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tarotchariot · 2 months ago
I have my cat tarot deck out.
Who wants a one or two sentence reading on how their pet is feeling? 😂
If you have more than one pet just say in the same ask. 👍 I would say limit is 4 pets lol
(Just send an ask, anon or as yourself is fine just don’t milk it of course)
As a fun nice thing, say what you wish for, for the next person who will be answered. (Such as good luck)
Will do this until I get bored
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moderatelyquicksilversposts · 4 months ago
How to Interpret Strings of Cards
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divination series:::day 18
Paracelsus’ Dream Tarot
Barajas Playing Cards
The Knights are all active cards, they denote movement and forward momentum. The Wands of course correspond to the element of Fire, and here we have readily apparent Fire element personality traits on full display: all the charm, charisma, confidence, courage and recklessness. You won’t miss it. You couldn’t miss it even if you wanted to.
Double Ace of Cups. We’re in an especially long all day Void of Course Moon transit with a Triple Conjunction between the Moon/Chiron/North Node… 2 Ace of Cups energy fits this deep liminal space intensity perfectly.
The takeaway: don’t get ahead of yourself making moves today because nothing is as it seems.
Also: for these purposes you need to think of liminal space as a magickal concept and not existing solely as some weird internet negative space aesthetic buzzword lol
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healingthrutarot · 11 days ago
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Here is the custom spread I created for listeners based on the episode content for Ep. 60: Psychological Profiles for the Wands Court Cards + Journey Navigation Spread
In this episode, I constructed psychological profiles for each of the court cards in the wands suit including positive and negative personality traits and a list of psychological conditions I think would be most prominent with this suit. These profiles will help us understand the court cards at a deeper level, especially if you often struggle to tell the court cards apart. And at the end of the episode, I share a 9-card spread that was inspired by the traits and characteristics of the wands suit called the Journey Navigation Spread.
This spread is also on Pinterest and my blog on my website healingthrutarot.com - On Pinterest it is under The Healing Thru Tarot Custom Spreads board. Pin it on Pinterest through the link below.
Healing Thru Tarot Podcast Ep. 60 link below
Happy cardslinging!
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taintedcraft-ltd · 2 years ago
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wiccapedia-author · 2 years ago
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#spiritualawakening #spellcraft #crystalhealing #spiritualhealing #empath
#witchesofinstagram #spiritual #protectyourenergy #witch #witchy
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#rebeldeck #oracle #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarot #tarotcommunity #cartomancy #oraclecards #tarotcards #tarotreader #tarotreading #dailytarot
#divinationcommunity #divinationtools #witchesofinstagram #tarotdeck #witchcraft #taroteverydamnday #magick #voyance #cartomancie #witch
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#witch #witches #witchcraft
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#witchart #witchthings #wiccan #witchlife #witchessociety #witchyways #witchystyle #witch(
#witching #witchyaesthetic #moonwitch
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the-darkest-of-lights · 3 years ago
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The witches Oracle
My hand painted set of Oracle cards are available to pre order on Etsy! Each set sold will be hand painted and one of a kind!
By samantha Piña 2022
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lisaloveslenormand · 2 years ago
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If you can read Lenormand, you can read the kipper cards! Watch my introductory video and see the decks and books that I have on the Lisa Loves Lenormand channel now. https://youtu.be/l3Gxe6SJLwQ #kipper #kippercards #kipperkarten #cardreading #cardreadersofinstagram #fortuneteller #divinationcommunity #oraclereadersofinstagram #tarotreadersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CpBXoMBuON4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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apollotarot · 4 years ago
🌌 🎲 How to use an Astrology Dice (Astrodice)?
Astrology Dice is a little-known divination tool. Similar to other dice divination methods, but with a twist 🌪!
It consists of a set of 3 dice with 12 sides. Each die is based on one of the three principles of astrology. Each of these die encompasses different symbols and meanings to be interpreted once cast together:
🏠 Houses: Represents the area of life that will be affected or of concern;
✨ Signs: Represents the emotions involved in this situation;
🪐 Planets: Represents the actions, circumstances, or influences that affect the overall situation at hand.
Sometimes, though, you may need to associate a die with a different role. So, be playful when considering the meanings of the dice.
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The Hermit (apparently) minding his business after consulting with the Astrology Dice.
Astrology Dice is an intuitive tool. Hence, listen to your inner guide and trust it to tell you what you need to know.
What to ask an Astrology Dice (Astrodice)?
It's essential to notice that the querent needs to ask open-ended questions, similar to how we consult the Tarot.
Yes/No questions are not ideal for this divination method because the message is meant to be read as a story. If you'd like to ask Yes/No questions, we suggest our Ouija Coin, which you can find here at Apollo Tarot.
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Ouija Yes/No Coin: Now available. Shop here.
Therefore, think of the result of the astrology dice as "sentence formation."
If you are already well-versed in natal chart reading, this will be pretty easy for you. Otherwise, Astrology Dice can help beginner astrologers practice interpreting placements.
Examples of how to use an Astrology Dice (Astrodice):
Let's hypothesize that you're thinking about a family member's turbulent relationship with a spouse.
Astrology Dice Example 1: What should I know about my family member's relationship?
After you roll the Astrodice, you see Jupiter (Blue Die) in the 10th House (Purple Die) in Scorpio (Green Die).
Since Jupiter symbolizes optimism, abundance, luck, spiritual growth, and sympathy, the first die seems like an excellent start to a difficult situation.
The second die, the 10th House, represents personal wealth, glory, and improving your reputation.
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The Astrology Dice is an excellent complement to Tarot readings.
The third die, Scorpio, displays power-grabbing, firm ideals, secret emotions, and transformative abilities.
You can interpret the three dice as an optimistic prediction of a possible future. It may mean that the troubled spouse is happy about mending their relationships.
They're willing to change to improve their reputation and transform into an honorable person.
Astrology Dice Example 2: What can I expect from my future spouse?
Suppose you are asking questions about people, such as a description of your future spouse. In that case, you should be interpreting the result as if it's a natal chart placement. Here is an example:
5th House (5), Leo, Neptune: The future spouse is popular or potentially famous. There's a possibility that they are known for their artistic pursuits or idealistic and dreamy personality. They may be a natural with children, but perhaps a bit child-like themselves. Potential negative traits they'd have would be immaturity or egotism.
Astrology Dice Example 3: What is in store for me in the next week?
You can also interpret the dice one by one if that's easier for you. Here is another example:
10H - Your work and public reputation will be in focus in the next week.
Aries - This is potentially a new job or career that will evoke a sense of drive, passion, or even chaos. If this is referring to a person, it may be your boss. Otherwise, you will be stepping into a more demanding role.
Jupiter - Blessings or expansion are involved. Considering how Aries showed up in this reading, you may be receiving a promotion as it represents newness.
Do you find the Astrology Dice complicated? We've got you!
To make life easier, we prepared an extensive list of keywords for each astrological symbol. This way, you can easily string together a message from your reading!
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Astrology Dice is a handy divination tool.
🪐 Astrology Dice: The 12 Planets Of The Zodiac
The planets are depicted on the sides of their die by their astrological symbols.
Each planet has different meanings, which defines what they imply when they come up in a reading.
The meaning of the planets:
☉ Sun - Self, ego, consciousness, stamina, vitality, creation, confidence, pride, identity, individuality, brightness, self-reliance, warmth, celebration, leadership, father, masculine figures, authority, governs the heart, marrow, spinal cord, and solar plexus;
☾ Moon - Unconsciousness, personal needs, emotions, receptiveness, reflection, instincts, moods, habits, inner child and inner mother, security, feminine figures, nurturing, nourishment, cooking or baking, intuition, home, privacy, governs the stomach, breasts, uterus, and ovaries;
☿ Mercury - Communication, writing, intelligence, language, reason, learning, sensory information, thought processes, liveliness, childhood or school friends, students, youth, duality, governs the abdomen, small intestines, nervous system, shoulders, hands, arms, lungs, and pancreas;
♀ Venus - Love, attraction, relationships, art, sociability, harmony, pleasure, finances, charm, gifts, luxury, attractiveness, sensuality, comfort, compromising, peace, balance, femininity, grace, governs the kidneys, bladder, lymphatic system, neck, throat, and cervical vertebra;
♂ Mars - Aggression, action, competition, passion, courage, sex, desire, survival instincts, self-assertion, the body, impulsivity, rashness, force, direction, leadership, command, authority, governs the head, face, brain, muscular system, and blood;
♃ Jupiter - Growth, abundance, optimism, understanding, luck, expansion, finances, happiness, travel, foreign affairs, gratitude, honor, law, morality, humor, goodwill, generosity, abstract thought, governs the butt, thighs, hips, liver, and neuromuscular system;
♄ Saturn - Structure, restriction, discipline, karma, obligation, foundations, ambition, responsibility, obstacles, authority, masculine figures, dominance, burdens, blockages, conventionality, tradition, governs the skeletal system, knees, joints, teeth, ligaments, and nails;
♅ Uranus - Eccentricity, unpredictability, rebellion, reformation, innovation, change, openness, sudden progression, technology, society, astrology, originality, ingenuity, freedom, friendships, adoption, humanity, governs the ankles, calves, circulatory and electrical systems of the body;
♆ Neptune - Intuition, mysticism, dreams, delusion, imagination, confusion, psychic receptivity, inspiration, deceit, guilt, addictions, vulnerability, music, memories, photography, spirituality, idealism, governs the feet, toes, body fluids, pineal gland, and overall immune system;
♇ Pluto - Power, transformation, rebirth, death, evolution, intensity, sex, subconsciousness, the occult, desire, obsessions, control, destruction, upheaval, deep emotions, receptivity, fears, unearthing, governs the large intestines, bladder, sweat glands, reproductive systems, and genitals;
☊ North Node - The ultimate present life lessons that are meant to be learned, your soul purpose, fate, and karmic path towards fulfillment;
☋ South Node - The life path you followed until now, past life baggage, karmic lessons, familiarity, self-introspection, gifts or qualities you have already mastered, and fears to overcome.
✨ Astrology Dice: The 12 Signs Of The Zodiac
Each zodiac sign corresponds to different traits, talents, and personalities. Those traits will define how you read the various zodiac signs.
The meaning of the astrological signs:
♈︎ Aries - Direct, brave, fearless, leadership, authoritative, independent, impulsive, competitive, aggressive, active, self-centered, passionate, sports, war, fighting, boss or CEO, masculinity, male figures, self-starter, impatience;
♉︎ Taurus - Persistence, steadiness, trustworthiness, patience, endurance, tenacity, drive, reliability, security, stability, slow, stubbornness, materiality, resistance to change, indulgent, possessive, arts, beauty, luxury, grudges, fashionable, chic;
♊︎ Gemini - Adaptability, intelligence, agility, communication, social networks, inconsistency, gossip, cunningness, superficiality, duality, mischievousness, curiosity, close friendships, twins, siblings;
♋︎ Cancer - Loyalty, nurturing, emotions, support, compassion, unconditional love, dependence, passive-aggressiveness, moodiness, healing, femininity, feminine figures, mothers, ancestry, home, comfort, safety, soft, sensitive;
♌︎ Leo - Playful, leadership, inner child, brave, protective, generous, charismatic, confident, pride, the center of attention, selfish, dominating, vain, egotistical, fame, popularity, artistic, warm, outgoing, happiness, glamour, fun, entertainment, performative, royalty;
♍︎ Virgo - Humble, modest, generous, logical, detail-oriented, responsible, organized, critical, obsessive, perfectionistic, clean, solitude, rationality, curious, communicative, writing, routines, service, environmentally conscious, helpful;
♎︎ Libra - Charming, peaceful, diplomatic, easy-going, harmonious, relationship-oriented, artistic, intelligent, beautiful, friendly, indecisive, superficial, gullible, justice, passive-aggressive, thoughtful, debates, law and order, open enemies;
♏︎ Scorpio - Passionate, driven, secretive, wise, determined, powerful, transformative, controlling, bold, intense, paranoid, jealous, clingy, destructive, sexy, vindictive, keen, intimidating, truthful, hidden emotions, endings, and beginnings, restructuring, separation;
♐︎ Sagittarius - Adventure, optimism, excess, expansion, truth-seeking, ambitious, lucky, moral, open-minded, enthusiastic, versatile, intelligence, laziness, restless, greedy, wealthy, disrespectful, a philosopher, wanderer, student, scholar, hastiness, energetic;
♑︎ Capricorn - Strategic, determined, hard-working, disciplined, responsible, persistent, patient, masters, intelligent, ambitious, stability, security, burdened, pessimistic, self-limiting, ruthless, rigid, cynical, fearful, authoritative, masculine figures, business, barriers, control;
♒︎ Aquarius - Progressive, innovative, futuristic, intelligent, altruistic, friendly, reformative, emotionally detached, scattered, impersonal, quirky, unorthodox, humanitarian, friendships, future-oriented, technology, inventions, science, logicality, social media, ambitious;
♓︎ Pisces - Dreamy, mystical, intuitive, spiritual, compassionate, sensitive, escapist, addictions, creativity, romance, music, romantic, self-pitying, fantasies, psychic, introspective, charitable, artistic, old souls, sickness, self-undoing, self-sacrificing, savior.
🏠 Astrology Dice: The 12 Houses Of The Zodiac
The 12 houses of Astrology are represented in this die by the numbers 1 through 12.
Each one of them is associated with different aspects of life, like the self and society.
The meaning of the houses:
1️⃣ 1st House -  Self, personal life, appearance, independence, individuality, new beginnings, the body, first impressions, attitude, identity, approach to life, and how you view the world;
2️⃣ 2nd House -Finances or income, business transactions, your possessions, self-esteem, material desires, work ethic, values, daily routines, comfort, self-care, priorities;
3️⃣ 3rd House - Siblings, peers, short-distance travel, school or early education, the mind and thinking, communication, social activities, media, neighbors;
4️⃣ 4th House - Parents or guardians, roots, family, domestic matters, real estate, inheritance, emotions, foundations, mother, children, women, femininity;
5️⃣ 5th House - Fertility, pregnancy or children, creativity, hobbies and interests, romance, dating, spirit, joy, drama, self-expression, gambling;
6️⃣ 6th House - Health and wellness, fitness, hygiene, daily routines, injuries, pets or small animals, co-workers, work habits, organization, service to others;
7️⃣ 7th House - Close and personal partnerships; romantic relationships, business contracts, marriage, divorce lawsuits, rivalries, equality, interpersonal style, shadow self, justice;
8️⃣ 8th House - Death and transformations, rebirth, occult, taboos, secrets, taxes, debts, mortgages and loans, legacies, inheritance, investigations, corporate money, dangers, assets, property, joint ventures, sex, intimacy, mystery;
9️⃣ 9th House - Long-distance journeys, travel, religion, philosophy, higher education, lawyers, dreams, divination, wisdom, the arts, media, publishing, ethics, learning, cultures;
🔟 10th House - Career, success, fortune, public reputation, long-term goals, structure, status, masculinity, authority, men, father figures, fame, expertise;
1️⃣1️⃣ 11th House - Groups, friends, collectives, social awareness, humanitarianism, technology, social media, hopes and wishes, the future, society, protection, gifts, praise, recognition, followers;
1️⃣2️⃣ 12th House -  Imprisonment, loss, grief, hidden enemies, solitude, fear, secrets, subconscious thoughts, addictions, healing, spirituality, karma, old age, past lives, dreams, institutions such as hospitals, clinics, etc.
Good luck in your Astrology Dice journey!
As you can see, the dice spread can be interpreted in numerous ways by readers and professionals. Still, it's crucial to find a spiritual pathway when using the dice. By practicing on yourself and your friends, you'll become more confident in using astrology dice and performing helpful readings!
Shop for your Astrology Dice here:
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angelicwytch · 3 years ago
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#witchywednesday 🧡🀄🧡 today we hear from Tђє Lเttlє Vค๓קเгєร in the #lesvampiresoracle and out came the; Rҽʂմɾɾҽçէìօղ #oraclecard 'Reprise, Recovery, and Comeback' Tђє Lเttlє Vค๓קเгє here wants you to know, that this change can be made, and swiftly. Ask for assistance, and it will be yours. Let go now, and move swiftly through the #transition please do not feel that in order to change, you need to pretend, you have many facets to you; this new life will bring you astonishing gifts, and it has come to you for a reason. 🧡🀄🧛‍♀️🀄🧡 Love, light and blessings to you all 🖤🧛‍♀️🀄🧛‍♀️🖤 #oraclereadingoftheday #oraclecardreading #oraclecardreadings #oraclecardreader #cardoftheday #cardreading #cardreader #witchywednesdays #witchwednesday #lesvampires #littlevampire #vampirefairy #witchesofig #witchcommunity #vampires #divinationcommunity #divinationwitch #wednesdaymessage #messageoftheday #messagefromtheuniverse #oraclecollector #oraclereader #oraclereadersofinstagram #cardreadingsofinstagram #cardreadingsavailable #divination (at Divination) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cie_ND5sIcM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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moderatelyquicksilversposts · 2 months ago
Frenzy or Stillness?
The way we do things, the way we say things, matters. The same apologetic arguments we find in Blaise Pascal's most feverish and haunting pages would be enough to bring a doubter to conversion, yet when coming out of the lips of a cheap street preacher holding a sign, they are often received with distrust, when not with disgust.
The way we do and say things matters in occultism as well. The old texts of magical tradition, and even some old accounts of rituals and supernatural occurrences, are full of the frenzy-stillness dichotomy: some things seem to happen in a state of ecstasy, others in a state of torpor.
My path, both as diviner and as occultist, has been informed by the pursuit of stillness more than by that of frenzy. All the teachers I've had the honor to learn from have always required of me to reach a state of calm rather than one of heightened overexcitement.
In divination, there is always a moment of randomness required in order to break the barrier between what the personality thinks it knows and what is actually the case. Arranging the cards (or geomantic points, or whatever) consciously in the order we wish they would come out may teach us something about ourselves, but very little about the reality of a situation. Randomness ensures that our self-consciousness doesn't interfere with the process of allignment between oracle and reality.
Whether through a frenzy or through calmness, randomness introduces itself into the process by bypassing the limits of our personality's structure, with its limits and its biases. The choice between the "inspired" moment of frenzy and the "deadened" moment of calm rests on a partially different view of the relationship between individual and whole, between ourselves and the divine.
Ecstasy, which is the process of leaving oneself behind, occurs in both cases, but it occurs differently. By achieving a drunken confusion one simply rams through the walls of one's personality, achieving contact with what is outside of it. By stilling oneself, one reaches the point within one's core where individual and divine coincide.
Obviously, once each option is brought to an extreme, it bleads into its opposite. Pure frenzy becomes absence of limits and therefore absence of what is limited, and its movement resolves itself in calm. Pure calm is delivered from all difference from change, so it coincides with pure frenzy.
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day 4 reading:::
4 is widely considered in the East to be the number of death. Death and Love are a cycle, amore e morte. Neither are unavoidable. There’s been a steady reference to a new era since I’ve begun this series, I can only conclude that there’s an essential lesson that’s being missed somewhere before the final traces of stagnation can be shook off. You already have whatever it is you want the most. The Lust of Result will be any operations downfall every time. The foundation is already set, from here on out just do what is in accord with your nature, do what you love for the sake of love alone. Insert a large dose of St Thérèse of Lisieux here, the Way of the Little Flower. Even Marchosias believed it possible he would return to Paridise after 1200 years. Reach out and Touch faith? Maybe. But in the meantime from here until your eternity go out and get what’s already yours by living how you live within the garden of your nature without putting all your energy into what could or should be, or what has or hasn’t been.
do this and thy work shall be done
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healingthrutarot · 11 days ago
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NEW HEALING THRU TAROT podcast episode out now!
Ep. 60: Psychological Profiles for the Wands Court Cards + Journey Navigation Spread
In this episode, I constructed psychological profiles for each of the court cards in the wands suit including positive and negative personality traits and a list of psychological conditions I think would be most prominent with this suit. These profiles will help us understand the court cards at a deeper level, especially if you often struggle to tell the court cards apart. And at the end of the episode, I share a 9-card spread that was inspired by the traits and characteristics of the wands suit called the Journey Navigation Spread.
That spread is on Pinterest and my blog for this episode on my website healingthrutarot.com - On Pinterest it is under The Healing Thru Tarot Custom Spreads board. Pin it here
Healing Thru Tarot Podcast is available on apple podcasts, spotify, pandora, amazon music, audible, pocket casts, goodpods and more.
Link to Ep. 60 here
Happy cardslinging!
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taintedcraft-ltd · 2 years ago
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owlwomantarot · 5 years ago
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the-pixies-dust · 3 years ago
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The Star is a being who represents hope even in difficult situations, and represents people’s expectations. Under the starlight, someone is pouring water from bottles in both hands into a stream. This symbolizes the empty flow of things that one once had. From a distance, the stars are beautiful, but if you stick to what looks like materials made from rocks or dust, you won’t be able to focus on the quality. . . . . . . . #collectivereading #cardoftheday #fairytaletarotdeck #oraclereadersofinstagram #tarotreadersofinstagram #divinationcommunity #faeriewitch #faeriemagic #divination #etsyseller #witchcraft #faeries #tarotreading #riderwaite #faerietale #massachusetts #massachusettswitches #crystals #crystalsofig #crystalseller #witchesofinstagram #centralma #smallbusinessowner https://www.instagram.com/p/ChK4F-EurJq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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