whenthegoldrays · 2 months
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flylikejetstreams · 1 year
the guilt i feel for wanting to move away for college 🤪 ha ha ha
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secretneilgaiman · 3 months
Transformers One trailer response
Looks bad.
BUT - Looks bad in a weirdly specific way. Like it might be a good movie with a bad trailer kinda way.
Or maybe I'm just desperate.
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mewniemoon · 5 days
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What if instead of being resurrected and staying their age in the afterlife, the twins instead went back to the age they were when they were last alive (aka, lil babees)?
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Nari was not emotionally prepared for this get him some soft blankets to build a nest with stat!!
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dododrawsstuff · 20 days
Happy birthday Clavis!!
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I'm not late this year, yay! (Are you proud of me, Clavis?) I wanted to make something special for him, so I tried to make an animation, I wanted to make him blink, but that was beyond my and my PC's capacity ahdhshdhd
Anyway, I hope you like it! I'll study more so I can at least make him blink ajshsjsj
Ikepri taglist: @keithsandwich @scummy-writes @bicayaya @natimiles @floydsteeth @lorei-writes @aquagirl1978 @ikeprinces-stuff @goustmilk @sh0jun @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf @violettduchess (let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist)
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leighsartworks216 · 6 months
> Stopped writing my fic because I got too tired
> Laid down in bed
> Cannot stop thinking about my fic
> Keeps working on it in my notes app
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michaun · 1 month
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scenes with no hetero explanation
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sephirthoughts · 2 months
me: this time, i'm gonna find a fun fandom, without any horribly tragic characters to rip my guts out and curb stomp my heart
me: ooh, final fantasy 7, that looks fun
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jordblod · 8 months
ok so how many confessional bathroom scenes are coming my way?? be honest with me. i'm so serious is revealing personal facts while pissing the core of all hilson lore?? is that what this is? is this the narrative theme that will haunt me 'til the end of time bc it sure seems like it!!! any chance that i'll get taken out the back and mercifully shot in the head like a farmers dog at some point in all this??
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raapija · 3 months
Fernando being interviewed by Alex, 2012
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andrewknightley · 4 days
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why is he like this
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storge · 2 months
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The hands of a liar...
Hand (2022) '手' dir. Matsui Daigo
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greenskellyblob · 1 year
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Instead of drawing the OCs, I have fallen into a pixel fever and started agressively making mods for Stardew Valley. Whoops :'D
Anyways, if anyone wants a taller, cuter horse with some absolutely baller animations (if I do say so myself), go get it on nexus!
Have a preview of the animations!
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why-the-heck-not · 5 months
help im writing my thesis in the notes app
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menlove · 2 months
I just. I think about how in love paul is with john still to this day over 40 years later and I just. my tummy hurts.
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pedgito · 2 years
we’re nearly into 2023 and this man is still doing press for a show that killed him off nearly six months later, yeah keep trying to chug that ‘Eddie’s not coming back’ train because I don’t fucking believe it for a second
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