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sagittariusmarz · 1 year ago
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(Left to right) what’s your archetype?
Pile 1
I see that you are the student and thief archetype, I see that you may like to keep your knowledge to yourself and you like to play dumb or act naive. I see that you know things that can hurt others and people don’t expect you to know the things you do, I see that you’re good at seeing things in others that they don’t recognize within themselves. Sometime you can be codependent and sometimes your ego can get in the way of you learning important things. Signs- cancer/aquarius. Initials- N, O, Z, Y, V, I, G
Pile 2
I see that you have the archetype of rescuer and judge, I see that a lot of people depend on you and trust you. I see that people expect you to guide them or help them because of how knowledgeable you are, I see that you are very caring and generous without expecting anything in return. I see that you are very fair or balanced and you’re good at mediating, I see that you set an example for a lot of people and a lot of people admire you. You are very honorable in most peoples eyes and reliable, people know that even though you’re a nice person you can be strict sometimes. People can tell that you value structure and you like being stable/grounded, people like that you have a strong sense of justice. Signs- cancer/capricorn. Initials- P, A, W, B
Pile 3
I see that you have the archetype of lover and pioneer, I see that you have a lot of things you’re passionate about and you love hard. I see that you put you’re all into everything you do and sometimes you can be impatient, I see that you’re very devoted when it comes to the things you desire. You’re very humble and appreciative, you always find the silver lining in tough situations. I see that you’re good at solving problems and you dislike stagnation, I see that you may have a hard time staying consistent because of your lack of patience. I see that you may move on quickly and you accept change or transformations, I see that you may get a lot of attention in your love life and you have no problem moving on from people or things that don’t serve you anymore. I see that you may like to travel or you may move around a lot and you can find the beauty in anything, I see that you love exploring or trying new things and may get bored easily. Signs- Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, cancer. Initials Y, W, C
Pile 4
I see that you have the archetype of addict and angel, I see that you help a lot of people without even expecting anything in return. You work hard and you try your best to be a good person or treat others the same way you want to be treated, I see that you have a hard time saying no to external forces. I see that you help a lot of people and you have a hard time helping yourself, I see that people may not give you the recognition or attention you deserve but no good deed goes unnoticed. I see that you may appear to gentle or shy to a lot of people but you have a lot of inner strength, I see that you’re very nurturing and you may have spiritual gifts that you aren’t aware of. Signs- Taurus/aries. Initial- N, I, T, G, Y
Please watch my Sagittarius general reading on YouTube, personal readings always available
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lionheartapothecaryx · 23 days ago
Today’s Mini Oracle Reading ✨
With Jupiter going direct in Gemini yesterday on the 4th & a new moon currently, there seems to be a lot of emphasis on bettering your communicating skills, perhaps especially with yourself when it comes to self-love as we are currently in the shadow period of an upcoming Venus RX. The astrological transits represent a series of seasons and cycles within our life, where we are constantly learning, shifting and growing. Some questions for introspection that will lead to higher elevation on your spiritual journey - How can you genuinely heal in away, that is truly communicative to your needs? How do you find your center despite all the chaos in the world around us? Food for thought ✨
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nocturnalstarseed · 2 years ago
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Is it difficult for you to be still?
Have you been listening to advice from others and lost your connection to your own inner guidance? The ego and the lively movement of the mind are built into every person. Regain your balance in solitude and stillness. Everything is found in silence, but listening to yourself is not always easy. Use mindfulness exercises to clear your headspace. Many times, when we rush in, we fail to see how destructive our actions can be. So meditate and listen to your soul's wisdom before proceeding further. It's in the stillness where you receive the message, so don't be afraid to sit in silence. Stillness can be your greatest asset. Your own voice and true self-knowledge rise from the soul.
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gudgin · 2 years ago
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Card of the Day: Strength You will be able to meet any challenge you face today with success. In addition, if a situation requires a leader, you're the best person for the job, firm yet fair. #tarotbygraham #tarot #oraclereading #rootsandwingsoracledeck #cardoftheday #oraclecards #oraclereadersofinstagram #tarotreadersofinstagram #strength #fear #courage #determination #selfdoubt #pushthrough #problems #decisions #letitgo #lion #leadership #keepgoing #failure #quickwins #lowlyingfruit #momenturm #procrastination #action === (Cards are from the Roots & Wings Oracle Deck by Kat Ryalls) I hope you're enjoying my Card of the Day feature. I also offer a range of personalized tarot and oracle card reading services. Please feel free to contact me at any time for more details. Just send me a private message or go to: tarotbygraham.com (at Edison, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cra9iaDu81d/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mysticsista · 2 years ago
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🎼💃🏾 La Negra Tiene Tumbao Anda derechito, no camina de lao Diosa de la noche, dulce como el melao Otra como ella yo nunca encontrao 🎵💃🏾 💃🏾 I am celebrating myself on this International Women's Day. My self-love journey this year has been about embracing myself fully and authentically. As a woman navigating my beautiful Black and Mexican cultures, I can say I finally feel confident and secure in who I am. The essence of my ancestors has always been so strong and vibrant, woven intricately into the fabric of my being. 🌑I am rhythm, ritual and magic. ��� I wanted this photoshoot to be a representation of that and I'm so happy how they came out. 📸🥹 Cheers to all of us on the quest to find ourselves, digging deeper, living passionately, and unapologetically. ✨ It is a j-o-u-r-n-e-y, it is not easy. But your spiritual team is there, always connected and guiding you. You are magic, even though you may have felt disconnected from it. It is your birthright and will always be at your fingertips, ready to ignite 🔥 I am so honored so many of you have trusted me to work with you on your personal journey. 🥹💖 “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom."–Aristotle. 📖 . . . #ritual #ancestors #spiritualawakening #culture #afrolatina #blackisbeautiful #tarot #orisha #psychic #viralpost #tulum #oraclereadersofinstagram #witch #positivevibes #findingyourself #womenempowerment #internationalwomensday #reading #manifestation #1111 #magic #healing #messageoftheday #lifecoaching (at Tulum, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpjF9IcMB9b/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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healingthrutarot · 1 month ago
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Lost Oracle is my favorite oracle deck from 2024!
I got it in October, and it’s already become a fast favorite. I knew from the moment I saw the images online that I would click with it. This one has strong witch/crone energy for me.
I’ve been using it with my year ahead readings, and it always provides such a profound message that speaks to the heart of the issue for the querent. The guidebook is deeply insightful with historical references/stories of resilience in the face of adversity – something I think we all need at this moment in history. The messages don’t sugarcoat these times. They help us accept the situation we find ourselves in and give us practical and no-nonsense guidance on how to tap into our OWN power, strength, and determination to persevere in those trying circumstances.
I love to read with it along with the Wild Woman Oracle also by Rockpool Publishing. They both have such powerful, feminine energy that helps with summoning the empowerment needed to persevere in these wild and crazy times.
The creator says, “The Lost Oracle is a resource for making peace with your place in the world. It is a source of protection, a guide for healing, a touchstone of reassurance and a compass for experiencing success of all kinds in life. It is an unwavering light shining on an uncertain future that can become less troubling and more enticing when viewed from an enlightened perspective. Steeped in ancient wisdom, Lost Oracle will help you understand and manage the forces around you and within you today to find your way to the place where you feel found.”
Thanks to Rockpool Publishing for sending this deck over for review back in October. I’m so happy to report that since that initial review, it’s still calling to me over and over again and has helped a lot of my clients find solace and empowerment during this tumultuous time!
See my longer deck review of this amazing, profound, and insightful deck on my tarot blog on healingthrutarot.com – link below
Author: Fiona Horne. Illustrator: Veronica Collins. Publisher: Rockpool Publishing.
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soulreflectiontarot · 2 years ago
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Today is a message of Love! Please take what resonates and leave the rest. The cards used are from The Romance Angels by Doreen Virtue and The Souk Reflection’s Twin Flame Messenger 1 by Nadine Swiger. (Available on Etsy). . Someone has been on your mind. You have a special bond with this person and they have been picking up on your thoughts. This could be a past lover or good friend. It feels like someone you haven’t spoken to in some time. The reason you have been on each other’s mind so much is that the Universe has been sending you signs. Your paths are about to cross soon. . The Universe wants to remind you that YOU ARE LOVEABLE!! You deserved to be love. Go in with an open mind and let your true colors shine! You are a beautiful person inside and out. Let it shine. Have fun. And go in (and leave) with no expectations. Just enjoy the moment and see how things unfold. You may be more surprised than you think. But you should keep it lighthearted and allow the exchange of loving energy flow between you. Keep it innocent and light. . . . #oraclereading #oraclecardoftheday #oraclecardreading #orackecards #oraclereading #oraclereadersofinstagram #lovereading #loveoraclereading #tarotreading #soulreflectiontarot #soulreflectionoracle #twinflameoracle #twinflamemessenger1 #nadineswiger #soulreflectionoraclecards #twinflames #twinflamemessenger #twinflamejourney #soulmates #soulfamily #soultribe #love #loveoraclereading #romanceangels #doreenvirtueromanceangelcards https://www.instagram.com/p/CqaVoAbum-i/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lisaloveslenormand · 2 years ago
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If you are learning the Grand Jeu Lenormand or at least curious about it, read my latest blog on lisaloveslenormand.com https://lisaloveslenormand.com/blog/85/ #lenormand #lenormandreading #lenormandreadersofinstagram #grandjeulenormand #cardreading #divinationtools #fortuneteller #oraclereadersofinstagram #cartomancy https://www.instagram.com/p/CqY2wr4ORSn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shasharishi · 2 years ago
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🔮NEW DECK!🔮 I just received this new oracle deck recently launched by @colettebaron_reid The Dream Weaver’s Oracle. What a beautiful deck! The art is by Joel Makamura and is strange and wonderful! This card spoke to me today. Would you like me to share pulls from this deck? #shashaspiritledlife #shasharishi #oracledecks #oraclereadersofinstagram #magick #hayhouseuk https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp8Pf_VIqSv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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primordialsoundmeditation · 8 months ago
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Happy Solstice & Cancer Season
Synchronicity: “Your prayers and questions are being answered by synchronistic events. Notice them in order to increase their flow.”
“As a result of all your prayers and manifestation work., you are now attracting synchronistic events. Those “chance meetings,” information that you just “happen” to receive, and other synchronicities are really answered prayers. By drawing this card, Heaven calls our attention to the synchronicity and seredipity happening in your life. The more you notice these magial events, the more they will occur for you. Even better, write them down in a journal as a way to stimulate more synchronicity in your life.
You may already know that there are no coincidental or accidental occurrences. This card reflects your recent focus on positive thoughts, which are being directed toward your desires. Like a magical energy beam that can influence physical objects, your optimism and faith are reshaping your life into a masterpiece that reflects your higher self.”*
Readings 🔮 - Website - https://www.zara-energy.com/
#tarot #tarotreading #tarotreadersofinstragram #tarotcommunity #tarotcards #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreader #thirdeye #tarotreadings #tarottribe #spiritualgrowth #spiritualguidance #spirituality #messagefromspirit #messagefromtheuniverse #messagefromhigherself #divinefeminineenergy #divinefeminine #divinetiming #divineguidance #messagefromangels #oraclecardreading #oraclereadersofinstagram #oraclereader #cardreadersofinstagram #cardreadings #crystalhealing #spiritualguidance
Zara Energy
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mellownightmarewombat · 24 days ago
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Step into a world of enchantment with our Mystic Glow template—designed exclusively for witch shops that exude mystery, elegance, and a deep connection to the mystical arts. Whether you're selling spell kits, offering spiritual guidance, or curating courses on the arcane, this template is the perfect foundation to elevate your brand and captivate your audience
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sagittariusmarz · 11 months ago
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(Top to bottom) their secret thoughts of you
Pile 1
I see that they secretly feel like they sabotaged the connection, they feel like their feelings for you or the chemistry between you guys is too strong. I see that they repress their feelings for you and they regret it, they wish they could tell you how they feel and take a leap of faith. I see that they wish you guys could grow into something more stable or grounded, they secretly feel like they can’t trust you and they don’t know if youre lying or tricking them because they know they do it to you. They secretly think you’re their twin flame. Signs- Sagittarius, Aries, Pisces. Initials- V, J, M, Q, H
Pile 2
I see that they secretly think you balance them and your energy is healing, they secretly want a reconciliation and they want to be together. They secretly think about how unstable they are and unhappy without you, they’re secretly grateful for you and they’re missing you. They secretly don’t like being alone or away from you, they think you’re healing their inner child. Signs- Leo/cancer. Initials- F, A, K, D, V
Pile 3
I see that they secretly feel like you trigger them and they don’t like how much control you have over them, they secretly wish they had more control over you. They secretly love your confidence and dominance, they think you’re really good in bed and they love how passionate you are. They secretly think you guys have great chemistry, they secretly think you make them want better for themselves. They secretly think that you’re too much for them and they know that they would hold you back, they know that they’re holding back on how they feel for you. They’re secretly scared of the connection and its potential. Signs- cancer, Leo, Gemini. Initials- B, A, M, P
Personal readings always available!
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grey-space-computing · 1 year ago
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Seamless integration, infinite possibilities. Oracle PaaS Integration Services at Grey Space Computing – your key to a connected and empowered digital ecosystem. 🤝🚀 🌐 Website: https://greyspacecomputing.com/expert-oracle-ebs-suite-development-service/
📧 Email: [email protected]
📱 Phone: +91-98602 56990
#IntegratedInnovation #GreySpaceComputing #Dubai #Saudiarabia #Qatar #Kuwait #oraclecloud #cloud #PaaS #oraclecloudinfrastructure #cloudcomputing #oci #aws #oracleerp #oraclelinux #oraclevm #Integration #oracle #oraclecards #divination #tarotcards #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotreading #spirituality #tarotreader  #tarotcommunity #guidance #oraclereadersofinstagram  #oraclereading #oracledeck #spiritualawakening
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wiccapedia-author · 1 year ago
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#spiritualawakening #spellcraft #crystalhealing #spiritualhealing #empath
#witchesofinstagram #spiritual #protectyourenergy #witch #witchy
#protectyourpeace #witchywoman #witchlife #witchesofig #witchyvibes
#witchythings #babywitch #witchystuff #instawitch #pagansofinstagram
#pandorasboxct #witchery #witchcraft #magick #witchesofinstagram 
#rebeldeck #oracle #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarot #tarotcommunity #cartomancy #oraclecards #tarotcards #tarotreader #tarotreading #dailytarot
#divinationcommunity #divinationtools #witchesofinstagram #tarotdeck #witchcraft #taroteverydamnday #magick #voyance #cartomancie #witch
#oraclereadersofinstagram #tarotspread #divinationwitch #tarotdaily #tarottribe #tarotreadings #psychic #oraclehealing #divination
#witch #witches #witchcraft
#hecate #hecategoddess #paganwitch #witchy #witchyvibes #witchtattoo #witchaesthetic
#witchart #witchthings #wiccan #witchlife #witchessociety #witchyways #witchystyle #witch(
#witching #witchyaesthetic #moonwitch
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gudgin · 2 years ago
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Card of the Day: Strength There's a quote, "The secret to getting ahead is getting started," which is especially applicable now. Be quietly determined to start making those ideas a reality. #tarotbygraham #tarot #oraclereading #rootsandwingsoracledeck #cardoftheday #oraclecards #oraclereadersofinstagram #tarotreadersofinstagram #strength #fear #courage #determination #selfdoubt #pushthrough #problems #decisions #letitgo #lion #leadership #keepgoing #failure #quickwins #lowlyingfruit #momenturm #procrastination #action === If you enjoy my readings, please consider subscribing via Ko-fi. For just $5/month, you'll help support my work and gain access to some great perks, including free private oracle card readings, and you can have me as your tarot/oracle teacher and mentor! http://ko-fi.com/tarotbygraham/tiers (at Edison, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrWUjuLukkb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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smediasblog · 2 years ago
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From novice to expert 👏🥷❤️ learn tarot tips #meditation #tarotcard #spiritualawakening #tarotcardoftheday #magic #twinflame #tarotreadersofig #tarotlove #bacatarot #intuition #taroteverydamnday #tarotcardreading #psychicreadings #jasatarot #lightworker #konsultasitarot #tarotdecks #psychicmedium #psychicreader #tarotista #chakras #guidance #cardoftheday #fortuneteller #tarotoftheday #energy #tarotreaders #selflove #reiki #oraclereadersofinstagram
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