keyrey · 1 month
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Birthday Wishes
Can you guess who decided to dress everyone up?
And we all say happy early birthday to Raymond in unison! 🧁
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keyrey · 1 month
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19K notes · View notes
keyrey · 1 month
Literally @mrhaitch on the guitar. You can't tell me the resemblance to Nanami isn't uncanny. Thoughts? It was supposed to be Nanami but I got curious and changed the glasses. I'm shocked I tell you! 🤩🤩 And will quietly mention @pseudowho as well. I couldn't send a video in ask inbox :(
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keyrey · 1 month
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If you couldn’t tell, I love Animal Crossing and Nanami (too much) a totally healthy amount. MC dressed up as him for an occasion. Nanami literally is Raymond and you can’t convince me otherwise.
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keyrey · 2 months
This is the most crazy revelation I’ve ever had but it’s so accurate. Howwwww!?!
Do we find each other in another universe:
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...Who are you?
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keyrey · 2 months
This is what my brain does between 12 and 4 am. Sorry, not sorry.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Jujutsu Kaisen reacts to you 'letting it rip' in your sleep ♥
Tags: Some language, otherwise, nothing but the fluffiest of fluff. Kento Nanami- Listens to the long, drawn out sound. Pretends to be annoyed, looking back at you in the bedroom. Tries to get a few words of his report done. Gets distracted and eventually loses it. Throws his head back and cackles like a mad man. He only shows this side of him around you. "Oh, my love! The smell is putrid!"
Satoru Gojo- His eyes twinkle as he hears the magnificent, angelic sound coming from your buttocks. Laughs and giggles in babygirl. "Ahh Kawaii~~!" Records it on his phone so he listens to it every time he goes to the Adam and Eve store. "Yeah, that's my spouse, they're the love of my life, really. Even better in the bathroom if you know what I mean. Wink wink. Geto's gonna get mad. That's his thing!" He boasts about your bathroom endeavors to the cashier. Yes, he actually voices 'wink wink'. Suguru Geto- Stares at you silently, then gives you that famous head tilt and giggle. You melt. "Oops! Someone needs a muzzle on that thing!" He meant it playfully but then sees your soul fly out of your body. "Ah- Baby! I- didn't mean to-!"
Sukuna- Scowls at you and rolls his eyes. "Stuff a sock in it, goddammit. Or do you want me to do it for you? The repulsive stench of lactose intolerance pains me. In mortal terms, you smell like shit." Toji- Eats a raw fish. Toji headcannon is a fucking weirdo.
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keyrey · 2 months
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7K notes · View notes
keyrey · 2 months
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Kento: Stares at you dressed in your raggedy pajamas for an ungodly amount of time before he leaves for work.
You: "Are you alright?" Kento: "Yeah, just having a hard time leaving you like this." You: Takes a step closer to him. "Then why not I make it easier for you?"
Kento: How so?
You: Pushes him out the door and slams it on his face. "Au revoir!"
Kento: "Damn wife!" Walks to work with a scowl on his face the whole way.
You: Finally catches up on the new season of Big Brother in peace.
Kento: ↓↓
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keyrey · 2 months
To those who need to hear it.
Likes, they're good. Thank you! Reblogs, oh my goodness, you want your audience to see my work? Oh... you didn't use tags? Don't even get me started on stalking the pages of each one of your ten followers. Not that I do that of course, right? A comment! Do I respond now or later? I don't want to be seen as a psychopath. I got a kudo! 100 hits!? Oh, but my writing's not even that good... Why is it that we put so much value on a number when the real value comes from acquiring new skills and knowledge?
Idealization? Check
False perception of reality? Double check.
Go back and look at the words written in bold. My writing's not even good. Why would you think that after all of the hours you've poured into your work, or the endless amount of times you searched the thesaurus for synonyms to 'said' and eventually fail and chose it anyway?
The amount of times I've opened this app not even a day after I post is unreal. I got a like already? Wow! I should probably post this on Ao3 too, right? Even though I utterly hate the outdated website, the red on white background and the minuscule text that is too jarring to look at?
Y'all, the need for validation from strangers on the internet is real.
Arguably, the craziest part about the ordeal is that every feed looks the same, but there's a story behind them all. All ideas develop differently. It's the whole meaning of story tropes, to have your own take of a commonly used cliché. My feed in particular is filled with heaps of SatoSugu (I don't mind this), Nanani fanfic (I love this), the most smuttiest of smut of all time (an occasional treat before I slip into slumber), and people swearing that Deadpool and Wolverine were doing a certain something in that Honda Odyssey. (They probably were. But come on, my mom watched this film. Loved the jokes though. Keep 'em coming.)
Upon my mere two months of posting and doom scrolling, I've observed that this isn't only a 'me' thing. Most, if not all people go through some form of self-doubt. So yeah, is this just a phase? Maybe. Is it okay if this whole doubting-yourself sensation is reoccurring? It is.
Your story is special.
Lovely Tumblr poster number one, Lovely Tumblr poster number two, may your ask inbox be cleared of my wacky questions. I will leave you alone for now. Please enjoy your life while I try to get myself under control. Let's hope you know who you are. Though I really hope you don't. I mentally cringe at the things I've gotten wrong about your character.
How about a day of rest? Yeah, that would be useful. A cup of warm tea? A cozy book amidst the comfort of silence? A podcast or a playlist running as you take in the sun? Your life has more meaning than you think. Put away the phone, your laptop and take in your surroundings. Please, don't be like me! Go to bed at a reasonable hour.
The funny thing about being self-aware is knowing that I will come back within the next thirty seconds to see how this post has been doing. I've already got this site bookmarked. Peak hypocrisy, right?
Jeez, I can't believe I'm writing this. I apologize for all you lactose intolerant readers out there. This is cheesy. Not even your usual Cheddar or American cheese. No, this is some full-on cheese mozzarella pull level shit right here. I'm not responsible for your bathroom needs. Just remember to wash your hands.
If I can try, you can try.
To sum up, keep putting yourself out there and sharing your voice with the world. Even if you don't see it, others do. Even if others don't see it, fuck them. No, you try to see the worth in your work for yourself. If you're tired, let yourself feel the fatigue and take a break.
For those who care, this isn't a goodbye to Tumblr. Just a reminder that it's a website that you can remove yourself from at any time with proper accountability for your actions. It's hard to practice and it's not something that I can give advice on. My brain is only so big.
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-Sending lots of love and warm hugs from the bedtime ponderer, Miss KeyRey.
I've got the temperature of my bedroom set to just below freezing. I'm bundled in my many layers of warm, fuzzy blankets. I ordered some ramen takeout for dinner and have taken a nice, long shower. I'm going to let my laptop die because I know I'll be too lazy to put it on charge. Using your weaknesses in a smarter way? Hell yeah. I think I'm ready to try this whole 'sleeping' thing once again. Or whatever you call it.
How many tags is too many?
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keyrey · 2 months
He's a fighter—in choice of words, that is.
My head-canon is that doting husband!Kento Nanami isn’t as soft-spoken and wise with his wife as he was back when they dated. Now, he’s quick to make a comeback when needed. Which happens to be quite often. Picture this:
Kento's sharp tongue is a result of dealing with his 'cocky and catastrophic' co-workers all day and night. (His words.) He’s armed not only with a sword but also with a collection of blunt, yet somehow witty retorts. It’s all part of his personality. And the constant patter of rain on his leather brogues didn’t exactly lift his spirits either. He was more than ready to see the clock strike 6:30 on his shiny silver watch.
He drags himself home, utterly exhausted. His eyes are half-closed and puffy, his lips cold. Despite his fatigue, he greets his wife with a tender and loving kiss, though it’s clearly accompanied by a silent message of, ‘I’m dead tired, but I’m doing this so you won’t get mad at me.’
"You need to invest in a better lip balm, Nanami."
"Oh, is that so?" Kento probes his lip with genuine curiosity. They might be a bit chapped, but is it worth the joke? Not necessarily. He’s familiar with her sarcastic streak; it can get a bit old, but he usually lets it slide.
"Yeah, it scratched my lip a little," she replies, her tone laced with mirth.
He fires back, "I suppose I do... but you need to invest in a comb." His deadpan delivery signals the start of their roast battle. Her aversion to combs is evident in the wild, tumbleweed-like mess at the back of her head. It’s a sorry excuse for a ponytail. She insists that hair wash days are only once a month, leaving her locks to form their own chaotic masterpiece.
"Oh, we’re starting this now, huh?" His wife pumps her tiny fists in the air, initiating a playful fight. A playful fight usually means he just stands there, hovering as she tries to provoke him. To no avail, of course.
Rule one of the husband/wife roast battle: Never lie.
"You need…" She struggles to come up with something since Kento is just too goddamn perfect on the surface. "A cookbook! Yeah, that’s right!" She shoots back with a triumphant grin.
"My cooking is immaculate. If it were that bad, why do you hover around the kitchen waiting for seconds, hmm? Care to explain, my love?"
He’s good. Damn it.
"…I’m tired of bread!" Her voice, though frail, is filled with fire. She crosses her arms, standing her ground.
Kento’s rare, toothy grin widens as he counters, “You adore my bread! How about you invest in some respect before I invest in a cookbook?”
She narrows her eyes, a mischievous glint forming. "Respect? Sure, right after you learn to pick up your socks from the living room. Or did you think the 'floor monster' would get them?"
He throws his head back, almost hilariously hitting the edge of the chair. He knows he’s met his match. "Touché. I’ll get on that… right after I bake some bread. White or pumpernickel?"
"You know I love your pumpernickel. What a bitch," she mutters, relenting with a frown on her face.
"I heard that, honey," he says in a low, affectionate voice.
And thus ended their roast battle. You can bet Kento had their house smelling like warm bread and butter.
She’ll get him next time, right?
Probably not.
You see that? He's already thinking of more comebacks. How she keeps her shoes strewn all around? Check. How she clogged the shower drain a total of 15 times in the past two weeks? Check. Don't even get him started on her cooking. Oh god, someone call 911. Food poisoning for you, you, and yes, you too!
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keyrey · 2 months
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Nanami is more of a listener than a talker, and would happily listen to you ramble on and on about anything that would pop into your mind. And no matter how little it really concerns him, he’ll always pay attention to when you explain something so enthusiastically — even if it’s a silly internet trend or drama.
Nanami is definitely not the guy to have TikTok, but would on occasion lift his attention from his book when you’re both laying in bed to quietly watch along for a few minutes.
Nanami is not the type of guy to really form any defining opinion on said internet controversies — except the videos of grooms disrespecting their brides at the alter in their vows. When you tell him about the men who only spew vulgar statements to their future wives, you witness Nanami get incredibly angry, going on a long and serious tangent about how these boys are immature and have no business getting married at all.
Nanami is the type of guy who would spontaneously pull you out of the chair in the calm hours of the evening to slow dance with you around the living room. Sometimes he’d put on some calm and beautiful melodies to play in the background, but sometimes he would just slow waltz without the music, casual chatter filling the void instead.
Nanami is the type of guy who’d pull your feet in his lap to massage them after a long day, without you asking for it.
Nanami is the type of guy who looooves to cook for you, and he does it as often as he possibly can. And when he does, he loves to feed you small bites during the process for you to taste everything.
Nanami is, of course, a respectable man — meaning he doesn’t engage all that much in pda. But he’ll happily walk beside you with your fingers intertwined with his, or he’ll have a tender hand on the small of your back to guide you when has to let go.
Nanami however, has one physical need and that is kissing the back of your hand, which he will do wherever and whenever. Walking the grocery store; lift your hand to his lips. Meeting up for lunch; lift your hand to his lips. Waiting in line for a restaurant; lift your hand to his lips.
Nanami is the type of guy that would love being a girl’s dad. It would be the highlight of his day to come home from work, only to squeeze into one of her small chairs in her bedroom and would put on the most convincing act of sipping tea from the empty cup, a pretty tiara at the very top of his head.
Nanami is the type of guy who would love planning the wedding along with you. He hates the idea of loading all the responsibility on the bride, because he wants to celebrate your love just as much as you do.
Nanami is the type of guy, who once he falls in love, he’s settled.
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©hiraethwrote 2024 . all rights reserved. reposting, translating and otherwise plagarisim is prohibited
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keyrey · 2 months
Female reader during ovulation week??? Oh I think so.
Warnings: suggestive topics, female reader being feral for her husband, husband Nanami, mentions of ovulation, feeling horny. Not proofread, female reader x Nanami.
You looked at the time on your phone, sighing in disappointment when realizing it was still 30 minutes before your lover came home from work.
You get up from the sofa and make your way to the kitchen, trying to find a way to distract yourself or make the time pass by. All that was on your mind was the way his biceps flexed when he lifted you with ease, the way his veins popped out when he held a knife, cutting something as simple as fruit.
The way his thick fingers flipped a page of a book he was reading, the look on his face when he was concentrated, his jawline ever so prominent as he fixated on his baked bread.
Those same fingers that were knuckle deep in you the other night, the same arms that held you down as he hovered over your frame, those same long, blueish greenish veins on his di-
You shouldn’t be thinking this, no, you definitely shouldn’t. You took a piece of bread your lover had made earlier in the day, taking a piece of it into your mouth, savoring the taste. When had you gotten so worked up?
Alas, nothing you did would erase the intruding thoughts that were in your mind, replaying the events that occurred a couple nights ago. You sigh, looking at the time once more and rolling your eyes when seeing it had only been 13 minutes that passed. You go back onto the sofa, looking through your phone to find another way to distract yourself.
Yet, you found yourself going through your camera roll, full of pictures of your lover. It didn’t help that his muscular and large build were evident in almost every photo, making it hard for you to compose yourself.
You squeeze your thighs together, replaying visions of his eyes on you as you squirmed under his touch, his hands on your thighs slowly making their way to your sensitive spots, his lips kissing your neck as you moaned in pleasure.
Being so lost in your thoughts, you didn’t hear your lover come through the front door.
“Darling, are you well?” His deep voice sounded through the silence, pulling you out of your mind and in reality. You look up at him with wide eyes, almost embarrassed he caught you in such state.
“Ken! You’re home!” You said with an unsteady voice, a grin on your face. Your cheeks were painted red from the embarrassment, and the nervous laugh that escaped your lips didn’t help you.
“Hello, love.” He said, slightly raising a brow as he pulled you into his embrace. His scent was so manly, and his large frame in comparison to yours wasn’t helping your case. “Darling, what’s getting you so worked up?” He asked, looking down at his watch.
“I’m okay, hon.” You lied, shifting yourself in his arms with unease, attempting to hide the wet spot in between your legs. “I was just.. thinking.”
He knew something was up, of course he did- he knows you too well- and pulled back from the embrace, still holding onto your frame as he looked into your eyes, examining you.
“Darling, I have a suspicion there’s something going on in that head of yours,” he said, bringing you in for a kiss on your temple. “don’t expect me to think I don’t know this behavior.” He finished, teasing you with a smile.
He pulled out his phone, looking at the date, then softly smiled, knowing full and well exactly why you were acting odd. When he looked back into your eyes, he moved his hands from your shoulders to your waist, slowly bringing you in as he never broke eye contact.
“Honey, if you’re ovulating, why didn’t you bring your thoughts to me sooner?” He brought a hand to your chin, forcing you to look up at him. He slowly moved closer to you as his eyes were on your lips, his voice barely above a whisper. “You know I have no issue addressing your thoughts.” He finished, kissing you instantly.
“K-Kento.” You cried out, almost begging him to continue. That look in his eyes told you all you needed to know, allowing him to completely take over.
“Don’t worry, love. Why don’t I fix us some dinner and I’ll handle the rest after, hmm?” He said, bringing his hand through your hair, moving a piece away from your face and smiled down at you.
Safe to say, you were well taken care of that night after he prepared you both a fancy dinner, in the comfort of your shared bed.
Ugh idk I’m lowkey scared to full on write smut but here’s a step towards that. Anyways I hope you enjoyed 🩷
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keyrey · 2 months
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Jujutsu Kaisen reacts to you 'letting it rip' in your sleep ♥
Tags: Some language, otherwise, nothing but the fluffiest of fluff. Kento Nanami- Listens to the long, drawn out sound. Pretends to be annoyed, looking back at you in the bedroom. Tries to get a few words of his report done. Gets distracted and eventually loses it. Throws his head back and cackles like a mad man. He only shows this side of him around you. "Oh, my love! The smell is putrid!"
Satoru Gojo- His eyes twinkle as he hears the magnificent, angelic sound coming from your buttocks. Laughs and giggles in babygirl. "Ahh Kawaii~~!" Records it on his phone so he listens to it every time he goes to the Adam and Eve store. "Yeah, that's my spouse, they're the love of my life, really. Even better in the bathroom if you know what I mean. Wink wink. Geto's gonna get mad. That's his thing!" He boasts about your bathroom endeavors to the cashier. Yes, he actually voices 'wink wink'. Suguru Geto- Stares at you silently, then gives you that famous head tilt and giggle. You melt. "Oops! Someone needs a muzzle on that thing!" He meant it playfully but then sees your soul fly out of your body. "Ah- Baby! I- didn't mean to-!"
Sukuna- Scowls at you and rolls his eyes. "Stuff a sock in it, goddammit. Or do you want me to do it for you? The repulsive stench of lactose intolerance pains me. In mortal terms, you smell like shit." Toji- Eats a raw fish. Toji headcannon is a fucking weirdo.
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keyrey · 2 months
Kento: Stares at you dressed in your raggedy pajamas for an ungodly amount of time before he leaves for work.
You: "Are you alright?" Kento: "Yeah, just having a hard time leaving you like this." You: Takes a step closer to him. "Then why not I make it easier for you?"
Kento: How so?
You: Pushes him out the door and slams it on his face. "Au revoir!"
Kento: "Damn wife!" Walks to work with a scowl on his face the whole way.
You: Finally catches up on the new season of Big Brother in peace.
Kento: ↓↓
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keyrey · 2 months
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In order from oldest to latest 
Please note that I’m a new writer and I’m trying to build a habit of writing. I do not expect any of these to be masterpieces and neither should you. Despite my cheerfulness, this is an awfully nerve-wracking experience. I don’t know how you writers do it, truthfully. Thank you! Please read though. Maybe you can be a part of my journey?
Divider by @cafekitsune
Father Nanami. Kento Nanami ~ !Papamin. You and your family embark on a vacation to Denmark to spend time with Kento’s Father. Grandpa Soren is a peculiar man to say the least. Your daughter has some words… and a new creation to show.
Behind The Fic - Father Nanami. A look at my writing process.
A Thousand Degrees (Might undergo some reworking. Series discontinued til further notice. Better to write more than get stumped on a single project.)
You’re transported into the world of the 19th century. Kento Nanami is a generational blacksmith. His swords and armory are all hand-crafted. In the quiet, these sacred skills persisted, anticipating every moment, counting down its return to the world. 
Behind The Fic - A Thousand Degrees. I do recognize this was written in first person. I wasn’t aware this was commonly looked down upon!
The Next Room Over. You take a front row seat as Kento’s personality unfolds in front of you while he’s under stress. Avoidance? Dismissiveness? Spite? Oh yeah, there’s all of that and more. 
Drabble, drabble, drabble!
Sheer comedy gold right here. I can’t even give a description. It’s a head-cannon. Let’s just leave it at that. 
Drabble number two! Oh lord, help me.
When does it end?!? Never. 
He’s a fighter – In choice of words, that is. Kento Nanami and his wife get into some shenanigans. No, not what you’re thinking. It involves sharp words, defeat, and bread. The deadly combination.
KeyRey’s art!
One. Two. 
KeyRey’s attempt at pep talks:
One. Two.
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18 notes · View notes
keyrey · 2 months
You: You forgot what you did to me last night. wink wink
Kento: Oh? I have no idea what you’re talking about. wink wink
You: It was rough. Really rough. wink wink
Kento: You're right... We did get pretty rowdy, didn't we? wink wink
You: Yeah! I can’t believe you have the Charizard! I mean, how much did you pay for that?
Kento: The price doesn't matter. It's the memories that matter.
You: Oh man! I bet it cost an arm, a leg, and a shoulder!
Kento: Indeed, my life as well.
Looks down at Kento’s Kuantan memorial.
You: Oh. Kento: Take care of my card collection. I'm expecting a shiny from that box. You've got it from here.
I just feel like for an AU, he dies trying to get Pokemon booster packs for his legendary collection 😤😂
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26 notes · View notes
keyrey · 2 months
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Synopsis: You long for a change in your life, Nanami providing it in the most mysterious of ways. An angsty, short Kento Nanami x reader. A little !papamin and mamamin!reader with a twist! Word count: 2681 Animated divider & Please support by: @cafekitsune
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Circular silicone plates holding broccoli and corn remained untouched on the table, neglected and chilled. Yet the pizza rolls and applesauce you paired with it were gone as quickly as you called out dinner time. How could one not appreciate the taste of broccoli? You questioned yourself while you wiped an intrusive bead of sweat from your brow. Temper tantrums reverberated throughout the house, their intensity seemingly unending.
The nocturnal hours unfurled amidst a whirlwind of little stubbed toes, a result of unmet reprimands. Each collision elicited a sharp cry. Nights felt bleak and parched. Your body squirmed and turned as it adapted to the imminent change in climate.
You paced back and forth in the kitchen. Each uneven step solicited a sharp pain in the back of your heart. The room seemed to close in around you. Sounds around you remained amplified and distorted, making it difficult to separate your thoughts from the overwhelming noise. Your mind had tangled in a false sense of perception.
No, I am not alone. I have a husband. He is in the next room over.
You repeated the thought until you were left breathless as if doing so could somehow pull you away from the suffocating grip of reality.
Bedtime. When you retired for the night in the guest room down the hall after a brisk decision to reside in different rooms. The initial intention was not to bother your husband while he worked. You were insistent about the change when he started his job, but you soon came to regret your decision as the bed grew infinitely eerie without him.
There was no need to dress up for bed anymore, except for someone who seemed like they cared. The laundry basket in the corner of your room sat dormant filled with unused silk pajamas. On top, were old t-shirts that carried muck and scum accumulated by weeks spent at home. No need to spend an hour on makeup or doing your hair. No tickets to a fancy restaurant or a basketball game. There was no one to go with. Except there was – but he was in the next room over.
You slipped out of bed and made your way to the kitchen, desperate for a distraction and a glass of water to soothe the hoarseness of your throat. A shadowy figure laced with remembrance loomed over you like an owl perched on a pedestal. Fourteen hours, and he was finally here with you, sitting on the couch with a book in his hands.
“Ken!” you cried out in relief, padding your way toward him.
You wanted to smile, hug him, and kiss him senselessly to make up for all the time lost. But the weary expression on his face made you hesitate. The slight jolt of his actions as he turned the page, the scratching of his fingernails against the hardcover. Three coffee mugs laid out in front of him and to your dismay, every one of them was empty. It was well past eleven pm. So, this was what had been causing his sleepless nights?
“Are you okay? You look pale,” your voice brittle with worry as you spoke. “Have you been taking your medication or eating well?"
You took his frigid hand in yours, attempting to create friction against his rough palms to warm him up. A silent but breathtaking gentle squeeze of your hand and an acknowledging nod provided all of the reassurance you needed. But the moment had been a fleeting one as you felt the chill of your husband’s hand slipping out of your grasp.
He adjusted the reading lamp that was clasped onto the page. A soft cast of orange glow pronounced his baby-pink lips and sharp jawline. Kento glanced up briefly, his expression ruminating on a sense of hitting a new low.
“I’m alright. Do not worry about me, love,” he muttered, dismissively. All the caution you felt for him depleted, the sentiment replaced with hopelessness and frustration. "You have enough on your hands as is..."
“Look, Ken, all I’m trying to say is that I miss you, okay?” You try to start the dreaded conversation, light and simple. “The kids do too. I think your job might be taking a toll on you. Can’t you rest?” you pleaded. Your husband’s thoughts were redirected toward the illicit tapping of your foot on the ground which served as a testament to his patience. You observed as his gaze shifted away, his jaw tightening as he braced himself against the sofa.
You never remembered when he'd end his meetings early to take the girls to the park. You never recalled the time you caught food poisoning and were rushed to the hospital, cutting it off during a sales pitch. How he'd let your middle child doodle on a piece of his paper because drawing was her passion- Even though that paper was the most important one on the table, now filled with unicorns and rainbows. You only wanted to believe what you wanted to believe. And that was your downfall.
“I’m sorry, but you know there’s no such thing as breaks in this field. I can’t. There’s a mountain of logistics that go beyond a simple feeling of tiredness. Financial stability is never guaranteed, many hours of mulling over a resignation letter, I’d have to find myself a replacement employee, train them, then supervise them,” his voice rose like boulders crashing against the shore. “I can’t pack up my office and leave with a snap of my finger,” This only deepened the frown on your face and made the normality of ‘proper’ eye contact even more complicated.
His defensiveness was palpable, an edge in his tone that seared through the space between you. Yet, you chose to let it slide, knowing something deeper resided within. As if it were a means to convince himself that he wasn’t struggling like he wasn’t working himself like a starving canine working on a farm. Was this just part of his character, a counterbalance to the 'calm and collected' persona he wore like a thick coat of armor?
“It’s not an option I have on the ready. Not a trigger I can activate with the push of a button.” His irritation gave way to a more controlled demeanor, though the tension in the room lingered.
“And love, how can we survive if I quit?” His voice softened, becoming almost hesitant as he spoke. He looked down, tracing a pattern on the counter with his finger. “You don’t have a job and haven’t worked in years.”
As he continued, the weight of his words felt like a punch to the gut. You stared at him, like a spectator in a drama you couldn’t escape, your voice barely a whisper against the weight of his words.
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” You walked away, pretending to busy yourself by cleaning the mess off the floor. The grip on the broom was tight; you were afraid to let go. Terrified of losing your footing as you thought about your premature acquiescence.
Weekends once were a lovely respite. However, as the fifth day of the week commenced, the sixth and seventh days began, marking a recurring peak in Kento's work responsibilities. Countless, careless, clueless clientele, rampaging with their never-ending supply of wealth and power. He didn’t know who he was saving people for. The backlog of projects resulted in diminished family time and even less time for personal endeavors.
He remained locked in his study down the hall.
At last, the girls had bathed and tucked themselves into bed. The eldest had been blessed with privacy of her own while the other two sulked with their puffy and pouty lips. You sat down on the old wooden rocking chair across from them. It was once a spot where you’d nurse them when they were younger. Where you’d tirelessly read and digest parenting blogs like it was your morning coffee. Your exhausted tone had expertly been replaced by a soft one. Wishing your three little angels nothing but peace, happiness, and exemption from hardships. At least from– the knowledge of your own.
You leaned the chair forward, forcing a smile to appear upon the layers of dwindling hope within. The sight of your children rubbing their eyes with small, tender fists of love served as a balm that healed your weary soul.
"Would you like to pick out tonight’s bedtime story? Eldest’s privilege," you asked, hoping to connect with the nine-year-old. She always seemed so disconnected from you, her peers, and especially her sisters. She rarely spoke to you as is. Though a three-year difference in theory hadn’t seemed like much, her mind and body had already started to evolve. In mood, and recently the beginning of buying bras for more than just you.
“Can you read this for me, baby?” You point a finger toward the last sentence of the page as the girls shimmy around your calming presence.
“And following that day, Tiana and Prince Naveen lived happily ever after.” You let out a sigh as the story came to an end.
“Momma, where’s Dad?”
The unsuspected question made your heart swell with guilt. Where is Kento? You mustered up a response, taking your gaze off of your twirling fingers.
“He's working now, sweetheart. You know, in the next room over.”
An unexpected realization of the dismissiveness in your tone struck you. How you had reacted as if 14-hour shifts a day were normal— though you remember that in your household, they were. The girls finally took their rest as you quietly exited the room without a trace.
--- Morning. ---
The sun had barely risen when you shuffled into the kitchen, bleary-eyed and yearning for your first cup of coffee. The house was silent, the calm before the storm of another bustling day. You opened the fridge, the cold air hitting your face as you reached for the milk. That's when you saw it—a small note, neatly folded and tucked into a bag of Kento's favorite snacks.
Curiosity piqued, you took the note and unfolded it. His handwriting was unmistakable, strong and steady, yet with a touch of warmth that made your heart flutter.
Good morning, my love.
I know things have been tough lately, and I've been distant. Work has been overwhelming, and I haven't been the partner you deserve. But I want you to know that I see you, and I miss you every single day.
I left this note here because I know you always reach for my snacks. It’s a little reminder that even in the busiest moments, you’re on my mind. Let’s make time for each other tonight. I promise I’ll be home early, and we can have dinner together, just the two of us. Maybe we can even dance in the kitchen again, like old times?
I love you more than words can say.
Yours always, Kento
A smile spread across your face, warmth blooming in your chest. You tucked the note back into the bag, your heart lighter than it had been in weeks. Tonight would be different. Tonight, you would reconnect, even if just for a little while.
You stood behind him in the study, he’d let you enter on special occasions. There were no smiles, no dancing, no time for reminiscing. Your hand squeezed and kneaded your husband’s tight shoulders as you read the E-mail he’d been staring at along with him in your mind.
Esteemed workers,
I regret to inform you, that our higher-ups have made it clear. Due to the lack of materials for everyone, and the shortage of students attending Tokyo Jujutsu High throughout the school year, you have been selected as the first wave to undergo a prolonged unpaid absence, active until further notice. Each of you will mailed a one-time payment of this month’s salary. Following that, compensation will not be provided. Resignation letters must be sent to the front office if desired.
You knew, that Jujutsu Sorcery was never meant to be a full-time job, he knew it as well. Too goddamn well. Yet, the option was either he stay a Salaryman or return to sorcery. The lesser of two evils? You’re starting to think there’s no such thing. Yet, you had to be optimistic, you had to bring his spirits back up. Wasn't that your job? Something you've been neglectful about. But you are unable to avoid Kento’s shaking body.
“Hey, we’re alright, okay? We’ve still got money in the bank,” this was your attempt at convincing him? “You’re smart, you can get another job. Maybe be a baker like you always wanted, huh?”
“Bakers don’t put food on the table… I can’t,” he mumbled beneath the comfort of his palms over his mouth.
“Well… they put bread on the table, don’t they?” you couldn’t get past the irony despite the numbing situation, your eyes crinkled in amusement as you composed yourself.
Your joke wasn’t lost on him– thank god, that could’ve gone way worse. He giggled himself, though he caught his actions and cleared his throat.
“You never get serious, do you?”, it sounded like he was annoyed, but you heard the rare fondness of his tone.
“Never,” you graciously agreed.
--- One week after the other. ---
Your interactions with Kento had become limited to small fleeting touches while he searched for jobs hiring in the winter quarter. A brush of the arm while walking by or a brief accidental hand on your thigh. The most unwavering difference was your showers, your mind circled back to the way life used to be. Once a playful, unruly excuse you’d use to be together. Now, a reality. How he’d pin you against the cool confines of marble tile to merge his body with yours. No– no more thinking that way. You reprimanded yourself as you washed the dirt and grime off yourself while the man you married turned away from your direction.
His stance was uncomfortable, his shoulders hunched and his face a mask, unable to show emotion. His trademark soft blonde hair was streaked with black and light gray at the roots. You remembered how you used to joke about his future silver hair, calling him a silver fox in jest. You never thought the time would come before you. It had been months since you last saw his natural hair coloring, he always had touched it up, even having you assist him sometimes back in the day. The sight of his demeanor so changed made your heartache.
She heard Kento's breath quake and quicken, the soft splashes against his feet and the tile. Was he turning around? An arm reached forward, gently taking the worn washcloth from her hand, hoisting the duty all upon himself.
“Thank you,” you whispered in the lightest voice you could. It came out squeaky and awkward.
“You’re welcome,” his voice still shaky but less reserved.
What is he doing? Why is he waiting until now? Is this some way of buttering me up? A long-winded apology?
“How did we end up like this?” you faced him, unlike many other days.
“Do you feel it too? Is it just me?”
A soft exhale escaped Kento’s lips, accepting the situation for what it was. “I never listened to you.”
“Kento–,” you tried to interject, but he continued.
“I was so caught up in work and-- you’ve seen my hair right? I mean, it looks awful.”
You saw something shimmer in his eyes, a light that had been long gone. The corners of his mouth formed a half of a smile, one that was forced, but quietly prominent. Your smile shortly followed, yet this one was genuine and sincere.
“That’s right, but you know what?”
“What, love?”
“I think you’re cute, Kento, silver looks good on you,” you just randomly blurted out as his hands cupped the small of your back. It was uncalled for. You heard a small snort escaping the man’s nose. He used to do that whenever you’d mention things out of the blue.
“Thank you. You’re special to me.”
“You’re special to me too, Ken.”
Ah, how you’ve failed your mission once again.
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Author's note #2 MC is holding onto the crumbs of nostalgia, it's why I never pushed 'your' confrontation with Kento too far. 'You' settle for what you have. Someone that makes you feel seen but only when he's close to you. And no, Kento still hasn't figured out the job situation yet. I don't see Kento as being like an amazing husband with no flaws whatsoever. Instead, I think he might become hyperfixated on things and neglect others without knowing. Or, he's aware but afraid to explain himself to MC head-on. He's human and everyone has their difficulties. He's not exempt from them just because he's some hot anime guy iykwim. Can you believe I've never been in a relationship before? 🙃😂😅💀 ha.ha. haha.
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