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amber-tortoiseshell · 2 months ago
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Elvenstar's Iris
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Ianto (@uss-genderprise)
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thegirlwiththeblush · 4 months ago
ianto being the concerned but mildly fascinated dad who’s somehow everywhere at once in the supermarket in Out Of Time is sending me, i love him
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hallaheart · 8 months ago
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"The soul of the Watcher is a difficult thing to describe. Imagine seeing a reflection of yourself in a mirror, but only when you aren't looking."
It's not a groundbreaking idea, but I had this visual idea when fleshing out Taliesin's past life as the Inquisitor and wanted to design what they looked like. Then after inking the sketches, got carried away as usual.
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littlegaybean1 · 1 year ago
Reasons why I hate each of the main 5 Torchwood members (these are the entire list of reasons unless I specifically say otherwise):
- cheating on Rhys then retconning him to forgive her for it
- the speech at the end of the episode Meat
- making Ianto feel insecure about where he stands in their relationship (yeah ik why but he should have told Ianto that)
- trying to force Ianto at gunpoint to execute what was left of Lisa
- not bothering to check on Ianto after the cannibals
- the way he dealt with Mary then didn't comfort Tosh
- the comment in the episode Meat about feeding the world, disregarding the amount of pain that the creature was in
- his sadistic enjoyment of trying to make Gwen and Rhys' relationship fall apart
- the stuff he said to Ianto in the episode Captain Jack Harkness
- the way he completely disregards Tosh and her feelings for him, they were obvious and Owen is smart enough to not be blind
- kicking Ianto when he'd already won the fight in the episode Captain Jack Harkness
- his general treatment of Ianto and Tosh
- literally nothing, everything he did that was morally grey/wrong was at least mostly justified
Can you tell my ranking of characters? I'm not sure if my no.1 is obvious at all, most definitely not clear, such a mystery.
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nyle-style · 2 years ago
I think more people should spend time thinking about Tosh and Ianto. Imagine how much of a duo they’d be. The shit they’d get into. Tosh invites Ianto over one night and they sit there watching cheesy movies all night. They pine over Owen and Jack together. Getting absolutely wasted at 2 am. They’d get into so much chaos around the hub. They’d convince Jack to try to ride Myfanwy. They’d fuck with Owen with some robot they found in the rift. The besties. The girlies. The dynamic duo. I think they’re neat.
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maxkirin · 5 months ago
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Tag yourself! 🔖
I bring up my friends on stream a lot, so here's a handy sheet for my new followers / long-time watchers who still think Chips & Cisca are the same person lmao
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starlalotta · 4 months ago
Something a friend said to me recently reminded me of a TW fanfic from years back, the only detail I remember is that Ianto’s mum? Maybe dad? Was a high up Unit official. Ring any bells with anybody? I’d love to figure out what it was and read it again :)
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its-that-gay-fox · 7 months ago
i'm so close to starting children of earth. i know what happens on day four. i'm so excited. i'm so scared for my mental health. i'm setting up the fixit fics tab on my phone. i'm either going to vanish or start talking about ianto every second of everyday. its probably the second option. will update on the situation once i've finished.
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ineffably-splendid · 1 year ago
For his 40th birthday, have some pics of Ianto’s shrine I took in early June 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
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googlylies · 7 months ago
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The color coding makes it look like ianto is a republican politician
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amber-tortoiseshell · 2 months ago
before 2024 ends i wanted to tell you this blog has consumed my mind and i don't think i will ever recover. every time i see a cat i have to id it. it gives me so much joy <3 thank you for making my life a little bit better and also for ruining all my friends' lives because i keep telling them about cat colours <3
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ianto says hi
Hello, Ianto and uss-genderprise! Thank you so much, this probably one of the best things ever said to me. I'm so glad i can be a source of joy in your life!
And i just want to tell you (and all my recurring followers here): thank you for making MY life a little bit better; i know a lot of you by username and i'm always happy to see you in my notifications <3
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found-family-tournament · 2 years ago
Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 17 Group 81
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Torchwood Team: Jack, Ianto, Gwen, Owen, Toshiko
MANKAI Company: Izumi Tachibana, Sakuya Sakuma, Sakuya Sakuma, Masumi Usui, Tsuzuru Minagi, Itaru Chigasaki, Citron, Chikage Utsuki, Tenma Sumeragi, Yuki Rurikawa, Muku Sakisaka, Misumi Ikaruga, Kazunari Miyoshi, Kumon Hyodo, Banri Settsu, Juza Hyodo, Taichi Nanao, Omi Fushimi, Sakyo Furuichi, Azami Izumida, Tsumugi Tsukioka, Tasuku Takato, Hisoka Mikage, Homare Arisugawa, Azuma Yukishiro & Guy
Submissions are still open!
Torchwood Team:
they're all absolutely horrible <3
MANKAI Company:
I'm so sorry for submitting 26 characters but it's important and they canonically consider each other family. I'm so sorry. But they're so important to me.
24 gay theater kids came together and found a home
They are a big group of people that range from teenagers to adults and it’s very nice to see their dynamics as they all go through theater with different eyes, between those who have a long life in front of them and are excited to do something new, and those others who feel like they are too old for this but still do it regardless, and like the way friendships are born between those people who seem so different yet have some similarities some past memories they relate to, or also see the adults trying to be there for the younger members it’s very cute I swear. You see even if I ramble here it’s hard to explain because I would explain 6 whole years of lore but yeah overall is just a situation of, people who seem different but find similarities between one another and do their best to help who struggles and are all bond by one single aim which is bloom on stage!
These are 25 individuals that all come from completely different backgrounds, situations, and experiences that all happened to come together by chance, and formed a tight bond and family that cannot be replicated. Sakuya Sakuma, a young orphan boy who found refuge from his troubling homelife through theatre, found himself a home within this small run down theatre company, and found a family through the people in it. This isn’t a Headcanon, A3! Is a found family story. Sakuya views everyone there as a member of his family, and it’s not just him. Misumi Ikaruga, a man kicked out of his home for being “different” (cough Autistic cough), finally found a family that accepts and loves him unconditionally. Taichi Nanao had been taught that you need to always be fighting your way to the top, and whoever gets hurt along the way is nothing but a necessary casualty. So being able to find a place that is willing to work and rise with him, and care for him along the way… and the theres Azuma, a man so heavily affected by the trauma he experienced as a child, and yet has pushed it so far down to the point you wouldn’t even know it by looking at him. But here, this god who knows how old man finally found it, that home he has been searching for, and a place where he can finally break down his walls. Sure, one could argue a3! Is 4 different found families, but you would be wrong. Yes, each troupe is important, however would you then deny the importance of cross troupe relationships? The four leaders, who all encourage one another to do better, Tsuzuru and Kazunari, who allow one another to finally be honest about their feelings, Azami and Kumon who are the definition of “boys being boys”, Sakyo and Azuma, two adults who seem well past the years of found family, who found solace in one another. A3! Is about people of all ages coming together to be a family. It doesn’t matter who you are, or where you come from. You could be just a random college kid off the road, or a former international spy, that doesn’t matter. Mankai has a spot for you, where you will be loved, accepted, and cherished.
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gmariam321 · 1 year ago
So I binge-read my biggest Torchwood fic this weekend. I'm still cringing over some of my writing, but otherwise you know what? It was still pretty good, particularly with plot and character. I'm proud of what I accomplished with my beta, who helped hash out so much of it. We had such fun working together! There's nothing like coming up with crazy ideas and figuring out a way to actually make them work. I also really like some of my original characters. Kind of makes me wonder why I don't ever write original characters with an original plot, but then I remember they need an original world, and I like the ready-made fictional worlds I write fanfic for. I have no real desire to build my own.
Anyway, the story was an alternate version of Children of Earth. I came to Torchwood after the series was over, but I think CoE did well in the ratings, didn't it? I feel like it was generally well received . . . until it wasn't. Aside from the devastating death of Ianto, there are countless plot holes that I'm guessing fans really started picking part online and then thought, hmmm, maybe it's not so good after all. We got some great Janto pics and gifs but their actual moments on screen were not the moments they could have been, you know? (True story: I convinced my parents and brother to watch it with me after they gave it to me for Christmas and at the end my dad had no idea Jack and Ianto were a couple. I think my mom figured it out but my dad totally didn't see it because it just wasn't enough. I still want to know why they were so weird from the beginning. I'm trying to remember if I wrote a story about it now...) And then fanfic exploded and there are now countless versions that are just..better. Stories that fix the plot holes of CoE and give Jack and Ianto the moments they deserved.
Fanfic really took Torchwood and elevated it. Sure, we wrote lots of smut (tentacles, anyone?) but we also gave relationships the depth we rarely saw on screen. We explained how Jack and Ianto came to be, even through all the new Big Finish revelations. We gave them real moments (and not just smutty ones.) We made them mortal and immortal. We saved Ianto countless times and let them travel the galaxy. We gave Gwen actual consequences and growth and even made her and Ianto good friends. We took the potential of the show, of 31 episodes and a few Doctor Who crossovers (sorry, I'm not counting the fourth season since most fanfic is set before it) and explored it over and over, showing readers not only what TW was but could have been. We filled in the missing scenes, expanded it, even rewrote it. I wrote over a hundred fics and probably read ten times that. What an amazing thing!
I'm so glad I was a part of it and have both good memories and some good stories to look back on. ❤️
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benevolenterrancy · 2 years ago
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it never rains but it pours...
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ashes0909 · 1 year ago
sometimes i remember ianto and it makes me sad.
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itsatorchwoodthing · 2 years ago
john barrowman singing “a thousand years” is the worst best thing that ever happened to this fandom
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