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Hi! Big fan of Appetence here! I just finished rereading it for honestly what's probably the millionth time already, and I was just wondering if you have any updates on the next chapter?? I don't want to sound pushy, but I'm dying to know what happens next <3 Thanks!
Well, first off, thank you so much 🥺💖 I'm flattered you're a big fan (seriously, I'm always a bit shocked and also extremely grateful whenever I hear people are out there giving Appetence multiple reads 😭).
But to answer your question, I'm working on it! I got a bit sidetracked with a burst of inspiration for another WIP I've been working on. My bad, I know 😅 However, I've been steadily making progress on the next update. It's admittedly turning out to be a bigger thing than I anticipated (getting them to talk about their emotions is hard, okay) and I still need to go through and do my very final stage of edits— which mostly includes cutting down on my wordiness (which is the hardest part for me, to be honest, because I love my words 😭). If you're curious though, this is where the word count is currently sitting at:
So....yeah.......... it's a beast at the moment and I'm still in the process of trying to cut it down. Although knowing myself, I'll probably end up adding more— and then we'll be in real trouble (I kid....slightly).
Anyway, thanks for the message and for letting me know you're looking forward to the next chapter! I appreciate it 💖
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Hi so I saw another person ask about if Harry would cheat on Tom and I was wondering if that woukd happen? I don’t really see Harry cheating but I don’t know, just wondering if that was going to happen?
Hi there!
If anyone's wondering, anon is referencing this post.
But to answer your question, no! I don't have any plans on having Harri cheat on Tom, because it's like you said— I can't really see her doing so. That post was mostly just a fun hypothetical. That being said, I have been considering writing a sort of one-shot where that does happen, but it will be clearly marked as separate from Appetence. So don't worry, there'll be no cheating from either Harri or Tom in the main story.
Thanks for the ask 💕
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Hello writer 👋 just finished the latest chapter of appetence (beautiful writing!) and wished to ask whether there was a chance a new chapter is on the way? it’s such a cliffhanger to leave us on 😂hope you are well 💗
Hi there!
Thank you so much for the compliment 🥺💕 I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the latest chapter and am flattered you're looking forward to more! Sorry about the cliffhanger! 😂😅
As for the status of the next one, it absolutely is in the works! I sort of fell off the writing train after I had to put my childhood cat to sleep, and then the holidays ended up taking a toll on me. However, I did make it my New Year's Resolution to try to update at least once a month— so I'm working to hit that for January 💕 Fingers crossed, but there should be an update sometime in these next couple of weeks.
Thanks again for reading and for letting me know your thoughts! I really do appreciate it 💕 I hope you're also doing well and taking care of yourself!
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Hi 👋 new fan here!
I’ve just recently read appetence, 10/10 by the way! And had a question to ask.
you mentioned there being a 10 year time jump and that you possibly will have that be a separate piece of work. My question is does the ending of appetence, if you separate the fics, leave us in a sort of happy for now ending? Or will it end in a cliffhanger?
Thank you for writing this fic btw! It was gorgeous, and while it’s left me on tenterhooks for the next chapter I hope that you are healthy and happy in your life right now ♥️
I just saw your comment on Ao3, and now you're here! So first off, I want to say welcome 🥺 I love getting to meet new readers and am always ridiculously excited whenever they pop up on my Tumblr as well 💕
Secondly, you are so welcome. Likewise, thank you for reading along. I can't even express how much it means to me that you've given Appetence a chance and that you have such high praise for it (I'm so insanely flattered right now 😭💕).
But thirdly, and to answer your question, it will have an ending that makes the most sense for Appetence. I know that sounds vague and sort of ominous, but it's really hard to say whether it'll have a happy ending or not— mostly because a) 'happy' is subjective (I mean, my definition of it is neither of the main pairing dies 😂😂😂), and b) Appetence isn't really the sort of work that can feasibly have a 'and they all lived happily ever after' conclusion, you know? Either way, someone is going to get hurt/get the short end of the stick. Obviously, I don't want to spoil it for you guys, but I will say it's going to end in (at least in my opinion) satisfactory way. Of course, a lot of the current plot points will be tied up, and it'll reach a natural conclusion for the character growth arcs we've been seeing so far. If I do decide to split it, my goal is to give Appetence a standalone ending that'll hint at the plot for the sequel, but will also provide a stopping point for those who don't wish to continue. My biggest reason though for thinking about it splitting it is because there is a new antagonist in the post-decade timeskip, and, with this new antagonist comes new hurdles and issues that I think would do better in its own storyline.
I'm sorry if this is a vague answer and not what you were looking for, but I /can/ say it won't stop on a cliffhanger (once again though, that's my opinion 😂 you may feel differently when you read it).
Anyway, thank you for the ask and the lovely message 💕 It made my day, truly! 💕 Best of wishes to your health and happiness, as well!
Until next time!
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Appetence Status Update
Hey everyone, I just wanted to pop in with a quick announcement regarding the next update for Appetence.
I’ve received quite a few messages asking when I plan on getting the next chapter up, and I thought it would be best to make one general post to answer this. I have to be honest: I haven’t made much headway. Earlier this month, my cat that I’ve had for 15 years was diagnosed with large-cell lymphoma, and, despite trying to treat it, she ended up having to be euthanised last week. It took me by surprise with how quickly everything escalated, and I’m still trying to come to terms with what happened. As such, I haven’t really had the motivation or desire to write or edit anything.
I just hope everyone can understand and be a bit patient with me at this time. But please know that I definitely still have plans on updating— it just probably will not be this month.
On that note, I do want to take a second and say thank you to everyone who has reached out and expressed gratitude/excitement that I’ve picked up Appetence again. It always makes my day to see these comments from you guys— especially right now 💕 You guys are all amazing.
Until next time 💕
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Hi! I may have missed this but do you have a fancast for Tom? I keep imaging as the 16 year old version and that’s definitely not accurate cause V is much much older 🫠 (just found appetence—on a total binge)
Hi there!
First off, I'm really flattered you're bingeing Appetence right now— it's definitely not a small commitment, so I'm happy it's holding your attention so far 💕
Secondly, I did answer this before— but I'll gladly do so again! Because you're right: the Tom we see in the Chamber of Secrets is a bit too young looking for the Appetence AU. When I first started writing, I accidentally stumbled upon the fancast of Tom Hughes as an older version of Tom Riddle, and I wholeheartedly jumped on that train 😂 He's got that charisma and dark allure that I think is pretty central to Tom's character, and is the perfect age for Appetence's timeline. Like this a man who could be in charge of the country, you know? 😂 And also his smirk 🤭😏 I'm not ashamed to say I do love a good smirk, which Hughes nails.
So yeah, I mostly picture Tom Hughes! There are so many good videos out there as well fan-casting him as Riddle, and I highly recommend going down that rabbit hole, if you're so inclined 😂 But I'll just submit this gif for evidence as to why I personally like him as Riddle:
Anyway, thanks for the question! I hope my answer helped a bit 💕
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Hello there!
Little question that might come off as weird but I’ve had it in my head ever since reading the Jealousy Has Thorns chapters. I know Voldemort is very jealous and would most likely kill anyone who touches Harrie but I’m wondering if she does willingly cheat (kiss, sleep or love someone else) how would that changes the dynamic between her and Voldemort ? How would he react ? Besides the obvious violence he would impact on the other party involved, it’s quite clear he can’t hurt her or kill her. Would that be a case of “cheat on me, give yourself to someone else and you will regret it for the rest of your life” or “nothing will ever be the same between us, you’ve betrayed me” or both and something else ? How do you think this would impact the dynamic between them long-term and their relationship? Would they ever recover ?
If you’ve made this far thank you I would love to hear your thoughts !
Oh my god, anon, stressing me out with this imagined scenario. I love it 😂 But no, it’s not a weird question at all!
I think it would be a little of both, as you suggested, and depend on the "severity” of said cheating. I think if it was solely physical, then he would be more okay with it (and kissing/fooling around more so than actually have sexing). Of course, this isn’t to say he’d be fully fine with it— and yes, like you theorized the person she cheated with probably wouldn’t be long for the world— but I believe he would eventually come around to begrudgingly accept it, especially if it was something that only happened once or twice. In his mind, the rational would be that she was probably curious as to what being intimate with others felt like (seeing as V was her first), and would chalk it up to that. We do know Harri leans towards bisexuality (given her crush on Ginny and Cho)— so if she slept with a woman, then it would be even easier for V to say it was an impulsive curiosity. Overall, I can see him being jealous when he finds out, but not allowing it change their relationship too much. That being said, this scenario is for further into the future when their relationship is more well-established (if she happened to sleep with someone else right now, it’d be catastrophic— he’s too insecure when it comes to Harri’s affections to be presently fine with it). Of course, I can also see V interpreting her cheating as a challenge, the possessive bastard he is 😅😂 Turn it into a whole ‘make her tell him, in explicit detail, everything she did with the other person so he can outperform them and prove he’s better’ situation 😂 😏
Where it gets reeeaaall messy though is when feelings are involved 😬Fooling around without any attachment is one thing— but fooling around and developing feelings? Yeah 😅 I personally can’t ever see him recovering from it if Harri told him she loved someone else. In that scenario, it would mean she was choosing them over him and saying what /he/ can offer her— his affection, his loyalty, his everything— wasn’t enough, nor will it ever be. At least when it’s limited to the purely physical, she would still have an /emotional/ attachment with V— but remove that? Yikes. Just yikes. We know he doesn’t handle rejection well, thanks to his childhood trauma, and that he suffers from deeply-suppressed doubts of self-worth. In fact, one of his greatest fears is just that: Harri will come to reject him for not being ‘good enough’ (which I could write an entire paragraph about how that’s tied into his ego and psyche to the point he worries his own soul will find himself lacking— but I digress). Anyway, Harri would be confirming these doubts and I truly believe it would absolutely devastate him. Push him right to the extremes, you know? Plus, as you’ve pointed out, he’s an insanely jealous individual who doesn’t know how to share or deal with competition for Harri’s affection. Hell, he already has difficulty coping with the fact she has preexisting /platonic/ relationships— so never mind a romantic once. Also, I think the intensity of his reaction would depend on /when/ she meets this person: was it someone she knew /before/ her life with V? Or was it someone she met while they were together? Because if it’s the former, then there might be the potential— and let me stress this word might— for a degree of understanding since it would be a pre-established relationship. But if it was someone she met afterwards? Well, it would only compound his feelings of inadequacy/serve as proof to it.
I gotta be real with you though, it would be a very, very bleak situation if she ever said she loved someone else. Turn it into a ‘Dead Dove’ situation real fast 😅 I don’t see him ever trusting her again and, frankly, giving up on having a relationship with her entirely. Basically, he would shut down— and not in a ‘I’m going to cry myself to sleep every night’ way, but in a ‘I’m turning off my humanity’ way. In order to cope, he would seek to distance himself from her and the memories of what they once were by viewing her as /only/ a vessel for his soul. To that end, I could see her being locked away somewhere without any social interaction— and then, maybe after a couple of decades, only having V sporadically visit her. There would be a lot of denial on his part that he’s hurt by her betrayal— because he’s ‘Lord Voldemort’ and is above such trifling emotions (or so he’d tell himself)— and this would manifest in how he acts going forward 😅 All of that progress/emotional growth we’ve seen would be obliterated as he becomes closer to the tyrant portrayed in the canon (though probably worse, to be honest) and force Harri to watch as he burns the world down. For the first few months following her betrayal, he would target her weaknesses— just to make her hurt— and wouldn’t have any qualms about breaking his promise on harming those she cared for. Hell, he’d do it in front of her, even—a very much so ‘if I can’t have you, no one can’ mentality. I can even picture him going full sadist mode and having her either kill her lover herself, or keep them around for a few decades to torture. Basically, it would bring out the /absolute worst/ in him. I mean, this is the same guy who skinned a man alive and beheaded a house-elf like it was just another Tuesday 😅😅 He definitely has it in himself to be extraordinarily cruel and vicious, and her betrayal would be the final straw.
Overall though, I don’t think he would look favorably upon cheating of any sort— but he would be able to process/justify one kind more easily than another and move forward. But also tell me why I lowkey want to write the second scenario now……. 😬🤭 Maybe as an alternative ending sort of situation? 😂 Anyway, I could write a lot more on this, but this answer’s getting pretty long as it is— so I’ll leave it here for now!
Thanks for the question and the food for thought! 💕
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Appetence Update
Chapter 68 || A Red Setting Sun [9,350 words]
It took a bit longer than anticipated, but Chapter 68 is finally posted 💕 Hope you guys enjoy!
#tomarry#harrymort#appetence#tom riddle#lord voldemort#fem harry potter#hp fanfic#female harry potter#harry potter au#harry potter fanfiction
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Ahem... can we expect any smut soon👀
I'm dying a bit at this question and the emoji 😂 Mostly because I fully get you— I know it's been a few chapters since they had a moment.
As it stands right now, I'm not entirely sure. I do have a few smut scenes pre-written/drafted for future chapters, and I know exactly where I want them to happen in terms of the overall plot— but I'm just terrible at estimating how many more chapters it'll be until then 😅 Giving concrete answers, if you haven't already noticed, isn't my forte.
However, your request and interest is duly noted 👀 I maaayyyy try to slip in a scene within the next two chapters, since there is definitely potential for it going in that direction. No promises— but I'll see what I can do 💕
Thanks for the ask!
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10 year time-skip?? I don't know what to expect omg. I was wondering how many chapters have you planned for this fic? Do you plan to write about them afterwards?
Oh boy, asking the hard questions, aren't you anon? 😅😅 Honestly, I have no idea how many chapters there will be. I tend to operate on a 'I have Plot Points A, B, C, D, etc to hit' (and usually not in a linear progression, either), and I just keep writing until I feel satisfied a subplot has wrapped up. This is to say I'm a semi-pantser when it comes to writing and often go by the ✨vibes✨
Honestly, every time I've tried to adhere strict outlines of what should be in each chapter/who should be in it, it never ends well. It just kills my creativity and makes me hate what I've written.
But to give you a relative idea, I initially plotted Appetence to have 4 separate 'arcs'. Originally, this was /meant/ to be 4 different titles under a collection called Appetence. However, I held a poll in the early stages of writing, and people collectively agreed they'd prefer it to be a longfic— so this is where we are 😂😅 Currently speaking, we're in Arc 2 with 4-5ish chapters left before Arc 3. I am debating on making Arc 4 its own title— since that's when the time-skip occurs— but I'm not too sure yet.
As for continuing to write about Appetence!Harri and Vee afterwards, I do plan on releasing a vignette collection at some point with little snippets/scene that didn't make into the main fic (things like day-to-day moments with them, some spicy scenes, etc).
Though mostly, I have a horrifying amount of WIPs for other Harrymort/Tomarry stories in various stages of completion that I also want to get posting 💕 It's just Appetence demands to be an only child at the moment 😂😅
Anyway, thanks for asking! I'm sorry I couldn't give you a more concrete answer 💕
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Pretty strange question but what is your headcannons for the characters heights? I know you describe Harrie as somewhat short, Voldemort as very tall and Snape as tall as well if I recall correctly. Just curious lol, thank you if you entertain my stupid curiosity!
Not strange at all, nor stupid! I honestly love getting to answer questions like these, since it gives me a chance to talk more about the little details that I don't explicitly state 😂
I did answer this question before (here's a link, if you're interested), BUT this time I come bearing visual aids!!! (can you tell I'm excited over the little chart I made 😂).
Specifically speaking, Voldemort is quite tall, whereas Harri is a little less than average for the typical height of a woman in the UK (due to her malnutrition issues). However, when she does wear heels, she tends to be at/ a little over Voldemort's shoulder).
On the note of other characters not featured:
Lucius is 5'11 (but tells people he's 6' because he just has that energy and an inferiority complex that his son is almost the same height).
Sirius is Barty's height, and Remus is slightly taller than Snape by half an inch.
Hermione is 5'5" and Ginny is about the same (5'4"-5'5")
Ron is 5'11" (I've always just pictured him being pretty tall and lanky).
Anyway thanks for the ask! 💕 And if anyone wants the link to the chart, it's here.
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You got me really curious when you said 'a very V way of handling'. I'm thinking of lots of possibilities but I bet none of them true haha. Also I wonder will they reach a point where Harri won't leave his side even if she can? Will she stay with him just because she wants to? And my other question is that will there be a power balance between them(like maybe 5-10 years later)? I think I'd like to see Harri to challenge V in every way. I imagine her being the 'Dark Lady' eventually but not losing the 'light' inside of her so she becomes even more powerful.
Hi there!
Oooo 👀👀 Well if you want to share some theories, I'm always down to hear them! And who knows, maybe one of them will be right (of course, I won't say if they are or not 😂).
As for your first question, I would say yes— or at least, she wouldn't leave willingly/if she had a choice. She's already sort of getting there, as evidenced by how comfortable she's gotten to be around him (sleeping in the same bed, laughing at the beginning part of their duel (before, ya know, things got out of hand), etc) and you'll see more of her thoughts on V/what she wants out of their relationship in this next chapter or so. But it's also difficult to say whether their relationship is something that she would've chosen if given the option in the beginning, or it's something she's being conditioned towards wanting, you know? This is why I tagged it as 'Mildly Dubious Consent'— it's hard to make these judgments of whether Harri's wants are autonomous or not when these wants are being formed within the context they are, if that makes sense? This is especially important to consider given that V has enforced the narrative that he's the only one for her/she'll be rejected or despised by others if they learn what she is. To that end though— because this does sound a bit cynical— I will say she certainly has feelings for him which are bound to intensify the longer they are around one another.
Of course, this ties into your second question! The thing with Harri and V is that their power dynamic is rather fluid. While it does tend to skew in V's favour most of the time, there have been several subtle instances where Harri has held power over him. Some of the ones I can think of are when she has information V doesn't, manipulating him to get what she wants, leaving during certain situations and making him come to her, etc. But in terms of it evening out and making the dynamic more balanced, I'll say to an extent, yes. There will always be a degree of inherent imbalance due to the nature of their relationship (V being the original soul and Harri being the horcrux), but Harri will absolutely gain more leverage in the future as she comes into her own and develops the confidence to challenge him outright. You'll see this shift in the next couple of chapters, but it'll get even more obvious later on. I do have a ~10 year time-skip planned, so you'll see what I mean! As for the 'Dark Lady' bit, it's an interesting idea, but my lips are sealed lol.
Anyway, thanks for the questions! I also love getting to answer them 💕
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I'm so excited about Harri and V's conversation in next chapter. I mean what he is gonna say to her? He is definitely not the one to apologize. And Order will try to kidnap Harri right? Oh god, it will be a disaster.
Hi there!
I'm glad to see you're excited! 💕 But you're absolutely right: V isn't one to apologise. I think a lot of readers are expecting him to get on his knees, say 'sorry', and beg for forgiveness. Now don't get me wrong, I love moments of angsty grovelling as much as the next person, but that's not how it's going to play out— it doesn't really fit this universe's Voldemort, you know? 😅 Mostly because I've always approached him as an incredibly proud character with pride simultaneously being his greatest asset and his greatest fault. And sure, in the last chapter, he recognised that he messed up— however, it's one thing to do so in the safety and privacy of his own mind, and entirely another to verbally admit it by saying "I'm sorry". I just can't see him putting himself in a situation where he acknowledges/accepts culpability in front of another person (even if said person is his horcrux).
Admittedly, that's been the most difficult part in writing the next chapter: finding a resolution that will be satisfactory for you all as readers, while also remaining true to his character/faults. So to that end, I will say how he approaches the situation may be unconventional and not quite what you're expecting— but it is a very V way of handling it 😂😅 And, at least in my opinion, it doesn't disappoint. I'm actually quite happy with what I have planned, so I hope you'll be as well 💕
As for the Order, that's a whole other issue I'm going to refrain from commenting on for now. But I will say, true to the general vibe of Appetence, things will get very messy very quickly 😅
Anyway, thanks for the message and for the show of enthusiasm! I always love getting to hear from you guys 💕
#answered#queue#appetence#tomarry#harrymort#hp fanfic#female harry potter#fem harry potter#tom riddle#lord voldemort
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Posting a chapter at what I assume must be 3am for you is so you-coded. I fucking loved it so much and when I tell you I JUMPED at that notification at work, phew Christmas came early ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
.......you know me too well 😂😅 At this rate, I'm going to have to post during the day to keep you on your toes (let's be real though, that's probably never going to happen).
Anyway, thank you so much 🥺🥺 I'm glad you enjoyed it and were excited to see a notification 😭 💕
Here's to more to come 🥂
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Appetence Update
Chapter 67 || Priorities [5,046 words]
Do you ever just write a chapter and think "oh my god, this character needs therapy"?
Yeah, that's me spending an entire 5k worth of words solely in Voldemort's head 😂😭
Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this messy man and his emotions. More shenanigans will hopefully ensue.
#tomarry#harrymort#hp fanfic#harry potter fanfiction#fem harry potter#female harry potter#lord voldemort#tom riddle#tom riddle/harry potter#lord voldemort/harry potter#my fic
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Girl i love you so much, I would your lawn everyday, wash your dishes and go to work for you so you don’t have to
Asfghdjk 🥺💕 Okay, but actual footage of me right now reading your comment:
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AHH ITS HAPPENING (elysian!! Drop another chapter and my life is yours💞💞🙏)
Poor draco, getting zapped even though it isnt his fault😔
Tom is about to be in VERY hot water from now on, wonder how he'll recover from that
It is indeed happening! I'm so happy to see you're excited 🥺 It's been a bit of a struggle getting back into writing after being gone for so long— but I'm definitely glad that I can continue Appetence 💕
And I know! I feel for Draco (but also, you know me and my angst 😂). This next chapter is going to touch a bit more on some Dark Mark lore (because I can't help myself with this world-building nonsense) before getting to Voldemort and Harri working through their problems. A warning: it's going to be a lil rough and emotionally heavy, but they need this lol. And yes— he is in very hot water (which he's aware 😂). Overall, I think it's going to be a good experience for him— he needs to be humbled a touch.
Speaking of the next chapter, I may post his POV separately as a bit of an appetizer ahead of the main one. I got a bit carried away writing it, and I fear it may make the main chapter a bit unwieldy in terms of length. If I decide to go that route, it should (*hopefully*) be up sometime this coming week 💕💕
Anyway, thanks for the message and the hype! I'm really touched to see it 🥺💕
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