows raised. 
"no reason. i was just curious," the blonde attempted to play off his disappointment. 
"were you stalking her account?" gabe said because he knew his best friend well, even through a screen. the boy knew about the burner account because he saw it on will's phone a few months back when he caught him stalking samy's account too. 
"okay, maybe i was," the blonde rolled his eyes. 
"i thought she blocked you?" drew raised his eyebrow. 
"she did..i was just looking on my burner account," will admitted, embarrassment coating his expression. 
"oh boy," ryan muttered like he was unimpressed, yet he knew will would do something like this. 
"oh, come on. give me a break. it's not stalking. i was just..checking in?" 
"i think you should reach out to her. see how she is?" gabe cut in before ryan began arguing with him. 
"i told you, she doesn't wanna talk to me. she said she never wanted to see me ever again, so i doubt she'd want me to randomly text her. i'm probably blocked anyway," will mumbled knowing he definitely was because he actually did try and reach out to her about a month ago. his text went green, so that was a clear indication his number was blocked on her phone. 
"well, i hope you know she does wanna see you again even if she won't say it. i know she still thinks about you because she wears her charm bracelet and she's always stroking the shark charm i'm guessing you have her?" gabe raised his eyebrow. 
will immediately thought back to his farewell party where he talked a bit with mrs. hughes. the envelope had sat in his pocket all day deciding if he should find samy and give it to her before deciding it was probably better to have her mom give it to her instead. he didn't even know if samy would want it, so hearing that it was on her charm bracelet was a surprise. 
"i wouldn't think she doesn't want to see or talk to you too fast, will. you guys have history. you're like family. we're rooting for you guys," ryan said with a soft smile. 
the hockey player hummed, swiping out of the facetime to go back to samy's instagram. after another sweep of her recent posts, he did notice the charm bracelet sitting on her wrist. all of the charms were still there, even the ones he gifted her since she's had it. a soft smile spread across will's lips when he caught sight of the shark one. 
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All the MTC song trailer snippets are out? What are your opinions? :D I think Rio's is surprisingly chill and I'm still torn on Samatoki's, the lyrics might decide that one!
Heyy did you listen to the mtc album snippets ?
Nope. Let's check them out!
Title note: Presumably from 気骨, which has a slightly stronger-- almost noble-- connotation than English "backbone." Someone with 気骨 never lets anything stop them from doing what they believe is right, and not necessarily in the personal sense like in the English phrases "Grow a backbone." or "They have a strong backbone." As some people in this comments section are noting, it's also possible to interpret the title literally. The back is a recurring image in Japanese fiction; in this case, it represents Samatoki single-handedly shouldering various burdens for those he cares about. People are also drawing connections to the Aohitsugi's death motifs and Samatoki's skeleton speaker.
20 seconds in: Okay he literally just says the shouldering burdens bit haha. I guess that part is canon authorial intent
24 seconds in: "Nobody can break my 'backbone.'" If we assume this should be interpreted figuratively, that's like "Nobody can make me do anything I don't believe in." / "Nobody can break my spirit."
35 seconds in: "My 'backbone' is my true strength." This + the traditional Japanese-reminiscent instrumentals remind me of the Katen-gumi. Iirc they have a scroll hanging in their main office proclaiming their dauntlessness, an attribute Samatoki embodies well imo.
53 seconds in: This is a mean-spirited thought, but I always find it funny when Samatoki's like "This god damn city is broken and filthy... *takes a drag from a cigarette*" when the god damn city in question is one of the most affluent in the world.
64 seconds in: With that said, it's nice to see him acknowledging the positive presence he has in Yokohama and vowing to rid it of... whatever ills are plaguing it... taxation and ne'er-do-wells with illegal mics, no doubt. An Ichirou-esque sentiment.
71 seconds in: Props to Asanuma for rhyming jinsei and shinsen so well. "My life is always fresh; this is still just the prologue." Samatoki being receptive to growth? You love to see it. With that said, it's interesting to see the discrepancy between the two ideas of "It's time to change." and "My core values will never change." as we see in this song. I'm not sure how that'll actually play out in canon, so we'll have to wait and see.
Overall: That was fun! It had a nice beat. I look forward to hearing the full song when it drops.
Title note: ??? 目覚めた? Like, "I'm woke af now"? Haha let me see what this song is actually about and then come back to this...
Side note: I was staying with a friend-- a buddy from the old scanlation team-- when this song preview dropped, and she was keeping me up to date with this song's delayed release drama. When it finally dropped, she was like "YOOO SLUG, LISTEN TO THIS" and turned her phone waaaay up, blasting the sonorous tones of Mr. Komada into our not at all soundproof hotel room, immediately alerting me to two things: 1. I was not awake enough for this. 2. The illumatic Iruma Jyuto was IN the building and, at that volume, probably in every floor of the building. Anyway, I'm still not awake enough for this, but let's go.
5 seconds in: Love the horns. Very MTC and very Gen III Pokemon. Yokohama 8/10 too much water
20 seconds in: hey hey heeey
30 seconds in: I appreciate the technical skill involved, but I am not comprehending one word of this. I'm going to have to look up the lyrics when I'm done fr.
Overall: Seems fun to rap! Once again, looking forward to the full song.
Top YT comment at the time of writing: Juuto: Y'all never seen me like this before! Me: Yeah, no shit.
Scrolling through the comments: Spare lyrics, ma'am? Spare lyrics for the poor? Jesus, there are some thirsty-ass mofos in this comment section...
Well, I didn't find any lyrics, so here goes watch 2 with a lot of pausing, I guess. Hmm the gist of the chorus seems to be "I'm not fucking around anymore" which-- like someone else has pointed out in the comments-- is kind of how Juuto's been since day one...? I'm not sure what's changed. I suppose the biggest difference would be it's no longer "I'll solve this problem" but "we'll solve this problem." I do like the opening of this first verse: When someone makes bad choices, who's left smiling? Who's left grieving? What is right, and what is wrong? Can that be something for every person to figure out for themselves? Here's another interesting bit: I used to think I didn't have any interest in colluding with other people-- it was more like mutual exploitation. But then I joined hands with a couple of like-minded people, and now we share the goal of victory. Yeah, it seems like the biggest changes here are Juuto embracing teamwork, which hell yeah. Opening up and trusting other people with his mission, in turn taking on their missions and incorporating it into one singular goal? That's baller.
Title note revisited: yeah I guess deadass this is "awake" in terms of "I'm woke now" haha. Or like, "I've come around to [the power of friendship]"
5 seconds in: Oh, now I get why someone on the Samatoki video called this "Riou's baby-ass song"
22 seconds in: I was NOT prepared for the autotune. I think I'm a little too tired because I found this really, really funny.
30 seconds in: "Conflict isn't entertainment; it's not a show." YOU TELL 'EM, RIOU.
44 seconds in: I always really, really appreciate Riou's unwavering distaste for warfare and conflict even as he considers it something worth devoting his life to. I would sincerely love it if the authors were to ever dive into why Riou has such dedication towards serving in the [whatever] army and whatever cause they were fighting for, but I don't think that's the story the authors want to tell. We probably just have to assume it's for whatever Riou considers to be a morally good cause.
49 seconds in: Ignoring the rhyme-induced silliness of "my buddies are my turret," I like the thematic consistency of each MTC member stressing that they're not alone anymore--that is, that they've given up on their self-imposed solitude--and they have each other to rely on and trust with their backs.
53 seconds in: "Practically brainwashed puppet soldiers" Oh?? Mind expanding on this a little, Hypmic? Again, I doubt the writers are keen to delve into the causes of WWIII or why Riou joined up at all, but the suggestion of propaganda or coercion being involved is tantalizing.
65 seconds in: I like the bit that goes (paraphrased): "What can you see when you look out of your binoculars at base camp? Rifles, revolvers--is that it? Instead of obsessing over who's strong and who's weak, why not be soldier who prays for peace?"
Overall: The lyrics are vaguer and more platitudinous than is my preference, but I fully recognize that my interests in this topic are outside of the scope of the story the writers want to tell. Which is fine! The music is pretty chill; I think I'll like this song when it comes out in full.
My favorite YT comment by a landslide: Thank god he's not making us work out again.
Thank you very much for the asks! :D It's fun to check this stuff out, and I probably wouldn't have done so otherwise.
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 3 months
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|•♡•♡{Welcome pick your man!}♡•♡•|
|•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡{Number 13}♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•|
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{♡} ask
- In a town w old people? yeah there's gossip
Cardboard cut out
{♡} personal
- omg a cut out of my bf
Incorrect Quotes:
eye's like sapphires
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Werewolf Seth NSFW HC's
{♡} requested
- getting freaky w a werewolf
Seth NSFW HC's
{♡} requested
- getting freaky w normal Seth
dozed off
{♡} ask
- Boo just falling asleep while getting a tattoo and Seth is confused
amazing features
{♡} ask
- Seth would 100% make girl's jealous w his hair and amazing body...
ao3 account
{♡} ask
- So Seth has a ao3 account to read gravity falls fanfics.
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Smashing skulls in - Yandere Casper
{♡} requested
- YIPEE Yandere Casper
Pinch of rat poison - Yandere Charlie
{♡} requested
- OMG is that Yandere Charlie?!
book of sleep talking
{♡} ask
- Charlie sleep talks ad Casper recorded all of it in their book
Incorrect Quotes:
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Yandere Finn NSFW HC's
{♡} requested
- oh look more nsfw hc's-
Incorrect Quotes:
god's strongest soldier is not me
the things I do for love
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California Faust
{♡} personal
- he got that bitchy valley girl energy (from someone form Cali)
outfit idea
{♡} personal
- Him in this would eat so bad BROOOO
{♡} personal
- he loves his football team
Incorrect Quotes:
teehee sexy cowboy
Money spent well?
Faust's in here
Self aware
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Dad Auron HC's
{♡} requested
- im about to make thius man a father trust-
Bend over - Smut
{♡} requested
- Doesn't he look pretty bent over?
Rook being an ex figure skater
{♡} ask
- Lol yuuri on ice am I right? (still mourning the anime ngl)
cozy games
{♡} ask
- Him playing cozy games is so silly to me
Don't try messing with me
{♡} personal
- do you really think you can check Rook? Please now Auron deal w this shit-
Incorrect Quotes:
I have a permit
aggressively caring
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Am I an Angel?
{♡} requested
- So we get Yandere Angel finally :D
Slobbery love
{♡} personal
- Lucien loves tormenting his lover with licking them
Incorrect Quotes:
Method to this madness
They will be mine *lick*
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First killing - Yandere Buddy
{♡} personal
- Buddy kills someone and they unlock some shit
Staying in
{♡} personal
- fluff for Jack who didn't want to go to a party
fuck his ex friend
{♡} personal
Incorrect Quotes:
what's going on in my head?
modern day Romeo and Juliet
match my freak
open sesame!
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Protective or obsessive?
{♡} requested
- Yandere bittersweet bc we love them
Fucked Life
{♡} requested
- Boo had a fucked life
Favorite sex positions - all boy's
{♡} requested
- ooo more nsfw
Making battery acid - All boys
{♡} requested
- I was confused but I'm chill w it
Who the FUCK is that?? - All boys
{♡} requested
Dozing off with the YV boy's!
{♡} requested
- hunk shook mimimimi
Anger issues
{♡} requested
- Sugarboo and Scout having anger issues how would their boys react?
Listener's as birds
{♡} ask
- this is actually pretty cool
Assassin family
{♡} ask
- ah yes, assassins bc I love listeners being op
Boo at the grocery store
{♡} ask
- NFL do this sometimes
how Boo started baking
{♡} ask
- baking as a outlet is such a good idea and you get food out of it!!
Boo's lockscreen
{♡} ask
- this is acttualy so fucking cute
Fucking to a song - Auron and Y!Finn
{♡} ask
handling hot weather - Bittersweet
{♡} ask
Talking - Auron and Finn
{♡} ask
- So, Finn helps Auron and gossip while Sunflower and Rook gossip.
YV boys and the states
{♡} ask
- Wait Utah is real? /jk
Seamouse Charlie x Jack
{♡} ask
- Silly blonde and even sillier man
Our partner is a protective man - Middle Ground
{♡} personal
- Auron is NOT above killing someone, Darling is saying do it and Finn is trying to reel in his crazy partners (not really tho bc he hates all the people there)
Southern Stars - Seth x Faust
{♡} personal
Telling the boy's your parent's/guardian want to meet them - all boy's
{♡} personal
- time to meet the parents! (lord help some of them)
Rating the YV boy's if they were real and meet my parent's
{♡} personal
- like half of them are okay the other half...might not do so good-
Hanahaki Disease AU
{♡} personal
Mob Family Au - All boy's
{♡} personal
- ruh roh Auron fucked up and now everyone is trying to comfort Rook
Family things, you know how it is. - Mob Family Au
{♡} personal
- We love a crime family
{♡} personal
- basically how football season is in my house
Accidentally hurting listener
{♡} personal
- ah yes, angst bc I love torturing the boys
Van Helsing AU
{♡} personal
- this movie messed w my brain chemicals so good
Twitter PT21
Incorrect Quotes:
Man in the woods
Wrong answer!
Pull up that shirt, whore!
death or a triple chocolate cake
miss my wife...
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angst-estefany · 14 days
YOOO wait you had the same idea with fidds and Mrs. Gleeful??? Do tell!!! 👁️👁️
I don't have a lot on my Reverse Falls take yet but yeah, Fiddleford and Ms. Gleeful interchange places (I swear I was inspired by a fanart of her during the portal incident but I can't for the love of me find it)
She fulfills the role closer to her counterpart; that is that she took her family to Gravity Falls to work on the portal with The Author ™️, had the portal incident and eventually created the memory gun. Here she only created it after the portal incident, and didn't go off the deep end until about two years after The Author's ™️ dissappearance— I understand the pain you must've gone through making the timeline work because I am suffering too. She can't recognize anyone in her family, and Gideon was sent to California to live with his aunt as his dad didn't want him in this mess. Bud tries to visit her sometimes to at least give her commodities but it is too much to see her like that, tells Gideon she's missing. Some day I'll make a proper thing explaining how the Blind Eye Society episode would go down because it's going to be heavy and angsty
For now, this is what I got on that:
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Fiddleford remains a minor character. Married to Stan, a nervous wreck when he isn't completely spaced out. Mason and Mabel pretend not to notice his disassociation episodes tend to get worse after a fight with Stan, or that he always seems to forget what said fight was about
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I think that's all I got on Ms. Gleeful/Fiddleford end, for now at least. If you're interested in anyone else or the AU in general, please let me know! This ask made my day!
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inhuman-obey-me · 9 months
levi + 🚪 no mc please!
"I feel a sickness for a home I’ve never been." - Leviathan
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"YES, I got the last piece of the set!" Leviathan shouts excitedly to himself, happily setting the new piece to his gear before inputting a dance command.
The little avatar on his screen begins to bop around, moving its arms cheerfully to no particular music as if to show off the new jacket it's wearing. The blurry pixels that make up the character's face look like they're smiling, just like the Avatar of Envy is, beaming from his seat as he reaches up to stretch for the first time in hours.
Messages from his guildmates start rolling in, too, filling the chat with, "YOOO CONGRATS" and "omg sooo jealous" and "looks AMAZING, man!!"
Ah, satisfaction.
And then, killing his elation just as quickly -- "alright, I think that's it for me tonight."
"Wait, some of you still need another drop from this dungeon though, right? Let's not stop yet," Levi types frantically. For the first time all night, he notices his eyes stinging from the strain of playing for so many hours straight, but he's desperate not to log off. If anything, his chest is starting to constrict at the thought, full of panic at the idea of ending already.
The others, however, are done. They collectively decide this is a good place to stop for the night, and one by one, he watches his teammates' avatars disappear from the screen, leaving his character alone in the field, still dancing away.
And, just like that, the night's distraction is over. Groaning with frustration, he scrolls idly through his quest list, checking for something, anything to still do. A dungeon, a raid, maybe some limited-time seasonal event? Of course, he's already completed all the most fun quests though, and the only things still available for him to handle alone are mindless, repetitive tasks. Boring.
He closes out the game too, dropping his head into his hands in defeat. He should get some sleep anyway, admittedly. Lucifer will be mad if he oversleeps come morning, after all.
It's just, the moment he turns around, he'll have to see that same damn room again -- his new one, with its jellyfish lamps and porcelain white tub for a bed. He'd been excited about it at first, since he'd gotten to decorate it with all his otaku paraphernalia, and the fish tank walls really did cast a lovely blue glow over everything. His figurines look great in their displays, and his entire manga collection is neatly organized on the shelves, just how he likes it.
It's a good room. It's got all of his favorite things. It's very distinctly his -- no more of the dusty old guest rooms of the Demon Lord's Castle, each one indistinguishable from all the others.
He should like it.
But that doesn't change what the room is: new. This is his new room, in a new house, in this new realm, with a new body, having to make a new home, and it's all because he's not welcome in his old one anymore. The Celestial Realm cast them out, and he'll never see his old room in the Celestial Palace again. He'll never get to stay in that nice, comfortable, familiar place anymore, and the thought makes him deeply envious of his past self who got to enjoy his time there so obliviously, never even realizing that those days would come to an end!
Then again, if he's honest with himself -- wasn't he the same way back then, too?
It's just a sickness for a home that's never been. Truthfully, he didn't feel any more comfortable in his skin as an angel than he does as a demon. Having his brothers with him is what makes a place home more than anything else, but even they don't really understand him.
No one does.
But there's always escaping into his games, his anime, his manga. In those, he can imagine himself as the hero. He doesn't have to think about what a sad, pathetic demon he is now. He doesn't have to think about being a demon at all. He can be whatever he wants to be, wherever he wants to be.
And where he wants to be right now, is not here. Anything would be better than thinking about all this again. Late night be damned, he's not ready to face this yet.
Screw it, he's not going to sleep. He boots up another game.
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aru-xx · 8 months
I'm here now. // Detroit Become Human x Heavy Rain
A/N: yooo! I really hope that whoever might be reading this, will enjoy the short story about this alternative universe! it actually took me a little time to make, but in the end i'm pretty happy how it turned out. any kind of feedback is always appreciated and if you liked this fanfic, then make sure to check out my account for more stories or leave me some requests for stories with your own ideas. have a great day/night! // Word Count: 3295 // not revised // ――――――――――――― 6th October 2034, 5:37pm, DPD I just sat there staring at the files and reports in front of me, not taking up anymore information I was getting. Suddenly a hand gently touched my shoulder, bringing me back to reality. "Mister Anderson, I think it'd be a good idea for you to go home and catch a break. This case will be in good hands and will have top priority, I can promise that." The man next to me spoke in a calm yet serious voice, making me slowly stand up from the chair I was sitting on. "We will be quick to inform you about anything new. Good evening." That was the last thing he said to me, before I heard his footsteps getting quieter as he was walking away to presumably do something of more importance. I took a sharp breath in while my eyes were still sticking to all of the reports I saw on the table. -nine year old boy found dead near the freeway! will the origami killer be back again this year?- -seven year old boy gone missing on his way home from school!- I felt myself feeling sicker with every second that passed just looking at all of this. Needing to get some fresh air and to clear my mind, I quickly stepped out of the building before feeling the cold weather outside instantly. I slowly started walking home in trance and silence. My mind was empty, I couldn't think straight anymore after the hours of sitting in the police station and explaining the officers what happened. I scoffed in frustration. I was the one who was supposed to take care of him. I am an Officer myself, so I should've been the one searching for him now. I should've looked out for him more and be a better father to him. My Cole. My sweet little boy. He's just 5 years old. How was he supposed to be out here all alone?
6th October 2034, 5:56pm, Michigan Drive 115 Opening the door to my House I felt like I was abandoning everything I have ever cared for if I only dared to close that door again. I stepped inside the warm home, trying to ignore the uneasy feeling before locking the door behind me. Hearing sumo walking out of the living room he was probably sleeping in before, i kneel down to his height waiting for him to approach me. "Hey there boy", I said almost in a whisper as I petted him before taking off my jacket and shoes. As sumo went back into the living room I saw some mails on the shelf, I grabbed them before walking into the kitchen and tossing them onto the table, not caring much about it. I then opened the fridge to get myself a beer, opening it and sitting down on a chair at the kitchen table. I took a big sip of the alcoholic drink, already feeling the sad comfort in my throat, before I roughly ripped open the mails. "Uninteresting, uninteresting, uninteresting.." I kept looking through them without much interest, before stopping at one specific mail that i was finding rather odd. I looked at the weird letter which had no sender address on it. Just a tiny bit more interested now, I opened this one with more care before pulling out the sheet of paper that was in it. When the parents came home from church, all their children were gone. They searched and called for them, they cried and begged, but it was all to no avail. The children have never been seen again. I swallowed at the sight of the kind of disturbing text, not knowing what that was supposed to mean nor why I got this mail. My mind was racing again and all I could think about was Cole. I heard a loud thunder rumble, which made me look at the window that was covered in thousands of rain drops. It was raining heavily again. I stared outside the window for a moment, seeing the dark clouds covering the sky and making the whole place look more depressed than it already was. Cole. He had to be out there. He would get sick. I felt my mood take a drastical twist as i looked inside the envelope now and found a ticket for a luggage locker inside. Again not knowing what this was, I still knew that something was off about this, so I kept the ticket before pushing everything else from the table in frustration, anger, unsteadiness and most of all sadness. I laid down my head on the table putting my hands over my head, not caring about the now shattered glass on the floor or the instant noodles that sumo would probably eat soon. I was at helpless and I knew it. I failed him and even myself, I knew it. I knew it but I just couldn't accept the fact that this was my fault. That him being scared out there all alone now.. was only me failing as a father.
7th October 2034, 2:18pm, Lexington Station The police hasn't reported anything new to me yet so they had most likely no trace of my son so far, but that would only be true if they were actually keeping their word on letting me know every new information about his well being and the investigation. I wasn't stupid though. I was a cop myself so I knew how things had to go. But the only difference here was, that i wasn't doing this as my job. I was doing this because I was his father and threfore I was on a different level than them. I did have a possible traceand I wasn't willing to give that up. Walking into the Train Station I almost feltlike a criminal even if what I was doing wasn't anything illegal. Getting some luggage from a letter that I received wasn't a crime, was it? But no matter what, in order to succeeded I had to keep my cool while walking past thesecurity and trying to find the right locker. Getting past the man that was apparently checking for any suspicous behaviour, was in fact just sitting in his chair and letting everyone pass with less than half care about it. "Row 18, locker 3", I whispered tomyself, checking the ticket and all the lockers in front of me, until I had found the right one. I carefully opened it before taking out the shoe box that was insidewith a rather confused look. I quickly checked the area for any civilians before not even hesitating to open the box and seewhat was inside of it, but what I saw made me feel sick. There were little origamifigures, an old phone with a memory card and .. a gun. My stomach began to churn, alarming me thatthis was nothing a normal person had to do with. It was more than clear that not only the gun was a hint to the killer but also the origami figures that were his kind of signature that he left right before every missing child was found, together with an orchid on the dead bodies. I just stood there for a longtime, thinking about how this would be my son if I didn't act fast enough. How this would happen to a lot more fathers and mothers. Thinking about all possible things. But in the end I came to the conclusion that I was only sure about the fact that I wanted to save my little boy. Iwanted to be a good protector to him again. A good father. But I knew. I knew. If I wanted to really save him, I had to give this to thepolice and let them handle it. I could do nothing for him. Again.
7th October 2034, 3:12pm, DPD I walked into the Police Department, having already informed the FBI Profiler Norman Jayden who was working together with Lieutenant Carter Blake in the origami killer case, about my findings. I didn't quite like the FBI because of their way of handling things, but I had a good feeling about this particularly man so I trusted him enough to let him try to save my son, which already should mean the world. Getting closer to all of the officer's desks I heard Agent Jayden and Officer Blake talk to a man who was sitting on a chair in front of a table that had different files on it. He reminded me of myself, sitting in that same chair yesterday. Reminded me of how i felt at that moment. I looked down at the box I was holding, feeling the sadness and guilt catch up to me again. Being lost in my thoughts for a second made me not realize how they almost finished their talk. That was until the man stood up trying to walk a little after the lieutenant, making me also look up at them. "Hey, do you think the origami killer..", he wasn't able to finish his sentence which led to an uneasy silence in the conversation. "Listen, your sons probably just run off and will turn up in a couple hours", the officer replied rather annoyed. "But what if it is the origami killer?", while the father was sounding more than just worried. "Well then we have about 4 days to find him alive". As soon as Carter Blake spat his words out and left, I instantly regretted listening in on their conversation and looked back down to avoid having to look into the mans eyes who has just recently had a traumatic experience. It made me realize. He was also a father. A father who lost his son. Like me. Like everyone else before. I was sure now. I was sure about that this was the right thing to do. To put a stop to this never-ending nightmare for all people out there who lost their lovely children. After I looked up again I saw the man leaving into the waiting area and talking to a woman which seemed to be his wife .. or ex-wife. At least the mother ofthe young boy. I decided that this was no longer something of my business, even if it wasn't in the first place either. I walked over to the FBI Agent who seemed rather stressed but not surprised to see me once he noticed me. "Mr. Anderson." He looked at the box I was holding before standing up straight again, after he was bending over the table for I was guessing the whole questioning from the father. "Please follow me into my office." He forced a calm voice out of him while I stayed silent. We walked into his office, and he closed the door behind us as I simply put the box on his desk. I gave a heavy sigh, not even daring to look into the mans eyes due to me being ashamed of myself that I was much older than this FBI Profiler and yet I couldn't even bring myself to even try or believe in myself that I could find and rescue my son myself but instead put it on other peoples backs. It was pathetic. "Save my son. Please. You have to. Not only for me but for everyone. For the father that also lost his little boy." I paused, opening my mouth to speak again but only shook my head and put my hands on the table for some grip while staring down at it. "Ethan Mars. I know i'm not supposed to share this information with you but that was the fathers name, and his son is named Shaun Mars. He also felt guilty about losing his son just like that even if he was supposed to take care of him. But if I can promise you one thing Mister Anderson .. then that would be that I WILL find your and Mister Mars sons and put a stop to this." I turned around, looking surprised for a moment that the Agent was sympathising with me and giving me personal informations about this man only for me to be able to get in touch with him. I quickly put a thankful smile on my face which not only showed and expressed my sadness and helplessness but also my gratitude and relief I felt at the moment. Without another word having to be spoken, I left the office and with that also the DPD.
11th October 2034, 7:22pm, The Old Warehouse A normal Friday evening, standing outside an old warehouse together with the police and just waiting for something to happen. Someone to come out of the building. My nerves were completely shot, and I haven't really slept for the past few days because of the fact that I was not knowing anything about how close or far away the police were to catching the origami killer and finding my son. But now. Now it was finally time, so when I got a call from Norman Jayden that he knows who and where the origami killer is I couldn't help but feel a little bit of hope grow inside me. And now I would either see my son come out of this building .. or not. Everything would be finished tonight and there was no other way. But I already knew that if my little boy wouldn't be here anymore, I would break. I would never be the same ever again. "Hank?" A man next to me spoke up and I quickly turned my head in the direction of the voice, seeing Ethan giving me an even more worried expression than he already had all the time, if that was even possible. "I couldn't bear to never see him again. I love him too much for something so brutally." I spoke truthfully, sharing what was going through my mind with him. Over the painful time I was kept in the dark, I decided to take the chance Agent Jayden gave me and get in touch with Ethan Mars. And now I would never regret doing that, because hearing his story and knowing there was someone who was going through the same as me right now made me feel much more understood with my own feelings, thoughts and the situation. "Movement on the front doors! Keep in position! On my call!" I heard and saw the whole situation getting heated up faster than I could blink and Ethan and I were both pushed a little further away by some of the cops to avoid us getting in the way or hurt. My eyes were fixated on the door, no thoughts were crossing my mind anymore. I couldn't think anymore. I just wanted to see my boy. I wanted to know he was fine. I wanted to see him smile as he was calling out for me. For his father. I wanted to hold him again. My .. One of the doors got pushed opened fully now as we saw the injured FBI profiler walking out of the building with his hands raised to avoid getting mistaken by the killer and shot. "Person verified. Agent Norman Jayden." My heart dropped seeing the man come out of the building alone. I froze up. Feeling sick again all of a sudden. Not being able to look at the scene anymore I put my hands on my knees to keep myself steady as i bend down in utter despair. "Two more persons verified. Shaun Mars and .." I flipped my head back up within a second, seeing two little boys walk slowly and terrified out of the building, being visibly overwhelmed by the scenery infront of them. "COLE!" I screamed as I ignored the instructions of the Officers and instead ran towards my son, earning his full attention. "Cole Anderson." The police officer finished his sentence before Cole came running towards me, closely followed by Shaun running up to his own dad. "DAD!", Cole screamed with tears in his eyes before just a few moments later I fell to my knees right before him and hugged him tightly. Keeping him close to me again. Holding him in my arms again. "Dad.." he sobbed in relief and sorrow, as tears started to fall from his face and almost instantly soaked into my clothing due to his face being buried in my chest. "Cole..", I cooed softly. The sight of my son clinging onto me like this while crying made my own tears, that were swelling up for the whole past days now, come out of my eyes. The happiness I felt of seeing my loved son again and keeping him close to me again after so long was more than just a wonderful feeling to me. Blending out everything around us, I memorized everything carefully. In that moment all I cared about was him. Even though I knew it wouldn't always be like this, I could only feel the comfort in keeping my boy close.
But as it is, not everything was supposed to have a happy ending. The luck is not always on your side. It runs out. I just would have never guessed that my luck would run out so soon again. Only one year later. One fucking year after this nightmare. A car crash. Just one mistake from a stranger. One second. Just one moment. And it should all be over in the blink of an eye, sending me back into the darkest places of my mind. That's what the future had planned for me. And there was nothing I could do about it. ➥ 𝚏𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚎𝚗𝚍. 7th November 2038, 1:19am, Riverside Park I breathed out heavily feeling somewhat relieved of getting this off my chest. As soon as I finished speaking, the cold winter air hit me once again, leaving me unfazed. "That's how my son was saved the first time but he.." I stopped talking due to the discomfort I felt when speaking about it, so I just stared at the view in front of me - Detroit glowing bright at night while the water reflected the lights on its surface. I took another sip from my beer before looking down at the bench I was sitting on, replaying everything that has happened back then in my head yet again. "I'm here now, hank." I was quick to look up at the sudden but calm voice talking to me, seeing Connor standing next to me with what seemed to be sympathy in his eyes as the wind hit my face more lightly once more. I looked at him for a while, only now noticing the similarities he had to Cole in his presence. I carefully started memorizing everything about him, like I did with Cole back at the old Warehouse and as if it was the last time I'd ever see his face again. But in reality I was actually finding a little bit of my own peace in him. Now replaying all of the moments I had with the detective android instead of the horrible events from the past years. We both stayed silent before I sighed out again, this time more relieved and with a slight smile on my face. We then turned our attention back at the beautiful view of Detroit, but now something was different than just a moment ago. It was much fuller with life and the silence wasn't as heavy as it was before. Maybe Connor was right after all. Maybe it was actually worth living for others. Maybe there's more to life than just what you've lost. Maybe I can believe in myself again and maybe he was the one who was able to change my way of seeing things in life. The first time for years now my thoughts were calm again, as I kept replaying the soothing words from the android in my mind. 𝐈'𝐦 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐰.
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nogenderbee · 2 years
yooo, maybe pjsk boyswith a reader whos in a punk rock band and has like those lace eyepatches for their stage costume??? random idea
Hii! It actually sounds super cool especially that I really like rock music ^^ anyway I hope you enjoy <3
Akito, Toya, Tsukasa, Rui with reader who's in punk rock band
TagList: @vodka-glrl - come get your ginger tsundere~
@alicewinterway18 - come get your future star!
@bleachtheidiot - come get your boys~
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⊱ Akito once stepped into your room while you were getting ready for a show and saw that you have eye patch, honestly he was a bit scared that something happened to you but he had to keep on his ginger tsundere act
I didn't bully Akito for WAAAYY too long
"What's that you have over your eye? Are you playing pirates or something? We're not 4 anymore, you know?"
⊱ sure, he knew that you had some punk rock band but never really checked out the videos, only music
⊱ he won't admit it but he actually thinks you look stunning with your band outfit on and from that moment, he catches up to all the videos he had missed and oh boy
⊱ Are all his recommended pages covered in your fancams? Yes. Is he enjoying this fact? Definitely. Will he ever land you his phone for even a second? Not a chance.
⊱ he'll definitely like to come to some of yours shows and congratulate you after it, and surprisingly not in his ginger I HAD TO Tsundere way
"Oi! You did good job there. I could tell everyone in crowd enjoyed it, counting me."
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⊱ Toya saw music videos of your band and he most definitely noticed your eye patch, and once you met after he watched the video, he definitely mentions it
⊱ he doesn't think anything bad about it tho, if anything he's just worried that you're gonna trip or hit something while wearing it because you won't be able to see as well
"I watched some of yours band videos and that eye patch over your eye really suits you. But can you see well while wearing it?"
⊱ he just thinks that your eye patch suits you very well and if you'd want to, he'd gladly buy you some more
⊱ he definitely watched some of your fancams whenever it came on his recommendations but he never really looked for it himself
⊱ he definitely comes on your concerts whenever he can, and if he can't then he probably has a good reason for it because your concert is way more important than most things for him
⊱ be ready that if you walk around him with your eye patch on, he'll go for your hand and follow you making sure that you won't bump into anything
"Wait a moment, let me hold your hand. I don't want you to get hurt if you bump into something."
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⊱ of course Tsukasa watched your music videos when you told him about your band but somehow he didn't noticed the eye patch back then...
⊱ so when he came into your room when you were getting ready for a concert, he literally had a panic attack
"YN!! What happened to your eye?!! Did you got hurt?! How serious is it?!!!"
⊱ you probably have to explain to this man that it's part of your costume and you're not actually hurt
⊱ and once you do explain it all to him, he apologizes for not paying attention to that music video of your band
⊱ he definitely bought an eye patch for himself so he can match with you and if he can, he'd love to wear it on his performance or at your concert
⊱ he's literally your banda biggest fan, I mean... did you saw how supportive he is about his sister band? Get ready for the same thing
⊱ most of his recommended pages are covered in your fancams and he's not ashamed to admit it, he can scroll through yours fancams in front of you and he will even compliment how well you look and play/sing on this clip
"You really did well on your solo there! But I could expect it from my dearest star!"
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⊱ Rui definitely noticed your eye patch when he first watched your bands music video and he also really quickly catches on that it's part of your costume
⊱ if you play on klany instrument, he definitely would be interested how can you play on instrument so well while wearing it
"That eye patch certainly matches your band aesthetic! But how well can you actually see while wearing it?"
⊱ if you tell him that you can't see very well, be ready for him to make you eye patch that you can see through only from one side
⊱ he definitely comes to your concert and when you meet after it, he'll compliment how good you did and give you a little kiss on the cheek or forehead, depending on your height
⊱ if you ever want to have some special effects on your concert, all you have to do is ask your boyfriend and he'll do it, just pay him back with a kiss and survive some teasing, and he will be satisfied
⊱ if he ever gets your fancam on his recommended page while he's hanging out with you, be ready for his teasing
"Hehe, look, so many people think you did so well there. I'm really lucky to have you as my partner, don't I~?"
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goodfish-bowl · 1 year
Saving Throw
Ectoberhaunt 2023 Day 6: Tabletop
AO3 Link
Summary: Danny invites Sam and Tucker over to play D&D, asking Spike for a favor to DM the game for them.
Warnings: minor character death, only dialog
Words: 829
“Okay, I’m going to enter the dungeon.”
“I follow into the dungeon.”
“I…  also follow into the dungeon.”
“Okay… so what do we see?”
“It seems to be some sort of laboratory, with metal tables lined up against the walls, open chests full of vials and potions all this bright green color. There are all sorts of tools, journals, and pieces of… something, lying on the tables, and it’s decently cold down here. And, taking up the entire back wall is a cavern, circled by runes, that the entire laboratory seems centered around. What do you do?”
“Oh! The artificer in me loves this place already! I go and investigate the things on the table! Gotta start with the small stuff before looking at the big picture.”
“Yeah, have fun with that. I go and investigate the big hole in the wall.” 
“Eh, why not? I follow… Raven to the back.” 
“Okay, Swave, let’s start with you. I need you to roll both an arcana and… eh, an investigation check works.”
“Cool, okay… that’s a… 7 for arcana and 16 for investigation.”
“So, on the table, you can definitely tell whoever lives here was tinkering with something magic, but you can’t tell what kind other than green and glowy. It’s just a bit too far removed from your area of expertise. Whatever it is, they don’t seem to be getting the results they want, judging from the notes. But, they’ve definitely accomplished something recently.”
“Damn, really wish I rolled higher on that arcana.”
“It is what it is. So, with Raven and Orion. Now that you’re closer, you notice that there are runes inscribed around the cavern, roll an Arcana.”
“Nice, 18 plus 3, 21.”
“I rolled an 8.”
“Okay, well, Raven, you completely recognize these runes, you even notice some blatant errors in some of them. They seem to be an activation sequence of some kind, a gate, even. Orion, you know what a small handful of the runes mean, but nothing coherent.”
“Okay… I uh… go inside the cavern.”
“Eh! I dunno dude, I don’t think it’s a good idea to walk into the giant magic gate in the underground lab.”
“Nah, let him, I’m curious.”
“It’s too late to take it back now. Raven, what are you doing while he’s walking inside?”
“Hmmm, do I notice Orion walking inside?”
“Roll a perception.”
“… that’s a solid 3.”
“Then no.”
“Okay, I’m going to fix the runes.”
“Are you sure?”
“Hey! Don’t do that! I’m literally walking inside of it right now! Can’t you wait until I’m out?”
“First off, I didn’t notice you go inside, second, the runes are wrong, of course I’m going to fix them. It’s what my character would do!”
“Oh no…” 
“Swave, I want you to also roll a perception check.”
“… Sorry dude, that’s a 5 at best.”
“Raven, roll an arcana again to correct the runes.”
“Congrats, you’ve fixed the runes. Orion, roll a dex save.”
“… a 2.”
“Ouch, man. Okay, so Raven and Swave. As Orion enters the cavern, and Raven fixes the runes, they start glowing, and there’s a tearing sound as green pours out from the hole in the wall.”
“Hmm, just for kicks, Orion, roll a con save.”
“Okay… man, this sucks, first session and I’m already… that’s a nat 20.”
“Wow, this will be interesting. So, Orion, as you enter the cavern, now known to be a portal, it lights up with green magic, and races through you, like it’s cooking you alive. But due to the force, it launches you out, and you land in the middle of the laboratory floor… Lower your hp to 1, and use up two death saves. Also, change your race to tiefling. I’ll send you the rest of the stuff when I figure it out.”
“Haha… yeah… wow.”
“Hey, Spike, thanks for coming over to DM today.”
“No problem. It’s good to help a friend's sibling with something I’m good at. Especially when he’s trying to make new friends, and it’s not like Jazz was ever going to call in that favor.”
“Yeah, it was really cool. Thank you, but wasn’t it a bit ‘on the nose’ to use my parent’s basement as a reference?”
“Hey, it’s a good inspiration. Besides, you’re the one who walked into it, prior knowledge or not.” 
“Haha… yeah that’s on me… didn’t think it was actually going to do anything until Sam decided to fix the runes.” 
“Yeah, not the best move from a group perspective. But… Jazz said they’re expecting to finish it within the next year.”
“Yeah… maybe. Most of their stuff just covers us in goo. I just hope they finish it soon… they’ve been down there a lot, ya know?”
“Yeah… I do.”
“Anyways, I’m sure I’ll see you around. I’ll tell Jazz you said ‘hi’ whenever she gets home from tutoring.”
“Thanks, little dude. See you around.”
Ectoberhaunt 2023 Master Post
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goldennika · 1 year
Initial Thoughts on TOMORROW X TOGETHER's The Name Chapter: Freefall
Ok so i just listened to TNC: Freefall in full and damn, okay. Really solid album, sonically. And i say sonically bc i haven't read up on the lyrics just yet (i don't think the eng trans are out yet ☹️)
Am loving how they're showcasing more of their vocals (txt lower register enthusiasts, we are being fed at last 😭) and the whole band/session feels of the music really emphasizes that.
can we take a minute to talk about beomkai's vocals?? bc i really think this might be their era 🥹 and seeing as all of the boys have at least 2 credits to their name in this album, it really feels like this is their sound, and their personal music preferences came through too
i'm on the fence about DILT's inclusion in the album though. we all know it was not a planned track at all but it was a really good opportunity for them to collaborate and have a fun summer track out before headlining lolla 2023.
that said, it just doesn't seem to fit in (at least sonically) in this album. i don't know if moving it higher up in the tracklist would have been better since i haven't read the lyrics yet but sonically, it might have worked more since the more powerful/complex sounding tracks are in the first half, imo
but overall, this album is full of surprises, and very good ones at that!! I'm sure i'll love it even more when i listen to it again but yeah, from the first listen alone, i would recommend this album!!!
Track first impressions under the cut! very raw reactions ahead haha
Track 1: Growing Pain
oh damn gritty TXT ???
legitimately gave me goosebumps
that's it. that's the thought.
the guitar is so good ugh
this will absolutely kill when performed live 😵‍💫
Track 2: Chasing That Feeling
giving TCHFTG and Blinding Lights by The Weeknd (i love The Weeknd btw)
Yeonjun's voice is so soothing??????
wait is the nod to the TCHFTG instrumentals intentional??????
maybe this is just me but their choreo (based on the MV) looks like it goes so hard but this song feels relatively chill/easy listening (esp compared to their last few title tracks bc sugar rush ride was a doozy to take in) so it seems a bit... off? idk idk
looking forward to a stage/practice vid to come out to appreciate their performance more!
Track 3: Back for More (TXT Ver)
already reacted to this before and ugh so good
Yeonjun's is also so good
love their adlibs so much 🥹
super interesting to place this track right after Chasing That Feeling 🤔
dance break instrumental and adlibs have my whole heart actually
like i can see them dancing in my head even if i'm just listening
Track 4: Dreamer
oh shit i love the bass already??????
kinda scared to check the lyrics ngl
oh this song is delicious
i can already see all the tiktok edits happening (not necessarily a bad thing for them imo)
ooh shit "let me break it down for you" jdfh;kdjsfb;nsfkja
or is taehyun there too?
the "let me break it down for you" is going to haunt me in my dreams thanks
Track 5: Deep Down
strong start. nice
yooo the minimal instrumentals in the start was so good
oh it got clubby in the chorus
this feels so different from the usual TXT but it works??
okayyyy the trumpet sounding stuff in the outro was a nice touch
Track 6: Happily Ever After
pretty sure i'll cry if i read up the lyrics of this one haha 🥲
oh this track is so smooothhhh in the pre-chorus
oohhh the la la la's are growing on me
it's like happy fools but more refined?????
LOVE the blending/harmonization 😩
SOOBIN I LOVE YOU (outro ver) 🥹😭
Track 7: Skipping Stones
the cymbals? hi-hats? at the start oh god *chef's kiss*
feels like a band session up in here!!!
oh damn beomgyu???
taehyun with the high notes mhmmm
band txt is the future i can see it all so clearly now
LOVE the way they start off each line durign the verses. scratches my brain sooooo good when they give the little oomph then blend it down ugh (sorry idk musical terms)
kinda obsessed with this music already wtf
the female vocals too!!
mhmmm soobin's falsetto
just wow
Track 8: Blue Spring
i know we were joking around about band txt but what if it's not a joke anymore bc we've had track after track of band/session sounds and i am not okay anymore
i'm never gonna be normal about this song sorry not sorry
what if i cry.....
hmmm the rest of the instrumentals kicking in. so good.
and then they strip it down??? to let the vocals shine????
so so good
soobin's verse with yeonjun's adlibs is what dreams are made of actually
god yeonjun and hueningkai are gonna make me cry
Track 9: Do It Like That
ok yeah ngl the mood shifted dramatically after all the band txt sounds lol
DILT is a cute song but i don't think it makes sense in this album
or at least not in this placement???
i may reconsider if this was a TXT ver lol
or maybe they were thinking about our mental health when they decided to keep it in the album
i would probs be a sobbing mess if tnc: freefall rly just ended with the studio ver of blue spring 🥹
Track 10: Chasing That Feeling (English Ver)
including this here bc why not it's on the tracklist anyway haha
tbh i wasn't feeling this track much from the teasers
but hearing the song in full changed my mind
the build up is good
why does yeonjun's voice sound so good in this genre like how is it soooo good
time's a thief that won't stop stealing -- well damn did i feel that
taehyun our belting star 🥺
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dragondemoness · 2 years
Heyy how are you??
I hope you wouldn’t mind my 100th request atm, also spoilers down here😭…
Could I request Mondo Oowada, Leon Kuwata and Mikan Tsumiki With a S/O who basically died/got executed the same way as Korekiyo Shinguji did?? (Bonus: maybe they find out that the reader killed the “person” the same way korekiyo did as well?)
Please inform me privately if this request makes you uncomfortable or if you just wanna delete it, I’ll understand.
Yooo! I'm good, you?
Nah, of course I don't mind. I love doing your requests :3
Ngl, this was pretty fun x3 Hope you like this
Mondo, Leon and Mikan with an S/O who Killed and got Killed like Korekiyo Shinguji
Mondo Owada 
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When his bro Taka got killed, he was pissed
Especially in the manner he was killed in
He was glad you were still with him though
But he was hellbent on finding out who killed his bro
You helped him look for clues and you were by his side when you all came together for the trial
The trial was painfully long, but later into it, the evidence was starting to point to you
Mondo was even more pissed
No way could you be the killer!
"You're fucking delusional! (Name) would never kill my bro! Check your evidence again, you dumb shits!"
He fought Makoto and Kyoko to the best of his ability, but they weren't backing down
They just presented more evidence that proved it was you
Then the end of the trial came, and everyone voted for you
Mondo was just getting even more enraged
He refused to believe you could be a killer
But Monokuma declared that you were in fact the killer
Then he turned to you
"Is it true?"
His voice was so quiet, exhausted by all the yelling he had been doing
Then you smiled and said something that shattered him forever
"Yes. I am the killer."
On the inside, he was still struggling to believe it
Then his anger returned, and he curled his hand into a fist and started yelling again
If you're a guy, he would've socked the shit outta you
"You fucking asshole! Why the fuck did you kill my brother?! How could you do that to me, you damn traitor?!"
Your face turned serious
"It was for my sister."
He stopped for a second, his eyes widening in surprise
"She did not approve of your dear 'brother's' behavior. He was fighting over Alter Ego as if she belonged to him. That's no way to treat a woman. I had to kill him and that... filthy scum in order to keep her safe."
Mondo could barely even wrap his head around what you were saying
He remembered you talking about your sister with admiration, but he didn't think it was this serious
"Did I not mean a damn thing to you?!"
"Hm... Well, you were a nice temporary companion to take her place. But I'm afraid you could never hold a candle to her. And now, the time has come for us to be reunited..."
At this point, Mondo was out of words
He couldn't even express how disgusting the whole thing was
But now, it was time for you to face your punishment
Mondo couldn't even watch as Monokuma dragged you off to your execution
But when he did look up, he saw something incredibly disturbing
You were boiled to death, then your sister betrayed you and erased your ghost as well
At the end, Mondo couldn't even be angry anymore
He had lost his best friend, and his significant other
Some of the others tried to comfort him, but he wasn't having it
After the trial, he trudged back to his room and flopped down on the bed
He's not sure if he can keep going after this
Leon Kuwata 
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Seeing the bodies of Hifumi and Taka horrified him
Hifumi was weird and Taka was annoying, but damn, they didn't deserve this
Honestly, he's probably gonna stay as far away from the bodies as possible
You can investigate if you want, but count him out
When it came time for the trial, he mainly just listened to what the others were saying while trying to cope with the situation
He started to zone out after a while, but when they started to accuse you, he was on high alert
"Huh? Wait, what do you mean (Name)'s the killer?! They wouldn't do that kind of disgusting shit!"
Boy, was he furious
No matter what Makoto and Kyoko said, he refused to listen
"No! I refuse to acknowledge you! They're not the killer! You're stupid, both of you! Stupid, stupid, stupid!"
And when you were voted out, think of how he reacted when he was exposed as the killer during the first trial
He was in complete and utter shock
So you really did kill them?
That's all he could force out
"I had to. For her."
"Who the hell's 'her?!'"
"My sister. She found Hifumi and Kiyotaka's behavior to be revolting. They treated Alter Ego like their property, and that's no way to treat a woman. They needed to be dealt with."
Leon didn't even know what to think about this
"You're fucking sick. You murdered two people because of some stupid delusion?! Didn't I mean anything to you?!"
You smiled at him
"Well, you certainly drove away the loneliness I felt in my sister's absence. I will remember you well in the afterlife. But I'm afraid my dear sister matters more to me."
Leon couldn't even watch as you were dragged off to your execution
Though he found himself speechless when your own sister turned her back on you
He never believed in ghosts, but what he saw was legit
He's not sure if he can keep going after that
Mikan Tsumiki
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She was horrified when Sonia and Ibuki were announced dead
Hiyoko is replaced by Sonia because it's more fitting
Her last two friends from Hope's Peak were gone, and she didn't know what to do
But she had to perform an autopsy on their bodies, so she needed to push past her fear and do what had to be done
Then it was time to head down to the trial
She clung onto your arm the whole time
Your presence was comforting for her
Mikan provided useful info from her autopsies, but she couldn't make heads or tails of who the killer was
When the signs started pointing to you, she was horrified 
"Wh-What?! N-No, that can't be right! (Name) c-can't be the killer! It's impossible!"
She tried to defend you as best as she could, but even she was starting to wonder if it was true
But even when you were voted out, she still couldn't believe it
Her dear sweet s/o, a killer?
"N-No, that has to be wrong! They c-can't be the killer! R-Right?"
But now that you were caught, yoi saw no point in hiding anymore
Mikan was devastated that you killed someone
Two people, at that
"(Name)... Why did you do this?"
"For her."
"My sister. She left my side quite some time ago. I didn't want her to be lonely in the afterlife, so I killed those girls so they could be friends with her."
Mikan could hardly believe what she was hearing
You committed a murder, two murders, for your sister who's long dead
Did Mikan even mean anything to you?
Unfortunately, she didn't have time to ask as you were being dragged off to your execution
This one was by far the most disturbing 
She wanted so badly to look away, but her eyes were glued to the screen
It was even worse that your own sister betrayed you
Mikan never thought about ghosts or whatever, but knowing that you wouldn't be there in the afterlife was pretty upsetting
After that, she was completely shattered
She didn't know if she could move forward from it, or if she could even try
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winderlylandchime · 8 months
I cannot believe that everyone can tell that my brother is dumb enough to actually think about making Randy his therapist. Even my neighbor when I told her went ‘oh he would totally be his client if he lived close by.’
Honestly I still can’t believe he is retiring. I’m very happy for him that he is doing something with his life that he believes will bring him joy and stability but fuck does it hurt a little. I think the trouble I’m having is because I’ve seen him on the show/interviews and now podcast so it’s very strange to imagine him being all serious and professional. Hopefully this doesn’t mean we will never see him again. But i hope he has a successful career and that he enjoys it while also helping people.
I feel like Gale probably has to do some normal-ish type of jobs but I feel like he would maybe go for theatre and either teach it or something to do with that. I mean i don’t even know what part of the country the guy lives in so I think that probably has a lot of say in what he’s doing with his career. I did tell my brother that IF anybody were to give us a proof of life for him it will probably be Robert for birthday posts.. Hopefully Robert gets my message from the universe and delivers us some proof of life.
And as for my brothers collection of purses: it’s not a very big collection, he only uses it for “special occasions” like two weeks ago when he went to a mechanic for his car or a doctor check up but i think he has like 5. Two of them i know are small sized black ones (enough only for a wallet/keys/phone) because he made me buy him one for his bday. And I know one of them is a screaming yellow color because ‘sometimes you need a pop of color’. But the reason he actually started using them was because 12-15ish years ago, his friends and him were going to Pride and none of them decided on an outfit that had pockets. So one day he was at a mall and he found a purse with a rainbow on it (i teased him that it was pride merch but he swears it was a sign from the universe) so he bought it for Pride so that him and his friends could put their wallets/keys inside. I wish i was joking when I say that the hetero himbos who went to pride just to accompany me, treated this accessory as if he was the biggest genius they ever met. My brother actually said to my mom ‘yooo why didn’t you tell me about this luxury? There’s so much space for stuff in here! I can even put snacks in here.’
As for the qaf dvds, one of our cousins actually does have them but he forgot about that and tbh I think she is waiting to tell him because she knows he would try to steal them. But I wouldn’t put it past him to actually succeed in finding them on ebay or something, he is stubborn enough.
The funny thing is, dear sweet anon, Randy would kind of be the perfect therapist for your brother since all his angst right now is about QAF and one of the few people with actual answers is Randy.
My biggest fear about Randy as a therapist is less than people have seen him naked and having very realistic simulated sex on Showtime and more that on the podcast he gave his opinions about pop culture and he's such a snob! I don't want my therapist to think less of me because I have brain rot for a TV show or I like a musical that's not (gasp!) Sondheim... and he totally gives that vibe on the pod.
I do think Gale lives in LA. Or at least that's what I last heard. Which means there's a million ways to make money that's entertainment industry adjacent.
I love that your brother and his hetero himbos accompanied you to Pride and brought a communal purse and then marveled at it. Without for a moment considering why their outfits didn't have pockets and why most women's clothing doesn't have pockets. And why purses are necessary at all. (TBH I carry a big mom bag because I have anxiety and what if I need... water, advil, a bandaid, a hairbrush, a protein bar, a change of clothes, etc while I'm out?)
I think the DVDs are definitely available on eBay! They might just cost an arm and a leg. Just typing that I feel like I'm dooming your brother to an accident involving his arm and/or leg. Tell him to be careful!
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tallsc · 1 year
Alright, I'm probably going to watch this multiple times and focus on each character individually at some point but for my first watchthrough I pulled up this post while watching and will send my thoughts/reactions, warning this will be very long
They just chilling on the couch this is so nice, Orange getting snacks :D
Wait I wonder how the time skip during Blue's walk with the piglins is gonna work? (Also Orange are you supposed to eat the melon I mean ig nothing's wrong with that)
AWW THEY WATCHING YELLOW DO HIS THING AWW Orange wants his drink tho let them refill the drink
RED'S HERE I WONDERED WHAT HE WAS DOING wait were those zombie spawn eggs did i remember that right
Yes yes they were okay welp, they got golems to help at least
Oh I forgot to pay attention to Blue's screen neat they didn't timeskip the walk they just walked through some smallish sections of biome
I love the fact that this whole time Red's just been causing chaos in the background and we never saw in the main thing, they're spawning rabbits now
GREEN LOOKED UP AT THE SAME TIME BLUE STARTED GETTING ATTACKED PFFFT they just looked at Yellow's computer tho, where's Orange and Red gone off to?
Oh Orange just got another drink and Red's playing with their rabbit
RED GOT TO SIT DOWN FOR A BIT YAY hang out with Yellow yes they friends this is nice
Oh we merged with canon now, Orange found the portal :D They timed Orange running through well with the music
BLUE'S SO SAD ABOUT THE NETHERWART NOOO but ah yes we get to see two Oranges on screen at once this is even more suspicious than the actual episode
Okay I have reached The Witch and can you just? Put a person/block in your inventory??? Is that how this works? Blue just runnin tho
Yellow why did you just start?? Eating grass??? Also Green's freaking out atm
Oh now Green's experimenting and Yellow's just vibing with his friends and Red's going on a swim and Blue has now gotten incredibly bored
I'm getting the sense Green's probably doing the same thing Blue is rn and is just taking a break after finishing his experimenting
Oh ig the witch is still carrying Blue cause Blue got startled when the witch jumped and started making zombie noises, they just went back to chilling tho
They started fighting and Blue started freaking out rip, they tripped and just stopped moving oh no
Oh hey wait Pig sorta noticed Green ALSO PFFT BLUE GOT FLIPPED UPSIDE DOWN
Just watching Blue trying so hard to get the Netherwart also Pig gets their own POV :D
Someone's gotta keep track of what Blue used to make all these potions at some point
PFFT THE MAIN FIGHT'S HAPPENING AND PIG'S JUST IN THE CORNER WITH THEIR OWN POV I WILL NOT GET OVER THIS also there was a scene I'm looking forward to seeing if they do an extra POV I'll get to that in a minute
They did not POV it :( I will forever be wondering why the other four took so long to get Red back into themselves and why Yellow was trying to feed Red a splash potion during the Blue/Witch 1-on-1, on the plus side we get Pig stealing all the potions
The CG are just watching and cheering as dyes XDD
OH PURPLE POV oh no the blue orchids :(
This is not something I originally thought of how it would be POVed but it would be incredibly funny if they had a side screen with the entire group just standing there while Orange goes through their nether flashback, they did not do that however
I have reached Parkour, seems pretty much like the regular episode for a while so imma skip ahead hopefully I don't miss anything, skipped to about the end of the splitting paths
Alright I am going to need to rewatch this bit a few times later, also I need to check if they actually all did get the times it said they got and if not who won
NOO ORANGE DROPPED THE TROPHY OFF THE EDGE I THINK also Yellow got strangled for a second there
Mango was tryna draw and told Purple to go away I feel ya I don't like people watching me draw either, yooo they do have a security camera station - huh Purple told them to rewind Yellow's footage I think
Aww that one piglin's just tired I'm gonna get attached to them and then they're gonna die :( Oh and I look to the side and Yellow's just hanging off a wall, I'm very much gonna have to rewatch these segments individually
NOO THE PIGLINS ARE SCARED and yellow's still hanging off the side of a wall okay finally he stopped
BLUE'S ON THE WALL NOW NOOO y'know i always did like thinking of them and yellow as twins
I keep catching glimpses of what's going on and I really need to see more of this NO ORANGE IS ON THE WALL TOO that was such a sarcastic wave you did there
Nooo the piglins :C they were sweet and now one of them is dead :C
Oh looks like Orange has found out his tactic everyone else is still going tho OH RED ALMOST GOT KILLED THERE THAT WAS A MURDER ATTEMPT
Yellow found out his thing too neat also another neat transition with Orange's and Red's frames
Green just suffering off to the side while everyone's all happy and meeting each other
Oh wait it's Purple? No wait it's still Green
Ofc the cobwebs at the end of their inventories, also they're trying so hard with the beacons
Green's tryin their best, they look mad, but also that's gotta hurt
Purple what are you looking for??? You keep showing up???
They tried making entire beacons but that doesn't look the same as the other beam and they can't move it XDD
Pffft sideways/upside down beacon, also they had so much iron but no food welp
Green's POV is just sad
Orange looks so mad while they're walking
Oh Red looks tired now :( Orange still goin, I'm assuming it's gonna swap to the original episode soon now - yep here goes
Ah yes I do love the dramatic music notes as the camera pans to a pumpkin/melon farm
Did Green and Pig just like fall asleep? I haven't noticed any movement over there for a while
Ohhh the slow mo on the Lush Caves side when it slow mo-ed for Titan Ravager was interesting
OH PURPLE POV whatcha doin thereee ohhh the piglins to find the CG's nether portal
Neat we get to see a bit more of the castle through Green's perspective
Ohhh we're gonna get full fights for both of these imma have to watch this twice later
Huh it took a minute for the effect of the block being removed to reach the bastion
That is a speedy hoglin they goin
That is a speedier Orange
WAIT PURPLE'S SO UPSET AWWWWW also Blue's collecting so many arrows good on you Blue
Will definitely have to watch this part multiple times to focus on things individually
The animation on the icon block fight though is wonderful and how Mango legitimately does just go right back into battle after leaving Purple hurts me
They are just ignoring the note block animals to let the epic music finish XD Also this is gonna be so hard to watch oh nooooo another thing I'm gonna have to rewatch a ton
Okay they're letting the note block animals take over the sound for the most part now fair at least they let the epic music finish
Wait are we gonna get full versions of all of Red's classes? Also Blue's just here building
WAIT ORANGE IS OVER LAVA ONE SEC LEMME REWIND A BIT HOW DID THEY GET THERE okay guess that didn't go straight to the ancient city
Yellow's just here working on the staff this might take a second - oh we swapped to Monster School and Warden music that's an interesting mix
Oh gosh the note blocks in the background too and neat we do get to see all classes
Yellow's outside now ig? Dunno how or when that happened they just doing a lot of stealth stuff
Villager training arc now and Green climbing up a mountain WAIT THEY ADDED ANOTHER POV FOR HEROBRINE AND MONSTERS SO MANY POVS
Alright they joined POVs again and enchanting looks cool as ever WAIT MORE WARDEN BACKSTORY I'm rewinding again to watch the warden flashback although the music does not fit with this
Yellow went on a whole stealth mission though like wow, Blue's just crafting still tho
Oh it's a speedy flashback tho
I just speedran watching Gold's death what the heck
Purple having a quiet dramatic story moment while I hear Red just being murdered in the background
How many slow-mo shots did they just align there??? I swear at least two of them were actually supposed to slow motion right there and a third fit pretty easily as a slow motion too
They didn't slow motion Skeleton being smug though XD
Wait Blue's POV vanished a bit ago when did that happen idk but too long ago for me to rewind
Whatever's going on at least there are less POVs and the Purple music mixed with the other soundtracks occasionally is still cool, weird seeing multiple of some characters at times tho
Blue's back and now Yellow's gone, also they aligned two of the slow motion shots again, neat
Alright Blue and Yellow are together again so there's no one person missing nice, AND THEY'RE ABOUT TO JOIN THE MAIN GROUP
Alright we're at two POVs now and Green's gonna join soon, curious how POVs are gonna work in this upcoming fight
Even with these extra POVs I still don't know where Red went after Yellow force staffed them away
Scanning forward this actually looks relatively single-perspective so imma skip to the portions where there are multiple perspectives for ease of wanting to write this out
Hey wait in seeing all the destruction and stuff side by side, why didn't the village rift start in the sky? Everything else did
POVs merged again so gonna skip to where everyone is dying :DDDD
I do have to watch this whole thing as a whole at some point though bc it's so dramatic aaaAA
Nooo Purple and Mango just walking in their respective voids this is so sad wait
Purple looked up for a moment when Mango broke through but just went back to hiding noooo T-T
For some reason Green trying to catch themselves but their fishing rod breaking before they can always hits me that wasn't a new thing but it's always hit hard for some reason
Purple just getting to hug Mango by the time Orange gets to the portal awwwwww
Okay wait the overworld/nether shot of the beam of light is actually very cool
Only one music note for replacing the blocks heheheheh
That's pretty much it, whether I use this for theory or not this was fun and there are definitely parts I'm gonna rewatch later XD For anyone who read through all this uhhhh hope you enjoyed my rambling ig XD It was a lot but if you did read it all ty
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years
lmao this is the same clip from the weird cheesy supervillain sitcom as last time. i don’t know why i remember the sandals joke but i did
im so nervous and anxious man im shaking like a chihuahua
absolutely fucking vibrating
i feel like im gonna THROW UP
anxiety and terror aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
ohhh here it goes here it goes oh fuck
ah its day now
dfgjdlkfgjdfg hand tree ghkjfgfh
“im. having feelings” yeah girl that happens
“this is the safe house?” “potentially.”
god what are her family gonna be like
it’s so weird they fave her a family
oh my god this is so weird already
mr benedict’s reaction dglkjhflgkjhgh
so number is her canonical first birth name?????????
and unfortunate
“madame chops”
her brother “one”????????
what the fuck
I don’t know how I feel about that tbh
I don’t necessarily hate it but I don’t know if I like it either
“I do think evil is a bit overexuberant”
oh mr benedict and the others all immediately talking her up ldkgjdg
“nice to see my sister is finally sustaining friendships”
“go dark” that’s a horrifying way to put it thank you
“I am gaining. SO MUCH understanding” dlfkgjdflkgjdfgkj
ohhh miss perumal and reynie
“mr benedict is convinced he can reach them” “of course he’s going to say that. he’s happy”
“I don’t see how talking to dr curtain is going to stop him” ohhh from coming from reynie
“he’s the bad guy, but mr benedict wants to save him” OHH
“maybe we have to save the bad guy, if we can. maybe that’s the only way to really win” OHHHH
lkdjfglkdjfg curtain lmao
the visible “what the fuck”
“it helped YOU”
“people are going blank” “you’re in denial” “it’s still about control for you”
CURTAIN’S ALREADY NOTICED oh god oh god oh god
“how long has it been like that” OH NO
please my heart is pounding
“have you adopted any of those children”
oh that comment about the orphans im biting number two’s mom
im half waiting for curtain to just come booking it down the stairs panicking ldkgjfgdfgdhh
“weird swinging pattern”
i hate number two’s mom<3
a prison of spare bedrooms
ohh rhonda!
im also biting one.
commercial break. ogugughhh but WHERE ARE THE TWINS
like I care about all this other stuff but im way too anxious about whats up with mr benedict please
I cannot emphasize enough I am Literally shaking
not hyperbolically. literally.
yooo im so scared oghohfhgfghhhhh
oh curtain is freaking out
it is a bit fast but I don’t think he’d be faking it? I mean maybe but
hmhmmgnghhhhh he was rubbing his neck when no one was watching so probably not right?
and constance is probably not far behind oh god
“and im completely fine with that” why do I feel like she isn’t . normally anyway
also how come they were like “we need everyone” and yet no one’s checked in on mr benedict yet
even briefly to see what’s up
I mean I guess they think he and his brother are hashing up but not even checking??
that was a dirty trick but it worked
not sure how that will go
this song! slaps!
ah lumberjack action
also no hope for Jackson and jillson working with them at this point I think
ALSO hey nicholas? say I love you back. now.
I love you but curtain needs to hear I think.
“im sorry.” “for what?” “the blow dart. I know it hurt.”
oh that is a lot of greys
dlkfgjldkgj the war cries<3
rolllll credits
“this is my home” oh. kay
oh that’s . hm. a weird thing to say out loud?
hmmm this is.
cheesy. a bit forced.
but also I love ut. but also I don’t. but also I do. but also I don’t
also curtain do you REALLY think it’s that easy
you can’t just be like “anyway I quit. bye”
oh …. that angle. from above. that. what the fuck.
and separated from jillson??? that’s. weird
not bad just weird
“are you handy” “I don’t understand the question”
uh oh shes already gone hasn’t she
oh god
that’s not good
“no WE’LL fix it” right? YRSGKJHG YEAH
fuck !!!!!!!!!!!!
OKAY see on one hadn this thing with curtain’s redemption here feels. kind of forced as hell. but also consider I love it. but also I am conflicred. but also I lveo it flgkhjfgkhjfgh
very last scene it’s just curtain sipping tea with nicholas then going “….oh I should probably go get sq, huh?” and mr benedicts like “who” and then curtains face makes a visibly oh wait, fuck face and then theme song
night at the museum commercial? dlkfgjdfg???? rami malek or bust.
okay just during commercials. for now.
if this interrupts the actual episode I’ll cry real tears
okay okay it restarted but its still pausing and its mid episode so ive missed something
but. I don’t think much
“there has to be a similar fix” “what if there isn’t”
wait. are you fucking kidding me. the joke fic idea I had about “a moment of true happiness fixes them” is real??????
why don’t I ever publish my amazing predictions now I sound like a liar
“as the three people she cares most about in this world” ouch
ohh but he says “you’re the ones who make her happy” with such confidence like it’s obvious
extremely funny that kate’s was actually really touching and sticky was like WHAT ARE YOU DOING but sticky is just like remember that time you exploded something with your mind? good times
oh no okay get her to insult them
the idea that he’s just like. what if we made her soooooo need to mock us
I mean she has broken through with mockery before
also curtain’s expression in response to this
I know this isn’t going to happen but I desperately need mr benedict to kiss her forehead
and curtain’s “oh god face”
miss perumal and mr benedict hug is not the one I saw coming??????????
okay fair enough
so what the FUCK is going to happen with curtain now
are jeffers, jackson, and jillson are the main bads of s3? possibly also garrison?
totally off the books then but honestly im good with that
“other home” :)
“back to the compound” “oh yes”
oh right because he’s going to. undo it. wow. okay
of course there’s also the chance that curtain is in fact lying
manipulating him in some way
still going to be the next season’s villain
which would actually be extremely heart wrenching
“well I think I lost a bit of perspective on this one” yeah no shit. I love you so much
leadership role <33
“is this something im invited to” “no” funny but ouch
oh sticky and reynie conversation<3
“ive got two places” like number two!!!!
just waiting for the ominous stinger.
unless they aren’t planning for a season three but they did leave some loose ends so
and still no sq
THE LUMBERJACK CUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
loggerheads, excuse me
ohhh letters from sticky<333333
parallels to episode one <33
milligan took the alapaca dlkfgjdfg lmao
okay they just have an alapaca now
ohhh little doodles!! is this constance’s?
“for another sweater” <33
is she going to finally admit he’s her dad ????????
ohhhh shes asking about where she comes from….. ohhhh…..
“oh id be happy”
excuse me??? ARE YOU FUCKING “EURUS HOLMES”ING US?????????????? BITCH?????????????????????????????????????
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thedelolos · 2 years
neverafter ep. 4live thoughts
okay here are my live thoughts from neverafter ep. 4 under the cut
Live thoughts on Neverafter 4
The opening didn’t change?? I hope that this means good things for the party 
THEY STARTED WITH BRENNAN ALONE ufbbuw Like you can just tell by the audio quality change (there aren’t any other people to reverb against so the mic sounds flatter)
“Hey lou, you wanna come play some dnd?”
“I don’t know, cause it feels like you’ll kill me again”
This is great truly
Wait are we getting like? An episode of solo sessions?? That’s really cool tbh
I will be making a lou reaction image because these facial expressions that he’s making are really good Poor pinocchio, i can’t imagine being in this state 
“While the world was changing, the rules were not” i think that line is actually really powerful, like it’s small. But i think it is central to pinocchio as a character. 
Where’s my ghost cricket art 
Yooo Pinocchio ghost 
One man’s dead is another man’s alive
Pinocchio is so sad and i feel bad for him 
“With that attitude it might just stay different”
Strings?? Stepmother again? 
Wait was that the door behind brennan?? That’s really cool 
Gosh Stepmother is terrifying 
A missing doorknob?? He actually got the door knob.
Give me the knife
The long arm, this is really some other mother stuff 
Pinocchio gotta break that nose back off quick, he’s gonna have to lie if he wants to break free of her   
Yeah i’m officially terrified of her 
“Who do we know who has blood?”
No more Senator?? *cries*
“Dreamy – and all it cost was my father’s blood”
“The mice were not taken into consideration” no because nobody ever remember the mice
Violence in Amanti?? 
Like the drawings in tim’s book?? Interesting. So it seems like she has some sway over the stories, if she can put him into a new one 
I’m really curious to see how things change for pib 
Dropped attachments? Dropped to all fours 
Follow the curiosity, become a truer version of yourself 
Shedding your skin? 
Wait are they the same people who become different people in different tales? 
So the role of the cat is to subvert the story one way or another? 
Could Zac come back as the rabbit or the fox? 
“Not all shit’s the same buddy” 
Cat i love you never change 
New boots and cape, a darker story? 
A little less paddington lol  
A ring and daggers, inchresting 
Wolf’s fang daggers
She awakes back in her bed, fresh flowers in the the vase. Wait are we finally gonna get to meet cindy?? 
Yo this armor is cool as hell 
“We’re somewhere a little unfinished”
“We can die more often than most people”
Poor Rosamund
So do Rosamund and Cinderella and Snow
Destiny is a project by the fairies 
This line about the coat is epic 
So Rosamund is a Ranger 
Cinderella is an Eldritch Knight Fighter or Paladin maybe?
A Snow is a spellcaster, based on the learning line i’m gonna go wizard 
So the book has awakened the party?
 Many of the kinder worlds have already died, keep an eye out for witches and and especially fairies 
So basically Snow and Cindy are creating a coalition of princesses 
7 fairies?? 
Wisdom as one of the gifts? That makes so much sense with rangers being wis casters
YOO She’s got the spindle now that’s so cool, i wonder if she can use that to put other people to sleep, like if it is attached to an arrow 
I wonder if Red and Pib are in the same woods, 
“you already killed me once?” is that how red got her curse?
I wonder if the cha check is gonna come up 
Ylfa i love you you silly little girl
“The only time you will accept to make your life worthwhile is forever” that’s metal brennan
“My grandma taught me how to shop” 
Ylfa really do be like, “Can I call my grandma? I’d like to phone a friend”
“There’s a part of her that ate the wolf too” grandma got grandma swag 
I really hope that the warmth on the cloak is a protection enhancement or something bc if were gonna open ylfa’s bottleneck again then she’s gotta have a higher AC lol 
Blood in the water oh no 
I’m very suspicious of her 
Mmmm nope i’m here for the princess revolution i don’t trust the fairies 
“If anything this is a sequel” lol
So Elody is part of the princess pact (yes that is what i am calling the princesses now)
I don’t think she can touch the glass because it’s an artifact to go in the book 
Wait so did gerard never get turned human in this new story?
Curious to see how ally’s play through is different because mother goose is the holder of the book 
“Run afoul” i’m crying brennan
Mother goose is preserving the stories in the way they should be and leaving them happy?
So jack is not mother goose’s son in this world So that is how this world will be darker for mother goose, because his son won’t be his son there 
So the gander is satan and the goose is god? 
Maybe it’s a modified version of the subclass with the stories as new homebrewed tale from beyond options to choose from 
I think i trust the goose? Because the goose doesn’t seem to want to control the stories 
“You view all the world as your children” crying 
“It’s a very safe waiting room”
Extra spells known?? Intriguing, hopefully more crowd control and heals 
“The book is not as special as the man who holds it” 
Yay everyone back to the table!!
That was a really good episode, i’m really glad that we have this timeloop this is gonna be a fun season
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sarah-dipitous · 2 years
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 19
"Something Wicked This Way Comes"
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: Wait...does staying in bed and ignoring the bumps in the night outside NOT SAVE YOU FROM THEM??? Well, FUCK. I've been banking on that for YEARS. If whatever Emperor Palpatine lookin' thing snuck into my room at night, I'd consider my life over. I'm not surviving this.
"I'm the oldest which means I'm always right," that is...solid logic, Dean. Not gonna argue with you.
I'd say flashing the ID that quickly wouldn't work, but...sometimes you just don' have the time to really look at ID when someone comes in to do their job where you work.
Not...fond of how they're portraying this old woman they passed in the hallway.
YOOO. Wtf is doing that.
Awwww lil Winchester bros. God...so much was put on Dean's shoulders. It's not fair.
Ohhhhh this is the episode with the sassy homophobic kid. (While checking into a motel) "King or two queens" "Two queens" (long pause while the kid looks the Winchesters over) "Yeah I bet" like....CHILD!
Damn. That's not even a believable looking fake credit card. It bent like a playing card. Like construction paper. And I'm now remembering that the CW has never been profitable, so that makes sense, actually.
SGABETTIOS!!! SO CUTE. But these flashbacks are gonna kill me. The amount that Dean had to sacrifice but also how much Sam really does love and appreciate him...I could tear a phone book in half
You're goin' in this old woman's room with TWO loaded guns pointed at her. Boys. What the ACTUAL fuck. And then claiming to be maintenance. I KNEW that was a red herring (and an subtle but not so subtle but maybe unintentional indictment of this country's hospital system)
Oh noooooooo. The kid's little brother got attacked by the monsterrrrrrr.
This doctor (which I almost capitalized) is like the anti-Carlisle Cullen. And the way Dean is seeeeeething.
He just wanted to play some video games and be a kid, not a caretaker for once.
This very emotional scene where Michael is asking Dean if he'd do anything to protect his little brother and Sam's right there and can hear the conversation still gets undercut a little by the fact that this kid thinks they're a couple.
Literally, like, how hard would it have been for Dean to tell Michael earlier that Sam is his brother? You had to have him say "You okay, little brother?" instead??
God. The way Dean can't even wish for good or normal things for himself but wishes Sam could have them...devastating
"Been On My Mind...": No. This episode was mostly about the brothers' childhood trauma
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