osirian-rises · 7 hours
In season two when Nina (possessed by Senkhara) shoots a lightning bolt at Fabian and Joy takes the hit, Jerome is the one who immediately bends down next to her.
before i started watching season 3 (particularly the second half) i legitimately thought all jeroy had going for them was the same set of scenes i would always see in edits or gifs but noo there are actually SOO MANY LITTLE ONES sprinkled in the show that i never found being heavily referenced (like obviously i do wish they had thought of the ship earlier on in the show like in s2 but there was still jara and considering all the circumstances they were still able to write jeroy so well even if they came in clutch
one of my favorite scenes was when jerome came up to joy and said he likes her hair brushed and that it reminded him of letdown hajskfjdj it’s just soo jerome clarke of him bringing up mara’s dog to joy bc it was their first date AND managing to slip in an actual compliment under the guise of teasing like come awnnnn whipped
idk it just made me feel giddy bc jerome can be an absolute sweetheart while still being his usual devious self. same goes for joy who, after greeting jerome sweetly would go back to teasing him and being sarcastic. like that scene in the stairs when he says “i was thinking” and she replies “oh so thats what that sound was” and after their kiss in the house when she says “please dont say youve come around just to get a compliment on your kissing technique” like it’s just so Them it’s so natural it makes sense whoever thought of this ship came to swoop in and said i will give u the most character development within a limited timeframe
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osirian-rises · 8 hours
“Jerome?” Mara exclaimed as she walked into his room. “What are you doing?”
Jerome looked over at her. He was sitting on his bed with a pile of junk food and sodas, his laptop open in front of him. “Was about to watch a bunch of horror movies?” He said slowly. “Why?”
“It’s parents night.” Mara said, looking over her shoulder into the hallway. “Everyones halfway to the school, Alfie said you weren’t coming.”
“No offense but I don’t want to watch Mick’s dad lecture him about his grades, or Alfie’s mom fuss over him all night.” Jerome shrugged. “Want a crisp?”
“Jerome!” Mara said, voice exasperated. “Won’t your parents be here soon?”
Jerome pursed his lips together and made a confused face. “Ah, no? Why would they?”
“To…To see you.” Mara insisted, her voice losing some confidence. “Aren’t they coming?”
“Well they didn’t come last year, or the year before that, or the year before that.” Jerome said with a forced grin. “So I think I’m good to hang back here.”
“They really never come?” Mara pressed. “I mean, I know I’ve never met them…but…”
“Have fun at parents day, Mara.” Jerome shrugged. He took a swig of his drink and turned the volume all the way up on the computer before pressing play. “I’m sure if anything happens I’ll hear about it tomorrow.”
thinking about jeromes shitty relationship with his parents in regards to things like parents evening or careers day and just like. no one showing up for him.
God yeah. Mara in S1 says to him "I don't think I've ever met your parents" meaning she's noticed the lack of them, probably because she HAS met a bunch of the other kids' parents. (Side note: it's so interesting to me that various kids recognize some of the others' parents and others don't, which is telling of which parents visit and who's close with whom. Alfie doesn't recognize Joy's dad in the cellar but Patricia has a picture of Joy and her dad on her phone. Mick doesn't appear to immediately recognize the picture of Mara's dad in the article Patricia gives him but remembers his name - for this one it's very possible Mick did meet him and is just too dumb to recognize the picture. Joy knows Piper, meaning she's probably visited Patricia's house and has therefore met her parents as well. Mick's dad doesn't remember Mara but Mara doesn't give any indication of whether or not they've actually met before. I can't remember if any of them met Alfie's parents before they visit in S1, or Amber's dad in S3. And Alfie seems to indicate he's met Jerome's mom, either at Jerome's house or over video call or something.)
So like even the worst of them have made enough appearances/their kids talk about them enough that Jerome's lack of them is notable to Mara. I remember just about everyone getting a card from their families for the S1 play, but obviously he doesn't. They never show up, never visit, never write, nothing.
And the worst part of it all is he knows it, too. He doesn't act surprised about it. He knows his parents aren't gonna come to parents' day or show up to watch the school play. His mom isn't going to visit or come to any kind of event. And he never acts like he expects her to be there or is hopeful for her to show up, or even WANTS her to show up tbh. He knows she's not going to. Like, Poppy mentions him going to her recitals when their mom doesn't, which goes back to YEARS before the start of the show. [Side note: can we talk about the commitment it must've taken for Jerome to actually attend these recitals? Because the Clarkes live in London, according to the address on the letter the private investigator has. And that's not super close to the school, based on Eddie having to take a four-hour train from the airport to get there presumably from the London airport. And he's been at boarding school since age 5, and Poppy didn't attend the same school as him until season 2. So unless a young Poppy went to a boarding school near his or all these recitals happened over summer break, Jerome would've had to go WAY out of his way to attend these things. Which is super sweet tbh.]
Anyway, the point is yes you're right, no one ever showing up for him is sad. And his resignation to that fact is even sadder.
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osirian-rises · 9 hours
Jerome: *fast-forwards all the way through the movie* Joy: You can't just skip to the happy ending! Jerome: I don't have time for their problems, I have plenty of my own.
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osirian-rises · 14 hours
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osirian-rises · 19 hours
"Well, I may have gone to hell but unlike you, Victor, I am still Sarah's Osirien, even with her gone. I was always destined for Godhood no matter how many times you or those idiot kids tried to stop me." Rufus gave a satisfied grin. "After all, this is Anubis house...I'm sure you can imagine who I've been working with."
(This was inspired by the snippet @house-of-secrets posted)
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osirian-rises · 19 hours
Oh no no no my bad that was simply crazy man ramble talk but he did come back from the dead in this snippet.
"Well, I may have gone to hell but unlike you, Victor, I am still Sarah's Osirien, even with her gone. I was always destined for Godhood no matter how many times you or those idiot kids tried to stop me." Rufus gave a satisfied grin. "After all, this is Anubis house...I'm sure you can imagine who I've been working with."
(This was inspired by the snippet @house-of-secrets posted)
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osirian-rises · 19 hours
In what way?
"Well, I may have gone to hell but unlike you, Victor, I am still Sarah's Osirien, even with her gone. I was always destined for Godhood no matter how many times you or those idiot kids tried to stop me." Rufus gave a satisfied grin. "After all, this is Anubis house...I'm sure you can imagine who I've been working with."
(This was inspired by the snippet @house-of-secrets posted)
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osirian-rises · 1 day
The most expressive character on the planet aware goes to...
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osirian-rises · 1 day
Mr. Winkler was probably hired because he was sick.
Mr. Winkler was probably hired BECAUSE he was sick.
Mrs. Andrews is theorized to have a dying husband. The school has a small staff. I truly believe the teachers who weren't involved in the secret all had something going on in their life that could be exploited if they found out and needed to keep quiet.
Maybe Miss. Robinson has a sick daughter.
Maybe the math teacher has bad lungs from smoking.
Mr. Winkler was hired because he was dying.
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osirian-rises · 2 days
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osirian-rises · 2 days
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osirian-rises · 2 days
Don't know if this counts as a Jerome edit bc theres two other shows but it's short and I'm proud of it so here.
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osirian-rises · 2 days
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osirian-rises · 2 days
Mr. Winkler was probably hired because he was sick.
Mr. Winkler was probably hired BECAUSE he was sick.
Mrs. Andrews is theorized to have a dying husband. The school has a small staff. I truly believe the teachers who weren't involved in the secret all had something going on in their life that could be exploited if they found out and needed to keep quiet.
Maybe Miss. Robinson has a sick daughter.
Maybe the math teacher has bad lungs from smoking.
Mr. Winkler was hired because he was dying.
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osirian-rises · 3 days
I think it would have been hilarious if the private investigator Poppy hired to find her dad ended up being Rufus
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osirian-rises · 3 days
.....Except for Mr. Winkler.
Who dies.
i really respect how most of the society just fucks right off after season one. their usual ritual didn’t work and they’re just like “alright, that was a good run” and move on w their now-mortal lives, meanwhile victor’s losing brain cells left and right and rufus literally dies
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osirian-rises · 3 days
What if-What if-What-
Victor was a draft dodger
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