#winters ramblings
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biboomerangboi · 11 months ago
Stucky fic writers were truly on something else because earlier this week I remembered the line “they can bury us in one coffin to save on lumber” and thought it was a lyric from like a fucking hoizer song or something along those lines only to go get a drink at 2am in my kitchen and be hit over the head with the reminder it’s actually from a Stucky Fic I read in 2017.
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waywardsou2 · 1 month ago
I'm sure all the Bucky stans know this but there are a lot of us who don't so I need to say this and then shout it from the roof tops for the rest of you
During World War 2 in America the enlisted troops serial number started with 12 and the drafted troops started with 32
Bucky's serial number is 32557038 (yes I do know that off by heart)
His number starts with 32...
Our boy was drafted, he didn't enlist and juding by the year he was probably drafted due to the Service and Enlistment Act
But did not choose to go to war, he was forced.
Just let that sink in
Because I cannot get over the fact that James Barnes never wanted to go to war, and Steve Rogers desperately wanted to be fit enough to enlist had swapped places
That parallel is insane
And I cannot believe that Marvel has never adressed the fact that Bucky went through all the shit he did because he was drafted. He didn't go in knowing the risks because he didn't choose to become a soldier, that choice was made for him, and thanks to the choice his life was a living hell since then
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foldingfittedsheets · 1 year ago
One time when out on a date night a homeless man asked my betrothed and I for money to buy orange juice. I said, “I’m sorry, I don’t have cash, but I do have two oranges in my pocket if you’d like them?”
Both the homeless man and my betrothed stared at me. I pulled out two satsumas and he shook his head in perplexity. We walked on and my betrothed was like, “Why do you just have oranges in your pocket?” And I kinda shrugged like, you never know when you want a little orange treat.
We then realized we were walking the wrong way to the restaurant and as we passed the homeless man on the way back he said, “Actually if you don’t mind…” and I didn’t so I handed him my oranges.
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pzyii · 3 months ago
Steve being the one to steal the car in catws is one of my favourite things simply because there's no way Natasha "The Black Widow" Romanoff doesn't know how to steal a car.
Which to me implies that she pretended to not know how, or at least waited just a bit to see if Steve would do it.
Simply to know if he could, figure him out.
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he loves him... ill make a drawing where ethan is being nicer... its like a really affectionate big dog that ur dad did not want but now he really likes it but he still acts like he doesnt care and hes all flippant about it LOL
whenever i draw wintersberg i cant help but draw it in a joking way because i feel like the dynamic has so much potential of "im so tired i want to go home vs i want you" 😭 karl loves him very much and ethan loves him too, he wouldnt tolerate karl if he didnt...
karl loves him very very much and ethan appreciates that but it makes him flustered alot , in any wintersberg au i draw karl (obviously) did not propose to use rosemary as a fighter jet so i think ethan would also just have a very deep appreciation for karl helping him get her back
i think karls love language is a lot more physical and hed make ethan lots of little trinkets and make rosemary toys as well and ethan would think its really sweet, hes also a very touchy guy and always likes to be holding at least some part of ethan LOL
i actually dont think heisenberg would actually say the words "i love you", i think its really difficult for him but he defiently DOES love him
ethans love language is with words and acts of service (sacrficie ?) i think ethan would be very willing to do anything he can for karl if he knew it was very important to him, he throws around "i love you" very often and i think at first karl would try and play it off like "i know you do" but after awhile he doesnt skip around it and accepts it 😭
they support/ depend on each other because after re8 i dont think ethan would be in the best place and i dont think karl would be able to manage on his own considering hes been living in a little village with barely any technology for 100 years
they have each other to lean on...
whilw i dont think their relationship would be perfect (karl doesnt ever really say sorry, ethan has major trust issues) it defiently has potential and i think they could be very cute together...
i like the concept of ethan helping karl adapt to modern life and i think its very sweet
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xgayvier · 17 days ago
with how often sam catches bucky there is going to be a time where he stops associating falling with his fall from the train and instead associates it with safety and comfort because now he knows sam is always going to be there to catch him
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mellosdrawings · 9 days ago
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I'm doing so great, guys.
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bluerosefox · 1 year ago
Drake Siblings
Have I read this prompt somewhere or was this a fever dream from my bored mind.
What if, now hear me out.
What if we bring up Dana Winters-Drake (whose confirmed to at least be alive in the DC verse but no one knows where she actually is)
What if instead of when she had a mental breakdown and getting committed to an Bludhaven clinc she wandered away before anyone noticed and by the time Tim or anyone did notice a lot of stuff started happening at once in both Gotham and Bludhaven (Steph dying, The Bludhaven crisis, etc etc)
Tim still tries to find her though but even with best resources it was like she just disappeared into the wilderness and the stress of trying to handle more and more problems get worse.
So when out of the blue, a couple of years later, he gets a call from an unknown number. On his private, only for friends and family, phone and when he answers he meet with a young girls voice on the other end.
A very young, maybe six or seven, girl who informs him about his apparently half-brother Danny Drake-Fenton. And how she loves Danny so, so, so much but knows her home is dangerous for him to be in.
Tim is stunned and before he could question her, she says Danny is Dana and Jack's baby and that her parents had adopted him years ago and put Dana's stuff that the hospital had away for him to look at when he was older but she just had to fight off their lunch from eating her brother and she knows he needs a better place to live and so she snooped around and found Dana's diary and that she had to unscramble the nonsense Dana wrote and found Tim's number with the words 'tell him about his brother Danny' hidden in it. And-
But before she could keep rambling she hears Danny screaming "JAZZY THE MILK WENT BAD AGAIN AND HISSED AT ME!"
Tim is left with silence after hearing Jazz yell to Danny to lock the fridge and step out of the kitchen as she gets the bat.
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flowersforfrancis · 2 years ago
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I dread the end of winter.
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logansgaar · 4 months ago
Bucky's blue color coding is one of my favorite consistencies with him, as well as how consistent red is with negativity for him.
His blue coat during the war always makes me smile?? Every chance Bucky gets he picks blue.
Blue was still a feminine color back then, it only really became considered masculine and pink a feminine color heading into the 50s. It's just interesting to me that Bucky consistently picks blue, his all blue suit to Sarah's funeral is the equivalent of wearing an all pink suit now.
Steve's costume was designed for him based off the flag and aside from one greyish-blue jacket after his mother's funeral, he mostly chooses to wear muted, warm tones like browns, yellows and reds like other men in CATFA, especially Howard who wears a lot of red during CATFA. In the modern era Steve does also wear a lot of blue, but that could just be because of modern influences idk.
Every time we see Bucky dressed in something he would've chosen for himself pre-war it's blue, and even post-Winter Soldier he mostly wears blue with only once wearing a red shirt (when he was in hiding in Romania, when he presumably didn't have the liberty of being picky.) I'd almost say Bucky associates red as a negative color... Arnim Zola's bow tie he would've no doubt been wearing while he experimented on Bucky, Red Skull, blood, the HYDRA symbol, the Red Room, the Winter Soldier notebook, the red star on his arm, the Iron Man suit, the wall in his apartment in Romania (and arguably his red shirt in Romania too, since he was on the run and then mind controlled wearing it.) To a MUCH less severe degree, his and Sam's hostility with each other follows Sam's whole run with the red Falcon suit. Also lmao the suit he asks the Wakandans for for Sam is a lot less red than Sam's comic book CA suit is, the wings for example. This part is a reach but it's still a funny coincidence.
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oilith · 7 months ago
Hopping on the miku trend
Have finnish miku
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Obligatory kossu miku lmao
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ace-bucket · 7 months ago
Thinking about what if the reason the Winter Soldier says “who the hell is Bucky?” instead of “who is Bucky?” is because hearing his real name after possibly decades (especially from Steve) made him slip back into Bucky’s old speech patterns for just a moment? Because I can’t imagine that the handlers and such allow the Winter Soldier to talk to them like a peer or a fellow coworker, they didn’t even treat him as human
and we know Bucky uses “hell” often in exclamations once he’s himself
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iwillstabyou · 27 days ago
TMAGP 31 - A Computer Nerd’s Breakdown Of The Error Logs
It’s round 3, bitches! (tumblr crashed twice when I was writing this so I’ve had to start again multiple times. I do in fact see the irony, considering the subject matter)
I was listening to TMAGP 31 and as a computer nerd, oh my god those error messages just HIT DIFFERENT. There are so many subtle details hiding in those lines that a typical non-computery person would probably miss, so I feel it is my duty to explain them and their possible implications. So that’s why I’ve decided to fully break down each part of the error report, complete with what they could potentially suggest — think of this as “the TMAGP theorist’s guide to deciphering Chester’s yapping”
So without further ado, let’s get this party started…
(NOTE: lines from the transcript are in red, ‘translations’ are in purple, jmj specific stuff is is green, explanations are in black)
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Starting off with Category: fatal programmer error, notice it says programmer, not program. There is nothing wrong with the code - the user has truly fucked up. Uh oh, Colin has made a big mistake…
Also, clever double meaning here with the word fatal. Obviously we know it was fatal to Colin (RIP king 🥲), but error logs also typically have a criticality level describing if immediate action needs to be taken. There are 6 commonly used levels, with the most critical being, yep you guessed it, ‘fatal’ - this means that whatever Colin was doing was a critical threat to the system. In other words, Colin had figured out the problem and was dangerously close to fixing it so Freddie just went “oh shit, we need to deal with this guy quickly or we are in serious trouble.”
Then we’ve got the next line, attempted host compromise (the Errno611 isn’t significant - error codes vary from system to system). When it comes to network terminology, a host is basically just any device on the network, so in full this line basically means “somebody’s tried to damage part of the network.” Importantly, “host” seems to suggest that the computers aren’t the source of this evil but merely a vessel for it. Freddie is just the mouthpiece for these supernatural forces - a bit like a non-sentient (as far as we know…) avatar. Whatever these forces are, they didn’t come from within/they weren’t created by Freddie.
(NOTE: I will come back to jmj=null in a bit)
The program traceback, Traceback <module> by extension BECHER, is rather interesting. A network extension is a way of providing network access to remote users (think along the lines of a VPN) by creating a personal direct ‘route’ to the network. Therefore if it’s the subject of an error report, it means there’s been an issue with data transmission along that path. So this bit means “there’s a problem with this specific network route that’s allocated to Colin.” However, the darker implication here is that Colin is an extension of Freddie. Although he wasn’t initially a part of all of this, he’s become tangled in the web (no pun intended) to the point that he and Freddie are inseparably intertwined. The OIAR employees may be able to quit their jobs, but they’ll still be a part of Freddie…
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There isn’t much to say about Host=self.host in this context. It’s just convention when it comes to object oriented programming. Not important here.
Extension BECHER compromised isn’t just saying “there’s an issue here.” It’s saying “there’s an issue here that is a serious threat to network operation.” In other words, Freddie’s going “uh oh. Colin needs to be dealt with.”
The next bit is pretty self explanatory. I really don’t think I need to explain what <hardware damage_crowbar> means for you guys to understand. This bit made me laugh so hard. One thing that’s interesting though is that it gave it a DPHW, so Freddie processed this like it was an incident… Perhaps this fully confirms that the ‘thing’ controlling Freddie is of the same origin as the cases - it’s not something else entirely?
And now onto Administrator privilege revoked. This was the moment when I fully realised “oh no. Colin is fucked,” because any control that Colin may have had over the situation is now gone for good. Freddie’s basically just said “fuck you Colin. You’re not in charge anymore. I am.”
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As you can probably guess, Unexpected data isolated/resolved just means that the crowbar’s been dealt with and the program can run as usual. Similarly, the Colin threat is fixed now he’s not an administrator i.e. he can no longer control the system. However, it then gets weird with Independent operation permissions revoked… It’s not saying Colin can’t use the network independently, it’s saying that Colin can’t be used independently of the network. Remember what I was saying earlier about Colin being a part of Freddie? Yeah, well now he purely is a part of Freddie. They’re turning our boy into data!
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NOTE: I know in the audio it said everything was discarded but I’m going by the transcript. Idk why they’re different
You know it’s a bad sign when you hear Re config: self.host - Freddie’s evolving. The network is literally reconfiguring itself to now include Colin. And then Freddie goes through each of his alchemical elements one by one and fucking deletes them! How rude. You go and eat this man only to spit everything out!? I guess he’s feeling generous though, because he decides to keep the sulphur, which in alchemy, refers to the soul… If this isn’t just a coincidence, then that means Colin’s actual soul has been uploaded to Freddie. That could be really cool. And messed up. But mostly cool.
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Starting with the final line, everyone knows what New administrator permissions assigned means, but we don’t know yet who they’ve been assigned to. Maybe it’s Gwen? Maybe it’s a new character? Maybe there is no system administrator anymore? It’s a mystery.
Now that’s out the way, let’s get on to the real juicy stuff…
The top few lines are pretty simple - it’s Freddie’s way of saying “Colin was a problem. We ate him. Now he’s not a problem anymore.” The next line, however, is a reminder that none of this is simple” - .jmj error not resolved. There it is again. The infamous jmj error. What does it mean? Jon? Martin? Jonah? Is that you???? Nobody knows. One thing we do know though is that jmj=null (from the start of the error log). Now when it comes to interpreting values, null is weird. It’s not zero, it’s not empty, it’s sort of nothing but it’s not nothing. It’s just null. It means no value, but it doesn’t mean that the variable doesn’t have a value (if that makes any sense to you guys???). Ooh I think I know how to explain it?? Imagine you’re Jonathan Sims, head archivist of the Magnus Institute and you’re digitising some archived ID photos when you find one without a name. The recorded name in the database would be null - you can’t put anything in particular, but that doesn’t mean the person in the photo doesn’t have a name. I guess null means unknown or missing here. So basically, what jmj=null means is that the jmj is unknown and that is a problem because it can’t get ignored/it is important. So what it’s basically saying is that jmj is a mystery not only to us, but also to Freddie.
Take a look at Data integration cycle ongoing <0.02%> - Data integration is the process of combining data from multiple sources into a single source of truth. There are 4 stages: data ingestion, cleaning, transformation, and unification. Thanks to the whole Colin ordeal, I’m sure you are all quite familiar with these stages by now (and that, students, is what we call a case study!). The peculiar thing here though is that we’ve just witnessed most of the data integration cycle - surely it should be higher than 0.02%? Yes, that’s correct. It should be far higher than that. It makes no sense. UNLESS this isn’t about Colin. Most of Colin’s data has probably already integrated. This is something else entirely - something so much bigger and foreign than these computers were designed for (the only comparison I can think of is trying to run the sims 4 with all expansion packs on a 15 year old laptop. It really shouldn’t work, and it probably won’t, but it’s gonna try regardless). This seems to follow on nicely from the jmj=null comments above, because Freddie is clearly struggling to integrate something (hence System function margins down to 82%), and when you try to read data that hasn’t been fully integrated with the system, you end up with a lot of missing & unknown values. Sound familiar? Yep, that’s right - until more data is synchronised, many values will be null, like our good friend jmj. Why is it taking so long to integrate jmj? We don’t know. Perhaps its origins are so supernatural and otherworldly that it’s simply not tangible enough for Freddie to process it? That’s what I think at the moment, at least.
So yeah, that’s my line by line analysis done! Hope you found that helpful/interesting. This podcast is so well written I’m actually going insane! Jonny and Alex, you are the guys of all time! As I’ve already said, feel free to expand on any of this - I’d love to hear your theories
Signed, your friendly neighbourhood computer nerd who is very autistic about TMAGP :)
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bbutterflies · 1 year ago
something something new years eve... adrien's like yeah I've never kissed anyone at midnight :( nino is like I'll kiss you dude that's what bros are for kissing the homies on the lips. obviously. what do you mean our girlfriends are right there no man I'll kiss you totally it's fine I want to let's do it
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kbsd · 6 days ago
winnix // "follow me" by john denver
make it part of you to be a part of me
happy birthday yna @evidenceof! <3
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ravewing · 14 days ago
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how it feels being a wof fan with media literacy
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