#wolfstar slow burn
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raindragon-20 · 9 days ago
Chapter 6: "A Touch, A Tremor, A Tether" is up!!
A touch lingers, a sunset is shared, and the past that was left behind. Some things never fade, no matter how much time has passed.
Okay this one is gonna be a bit of an emotional roller coaster for both of them, but sigh, its a slow burn after all.
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loonyloopylupin96 · 1 month ago
Don't tell anyone but one of the most amazing fics was updated just as I was about to re-read the last chapter...
so I think the author's psychic 😉😃
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straightforpotter · 10 months ago
Snakes and Lions
Has anyone read snakes and lions? Does the violence and atuff get more explicit when the war happens cause at the moment everything is off page and I’m not loving it, I need the heartbreak and pain!! I’m 52 chapters in and the wolfstar slow burn is killing me! They were so close and then the prank and omg also Jegulus breaking up like what?! Why?! I’m going a little stir crazy, and we aren’t even up the war yet like omg! But someone please tell me if it gets more explicit cause I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle reading the war chapters if it’s all off page
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maiiefizz · 11 months ago
Is it worth reading Sirius perspective from all the young dudes?
Should I know Remus POV for that?
I've read it but it's been years.
Or does it make sense to read both at the same time? Always 1 chapter of one, then directly from the other point of view?
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starchaserdreams · 2 years ago
“Reg! Oy, get back here, I need to talk with you,” James called out, not raising his voice too loudly, but making sure that Regulus would hear him.
Regulus slowed to a stop, holding his books to his chest, and frowned. “What do you want?” he asked. There was a faint blush to his cheeks, but James couldn’t tell why.
James grinned. “That's no way to treat your best-mate-in-law, now, is it?”
Regulus scoffed. “Yeah, that's not a thing,” he said sharply.
“Well I've just made it a thing, haven't I?” James asked, with a cheeky grin.
Regulus just shook his head. “No, Potter, it is still not a thing. Stop trying to make it a thing.”
“Well I could-” James began, but Regulus cut him off.
“No,” he said firmly, ending that conversation, “Anyway, what did you want?” He started walking the way he’d originally been heading, and James followed along dutifully.
James grinned again; he couldn’t help doing that around Regulus sometimes.
He arched an eyebrow. “Do I need to want something in order to talk with you?”
Regulus rolled his eyes.
“I suppose in theory you do not, but in practice you started this conversation with ‘I need to talk with you’ so I imagine you do.”
James recalled himself at once. Somehow he’d gotten distracted from the reason he’d wanted to find Regulus.
“Oh right, that.”
Chapters 4 and 5 of my Jegulus/starchaser fic are up on AO3! (Link to the first of the new chapters)
Get Regulus Out by Starchaserdreams (link to the whole thing from the start)
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s1r1us0black · 2 months ago
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All the young dudes by MsKingBean89
Chapter 86: Fifth Year: Sweet sixteen
I cried reading this chapter and I feel bad when I think about it. I love and hate it at the same time. The slow burn hurts so much but I still like this chapter. 😫
Remus I love u, Sirius... WHY DID YOU DO THAT????
Creds: whoisflattery
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orangemuffinss · 10 months ago
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nerds-worlds-blog · 9 months ago
How l look when the slow burn starts to actually burn
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silverameco · 1 year ago
sometimes you're reading a slow burn wolfstar fic and you become James in just lovers, thinking over and over again just shag, just shag, just fucking shag already
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jellyfishsempai · 3 months ago
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I’m just here to be insufferable about Brave Face by @zoemillinwrites again
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maiapoetica · 3 months ago
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the cadence of part-time poets
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ecoterrorist-katara · 8 months ago
I’m so tired of wlw background ships in mlm fandoms.
mlm shippers almost never develop wlw ships to the degree that the audience feels invested in them. The conflict and character development and love story rely on tropes rather than actual narratives, yet fandoms act like they’re doing wlws a favour by shoehorning in this shitty “representation” when it’s just golden retriever x black cat over and over and over again in different fonts.
To be clear I don’t blame anyone for not having big wlw ships, because most major media out there do not have two fully fledged female characters you can ship together. If you want to write mlm ships, good for you! If you want a lazy wlw ship in the background, that’s fine! But don’t act as if the fandom actually cares about them, or that anyone did the legwork to make them characters that you can care about. Most of these female characters are never properly developed in the canon source material, and they’re almost never properly developed in the fanon material either. You can always tell by how these women are like, one archetype + gay (sporty gay, feisty gay, slutty gay etc, like some kind of gay Spice Girls). Yet fandoms just love to act like these background wlws mean so much & have the best love stories & everyone just should ship them. It’s all so performative.
wlws are not an aesthetic. wlws are not 2D happy couples to round out your queer utopia, a queer utopia that somehow still manages to foreground men. Women are always treated as 2D characters in narratives, except now there’s a subgenre where these 2D women are gay. Groundbreaking.
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alanaisspiderman · 6 months ago
real ones know the difference between oh and oh
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justremuslupininamask · 2 years ago
Bitch what do you mean “ao3 is down for maintenance” Remus and Sirius didn’t even kiss yet
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ecstarry · 7 months ago
something got into me i think i will post the first chapter of dear sirius today so here's a small snippet for you:
James looked significantly more put-together than Regulus, which was uncommon. But Regulus had finally had a good night's sleep, and it was evident in his "I just woke up" appearance.
"Hi." James’ voice carried a constant undercurrent of worry. Regulus found himself missing the warmth it used to have. He knew that every time James looked at him, all he saw was Sirius. James never said it, but Regulus recognized that look too well. Throughout his life, few people looked at him and saw anything more than Sirius’ little brother. He could never fault James for seeing the same.
Lyra ran to hug James, barely tall enough to wrap her arms around his waist.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Regulus said. 
“My parents missed her terribly,” James said, pausing to lift Lyra up and carry her on his hip. “You don’t want any help today?” He said with caring eyes. Regulus thought back to the first time he had seen James. Even back then, Regulus had instantly understood why Sirius was so drawn to James. There was something about the way James looked at you, like you were something worth seeing, someone worthy of being known.
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fallintomidnight · 30 days ago
I'm currently reading "The golden king" by maladaptivewriting and lemme tell you....GO READ IT, IT'S AMAZING AND IT KEEPS YOU ON EDGE ALL THE TIME...THE STORYLINE IS VERY UNPREDICTABLE AND SOOOO INTERESTING!!!!! I haven't finished it yet , i still have a good chunk of chapters left but I've already put this in my fav fanfictions list!!!!
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