untethereddreams · 1 month
Watching the Carnival Job and had a revelation about why I connect with Eliot so much in particular, particularly after seeing that post about Eliot and children.
It's the way he chooses violence as a way to protect the weak, about how he'll do anything to keep the people he cares about safe. It's being the hitter and taking all the hits, of being a meat shield not only because it's his job but because it HAS to be his job because nobody else can take it. It's about the physicality of it all, of breaking his own rules because he, the things he believes in, the things that make him him, all of these things are less important than the people he loves.
It's Andy choosing violence and dying over and over again but she has to do it until she can't anymore. It's Dean soaking up all of John's abuse and turning himself into a weapon because he has to protect his little brother.
It's me, standing myself between my parents and my brother because I know I can take whatever they throw at me, I have before, but by everything that matters in this world HE will not, not because he can't, but because he shouldn't. No one should.
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themaymoth · 6 months
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the Evil King's daily routine💕🪞💘
✨yaaaayy another fairytale au, another day of Yin Yu dealing with his masters crush on the prince✨
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zanny-wat · 4 months
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My smol contribution for #yinyyuappreciationweek
Moon quartet + Quan Yizhen
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wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Yinning Yadda, 2023
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auchrauch · 5 months
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Yin Yu's fever Butterfly Dream is looking great
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kirstenly · 4 months
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Yin Yu Appreciation Week Day 1, In which Hua Cheng quietly delivers a threat expressing that Yin Yu is going on vacation, and he does not have a choice in the matter.
Day 1 Extra:
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zegalba · 1 year
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Yin & Yang Swans by Alan Schaller
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apofiss · 1 year
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Black cat, white cat (=`ω´=) ❤️
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sad-endings-suck · 9 months
💕the father, the son, the virgin mother, and the holy spirit✨
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(bottom right: art credit to polararts)
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yearning4u0nly · 1 year
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winterpower98 · 3 months
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Sorry for the very random burst of inactivity, life has just kept me busy and my kitten has kept me tired, so not a lot of time or energy to do much.
I am still planning on updating the Cursed AU and the Swap AU, I have been mostly writing things down in my free time since I can't draw as often.
But I got some time put aside to work on some small redesign of my favorite villains, so I hope that's enough for me to be forgiven!
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untethereddreams · 2 years
MC Prior Relationship Tag Game!
I was tgged by @mjjune and am tagging @writingamongther0ses @ettawritesnstudies and @ryns-ramblings
As always let me know if you don't want to be tagged and there's no pressure to participate :)
So, what relationships (platonic, romantic, anything) have your main chracters had before the beginning of your stories?
WHEaT is by far my most developed fic so I'm gonna go with Yining
She's not had many opportunities for healthy relationships since she was perpetually under the manipulative control of guardian figures, a lot of which consists of highly traumatic events I'm debating if I should write. However, while growing up she was quite close with Hua'er, Yu'er, and Xiaoshitou, who were also raised in the brothel. Hua'er and Yu'er, twins, became the top billing courtesans and Xiaoshitou became the head chef. After she was sold by Madam Lan to the General, Yinning was sent to a school for soldiers and, secretly, assassins. There, she fell in love with another student and they had a secret and intense relationship. When the General found out about it from his spies, he sent Yinning's lover away to the front lines of a war, where he was killed.
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solacestea · 5 months
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popsigills · 1 year
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got the template from @oshikasa
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lilith-91 · 5 months
Damn atla fandom is always looking for the yin/yang dynamic and "soulmates" trope when in the canon series it's literally...... Zuko and Aang
I mean, Sokka IS absolutely Aang's best friend and brother, but the soulmates platonic bond belong to them
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Enemies to friends, opposite elements in terms of temperament, both related to Roku and Sozin, both have "restore my honor" thing, both have scars from Azula, "the Avatar bring Zuko hope" line etc etc
They are meant to be friends bonded by the universe (Roku and Sozin again, hello?) and their respective paths were constantly intertwined. You learn about their backstories BY PARALLELS, BY DREAMS
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“The storm” and "The Avatar and the Fire Lord" are two of my favorite episodes because it really highlights how their fates are intertwined
They are THE narrative foils of the series. From episode 1 until the very end you know they are connected
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I mean look at Zuko here
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You can’t tell me Zuko didn’t think about this convo/experience in general all the time before switching sides. He’s not angry or disappointed. He looks contemplative, like what Aang said really got to him, even if he doesn’t know it yet.
Aang couldn't never hate Zuko because he knew why Zuko was the way he was and Zuko was obsessed with him for 3 seasons.
In the end they are presented together side by side as the Fire Lord and the Avatar. Their union is what will bring peace
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But since it's not a "romantic connection" this relationship is ignored bruh
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kirstenly · 6 months
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I drew this stupid thing because of a short conversation I had with @th3-tr4sh-b0y about how hua cheng PROBABLY spent 800 years microdosing actual trash in preparation for Xie Lian's Treasured Royal Cooking. lmfao...
Edit: i fixed some of the colouring gaps
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