#dios mío! a liberal!
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A Collection of My Favorite Parenthetical Asides in Disco Elysium:
#disco elysium#harry du bois#cuno de ruyter#some absolute favorites include#dios mío! a liberal!#play an imaginary fiddle#are women burgeois?
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COMPOSURE - She raises the corner of her mouth smirking, revealing a canine.
HALF LIGHT - It's sharp.
YOU - "Dios mío!" (Draw a cross.) "A LIBERAL!"
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Quote 1: "Almost Christmas means it wasn't Christmas!" - Phoenix Wright, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Quote 2: "Dios mío!” (Draw a cross.) “A LIBERAL!" - Harry du Bois, Disco Elysium
Quote 1: Top tier line. There is a reason why AA fans reblog this each year - Submitter/Mod Chaos, parts taken from the propaganda submitted
Quote 2: I had to fucking search up this line cause I was like "No way that's real." ITS REAL AND ITS FUCKING AWESOME - Mod Chaos, still waiting for dinner ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪
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Dios mío......... a liberal.......
#hush⛔️#exposing my interests#this is a reference for those unaware#<- autistically explaining everything
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"Dios mío!" (draws a cross.) "A LIBERAL!" - should be printed and hanged on mona lisas place
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"¡Dios mío!" Yoruichi drew a cross that was distinctly non-traditional. "A LIBERAL!"
#In Character#Character: YORUICHI#Verse: BLEACH MAIN#Era: HALCYON#Free Range#[ I'm stealing the Disco Elysium line ]#[ this is not actually political commentary ]#[ topical or otherwise ]#[ but out of an abundance of caution ]#Politics TW
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[id: screenshot of dialogue from disco elysium, reading: "YOU - 'Dios mío!' (Draw a cross.) 'A LIBERAL!'" end id]

genuinely one of the best lines in disco elysium. i think about it a lot. timeless classic
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Los "Daddy Issues" o "mom issues" no siempre son de padres a hijos directamente, a veces solo son como los míos; problemas entre mamá y papá y de pasada los hijos quedan muy involucrados.
Yo quiero que mi mamá se libere de mi papá, pero el maldito dinero es el problema. ¿De dónde me saco dinero para que ella pueda viajar y tratar de rehacer su vida aunque sea un poquito? Y después está mi abuela, ella suficiente ha tenido viendo que su otro hijo alcohólico fracasó en la vida, su otro hijo que hace lo mejor que puede pero vive con la hija a la que se suponía que todo le iba mejor, es decir, mi mamá. Mi hermana y yo si Dios permite si estaremos bien con mi papá, pero, ¿y mi familia? Yo quería algo bien para todos, quería a mi mamita, a mi papi, a mi hermanita, a mi un tío, a mi abuelita, a mis mascotas y yo en una casa toda bonita. 💔
Me duele mucho.
Y esto ya no se limita a problemas paternales, estos ya son problemas familiares. :/
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Aunque no lo creas hay cosas que me llevan a pensar en qué hubiera pasado si no se te hubiera ocurrido hacer ese "chistesito" ...
Recuerdo que cuando recién pasó yo sólo quería que el tiempo volviera atrás y haberlo evitado, una parte de mí creía que esto se arreglaría después de unos cuantos gritos y una reconciliación en menos de una semana, cómo siempre era... Y a pesar de todo creí intuir, y me llené la cabeza durante días con el pensamiento de "ya todo va resolverse pronto" aunque ese pronto se fue posponiendo y posponiendo hasta que finalmente me resigné a lo de hoy en día.
Todo teminará pronto, pronto, pronto, pronto.
Define "pronto" en una situación cómo la mía.
Define "justicia" en un país como el mío. Porque aquí todos tienen su definición de justicia bien establecida menos yo. Porque aún quiero creer que habrá una solución, porque parece ser que sigo siendo de esas estúpidas que cree que la policía aun sirve de algo y que la vida es como en las películas donde el bien siempre triunfa ante el mal.
Mi mente aún le pregunta a Dios cuándo terminará esto, y cuándo estoy por decir que: 'ojalá que pronto', me callo y pienso "No, que termine YA, el pronto ha estado ahí durante cuatro años, lo quiero ya."
Ya no sé sí creer si mi mente es un lugar seguro que crea estos escenarios en los que el pronto es ahora, pero recordarlo sólo me lastima más porque quisiera que el pronto y la justicia se convirtieran en una realidad, no en un sueño .
Porque a mi mente le gustaba sabotearse diciendo que todo terminaría pronto y sólo sería un recuerdo más. Pues mira, este recuerdo se extendió mucho más de lo esperado..
Pero al final continué, algunos se fueron, pero yo seguí.. y no sé porqué aunque me dolió, también me tranquilizó saber quién valía la pena y quién no.
¿En serio pensaste que me habías dado un castigo?
Me libere de toda esa mierda antes de lo esperado sin mover ningún maldito dedo. Solamente sequé mis lágrimas y seguí caminando dándoles la importancia que tenían en mi corazón, ninguna.
Nunca extrañé a esas personas.
Nunca las extrañaré en mí vida.
Pero seguido los veo en mis sueños..
Es raro cómo mi cerebro aún almacena todos esos nombres a pesar que intenté con todo lo que pude para que desaparezcan de mi mente.. pero no se van. ¿Alguna vez los extrañé?
Nunca lo hice.
Aún mantengo vigente el momento que detonó que mí vida se desmoronara..
Tú misma te encargaste de sembrar la mierda creciente dentro de mí.
"Regalo de Dios que viene del cielo " mi madre me dijo que ése era el significado de mi nombre.
Aunque suelo pensar que realmente no fuí un regalo sino un castigo.
Sé que fuí uno.
El tipo de error que sabe que mientras el papel no se acabe su rencor tampoco lo hará. Mientras el pronto se prolongue más y más, en sus recuerdos sólo vivirá la misma mierda que conoció.
Porque si un día te encuentro y me dices "perdóname, he cambiado" no me lo tomaré muy bien.
Date cuenta, el perdón ante situaciones como estas solo ocurre en las películas. No existe la versión mejorada de nadie, NI DE TI, aunque hayas madurado y te hayas dado cuenta del daño que hiciste. Porque una disculpa tuya no arreglará las vidas que destruiste, tenlo claro.
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Thinking about how, during the ultraliberal route, you can silence Lt. Kim Kitsuragi, and the way in which he's described as snapping shut depends on you and what you have been doing (being normal, talking about the apocalypse, claiming you’re a superstar, etc.).
I don’t have confirmation, but I think it might be:
Boring/Normal Cop(?)
Apocalypse Cop
Ultraliberal in general
Superstar Cop(?)
Art Cop
This is the full context, if you need it:
This game's attention to detail is admirable, and I love the fact that the lieutenant is willing to just let you have this, without lashing out at you.
And just for the record, I would NEVER silence Lt. Kim Kitsuragi.
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[Image ID, copied from Alt Text: A screenshot of some dialogue from Disco Elysium reading:
"Dios mío!" (Draw a cross.) "A LIBERAL!"
/End ID]
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The "dios mío, a liberal!" line is obviously funny in and of itself, but it gets better the more you think about it.
1) Harry crosses himself. It's later established that Moralists cross themselves in the shape of an X.
2) This means two things
2A) Given this dialogue with Joyce likely occurs well before you see Kim cross himself, Harry apparently only remembered that gesture and nothing else about Moralism or culture in general. He forgot the calendar, money, and his name, but he remembered that.
2B) Harry is using the Moralist symbol as a ward against an arch-Moralist. It's equivalent to making the sign of the cross after someone says they're Christian.
3) Either there is a language in Elysium that has the same words for "my God" as real life Spanish or Harry knows a language from outside his reality and Joyce and Kim have no idea what he means.
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Online Shopping Part 2

‘Alexia smirked at you as her head dipped between your legs licking a strip up your drenched…’
You quickly closed the tumblr app as the coach came to a stop outside Hampden Park Stadium.
“Oye y/n/n are you looking at lingerie again you look a bit flushed?” Jenni teased as the team started standing up in order to depart the coach.
“You going to dress up for me y/n?” Mapi Leon shouted from a few rows in front which quickly earned her an elbow to the ribs by Leila Ouahabi who was stood next to her frowning.
“I’m joking, dios mío!” Mapi replied in earnest trying to convince the taller woman.
Mapi was pushed down the aisle by her team mates who were eager to leave the bus.
Ona slapped you lightly on the back as she passed you a smile plastered on her face.
You hung back letting the others leave, Alexia, who had been sitting in the row behind you had a smirk on her face as she paused to look at you.
“So are you?” She asked stepping closer.
You gulped, reading fan fiction about herself and Alexia had not been a good idea when she was surrounded by other people.
“Am I what?” You replied confused by what she was asking.
Alexia’s mouth was suddenly next to your ear and she nipped your ear lobe.
“Drenched?” She asked, being the last two on the bus she brought her hand up squeezed your breast.
You didn’t respond, you couldn’t respond. No matter how many times you had fucked the instant arousal from just being near Alexia clouded your mind.
“Always be aware of what people can see from behind you y/n/n!” She whispered before hoisting her kit bag up her shoulder and walking down the aisle, she paused at the end realising your weren’t behind her.
“Are you coming?” She winked before defending the steps.
You signed, grabbing your own kit bag and made your way to the exit.
“I wish.”
You lined the ball up perfectly on the spot, taking a deep breathe you take a few steps backwards.
Alexia had drawn a foul in the box, this was your chance you help Spain take the lead.
You aimed for the top bin and struck the ball perfectly, Scotland’s goalkeeper Alexander dove the wrong way and you heard the swooshing of the net.
Alexia was on you in seconds, her legs wrapped around your waist as She kissed your forehead cheering. Your team mates surrounded you, each hugged your shoulder as Alexia was still in your arms.
“You should probably get down now Ale you whispered to her. Alexia blushed not realising she had been clinging to you.
The match continued 1-0, you took a few knocks from the Scottish players, you spotted a loose pass from Weir and run top speed towards it only to feel impact in the small of your back, you struggled to stop yourself, you managed to jumped over the ball but stumbled clattering into the perimeter advertising.
The sound the crowd made was like as if they had collectively taken in a sharp breath. Worryingly you felt nothing until you wiped away what you assumed to be sweat from your forehead.
That’s when you caught sight of the blood on your hands, across the pitch you could see the medics scrambling to get to you, next to you Mapi was pushing the small Scottish player Cuthbert to one side to get to you. One look at you and her face paled, she turned abruptly and shoved Cuthbert backwards until she tumbled onto her backside.
It was as the crowd was leaving, the sound was getting further away.
Then Alexia appeared in front of you, cradling your face in her hands.
“Stay awake y/n, for Christ sake just stay awake please baby.”
In an effort to stop her from being covered in the blood that seemed to spurt liberally from your head you grabbed her forearm, thus covering her in blood anyway.
Was everyone leaving? Why was it so quiet?
“Baby.” You were sure that was Alexia’s voice but you couldn’t tell, your head hurt and you felt so tired you could barely keep your eyes open. So you let them close.
The beeping noise was coming closer.
You were not physically there, you knew that, you were not physically anywhere but your mind was. As the beeping noise got closer and closer you could hear voices. It sounded like you were underwater. Focusing on the voices trying to decipher what they were saying you had blocked out the beeping until it was so close it felt as if it was beside you.
You jerked awake, your body shuddering as if falling in your sleep.
“Get a doctor.”
“She’s awake, what do we do she’s awake.”
“She’s not Frankensteins Monster Mapi we get a doctor.”
With sheer willpower you opened your eyes. Red shirts crowded the room, it was bewildering.
Everyone continued talking over one another, until a stern voice called out.
“Right everyone out, I need to see my patient.” The Glaswegian insisted. A stern looking women with greying hair and wiry glasses perched on the end of her nose. She couldn’t have more than 5 foot in height but the chatter died down.
You wanted to call out but your throat was dry and constricted. You coughed, thankfully the Doctor brought a beaker with a straw to your lips.
“Thank you.” You managed to get out.
The Doctor ushered your team mates out of the room.
“Ale.” You sounded desperate, you knew that but you needed to know she was there.
“I’m here y/n.” Alexia grabbed your hand. Her eyes were red.
“You’ve been crying?” You asked concerned for the older woman.
“Well aye Miss y/ln you gave your team mates quite a fright and they to my other patients might I add. Are they always this loud?”
Alexia hung her head shaking it in amusement, you giggled which caused your Captain to make eye contact with you.
“So y/n.” The Doctor caught your attention ad she stood at the foot of your hospital bed with your medical notes in her hands.
“Do you remember what happened?” The Doctor probed.
You thought back, your memories seemed jumbled and hard to pin down.
Alexia looked at you worried.
“No.” You admitted.
“You came in with a subdural hematoma, a concussion. MRI showed no cranial bleeds. We’ve surtured the head wound, you may have some scarring to the area of impact other than that I am going to have the nurses monitor you for the next hour and then my dear you are free to go.”
“What about flying home?” Alexia asked earnestly.
“I cannot see any reason at this moment however if y/n’s symptoms change or worsen we will need to reevaluate.”
The Doctor scribbled some notes on the paperwork before returning it to the slot at the end of the bed.
“Nice to meet you both, even if you beat us.” The Doctor chuckled leaving the room.
You looked at Alexia, she looked exhausted, she was still covered in grass stains, and, you suddenly noticed blood.
“Ale what happened are you ok?” You asked nodding your head at the blood on her arms.
Alexia stood up, she practically climbed on the bed to hug you.
“It’s not my blood.” She said pressing kisses over your face, she stopped near your mouth looking at you for permission.
You caught her lips with your own, it was a soft kiss.
You pulled back, looking into her eyes.
“You’re not going to hurt me.” You comforted her. She met your lips again this time with more aggression.
“I was so worried.” She said breaking for air before kissing you again.
“There was so much blood.” Her tongue run along your bottom lip.
“I don’t wanna just be casual anymore.” She breathed. You didn’t respond causing her to stop kissing you. Your eyes were closed, scared if you opened them she would see everything, the emotions, the feelings you had for her.
“Y/n?” She asked, about to get off the bed.
You grabbed her waist practically pulling her on top of you.
“I don’t want to be casual either.” You admitted, finally opening your eyes.
“I know we said no feelings but I fucked up.” You maintained eye contact, it was now or never.
Alexia sighed playing with your fingers.
“I fucked up too.”
You smiled and leaned in for another kiss.
“Well that’s the strangest way I’ve ever heard two people say I love you.”
Alexia pulled back so quickly she practically fell off the bed.
You would have been offended had it not been for the apologetic look on her face and the way she sat back down next to you on the bed gently stroking your hair.
“I was about to ask why Ale was calling you baby earlier but no need.” Mapi grinned.
Your team mates crowded the door, some craning their necks to see what was going on.
“What happened I can’t see.” Marta’s voice carried over from the back of the cluster of women in the doorway.
“We found out who y/n was modelling the lingerie for.” Mapi shouted in response.
Alexia blushed and hid her face in your neck.
“I knew something was going on!” Jenni cheered, she climbed onto the bed the other side of you.
“I’m not going to do the best friend thing and threaten you y/n because we all know if we threw hands I would own you.” She paused smirking at Ale. “And not in the way Ale probably does.
Alexia’s arm shot out to slap Jenni on the arm.
“Ouch, y/n is she always like this?” She laughed.
You relaxed into Alexia’s arms.
“Only in the bedroom.” You winked.
#alexiaimagine#espwnt#womens football#woso x reader#woso imagine#woso#la reina#laroja#imagine#alexiaputellas#alexiaxreader#scownt#spain women#womens soccer
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Anyone else been thinking about the “Dios mío! (Draw a cross) A liberal!” line? Do you guys think that Mesque has Catholicism to some degree or did Harry’s mangled brain just spontaneously conceive of Spanish Catholicism and immediately move on without questioning it?
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