anyway stan cornelia funke
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Tj, your trusted source for inkworld brainrot 馃敟Main blog is @toxic-duck
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schleierkauz 16 days ago
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Random things I drew&designed during reading the inkworld trilogy
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schleierkauz 26 days ago
No third option, because staying in our world would of course be the sensible choice, but it would also be the boring one and we can't have that.
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schleierkauz 30 days ago
the beginning of inkspell where dustfinger's talking to himself to put off talking to roxane where he goes on about how their marriage isn't legally recognized because they aren't citizens and how in lombrica it's okay to rape and murder the motley folk is fucking crazy to be thinking about when about to see your beloved wife after a decade and fucking crazy to include in a younger YA book AND a really good indicator for how bad the ethnic and gendered violence gets in the rest of the series. 10/10 chapter
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schleierkauz 1 month ago
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schleierkauz 1 month ago
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little shadow ban painterly thing. Wanted to try some things out.
need to render him properly someday and not just slap the laziest color gradients over messy grayscale.
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schleierkauz 1 month ago
Not sure what this is but I love him
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schleierkauz 2 months ago
the equivalent exchange of your favorite childhood book series (his dark materials and percy jackson) getting the adaptations they finally deserve but the price is that one character must be played by lin-manuel miranda
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schleierkauz 2 months ago
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Suddenly a sequel comes out to a trilogy finished 17 years ago, and it brings back all the reading joy I remember feeling back then 馃ぉ
If you want to read about books being magic, inspiring and devouring both, these are the books for you: Inkheart and the rest by Cornelia Funke.
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schleierkauz 3 months ago
Reading the new Cornelia Funke fairytale collection and it's just further proof that the GOAT never once misses
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schleierkauz 3 months ago
Hi! Without too much spoilers, what is your opinion on the last Inkheart book? I managed to read a bit of it through google because it is not out in my country and idk when it will be, but some pages were hidden for copyrights reasons so I think I lost a big part of plot/character's development unfortunatly.
I liked the style of what I read but without the passages that I couldn't read I wasn't able to form an opinion on the story in itself and I missed important part of the arcs of some characters.
Hello! Thank you for the question!
So, honestly, I'm still not sure how to answer that. The original trilogy means so much to me, and I put so much time and energy into the Inkworld over the years that judging TCoR objectively was always going to be pretty impossible.
I think a lot of people were somewhat disappointed because they expected a direct continuation of Inkdeath, and TCoR is very noticeably not that. It's really its own thing, and focuses on very different, and sometimes entirely new characters (fans of the Folcharts are starving this winter). I think it's definitely important to look at it as a standalone thing... even though people who haven't read the trilogy would probably be pretty lost.
(It's honestly pretty funny to go back to the ending of Inkdeath, which seems to very obviously set up Dante as the possible main character of a then-hypothetical continuation - and then you start TCoR and it's Oops All Orpheus, with Dante literally irrelevant. RIP.)
There were definitely parts I really really enjoyed (I am always here for explorations of the complicated relationship between Dustfinger and the Prince, always-), but I'd say that some things seemed a little rushed/were just thrown at us and not explored as much as they could have been - but, then again, I've said that about parts of the trilogy as well. It did stand out to me more in TCoR, though. Maybe because it concerned characters we know so well, so introducing new elements to their story as though they had always been a part of them feels strange.
You could definitely tell that Cornelia kept up the whole "Inkworld and Mirrorworld are the same"-thing, and I still don't like that, so I occasionally rolled my eyes at the more fairytalesque stuff, but it actually wasn't as grating as I had feared.
I'll reread the book over christmas and see what I make of it one year later! I'll probably just reblog this with additional thoughts.
Plus, I mean, I do have that reading diary I kept when I read TCoR for the first time. It's not that I have nothing to say about it, I just have to find a way to make any of my thoughts comprehensible. We'll see how that goes. :D
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schleierkauz 4 months ago
"(...) Recently the Catholic Church in Cologne denied me permission to film when I wanted to use one of their fancy downtown properties to talk to Cornelia Funke about her magnificent Inkworld trilogy. Too unchristian was the message of Funke's books, the Cardinal in Cologne suggested, to allow a conversation about it in a Catholic house of prayer."
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Another common katholische Kirche L *circus music starts playing*
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schleierkauz 5 months ago
#farid the first few chapters of inkdeath /via @lostandbackagain
so excited for these three new emojis in particular
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schleierkauz 5 months ago
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#03 drawing for Inktober
Based on The City of Dreaming Books by Walter Moers
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schleierkauz 5 months ago
Reblogging this post to say, yeah, my silence will continue another month.
Regarding The Color of Revenge:
Please, please, PLEASE tag your spoilers! The American version doesn鈥檛 come out until November and so far, I鈥檝e been able to avoid spoilers by blocking the TCoR tags specifically. I would hate to have to block the main fandom tags as well, but I鈥檝e been waiting 20 years for this and I would really appreciate not having it spoiled for me! Thank you!
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schleierkauz 5 months ago
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schleierkauz 5 months ago
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love how they're never normal about each other
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schleierkauz 5 months ago
i dont know how to explain it but joining extremely small fandoms with only a few people in them feels like this
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