#wolf plays dnd
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famewolf · 13 days ago
hell ya two fade to black scenes in session today for two different characters!!! I'm surprised Koska got to fuck before Or'ius did. but to be fair, the Secret Keepers have been on a time crunch. no time for smooching when the fate of the region is counting down
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thestarfishface · 4 months ago
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When your party's fighter really wanted to befriend the dire wolf
Trying really hard to finish my Moleskine sketchbook and filling it with blorbodoodles! I bought a set of Arrtx acrylic paint markers a while back and tbh, don't like 'em, so I'm trying to use them up. (Also they used AI in their marketing after I bought these so fuck 'em, not gonna give them free marketing) Been using them to add splashes of color between the drawings in my sketchbook spreads, which I've really been enjoying! I like flipping through my sketchbook and seeing colors. Combined with using colored mechanical pencil leads and highlighters for sketching, I've been having a blast.
I also bought some flowery scrapbooking stickers recently (because I have gone down a journaling/planner girlie rabbit hole in the last few weeks that I will not go into here) and tried using them here, but the gloss finish throws off the vibe too much. Will not be using them for the sketchbook from here on, but do like them for my planner at least. Will be sticking to my cute washi stickers for sketchbook filler from here on.
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sexiestpodcastcharacter · 1 month ago
Sexiest Podcast Character 2024 — Scripted Bracket — Round 1
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Doug Eiffel (Wolf 359):
he's hot. dilf. silly. yeah.
#man with long hair + lots of body hair + nicotine addiction + aura of cringefail #is v attractive to me sorryyy
Lawry (We Will NOT Play DnD):
Lawry is one of the in-universe players in "We Will NOT Play DnD". he tends to play villains and/or losers in each campaign, such as a wizard whose defining trait is talking to water, a vampire working in private equity, and a lizardman who lives in a cave and complains about society. he also lives in a messy apartment with a cat. he very much does not conform to cisheteronormative gender roles, or at least his characters don't; he gets excited over finding lipstick in "Peanut Murder" and briefly considers a situation in which he'd need to seduce a man in "Glam Rock".
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flame-cat · 8 months ago
"What? No, Eiffel, we're not-"
"No? And why not? It seems like the most viable option we have right now!"
"Because that's stupid! And reckless! It's-"
"It's the best chance we have with the lowest collateral damage. Acceptable losses!"
"Acceptable-? … What?"
"I'll put it in a way you can understand- I'm using the data we already have. You guys got on fine without me when… you guys were fine. We lose you, we have no commanding officer. We lose Lovelace, we lose the most badass, strategically minded female John McClane you've ever met. We lose Hera- well, we kinda can't, because we did once and we all nearly died from exhaustion. You lose me? Well… you lose me. It just makes sense."
"… Eiffel… that has got to be the stupidest thing you've ever said. Acceptable losses? Are you kidding me? 'You got on fine without me?' No, we didn't! It was horrible! We were falling apart without you! Don't you dare assume you can just- just throw yourself away because you think we don't care! I already lost you once, Doug, I refuse to do it again!"
There is a long, tense silence while that sinks in.
"… So…" Maxwell clears her throat from behind the DM screen. "I think that's enough for one night. How about we hand out experience points next session?"
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dragonpyre · 7 months ago
I saw a recent ask and!!! DND??!!
What's your favourite class and are you playing a character you wanna share!!!???
I'm in two major campaigns rn and a few side campaigns, but rn I'm playing a a half elf monk and a teifling druid/cleric. My personal fav class is rogue, cuz the sneaky sneak is just so fun, but I haven't had a chance to play one in a bit.
Side characters are an aasimar celestial warlock, and a wood half elf "fighter"
Also, paladin deserves more love. I played one in Strahd and he was a BEAST
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six-improbable-things · 2 months ago
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Ended up accidentally quoting Inigo Montoya during today's session... I don't regret it at all.
Yes, this is the snake that kills you if you swear, so Rook swore at it a bunch on purpose to piss him off and draw his attention. Andrassi (the snake) had eaten Rook's dear friend Jay the night before, and Rook was um, more than a little mentally unstable going into this fight, plus extremely sleep-deprived. I was really happy with my improv here though. It felt badass.
Rook also ended up killing Andrassi himself, which was very fitting:
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This was with a held action, too, so there's a giant snake's head barreling down on Rook, and he just stands his ground and sticks his entire fucking arm into the snake's mouth and just hopes he can kill it before it swallows him whole...
Honestly every single one of us was shocked that Rook didn't die this combat. And he honestly probably should have given that he got paralyzed via Hold Person, and took one auto-crit that took out 60 of his 63 max hp. Insanely, he never even went down. (Actually no one did?? We got SO lucky. Thank our cleric for a really clutch casting of Insect Plague, and some nice Mass Healing Words and a Mass Cure Wounds from the bard.)
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uselessgaywhovian · 2 years ago
You there!
Watch 20 to Midnight. The D&D actual play stream by Gabriel Urbina, Beth Eyre, Emma Sherr-Ziarko, and Mike Schubert. It's delightful.
Here, let me get episode 1 for you
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echoing-locations · 5 months ago
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He’s got that wolf in him
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felis-leo-666 · 5 months ago
*taps mic* would anyone be interested in hearing me yap / seeing my art about D&D on this website as both a DM and a player with brainrot
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archersartcorner · 2 years ago
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Am catching up on Neverafter and got to Pib and the wolf’s conversation in episode 11… Just found it very endearing. I like seeing Pib’s relationships with other beasts and his interaction with archetype vs character. Also he’s like, A Little Cat Dude Who Made Biscuits On A Lion, so like. Excellent character, a shame I don’t feel confident in how I draw Animals 😔
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famewolf · 21 days ago
are our characters gonna finally fucking kiss this session?!?!?! I sure hope so!!!!
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supportivecircle · 2 years ago
Alright so here’s the full document for the Wisps Patron designed for the DnD 5e Warlock class, in a Sonic the Hedgehog themed 5e game I ran over the past year. I’ve been going through the document over the past few days ( Original Campaign Post, Class Features, Wisp Powers, Invocations+Familiar) detailing thoughts on how it was made, the intent, and the attempts to balance and mindset that went into it. This version should be visible to everyone who wants it in its entirety, and you should be able to make a copy for your own Google Drive if you want to edit parts yourself, or download it as a pdf. I hope this makes some folks happy, even if you don’t use it yourself, and that creates some good times in peoples’ games.
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orcelito · 1 year ago
Whats better than playing a big turtle hippy with mushrooms on her back and a questionable sense of morality?
A Turtle That Steals.
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reagan-the-saunders · 1 year ago
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| Linvala Playing The Lute
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memento-morri-writes · 7 months ago
Once again, the only writing I have to offer is dnd-related, and once again, it's also both angsty and whump-y. This is expanding on a scene that got glossed over in a session MONTHS ago, but uh, anyways, here you go:
tw for references to serious physical injury
He felt rather than saw Sigmar shake his head. “I should never have left you. If I’d known she’d bring Deadringer into this… I shouldn’t have let you go off to fight someone like him without me.” Once again, Rook was surprised at the weight of the emotion in his mentor’s voice. He wanted to say It’s not your fault. Or maybe, I would have done it anyway, but his mouth wouldn’t cooperate. So instead he just rested his head on Sigmar’s shoulder. The damp chill that had come over him on the way here was getting stronger and he leaned into Sigmar’s warmth. “‘S cold,” he mumbled. Sigmar picked up the pace a bit, a worried edge creeping into his voice. “Come on, come on. Just a little further.” Rook’s eyes were heavy, and his awareness of the world was fading. He heard a door open, was dimly aware of a brightly lit, white-painted room, of being laid down on a bed. He could hear people talking urgently, unfamiliar voices joining Sigmar’s. His muddled mind only caught fragments of their words. “Concussion … Severe blood loss … Not enough…”  Multiple sets of hands touched his skin, and the familiar warmth of healing magic (when had being healed become familiar again?, he wondered dimly) flooded his body.
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flailingdoodle · 2 years ago
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Definitely not going to have a piece done for the event tomorrow, so have some wips and planning bits instead lol
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