#women liberation
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qurbanjaan · 4 months ago
My experience and personal view on veiling as someone who grew up under a Burqa
When I was born, my father didn’t want me because I was a girl. When a girl is born, she isn’t cherished like a boy. Your life is received as a deadweight (note: I’m not saying this is something that happens every single time, just most of them) and a disappointment by the family. When your first breath comes in, the honor is on your shoulders.
My parents were so disappointed they gave me up to my aunt and uncle until I was one year old. When I was three, my father tried to sell/promise me into marriage. My grandmother, his mother, was the one who intervened and stopped him from doing it.
As I grew up, I noticed clear differences between me and girls from less conservative families, but everything was relatively normal until I hit nine years old. When it happened, I suddenly stopped traveling with my parents, stopped being able to leave the curtains open, couldn’t wear the clothes I used to wear even though I was still a child… as I grew older and older, the restrictions increased as my uncle and my father said I was becoming a beautiful woman and “I would be a problem for their family”.
Then, when I noticed, I wasn’t allowed to appear on windows, get packages from the mailman, go out in the yard, have a phone, stay alone in my room, talk to men (even if it was something as trivial as buying groceries), going out alone, needing to looking down when men walk past you, stay in your room when there’s visitors and don’t make a noise so they can’t hear you, not speak too loudly either, not share your name… the list is endless.
And, when you grow up inside a such conservative, traditional and religious family, your only future is disappearing. Along with having no voice and no face, servitude is as inescapable as death.
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When you’re under a piece of cloth, you become faceless, you have no identity of your own. Outside the house, you’re a ghost. Inside the house, you’re a servant. You have no choice over yourself. This is your identity, a servant ghost who’s screams people pretend not to hear.
To a certain level, when you try to reflect on it, the veiling can be comforting. Being invisible can be comforting, no one sees you, you don’t need to worry about a thing. You can hide all your thoughts and most shameful actions from the daylight and no one is going to find out about them. But, when you are under the veil, your identity becomes something only you know about. To the rest of the world, you don’t exist, you’re not human. The veil will slowly dehumanize you, you will start fading away and there’s nothing you can do about it because how can someone attribute a face to a piece of fabric with a mesh on eye level?
And don’t fool yourself, the longer you keep your veil on, the harder the expectations will be. You may only need to cover now, but in some time, they will ask you why are your toes showing and why are you not hiding your hands behind the veil too, and why are you even outside your house? You should be home, protecting your family’s honor, you’re disgracing your family, go home.
And you may think “I’m invisible to the outside world but in my house I’m irreplaceable”, are you? How irreplaceable will you be when a younger, better wife comes in and the only safety you may have is the idea that your children will grow up to take care of you? How would someone possibly feel bad for you when you are nothing but a black trashbag? If you become a beggar, how will they see the suffering on your face if it will be covered and hidden away from the world?
I can’t be hypocritical and say that I don’t feel a sense of security under the veil, but it’s a false sense of security. When the time for your death comes, you won’t have your name on your grave, you won’t have a face. All you will ever have been is a servant, invisible to the outside world, with no God above to wonder “what about her?”. How dear are you inside those walls?
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undergroundrockpress · 7 months ago
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fountainpenchess · 2 months ago
The men's movement seems to stay stuck on two points. The first is that men don't really feel very good about themselves. How could you? The second is that men come to me or to other feminists and say: "What you're saying about men isn't true. It isn't true of me. I don't feel that way. I'm opposed to all of this." And I say: don't tell me. Tell the pornographers. Tell the pimps. Tell the warmakers. Tell the rape apologists and the rape celebrationists and the pro-rape ideologues. Tell the novelists who think that rape is wonderful. Tell Larry Flynt. Tell Hugh Hefner. There's no point in telling me. I'm only a woman. There's nothing I can do about it. These men presume to speak for you. They are in the public arena saying that they represent you. If they don't, then you had better let them know. Then there is the private world of misogyny: what you know about each other; what you say in private life; the exploitation that you see in the private sphere; the relationships called love, based on exploitation. It's not enough to find some traveling feminist on the road and go up to her and say: "Gee, I hate it." Say it to your friends who are doing it. And there are streets out there on which you can say these things loud and dear, so as to affect the actual institutions that maintain these abuses. You don't like pornography? I wish I could believe it's true. I will believe it when I see you on the streets. I will believe it when I see an organized political opposition. I will believe it when pimps go out of business because there are no more male consumers. You want to organize men. You don't have to search for issues. The issues are part of the fabric of your everyday lives.
— andrea dworkin, I want a twenty-four-hour truce during which there is no rape
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our-exmoose-experience · 3 months ago
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Guys Islam is a feminist religion!!!! It definitely doesn't allow a foster parent to marry their adopted kid, a breastfed baby can be married and used for sex, children born from rape or incest are seen as "bastards", parents won't be punished for killing their children, women have half testimony, women are seen as deficient, women can't divorce freely, the right of Li’an and Khul is not given to women, women can loose custody of their children if they remarry, women are allowed to be raped and beaten up if they don't disobey, women are seen as misfortune, rape is justified, a man won't be punished for killing women and much more!!!!!!
Ayah An-Nisa 3
Sahih al-Bukhari 5064
Fatwas of the Islamic Network, Al-Maktabah Al-Shamila, vol. 3, p. 8445
Sahih al-Bukhari 6817
Jami` at-Tirmidhi 1401
Al-Baqara 282
Sahih al-Bukhari 304
Al-Baqara 226-228
Jami` at-Tirmidhi 1186
Sunan Abi Dawud 2276
An-Nisa 34
Sunan Abi Dawud 3922
Sahih al-Bukhari 3237
Al-Baqara 178
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universesweetheart · 6 months ago
'I AM' Affirmations
I was putting together a list of affirmations for myself after having read the book 'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne and I thought I'd share.
Mars ♡
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Context on why this works:
When you say "I am' the words that follow are summoning creation with a mighty force, because you are declaring it to be fact. You are stating it with certainty. Immediately after you say,
"I am tired"
"I am broke"
"I am sick"
"I am late"
"I am overweight"
"I am old"
the Genie (universe/source/god/whatever you believe in) says, "Your wish is my command."
Knowing this, wouldn't it be a good idea to begin to use the two most powerful words, I AM, to your advantage?
'I AM' Affirmations:
1. I AM receiving every good thing.  2. I AM happy. 3. I AM abundant.  4. I AM healthy.  5. I AM love.  6. I AM successful.  7. I AM eternal youth.  8. I AM filled with energy every single day. 9. I AM a multimillionaire. 10. I AM strong. 11. I AM powerful. 12. I AM harmonious. 13. I AM worthy of all my desires. 14. I AM my highest most authentic self. 15. I AM worthy of being here, on earth, alive.
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Comment if you want an empowering liberating PUSSY affirmations list!
I will still be writing fanfics of 2d men because it makes me happy. This also makes me happy sooo yeah.
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thestateofardadreaming · 2 years ago
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On the Independent newspaper website.
Notice the different use of word. But in both casea, a goverment is edicting laws against women in favour of their ideology.
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realjaysumlin · 1 year ago
Since, white men would control the invention of whiteness and the idea that everyone is beneath them is a bit much to believe that any woman in her right man would want to date, fuck or marry any man who identifies himself as white. Throughout, American history the white man has set everything up for himself and demean anyone who challenged their whiteness worldwide, even though we are focusing on American history for now.
No Black and Indigenous Men have never treated women in the ways of the so call white men and yet Black Indigenous Men are the most hated men globally, why is it like this way even though Black Indeginous Men did nothing to harm any women? Why are Black Indigenous Men being blamed for something that the so call white men did and continuing to do towards woman's equal rights?
Somehow the world is blaming the innocent men on earth instead of going after the ones who has fucked up our planet. Please attack whiteness, because Blackness had nothing to do with this shit, our Black Indigenous history have always respected the life givers, whom are women, this is the way of shit Europeans who now call themselves white.
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When, exactly?!
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qurbanjaan · 4 months ago
Throw rocks at me, but most if not all of the gender violence in Central Asia and Caucasus is due to religious reasons. Islam wasn’t “domesticated” and “tamed” like Christianity was.
Islam is still stuck on the same single day it was created and multiple issues women face in Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Middle East and Africa are due to islamization. You can see all the same issues repeating themselves in different places with different cultures and languages simply because people are screaming the name of a foreign God and abandoning their identities to try to mimic 600a.D Quraish culture.
Those habits have no place nowadays and need to be abandoned. For example:
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Before the islamification of the region, when the Vainakh religion was predominant, women held big influence within their families and communities. The Vainakh customs, known as ʿadat, granted the roles and rights of women that included right for inheritance, property ownership, and under the ʿadat, women had certain legal protections. They could seek justice and were entitled to fair treatment in disputes.
Now, we have FGM.
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theanxiousbookdevourer · 6 months ago
A Collection of My Favorite Parenthetical Asides in Disco Elysium:
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qurbanjaan · 4 months ago
“Screaming the name of a foreigner God.”
Fuck all the islamic activists like Khalid Beydoun and Fatima Bhutto constantly posting about muslim m@les dying in west or p@lestine but staying silent on the oppression women are facing in islamic countries. Taliban just passed a new law banning Afghan women from speaking outside of their homes or even speaking to non-muslim women. But no word from these "peaceful religion" protesters! The entire world should follow the instructions of these fucktards, boycott whoever they want, unfollow the celebrities they hate otherwise we are labelled as islamophobes. But they can choose to zip their mouths and mock women suffering at the hands of islamic terrorists. Well, i am not boycotting or unfollowing anybody these muslims want me to as long as they don’t protest for the afghan women with the same energy and rage. You either accept that your religion is the most misogynistic one and harming women and speak up on it, or you keep getting silent treatment that you deserve . Call me an islamophobe i am not even denying that i am one!
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fountainpenchess · 2 months ago
I honestly find interesting how a lot of tips for women about knowing and taking care of yourself are tagged as "femme fatale". and then, they say things like "forgive yourself", "have boundaries" and "stop people-pleasing".
it's like us, as women or female-aligned people, consider that we are being bad or manipulative if we just embrace our needs, our sense of self and personhood. why is it that, if we start living like an autonomous human (one that decides what they want in their life and takes steps to achieve it, which naturally will include stop putting others' needs above your own all the time), we are embracing the archetype of a dangerous and deadly woman?
and, I guess that it's true in the sense that women and female-aligned people who stop giving their energy and work to (especially) men for free and sacrificing themselves to meet patriarchal standards are dangerous for the system. but femme fatale influencers don't seem to be thinking about structural change in this way, they are more concentrated on the individual level.
so, why should we, women and female-aligned people, feel that we are "unlashing dark feminine energy" when we embrace ourselves instead of just being humans? because, at the end of the day, having desires and acting according to them is just human behavior. I think the answer it's that free, autonomous, self affirming human behavior is encouraged on men but not on women, especially in early socialization. girls are taught to be self negating and compassionate, to take care of others and offer help. women are shown the moral of the slave conceptualized by nietzsche since they are born. because yes, boys are taught chivalry and are told to protect those "weaker than them", but this usually ends up in self serving acts (as shown when others don't want their chivalrous acts or if the act neglects the other's autonomy), and a distortion of other's actual capabilities.
and it's true that this self sacrificing behavior often leads to women and female-aligned people being better at taking others wellbeing and feelings into account, which is functional for community building and most people would call morally correct. but this shouldn't be women's responsibility, it should be a responsibility shared and embraced by men too. we, as human beings, need to have a balance between how we take care of ourselves and how we affirm our own existence in the world if we want to live peacefully in society. current gender socialization just place the work of taking care of others on women and female-aligned people, when it should be everyone's, and negates their need to self affirmation.
I think that teaching women and female-aligned people to be more selfish is necessary because these traits makes us vulnerable to abuse in a patriarchal society. men are already taught to act for themselves, to achieve their goals and be self affirming. recognizing our own value as humans is an important step to liberation from patriarchy and male dominance.
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our-exmoose-experience · 3 months ago
This post mentions slavery, misogyny, psychical abuse, stalking and sexual abuse
Terfs and radfems get the fuck out
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Originally, hijab has been borrowed from Mesopotamia. It was meant to represent respectability and high status.
The Qur'ān commands women to veil so "they will be recognized":
(O Prophet! Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them) to cover their necks and bosoms ((when they go abroad). That will be better, that so they may be recognised) as free women (and not annoyed) and not be harmed by the fornicators. (Allah is ever Forgiving) He forgives what they have done in the past, (Merciful) He shows mercy on them regarding that which they will do in the future. (Ayah Al-Azhab 59)
Commentaries on this verse:
(In this verse, Allah ordered the free women) to draw their Jilbabs over their bodies, so that they will be distinct in their appearance from the women of the Jahiliyyah and from slave women ... said about the revelation of this verse 33:59 that the mischief-mongers among the people of Madīnah would come out on the streets at dusk and get after the women. The houses of the people of Madīnah [in those days] were very small in size and at nightfall the women would go out on these streets [making their way to the fields] to relieve themselves. These evil people would tease and molest these women. While if they saw a woman who would be wearing a Jilbab (cloak/outer garment), they would say she is a free woman [and not a slave] and would abstain [from molesting her] and if they saw a woman who would not be wearing a cloak, they would molest her by saying that she is a slave woman. And Mujahid said that those women would wear cloaks [in the way prescribed by the Qur'ān] so that it be known that they are free women and the mischief-mongers would not then harm or molest them. - Tafsir Ibn Kathir
"When the holy prophet came to Medina, he had no house in Medina. He and his wives and other women used to go outside at evening to relieve themselves. And men used to sit on the streets and used to recite poetry (to tease and molest the women). Upon that Allah revealed the verse of Hijab (33:59) so that free women could be differentiated from the slave women." - Abu Saleh
Al-Hassan al-Basri (died 110 Hijri year) said: Slave women in Medina used to be called with specific names (i.e. they were molested) when they went outside. One day, some ignorant people approach women and harm them, thinking they were slave women. This was because free women would also go out, and they would be mistaken for slave women, and people would approach them and cause harm. The Prophet (peace be upon him) then commanded the believing women to bring their outer garments closer to them (i.e. to take the Hijab). This was to ensure that they would be recognized as free women and not be harmed." - Tafsir Abd al-Razzaq al-Sanani
Ibn Abbas said about the verse 33:59, the free (Muslim) women used to dress same as the slave women. Upon that Allah ordered them that they let down upon them their over-garments (Arabic: Jilbab), and letting the outer-garment means to cover their faces and to tie it on their foreheads. - Tafsir Ibn Jarir
Regarding the phrase "to bring their outer garments closer to them" (Quran 33:59), it means that they should wear veils that clearly indicate they are free women, so that no immoral person would harm them or have any doubt about their status. - Mujahid
This Ayah was revealed when Umar (companion of Muhammad) harassed Sauda (one of the wives of the Prophet)
Narratied `Aisha: The wives of the Prophet (ﷺ) used to go to Al-Manasi, a vast open place (near Baqi` at Medina) to answer the call of nature at night. `Umar used to say to the Prophet (ﷺ) "Let your wives be veiled," but Allah's Apostle did not do so. One night Sauda bint Zam`a the wife of the Prophet (ﷺ) went out at `Isha' time and she was a tall lady. `Umar addressed her and said, "I have recognized you, O Sauda." He said so, as he desired eagerly that the verses of Al-Hijab (the observing of veils by the Muslim women) may be revealed. So Allah revealed the verses of "Al-Hijab" (A complete body cover excluding the eyes). - Sahih al-Bukhari 146
This is how hijab started. But this does not stop here. Umar Ibn Khattab, the second Caliph, used to beat the slave women with a stick if they ever attempted to take Hijab (Jilbab) off.
Companion Anas reported: "Umar saw one of our slave girls covering herself with Muqna (which is an outer garment like Jilbab and was used to cover the breasts and body), so he struck her and said, 'Do not resemble the free women. - Sheikh Albani
Umar once saw a young girl leaving the house of Hafsa (his daughter), adorned with a cloak (i.e. Jilbab) — or, from one of the houses of the Prophet’s wives. Umar entered the house and said, “Who is this girl?” They said, “A slave of ours” — or, a slave of someone’s family. He became enraged at them and said, “Your slave girls left with their adornment, and created discord (by taking Jilbab) amongst the people (while they were unable to distinguish her from the free Muslim women).” - Abdur Razzak
Remember how I said hijab has been borrowed from Mesopotamia? Surprisingly, there's a law that promotes Umar's actions in Mesopotamia.
17) "If the wives of a man, or the daughters of a man go out into the street, their heads are to be veiled. The prostitute is not to be veiled. Maidservants are not to veil themselves. Veiled harlots and maidservants shall have their garments seized and 50 blows inflicted on them and bitumen poured on their heads." - The Code of the Assura
The 1400 years of history of Islam also consists of this shameful act against humanity, where Muslim men forced those women/girls to become half naked by exposing their breasts, and then forced them to stand in front of thousands of men in the Islamic Bazaars of slavery, who not only looked at them with lust but they were also allowed to touch their private parts (as if they were sheep and goats).
Nafe’e narrated that whenever Ibn Umar wanted to buy a slave girl, he would uncover her leg and place his hand between her breasts and on her buttocks. - Imam Bayhiqi
Anas bin Malik said: ‘The female slaves of Umar were serving us with uncovered hair and their breasts shaking” - Imam Bayhiqi
Slave women were standing in the mosques with naked breasts during prayers.
“He (Abu Hanifa) was not shy to say that a slave woman can pray naked and the people can observe her breasts and waist. A free woman can purposely show the parts of her vagina during prayers and can be observed by whosoever enters and leaves the mosque.” - Imam Ibn Hazm
OP claimed that *checks notes* Islam isn't a misogynistic religion. Let's see...
Women can't divorce freely. The right of Li’an (a way of divorcing) isn't given to women. And women who seek Khul (another way of divorcing) are seen as hypocrites.
Women are seen as deficient.
Women are seen as misfortune.
Women are seen as impure.
Women can't refuse sex if their husbands command them to.
Men can beat up or rape his wife if she doesn't disobey.
Infertile women are seen as unworthy.
A free man won't be punished for killing a woman.
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blvvdk3ep · 1 year ago
I love you people going into "useless" fields I love you classics majors I love you cultural studies majors I love you comparative literature majors I love you film studies majors I love you near eastern religions majors I love you Greek, Latin, and Hebrew majors I love you ethnic studies I love you people going into any and all small field that isn't considered lucrative in our rotting capitalist society please never stop keeping the sacred flame of knowledge for the sake of knowledge and understanding humanity and not merely for the sake of money alive
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cyarskj1899 · 4 months ago
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From IG annabodneydesign
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