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rosecoloredtarot · 2 years ago
This may be an unpopular opinion, but just because you’re having trouble with your tarot readings doesn’t mean you need to cleanse your deck.
I treat my decks like cast iron, the more you use them the more they are seasoned and the better they work. Cleansing your deck strips away that magical seasoning and you’re starting from square one.
There is a time and place for cleansing, but it’s not every month. The last actual cleanse I did on a deck was 3-4 years ago, and the problem came right back (my rider Waite is sassy and likes to only give reversals, I’ve learned to just live with it). Cleansing is my last resort and I think too many people jump to it when there are a lot of other ways to troubleshoot.
Magical sterility bothers me, let some funk in.
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psychopomp-recital · 2 years ago
People seem to have faith that magic will work well enough to summon spirits, but not well enough to protect you from them.
Consorting with Spirits - Jason Miller (page 107)
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xerxeswitch · 11 months ago
What's your opinion on witchcraft stores? The holistic, esoteric stuff y
In my opinion...
Waaaaaaay too many crystals. You'll get your section corners of incense, sage, a small section of herbs...and maybe some oils.
But, I mean, witchcraft isn't just rocks and crystals in my opinion, and I felt it had infamously built up witchcraft as just "buying a rose quartz" to solve the majority of everything revolving love and self healing. It can assist it. Not be the absolute. You can be surrounded by metaphysical stores here and they'll sell 90% crystals and 10% other things.
Nothing wrong with crystals but...
I personally don't work with rocks or crystals.
I work with animal bones, animal hearts, pelts, ritual oils, lots of herbs, dead insects, animal blood, and poppets. (All ethnically sourced as far as I know)
These things happen to be pretty traditional on the use of witchcraft, but ironically shunned by a good number of modern witches.
And wayyyyy too expensive.
So! I make my own candles, oils, poppets, incense, etc. (Plus, personal touches to your creations tend to be more potent)
You don't have to buy a lot of expensive stuff from a metaphysical store obviously. You can just use fireproof small pots found in your grocery stores or at places like Goodwill if you're especially short on cash.
I am tugged in two different directions about metaphysical stores. I want to see more thriving businesses revolving around this, but I also don't encourage people to rely on them all the time as the end all be all source.
In my opinion, it's best to take what you think you really need instinctual-ly than thinking you need it because of a Tiktok video, ...or even a Tumblr post.
But yeah, that's what I got.
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trials-of-a-spirit-worker · 2 years ago
A Lesson on Grief
Those of you who have been here with me for a while know...I am no stranger to death. I often talk about those I've lost on here. I've lost many I loved.
I've lost the first love of my life before I fell for my current spouse.
I'll be real with you.
It'll never stop hurting.
No matter how much time has passed. No matter how prepared you think you are. No matter how strong you think you are. It'll always hurt. Even when you've healed from the initial loss.
Allow yourself to hurt. To cry, to wail.
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Give yourself time to fall apart. Because you will fall apart whether you choose to or not. Grief will come for you no matter how much you can try and put it off.
So give yourself some grace, and take the time to remember the life of the being you lost, assess it, and mourn them.
It's healthy. It hurts, but it's healthy.
It is the most raw way to honor those we've lost. There's no convoluted method, no specific ritual. All it is is the love you had for that person and still may have, flowing through you again. And that's perfectly okay. It's human.
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abstractednotebook · 1 year ago
Introduction post:
I’m a 20 year old witch named Nimbus.
I use the she—her pronouns.
This blog will serve as a spot for me to post my knowledge
I’ve gathered throughout the years.
✬More in-depth✬
I enjoy reading, writing, and learning in general. Which translates into me having a lot of nonsensical albeit trivial information on a variety of topics, but I’m always going to site my sources when needed. I don’t pretend as if I know absolutely everything about any given topic, though I will say I do know quite a bit about a few such as astrology (though, I’m still learning how to make predictions), Tarot-reading (I LOVE doing and speaking about tarot), as well as crafting spells (though, I most likely will speak very limitedly on this topic).
If at any point in time something I’ve said sparks any form of a question, please feel free to ask me! I’m more than happy to explain myself further, just maybe not on the spell-work things. I’ll go over basic correspondences and whatnots, but I will not get into how or why my spell worked, which specific deity I contacted for help, or whatever else in that nature.
But, if you’re afraid to ask a question publicly (I’m pretty sure I have anonymous asks turned on), please be sure to message me.
I hope to build a little family of followers on here; so please feel free to follow this blog even if you are not a witch or into the occult, or you’re just trying to feel everything out!
I do not have an DNI list, as I use the block button freely. Do not be an asshole, and you will not get blocked!
Have a great day.
This post was brought to you by:
╰─▸ ❝ NIMBUS
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rexsuperbia · 2 years ago
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Little Psychic awakening spell I did
Just a small candle
St johns wort oil
And thyme in the outside
Plus i drew an eye on the candle and said some words over it.
I just felt like I had to cast a spell that day
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presentdaywitch · 2 years ago
Spell Ingredient - 'Love Twists'
So today I wanted to share a spell ingredient that I've been using as an alternative to taglocks like hair, nails, etc. when casting a spell towards a specific person. I've had pretty good personal success from this, and they're pretty simple to make.
I also wanted to share because this is one of the first personalised spell ingredients I've ever created, I think part of the success I've had with using them comes from their personal relationship to my beliefs and superstitions.
Where do 'Love Twists' come from?
When I was around six years old, I learned a superstition on the school playground - if you take an apple, and twist the stem whilst reciting the alphabet, the stem will break off on the letter of the first name of your soulmate. It was a simple game that we'd play every few weeks, and this little superstition has followed me throughout my life, and I continued to do this for every apple as a little bit of harmless fun.
Shortly after I started my path, I began to save the stems that broke off on the initial of my SO's name. When he was having issues with job applications, I made a prosperity spell jar and added a love twist as a kind of taglock, and the spell ended up being very effective.
Now, I collect the initials for several people - my parents, my close friends, my brother - and I keep them in case they need a little magical helping hand in the future.
'Love Twists' and Correspondences
I feel that what makes this kind of unconventional taglock unique is that it doesn't carry a neutral energy: because of the unconscious association with love from the original superstition, I think it promotes a positive effect within the spell. It's not only a connection to that person, but a representation of the care you feel for that person, which is informing the spell you cast.
However, I want to note that I wouldn't recommend using a love twist in a love spell. I personally don't really touch love spells because of the long and storied ethical concerns many have, but I think they would be ineffective.
In my practice I've found they work best in directing magic to another person, and not necessarily in turning magic upon yourself. I did two spells a few months apart in an attempt to improve the relationship between myself and a family member, both with a love twist as a taglock, and the spell that had a more profound effect was the one that also included some of my hair.
Because of this, I think there could be a strong directional aspect to using love twists as a taglock, and I've found they work best in directing magic towards someone - I use them to help solve problems in my friends' and family's lives.
I hope you guys found this interesting, and I would love to hear if anyone tries using a love twist in their practice. I'm currently trying to really hone my craft in my practice and figure out where I want to take my path, and I really want to engage with the witchblr community instead of just lurking so I'm going to try and be more active.
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elementenchanter · 1 year ago
I'm seeing a LOT of psa's and warnings about how certain bigoted ideologies are rampant in the occult/witchcraft community so here's a friendly reminder: This blog is LGBTQIA+ friendly and absolutely NO transphobia and NO terf bigotry is welcome and there will always be an active effort to prevent such ideologies from running rampant in this community.
This blog supports the Native American & Indigenous communities and will absolutely not use terms that are deemed cultural appropriation to these communities as their practices are closed to non-natives.
Other reminders:
Male witches are witches and the term itself is gender-neutral.
No, people into astrology should not use it as an excuse to be an asshole. It is just a fun tool.
Witchcraft and natural remedies does not replace science and should instead co-exist.
There is nothing wrong with using terms like "masculine energy" or "feminine energy" but you should be conscious of who is using these terms in a way that can be harmful.
Feel free to add more.
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magnolias-studies · 2 years ago
Introduction & some information!
Name: Magnolia
I am nineteen years old, and I’m a witch! I enjoy learning about astrology, tarot, spellcasting, and general cooking and baking. I do not work with a specific deity, though I do ask some for help more often than I do others… but, that’s to be expected! I am a HUGE believer in citing my sources, so I do try to do so as often as possible.
I also journal a lot, and with that comes the formulations of my own opinions, so for those I most likely won’t have sources to cite, but if I pull from other sources to form the opinion, I’ll make a “recommended reading” portion in the post, or something similar.
So, to get to the more “witchy” side of the post, here are what the 12 astrological houses mean!!
Astrology Houses:
In short, the houses mean the following:
1st House: Self Image, the impression you make on others.
2nd House: Your personal resources, what makes you feel safe and secure
3rd House: What you know and your everyday surroundings, including siblings and familiar patterns
4th House: Home life, family, close relationships, the past and its effect on you
5th House: Pleasure & creativity, self-expression, fun, children
6th House: Productivity, service, routines
7th House: Partnership and committed relationships, what you bring into your world through other people
8th House: How you relate to other people’s resources and things out of your control, including beginnings and endings, transformations, crises
9th House: Open-mindedness, philosophy, exchange of culture and ideas, expanded consciousness, travel
10th House: Your public self and commitments, career, how you wanted to be remembered, your legacy
11th House: Your social world, friends & acquaintances, how you relate to groups of people
12th House: Your unconscious, dreams, fantasies
So, as you can see; the first through the sixth houses are more personal houses, while 7—12 are interpersonal houses. I found the description of the two halves on this site to sum everything up quite nicely:
“A person whose chart has lots of planets in the first six houses may have trouble leaving the nest, or may remain nostalgically loyal to childhood friends.” & “Someone with a lot of planets in the later houses might be very career-focused, perhaps leaving the past behind and growing closer to friends made in adulthood.” ← these are two extremally helpful, but very generic definitions.
For example, I have nine placements within the first six houses, and only two placements within the 7th—12th houses. But! Because of my placements in the later houses being Jupiter in my 12th house, and Saturn in my 10th, I am one to find success through privacy, secrets, as well as introspection (12), and I have had difficulties with goals, success, and responsibility (10). With that, I’m hopeful that you’re seeing that the generic doesn’t always hold true to everybody! And, if something someone says, be it through a tarot reading OR a birth chart analysis doesn’t go good with your gut, please keep in mind that everybody has a birth chart; and that it influences the way we think and act. Also!! I just want to mention some sites that are completely free to get your birth chart!
I like Co—Star, it has a mobile app as well as a website; and https://cafeastrology.com/
If you have anymore sites that you like, feel free to add them on the list!! Have a lovely day!
Also! check out this post of mine if you'd like a tarot reading!
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the-first-aeon · 2 years ago
Who am I?
I like to go by A, I’m a nineteen-year-old intermediate practitioner that’s enamored by angels. I don’t know much about angels; I just like to look at them (statues, drawings, and whatnot). I don’t think I’d be the one to work with them either, at least; not right now. Maybe sometime in the future, but not now.
I do however, work with the infernal divine; along with some Greco—Roman deities. I’d rather not list them here, but maybe in the coming posts I will. I’m still feeling out this community; so I’m sorry for having some hesitations with sharing information. I also would like to state that I do not care who follows me, I accept everyone; regardless of their race, visions, beliefs, gender identity—I accept you for you. I expect the same respect in return, though.
I do spell-work; and I’d love to share some of my own spells with you all, too! I’m currently in the process of making a Notion page that will hold my spells and whatnots for easy access; and so I can copy and paste them to Tumblr with ease.
I hope you all have a wonderful day, and stay safe!
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mollybeenoel · 9 months ago
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Source: poeticalphotos
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rosecoloredtarot · 2 years ago
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psychopomp-recital · 11 months ago
Unpopular Opinions Pt.2
Having beginner spaces is important, however right now there is a lack of good advanced and intermediate spaces.
And I understand that with the rise of magic in social media that we’re going to have a disproportionate amount of beginners to advanced individuals.
It is just frustrating, I wish there were more active spaces for this sort of thing. When there isn’t that community for the rest of us, we aren’t being creatively challenged as a collective anymore. There’s a lack of those sort of heavy discussions and conversations that keep us growing as practitioners. Idk I’m just rambling out of frustration.
If anyone knows or any good ones please let me know.
All my love, Psychopomp
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becomingvecna · 6 months ago
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Art by The Unclean
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trials-of-a-spirit-worker · 2 years ago
Things No One Tells You About Being a Spirit Witch
In no particular order:
In a lot of cases, you do not get to control your ears. You'll hear some shit and you just have to live with it.
You will ask is that tinnitus or the spirits a lot. It's okay, I'm sure we all do it.
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Negotiating with spirits is not nearly as cool as people think it is. You sound like a secretary/receptionist 210% done with their fucking job.
Sometimes, spirits are better people than the living. Good luck with that.
You don't have to change the way you speak as much as you think you do. Most of the time they will understand you.
Some spirits do hang around you just because. It's not a bad thing. Sometimes, they're just willing to chill.
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Spirits are there a lot more than you think they are. Even if you don't feel them.
Many don't respect your privacy, but also many do.
Shy spirits are hilariously frightening. Mostly because while they're trying to avoid you, they're fucking up stuff in the process that scares/startles others.
Formalities are great, but often not that needed.
Nearly every spiritual encounter is highly situational.
If you don't know how to roll with the punches/be adaptable to a certain degree, especially when it comes to spirit work, you're not going to have a good time.
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Spirits can be highly opinionated. You might be shocked on what you hear.
They warn you for a reason. It'd be wise to heed them.
Spirits are not fucking mind readers. You have to communicate with them too. They do not know what you want, even if they do talk in your head. Tell them what you fucking want from them.
The tea you can get from spirits....IMMACULATE
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nephritebabie · 3 months ago
pick your poison LMAOOO
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