#sometimes u be playing dnd with ur friends and it gets a lil too real
flame-cat · 3 months
"What? No, Eiffel, we're not-"
"No? And why not? It seems like the most viable option we have right now!"
"Because that's stupid! And reckless! It's-"
"It's the best chance we have with the lowest collateral damage. Acceptable losses!"
"Acceptable-? … What?"
"I'll put it in a way you can understand- I'm using the data we already have. You guys got on fine without me when… you guys were fine. We lose you, we have no commanding officer. We lose Lovelace, we lose the most badass, strategically minded female John McClane you've ever met. We lose Hera- well, we kinda can't, because we did once and we all nearly died from exhaustion. You lose me? Well… you lose me. It just makes sense."
"… Eiffel… that has got to be the stupidest thing you've ever said. Acceptable losses? Are you kidding me? 'You got on fine without me?' No, we didn't! It was horrible! We were falling apart without you! Don't you dare assume you can just- just throw yourself away because you think we don't care! I already lost you once, Doug, I refuse to do it again!"
There is a long, tense silence while that sinks in.
"… So…" Maxwell clears her throat from behind the DM screen. "I think that's enough for one night. How about we hand out experience points next session?"
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salaciousslut · 8 months
A lot of my playlists are very long and jumbled lil messes. Lemme make a proper playlist and when i stop being so shy, i'll send you a link to it? ☺️
I just think you'd sound cute drunk, plus i think ive just wanted to drink these past few days and maybe i wanna get drunk with you. I become a bit bolder when im drunk. But i bet you'd look so cute looking at me after i call you puppy<3 im not someone who thinks brats should be disciplined either, i feel like subs get bratty cause they either want more love and attention or they wanna be roughed up a bit, sometimes its both<3 and you are a good puppy<3 so good<33🥰
You better be crying when you need to! No need to bottle up feelings when its better to express them ☺️ and i got you on the log accountability for sure ❤️
!! Youre in two campaigns??! Thats so fucking cool!! I'd love to play d&d with you, I had a discord campaign like two years ago and my old friends went crazy over the fact that i would change my voice to be in character 🤭 but i like to practice the range in my voice d&d and monster prom came in real good for that back in the day hehe ☺️ youre too cute omg<3 i wish i could smell your perfume!! That sounds like it smells nice :0 do you have a favorite perfume?? ALSO YUZU IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE CANDLE SCENTS!! Im literally crazy abt candles i know the proper way to care for them and it feels a little silly how much i care about candles but i just love them. I care enough to also always check the candles that the ppl in my life have to see if theyre essential oil based bc fuck paraffin based candles they are not the best for ppl or animals :( and i get you on fruity and clean smells!! Im also just insane and i used to play with fire for fun so i love burning wood smell!
Green was my fav color growing up!! I hated DHMIS bc of the "green is not a creative color" bullshit. Its still pretty up there but royal purple is my color, not even just ok favorites. Royal purple is low key a lucky/spiritual color for me. Sleepy girl who likes walks and cuddles<3 lemme come over to cuddle! Also how tall are you? 🫣 you dont gotta say if you dont wanna, im 5'7" (short king i guess lmao)
omg yes!! ill make one for you too!! i love sharing music! i just take a bit of time listening to new music bc i have to be in the right mood!! but i love music
i wanna get drunk sooooo bad!! im going out momday after my exam and now i wont stop thinking of u with me!! i love bold and i become bold too!! and very giggly and very fun!! and im not super bratty, i just like attention!! so it all works out for me 🥰
im working on being better at expressing my emotions actually!! i always bottle it in but im trying my best!!
yes i love dnd!! i have one online campaign that i play with friends from tumblr and then one in person campaign with people from school!! and you change ur voice omg i have to hear it!!!
yes i loveee my lil dolce and gabana light blue! i have a dupe for it sooo its really nice and affordable!! that or under the lemon by replica! smells like yummy lemons!!
i love candles too!! i try to tale care of my candles but sometimes i get a lil lazyyyyy but i know i should be better. see i love playing with wax! i loved dipping my finger in wax and playing with the candle so i feel u
i but u look amazing in royal purple too!! im 5'5! but i love my short kings hehe!! ur perfect height!!! 😘
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6ad6ro · 3 years
so one of the few times i tried playin dnd, we had this awful dm. long story he ended up usin his position to do that weird "abusing ppl you don't like" thing to me? that shit controlfreak dms sometimes do? ugh nm it's a long story n i'm trying to talk about somethin that happened before all that (or before it got bad).
so my char was a tiefling (yeah i know lol). but in dm's world, he didn't have tieflings for whatev reason. so i had to write up this big, dumb, (fun to write tho) origin story involving why i'd be there. even tho he "couldn't give away why there were no other tieflings there". so i pretty much had to write in a really vague way. went with a typical "was in a closed society but got ostracized" plot. idk it wasn't great... tho i did the whole "diary entry format" thing which was cute imo. anyways long story short i wound up in the dm's land with very little idea of who i actually was and not much experience.
a big part of my character was gonna be "i wanna find out about other tieflings, but they're all gone? why??" etc etc etc. like it wasn't deep n it could tie in to his narrative really easily. i thought it was a good idea idk i was rly committed to gettin into the game.
so anyways... we're playing. it's early on. he suddenly drops another old tiefling npc into the game as a city leader. which is weird considering he warned us from the start that there were no other tieflings (but swore up n down that he didn't care if i wanted to play one). so i was like ok this is an obvious hint that i'm supposed to engage w his npc.
so i'm roleplaying my character. askin about the history of tieflings whatever. just playin my part. n the dm. just starts gettin weird? i REALLY wasn't like doin anything special. i was just in character. expressing curiosity with a touch of desperation n some loneliness idek?!
and this genius dm. he was that pretentious know-it-all type. n so this wannabee psychologist suddenly decides that i'm not acting. that the only way i could be expressing what i'm expressing is if it connected to some real life trauma i was going through?? he gets all weird n sappy n is like "awwww ur just lonely n u need a family. don't worry we'll be ur family!" like "we" as in the dnd group? i barely knew the dm... i was only rly kinda close to one of the other players (and her gf i guess. they had brought me into the group). like i had plenty of other friends irl. what?
the worst part is his lil moment convinced the rest of the group to be like "awwww" too?? i sorta tried to protest but omg it was just so fucking WEIRD. what do u say in a situation like that? "no I'm fine i don't want you guys as found family i was only acting" like lol? like yea on some level it was really sweet but it was also INCREDIBLY condescending.
like no you didn't "read" me dude. sorry that my roleplay was "so good it had to be real". i mean it rly wasn't... tho i guess it prob looked like shakespeare compared to the ??fake english accent?? that my friend's gf was doing lol. (i prob sound mean but a lotta these ppl ended up treating me like shit after this so 🤷‍♀️ it's kinda deserved).
sidenote like this dm forever ruined the phrase "you're doin great sweetie" for me on that day.
but back to main point like god it was just so cringey? it made me sooo uncomfortable. did u ever see that episode of ali g where borat is in an acting improv group? and there's an actress playing the part of someone coming on to him. of course the joke is borat keeps thinking the actress is being serious when she reads the lines hitting on him, and he keeps saying like "but i have a wife..." etc forcing her to break character to be like "i'm not being serious. we're acting" which causes borat to be like "but you just touched my leg and said you liked me..." etc etc etc i'm sure you get the bit.
but this is what happened. i couldn't express myself in my role or this dude would try to read too much into it. it was so obnoxious. idk what made me remember all that. actually i think i just saw a meme w someone sayin "you're doing great sweetie" and GOD DAMN if i won't just hate that phrase for the rest of my life...
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