#would her whole personality change after bc she had nothing left???
kanos · 4 months
what if there was an au where ghost had to witness and deal with the aftermath of maxi’s dea-
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xxchumanixx · 2 months
I know it says requests closed, ok? But i'll leave this here until you take requests ❤️
also i looove your work sm
can you do one with tim bradford x fem!reader with a lot of angst, hurt to comfort something bad? like the reader gets hurt, kidnapped something very bad outside work.
the reader is lucy's best friend and tim's gf, maybe the reader being a rookie at the same time as lucy
and the reader gets in some trouble and it becomes progressively worse but she didn't say anything to anyone bc she's a cop and think she can handle it?
but in the end it's like really bad and tim is desperate looking for her, and his world crushes when he finds her?
something similar to 2x11 (that ep broke me into pieces and the scene with tim and lucy buried my heart right in hell) but his desperation is waay worse bc it's about the reader and he loves her
lots of love ❤️
Breaking Point
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Tim Bradford x fem!reader
Warnings/Tags: a lot of angst, hurt, mentions of blood, fluff
Word count: tba
Authors note: Hello love, omg it's been soo long I'm soooo sorry! This is not proofread yet, but I hope you'll like it! Love you!
Also, don't know if anyone else has that problem, but every time I make something fat or cursive, it changes the whole text after a few seconds. This happened after an update, and it's SO annoying!
Anyways, enjoy!
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Listen, I know what you might think now.
Okay, maybe I don't. But to get captured and tortured wasn't your intention when this started.
Hell, of course it wasn't.
But you couldn't have predicted this either.
Neither could you have predicted how an encounter with a certain gangster would end - with you doing whatever he says.
At least he had the decency to only let you make his wrongdoings disappear.
It all went good.
That was, until one day you said no to him. It took him ten hours of his patience to kidnap and torture you, leave you for every cop to see what a shitty job you had done for this city.
And to your fellow colleagues.
You had only graded p2, together with Lucy and John. Lucy and you were best friends; it had instantly clicked once you started your training together.
You had been the first to know about her and John, had helped her through the heartbreak and all that had followed.
She, in turn, was the first to know about you and Tim.
You had started dating when you were still a rookie - luckily not his, or else it would have made everything a lot more complicated.
So, when everything seemed to go perfect, it had to come some shit along the way. It just couldn't have stayed perfect, could it?
This shit was named Luis El Ferno.
A wealthy son of an even wealthier mafia family that had a thing for speeding and collecting tickets. Along with other things that piled up in his file.
And as luck had it, he sought you out to be the perfect candidate for blackmailing. So when the first picture of your almost naked form landed in your mail, you had the shock of your life.
The photo was paired with a letter, saying if you didn't do as he said, he'd ruin your career. And not only that.
He'd ruin you completely.
So you complied, hoping to handle this on your own. Tim was clueless, as was the rest of them all.
Things soon took turns, though, getting worse the more time passed. Then, when he wanted you to do more than just cleaning up his mess, you said no.
You told yourself it was for the better.
You were a cop after all. You could handle this, right?
Big mistake.
When he found out he couldn't threaten you with the photos anymore, at least not enough for you to give in, he let his men kidnap you.
They punched you and used you as their personal boxing bag. They didn't stop when you were pleading, and they didn't stop when you fell silent.
They only stopped when there was nothing left to beat.
And when you closed your eyes, you had never been more grateful for the comfort of nothingness.
"You have to be kidding me!" Lucy laughed, leaning back on the sofa. "No way! Tell me you're lying!"
You laughed with her, shaking your head. "I wish I was." you said. "It was so embarrassing! For a moment, I thought he'd let me walk back to the station!"
She laughed louder, biting her lip.
"I would have loved to see that!" she said. "I can imagine the look on Tim's face so clearly!"
You shook your head, smiling. "Yeah, you should have seen the way he tried to keep his cool." you told her. "The poor lady excused herself so many times that her puke was already dry when she finally was in the car."
Lucy doubled over with laughter, the glass in her hand shaking threateningly. "Oh my god!" she breathed out, wiping at her eyes. "Damn, I need that body cam material!"
Eyes widening, you shook your head. "God, no!"
She laughed even more at your shocked expression, wiping at her eyes once more. Oh, she would somehow get that footage, she was sure of that.
It was a night with your bestie, a tradition that had developed early in your training as a rookie. You would sit together, drink cocktails, and do whatever you wanted.
Painting your nails, watching sappy movies, or simply talking.
It was something you never would have missed out on. So, when you didn't show up that day and Lucy didn't get a message from you saying that you wouldn't make it, either, she started to get worried.
She knew you better than most people did, so she knew something must be wrong. Calling Tim, her fingers danced over the rim of her glass, nerves piling up.
"Hey, do you know where Y/N is?" she asked when he picked up, not wasting any time.
Tim frowned on the other end of the line. "I thought she would be with you?" he gave back, eyes scanning the living room.
Your things weren't there, so you must have been on your way to Lucy, right?
"Well, she isn't here, and she didn't text me." Lucy responded, causing Tim's frown to deepen. You were reliable, you wouldn't just cancel plans without telling her.
Let alone disappear.
"I haven't heard from her since this morning." Tim admitted, biting his cheek. "I mean, we had an argument, but still, she would at least text."
Lucy sighed, nodding to herself.
"I'm worried, Tim." she admitted. "If she didn't text any of us, nor show up..." She bit down on her finger, trying to get rid of the horrible thoughts swarming her mind.
Tim swallowed heavily. He already felt guilty for not checking up on you earlier, and the fact that they didn't know where you were, made it even worse.
"I'm heading to the station." he decided, getting up with the phone still pressed to his ear. Lucy nodded on the other end. "Okay, I'll meet you there."
He knew better than to argue with her. She'd do anything for the people she loved.
"Okay, one last chance." he whispered into your ear, causing you to shiver in disgust. His breath reeked of whiskey, his shirt of cigarettes. "I really don't want to rearrange that pretty face of yours."
You swallowed heavily but didn't budge. He wouldn't get you to let a corpse disappear.
He tutted, shaking his head disapprovingly. "And here I thought we were friends." he mused, brushing a strand of hair out of your face.
You jerked your head away from him, glaring up at him. "We're not friends, Luis." you told him angrily. He scoffed, the back of his hand connecting with your cheek with a harsh slap.
Your head whipped to the side, skin aflame.
Tears pricked in your eyes, but your anger only intensified.
"Do you really think you're in command here?" he seethed, harshly grabbing your chin to make you look at him, fingers digging into your burning flesh. "Dont forget who you're dealing with!"
You spit in his face in response.
Another big mistake.
You really should have listened to your mother never to get involved with such people.
Mothers always were right, weren't they?
Luis face became progressively darker, turning redder. He roared, and his fist made contact with your gut, knocking the wind out of you.
So much for the gut feeling.
"Maybe I should teach you a lesson." Luis grumbled, shaking his hand. "You little slut are stepping out of line, and I really don't like that!"
You swallowed, knowing what this man was capable of doing.
Or let do.
He whistled, smirking at you. Two men entered the large room that could have worked as bouncers - ex-military if you'd had to guess.
Luis turned his attention to the men, speaking extra loud so you wouldn't miss his words.
"This little whore needs to be taught a lesson." he told them. "Or two. She's dancing out of line, and I can't have that. Vladimir-" he turned to one of them and your blood ran cold.
"You said your wrist ached, right? Maybe a little punching will help?"
Vladimir, the bigger of the too, chuckled darkly. "When did it not?"
His knuckles cracked, and your eyes closed, silently praying Tim would find you before it was too late.
"I want every available cop in this station." Tim spoke as Grey entered the on call room. His brows knitted at Tim's words, clearing his throat.
"Bradford, what is going on?" he wanted to know, all eyes on them. "Y/N is missing." Tim explained, thumbs hooked into his waistband, so his fingers wouldn't fumble with everything they got hold of.
Grey's brows knitted further before he nodded. "Are you sure she's missing?" he asked. Tim nodded, eyes downcast. "Yes, sir."
Grey hummed, clearing his throat again. "Okay." he said, swallowing. "Where was she last seen?"
They started to form a plan, checking your last locations. Your phone hadn't been responsive yet, not being able to be tracked.
They were checking out possible locations on a map, as Tim's phone suddenly rang with a message, then another. He fished for his phone, hoping it was you.
His hopes were heard.
Without further checking the message, he clicked on it, mind working overtime.
Then, his blood ran cold, and everything suddenly came crashing to a halt.
The message consisted of a photo and a text.
A photo of you, battered and bruised, blood staining your body and clothes. They were torn, your head hanging low.
Under the photo, the message read: "Your officer, Y/N Y/L/N, has done a very shitty job. Only fair for her to pay the price for it."
Tim could feel all eyes on him, the room suddenly eerily silent. His fingers trembled, his whole body trembled.
He could hear Grey distantly, asking him what happened. He could feel his hand on his shoulder, turning him towards him, but everything seemed to be in a blur.
Grey's gaze fell to the phone, and his heart stopped. "Oh god." he mumbled, a lump forming in his throat.
Lucy stepped forward, heart hammering nervously in her chest. Whatever it was, it wasn't good. "What happened?" she wanted to know, repeating Grey's words.
Neither of them reacted for a second, glued to the spot, eyes on the phone. Moments later, it clattered to the floor as Tim stumbled backward. Lucy took the opportunity to grab it, turning the display towards her.
She wished she hadn't.
Her breath got stuck in her throat at what she saw. She read the text a few times, mind running haywire. Her hands shook, and she had to place the phone down, or otherwise it would have fallen for a second time.
They could only hope you weren't as dead as you looked.
It was ugly.
First you found it strange, then funny that they were counting the amount of times they punched you.
They must have been paid for punches.
After the tenth punch, you fell silent. You had pleaded for them to stop only moments earlier, as they took turns in punching and slapping you.
Neither of them cared for your feeble attempts. It only seemed to spur them on.
Every part of your body ached by now, your numb mind telling you to be grateful that they weren't doing other things to you.
It felt like you'd been hit by a truck numerous times.
You weeped as a blow to your stomach knocked any remaining air from your lungs.
That was all you could muster now.
A small weep.
Your head felt like it was wrapped in clouds, vision blurry, and slowly fading. Your hope of getting out of this alive withering by the second.
How were they supposed to find you? How should they track you when Luis took your phone, most likely destroying it?
A punch in your face made your head spin, as everything seemed to blur together, dark spots obscuring your vision further.
And as you thought all hope was lost, you slowly sank into the comfort of unconsciousness.
Time seemed to tick in slow motion.
Tim couldn't keep still, he had to move, trying to match his racing heart.
The fear he felt cut deep, like a knife. It bored its way into his heart, infecting it with its poison. He had only felt such fear twice before - once when his ex-wife left him overnight, and the second time when Lucy was buried alive.
But it didn't compare to the fear he felt now. It seemed tenfold.
Grey had to calm him multiple times, or else he would have stormed out there, searching every building for you.
He would have done everything for you.
After what felt like an eternity to Tim, they were able to track the location where the photo of you was taken.
The photo that was glued to the back of his eyelids, not letting him think of anything else.
He felt guilty, an ugly feeling that crept into his very being, infiltrating all of his nerves, his bones, and very fibers.
It was the worst feeling of them all.
He blamed himself - blamed himself for accusing you of having secrets eatlier that day.
That he was right he didn't know then.
But he'd seen your change in demeanor, the way you would pull away from him.
It hurt him so much that he caused an argument.
One he was deeply regretting now.
He had to remind himself to pay attention, to wait for the signal to enter the warehouse they located you in.
How cliché.
When Grey gave the signal, Tim's heart stumbled before it doubled its speed.
Time to move.
They walked forward in formation before splitting, getting ready to bust the door open and head inside, facing whatever might lurk behind the heavy metal door.
When the door was opened, he was the first to enter the large room, eyes quickly scanning his surroundings, gun drawn, as he flinched at the sight.
Tim believed his heart had stopped.
If he hadn't been standing upright, he'd thought he'd died - even though that could have changed any second, as he stumbled towards you.
He couldn't tell if you were still breathing, your body hanging limp in the chair in the middle of the warehouse. Your face was bruised - badly, blood wherever his eyes reached.
They stung, tears threatening to push through. But he did his best to keep himself together, even though the gasp Angela let out as she saw you, didn't make it any easier for him.
Falling down on his knees in front of you, he let his gun clatter to the floor, fingers carefully brushing away the hair that was stuck to your bloody face. With trembling fingers, he tried to feel for a pulse, heart stopping when he didn't immediately find one.
He could feel the others stare at him, waiting for an answer.
"Come on!" he mumbled to himself, feeling again as goosebumps covered his skin.
There - it was weak, but it was there.
"She's alive." he managed to get out, knowing that the ambulance was already on the way. Relief flooded him, even though it was short-lived.
You seemed like you would give out any moment.
Nyla walked behind you, carefully cutting the rope that was binding you to the chair - the only thing keeping you upright, as you fell forward and into Tim's arms.
His body shook, but he did his best to suppress it.
He had to be strong for the both of you now.
He cradled you in his arms, biting his lip until it bled, all to keep the tears at bay. Praying to whatever gods may be above to let you survive this.
Losing you would have been too much. It'd have destroyed him irrevocably.
He could hear sirens, swallowing against the lump in his throat that seemed to get bigger as time slowly passed.
He could feel the stares, knew they were asking themselves what you must have done to deserve this.
Hell, he asked himself the same question.
And, most importantly, who did this to you.
Whoever it was wouldn't get far once Tim would have his hands on them.
He barely noticed when the paramedics almost had to pry you from his hands, getting you ready for transport.
He was in the back of the ambulance even before they had carried you in.
His numb fingers dug into his pockets, catching onto something. They gripped hold of it, turning the small object over in his hand, thumb brushing over the velvet.
A ring.
He had meant to give it to you, having noticed how much you had seemed to like it when you first saw it.
Now he wondered if he'd ever have the chance to give it to you.
Once you were settled, they took off, the look on Lucy's face surely going to haunt him for weeks to come.
It mirrored his own emotions perfectly.
Fear, helplessness.
Something he didn't feel often.
Steady, rhythmic beating was what brought you back.
An awful sound, yet it was the proof of life.
Your body felt heavy, mind dizzy. Your mouth was dry and you were sure you must have died and went straight to hell.
Blinking your eyes open, they were met by dim light, stars shining on the other side of the big window.
You swallowed, trying to get rid of the dryness. As your eyes slowly took in your surroundings, landing on Tim whose head lay on your bed, sleeping peacefully, it all came crushing back.
Tears flooded your eyes, soon the dam breaking. They ran over your face in hot streaks, your bruised skin stinging.
Hands shaking, you brought one of it up to his head, softly brushing through his hair as a sob spilled over your lips.
What you had done was nowhere excusable. They would fire you once they knew what exactly you had done.
You were sure of it.
Tim stirred, disturbed in his sleep. His eyes blinked open, and once they fell on you, he was wide awake, sitting upright.
He scooted closer with his chair, hands gripping your own. Seeing you cry broke his heart.
"It's okay." he shooed, thumbs brushing over the back of your hands before he brought one up, carefully wiping at your tear streaked face. "It's okay, you're safe now."
Your head shook almost automatically, tears and sobs intensifying. "No." you croaked out, sight blurry, and his brows furrowed. "No, it's not okay."
Your head fell back into the cushion, biting your lip as you shook it again.
"What happened?" Tim voiced the question he'd asked himself so many times. "Who did this to you?"
At first, you didn't answer, gaze fixed on the ceiling. When he was about to ask again, your mouth slowly opened.
"I fucked up." you managed to get past your split lips. "I fucked everything up."
Tim had to swallow, doing his best to stay patient. Whatever you did must have been so bad, that it resulted in this.
Clearing your throat, you took a deep breath. "Luis El Ferno." you said his name, blinking rapidly to will away another wave of tears.
The name vaguely rang a bell in Tim's head. He must have been someone they arrested before.
"After we arrested him a few months back, he-" you cut yourself off, fingers cramping around his. "He started to blackmail me with photos someone took of me... naked."
Tim's heart stuttered to a painful halt, eyes widening. Every single thought in his mind came to a stop as your words slowly sank in.
Photos of you.
He swallowed heavily, that ugly feeling of guilt intensifying.
He should have noticed.
"He wanted me to erase things from his file." you continued, ripping him from his vile thoughts. "And when he asked of me to let a corpse disappear, I said no. Big mistake."
Despite the situation, you managed a humorless, dry laugh, but Tim wasn't in the mood for laughing.
No, he was far closer to breaking something.
Or someone.
"He let his guards 'teach me a lesson', as he said it. To show everyone what a shitty job I did. And he was right."
Tim's gaze snapped back to yours, having been glued to the blanket before. The chair made a nasty sound on the linoleum as he brought it ever closer.
Now he knew what you'd been hiding the past few months.
He would have done the same.
His head shook unbeknownst to him, and he wished he could take you into his arms, hold you close to shield you from all the horror in the world.
But you could barely move, your survival a sole miracle.
He brought your hand to his lips, unable to find the words to assure you everything would be fine.
He knew it wouldn't.
"I'm so sorry." you croaked out, biting your swollen lip as more tears fell. "I know I should have told you, but I was so scared. He said he'd end me if I told someone."
Tim swallowed again, bile rising in his throat at the thought.
Oh, how badly he wanted to have a chat with this man.
Though chat might not be the right word.
He took a deep breath to calm himself. Then his fingers dug into his pocket, taking out the small, velvety box.
He turned it over in his hand before slowly opening it, taking the ring out. It glittered in the dim light, reflecting it.
Your eyes widened at the sight, recognizing it. You had admired it through the jeweler's window, knowing you'd never buy it, because it was way too expensive.
Seeing it now, crushed your heart.
He bad bought it for you.
Tim wiped at his nose before he took your hand, slowly putting the ring onto your finger. It fit perfectly.
Then his fingers encircled yours, holding them tight as he swallowed.
"We'll do this together." he said, looking up at you. "Whatever might come, we'll do it together. I'll fight Grey on it if need be, but you won't leave the LAPD."
Fresh tears gathered in your eyes, blurring your sight. The love you felt for this man was indescribable. And you could only hope you hadn't lost him with what you'd done.
"I love you." he spoke, licking his lip. It tasted salty, and he noticed that a tear of his own had managed to spill. "I promise you I'll be there whenever you need me. We can do this, whatever may come. You and I."
You sobbed, overwhelmed by his words. "I love you, too." you managed to say, not sure how you deserved him. "But I don't know how we'll do that."
He bit his lip, and for the first time since you had been missing, he smiled. It was a small one, but it was a smile nonetheless.
"Let me handle that."
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@newobsessionweekly @laheysfilm @dhundhchrih @augustvandyne @rookietrek @nachofriess @dtftheavengers @wonderland2425
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itstheghostofmypast · 7 months
Condensed Hearts
Jeong Yunho x (f)Reader
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Summary: Sometimes you don't need a good cry, you just need a boy with a golden heart and horrible timing for jokes.
Genre: Hurt/Comfort Fluff
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1k
Est. Read Time: 5 min
Rating: SFW
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels
Banner: @cafekitsune
A/N: No, bc why did this entire day comprise of nonsense and frustration.
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A tap on the window caught her attention, turning her head away and sniffing she wiped her face with the back of her sleeve in an ungraceful manner, before turning back to stare at the person who interrupted her little session through swollen eyes
Of course, it was him.
Standing there in all his patient glory with a gentle smile, gesturing for her to lower the window, only for his heart to crack at the quick shake of her head, indicating a no. He couldn't help but let his smile drop, sighing, his shoulders visibly dropping as he nodded, letting her have her way. Nodding at her one more time he walked away, much to her disappointment, well technically she did ask him to leave so naturally he would respect her wishes, but maybe the selfish part of her did not want him to- no, the petty little girl in her wanted to stay or perhaps she was so used to him pampering her that she thought he'd stay. Though this was on her, she'd usually run off to hide in places and cry in solitude, refusing to let him see her in this state, claiming how he would no longer love her if he saw how miserable she was- nothing like her golden boy.
Regardless of the inner monologue, she felt another wave of fresh hot tears cascade down her cheeks, fingers gripped onto the steering wheel tighter as she pressed her forehead against it. The colder the car got the more numb she felt, time was no longer a concept, not a friend nor a foe, it just didn't exist within these premises, leaving her and her aching heart to succumb to the cruelty of lady fate.
She wasn't sure how long she was in there for, but the pestering tap had her head whipping in its direction, glaring at him- her self-pity now morphed into anger, upset about him not staying there for her- was it healthy? Probably not, but nor was bottling up and letting loose once every two to three months, but hey, he knew this before they even became official.
Shaking his head at her disapproving look he leaned closer to the glass window before exhaling on it, watching his warm breath condense and turn into a blank canvas.
What on earth, frowning at how he obscured the view, about to lower the window, she stopped when he began to draw?
Honestly, he had never left, only went to stand against the trunk of the car, leaning against it and he looked around, giving her a few moments- though when the minutes turned into a full-blown hour he changed his mind, an idea popping up in his head as he took two long strides to the driver's door.
Now, with his finger, he was busy drawing a big ol'heart. Once satisfied with the size he began to draw two stickmen- well one man and one woman, mind you, he knows how to treat his lady well- holding their little stick figure hands, standing in the centre of the heart.
Moving back a bit he admired his work, even through the obscured glass he could see her bite her lip, holding back her smile, but he was sure he cracked her shell of misery after she let out a chuckle at the addition to his glass drawing, the words "You and me" scribbled at this top.
Giving a moment for her to digest the whole scene he moved back, a smile graced his features when the door unlocked and opened, as she slowly got out of the car, shivering at the change of temperature- curse winter.
"Don't be." he sighed, finally moving closer to her as he wrapped his arms around her frame, pulling her flush against him, "How bad?" he asked, slowly rocking them back and forth as he kissed the crown of her head.
"Superbad." came a muffled voice, he just sighed in response, feeling her hug him tighter. There was silence for a moment before he felt her tremble against him, his grip on her tightening as he cleared his throat, "If you're gonna cry at least do it while having icecrea-"
With great force she was shoved away, stumbling back he raised his hands in surrender, "Bad joke, bad joke, bad joke-"
"LISTEN YOU LANKY GIANT- Do you know how shitty of a day I had?"
"Well, considering you came home early, skipped classes and work and stayed in the car crying till midnight, I'd go with super bad," he mumbled, eying her up and down, man, he thought he'd cracked the code this time, with the cute drawing and all.
"Then Jeong Yunho, why do you think all I need is icecream when I clearly need a whole warm meal with my significant other who can't read the room." sighing she rubbed her face, before locking the car and walking away, leaving him standing there to process her words. It wasn't until she had reached the entrance of their apartment complex when she called him out, "Well, are you coming or not?"
Instantly smiling at her, he skipped his way to her, stopping next to her and looking down at her, as she met his cheeky smile, staring up at him with her own small frown, though when she laced her cold fingers with his warmer ones his heart leapt with joy. Walking into the building as he swung their arms back and forth like a little boy.
"Thank you for telling me where you were this time," he whispered as the elevator door closed, afraid someone would hear them, even though it was just the two of them, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.
"Thank you for waiting." she mumbled, leaning, "help me with reverse."
"Hmmmm?" he teased, leaning closer, earning a whine, "What was that??? I couldn't hear you, love."
Shoving him away she stomped out, "You're insufferable".
His laugh echoed across the corridor, running up to her as he grabbed her from behind, hugging her close, "Don't worry, I'll help you with your reverse...I'll help you with whatever you want." planting a chaste kiss on her cheek he moved to let her in first, smiling as he locked the door, listening to her complain and whine about her day. This was much better than her closing off, this was much better than her crying in solitude, this made him feel valued and trusted enough for her to let her vulnerability show, assuring him that he was the stickman to her stickwoman.
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Taglist: @edenesth @mlysalt @spooo00oky @cereal-simp @yessa-vie @marsvillee
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goldfades · 7 months
𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐬 𝐚𝐭 𝐚 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐟𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡. | delicate au, jack hughes
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౨ৎ ─ summary | this takes place in late august of 2023, a little before the njd season started. jack hughes dm's the girl the whole internet thinks he's dating and invites her to a pre-season get-together at his house.
─ word count | 1.9k
─ warnings | anxiety, some flirting? nothing else!
─ taglist | @dancerbailey3 @valluvsu @daisysnhl @dasiysthings @iminlovewithtz11 @literatureluster @lvrzegras @lxvleyzoe @bowen-power @ru-kru @jackhughesily @hearts-for-luke
─ ev's notes | please lmk ur thoughts on this au so far! i, of course, always read ur guys feedback so anything would be very much appreciated.
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Accept message request from jhughes (jackhughes)?
jhughes: have you seen twitter? we're trending 🤣 jhughes: looks like i'm your bf now 🤷🏻🤷🏻
libbytf: yeah um i don't even know how that happened😭 libbytf: they're crazy, that's not either of us?
jhughes: it does really look like us though haha 🤣 i don't blame them
libbytf: the more i look the photos the more i disagree lol, i hope they figure it out on their own 😭
jhughes: haha yeah [seen]
jhughes: me and luke are having a pre season party, you should come if ur free jhughes: oh and if leon wants you to hahaha😭
libbytf: when is it? i'll see if i can come and if i'm in town
jhughes: next saturday at our new place
libbytf: i'll let you know!
jhughes: k lmk ( 👍🏻 )
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Libby stared down at her screen, trying to comprehend what had just happened. Did she just get asked out?
She received the message later that day and she was surprised that Jack Hughes had messaged her. She wasn't starstruck or anything but he didn't seem like the "dm" type, he looked more like the type to approach you in public.
She shook her head, she didn't even know if he was hitting on her. He probably wasn't even trying to come off that way, he probably just needed more people at his party. And the truth was, after the whole "Josh" thing, she didn't really have anything to do because everyone in the world was seemingly against her. The messy breakup with Josh had left her feeling exposed, as if every aspect of her personal life was now fair game for public scrutiny.
She had been under the spotlight for years now, long before she had even considered the idea of being a singer. Her sister and father were already apart of the "Hollywood" circle, she has seen this kind of stuff before. She's never been apart of the gossip, though - this was the first time she'd been in the spotlight for a bad reason.
Growing up in the shadow of her sister's and father's fame had accustomed her to the entertainment industry and all the drama that came with it. But now, as the fallout from her breakup with Josh engulfed her, Libby found herself thrust into uncharted territory. The barrage of rumors and gossip had stripped away the layers of privacy she had worked so hard to preserve, leaving her feeling vulnerable.
Libby couldn't even turn to her music anymore, she felt like it was no use because the whole internet (and their moms) hated her for no reason other than her relationship, or lack thereof.
She was pulled out of her thoughts as she felt her phone buzz on her bed. She reached for it lazily and opened it, reading the message.
leon 😛 are you down for something this weekend?
Libby typed out a quick response.
libs 🥸 depends
leon 😛 me and some of the team are gonna have a party this weekend to celebrate the start of the season, they told me to bring someone and ur all i have
leon 😛 unless u say no i'll ask someone else
libs 🥸 jack already asked me so sure :)
leon 😛 wait so ur his plus one?
libs 🥸 no bc he's the literal host, he just invited me😭😭
leon 😛 thats weird but okay, can u still be my plus one
libs 🥸 idk if that'll change anything but sure!!
She sighed at her brother's slight stupidity. It sounds like she was going to be going to the party this weekend. As she agreed, Libby couldn't help but feel a twinge of anxiety about attending Jack's party. The thought of facing a bunch of strangers, each with their own preconceived notions about who she was, made her stomach churn.
Before she could turn off her phone, her phone buzzed and she looked at the notification.
jhughes (jackhughes) started following you!
"Have you been on Twitter?" Leon spoke up as he drove, his eyes glancing toward Libby before focusing back on the road.
She shrugged, "Yeah. Why?"
"Everyone thinks you're dating Jack, it's kinda funny. Isn't this like, your first time meeting him?" Leon replied with a small laugh, shaking his head.
"It's pretty dumb, isn't it?" Libby replied, her voice tinged with amusement. "Well this is like my second or third time meeting him so it's not like we're strangers but still, we're far from strangers."
"Are you sure about that? He messaged you." Leon joked as he smirked at you as you rolled your eyes. She knew he was joking but a part of her thought that maybe he was flirting with her. But Libby could not even mention that to Leon because it'll make him go crazy, staying quiet was the better option.
"Shut up," Libby mumbled as Leon laughed. "The pictures aren't even us, you know?"
"The guy looks a lot like Jack but not you. It's so funny especially because everyone swears that they know you so well but they can't even tell the difference you and some other person." Leon grinned, clearly enjoying the absurdity of the situation. "Well, I guess the internet just loves drama. Can't blame them for trying to spice things up, it is fun."
"I just hope people figure it out soon," Libby sighed, glancing out of the car window at the passing city lights. "I mean, it's not like I need more rumors right now."
Leon shrugged. "Yeah, I get it. But you know what they say, any publicity is good publicity."
"Yeah at least I'll know my new album will get tons of new streams, thanks to Josh's fangirls."
"You mean dickriders? Jesus, have you seen the comments?" Leon scoffed, making a turn to Jack and Luke's home.
Libby sighed, her shoulders slumping as she leaned back against the car seat. "Yeah, I've seen them. It's like they're just waiting for the opportunity to tear me apart completely, I can't even go on Instagram anymore."
Leon's expression softened with empathy as he reached out to place a comforting hand on Libby's arm. "They're just fucking bored, that's all. They have to tear someone down to feel better. Don't let them get to you."
Libby nodded, grateful for her brother's words of encouragement. "I know, it's just hard sometimes, you know? Feels like I'm constantly under a microscope."
Leon nodded in understanding, his gaze unwavering in its support. "Yeah, I get it. But remember, those comments don't define you. You're so much more than what people say about you."
Libby managed a small smile as they reached Jack's home. The night air was crisp as Libby and Leon made their way towards Jack's home. The distant noise from the party spilled into the quiet neighborhood as they walked towards the entrance.
The home was pretty big but you weren't surprised, they were really good and popular hockey players so of course they had a big home. However, as you walked into their porch, you noticed how clean it was. Not many boys in their twenties kept their homes so clean and organized but Libby was pleasantly surprised at how clean their home was and she hadn't even been inside yet.
Leon gave the door a few knocks before the door opened to reveal Jack, a big grin on his face and a backwards cap on his head. "Leon! You made it!"
"Yeah, and I brought Libs!" Leon grinned back at Jack as his gaze finally fell on Libby, she felt his eyes scan her body before they landed on her eyes once again.
Libby felt a slight flush rise to her cheeks as she met Jack's gaze. His warm smile putting her at ease as she returned it, trying to ignore the flutter of nerves in her stomach.
"Awesome! Come on in, guys." Jack ushered them inside, the sounds of the party becoming more pronounced as they stepped inside.
"There's some chips in the kitchen and you guys can just help yourself to the drinks inside the fridge, just don't drink any of our protein smoothies." Jack side glanced to Leon playfully, in which he responded with a quick fine. "Everyone's in the living room playing pool."
"I'm gonna go get a beer, if y'all don't mind." Leon called out as he headed towards the kitchen, leaving Libby and Jack by the entrance.
As Leon left, Libby shifted her gaze to Jack with a warm smile. There was a brief awkward silence before Jack broke it, "I didn't know that you lived in Jersey."
"Well I don't but ever since Leon's moved here I've been spending every second at his place. I actually live in New York City but it gets a little hectic, I need a break sometimes from... everything." Libby explained as she recalled all the drama from the summer, from everything with Olivia to Josh, it was eventful.
Jack nodded, his expression sympathetic as he listened to Libby's explanation. "I get it. New York can be intense, especially with everything going on."
Libby sighed, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders as she spoke about the challenges she faced. "Yeah, it's been a lot to deal with lately. Sometimes, it's nice to escape to somewhere quieter, you know?"
Jack's gaze softened with understanding. "I get it. I'm sorry by the way, with the whole uh... thing." Jack didn't really want to specify but they both knew as Libby nodded.
Libby gave him a sweet smile but before she could respond, Luke came in wearing a Devils jersey. "Dude I've been looking everywhere for you, there's something wrong with the-" He cut himself as he noticed Libby.
"Hey Luke." Libby greeted the tall curly-head with a grin as he walked over to where Libby was and gave her a side hug as Jack observed.
"Libby! I haven't seen you in a while, how's everything?" Luke asked casually as he pulled back.
"Can't complain." You spoke with a small grin as you looked in between the boys. "You?"
"Very excited for the new season, I don't know if you could tell." Luke chuckled as he looked down at the jersey.
Libby couldn't help but chuckle at Luke's enthusiasm. Even though she's never formally met Jack, her and Luke have a pretty good friendship through Leon. As soon as they met they clicked and now they're practically tied at the hip. "Hmm... I couldn't tell. Go Rangers, right?"
"Hey, hey, hey!"
"Whoa, don't you dare step foot in our homes and disrespect us like that. That is a like a slur around here." Jack shook his head playfully as him and Luke exchanged looks before all three of you busted out laughing.
"Sorry, sorry won't happen again!"
"It better not or we're gonna have to kick you out." Luke threatened with a mock-serious expression. "But seriously Jack, the TV isn't working and everyone wants to play Fifa for some reason."
Jack shrugged as he motioned to Libby towards the living room, "I don't even know if we own Fifa..."
They all entered the spacious living room where everyone was. There were some teammates who she recognized and some people she'd never seen before. Jack and Luke ventured off toward the TV, leaving Libby to go stand by the couch. She'd enjoyed the night so far but as she stood there, anxiety began to creep into her stomach.
Everyone here knew somebody and right now the only people she was close with was her brother, Luke and Jack and they were all playing Fifa right now.
"Libs, get a controller we need one more player!" Jack shouted from the coach and waved at her to come over. Libby hesitated for a moment, feeling a familiar pang of anxiety at the thought of joining a group of people she didn't know well. But as she stared back at Jack, she swallowed all her fears and walked over, taking a controller.
As she settled in next to them, Libby felt a sense of normalcy wash over her. For the first time in a long time, she felt like she could just be herself, without the weight of everyone's expectations or the glare of being perceived.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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and also just to add one thing my last point:
i think the toxic canon thing really forms a basis for the foundational problems of the series - narrative. its one of the reasons i believe feyre often gets dubbed an 'unreliable narrator.
because in theory - feyre is not made purposely to be unreliable. honestly - the problem is that the story makes feyre's thoughts declarative for the series as whole. feyre tells us one thing, and the story shows us another.
for example: when the story tells us 'tamlin didn't fight for me,' - its implying that tamlin has the tools to do so. bc the story establishes an entirely difference scenario. we learn that (1) amarantha is madly obsessed with tamlin, so she keeps him next to her every night and (2) tamlin doesn't really have skills to navigate utm. what im saying is - feyre says these things about tamlin which are dubbed 'canon' but they don't actually reflect the reality of the situation. the story gives us to no solutions as to how tamlin could have actually helped feyre under the mountain. and i should also add that feyre couldnt have left ANYWAY -- she made a bargain. had she not did her part, the trials, her life would have just been forfeit.
and then on the flip side - we get told that rhys had to bring feyre to those parties and drug her so would forget (which is dubbed canon) but the reality of the scenario doesn't reflect that. rhysand never had to make feyre dance or embarrass her infront of everybody.
why? let's look at the established information:
rhysand disables the guards through his daemati abilities, so feyre is safe in her cell:
“No more household chores, no more tasks,” he said, his voice an erotic caress. Their yellow eyes went glazed and dull, their sharp teeth gleaming as their mouths slackened. “Tell the others, too. Stay out of her cell, and don’t touch her. If you do, you’re to take your own daggers and gut yourselves. Understood?”Dazed, numb nods, then they blinked and straightened. I hid my trembling. Glamour, mind control—whatever it was he had done, it worked. They beckoned—but didn’t dare touch me. Rhysand smiled at me. “You’re welcome,” he purred as I walked out.”
2. feyre is given a hot meal in her cell everyday - which again, establishes her cell as a relatively safe place:
“From that point on, each morning and evening, a fresh, hot meal appeared in my cell. I gobbled it down but cursed Rhysand’s name anyway. Stuck in the cell, I had nothing to do but ponder Amarantha’s riddle—usually only to wind up with a pounding headache. I recited it again and again and again, but to no avail.”
and even after she has to dance every night, this does not change:
“I awoke ill and exhausted each morning, and though Rhysand’s order to the guards had indeed held, the nightly activities left me thoroughly drained.”
so - the whole point of taking feyre out of cell is instantly negated, as her cell was never a place of torture. if anything - the only person actually making her cell a place of horror was rhysand. when he drugs her, she becomes so sick that she can't keep the food down; he leaves her essentially naked in her cell, so she's cold and shivering, and her leaves her so exhausted that she can't even think about the solving the riddle.
3. nuala and cerridwen have the ability to walk through walls and actually usher feyre through utm without ever being seen or caught:
“a tapestry that hadn’t been there a moment before falling over us, the shadows deepening, solidifying. I had a feeling that if someone pulled back that tapestry, they would see only darkness and stone.”
so when we get this line in maf:
“So we endured it. I made you dress like that so Amarantha wouldn’t suspect, and made you drink the wine so you would not remember the nightly horrors in that mountain.”
or his explanation in tar:
“Working Tamlin into a senseless fury is the best weapon we have against her. Seeing you enter into a fool’s bargain with Amarantha was one thing, but when Tamlin saw my tattoo on your arm … Oh, you should have been born with my abilities, if only to have felt the rage that seeped from him.” I didn’t want to think much about his abilities. “Who’s to say he won’t splatter you as well?” “Perhaps he’ll try—but I have a feeling he’ll kill Amarantha first. That’s what it all boils down to, anyway: even your servitude to me can be blamed on her. So he’ll kill her tomorrow,”
none it actually make sense. we are offered several solutions to how rhys could have respectively helped feyre without sexually assaulting her. like for (1) if he wanted her to forget, he could have given her the wine in her cell (2) he didn't have to bring feyre to those parties. amarantha doesn't even remember feyre is there until rhys brings her, and she never finds out about the food or the guards. (3) nuala and cerridwen can actually walk through walls and veil feyre, so whose to say they couldn't have sneaked feyre from utm (4) rhys can mindspeak which means he could have always just talked to feyre without visiting her cell. (3) his plan of 'making tamlin angry makes no sense as the book already established that amarantha was warded against physical attacks, hence why it makes no sense for the story to demonize tamlin for not fighting back as there's no established canon way he could have. it also makes rhysand's display of fighting amarantha pretty much pointless as if he could have just killed her, he would have just done it earlier. its also why i don't forgive the kiss bc the only valid motivation was rhysand's jealousy which literally is why i can never forgive the kiss. he (and tam) put her in the situation by bringing her there in the first place and putting the paint all over her body (and he literally prove that he could altered the paint at any time so it served no benefit but to dehumanize feyre.
soooooo that's what i mean when i say people take canon without factoring into the story as a whole. if the story doesn't actually have things that back up declarative 'canon' statements, its not useful.
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hiii i’m thinking you do 1/4/25 with rafe!!
maybe rafe and y/n broke up but rafe really didn’t have a say bc the reader broke up with bc he was toxic and or bc of drugs and he rlly misses her and constantly try’s to get her back, and then maybe the story can end in soft smut.?
if you don’t choose to do that it’s ok!! ❤️❤️
 ‘’I don’t care we broke up, I still love you.’’ + ‘’Tell me this love is worth the fight.’’ + ‘’Don’t push me away.’’
I sort of forgot about the smut part, I'm sorry anon
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Spring was coming up, so you were helping your parents getting the country club ready for the new golfing season.
You spend the whole afternoon at the golf shop and the adjacent stock room, tidying the rental equipment and ensuring nothing was missing or broken. The person who put everything away last fall did a terrible job and now you were the one fixing their job.
After sundown, there was a knock on the glass door of the golf shop. You turned around, expecting your dad, but instead your gaze fell on a pair of blue eyes you hadn’t seen in a long time. Your throat went dry, unable to look away from him as he walked in.
‘’W-what are you doing here?’’
Your question could come off as rude, but you were genuinely confused to see him at the country club. His whereabouts of the past months were unknown to you, but you knew he had left the island since he didn’t attend Ward’s birthday dinner event or the annual golf tournament.
‘’I'm visiting for Wheezie's birthday.’’
Visiting. That confirmed he had moved out.
‘’How are you doing?’’ you asked. He looked more posed and clear-headed than the last time you saw him.
A soft smile curled on his face. ‘’Better than I ever was.’’ His smile fell and he pulled his eyebrows together while biting his lip. ‘’I…I’ve been to rehab in Charleston. I haven't touched any drugs in six months.’’
The last time you and Rafe spoke was about his addiction. That conversation — and the bag of cocaine you found in his jacket — had been the final nail to the coffin for your relationship. Addiction changes a person and cocaine had turned Rafe into a completely man; the person you called your boyfriend was no longer the man you fell for. You put up with it for a while, knowing the real Rafe was underneath, but the mood swings, the irritability, the constant lying and the violent behaviors had led to your and Rafe's end.
Now, he was standing before you, sober.
‘’That’s great, Rafe,’’ you said, proud of him. Recovering from addiction must not be easy.
‘’Yeah.’’ He fidgeted with the sleeve of his gray zip up, seeming a bit nervous. ‘’I'm seeing a therapist now. She's good.’’
‘’That’s great.’’
‘’It's strange to be home. To see all that I left behind, all that I ruined.’’ His eyes shifted to you. ‘’In rehab, we’re encouraged to apologize to the ones we hurt during our addiction. My mind would always go to you.’’ He stepped forward, closer to you, and took your hands in his. ‘’I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.’’
You glanced down at your hands together. You missed the physical contact.
‘’I need to stop trying to please my dad and go live my life. So, here I am, trying to gain back what I’ve sabotaged.’’ He brought your intertwined hands up to his mouth and kissed them. ‘’Give me — us — a second chance.’’
‘’I don’t know, Rafe…’’ You stepped away, but Rafe didn’t let you.
‘’Don’t push me away. I get why you did it the last time and it was a valid reason, but what drove us apart is no longer part of my life.’’
It would be so easy to fold and give him a second chance, but you had given Rafe so many second chances that you weren’t sure if you wanted to take the risk again. He was sober now, but a lot of addicts fall back into their old demons.
‘’I don’t care we broke up, I still love you. And I know you do too. If you didn’t, you would’ve told me to go away when I showed up at the door.’’
You sighed, torn between listening to your heart or protecting yourself from another possible-coming wave of pain. ‘’Of course I still love you, but—’’ 
 ‘’Then give us a second chance. Tell me this love is worth the fight.’’
OBX taglist: @moralina @eudximoniakr @toylewestinnyc @rottenstyx  @sweeterheartxamerica  @jordierama @viridwityy @izzy-laufeyson @kenzi-woycehoski @lilaconner @Katsukis1Wife  @hawkegfs @mommyruuetrue  @acornacreacure
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13
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raayllum · 2 months
Something I’ve been noticing a lot in my current rewatch is how Rayla and Soren are foils…Soren being the failed crownguard (“failed” in large part bc of his father’s choices) who ends up on a quest to kill his little king… Rayla trying to make up for her parents’ failures as dragonguards and going every extra mile to protect Zym but taking Ezran under her protection as well (sometimes FROM Soren)…, Soren runs Viren through for trying to kill Ez but he’s just an illusion, the real Viren is trying to kill Zym, and Rayla is prepared to die to stop that…then Rayla goes but Soren stays, and when she comes back he’s taken up her role as the moral center of the show, arguing points that she used to make
I tried to see if you’d written anything about these two being foils specifically but tumblr search is… you know lol. I would love it if you could point me to a relevant meta if there is one! If there isn’t, I hope my thoughts were interesting lol they make me emotional
Y'know funnily enough I don't think there ever was a dedicated Soren&Rayla from almost anyone (of course I could've missed it, but at least not from me) precisely cause from what I remember of early post-s3 arc 1 days, their foil relationship was just... a general fandom consensus of everyone going "Oh yeah that checks out" and kinda left at that.
After all, Soren is the princes' sworn protector who tries to kill them, makes his way back onto the right side, and then 'kills' Viren (his father) in order to protect them... whereas Rayla is their sworn killer who defects from her father in order to protect those same princes, and then she actually kills Viren (if Aaravos and Claudia hadn't intervened) in the same episode. More than that, they both leave behind their previous "hey kill these kids" roles in favour of being a Protector of their respective princes (Soren with Ezran, Rayla with Zym) respectively likewise in 3x09.
You're absolutely right that Soren and Rayla both rely a lot on their physical fighting skills, and this parallel in regards to failure always stands out to me in S3:
Soren: As crownguard, it was my job to make sure that nothing happened to him. No matter what. So when the Moonshadow elves came I did everything I could to protect him. But it wasn't enough. I just... don't want to fail you, too. Rayla: It's me, and it's all my fault. I failed them. I let them all down. They're right to reject me. I'm not good enough, and I never will be.
as does this one for Runaan-Viren, because Runaan may have brought his teenage daughter on an assassination mission, but she's never seemingly scared of him the way Soren is of Viren
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even if both fathers take issues with 'fear born' weakness at least in theory
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And of course there's some other parallels scattered throughout, which makes sense: 1x01-1x03 is basically Rayla speedrunning Soren's S1-S3 arc of perpetuating the cycle of violence to actively trying to stop it by joining forces with your previous 'enemy'.
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I think in a lot of ways Soren was exactly the sort of human Rayla had prepared her whole life to kill -- he's proud, he lies, he's not a 'good' person (at first) -- but of course, now they're good friends and it's very sweet to see. Arc 2 has less direct foils, but it's still there, y'know? Just more quietly in the background.
For example, enough has changed since 2x07 that now in 4x05 their roles have virtually switched, since Soren is the one campaigning to save the dragon while Rayla, although not the aggressor, is saying to walk away. I expect S6 Rayla to take some of Soren's 'protector' quality on further in regards to "doing everything you can" when Callum gets possessed. Possible 5x08 parallels also stand out to me with the concepts of identities (names), ownership vs agency, and compassion against the enemy currently wailing on you through future possessed!Callum and Elmer parallels.
The two are also in for a real pickle since they're the most "these people are the bad guys, we're the good guys" in the show... and it's like sir your sister is evil and ma'am your boyfriend is going through a corruption arc, you're in for some rude awakenings. That said they do have their unbreakable bonds of love with Claudia and Callum respectively, so who knows. It'll all work out. (Eventually.)
On that note we can also see some parallels between 2x02 and 3x03 perhaps... Rayla accuses Soren of trying to kill Ezran but explains it poorly, so Callum gives her as much as he can but doesn't side with her in the moment (which to be fair it is Quite a leap so like Callum you're so valid) VS Soren poorly explaining Viren asking him to kill the princes and Claudia not siding with him. The difference is that in the face of more evidence in favour of Claudia + Soren, Callum still sides with Rayla, and in the face of more evidence against Viren ("You'll understand when you see the first to change" -> "Claudia, you're changing too"), Claudia still sides with Viren, but I digress.
I'd also argue that Ezran is the moral centre of the show (at least to me) simply because he's the only one in the main cast who hasn't entered the 1) you did terrible things in the name of love/protective relay and 2) he's pretty measured and compassionate 99% of the time (but I do love the 1% when he's not let me tell you).
I talked about it in this meta (which is 2+ years old jc) about how like a good moral line event horizon measuring stick is "how does this character treat Ezran" and if they're treating him poorly they're not doing the right thing, and if they're treating him well then they Are, but it doesn't go into S4 or S5 so like. Mileage may vary
Last but not least: I do have a Sorayla tag for headcanons edits brotp content in general so if you want more of them, that's what I'd recommend, with fics such as "flower crowns" (oneshot) and "if heaven and hell decide" (completed multichap, 60k) for their dynamic
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iwannascreameurekaa · 3 months
I don't understand how any of the seven get so much hate. They all have amazing characteristics, designs, personalities, backgrounds, etc. 
so I'm gonna explain why they're all amazing
Percy is the main character to the first five books so he has the most information shown about him than the seven since we read from his point of view in pjo and the Olympians. His whole thing of loyalty is incredible and the things he risked to save people he barely knew made him an amazing protagonist. 
Hello??? I know she's smart but that's not her only characteristic. She's blinded by her own powers and doesn't know how to handle things thrown at her when she can only rely on her emotions which is amazing cause ME TOO GIRLY she's a badass who also went through so much during HOO 
Built a whole ass ship, was manipulated and controlled into KILLING HIS OWN MOTHER OMGS MY HEART, was always singled out and felt like he didn't belong, SACRIFICED HIMSELF FOR HIS FRIENDS, and so much more!!!
This is where ima start defending for my life bc people who say Jason is boring don't understand his story. He was taken from his home, raised by wolves until he was around 2/3, raised the rest of his life until his was 16 in a camp where he was trained to be an actual child soldier, kidnapped and had his memory erased, watched his best friend DIE, and died for his other best friend !!! WHAT MORE DO YOU PEOPLE WANT????? OFC HES GOING TO BE BORING HE DIDNT KNOW WHO HE WAS OR WHAT HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE
I will hold you by the shoulders and stare directly into your soul until you give me a good reason to hate Piper bc she did nothing wrong. She just wanted her father's love and she never got it so what happened? She was sent or a wilderness camp where she was also manipulated into believing a random boy was her bf which entirely messed her up and it took her MONTHS ALMOST A YEAR to realize that she didn't have the feelings she was lead to believe. THEN SHE SAW HER EX HER BSF DIE IN FRONT OF HER????? I WOULD BE RUINED AFTER THAT OMGS 
Excuse me, didn't she DIE in the 1940s to prevent the world from ending, came back, only to have to save the world AGAIN??? Not to mention that fact that she was bullied and harassed all her life before and after her death. Before her death she was always treated like the devil bc of her curse, even by her own mother. Her mom even neglected Hazel which is something NO ONE SEEMS TO TALK ABOUT. Then she has an unknown brother save her from the underworld and have to completely rebuild her life from scratch. At new rome she still wasn't treated right and was left out and made out to be a weird girl just like her old life. Tbh if that was me I wouldn't be shaking crying every time I saw someone. Also she learned how to control the mist which is pretty fricking cool okay I love her 
Let's just point out the obvious first. The reason Frank is not one of the most loved characters is because he is/was chubby. I'll say it, that is the reason. If he was skinny/fit more people would love him. That's probably why Rick did the transformation thingy thing where Frank got all buff. Which sucks because Frank is incredible and having one of the only character that's not skinny or muscly or as conventionally attractive have to change to those things just to be slightly more popular is STUPID!!!! I'm not hating on Rick I'm honestly hating on the fans who didn't love Frank because of the fact that he was chubby, whether they knew that was the reason they didn't like him as much as the other seven or not. His story is incredible. His mom going to war and her dying made my heart break while reading. his entire life force being attached to a piece of wood, so easy to be burned to nothingness, is SO GOOD. His awkwardness is so refreshing to see when characters are often portrayed as nonchalant and cool when in reality we're all losers 😭 
Really, there's no real reasons to hate any of the seven. You can have favorites, I have my favorites of course, but putting the other seven down doesn't do anything. You're just an asshole. 
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mvrtaiswriting · 1 year
This is a REALLY specific request so you dont have to do ir if u dont wanna but im curious how this would play out:
The monster trio fall in love with male!reader and get together in the time skip and when the straw hats finally meet again they find out that their s/o is Nami’s ex(reader is also over nami) and they broke up bc nami didn’t want the reader to be put in danger bc of arlong or something(idk if I spelled it right)
And if you could could you make nami still have a little feelings for reader and monster trio find out?
Ty and have a lovely day 😖💝
Monster trio's s/o is Nami's ex.
hi, thanks for requesting this?? this was so fun to write and it took such a tooth-rotting turn towards the end? I'm sorry if those are not quite like what you were expecting but as you can imagine it is quite hard to make multi-characters work longer than this. Regardless, I hope these are okay, I hope you enjoy them as much as I did! hope you have a fab day too <33
intended for m!reader but it's mostly gender neutral :)
feel free to reblog, like, and leave a comment. i would very much appreciate it. if you enjoy my works, click here to read more. 
Luffy is not bothered by your past, everyone has one. But how could he predict that your past involved Nami? He finds the situation rather funny, and does not take it too seriously at first - he laughs about it, and grows even fonder of your relationship. He rants about how the two of you were meant to be together, and he adores the fact that you once loved one of his dearest crew mates. Once Luffy realises Nami might be uncomfortable for it, he makes sure all the three of you can talk about it and force you to cheer with a shot of sake.
"We both love you so much!"
Luffy squeaked, wrapping his stretching arms around you and Nami, forcing the three of you in a suffocating embrace.
"Platonically, of course." He giggled again.
It would take a while for Nami to adjust to this new situation, realising how much the relationship between the two of you has changed. Observing the two of you simply loving each other makes Nami realise there's nothing to fear now. You would always hold a very special place in her heart, she would always worry for you - but now, you were in the safest hands she knew. No one could protect you better than her captain, and at the end of the day, platonic or not, love is making sure the person you love is safe.
Zoro can't hide the fact that he is a bit bothered by your past relationship with Nami. He was never a man of many words, so he would never confront you or Nami about it. But he grumbles, and rants, and sighs whenever feels she stares at you for so long. He doesn't like how awkward this whole situation feels - he just wants to be left alone, loving you in private. Nami is the first one to make a move, sneaking in the nest crows to join you and Zoro. When you finally talk about it, your shoulders feel ten times lighter - after all this time, of course there was still some kind of love between you and Nami; there would always be a special bond between the two of you, but nothing more. The love you felt for Zoro was unconditional, fearless, a ready-to-risk-it-all kind of thing - it was the type of love only soulmates can share, and it would never compare for the affection and respect you held for Nami.
"Please don't let him die." Nami said, holding Zoro's hands into hers, her voice breaking just thinking about the idea of you getting hurt.
"You're in the hands of the greatest swordsman.. have some trust!"
Sanji finds it funny, it almost feels like a compliment to him. There is a tiny voice inside his head that feeds his ego, that realises how Nami really lost the treasure of all treasures. He truly felt like the luckiest man alive.
At fist, Sanji has the bad habit to tease Nami about it. He mentions how she really fumbled the bag, bragging about how proud he is of you. When he finally gets a reaction however, it was not like he expected. He had underestimate the importance your previous relationship with Nami had for her, he overlooked the reasons why you broke up - surely, he wasn't expecting it to be an open wound after all this time.
Once Sanji finally manages to apologise to Nami, he offers a listening ear to his fellow crew mate. Nami's reasons were more than valid and he would lie if he didn't admit he was just as scared as she was. Sanji loved you more than anything else and would sacrifice his life in an heartbeat to save you, the sole idea of you being in dangers feels like a dagger being planted directly into his heart.
"I love you."
Sanji whispers, slowly wrapping his arms around your torso, engulfing you into a tight embrace. Your shoulders are now lying against his chest, his cologne and the stinging smell of smoke inebriating your senses. He stays like that for a while, peppering your cheeks with kisses and just enjoying the moment. You were safe in his arms, giggling if his beard tickled your skin. Silently, he swore to himself he would do anything to protect that magical smile of yours.
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hi Cas ! how are you ?
I'm struggling in the romance department right now lmao so I thought you might have some advice :(
Basically there is this girl I really REALLY like. We met through a friend three years ago, but in person only a year ago. Seeing her in person literally changed me I never liked someone this much like I was BEWITCHED or something. We only spent two days together and we only had one kiss, but I never managed to get her out of my head.
I never saw her again because she left to study abroad for a year. Now she's back in my country but we live a bit far away so I haven't seen her. When she was abroad we kept talking and flirting etc. But at one point she told me she had met somebody and that she wanted to try with him. It ended up not working and she reached out to me after some time, so we began talking (and flirting) again.
The thing is, for a few weeks now I feel like she isn't exactly flirting with me anymore. Except she kinda is. She is a writer and she has a writing instagram account where she posted poems that are clearly romantic but also clearly not about me. At least I really don't think so. It feels like a knife in the heart everytime. To be noted that usually if not always she does write about personal things that are really happening. So I'm pretty sure there is someone else in her mind. Which is fine because we didn't promise each other anything. But she is still replying to my stories etc and saying things that could pass as friendly but only if we didn't have history you know ? Like she's making lesbian jokes (i'm also a girl).
So the mixed signals are killing me. I also don't understand bc she said something about the guy before, but she didn't say anything this time. I feel like maybe she .... keeps her options open. (which is fine btw, I'm just unsure if she's still into me or not) I can't exactly ask her because we don't talk a lot (I'm so bad at keeping in touch if I have nothing specific to say yk?) and I don't want to come off as intrusive.
I would really like to see her in person so maybe we could talk and/or I could understand better where her heart is at. But being so unsure I don't want to propose a date or something bc I feel like it would be really out of the blue right now, and one of us would have to take the train and sleep at the other's place, so it feels like a lot and something she could refuse easily so I really don't feel comfortable doing that. I want it to be clear that I'm still into her bc I don't know if she is aware of it (it's obvious imo but I know she has confidence issues and at one point she thought I didn't care) but I also don't want to come off too strong and scare her away, and/or get rejected (not sure my heart could take it right now😭)
So I'm thinking maybe an outing with friends (we have several in common now) but again it is complicated bc everyone lives far away. Also she doesn't talk to one of them anymore, and that friend coul take it very badly if she's not invited so that would be a whole other mess (but honestly that friend is annoying and quite toxic and has a lot of issues so... I'm trying not to think too much of that)
Anyway I'm really lost, I really don't to give up on her, like it hurts a lot to think about, but also I feel like maybe she isn't as invested as I am. I would 100% take a train to the other side of the country to see her but I fear she isn't even thinking about that. Maybe I'm paranoid though. Also I think it's not so bad if someone isn't completely in it from the beginning, like some people are more guarded and careful than me and it's okay.
I don't know if you'll be able to help me, but I'd really like to hear your opinion on this. Thanks a lot <3
Hi!!! <3
What you said at the end is exactly what I was thinking though- maybe she's just guarded or nervous? I think you should try to give little hints or like...idk suggest meeting somewhere maybe? See how she reacts? Maybe she's just as nervous, if not more nervous than you. If she's iffy about it, it'll make it clear to you that she just wants to be friends. But if she jumps at the chance, then that's your sign. And even if you can't meet in person, maybe try being a bit more forward? I know it's scary but like...you have to know! You don't have to all-out ask her out, just be a bit more flirty and see if she reciprocates. You said you've kissed in the past so in my opinion, that means there's hope, you know?
Good luck! Naming you train anon.
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teadrop-12 · 5 months
heehee thank you for giving me hcs of my blorbo :))) can I ask hcs for your favourite hedgehog Rudy?????? I wanna hear abt em :)))))
Hiii bella omg yeah ofc!! i have a lot of them locked n loaded omg
so i said before like my main hc of ejen ali is that rudy is a trans girl. and that still stands. she/her rudy but only with a few people she knows wont give her shit for it
again i know i draw and depict rudy as being femme but in actuality nothing really changes. shes the same exact person with the same blunt personality and spiky hair shes just a girl now
has a bunch of skills like sewing and baking. absolute dogshit at cooking though
shes bi, i've always had the hc she's bi, even before the tgirl hc came along. like the reaction she had to kim was the same she had to Ali i rest my case
i think she's got a guy pref tho? like she thought she was straight until she had her first crush on a girl
ALSO!! shes on the aro spectrum, specifically demiromantic.
really good with animals and kids, babysits on weekends sometimes
Roza is genuinely like her sister, like her cool older sister thats basically rodrick from the live action diary of a wimpy kid movie
she's not in a band but to blow off steam she plays the drums sometimes
theres a boxing bag in her room she uses that too rudy knows boxing
her and bulat are the besties of the agency. they met each other when bulat came to the academy and they have been each others ride or die since
while she was in the infirmary and her arm completely healed she would sneak into the kitchen and bake for the remaining agents anonymously
she thrifts and gets a lot of grundge and trad goth clothes, but she cannot be bothered to dress up unless shes with a date or at an event then she wears formal Baju Malayu (im so sorry if i got it wrong i just searched for malay formal wear and the one i saw her wear is just like that so i dunno)
like think hot topic, or gothic lolita clothes.
kinda clingy with people? i dunno how else to describe it but its like if shes with a friend or something and they abruptly get taken away for something else she'd be a tiny bit jealous or something
moons like her little sister i think, like theyre always bickering and stuff n tease each other but if anything happened to her she would be mad
she can't really take compliments well. like from anyone.
very indulgent hc, shes got a crush on Alicia.
im sorry these hcs are so boring
an actual menace to society, she should be put down/j. but srsly, she is a known prankster in canon before ali and alicia came and she became so much more tough
i think she would have had rabies. at least twice. one as a kid once recently
as a kid she actually had really long hair but she got it cut rlly short bc she wanted to style it like Djins
accidently called one of the mentors "mom" once but that mentor said it was fine and flattered
despite having a huge crush on alicia, she is also her biggest rival. Like luz and amity except theyre both amity except alicia amity is luz does this make sense
calls ali and khai cringe for liking a card game like WAUriors but in actuality she has a whole collection for herself.
ok here are some heavy hitters (TW su1c1de mention)
Remember that thing with my dos hcs? with dos being unknowingly cloned? that clone was rudy, but because she was a child, they couldn't wait for her to grow up so when they tried to terminate her, rudy caught wind of this and ran away, which is how she got homeless until she was around 2 or 3?
if thats not the case, I do think something more sinister happened in which MATA was involved with the fact she has no family left.
given the fact they hid ali's mother dying from him for about a year or two after he joined MATA, i dont doubt that they hid something about Rudy's origin.
I like to think when she first joined MATA she did know Aliya but she doesn't remember her so she can't put her finger on why Ali's so familliar to her
When she was younger she was kinda the older sister to the other kids there, like she would pickpocket some extras for them or find some sort of shelter and stay outside if there wasn't enough room for everyone.
Agent Geetha is the one she considers a mother bc shes the one that would actually primarily take care of her when she was a baby
When she grows up she actually goes through such a terrible incident on a mission that makes her lose her arm, but she refused to get a prosthetic bc she didn't want to look anything more like djin
like moon, she had strenuous nightmares for months and didn't sleep an entire night once after the incident in s2, and when they finally subsided, after season 3 it all started again
when she's older she actually quits being an agent, but doesn't leave MATA until shes much older, like around 30, and till then she's a CSI for them and still tags along on certain missions but not as common now.
I like to think Geetha adopted her after some years when they got much closer. Sometimes rudy would ask to sleep in her room when shes having a nightmare or something like that.
speaking of which, She calls her Ama or Ami (since Geethas desi in canon I want to think she prefers being called mom in Urdu)
rudy did kind of. like still not completely trust geetha even after she adopted her, but it got much better later when rudy would get really sick and geetha wouldn't stop helping her and she like wouldn't leave her side like she slept in a chair next to her as she was sick.
I do adore the hc we have of Geetha and dos being rudys moms, but i am also loving the hc of like. rudy finds out shes techinically Dos's "daughter" (bc of the whole clone thing) and her kind of realizing that geetha is so much more of a mother to her than dos can ever be and thats also what strengthens their bond.
After she saw alicia crying after Zain died, they always kept an eye on each other. like alicia and geetha are really the only ppl she'd cry in front of.
when she found out dos almost killed alicia she kind of cried there too. because what if she did actually die she wouldn't have met either of them.
after djin died she did actually attempt, but it didn't work and had to see a MATA specialized therapist.
ok i think thats all for now behn!!! super sorry for the boring hcs i didn't know anything new!! but pleaseee send me more hc asks i love them so much!!
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
allow me to dive into the haley gets lonely and eventually cheats discourse (she cheated to me bc you’re right, anyone else wouldn’t have hung up the home phone the instant Aaron picks up)
haley knew before they had Jack what Aaron was like. She knew he loved his job and he felt a sense of responsibility to every victim and every case and that he CHANGED CAREERS FROM LAW TO CRIMINOLOGY because he so deeply wanted to be making a real difference. Both of those careers have equally insane hours and she knew that. Like admittedly my own jealousy of Haley bleeds into this conversation A LOT.
But I almost think she had the baby as an attempt to get Aaron to change, but she knew he wouldn’t. I think Jack was Haley’s attempt to get Aaron to change jobs and be there for her more, and for their son more, and it failed. Because Aaron is still the noble, chivalrous, never-give-up, determined man she met and married all those years ago. He was never going to change to be anybody but himself. Obviously he did at times in his career try to change courses for Jack but the reality is Haley knew her husband. She knew he loves his job and that it gives him all his sense of purpose and accomplishment in the world.
I also think that they both knew it was over when Haley started giving him ultimatums, before she moved out I really think Aaron knew that no amount of early nights or homestay cases would bring Haley back to him, she was already walking away. The phone ringing scene is just the straw that broke that camels back in my opinion. That was the nail in the coffin of their marriage for me, that was when Aaron knew that no matter how hard he would try to be home and be present in Haley and Jack’s lives, nothing could fix what she had already decided to do. She was walking away. whether that was another man or a divorce attorney or a girlfriend wanting to dish about haleys husband, she was hiding things from him.
hiii rome!! 🫶🏻
the theory that they had jack to save their marriage honestly makes a lot of sense to me. aaron was fully dedicated to his job since day one and without jack i feel like it would be even harder for haley to get him to be around more. but in the end the result was the same.
when i blame haley it’s mostly bc like you said i’m jealous of her, and also bc i love aaron sooo so much, so i’m always on his side :( but if i want to be real, i get her. i watched that episode the other day where she was sick, while being pregnant and was talking with aaron on the phone. she was super sweet, not blaming him for not being with her. imagine being pregnant and feeling sick and your husband isn’t there to comfort you bc he’s working. i would be crying.
or when he was supposed to take a few days off when the team went on vacation in season 1, but then he had to leave way too soon. i just try to put myself in her shoes and i know i would be so excited, making plans about all the things we would do together. excited that we’d get to cuddle and sleep together and wake up in each other’s arms. and then he left. i’d be so sad and disappointed. or when he literally forgot about jack being sick and at the hospital?
i love aaron more than anything but the truth is he made mistakes too. he loved them - i know he did! but i understand that it hurt not having around the person you’re supposed to do life with.
but the thing is i wouldn’t cheat. cheating is just the worst form of betrayal :/ she should have just ended things. even if she didn’t cheat the whole secrets/weird phone calls thing just shows there wasn’t trust between them. like that’s your husband. it felt like something was broken between them after this and it would never be the way it was before again.
oh also. not letting him see jack? that’s just a no. the only scenario this would make sense would be if he was abusive. but aaron loves jack so much and that was just a terrible punishment.
aaron loving his job as much as he does really is who he is. and she knew this man since they were teenagers. she knew him. so even if he switched careers, she still should have known. but i think she expected him to change. which would never happen. not even their kid changed that.
i could keep going but the truth is haley is not my favourite but it’s mostly because i simply don’t like seeing aaron in love with someone else 💀 (same reason i feel unwell when i see him with beth). but i would be lying if i said i don’t understand her. if aaron was real i’d wanna be around him all the time. i’d want all his love and attention. and if he left me all alone at home running back to his team every time i thought i’f have him all to myself, i would be heartbroken.
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bloodbluepearl · 2 years
K what are ur bright fam hc's im starving for content
im so glad u asked heres everything i can think of off rhe top of my head as general bright fam thoughts
So first off i do follow major tom for a good bit of my personal canon/headcanon.. only thing i really changed around was that it wasnt mikell who took TJ away (though he did know it was gonna happen but did nothing anyways so he is still at fault in a way. Great job cowboy) just for reference etc
I personally see them as being pretty damn old- mikell (the oldest) being born in 1919 and claire (the youngest) being born in like.. 1928. Adam and evelyn left pretty early in my mind and mikell landed a job in the foundation’s field agency real young only because of his parents’ affiliation with the Foundation (being either high-ranked personnel or already O5s at that point)
Its here that my mikell lore goes off the damn rails and i add a lot of shit about his field agent days bc he’s my favorite and i never saw anyone talking about it so i went ham. But thats too long 2 put here
Nothing notable happens in this timeline for the whole family so on to more general stuff and slight rambling abt random things i can think of rn
-jack was contained for a few months after he had died and became tied to SCP-963, so the foundation could run tests on him and study him until they decided he was fine to actually work for the foundation as he posed no actual intentional risk to safety and all that jazz
-every bright has adhd, autism, or both
-mikell and jack did and still do bicker a lot. Esp when mikell is picking on jack
-tj has so much rage. he deserves to get violent sign my petition
-claire still loves her brothers despite all of the circumstances and how she knows that theyve done some bad things. she would be lying if she told you that she doesnt
-mikell knows how to play guitar and piano. and can sing well. (i have no reason for this one i just know him)
-mikell also has a big scar across his face from a fight he got into with a chaos insurgent when he was in the field agency. At that point he had made quite a respectable name for himself as a really good agent, so he had been able to get access to SCP-427 to help heal it, which actually also cured him of his asthma
-david was really close to both his parents before mikell had his eyes removed, which added salt to the wounds when he did.
-david is asocial and fairy standoffish and sometimes grumpy (like his dad) which contrasts with claire’s general attempts at optimism (claire is the only one who has willingly gone to therapy for her childhood and healed to any degree.)
Anyways i have more if u have any specific questions about any of them i love.them all so much especially mikell (my interpretation of him is kinda pretty canon divergent in a few ways tho so i might make a multi paragraph post just abt him too
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 9 months
Do you think Eddie would have found out about all the supernatural adventures if he hadn't been Osirian and Patricia had been there instead? And how would the third season go in that case?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re asking about the Osirian!Patricia AU, right? If not, I’m so sorry for the rest of this answer 😂
So if everything was the exactly same through S1/S2 (i.e. the adults thought Joy was the Chosen One but it was actually Nina, the Cup got built, Sibuna gets cursed by Senkhara, etc.), except for the fact that Patricia was actually the Osirian, it stands to reason that the kids probably wouldn’t know that right away. And the same way Victor doesn’t actually have confirmation Nina is the Paragon until the S2 finale, the adults might suspect there’s something a little wacky about Patricia, but they probs would not know for sure what that wackiness actually was.
I think maybe in this AU because Patricia would still be interacting with Rufus as much as she did in S1 that he might tell her or give her reason to suspect there’s something up with her, but if let’s say he didn’t and she just spent the entirety of S1 having strangely intense nightmares and hallucinations that she and everyone else chalk up to being really upset over Joy’s disappearance. This just means that all of S2 is pretty much the same as canon apart from the occasional “funny feeling.” (If I were going to write this AU out as a story, tho, she’d probably know she was the Osirian by the end of S1, but for the sake of argument, let’s just assume this discovery comes at the same place as the canon timeline)
So here’s Eddie, right? He’s just a normal kid whose dad was a poopy head and left him and his mom to be in a cult. Casual business, all that. He and Patricia are still gonna hit it off, naturally, because nothing has really changed in their dynamic apart from a slight role reversal that isn’t even really relevant to them yet at the point where they meet, have their banter, fall for each other, etc.. The only difference might be that Patricia is a little more ✨inexplicably one-track-minded✨ about the mystery… so that could put some strain on their relationship. But other than that business as usual for Peddie.
Here’s where it gets tricky. In the finale, I don’t see any reason as to why Fabian, Alfie, and Patricia wouldn’t still go to the barn to rescue Jerome, and therefore Eddie would follow them bc he wanted to see what Patricia was hiding from him. He’d probably still get knocked in the head by Rufus, and Jerome would still give him the gem in a panic before getting dragged away, and Patricia and Alfie would still discover a concussed Eddie and bring him home, where she’d finally have to explain to Eddie who Rufus is/whats going on.
The divergence of the plot would come the moment Patricia gets her hands on that gem. She starts hearing voices, realizes Nina is about to do some dumb shit, starts rambling to Eddie that the Chosen One needs her, and she runs out the door. I don’t see why Eddie wouldn’t follow her, except for maybe if he’s really concussed. But I feel like he’d pull through because he’d obviously be really worried for his girlfriend, especially after what just happened.
So the final showdown happens, except it’s Patricia banishing Senkhara with the crown. So obviously if Eddie was there, he’d have a pretty good idea of the sort of supernatural shenanigans that went down.
In Season 3, however, all bets are off. Patricia would not be a shithead like Eddie, and she would obviously tell Fabian that Nina wasn’t coming back to Anubis House like a normal person, so that random Fabian vs Eddie brawl craziness doesn’t happen. Peddie probably still breaks up over the summer, but maybe not idk… let’s just say they did. Okay so Patricia has the vision of KT and the key, so when she turns up, Eddie is not being a total freak toward her, rather Patricia is, but it’s not as weird because Sibuna as a whole is being freaks about it.
KT gets sussed out as an ally rather than a threat pretty quickly, and Sibuna adopts her pretty quickly. Meanwhile, Eddie is aware that Sibuna exists, but isn’t taken into the club because his ex is now leading it 💀. So I’m thinking maybe he’s aware they’re up to something and does some of his own digging when his dad gets weird about the family tree project. Eventually, though, I think he’d approach Patricia and the others and offer his help. Cue romantic violins as the same harebrained scheme of KT to push her two friends back together ensues. Also in this AU she and Patricia are def besties bc there’s no wack misunderstandings and they’re still the only girls in Sibuna.
Now it’s also messy bc Patricia would be both Descended and the Osirian, but… she’s just OP I guess idk. Anyway, the ceremony works (womp womp) and S3b begins. I think Eddie would be in Sibuna atp, but maybe more in an unofficial way? Idk. But I think he’d probably get taken as a Sinner bc the only reason he escaped the crypt is because his vision of Patricia getting manhandled radicalized him. So he’s probs caught in a similar way to how he would have been if he’d not made it out of the crypt, and now he’s got all he needs to target the Osirian.
But don’t worry, she’s got plot armor!! Idk, anon it’s not super fleshed out 😂
Anyway, to give you the short answer to your question: yes I think Eddie would find out about the mystery in this AU, he just wouldn’t be as much of a key player in the story
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kiynania · 11 months
Ranking every ninjago season and why :3
(Yall are gonna 100% hate me for this)
(Spoilers for Dragons rising kinda)
I hate it sm, it literally could've been one of the best seasons in ninjago history, but there was WAY too much filler and was so underwhelming and predictable. Didn't even feel like a Zane season during the second half it felt more like a Lloyd season. ALL of the ninja should've fought Zane + Pixal, and she should've come as well. AND THE FACT THAT ZANE'S TRAUMA WAS NEVER BROUGHT UP. LIKE HUH????? I will forever hate this season with a passion no matter what anyone says.
18. Forbidden Secrets of Spinjitzu
17. Prime Empire
I really can't care for it at all it just feels like the ninjago writers ran out of ideas(which I completely understand, but still) you could literally skip the entire thing and the whole plot line would STILL make sense. The only time I genuinely rewatch this is if I'm THAT bored. Really should've stuck the to idea with Jay's mother running away from something(which they 100% should've done in the first place)
16. Skybound
Before yall come to my house and beat the shit out of me, HEAR. ME. OUT. Kinda the same situation with Prime Empire. You could skip it, and the show would still make sense. It's never addressed after the season, and all of it is just...wack. Nadakkan is a fucking creep towards Nya, like mf BACK OFF. And Jay isn't any better. He's constantly disrespecting Nya's boundaries throughout a majority of the season, and I do NOT understand how Jay fans justify that. And the amount of sexism in it??? I just don't like this season in general and would very much like to stay away from it.
15. The Island
It felt like it was just there for the purpose of being there. It's important to the plot the next season but I felt like that could've been resolved with a little b plot. Ik it's technically not a season but idc. That's it. Nothing else I can say abt it.
14. Crystalized
It had sm potential, but the second half felt so rushed. The first 12 eps were really well paced, but the last 18 felt like a whole other season. The entire ending was rushed, and it was so hyped as well. I was at the edge of my chair waiting and waiting but....nothing. I never really believed that Pixal was gonna die, but I 100% expected Wu to die or SOMEONE to make a huge sacrifice. The original ending wouldn't have been much better bc at that point, there would've been only 2 eps left. AND NO ONE BROUGHT UP THE FACT THAT ZANE DEFEATED THE OVERLOAD. NOT EVEN LLOYD???? "Third time's the charm," MF ZANE DEFEATED HIM THE THIRD TIME FOR WAY LONGER THAN YOU DID AND NOT EVEN THE OVERLOAD MENTIONED IT LIKE WHAT??? AT LEAST REFRENCE IT OR SUM.
13. Hands of Time
To get something out of the way, the animation reminded me of Miraculous Ladybug.(IM SORRY) The season felt odd but in a good way. And knowing that Pixal was in that Samurai X suit makes her personality in s7 10× more funnier. I don't hate it but I don't love it at the same time. It's a 50/50
12. The Pilots
Since it's the start or it all, it's going to get a decent ranking. I really like it and it did just fine for a pilot ep(s) But other seasons are just better :3
11. Master of The Mountain
It's a really nice season to get back at I fricking LOVE the little flashback of Cole's mother. But at the same time it's a bit forgettable.(don't come for me) That's it. :3
10. Legacy of The Green Ninja
One of the classic seasons. It's good enough to make it to the top 10. This was where ninjago was originally supposed to end. Its really nice and seeing Lloyd battle his dad was sad :,) All the episodes are really fun and entertaining but other seasons are just better :3
9. Rise of The Snakes
The first season of ninjago where it all truly started. Much like s2 all the episodes are really entertaining. It's really heartwarming to watch all the ninja grow up and change throughout the rest of the seasons. It's always a classic you can come back to. But other seasons are still just better
8. Possession
It's a really nice season and the pros outweigh the cons but I really don't like Morro(atp yall finna hate me) He's like Kai if his "I'm supposed to be the green ninja" phase never left. His redemption arc was so fricking boring and forgettable that I don't even REMEMBER what happened and i'm too lazy to go back. But the episodes are also really entertaining and a bit funny.
7. Rebooted
TOO MANY PPL DONT LIKE THIS SEASON AND IDK WHY. Okay the love triangle was extremely unnecessary and didn't help progress the plot at all. But all the good really outweighs it. It's the birth of the best Canon ship(which is pretty much all I post abt here) Really entertaining. AND HAS ONE OF THE BEST SCENES IN HISTORY. Ik yall were in TEARS after the last ep.
6. Dragons Rising
It's a really well paced season and MASSIVELY improved from crystalized. THEY ACTUALLY GIVE ZANE A PERSONALITY AND I AM HERE FOR IT. It gives off a really well based story, and it's really entertaining. Ik a majority of Jay fans were upset bc he only got like 14 seconds of screen time if that, but with everything going on and at that point there were 3 eps left. The story pacing would've been extremely rushed, so I'm kinda glad that happened. Nothing else to say.
5. March of The Oni
Really great season. Just really hits you in the feels. Nice season you can always rewatch. I love the Pixal/Cole/Zane interaction in the first ep really funny. The rest of the season is pretty self explanatory
4. Tournament of Elements
This season is one of the best in the show. Like S10 it's pretty self explanatory. Introduces us to a bunch of new concepts. GARMADON SACRIFICING HIMSELF WAHHHHHHH. The only thing I genuinely have a problem with is the Zane amnesia part. I really wanted it to last the whole season like make Zane have little flashbacks bit by bit. That could've been really interesting. The rest is amazing.
3.Sons of Garmadon
SO MANY PPL WHO STOPPED WATCHING AFTER THE REDESIGNS MISSED OUT OMG. It's so good. Good characters. Good villains. Good story concept. GREAT execution. Just mwah. Crystalized kinda ruined Harumi's arc. Like I would've been fine if she stayed dead. HER ARC WAS PERFECT. I love her sm. Also has one of the best outfits/weapons. THE REDESIGNS DID THEM JUSTICE THEYRE SM BETTER THAN THE OLD ONES(don't find me pls.) It's great would recommend :3
2. Seabound
ONE OF THE BEST SEASONS JUST MWAH. Nya's arc was really nice, and her merging with the ocean pulled on my heartstrings istg. HER INTERACTIONS WITH HER MOTHER JUST...*cries forever*
1. Hunted
MY FAVORITE SEASON OMG EVERYTHING ABT IT IS FUCKING PERFECT. The music. The characters. EVERYTHING. Has one of the best intros in ninjago. I love how Lloyd was trying to cope with his friends being "dead" and being so relieved that they're actually alive. The designs are so good. The story progresses really smoothly and just...*chefs kiss*
Okay bye now.
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1-up-chump · 4 months
Assorted fallout 4 companion opinions
Preston is not boring he's simple. He's just a guy trying his best to do good in a fucked world and he's hanging by a thread. It's not his fault bethesda radiant quests suck.
Strong is wasted potential as a character. He should have been more than a dumb brute companion with the only difference being "he's not aggressive to you" he should have been a rather "smarter than the average mutant" and know a lot of advanced words and how to properly apply them (but mispronouncing them terribly) due to his interest in literature.
A super mutant who does super mutant things but can wax poetic about his POV as a mutant would've been a great companion. I know the "milk of kindness" being taken literally is a joke but honestly i was expecting strong to eventually "get it" and figure out why human so strong is bc of compassion that helps them lead a group and not a show of brute strength (which is why strong thought fist was a terrible leader bc he didn't care about his brothers, but with his dialogue it seems like he only cares about your ability to kill as long as you dont say mean things?) and like, Maybe strong is a bit NICER to travel with and his opinions could change to thinking humans are decent at most.
Nick should have had more side quests involving him. More mysteries to solve, hell i had an idea for at least a mod quest that if you side with the institute a scientist who's interested in older tech to improve advanced tech offers to fix the holes in nick's synth skin bc C'mon we are traveling the god damn commonwealth full of trash, irradiated water, and bullets from who knows where like how has nick not gotten some radroaches trying to make a nest in his chest cavity. It would make for some great dialogue and philosophy of "are you content with yourself even if you could fix some problems? What are you willing to trade off?" And give players options while hearing out both sides.
Piper also should have more side quests involving interviews with certain characters, maybe after completing certain quests you can go back to them with piper and maybe get additional quests involving old ones to tie loose ends? Or the very least have an opportunity for your character to voice their opinion on the events
Maccready. WHERE IS HIS SON????? i DID ALL THAT FOR THE GUY JUST FOR HIM TO KEEP FUCKING AROUND WITH ME AND NOT GO TO HIS DAMN SON??? Now it sounds super awful to say but the only possible outcome for his story to conclude is, macready leaves the commonwealth for a few days, and in a few days daisy wants to talk to you and she says to talk to maccready in the third rail. Turns out when maccready left to ensure the cure gets to his son, it was too late. The man is in an awful state and you gotta pass a few charisma checks to keep him in the commonwealth as a companion.
Gage. It makes some sense for him to turn on you too when you open season the raider leaders. HOWEVER, the leaders were needy dicks anyways and YOU'RE the boss so why can't you: replace the gang leaders with someone else you personally like OR Tell gage "im the boss, you got me here, you deal with me. You're lucky i like you so much" and establish dominance and give gage a sexual awakening. Gage will hate you for a few moments but ultimately with everything he said to you about his views and personal code he has to agree that you really are better/worse than colter.
That or bully him into being not a raider by either saying "do you REALLY wanna fight me?" Or "being a raider sucks this is actually beneficial for everyone even assholes like you" like the whole of nuka world would've been cooler to be like an actual fleshed out raider and not generic "haha im mean" but a "if its kill or be killed then im gonna kill the status quo to become god"
Cait is perfect in every way ngl i have nothing else to say about her except i love her
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