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socialdragonflytarot27 · 4 years ago
If you’re wondering if you’re being heard when you pray- this is a confirmation that the divine absolutely hears you, and is right by your side helping you. If something you have been wanting is not working out DO NOT GIVE UP!! I even sense some embarrassment here. If you feel like giving up, bending your will, or letting go of something that you have been working on manifesting, don’t throw in the towel just yet. Reality has set in in terms of what it will really take to manifest this. You may realize it’s going to take much more work than you thought before. Let go of any expectations you had about how this should look. Let go of control and just be in an energy of allowing things to manifest how they will. You may have lost some money, time, or resources. But is it really a loss if you are doing/giving from the heart? You may feel like you’re doing this alone and constantly denying yourself so that you may serve others. YOU ARE DEFINITELY NOT ALONE! you may not realize it at this moment, but where you are at right now is just a part of co-creating with the universe. Don’t allow your ego to talk you out of quitting or not putting forth continuous effort. Don’t allow poor logic, self-doubt, or hasty judgment to keep you in a place of stagnation. What does your heart say ?? Return back to the zero point of your heart space. Go from there. your spirit team of guardian angels, spirit guides, and ancestors are right behind you every step of the way.
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ann-divinepriestess · 7 years ago
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#cardoftheweek #shadowqueen 7/22-7/28 "The Shadow Queen" has come forward to grace our presence, but have no fear for that is part of her purpose to help you to address your #fears, if you want the #success that the enlightening, action oriented #suninleo can bring then you will have to face your #insecurities, only to ultimately realize you have everything you need already to do and be what you must at this time in your life and if you don't believe that, it can be revealed to you. 🌠🌠🌠🌠 As #mercury goes #retrograde this week until August 19th the knowledge that you need to eventually more forward in a certain understanding will be given, be wary of others who will try to #manipulate you, stay true to yourself regardless, their is no need to try and force your situations as divine timing is surely at play and the #FullMoon #totaleclipse in Aquarius comes forward on the 27th to remind us of that fact and to also assists us in #illuminating the #truth to thus prepare us for the path ahead. 🃏🔮🌠🃏🔮🌠🌠🔮🔮🃏🃏🔮 #wisdomofthehiddenrealms #oraclecards #oracledeck #oracle #anndivine #astrology #moon #zodiac
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thecrownedheartonetsy · 7 years ago
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The Hungry Ghosts •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Obsessions, Scarcity Consciousness, Attachment Let go of the illusion of lack, and accept things as they are: perfect, abundant, meaningful expressions of the Divine. There will never be enough for the Hungry Ghosts that challenge you, for the only experience they know is scarcity. It’s not your job to feed them. They will lose their power to haunt you. Trust in the abundance of spirit. 🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀 #cardoftheday #dailyoraclereading #rituals #intuition #spiritualguidance #focusofintention #wisdomofthehiddenrealms #thehungryghosts #obsession #scarcity #abundant #perfect #trustinspirit #blessings #gratitude #moderndaygoddess #peacelovelight #blessedbe #fridayfeeling
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loyasales · 4 years ago
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Today's card pull from: Oracle Holitics with Loya at facebook.com/the transformer healer #oraclecards #oracle #oracleholistics #wisdomofthehiddenrealms #cardreading #cardreadings #dailycard #dailycardreading #spiritualhealer https://www.instagram.com/p/CNTDnw8hr73/?igshid=1tnaqgvdw67og
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mysticalfaeryreadings · 6 years ago
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💫The Phoenix💫 
-resurrection, -surrender to change 
    The Phoenix appears as your Ally to celebrate your journey and to ensure your ultimate success. This is true even if it appears that you’ve just passed through a metaphorical experience of death or are currently enduring a perception of failure in your life.
   Death and rebirth are related When you enter the realm of the Phoenix. Seen in this light, nothing truly dies, but rather changes from one ending directly into new beginnings. The Phoenix is constantly reinventing itself and rises up whole and new and even more powerful with every death it experiences. This could signal an end of a relationship-or of a dynamic within one-or an end of a job, a project, or even a life.
   Perhaps no failure is involved, but it's time for a complete overhaul of your circumstances. You may be tired of what you’re doing, or you may know intuitively that it's time to move on and try something new. Whatever the case, a death of the old and a celebration of new life are called for! Whatever you do now will indeed be a successful endeavor, for a rebirth is imminent!
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tarotaddict · 8 years ago
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Be positive with your words for what you say to the universe the universe hears and sends it back to you.
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honeynthorns-blog · 7 years ago
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#dailydraw #cardoftheday #cardaday #dailyoracle #oraclecards #wisdomofthehiddenrealms #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotreading #onecardreading #witch #witchesofinstagram #paganfaith #pagansofinstagram #witchofcolor #blackgirlmagic #spirituality #spiritualpractice #pagan #meditation
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janicklemieux · 7 years ago
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✨Good evening! I invite you to close your beautiful eyes, to find a comfortable space in your heart and mind. Open your eyes and choose a card... Comment the card number below and I will post the messages tomorrow ! ✨💖🤗💖✨ . Call/text/email Janick at ☎️ 226-238-8178 or 📧[email protected] 🔮 to book your personal oracle reading. 🔮 Visit our studio today 📫 199 Mill st, Angus Yoga and Wellness studio by Open Heart Soulutions offers a range of classes for all genders and skill levels. Yoga for everybody and every body. 🕉 Check out our website for more information and schedules. 🕉 #angusyoga #yogaandwellness #healing #soulnakedjanick #soulnakedsystem #openheartsoulutions #janicklemieux #holistic #wellbeing #wellness #selfcare #selflove #colettebaronreid #wisdomofthehiddenrealms #peace #calm #empower #lotus #roottorise #listentoguidance #breathe #guidance #meditation #cacr #certifiedangelcardreader #pickacard #spiritualjourney #cardoftheday #bookyourappointment (at Janick Lemieux - Open Heღrt Soulutions)
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thequeenofthedruids-blog · 7 years ago
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Card Reveal The Lady of Light, The Sun Dancers and Gaia's Garden. I spent the last 24 hrs trying to find the best pay to post what's in the guide book but something told me to just post the cards. My two commenters picked 2. The Sun Dancers. As your Ally, the Sun Dancers, celebrate you now and remind you of the laws of success and praise. Expect the best and praise it in advance. This unleashes the magic of mystical magnetic energy, drawing circumstances to you to create the reality you envision. Give thanks in advance for the grace and Goodwill of the Divine. Be willing to dance the victory dance as if your greatest dreams are realized and watch how easily things begin to fall into place. Stay positive and leave the timing up to the Divine. All things are possible now. Dance the joy of being and celebrate your life and abundance today! Beware of losing yourself in your dreams of the future when the Sun Dancers come to challenge you. Their message is sweet and simple: stop what you're doing and go have some fun. Celebrate what is and don't worry about what will be or what could be. Be here and now.. just be, just for today. You will find your answers, but only after you've made time to play. Tomorrow after all is another day and the sun will rise again to shed it's warmth and light on all that needs clarity. You can count on it. #wisdomofthehiddenrealms #colettebaronreid #pickacard #tarot
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socialdragonflytarot27 · 4 years ago
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🌟>>>>>🌟 There’s an overall energy of judgement and criticism between yourself and another person. This could even be a “pot calling the kettle black” type of situation. Someone is ONLY looking at the negative aspects of a situation or individual. Demands and expectations must be released, and perception must be shifted for this situation to be resolved. **Choose which person’s energy you resonate with.** 🌟PERSON A🌟 I see that you are feeling disappointed and depressed. You have lost your sense of hope and may be lacking creative spark. I strongly feel this is connected to your lack of confidence in yourself. You are not standing fully in your power and may be allowing insecurity and/anxiety overtake you. Your unhappiness is being projected outwardly into this relationship and causing issues. The boredom and monotonous energies you feel in the relationship are only exacerbating the hopelessness you feel about your relationship. If there’s something you need to say or do to feel more authentically you, don’t hesitate. Just do it. Because you will remain in this stagnant energy until you do so. ADVICE:make your own healing a priority. Nurture yourself. Take a stand or set boundaries if you need to. Take your power back. Get out of the relationship if that’s what you need to do to heal yourself. 🌟PERSON B🌟 You’re at a place in your relationship where you faced with a choice as to whether or not you want to fight for this commitment or not. You also may be faced with a decision regarding your integrity. Will you honestly be able to maintain a commitment to this relationship with your integrity in tact? If you and your partner’s values and goals are not in alignment, and you know it’s causing issues, can you really live with yourself by forcing this person to stay with you if it means making them feel like shit?? ADVICE: Don’t push your views or agenda on the other person. Asking for others to talk to them about the issue won’t work either. If you’re having your own issues with self confidence or an over inflated ego- you may need to seek out help for that. Healing yourself may lead to healing the relationship as a whole. This is not the time for melodramatic egoism. Try not to focus too much on the opinions of others either as this will set you further back from progress. Less force and more understanding will benefit all. Zodiac signs that may be of significance: #Aquarius #Taurus #Libra #Leo #socialdragonfly #socialdragonflyspiritual #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotreading #jupiter #jupiterinleo #wisdomofthehiddenrealms #expectations #riderwaite
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ann-divinepriestess · 7 years ago
Card of the Week 12/24-12/31 The Spirit Whisperer We are to be imparted with a certain divine guidance and a higher knowing. Especially in relation to where Venus in Capricorn will be touching your chart. Venus represents love, money, things we enjoy and relationships while Capricorn represents careers, prestige, money, hard work and determination. So this week...if you didn't KNOW before you will be given the opportunity to "Just Know" its the right relationship, its the right path, it's the right job, its the right friendship, its the right idea, its the right next step, its the right decision etc. So pay attention to the quiet whispers of the heart and mind leading you to joy, passions and happiness that are surely meant to last. 🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌 . . . #tarot #oracle #oracleoftheweek #venusincapricorn #venus #capricorn #astrology #wisdomofthehiddenrealms #spiritwhispers #divineguidance #innerknowing #gutfeeling #spiritualguide #anndivine
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thecrownedheartonetsy · 7 years ago
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The High Lady of Love and Compassion 💗 When the High Lady of Love and Compassion chooses to be your Ally, she brings you a deep and meaningful message: she reminds you that only Love is real. It is the sole unconditional and true power behind all means of manifesting out of the unseen into the material. Love’s greatest creative power is ignited by the conscious action of compassion. Generosity of the heart, reverence, respect, and empathy for all living things bring you profound power to live a life of happiness and contentment. Love, compassion, and kindness to all must be the impulse behind your thoughts, feelings, and actions when your intention is to create a prosperous and abundant life. Unconditional Love will be returned tenfold. The High Lady also remind you that when she chooses to be your Ally, she brings you evidence that you are loved. All manner of synchronicities is align in your favor. In relationships, you’re required to think of the other person and inquire what is in his or her highest good. Give selflessly without asking for or expecting anything in return, and let go. What is yours will come to you. Kindness always returns somehow. You will surely receive that which you give... in more ways than you can imagine. 💖 . . . . . #cardoftheday #dailyoraclereading #wisdomofthehiddenrealms #spiritualguidance #focusofintention #intuition #thehighladyofloveandcompassion #love #kindness #consideration #intentions #compassion #blessings #gratitude #peacelovelight #blessedbe
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amberlyndsey · 7 years ago
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#dailyoraclereading #wisdomofthehiddenrealms @colettebaron_reid #oraclecards #divinationtools #divination 💕
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donnapeelereturns-blog · 7 years ago
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February 3-4 I'm combining days into readings until life is a little more settled this week. The ancestral spirit of this Earth has been reborn, reincarnated through the births of children in the last few years that have proven to be significant in the first few hrs of their birth. You can hear the sound of their whispers in the Elder's spirit, in the nature that Elder was born of for through nature, we return to paradise, Gaia's Garden, the wardrobe door in Narnia, the still moving picture, hanging on the wall in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the grassy fields the snake bites Rillian's Mother in in The Silver Chair. Hear their utterances. Respect their wishes. Honor their treasures and treasure it with them. There is more than you know or ask for on your side. You are beloved of so much more than you remember and those you have forgotten take compassion on your human incapacity. They are the ones calling you home. #thechronicalsofnarnia #thelionthewitchandthewardrobe #princecaspian #thevoyageofthedawntreader #thesilverchair #cslewis #highlevelfreemason #mindcontrol #ancestors #elderspiritoftheland #nativespirit #wisdomofthehiddenrealms #rainbowstarot #horoscopes #tarotreadersofinstagram #psychicreadersofinstagram #mediumsofinstagram #clairvoyantspirit #clairaudient #oraclecards
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tahitianstarseed · 7 years ago
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#dec72017 #morningpull #morningoracle #oraclereading #oracle #thecosmos #creativity #vastness #41 #wisdomofthehiddenrealms #colettebaronreid
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mysticalfaeryreadings · 5 years ago
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Card Of The Day THE WELL WATCHER wisdom, power of the Divine The Well Watcher signals the need to go within to contemplate the true source of power in the world---which, he reminds you. it is that of the Divine. This is a message to let you know that you’re being called to the Well. and this unseen power will be there and will be yours to align with. This afiirmation and prayer will invite the Divine to bring miracles and resolution to your life: “Thy will be done through me for the highest good of all and for the true manifestation of my purpose." You will know the way forward by the still, small voice within. The Divine also may answer your call by sending others to help guide you. #wisdomofthehiddenrealm #thewellwatcher #wisdom #loveandlight #spiritual #divination #reading #free #oraclecards #oracle #dailyoracle #cardoftheday #oraclecommunity #oraclereadersofinstagram #oraclereader #oraclereading #tarot #dailytarot #tarotcards #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcommunity #tarotreading #mysticalfaeryreadings https://www.instagram.com/p/B_zv-VOn3N7/?igshid=179pnm7qmh80d
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