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lucid-writer · 2 years ago
Fate or Not, Here I Come
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Malyk snuck between the pillars of the palace, careful not to wake the guards. A sword posted loyally at his side with a dagger concealed in his boot. It was his mission to take out the princess, and he was ready to sacrifice anything and everything he needed to complete it.
“So, you’ve finally come for me?”
Malyk froze to the voice behind him, ever so swiftly drawing his sword and spinning on his heel to face his enemy.
“You’re rotten rule has gone on long enough! I’m here to rid the throne of you,” Malyk announced, gripping the hilt of his sword. The sun had long gone, but that didn’t stop the moonlight from reflecting in the blade, showing a mirror of his eyes glowing with hatred.
“And what will you do once I am gone? Will you mourn?” The princess held her stance, a sword of her own resting at her side.
“Yes. Until the moon returns the love of the sun I will mourn your death, for you are a goddess among beasts. Generous, kind, and yet, feared by all who lay their eyes upon you. Without you, I will surely go mad. Without you, the world will cease to function. I need you, princess. We all need you.”
“Then why must you kill me?”
“You know why. It is our destiny to part in this way with me betraying you and you dying defending your kingdom.”
The Princess sighed. “But what if we changed the prophecy? What if we did not have to die but could live as long as we wanted?”
“What are you saying?”
“I want to write my own prophecy. With you in it. Let us run to the furthest reaches of the universe. Together.”
“You know we cannot.”
“Oh, but what if we could?”
“Nonsense!” Malyk moved closer to the princess until the edge of his sword was at her throat. She didn’t raise hers. “Even if we could, this lifetime is already written for us. Our futures are set in stone. We cannot run from this. Our story is over.”
“But I do not want to leave you yet,” the princess cried.
“You do not have to. I will be here for the very end.” Malyk’s blade dug deeper, leaving droplets of blood which stained the princess’s collar.
“Promise?” The princess smiled.
Pushing his blade more forcefully now, Malyk sliced the princess’s throat. Her blood gushed out like a faulty pipe, but that didn’t scare him. Not the blood staining his tunic nor the chance of being caught ever invaded his mind as fear. And as the princess’s body slumped to the floor, Malyk rushed without hesitation to her side, wrapping his arms around her form and holding to her tightly, not bothering to wipe the tears welling in his eyes.
“I promise.”
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themidnighteclipse13 · 2 years ago
Elfinia Updates
Im gonna try to do updates on the ElfiniaVerse here.
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screampied · 1 year ago
Your new icon is very…interesting 😭
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it’s a phase i swear
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archive4pervs · 7 months ago
guh… 😞 i’m cooking i promise i need to live up to the piss queen (creds to pill) title.. On my way!
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patorucho · 5 months ago
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guys imwriting for myself for the first time
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that-wizard-oki · 9 months ago
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elenaragazzoniautrice · 1 year ago
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E così, un po' per gioco, un po' per curiosità, ho iniziato a scrivere un libro imprevisto.
Su #AlessandroMagno.
Sarà un piccolo progetto che mi terrà occupata per un mesetto e poi vedremo cosa ne sarà. Non ho idea se e come vedrà la luce, ma tentare non nuoce e anche stavolta farò del mio meglio!
🤞 Buona Pasquetta,
PS: non è un pesce d'aprile ma è la pura verità.
@alessandroiiidimacedonia @lifeislikeawavewhorisesupanddown
#ElenaRagazzoni #IlTesoroèneiricordiDiariodiunamorefelino #ITÈNR #Iltesoroèneiricordi #AmazonKDP #AmazonKindleDirectPublishing #IndependentlyPublished
#pet #petloss #romanzo #libri #gatti #amorefelino #autoriemergenti #gattichepassione #autori #scrittori #autoreesordiente #animali #gatto #gattini #autore #autrice #scrittura #scrivere #Indie #write #catbook #imwriting
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tomorrowillbeyou · 2 years ago
ok so i may have accidentally spilled like 23 gallons of thursday juice in the fic imwriting
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abyssalcunters · 2 years ago
im writing im writing imwriting i PROMMY im writing
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idk hwo deep im gonna go into it w this one but exu's like a got damn fulcrum u got texlapp on one side and fiamos on the other like hell
also they/them exu bc its objectively correct
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corvinxs · 1 year ago
Everything lingered prior to the void. Lingered, and etched it's way throughout the beastmaster in ways he hadn't anticipated. To return from nothing and steep his own admonition in stopping the artificer from turning on his machines had certainly not been something predicted. The war was over - perhaps before it ever began, and yet, still, Amadeus felt the sting of dissatisfaction. The new order of dark elves - of drow, felt wholly wrong. However much Lloth might have believed the matron's and handmaidens of their kind to be the only ones worthy of power - of trust, the beastmaster would invariably conclude that all mistakes of the drow fell to the matriarchy that deemed all others capable. So many of them had spent centuries perfecting their skills - their devotion to Lloth, to do little more than counsel.
"How long will this one last?" He taunts, tongue in cheek as a rather wistful gaze sweeps the laboratory - not yet destroyed. "How much of what you discovered will be implemented in this new society of ours?" Did it matter much? Not to him - not particularly, but Amadeus knew that as part of the darkness, they would be the first to tread the line of insanity and then some. "I'm not sure what I think of it, not yet." Still, little had been done beyond the restructure. Did he trust the loyal counselors among them would be invariably utilized? Praised, for their devotion? "It all seems a little too... orderly."
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Time: When things have cooled down Location: The Dark Elf Court Characters: @corvinxs & @shadowseveron Notes: just dark elf guys being dark elf guys
A dawn elf no longer, a spring fey no longer, a drow no longer, a human no longer. Severon was once more reborn, rising from the ashes that he had help to make. There was a mixture of pride and sheepishness to him when he thought back on the children that he had created that had nearly destroyed all realms. But the knowledge he'd gained was imperative and so Severon had retained all the memories that he knew he would have otherwise lost. Though he had sworn to his mother that he would no longer ever create his own souls, Severon's mind could not be halted. There was much more he would work to help create for their new world - this odd, tentative peace that the Triumvir had tried to make. He was under no impression it would last.
So it was best to prepare. Severon had rebuilt his laboratory and so much more, creating a place where part of the future of the dark elves would be built. "What do you think?" he asked the other elf, grinning. "Not of my laboratory, I'm full aware that it is magnificent. But of... all of this. The new leadership, the alliances... everything"
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wreckedhoney · 10 months ago
i know imwriting fanfiction to improve my writing and that means im gonna find what my weaknesses are and seek to improve them but fuck digglity dan i am. in agony over the whole heffing process
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erikabsworld · 1 year ago
Mastering MATLAB Assignments: A Step-by-Step Guide
MATLAB assignments at the university level can be daunting, often requiring a deep understanding of complex topics. In this blog post, we will delve into a challenging MATLAB assignment question related to image processing. Fear not, as we break down the concept and provide a step-by-step guide to tackle this task without drowning in a sea of formulas.
MATLAB Assignment Question: Image Enhancement
Task: Implement a MATLAB code to enhance the contrast of a grayscale image without using complex formulas.
Image enhancement is a crucial aspect of image processing. It involves improving the visual quality of an image by adjusting its intensity levels. The goal of this assignment is to enhance the contrast of a grayscale image, making it more visually appealing without delving into intricate mathematical equations.
Concept Explanation:
Contrast enhancement typically involves adjusting the intensity distribution of an image. In simpler terms, it's about making dark areas darker and bright areas brighter to highlight the features of interest. MATLAB provides powerful tools for image processing without the need for advanced mathematical formulations.
Step-by-Step Guide: Enhancing Image Contrast
1. Importing the Image:
Start by loading the grayscale image into MATLAB using the 'imread' function. Make sure the image is in the current working directory or provide the full path.
% Load the image image = imread('your_image.jpg');
2. Display the Original Image:
Use the 'imshow' function to display the original image and get a sense of its current contrast.
% Display the original image imshow(image); title('Original Image');
3. Enhance Contrast:
Apply MATLAB's built-in contrast enhancement functions. The 'imadjust' function is a handy tool that adjusts the intensity values of the image.
% Enhance contrast enhanced_image = imadjust(image);
4. Display the Enhanced Image:
Show the enhanced image to observe the improvement in contrast.
% Display the enhanced image imshow(enhanced_image); title('Enhanced Image');
5. Save the Enhanced Image:
Save the enhanced image for future use or comparison.
% Save the enhanced image imwrite(enhanced_image, 'enhanced_image.jpg');
Now, you've successfully enhanced the contrast of a grayscale image without getting lost in complex mathematical formulas.
How We Help Students:
At matlabassignmentexperts.com, we understand the challenges students face with MATLAB assignments. Our team of experienced MATLAB experts is dedicated to providing top-notch MATLAB assignment writing help. Whether you need guidance on understanding concepts or help with coding, our services cover a wide array of topics. We prioritize clarity and simplicity, ensuring that students grasp the concepts effectively.
Mastering MATLAB assignments, especially those related to image processing, requires a combination of understanding the concepts and practical implementation. By following this step-by-step guide, you can confidently approach image enhancement tasks without feeling overwhelmed. Remember, at matlabassignmentexperts.com, we're here to support you on your academic journey, providing the assistance you need to excel in MATLAB assignments.
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myprogrammingsolver · 1 year ago
Homework 1 Solved
IMAGE READ & WRITE; HISTOGRAM PLOT: Read ” COLOR_Birds.bmp”, store it in an array I and display the image. Use the imwrite function and write the array I to a disk file with the filename extension “.png”. Use the iminfo function to see the contents of the written file. Extract R, G, B color components of COLOR_Birds.bmp and display (plot) separately each component. Create a new image named…
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Iniziata l'ultimissima rilettura prima di mandare tutto in beta-reading 🤞🏻💖🥺
#writing #scrittura #scrivere #scrivendo #write #scriverefabene #writinginprogress #imwriting #stoscrivendo #writingisgood #writinginprogress #workinprogress #byme #hoscrittounmanoscritto #manoscritto #betareader #miomanoscritto #miolibro
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thehypnone · 10 months ago
Imwriting down your answers btw for no reason at all
what ghoul would sexualize dews hipbones go
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b0ringth0r · 4 years ago
GUYS I AM WRITING A FANFIC!! GO READ IT -> bluuuloser on Wattpad :) thanks
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