#wtf is wrong with these people????
puthyflapps · 3 years
Sarah Shahi said on IMDb’s Instagram story today that she begged the showrunner of gen q to let her join the show and they turned her away
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sandersstudies · 3 years
Some of you need to realize that a woman doing something kind for a male partner is not always a sign of her own oppression wtf
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akiizayoi4869 · 2 years
I just found out a while ago that people seem to believe that Azula abused Ursa. To that I have one thing to say:
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The girl was literally 8 or 9 years old when her mother left. A fucking CHILD. How are you going to say that she abused her MOTHER??? Shouldn't it be the other way around? I swear this has to be the most dumbest take about Azula that I've ever heard.
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octaviasdread · 2 years
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i’m sorry, has there always been a GUN DISPLAY behind mr mcallister???
this is literally my hundredth dead poets society rewatch and i’ve never noticed this before
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elsyrel · 2 years
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As we would say in Spanish, Julian is a "Pecho Lobo"
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So do these drivers not care about their engineers and mechanics. The good people working on their cars that they have yet to mention when they insist they won't infect anyone and should be allowed to race while testing positive for covid? Did these drivers even think about their team's families, their health and what could happen to them if they as drivers threw the safety precautions to the wind and decided to drive with covid? I guess when you're rich and famous and idiotic, you don't give a shit about the people working hard to get you there.
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comradekatara · 2 years
A little rant , but I hate how the majority of the fandom treats Katara especially in regards to her mothers death/trauma. How the most viral memes/skits about Katara are her hysterically yelling at the other characters about how they would never understand her pain and then have the rest of the gaang "shut her up" by saying how worse their traumas are . And then people in the comments get mad at Katara as if she actually did that in the show and that it isn't some overused, poorly written, ooc joke. I know it sounds really specific but I mean memes like these:
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(Those are like the least bad examples i could find ) Its like people purposefully misinterpret her actions and words just to slander her character. It is also thinly veiled colourism, racism and misogyny because the hate would be nearly non-existent if she was a light skinned dude.
Sorry for the very long ask.
i've honestly..... never seen memes/"jokes" like this before, but i've seen enough people complaining about them that i'm sure that they do exist. and i've seen enough other gross racist/misogynistic mischaracterizations of katara's character that i'm just as weary and disheartened as you are, even if it's over slightly different subject matter. but it's all fucking horrible, honestly. i hate it here!!!!! anyway let's unpack this:
the one time in the show that katara remotely acts as if losing her mother is worse than the genocide of aang's people is during "the southern raiders," when she lashes out at both aang and sokka, and she does say some pretty horrible things to them. i'm not gonna deny that her comments to the both of them weren't cruel, but if the audience cannot bring themselves to empathize with this deeply traumatized fourteen year old girl lashing out from a place of deep seated grief and rage over the highly personal murder of her mother that she witnessed as a child, then i really don't know what to say. yeah, she does owe both of them an apology, and yes, she does have a tendency to view the world through a highly personal lens and make things about herself, but she's a teenage girl who grew up in a devastating war, being told she was the chosen one, who had to carry her tribe's entire culture and the legacy of her mother especially, who sacrificed her life for katara, the last waterbender in the southern water tribe. reducing katara's trauma to "dead mother" as if the context surrounding her death isn't crucial to understanding katara's trauma is, frankly, idiotic.
not to mention that katara is also a victim of genocide! yes, aang lost his entire people, and his spatiotemporal displacement is unimaginably devastating, but katara understands what it is like to have to bear the weight of one's entire culture alone, and she and aang empathize with each other over this burden. i think that people who act as if katara (and sokka) are not also genocide victims simply do not understand what genocide is. most genocides do not "extinct an entire race" (to quote that tweet), but rather ""only"" kill off most of the population, and destroy the culture of its people, erasing a legacy, history, and possible future. the fact that the fire nation went after waterbenders specifically is no accident, because their bending is integral not only in their fighting and healing capabilities, but also as an artform endemic to their culture. yes, katara still has family members and a (small) community, however devastated by the fire nation, whereas aang has no one left (well, he has appa, momo, and arguably bumi, even though he's not an air nomad, but yeah...), but acting as if she is some otherwise privileged girl who just happened to lose her mother ignores her entire circumstance and the entire foundation of her character.
and finally, you're absolutely right that "the hate would be nonexistent if she were a light-skinned dude" because we can see this clearly in zuko, who is blatantly constructed as her foil. katara can be self-absored, petty, melodramatic, headstrong, impulsive, rash, myopic, naive, vengeful, and cruel, but a) so is zuko and b) he does far worse things throughout the show, and yet is criticized for his egregious flaws far less. they are deliberate parallels, one personality placed in two extremely different circumstances. they are mirrors who can bring out the worst in each other ("the southern raiders") or the best in each other ("sozin's comet") and understanding this aspect of their dynamic is crucial to understanding both their characters respectively. not only that, but they are treated with the exact same weight by the narrative, as deuteragonists to aang's protagonist, who are both absolutely crucial to the story. but fans seem to care far more about zuko (or if they do care about katara, it's in terms of her relationship to either him or aang) than they do katara. even though they are the same person.... except katara happens to be a brown teenage girl. whoops !
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danny-chase · 3 years
Some of y’all dance and dance around calling Damian “feral” or “animalistic” and it shows. 
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unforth · 3 years
So, English-Speaking Danmei Fandoms, You Want to Support Authors... (New Shiny Print Book Purchasing Edition!)
...and, so do I, I still do, just as I did when I made my "dumb white English-more-or-less-only speaking person figures out how to use JJWXC" post (here). But, it's harder now - because a lot of our faves have now been censored/removed by JJWXC. BUT, that doesn't mean we can't still support the authors. I'd been meaning to take some time and figure how out exactly to do that, and now...I have...so here we go, I'm gonna tell you how, or at least, tell you what I did, and we can pray together that our books actually arrive in however long it's currently taking things to ship from Taiwan.
Here goes...
First, I used this post by minmoyu to figure out where to buy my books from. Initially, I wanted to go with a Chinese source, despite censorship issues, because books printed in China are in simplified Chinese, and unlike when I wrote my JJWXC post in June, I've now been studying simplified Chinese for like an hour a day for more than 2 months, so I theoretically could someday read a book I buy. However, after poking at Taobao for almost 20 minutes, I gave up and switched to a Taiwanese source, because I think I can probably figure out traditional Chinese more easily than I can figure out signing up for Taobao (I'm only, like 60% kidding).
I ended up going with Book TW, because minmoyu's guide made it sound pretty easy to use, with a good selection, and good support for international purchasing (I'm in the US). I strongly recommend you use an online translator. I do a LOT of copying-and-pasting into Google translate's Chinese-to-English. If you just go to Google and search "chinese to english dictionary" you should be able to do quick looking up straight from the search results. You'll also probably want a currency converter. xe.com works well. If you're in the US like me, you'll be looking at conversions from TWD (Taiwan New Dollar) to USD. Most of these books, when they're not special editions or box sets, seem to run around 300 TWD, which is about $10 US.
Alright! You've got the book store. You've got a translator. You've got a currency thingy. Now you need books! You'll need the book title and/or author, in Chinese, to search. The website also doesn't 't care if you put in simplified or traditional - you'll get the same results. (But all volumes here are in traditional, as far as I know, so if that makes a difference to you, be prepared).
Here are (in simplified) most of the titles that JJWXC has censored. These ones, I've searched for you and linked, though there are often multiple editions so you might want to do your own searching.
Author: 墨香铜臭 (Mo Xiang Tong Chou/MXTX). MXTX has written three books; all have been removed from JJWXC, and they're all available in print on Books TW.
人渣反派自救系统 (Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong/Scum Villain's Self Saving System). There are three volumes; they're labeled as "starting, middle, and end" or "over, middle, under," it doesn't translate that well sorry I'm still new and bad at this. Anyway, here they are: 上 (start) | 中 (middle) | 下 (end).
魔道祖师 (Mo Dao Zu Shi/Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation). There are like four different editions listed, and my ability to figure out how they're different was nil. One is definitely a special edition which is uncensored and appears to be a box set/all the volumes in one. That one is here. It's also available in four volumes, which is what I bought, except I have no idea what I'm doing so I accidentally only bought three, oops. (In my defense when I translated parts of it, it literally said "in three parts." But still. I can read numbers. I shouldn't have made this mistake, sigh.) But, whatever, I'm buying it in English too and life goes on. So, here are those four volumes - the last is marked as 18+ so is presumably uncensored, or at least not heavily censored. 一 (one) | 二 (two) | 三 (three) | 四 (four)
天官赐福 (Tian Guan Ci Fu/Heaven Official's Blessing). I actually didn't do anything with TGCF since I already had bought it on JJWXC, and even though that's now locked I just am too broke for...any of this...much less buying titles duplicative (especially since I've pre-ordered all three MXTX English translations). But at a glance, there's a couple options. The main book appears to be in four parts, or you can buy a set that includes 1 and 2, and a second set with 3 and 4, and those ones are fancy and include some pretty looking merch, too. It's cheaper to just buy the four separately than to get the two fancy box sets but if you can afford them, they look damn pretty. Censorship shouldn't be an issue, since TGCF isn't explicit. 一 (one) | 二 (two) | 三 (three) | 四 (four)
Author: 肉包不吃肉 (Roubao Buchi Rou/Meatbun Doesn't Eat Meat). Meatbun has finished...two books I think? and is working on a third? Regardless, Yuwu isn't locked on JJWXC yet, and it isn't available for sale on Books TW anyway. Erha IS, or at least, as far as I can tell, it is...
海棠微雨共歸途 (Haitang Weiyu Gong Guitu). Hey, I hear you saying, that doesn't say 二哈和他的白猫师尊 (Erha he Ta de Baimao Shizun). Yeah, I was confused too, but I've googled a bunch and as far as I can tell, YES, this is correct - like, the edition here was available from Shandian-go, and the translation of the summary talks about Chu Wanning and stuff. So, it was printed with a different name. I'm also profoundly unsure if this is the whole book. Considering that TGCF is like a third shorter, and is four volumes, it seems surreal to me that 2ha could be in only two volumes, but I can't find any evidence that there's more, so. That's where it's at. If this isn't the whole book, the later volumes haven't been published yet. Volumes: 一 (one) | 二 (two). I'd also guess it's censored, though hell if I know how to check that (hey, you were warned this was a guide by a dumb white person who doesn't speak hardly any Chinese, you're getting what you paid for, information and guide wise...the best I can really tell you is, I was satisfied enough that I bought them based on what information I COULD figure out. Whether you do the same is up to you.)
Author: Priest (...is Priest, if you search with English letters, you'll find them). Priest is an incredibly prolific author. I'm not going to list all their works here, just the ones I was personally interested in - today I was in the market for TYK and SPL primarily.
天涯客 (Tian Ya Ke/Faraway Wanderers). If it's available, I sure couldn't find it (remember how I have no idea what I'm doing?).
镇魂 (Zhenhun/Guardian). I already have Guardian from JJWXC, and as I've mentioned, can't afford duplicates, but here it is! The original isn't explicit (I'd call it mature, sex is talked about but not described in detail) so I would guess this isn't censored, but I'm not sure.
杀破狼 (Sha Po Lang/apparently it translates to "Kill the Wolf" - so says Google anyway, I know lang is wolf but the rest is beyond me - but I never see anyone translate it? I always just see it referred to Sha Po Lang or SPL). I don't know much about SPL but some friends and I are planning to try reading it together in Chinese to improve our skills, so I wanted to get it, and also 'cause it's been removed by JJWXC, and fuck censorship. I have no idea if the original is explicit, but it's in a pretty-looking box set and I bought it so I guess I'll find out. SPL is here.
If a title you want to buy in print isn't listed here, you'll need to find the Chinese title and/or author yourself (I recommend searching with both, personally). novelupdates.com is my personal go-to for finding out alternative names and such. To search, you'll want to go to the search bar, put the text in, and limit your search by going to the second option down - the first is "everything," so it searches the whole website, and you'll get a lot of not-helpful results. The second is "books," though I have no idea why cause that's not how I've learned to say books. But, that's what google says it means, so... yeah. Here's an example of a search not on the above (it's Thousand Autumns by Meng Xi Shi, because I'm an idiot and realized while writing this that I hadn't bought it and I have Regrets):
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Put in the book title (in this case, 千秋) and author (in this case, 夢溪石) - it lists a whole bunch of auto-complete options, which might help you if you're struggling, just look for the one that matches what you want. And, in the other drop down menu, pick the second one down, and then hit the magnifying glass, and ta-da, you'll get results. The results for this don't look all fancy-pants, cause 18+, but you'll be able to see the title, and checking the next in the location I've circled below can help you double check you've found the right author - like, just make sure it matches the name of the author you were searching for.
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You'll want to be careful to make sure you get all the volumes (for example, Qianqiu has 4 volumes).
Okay, so now you've found the book you want, what do you do? Buy it, of course!
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The lighter orange button on the right with a picture of a cart is (shock) the one that lets you add it to your cart. And you'll see up top, the cart icon, and the 0 next to it. Add it to your cart and the number next to the 0 will now say one! WHAT MAGIC!
Now, go visit your cart. But, when you try to open it, you'll see - you can't even look at it without making an account. If you have an account, awesome, log in - if not, you'll need to pick the circled one.
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One of the cool things about Books TW? They put in the Chinese for each item, and ALSO the English, when you go to make an account! So, the next window you reach looks like this:
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(I personally chose gender: none, delightedly.)
Fill this out with your info. You do NOT need to do either of the check boxes at the bottom - they're NOT "have you read the terms..." they're "do you want our e-mails?" - and then click the yellow button. It loads a little weird - it, like, doesn't seem to "take?" or at least it didn't when I did this - but once you've done it, if you go back to that previous page and put in your username, password, and verification code (you'll probably need a new code, cause the old one will have timed out - that link right next to the code box will get you a new one) and hit the big green log in button, you'll be able to get in. And then there's your cart!
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(and my real name, oops...oh well, it wasn't actually a secret...)
Next, when you're ready to pay, scroll down and you'll see three buttons:
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You want the MIDDLE ONE, not the yellow one. The middle one is "overseas check out," whereas the yellow one is specifically for domestic purchases. When you click that, it opens a pop up. I have no idea what the pop up says, I just clicked the top one again (it says overseas check out, also) and hoped, and it seemed to work right. It opens up a list of purchase options:
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The top one is "use your credit card," so it's probably what most folks want (you can use Visa, Mastercard, or JCB), but you might also want the bottom one, which uses ATM code information? I'm not positive; I used the first one. Click the bubble; you will NOT be asked for your credit card info yet. Scroll down, you'll be asked next for your personal information. I've labeled the fields in this screen cap:
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When you've put in the info, click the yellow button I circled. I glanced at the drop down menu of countries; it looks like most of the world is there, so you're probably okay most places in the world, if you want to order and aren't in the US.
The next page confirms your cart and address. This is the stage where shipping is calculated, so pay attention - it's expensive. For example, just for SPL...
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The shipping is about equal to half-again the price of the book: the SPL box set is $25 US, and shipping it is about $15. If you want to be able to guesstimate your shipping cost ahead of time, I'd suggest adding 50% to of the price of the books to your pre-shipping total - like, my personal purchase was just under $100 US, just the books, and the shipping was just over $50.
Once you've wept for your bank account and recovered from sticker shock, you're ready to proceed. There's a check box below your address, you'll need to check it - I'm not putting a screen cap cause I've hit Tumblr's image limit, but it's a "you've read the ToS" confirmation.
You'll want to hit the yellow button again; I'm NOT going to do that, cause I'm not making another purchase and didn't think to take screen caps my first time through. But, you'll get a pop up - it says a lot of Chinese and has a scary count down but don't worry, it's just a "you'll be redirected to a payment page in x seconds" page. After that, you'll be prompted to enter your credit card information; that page has Chinese and English labels, so it was quite easy to use, and then you'll get asked if you want to get charged as your local currency or in TWD (it only matters if you think your bank will give you a better exchange rate than the one they're suggesting). After that, I personally had to ALSO do a confirmation with my bank, and get a verification code and enter that - whether you need to do that will presumably depend on your banks security. Finally, once all the payment confirmations were done, I was routed to a "congratulations on your purchase!" page, and...that's it!
ARE YOU EXCITED? (I'm so fucking excited for mine omg.)
Anyway, I screwed up and didn't buy Qianqiu or MDZS vol. 1, so I guess I'm gonna have to plan another order for sometime...maybe I'll do another guide, if it might actually be helpful. I dunno. I'm just fumbling my way through all this, and hoping that my willingness to fumble will make other people feel a little more confident fumbling also. We get so much joy from these books; buying them - especially the ones with no currently slated English translations - seems like the least we can do, if we can afford it. JJWXC has made it impossible for us to buy them online, but that doesn't mean we can't still buy the books.
I spent $150 today, and I'm getting MDZS, SVSSS, SPL, and 2ha. On a per-volume basis, my final cost was $15 per book (if SPL is only 2 volumes, anyway, I don't actually know). Considering how much nice editions of Western titles cost on Amazon or at a bookstore, that's a ridiculously reasonable price, and it INCLUDES the shipping. So, really, if you can afford it at all, it's not over-priced at all, and would be even less if shipping were cheaper. It's also cheaper, per-volume, than the English translations will be/are.
Basically: This is entirely doable, English-speaking fandom. So, no more excuses for not doing it, if you have the money.
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fernthewhimsical · 3 years
My dearest pagans and witches, can we all, as a community, please get off our freaking high-horses and drop our holier-than-thou attitudes when it comes to pop-culture paganism? Please?
It's not like we have any ground to stand on ourselves:
One of the more popular and upcoming Goddesses, especially in Europe, came to be because Caroline Wise had a dream in 1995 where a red-headed woman with antlers came to her and said she was Elen of the Ways and that she was an ancient and forgotten Goddess. Caroline made a painting and wrote a book, and now she is revered worldwide.
Our other most popular horned deity we have no proof for, just carvings and sculptures that we think are the same, and one pillar with a name/title/??? on it.
We also conflate him with another horned figure, who isn't a God at all, but instead a ghost in one specific forest in England.
In the early 00's a Tolkien inspired coven Imladris was very popular, a ritual of theirs (where you call upon Galadriel and other Tolkien figures) was published in a mainstream witchcraft book with rituals for the Wheel of the year... and no one batted an eye.
There were books with rituals based on the classic fairytales... and they sold well enough for there to be a sequel.
Heck, the second most popular local Goddess here in the Netherlands: Baduhenna (yes, from whom I got my url). Do you know what "historical basis" we have for her? This: "Soon afterwards it was ascertained from deserters that nine hundred Romans had been cut to pieces in a wood called Baduhenna, after prolonging the fight to the next day, and that another body of four hundred, which had taken possession of the house of one Cruptorix, once a soldier in our pay, fearing betrayal, had perished by mutual slaughter." From the Annals by Tacitus. One sentence which says that there was a forest called Baduhenna. That's it.
And that's all without even touching on allllllll of those pagans who view the Gods not as Gods, but as (Jungian) archetypes.
We all have UPG (unverified personal gnosis, which might as well be called Deity Headcannon) about the deities and spirits and what not that we work with. We are all (subconsciously) influenced by the media we consume and the books we read and the posts here on Tumblr which say what makes good offerings etc. Most of our historical or mythological sources are second-, third-, even thousandhand.
We have no leg to stand on to judge others on who or what they worship. So stop it.
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akii-kaze · 3 years
A compilation of the most stupid comments on the Obey Me! New Characters Official Announcement on instagram
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I hate it here 🙃
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kanmom51 · 2 years
A new level of insanity.
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imalittlesick · 2 years
how tf is darkiplier canonnicly nonbinary? honestly shut the fuck up
Firstly: ?????????? fuck you too?????????
Secondly: In case you need a reminder! Darkiplier consists of
Celine Soul (lady)
Damien Soul (dude)
Y/N Body (ambiguous, uses they/them pronouns)
House Entity (evil)
If my math is correct, that doesn't add up to 100% Cis Man
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demonboyhalo · 3 years
after learning that Wilbur had been lying to Phil in his letters as early as the Manburg Election, i decided to rewatch the Festival from his POV to see if i could puzzle out a bit of his motivations and -
he told Tubbo to stay strong when getting executed, but ultimately did nothing to save him. he told Tommy that things would be fine, yet made sure the kid would not intervene. Techno stalled Tubbo's execution for as long as he could, lightening the mood, trying to deescalate in the only way he knew how - all while waiting for an order from Wilbur. Wilbur whispered Tubbo, Wilbur whispered Tommy, but the one who was in the position to enact Pogtopia's mission, and needed his command more than anyone? Left in the open with no one to tell him what to do! Yet...we already knew this. Now, with this new insight we have into who Wilbur was as a person during the time, we have to be wondering, what is the deeper reason why the Leader of Pogtopia decided not to intervene in the execution?
#is there more to why Wilbur did what he did that we're going to find out now that he's revived?#.....#wilbur literally reinforced tommy's belief that techno was on their side and that tubbo would be fine#and then stood there doing nothing as Techno stalled#techno DIDNT want to kill tubbo! he did everything he could (within character - he's not as Strong/Confident as people say) to avoid killing#but ultimately gave into his nerves and went with the majority out of fear of being attcked by the Manburg crowd#yet that would have been avoided if Wilbur gave him literally any semblance of a plan. Sir. Please.#i'm not a wilbur anti don't get me wrong#i don't actually blame him. people don't take his trauma/mental health seriously.#but man had some fucked shit going on!! you were their leader sir!!!#i cannot stress how much techno did not expect the festival to turn out how it did#he only went as RECONNAISSANCE - information gathering!! getting secrets from peaceful conversation during the festival games!!#techno only killed tubbo because 1) no one from pogtopia was telling him WTF he was supposed to do#2) it was the Manburg Festival. techno is under the impression that the whole crowd behind him? they'd attack if he disobeyed schlatt#while WE know that Techno can take 10 people vs him - he constantly doubts himself. he doesn't have the faith to go on offense#until he realizes how powerful his bow is. he had never tried it before!#anyways that's a tangent - WILBUR WHAT ARE YOUR MOTIVATIONS#why do you do the things you do??? i know your mental is fucked and i don't entirely blame you but tubbo?? didn't need to die??#why didn't you whisper techno!! yknow - the guy who needs your orders??? why did you whisper tommy and tubbo with fake reassurance??#SIR PLEASE WHY DIDNT YOU INTERVENE#IM NOT MAD IM NOT EVEN DISSAPOINTED I SYMPATHIZE JUST OPEN THE FUVK UP#me - rattling the bars that lock me out of c!wilbur's POV of the world: LET ME IN#mcyt#dream smp#tommyinnit#tubbo#tommy innit#technoblade#dsmp#wilbur soot
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thefact0rygirl · 3 years
not-so-gentle reminder that content creators are responsible for tagging their work with correct pairings and warnings, content consumers are responsible for reading tags and choosing how to interact with said content, and everyone is responsible for curating their experience on this site. the unfollow, block, and filtering functions are there for a reason. use them and stop sending anonymous hate.
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gitfiles · 2 years
Imagine being a DV victim and brining your case to public curt. Putting your whole life in front of the whole world and your abuser.
Showing evidence, photos, audios and witnesses.
Imagine doing all that and actually WIN.
And yet some of you keep victim blame and gaslight him just because he's a man.
I'm honestly disgusted.
Watch the evidence and get your heads out of social media. Stop victim blaming and gaslighting DV victims.
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