#osirian!patricia au
incorrectsibunaquotes · 9 months
no because you guys don’t get it. if the osirian!patricia AU was a thing, in s1 can you even imagine how much worse the gaslighting would have been from not just the adults, but from everyone, if on top of all the conspiracies patricia was screaming from the rooftops, she was also claiming to have visions/prophetic dreams? we already saw how bad it got when she was saying she saw a creepy man in her room…
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house-of-the-chosen · 6 months
Thinking about a role reversal au with Fabian being the chosen one and Patricia being the osirian
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joysmercer · 25 days
What would happen if Nina never came to Amun Boarding Academy?
i think patricia would have lost it with worry as she did in canon, but with no nina-took-her-place!! accusations, people (fabian and mara, mainly) would have been less dismissive, even if they didn't quite share her worry. the facetime with joy would have happened a lot quicker as a result since everyone would want answers. but i simply don't think sarah would have dumped the locket on them (one, because she has no kinship with them, and two, since it wouldn't work for them anyway), so they would not have any way to truly discover the ~mystery~, let alone solve it.
patricia's pre-sibuna plotlines (up until kidnapping rufus) would be mostly the same, though, maybe dragging fabian along with her (since he's not busy with nina)…but more likely that he refuses to participate but knows what she's up to, so he ends up being the one to bail her out lol. joy would have still sent her the messages/been there in the audience, and i'd like to think they still find her on prom night and know something is up, but it's not going to be as clean as an ending because they have no way of knowing what that something is.
so then joy would have come back super duper traumatized with no answers, and maybe she'll fill in patricia and fabian about what she knows, but certainly not amber – not that that thought would even occur to her, anyway, considering amber would not have founded sibuna if it weren't for nina. and then nothing would happen in s2 because there's no fabina date-turned-senkhara release (actually, there's no cup for senkhara to be stuck in in the first place). maybe they see the adults milling around and follow them, but it's more likely that the adults are unsuccessful since they can't spy on the kids and get the answers.
jerome's entire thing would still happen though, so he'd still get the gem and have to deal with rufus…not sure how that would shape up but I think this is when eddie's Osirian powers would awaken somehow (even with the actual chosen one miles away and unaware), and patricia (dragging joy and fabian with her) would follow him and that's how they all get involved?
but then s3 rolls around and no one knows anything because sweet's kept his mouth shut, and maybe alfie steals that bracelet but i doubt that, without 2 years of sibuna shit under their belts, the kids would even think of it being a mystery, let alone decide to follow the trail or whatever. not to mention the fact that amber wound not even be involved in sibuna anyway. actually, i feel like amber would have just bugged the school to give her a year-round place and stayed in the states after fashion camp without ever coming back lolol but for the sake of this, she does come back first
so amber has the bracelet and probably just gives it right back to victor. maybe jerome gets involved via alfie and is like idk if you should have done that but they don't listen because what is he even talking about.
so kt shows up with this key and it's her and eddie against the world, except eddie immediately confides in fabian about his visions, and since fabian doesn't have a (weak) excuse to be a dummy about it in this au, the three of them immediately start working together. and jabian stays besties throughout s2 and up to this point because at least that aspect of her psyche is a little less traumatized here, so joy's in, and brings patricia with her. but, like, no locket! and probably no bracelet! so they have no leads or ideas…and this is when jerome crashes the party like "yo victor's package was a mysterious bracelet and i think it's important?" and somehow they figure out denby's a fraud and the adults are Up To Something. and joy's like "i know their weaknesses let's get em" and they try to thwart the eclipse ceremony, but fail to do so, in basically the same way in canon (except that both jerome and joy also know what's going on). so now alfie's involved too because "wtf was that, guys," and the lead up to the rfs-is-alive reveal is all pretty much the same besides the extra sibuna members.
(also cheating arc still happens amidst all the ceremony drama lol) (and the fake date-turned-peddie getting back together) (and the dog-washing-turned-jeroy-arc)
so anyways! with nearly the whole house involved, and especially joy, there's a buddy system immediately implemented to make sure none of them get taken (miss mercer's directive, obvi). sinners are victor, sweet, and mara. patricia does get jealous here, but joy recognizes it and manages to calm her down (/not let her run off alone anywhere/throw her laptop in the toilet). so that's not a thing.
so the phonograph doesn't get destroyed, they manage to break out the three sinners before 2 more are taken, and all is fine in the world…
until he and patricia and kt go back to the states for university and the two of them meet kt's new roommate ("she was actually my bestie in preschool! small world!") and now that the chosirian are together again, well…
college!sibuna, anyone?
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non-cannon · 6 months
Thinking about what if all of Sibuna learned magic and they needed to make their own wands for it. (Assuming some kind of AU where obviously the chosen one and osirian are going to be more powerful but everyone can learn magic).
Fabian would go for a historical ancient Egyptian Apotropaic wand. (Curved but probably not actual ivory).
Nina would probably also go for this (either that or a Harry Potter type wand depending on whether or not this happens before Rolling came out as a TERF).
Amber makes a fairy wand. (So many sparkles).
Alfie uses a magic wand. (Black with white tips).
Patricia goes for a staff. (It can also be used to bonk people on the head).
KT sort of makes a generically witchy wand with no specific inspiration. (I don't know man, I don't actually know what she would do).
Eddie didn't really know what he was doing. He tried to make it as cool as possible and it somehow ended up looking the worse.
(Can you tell I was thinking about the first five a lot, and only did KT and Eddie as I was writing this for the sake of completion?)
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howaboutwedont · 1 year
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i was so utterly shocked until i realised it was talking about they both die at the end 😭😭
but.... hear me out.... au where this DOES happen:
in s1 victor goes to save patricia instead of miss andrews because in this he thinks she's joy's osirian
so rufus steps out of the car first but victor doesnt come out yet (pun very much intended)
and instead he starts the car and starts coming towards rufus in an attempt to scare him so he like runs and gives victor a chance to rescue patricia
but in his desperation -and rufus' refusal to back down even though victor was sure he would- he accidentally runs him over
i feel like him dying would be too much here but also angst
so rufus dies and victor gets to keep the elixir and rescue the "osirian" (which is really gonna add insult to injury when he finds out) but he also has to live with the eternal guilt that comes with killing your nemesis who you may or may not have had a thing with in your youth
thats it. idk what this was
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ya’ll remember that time Joy called Nina ‘really pretty’?
well how about an AU where she’s vv jealous of Fabina and at first we think it’s Fabian and she does too! but then she figures out she hates Nina because she likes her (kinda inspired by Nico di Angelo hating Percy because he liked him)
anyway this basically evolves into the finale involving what the Secret Society Cult™️ believed to be the wrong Chosen One: Joy and the wrong Osirian: Patricia then dating the actual Chosen One: Nina and the actual Osirian: Eddie
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i can't remember which house of anubis characters ive sent you for ask game bingos so far so it's your choice. LMFAO
Patricia and Eddie (bc somehow its the same for both of them)
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i want to kill them with a gun: I want to tie them to a string and make a yoyo with them, see what happens 🤔 (affectionate)
their relationship to specific other characters makes me feral: Alfie and Patricia (laundry room scene) and Jerome and Eddie. and also we were robbed I want to see what crazy shit would happen with the chosen one and the osirian in sibuna - would nina get a paper cut and Eddie beat the paper up?
im taking them from the narrative: angsty peddie coffeeshop au WHEN
headpats for character: this, but Patricia is a cat methinks
my little meow meow: maybe they don't commit war crimes but all the shit they pulled as sibuna (or just in general) like... also bad boy eddie, do you think he writes swear words with a sharpie on the school desks orrrrrrrrr
squishes the character: *squish squish*
the flavour is stored in the character: I'm cooking a nice little spicy broth with all the flavour stored in them, who's served 👨‍🍳
Nina because she was my fav growing up and I wanted to marry her
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Robert Frobby
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fucking sexy: 😳 it's the unhinged goddess summoning okay
most interesting character: all the adults are pretty interesting but I want to know moreeeeeeee, also I want to take look inside his brain like you would open the back of a pocket watch to see what makes it move you know
who let this dipshit behave like this: yeah like who let him steal all that stuff from egypt
I want to kill them: I haven't decided which yet but I want several tragedies to befall him.
my little meow meow. my sopping wet pathetic bastard who summons Amut the goddess destroyer of worlds :3
*squishes* the wax figure in the secret room, I want to squeeze it like a toy to see if his head pops off. also imagine taking the time to make a speaking wax figure just in case he wakes up evil.
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amelia-pinches · 4 years
Patricia as the Osirian
SEASON 1 • before s1, her osirian “powers” clinged onto Joy, considering Joy is very similar -astrologically- speaking to the real chosen one • when they first met, Patricia and Joy really clicked because of this. Patricia felt a special connection with Joy that she hadn’t felt before • When Joy went missing, Patricia just ~knew- something was wrong and she lived in constant anxiety (canon but) • When she met Nina, she knew something was up with her but didn’t know what that was exactly • Confused and Upset, she mistook that as her intuition telling her Nina was bad • When she bullied Nina, she felt a strong inner-conflict and guilt like she had never experienced before • Rufus purposefully singled her out because he knew she was the Osirian • Rufus lied to Victor and told him that Eddie was the Osirian in hopes he could steal Patricia’s Osirian powers (another au i will post later) • As her and Nina grew closer, that bond she had with Joy began to form - except at a way faster rate • Patricia began to feel really uneasy because she felt as if she was replacing Joy with Nina when she knew Joh was in trouble • Patricia tried to push Nina away but that connection was so strong • They worked very well as a team and it seemed they were always thinking the same thing; what one person lacked, the other made up • Eventually, they moved back into the same room • Patricia began telling Nina things she had never told anyone before and vice versa • When Patricia was kidnapped by Rufus, she couldn’t help but worry if Nina was okay despite Patricia was the one who was kidnapped • Nina began to tell Patricia about the weird stuff happening to her, and Patricia was extremely concerned • When they found out Nina was the chosen one, Patricia had a feeling that there was more to the story • When her and Joy reunited, that special connection wasn’t as strong. Patricia brushed it off at first, but throughout the summer, it became very apparent • Over the summer, Patricia and Nina were talking on a daily basis • Joy saw how close Nina and Patricia were and began to get jealous SEASON 2 • When they all returned, Patricia and Nina shared a room while Joy, Amber, and Mara shared a room • Joy was very hurt by this and tried to get Patricia to change rooms except Victor wouldn’t allow it • Nina and Patricia would partner up in every class, leaving Joy to partner with Fabian • Nina told Patricia about Senkarah almost immediately and Patricia tried to fight her • Nina would complain about Fabian and Joy to Patricia, and Patricia actually gave her really good advice • Joy felt even more betrayed by Patricia taking Nina’s side • Fabian actually explained his feelings to Joy, and while Joy was hurt, she understood • Joy was more upset with her losing her best friend rather than her crush. This is when she really starts resenting Nina • Patricia got extremely protective of Nina when Senkhara marked her • Nina and Patricia began to get even closer and they would open up to one another about their feelings (Patricia told her about the loss of connection with Joy, Nina told her about Fabina doubts) • Nina was having doubts about her relationship with Fabian and broke it off that reason. Later that night, Patricia comforted her • Amber also started to get jealous at Nina’s and Patricia’s closeness but kept her mouth closed for the sake of sibuna TBC
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lilydreaming13 · 3 years
fanfiction about hoa that I'd like to read part 2
1) one shot almost AU Eddie already knows he is the Osirian,  the secret society had asked him to guard Joy, thinking she was her chosen one. Your first real meeting with Patricia? When the sibuna contact Joy with a video call. Patricia argues with Eddie because he won't let her talk to Joy. 
2) Eddie and KT are in a "friendly war" to get Patricia. They will do anything to win, even throwing low shots.
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 9 months
Do you think Eddie would have found out about all the supernatural adventures if he hadn't been Osirian and Patricia had been there instead? And how would the third season go in that case?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re asking about the Osirian!Patricia AU, right? If not, I’m so sorry for the rest of this answer 😂
So if everything was the exactly same through S1/S2 (i.e. the adults thought Joy was the Chosen One but it was actually Nina, the Cup got built, Sibuna gets cursed by Senkhara, etc.), except for the fact that Patricia was actually the Osirian, it stands to reason that the kids probably wouldn’t know that right away. And the same way Victor doesn’t actually have confirmation Nina is the Paragon until the S2 finale, the adults might suspect there’s something a little wacky about Patricia, but they probs would not know for sure what that wackiness actually was.
I think maybe in this AU because Patricia would still be interacting with Rufus as much as she did in S1 that he might tell her or give her reason to suspect there’s something up with her, but if let’s say he didn’t and she just spent the entirety of S1 having strangely intense nightmares and hallucinations that she and everyone else chalk up to being really upset over Joy’s disappearance. This just means that all of S2 is pretty much the same as canon apart from the occasional “funny feeling.” (If I were going to write this AU out as a story, tho, she’d probably know she was the Osirian by the end of S1, but for the sake of argument, let’s just assume this discovery comes at the same place as the canon timeline)
So here’s Eddie, right? He’s just a normal kid whose dad was a poopy head and left him and his mom to be in a cult. Casual business, all that. He and Patricia are still gonna hit it off, naturally, because nothing has really changed in their dynamic apart from a slight role reversal that isn’t even really relevant to them yet at the point where they meet, have their banter, fall for each other, etc.. The only difference might be that Patricia is a little more ✨inexplicably one-track-minded✨ about the mystery… so that could put some strain on their relationship. But other than that business as usual for Peddie.
Here’s where it gets tricky. In the finale, I don’t see any reason as to why Fabian, Alfie, and Patricia wouldn’t still go to the barn to rescue Jerome, and therefore Eddie would follow them bc he wanted to see what Patricia was hiding from him. He’d probably still get knocked in the head by Rufus, and Jerome would still give him the gem in a panic before getting dragged away, and Patricia and Alfie would still discover a concussed Eddie and bring him home, where she’d finally have to explain to Eddie who Rufus is/whats going on.
The divergence of the plot would come the moment Patricia gets her hands on that gem. She starts hearing voices, realizes Nina is about to do some dumb shit, starts rambling to Eddie that the Chosen One needs her, and she runs out the door. I don’t see why Eddie wouldn’t follow her, except for maybe if he’s really concussed. But I feel like he’d pull through because he’d obviously be really worried for his girlfriend, especially after what just happened.
So the final showdown happens, except it’s Patricia banishing Senkhara with the crown. So obviously if Eddie was there, he’d have a pretty good idea of the sort of supernatural shenanigans that went down.
In Season 3, however, all bets are off. Patricia would not be a shithead like Eddie, and she would obviously tell Fabian that Nina wasn’t coming back to Anubis House like a normal person, so that random Fabian vs Eddie brawl craziness doesn’t happen. Peddie probably still breaks up over the summer, but maybe not idk… let’s just say they did. Okay so Patricia has the vision of KT and the key, so when she turns up, Eddie is not being a total freak toward her, rather Patricia is, but it’s not as weird because Sibuna as a whole is being freaks about it.
KT gets sussed out as an ally rather than a threat pretty quickly, and Sibuna adopts her pretty quickly. Meanwhile, Eddie is aware that Sibuna exists, but isn’t taken into the club because his ex is now leading it 💀. So I’m thinking maybe he’s aware they’re up to something and does some of his own digging when his dad gets weird about the family tree project. Eventually, though, I think he’d approach Patricia and the others and offer his help. Cue romantic violins as the same harebrained scheme of KT to push her two friends back together ensues. Also in this AU she and Patricia are def besties bc there’s no wack misunderstandings and they’re still the only girls in Sibuna.
Now it’s also messy bc Patricia would be both Descended and the Osirian, but… she’s just OP I guess idk. Anyway, the ceremony works (womp womp) and S3b begins. I think Eddie would be in Sibuna atp, but maybe more in an unofficial way? Idk. But I think he’d probably get taken as a Sinner bc the only reason he escaped the crypt is because his vision of Patricia getting manhandled radicalized him. So he’s probs caught in a similar way to how he would have been if he’d not made it out of the crypt, and now he’s got all he needs to target the Osirian.
But don’t worry, she’s got plot armor!! Idk, anon it’s not super fleshed out 😂
Anyway, to give you the short answer to your question: yes I think Eddie would find out about the mystery in this AU, he just wouldn’t be as much of a key player in the story
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sunlit ice
A spirit lurks in Patricia, intertwined with the very fabric of her soul, that Rufus recognizes, because it lives just as intricately in him. Osirian.
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48828064
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chosen one & osirian
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 6 months
Okay, combining two of my House of Anubis AUs “Fabian as Victor’s Protege” and “Patricia as the Osirian”
Patricia is seeing things she doesn’t understand, her best friend in the whole world is gone without a trace, there’s this new girl in the house, and no one else is worried about it, and the teachers are lying, there’s a man stalking you, and you’re SEEING AND HEARING THINGS YOU DONT UNDERSTAND (so is the new girl but who cares about her right now?)
Fabian, who has been groomed by the Society for five or so years now, is well aware of their plans to remove Joy from the equation, and though he’s feeling guilty for betraying his friends, he trusts in Victor’s intentions and looks to him as a father figure. Nobody told him how badly Patricia was going to freak out about it, though, or how sweet and smart the new girl would be (she’s ruining everything he’s worked for, so why doesn’t that bother him more?). Victor tells him Patricia is losing sleep because she’s the Chosen One’s protector— just like the Betrayer, but he’s dead now surely— and that she must never find out, and Fabian is on board at first, but he’s watching someone who he considers one of his best friends slowly losing her mind. But it’s all for the cause, he knows, but this is his friend, and something is going on with the new girl, and the more time he spends with Nina, the more frantic Patricia becomes, like somehow amid the worry about Joy, she knows that Nina herself is in danger… from him. But she can’t know, and it makes him sick. And she can’t know.
So when she begs him to acknowledge that he’d been friends, nearly more than friends, with Joy and that he must know something is going on, he has to bite his tongue for the good of the Society and say nothing.
Think this scene from BBC’s Merlin basically, because that is essentially the same plot LOL
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joysmercer · 1 year
eddie dies in tor and victor revives him with the tear but it makes him lose his memories from the past two years because they’re technically osirian memories and the osirian stayed dead au where he bumps into patricia while in the uk visiting his dad a few years after tor and she’s stunned to see him but not enough to be speechless—in fact she’s super rambly and also pissed at him (both for something he just did and for getting amnesia) and starts scolding him—so he does the whole “*finger snap* i’ll call you yacker” thing he did when they first met although ofc he doesn’t know that. and she promptly bursts into tears and then he remembers the last time he saw her cry (cheating scandal) and everything comes flooding back. the end.
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 11 months
chosen one!eddie & osirian!patricia au: in order to protect his son, mr sweet keeps him in america and knowingly passes joy off as the fake chosen one. nina still shows up and shenanigans still happen somehow, and it becomes evident very quickly tho that patricia is the osirian. so mr sweet is still trying to keep everyone including eddie in the dark about being the paragon, but eddie’s mom sends him to the school anyway bc “tough luck, eric.” so sweet is shitting himself trying to keep them apart, but chaos is close behind
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AU: Joy is the Chosen One & Patricia is her Osirian
Okay this is based off this post of mine, and I’ve been thinking about it a lot since. This is just gonna be bullet points and fragmented ideas, so if someone wants to write something along these lines fully, feel free! This goes of any of my other AUs, like my Fabian is Victor’s protege AU. Basically what I’m saying is if anyone talented wants to get creative, I’m very much cheering you on!
Anyway, without further ado, here is the AU:
Right around the same time as Mr. Sweet is gathering up the Descendants, he comes to the realization that Joy Mercer is in fact the Chosen One. Born on the right day, the right time— all of it.
Without clueing Victor into his role as the Seeker (since that’s none of his business at the time), Mr. Sweet informs his Society leader that he’s found the Chosen One.
So when the four students on the Candy Scholarship get to school, they’re all four placed in Anubis House: Joy, Patricia, Alfie, and Jerome.
Victor is beyond delighted to have the Paragon in his sights only a few years before the Chosen Hour, and he makes sure to keep her close by and unharmed from anyone who might want to exploit the Chosen One (only he’s allowed to do that, thanks).
Rufus is long gone at this point, though of course, he’s just in hiding. But the Society assumes he’s dead since he hasn’t come sniffing around in quite some time.
Right away, Joy and Patricia are thick as thieves, and the adults take notice of Patricia’s protective nature immediately.
They aren’t positive Patricia’s the Osirian— there is no bloodline marker or any special indicator to confirm or deny it one way or the other, after all. And the Osirian is typically a masculine figure— but Victor has his suspicions, keeping a watchful eye over both of them.
Naturally, disaster strikes everywhere the girls go, but they don’t give a singular shit, because growing up in a boarding school far away from your blood family, you tend to forge a different sort of bond.
Joy was a sensitive child, and before she became as popular as she was pre-S1, she faced constant ridicule from the other students for things like carrying a stuffed bunny with her to school.
Patricia got in so many fights on Joy’s behalf, it was only by the grace of her future role in the eclipse ceremony she wasn’t expelled and thrown in juvenile detention.
Both the girls have vivid dreams and nightmares, but because Sarah and Rufus are still alive, neither of them have fully come into their destined roles.
Despite oddities here and there, Joy and Patricia function as normal pre-teens most of their school life. They went to town together, watched movies together, signed up for the same classes, painted each other’s nails, shared secrets, and did all the normal things normal best friends do.
Of course, as the mythology states, if the Chosen One and Osirian are in close proximity to each other, trouble is sure to follow. A burst lightbulb here, a small fire there. One time, Amber’s curling iron short circuited and blew every fuse at the school after Joy and Patricia used it for a school dance. Little things that could be written off as coincidence, but when combined, put the Society on edge.
Until one day, two weeks into a new school term…
The Chosen Hour fast approaches, and there are whispers that Rufus has resurfaced. Though skeptical, the Society doesn’t want to dangle the carrot that is Joy Mercer, the Paragon, out in the open for Rufus to kidnap, so the Society does it first. Joy is removed from school, and erased from the records without a trace.
Mr. Sweet thinks they ought to inform Patricia, just in case she does happen to be Joy’s divine protector (he’s still not convinced his own son isn’t the Osirian, but he doesn’t tell Victor that).
Victor orders him and the other Society members to tell Patricia no such thing. He does it to see if his long-held theory was correct, and because he knows that if she is the Osirian, Patricia would do everything in her power to thwart the building of the Cup.
So when Nina arrives, Patricia is going ballistic, because why does she feel so lost and confused? She can just tell that Joy is afraid, tell that she needs her, but she can’t find Joy. And now, here’s this random girl who seems to have taken Joy’s place.
Nina still finds Sarah, and because Sarah can sense that Nina is just a kind, pure-of-heart girl (with a birth date very similar to the actual Chosen One), Sarah entrusts the locket to Nina with the instruction to find the one who can use it.
Meanwhile, Patricia is searching high and low, met with increasingly bullshit excuses as to where her best friend has gone.
She comes into contact with Rufus, who immediately clocks that this girl is exactly like him and can lead him to the Paragon.
He gains her trust and begins to slowly but surely manipulate her into doing his dirty work.
Patricia and Nina actually become cool way faster in this AU because the moment, Patricia touches the locket, it starts glowing. Nina’s like “oh, damn I guess this is yours.”
A lot of the same exact stuff that happens in S1 happens in this AU except that Patricia is the one able to use the locket. Sibuna still forms, and Nina still is de facto leader since she’s good at getting shit done and is slightly unhinged, but Patricia is one hundred percent the brawn of the operation.
She still gets kidnapped, still has all those crappy things happen to her, but now there’s a tiny voice in the back of her head guiding her through the motions.
Rufus mentions something about how their destinies align, and Patricia is like “bruh you’re crazy” but something in her knows it’s not as bonkers as it sounds.
Flash forward, Joy buys them time by very slowly building the Cup of Ankh, and Fabian and Alfie pull the same trick, so it all works out relatively the same.
Patricia and Joy are the ones to hide the Cup.
Victor is now certain that Patricia is an Osirian-to-be, and he fears what Rufus still being alive out in the world now means for Joy. She’s a full Chosen One, but her own Osirian isn’t able to fully protect her until Rufus is dead.
In the S2 plot, Joy functions as more of a Noa type character— aka: she stays the hell out of Sibuna stuff. She and Nina are still fighting over Fabian, but there’s less hurt there because there isn’t any bitterness about Joy being kidnapped for nothing, since she actually is the Chosen One.
Still, they don’t get along all that much.
Patricia is the one to get targeted by Senkhara first, because she goes to check on the Cup. She demands to know who the Chosen One is, and of course Patricia is like “lol no kys”
So she gets marked, of course, and Senkhara hates this petulant Osirian bitch. Like seriously, why doesn’t she do what she asks? Doesn’t she know her life is on the line? So she curses Piper into a coma lol. That’ll keep Patricia in line.
Nina, being the team player she is, agrees to pretend to be the Chosen One to spare Joy for Patricia’s sake. Senkhara believes it and marks her too, which of course means that Fabian, Amber, and Alfie soon follow.
A lot of the same nonsense happens Sibuna-wise, just with Patricia getting her shit mostly rocked by Senkhara (and Nina catches smoke too)
Knowing now that Eddie is safe to reconnect with, Mr. Sweet has his son enroll at school.
Patricia and Eddie are immediately beefing for all the same reasons as canon.
It’s harder for Patricia to juggle that with Sibuna, though, considering her increased role.
She still doesn’t know what an Osirian is though. She just knows that Joy is the Chosen One, and she’d rather die than see her hurt.
Still, she and Eddie are constantly bickering (flirting), and Joy’s oblivious ass is obsessed with this ship.
Patricia and Eddie get together way earlier on in the timeline of the season, after he gets brought into the Sibuna nonsense almost right away when he’s the one to save Patricia from falling down the chasm.
So now all of Sibuna (plus Eddie) is trying to find the Mask, while keeping Senkhara away from Joy, which works for a while until it doesn’t.
Joy discovers everything that Nina’s done for her once Sibuna asks her to help with the Senet game. (Patricia was very against clueing her in at all, but she was outvoted)
Joy feels super bad for her treatment toward Nina and you KNOW she put aside the baggage and was like “we are besties now and I’m gonna save you even if you totally stole my boyfriend.”
Anyway, a lot of the same stuff happens, but Senkhara discovers that Joy is the actual Chosen One and makes her wear the Mask.
Nina takes the hit for Fabian in this, and Patricia uses the crown to un-possess Joy.
Rufus rocks up, and Eddie steps in to beat the shit out of the guy who kidnapped his girlfriend. Eventually tho Rufus overpowers him and puts on the Mask.
Bye, Rufus!
Piper’s awake again! Happily ever after.
Holy shit! Now Patricia’s a full Osirian, and Joy is a full Chosen One! Wowza. Now what?
Well, bad shit starts happening more frequently. Nothing crazy, but more blown fuses, more burst lightbulbs, more small fires.
Mr. Sweet is panicking bc he needs both Joy and Patricia for this ceremony, but everyone knows that trouble always follows a Chosirian duo.
Maybe nothing bad will happen tho…?
Anyway, Patricia and Eddie don’t break up, and Nina and Amber stick around. Basically all the same stuff happens in S3 as it does in canon except Patricia’s the Osirian, and Sibuna is unified from the jump. Joy stays in Sibuna in this AU too.
KT and Patricia are fast friends, and Joy and KT hit it off immediately.
The eclipse ceremony is unsuccessfully thwarted, and RFS is as shitty as ever.
Eddie gets captured as a Sinner immediately because of course he does, and he is very much the same as Sinner!Patricia, except he targets both Nina and KT to destabilize two romantic relationships in the group (and also attack the Chosen One where it hurts: her gf)
Nina also gets captured as a Sinner, who catches Fabian, who catches Amber. Oops.
Now it’s Sibuna (Joy, Patricia, Alfie, and KT) vs Team Evil (Frobisher, Victor, Denby, Eddie, Nina, Amber, and Fabian).
World is saved eventually, but boy does it almost go so wrong.
Anyway, TOR is the same but Patricia “dies” instead, which means that Joy is officially the final Chosen One.
Everything ends pretty chill I guess. This got very lackluster toward the end I’m sorry there’s so much to cover
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