#Female Led
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cat-boulder · 5 months ago
Scent training in a FLR
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strictpunishedhubby · 7 months ago
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Es liegt im Trend der Zeit, in zunehmendem Maße nehmen Frauen in Wirtschaft und Politik führende Rollen ein. In vielen, wenn nicht sogar in der Mehrzahl der Ehen bestimmt die Frau, trifft alle Entscheidungen alleine, duldet keinen Widerspruch und hat das alleinige Sagen. Wenn auch nicht jede diese Ehefrauen ihren Mann körperlich züchtigen, so üben sie dennoch das Erziehungsrecht über ihren Ehemann aus. Eine strenge Frau ist fest davon überzeugt das Recht zu besitzen, ihren Mann immer dann zu bestrafen, wenn dieser sich ihren Anordnungen widersetzten oder diese nicht akkurat befolgen, ebenso wenn er sich ihrer Ansicht nach unangepasst verhält. Sie schimpft mit ihm, zieht ihm die Ohren lang und verdrischt ihn vehement mit geeigneten schmerzhaften Züchtigungsinstrumente auf seinen nackten Po. Danach erfolgen für ihn neben lange Eckezeiten oft noch weitere empfindliche Bestrafungen. Durch diese Vorgehensweise stärkt sie ihn gegenüber ihrer Autorität und fördert seine Bereitschaft sich seiner Frau unterzuordnen. Verständlich, ein Ehemann der in dieser konsequenten Strenge von ihr erzogen und geführt wird, gehorcht und respektieren sie! Eine strenge Frau bringt durch resolutes Handeln ihrem Mann, so wie von ihr erwünscht Zucht und Ordnung bei. Sie erzieht ihren Mann aus ihrer Sichtweise in dieser strafenden Art und Weise, wie es zum Wohle der Familie und der Gesellschaft dient, und das alleine ist für sie maßgebend!
Bitte kommuniziere hier und bringe Deine Meinung zum Ausdruck durch liken, reblogen und Kommentare, ob und wenn ja, wie eine Frau ihren Mann wie hier dargelegt erziehen soll.
Es ist interessant zu erfahren, wie sich im Wandel der Zeit die Einstellung zum Matriarchat verändert hat. Wie sich die wachsende Dominanz und Stärkung der Frau innerhalb der Gesellschaft auf die Stellung der Frau innerhalb Ehe auswirkt. Wie denkst Du darüber? Sollen Gesetze erlassen werden, in dem bestimmt wird, jede Ehefrau hat das Weisungsrecht gegenüber ihrem Ehemann? Jede Ehefrau hat das Züchtigungsrecht gegenüber ihrem Ehemann? Solche Gesetzte würde nicht nur jede Ehefrau die ihren Mann diszipliniert Rechtssicherheit geben, zugleich wäre es nicht nur für den streng erzogenen Ehemannes Normalität, sondern auch in der breiten Öffentlichkeit! Ich bin mir sicher, die Mehrzahl der Frauen würden diese Gesetze für sich in Anspruch nehmen, indem sie häufig und regelmäßig ihre Männer mit diversen Züchtigungsinstrumente bestrafen, zum Wohle aller!
It is in line with the trend of the times that women are increasingly taking on leading roles in business and politics. In many, if not the majority, of marriages, the woman is in charge, makes all decisions alone, tolerates no opposition and rules the roost. Although not all of these wives chastise their husbands, they still exercise the right of edud´cation over their husbands. A strict wife firmly believes that she has the right to punish her husband whenever he disobeys her orders or does not follow them accurately, as well as when he behaves in an inappropriate manner in her opinion. She scolds him, she gives him a good trashing with appropriate painful punishment instruments on his bare bottom. Afterwards, in addition to long corner times, he often receives other severe punishments. By doing this, she strengthens her authority over him and encourages his willingness to submit to his wife. Understandably, a husband who is raised and led by her in this consistent strictness will obey and respect her! A strict wife teaches her husband discipline and order through resolute action, as she desires. From her point of view, she is raising her husband in this punitive manner that serves the good of the family and society, and that alone is what counts to her!
Please communicate here and express your opinion by liking, rebloging and commenting whether and if so, how a woman should educate her man as presented here.
It is interesting to learn how attitudes towards matriarchy have changed over time. How the growing dominance and empowerment of women within society affects the position of women within marriage.What do you think about this? Should laws be passed stating that every wife has the authority to give directives to her husband? Every wife has the right to discipline her husband? Such laws would not only give legal security to every wife who disciplines her husband, but at the same time it would be normal not only for the strictly raised husband, but also for the general public! I am sure that the majority of women would take advantage of these laws by frequently and regularly punishing their men with various instruments of punishment for the good of all!
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femaleledlatinoamerica · 1 year ago
YOUR WIFE, WHO LOOKS SOOO INOCENT AND FRAGIL... NOW GIVES YOU ORDERS 😔! Yes, she is now under the spell 😵 (influence) of her Bull ! Oh, my God😲! So, he had just convince her to be dominant to his husband and that she must lead him and told that he must submit to her lover 😨...
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charliexxxsharpe · 11 months ago
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Still alive 🖤
Just busy with life 😘
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mistressladyjade · 8 months ago
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This is what happens when you forget your place
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wordofsex · 1 year ago
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I love when I can taste your pussy on my smile
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micaelascucciolo · 6 days ago
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dice-sociation · 5 months ago
Girls Who Don’t DnD
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Quick Info
Audio Quality: High-Quality Audio, Effects, Music. (Occasional fan-submitted recordings)
Vibes: Throne of Glass, Doctor Who, Alice in Wonderland, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Princess and the Pauper
Extras: Patreon rewards, Discord Community with Book Club, and more!
System: 5e DnD
Campaign/ Show Length: Long Term Campaign
Average Episode time: 1.5 Hours (varies a bit)
Uploads 1 episode a month. 
Diversity: Majority Women
Platforms: Podcast, Audio Only. 
Number of Episodes This Review is based on: 30+ 
** If you want the TLDR, scroll to the bottom of the post **
Why Girls Who Don’t DnD?
How often have you said to yourself, “Man, I wish I could experience that for the first time again?” While we can’t reset your brain, you can live vicariously through the Girls Who Don’t D&D podcast. 
If you're looking for a podcast with relaxed gameplay, fantastic humor, great editing, and effects, you should read on to learn more. This wonderful adventure showcases the beautiful experience of watching three girls fall in love with Dungeons and Dragons (D&D). 
Starting the Pod
The podcast starts with Cory, the Dungeon Master (DM), explaining that he has invited three girls, Indy, Alana, and Stacey, who have never played D&D, into his world of Kalee with premade characters. If you, the listener, haven’t played before, you’ll learn a lot just from listening. Cory purposely doesn’t edit out explanations of how to play. I’m confident my experience was better because I was still learning to play the game myself as I started listening.
Right from the start you will hear how much work Cory puts into editing and pre-recording. He recruits people to voice-act for non-player characters (NPCs) or to play out memories or scenes. Some additions are just for the listeners, giving us a little extra information about the lore of the world. This includes the origin of magical artifacts, gods, and sometimes an NPC’s perspective that the players don’t get to hear.  It feels like listening to an audiobook and honestly, I think “booktok” would love Girls Who Don’t DnD. 
We learn that the three player characters, Freya, Kaa'Riin, and Morrigan, have lost their memories and need to recover them. The story and the discovery of who the player characters are and what happened to them work in tandem with the players themselves learning the game in a beautiful way. 
Power gamers and hardcore strategy? We don’t need that here. (Tosses book over shoulder). This group is made of story-tellers who usually choose to progress the narrative over strategy. At first, it's like watching Without A Recipe or the British Bake Off challenge where they have no clue what they are supposed to be making. This makes it all the more special when the players get more comfortable with the gameplay and more grounded in their characters. 
About the Team
Cory, "(who owns all the books but hasn't read them)"* completely absorbs the chaos the girls bring to the table and somehow also keeps them immersed in the story. He holds onto the rules of D&D loosely, letting his players use their abilities in different and unique ways. You still get full epic fights with no pulled punches, yet they feel more cinematic than the usual D&D grind. Outside of combat, Cory introduces challenging puzzles and encounters that present more opportunities for his players to think outside the mechanics of the game.
I adore Alana, Indy, and Stacy. I have some difficulty with telling their voices apart, but I never felt like that took away from my enjoyment of the show. Over time they develop their characters and have different play styles. They all have so much personality and bring their own flavor to the table. 
Indy, playing Freya the Rogue, has to be the most classic of first-time players, starting a little hack-and-slash happy, but eventually, she gets really into the strategy of the game. Freya is a cheeky scamp of a character and Indy leans naturally into the rogue class.  
Alana, playing Morrigan the Sorcerer, is usually the most sensible of the group. She is a leader in a way. There is so much more I want to say but I can't think of anything that isn't a big spoiler. Playing a sorcerer for your first time playing D&D is never easy, but Cory was able to ease her into the role and she runs with it.
Stacey, playing Kaa'Riin the Bearbarian (Druid with some Barbarian), has some epic combat moments. She can change from one animal to another without reverting to humanoid form, which deviates from traditional Druid rules. This decision, as well as other tweaks of the rules, help the pacing of the overall production. 
And sure, you're probably thinking their whole schtick is that they don't know D&D, so wouldn't it lose its charm after they get better? Absolutely not. Not even a little bit. This table is casual, silly, charming, and gripping. They make me feel like I am with my best friends playing our chaos gremlins together. 
A special shout to Mia Stegner (https://www.miastegner.com/) who composed and performed the opening and closing songs. It’s the cherry on top of this podcast sunday.
*Referenced from the Podcast Description. https://www.girlswhodontdnd.com/ 
About the world
“There is a saying among the good people of Kalee, when you know what is right, do what is right, and then deliver it all into the endless sea” From Episode 1: Throw it Into the Sea, Aug 16, 2021.
Cory presents a world both complex and informed by the player's choices and features some of the more bizarre parts of typical High Fantasy settings. 
There is just something so satisfying about learning the characters' backstories and how their stories are expertly baked in the many-layered cake that makes the world. Flavors include; wild magic, strange and whimsical characters, Evil Queens, “timey-wimey” stuff, super cute plans, snails, Gods, magic crystals, trapped souls, and Alan (the real star of the later episodes).
There are so many Patreon perks! You get behind-the-scenes talks, recipes from Indy, DMing tips, Lana's book reviews, and more! You can also join their Discord server where Cory is pretty active and they encourage community gaming and have a book club.
This podcast is about girls learning to play D&D using premade characters with amnesia. The girls learning to play parallels the story’s progression as they regain memories. 
Reliving the experience of learning to play for the first time all over again. 
Loosely follows the rules of 5e to keep the pacing up.
DM Cory recruits people to voice act for NPCs or to play out memories or scenes. Some additions are just for the listeners, giving us a little extra information about the lore of the world.
It's a little hard to tell the girls apart, but I don’t think it takes away from my enjoyment at all. 
Wild magic, strange and whimsical characters, Evil Queens, “timey-wimey” stuff, super cute plans, snails, Gods, magic crystals, trapped souls, and Alan. 
DM Cory presents a world both complex and informed by the player's choices and features some of the more bizarre parts of typical High Fantasy settings.
Special thanks to Artax of Who's Taking Watch for helping with editing!
No Context Gifs:
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subbyklaus · 4 months ago
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kura-tsuki · 7 months ago
It's been a while since I post something, but here it is! The female lead that I read from Mandarin novel, her name I decided to call her "Eighteenth"
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The female lead that reincarnated with the gossip system.
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wordofsex · 3 months ago
I am a ridiculous human being but I love living this way. I love having you on a pedestal and that you blow my mind every time I see you. I love that it gives everything I do a purpose.
I know I have a lot to do to get it right and make you happy too. Please keep asking me for exactly what you want. Please do anything you feel you need to do to make sure I am focused on you.
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micaelascucciolo · 2 months ago
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cat-boulder · 7 months ago
Female-led bliss: What do men seek from a FLR, part three of our survey findings.
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omniversecomicsguide · 1 year ago
When only a woman can! Top Ten Female Led stories chosen by Omniverse Comics Guide! Head to YouTube or your fave podcast channel now!
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hichasdee · 2 years ago
Some of the benefits from Male Chastity
Here are a few examples:
Increased Intimacy: By limiting sexual release, chastity devices can increase sexual tension and desire between partners. This can lead to increased intimacy and bonding.
Trust and Communication: Wearing a chastity device requires a high level of trust between partners, as one person is giving control over their sexual release to the other. This can lead to improved communication and a deeper sense of trust between partners.
Mutual Respect: Chastity devices can help to establish and reinforce power dynamics in a relationship, which can create a sense of mutual respect between partners.
Personal Growth: Wearing a chastity device can require a person to confront and work through their own sexual desires and motivations. This can lead to personal growth and self-awareness.
Increased Creativity: By removing the focus on traditional sexual activity, chastity devices can encourage partners to explore other forms of intimacy and sexual expression, which can lead to increased creativity and exploration in the relationship.
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