#ex islam
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bukesstuff · 2 months ago
Being intersex AND Ex-Muslim is exhausting
I look into Ex-Muslim spaces, and it's full of TERFs. They will claim that they are no longer their Muslim selves but then turn around and treat transgender and intersex people like shit. Are you sure that you left Islam because "it's harmful and illogical" or are you cherry-picking that seem harmful or illogical to you? Do you know that Muhammad cursed trans people? Or that he exiled an intersex person (1 2)? What happened to leaving bigotry behind?
Then we have Islam apologist transgender and intersex community. They say that you're an islamophobe because you're telling your experiences. Are you aware that Islam hates trans and intersex people (mentioned above)? Or how trans and intersex people are mistreated in Muslim majority countries? Or do you just want to get progressiveness points and never cares about Muslims AND Ex-Muslims?
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our-exmoose-experience · 3 months ago
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Guys Islam is a feminist religion!!!! It definitely doesn't allow a foster parent to marry their adopted kid, a breastfed baby can be married and used for sex, children born from rape or incest are seen as "bastards", parents won't be punished for killing their children, women have half testimony, women are seen as deficient, women can't divorce freely, the right of Li’an and Khul is not given to women, women can loose custody of their children if they remarry, women are allowed to be raped and beaten up if they don't disobey, women are seen as misfortune, rape is justified, a man won't be punished for killing women and much more!!!!!!
Ayah An-Nisa 3
Sahih al-Bukhari 5064
Fatwas of the Islamic Network, Al-Maktabah Al-Shamila, vol. 3, p. 8445
Sahih al-Bukhari 6817
Jami` at-Tirmidhi 1401
Al-Baqara 282
Sahih al-Bukhari 304
Al-Baqara 226-228
Jami` at-Tirmidhi 1186
Sunan Abi Dawud 2276
An-Nisa 34
Sunan Abi Dawud 3922
Sahih al-Bukhari 3237
Al-Baqara 178
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starbursterr · 28 days ago
✦ a modern adam ⁺ .ᐟ
a sephiroth-centric oneshot. religious trauma. vent work. tw: suicidal ideation, religious trauma, self-cannibalisation. any muslims that may be offended, just continue scrolling. there is no hatred towards islam here, it is just me venting about my experiences as an ex-muslim through writing. an extra note! this work does not reflect my perception or headcanons of sephiroth, he just so happens to be my muse for this vent work.
masterlist | ao3
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There was no god. Not in the abandonment he felt. Not in the silence of the mosque. Not in the stillness of the morning prayer. Certainly not in the stirring in his chest that kept tugging him towards something greater, something beyond.
If he were to open his mouth and denounce faith, denounce the religion that raised him, the sharp words on his tongue that he was taught to speak upon entering the bathroom, upon beginning to eat, upon laying down to sleep—would there then be something left for him upon the hill which he so desperately wanted to climb? Would there then be anything left of his dying organs, his beating heart, his imminent doom. His unavoidable mortality. The mortality that clawed at him, at every pore, that insisted on a sacrifice—a sacrifice that would be made to him, for him, of him. What then would freedom be like? Could he then lay any claim to any such freedom, any sense of liberation, or would he be weighing the shackles heavier than they were? Would such a thing be worth the scrutiny, the threats, the constant looking over his shoulder?
To denounce a faith? Easier than he thought. To denounce a people? Easier said than done.
Sephiroth's fingers traced over the trigger. Mindless. Cold as the blood that would pool beneath him should he choose to pull it. Basics, basics, all of it. There was not that much to misunderstand or ignore. To choose or to exist.
The stray black feathers that littered the floor were only then disrupted by small paws, scurrying through them to jump up onto the silverette sitting at the edge of the bed. The cat mewled, its movements clingy and desperate—unsure how to climb its owner but determined do so nonetheless. Sephiroth picked it up, holding it close to his chest. The purring that erupted from the small creature was enough to hook his heart and pull the tears into his eyes.
It did not have to be so complicated. He could by all means reach into his own chest and rip out the beating heart that he so loved to pretend he did not have, and he could by all means pretend at the puddle that he was the ice, pretend at the saints that he was the sinner, pretend at the sheep that he was the wolf. For all the world, he could have been. But what he asked himself then gave him the pause he so desperately needed. Would then the ice, the wolf, the sinner—grieve as much as he were? For a life that he clung to as if it were his own, for a people that he seized as if he were one of them, for a place he begged for as he belonged to it?
He did not need to know the answer. He held the cat instead of the gun. That was, perhaps, enough for now.
But eventually, he knew he would have to approach the altar and give it. To feast himself on the flesh that held his bones together, to take his sin within himself and hope the acids in his stomach could act as the hellfire that would purge him of it. And he would be the god that oversaw it. That thought alone was enough to make him gag on the metal filling his mouth, but something soothed his mind.
He would be Allah for himself. He could. And he would be his own Muhammad and his own Jibril and his own Qur'an, and he would consume himself over and over so that it would be Allah's purity he took in himself and his sins that he burned so that maybe one day, one day he could look up to the sky and see the aurora borealis carry him up to the stone steps of heaven, and heaven would not be a garden but further torture for the houri may take to his flesh too and feast on his organs, but they could not open him up, they could not, for then they would see the filth and sins that built him up and even they would be so repulsed by his grime that he would be cast down only for the cycle to repeat again. An ouroboros of neverending creation and destruction, of vice and virtue, wolf and sheep, sinner and saint, ice and puddle.
And to exist outside of this cycle, he could not bear, because it was all he knew, and all he'd ever known.
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voxpraxis · 2 years ago
lately i've been... idk if you can really call it "debating" but i've been interacting with some muslims in the comments of an instagram reel in which a young girl was speaking to a young boy (i want to emphasize that they are both children) and telling him that she wasn't allowed to speak to boys until she was married, because her parents and her religion said so. the boy was sad but replied with something like "oh, alright" and the caption & comments were all talking about how "sweet" the situation was. i commented that i didn't think it was sweet, and actually that's a horrible thing to put in a child's mind. the post never directly mentioned islam and neither did i, but everyone who's been replying to me is proselytizing islam, so. anyway, these are the points that have been thrown at me so far:
it's not wrong because both genders are forced apart from each other
in response to me saying it still enforces an extreme divide between genders and encourages them to see each other as opposites rather than equals: the separation is necessary to prevent rape
there is no rape in islam because of the separation between men and women, rape only occurs in western society because men and women are not separated (...because apparently we cannot expect men to not rape women unless they're physically kept away from them at all times)
rape does not happen between family members, it's just not a real thing, ever (incest doesn't exist?)
if you're interested in a girl you should marry her immediately, because dating leads to cheating
men and women cannot be just friends because "islam and science and psychology says so." one guy said it's because "women can't talk about cars and sports"
(i also got called a simp for saying i have female friends. can't make this shit up)
in response to me pointing out that what the girl is saying implies that she won't have any say in who her husband is: arranged marriages are better because they always work out and unlike western marriages, they never end in divorce! (i'll give you one guess why that is.)
similarly, single parent families and suicide are solely western problems
men and women are NOT equal
i need to shut up and respect it because that's their religion
islam cannot be questioned because islam says islam is true
and that's not including all the personal insults and threats i've received, in just a few days.
i will say this is one of the least challenging "debates" i've ever had, in the sense that almost no point brought against me has any logical foundation and is easily refutable. but it's one of the most frustrating because the problem is that they won't hear me at all, because islam teaches its followers to never consider anything else. it teaches them to accept exactly what they are spoon-fed as the ultimate truth. and this is by no means a problem exclusive to islam, but islam does this kind of control better than any other religion i know. people raised into islam are not taught to think in any logical terms - in fact, they're deliberately taught to avoid thinking logically. logical fallacies are the rule. so not only can they barely form a coherent argument in favour of their beliefs, but they have absolutely no clue how illogical they sound sometimes. when i point out a lapse in logic in something they've said, the response i get is "no, that's true because islam says it's true." no other explanation required. at least, i've sometimes heard people of other religions attempt to use logic or science to prove their beliefs, but with the muslims in these comments, those are unnecessary things to be absolutely avoided - it's like they don't even understand why i'd bother to use them. you can't use logic to get through to them because they've been taught to avoid logic and cling to the mantra of islam-is-true-because-islam-says-so.
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apostateoverrubies · 9 months ago
Okay so I was debating with two Muslims about beliefs and all that crap (which I admittedly haven't been replying as of late because I realized exhausting it is for me) but they've come at me about my recent post about certain religious groups claiming to protect children from people who they claim predators while also being the perfect places for actual predators.
And I think I've been thinking more clearly since I stopped debating them because if you believe that children are too pure to learn about the idea of queerness because it's "inappropriate" and, according to one person, they should be of legal driving age first, why are you part of a religion that holds a man who married a child in high regard?
Especially with how traditional marriage expects women to do unpaid labor and start popping out many children as soon as possible, marrying kids is so much worse than teaching them that queer people exist and supporting them if they do turn out to be queer themselves.
Also, I love how I said certain religions in my original post, and yet I am accused of making a general fallacy. Ironically, by someone who is making a general fallacy about the lgbtq community.
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kkoffin · 1 month ago
as an ex muslim i can say islamophobia undoubtedly exists and i experienced it, but it’s absolutely not what 99% of the internet uses it for. the way 99% of the internet uses the word is fucking stupid and unbelievably offensive to anyone who’s experienced it firsthand.
i was muslim during the same time as a huge peak in islamic terrorist attacks in my country. islamophobia is the islamic men and women who lost their jobs after 9/11 with no reasoning provided. it’s the dirty looks and cruel things shouted at my mother for wearing her scarf, it’s my atheist, white dad who told me that islamic people are like a plague, programmed to bring down the west like some kind of hivemind. it’s teachers in school, when it was time for RE getting islamic kids to take out the bins across the school instead.
every time i see someone use the word “islamophobic” in response to an entirely fucking valid criticism of the religion/culture, or to women’s rightful fear of men or countries of that belief or to calling sharia law out for being shit, i lose my fucking mind. i fucking hate islam but im not gonna fire a woman for being islamic, same way i wouldnt fire a christian despite hating christianity. idk why thats so hard for the internet and the left to understand
Every time the word “Islamophobia” is muttered an angel loses its wings
Why are we defending abrahamic Religons still??
Why are we defending a religion that takes away women’s rights to speak?
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feministfang · 6 months ago
Islam is the most misogynistic religion on earth. It’s the most oppressive cult for women among all abrahamic religions. Women can’t get out of their house. Women have to hide themselves in black tents they wear from head to toe. Women can’t even show one strand of hair. Check out the comments under any Pakistani female celebrity’s post and you will be disgusted. Women get attacked by religious bigots even for wearing half-sleeves. Women can’t initiate divorce easily and a lot of them are stuck in abusive marriages. Women are supposed to obey their husbands and can’t deny sex or they will be cursed by their god. Marital rape is allowed and encouraged in islam. Parents’ inheritance is not divided equally between brothers and sisters because women are expected to get married and rely financially on their husbands. Only men can be authority figures and be leaders, women are supposed to be quiet and submissive. Their prophet (idol) was literally a fuckin pedo. And these are just a few examples of how women are treated in islam. I don’t get how these dumbass muslim women still find the audacity to say shit like 'iSlAm iS tHe mOst peAceFul rEligIoN and tHe mOst fEmiNistic religion cAusE iT gAve wOmEn tHeIr rIgHts 1400 yeaRs aGo' what right?? Where’s the right lol?? All i see is oppression and violence in your religion. You can’t even give your opinion without some man’s permission but because his money is your money and your money is also yours you think islam fulfilled all your desires. It’s true that the more religious a person is, the more narrow-minded they are but muslim women have crossed all limits of stupidity. So glad i cut off such people from my life and saved one woman from converting to islam. ☪️ancer religion!!
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crownspeaksblog · 1 year ago
Marriage in general is fucked in the middle east..
I hate hate HATE living in a country where girls being married off at 15 is seen as something to be envious of.. is seen as something to be admired for..for fuck sakes! That's a fucking child!! I remember a classmate talking about i think a cousin of hers who's 15 who's married to a 29/30 year old man and how MUCH he LOVES her and how everyday he does her FUCKING HAIR FOR FUCKING SCHOOL!!!!
i saw a video of a 26 year old mother selling food on the street to make money and the top comment on that video was a man (sincerely) offering to marry her and he had like 100 replies of people asking him if he did it already and praising him for it..
And you know what's annoying is when i try to point out how fucked up those things are.. I'm almost always in the minority, I'm almost always argued against and people try to justify something like this by being like "this is our culture"....
fuck this culture and religion because you know damn well this shit is rooted in religion.. girls married off when they hit puberty to men twice their age is seen as an accomplishment.. men being encouraged to grace widows and divorced women with their kindness and marry them like they're broken or used (even if it meant getting a second, third or a fourth wife)...
And i know to most people reading this shit it sounds like I'm making it up but I'm not and you have no idea how much i wish i was..
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divine-confus1on · 5 months ago
I'm glad you're asking questions about the point I'm making, these conversations are super important, but first I'd love to hear your definition of womanhood that doesn't exclude any cis women but doesn't include any cis men, while also not reducing women to baby-makers, cuz that's pretty misogynistic and objectifying as I'm sure you're aware, and if there's anything else you're not understanding don't be afraid to ask <3
Why does every apostate/ex-religious person I find who makes great content about it that I really agree with and understand end up being a terf like stop pretending you care about people's personal freedom if you can't just let people outwardly present themselves how they want to without lecturing them about the endocrine system as if you're a total expert on it
Tldr: this account isn't safe for terfs
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studyingnstruggling · 9 months ago
Tonight, as usual, my dad accused me of wanting to be trans/a man and bringing “eternal damnation” all because I was wearing sweatpants, in my own house. And it got me thinking about how much I hate lipstick Muslims, and their liberal lapdogs. Conveniently, they never discuss ppl in my situation, and Ik I’m lucky I’m not in a Muslim country. But the pro hijab, pro Islam (hypocrites) who love to talk about how compatible Islam is with feminism, queerness, and liberalism, never discuss things like this. Technically, pants are “men’s clothing” and according to Hadith, not ok for women. 
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bukesstuff · 2 months ago
Riwas: Islam hates LGBTQ+
Ulamas: Islam hates LGBTQ+
Muftis: Islam hates LGBTQ+
Imams: Islam hates LGBTQ+
Sahabas: Islam hates LGBTQ+
Muhammad: Islam hates LGBTQ+
Allah: Islam hates LGBTQ+
White leftists: no, no, no! You see, it's actually either a misperception or mistranslation. Islam is an innocent religion that definitely doesn't promote hate :)
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our-exmoose-experience · 4 months ago
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Muslim women (especially hijabi women): breathes
Haram police: 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨
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voxpraxis · 2 years ago
[video of two muslim women in full-coverage outfits]
commenter 1: sister your dress needs to be longer, your feet should be covered
commenter 2: sister your dress is too long, it is dragging on the floor
commenter 3: sisters neither of your outfits are proper hijab
commenter 4: sisters being on social media is immodest and distracting
verdict: you can't win
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apostateoverrubies · 1 year ago
I hope all my ex Muslim followers are doing okay.
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seraphimfall · 5 months ago
you were taught to hate yourself when you needed love the most.
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radfemsiren · 5 months ago
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Islam is the blueprint misogynist, all encompassing attack to destroy a woman’s soul:
Dehumanizing her, degrading her, blaming her, silencing her, isolating her… until nothing is left but loneliness, self hatred, fear and sadness …
I hate this religion, and won’t ever shut up about it!
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