#yes i love my 3DS yes i take breaks from playing it
three-dee-ess · 4 months
I know it sounds dumb coming from the 3DS blog but it's fine to follow or interact with my blog and not play on your 3DS or not mod it!! or not even own one at all! Yes, I love the 3DS but I spend more time on tumblr than I do playing it. I spend more time playing games on my PC than on my 3DS. I love my 3DS, but I don't always carry it with me, I'll go months without playing it. It's a toy, of course you'll want to take breaks from it! Life also gets in the way from time to time. It's fine. It's okay :3c
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milkykotek · 1 year
desired boyfriend: my success story
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there's this guy i like. and guess what? he likes me back: here's my success story and how it happened.
what happened?
i'm specifically not going into details regarding our story, since it's a long one. there were multiple third parties involved, and i managed to manifest each one of them out of my sight. we had chemistry going on even before i decided to conciously manifest, and i only made our love bloom. everything is possible.
what helped me?
i kept on annoying my friends about him (and still do). i told them about how it looked in the 3D. i vented, but i also told them about how our good times looked like, and how i wanted them to look like - i kept this "balance". the best part was they listened and supported me thorough it all. i affirmed a lot. i used subliminals and manifested, made sure to spend time with him and chat. i visualized - us both living together happily, us sharing happy memories, us hanging out. even when i wasn't conciously manifesting, i knew i was still doing that - we manifest all the time, no matter what, and my desire was to be his boyfriend. and so, it worked.
how long did it take?
actually, not so long. it was hard for me to understand at first, but as i learnt more about the 4D and law of assumption, i realized that i'm the only one who controls the outcome.
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to sum it up, here are some tips from me:
surround yourself with positive people. yes, this one may seem like something more fitting law of attraction, but having people's support helped me believe in my affirmations more. for me, affirming while having someone i can always come up to about a problem is easier; while having support. remember though that your current situation doesn't matter while manifesting, nor do emotions. this is simply what worked for me. you don't have to constantly affirm. you manifest regardless. i didn't always have time nor energy to conciously affirm. i had my desire in the back of my mind, and i continued to affirm subconciously. you can call it "taking a break" from affirming, but in reality, you affirm all the time; you manifest all the time. just think about what you want and here - you have it already. it's as simple as that. try different methods. there are a lot of different methods of manifesting. each one works and there are no rules to it. you may find it easier to manifest via scripting, and someone else will prefer subliminals. manifesting isn't hard, and the method you choose is only for your comfort. the 3D isn't real. remembering this fact definietely helps while manifesting. sometimes, we don't constantly see our results in the 3D, and that's only because we assume we don't - in short, try thinking about the 3D as your mind playing tricks on you. only you know what's real and what isn't, and whenever you will experience something unwanted, simply don't accept that. "it never happened", change the story to how you want it to go. did you lose your book? actually, you didn't, and you just found it. is there a third party involved? "they don't exist in my reality". is he not the version of him you want? change it then. manifest him to be the perfect boyfriend you could dream of. (of course, it applies to all genders.)
terminology: 3D, 4D, law of attraction, subliminal, affirming, visualizing, scripting *the terminology will be updated with resources.
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turntableart · 7 months
okay hi, this character yes this on, is so far called yellow.rom and he is heavily inspired by kinitopet
ehem anyways :] yellow is my take on that
what you need to know before hand is that yellow is a character I've already made and used for a good chunk of time he's actually an fan made Addison from DELTARUNE and in this lil universe he's in, he's in a computer that belongs to a human version of a pink ad called click, they're human name is clark, go to bright goats page to learn about him I love they're stuff sweet Jesus you have no idea, I have no idea how to link people shit bush help
Yellow was completed in 1999 and managed to get on Clarks computer a little later, he popped up in Clarks emails with a year free trial and theyve been stuck together like glue! They are besties and stuff I love them, before that tho yellow was sat in an old computer at the studio that made him, he was cancelled a week prior to his release so when he caught on that he wouldn't be able to literally be friends with everyone on earth he leaked his own files :3 by request of his creator Thomas Greterson who disappeared later that night, that's when he fell into the spam mail box on Clarks computer :]
thank you to bush for doing rps with me so I can get his story down they love him just as much as me it makes me so happy, they also love Thomas, they love how wet cat he is and how bbg he is
Now what can yellow do as an ai assistant? Well he can do surprisingly a lot! He can do the basics like interact with you personally but he can like uh talk? He uses a tts so you can give him your name and he'll say it!!! What tts does he use uh... I haven't decided yet he's only a few days old give me a break, he can interact with you and tabs he can manipulate stuff and activate stuff like your mic or camera if you let him
He can block you from seeing certain things since he was made for a younger democratic, so no ao3 no corn hub no stuff like that... Unless you turn child mode off which is quite hard to do, you need to actually prove to him that your allowed to use that stuff
yes he can read what you search for and he can see what your looking at you dirty sinner
He can judge you. He will judge you. He is programmed to be your best friend :] and is semi self aware, he's self aware enough to feel panic when technology starts to advance and he's worried he'll become obsolete, he doesn't Clark is a smarty, He's also an anti virus, his way of getting rid of viruses is... Interesting
no were not talking about how he's illegally a virus to he doesn't like to talk about it
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Hes actually 3D! Or 2.5D I'm not sure what you call it, I plan on making him a 3d model but that'll take time, But he can spin he is an orb and a pyramid with s t i c k s we love him :3 he also has a text box cause he's nice like that, he adds faces into them like :] :3 :D ya know? He kinda has to when he don't have a mouth, his form can be altered if he let's you, he let's Clark edit it cause they're besties :] so often times yellow is littered with stickers and little additions that Clark as drawn on Microsoft paint, sometimes he draws a mouth on yellow :] speaking of mouths, yellow can edit himself as well in a less permanent way, what he does is open a paint tab and he draws his own features such as mouths and eyes and stuff even though he does have a lot of animations already built in but sometimes he just needs a little change up
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So far that's all for yellow :] heres a lil about Thomas his creator! Thomas Greterson is the human name for yellow, cause when he's an Addison hes called turnon. G. Addison :] and in this world he's in his late 30s and has been working on yellow for years, he has two kids Clara and evan with his wife Cathryn, when he quit on the day of yellows cancelation he called his wife and was met with the voice of a man he didn't know, turns out she had been cheating on him for the whole of they're marage and most of they're relationship, you see when yellow would be released there was big talk of him being a company success and Thomas would've gotton a big pay out which is the reason Cathy was with him, hearing that he wouldn't get it just made her file for devoice right they're on the phone since I guess her affair was found out, Thomas hung up the phone and walked to a bar and while later he was stumbling back home and was hit by a truck, he didn't survive and now is currently in the hands of the goddess of light
who is the god version of my friend bush, she adores this sad overworked man I am not joking I also have a god form as well as another friend of mine who isn't on here so I won't give em a name well his character is called add-on who is also in this world as a teacher Clark and him don't get along
Anyway so far that's all I've go :3 I hoped enjoy my little read! I enjoyed writing it and I can't wait to write more when I ad more to this hehee *ad* more hehehe
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rain1n · 5 months
Ink's New Plushie!
• - - - - • _ _ _ _ • - - - - •
Ink ask error to make
A Among us Plushie but they refuse the offer
And say it better be something of error choice too
They agree to make a rainbow dash plushie which was
Bigger than expected but ink still love it anyways
• - - - - • _ _ _ _ • - - - - •
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• - - - - • ` ` ` ` • - - - - •
It was an peacefull day .. error vacation at home was just started but it was amazi-
I : " ERROR!!! CAN U DO ME SOMETHINGGG? " *he said while Jumping off his portal*
E : " WHAT THE FUCK YOU WAN- ... " *error hold see inks shirt, an red 3D among us shirt with shoes*
I : " ah Ye do you like my shirt?? " *he say while looking at him with an troll face*
E : " its um... "
I : " SUS-SY! XD " *he jumps one time and then jumps into error to hugs him*
E : " UGH JUST SAY WHAT YOU WANT ALREADY! " *he said after tied up ink while ink jumped on him not touching him*
I : " Someone told me that you make plushies and - "
E : " IM NOT MAKING AN AMONG US PLUSHIE.. AND WHO TOLD YOU THAT??? " *he shout pretty louds and glitchs embarrassed*
I : " hmm... "
E : " OK!.. Forget it! If you want ME to make a plushie we have to both agree in what plushie will be!. "
I : " mky! What you like? "
E : " how about an creeper plushie? "
I : " no.. its scary! And i dont even like minecraft! " *he said while moving his hand up and down with an sad face*
E : " YOU DONT?? how do you find a creeper scary its like an amongus with face and extra limbs.. "
I : " but amongus have floating hands!! " *he said like a damn child almost sobbing*
E : " shut up.. We both have to agree im something fast. "
I : " why.. "
E : " my novela mf "
I : " OK OK!! i uh.. ponys do you like ponys??? " *he said agitatedly*
E : " . . . " *He's standing there trying not to react*
I : " YOU DONT? :'( " *said sobbing*
E : " i-i do.. like uh.. mlp " *said embarrased glitching*
I : " Noice, which pony tho.. " *he Comes back to normal like and blink*
E : " whats your mane six favorite? "
I : " AHBXBAJSN RAINBOW DASH!!! " *he moves so agitated that he breaks the lines and falls to the ground *
I : " ouchie! "
E : " gosh.. ok!! Uh.. i will give your plushie at the end of the day "
I : " OK.. and hey!! " *he was walking and stop to look back at error*
E : " ?.. "
I : " you should open a store "
E : " .. shut up!!. " *said embarrased and glitching*
At the end of the day ink Comes to take his plushie
I : " ERROR :)) IS MY PLUSHIEHZ DONE?? " *said while jumping and walking*
E : " uh yes but.. " *hed grab the flutershy plushie of the inks size from his lines*
E : " i think i got too excited.. " *he said while putting it on the ground*
I : *GAASP* " OMGGB!!!? " *vomits*
E : " uh.. Just try to not vomit in it i dont want to wash it everyday. "
I : " mkay!! "
I : " wait how do i gonna grab this? Its too big! "
E : *grabs ink and put it on the pony* " well ur riding it now "
I : " IM RIDING RAIMBOWN DA- " *almost vomits on the pony*
E : " HEY " *grabs ink and put ink alway from the plushie&
E : " ugh.. did you even listen what i said? "
I : " yeh " *says while noding*
E : " OK nvm Just take this with you " *grabs ink and the plushie and trowns both on a portal*
Ink would play with rainbow dash since then.
The end ?..
Me : ya can ask for part 2!!
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andresmounts2 · 5 months
Okay sooo Leighton Murray yap session incoming.
Rambling About How Much I Like Her
For starters, I love Leighton. I love her a little bit too much, but she's so silly & I think she deserves her own ramble post.
I really love the growth she went through over the show. She started off as this really nasty rich girl, and now she's a rich girl who knows & understands that she's privileged.
But I also love the little random scenes of her being a good friend & a good person, especially since she at the beginning she acted like she didn't like the girls. For example, her sneaking Kimberly her credit card so Kimberly's mom wouldn't have to pay for dinner. Or the way she did Kimberly's hormone injections, drove her to the procedure, and took care of her for a bit.
I also love that she's not just 2D, and her interests aren't just stereotypical for someone like her. Yes, she likes shopping & rich girl stuff, but she's also into math. (Which I think is cute, especially how she tries to deny it all the time) And her personality still shines through regardless, like making the professor make a big deal out of her being the highest scorer on that test.
Leighton & Alicia
I feel like these two dorks were a cute couple, but I don't know how I feel about them getting back together. Alicia claims to be this big ally of other queer people & she runs the women's center, but she constantly tried to make Leighton come out. Mind you, Leighton has only started exploring WLW relationships in college. She's known that she's liked girls for a while (she admits this when she's in the doctor's office with Kimberly & she says she was scared she was going to come out to her parents after her wisdom teeth removal) but she never "acted" on it until college.
Leighton has always been perceived as a cishet white rich girl. And one of her biggest fears is that coming out was going to other her & being queer was going to be her only personality trait (to others) instead of Alicia comforting her she basically says either come out or break with me.
I completely understand Alicia's concern about being closeted again, but that was no reason for her to treat Leighton like that after she knew she was Leighton's first real relationship. It blows my mind that Kimberly was a better ally to Leighton & she's not even queer. It was Alicia's right to break up with her, but bare minimum, she could've guided Leighton through this & gave her advice. Or she could've explained that being queer didn't have to be her whole personality & Leighton was still a 3D person despite her sexuality. (But I digress)
Leighton & Tatum
I feel like they were a less toxic couple & Leighton's little crush on her was extremely cute. Like the way she specifically went out of her way to play tennis to try to impress her. And I really like how Tatum treated the whole "coming out situation". She reassured Leighton that they could take it slow & validated her feelings. (Which is what Alicia should've done)
I also like that they chose that as an opportunity to show Leighton's growth. She finally stands up for what she thinks is right, and stands by her friends. I think it could've been a good time to have Tatum grow as a person along side Leighton, but they put her back with Alicia so whatever.
Leighton's Flaws
Leighton is like every other character & real person, she has flaws. She has done stupid stuff, but I feel like that doesn't take away from how much she's changed.
Like the first episode, where she berates her old "friends". Obviously, it was her fault they didn't want to room with her, it could've been nice to have her realize that she was the problem in that situation. Or reflect on it later in the season if she ever randomly bumped into them.
They also could've had a moment where she realized money can't fix everything. (Beside the community center thing, because she literally got a girlfriend out of that) Like she gets into trouble, or she tries to help somebody else get out of trouble & they sit her down & tell her that money can't fix everything in the world.
And the way she handled the disease situation sucked. Yes, whoever gave it to her didn't tell her, but she didn't have to do the same to another innocent girl. She definitely should've taken that girl aside, had an open conversation, and still paid for the meds.
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shuttershocky · 1 year
As an avid (?) Dota player, what's your opinion on other games in the genre such as HoTs, LoL, HoN etc?
I'm an avid Dota fan, but only a casual player as evidenced by my playtime
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Anyway to answer your question, I've tried quite a few in my time!
Heroes of Newerth - This was Dota 2 before Dota 2. Had many old heroes from Dota but with a ridiculously fast turn rate and overall game speed. I didn't get to play it much, but a ton of the current pros in Dota 2 came from the HoN scene. I'm still hoping Icefrog ports some HoN heroes over (though some abilities like Puppet Master's Crazy Puppet have already made their way into Dota through skills like Winter's Curse) now that HoN is, you know, dead.
League of Legends - I had a lot of fun with it as a more action based take on the genre, but i disliked the general streamlining of strategy. Replacing trees and high ground for vision breaking with tall grass that just makes you invis while inside didn't really sit right with me, as well as how tame skills and items were compared to Dota (an ultimate stun in League is about the length of a regular stun in Dota, as League does not have an equivalent to BKB. Something like Flash moved you only a tiny hop compared to Blink Dagger's screen wide teleport, because of how busted introducing Dota-style mobility would be in League of Legends). Loved certain members of the cast though. My faves were Leona, Orianna, Lux, and Ezreal. The last time I played, they had just newly introduced Yasuo (I think this was in 2013?) so I'm sure a lot has changed since then.
Heroes of the Storm - It was a party game. I don't know how else to describe it. Way too gimmicky and casual for my taste, though I thought its talent tree was really cool (and Icefrog did as well apparently, patch 7.00 brought HotS talent tree into Dota). They also had some ridiculously cool ideas for character skillsets, Abathur was completely insane, and the Lost Vikings were a very unique take on one hero who is many (such as Meepo).
Smite - I played Smite in the beta and didn't play it anymore after it actually released. the 3D angle felt novel, but I really didn't see the point of switching to a 3rd person action control scheme vs isometric point and click when the map was just as flat with no verticality whatsoever. You can't make a classic MOBA map and then make someone run around it in 3D, without verticality it feels very boring and stale. I'm sure they improved it post launch though. It was also really fun to have main menu animations in the beta where the gods of various pantheons would be palling around. If I remember correctly, the Play button was a Norse deity (i forgot who) giving Ra a bearhug and ruffling his head while they smile at the player. So cute.
Battleborn - Every day I have to contend with the knowledge that Overwatch lived and Battleborn died. I liked Battleborn. i will never get to play Marquis or Phoebe again because the servers are deactivated. Fuck.
Super Monday Night Combat - Yes it was flawed. Yes making your level act as a multiplier of your stats (meaning being just 1 level above the enemy gave you an insane advantage) was really bad for game pacing and made games stompy. Yes every character having a grab attack meant that every character in the game had a channeled stun. I don't care. It had Captain Spark, a weird Rocketeer- Shark Boy fusion, and the most fun blink in the history of PVP games. This dude could teleport through walls and floors, letting knowledgeable players potentially get the drop on people from ANYWHERE (if they dont teleport to their deaths anyway) and that 360 degrees of possible angles was so fun I still daydream about getting to play Spark again. I can't. They deactivated the servers. I loved this game so dearly I wrote up character guides and posted on the forums every day. SMNC is where i got the name of this blog; my username used to be Camerashy, then it became Shuttershy, then people playing against me in SMNC thought this was a my little pony reference, so Shuttershocky it was.
Gigantic - They killed the perfect video game. I was there since Alpha testing. I have a shirt from the developers. Gigantic had some of the best character art in the history of video games. Playing it felt amazing, like someone finally figured out how to do a 3D MOBA, and it was to flip the whole concept on its head. Rather than defend a base, you had a massive kaiju on your team that kicked ass, and your objective was taking down the enemy kaiju while yours literally tore the battlefield apart. God. It was everything. I loved it so much. It had so much life left to live, but nobody played it, another victim of being a cartoon 3D team game that dared to be around when Overwatch arrived. Players who came in during beta or release never even got to play my favorite character of the Alpha test: Roland, because they took Roland away for some reworking and promised he'd come back, only for Gigantic to die before Roland ever returned. Tyto. Tripp. Mozi. Especially Beckett and Imani. I miss all of you every day. This was as close a PVP game could get to perfection in my eyes and it's gone. I will forever grieve what could have been
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freesia-writes · 1 year
The Master Post of All the Tags Lately
Jeez, you guys, I feel so stinkin loved. I've been here for literally 3 months and it's just... the best. It's redeemed social media, LOL. So much creativity and fun and humor and just absolute awesomeness.
ANYWAY. I've been hyperfixated on my smutty Crosshair fic collab with @lightwise, so I haven't answered any of the fun things y'all have been tagging me in lately, so I'm doing them ALL AT ONCE. ;)
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Last Song: Blinding Lights by The Weeknd
Currently Watching: nothing, can you believe it?!
Currently Reading: The Gospel of Mark and amazing fanfics (I'd tag em but there's too many and I fear missing someone)
Current Obsession: Clones right now. Fanfic writing, sexy clone fanart.
@sunshinesdaydream @rain-on-kamino
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My Mood Board/Core/Aesthetic -- Total disclosure, I hand-picked the images to reflect all the sides of me...
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@sinfulsalutations @the-bad-batch-baroness
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The Latest Line from my WIP:
Crosshair’s hand was suddenly on the small of your back again, warm and deliberate, a life preserver in a tumultuous ocean of emotions and memories; he stiffened as he felt your tension and the slight shudder as you fought to maintain composure.
@clone-anon @annwayne @ladyzirkonia
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9 of my Favorite Characters:
They actually are in order from least to most favorite, coincidentally. Although I might switch Gregor and Rex. ;)
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@annwayne @techs-stitches @photogirl894
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I'm too lazy to figure out the snow globe date thing but I can tell you it'd be me and my man in a forest by a river with a bunch of snack food. @anxiouspineapple99
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A scent I love: RAIN
Something I'm looking forward to this week: a super chill weekend with family and a ton of progress on the smutty Crosshair fic ;)
A book I'm currently reading: see above
A game I'm currently playing: Super Mario 3D World or Mario Kart on the Switch with the fam
Most recent movie: I never watch movies. Idk why. But I can watch hours of TBB or TCW, haha. So uhhhh. GEEZ. Honestly, no idea.
Watching anything on TV: not consistently. Occasional episodes of The Office. Taking a break from Star Wars as I'm writing and reading like crazy here. ;)
Favorite season: GARLIC IS A SEASON, @doublesunsets!? You're my hero. I usually say fall (basic white girl) but this year it's been spring. I love rain, green, salamanders, creeks, fog, etc. I was raised in Oregon but am in California now, so it's nice to have glimpses of the Pacific Northwest.
Something I've learned lately: Zoloft can significantly decrease your sexual responsiveness. ;)
Have I had water today? Heck yes. I tote my giant water bottle around everywhere.
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Also too lazy to make a picrew, but sending love and hugs to you @thecoffeelorian, haha
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Holla if I missed any! XD
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animehouse-moe · 2 years
Bocchi The Rock Episode 7: The Anime of The Year
Look at the video above, just.... look. This is still a series about a socially anxious loner that wants to play in a band and make friends. It's still the same as ever. It's still the same series. But somehow, somehow, it not only separates itself from its pack of fellow Slice of Life titles, it separates itself from its fellow anime this year and rests atop them in a league of its own. It's like some sort of dream.
Sure, Dress Up Darling did the classic 4:3 anime reference, and yeah, Akebi's Sailor Uniform had incredibly detailed and essentially photorealistic environments and backgrounds. But there's two things with that.
One: Cloverworks did both of those series Two: Neither uses a god damn Claymation Zoetrope for the purpose of a single cut in a single episode of a single series.
It's not playing with a balloon, it's not drawing characters onto cutouts on popsicle sticks. It is an entirely separate creative process that takes far more time, and is even an entirely different area of expertise. Drawing is not the same as 3d modelling. Yes, there's overlap, but you're not guaranteed to be great at 3d models and sculptures just because you can draw super well.
And this is but the tip of the iceberg, it's a minute and 30 seconds of this entire outstanding episode, of which there's a world of incredible creativity to tackle. So buckle up for a far too long post about the incredible work on episode 10 of Bocchi The Rock.
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So, how about that cold open? Though I guess it's more so hot than cold. Regardless, this cold open really provides some incredible pieces that cement the quality of prior episodes. Firstly, the photorealistic environment work. Look at the image above, it's drawn in a really interesting way. The angle, the height, the shadow. It sells the feeling that you're bending over to grab the bottle of water from the vending machine perfectly. Why? Because it's from a reference photo. Look at the image below. Look at the cars, at the incredibly unique layout of the building behind the girls, or the pieces of another building sticking out from the trees on the left. This too, is from a reference photo. In fact, with a large amount of confidence, I can say that all the static backgrounds and environments that Njika and Kita walk through are from reference pictures, and they integrate incredibly well. There's something so alluring about the overlap of photorealism and the relatively low detail but expressive designs of the girls.
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Perhaps my favorite piece from their cold open though was when the pair disappeared behind a grouping of trees. The understanding of space and pacing, the distance that the girls are shown at, it's all so incredibly well put together, and produces a helplessly satisfying cut.
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Favorites aside, the direction of the cold open really stands out in comparison to the typical style of Bocchi The Rock. It's even more spacious than usual thanks to being outside, but Cloverworks contrasts that wide feeling with lots of super close up shots to bring it in tighter.
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There's something really wonderful about this approach for a cold open. The staff didn't just randomly pick closeups to focus on, they work the dialogue into their approach, when there's nothing specific being talked about they keep the scene wide and open, but when there's something specific like talking about bringing stuff over, or talking about Bocchi's weirdness, they shift the focus to those pieces to really highlight them. However, there is a secret third option that they add: the walking close up. What I love about this is the break that it provides. You might not have noticed, but you can only hear the footsteps of the girls when there's a close up on them walking. When they're at a distance or focused on somewhere else you can't hear it, which I thought was a wonderful addition that really adds a nice feel.
That unique direction of specialized close ups doesn't end with the cold open though, it extends into the episode itself and adds a really fun change of pace to the norm that we as viewers have gotten used to.
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Also, this small little piece in Bocchi's room. Was a really fun little callback to her pool surfing daydream, and gives you the inclination that Bocchi's daydreams aren't just abstract, but from stuff she's seen and/or experienced.
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Anyways, the episode eventually settles in and begins to deliver on its usual promises. Fluid animation, creative reactions and approaches, really satisfying framing and camera angles, the whole 9 yards. I say that like it's some regular standard, but in reality there's not a show out there I can think of that produces such incredible episodes each week as if it's nothing.
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Also, I loved this little addition. The staff is aware enough of Bocchi's daydreaming and the reactions of the characters to to it that they can incorporate natural jokes into the flow of the series.
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The further you get into the episode, the more its approach sinks in. It's not the more muted or driven episode like the previous, but one that affords the team experimentation and plenty of room for creativity. Bocchi's severe case of lonerism is Cloverwork's golden ticket to the odd and outstanding approach that they seem to love.
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And do they ever put their heart into it. Getting Bocchi to dress in regular clothing was super fun and cute!
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Quickly though, they drive out the cuteness and bring in the despair for an impressive minute and thirty (ish) second stretch of a very unique brand of skit where Bocchi dies from having her head fully exposed, and wreaks havoc on Nijika and Kita from the grave. Sort of a see it to believe it moment.
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Of course, this skit too, comes to pass, and we get back to the girls and their plans for their first big event, where they settle down a little and focus on the characters. It was a really fun little sequence that shows how far Bocchi's already made it in terms of social anxiety, where she's willing to go against the flow of the group based on her own opinions and ideals.
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Bocchi really is trying hard to overcome her fears and anxieties, and her friends are very supportive. Of course though, it's Bocchi, things can't go well. The typhoon comes to hit them anyways, and we get left in the episode with a dramatic shot of Bocchi looking out at the storm. Thanks to the eavestrough (or maybe roof?) above Bocchi in the scene, it paints it as a sort of widescreen black bar effect, making the moment even more dramatic.
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I had said it in my last post about the previous Bocchi episode, but the creativity of this show truly is a marvel. How you manage to have the thought process of "Bocchi daydreaming about the sports festival -> Claymation Zoetrope" still astonishes me. It's such an incredible leap to even consider, let alone execute. And they find the perfect spot for it. They don't have these ideas and think "where can we fit these", in fact it feels the opposite. It feels like the staff analyzes each and every little moment, every single frame of each episode and rack their brains over the question of "What can we do here", and the answer to that question is each and every episode of Bocchi The Rock.
Anime of the season hands down, Anime of The Year no contest, each episode of this series transcends awards and popularity to an entire other degree. It's something that everyone looks at with admiration, with astonishment, with immense appreciation, because it's more than competing for popularity or anything that trivial. It's a perfect case study for letting talented individuals loose to do the best and most cohesively creative work you can even really think of.
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erevoid · 4 months
Thank you @soliscital for the tag
>Were you named after anyone?
- I was named after my grandfather (that's how it usually goes where I'm from anyway).
>When was the last time you cried?
- A couple of days ago.
>Do you have kids?
- I do not have any kids yet.
>What sports have you played/do you play?
-I've played football (soccer) in a team, then I tried basketball but it didn't really click to me and I love going for bicycle rides, even though there aren't any places to go inside the city. I'm not much of a sports guy but I'd love to change that in the future
>Do you use sarcasm?
- I do, but only for fun and with people that are definitely okay with it and would do it back to me.
>First thing you notice about people?
-Their style, their facial structure (I'm breaking it down into easier shapes in my mind) and their hairstyle.
>What is your eye color?
- The default brown.
>Scary movies or happy endings?
-That's a bad question because a scary movie isn't the opposite of a happy ending, a sad ending is. I'd go for bittersweet endings and I enjoy both scary movies (if done right) and happy endings.
>Any talents?
-I don't really believe in talent, everything comes down to determination and practice. But what I truly enjoy about myself is the ability to try new things and constantly evolve in everything
>Where were you born?
- In Greece
>What are your hobbies?
-Scale modelling (mainly WWII dioramas), DnD, Illustration Drawing, Gardening, Game Development, Gaming, Cooking, Graffiti, Bike riding, 3D modelling and many more that I can't recall. As mentioned before taking up new hobbies is part of my personality and I really enjoy experiencing more aspects of life.
>Do you have any pets?
-We share a single braincell cat with Sol called Ahsoka (yes named after the star wars character).
>How tall are you?
- 1.8m
>Favorite subject in school?
-I liked pretty much everything, but none truly clicked with me the way it was taught.
>Dream job?
-None, I cannot have a dream job because money isn't my drive, knowledge is. That being said, my favourite ways of passing my time throughout my life are my hobbies.
If you see those questions and want to reply, consider yourself tagged by me!
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desultory-novice · 11 months
If there was ever a rhythm game for Kirby (that is not Drum Dash), what direction do you think it'll take? I think a lot of us would enjoy breaking our fingers playing a super-hard chart of a boss medley or something. It would definitely be fun if all of the infamous Kirby tracks were included in the game!
(Although, for something more indulgent, maybe they'll conjure up a gacha-type rhythm game with those collectible cards, sorta like the official twitter art?)
This post made me realize my only go-to rhythm games are Bust a Groove (...1998...), Guitar Hero, Project Diva, and the Hypnosis Mic rhythm game. I dabbled in a few more here and there but I have no idea where the genre is as a whole. ^^; (This did encourage me to watch a breakdown of the Persona Dancing All Night series though!)
My take is that a Kirby rhythm game would be a huge amount of fun! With an amazing library of songs to remix (and some that would provide absolutely killer note charts) I can imagine practice sessions hammering away at multi-note combos to get that long-awaited perfect would be a great time! Being Kirby, it would probably start out as easy as possible for newcomers to the genre, but I imagine once you unlock the harder difficulties, there'll be no holding back!
And I could definitely be made to simp for a game that offered me glittery Kirby images as rewards - as long as there was a healthy amount of newly drawn art in there to collect!
(I often hope we'll see a resurrection of the Twitter art in some form or another. Getting semi-regular peeks into Dream Land was a blast!)
Other wish list items: I want vocal remixes! I think most people have some familiarity with "The Apple Juice Song" thanks to Oniri Boy's very cute animation of it, but the Kirby Memorial Arrangements album (where that song comes from) also has a tearjerking vocal arrangement of Sectonia's theme and a 70s anime opening-esque version of Meta Knight's theme that I unabashedly love!! So my Kirby "Dream Band" game would definitely include vocal remixes!
And... I want to be able to dress up the characters - yes, characters! I don't want "just" a rhythm game, I want it to be a dancing game! Seeing Persona Dancing All Night solidified this desire for me. I want to have a variety of Dream Land residents in a dance off, dancing in a variety of 3D rendered backgrounds, dressed in fun, flashy fashions! ("What's that? Half of them don't have legs? Upper body-heavy dance styles are totally a thing though!" ...Plus, not having feet didn't stop all those Magolor MMD video creators!) Star Allies proved to us that everyone can in some form do "The Kirby Dance" so I so no reason a dance game should be off limits for this world!
...Ahhh, darn it, anon! You have put the dream of a Kirby dance game with boatloads of characters, stylish graphics, loads of customization options, and amazing vocal remixes in my head and I don't know if we'll ever truly get that now! Nooooooooooo...!
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nightmare-dreamt · 1 year
Hi! Could i get a matchup? For Tokyo Ghoul and Assassination classroom?
Pronouns: any
Attracted to: males
Zodiac: Aries if important
Appearance: long dark/almost black hair, same color eyes. I’m pretty lean and average height, always dress in dark clothing or neutral shades. Very into formal clothes, always dress like i have somewhere to go(i dont)
Personality: when meeting someone for the first time, I’m all awkward smiles, avoiding eye contact, and shy politeness. Ermm i tend to get attached to people to continue to look past that and continue talking to me. Anyways after being friends for a while, i get so much louder and more talkative, i like to annoy/tease my friends but will stop when they tell me to. Sarcastic, protective, loyal, and i also tend to make A LOT of jokes…sometimes during bad times. On the other hand, i can be quite irritable, gets overstimulated by my surroundings easily, awful memory, no motivation to do simple tasks at times, sensitive, sometimes does not know when to shut up
Likes: all forms of art, fiction books, the night sky, quiet environments, rain, storms, loud music, spending time with people i care about, playing videogames, trying out new hobbies, having my own space once in a while. Love when people rant about their interests to me as well, like yes please keep talking
Dislikes: not doing anything for a long period of time, loud and crowded places, hot weather,
Hobbies: oh boy..drawing, writing, reading, tinkering with technology, coding, sculpting, 3d modeling, crocheting, storytelling. I also like collecting knives, rocks, figures, and toy cars :D
Matchup for Anon!
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Aries and gemini are decently compatible, the relationship is very lively, exciting, and vibrant. From sources, I've read the Aries in the relationship lets the Gemini have their own freedom and space, and in retum the Gemini respects Aries and never leans too much on them. In the end, the two are well suited for each other and would make a great relationship, but be prepared there may be some bickering.
We all know him as being extremely talkative and social and it would make sense to act the same way around you, but when he took note of your quiet state, it intrigued him. He's someone who focus on the little things and notices when something he had talked about out of nowhere lands on his desk. To his surprise, after a couple of months of talking you became more talkative yourself, interacting more with him then before and he loved it, having an even bigger smile on his face.
When the two of you first met, his eyes noticed your clothing style and fell in love, enjoying the forming attire and the dark shades, always looking good on you. When the two of you went on. your first date, he couldn't take his eyes off of you, thinking you looked like a god/goddess. Definitely was shocked when seeing you out of the formal clothes for the first time, but he still loves you without them and thinks you look amazing.
Your guys first date together was at a museum that happened to be filled with art and all sorts of masterpieces. You guys spent hours there debriefing art, trying to figure out the meaning behind the work and what the artist was thinking when working on the piece. One time, the two of you made a joke about the Mona Lisa and created a whole alibrite plan, but that's something neither of you would share with anyone but each other.
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Assasination Classroom: Hiroto Maehara
It's known that he's the typical playboy, going around and teasing his friends and other people, but when someone teased him back his face broke out into a fit of red. You were that person. It was one normal day when the ginger haired boy came over and started to flirt making teasing remarks, but he was not prepared for those remarks to be used against him. Now, when you're around him you make a flirty remark causing his face to break out in a blush and him to get annoyed wanting to be the one to do that to you.
His favorite thing about you is your personality, from how protective and loyal you are to those close to you and his favorite are the jokes. When there's a bad situation, it's always best to laugh and try to lighten the mood and he loves how open you are with that idea. It makes him laugh and smile when seeing your happiness.
When there was a storm, he usually ignored it and just relaxed playing video games or something but now with you in his life he looks at the storm differently. Whenever there is a storm, it's a sign for the two of you to plan a date that usually consists of a movie being watched or games being played for hours. When there isn't a storm, the two of you will go out at night and stargaze looking at all of the stars in the sky, talking about each of them.
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sunmaylight · 10 months
Does anyone have those things you grew up with and go back to at random times in your life?
For me, it is the Etrian Odyssey 3DS games. I grew up playing EO4 and then moved on to fanfic. Was so happy when I found the fics in there at the time. Especially from this one author because I was still young in my love for BL turn LGBTQA era. It was that one author’s fanfics and the 3DS games that drew me back to them at random points in my life.
I did take a break near the end of EO4 because I couldn’t defeat the Cursed Prince and the Leviathan. But then the Untold Series were being released and I loved playing them to the point I completed the main story for both. Then I took another break from the games until EO5 came out but only played enough to the third Stratum and then paused again. Though in between all of the pauses throughout the years I have been reading my favorite EO author’s fanfics when I am in the mood for EO but not wanting to play the game.
Now I am enjoying the games again and looking back at how much fun I had with my guilds and imagining what all of my guild member’s dynamics were with each other.
Currently I now need to defeat the Titan to save the Priestess, clear the Crystal Stratum to continue the rest of the journey to climb Iori’s Yggdrasil, and start Nexus when I am done with those two games. (Yes, I made sure to get them in the 3DS eshop before it shut down). Then when that is done, I could and start the first three Etrian Odyssey games that started it all on the Switch.
Hopefully in the months to years it will take me to finish EO1-3, EOU3 will be released on the Switch. I’ve heard a lot of good things about EO3 and can’t wait to enjoy it on my own.
Anyways, this is just some ramblings from a long time on and off Etrian Odyssey fan who has been feeling nostalgic about the games and need to get back into playing and reading fanfic from that one author one day.
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purplesurveys · 1 year
Think back to yesterday, what were you doing around this time? I think I was just playing a game on my phone, taking breaks in between to baby Cooper and squish his cheeks.
What was the last thing you watched on the TV? The music video of 3D. :)) The song is really catchy but holy shit can it stand on its own without the rap. I almost immediately preferred the alternate version and am so grateful they decided to make one.
Do you think pets can get annoying easily? Uhhhhh, no. Pets can get annoying on occasion, but if you're easily irritated by them then maybe you're the problem...
Did you know that pickles have no calories? No, but I also don't have any strong feelings about learning this because I don't even like pickles haha.
Do you enjoy family get togethers? It depends on the side I'm seeing. I always enjoy the food lol but I have different relationships with different relatives, and there are certain sides that I can much more easily vibe with.
That said, my family's dynamic definitely falls under the Filipino stereotype of my dad's side typically being more boring, and my mom's side being lots of fun to be with (for the most part).
In a group of three, do you often feel like the third wheel? I mean, it depends on who the other two are. I am louder around certain people and quieter around others.
What color are your pants? I'm not wearing pants but my current shorts are purple and white.
Is there snow on the ground where you are? No.
What is keeping you warm right now? Nothing, actually, even though I'm feeling increasingly cold. I should get my blanket soon.
Has anyone bought you a piece of jewelry? Yes, a previous significant partner and a close friend.
How far away is your next birthday? Seven months away.
Do you have plans for that birthday yet? Not really yet. I don't start planning on what I want to do until the start of the new year.
When did you last take a shower? This morning.
Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? Nope, I've never seen it.
Have you ever flown somewhere alone? No and I don't know when I'll ever have the courage to do so haha. It feels so daunting! I don't even think I'm ready to travel on my own yet.
Are you more serious or funny? I definitely try to be more lighthearted but I know when to be serious. Work drains me enough during the day so I like to let loose once I'm out of that headspace.
Is there someone that annoys you but you haven’t told them? Eh no one annoys me these days other than, like, certain celebrities that I have muted on social media anyway so that I never see them.
When is garbage day in your area? Wednesday.
Who/What was the last thing to really irritate you? My brother acts like he's king of the fucking world and never does any chores. The untended pile of laundry we had earlier was irritating me to no end so I just folded everything so that that part of the house can look neat again, even though I'm already in charge of a couple of other chores.
I feel like he thinks he gets a pass because college life is supposed to be exhausting, but it feels like such a funny insult to the 9-6s my sister and I have, lmao. In any case, I ended up enjoying folding the laundry because I found it therapeutic after my long day.
Do you think people either love or hate spongebob? At least from how I see it, most people love Spongebob either for its nostalgic factor, the timeless memeability of the show, or both. I fall under the category of loving Spongebob for both of those reasons.
The people I know who aren't interested only feel that way because they didn't grow up watching the show, but they don't actively dislike it.
Have you seen that new “Lie To Me” show? I've never even heard of that. I love the 5SOS song that shares the exact same title though, hah.
What is something you’d rather be doing right now? I'm perfectly content where I am right now.
Do you find that people are too hard on you? No, but I'm sensing that it's about to be that way soon. I don't want to talk about it now though.
Do you take surveys often? I wouldn't say so, but my activity does come in bursts. It'll be radio silence for most Monday-Fridays, but I might take 3-4 a day on weekends.
Do you tend to slam things around when you’re mad? Sometimes, but I wouldn't call it a habit. I wouldn't want it to be one.
Do you know anyone who hates/dislikes chocolate? I don't think so. I don't dislike chocolate per se, but I tend to avoid it because I find it too sweet.
Could you vote in this last election? Yes; I've been voting since 2016.
Have you taken a shower today? Yup.
How much sleep did you get last night? Around 7-8.
Do you have more girl friends or guy friends? Girl.
What is your current mood? Relaxed, happy, content.
Is there anything on your mind at the moment? How I'm in a really uncomfortable position but I'm too lazy to move around. Also thinking about how much my back and neck hurts, and my stomach is also beginning to feel upset most likely because of how I wolfed down that samgyupsal earlier lol.
Are there any movies out that you’d like to see? Oppenheimer, but I'll save that for when my dad's back home so we can watch it together.
Have you ever been on a website called Stickam? No, I don't think I've heard of it either.
Have you ever hated yourself? Yes. I don't anymore, but I did, and it wasn't a good place to be in.
Are you hungry? No, I am VERY full hahaha.
Did your parents ever ground you? Yes. At the time I had actually been very surprised that they did, considering 'grounding' isn't at all a thing where I live. Anyway, I had gotten in trouble on multiple occasions both for swearing and having horrible grades, so my parents would take away my laptop for indefinite periods.
Where was the last place you went out to eat? This Greek place where I had a Very Corporate Lunch with my workplace's CEO (aka my new boss from here on out), Bea, and one of our clients. I felt sick the whole time. Why am I even in this position? I don't care for corporate talk. Can I go back to being a manager who is more hands-on with the dirty, day-to-day work?
Have you ever felt like you needed a better life than the one you have? Better isn't really the word for it. Maybe 'more fulfilling' is more apt, and I'm definitely feeling that way now.
Do you own an MP3 player of some kind? No, not anymore.
Do you have a moment in your life you wish you could replay over again? Yes, Yoongi's concert. I think of going back to that time at least once a day. Every time I remember I've seen a member of BTS I always break out into a stupid giggle and feel like I'm floating on air for the next half hour haha. UGH I LOVE YOONGI BRING HIM BACK TO ME
Have you ever been in a play? If so, did you like it? I mean I guess, in my first school, but it was always a class performance where we'd do a song number. No, I never enjoyed those mandatory performances.
What is one musical artist you wish wasn’t making music? Chris Brown. I wish everyone can just start ignoring him.
When was the last time you cleaned something? Earlier tonight when I mopped the floor, tidied the dining table, and washed everyone's dishes.
Have you ever been so sick you had to be taken to the hospital? Yes, on two occasions.
Do you like your smile? Yes. :)
Do you have someone that you think truly understands you? Sure.
When was the last time you doubted yourself? Yesterday at the aforementioned lunch. My feelings at the time were like 20% doubting myself, 80% openly acknowledging within myself that, "holy shit, I CANNOT fake it til I make it here. Everything they're talking about, from next year's contract and the company's profit is making me want to vomit all over this table."
Is there anything currently bothering you? Yes my entire back is killing me and I just need a masseuse who'll use my back as a punching bag for five hours straight.
Would you say that you’ve got something ‘special’ about you? I think about that way about myself and everyone. We all come with our own charms.
Who was the last person to cheer you up when you were down? Jin.
Are you scared of what you do not know? I'm past that point already, considering what I've been able to survive before. I just enjoy going with the flow now.
Is there anything in the next six months that you’re looking forward to? Leaving my jobbbbb. I've decided to stay for the time being just so that I can avoid looking like an asshole who leaves as soon as she gets promoted, but resignation actively hangs in my mind everyday because the more I get settled in my new job, the more resentful I get.
Were you/are you popular in high school? I was in the inner circles, but I hated being in the spotlight so I still preferred to be the wallflower in my groups.
Do you really care what people think about you? No. I have other things to think about.
Do you find yourself treating others like you’d want to be treated? Not always. I will snap sometimes without meaning to and it always makes me feel guilty and self-reflect at the end of the day, but in general I do my best to go about every day thinking of two things: treat people the way I'd want to be treated, and that I never know what people are going through at a given moment so just be fucking nice.
Are you constantly envious of others? I genuinely cannot tell you when I last felt envy.
Are you more of a whiner with things or a do’er of things? Doer. I'll grumble within myself but it's not like I have a choice for the most part so I just go ahead and do Things.
List three of your favorite TV shows: Breaking Bad, Friends, Descendants of the Sun.
Would your friends say you’re a relaxed person or stressed? STRESSED, lmao. They will be the first to tell you that, for sure.
What do you find yourself worrying most about these days? How well I can adjust into my new role at work. Maybe I'll get into it more another time, but it's 11 PM on a Friday night and mulling over work feelings is the last thing I want to be doing.
Would you say it’s hard to earn your trust? It's easy for me to trust people and just as easy for me to take it away.
Who was the last person to compliment you? Coleen.
Anything interesting happen this past week? Sure, but it's not the good kind of interesting.
When was the last time you felt scared? Wednesday, when I had to go through multiple unfamiliar roads to get to my destination that day.
What’s on your mind this very second? How I want to skip the current song that's playing, anddd I just did.
Do you know the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’? Yes.
Do you correct other people’s grammar/spelling when talking to them online? Never.
Is bacon one of your favorite foods? I love bacon, but it's not my favorite.
Are you one of those people who like to sleep in on the weekends? No. I'll barely sleep during weekends since it's my only time to do normal life things really.
Do you like things vampire related? Eh, just Twilight.
Have you ever cussed at a parent or teacher? Nope. I've sworn around my parents, but not at them.
When was the last time you saw snow? I've never seen snow.
Have you ever felt stupid after saying something? Yes.
Do you find yourself cold at the moment? Not anymore; I turned off the aircon for now since the cold had been getting too uncomfortable earlier.
Are your nails currently long? Yeah a little bit and I'll have to cut them soon.
Are you the kind of person who does not like talking about their past? Certain remnants of it sure, but I'm generally an open book.
Do you have long slender fingers or short chunky ones? My fingers are long and slender and I loveeeee them.
Do you think your foot size fits your body type? I guess so. My feet are really tiny hahah I'm like a size 6.
Are you the competitive type? Yeah, in every sense of the word. I mean I've gotten better at handling losses but I still like to treat most things like a race/contest; it's just a better mindset for me to be in to be motivated to do my best.
Are you more of a mommy’s person or a daddy’s person? Dad's girl.
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jakethesequel · 9 months
I love emulators very cool. I love FPGA/hardware emulators too very cooler. However my favorite thing is when some enterprising little bastards decide to re-create a whole console physically. That's badass. That's peak emulation to me right there. It can take original cartridges and disks? Mwah! It uses the original controllers? Hell yes! It interfaces with obscure original console accessories? Now you're just showing off! That's the dream, anyway.
Don't get me wrong PC emulation is great and I love you but even as a kid there were still games and consoles (mostly Nintendo tbh) that I knew I could emulate but still wanted to buy a real copy. The physical copies provided a felt, tactile difference in the play experience. Real buttons on a GBA vs a phone, the DS's screens and stylus, the 3DS's 3D; plus all of them had local multiplayer stuff that was hard to emulate. The Wii and Wii U had unique designs that are still hard to emulate properly, although we're much closer now; even the N64 isn't the same without its freakish Zaphod Beeblebrox controller, and Smash nerds are married to the Gamecube controller. Even MGS3 on the PS2 has some controls that rely on pressure-sensitive buttons (this is because Kojima is a genius). Of course some of that was just me having a collector's spirit and wanting to own physical copies, but I think there's definitely something to it that makes emulating the physical aspect of games just as worthwhile as the software.
The physicality and tactile design of games is underrated when it comes to talking about game design in general. Everyone will complain if a controller is uncomfortable or breaks down, but the solutions are treated as obvious and expected, when I doubt most people could actually tell you what design a controller needs to last hundreds on hundreds of game-hours without degradation to itself or its players' variably-sized hands. Add on "while equally supporting suitable control schemes for developers of wildly different game genres but without straying too far from the gamers' expectations" and "that can be mass-produced at a reasonable enough price to include a couple with the console and not bankrupt your customers if they need another." I think that's part of why I've always been primarily a PC-and-Nintendo gamer (besides my old PS2). Nintendo was always adding hard-to-emulate tactile differences to their consoles, while Sony and Xbox (despite having better generic controller designs) rarely ever made me think "this PS/XB game would be better enjoyed on the original console rather than the PC port/emulation." From early on they had Gunpei Yokoi replacing the joystick with the D-pad & buttons (becoming the default layout for future controllers, especially after the SNES upgrade) and sucessfully introducing portable consoles with the Game Boy; later the N64 introduced 3d gameplay and tried to handle that with its triclops controller, the DS and Wii both had unique designs that distinguished from the competition, the 3DS and Wii U added even more distinctive features on top of the DS/Wii framework, and the Switch broke free of the trap of consoles competing with PC through being the first real home/portable hybrid console. There were a lot of reasons to say "this GBA/DS/3DS/Wii/WiiU/Switch game would be better on the original console rather than PC."
By now though, people are catching up! Software emulation is getting better at managing the unique designs of consoles like the DS and Wii families, and 3rd-party physical peripherals are filling in the tactile elements. I hope to see that trend continue, especially as the originals -- like the DS and Wii families -- are breaking down over time. I did worry that the physical elements of those games could have gotten lost to time! It's great to see! I wish the software+hardware emulator devs and designers the best of luck; and I wish all Nintendo's C&Ds against them explode, setting the Nintendo legal department on fire. Fuck off, these games are a decade old and you don't even sell physical modern-console ports of them. Let the fans preserve, they do it better!
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ghostlyhamburger · 2 years
Husband Plays Miraculous: Rise of the Sphinx
Recap: We started fighting Weredad, and learned the game actively breaks with multiplayer
We haven't even seen Notre Dame in the show yet, right? [I think we have?] Well I haven't.
Look at this game design. (A giant arrow on the wall) The point of game design is to -
The game doesn't wanna be played. The PS4 just turned off. I think the game just crashed my system.
The whole point of game design is to create a world and a methodology of showing the player where to go and not making it obvious, and then there's THAT. That's Bubsy 3D levels of things.
Also yeah the PS4 crashed. It doesn't want me to play this thing. Let's try this again.
you know what would be interesting? if the Sphinx makes them team up with Hawkmoth
Look at these books. They're so book-like.
You gotta stop moving to do the takedown, but also I don't need to do the takedown if I play as Chat Noir because he hits like a truck
Cannot power pole extend. Sad kitty is sad. Don't know why they gave him the power pole when that's a monkey thing and he's a cat.
Wait is that a macaron [yes but getting it will kill you] I don't care
(Macaron is at the bottom of a pit. he proceeds to jump into this pit multiple times. Clips through the impossible macaron a few times before giving up.)
This game is made.
if Adrien was real he'd be on so many drugs because his dad wouldn't let him do anything else
"These orbs, what do they mean? Something bad is coming! Gee, thanks!" I am looking forward to Fu leaving.
This game has less features than Super Mario 64
This game came out in the same year as God of War Ragnarok
If this game came out on the PS2, people would have loved it. But this is on PS4. That's utterly inexcusable.
I never thought I would hear Marinette say how about a knuckle sandwich
This is a ticket? I don't know, it's so blurry I can't tell
This single spot here is just to show you Notre Dame. This is a nice image, but the quality put into Notre Dame does not match the quality of everything else so it sticks out like a sore thumb.
you can tell these people have only worked on mobile games before
I'm pretty sure the guy who owns Miraculous pointed at Batman Arkham and said do that, but said it to the wrong studio.
Why can Weredad make goons? Why isn't he something like The Accountant?
Why do I need to take out all the goons? Do they weaken Weredad so we can fight him?
What's that sound effect of running on paper?
I know this is a kid's game, but the guy knows that most of the people watching the show aren't actually children, right? He has to
Why is there a combo counter? there's no benefit to doing combos
okay so the counter just doesn't work now
I'm standing in this pile. not on it.
What's with this camera angle. why is he running. What's with this boss fight??
What the fuck. what the fuck
The camera should be locking onto him.
If I sneak up on him, I can attack, but if he sees me he gets a free QTE escape thing
and now I'm Chat Noir. well at least this'll go faster.
Well he glitched into me
what the fuck is that pose? (Chat Noir laying on a paper pile but it's very ... ass.)
They didn't even let him finish his sentence.
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That's it that's the show
Why does Luka look worse here than in the show
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Why is his hand on his chin like that
I can't believe how hard they pushed Luka to the point of making other characters' relationships around him weirder
Luka is the incel of the show
Why is there no guide to this game yet
I don't know! What if it doesn't actually matter what you select in these parts
(Looking at the photo album) These are new renders. These aren't from the show. [I think these are from the Instagram.]
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petitelepus · 2 years
Hello could I get a normal twst matchup? I’m a bisexual, she/her pronouns. I headcanon myself in Ignihyde. For personality I’m creative, introverted, and individualistic. Though I’m introverted, around my friends I can be quite talkative, humorous and outgoing. However I definitely treasure my alone time the most. My interests are digital art focused and I’m in art school. I love my practice and everything from interaction design/coding to 3D Modeling to video/film to video game design to digital illustration. I do sometimes work in traditional mediums like graphite and ink. As for hobbies escaping to new worlds while reading books/comics, watching movies, and playing rpg video games. My favorite genres are fantasy and sci-fi. I also love working out. Likes: coffee, chai tea, dark chocolate, rock/blues/jazz/indie music, cafe art shows, arcades, comic book stores, roller blading to classic rock, quality alone time. Dislikes: people i am unfamiliar with and have to make small talk with, the biting cold, rain, non fiction, staying too close to reality and not being allowed to daydream/roam freely in my thoughts, too much physical touch, overly crowded areas. Thanks!
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I match you with Malleus Draconia!
Normally, you and Malleus would never meet. If you are not hiding in your room then you are with your friends or alone somewhere. Malleus on the other hand can't go anywhere without Sebek or Silver following him and even if he leaves without them, his reputation makes him unapproachable.
It's funny how you and Malleus both are introverts but unlike you, he didn't choose it. You are in the school's huge library, searching for a book about fairies and you find it, but it's just out of your reach?
Suddenly a hand shoots from behind you and grabs the book before offering it to you. You turn to see Malleus and he is towering over you as he looks at you.
You might feel like taking and running, but then he gently asks, "...Are you interested in fairies?"
You nod and he gave you a small smile as he offers the book to you but he also offers to tell you things that can't be found in books. You know his reputation, but he doesn't appear as cold as people think he is so you give him a chance.
It was the best chance you ever gave.
When the two of you befriend each other you both open up to each other. He loves listening to you talk about your interests, even about things he doesn't understand such as movies, games, and sci-fi.
He would curiously ask you to explain to him more about them and then smile at the happy look on your face as you start talking. The fairy is in awe of the art you can create with a little help from technology.
It almost makes him sad that he is so bad with technology, but you offer to teach him and he is so proud of his crude drawing that you print it for him and he hangs it in his room. When asked about it, he tells that his beloved taught him to draw.
When Malleus realizes that his feelings for you aren't purely platonic, he asks Lilia for help and the old fairy told him to go for it and confess if he truly felt that way. Life is too short to wonder when you can act.
So he prepared a romantic evening for you and asks you to be his with a bouquet of black roses. You say yes and he is so happy. Sebek and Silver accept you because you make Malleus happy and Lilia congratulates you but warns you that there are consequences if you break Malleus' heart.
Malleus understands that you need your alone time to recover but it doesn't mean he doesn't miss you. You're his other half.
Sometimes you will hear a knock on your room's door and but when you go to open the door there is no one except a basket filled with things you love, like coffee, chocolate, and tea. All very expensive brands.
When you finally ask Malleus to join you on your alone time he is nervous that you can't recover from him being there with you, but you smile and tell him that you love him enough to be able to rest with him in the same room.
Nothing makes him happier than spending time with his beloved. He also swears to always keep you warm, never let you get wet and never to upset you. You are his Princess and he treats you as one.
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