#yk what i think this qualifies as
nyxi-pixie · 2 years
us on our way to the 8flix headquarters to steal the scripts if theres any more delays
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maddzroks · 11 months
there should be an app or extension that fucking filters out misogynistic content from your entire internet experience like idk how that would work but i would pay for it
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suispiria · 3 months
not going to lie having my residence application for canada denied before they even opened it because they reached their colombian/venezuelan/haitian quota REALLY threw me for a loop like all my plans for the foreseeable future collapsed right there and now I have a decent paying remote job here and it’s I’m like ok what now. do I like. find an apartment to rent here and and try to find friends in my city and that’s it ? I just end up living here for the rest of my life ? the thought of that makes me want to cry but I don’t know why
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autistic-katara · 4 months
when i’m in an explaining something u don’t understand to someone who’s directly experienced it contest and my opponent is the mother of a trans guy
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
those who pick apart every flaw in the wheeler family dynamic to construe some kind of familial abuse storyline for mike lowkey remind me of steve stans who take the multiple instances of steve freaking about his dad ‘what will my dad think/my dad’s gonna kill me’ and the harringtons’ alluded to absent hands off parenting and construct steve a familial abuse backstory. If they wanted mike to have an abuse story they would have given him one. max and the byers are abused children, max by her brother and will/jonathan by lonnie. we also see the duffers write downright flawed parents, max’s mom coping from divorce and work woes with alcohol and not being present to her daughter’s growing depression, hopper suffering from his own fear of loss and lashing out against a child that obviously was gonna act out from being cooped up for a year. if the wheelers were supposed to be anything other than emotionally stunted, conservative parents that sometimes try and sometimes fall short they would be that instead. like max’s mom, like hopper, they contain parenting flaws. you’d think karen and ted were monsters for not always being the perfect support system for a child they cannot understand what’s going on with, supernaturally or otherwise, by the popular opinion of speaking of them here is
there's one key difference between people who do that with mike's family and people who do that with steve's: we're actually supposed to care about mike's family and his relationship with them. the wheelers are one of two families we meet in season one. we meet them first. mike is elliott in E.T and steve is...elliot's older sister's reformed boyfriend (elliott doesn't have an older sister). we're not supposed to care about his family. do the details we get matter? sure, it...explains why steve works at scoops ahoy i guess. you could find ways in which it informs his relationship with nancy i'm sure but it's not that important in the grand scheme of things because steve himself isn't.
what's annoying about people stretching what we see of mike's family and pretending that it's what's happening though is, well, the fact that they pretend it's what's happening and that they'll act like it's in the show and say you have no media literacy if you disagree. i think it's a thing in this fandom especially because people are sooo into Analysis that they forget that not everything has to be canon for you to enjoy it. steve is his stans' special little guy, of course they're gonna take the three things we hear about his family and make it big plot points in the fics they write, you're allowed to do that also. if you want to write a fic where ted is this lonnie type figure then by all means do it because he will never be in the show, just like steve's relationship with his parents will never be explored. that's something steve stans are well aware of, hence the fics and the frustration at the fact that despite his massive screentime steve's feelings don't seem to matter that much and that he doesn't get to process any of his trauma on screen. mike has family dynamics that are important enough to make it into the episodes. mike is given emotional depth. mike is a character that gets to be traumatized on screen. if you want to add to his trauma by making his parents worse than they are, that's what ao3 is for. if they wanted mike's parents to be abusive beyond redemption, they would've made them abusive beyond redemption.
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kuiinncedes · 1 month
🥹 ;-;
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boyfhee · 1 year
are there any idols that you just can't see as anything else except siblings? specially 4th gen idols because for me, i feel weird when i find them "attractive" and was hoping i'm not the only one (since i'm 19 and you're 18) 🥲🥲
i do !! and it's mostly the 4th gen idols, as you said, even sunoo, jungwon and riki ( which is another reason i don't write for them much, and that's why my riki smau doesn't focus on romance ) i think it's mostly bc they're younger than me, the age of most of my cousins and even my own brother. so yeah, it really feels like i'm watching a sibling sksksk.
also, you don't have to feel weird about finding anyone attractive ! attractive doesn't always have to be sexually alluring. the word literally means pleasing to senses, which, in itself, has a broad spectrum. you can find them attractive in an innocent way, in a 'oh, they're pretty,' or 'they're cute,' kind of way, in a compliment kind of way. that's normal. for example, i think riki's attractive, but in a visual kind of way, his looks are captivating. his face cut is really good, his voice is very nice. but i don't find him attractive in a, yk, inappropriate way bc that is weird ( honestly i dont feel that way bc any idol ) just because you're old doesn't mean you can't find someone attractive, but again, there's a very thin line ( very, very thin line ) between what kind of attractiveness it means. so, please be mindful of that !
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antisocialcultureis · 1 month
Yk I've been thinking a lot recently about how the aspd community (and most people period tbh) seems to nourish this idea that everyone with aspd (traits) is like, this dark, uncaring, dismissive, always overt type of person who kicks puppies for fun and drops people whenever. And while this may be true for a lot of people with aspd, I think it's important to mention people with aspd who don't work like that.
There are people with aspd who do care what other people think, who do feel the whole range of human emotion, who aren't impulsive, who mask constantly or compulsively, who have conflicting trauma responses or disorders that 'don't usually go together', like aspd and dpd, there are people with aspd who are more inhibited with their symptoms (covert types, like myself), because that's how they learned to survive in their environment, who want community, who aren't constantly egotistical, who care about people, who's aspd is mild, etc.
I meet 4 of 7 criteria, not everyone notices it, despite that I still meet the criteria. I'd say the main problem I face is feeling weak and compensating with that, along with a misanthropic viewpoint and a sense of humour that comes across as rude/mean, because I'm passive aggressive, because my humour is how i cut people down, because then i can fall back on it being a joke. This fucks with my chances of having meaningful relationships, job opportunities, communities, etc. I lie a lot, I take my anger out online, I express my feelings through 'edgy stuff' as well as 'childlike' stuff. I call myself punk although I don't actually care about world issues, I'm just stubborn and unwilling to admit that. It also gets me praise, and as we know I also have npd.
I exhibit a mild, covert form of aspd that NEEDS more representation. A lot of people don't realize that they have aspd because they're 'not that bad' or 'not overt' or 'feel emotion', and the idea that that is needed to qualify for aspd needs to be wiped off the fucking planet.
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bratphilia · 8 months
Heyyyy so I was the person that requested more fics like the flip side (it’s 6 am and I can’t remember if that’s what it’s actually called atm) but I was thinking about possibly a situation where reader has a history with William possibly when they worked at Freddy’s before they shut down and were younger (still of age though; I’m thinking probably when they like reopened for a little bit in the early 90s). Now in the I guess present day they aren’t exactly going out with mike but maybe they are a babysitter and mike and reader are pining over each other?? But him working there brings up bad past memories of your time there but you don’t really want to tell mike.
Honestly looking for lots of tension, slow burn, pining, and angst but not too much angst yk and ofc nsfw
Sorry if this is like too specific or whatever but this has been on my mind for sure
note: i did some age calculating to fit with the timeline so reader is 18 in 1993 and 25 (the same age as mike) in 2000. creds to michy for convincing me this was actually post-worthy.
pairing: steve raglan / william afton x reader x mike schmidt
tags: threesome, rough sex, dub/con, age difference
taglist: @dilfity
triangle (w. afton x reader x m. schmidt)
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(in november, 1993, you're a fresh hire at freddy's and the youngest adult on the staff at eighteen years old. it's not an ideal workplace by any means, but it's decent compared to other jobs that you most definitely didn't qualify for. and the people at freddy's are nice! maybe a little too nice, but the motto for the employees was "remember to smile, you're the face of the company" after all.
you work mainly as a waitress. you would say you're pretty good at your job. you're nice to the customers and work surprisingly well with the kids. the uniform is admittedly cute, too. red vest and a black pencil skirt. your skirt, for some reason, came in a bit too small prompting a few lingering glances from employees and patrons, but besides that you don't really mind.
it's a cold, rainy day in autumn. you wish you were wearing pants, but for once you're thankful for the lack of air conditioning in the restaurant. it's closing time and you're heading back to the employees room to grab your jacket and umbrella. you sit on the red, metal bench waiting for your sister expectantly. you never bothered to get your own license because she's always been a reliable source for rides everywhere. tonight was not one of those days. it's been at least an hour. your leg bounces up and down.
you hear the doors shut and a jingle of keys, and the distant scent of cigarette smoke lingers. you turn to see your boss, mr. afton, locking up the restaurant. he turns to you too, clearly confused why you're still here. "shouldn't you be home by now?"
you swing your legs and sigh. "my ride never showed."
he clicks his tongue and looks out to the parking lot, then looks back at you. "why don't i take you home?" you realize in this moment you and mr. afton have never quite really spoke. he's one of the thirty-something-year old owners of freddy's. he wears the springbonnie suit sometimes and performs with the co-owner, mr. emily, for the kids on fridays and saturdays. he's very charismatic and sociable, but mainly with the older crowd of the employees at freddy's. you hear some of your colleagues whispering about him, how he's such a kind and handsome man, which, as you're getting a good look at him right now, the latter is definitely true.
"are you sure?" you ask. mr. afton smiles down at you.
"sure thing. follow me." it's a huge upgrade to what you were previously considering before his offer: walking home in the pouring rain and chancing ruining your uniform.
you follow close behind him. so close that your umbrellas slightly bump into each other. a deep purple-paint-detailed mercedes-benz comes into view. judging by mr. afton's clear affinity for the color purple, as he includes it in at least one part of his daily attire, you assume it's his. he opens the car door on the passenger's side for you.
"thanks," you say politely.
in december, 1993, mr afton — who you've come to know as william — has become a frequent presence in your life. it started when he actually asked you if you wanted another ride home. you had phoned your sister, letting her know there was a change of plans. this became an everyday thing until you no longer needed to call home.
you would be lying if you said you hadn't started to develop feelings for him somewhere along the way. how could you not? he was just such a nice man! so charismatic, not just with you, but with the customers. always asking everyone how their day is going and dropping whatever he's doing to help out. there's was something special about your connection with him. he made you feel special.
it was one rainy day, just like the day back in november, when he stopped you and leaned in and kissed you. it was the most unexpected thing that happened to you in awhile. you don't know what possessed him to do it, but you found yourself eagerly kissing him back. so much that he chuckled and commented on it before sending you off. you spent the rest of the night lying awake in bed, touching yourself to every possibility you could think of.
the next day he avoided you, much to your dismay. you couldn't stop thinking about it. it slowed down your performance, making you distracted. the time just dragged on.
it wasn't until he called you in his office after your shift that you felt any kind of relief. he asked you to lock the door behind you, just like how one of those fantasies you daydreamed of started. with a fast-beating heart, you did what he said and turned to face him. and then his mouth was on yours again. it was much more sensual and yet there was an anxious component to it that made your stomach tingle with excitement.
"why don't you sit on my lap?" he suggested once he pulled away from you.
you froze. you've never actually done this sort of thing before. something delicious curls inside of you. gingerly, you sit on the thigh he patted on and he bounces his leg slightly, the fabric of his pants hitting just the right spot. he laughs at the yelp you give.
"just relax, baby. 's just you and me."
in january, 1994, is when kids go missing. everyone is on edge and patrons are frequenting freddy's less and less. on top of that, the animatronics are malfunctioning more and more, so there are even less customers due to the amount of maintenance that needs to be done.
you and william continue your routine: you fuck and he drives you home afterwards. but lately, something's been weird with william. he's been more... erratic? is that the right word? or just elated. he seems so gleeful, but more violent during sex. he's never showed any masochism until now. he even put a knife to your throat as he pounded into you, threatening to "fucking kill you" if you scream. you took it as just one of those things he says during sex, like when he calls you "slut" and "whore" but it's starting to scare you as it becomes a frequent thing.
it gets worse. you're taking the trash out to the alley when you see the security puppet laying limp. you go and investigate only to find charlie emily, the other owner's daughter, dead and badly hurt. like she's been stabbed repeatedly. you scream in shock and run in to find william, but he's long gone. instead you went to your co-worker, who called the police.
you were asked to stay at the restaurant until you after you were questioned and you told them everything you saw. you looked but william was still nowhere in sight. you walked home that night.
catching the killer was never something you were interested in. in fact, you hoped to do the opposite of some of your vigilant co-workers, who openly investigated the restaurant. some of them ended up missing too. the police had been called at freddy's on multiple occasions.
on one particular occasion, the last one before freddy's closed, actually, you went to the backrooms to catch a breather. what you found? william pouring bleach to bloodied clothes, bloody knife laying on a nearby table. you drop your keys in shock, alerting him. Turning on your heel to break for it, he grabbed the knife and your arm.
"tell anyone and i'll fucking gut you right here, right now," he threatened in a low voice.
you jostle your arm, desperate to break free. "please!" you whisper-shout. "i won't tell anyone, please let me go!"
and for some reason, he trusted you.
freddy's closed after that, and you swore to yourself you would take what happened to the grave. maybe you were a coward, but you had no solid evidence it was him behind the murders. it would all just be hearsay. no one would believe you anyways. william had such a high reputation, not just at fredy's, but within the community.)
mike hangs up the phone with a sigh. "so...?" you say, leaning towards his direction in anticipation.
"i took the job," he grumbles. his head is in his hands, running through his hair anxiously.
you throw your hands up in the air in excitement. "yay! we get to keep abby!" mike immediately snaps out of his sulking to bust out laughing. as he shakes his hand, he mentally adds your twisted sense of humor to the endless list of things he loves about you. and your distantly maternal role in abby's life. we get to keep abby.
you snap him out of his thoughts with a question. "who's the lucky employer?"
he laughs again in disbelief. "freddy fazbear's pizza. working in security. they need someone to watch the place and make sure no one breaks in and stuff."
you frown and furrow your brow. freddy's. william. "something wrong?" he muses, noticing your change in demeanor. you shake your head.
"no, nothing. i'm happy for you. sounds.. just peachy." mike shoots you a half-smile.
it's nighttime when it's almost time for mike's shift. your head is in your hands as you sit on the couch. it's one of those times when abby's off in her room, scribbling away with a crayon. you feel sick to your stomach. why did it have to be freddy's? who even gave him this job? why is it still there?
you hear a slew of curses coming from mike's room and decide to investigate. he's struggling with the loop of his belt and you can't help but smile. "need some help?"
he looks at you, face turning red. "you don't have to—"
"oh, come on," you sigh, moving to help him. "it's okay to need help sometimes." mike doesn't say anything, but from the way he's looking at you, he wants to.
"what?" you ask, but mike just shakes his head. you wouldn't understand. you decide to just leave it alone — mike's always been a distant guy.
"you need to be careful," you tell him with a much more serious tone than intended.
"why?" he asks, confused.
you try to relax your face and give him a lighthearted smile. "you should always be careful, mike! you never know what kinds of people you can encounter."
he has no idea.
two days go by. mike comes back home, surprisingly well-rested, until before his third shift when he casually mentions to you that he mainly just sleeps on the job. you freeze at that, worry forming inside of you in the pit of your stomach. "wh-what do you mean you just sleep there?! are you fucking crazy?!"
mike looks bewildered at your outburst. "i told you about this. i'm doing that dream stuff still..."
"okay, but do you have to do it on the job? do you have any idea how dangerous that is, when you're supposed to be looking out for any suspicious behavior." you're poking a finger into his chest, scolding him like he's a child.
"jeez, what's the matter with you?" he sighs in frustration. "if it bothers you that much then why don't you come with me and make sure i stay awake? i'm tired all the fucking time, and you know that!"
you know you shouldn't, for your own safety, but you have to think about mike. besides, if there's two people there, one can call the police. you let your paranoia, and your overwhelming care for mike, get the better of you. "fine. i'll come with you. put on your vest, grab abby, and i'll be in the car."
mike looks at you with sad eyes. you really didn't mean to be so harsh but it doesn't matter; he's more important. the drive over is silent, not that mike is really a talker anyways, but there's a thick tension in the air. your jaw and your fists are clenched anxiously, and you try not to look at him. when he parks the car he sighs and says your name.
the three of you set up camp in mike's office. abby sets up her tent and shortly falls asleep. you pace around the room while mike stares at the cameras, head in his hands with his eyes barely open. you walk over and snap your fingers in front of his face with a huff.
then something goes wrong. mike calls you over. "uh, i think i just saw something move? towards the offices." if it's potential danger, you decide it should be you who goes. not in a heroine sort of way, more of a need for closure.
you make your way slowly towards the offices. the dead silent halls make room for the only sound being your quickened breathing. you can practically hear your heartbeat thrumming in your ears. something rustles and, of course, it comes from wiliam's old office. you pray it's a rat.
as you push the door open, you breath a sigh of relief when the room is empty. that is, when someone slaps a hand over your mouth. "how truly lucky i am that you were the one to find me, lovely."
you struggle instantly but he wraps his other arm around your neck and pushes you further into the office. you land on the ground, hitting your head on the chair. looking up at him in horror, you cling onto the chair for dear life and get a good look at him. he admittedly aged well. salt and pepper hair and beard and all, it looks ridiculously good on him. "don't be afraid. i only want to make amends. i saw you were here and—"
"fuck you!" you spit venomously. "i don't want anything to do with you!"
william looks dumbstruck, then he scowls. the look on his face scares you as it contorts horribly. "what is it? is that boy? you realize i'm the one that gave him this job, right?"
"i don't know what the fuck you're talking about, but—"
suddenly, william lunges towards you and grasps you by your cheeks, holding your face tightly. "stop acting like such a fucking brat. remember when you were such an obedient little girl for me? let's go back to that, yeah?"
before you know it, you're being shoved against the desk facing forward. "i'm gonna teach you some fucking manners." you scramble in his grasp but his strength is unmatched. you know what's coming next and it makes you feel something burning in your stomach that you try to convince yourself desperately is sickness.
he pulls down your pants and you begin to sob. "please!"
"look at you, begging for me already," he laughs. he's undoing his belt and you already feel his dick prodding at your entrance. if this was back in the 90s, before all of this bullshit, he would've had the decency to engage in some foreplay, but there's a sense of urgency that makes it all the more—
god, what the hell is wrong with you. you're so fucked.
he undresses your bottom half, leaving you just in your sweatshirt. "gorgeous," he comments. "just as i remember."
you feel his dick prodding at your entrance, and you squeeze your eyes shut as he pushes in. it still feels as good as it did back then. he fucks you nice and slow, emphasizing each thrust with a slap from his hips onto yours. how does he still fuck this well at his age?
instead of picking up his pace gradually, like he used to, he continues to fuck you slowly. you're moaning uncontrollably now, clawing behind you at his chest, hoping he'll get the message and pick up the pace. he doesn't and just laughs darkly. "he doesn't fuck you as good as i do, huh, baby? you needed my dick to satisfy you all those years ago, and still need it now the way you're gushing on my cock."
you want to tell him mike doesn't fuck you at all, and that you're just friends, and that you only belong to him—
someone calls your name from the doorway. you and william both snap your heads towards the direction, only to find a shocked mike with his mouth agape. "mr. raglan? what the fuck is going on?"
"michael schmidt!" william practically exclaims, excited. he stops fucking you, purposefully burying himself to the hilt inside of you so you groan and squirm at the loss of stimulation. "come! come join us! your girl and i were just getting re-acquainted."
"she's not my..." mike trails off, finding himself moving closer without thinking. he takes in your appearance: bottom naked and bent over the desk with a fucked out expression. god, you're so pretty. you're always so pretty, but this is just...
no, this is wrong, he tries to tell himself. it's almost like william reads his mind when he sing-songs, "join us, or i'll kill the both of you."
like there was a devil and angel on mike's shoulder, the devil was winning. he's always wanted to fuck you and he doesn't necessarily have a death wish, either. "what, uh, what do you want me to do?"
your face falls and your mouth goes dry. william speaks with a grin, "why don't we trade places?"
mike scrambles to undo his belt and you practically drool when he pulls his cock out. fuck, you've wanted mike for awhile now. all that pent up tension between you two is finally spilling over the edge. all those lingering glances and long-lasting touches leading up this
especially like this, with your former fling and the guy you babysit for, makes it — and fuck it, you'll say it — all the more hotter. he replaces william's spot behind you and thrusts in quicker than the latter. he's practically humping you, fucking you desperately like he's running after something. his hands grip onto your hips tightly. "yes," william hisses, pumping himself while sitting dowqn in his chair. when you glance at him, he has the audacity to fucking wink at you. "'attaboy, keep goin.'"
that only encourages mike as he moans your name. "fuck, your pussy feels so good — hah!"
"mmm, mike!" you moan back.
"look at you two," william says breathlessly, "what a lovely fuckin' sight." mike begins to plunge in and out, reaching your cervix with each thrust, and you're close already. he senses that, and you can tell he is too by the way his thrusts gradually become more unbalanced. william's grunts are getting louder.
you're the first one to come, then william, and mike is still desperately pushing out of you. for good measure, he lands an uncharacteristic smack on your ass and then buries himself to the hilt becoming coming inside. the feeling of him filling you up is absolutely delicious. when he pulls out he studies the way that his cum drips out of your pussy. he's enamored with you, by the way.
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uter-us · 6 months
"magic gender feelings"
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hey yall! gonna clarify stuff abt this post
outside of and including radfems, there are many reasons a woman might not "feel" like a woman. a huuuuge notable one is that we live in a world where women are not valued the way men are and that is reflected in media and politics and interpersonal experiences and like every second ever. of course a woman or girl might not "feel" like the caricature, stereotype, or role that is thrust upon women. she might not feel the same way the rest of the word "feels" a woman should be. that is not "called being nonbinary," its just a normal reaction to misogyny
additionally, when radfems say they do not "feel" like a woman, its often heavy on the word feel, in that we simply are women and our womanhood is not tied to an internal ("magic gender") feeling. (fyi ik the "magic" part is j lighthearted and a joke, but the content of the message applies.) that is why i do not "feel" like a woman because i cannot "feel" something that is merely my reality. (i don't feel like i have curly hair, i just have curly hair.) most actual feelings i have regarding myself and my inner identity are merely aspects of my personality.
some comments:
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(the person in the middle is being mean for no reason so ignore that)
i get the sentiment, and i can recognize that honestly in some ways it probably is much easier, but it's also not based in any material reality. and when denying (or just not completely understanding. im not attributing malice!) the subjugation an entire class of people face due to their sex, that is not a happy sparkly good vibe
i used to go by all pronouns and while never outwardly identified as "genderfluid" i heavily identified with it. and i do know that "vibe," and i cant describe the uniquely liberating experience it is to recognize that being a woman means nothing to my "vibe" or personality or anything like that.
i know the word "woman" takes on a lot, especially roles/stereotypes, but you don't ever have to reflect that in your actions. you can vibe with what makes you happy without attributing it to not being your observed sex. like you can legitimately do and be whatever you are doing while female and that qualifies as a woman!! theres nothing more to it!! its amazing!
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when i hear radfems make the claim that "everyone would be nonbinary," it's more in the sentiment that no one 100% adheres entirely to the roles/expectations of man or woman, basically that to imply some people's "gender" or whatever IS binary is strange! not even the most tradwife or "alpha male" commits entirely to the role yk? not even they are 100% in either binary. it would be impossible, and every person inches out of these gendered expressions/performances/etc at LEAST from time to time (some more often than others, but it definitely is everybody)! so its just recognizing that sure there could be some "gender spectrum" but its far more real to acknowledge everyone is somewhere in the middle of these strict binaries than just a minor group of people. (at least that's my understanding of when radfems make that statement.)
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lots of radfems used to be TRAs or trans-identified individuals-- even still have dysphoria-- and that contributed to their becoming radfems!! many radfems understand the pain of dysphoria, and their experience w medicalization and/or interpersonal experiences aid in their current understanding of gender ideology and what it means to be a woman. (also see below cuz i expand more on the other part, especially the last comment.)
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the first comment i find so interesting because i think thats often the point. like often someone will claim they feel like a woman/man/nonbinary-person/etc or not, and are so sure of it. and because so much of this is dependent on the way you feel, one of the things that changed my mind abt gender ideology was j considering like, "how do i know this isnt the feeling of a woman? how do i know other women aren't experiencing this?" like even trans rights activists will state that not everyone "feels" being nonbinary the same way for example. so who's to say this feeling i feel is not also the feeling of a woman? yk? because chances are, theres a lot of other women feeling discomfort with their natal sex and perception/self-perception, and so much more!
so i'd ask anyone who says what the top comment says: if a woman is someone who feels like a woman, but you can't define or break down that feeling, how are you sure all of these women are feeling the same thing?
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i consider myself a relatively patient person 99% of the time, but this is so aggravating! for anyone not in the loop, an egg is a term for someone who is trans but doesn't know it yet. hypocrisy is one of my greatest frustrations, cuz a huge TRA thing is that you can't tell other people if they are a man/woman/nonbinary-person/etc, and you always have to respect their identity, but apparently that doesn't apply now!!
its very invasive to push your own idea of what and who someone is onto them-- and no one can claim this "isn't pushing" when this individual has literally written (unsolicited) about a stranger's identity based off their own projections or preconceived ideas on what a woman should feel. and i get it, its the internet, people are gonna write whatever, but i have a right to be frustrated by it too!!
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okay last one! if anyone knows where that post is or who made it, but basically i saw this post on here a while ago about how sometimes TRAs resemble some Christians. and the example was comparing something similar to the above circled comment, to an interaction between an atheist and a Christian thats something like. "I'm an atheist." "Oh, so you worship Satan?" and its like the idea that someone can't even consider outside of their view that their attempt to align you w it is entirely inaccurate, yk? like atheists don't worship Satan cuz they don't believe in him! and radfems/whoever don't have "a gender" cuz they don't believe in it (in the same sense tras do)!!
im sorry if i've come off super irritable writing this! i think im j frustrated for other reasons besides this, but i hope i don't come off especially unkind because i genuinly don't hold any hatred or discontentment w this person who made that tiktok, my point to this post is to clarify some of these comments because i see this idea all the time and when the radfem pov is misconstrued its much harder for TRAs to converse w us (cuz they arent really debating our ideas, but some other group w some other ideas). (i also dont speak for all radfems so keep that in mind too.) anyway if anyone disagrees/agrees or has corrections or needs clarification or anything feel free to reply!! :)
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ghostlychief · 1 year
Star Pupil
Request: Hello!!! Hope you have an amazing birthday. Can I please request a Ghost x fem!reader where Ghost is training a bunch of rookies, but they dont really take training seriously. Like ik it sounds very unrealistic as the battleground is very dangerous but yk- so like theese recruits are like, not trying or just rolling their eyes behind Ghosts back(ofc he notices) but reader catches Ghosts eyes bc she is the only one who is actually trying(and the only female among them) and taking the training seriously and he sometimes sees her training in her free time. Just wnated to know how he would react about this :33Feel free to ignore, and also HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONCE AGAIN <3
AN: HELLO this is so much later than when you requested (sorry lol) but i hope you enjoy what i threw together <33333 THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE!! hope you take care hon, and thanks for the birthday wishes when you originally sent this in!!!!! - Lee
Oneshot: Simon “Ghost” Riley x fem!reader
warnings: none, cursing? it’s really just fluff
summary: you are a new recruit for the organization that squad force 141 is under. what happens when you are seemingly the only recruit that takes her training seriously, but also develops a crush on your instructor?
wc: 1.4k+ (this really turned into a whole thing huh)
Ghost should have known that a class of new recruits would be difficult to teach.
Hell, all of them were male, expect for one person who was a woman. The fact that the class was 99% male didn’t surprise him when the first day of teaching went to complete shit.
No one was listening to his instructions and he didn’t even know how most of these men qualified to even be here, training under him. They were unruly, constantly talking when he was giving instructions and in even some instances, they would mock and roll their eyes at Ghost when his back was turned.
The recruits were just lucky he didn’t see them mocking him, otherwise it would be a completely different story, and all those who participated would be packing their bags to go home.
It was a blow to his ego.
Did they not know what a unique opportunity this was? To be training with a member of the infamous squad 141?
141 was the best in the game, the best team out there to accomplish complex covert mission after mission. No one else had the skill set or the discipline to be as good as they are.
So, why the fuck was the next generation of the organization being such dipshits?
Much not to Ghost’s surprise, the sole recruit that was taking training seriously was the woman recruit.
After the first week, Ghost found himself looking up your file, wanting to know more about his star pupil. He figured you were around the same age as the other recruits, but it turned out that you were around his age, although a few years younger. You also had some field work under your belt. That must be why she seems so much more competent that her peers, Ghost thinks.
Before you were recruited to squad 141, you spent your late teens and early twenties going to a prestigious military school, specializing in military strategy and combat. Afterwards you joined an organization specializing in oversee operations. You also had a special skill in archery and close quarters combat, specifically knife play.
He was impressed to say the least.
He also couldn’t ignore the fact that he thought you were pretty. His teammates teased him relentlessly when they saw him, catching onto his schoolboy crush.
“Hey Ghost, how’s your star pupil?”
“Do you make all the other recruits run more laps than her?”
All of these stupid questions came with a smirk and at least one laugh from another team member. Ghost kept his cool though, he didn’t want to give them any more ammo to hit him with. Somehow these bastards found out I have a crush on her, bloody hell.
He didn’t even think he was being that obvious. However, when sifting through his memories, he realized he did talk about you a lot, especially after a drink or two. But who could blame him? You were at the top of your class, and outshone your pupils so easily. It was hard not to brag about you to 141.
You impressed him further when he spotted you training by yourself, during your precious free time. Typically, new recruits had a rigorous schedule, so any free time granted was special, not the be taken for granted. Most people took naps, drank, or simply lazed around with their friends during this time. However, you continued to amaze him at your dedication to be the best at your job.
He figured out your schedule so sometimes he would find himself trailing behind you (without your knowledge of course), and watch some of your solo training sessions. He wasn’t trying to be creepy, he just wanted to see what you focused on when you trained alone.
The next time he had training with your cohort, he found himself giving you specific pointers based on what he saw during your unaided training sessions.
As astounded he was by you, he never deliberately approached you, never singled you out. Apart from his tips here and there, he treated you like all the other recruits. Although he harbored a burrowing, yet growing crush for you, he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.
Sooner than later your graduation came. Now you were no longer a measly recruit but a major, you were someone with ranks. You were proud to say the least, and little did you know, your instructor was just as proud, maybe even more so than yourself.
When you were on the way back to your dorms, you noticed Ghost leaning against the door to the hallway. You tried to suppress the warmness that threatened to spread onto your cheeks, so you looked down, hoping he doesn’t notice you.
All throughout your training you tried your best not to make it apparent about the crush you had on Ghost. You really tried your hardest to solely focus on the task at hand; which was, training. Sometimes, to distract yourself even further from him, you would spend your free time alone, training even more. The exercise helped quell your racing heart and aching bones that longed for a certain 6’4 lieutenant.
The enigma behind him was all the more intriguing. You could only see half his face, who wouldn’t be interested to learn more? You were dying to know what he looking like with his balaclava removed. You wondered if he had a mustache, or any facial hair for that matter that was hidden by the mask.
Did he have dimples? A freckle or two on his chin, near his mouth? What did his lips look like? Were they thin, thick? You just had so many questions sparked by your new found crush on him.
You were shocked and a little frazzled when your tactic didn’t work, because right as you’re about to past Ghost, he gingerly places a hand on your bicep, and says your name.
Now that you think about it, this was the first time he called you by your name, all other times he referred to you as Recruit 139.
For a man who’s skilled in killing people, he had such a gentle hold on you, not at all imposing. Your heartbeat picked up and when you glanced up at him, it raced even more.
“Hm? Oh, hi Lieutenant.” You slightly bowed even though his hand was still on you, the warmth sizzling through your shirt and seemingly marking your skin.
Before he could get a word in edge wise, you said hurriedly, “I just want to say thank you for being such a great instructor. You really motivated me to perform my best and try my hardest. So, again thank you.”
You found yourself slightly bowing again. Why do I keep doing that?
Too caught up in your own embarrassment of being around Ghost, you failed to notice the curve of his lips upturn under his balaclava, obviously endeared by you.
He removes his hand from your arm, and says, “No need to thank me, I mean you practically did all the work yourself. You were clearly more driven than your peers, along with all those training sessions you did during your free time-
“Wait what?”
When you look back up at Ghost you see that his eyes have widened. “How do you know I train by myself?”
Ghost lets out a chuckle in the form of a sigh, “I just saw you by accident a few times, wasn’t stalking or anything.” He holds up his hands as if to confirm.
“Ah, is that why you gave me suspiciously specific pointers during training sessions? I thought you were reading my mind!”
This time he grants you a full laugh, “No, no minding reading here.”
He takes a step towards you, and you automatically take a half step back, not used to being so close to the lieutenant.
“Anyways, what I wanted to originally ask you was, do you want to go out for celebratory drinks? You are my star pupil after all. Well, no longer a pupil, but a colleague.”
You tried to hide your awe. Is he really asking me to go get drinks?
You’re about to reject, when you realize that this is your chance and like he said, you are no longer a student of his, but rather a colleague.
You pretend to ponder his request, bringing a finger to rub your chin and grant him a sweet smile. “Hmm, are first rounds on you?”
Though, he sees right through your act.
You hear him cough, as if suppress another laugh, and then he says, “Of course. That would just be rude if it wasn’t, hm?”
Your smile widens, and Ghost thinks he may pass out, “You’re damn right.”
Simon “Ghost” Riley Masterlist
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idkwhylou · 1 year
Untouchable pt.1
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Summary : One evening at the hard deck your attention is strangely on a quiet pilot who blushes way too much, your friend made fun of you but the evening ends in his bed. Maybe it was not the better option to sleep with a military brat, and even less when it’s the daughter of your superior.
Bob Floyd x militarybrat!reader/f!reader
Warnings : SMUT (a bit cringy sorry)
Words : 7K +
A/N : It’s the very first time I write “smut” (it’s not much but yeah yk) and little reminder that English is not my first language !
pt.2 here :)
»» ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ««
You were untouchable.
Already by your personality, you had what could be called a bad temper. You didn’t really let yourself slacken off and even less in front of the men of the Navy whom you knew too well. You were endowed with an astonishing intelligence, you understood things very quickly and quite surprising but some were afraid of this intelligence. You weren't scary at all but the fact that you knew how to think for yourself had the gift of scaring some pilots. You were independent, you didn't need anyone and again, even less a man with an oversized ego like some of them. On top of that you were extremely beautiful, not pretty but very beautiful. Some could qualify you as a femme fatale even if you did not like this term, you defined it as an idea established by the desire of man in women.
You knew very well that you had an advantageous physical and it would be a lie to say that you never took advantage of it to obtain something, of course you never played with a man's feelings. Even if you could sometimes be frank you were far from hurtful. The only thing that could hurt others about you was your beauty but not your personality. Deep down inside, you slightly liked being untouchable, you liked telling yourself that you were in control of the situation. That was a rare thing for a woman in the Navy, but you were one hell of an exception. In addition to being more than special in the eyes of all unfortunately you were even more untouchable than anyone could have thought.
Even if a man had a slim chance with you, there was a whole other problem. You were a military brat but not just any. It turns out that you were the only child of the famous Captain Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell. So even if you looked at a pilot once your head was turned, you could be sure that your father was going to take pleasure in staring intensely at the boy you had just made hope for. It was on one hand reassuring to tell you that your father was vigilant with you and the possible predators, even if in reality the real predator was you. But on the other hand it was more than annoying that he protected you as if you were in porcelain and that you were going to break at any moment. You were stronger than that and you didn't need your father to defend you, far from it.
It is true that you did not have a very stable life due to your father's job, but that never bothered you, it is precisely thanks to his environment that you are as you are today. Being his only child he was always more protective than other parents, he didn't want anything to happen to you. At the time you didn't realize it since you were too young but if your father was so protective it was mainly because you were the last family he had left. After Goose's death it is true that he was not like before but when Carole left in turn, it was too much. He no longer had anyone to rely on, he had completely let himself go and after a one night stand you arrived. You never knew your mother and she never wanted to know you, giving all the responsibility to Pete who was far from ready to be a father.
But the rest is history.
You were back in Miramar and the first thing you thought of was going to the Hard Deck, just to pop in and say hello to Penny, nothing more. You pushed the wooden door in front of you and made your way into the bar, you walked with a determined and confident step towards the bar, trying to make your way through the crowd so that you could then sit on one of the wooden stools in front of you. It was still quite early but the bar was already full to bursting, the crowd was almost suffocating but it wasn't too disturbing yet, you looked straight ahead and observed a few pilots around the pool table. Some faces were familiar which made you smiled gently while thinking about what you were going to take, always observing the bar clientele to see if there were other people you knew by any chances.
You waited a few seconds then Penny turned in your direction with a big smile, she quickly advanced towards you while she was at the other end of the bar. “Sweetie ! What are you doing here ?" She asked surprised at your rather unexpected arrival.
“Penny I can’t breathe.” You tell her out of breath, she moves away from you, laughing slightly but still leaning on the bar to be able to stay close to you, “I wanted to pass by.” You just answered her.
She leaned towards you again and took your face in her hands before placing a kiss on your cheek, she pulls away again before speaking. “Excuse me, I'm just so happy to see you, it's been so long since I've seen you ! It’s been what ? Three years ?” She asked, all excited about your arrival.
“Two years penny, only two. But I missed you too.
“Two years ! Oh my god it's been so long. Tell me what can I serve you ?”
“Uhm one Mai Tai please.”
She nodded before starting to prepare your cocktail, you carefully observed her mixing the ingredients when she poured the mixture into a wide glass which she placed on the bar before adding a slice of lemon and a mint leaf, she pushed the glass in front of you and smiled at you again. You thanked her but when you took out your wallet to take money to pay her, she stopped me dead in your action by putting her hand on your wrist. You raised your head and she nodded hers negatively to make you understand to put away what you had in your hands, “It's not necessary Y/N, gift from the house.” She said, adding a wink before sweeping behind the bar.
“But penny-”
“No but young woman !” She interrupted you, pointing her finger in front of you to make you understand that you shouldn't try to retort again.
You sighed softly in defeat and then put the Wallet in your jacket pocket, which was actually your father's and took a sip of your drink, the fresh lemon juice slid down your throat but was quickly caught by the burning rum. “You’re alone ?” Asked the woman in front of you.
You put down your glass and nodded, “Dad's tired, he's staying home tonight.”
She raised her eyebrows and her cheeks turned slightly rosy at the response, “Oh no, I didn't mean it like that-”
You didn't give her time to finish her sentence when you smiled at her frustrated look and gave her a wink in turn before getting up to approach the jukebox which was not far from the pool table, so not far from the pilots. Once in front of the retro machine, you put your glass on the next table to be able to take a coin out of your pocket which must have been there for a long time, you kept the coin in your hand long enough to carefully read the proposed titles and choose properly. But when you were hesitating between two titles from the 80s, you felt a presence behind you but you didn't really pay attention to it. “Has anyone ever told you that it was dangerous to leave your drink unattended ?”
You jumped not expecting anyone to speak to you even less this close to your ear, you quickly turned around and came face to face with Lt. Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw. You opened your mouth amazed to see him there and didn't think another minute before taking him in your arms, you put your arms behind his neck and felt his wrap around your waist to respond to your embrace. You moved away and stared at him for a moment, he hadn't changed since the last time you saw each other. He wore a Hawaiian shirt similar to the ones his father wore before him and still had his famous pair of Ray-bans on his nose, and of course he still had his 70s mustache.
You and Rooster have known each other for years, you grew up together until your father took his papers away. At that time he had pulled away from you thinking that you knew about your father's actions when you were the last to know about the situation but all that is in the past, now all of that is behind you. Despite the recent events between him and your father, you found each other and rediscovered the bond you had when you were younger, Bradley is a few years older than you and he fulfills his role as big brother to perfection. Even if you don't have the same blood it's just like, he has always been like a brother to you and even when he stops talking to you you forgave him directly.
“Oh my God ! You scared me.” You exclaimed.
“What are you doing here ?” He asked you as surprised at my arrival as Penny.
“A craving for Mai Tai.” You say, taking your glass back from the table before taking a big sip.
“You’re pregnant ?” He asked randomly.
You almost spit out all the liquid you had in your mouth after what he just asked you, “What ? No ! Are you crazy ?”
He shrugged and laughed slightly before offering you to join him and his pilot friends, you turned your head to your right to observe the pilots you had seen before. You looked back at Rooster giving him a nod before answering him concretely with a smirk, “How could I refuse ?”
He smiled and started walking towards the pool table where his friends and colleagues were, you followed him closely not for fear of losing him but only so you could easily pass through the crowd. Unlike Rooster you weren't tall and imposing, you were of average height and far from imposing in your physique, it was only your personality that intimidated people.
“Rooster ! I thought you got lost on the way grandpa.” Exclaimed a tall blond pilot with a smirk on his face.
You stared at him for a moment but no names came to mind as you looked at him, nor did you remember Bradley telling you about a blond boy. Even if the man was unknown to you, for the moment, he was one of the first pilots you saw when you entered the bar. He looked confident, even slightly haughty, but he still seemed likeable.
“Bagman.” Bradley gave him a nod, calling him what you thought was his callsign. “What a pleasure to see you.”
The would-be 'Bagman' smiles before glancing at you, “And who is that pretty thing you brought me here ?”
Your smile faded away in a second. Now he seemed anything but friendly, but what he didn't realize was that you were far from easy prey. You didn't even have time to retort that Bradley put his arm around your shoulders before pulling you against him, you frowned and looked up to look at the brunet who resumed speaking as if nothing had happened.
“Not this one Hangman.” He said calling him a new callsign, you assumed the previous one was just a joke.
The blond understood from your lost look that you weren't the pilot's girlfriend next to you, “And why’s that ?” He asked slowly but surely leaning towards you.
And as you were about to answer him, someone cut you off again. “Too dangerous.” Said a female voice that you recognized directly. “The kind of girl where you avoid her dad more than anything if you ask me.”
You freed yourself from Rooster's grip, walked past Hangman, not forgetting to give him a shoulder to end up taking Phoenix in your arms. You pulled away from her and looked the blond straight in the eyes with a playful look, he smiled before asking you a question. “Your dad doesn't like the navy ?”
“Worse. He’s in the navy.” You said with a smirk as the pilot's quickly faded.
“Oh." He said simply as Bradley gently patted his shoulder in comfort.
“I told you ! Now come with me to get you a beer.” The brunet said to him, shaking him slightly so that he regained his senses.
»» ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ««
The evening had gone extremely well, to be honest you had stayed more often with Phoenix than with the others but it was good to see her again after so much time. And then being the only two girls in the evening could sometimes be heavy, unfortunately Halo couldn't come because she had a date that night. But despite everything, you had a great time. Also Hangman had come to see you to apologize for the abrupt advances he had made to you, you could see he was afraid of having problems. You forgave him and with that the atmosphere was no longer heavy and awkward between you two, you even offered him a game of pool which he accepted with a big smile of winner but what he did not know was that you were unbeatable.
Several times during the game your eyes landed on a pilot that you had not been introduced to. He was sitting in a corner with peanuts, he had blonde hair but not like Hangman's, it was darker. He wore glasses that slipped on his nose far too often, his eyes seems like a perfect baby blue but you weren't sure because of the distance between you. You stayed focused on your game but many times you couldn't help but look in his direction, he was often alone during the evening but yet was part of the group. You had spotted Rooster talking to him a few times but the one he stayed with the most was Fanboy if you remember correctly. He spoke softly but mostly listened or observed what was going on around him.
At one point your eyes met and you gave him a mischievous smile that he returned more shyly with a smaller smile. Despite his shyness he was handsome, you wanted to know more about him. You had noticed that he did not drink beer but only water or maybe it was vodka but given the pace at which he drank this was far from possible or he tolerated alcohol extremely well which. In your mind you stayed on water and you couldn’t help it and found that adorable. He seemed so kind and caring, you wanted to go talk to him.
“Who is this ?” You asked Phoenix cutting her off in her explanation.
It must have been twenty minutes since you won your game against Hangman and you were now sitting at a table with the female pilot. You couldn't help but ask her who was the mysterious pilot who intrigued you for a while now.
“Who is who ?” She asked with a smile, leaning towards you to avoid everyone hearing.
“The one with the glasses.” You say, pointing your head towards where the blond was, he was still with Fanboy in a corner.
The woman in front of you moved away and turned in the direction you had just pointed to her even though deep down she suspected who you were talking about, there was only one person here who could wear glasses. When her eyes landed on Bob, she couldn't help but giggle softly. She looked at you before speaking. “Lieutenant Robert “Bob” Floyd, my back seater.”
“He’s cute." You confessed, crossing your arms before sinking a little further into your chair.
You were still watching Robert when your friend's laughter cut you off from your thoughts, “What ?” You asked already bored without even knowing why she was laughing.
“I can't believe it, I never would have imagined this possible. You and Bob ?” She said before leaving in an endless giggle.
You sigh annoyed and as she continued to laugh alone, Bradley came closer to you with a beer in his hands. “What’s happening ?” He asked putting his sunglasses in his Hawaiian shirt pocket.
“Y/N- she- Oh my god-” Phoenix tries to start a sentence but without success, she continues to laugh like crazy with both hands on her stomach as she was laughing so hard.
Bradley smiled at her friend's delight before turning back to you with a confused look, “I just told her I thought… Bob was cute.” You hesitantly say the name of the pilot.
No sooner had you finished your sentence than Natasha laughed even harder, “Nat.” Bradley tried to calm her down. “Nat-”
You weren't even waiting for her to calm down to get up and head to the bar without waiting another minute, you didn't understand why your friend had reacted this way. How the idea that you like the dark blond could make him laugh so much. You leaned on the wood of the bar patiently waiting for Penny to come take your order when you felt a presence to your left, you turned your head slightly to avoid the person seeing you staring. And when you thought you'd come face to face with a civilian, to your surprise the person next to you was the mysterious pilot. Suddenly, for the first time, you felt troubled when absolutely nothing had happened. Usually you didn't like to feel intimidated by others and even less by men, but this time you did, you strangely appreciated the fact of not being in your normal state. You didn't ask yourself any more questions and put this new feeling back on the beers you had drunk tonight. Without really thinking you turned completely to face the male next to you, you lean on the bar and wait for him to turn to face you too but he seems too embarrassed. You could see that his cheeks were slightly pink, which gave you a little more confidence to keep going.
“Bob right ?” You asked in a soft and gripping voice, which created a feeling of well being in the boy in front of you before anything happened.
He turned slowly, uncertain and slightly lost. He looked at you for a moment before putting his glasses back on correctly with the help of his middle finger and then nodding, “Y-yes that's me.” He replied in an almost imperceptible voice.
You smile at his shyness before simply continuing, hoping he would open up to you a little more, “Y/N.”
“I know- Well I mean I heard you with the others earlier." He said, recovering quickly at the end as if he had said something he shouldn't have.
This time if your smile turned into a laugh and Bob swore he had never heard such a sweet melody, once again his cheeks turned red but this time if a feeling of warmth added to his condition, and not only at his cheeks.
“I understood, don't worry.” You reassured him by once again giving him a smile with such sweetness that could have killed him.
But when you were going to continue the conversation Penny cut you off in the middle of your exchange to take his order, he ordered a coke zero and surprisingly turned to you again. “And whatever you want.” He said before taking his wallet out of his uniform pocket to pull out some money.
“Oh no-”
“I insist.” He cut you off with a blow much more confident than before.
You shook your head and gave your order to Penny who rushed to prepare them, despite the fact that it was getting late there were still a lot of people at the Hard Deck. Once your two drinks served you did not stay longer at the bar which began to be overflowing with people wanting to order them too. The table you previously occupied with Phoenix was free again, you indicated to the pilot behind you who nodded and followed you. You settled in quickly to avoid other people taking the table, the pilot in front of you took a sip in his glass before placing it on the table between you two. He looked up and was surprised to see you were already looking at him, his cheeks turning red before he looked away and focused on something else.
While he was looking away you smiled and took a sip of your beer before playing with the tag, “So,” you began.
You barely had time to say anything else than the blond turned his head quickly towards you. As you were going to resume you let yourself getting lost in his eyes. They were beautiful. So delicate and sparkling. You were right, his eyes were indeed blue, as deep as the ocean.
“You have very pretty eyes.” You said casually as you turned your head to the side.
Once again Robert couldn't help but blush, he lowered his head slightly, shaking it before looking you straight in the eye, "Thank you." He simply added.
“Why did you pay me a drink ?” You asked quickly after his answer, you couldn't help but smile at his frustrated look.
“Oh uhm… I-well I figured that was the least I could do, since-that I didn't take your-your order when it was my uhm my round.” He said stuttering.
You brought your bottle to your lips without drinking from it, you looked at him attentively as you narrowed your eyes. You observed that the more he spoke, the redder he became. To be honest you thought it was extremely sexy while Robert couldn't stand the burning feeling in his chest anymore.
“No. Why did you really buy me a drink Robert-”
"Bob. Please call me Bob.” He corrected, although he honestly didn't mind hearing you call him by his full name.
"Isn't that your call sign ?"
“Is it but also my name, Robert is too formal.” He said with a sweet smile.
You nodded and continued, “Don't change the subject Bob. Why did you buy me a beer ?”
Bob sighed softly knowing full well that he was defeated and that he had to answer you once and for all, "It's just that I-I thought you were pretty and you-you looked nice so I thought that uhm that-” He began, searching for words to avoid scaring you away.
“That I would go home with you ?”
"What ? Nah, nah I had I would not have thought that. I uhm I just wanted to talk- yeah just a little talk.” He continued as if he had just thought about the real reason he had just offered you a drink.
The pilot looked at you attentively, waiting for your answer to know if the evening was going to stop soon for him or if on the contrary it had only just begun.
"Maybe I want to go home with you." You say softly, leaning slightly towards him so that no one could hear.
Bob widened his eyes surprised at what you had just said and opened his mouth slightly but closed it quickly thinking of what to say, you wasted no more time and got up from your chair. Before you start walking, you turn to the man behind you and give him a smirk and a wink before making your way through the crowd to go dancing, which sends shivers down his spine. Bob swallowed hard, as you disappeared further and further into the crowd of customers, the pilot couldn't help but stare at how your pants made your ass look nice. He looked up directly feeling guilty even though deep down he knew you didn't mind, or so he thought. The idea of ​​joining you crossed his mind but he was far too shy to dance in the middle of all these people. His eyes then fell on the beer he had bought you, he didn't wait another second and drank at once the liquid from the bottle.
Bob was not someone who drank alcohol and he regretted changing things once the burning sensation was no longer in his chest but in his throat, he put the bottle back on the table and got up a little too quickly which caused him to almost fall to the ground. He caught himself at the table and put his glasses back on correctly before heading to the center of the bar where most of the people were dancing. The blond made his way through the crowd and looked for you even if his vision played him a few times, he found you in the middle of the crowd dancing as if no one was around you. Bob watched you intently and froze in place, watching every move you made so intently. The first thing he noticed was the fact that you had taken off your jacket, you were now in a simple white t-shirt but before he could stop himself to look, you opened your eyes that you had kept closed and your gaze fell directly on the pilot who was no longer moving, you smiled and approached him keeping the rhythm of the song playing. You took his hands in yours and reproached him next to you, as you kept up the pace Bob looked like he was having a hard time finding him. You let go of his hands much to his sadness but you quickly put them on his shoulders and leaned closer to him.
“Let yourself go !” You say practically shouting because of the noise.
"I-I don't know how to do that." He confessed, making big gestures with his hands.
"Yes you know ! Don’t pay attention to others, just look at me and listen to the music. And then, it's done !” You explained before taking one of his hands in yours and pulling him towards the center with you.
The song ended softly and gave way to “Murder on the dancefloor”, as the first notes rang out in the bar you looked Bob straight in the eyes and smiled comfortingly at him before starting to move to the beat of the music. Astonishment Bob listened to your advice and let himself be carried away by the melody and closed his eyes shaking his head with the rest of his body, during all the music you never let go of his hand without really realizing it. It was as if this gesture was natural when you didn't even know each other a few hours ago.
You were so in your perfect little bubble that neither of you realized that all the pilots around the pool table were watching you intently, “Since when Bob can dance ?” Asked Coyote amused by what he was watching.
“No the real question is since when Bob interested girls ?” Asked Hangman with his eyebrows frowned.
Phoenix slapped him on the shoulder making him understand to shut up before rooster reacted, “Wasn’t it you a moment ago who made fun of her ?”
“I wasn’t making fun of her !”
“Yes you were-”
“No I wasn’t.” Interrupted Natasha. “I’m just too drunk and thought the idea that Y/N kinda liked Bob was crazy, but come one look at them ! He’s a little rabbit and her a real tiger but they’re really cute- plus Bob’s really nice and Y/N too-”
“Yeah you’re right you had enough drinks tonight.” Said Payback as he took the female by the shoulders to guided her outside, all the pilots followed and decides to call it a night.
When the music came to an end Bob opened his eyes again all smiles and paying no attention to anyone except the girl in front of him, he was only looking at you and couldn't look away. As you were about to speak, he crushed his lips on yours and placed one of his hands on your hip as he placed the other one on your cheek pulling you towards him. You were surprised at his gesture at first, surprised that he had enough courage when he seemed shy but you didn't think more and put your arms around his neck to stick you even more to him. Your lips moved in time with the music which made you smile through the kiss. His lips were soft just like him, your whole body was electrified by his touch and you could start to feel a warm sensation in your lower abdomen that you recognized all too well. Your hands moved in his curls but then you pulled out breathlessly to get some air, you moved slightly apart just enough to breathe but at no time did either of you remove your hands.
You breathed heavily but no one could hear it except him with the noise that was around, you raised your head to look at Bob and you observed that his cheeks but also the tip of his nose were red from to friction of your skins, which made you think again of the feeling of heat in the lower part of your body. You took the collar of his uniform and pulled him towards you to give him a simple kiss on his lips before whispering a sentence in his ear that Bob never thought he will heard one day.
“Please take me to yours and take off this horrible uniform.”
He swallowed hard and nodded quickly, you took your jacket that was on a chair and put it on before taking the blonde's hand back in yours, on the way to the door your eyes met Penny's who was smiling and shaking her head seeing you both. The pilot opens the door and the cool night air hits you suddenly which he notices, he steps closer to you and puts his arm around your shoulders to try to warm you up as much as possible.
“My car is right there.” He said pointing to his car.
Once in front of his car he opened the passenger door and you sat down thanking him, he walked around and quickly settled in his way before turning on the ignition and leaving the Hard Deck parking lot.
»» ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── ««
The trip to his apartment seemed like an eternity to you both even though he assured you that he only lived a few minutes from the bar since he was close to the base, during the travel he had set his hand on your thigh which only increased the feeling of warmth and the burning desire. Now you were both in front of the door of his house, while Bob was looking for the right key, you were clinging to his arm leaving him many kisses in the neck which destabilized him enormously but once he found the right key he turned to you and kissed you passionately turning the key in the lock. Once the door opened, he took you by the arm and pulled you with him inside without ever separating your lips from his. He then pushed you against the still open door what closed it and the noise of the slammed made you jump, you were now stuck between the wood and the pilot's body.
“Sorry.” Bob muttered between kisses realizing he might have pushed you a little too hard.
You didn't answer him but deepened the kiss to make him understand that the only thing you were waiting for was him to show you where the bedroom was, his hands went behind you and he pressed your body against his. You took the opportunity to put your arms around his neck again before he started walking with you in the middle of the corridor, he dragged you with him into one of the first rooms of the hallway and closed the door this time with his foot. He continued to walk towards the bed and tried to put you gently on it, even if his gestures remained abrupt, you sank a little more into the mattress since Bob remained glued to you. So you pulled away from him and caught your breath, "Please." You asked him.
“What do you want ?” He asked in a whisper.
With that he kissed you again before pulling away completely from you, you leaned back on your two elbows and watched him take off his shoes and then his uniform, you moved further into the bed without forgetting to take off your shoes and starting to take off the rest of your clothes. Once both in your underwear, the man sat with you on the bed and your make out session resumed just as soon. This time it wasn't just a feeling you were really hot and the burning desire in your stomach only grow more and more, it's as if the sun had entered the room. Your two bodies were so close to each other, it was as if you were one. You could almost feel every muscle every time he made a move, the only thing you opened up to was whimpering from the feel of his warm skin against yours. You put your right hand between your two hot bodies and caressed his abs which made him moan in turn, you were for the moment in control of the situation which you felt could escape at any moment. Bob reached his hands in front of your breast before planning a bit with the lace of your white bra, then he placed one of his cold hands behind your back and grabbed your bra clip to untie it, he quickly removed it and tossed it carelessly over his shoulder. He kissed your cheek before going down your neck and took his time to go through the entirety of your skin before going down even more, enough to get to your chest. As he was about to reach your breasts he stopped.
He looked up at you, “Can I ?”
You nodded quickly biting your bottom lip not really expecting that question but you thought that it was incredibly hot.
“‘kay.” He said simply in a whisper before finally taking off his glasses and reaching out to put them on the nightstand next to the bed.
He moved back in front of your chest and placed a simple and delicate kiss on the tip of your right breast which made you moan softly, a sweet melody that Bob wanted to hear again. So that's what he did, he kissed your breast harder and sucked your nipple while kneading the other with the help of his hand. You couldn't hold back, your whimpers were turned into moans much to the blond's delight. One of your hands worked its way through his hair before you dropped your head back, it felt so good.
He released your left breast from his hand and began to kiss it in turn, this time biting lightly on the tip of your nipple which made you moan again. The feeling was so good you couldn’t control your body and moans now, every sound coming from your mouth was controlled by the pilot. At the same time his hand, which was no longer occupied, slid along your skin and found the elastic of your panties. You felt two of his fingers go under the piece of fabric, unlike you his fingers were still icy against your hip as you were burning, the sensation of his hand so close to your core sending shivers down your spine.
He raises his head and you missed the feel of his lips on your chest already but he quickly replaced it with his lips on yours, Bob bit lightly on your bottom lip letting you know he wanted more. So you opened your mouth slowly and he took the opportunity to put his tongue through it, while you were trying to dominate during the kiss to take control of the situation again, you ended up admitting defeat and letting the male take control while the butterflies in your stomach were going to explode. As you felt your crotch getting wetter and wetter, you felt Bob's second hand reach the other side of your panties and pull it gently as if nothing had happened. Quickly you find yourself completely naked in front of him while he was still wearing his underwear then you felt something different deep inside you. Bob was laying kisses down your body starting with your cheek and then your neck but you were too deep in your thoughts at the time to really pay attention. You weren't used to being in a submissive position and yet Bob looked so shy at the bar but now he was confidant, so confidant. You felt small next to him, something you had never felt with anyone. Surprisingly you didn't mind, you were more surprised at your body's reaction to the blonde's actions. You snapped out of your thoughts when you felt heavy breathing on your pussy, you lifted your head from the pillows and looked at the pilot. You had been so preoccupied with your thoughts that you hadn't even felt him come down there.
“Can I ?” He asked once again with his big blue eyes on you waiting impatiently for you to answer him.
“Please stop asking me.” You answer with a needy and febrile voice.
He nodded and parted your legs slightly so he could put his head between them, he took your thighs in his hands and pulled you closer to him which made you laugh softly. He placed them on his shoulders and then placed a simple kiss on your clit which sent electricity through your whole body, you bit your lower lip not wanting to make too much noise but it was a failure when Bob started licking your pussy like a thirsty cat. You let the moans of pleasure that you couldn't contain any longer roll down your tongue. Once again your hands found their way into his curls as he continued to lick faster and harder, you buried the back of your head in the pillows. You had the impression that he had done this all his life, his nose was pressing down on your clitoris as he continued to lick up all of your juices.
“B-Bobby !” You moaned.
The blond let go of one of your thighs that was shaking without his grip and put his hand on your stomach so that his thumb could reach your clitoris and work on it. He pulled away from your crotch and moved his hand to where his head had been a moment ago, he let go of your clit and placed two of his fingers at your entrance. He got up and moved over to stand right next to you so he could see your face and kiss you, which he did before pushing his fingers inside you. Surprised you opened your mouth and grabbed his bicep which was right next to you, you looked him in the eye all the way and you could see an indelible smirk on his face.
“You’re so tight-” He whispered as he started moving inside of you.
“I- please.” You tried to form a sentence but it was impossible, what he was doing to you gave you too much pleasure to be able to say anything.
“Shh darling, let yourself go remember ?” He said as he repeat your own words from earlier at the Hard Deck.
Due to your inability to say anything, Bob took the opportunity to speed up the movements. His fingers were the perfect size, they went deep enough to find the spot that was going to make you cum. So deep in you that you were seeing stars right now, the sensation of burning in your stomach was definitely still there. He was able to hit the exact spot you wanted like as if he known your body by heart, your grip around his arm tightened and your legs were shaking so much you felt like you were going to explode at any moment. And while you felt it coming more and more Bob added his thumb again on your clit and play with it which made you cum hard on his fingers.
“Bobby !” You cried out in pleasure as your back arched.
The pilot leaned towards you pulling his fingers away and kissed you gently while you were still in a trance after what had just happened. He picked up a tissue that was on his nightstand right next to his glasses and quickly cleaned his fingers before giving you his full attention again. He leaned down and continued to kiss you, placing himself right on top of you, you put your arms around his neck to keep him as close to you as possible.
Out of breath you parted but he pressed his forehead to yours, “So…”
“It was intense.”
“Intense ?” He asked.
“Intense.”You confirm by closing your eyes a quick second before opening them again. “D-Do you want to continue or-”
“Like you want. I don't want to rush you.” He said honestly.
You kissed his lips before continuing, “Bobby I loved this moment but I think I'm too tired to continue anything.”You say shyly, afraid that he will react badly.
“No problem.” He said softly kissing your cheek before dropping on top of you making sure not to hurt you. He placed his head on the side of your neck and left a few kisses there, “Thank you for this moment.” He spoke again after a moment of silence.
“I should be the person to thank you, I didn't do anything.” You say, laughing softly before getting serious again. “Do you mind if I just take my panties back ?”
He rolled directly onto the mattress apologizing quickly, you assured him it was nothing and stood up to pick up your panties and your t-shirt. You put on the pieces of clothes and asked him where his bathroom was, he showed you the direction and you left the room. Once in the bathroom you quickly cleaned yourself with toilet paper then put it in the trash and fixed your hair by tying it in a bun, you looked at yourself in the mirror trying to realized what just happened. It wasn’t in your habits to do one night stand things but the moment was so good and you never thought you were going to say something like that but you felt a connection with the pilot. You didn't know what was going to happen tomorrow and you didn't want to think about it but you were sure it wasn't the last time you were going to hear about Robert Floyd You scratch your right shoulder as you start laughing at your reflection. “Oh my god.” You whispered.
When you returned to his room, Bob was lying on his back but he didn't turn around when you entered. You approached the bed cautiously and slipped in silently realizing that the man was asleep, you smiled at yourself and placed the covers correctly on both of your bodies. You approached him and put your arm around him to stay close before placing your head on his shoulder but as you closed your eyes you fell asleep immediately due to fatigue in the arms of one of the sexiest man you ever met.
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sv5sam · 3 months
I genuinely think drivers should start ignoring team orders or teams should just stfu
cuz max verstappen is not what's making the sport boring yk what does? Stupid team orders if a driver is not fast enough to overtake his teammate then he shouldn't pass if the only reason a driver out qualified his teammate is team orders then he didn't actually out qualify him
team orders of holding position is what's holding us back from having actual racing and fun battles for example (multi 21 seb) if Sebastian vettel didn't fight back and overtook Mark Webber we wouldn't have one of the most iconic battles and rively in f1 and that's what made the lewis Hamilton nico Roseburg era actually interesting insane rively and actually fun on track battles .
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shakooo · 23 days
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BTW GUYS!!! it's the first time i'm going to make a poll here and it's to ask you something that i've been thinking about for a while and it's about what i want to do to thank you and celebrate 1k followers here without your help k wouldn't be here like, i've never gotten this far on any art account JSKSJA (only on tiktok but we all know how numbers work on tiktok) BUT WHATEVER here are the options, which i haven't been able to decide on
DTIYS- well, obviously this would consist of doing a "draw this in your style", although i'm not really a fan of qualify the drawings(?? i don't think i'm capable of doing it yk
Magma- a magma canvas where some of us can draw together ^v^ i would love to do this one, but i hesitated because i don't really know how to moderate magma JAKSJAK
THE DRAWING-this last option was the one that made me think about doing the poll in the first place, since it would consist of a drawing (ofc about the onceler JSKSJSJ) where if you choose this option, you could make a cameo, you would give me your oc or your sona and i would draw them!! but, first of all, i needed know how many people would like to participate
BUT THAT!!, whoever you choose will be fine, after all, it's something i want to do to interact more with you guys!!
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melehound · 11 months
Small lil request(more like a question)
What’s ya take on the Mexican trio’s (Alejandro, Valeria and Rodolfo) type in women? 👀
Do any of em like thick/chubby girls? Skinny ones? Do they like a certain height or maybe hair length?
Do they like girls with muscles? Would they date inside or outside their race🇲🇽? Yk stuff like that, im tryin to see if ill be qualified enough to even look at them /j👀🤔
(I adore your posts btw, its like drinking a nice cold water when you wake up in the morning🫶🏽)
Thank you lol 😭
Los vaqueros + Valeria and their type!
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Alejandro Vargas
He says he doesn’t have a type but all of his ex girlfriends are thick and bossy
He definitely likes darker skinned women but honestly his two main staples are curvy and bossy
He does like to date inside his race more that’s just what he’s attracted to 🤷‍♀️
He likes a working woman, someone who knows what she wants and has ambition and a career if you wanted to settle down with him and become his house wife he’d be more than happy to take care of you
Rodolfo parra
Has a soft spot for chubby girls
He just thinks they are so beautiful he finds himself falling for all types of women he can’t even help himself
Big girls have this man clenching his heart and teeth in utter adoration 😭 he loves them sm
When it comes to work he wants to take care of you he wants you to be able to depend on him and if you want a career or go to school he’ll be more than happy to support you through that
She is definitely into all kinds of body types skinny, curvy, chubby, fat she doesn’t care she just wants who she wants
She likes to date around different races too she’s not super picky
She wants to take care of you you don’t need a job with her but if you wanted to keep working for whatever reason she’d be a bit protective giving you personal drivers to make sure you get to and from work
((✿: I don’t talk abt the los vaqueros much feel free to keep asking for them I love both of those men// Rudy has a little red nose it’s so cute 😭))
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littlegaybean1 · 5 months
Ok ok ok...
It's been almost 18 years since it aired, but who cares I'm talking about it anyway.
I've seen a lot of people hating on Cyberwoman. And yeah, I understand why. That costume choice was, er, quite something. But it's still my favourite episode and yk why? The build up. The plotline. And most of all the acting. Oh my god the acting. My favourite scene has got to be the tourist office, because oh my days have you seen the way Gareth David Lloyd plays Ianto? It gives me chills. After watching it, I rewatched Everything Changes and Ghost Machine because I never actually noticed Ianto in them, unless he's speaking. The only time you ever see him is when he intentionally draws attention to himself, which he rarely does. I watched them again, specifically focusing on Ianto. He's barely in them. He's one of the main 5 characters, but in the first three episodes he has one of the most minor roles. Like, you see him let Gwen into the Hub, delete the stuff she typed to make herself remember and see him introduced. That's it for episode one. And yes, everyone has a minor role in that, but you never actually see him as part of the team. He works alone, always.
Episode three really highlights that for me. He appears every so often with a funny comment. He has less screen time than Rhys. If it wasn't for the fact that I was actively thinking about him, I would have completely forgotten that he was there. One of his rare appearances really got to me - the ending. Jack gives him the ghost machine to put in the secure archives. That's normal, the archives are his area.
Except Jack doesn't even look at him. He just holds it out, like Ianto is a servant, not someone with years of experience dealing with aliens. Ianto worked at Torchwood One. He was the most qualified of anyone on that team when each of them joined. Owen was medically trained, but no experience with aliens. Tosh was a genius, but she had only experienced aliens through wrong blueprints of their technology, plus a charge of treason. Gwen had police training, nothing more. She got a job by being stubborn, and in the right place at the right time. Jack was reckless, dangerous, and did not want to join Torchwood. He only did it because he needed to do something in the 100+ years that he would be waiting for the Doctor.
Ianto had everything taken from him all at once, and nobody bothered to check on him. He looked fine, so they didn't give it any more thought. They of all people should know that that's not how it works. Ianto was repressing his grief, exhausting himself with the amount he worked both at his job and caring for Lisa. He never had any desire to cause anyone any harm. He was blinded by overwhelming grief. When humans experience loss, the automatic reaction is to cling to what you have. For most people, that means reaching out to friends and family, creating a support system. Ianto lost all his friends, all at once. We don't hear about his family until S3 (goddamn S3), but it's implied that they aren't close. I haven't listened to any of the audios, so if there's more to it than that then I don't know it.
Ianto had nothing, except an echo pretending to be Lisa. He did the most natural thing in the world, clung to what he had. Or at least, what he thought he had. Don't blame Ianto for the events of Cyberwoman. His actions correlate with normal reactions to grief. Yes, his actions were extreme. But so was his grief.
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