#yes I’m tagging everyone
cayennesugar · 1 year
yo i know you didn't technically reblog my ask post butttt i figured since most people like getting asks i'd send one over! any headcanons on the rescue bots status as a team made entirely of triple changers? or in heatwave's case, a quadruple changer? also feel free to just talk about whatever, you can totally just shoot random headcanons off if u feel like it!! 💕
Hiii! You literally dragged me out of my den- Buckle up buckaroos, this is long-
HUZZAH, Optimus is letting all the bots stationed in the safe and developing areas on Earth (including Prof Baranova’s lab and Faxian) choose another vehicle mode, including Heatwave ‼️‼️‼️ this is gonna be a REALLY interesting and chaotic experience…
Heatwave: Heatwave is (probably not) satisfied with whatever he already has, but he would scan a tank whenever he gets the chance, Kade obviously encourages him no one ever took him to museums because of this, but knowing Optimus is letting the bots choose whatever they want, no one can refuse and reason with Heatwave and his deep interest with such vehicles.
Salvage + Boulder: Since Griffin Rock is constantly and rapidly advancing in technology, Boulder and Salvage want to help! Salvage is considering becoming a bulldozer like Boulder. Boulder wants to be a crane to help lift heavy things to higher altitudes. Graham is really happy and supportive about this.
Chase: Although it seems unlikely, Chase had always wanted to experience the thrill of chasing crime from the skies: A police helicopter! Blades had tried many times to talk Chase through it, as he is a helicopter himself, but gave up as Chase kept pulling several papers he typed and printed out himself explaining why he wants to add a helicopter to his list of his desired vehicle modes. (yes, he has a whole list of vehicle modes he wants) Chief Burns greatly questions Chase’s sanity along with everyone else’s.
Blades: The burning feeling of jealousy that rises whenever he sees Dani getting along with the sports cars on the team, including Bumblebee, and his fear of heights that never seems to go away, Blades desperately wants to have a sports car as his third alt mode and try to “fit in.” Yeah, I’m referencing to the episode ‘odd bot out’ Blades had a private talk with Dani and Chief Burns about this and they finally understand his point of view. They fully support his decision.
Blurr: Everyone is horrified of what Blurr will choose, especially Heatwave, though he is more annoyed than afraid. After the incident of Blurr almost blowing his cover by grandly interrupting a race, he did not let that hold him back despite still feeling extremely guilty about it.
Blurr chose to have the Koenigsegg Jesko Absolut as his third alt mode and professor Baranova just about fainted and heatwave exploded with complete frustration, Quickshadow questions her place in their little race matches they have every now and then now that Blurr has made his decision. Every time she and Blurr walk by each other or interact, he flashes her a snarky smirk, making Quickshadow want to beat the living frag out of him, the only thing stopping every bot from doing so physically is the law (and Chief Burns) Blurr is quite proud of himself for this, but Quickshadow warns him to stay close to her during earliween and anytime that any outsiders and tourists enter the island: Remembering Quickshadows experience during her first year on Griffin rock, Blurr obliges.
Servo: Nobody expected Servo out of everyone on the team to speak, or I should say, bark up about what he wants. To make this sweet and simple and just as horrifying as Blurr’s case, Servo wants to become a Tibetan Mastiff. High tide immediately lightens up at the thought of having a bigger, more intimidating dog on his ship deck, CeCe starts crying when she sees a picture of the said dog breed, Chief Burns instantly becomes even more concerned for the well-being of his family.
“I already got a giant ship that transforms into a Megabot, I’m personally already a submarine, do ah really need anything else??? OH, I KNOW HOW ‘BOUT AH BIGGER SHIP!?!?!?!?!?! HAHAHAHAHA-“ *maniacal laughter while Heatwave sobs and yells in the background and Optimus simply blank stares at his old comrade, deciding whether or not to question or support Hightide’s decision.*
Quickshadow (saving my fav pookie for last): for some reason, Quickshadow instantly becomes quiet when the opportunity of scanning a new alt mode is brought up to her. Optimus and Hightide, knowing her better than anyone else since she served alongside them on the front lines during the war on Cybertron, approaches Quickshadow in a way that won’t startle her. Once Quickshadows emotional state is revealed to the rest of the team, they immediately come to the conclusion that the reason for her sudden emotional instability was because of what happened during her first Earliween on Griffin Rock. Quickshadow is approached again about this;
“I have thought about it, I do not think I would like a new alt mode, the vehicle mode I already have is an all-terrain anyway…”
It is true, Quickshadow has powerful rocket engines that can aid her in both bot and vehicle mode, she can turn into a submersible and can drive up to incredible, staggering speeds on the road. Earliween wasalready approaching seeing it is almost November, so everyone decides to keep Quickshadow close to them and support her decision of not choosing another vehicle mode. Optimus promised to stay for Earliween too, as last by as the reconstruction of Cybertron does not bring up any sudden issues in his absence.
And once again, the rescue bots are in chaos.
I really enjoyed writing this. Hope you enjoyed reading! ❤️❤️❤️
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peculiardiction · 16 days
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Some tiny robins and a little superboy to boot!
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galaxynajma · 2 months
This implications about these two pages are … interesting 
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Kaiser being shirtless being the third most viewed video clip at first glance is hilarious but like … that whole ass scene in the bathrooms was recorded…for live television? .. okay.. what else are they showing
The comments make me giggle though
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That’s pretty much how most of the fandom views Kaiser
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trans-androgyne · 2 months
Thinking about “trans women/fems never pass while trans men/mascs pass fine, they just get carded all the time” sentiments and just. It’s so weird to acknowledge that we frequently look way younger than we are but act like that doesn’t have anything to do with how hard it is for us to pass. Lou Sullivan’s chapter about passing is called “How to Look 30 When You’re 30.” I’ve noticed myself getting misgendered more instead of less now that I dress in professional men’s clothes instead of more androgynous casual clothes — I’m more believable as a very butch woman than a guy who in work clothes who looks 14. Yeah I’ve gotten perceived as a slightly fem teenage boy. But I also get perceived as a very gnc woman. It just depends on context; if any of it indicates I’m an adult it’s really, really hard for me to pass as a 5’0 trans guy with an androgynous voice and asian/baby face.
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izzystizzys · 18 days
“ - but have you ever considered, I don’t know, not sucking all the time? Just a thought.”
It takes the combined grips of Nuisance and Hound to keep the wriggling, snarling body beneath Fox from throwing him off its back. With three years’ practice of having to fix his own rickety desk chair over and over again, the movement merely ruffles the proverbial fringe on his helmet.
“And I don’t mean that as an insult, necessarily. Well, I do a little bit. But also I have some amount of empathy for the no doubt immense amounts of trauma that had to go into the creation of something so dysfunctional as you, on a very personal level, so have you considered going to the root of that in a way that’s like… useful? Instead of wasting it all on kriffing Kenobi, I mean. Look at the guy. All he does all day is drink tea and commit warcrimes. I bet he knits for fun. Bit of an embarrassing nemesis, don’t you think?”
“I”, says Kenobi, then pauses. The space between his eyebrows is creased with uncertainty, and he looks deeply torn between continuing rocking the shaking Duchess of Mandalore against his chest from his corner of the throne room and re-activating his lightsaber to continue losing his fight against the Darksider Fox is currently sitting on. “I feel like I should object to some part of that, but I’m not entirely clear on what. Or how this happened, again. Isn’t Mandalore a few star systems from your purview, Commander?”
“Probably the warcrimes”, mutters Nuisance underneath his strained breath.
“About as far from my supposed assignment as yours, General”, says Fox a little louder.
Kenobi twitches. Fox cannot claim to know which of them does it. Both, maybe. Probably.
“I will - taste - your - flesh!”, heaves out Darth Maul, snarling and hissing.
“Oooh, kinky!”, calls Grids, from the corner where she’s got her stun-setting aimed at the other Zabrak, currently passed out cold. Fox sighs deeply. He knew he shouldn’t have taken those three - any combination of Grids, Hound and Nuisance in a room together usually spelled chaos.
Unfortunately, it also spelled competence. The Basic alphabet can be funny that way.
The point being: as of some months into the war, one of Fox’s assigned tasks is the surveillance of all GAR-wide communication. All command-class staff theoretically got that memo, but no one seems to have read the fine print where that includes both professional and personal communication, as well as any and all comm devices registered or suspected to be registered to that person. Especially not one Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala.
The point further being, if that sounds both immensely impractical and sort of terrifying in a democratic supposedly non-surveillance state, you’d be bang on the credits, and to Fox’ eternal chagrin the singular person in this whole useless army who’s spent the second of thinking necessary for that conclusion.
The final point being, when one frantic General’s mad dash across the Galaxy to rescue his teenage sweetheart from the spectre of his supposedly dead nemesis crosses his desk on its way to the Chancellor’s inbox, it doesn’t take much time for him to block any and all trace of it across the digital space of the GAR commboard and take matters into his own hands.
“ - which is why I told Thorn to suck it up and be in charge for a few days, and also why you’re still alive, your Highness, very welcome, was no trouble at all”, he concludes, drily. The Duchess stares the wide-eyed look of someone attempting to reconcile clones with ‘sentience’ or perhaps ‘personality’ in her head, but won’t say it outright.
Or the look of someone who’s just been violently overthrown and nearly murdered, perhaps, Fox allows.
“Um -“, Kenobi hedges, blinking rapidly.
“And the reason you’re still alive, probably. You’re welcome for that too, by the way”, Grids calls from the back of the throne room, cheekily.
“Alright”, says Kenobi, loudly. There’s color back in his deathly-pale cheeks, Fox notes, even if that color is a lot of red. It doesn’t fade very gracefully into his beard. “Opinions on whether or not I had everything under control notwithstanding -“
“You really didn’t”, Hound supplies helpfully.
“ - opinions notwithstanding, I am admittedly still lost on why you’re now sitting on Darth Maul and attempting to, to - jeer at him, Marshall Commander!”
“We’re not jeering, we’re trying to create a safe space and lay the groundwork for more open communication”, Fox says, primly.
Maul screams into the ground, attempting for the umpteenth time to rear up and visit great violence upon Fox, which admittedly has him rattling in his crosslegged seat atop his back.
Kenobi raises a perfectly plucked eyebrow. “Safe space?”
“He’s restrained and not stabbing anyone, I personally feel much safer than before”, Grids muses. “Watch the teeth though, Hound. Little biter.”
Indeed. Fox’s right greave will have to be replaced posthaste.
“And anyways, the point isn’t to jeer at him, it’s to make clear that he’s focusing his energy in the wrong places and could be doing much better things with his admittedly not-great life”, Fox adds, shifting to cast a pointed look down at Maul. The Sith is panting open-mouthed into the durasteel floor, sharp teeth gnashing wildly as his piercing yellow eyes shine with barely restrained rage. “I’m just saying - aim higher. You aren’t seeing the forest for the Kenobis, Maul. Can I call you Maul?”
“I will feed you your own entrails”, yowls Maul.
“See, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. Right now, I’m an easy target to focus all that built-up rage on, but is killing me really going to help you achieve any of your goals? No! Think about it - when it all comes down to it, who sent you on that mission to Naboo in the first place? Who made sure the Jedi and, by extension, Kenobi would be there to kill you? Who used you as a dejarik piece and then cast you aside the second you outlived your usefulness?”
Beneath him, Maul slowly stills in his struggle, still panting heavily. Hound and Nuisance don’t let it deter them in their vigilance, because they’re damn good vod’e and possess an ounce of common sense.
“And, look, I get it. I could spend the rest of my life punching every civilian who spits on me in the streets and it would even be satisfying. I could hit back the Senators who think of clones as easy targets. Or - I can aim my sights at who’s on top. And I think you know who I mean, because you know as well as I do the same damn man has ruined both our lives.”
Kenobi makes an alarmed noise, and Maul an interested one - not that Fox is going to let him walk out of this place awake. Still, he tilts his head in a way he hopes conveys his helmeted grin successfully to non-vod, as well as the bloodlust behind it. “You’re also welcome for the fact that the Chancellor won’t have heard of your spontaneous resurrection yet, by the way. You’ll retain your element of surprise instead of gambling it away on petty revenge on Kenobi.”
“He cut me in half!”
“He killed my master!”
Fox waves their protests away.
“Also, that’s treason!”, Kenobi adds, sputtering. Fox grins. Kenobi purses his lips, and continues. petulantly, “…do you have any proof?”
“So. Much. Proof”, says Nuisance, dreamily. “Like, do you want it alphabetically or by date?”
Which is when the Duchess, of all people, bursts out into barking, crazed laughter.
“You - you’ve certainly given yourself an edge in that fight, Marshall Commander”, she wheezes, brushing tears from her eyes. Fox raises his eyebrows at her, which she somehow seems to be able to tell, because she gestures at the clunky handle dangling from his belt.
“What, this old thing?” He unclasps the black rectangle from its hook, holding it up in the air. Maul stills strangely beneath him, and Kenobi goes ghostly pale again. Fox is starting to get a bad feeling.
“I took it off Viszla and beat him over the head with it. I figured he’d taken it off a Jedi cadet or something. What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
#sw tcw fic idea#commander fox#sergeant hound#obi wan kenobi#satine kryze#darth maul#savage oppress#corrie oc nuisance#corrie oc grids#corrie guard deserves better#darth maul deserves… murder?#fox does not find the revelation that he is technically mand’alor very funny. unfortunately everyone else does#sw equivalent of taking deadbeat relatives (mandalorians) to court (becoming their spiritual and somewhat legal sovereign) for child suppor#(recognizing their sentience)#oh the poetic irony of jango fett’s least willing and most feral clone succeeding him#the only person who hates it more than he would is fox#cody is on thin ice. why fox wants to bum it off on him? well he’d do an okay job probably and it would be funny#but back to darth maul yes i’m making fox collect all darksiders#seduced to the sort of light side by goverment coups and political assassination#they might even become ‘friends’ some day if friends means reluctant allies of convenience who sometimes try to tear eachothers throats out#maul may have a bit of a crush#so does savage#hey chat is tasing someone a good wooing tactic? asks grids#grids my love#one of these days i will write out a full introduction scene for my girl even though i’ve spoiled her full name in tags#yeah i’m definitely messing up this cw arc but consider: i don’t care#fs in the chat for obi wan kenobi who’s having possibly the worst day of everyone in this#and he’s not even the one whose sister made him a political prisoner and then tried to kill him by association#will kal skirata be first in line to back fox for mand’alor? maybe. will the nulls bring him the separatist councils heads in bags?#duh
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janetcage · 6 months
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I’m titling this, Syzoth and Ashrah go to Walmart. Now accept the shenaniganary.
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potato-lord-but-not · 12 days
I’ve recently gotten info the fandom and idk what the Masked tag is but this is a hilarious way to learn you’ve been blocked by a creator lmaoooo. No more podcast boys for you
ACTUALLY I think there’s been a striking new development- I remember someone tagged the account on one of my posts and when I clicked on it nothing showed up, so I just thought well maybe he deactivated? and moved on with my day.
THAT reblog, however, was BEFORE my first nsfw post !!!!!!!! So like !!!!! It WASN’T the yaoi !!!!!!! at least not the spicy variety !!!!! idk if I should be reassured or not !!!!!!
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sunshine-zenith · 7 months
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Lastly, these cursed creatures side by side
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cursingtoji · 7 months
🎙️ just saw your post asking about blog recs…step up to the stage bc i need some!!!!
— mostly jjk, but also chainsaw man and aot
*taping the mic* okay here are my nominees with some fics recomendations as well
lemme start saying so plot is everything to me, pwp can be hot but i'll hardly remember it afterwards, that being said here's some writers that can do both great plots and hot scenes.
also while digging i realize i wasn’t following some of those and if you noticed im sorry im dumb but i truly love your writing.
i tried to tag every active blog i could remember but it’s possible i forgot a few since i’ve been reading more jjk recently. if i forgot you im so sorry please don’t take offense.
many blogs i loved were deactivated, rest in piece great works they had.
everything i read i reblog under the tag #recs
@thekillingmoonmoon ofc moon is the first one i think when the topic "best writers" come up, i freaking love her and everything she does its not even fair to pick one thing so im picking 3, this super passionate toji work that i re-read at an alarming frequency (which btw i consider my own personal gift). yakuza choso and yuki aka the hottest duo ever. the cherry on top is her kishibe series (just realized i gotta catch up on)
@rinhaler - luxe is def on my top 3, she comes up with very organic scenes. even if it's a simple plot she can develop it so originally. I recently read her underground fighter!sukuna and i'm still thinking about it.
@laudthingcat has the best headcanons in the jjk fandom hands down, it’s the perfect dose of hot funny and cute, pick anything from her masterlist it’s guaranteed you’ll have a good time reading it. when you moan their name in your sleep in particular gives me butterflies
@meownotgood is obviously the best aki writer out there, you can see the love for aki in their words and how they write him so well and so into character. arrival in tokyo is truly a masterpiece, they also have a +100k words series i've been wanting to read for a while but i want to rewatch chainsaw man first hehe, i'm 100% sure is fire tho.
@kentoangel roma writes choso like she's in love with him and you can tell. shes always on my for you and even her snippets are *chefs kiss* special kudos to stepbrother!choso
@kentopedia i just realized i'm assigning a writer per character and nanami is definitely rylie's. the domestic lovely way she writes him makes me forget canon.
@tojisun another blog that is very often on my for you page. cannot talk about toji fics without bringing up sun, everything she writes about him has me furiously nodding. not to mention simon and konig, just talking about them makes me wanna run to her blog and binge read everything
@chocochipsushi 's bodyguard toji is unforgetable to me, i wish i lost my memory so i could read it all again for the first time. bodyguard toji is the definition of living rent free in my mind, whenever i have to deal with annoying coworkers i immediately think “bodyguard toji would not allow them to talk to me like that”
@suget one of the greatest geto writers for sure, they have so many geto works, i was going through their blog to find the one i read more recently and there was so many others i haven’t seen! another writer i could very easily spend a whole day binge reading. btw this cult leader one was recommended to me and i fell in love with it <3
@staryukis has the cutest gojo drabbles
@tonycries brooklin baby was recommended to me by moon and it had me by the neck! also they have many other works im hoping to read soon as well
@mommypieck isayama created reiner but they created subby reiner
@titan-fodder ‘s the tinniest notion The Best Reiner fic in all the existence of the universe (tw: stepcest kinda?)
@nanaslutt mma!toji made feel every emotion possible so intensely
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aaa-ngel · 8 months
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Viewers pick their outfits? NO. I pick their outfits. OG photos from vogue. Shelly Duvall and Phil really channel similar energy if I’m being honest
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sleepycat63 · 7 days
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AU family tree!!!1!!!1!11111 for my askblog @ask-sleepys-slugs
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flumpermergen · 8 months
Something something book 2 yadda yadda
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dear-ao3 · 1 year
tomorrow is my last day interning in nyc and i am incredibly sad about this but this does mean tomorrow night i get to photo dump on here cause i don’t have to worry about revealing my location anymore
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leopardom · 8 months
it’s definitely not the right time to do this but it’s bugging me so much i need to ask
would anyone still be interested in reading more analyses/interpretations about Damon’s photoshoots with Nace/Jan and Jure after many days or maybe i shouldn’t even bother to write them?
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the lando tag is fucked, it’s just full of hate posts about lando, hate posts about oscar, a fucking fanfic about lando, max and nico, people making disgusting ‘jokes’ wishing the drivers harm, people cross tagging irrelevant shit like please i just want to look at him being pretty
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codgod-moved · 1 year
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woo yeah highschool au sketches yeah !
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