Hello! We are part of the Apocalypse System, and we were raised on House of Anubis since we were literally six. Please note that we have both a Nina Martin, Fabian Rutter, Jerome Clark, Patricia Williamson, and Trudy Reymont fictive, so we'd appreciate no hate towards those characters.
Last active 60 minutes ago
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Why the shit DID Victor have/stuff that cat though.
If the Egyptians were so obsessed with cats, and the Egyptian Gods are real, wouldn't they be pissed to shit with him?
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Kidnapping Rankings!
Seriously though this HAD to happen because I think the less interested in the show fans only remember Patricia and Jerome's MAIN Kidnappings. Let alone all the other times. (I'm not counting adults sorry Victor, Trudy, Sweetie, and Jason......GOD DAMN WHO IS KIDNAPPING ALL THESE BITCHES. Oh, and the real Harriet Denby) 11. Willow: I think she was like, half kidnapped? I don't know, are you kidnapped if you have no clue it's happening. She was essentially let go after annoying Frobisher to death.
10. KT: Also like half-kidnapped. Her's was pretty similar to the first time Rufus kidnapped Amber and Nina, Denby just locked her in a room and left her there but I'm going to say that also counts because these kids have trauma, they might as well get points for it.
9. Mara: Also half kidnapped? Maybe? Does the Vera scene count as a kidnapping if it only lasted like ten minutes? She was locked in a room with a creepy woman, and not only threatened but lowkey fucking assaulted, so if Willow's on here, I'm counting Mara too. She was ASSAULTED man. Remember that. Poor Mara.
8. Nina: Kidnapped twice. Only briefly kidnapped with Amber during Patricia's kidnapping, and then kidnapped with the others at the prom. Kinda interesting how even as a known Chosen One nothing happened to her in season two, but count blessings where you get them I guess.
7. Amber: Kidnapped two and a half times. Only briefly kidnapped with Nina during Patricia's kidnapping. Then kidnapped with the others at prom. The half is because in season three she did lowkey get kidnapped again and held in the gatehouse against her will until she gave Victor the fake bracelet.
6. Fabian: Kidnapped twice, but I'm counting him higher than Amber because his second kidnapping was technically a longer duration (Because his soul was taken from his body lol trauma). And of course the first time was at prom with the others.
5. Alfie: Kidnapped three times. First at the prom with the others, then with the Decendents, and then the luring and kidnapping that turned him into a Sinner.
4. Eddie: He was like half kidnapped once, and then fully kidnapped twice, so we'll count it as two and a half lol. The half-kidnap was the obvious bang on the head from Rufus who then abandoned him at the barn. The first "official" kidnapping was the time Denby locked him in the crypt that he then had to escape from, and the second was the actual kidnapping where he was consistently berated by everyone in the room lmao, poor Eddie. Counting him higher than Alfie solely because that berating scene was emotional trauma and also maybe he was kind of assaulted, I don't know. Like, it was nowhere near the Mara levels, but the way Victor grabbed him was very...icky. So. Sorry Alfie, he wins out.
3. Patricia: Kidnapped FOUR TIMES. JESUS CHRIST THIS POOR GIRL. First by Rufus, then at the Prom. Then as a Descendent. Then to be turned into a sinner. Literally this poor girl the emotional turmoil she's gone through is sick. She wins technical first place but as you've seen by the lower rankings I'm going off trauma as well. She did have slightly better "kidnapping quarters" the first time with Rufus (Jesus Christ I can't believe I have to say that), was shown getting food, had a teacher trying to save her (And her friends but like.....the second and first placers were kicked to the fucking mud by the teachers).
2. Jerome: Kidnapped three times. Was also kidnapped at the prom, but the kidnapping by Rufus and the Decendents kidnapping is what pushed him to second place for me. (Well also at the prom he was berated a lot more by Rufus, which did add to things as well). The Decendents Kidnapping, the reason I consider it a higher point for Jerome than the others (Patricia, Alfie) is because HE ALMOST GOT AWAY, AND VICTOR USED THE STRENGTH OF A THOUSAND MEN TO STOP THE ELEVATOR AND BRING HIM BACK......I would have shit my PANTS if I was him. The other Rufus kidnapping is kind of self explanatory, the conditions were a lot worse, and he watched an insane man whack a classmate in the head with a crowbar, he was dragged around similar to Patricia but like...ACTUALLY dragged around places and shoved around, and not just kept in the murder van like she was. The buildup to that kidnapping was also a lot worse, with like...one day of the fake niceness Patricia got before Rufus jumped right to death threats and-again-pushing Jerome around whenever possible. (Not saying the faking being Patricia's friend as an old ass man wasn't just as creepy, but in season two Rufus literally threatened a little girl during said kidnapping.)
Joy: Kidnapped three times in total but holy shit the first two times (Before and after her escape and re-kidnapping) were the ENTIRE FIRST SEASON. OF COURSE SHE WINS FIRST PLACE. The last kidnapping was with the Decendents. Poor Joy. Congratulations, you win trauma.
#house of anubis#hoa#jerome clarke#sibuna#rufus zeno#nina martin#fabian rutter#victor rodenmaar jr#joy mercer#patricia williamson#amber millington#alfie lewis#mara jeffray#willow jenks#kt rush#eddie miller
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HOA Characters as YouTube Found Footage/Original Horror
Nina: Charlie The Unicorn
Amber: I Am Sophie
Willow: Echo Rose
KT: Daisy Brown
Jerome: Petscop
Alfie: Return To Render
Joy: HiI'mMaryMary
Eddie: Salad Fingers
Mick: Today's Mission
Patricia: DHMIS
Fabian: The Sun Vanished
Mara: Cicada 3301.
#house of anubis#hoa#jerome clarke#nina martin#amber millington#willow jenks#kt rush#mara jeffray#patricia williamson#fabian rutter#mick campbell#alfie lewis#joy mercer#eddie miller
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Victor: You really do believe you’re clever with your schemes and your plots
Nina: Schemes and plots are the same thing.
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#house of anubis#hoa#jerome clarke#sibuna#rufus zeno#nina martin#fabian rutter#joy mercer#victor rodenmaar jr#patricia williamson#alfie lewis#eddie miller#daphne andrews#eric sweet#jason winkler
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Alfie: Why do you always have to throw a wet blanket on my dreams?!
Jerome: I’m not!
Alfie: Yes, you do, and then you know what I end up with? Wet dreams!
Alfie: I heard it as soon as I said it.
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so i watched House of Anubis bc if i ever saw this as a kid ik i wouldve been OBSESSED (and im just as obsessed as an adult lmao) and i finished s1 and got halfway through s2 yesterday and immediately after that i had a fucking dream about Jerome and Nina lmao and i simply need to share
i don't really know what was going on but something was impersonating the kids, shapeshifting and all, and Jerome and Nina decided they needed a secret gesture to make sure it's them and not the shapeshifter
and i think the shipping part of my brain was very much infecting the dream bc the "secret very subtle gesture" they decided on was Nina like. pulling Jerome down a bit and leaning on his chest LMAO
very quick, very subtle, good job guys
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I think that Robert painted that on there because he hid the cup to be found by a Chosen. I wouldn't put defacing ancient relics past him.
i spend so much time trying to come up with watsonian reasons and lore for why house of anubis mythology is the way that it is. and then they just add a button on an ancient cup that says "END" in fucking english
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He doesn't know what credit cards are, he can't buy anything new 🥺
you know it’s lowkey insane victor wore the same outfit as his dad every damn day
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If it ever comes about it'd need to be a massive collaboration between ten people or something.
the only thing that’s standing in between me and truly settling down to write a prequel fic with sarah/victor/rufus is that i really don’t have the time nor energy to do a deep dive into every tiny thing about what was historically accurate for every year of these people’s long-ass lives
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yooooo look what I got for my birthday

Anybody have some spare elixar?
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Shadow Of Mine Chapter Ten
AN: I finally fucking finished chapter ten! It doesn't feel like my best writing but I've been so stuck on this one I just needed to finish it now, and I can always come back to it later when the book is done. Also, once I've finished chapter eleven I will officially publish a masterpost and pin it to the top of this blog, rather than leaving the previous chapters at the bottom of each new one.
It took ten minutes to get the bird out of the house, Zoe and Brandon nipped by the raven eight times before they could slam the doors shut on it.
“Did you happen to coat yourself in crazy raven pheromone?�� Christopher snarked, panting from chasing the bird around. “That would be a whole lot more likely than you being cursed.”
“I’m so sorry lovies, I had no idea!” Trudy apologized. She’d been doing so profusely ever since she returned with the groceries, and accidentally set a raven loose in the house. “I’ll get the first aid box for those cuts, and make you both some pancakes.”
“I don’t want pancakes.” Zoe complained as Trudy left, glaring at Jerome and Jada. “I want you out of my school! This is all your doing, I know it is!”
“Victor would be a more likely culprit than Jerome, Zoe, and he hardly attacks students. Even when they deserve it.” Jada retorted icily.
“It wasn’t me.” Jerome insisted again.
“Aw yeah right. Standing behind Jada like a coward saying it wasn’t.” Brandon insulted. “All this has your name written all over it. Who else would put Matthew’s project in the shower? Or steal Isabella’s money?”
“It could have been any of you.” Jada redirected.
“Or it’s you! Or Christopher!” Zoe accused. “Sticking up for him so much, maybe you feel guilty!”
“Really Zoe this is ridiculous! You get some bad karma for your own behaviour and its somehow everyone else’s fault?” Christopher grabbed Jada’s shoulder. “Maybe the birds are attracted to your rotten behaviour. Or maybe Brandon’s smarts, after all birds do love dead things!”
Brandon lunged forward and grabbed Christopher’s jacket, yanking him down to the floor and punching him in the face.
“Victor!” Jada yelled, pushing Jerome back a little as she tried to pull Brandon off Christopher. “Trudy!”
“Get off him now!” Trudy demanded as she came back into the entry hall, Victor following after. She set down the first aid box and helped Christopher up.
“You, to my office now!” Victor barked, Jada hurriedly pulling Jerome off the stairs as Brandon stormed past. “You two, get to your rooms, and Zoe and Christopher I expect the same as soon as Trudy is done dressing your wounds.”
“He’ll have a black eye for sure.” Trudy fussed over Christopher. “Oh poor dearie! I might as well make pancakes for supper.”
“He started it.” Zoe accused.
“He did not, Brandon punched him!” Jada stared at the other girl incredulously. “Because you were accusing all three of us of setting some birds on you!”
“To your rooms!” Victor yelled again. Jada left, Jerome awkwardly hiding away in his new room, unable to sit anywhere since Harry’s stuff still occupied his side of the room.
In the school, things were falling apart just as quickly.
“Isa, you have to actually help me.” Esperanza complained as she scrubbed at one of the toilets in the girl’s bathroom. “I get you’re a neat freak or whatever, but it’s so not fair if you’re the only one not doing it.”
“Toilets are disgusting.” Isabella complained as she stared at her cleaning, playing boredly with her hair. “And you always take my punishments.”
“Yeah. Because you’d pay me.” Esperanza turned around, pointing the toothbrush for emphasis. “Last I checked, you lost all your money somehow, and you’re broke. I am not doing your share.”
“I am not broke!” Isabella argued. “That store clerk should call any time now saying he found my wallet. What kind of a friend are you?”
“The kind currently scrubbing at a toilet, even though my stuff was just destroyed.” Esperanza complained, turning around and scrubbing at the toilet harder. “This is so unfair. If I told my mom-” Her hand snapped forward, having put too much pressure on the toothbrush, and she dropped it was a pained yell. “Ow-Ow, ow! Fuck I broke a nail!” She clutched at her hand, the throbbing pain all coming from her middle finger. Her formerly perfect manicure was now ruined, her nail split in half just like her boards and clothes. Blood started to spill down her finger. “Oh my God it’s really bad-” Her eyes welled up with tears of pain mixed with shock. “It’s really bad Isa, I need the school nurse!”
Isabella held back a gag at the sight of blood. “I’m going, uh, run your hand under water maybe!” She turned and rushed out the door, running through the mostly empty school. “Mrs. Davinet!”
The school nurse looked up as she hurried into her office, the door slamming into the wall. “Isabella Princh, what on earth is the matter?” She asked, noticeably looking her over for any injuries.
“It’s-It’s Anza, she’s bleeding, she broke her nail-” Isabella said frantically. “Please come look at it.” The nurse stood and followed her out to the bathroom, Isabella’s phone ringing in her pocket. She stopped outside, taking her phone out and answering it. “Hello?”
“Isa? Isabella, it’s mother.” Janelle Princh said, her voice odd and not warm like it usually was. “I’m afraid there’s been a slight…issue.”
“Issue?” Isabella held the phone closer to her ear and stepped away from the bathroom. “What issue?”
“There’s been a problem with your father’s company, some stock prices have lowered and a few deals have been pulled. Nothing to be worried about, but we won’t be able to send your allowance for some time.”
“What?!” Isabella shrieked. “But-But my wallet has been stolen-I need more money, how will I buy anything?!”
“Isa, don’t be spoiled.” Her mother scolded. “You’ll just have to manage. And really Isabella, your wallet? You should have been more responsible, how on earth could it have been stolen?”
“I don’t-I don’t know, mother, but please-”
“Darling, I have to go. I’ll call later. Muah. Love you.” Her mother hung up before Isabella could say another word.
In the boy’s bathroom, Harry was throwing up. Even the spit in his mouth was starting to taste like worms.
“Dude, the job was cleaning the toilets, not making them worse.” Matthew snarked from the other stall.
“Is this some sign of kidney failure or something?” Harry asked miserably, leaning against the stall wall. “Everything tasting like worms? I think I’m dying.”
“You’ll be fine.” Matthew moved over to another stall to start cleaning the other toilet inside. “My grades on the other hand have just gone down the toilet, I’ll be lucky if they don’t give me detention until the makeup work is done. That project was perfect, I would’ve gotten full marks for sure. And it’s gone, just like that.”
“I’d rather have a measly essay turn to mush than the feel this sick.” Harry retorted, feeling another wave of nausea beginning to grow. “I’m gonna starve to death, man.”
“Your taste buds are just off.” Matthew argued. “Probably because you were drinking yesterday or something. They’ll reset. My grades? Not so much!”
Everyone was miserable when they made it back to the house, Trudy standing guard with the mop while the four came in, watching carefully for more ravens.
“Harry, you’re moving in with Matthew and Brandon.” Christopher said bluntly. “You need to move your stuff out.”
“What?!” Harry complained. “That’s not fair, why do I have to share the three bed room?! There’s no space, and that’s been my room since year seven-”
“Just until the end of the year, then you’ll be gone and won’t have to worry.” Trudy said firmly, bringing out a huge stack of pancakes. “I’ve got supper for everyone, Esperanza, it’s your turn to set the table.”
Harry stared at the plate for two seconds, and could almost see worms wriggling around inside of the pancakes. “On second thought, I’ll skip supper.” He decided. “Get my stuff moved.”
“Isa, can you help me?” Esperanza requested miserably. “My finger really hurts and I don’t want to bend it, I’ll have to do everything one handed.”
“I don’t know, will you pay me to help you?” Isabella said scathingly, slouching in her chair.
“I’ll help.” Zoe moved into the kitchen, keeping away from Jerome like he had some kind of disease. Esperanza glared at Isabella the entire time she brought out the plates and silverware.
Christopher sat next to Jerome while Jada was forced to take the empty seat next to Zoe. The pancakes tasted like honey and nutmeg.
“What do we think sweeties?” Trudy asked as she peered in from the kitchen.
“It’s good Trudy, thank you.” Jada looked over her shoulder. “Best yet I’d say.”
Things kept getting worse throughout the night. Esperanza inexplicably got tangled up in her sheets and ripped them as she fell out of bed. Matthew was unable to find any of his homework, and when he attempted to copy the questions off of Brandon’s paper, his pen exploded over him. Harry started to see worms everywhere, hiding in every shadow. Isabella found all her recent online purchases cancelled for insufficient funds.
And somehow, in the middle of the night, a raven got in through the upstairs window, and tangled itself in Zoe’s hair.
Words: 1,517
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine
#house of anubis#hoa#jerome clarke#original male character#original characters#original character#original female character
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victor and rufus are so lovers to enemies coded i’m surprised nobodys written an in-depth fic about their tragic love story.
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