incorrectsibunaquotes · 9 months
Do you think Eddie would have found out about all the supernatural adventures if he hadn't been Osirian and Patricia had been there instead? And how would the third season go in that case?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re asking about the Osirian!Patricia AU, right? If not, I’m so sorry for the rest of this answer 😂
So if everything was the exactly same through S1/S2 (i.e. the adults thought Joy was the Chosen One but it was actually Nina, the Cup got built, Sibuna gets cursed by Senkhara, etc.), except for the fact that Patricia was actually the Osirian, it stands to reason that the kids probably wouldn’t know that right away. And the same way Victor doesn’t actually have confirmation Nina is the Paragon until the S2 finale, the adults might suspect there’s something a little wacky about Patricia, but they probs would not know for sure what that wackiness actually was.
I think maybe in this AU because Patricia would still be interacting with Rufus as much as she did in S1 that he might tell her or give her reason to suspect there’s something up with her, but if let’s say he didn’t and she just spent the entirety of S1 having strangely intense nightmares and hallucinations that she and everyone else chalk up to being really upset over Joy’s disappearance. This just means that all of S2 is pretty much the same as canon apart from the occasional “funny feeling.” (If I were going to write this AU out as a story, tho, she’d probably know she was the Osirian by the end of S1, but for the sake of argument, let’s just assume this discovery comes at the same place as the canon timeline)
So here’s Eddie, right? He’s just a normal kid whose dad was a poopy head and left him and his mom to be in a cult. Casual business, all that. He and Patricia are still gonna hit it off, naturally, because nothing has really changed in their dynamic apart from a slight role reversal that isn’t even really relevant to them yet at the point where they meet, have their banter, fall for each other, etc.. The only difference might be that Patricia is a little more ✨inexplicably one-track-minded✨ about the mystery… so that could put some strain on their relationship. But other than that business as usual for Peddie.
Here’s where it gets tricky. In the finale, I don’t see any reason as to why Fabian, Alfie, and Patricia wouldn’t still go to the barn to rescue Jerome, and therefore Eddie would follow them bc he wanted to see what Patricia was hiding from him. He’d probably still get knocked in the head by Rufus, and Jerome would still give him the gem in a panic before getting dragged away, and Patricia and Alfie would still discover a concussed Eddie and bring him home, where she’d finally have to explain to Eddie who Rufus is/whats going on.
The divergence of the plot would come the moment Patricia gets her hands on that gem. She starts hearing voices, realizes Nina is about to do some dumb shit, starts rambling to Eddie that the Chosen One needs her, and she runs out the door. I don’t see why Eddie wouldn’t follow her, except for maybe if he’s really concussed. But I feel like he’d pull through because he’d obviously be really worried for his girlfriend, especially after what just happened.
So the final showdown happens, except it’s Patricia banishing Senkhara with the crown. So obviously if Eddie was there, he’d have a pretty good idea of the sort of supernatural shenanigans that went down.
In Season 3, however, all bets are off. Patricia would not be a shithead like Eddie, and she would obviously tell Fabian that Nina wasn’t coming back to Anubis House like a normal person, so that random Fabian vs Eddie brawl craziness doesn’t happen. Peddie probably still breaks up over the summer, but maybe not idk… let’s just say they did. Okay so Patricia has the vision of KT and the key, so when she turns up, Eddie is not being a total freak toward her, rather Patricia is, but it’s not as weird because Sibuna as a whole is being freaks about it.
KT gets sussed out as an ally rather than a threat pretty quickly, and Sibuna adopts her pretty quickly. Meanwhile, Eddie is aware that Sibuna exists, but isn’t taken into the club because his ex is now leading it 💀. So I’m thinking maybe he’s aware they’re up to something and does some of his own digging when his dad gets weird about the family tree project. Eventually, though, I think he’d approach Patricia and the others and offer his help. Cue romantic violins as the same harebrained scheme of KT to push her two friends back together ensues. Also in this AU she and Patricia are def besties bc there’s no wack misunderstandings and they’re still the only girls in Sibuna.
Now it’s also messy bc Patricia would be both Descended and the Osirian, but… she’s just OP I guess idk. Anyway, the ceremony works (womp womp) and S3b begins. I think Eddie would be in Sibuna atp, but maybe more in an unofficial way? Idk. But I think he’d probably get taken as a Sinner bc the only reason he escaped the crypt is because his vision of Patricia getting manhandled radicalized him. So he’s probs caught in a similar way to how he would have been if he’d not made it out of the crypt, and now he’s got all he needs to target the Osirian.
But don’t worry, she’s got plot armor!! Idk, anon it’s not super fleshed out 😂
Anyway, to give you the short answer to your question: yes I think Eddie would find out about the mystery in this AU, he just wouldn’t be as much of a key player in the story
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non-cannon · 5 months
If we go with the theory that Rufus used his Osirian powers to give Patricia the weird dream/vision of him in season one, that raises so many questions about what the Osirian can do, and why he never shows any other signs of magical ability ever
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ambersgiantpanda · 3 months
Exorcist: I'm here to remove the demon that has possessed you. Eddie: I didn't call you. Osirian: I did.
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victorspindrop · 3 months
The Chosen One and her Osirian
Song: Let it Happen by Tame Impala
This edit took embarrassingly long to make but I'm LOVING the final product! Side note: wasn't a ship edit but why are they looking at each other like that! THE CHEMISTRY????
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howaboutwedont · 1 year
you know if patricia was joy's osirian that means she would've gotten to kill rufus which is perfect
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More Osirian thoughts
Mr. Sweet knew at least a little about the Osirian and that Eddie was the next one, and most of us seem to think that's part of the reason why he kept him away.
I, for one, am of the opinion it wasn't necessarily just out of concern for his son, but because if Joy was the Chosen One as they believed, that would mean they'd have to go up against her protector.
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ya’ll remember that time Joy called Nina ‘really pretty’?
well how about an AU where she’s vv jealous of Fabina and at first we think it’s Fabian and she does too! but then she figures out she hates Nina because she likes her (kinda inspired by Nico di Angelo hating Percy because he liked him)
anyway this basically evolves into the finale involving what the Secret Society Cult™️ believed to be the wrong Chosen One: Joy and the wrong Osirian: Patricia then dating the actual Chosen One: Nina and the actual Osirian: Eddie
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joysmercer · 1 year
something about how the fact that the sibuna merger was even a thing (as opposed to all 5 of them working together from the start) foreshadows their splintering and why decisions that benefited the overall goal were made even if it put some of them in danger repeatedly (when in years past it wouldn't have even been considered)
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winniewells · 1 year
unpopular HOA opinions
*edited to remove ableist language i.e word crazy*
Nina is not an asshole for being bitchy/apprehensive of Joy. Joy wanted her man, like why would Nina be nice??? Be fr
On that note, Fabian is 100% the asshole when it comes to his relationship with Nina and Joy. Mf led Joy on and flirted with her in front of his girlfriend. Nina and Joy should have collectively beat the crap out of them.
Mara is wild and not the moral compass the show paints her to be. Don't get me wrong, I love Mara but oh my god??? She sent pictures of Ms. Robinson and Mick to Mr. Sweet to make it seem like they had an inappropriate relationship and was just like "im sorry lol Mick u deserve better im just a mathlete"
Patricia in season one deserves to be smacked. Like I know that she was being gaslit like crazy, but she bullied the shit out of Nina and she should have paid for it a little bit.
Season three isn't bad because Nina isn't there. It just carries a less serious vibe and is more comedic. The mystery is also being shown to use through Eddie's lens who completely accepts the Osirian status while Nina never wanted to be the Paragon.
Victor had every right to hate Sibuna. Mf worked his whole for this shit only to have it all unraveled by the British knock off Mystery Inc.
Jerome Clarke is an AWFUL human being and he doesn't actually become decent until Mara dumped him. He might be funny but quit acting like he's a genuine person.
I love Jeroy but it SHOULD HAVE BEEN JARA
Amber deserved better.
Patricia is a bad friend for not noticing how badly Joy was hurting and for not helping her transition. Girl got KIDNAPPED dammit quit acting like things are supposed to be normal and don't let your friend act that way.
I love Fabina but they were never going to be endgame
Joy and Nina DESERVED to have a friendship with each other and we were ROBBED
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house-of-the-chosen · 6 months
Thinking about a role reversal au with Fabian being the chosen one and Patricia being the osirian
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lovelyamneris · 6 months
There’s so many hoa what-if scenarios that I would love to write/read fics about. These are some of my favorite:
1) What if Miss Andrews never confiscated Patricia’s phone and so Patricia and Nina actually met up with Rufus alone like they’d originally planned in s1?
2) What if Victor got the mask first? What was his plan since he couldn’t get the tears of gold without a Chosen One/Osirian?
3) What if someone other than Jerome walked in on Rufus in the kitchen in season two?
4) What if Nina stayed and was there for the sinner storyline?
5) What if Rufus survived?
6) What if Victor or Sweet found out that the Cup wasn’t destroyed?
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 9 months
no because you guys don’t get it. if the osirian!patricia AU was a thing, in s1 can you even imagine how much worse the gaslighting would have been from not just the adults, but from everyone, if on top of all the conspiracies patricia was screaming from the rooftops, she was also claiming to have visions/prophetic dreams? we already saw how bad it got when she was saying she saw a creepy man in her room…
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non-cannon · 6 months
I have had a very bad no good amazingly angsty idea. With also some comedy mixed in for flavor.
So, you know how Nina can see dead ghosts, and how her parents are dead? Yeah, you know where I'm going with this.
A while back I read a one-shot that was basically this, but it pretty much was just Nina already knew her parents were dead because they came to say good bye after they died, but this isn't my idea.
The general theory of ghosts is that they exist because they died with unfinished business. I'd say that Nina's parents died with a lot of unfinished business, namely raising their daughter. So after they die, they stick around haunting their daughter. Now, they didn't know that Nina was psychic or the chosen one or any thing like that when they died. So they are rather surprised that she can see them when no one else can.
Nina, for her part takes a while to accept that her parents are dead when her gran tries to tell her. "Like what do you mean they're not coming home? I can see them, they're right here."
Eventually Nina stops saying that they're there. This has more to do with her parents urging her to lie about it. To which baby Nina is like "I thought you guys said lying was bad." To which her parents insist this is a "good lie", and therefor fine, while also have a crisis about "what are we teaching our daughter."
After a couple of years, Nina does eventually come to terms with the fact that her parents are dead, and these are their ghosts, and no one else can see them. Also much to her parents' dismay, they successfully turn her into a half decent liar. And whenever they try to get mad at her for lying a "bad lie", she throws it in their faces that they're the ones who taught her to lie, and they have no good response.
At some point Nina realizes that ghosts aren't supposed to be real, and that people who claim to see them are generally considered crazy or frauds, and she starts to worry that she might be crazy/imagining her dead parents as a way to cope with their loss. Her parents try to reassure her, but the fact that no one else has never seen them doesn't help.
At least no one else has ever seen them until Nina goes to Anubis and meets Sarah. When Sarah does her first "Sometimes I see their faces in the mirror, but I know they're not there." She points to Nina's parents and adds "I can see yours, too."
This is the first time anyone else has ever acknowledged her parents' presence, and it shakes Nina. Admittedly the fact that Sarah is often less than lucid makes it less comforting than in could be, but it's something.
When Nina first meets Rufus, in the bike tunnel/shed, after Patricia takes him from the hospital, he sees them behind her. But after several decades of being the osirian, he's learned to hide being able to see ghosts, and beside a quick startle, he gives no other indication that he saw them, so Nina never learns that he sees them too.
The person who finally confirms their existence, is, of all people, Senkhara. Who address them directly when they try to defend Nina against her. This goes about as well as Victor Sr.'s attempt to explain the mask to Nina. He's also able to see her parents.
Also Eddie, when he first arrives, just points at them and goes, "Who the heck are they?" And the rest of the house is confused, and Nina is frozen in between going "You can see them?!" and the denial, as her parents have taught her for most of her life.
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ambersgiantpanda · 21 days
Unpopular opinion: I actually loved Patricia/Jason Winkler dynamics. And not just as friends or whatever relationship they had in the show. I saw couple potential there.
And I usually don't like teacher/student romance trope (because I can't imagine it in real life, it's weird for me), but something about Pason is just out there...
(detailed explanation of this is under the cut, and it's a long post, grab your judgement and popcorn)
Let me explain, if Jason hadn't been lured into Victor's Society and kept helping Patricia no matter what, just imagine how close they could've gotten. Like, she was feeling so alone and no one believed her and she thought she was going crazy, but then she got Jason as an alliance and had the support she really needed at the time. And she wouldn't have called Rufus and would've saved herself some trauma if Jason stayed by her side because Rufus was her last option and she wouldn't go there unless Jason betrayed her (which he did and she ended up in the warehouse, thank you very much for that)
So, let's imagine that didn't happen and Jason's still unaware of the elixir and the immortality and the cult and everything, he's just as confused about Joy as Patricia is and he wants to know the truth. They start working together, maybe Jason even joins Sibuna (I have the same vibe about it as about the headcanon that if Mrs. Andrews stayed for season 3 she would've helped Sibunas and they would've had an adult by their side who believed them, knowing how crazy Victor can get). Next thing I see is Patricia grows to like Jason, he was the first one who believed, he was reliable, and he was there for her when she needed it most. And so, she starts to develop some sort of feelings, she starts feeling more than she should.
And Jason is not stupid or blind, she sees the change in her behavior and connects the dots, realizing that maybe, just maybe, there's something warm appears in his chest too when they interact.
I know Jason probably wouldn't go far with this relationship at first, because of the professional ethics and stuff it would feel wrong, but (and we do remember that he had a life-threatening disease, right?) maybe someday he'd just wake up and think, "fuck it, I'm gonna die soon anyways", and finally accept his feelings for Patricia. (it might be out of character for him, but he's still a human; he's young and he's dying, he definitely wants to experience life, and it would be wrong not to, considering that his clock is ticking very quickly).
And it would be such a good first relationship for her as well, cause she'd have someone as mature as her (almost all of Anubis kids are very mature btw), I can so easily imagine Patricia in a relationship with someone older than her. With Eddie, she is the mature one while he often acts like a child (especially when he first appears in the show; he grows up only later when he has all these responsibilities as an Osirian), and with Jason, she could've just let herself be and enjoy his company without being alarmed that he could do something unpredictable and stupid any minute. And he would definitely treat her like a queen and a treasure because that's what she deserves, it would be a very stable relationship, and it would be so relieving for season 1 Patricia. Especially in season 1 she just wants comfort, she wants to feel calm and safe and not like a nervous wreck, freaking out all the time with no one by her side.
Don't get me wrong, I still love Peddie very much, it's my endgame and nothing will ever change that, but rewatching season 1 again made me think about Jason/Patricia in the new light, and I really like the headcanons I'm starting to see and develop more and more.
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fakeosirian · 1 year
HUGE props to season 3 for showing patricia getting taken in an osirian vision AGES before it happens, and then when she's actually taken it's completely off-screen (ie. not just repeating that scene we saw in the vision thank you THANK YOU) and is Very Possible to figure out from her behavior alone but not explicitly confirmed until TWO (2) episodes after that. hell, you CAN even explicitly confirm in e30's phonograph cliffhanger BUT it's easy to miss her face because the shot is so dark (especially in the "premiering on cable" context), and while treating it like a full-on end of episode reveal in the episode after that is maybe a bit bait-y, the obviousness-but-refusal-to-confirm method of taunting the audience is VERY effective and EXTREMELY funny
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lau07paprika · 1 year
One thing that i don't agree so much with people saying about the romantic relationship of ninaxeddie's is that idk if it’s just me but i feel it would be very forced just to put them together just by the fact that they have an Egyptian spiritual identity within them, bcs they would just start a relationship because of it, it’s most kinda mandatory or like an obligation for them. When Eddie already in the tunnels confesses his feelings towards Patricia that she is special to him before waking up the Osirian, and also nina felt that fabian was the one for her before knowing about the osirian thing.
In my opinion, it would be so bad that they can't develop their own feelings just because of it, also i feel like bcs in the show it says the chosen one comes from a bloodline what if the osirian is in the same bloodline linage as nina that would make them related in some way and would make sense bcs we don’t know much about nina’s family and eddie's. I also think that since sara and rufus were always together neither of them were happy or together (i know that rufus didn't portrait the osirian as it should be but its sad that your only purpose is protect someone)and I know it might have been different in ninaxeddie's case but what if it’s their fate too.Is not to be happy as they are always in danger because it's more like a obligation to be together more than romantic because eddie has to protect her from evil and that could result to be more of a curse for them to be chosen ones rather than something good, cause you i don't think that been in constant danger is something good or romantic, also if someone tells me that they could develope feelings towards each other i don’t buy it bcs the last episode of s2 when eddie osirian was awaken i feel like he was just a puppet and the voices where the puppeteer of him. And i know that fabina and peddie has issues but i think that every ship has and i don't think that neddie would be the exception of it bcs if people said that they complement each other in terms of personality it’s also missing other things like fact they’re so different from things like taste of music, sense of humor, hobbies and basically in a bunch of things that in the show could see a few and ik this cannot be such a huge deal but idk if that would work if they don't have anything in common and the only thing that they just have in common is the egyptian stuff that they don’t have a choice and just to deal with it.
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