#wolf faunus jaune
reashot · 8 months
Have you ever thought about an au where Jaune is a wolf faunus and Ruby is a dog faunus?
When I look back, Jaune may have the appearance of a dog, but acts more like a wolf. I mean, he's the only one in the group who goes for a kill blow when an enemy is down.
Ruby has the appearance of a wolf, but she acts more like a dog. Being a silver eyed warrior, she is meant to preserve life. The worst she's done to a person was cut off Tyrian's tail.
If you did make this AU, I can see the relationship being that Ruby playfully dominates Jaune.
The Pupper and Woofy.
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Wolf Jaune: I'm on a hunt. I'm hunter, a proud warrior like my father and his before me and I have my prey on sight...
Sheep Cruz: Baaaa..... (Oh no. 💕I hope no handsome blonde wolf attack and ravish me from behind. That would be so bad if it happens. *giggle*😋)
Jaune: Target located, ready to pounce and... Strike.
Cruz: Oh No!!! I'm about to be eaten by the big bad dic..... I mean wolf! Whatever should I do? 🤤
Dog Ruby: Have no fear for I am here! Get to safety you dumb sheep I will gladly put myself in harm's way to safe you! Go ahead wolf. Eat me but please leave the dirty sheep alone!
Cruz: Tsch! (Get a clue you dumb bitch!)
Jaune: Ehh.... What is happening?
Ruby: You heard me. Eat me. Ravish me, devour me (sexually) with your mouth... (Then your dick afterward.)
Jaune: I think I better go...
Ruby: Oh no you don't! Get back here and finish me! Mama wanted her climax!!!
Jaune: *runs away*
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Cruz: No!!!!
Ruby: My Wolf D!!!!
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brokentrafficknight · 1 month
Wolf Faunus Ruby instantly recognizes Jaune in the Ever After because of his smell, and she LIKES what she sees.
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notmaplemable · 2 months
Artic Fox Weiss: You should choose me as your mate.
Wolf Ruby: No, pick me!
Jaune: I don't know.
Weiss: Have you considered this? *cute yip*
Jaune: Aww.
Ruby: But what about this! *puppy dog eyes*
Jaune: Awwww.
Weiss: So?
Ruby: Which one of us do you pick?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: ...
Jaune: ...I can't pick one.
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howlingday · 19 days
Wolf!Faunus Ruby
Jaune: There's enemies hiding out there... We need to hunt them down!
Dog!Faunus Jaune
Ruby: ...
Jaune: (Sitting in the middle of messy room) There was a noise and I got scared~. I spooked. (Cries)
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littlelewdmable · 3 months
Jaune: Always make sure to give your wolf faunus a treat. They love treats.
Wolf Ruby: *Rubbing Jaune's groin* Treat?
Jaune: No, not that kind of treat. People are watching.
Ruby: *doesn't stop* Treat~.
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Ruby: Why are you pulling your pants dow-
Jaune: There's no laws against the Wolf Faunus, Xiao Long!
Jaune: Guess what I'm gonna do Yang?
Jaune: SHe's Eighteen Yang! I'M GONNA DO IT!
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superiorsturgeon · 18 days
Gilded Rose: Wolf Ruby
Ren: …does anyone else smell that…?
Nora: You mean that weird musty smell?
Oscar: It smells like a wet dog mixed with roses! Where is it coming from?
Jaune/Pyrrha: *sweating* 😅
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 9 months
Jaune: Okay Guys, Ready to head out?
Ruby: Head out where?
Jaune: To that new Vegetarian place.
Blake: Oh, We can't go.
Jaune: What? Get kicked out of it Already?
Ruby: No, It doesn't match our Dietary needs.
Jaune: What?
Blake: We need meat to survive Jaune.
Jaune: ... You could just say you don't want to go. You don't Need to lie to me. *He Leaves*
Ruby: Jauen We aren't- Jaune, Wait!
Fun Fact! Canines and Felines are Obligate carnivores. This means they cannot get proper nutrition from plant based products. They need real, Actual MEAT to survive, even if that meat is processed, it must be MEAT. Feeding either animal a vegetarian or vegan diet means they will starve without going hungry, which is arguably crueler as they get weaker for no reason.
Feed your Dogs and Cat proper food that comes from animals, and if you won't, Give your pets to someone who will.
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thatorigamiguy · 1 year
Nora: "Hey Jaune-Jaune?"
Jaune's dog ears perk up, and he looks up from the sword fencing book he was studying to look at Nora.
Dog Faunus Jaune: "What's up Nora?"
Nora: "So, I know you tend to get scared during major thunderstorms, but do you get upset when someone uses a vacuum? and I'm only asking out of genuine concern, I swear!"
Jaune snickers at Nora's nervous look, before giving her a reassuring smile.
F! Jaune: "I knew what you meant Nora, and I'm not offended."
At this, Jaune tilts his head to the left as he thinks her question over.
F!: Jaune: "Mmmh the vacuum huh? I don't have to much of an issue with it to be honest. Most Canine Faunus don't really either, at best we get annoyed at the constant humming but other than that we tune it out."
Nora: "Great! Because I'm getting ready to run one real quick since it's been a couple weeks and I just wanted to make sure you're okay with it!"
Jaune waved her off with a go ahead as he went back to his book. Nora quickly set the Vacuum up and as she stepped on the pedal it roared to life. It was at this moment that the door to their dorm room was blown off it's hinges as one Ruby Rose bursts in holding Crescent Rose in her hands with a death grip. He wolf ears were twitching, her silver eyes filled with fear and panic as she started shouting.
At her mad ramblings, Ruby began to wildly fire into the room as she tried to snuff out vacuum from the safety of the doorway. She nearly caught Nora with a stray round before Jaune had dive tackled her to the floor and they both crawled behind the kitchen counter. Nora peaked out over the counter in terror, before looking at Jaune with questioning look. Jaune met her look with an indifferent look and a shrug.
F! Jaune: ""I did says that 'most' Canine get annoyed at 'best."
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dumbawesomev69 · 4 months
Faunus evolution Arc edition
(all art from madly Mesozoic on YouTube)
River elephant
In port class he talks about Hippo faunus as he shows a video of them however jaune knew something was wrong.
Jaune: professor port, those aren't Hippo faunus they're river elephants.
Mr port: What, how can you tell?
Jaune: well..
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River elephant faunus: Yeah buddy!!!
Other river elephant faunus: Yeah buddy!!!
Jaune: my great great great great grandfather was a river elephant.
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Ruby: They don't seem afraid of Grimm.
Jaune: yeah did I really afraid of anything they're just very aggressive to anything whether they're grimm or not.
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Fun fact: River elephants are actually elephants that evolved adapting to a Hippo lifestyle.They adapted to an omnivorous diet eating plants and crustaceans and of course they are still at threat by predators but they have shown they handle even the biggest threat.
Grazing gorgon
Snow has come to the city of Argus as saphorn arc and her wife terra arc were out with their son Adrian arc as he plays in the snow at the park.
Terra: Adrian really loves the snow.
Saphorn: yeah he does, hey let's get some hot chocolate.
Terra: yeah, wait who's going to stay and watch Adrian.
Saphorn: he'll be fine my parents left us alone many times so it's fine.
The two got up and left as their son continued to play when his little stomach growled as Adrian looked for his mother a faunus wearing a white mask picked him up and ran into the woods.
Adam looks out from the woods before turning to a white fang member. "Those two were idiots leaving their son alone now he will be an example why the White fang shouldn't be messed with."
Another white fang member approaches Adam. "Uh Adam maybe we should return the kid."
Adam: what!? Why!
The member points towards some trees which confuses him until he makes his way over and looks to see the white fang member who took Adrian dead lying in the snow.
Adam looks to see Adrian feasting in the corpse.
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Adam: .....
Minutes later
Saphorn and terra return to find Adrian crawling towards them.
Saphorn: see I told you, wait is that blood.
Terra: oh no please let it be a squirrel and not another pet, we still recovering from the neighbor cat incident.
Saphorn: To be fair that pussy cat had it coming.
The two took their son home as Adam watched them leave. "Note to self make sure kid isn't a faunus killing machine."
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Fun fact: grazing gorgon will actually eat carrion, eggs and small mammals to expand their diet and in some cases they will actually follow mammoths for food in some cases they will be attacked by sabertooth or other predators in which in the end the grazing Gorgon will feast upon the would be attacker.
Winter tryant
Weiss was putting makeup on when her brother walked in making her sighs. "what is it Whitley?"
Whitley: what can't a brother see her sister.
Weiss: I know you whitley what is it you want.
Whitley: I just don't get how you got yourself a boyfriend, you sure you didn't use your psychotropic pheromones.
Weiss smirks. "Of course I did once but well let's just say I learned my lesson very well~."
Before Whitley can ask the doorbell rang as weiss immediately rush down stairs as the rest of the family arrives when Weiss opened the door revealing a very tall blonde teen with two antlers on his head as Jacques eyes widen in fear while winter, Willow and Whitley all have a bright blush on there face.
Weiss: Family meet Jaune arc, my boyfriend.
Jaune: it's nice to meet you all.
Jacques finally found his voice. "Wait arc!? I know that family, they're nothing more than a bunch of fuck up bastards and sluts."
Jaune: Excuse me what was that.
Jacques: You heard me brat.
Jaune: I believe you should apologize before I do something I might regret.
Jacques: Here's your apologies!
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Jacques: Oh shit
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Jacques ran screaming as jaune chases after him leaving Weiss with the rest of her family.
Willow: so Weiss your boyfriend is something else~
Winter: indeed~
Whitley: Said Weiss are you-
Weiss: I'm willing to share with him because he is a big handful especially for my teammates.
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Fun fact: winter tryants are tyrannosaurus Rex the evolve for the coldest areas of the ark and their antlers on their head help with fighting against the Charfka telepathic abilities and to flip them over.
Night wolf chimp
We found jaune looking through his family tree book with his teammates and team rwby having a good time when they get to jaune mother family which wasn't so cheerful.
Blake: uh jaune why are their pictures of random people and faunus?
Jaune: oh right, they are my mothers family slaves she doesn't talk much about her past but my mom's side weren't exactly the kindness or nicest faunus in fact it's a reason why bandits keep their fires lit at night.
Nora: jaune-jaune your family are mixed faunus so what was your mother.
Jaune: believe it or not my mother was a cross between chimp and bonobo faunus becoming the first ever hybrids.
Ren: I'm guessing they didn't have a courtship.
Jaune: from what Mom told me, the males took the females after killing the males and forced them to have children with them. Over time my mother and few others become the first hybrids to carry on their nightly raids talking villages camps and even small sediments on Islands however over time we develop a relationship with a few well the rest of the time they view them as pests. My mother was lucky enough to find my father after that she gave of her old ways and married my father and started a family.
Both teams can hear the regret in jaune voices. "Hey if it's anything, my mother is a bandit who abandon me and Ruby's father."
Jaune smiles towards yang. "A little bit but I can learn from this, we make our own future and not let our parents past get in the way."
Pyrrha: hey jaune what about your father, and his side of the family.
Jaune: uh well that's for another time.
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Fun fact: night wolf chimps hunt during Dawn going after mammals, birds, lizards, bugs, terrasaurs, smaller dinosaurs, fruits and larger dinosaurs which is rare. They are known to have some relationships with other great evolve apes like kudo kubwa even assist in combat with a meal at the end of it.
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intooned · 2 years
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Nora: Why is Ruby in the corner?
Jaune: Because she doesn't know how to share!
Nora: What happened?
Jaune: She gets jealous when I give others headpats, so she decided to... leave her scent on my hand while I was asleep.
Nora: How did she... oh.
Jaune: Yeah. And poor Blake was the first to get ear scritches this morning.
Ruby: I'm not apologizing.
Blake: *under the bed, pawing at her ears* HISS!
@notmaplemable @howlingday
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Try again~
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reashot · 2 months
Cats Are Better Than Dogs(Wolf)...
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Nora: OMG look at that it's so cute!
Ren: *shushhh* Be quiet Nora you don't want to wake him up.
Wolf Ruby: Hey guys whatcha doing? 😁
Ren: Just take a look for yourself Ruby.
*sees Blake kneading Jaune's man boobs*
Ruby: 😶
Nora: Ain't she cute... *Walks away with Ren*
Ruby: *starts walking towards Blake and picks her up away from Jaune*
Go away stinky kitty. Jaune is mine. 😡
Blake: *growl*
Ruby: *starts massaging Jaune's boobs* Meow... Purr, purr... 😻
Jaune: R-Ruby?
Ruby: Uh... You're dreaming go back to sleep. 😮
Jaune: I'm not. I'm awake. What's going on Ruby why are you touching my chest?
Ruby: *smash Jaune's head with a flower vase*
Stupid Cat!!! 🤬
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brokentrafficknight · 2 months
Very Fast Wolf Faunus!Ruby Running at Incredible Hihg Speed
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notmaplemable · 2 months
Wolf Ruby: Jaune~.
Jaune: No Ruby, no puppies.
Ruby: But think about how cute they would be!
Jaune: We can't take care of puppies while out on the road.
Ruby: Yes we can!
Weiss: Just let her adopt a puppy, Jaune. I'm sure she can take care of it.
Ruby: Yeah!
Jaune: You know she's trying to have me get her pregnant, right?
Weiss: ...Ruby, you can't have any puppies.
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howlingday · 4 days
Jaune: Oh! What a cute cat!
Jaune: It's not a contest, Ruby.
Jaune: ...Brr! The wind is strong today!
Jaune: What are you trying to prove here?!
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littlelewdmable · 8 months
Wolf Ruby: Jaune, can I ask you something.
Jaune: Yeah?
Ruby: *Puppy dog eyes* Am I cute and breedable?
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