#wordpress advice
deadlypoetacademia · 2 months
How beautiful is the art of remembering little things. Like you got me a red velvet cake for my birthday just because I randomly told you about it once we were passing through the bakery, like you know the name of my favourite perfume, like you know I have a habit of holding hands while crossing the road, like you know I like spicy food more than sweet, like you know so much about me about such little things. Could I love you anymore?
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enesl · 18 days
but then, apologizing isn't only for the other person, it's for one's own guilt to melt away too
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jeypawlik · 1 year
What do you use to host your website for your comics? I've been looking into trying to make my own website for my webcomic, but I don't know where to start and I'm scared of running out of space.
My website is made through Wordpress and my hosting provider is Bluehost.
The plan I'm on is completely unlimited but looks like they're not offering it anymore, but I'm paying $16.99 per month plus $40 per year for two domain urls.
I like wordpress a lot because of how much control I have over the look of my sites, I like the dashboard a lot and scheduling to it is super easy. For TopazComics I use the Webcomics plugin with the Inkblot theme that I've modded a bit.
If that's not in the cards for you then I've heard good things about Neocities. I've personally never tried it but I know there's the template Rarebit that's used for webcomics.
Or, you could use a tumblr as a webcomic site using the Simple Webcomic Theme, which I used for Gender Slices for a looooong time before I finally got my own domain.
It can be pricey to have your own site but for my situation it's totally worth it!
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smileydork · 2 years
I have been writing blog posts since I was 14, and I have made and left at least 4 different blogs. I’m now 23. This is my update on life since I graduated college and my thoughts on what it means to be a college graduate.
I already think there’s a low chance anyone will see the blog itself (since I haven’t updated it since 2019) and I’m not sure anyone on here would be interested either. But if you’re a college graduate and you sort of feel like you lack direction or don’t know what to do next, this one’s for you!
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spellscribe · 2 years
Hello folks! I’d love a bit of advice from those who know how to promote themselves and market and all that.
I write books, and I now have a colouring page based on a scene from one of them. What is the best way to a) deliver it to people who follow me, and b) use it to hopefully pull in people who might like my books? The scene is fun and whimiscal like the series; I think the people who love the series most are probably people who would like colouring pages. I think the kind of people who would love to colour in a picture of a hobgobling riding a dog, with a baking tray chestplate and a suacepan hat, are the kind of people who would like my books. 
I have uploaded it to gumroad but that requires an email address and I don’t harvest those from Gummy, so it’s offputting to those who don’t like giving that out while also being no benefit to me. I have a website (wordpress), it is easy to set up a download there? And how do I convey “hey I really appreciate you, reader, here is a free gift” but also “Hey downloader, this is 100% free and no strings, but also, you might like these books!”
If anyone had advice, it would be very much appreciated <3 
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cannabrer · 2 years
Five Things I Like To Do To Find Inspiration
Five Things I Like To Do To Find Inspiration
There are a lot of different ways to find inspiration when you’re an artist. Some people like to go on walks, others like to listen to music, and some people even like to get out in nature. Me, I find that my best ideas come to me when I’m relaxing and not thinking about art at all. So here are some of the things I like to do when I need a little inspiration boost: Take a walk outside and enjoy…
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jillianmoon · 2 days
Writing Advice
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Ray Bradbury kept this simple piece of advice taped above his typewriter and I do too.
Don’t think… Feel!
It sounds counter intuitive, but Bradbury’s advice has never led me astray. While ‘thinking’ is certainly a requirement when it comes to writing stories, I believe he’s right when he says you need to feel it first.
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Fuel poverty : what is it? is it real? does it matter? POV
Gas and Electric price hikes, is it something we should worry about? and is there a way to manage the situation and support others if they need it? In this post I am going to write a brief about fuel poverty and what we can do to tackle it and having lived with this struggle since leaving home at 16. Brief history: please jump to ‘what can you do?’ if this does not interest you. National Energy…
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clairethecutepup · 1 month
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Like I promised, getting to work on setting up my own personal website. I already bought the domain name and all, and paid for the subscriptions. Wish me luck on this bringing in some help in my creative pursuits!
(PS: I'm using "WordPress" and "Namecheap" to make this reality, if you're also interested in your personal site for your content and have the funds!)
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manojnaironline · 3 months
A blog post a day
I have set myself a new goal. I will be writing a blog post a day. The subject in most cases will be from current affairs. It could be anything in the news or something nowhere in the news, but a topic I think is important to share. The idea is to improve writing skills and also keep the gray cells active.  After all, what is the point of having a blog if you do not get to share your views with…
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deadlypoetacademia · 15 days
Drug of choice? Compliments my writing.
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enesl · 18 days
if I fix everything I do wrong, do I still have to say sorry?
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penofglen · 4 months
Engage, Analyze, Collaborate: The Blogger’s Guide to Success
So yesterday I had a bit of a moan about not being able to update my blog as often as I'd like - I've done some research and here are some hints I've found - hope they help #blogs #blogging #blogger #book #books #writer #writerslift #sunday #reading
In the wake of yesterday’s post, I’ve decided to roll up my sleeves and dive into some self-led research. The internet is a veritable smorgasbord of advice, with one source championing ‘X’ as the panacea, while another dismisses it as futile. So, I’ve sifted through a heap of these suggestions and pinpointed a few that seem promising—some may not be directly related to blogging regularly, but I…
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NaPoWriMo (2024) Day 26: Tough talk
Prompt 26 asks us to introduce some alliteration, assonance and consonance to our poems so here I have a bare minimum. Enjoy. Tough talk kid, you'll never get these years backThe ones you wasted back on bed crying, The trips that stood cancelled In favour of the painThat would have ridIf you did the deed, If you lived more alive than dead.Real reason of your little deaths Are because you ran Sat…
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hollyrawd · 5 months
When he sees me, he laughs.  “ You look… like a married Jewish woman, ” he says shaking his head. “ More Jewish than you? ”  “ Most definitely,” he says, as we both giggle, up the stairs and past the men in bullet-proof vests and caps. “ And why… may I ask, are you wearing a wig? ”  “ Idk- I panicked! Isn’t the blonde mildly triggering because… you know… ” “ No, what?” He asks with a…
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ishadash92 · 8 months
Beyond Doubt: Crafting Unbreakable Trust in Your Relationship
Photo by Jasmin Wedding Photography on Pexels.com In the realm of relationships, trust stands as a linchpin, a foundational element that shapes the very essence of connection. Explore the profound dynamics of trust, not merely as an idea but as a dynamic force within the complex interplay in partnerships. An art that goes beyond doubt and fosters a resilient, unshakeable bond between two hearts.…
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