#yes i’m insecure as hell yes i think i’m the god of this world. we exist
hearteyedfeelings · 6 months
That CON VER SA TION WOWEEEE. So so needed and for so so long. Just gonna type my inital thoughts cause I want to and why not.
Laudna. Dear Laudna, oh you poor loveable naive dummy. (Said with so much love). She grew up alone. Yes she had her parents and maybe the odd friend here or there but she grew up alone. And then she died in the most horrific way, alone. She woke up alone. She then spent 30 years of her life alone- but this time even more so with her own killer in her head feeding her.
And then she met Imogen, beautiful capable Imogen. A light in her lonely life, the first real light. Now she’s seen Imogen grow in power, in confidence. And she feels like her loneliness, her insecurity, her own head is bringing the love of her life down. She thinks she’s keeping her from flying but she doesn’t realize she’s keeping her from flying too high.
Imogen has been on step away from falling in with Predathos since she first felt the pull. The only thing, just like the words out of Imogen’s lips, the only thing that’s keeping her grounded is Laudna. Imogen’s heart is out walking around as a dead but not so dead woman with a rat bird as a familiar. Without her she’s, well we saw, she’s desperate. Willing to bargain with the her love’s killer to get her back. She’s sleeping with her dead body and ready to fight the Lord and Lady of Whitestone, the city of Whitestone. She tore down a city block, she exhalted, she crawled into hell after her. Laudna is Imogen’s tether, her red thread wrapped around her wrist, without her there isn’t.
Without Imogen- Laudna doesn’t have her light, her anchor keeping her from falling back into the dark.
Without Laudna Imogen flies too high never to be seen again.
They’re co-dependent. They’re ready to destroy the world to get the other back. They never want to leave one another. They want to protect each other above all else- the gods, Predathos, Exandria be damned.
They’re also scared.
Laudna is scared she’s holding Imogen down.
Imogen is scared Laudna will leave her and fall away.
They’re ride or die in the worst and best ways. I’m so curious to see how their story goes. I’d like to believe they have a happy ending though. Maybe. Probably not, but hey it’s good to have some hope and crazier things have happened eh? It’s D&D after all.
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half-oz-eddie · 1 year
Steve hated ordering food. He had terrible ordering anxiety. Thank god for DoorDash, kiosks and other various apps the overwhelming world of technology offered, that no longer forced him to talk to complete strangers. He’d been taking speech therapy for months because he mumbled and had trouble enunciating his words. He was terribly insecure about speaking in public. His therapist said he was making progress, though.
Recently, a small coffee shop opened up near his house, likely mom and pop owned. It was never crowded, the staff was a small handful of people—two guys and three girls.
Steve wanted to sit in this quaint coffee shop and read his favorite magazine (a physical copy, of course.) Ebooks took away the stimulating pleasure of page flipping, so Steve had to go out and get a copy on the 5th of every month.
With his magazine in hand, he stood outside of the coffee shop, staring at the specials in the window, then scrolling through his phone, searching for the option to order online.
…There wasn’t one.
“Oh man.” Steve sighed to himself. He really really wanted to go inside. He rocked back and forth, humming and tapping his thumb on the side of his phone…contemplating.
It wouldn’t be that hard, right? Just go inside, order a…well nothing too complicated. Maybe a cookie Frappuccino? Simple enough. Sounded tasty. He loved cookies. They were his comfort snack.
He took a deep breath, told himself to be brave, walked inside and took a look around. It wasn’t too bright, the music wasn’t too loud. It was quiet and ambient. Nothing to trigger sensory overload like the other coffee shops. This was nice.
“Hey, can I help you?”
Steve turned his attention to the barista, following his warm, welcoming voice. His eyes were so blue, he observed, before pointedly looking away.
“Uh…can I get a…medium cookie Frappuccino?”
“You got it.”
Steve fixated on his magazine, waiting for his order.
“Here ya go.”
Steve grabbed the cup, a disappointed frown forming on his face when he read the name on the cup.
Who the hell was “Stan”?
The barista smirked at him, and he forced a smile in return, before finding a table in the back of the coffee shop.
Maybe his speech therapy wasn’t working. Maybe the barista misheard his name because he’s still mumbling.
Maybe he was just nervous.
The Frappuccino was delicious. He planned to try again tomorrow.
The next day was the same. His name was written incorrectly on the cup again!
This time, the barista wrote “Steele”
‘God, I’m such an idiot. Why can’t I say my name right?!’
The third times a charm, hopefully…
Steve went home and practiced saying his name loud and clearly.
“Steve. Steeeve. My name is Steve.”
He recorded himself saying his name and played it back.
It sounded nice and clear to him. He even called his friend Robin who told him he sounded very clear, then wished him good luck.
The big day arrived. This time, he’d make sure the barista heard him clearly.
“Hi!” He greeted in a slightly raised voice, then glanced at the barista’s name tag. “Billy!”
“Hey…want your usual again?”
“Steve. My name is Steve.”
“I know your name, Steve. Why are you talking so loud?” The barista narrowed his blue eyes.
“Because you kept…writing the wrong name on my cup. I thought I was mumbling. I do that. A lot. Bad habit.”
“No—I heard you. I was just teasing you because I think you’re cute. Thought you’d give me shit for it, maybe correct me and then I could comeback with something sly and give you my number. Had it all planned out in my head but you’d just take your cup and sit down. I figured you weren’t interested.” He shrugged.
Steve furrowed his brows, then laughed. “I had no idea what you were doing. I just thought you couldn’t hear me.”
“Sorry about that. I could hear you. And…I’d like to hear you more often. Maybe we can exchange numbers?”
“I’m really not that good with phone calls. Do you like texting?”
Billy shook his head. “I’m not good with texts. Can’t really pick up on tone that well. I suck at it.”
“But…what if I mumble or-or flub my words a lot? Or ramble?” Steve asked worriedly.
“Steve, you’re so cute, I could listen to you say a whole lot of nothing for hours. Plus, I’m a great listener.” He leaned forward on the counter, making Steve’s heart race when Billy’s hand briefly brushed against his. “And I could hear a pin drop. Just gimme a chance?”
Steve nodded with a wide grin. “Okay.”
“Yeah?” Billy was elated.
“Still want that frap?”
“I do. It’s really good.”
“Whose name should I write on the cup? Sterling?” Billy teased.
“Stop it!” Steve laughed, relieved to know it was a joke, and not his own fault.
“Hey, can I join you? I’m about to take a break.”
“Sure. I like to sit here and read magazines. I have an extra car magazine if you’re interested.“
“You kidding?” Billy smirked. “I fucking love cars. I’ll be right with you.”
Steve sat at his usual table, excitedly rubbing his hands together.
Turns out, that speech therapy worked a lot better than he thought.
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scootvideo · 1 year
Do you deal with 3p with you celeb SP? Could you give any advices if yes? Love your blog💖
I DO!!! Third parties are a ANNOYING ASF, I’m a very sensitive person and when I see someone else close to the one I love I feel PHYSICAL PAIN (IM NOT EXAGGERATING)
There are three methods to deal with this:
1. Denying Method
- SP and X are dating
- Uh? What? No they are not. SP is literally obsessed with me. They are just very good friends ;)
- SP and X are the perfect couple
- Yeah sure, and the sky is red.
- SP loves X
- Yeeeaaah sure.. and my dad is The Rock…
2. Fourth party Method
- SP and X are dating
- Wait isn’t X with this other guy? Yeah, I saw it on instagram and they look so cute together, X looks much happier now…
(You can ship them with someone or just think that X going out with someone else…)
- X is so much happier with their new partner… They are just so perfect for each other
3. Nonexistence Method
- SP and X are dating
- Who is X? Never heard of them
(Don’t have more examples for this method 😭. This is literally ignore their existence. If they don’t exist to you THEY DONT EXIST, that’s just what is like to be God)
Important Tips:
- Don’t compare yourself: THIS IS THE WORST MISTAKE YOU COULD MAKE. I’m guilty of doing this all the time but you just HAVE TO KNOW that:
They will never be you. They could dress like you, act like you, like the same things you do… But they will NEVER be you, because you are JUST you, and your SP ONLY likes you, ONLY loves you, AND X WILL NEVER BE YOU
- Work on your Self Concept: This comes linked with the first tip, you have to KNOW that even at your worse THEY ARE HEAD OVER HELLS OVER YOU.
You could look like cockroach (you don’t), you could smell like a fish (you don’t), you could be the most boring person in the world (you’re not), but that doesn’t matter, cause they are OBSESSED OVER YOU.
How many times you’ve seen your best friend crushing over the ugliest man ever? SO WHY, YOUUUUU (GODDESS LOOKING HUMAN), ARE INSECURE ABOUT “oh will they find me attractive🥺” ?
- Block them if necessary: I know that this tip can’t be applied by everyone, but if you can do it, DO IT. Sometimes, us humans, are self destructive, we like to torture ourselves looking at their profile and staring at them with jealousy and hatred. ITS NOT WORTH IT. Keep your energy positive and don’t waste it on someone who is not even a threat.
THATS ALL!!! Thank you sm for reading and being here with me, hope the tips help <3
Btw thank you for enjoying my blog annon!!
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jordynbreeloa777 · 8 months
hey i just wannna ask you this question on how do you handle being religious and using loa at the same time . ths shit really make me avoid using loa and feeling guilty that i am doing something wrong lol .
also i love yr acc so muchhhh <3333
Hey anon! This topic is very important to talk about which i feel like hella ppl dont. I am Christian and was raised in a religious household. I found out about the law and it’s like every door opened for me. I was spiritually awake. I still do believe there is an outside creator since how could how look at the world, and say there isn’t one? I still use to believe in angel numbers, zodiac signs/astrology and the universe to. But i never believed in “Christian witches” and things of that nature. It’s kinda like pick a side and stick with it to me. I always felt guilty about it but then I realized what is we put on earth for? With the law i finally am getting everything i wanted so desperately and craved for just by being my own god, and creator. I do still feel guilty but I realized i have to put me first, and I’m done being a victim of my own reality. I still do believe in heaven or hell, since no i dont believe in reincarnation like Neville Goddard did, but I do think that when the time is right hopefully i can return back to being religious since I still have a though in the back of my head saying God is real and He does exist. I’m at the point of my journey where it’s kind of spiritual warfare a little bit. Like which side? Who do I go to in order to have faith? A man in the sky, who HAS DONE AMAZING THINGS IN MY LIFE, or myself? Since i dont know that if i was praying and assuming that if I ask God and pray 10 times a day he would give me what I granted or did I manifest that because i had the core assumption that me and His relationship together is close, and He will make my life easy. I still dont even know my own answers but do I think he is real, yes. Would I manifest for my family to stop being Christian no. Maybe i will return back to faith, but now I am loving my life. Finally i can say that. I love being in control of every little thing and aspect, and getting what I want because I know where the power comes from. me. it all starts within, always have, and always will.
Guilty, yes sometimes I do. I still identify as Christian, even though it’s wrong because I’m tore in half of what I want. I do like to be extremely careful with the “god” affs as long as it’s a lower case G. I do also realize a lot of people in the community don’t really talk about this. For a while, it did make me avoid loa, even though we never stop manifesting. I didn’t manifest and took a break for a year, and my life was hell. I was ugly, insecure, got bullied, bad grades, no friends, home life wasn’t all that good, wasn’t good at sports everything. This is such a good topic to touch on, and I may edit and add more in the future because i could talk about this for days on end. now that I’m spiritually awake, I don’t fully know what to side with. Do i enjoy getting every thing I want without knowing for sure or at least having the faith in an afterlife? Or be fully devoted Christian, and be unhappy with myself on how I look, or that my sp isn’t in love with me? Why would I stop now if I found the golden key? I finally have a say in what i want in my reality why would I stop now if everything been going in my favor?
I hope this answered since I still go to a Christian school which I’m not going to manifest away, but I don’t read the Bible and pray as much anymore. I would rather affirm and get every single thing I want in my own power and control then be a victim. I’m done with that. Even though It did feel so good when I prayed and got tingles in my heart, i still don’t know what i want for sure. Right now I am religious and usingLOA.
Hope this answered anon<3 Also thank you for liking my blog!💝💝
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liauditore · 1 year
Pssst if you’re still doing the shipping bingo, how would team rancher/solidaritek fill your bingo board?
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ok but.. real talk i think ranchers is like. my number two "I actually ship this no strings or footnotes attached" ship right after ethubs.
I am usually not one to be moved by ships that are just "they are fun and healthy together and love eachother" but oh GOD the ranchers. See I think the thing is they just.. make sense for eachother even if you don't expect it until the point they realise they're soulmates.
Jimmy's situation has been talked about to hell and back at this point but Tango is also very out of his element in the life series. He says himself that pvp is not his specialty and he doesn't have the time or resources to make his skill set shine. So he ends up either somewhat ignored or outcasted for most of the games. (<-- fyi fun fact this is where the whole 'mech pilot tango' idea came from lol. i feel like he'd have a dva-style mech outside of the life series)
In particular i LOVE his relationship with team BEST and I NEED desperately to talk abt it more. the way he's constantly talked over by his own teammates, intimidated, asked to sacrifice his own lives for their sake, "tango's Easy", etc. etc.
‘Cause inside, nothing’s fine It should be clear to prying eyes But I won’t let the feelings See the light So tell me, why should I even try? I’m frozen away in time
(Koala, Will Stetson)
They both have this habit of hiding their own insecurities behind a facade of boisterousness, but no matter how much either of them puff out their chests and raise their voices, their message of "please take me seriously" never seems to get through.
The Ranchers are just.. two losers against the world. and they inspire confidence within the other that they can't find in themselves. and yes the world forces them apart but you can Feel that influence they've had on one another in the background.
Guess I went and caved I wonder, is there another way? Because I want to believe That one day I’ll be okay So now, I’ll give it another try I can finally see with a clearer mind Even if the bumps in the road Might try to stop me, Still it’ll be alright Keeping it inside Isn’t clearing up the sky So you tighten your hand in mine Following the light like a cute Koala Laughing in stride
Plus I, uh... Unhinged but I have this thing with the life smp where there's this running theme throughout the story about how it doesn't really matter who wins or who dies first.
Because for every epic battle and every tear-jerking death there was fun and laughter and stupid, trivial drama before and in between and those little moments may not be as memorable or written down in history but they're what makes the series enjoyable. Yes, we're all gonna die, but isn't it cool that we laughed with eachother and made dumb jokes and adopted a frog and said "I love you" on the way there?
j-just like real life. life smp. evangelion moment im sorry
Though both of us will die one day Though this life is useless anyway When you’re here by my side, you make me feel like it’ll be okay And yet we laughed despite it all At this life which has no meaning at all Two lonely and broken souls leaning on each other’s sides I’m glad that you’re you, that I’m me, and for us two I’m kinda glad that you’re evil too When the day starts anew, hope I spend it with you I’m glad that I fell in love with you
(I'm Glad You're Evil Too, Rachie/Anthong translyrics)
The Ranchers epitomize that.
They are doomed. They both know this, I think. Neither of them can fight, they're left begging for scraps by session 2, no one on the server takes either of them seriously and they lost a life literally like 10 minutes into the first episode.
But they built a home together, raised livestock, stood up for eachother. and they were happy together.
and isn't that what really matters?
and neither of them are even aware of how much they really meant to the other one. the game ends. tango tells jimmy to go home. go. they certainly don't break up to the extent of Some Other Pairings In This Series but i like to think tango distances himself, thinking jimmy would be happier with his friends and not stuck with him. jimmy thinks the same. but they still wave hi and call eachother rancher and now they're running a salad restaurant together or something i guess.
It's just.. everything that gets the two of them condemned and made fun of in their other relationships is what's Celebrated in theirs. They can just be themselves, mistakes and silliness and imperfections at all, with no pressure to perform amazing feats and make amazing stuff and I think that's great.
um yeah i like ranchers.
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elysian-drops · 5 days
Hello there!
Little question that might come off as weird but I’ve had it in my head ever since reading the Jealousy Has Thorns chapters. I know Voldemort is very jealous and would most likely kill anyone who touches Harrie but I’m wondering if she does willingly cheat (kiss, sleep or love someone else) how would that changes the dynamic between her and Voldemort ? How would he react ? Besides the obvious violence he would impact on the other party involved, it’s quite clear he can’t hurt her or kill her. Would that be a case of “cheat on me, give yourself to someone else and you will regret it for the rest of your life” or “nothing will ever be the same between us, you’ve betrayed me” or both and something else ? How do you think this would impact the dynamic between them long-term and their relationship? Would they ever recover ?
If you’ve made this far thank you I would love to hear your thoughts !
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Oh my god, anon, stressing me out with this imagined scenario. I love it 😂 But no, it’s not a weird question at all!
I think it would be a little of both, as you suggested, and depend on the "severity” of said cheating. I think if it was solely physical, then he would be more okay with it (and kissing/fooling around more so than actually have sexing). Of course, this isn’t to say he’d be fully fine with it— and yes, like you theorized the person she cheated with probably wouldn’t be long for the world— but I believe he would eventually come around to begrudgingly accept it, especially if it was something that only happened once or twice. In his mind, the rational would be that she was probably curious as to what being intimate with others felt like (seeing as V was her first), and would chalk it up to that. We do know Harri leans towards bisexuality (given her crush on Ginny and Cho)— so if she slept with a woman, then it would be even easier for V to say it was an impulsive curiosity. Overall, I can see him being jealous when he finds out, but not allowing it change their relationship too much. That being said, this scenario is for further into the future when their relationship is more well-established (if she happened to sleep with someone else right now, it’d be catastrophic— he’s too insecure when it comes to Harri’s affections to be presently fine with it). Of course, I can also see V interpreting her cheating as a challenge, the possessive bastard he is 😅😂 Turn it into a whole ‘make her tell him, in explicit detail, everything she did with the other person so he can outperform them and prove he’s better’ situation 😂 😏
Where it gets reeeaaall messy though is when feelings are involved 😬Fooling around without any attachment is one thing— but fooling around and developing feelings? Yeah 😅 I personally can’t ever see him recovering from it if Harri told him she loved someone else. In that scenario, it would mean she was choosing them over him and saying what /he/ can offer her— his affection, his loyalty, his everything— wasn’t enough, nor will it ever be. At least when it’s limited to the purely physical, she would still have an /emotional/ attachment with V— but remove that? Yikes. Just yikes. We know he doesn’t handle rejection well, thanks to his childhood trauma, and that he suffers from deeply-suppressed doubts of self-worth. In fact, one of his greatest fears is just that: Harri will come to reject him for not being ‘good enough’ (which I could write an entire paragraph about how that’s tied into his ego and psyche to the point he worries his own soul will find himself lacking— but I digress). Anyway, Harri would be confirming these doubts and I truly believe it would absolutely devastate him. Push him right to the extremes, you know? Plus, as you’ve pointed out, he’s an insanely jealous individual who doesn’t know how to share or deal with competition for Harri’s affection. Hell, he already has difficulty coping with the fact she has preexisting /platonic/ relationships— so never mind a romantic once. Also, I think the intensity of his reaction would depend on /when/ she meets this person: was it someone she knew /before/ her life with V? Or was it someone she met while they were together? Because if it’s the former, then there might be the potential— and let me stress this word might— for a degree of understanding since it would be a pre-established relationship. But if it was someone she met afterwards? Well, it would only compound his feelings of inadequacy/serve as proof to it.
I gotta be real with you though, it would be a very, very bleak situation if she ever said she loved someone else. Turn it into a ‘Dead Dove’ situation real fast 😅 I don’t see him ever trusting her again and, frankly, giving up on having a relationship with her entirely. Basically, he would shut down— and not in a ‘I’m going to cry myself to sleep every night’ way, but in a ‘I’m turning off my humanity’ way. In order to cope, he would seek to distance himself from her and the memories of what they once were by viewing her as /only/ a vessel for his soul. To that end, I could see her being locked away somewhere without any social interaction— and then, maybe after a couple of decades, only having V sporadically visit her. There would be a lot of denial on his part that he’s hurt by her betrayal— because he’s ‘Lord Voldemort’ and is above such trifling emotions (or so he’d tell himself)— and this would manifest in how he acts going forward 😅 All of that progress/emotional growth we’ve seen would be obliterated as he becomes closer to the tyrant portrayed in the canon (though probably worse, to be honest) and force Harri to watch as he burns the world down. For the first few months following her betrayal, he would target her weaknesses— just to make her hurt— and wouldn’t have any qualms about breaking his promise on harming those she cared for. Hell, he’d do it in front of her, even—a very much so ‘if I can’t have you, no one can’ mentality. I can even picture him going full sadist mode and having her either kill her lover herself, or keep them around for a few decades to torture. Basically, it would bring out the /absolute worst/ in him. I mean, this is the same guy who skinned a man alive and beheaded a house-elf like it was just another Tuesday 😅😅 He definitely has it in himself to be extraordinarily cruel and vicious, and her betrayal would be the final straw.
Overall though, I don’t think he would look favorably upon cheating of any sort— but he would be able to process/justify one kind more easily than another and move forward. But also tell me why I lowkey want to write the second scenario now……. 😬🤭 Maybe as an alternative ending sort of situation? 😂 Anyway, I could write a lot more on this, but this answer’s getting pretty long as it is— so I’ll leave it here for now!
Thanks for the question and the food for thought! 💕
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mylittlenookcorner · 23 days
This is just a brain dump because I finished reading The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon, and this book got me in a chokehold. If I don’t let it out some way I think I will explode.
I honestly haven’t read a book in so long that represented POCs like Priory where being a POC is not them being insecure or that their whole plot line or personality. They are in depth characters with goals and journeys they go through, they have their own passions and beliefs they hold so dear to their hearts that seem unbreakable, but develop an open mindedness to learning, growing and forming a deeper understanding of the world beyond their own beliefs. They are badass magical warriors who are so so vital to the plot. They’re not just there to coddle or be side characters. They are given the biggest spotlight to shine and grow!
Samantha Shannon writes them so beautifully and so strong with so much care and love! And the queerness of the characters. Oh my god. How natural and normal it is in the Priory world is gorgeous! Imagine living in a world where you’re not chastised the slightest bit for loving who you love. The Queen of the greatest kingdom falls in love with her handmaiden and the repercussion that followed was due to rank difference, not because they’re two women.
As a bisexual woman of colour, I can’t emphasise how much joy and love I have for this book. Growing up it was difficult to find literature where LGBTQ+ characters were the protagonists in genres I gravitate towards, let alone LGBTQ+ people of colour! Not in the mainstream and popular media at least in the early-mid 2010s when I was a teenager (will not disclose my age but yes, I am this old). I’m sure a lot of people my age can relate to this, but the world is expanding with literature and media a lot of us were searching for when we were younger.
What a beautiful thing that is, right?
And, honestly, all the characters! They’re so fleshed out and unique. Sabran is complex and such an interesting character with her own pain from societal pressures as Queen, to produce a daughter for her line, etc. She did annoy me at times in the beginning. I found her a little bratty but in my opinion? She didn’t know any better and to watch her character development was stunning. High key grew into probably the best ruler of Inys ever had. Even Niclays, honestly. Man’s sanity was hanging on by a thread and got himself in the worst situations known to man, but his downfalls and breakdowns were so entertaining. Loth’s journey was so stressful and this guy had one crisis of faith after another, but he’s one of my favourite characters, for real. He’d go to hell and back for his friends, he loves his sister so dearly and it just melts my heart what he’d do for the people he loves.
And goes without saying Ead & Tané: god-tier characters! My badass warrior queens! Both so stubborn and passionate and strong and flawed! They parallel each other, they have so many similarities but so unique from each other!
I may or may not shut up about Priory for a while, but I do have a few more books in my TBR I’m dying to read in the next coming months. That includes the prequel, A Day Of Fallen Night. I can’t wait to sink my teeth into that one!
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gofancyninjaworld · 1 year
Call this the anti-Scooby gang plot
Wait, what?
So, the latest manga chapter of One-Punch Man (update 231, online: chapter 184, fan-translation: chapter 186) may be similar to chapter 108 of the webcomic, but it's Not The Same. And one of those differences is very important:
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Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoaaaaa. Scheduled? SCHEDULED? Leaks scheduled by who? Why?
Yes, I know it's the Neo-Hero scouts. I'm shocked that they're that confident that Genos will choose to jump ship rather than go to the HA and tell them that there's an organized smear campaign planned against them. Yes, they're right that Genos has no loyalty to the HA. Still, that takes some balls: that could go so badly wrong.
So, these scouts must have approached, what, at least a dozen of the most powerful heroes on the planet and told them about plans to undermine the Hero Association.
We know that the S-Class heroes in the manga are an astute bunch and that they're not too proud to talk to each other and take joint action. If they wanted to foil the Neo Heroes, they could. Seriously, imagine Genos thought the HA needed protecting. Imagine that Child Emperor thought the same. Imagine that Fubuki saw the curiously insecure back end of the HA's servers and thought 'damn, I need to warn them and see to it that something is done' rather than think how she might extract advantage from it.
Why aren't they? Because no one loves the Hero Association.
How do you misuse me? Let me count the ways
And why would they? The Hero Association was founded specifically so that the individuals who feel themselves moved to do good in the world wouldn't have to choose between doing good deeds and making rent, but in a hundred little (and not so little) ways, they've shown heroes that they're not at the centre of the organisation.
Shit pay
The shit pay is a frequent plot point. I've spoken already about Tatsumaki apparently unable to afford a good home. When the number two hero lives in a shitty old house, think how bad it has to be for everyone else. If they were coining it in, Metal Bat would have a nanny for Zenko so he could afford to work full-time as a hero rather than only during school hours. He's one of their longest-serving and most loyal heroes.
Terrible benefits
Instead of helping, the HA reads it as his being uncommitted and punishes him with low ranking (and corresponding worse pay). Just like IRL organizations treat working mothers. Hell, the HA has been positively vindictive in how slow they've been to raise Metal Bat's rank. Despite spotting his talent early, when the other low-ranking heroes were swept up into the newly-created Class S six months after founding the HA, do you know when they put him in Class S? A year ago.
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You put it together and go 'wait, so for a year and a half, Metal Bat's had to watch heroes far weaker and less capable than he is be promoted over his head while he barely makes ends meet?' You start to understand why hero relationships are so often fraught.
It's a burning indictment of the Hero Association that Metal Bat jumped ship on being offered child care. If the Hero Association's standards of care were any lower, they'd be subterranean. They didn't deserve his loyalty.
The Hero Association pays its heroes the bare minimum they can get away with, despite collecting billions on their behalves. It's interesting to note that almost every hero on their roster is a young, single man. I remarked on this demographic seven years ago on Reddit. I know, what was I thinking? That the membership there had eyes and brains -- so foolish. As the story has progressed, I'm vindicated on this.
Yes, a lot of hero work is hard and physical, but that's not the whole story. Anyone with a family to support or caring responsibilities will find themselves pushed out -- god forbid your parents grow old. Add to it that they don't encourage teamwork or cooperation and the isolation of it will repulse a lot of women. Good, strong, capable ones. And as the story shows, there are a lot of them out there:
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in a big population, even a small proportion of people is a sizeable demographic -- the HA has put off a lot of people who could have helped
Not to mention that as soon as you start thinking of marrying, you'll leave, even if you're the sort of loser dude who hates the idea of a man doing 'women's work'. Because you know that the HA is not going to be there for you or your family if you get hurt, and while you're okay taking risks for your own sake, subjecting your family to the same... no thank you. Sekingar's then-fiance making him choose between being a hero and marrying her really comes to mind.
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Leaving aside poor pay and benefits, let's talk more broadly about the industrial relations disaster that exists between HA management and the heroes.
Disrespectful names
Shitty disrespectful hero names that leave their recipients feeling bullied, and no good way to change that name.
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Inadequate, inconsistent support
The total lack of an effective mentoring program, not to mention the unreasonable and even unethical demands on them:
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Not to mention an excessively harsh disciplinary regime
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A lack of anyone actually looking out for heroes
We watch Busho, a junior official, try to get better conditions for the heroes on the ground and see his appeal go nowhere.
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Disastrous leadership
The fact that most of the executives appear to be just... wet. People who have position but nothing behind it to inspire respect:
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The fact that heroes are hurting with the desire to see actual competent leadership:
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Sleazy practices that offend heroes:
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It all adds up to not what heroes signed up for
Anyway, the important thing is that heroes, ALL HEROES, are working to make the world a better place. They aren't there to be loyal employees. If someplace else will let them work as heroes with less nonsense, they'll move.
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No love lost
And that's why the heroes who could stop this Neo Hero plot right here, right now, aren't lifting a finger. It's like watching the Scooby Gang get told who's behind the creepy funfair at the outset, shrug, and go, 'eh, let him get away with it.'
Probably the only hero who actually cares about the Hero Association is Metal Knight, as he literally built a lot of it. But he's fucking furious at the top brass right now, for good reason. He probably thinks they deserve to suffer a little.
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The heroes have no idea what kind of evil they're letting into the world. But then again, none of them are Madame Shiwababwa.
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edge-oftheworld · 6 months
“yknow as a fandom I think we could do a better job of appreciating Sierra Deaton”
No just have less appreciating Sierra cause she’s been anti-black, a creep towards fans, invalidated a 5sos fan’s mental health because they’re a fan, trauma dumped on young fans and overshared, slut shamed Ashton, and so on and so forth
hey anon!! Thanks for this concise little list. But seriously, thanks for making me think and pull together a bunch of ideas in my head; I hope in this essay really you can see some of my thought process. I can’t imagine how hard it’d be to be reaching out with something really hard and expect compassion and get a negative interaction instead—if that was you or whoever it is I hope they’re doing better and finding community and people who care. And I don’t want to pretend she’s perfect or has done everything right, we know that’s not how it is, Sierra knows that, Luke knows that, so does, idk, God.
and I’ll admit I’m a bit old fashioned when it comes to cancelling people and I do like to try and see the good in people where possible—sometimes imo it’s the only way to get any positive change. to look beyond the superficial where someone might lash out—is it in malice, or fear, a momentary impulse they might regret later or maybe realise for some reason were pushed to a point where they couldn’t manage anything better. I know I’ve been to that point and I know how I spiral if I don’t know how to forgive myself. I also know this is a fandom where shit gets real and we’re young and hurting and sometimes that just makes us defenceless against our idols and those around them being human, and the shitty side of human we all have potential to become too. And we live in an era of systemic racism and lack of access to mental health services which both causes and exacerbates so many issues that, was the world not so anti-black; had every mentally ill child and youth a support network in real life (instead of the way many of us often spend years only ever feeling seen by the songs we listen to, 5sos songs easily filling in that need)—we might be a little more able to be like ‘wtf that’s not cool but that’s a her problem’ and move on. and can I say we do deserve a world that doesn’t discriminate. And in order to get what we deserve we have to make it. and in order to make it we have to learn how to do better and let people learn to do better—these people aren’t going anywhere. somehow bad people have to turn into good people and yes in order to do that they have to be made accountable. Repentance is truly a beautiful thing; it’s also something that can’t happen when we feel scared and in our survival brain. When we feel like that we tend to easily get into us vs them and dig deeper into our (often wrong) convictions and that’s actually an evolutionary response to when we have to fight against predators; we don’t have time to think ‘but what if they’re actually in the right’ when we’re fighting for our lives.
and this isn’t the place to psychoanalyse Sierra. I don’t know exactly what goes on in her head, I don’t know if she’s sorry or even remembers these things but I do know the rift between her and fans has been quite heated and even scary at some points over the years. And maybe I have the privilege of never being someone who has been hurt by her to have grace for the fact that ‘gotta be nice to this fan they’re having an experience of a lifetime to be interacting with my partner and I’m gonna give the benefit of the doubt that they’re not one of the individuals in a sea of fans who all look identical to me sending me death threats’ is a hell of a lot to put your brain through every single day. If she (and it’s not if, we know she did) make mistakes. If there was too much trauma to hold and she put it out on the internet to cope in a season of her life. If the insecurity became jealousy of one of the most important people in her s/o’s life which became insults that were thrown around back in high school before everyone realised how uncool they were and tried to stop using them but they were still burned in their brains to come out on impulse (I actually have no idea how that specific event went down, or if there were one or multiple). I hope they sorted that out internally; I don’t know what else I can do but trust that it’s something they’re capable of doing and care for each other enough as a group of friends and songwriters to do.
I wanted to save the lateral racism example for last because I feel like everything above is kind of a metaphor for it, if you follow. I’m coming from a place where I’m southeast asian and part white living in a largely western country, so is Sierra, so I’m automatically going to see her as ‘like me’ (and can I say how rarely I get this kind of representation?) whereas if you’re black, or if you find your experience more relatable to blackness, then you’re going to experience this very differently. I can’t know your experience. I also know that asians can be brutal in this area: it’s the reason my childhood best friend hasn’t told her dad she got engaged to her partner nearly a year ago. Lateral racism isn’t okay. But unfortunately what happens is often when you’re discriminated against in some ways we’re conditioned to take the side of the oppressor against someone who’s discriminated against in other ways. It’s all ‘okay maybe I’m x and I should be y but at least I’m not z’ and again it’s that evolutionary survival instinct to not be at the bottom of the pile; channeled in horrible ways into today’s society. It takes a lot of effort and self awareness to be like ‘we’re united in this experience of being oppressed, together we have the power to make a stand that this is Not Cool’ and most of us fail the first few times. but what’s important is we keep trying. we can all heal together when we do.
so anon I have no idea who you are or your background or how much you’ve had to wrestle with this yourself, if you’ve had to stand up against communities who were hostile, if you’ve had to do this while being discriminated against from outside as well, if you know the experience of not fully being one race but not fully being another etc. and also you’ve got no obligation to like Sierra, this is such unsolicited advice but this whole release period for boy ep I’ve really just been thinking ‘it’s healthy to feel our feelings even when it’s not always pleasant isn’t it’ and wherever that hurt is please love it embrace it bring it into the light whatever you do to realise you’re valuable and you don’t have anything to be ashamed of. even your mistakes and where you’ve hurt people and regret that, you’re gonna grow so much from that and have so many chances to do better. maybe you’re young and you haven’t had the chance to hurt anyone yet. I hope you manage to stay that way but if you do, I hope you can forgive yourself too. I hope you dip your toes in activism for Black Lives Matter, for mental health, for sex positivity, I can see you really value these things and that’s really encouraging to see.
and in the end: sometimes I have to be annoyingly human and come down to the fact that I really enjoy the songs that Sierra writes. I’ve fanned enough about gothic summer on this blog already. I enjoy the things she writes and so I listen to them, and I’m not actively boycotting Sierra specifically, I love the creative outcomes when she works with 5sos as a whole, with Luke, with other artists I love as well. As a result I do care about her as a person, I always do, and hey, I respect her funny little routine donations and the undertones of her UNICEF donation back in October and the random animal sanctuary and the occasional nod to some Australian mental health charity.
I’ve inferred a lot about how much more relaxed and at ease and free to feel things and process life at his own pace Luke seems to be with her than beforehand—and the fan in me who’s so protective of these guys just desperately wants someone to be there for them in ways that really matter and I feel like we have seen that, even despite the often rocky nature of the relationship between Sierra and Luke’s fans. Luke is someone I relate to a lot, and there are some experiences that are really hard to come back from, and I’m really proud of him right now and I do get the impression being with Sierra has really helped him get there. I don’t know for sure, I could be wrong, but I’m always going to be grateful when celebrities get to be human and not have their lives and choices dictated by fans either directly or indirectly. I’ll take the allies I can in my activism and even if there are criticisms around sincerity I do generally see Sierra trying and I want to appreciate that. I don’t want to say she hasn’t hurt anyone ever and I pray for resolution and peace for the fans, for Ashton, for her, for the Black community in general, for everyone who’s been hurt in the wake of colonialism and the generational trauma it breeds. And then I’ll go listen to bloodline and think, maybe in some ways we were born inheriting the sins of our parents before we knew better. But every day I discover ways of choosing better and compassion takes us so far and I hope every day I learn a bit more about how to channel that.
thank you for the ask, it really got me thinking and the opportunity to compile some thoughts I’d had that I didn’t realise formed a neat little mindmap around Sierra as a case study!! Much more fun than regular sociology. And I didn’t even get to delve into the political history of Saigon that I’ve been trying to understand more about!!
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zalrb · 2 years
God Damon is so embarrassing
Watching him try to be threatening or charming … I can’t even because I get secondhand embarrassment too much …. That awful smile and gross way he stretches his face is so yuck like I would rather sleep with Almaty or anyone else than him
It’s so embarrassing when compared to Stefan’s gazes and even klaus and Elijah are better at showing power and charm than Ian
Would you ever consider writing a piece that includes Damon’s falling flat in his attempts to come off as intense as Stefan or showing his real insecurity in love or emotions or sex
Would you ever consider writing a piece that includes Damon’s falling flat in his attempts to come off as intense as Stefan or showing his real insecurity in love or emotions or sex
I mean, sure, I sort of do this in all of the fics, it's just that Damon lies to himself because of the insecurity:
Damon could feel it; the memories, the questions, the doubts that never left him alone but that he managed to push to the back of his mind spring up and take control of his thoughts.
“Sure, with me, it’s inappropriate,” he muttered, adjusting himself on the couch so that he was turned slightly away from her.
Elena blinked. “I don’t know what you mean by that.”
“Yes, you do,” he said curtly.
Elena shrugged. “Damon…”
“Your ex-boyfriend,” he spat, looking at her sharply.
Elena froze, her mouth slightly agape.
“You mean Matt?” she said.
Damon glared at her. She was trying to appease him. Matt Donovan was no threat to him, he was Matt Donovan, busboy extraordinaire, and she knew that he found Matt amusing. She said his name to deflect, to diffuse, and that just made him feel worse.
“You know I meant Stefan.” He choked out his brother’s name. "You know I meant when you would…” He couldn’t say the words, the words that haunted him. Instead, he got up from the couch and walked over to the bar, rubbing his forehead in anguished remembrance.
Damon paused and took a sip of his drink. “We had sex. Twice. I rocked your world.”
“Is that a question?”
“I’m waiting for you to agree.”
“Hmm.” She took her time answering. “You’re asking if you’re good in bed. And I’m the insecure one.”
“Well, I did seduce you and you tortured me when you realized I was just using you, I don’t think a woman dissatisfied with my performance would go to such lengths.”
“Or maybe it was a matter of principle. Humiliating me has consequences.”
“Which I understand,” he said. “But that couldn’t be the only reason.” She was silent and he was starting to get nervous. “Don’t play coy,” he said, trying to keep the fear out of his voice.
“They weren’t terrible nights,” said Rebekah finally.
Damon grinned. That would be the most she’d admit to, he knew that.  “Ringing endorsement,” he said sardonically.
“Well, I’m not sure if you deserve one.”
Damon had to ask. “And Stefan?”
There was a chuckle. “Ah, so that’s why you really called.”
“Call it curiosity.”
“Stefan … mmm.” The glass strained beneath Damon’s grip as he listened to Rebekah’s soft giggle, heard the wistfulness and deviance in it, like she couldn’t help but relive her moments with him.
The glass broke.
“I wanted to see him happy with Caroline. It was supposed to deter me, it was supposed to shut down those feelings but I just —”
“Ended up screwing my brother,” said Damon.
“Hurting you is the last thing that I wanted.”
“Then why did you tell me?” said Damon, throwing his hands up in the air. “Why couldn’t you have just lied to me?”
“Because I’m tired of lying,” said Elena, tears brimming. “I’ve been lying to the both of us for so long and it’s done nothing but drive me crazy and make you wonder why I’m so distant. It’s made our life hell. Nothing good comes from lying.”
“Nothing good comes from cheating on your husband either,” said Damon. “You cheated, Elena.”
“I’m not proud,” she said, shaking her head. “Believe me, I’m not proud. I’m sorry. Really sorry.”
“You’re sorry,” he said, nodding. “Sorry. But would you take it back?”
Elena bit her lip.
“It’s a simple question, would you take it back, Elena?”
“I can’t say that I would.”
Damon yelled and picked up the glass bottle next to the remote, throwing it against the wall. “Why can’t you just have the decency to lie to me?”
“Because you need to know, I need to say these things, Damon, we need to talk!”
He whirled around her. “Fine, you want to talk, how was it?”
“How was what?”
“The sex,” said Damon. “How was the sex?”
Elena shook her head and walked to the other end of the loft. “Don’t do this.”
So, like it’s always, always a part of my fics.
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assortedasurathings · 2 years
I still kinda think Trahearne / Sylvari in general are massively overhyped.
Details below break because I’m a Long-winded Bitch 
Ultimately They’re plant elves without the Nuance that made elves interesting. Like, yes , Elves were Terrible in most cases that had them. But that’s what made them appealing to me. They sucked. They had Interesting Flaws That increased the nuance with which they interract with the world around them. They were frequently Supremists, Supremists that were SO Disconnected from the world around them that they could never hope to be a major part of the rapidly changing world and political landscape of their settings. it made them insecure, you can see that insecurity sometimes in Media.  So what did they do ? They Hid. They tucked themselves away in massive living cities and pretended that this was because They were too good to live with other species. But Elves are usually depicted as secretly loving other species, enough that elves go out to adventure in DnD parties, Join human coalitions in media, and more.  They live so long that the world just.. zips past them. by centuries at a time, even. Sylvari have none of that. They have Predetermined destinies ,They can all recall their dream / goals even if it’s not a wild Hunt [Evidence is Malyk’s storyline, lvl 20 sylvari ] , and not recalling their dream is an investigation-worthy anomaly. They’re handed their place in the world on a sterling platter, and then angstily debate if it’s actually their destiny or not like they’re not guaranteed. They have british accents for No discernable reason at all. like it legit makes zero sense why they’re british. They’re Wood Nyphs, make them irish or something. at least that kinda ties into their IRL inspiration. This feels vaguely “ british Museum “ that the Wood Nymphs Aren’t Irish, or germanic, Or hell I could see them having a light russian accent. Russian folklore is RIFE with Fae.  Trahearne is thrust upon any Non-sylvari pretty late into the Storyline. You never actually connect or have a deep conversation with him. He’s too busy rambling about Orrian research. Which like, You go you funky little turbonerd, but that’s not worthy of any trophies or anything. Literally every asura does this. Every one you meet. They all have a hyperfixation they will EAGERLY talk your ears off over. sometimes this hyperfixation is more nebulous , but it’s still there. I never really connected to Trahearne. We felt like Coworkers up until the end of HOT , where it clicked to me that we’re supposed to Like this guy. Do I respect him? Yes. Do I like him? No. not at all. You were thrown at me in the middle of a Global crisis unfolding, we never got to know anything other than that you followed All the Sylvari stereotypes of having a pre-determined Destiny , goal, and angst about whether or not the future that you’ve been told about directly  (because your god Lives quite literally above your city ) is actually true. And yet I .. still see people falling over themselves to glorify him further and I just Don’t get it man .  He’s Alright.  Like is it just because he’s a standard prettyboy Frame w/ added angst? 
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personallylivingeasy · 9 months
I don’t even know what I would say. I have so many thoughts but my god who wants to hear all the things traveling through my mind at 100mph. Maybe you. Barely me.
There’s so many different parts of me in this situation. There’s the part that is insecure. That says, how dumb could you possibly be? Trusting a man by his word? Defending him to friends, waiting for him?! Not dating in HOPES that he follows through with his word. How embarrassing for you!!! You being ME.
There’s another part of me that thinks yes this is a bummer but he set this boundary and I respect that boundary. It’s tough but it’s okay bc this is something he needs to do for himself. That he needs to do in order to be a good (potential) partner. And for that I can wait.
And then there’s the most honest vulnerable side of me. The one that thinks wow how lucky am I that there’s a person in this world that cares enough about me to say as much as I want this I need to be in a better place to preserve our friendship. Making me feel so safe and protected. So incredibly secure in my decision to wait. My trust outweighs the insecurities that come up. I think to myself that this is the person I’m going to be with. I’ve made up my mind that this is my person. That yes this situation sucks but what is one year when we have the future together.
It’s so conflicting. How do you tell someone who is going through something, “hey you’re it, I’m waiting, nothing has changed for me” I don’t want to put pressure on anything. Because really I don’t want anything to change. Obviously we will have a relationship in addition to our friendship but I don’t want him to think the friendship isn’t going away just because we are dating. Or that I’m expecting him on a knee or something. I just want us! And it doesn’t have to be in this moment. God in this moment I want my friend. I miss my friend.
I miss my friend but I don’t want him to think that because I said “friend” that he’s back in the friendzone. It’s just that we have 12 years of friendship and a blip of relationship. So it’s hard to miss the blip, now that isn’t to say I’m not imagining what it would be like or what it will be like without this situation. I do! Constantly ! But thinking about not being able to text him with random life updates running updates sucks. And I hate that.
I want to say. Can we have check ins every other month. Something to keep me from spiraling and something to just keep us in the loop. The last time we emailed he mentioned that it was like emailing his friend not girlfriend. I think that’ll take me a minute to figure out the difference in texting him or emailing him. I want him to know it’s going to be weird at first but the more we do it the more gf bf it will feel.
And I want to stop saying things are weird. They aren’t weird, they are simply different than what we are used to. And that’s okay and it will wear off .
I’m just sad. I miss him. A lot. I’m sad the text wasn’t answered. I’m sad that it was delivered just fine and it’s just sitting. I’m glad I sent it but I was hoping for some kind of response! People are bad mouthing him and I’m trying to stay on the understanding patient side of things but it’s hard. Like really hard. Bc my feelings are hurt. Someone I miss hasn’t responded back after almost 3 months of not talking. That makes me sad.
But I keep reminding myself, this is jack and he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. This isn’t a man who doesn’t care if I live or die. This is a man who got me a cancer necklace and said I was it. I need to remember that. But it gets hard sometimes. And Fuckin hell I have to book the Hawaii room and I haven’t yet and he doesn’t even know about it yet!!!!
Also I know I love him as my friend but I’m worried I just straight up love him. That’s a lot. All of this is a lot. I want to tell him everything except this last paragraph…. Miss you love you miss you
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casliveblog · 10 months
Custom Toonami Block Week 155 Rundown
Spy X Family: We’re still kinda doing the fallout of the Fiona arc where Yor’s insecure and Loid’s trying frantically to make sure his apprentice being horny doesn’t threaten world peace, you know, normal stuff. Scruffyhead is left to babysit Anya while Loid and Yor go out for drinks and it’s pretty fucking funny because you have Yor being drunk off her ass not making a god damn lick of sense and Loid being overly logical trying to map out exactly how her drunk train of logic works when said train flipped off the track like an hour ago. Loid’s flirting ends up getting him knocked the fuck out and he dreams about his mom and conflates her with Yor which I’m sure is healthy and not Freudian at all. But eventually for like the third time we get Loid’s speech of ‘Anya and I both love you and you’re a great mom so please stop being so fucking insecure about this’ which to be fair IS accurate to how insecurity works but I feel like we’re doing the Inuyasha/Kikyo thing all over again where whenever something daunting comes up we’re gonna spend an episode moping before deciding to stop moping for the same reason as last time. Either way the date itself is funny and it’s worth it to watch Anya be like ‘oh yeah they’re out there fucking’ without understanding what she’s saying. The second plot revolves around Becky which is nice because I really do like her as a character and we get some backstory on her aside from her being a badass and wanting to fuck Anya’s dad. But yeah Becky wants to be a matchmaker for Anya and Damian so they decide to go shopping and get her a cool outfit to impress him and hijinks ensue and lots of outfits for the fanartists to do art of are revealed (I think my favorite is Yor!Becky, that was fun). Becky apparently has your standard dot jpg rich girl backstory of not having any friends and being isolated but Anya’s brash nature kinda broke through a lot of that (they also show her beating up bullies and I’m just guessing when she saw Anya punch Damian she was like ‘oh yeah I can hang with her’). But yeah despite Anya not finding anything she does buy a souvenir keychain for herself and Becky to thank her for taking her out shopping and even though it’s not rich fancy people shit like she’s supposed to do, they both wear their keychains to school and laugh about how they match, which as a nice touch does catch Damian’s attention because the most stunning thing Anya could wear as a genuine smile.
Inuyasha: So as expected, now that all the real fighting is done, Naraku swoops in to be like ‘now this is a victory I have completely earned despite just arriving’. Inuyasha goes through his laundry list of attacks and Naraku’s able to just go ‘nope’ to all of them, even the ones that are specifically made to counter his no-selling which kinda makes the Red Tessaiga useless now. He impales Inuyasha on Hosenki and grabs the jewel shard to taunt everyone that they’ll be staying in Inuyasha’s dad’s grave forever while he’s gonna get the hell out of dodge by himself (a bitter bit of foreshadowing for Yashahime, yes I’m stil mad). Meanwhile Kagura shows Sesshomaru the other gate and once he shows off the Tenseiga the statues are like ‘oh shit bro he’s got the sword, guess we better roll over’ and even the Medusa Light doesn’t work on Sesshomaru for no adequately explained reason but Sesshomaru just kinda no-sells like 80% of things, he has high Mag Resist I guess. So yeah while Naraku’s gloating Sesshomaru swoops in and starts kicking his ass and even punches out Inuyasha for fucking up for this long. But while Naraku and Sesshomaru are having their smug-off to see who can no-sell more of the other person’s bullshit, Hosenki talks to Inuyasha and asks him to cut him open and take his power.  
Yu Yu Hakusho: Kurama continues his journey of being blackmailed into working for a Demon Dictatorship while everyone there hates his guts. Kurama’s plan is to beef up the guys they fought in the Dark Tournament with the promise of fighting Yusuke and give them to Yomi as a present, the old ‘throw everyone who died in the Saiyan Saga on King Kai’s planet for training’ deal so Chu, Yoyo kid, Shishi, Gin and the other ninja guy and clownface all get a training arc courtesy of Genkai just like the King Kai arc (though idk those guys never learned Kaioken or anything so I think they just got a numbers buff) speaking of numbers buffs, apparently Yomi’s kingdom has Scouter technology and that works about as well as Scouter tech always works and just throws random numbers out until they’re ready to show their real power. The red fish general guy wants to kill Kurama’s stepbrother we haven’t heard about till now but is apparently very important but Kurama reminds the parasite assassin of the whole Elder Toguro purgatory plant deal and he decides he’s better off not pissing this guy off. So when Kurama’s promoted and fish guy is mad, he has no leverage and Kurama can Yoko out and fucking murder him without consequence. Turns out Yomi planned all this out and is hoping Kurama will turn to the dark side and be Yoko forever and also having a new callback squad is pretty cool too, let’s hope they get to do some shit.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Yuji and Nobara continue their fight against the Jojo Cheap Trick guy from last time and his younger brother. They get hit with blood that basically acts like a slower version Soifon’s Shikai complete with the cool tattoo aesthetic. Luckily Nobara’s ability is basically ‘no u’ and she reflects it back on them and goes to kill the younger brother so Mr. Cheap Trick has to release it because these guys are one of the few cursed spirits that actually have familial loyalty to each other. Apparently their deal is they’re actually aborted fetuses of a woman that was able to have hybrid babies with cursed spirits and humans so they’re like half and half that were just fetuses until now and used as the new flunkies of Mahito’s group. Given they’re legit fetuses who have existed for hundreds of years without anything to rely on but each other their first thoughts one being born are ‘we look out for each other and nothing else’. So yeah this is basically a story of the heroes blackmailing and torturing babies to win a fight so that’s a bit fucked up. But yeah Nobara and Yuji BOTH use a Black Flash and cripple their respective brothers and Nobara uses Cursed Technique: Bigger Nail to finish off the baby one and it’s really cool. Meanwhile Cheap Trick takes some guys hostage and runs away which really is kind of a Jojo villain thing to do maybe this guy was just in the wrong anime and Yuji just runs after the car like Yusuke during Chapter Black but Nobara still has the guy’s arm from before so she just straight up kills him with her basic attack. So Nobara gets the kill on both of these guys so that’s pretty neat. Meanwhile Mahito, monk dude and the eldest brother are all fucking playing Life and eldest brother is like ‘oh geez my brothers just died, gimme a minute’ and Mahito’s like ‘is that really a reason to interrupt our board game geez’. Yuji asks Nobara about how she feels about killing dudes that were kinda technically part human since he’s already done it and still doesn’t feel great about it but Nobara’s a tiny bit of a sociopath so she doesn’t care but promises if they have to do dirty shit to get their job done at least they’re in it together. They get back to Megumi and Yuji’s hand vagina mouth accidentally eats the finger so yeah he’s got more fingers now. All three kids and Panda’s Squad are recommended for a promotion and Megumi tells Nobara not to tell Yuji about Sukuna’s awakening reviving the finger holding spirits because it’ll make him feel bad and Yuji tells Sukuna not to tell Megumi about his awakening reviving the finger holding spirits because it’ll make him feel bad. So yeah that’s the end of season one, I think the Zero Movie is next? Maybe I’ll do that next week since a handful of the season ones of these anime are ending this week.  
Ranking of Kings: Is this season all going to be filler? Like it’s really weird after last week had them continue the story despite having a great ending point and then just… tread water this season with filler like it’s not even a ‘filler to get you into the plot and ease the transition of progressing the story’ filler, it’s ‘here’s a thing that happened during one of our few time gaps’ filler. I mean the two stories they tell during Bojji’s training are cute enough, Kage goes searching for a mushroom and ends up helping an old lady who gives him a pie full of the mushrooms and Bojji and kage try odd jobs only to end up running a gambling game using Bojji’s speed and feel bad about ripping off a poor girl but Despa takes her in anyway. Like those are cute stories but if this is a season that’s just gonna be little ovas of stuff that was already in the story I don’t know if I really see the point in it. I mean I’m gonna keep watching and give it a chance but it’s gonna be weird if we’re just treading water for ten episodes.
Vinland Saga: So I kinda hit the nail on the head with my predictions last week huh? Like basically my whole scenario came to pass essentially word for word. Still I’ll go through it all here, Askeladd tries to talk King Sweyn down from attacking Wales and he humors the idea in public but privately tells him that the only way he’ll stop the attack on Wales is if Askeladd kills Canute for him since Wales is shitty and all his homies hate Wales and Askeladd’s mom sucks, which is really something you want to say to somebody you’re asking a favor from. Askeladd just goes nuts at this and points his sword at the King and fucking cuts his head right off going ‘Yeah bitch I’m King Arthur, Noble Phantasm Excalibur, British and all that innit?’. Thorfinn is with Leif but ditches him to go find Askeladd again while the dude is fucking cutting his way through the Danish Royal Guard and/or family. Canute sees this for what it is, a sacrifice play to keep both Canute and Wales safe while not drawing out the conflict between Canute and the king. Thorkell tells him for once that he doesn’t need a battle boner and that since Askeladd is his problem he should act like a king and take care of it. Thorfinn busts in at the last minute before Askeladd can kill Floki (couldn’t have just let him kill Floki? I fucking hate Floki) and Canute stabs Askeladd right in the heart on his first try, not bad for Mr. Love Thy Enemy. Thorfinn is here just in time to hold Askeladd in his arms as he dies and Askeladd laughs and asks what Thorfinn will do with his life now that he no longer has him as an excuse for his vengeance and Thorfinn’s just left with the empty rage and hollow emotions of wasting over a decade only to have it end the exact same way it would’ve if he’d just stabbed Askeladd in his bed the first night. So yeah Canute takes the throne and is like ‘okay the Enlgish are prolly gonna be pissy about all that shit that went down so all further wars are suspended until we get them under control’ and they literally have to drag Thorfinn out who’s still kind of deciding whether he’s mad his father figure died or mad he didn’t get to kill himself as we pan over people that have been relevant and will be relevant to the next season as Thorfinn’s left with nothing and has to decide what his life means to him now.  
So yeah, next week I'll probably watch the Jujutsu Kaisen movie to prepare for season two and the week after that I'll be ready to start new seasons in Vinland Saga and Jujutsu Kasien with Spy X Family's season 1 finale and maybe that new Scott Pilgrim show if I can swing it, looks like we're in the second half of what I called the 'fuck it' block about four months ago, so let's see what the new stuff holds.
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snappleapple · 4 years
their favorite types of kisses
people in this - dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, wilbur, punz, jschlatt, awesamdude, quackity
the most disgusting fluff i’ve ever written
warning - cursing, i think that’s all but if there is more please do not hesitate to tell me :)
word count - 2k
a/n: okay okay, i might’ve lied earlier about that being my last post but this was short and easy to make which is why i would like to feed my readers this early haha. anyways, enjoy and please disregard the errors in this post, i hate proof reading anything lol. also, i’ve been very indecisive on the title and i might change it later and ooh, my masterlist will be made soon. i’ve just been feeling very unproductive these days. also, please put in requests, i am so bored and dumb therefore there are no ideas in this brain. and if you’d like a part 2, i might add more people for the part 2!anyways, peace!
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dream -
i get the feeling that dream’s favorite type of kisses would be cheek kisses
he just likes to watch as you struggle to reach his height
“aw look at those little legs do their thing.”
ends up with you not giving him his kiss
and mans becomes SO pouty
“y/n…come on. don’t be this way.” :(
if you don’t kiss him on the cheek, will also become SO clingy and whiny
“why won’t you KISS ME!”
clenches his fists and stomps away like a teenage girl during puberty
slamming the door to your room
so then you have to go and give him all the kisses he wants
his face is slammed into your pillow
you sit on the side of the bed and pet his hair
leading him to stare up at you with puppy dog eyes
“i will give you all the kisses you want. so stop being so pouty, you big baby.”
will literally leave zero feet of space between you and him
taps his cheek to tell you he wants kisses
when you go on dates, will literally make you stand on your tippy toes to get his kisses
does not bend down at all and actually lifts his head higher to tease you
in other words, clingy but rude hoe
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george -
george is a classic romantic
he loves just lip kisses
pecks or lingering ones
he doesn’t care
mans don’t need too many kisses
nor does he need to be too clingy
total opposite of dream and sapnap *ahem clingy ahem*
if he wants a kiss,
he will come over to you and get it
doesn’t get pouty if you’re busy
just waits patiently
doesn’t enjoy it when you interrupt him when he’s streaming so you do your own thing
when you’re watching a movie with him,
he will literally only stare at you with his cute smile
and listen to your every criticism of the movie
he likes to just peck your lips whenever he feels like it
and you’re just not surprised anymore
just likes to stare at your lips whenever you talk
overall, is very sweet but not to an extent with showing affection
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sapnap -
sapnap just vibes with neck kisses
it tickles his neck and he loves them
giggles when you pepper kisses along his neck and flushes a deep red
“y/n. stop.” giggles between each word
but when you do, becomes the saddest person in the whole world
“i was joking.” :(
when he’s streaming and he begins to miss you
would leave his room and find you just to get a kiss
just like dream, would get angry if you give him no kisses
very amusing for you
and you love to tease him
“i don’t want to give you kissies.”
continues to stare at you with a large frown until you give in and give him kissies
lsg supremacy but i’ll get into this later hehe
you better give him kisses or you’ll be dealing with a very sad sapnap
sadnap :(
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wilbur -
wilbur, wilbur, wilbur
what can i even say
total nose kiss guy
i bet he’ll boop your nose twenty four seven
asks stupid questions just to get your attention
“yes wilbur?”
“is a hotdog a sandwich?”
“did you just say boop while you booped my nose?”
if he’s streaming and you bring him a snack
he will hold your face still and leave kisses on your nose
not too clingy but not too distant
likes to be just right with you
if its snowy outside and your noses get red
makes dumb jokes about he is rudolph and you’re mrs. rudolph
just a lot of smooches from wilby
takes you to a lot of hidden cafes in the city
and while you read, he balances his head on his palm, staring at you in admiration
if you’re insecure about your nose, you legit can’t be around wilbur because he will go on a tangent about how beautiful it is
substantially, soft boy hours all day bro, besides when he gets mad then you leave the hormonal man tf alone
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punz -
i don’t see a lot of punz on tumblr so here we go
punz loves hand kisses
not to an extent where he has a hand fetish
god no but just like
when your holding hands, he’ll occasionally pull your hand up to his lips and leave a kiss
lots of hand holding
and i mean lots
constantly gets mad fun of for being a simp but ignores those comments because he genuinely loves you so much
likes it when you play with his hair and messing it up
also likes to compare hand sizes with you
always has a hand on your thigh or your hand in his whenever he is driving somewhere with you
even when you go on dates, always holding hands
no matter how sweaty your hand gets, he will hold on
sometimes if he holds on for too long, you have to tell him to let go
“punz, my hand is super sweaty. lets take a break from the hand holding.”
would flat out decline so you would have to pry your hand out of his
he would also love it when you would kiss his hand
makes him feel all polite and precious LOL
would also wrap his pinky along yours when you walk together
he once came with you to a family gathering for christmas and was so SHY
shy boy held your hand for security while your younger siblings made fun of you
afterwards, when you were under a mistletoe, he kisses you on the lips before kissing you on his favorite part of your body,
your hand
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c!jschlatt -
jschlatt is a whole mess
the first time you met, he confessed that he would hate you for as long as you lived because you made fun of his boots
now he says he still strongly dislikes you but you’re more tolerable
doesn’t like it when you make him soft and HATES it when he blushes
“why must you do this to me, mother nature?”
also “hates” it when you even touch him because he “hates” you
when he actually confessed to you that he liked you with his grumpy usual grandpa voice,
you kissed him on his forehead, after he bent down of course
he is an actual giant and threatens to squash you like an ant if he feels the need to
is an absolute monster to you but loves it when you kiss his forehead because it makes him feel secure and loved
likes to watch the wind blow through your hair and mess it up but gives you his hat because he like you being “all pretty and shit”
gets SUPER jealous when you hug children
like for example, when you went over to a family gathering at his house, his cousins came up to hug you
and when you let go of the child, the man child comes and lugs you over his shoulder
gets yelled at by his mom and gives her a sheepish smile before rolling his eyes and throwing you down on the sofa set next to him
his mom doesn’t approve of the way he treats you but you tell her its fine because he’s cute
when you are far from any type of civilization or in the safety and solitude of your own home, he wants kisses on the forehead
pointing up to it and bending down so you could reach it
“y/n, i only love you because of your forehead kisses.”
“you only love me for my kisses?” :(
actually feels slightly bad
“and because of your personality.”
“thank you-“
“shut up. we don’t talk about this.”
in conclusion, give him his forehead kisses or perish
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awesamdude -
sam just adores it when you give him jawline kisses
not because it’s basically the only place you could reach but because it’s a sweet gesture
sam is all about sweetness
i mean have you even seen this man on his stream
he likes to watch you while you have conversations with your friends
not in a creepy way but more like an adoring way
cause man does he love you
i mean not only does he love you but his whole family does
and when you’re alone with sam, you love to bury him underneath all of your love
“i love you sam!”
“no i love you more y/n!”
“NO i LOVE you more!”
“NO i LOVE you MORE!”
“okay thank you sweet pea.”
leaving you a bit confused but happy that he accepts your love
when you cuddle, omg
he never stops peppering kisses all over your face and vice versa because your relationship is disgustingly fluffy
when he lends you one of his sweatshirts, you sure as hell better wear that shit out or else (i am leaving a blank threat here)
sam loves technology but you guys sort of have a system
a system that involves mailing each other love letters rather than texting them
you guys also go on a ton of walks just about anywhere
hand holding is mandatory even though you probably look like a child compared to him
just give sam lots of love and in return, you’ll receive lots of love
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quackity -
mans cannot leave you tf alone
likes to do ANYTHING freaky around you
“i will follow you to the ends of the earth, mi amor.” or
“ayy, back off.” if anyone gets too close to you
messes with you twenty four seven and makes it his job to drive you insane
plays horror games at two in the morning for fun
and when he gets scared, hides in the safety of your arms
“mi amor. i’m scared.”
“shut the fuck up and sleep, alex.”
“okay.” shuts up quickly and snuggles deeper into the crook of your neck
loves you so deeply but HATES your cat
“look at that little dumb thing stare at me. you got a problem bro?”
your cat also HATES alex
scratches him all the time and hisses at him
if you think sapnap is babie, wait till you meet alex
“y/n he bit me!”
when you glance down, you don’t even see a scratch
“kiss my boo boo.”
“what boo boo? there’s nothing there.”
gasps as if you offended him
“this boo boo that your el demonio did to me.”
this man will do anything to get boo boo kisses
istg, you once found him provoking your cat to get some scratches
in alex’s mind, ouchies = kisses from y/n
always has ouchies from god knows where and shows it to you
even though you find it annoying at first, you grow used to it and it sorta becomes your thing with alex
alex is babie and you need to take good care of him :)
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messers-moony · 3 years
Home | F.H
Paring: Five Hargreeves X Fem!Reader
Summary: Five goes through everything with his best friend, and when they return with the announcement of their marriage his siblings are appalled. 
Request: “I can request a FiveXreader where the reader is loving, sweet and naive, Five's best friend but the reader has no powers (You can invent a way how they became best friends and they are in love with each other, cliché but I love) One day the reader was sitting in front of the Umbrella Academy and saw Five leave in a hurry (The scene that he will travel in time) In this the reader does not abandon Five and decides to travel in time with him, they end up trapped in the apocalylipse, can you make them stay together?  (Like married I don't know) And also the scene where they go back to 2019? Sorry, if this so bored”
Five couldn’t believe his eyes. After a failed mission, he and his siblings decided to sneak out. Klaus had spotted a park on the way home, and that’s where they went. For the first time in years, they felt like kids again. They were all ten years old and had never experienced a playground before. Allison had never laughed as much, and Diego seemed to finally forget his insecurities while swinging from monkey bars. 
Even on occasion, Luther would help Ben cross the monkey bars. Vanya was finally included, and Klaus had never seemed so carefree in his life. But Five had his eyes on someone else. She sat at one of the navy blue tables, quite a ways away from the playground, watching the siblings with a soft smile on her face. A notebook was in front of her while she twirled a pencil in her hand. 
Curiosity killed the cat. Five was too intrigued not to sit with her. So despite this probably being the only time he could experience a playground, he sat in front of her, obscuring her vision from his other six siblings. Her eyes met green ones; they looked evergreen in the dark of the night. His hair almost looked black, but she knew it had to be dark brown. 
“Good evening.” Her voice, it sounded like heaven to him, “Evening.”
It felt awkward, and the silence could’ve been cut with a knife, “My names Y/n.”
“Five? That’s unique.” Y/n complimented, and his cheeks flushed, “Thanks….” 
Her vision went back to the other kids, “You’d think they’ve never seen a playground before.”
“They haven’t.” Five stated, looking at his siblings, “Our father is strict, so we snook out to come here.”
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to come off as rude-“
“You didn’t.” Five smiled, looking at her e/c eyes. 
Since then, Five would sneak out a lot more. His power was a fantastic tool. When he and his siblings began to sneak out more, Five always invited her. Klaus, Diego, and Vanya seemed taken with her. Y/n was always so kind and sweet. Her laugh radiated, and it made everyone around her smile. It was like she was Aphrodite, and he was Ares. 
After becoming friends with the academy kids, Y/n had a habit of sitting outside the academy. She usually sat on the edge of the sidewalk with her notebook on her lap, pencil in hand. Five couldn’t remember a time when her hand wasn’t covered in graphite or ink from drawing. He adored it, though, because it was so her. It made him stare at his black pens, aimlessly smiling, knowing that she probably had the same color ink on her hand. 
Becoming friends with Five meant knowing his ambition. Five Hargreeves was driven by his goals and wanted to do them regardless of the consequence. So Y/n knew about his dream to time travel despite his father's wishes. On a gloomy day, Y/n sat on the sidewalk. The only thing drawing her from her daydream was the slam of a gate. 
He didn’t turn, “Five!”
Y/n grabbed his arm, “What’re you doing?”
“I’m- I’m going to time travel.” Five stated with that daze in his eyes, “And you need to stay here.”
“No! I’m not letting you go alone!” Y/n exclaimed incredulously, “Y/n, please.” Five pleaded. 
She shook her head, “Absolutely not. Either we go together, or we stay here together.”
“Fine.” Five reluctantly agreed, holding out his hand for her. 
Hesitantly Y/n slid her fingers through his. They were intertwining their hands together. Five was so focused on time-traveling correctly that he didn’t notice the pink flush on his best friend's face. But he did it, once and twice—finally a third time. Smoke clouded the area, and fire could be seen for miles. 
Y/n dropped his hand and covered her mouth. Five circled in his spot in shock. He felt nauseous and queasy. He couldn’t believe that he let this happen. He shouldn’t have pushed himself. They were stuck. Fucking hell, they were stuck, and he couldn’t do anything. Y/n ran back to the academy, and Five followed her. The h/c haired girl stared at what used to be the Umbrella Academy. Now in ruins. Five dropped to his knees, tears collecting in his eyes. 
“It’s- it’s gone….” 
Y/n hugged him tightly, “It’s okay, we’re going to be okay.”
“I’m gonna- I’m gonna be-“ 
Five didn’t get to finish his sentence. He pushed her away and threw up to the side. When he finished, Y/n took her jacket sleeve and wiped it around his mouth—gently combing his hair from his face. Y/n had never seen Five look so drained. Seeing her in front of him, taking care of him made him break. Five broke into sobs holding onto her like a lifeline. Y/n rubbed his back and held him just as tightly. 
“I’m here, Five. I’ll keep you safe.”
Being thirteen in an apocalypse seems like a death sentence, but when you grow up the way Five did, it’s more bearable. The first few months were awful. Searching for shelter, food, clothes. It was downright hell, but they made it through. On cold nights Five would hold her close to his chest, and on hot nights Y/n would always manage to get him cold water. 
Years passed, and their friendship turned into a relationship. They needed each other to survive, and they just needed each other. Five couldn’t be more grateful that she insisted on coming. He couldn’t imagine doing this alone. But now, he had his girlfriend leaning her head on his shoulder while watching the fire. His arm wrapped around her shoulder, leaving occasional kisses on her temple. 
“I couldn’t imagine this world without you.” Five confessed, “I couldn’t imagine my life without you.” Y/n challenged. 
He smirked, “Oh, really?” 
“Don’t let it go to your head, smartass.” Y/n snorted, “Too late, it’s already there, my love.” Five retorted. 
She kissed his cheek, “Love you.”
“Love you too, darling.” 
Five years later. They were twenty-five, and he wanted to make it official. It was a rather cold day wherever they were, and Five was holding her closer than ever. Y/n was shivering on the old mattress they had found. She was constantly snuggling closer to Five’s chest. They laid facing each other, and Y/n’s head was tucked under his chin. Five’s hand ran through her long hair - after being unable to cut it - soothing her nerves. 
“Marry me.”
“I want you - Y/n - to marry me.” Five repeated, looking down at her.
Her teeth chattered, “Are you sure?”
“It’s not like there’s anyone else to choose from.”
Y/n glared playfully, and Five chuckled, “Asshole.”
“So, what do you say? Make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?”
“I say that if my fiancé doesn’t stop being an asshole, then I won't marry him.” Y/n retorted jokingly, “I love you too, pretty girl.” Five replied, smiling softly. 
He kissed her forehead and allowed her to muzzle closer into him. Gently he pulled the two plain rings he found. They were battered, of course, and the gold was dirty, but that didn’t matter. Five slipped the ring on her finger and his. Y/n placed a gentle kiss on his lips that he gladly returned. Sweet, soft, passionate, and full of love. A description of how she was. 
“Love you.”
“Love you too.” Five replied, “Now get some sleep.” 
Y/n was about to fall asleep when she heard Five mutter one last thing, “Y/n Hargreeves.”
29 years. 348 months. 1512 weeks. 10,585 days. Until a woman showed up in their shelter, offering them both a job. Five could remember pushing Y/n behind him defensively. The last thing he wanted was for her to get hurt in any interaction he had. The woman offered them a way home. Five turned to his wife, and she saw it. For the first time in forty-five years, she saw it. Hope. 
Y/n took Five’s hand in his, squeezing it gently. The softest smile crossed his features before agreeing with the woman’s offer where both of them became assassins—partners in crime. Nothing turned Five on more than seeing his wife fend for herself, and god, was she good at it. Y/n was so naive and innocent when she was ten. But now? At the age of fifty-six, she wasn’t that girl anymore. 
But when they reached the age of fifty-eight, Five finally found out the correct equation. They were at their last mission, make sure John F. Kennedy gets shot and everything goes to plan, but Five had different ideas. Taking Vanya’s book from his suitcase, he looked over the equations one last time. They were going back; Five would go home today. 
“Yes, love?”
Five sighed, “Are you ready?”
“Ready for what?”
“To go home.” 
Y/n’s smile was blissful; Five could’ve fainted on the spot, “Home?! Like- Like-“
“Home.” Five answered to his overjoyed wife. 
Y/n kissed him more passionately than ever. Five could feel her gratefulness in her kiss. His hands placed themselves on her waist, and hers were around his neck. God Five never wanted to forget this feeling. The feeling of his wife in his arms, kissing him as she would never get enough. When they pulled apart, Five opened the portal. Gripping her hand, they jumped through and landed on the leaf-filled ground in the icy rain. 
“Does anyone else see Little Number Five and Little Y/n, or is that just me?“ Klaus asked, not trusting his eyes; maybe it was an illusion from the drugs. 
Five and Y/n stood up. The first thing Y/n noticed was the ring on her finger was too big now. But Five looked down at the suit he had been wearing previously. The blazer now reached his knees instead of his waist, and Y/n’s shirt was hanging off one of her shoulders. Five and Y/n looked at each other. They were thirteen all over again. 
He grabbed Y/n’s hand and dragged her into the academy. Y/n had only been in the academy a handful of times before, and she usually was only allowed in Five’s room because she wasn’t supposed to be there in the first place. His siblings followed aimlessly and took their spots at the table. 
“What’s the date? The exact date.” Five inquired, grabbing different things around the kitchen. 
“The 24th.”
“Of what?”
Y/n took place beside him as Five began making a peanut butter marshmallow sandwich. The same snack he used to love as a kid. Y/n could remember him trying to eat it back at their apartment the commission provided them but complained it was too sweet. It seems that being in his teenage body again made him crave the sweetness of the snack. 
“So, are we gonna talk about just what happened?” Luther questioned, but no one answered, “It’s been 17 years.”
Five scoffed, “It’s been a lot longer than that.”
The same big spatial jumped behind Luther as he began to take marshmallows from the cabinet, “I haven’t missed that.” Luther murmured. 
“Where’d you two go?” Diego asked. 
“The future.” Y/n answered politely, “It’s shit, by the way.” Five added spatial jumping beside her again and gently kissing her cheek. 
The siblings stared in shock at Five’s sudden act of affection; Five could feel their eyes on him, “What?”
“You just kissed her.” Allison stated, “And?”
Allison didn’t say anything, “Is it a crime for me to kiss my wife or something?” Five asked agitatedly. 
“Yes, wife.” Five sighed. 
“Called it!” Klaus exclaimed. 
“I should’ve listened to the old man. You know, jumping through space is one thing.” Five began as he looked through the fridge, “Jumping through time is a toss of the dice.” 
He came back with peanut butter in his hand at the front of the table, his wife beside him; he took in the appearance of his siblings, “Nice dress.”
“Oh, well, Danke!” Klaus smiled. 
“Wait, how did you two get back?” Vanya questioned. 
“In the end, I had to project our consciousnesses forward into a suspended quantum state version of ourselves that exists across every possible instance of time.” 
Diego couldn’t wrap his head around it, “That makes no sense.”
Five went to remark, but Y/n cut him off, “It doesn’t have to. All that matters is that we’re back.”
“How long were you two there?” Luther queried, “Forty-Five years. Give or take.”
Everyone looked at the two teens in disbelief, “So what are you saying? That you’re 58?”
“Well, not exactly. Our consciences are 58, but it appears that our bodies are back to 13.” Y/n answered. 
“Wait, how does that even work?”
“It seems that Five might’ve gotten the equations wrong.” Y/n replied, and Five glared at her, “I’m not mad! I’m just happy we’re home. Appearance be damned.”
Five took notice of the newspaper in front of Y/n, “Guess I missed the funeral.”
“How’d you even know about that?” Luther inquired, “What part of the future do you not understand?” Five retorted. 
“Heart failure?” Y/n asked, “Yeah/No.” Luther and Diego contradicted. 
Five clicked his tongue, “Nice to see nothings changed.”
The teenage boy began to walk away, “Uh, that’s it? That’s all you have to say?” Allison questioned.
“What else is there to say? It’s the circle of life.”
Vanya was the first to get up and hug Y/n, “I’m glad you’re home.”
“Me too, Vanny. Me too.”
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poemsforparker · 3 years
all the pretty girls - kate bishop | college!au
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pairing: kate bishop (hawkeye) x f!reader
summary: kate likes you, but isn’t sure if you like her back, or if you even know who she is.
warnings: alcohol, reader is referred w she/her pronouns (and probably a really shitty development ´cause I haven’t written in a while, I'm sorry in advance, don't give up on me).
word count: 1140
"Stop staring at her, you look like a freak!" Yelena warns her friend in a heavy accent.
Kate seems to wake up from an alternative world where she was anywhere but in class. Offended, she takes her hand to her chest and defends herself. "I'm not staring."
"Yes you are, and you're zoning out. Thinking about your marriage or something." Yelena grins widely seeing Kate trying to hide a heavy blush on her cheeks.
"I'm not." she hides her face in her hands. "Plus she probably doesn't even know my name."
"Stop being so insecure, Kate Bishop. I'm sure you catched her eyes doing your bow and arrow stuff the other day."
"You think so?" she turns her body in excitement. "Did you see her looking at me?"
"She was eating you with her eyes." the Russian smiles with the hyperbole on her sentence, knowing Kate would keep it in her mind all day that you noticed her practicing on campus during a lunch break.
"You think I should invite her to train with me? Like teach her some stuff." Kate exhales with a dreamy look in her face.
"Teaching someone how to shoot an arrow can create a lot of sexual tension, Kate Bishop, be careful not to jump over her while doing so." she mocks.
"I'm not going to do that, Yelena" the girl breaths out a laugh. "I just think she's cute, that's all."
"Oh please you're obsessed over this girl."
"What makes you say that?"
"Remember last week when we were having lunch with Clint?" Kate nods "I went to check the hour in your phone and saw a '@youruser just posted a new stories' notification." she giggles revealing the reason why she was laughing so hard with Clint when Kate got back from the bathroom that day.
"That's embarrassing."
"No shit."
"I like seeing the stuff she posts." she shrugs not finding a way out of this.
"You mean pictures of her face? Sure, I know that."
"And cute videos of cats. I love cats."
"And her." at the same time Kate felt her friend nudge her shoulder with her knuckles she feels her heart race seeing you come closer to her table after the professor left the class.
"Hey, lena" you smile at the blonde having Kate twist her brows in confusion. Lena? You knew her friend at a nickname stage already?
"I hope I'm not bothering you, but I'm having a party later at my house today, it's a farewell party to Sam, he's going to be transferred to London next week, and I'll love if you came by." you smile. "Both of you, of course. You're welcome there too, cutie." you change your glance directly to Kate when saying the last part. Blinking at her and starting to walk away.
"We'll be there." Yelena says a little bit louder for you to hear from the other corner and you give her your thumbs up smiling widely.
"What the hell was that?" Kate had wide eyes looking at the blonde with an interrogation face.
" 'Lena' " Kate air quoted. "When did you and her get to nickname stage? You didn't even tell me you knew eachother, Yelena."
"You never asked." the Russian provokes, feeling the burning glance of the brunette on her face. "Kate Bishop, relax. I just talked to her to give her directions some day at the street and she went on with the subject, that was it, I'm not gonna steal your girlfriend, chill out." she chuckles.
"You didn't tell me you spoke with her." Kate's frustration turns into excitement. "Was she nice? I bet she was nice. Did you say anything about me? Did she say anything about me? Oh my god, don't tell me. I would die if she said anything about me."
"She mentioned my brunette friend was good with the bow."
"WHAT? So she knows who I am?"
"I just told you she saw you the other day."
"Well, not that you talked to her. And about me. When was this? Give me the details." she says as if it was the biggest deal on planet earth to be dealt with. Yelena knew Kate well enough to tell she wouldn't rest until she finished the super interesting story about how she lead the way for you until you got to the subway station, so she did, seeing Kate's eyes bright every time she said your name.
"Did you get to invite her?" Peter, your best friend, asks while you both walking down the hallway together.
"I did." you sigh "But I barely looked at her, my legs felt like fucking jelly, and I called her 'cutie', who does that?" you slap your forehead.
"Bet she liked it." he provokes. "It's going to be alright, you'll see."
"Do you think it was a little forced I called her? I mean, we never actually spoke before-"
"Stop overthinking, y/n." he puts his hand on your shoulder to make you look at him. "She'll love you. As everyone else does." he smiles.
"Thanks, Pete. But there's another issue on the way."
"What is it?" he leans his head in curiosity.
"I don't know if she likes girls."
"Oh. That's probably okay too, I mean, doesn't she have 'bi' on her last name? That's meant to be!" you giggle at his silly joke.
"Let's hope you're right."
At the party you were a pile of nerves, Kate wasn't any different, whoever saw you knew it was obvious something was going on, it was ridiculously cute to see two insanely confused people trying to act normal around eachother.
She wore a black shiny dress that was making you stumble in your words when welcoming her and Yelena in.
After some liquid courage, as you like to speak, the will to talk to her overcame the embarrassment and you decided to get to her, holding a laugh at her absolutely shocked face.
"You look really cute in that dress." you get to her talking slower than normal due to a little dizzy feeling in your head, the words just came out dragged.
On your sight, behind Kate, you're able to see Peter and Yelena shooting thumbs up at you with extremely wide smiles, this time you were not able to hold in the laugh. Before Kate could say "thanks" her happy smile turns into a confused frown.
"Oh, no, no, I'm not mocking you." you shake both hands in front of you, then point behind her, where now your friends were pretending to be extremely interested on the stain in your wall. "These douches were provoking me because I came to talk to you."
"Don't mind them." she says with a cute smile, leaning her head. "What did you want to talk about?"
"I don't know... Just... talk." you chuckle. "I'm gonna be honest with you right now, I get so nervous around you I feel like a child." you see her blushing violently.
"JUST KISS EACHOTHER ALREADY." Yelena screams from where she was standing.
"You want to go anywhere else out of their sight to talk?"
"I'd love that."
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