#morrigan plays dnd
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six-improbable-things · 26 days ago
I don't ever want to make my hobbies my job or monetize them, because that would make them stop being fun, but it would be SO much fun to work on some kind of dnd homebrew project to share with the public. I love figuring out mechanics and abilities and coming up with all kinds of whacky creatures. And it's a shame that I'm never able to share those with anyone aside from my one DM.
I don't have any kind of platform here, but I'd love to maybe publish some of my homebrew creations to the public someday. Make a PDF of all the statblocks or something, idk.
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memento-morri-writes · 2 months ago
whump-y wednesday
I don't know if this is actually a thing, but it's Wednesday, and I wrote a really fucked-up snippet that I liked, so I'm posting it. But most of it's going under the cut because uh, well, it's fucked up. My boy was not having a good time before the party came to rescue him.
tw for mentions of blood, illness, and torture
A horrible screech pulled him out of the dark. He opened his eyes, trying to figure out where he was. Light poured in from the open door, illuminating the walls of his cell. The door. Its rusty hinges were what had made the screeching sound. He tried to lift his head to look around, but pain shot through his chest. Since when did it hurt to breathe? He heard the sound of metal against wood and the sloshing of liquid as someone set down a small bucket of water. “I dunno what the point of givin’ him any water is.” A gruff voice said. “He’s been burnin’ up for days now, and we all know the captain won’t let a healer within a hundred yards of him.” A grunt of agreement and another voice said, “If he’s still alive in a week, I’ll give Zafira a kiss.” The first voice laughed, and the last thing Rook heard as the door swung closed was, “Your funeral.”
Blindly, he reached towards where he had seen the bucket of water. His muscles screamed, and he felt scabs and dried blood cracking as he moved for the first time in… hours? Days? He wasn’t sure. His fingers met metal and eagerly he pulled the bucket towards him, too weak to lift it off the floor. Water sloshed over the sides, blissfully cool where it touched his skin. Hands shaking with effort and excitement, he dipped them into the bucket and splashed water on his face. He could have cried. How had he never known how good water could feel? He cupped water in his hands and brought it to his lips. Only a few drops actually made it into his mouth, but even those felt heavenly. Again and again he dipped his hands into the bucket, getting more water on the floor and his body than in his mouth. After several mouthfuls the water started to taste odd, slightly salty, and he distantly realized that the blood and grime from his hands must be washing off, mixing with the water. He didn’t care. It was still the best thing he’d ever tasted.  He thought he heard laughter. Who was laughing? Was he laughing? He couldn’t blame himself if he was.
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morrigan-sims · 1 year ago
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D&D OC Intro
(inspired by @goldenwaves's post!!)
[transcript under the cut]
This is FAR from everyone, but it's the characters I've played for more than a oneshot, and the ones I actually talk about.
Zenara Raventhorn (aka Zen)
Tiefling Warlock (Pact of the Fiend)
The first D&D character I ever played.
Only got to play two sessions with them.
Unintentionally inspired by Critical Role Campaign 2
Backstory written between 1-3am on my phone.
Has an imp familiar who looks like a raven.
Occasionally gets possessed by their patron, and then gets given new powers as an "apology".
Fire theme.
Rook (Adrian Lockwood)
Half-elf Rogue (Swashbuckler)
First (and only) character to make it past 8 sessions. (So far.)
Disaster bisexual pirate boy with SO MUCH trauma.
Wields a magic rapier that was a gift from his captain + first mentor.
Enemies with a different pirate captain who wants to capture him.
Has decent charisma but relatively terrible social skills.
Bastard son of a nobleman. Has daddy issues.
Reckless and impulsive to a fault. Would die for his friends.
May or may not be cursed by a demon lord.
Asola Riava Ashmark
Aasimar Paladin (Oath of Vengeance)
Made it 8 sessions before we switched campaigns.
Doesn't know she's an aasimar. Her powers show up when she experiences extreme emotions and it's only ever happened twice in her life.
Got briefly possessed and then force-shut-down by a literal god.
Has a habit of picking up stray traumatized young people.
The party's moral compass. Tried to keep them somewhat in line.
Believes that laying down her life to save someone else's is worth it. Swears she doesn't have self-worth issues.
Morana Novak
Witch (Curse Patron)
Character for an eventual Pathfinder game.
Named after a Slavic goddess of death and winter.
Necromancer, got kicked out of her hometown for graverobbing and experimenting on corpses.
Her familiar is a raven named Miro, who she rescued and trained.
Autistic as hell, which will be fun for me to play.
Very creepy and unsettling person.
One of her future party members nicknamed her "Mortician".
Fire Genasi Barbarian (Path of the Storm Herald)
Newest character on this powerpoint.
Fights with a magical flaming quarterstaff that she can summon from inside herself.
Has a stolen, magically powered vehicle.
Formerly part of a cult. Only stayed around for their toxic then-girlfriend.
Somehow basically the least traumatized member of the party. That was NOT the plan.
Avra Shadaowbreath
Shadar-Kai/Reborn Rogue (Phantom)
Devout follower of the Raven Queen, has utter faith in her actions.
Used to work for an assassin's guild until she was killed after a job gone wrong.
Revived by the Raven Queen herself to be her assassin.
Sent to Barovia to kill a powerful lich.
Has complicated feelings on her own resurrection, but her faith in the Raven Queen is stronger than her doubts about herself, for now...
A massive hypocrite when it comes to other people being resurrected.
Odynia Adrasteia Erinys
Aasimar Paladin (Oath of Vengeance)
Devoted follower of Nemesis, goddess of divine retribution.
Got transformed into an aasimar after being chosen to be Nemesis's eye on the mortal plane.
"And eye for an eye" but make it literal.
Has black feathered wings sometimes.
More than a little bit of a bitch. Very prickly at best.
Her name means "inescapable pain/grief" so that bodes well.
Hellbent on revenge... but why?
Aspen Vale
Half-Elf/Changeling Bard/Warlock (Glamour/Archfey)
Pied Piper'd into the Feywild as a child.
Learned bardic magic there, and made a pact with their patron, Fin, the god of death.
Sent back to the material plane with ZERO memories.
Named themself after the first thing they saw in the material plane - an aspen grove.
Carries a "broken" compass that Fin uses to guide them in the right direction without their knowledge.
Carrion Vice
Barbarian (Path of the Fractured)
Physically a tiefling, mechanically a Beasthide shifter.
He grew up religious and his birth name was Reverence.
Received his name after being left for dead and told "Soon you'll be nothing but carrion".
Transforms into an unrecognizable monster when he rages.
Transformations caused by exposure to Delirium (magically radioactive crystal) when he was a kid.
Current goal is to kill his former mentor, the one who left him behind...
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rooolt · 7 months ago
Brian Murphy is constantly looking out for us losergirl dykes, first jaina bronzebeard, now Kenna ironheart. He knows what the people want
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paragonrobits · 2 years ago
"Gaining Karlach's approval centers around being forthcoming and somewhat heroic - showing compassion toward the wronged and almost uncompromising good." WELL I KNOW WHO I'M BEFRIENDING WHEN I PLAY THIS GAME
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willowwormwood · 1 year ago
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2018 > 2023
I got reminded of this drawing, this was the first drawing I made of my OC Morrigan! They were my first d&d character
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geezmarty · 1 year ago
ooo what inspired your tav design? like did you go in with a specific character in mind, or did it come from playing around with the character maker?
Oh boy ok. You’re about to find out just how insane I get over RPG character creation. “marty you don’t have to disclose it” I can’t believe you guys are forcing me to do this.
SO, I actually started bg3 with another character entirely, a ghityanki bard, which I thought would be fun and for a bit it was! But I wasn’t feeling crazy about her and when I play an RPG I love to turn my PC into a proper OC I can be obsessed with, so I restarted the game and before I went to character creation I literally sat down with a sketchbook and started brainstorming.
I wanted my pc to have an aesthetic of her own separate from the main companions but I also wanted her to blend in with the rest of the cast, I went for dark urge bc I heard that it gives you a personal quest and I landed for half drow and wild magic sorcerer, which is another class no major companion has (and also, I’ve always wanted to play wild magic even in regular dnd and this was a nice excuse to!)
Her aesthetic pretty much came up as I was sketching her and thinking about all the info above, what could set her apart but still feel like she could blend in? And most importantly, what would be fun for ME to draw? And so I went for witchy goth woman and luckily the design I sketched was very easy to reproduce in the character creator - and the rest came up organically as I drew more of her.
(I also named her after my very first dnd character Brigha, a half orc warlock, and it’s only after I finalized her design that I realized I’d borrowed some elements from hers eheh)
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Witch goth was especially fun to play with bc I feel like most companions have a goth vibe about them but we’re missing the mean, spooky, feminine witch archetype (yes, morrigan from dao was part of the inspiration I love my wife <3). You could argue that Gale sort of fills the witch role already but I feel like they stand very nicely at opposite ends of the witch spectrum which is also fun considering their wizard-sorcerer one sided animosity.
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nellieofthevalley · 3 months ago
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Been playing lots of DND lately and decided to draw my character for my main campaign, Morrigan! Shes from “The curse of strahd” universe :))
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six-improbable-things · 27 days ago
I had to open the ship combat rules doc I made for Rook's campaign the other day, and man, that thing was (and still is tbh) my fucking magnum opus. I put so much effort into creating rules for a type of combat that dnd doesn't naturally support, and it was SUCH a fun challenge. I'll admit it's not perfect, but it works for our campaign, and everyone seemed to like it during our one test so far, so that's good enough for me.
I think between the stat blocks, the rules themselves, and the maps of the ships, I spent easily 48 hours total on making this sailing arc happen. (No, I'm not the DM, I just like homebrewing shit, and also happen to be the one who decided to play a pirate and make that involved in the story.)
#morrigan.text#morrigan plays dnd#dnd#if anyone wants to read the ship combat rules doc or anything just lmk. I will gladly share the link. This thing is my baby.#actually if anyone ever wants to see ANY of my dnd stuff I'll gladly share. I need to find a nicer way to share it than roll20 screenshots.#I will accept any suggestions as to how to do that and also gladly welcome any chance to infodump about my silly little homebrew shit.#it's so funny because I think that a lot of people would look at the stuff I do for this DM and go ''huh??? why??? you're a player???''#and yet MORE that I've promised to make but haven't done yet. (Like the fucked up Nightwalkers I'm using the Aeor monsters as a base for.)#but it's genuinely so much fun for me and I practically BEG him to let me do this stuff lmao.#I've made SEVERAL maps (both battle and regional) and well over a dozen stat blocks for this campaign.#probably close to two dozen atp actually. I mean the Sea Snake crew alone was at least 4 stat blocks plus the 3 ships.#and then there's the Drowned Maidens we're fighting next session. And the Tentacle Monster and the Sea Drake.#and the beefed-up Kuo-Toa plus their idol and the Marriages.#so what's that. 13 stat blocks for just the first part of the sailing arc?#and then there's the wind roc/phoenix thing I made for Red Lotus Island.#and three chimeras I made for the labs. So that's 17. And I know for a fact there's more I'm forgetting about.#my all-caster party is going to hate me lmao. (It's fine. 90% of the monsters I make are worse for me (the rogue) than anyone else.)#as for maps I made the map of Red Lotus island and I made all three ship maps (which took probably close to 24hours total)#and I made a map for the fight against Andrassi THE NIGHT BEFORE THE SESSION (by voluntary choice).#idk I just have fun with this kind of thing. I'm not organized enough to DM a campaign but I love figuring out technical challenges.#I mean. that makes a lot of sense since dnd and its mechanics is literally my special interest. So. Not really surprising.#oh and for my (heavily modified) CoS game I made a super powerful divine assassin of the Raven Queen for us to meet.#he's cool as hell. His name is Kazimir and his stat block is absolutely insane.#it's almost 3am why am I like this. time to go the fuck to sleep!!!
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memento-morri-writes · 3 months ago
oc bingo tag
I wasn't tagged by anyone, but given that I've jumped on a few open tags (most recently @space-writes and @oh-no-another-idea), I figured it was time I share some bingo cards of my own.
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In order, we have: Fallon, Rook, Theo, and Carrion.
I'm making this an OPEN TAG, so if you have an OC who you think might fit one of these, feel free to fill one out! Oh, and here is the link to the site to make your own.
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six-improbable-things · 1 year ago
"summon lesser chicken" was a success.
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i love dungeons and dragons
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morrigan-sims · 1 year ago
OC Height Tag
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I was tagged by @hauntedtrait. Thank you fangs!!!
I'll tag @goldenwaves (I wanna see Clem next to Asa, aksdjasds.), @potionio @salemssimblr @panicsimss and @warwickroyals
Commentary under the cut.
Here's the main cast of RTQ/ATQH (I really wanted to add the side characters too, but it was already getting to be so many...). Technically Fallon is the only one of those sims that I made, but I have custody of all of them. (Order is just the order they're in on the character page, cause that's where I had to check all their heights, lmao.) I try my best to include height differences in my poses, but they're usually more subtle than the actual ones, partly because posing two drastically different height characters is a pain in the ass.
The second group is some of my favorite D&D characters I've come up with. Cyra and Rook I'm currently playing, Zen was the first character I ever played and I played them for two sessions, Laverna was made for a tumblr thing well before I ever played dnd, but I'd love to play her someday, and Morana is for a pathfinder game that I will be in someday. I could have done more, but I didn't know who else to choose, these were most of my named characters anyways, ajdakjds.
As you can probably tell, I have a very skewed perception of normal heights, lmao. I'm 5'10, and Fallon is my shortest OC that I can name off the top of my head, at 5'6". And I rarely make any taller than 6'1" or so. Most of them clock in at either 5'10" or 5'11" because those are the ideal heights in my mind, lmao.
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dice-sociation · 7 months ago
Girls Who Don’t DnD
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Quick Info
Audio Quality: High-Quality Audio, Effects, Music. (Occasional fan-submitted recordings)
Vibes: Throne of Glass, Doctor Who, Alice in Wonderland, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Princess and the Pauper
Extras: Patreon rewards, Discord Community with Book Club, and more!
System: 5e DnD
Campaign/ Show Length: Long Term Campaign
Average Episode time: 1.5 Hours (varies a bit)
Uploads 1 episode a month. 
Diversity: Majority Women
Platforms: Podcast, Audio Only. 
Number of Episodes This Review is based on: 30+ 
** If you want the TLDR, scroll to the bottom of the post **
Why Girls Who Don’t DnD?
How often have you said to yourself, “Man, I wish I could experience that for the first time again?” While we can’t reset your brain, you can live vicariously through the Girls Who Don’t D&D podcast. 
If you're looking for a podcast with relaxed gameplay, fantastic humor, great editing, and effects, you should read on to learn more. This wonderful adventure showcases the beautiful experience of watching three girls fall in love with Dungeons and Dragons (D&D). 
Starting the Pod
The podcast starts with Cory, the Dungeon Master (DM), explaining that he has invited three girls, Indy, Alana, and Stacey, who have never played D&D, into his world of Kalee with premade characters. If you, the listener, haven’t played before, you’ll learn a lot just from listening. Cory purposely doesn’t edit out explanations of how to play. I’m confident my experience was better because I was still learning to play the game myself as I started listening.
Right from the start you will hear how much work Cory puts into editing and pre-recording. He recruits people to voice-act for non-player characters (NPCs) or to play out memories or scenes. Some additions are just for the listeners, giving us a little extra information about the lore of the world. This includes the origin of magical artifacts, gods, and sometimes an NPC’s perspective that the players don’t get to hear.  It feels like listening to an audiobook and honestly, I think “booktok” would love Girls Who Don’t DnD. 
We learn that the three player characters, Freya, Kaa'Riin, and Morrigan, have lost their memories and need to recover them. The story and the discovery of who the player characters are and what happened to them work in tandem with the players themselves learning the game in a beautiful way. 
Power gamers and hardcore strategy? We don’t need that here. (Tosses book over shoulder). This group is made of story-tellers who usually choose to progress the narrative over strategy. At first, it's like watching Without A Recipe or the British Bake Off challenge where they have no clue what they are supposed to be making. This makes it all the more special when the players get more comfortable with the gameplay and more grounded in their characters. 
About the Team
Cory, "(who owns all the books but hasn't read them)"* completely absorbs the chaos the girls bring to the table and somehow also keeps them immersed in the story. He holds onto the rules of D&D loosely, letting his players use their abilities in different and unique ways. You still get full epic fights with no pulled punches, yet they feel more cinematic than the usual D&D grind. Outside of combat, Cory introduces challenging puzzles and encounters that present more opportunities for his players to think outside the mechanics of the game.
I adore Alana, Indy, and Stacy. I have some difficulty with telling their voices apart, but I never felt like that took away from my enjoyment of the show. Over time they develop their characters and have different play styles. They all have so much personality and bring their own flavor to the table. 
Indy, playing Freya the Rogue, has to be the most classic of first-time players, starting a little hack-and-slash happy, but eventually, she gets really into the strategy of the game. Freya is a cheeky scamp of a character and Indy leans naturally into the rogue class.  
Alana, playing Morrigan the Sorcerer, is usually the most sensible of the group. She is a leader in a way. There is so much more I want to say but I can't think of anything that isn't a big spoiler. Playing a sorcerer for your first time playing D&D is never easy, but Cory was able to ease her into the role and she runs with it.
Stacey, playing Kaa'Riin the Bearbarian (Druid with some Barbarian), has some epic combat moments. She can change from one animal to another without reverting to humanoid form, which deviates from traditional Druid rules. This decision, as well as other tweaks of the rules, help the pacing of the overall production. 
And sure, you're probably thinking their whole schtick is that they don't know D&D, so wouldn't it lose its charm after they get better? Absolutely not. Not even a little bit. This table is casual, silly, charming, and gripping. They make me feel like I am with my best friends playing our chaos gremlins together. 
A special shout to Mia Stegner (https://www.miastegner.com/) who composed and performed the opening and closing songs. It’s the cherry on top of this podcast sunday.
*Referenced from the Podcast Description. https://www.girlswhodontdnd.com/ 
About the world
“There is a saying among the good people of Kalee, when you know what is right, do what is right, and then deliver it all into the endless sea” From Episode 1: Throw it Into the Sea, Aug 16, 2021.
Cory presents a world both complex and informed by the player's choices and features some of the more bizarre parts of typical High Fantasy settings. 
There is just something so satisfying about learning the characters' backstories and how their stories are expertly baked in the many-layered cake that makes the world. Flavors include; wild magic, strange and whimsical characters, Evil Queens, “timey-wimey” stuff, super cute plans, snails, Gods, magic crystals, trapped souls, and Alan (the real star of the later episodes).
There are so many Patreon perks! You get behind-the-scenes talks, recipes from Indy, DMing tips, Lana's book reviews, and more! You can also join their Discord server where Cory is pretty active and they encourage community gaming and have a book club.
This podcast is about girls learning to play D&D using premade characters with amnesia. The girls learning to play parallels the story’s progression as they regain memories. 
Reliving the experience of learning to play for the first time all over again. 
Loosely follows the rules of 5e to keep the pacing up.
DM Cory recruits people to voice act for NPCs or to play out memories or scenes. Some additions are just for the listeners, giving us a little extra information about the lore of the world.
It's a little hard to tell the girls apart, but I don’t think it takes away from my enjoyment at all. 
Wild magic, strange and whimsical characters, Evil Queens, “timey-wimey” stuff, super cute plans, snails, Gods, magic crystals, trapped souls, and Alan. 
DM Cory presents a world both complex and informed by the player's choices and features some of the more bizarre parts of typical High Fantasy settings.
Special thanks to Artax of Who's Taking Watch for helping with editing!
No Context Gifs:
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motherlarkspur · 2 months ago
So I remember yapping in the tags of a recent reblog that I was gonna be playing a new DnD game soon (the 18th of December) and that date has PASSED and the fjrst session went GREAT. So great, in fact, that we are going to play again on Friday, and I can't wait because I love my silly Bahram.
He is a hobgoblin warlord who, after swearing an oath of conquest, has a very paranoid and murderous voice in his head, and he DOES NOT LIKE IT‼️‼️‼️
I have had horrible art block recently so I haven't drawn much 👉👈 augh but here is all the art I have of him (featuring Morrigan, one of his wives). Ignore the weird head proportions I am gay
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cosmichorrorlesbians · 3 months ago
what's your dnd campaign about?
smiles so sweetly. you have hit my obsession button squarely on the head. come closer I am a very normal dungeon master.
Beyond the Pale is a DnD 5e (yes I know) campaign set in a world that for the last thirty years has been slowly freezing to death, its one still-functioning city, and the tiny morticianry practice of the Morrigan (PhD) (played by the inimitable @thedapperraven), a bird-masked mortician with dark magical powers, the remains of a cult looking disapprovingly over her shoulder, and a lot of unresolved trauma. oh, and it's also home to her platonic life partner Scratch Silvertongue (played by the incomparable @mossycrumpet), a quick-talking bastard schemer of a thief, who crashed through her window with some nasty wounds one day following a heist (gone wrong) (gone very, very wrong) (gone eldritch) and never really left. when the duo are unexpectedly hired to investigate the brutal murder of a plutocrat coal baron, they quickly discover a network of religious conspiracy, capitalist cover-up and eldritch terror whose roots threaten to stretch back into aspects of their pasts they'd rather not see dragged back into the light.
it's gaslamp-fantasy apocalyptic horror murder mystery that would make a Victorian historian scream and tonally incoherent as DnD always is. Scratch and Mori bicker with detectives, screw over billionaires, fight their reanimated mentor's corpse, psychologically torture a mean-girl cleric, start gang wars, have homoerotic duels with hot mob bosses (quite literally. she was on fire) and witness two old women have one of the most cataclysmic divorces known to man. and-- both being characters utterly allergic to emotional vulnerability-- they both have to grapple with the way their pasts have fucked them over, how that has changed them, how uneasily loving someone coexists with keeping secrets, and what it means to care about someone else more than you care about yourself.
in my eyes? it's about free will versus fate, trauma, love, mentorship, dealing with the mistakes of the people who came before you, tragedy, codependent duos, the end of the world and what we do to get through it, and lots and lots of body horror. but mostly it's about how much I love my irl best friends.
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misc art for the vibes <3
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corvidquartz · 1 year ago
Moments When I Feel The Presence Of My Deities
I got this idea from @persephonesfoxway, who in turn got this idea from @caduceussky! Please give both of them a follow! ^^
When I'm working on freelance work (I'm a video editor)
When I sing solo karaoke in my room
When I take morning walks
When I do tarot card readings
When I smell something citrus-y
When I play DnD (he loves to listen in)
🌖 Cerridwen:
When I listen to Celtic Woman
When I research something I'm interested in
When I think about my Celtic heritage (she's the one that pushed for me to delve further into it)
When I look at the moon
When I read poetry
When I write in my Book of Shadows (She's really big about me gaining knowledge and learning more about my craft and the path that suits me best. I can feel her pride with every new spell I take the time to learn and write down)
🦋 Oonagh:
When I see butterflies (like I said before, she LOVES butterflies)
When I think about my childhood
When I watch dance videos (she's been adamant about me taking it up myself)
When I think of Spring
When I practice self care
When I put a gift together for my partner (she always seems so excited to listen whenever I gush about him and I can feel her smile whenever I take the time to put together something to show him I'm thinking of him)
💀 Hades:
When I walk by the graveyard near my workplace (was the place that truly had me start feeling his presence)
When I spend time with my younger sibling (they're a Hades devotee and I can always feel him right there with us whenever we're together)
When I see a dog
When I brew peppermint tea
When I watch a horror movie or video series
When I wear all black
⚔️The Morrigan:
When I feel that burning rage in the face of injustice (the landscape of current Twitter certainly made that feeling well known)
When I'm playing a difficult video game
When I see the color red
When I show support to my friends and loved ones
When I go through with doing something that initially made me feel scared or anxious (despite her being new to my space, I'm starting to realize that her presence has been here for a long time; ever since I started on this journey figuring out who I am)
When I take the time to move my body and exercise
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