#i genuinely cannot state how grateful i am people are equally as interested in it as i am
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nonbinarysurge · 2 months ago
theres is something extremely funny to me about these pages creating a (relatively) big fanon scene with multiple different AUs and interpretations, just to then look at the actual comics where it never got brought up or acknowledged ever again
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i'm honestly so used to it at this point i forget there are people who still go by canon and dont see any relation between surge and kit & the diamond cutters
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citydreamgrls · 4 years ago
a simple favour - part two
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fred weasley x fem!reader
summary: it was all in her best interests, fred never meant to catch feelings for her. it had started as a simple favour.
words: 4,785
warnings: swearing , tw: stalking / stalker , smut in later parts (18+)
find part three here
“You did WHAT!” Ron was the first to respond to Fred’s confession. The rest weren’t far behind. Harry burst into a fit of nervous giggles, unable to truly contemplate it all George just switched up his facial expressions from confused to shocked to horrified over and over again. Hermione’s reaction was similar to Ron’s, as she threw herself into a flurry of telling Fred how mental he was, and asking him questions without waiting for answers.
All the while I sat in disbelief, unsure if I’d heard him correctly. I held my head upright, just a blank expression stuck on my face as I watched the wall, hoping that something would come to mind.
“Poor girl, you should be ashamed Fred.”
“And to think I ever looked up to you.”Ron huffed, setting Hermione off again.
“IS THIS YOUR IDEA OF A SICK JOKE?” She screeched, stopping everyone in their spiralling tracks, even making me look over to see what the twin would say.
“It- it just slipped out okay, but wait-” He stopped his brother from ripping his head off, “I think it might have done something.”
“Does he believe you?” I asked into the following silence, making him look at me with more of an apology than he had ever spoken aloud. “I can’t say for sure.. But he was definitely bothered by it.”
“And what if this is all he needs to get back at her, just a reason to hurt y/n?” Hermione asked.
Fred’s face dropped and he sighed with genuine regret, if what he was saying was true then it could go either way. Mclaggen could either get bored of seeing me with someone else and move on, or he could come after fuelled with jealousy.
“I’m sorry,” He finally spoke, looking over to me and keeping his eyes on mine as he carried on,“I know it isn’t ideal, but it could at least mean he isn’t as interested.”
“There isn’t much else we can do, is there?” My best friend replied, tying her hair up and sitting down in defeat.
“I suppose we better make him believe then.” I nodded, the words feeling heavy and wrong as they came from my throat. Nothing felt right about this, I felt bad for Fred having to lie for me and act as if he loved me just because some guy was being a creep.
Fred smiled weakly, he must have sensed my nerves. Or maybe I just wasn’t as good at hiding what I felt as I’d always presumed I was. Either way, he knew something about where my head was at. He was also right. This situation wasn’t ideal, but equally it was the only idea any of us had come up with that seemed to actually work in some way. Fred wasn’t malicious, he would only ever do this to help.
Now we just needed to pull it off properly.
None of us talked over it for long, no one really wanted to go into much detail of how soppy Fred and I needed to act around one another. No one less than Ron, who had a permanent scowl aimed at his brother as we discussed the plan. It all came down to what people outside of mine and Hermione’s room thought. It wasn’t just Cormac who we would be lying to, but everyone else in the school. If just one person caught wind that this was a set up, then it would be a wasted effort and I’d be stuck with a stalker for the rest of my time at Hogwarts.
“What about Ginny?” Harry asked, “Do we tell her?”
“She needs to believe it like everyone else,” Fred said. “If she thinks we’re together, then she’ll tell mum and dad straight away. Saves them hearing from anyone else, that would be more suspicious.”
“We can still tell her the truth,” Ron was still angry, finding every reason to disagree with people. “Even if she knows she can tell mum and dad.”
“She’s still young Ron, we can’t trust that she won’t let slip.” He argued back.
“She’s family you git, it isn’t fair to lie to her too!”
“Fred’s right.” Hermione put a hand on Ron’s, all of us nodding in agreement. “All of this stays between us, that’s all. We can trust one another, and that’s it. No one else.”
Ron reluctantly gave in, not quite agreeing, but nevertheless refraining from arguing the point any further. It all seemed quite futile to him, and something deep down made him wonder what his brother was up to. George coaxed everyone out, leaving Hermione and I to talk things over once again.
“One of us can watch the tower from the common room, that way he can’t get to you.” He explained once the boys were going down the stairs. I thanked him as he smiled and left, always the one to keep smiling despite the circumstances.
My best friend hugged me once again, refusing to let go as we tried to chat about anything other than Fred, which lasted about 2 minutes.
“What was he thinking?” She scoffed and I shrugged.
“It’s our only chance Mione,”
“And if it doesn’t work?”
“Then I’ll kill him.” My face was blank, probably pale and sickly. I felt sickly so it seemed right that I look the part.
“Who? Fred or Mclaggen?”
“Both,” I laughed, the tiniest glimmer of happiness stabbing its way through the dark. My friend’s wrapped round me more, unwilling to let go until she absolutely had to, her hands squeezed my sides comfortably. “Thank you, for stopping Mclaggen last night… and for looking after me so much.”
“I know you would do the same,” She smiled, stroking my hair with one hand.
“Were you scared too?” I asked, breathing deeply as I tried to repress that feeling I’d had seeing him standing in the middle of the room only a few steps away from my bed.
“A little bit,”
“You’re braver than me… what do you think he would hav-”
“Don’t think about it y/n, it’s over. Just focus on you and Fred.”
I sat up, her arms slipping away as I did so. She mimicked me, crossing her legs as I did mine and watched my mind whir as I thought about Fred over and over.
“There must have been other things he could’ve said.” I sighed, Hermione nodding.
“Hell, he could’ve beaten him to the ground.” “So why didn’t he?” The girl asked, no answer coming to my mind but plenty inside hers. “I just think there’s a reason he lied to Mclaggen.”
“He said it slipped out,”
“Oh I believe that, but it’s what that means that’s confusing me.” She admitted, I frowned at her, not quite following.
“What do you mean?”
“Well,” She sat up onto her knees, looking me right in the eyes to make sure I understood what she was thinking. “For Fred, the guy who couldn't care less about girls, to suddenly pretend he has a girlfriend seems strange. But when he said it just slipped out to Cormac, I think he was thinking of you more than himself.”
She was right about Fred not being bothered with girls, he’d seen George mess around with enough of them that the aspect of a relationship probably seemed useless to him.
“Yeah I understand that, he was confronting him about me.”
“But… he could’ve said anything else. Why did Fred, think about you and his head immediately go to girlfriend?” She leant back now, satisfied with her theory. I hummed.
“Maybe you’re over-analysing it a bit?” Hermione did tend to after all.
“I have a gut feeling about this one.”
Harry came to check on me halfway through the day, telling us that Ron had been sulking all day despite Fred's attempts to apologise. Hermione went to spend some time in the library as I continued to hide away in our dorm, refusing to come out until dinner. Tomorrow would be a different day, I’d have classes all over again but luckily none with Mclaggen because he was in the year above. However, it meant I’d be matched with people asking questions, whether they knew about the night’s events or not. I now had a fake relationship to speak for, not to mention I needed to be somewhat happy about it too in order for things to go smoothly.
“Hi.” Fred said quietly, making Harry look up from his magazine. He got the idea and left us to it, shutting the door behind him.
“I’ll see you at dinner y/n.” He smiled sweetly, each step echoing down the stairs. The twin shuffled over to sit on Hermione’s bed to face me.
“How are you feeling?” He asked me, avoiding my empty eyes.
“Fine,” I smiled weakly, doing my best to lie. I didn’t want him to think I was nervous.
“I cannot apologise enough,” He started, hands moving slightly as if he wanted to reach out for mine. But they went back to his lap, fingers tightly crossed over one another, I watched him clench them until his knuckles went white.
I felt like a toddler that needed watching all the time, like he wasn’t sure what to do with me or how to talk.
“Fred don’t, just- it’s fine.” I stood up and walked across the room, desperately trying to find something to busy myself with. I folded some clean clothes, his eyes on my shaky form.
“You’re nervous?” He tried again, his voice scratching the air. I nodded, not daring to turn around and face him. I felt pathetic alone in his presence, vulnerable to his gaze as I clutched a jumper Ron had given me one Christmas between my fingers.
My thoughts were scrambled but they refused to come out to Fred. So we were alone in the silence.
“Everyone’s angry, aren’t they?” I said, at first to himself, but when I peered over he was waiting for me to tell him otherwise.
“I am grateful Fred,I know you were just looking out for me.” He smiled, having been given the reassurance he’d wanted.
“We all are.”
I swallowed once, feeling the spit slide down my throat with a disgusting taste. He meant that as a humbling comment, to show that everyone else cared as much as he did, but why was I disappointed. Had I really been holding out hope that he wanted this?
“Do you need any time before we go?” I nodded, suddenly realising how much of a state I must have been in from the night before.
“I should probably shower,” The words came out meekly, like I was too scared to speak any louder.
“Okay, you can use our bathroom.”
Hermione and I didn’t have a bathroom big enough for a shower in our dorm, subjected to walking halfway across the castle each morning before breakfast. Yet Fred and George had been lucky enough to bag a room with a bigger bathroom, giving them an annoyingly better deal than us.
He checked that the common room was empty before letting me walk through it to get to his dorm. I had never been inside, the twins rarely using their room for anything besides sleeping and washing. They did share it with another boy, Lee Jordan, but as Fred explained he was never really around either.
I showered quickly, enough time to enjoy the privacy of the warm water as I shivered beneath it. Fred was waiting outside, that I could tell from his light footsteps as he paced the room.
“Ready?” The boy stopped walking when I came out, fresh clothes on and my others in a small bundle in my arms. “I’ll put those in with my laundry if you want?” I smiled and dumped it in his little washing basket, taking a deep breath.
He gave me a sudden hug, making me jump slightly. Fred wasn’t one for complex emotions, generally sticking to the safety net that was happiness and anger. I certainly hadn’t seen him hug a single person before without being coerced. Maybe he saw me as such a basket case, that he didn't even know how to react.
“I’m fine Fred.” I laughed awkwardly, patting his back and letting him pull away. For a second I thought he hadn’t heard me, because he didn’t move away, but then he coughed himself back to normal and turned to leave. Me following behind, more confused than ever.
The noise of voices in the great hall boomed louder than ever before, even from down the hall. Fred had started holding my hand the second we’d left the common room, chatting casually to me as we walked through the castle, people giving us looks as we passed them. I too wouldn’t have understood his change in demeanor, he had never been overly affectionate to anyone. Yet here he was, acting as if I was the only person in this whole school. We didn’t stop to discuss anything, or reassure one another, before walking into the hall. I feared that if we had done so, then that slight slither of courage I had would’ve melted away quicker than wax.
Fred’s smile was so natural as I peered up to him, already looking over at George on the Gryffindor table. They were all at our usual spot, watching expectantly as I did my best to ignore the many turned heads and hushed murmurs of surprise. My eyes were fixated on Hermione, who seemed to express a great deal of pride. I hadn’t even noticed that we’d passed Mclaggen’s end of the table, Fred’s body blocking that side so I never even saw him.
When we sat down, I shuddered at the feeling of Fred’s arm around me, which I hope he hadn’t noticed. It was strange, having someone’s hands on me at all times, even worse when it was Fred's. I’d seen the boy fidget before, it was a normal occurrence, but to be the one on the receiving end of his restless fingers playing in my hand was weird.
It was as if he wasn’t necessarily paying attention to me, but yet he was letting me know I was still on his mind. All without a single word spoken. It was nice just to see a different side to the boy, but I needed to remember that all of this wasn’t real. None of these feelings were true to Fred.
Ron ate his food in silence, refraining from looking over at either me or his brother. I ate slowly, mostly speaking to Hermione and Harry and avoiding eye contact with anyone else in the hall, especially him. George and Fred were keeping themselves entertained, which made things much easier for me as I realised that I had no clue how to chat normally with Fred. A fact that became evident as we walked hand in hand through the halls.
Some people congratulated Fred as he took me to potions class, most just whispered about us as if they were invisible. I stayed quiet, the attention mostly on him thank god.
“You didn’t have to bring me,” I smiled as we stopped outside the classroom door “I’m sure people would still believe you.” I whispered.
“Y/n.” He frowned, like I was a naughty child.
“Sorry.” I became very aware of him flipping out. Not even one whole day, and he was already seemingly sick of pretending. The boy looked around, eyeing up a group of Ravenclaw’s hanging out at the other end of the hallway and sighed, turning back to me.
“I didn’t mean it like that, sorry.” He took my hand again, confusing me with a gentle smile.
It became apparent that Fred was a great liar, both to me and everyone else. He said goodbye, and I did my best to produce a fake smile, not that he would be able to tell the difference.
Fred watched her leave, noticing how uncomfortable her smile had been and wanting to punch himself in the face. Why was he acting like such an idiot around her? She was so easy to be happy around, but he repressed it, not enjoying the vulnerability she instilled in him.
He couldn’t deny himself the joy that came with the smiles, or when she held his hand so small inside his own. But he couldn’t let her know that, not ever. Because, when she looked up at him, those eyes so big and innocent, he wanted nothing more than to keep her safe from all the world’s evil. That was what made him weak to her.
She wasn’t ‘his’ in any sense of the word, not a possession like Cormac had described, but god why did he like showing her off to all the boys in her year. The same dirty guys that had confessed the things they wanted to do to her in the dark during a game of truth or dare. Thinking back on it made him mad, physically furious, he wanted to go back and kick them all in the mouths for ever defiling her that way.
It was wrong. Fred felt as though he was benefiting from something y/n had been so traumatised over, like he was her protector from Mclaggen and now she owed him the satisfaction of acting as his girlfriend. He had the nerve to revel in every fucking second of it too.
Fred felt as bad as her stalker. He felt as vulnerable to her as Cormac was, begging for her over and over until it drove him mad. He saw how easily love had turned his father obedient to his mother, and he’d watched Ron stumble over words whenever Hermione looked him straight in the eyes. Fred wasn’t like them, he didn’t need a relationship to belittle him as he’d watched it do to others. He needed to control himself, but it was so hard when he held her and felt what it was like to be under that trance.
She was most likely only being polite with him because he was just that little bit better than someone who broke into her dorm to do god knows what. He wished that she hated him, that she would scream and yell and tell him what a dick he was for making her do this. At least in that case, it would be easier to forget all that he wanted from her. It made him angry that she was so encaptivating, so furious that he felt the need to push her away.
That rage had gotten everyone into this mess to begin with, that anger had made him notice those desperate feelings for y/n that shouldn’t exist. Fred vowed to himself in that moment, he would do everything in his power to rid any attraction to the girl he merely owed a favour to.
Days went by, Fred and I agreeing that kissing one another on the cheek was far enough for people to still believe while not making things awkward between us. The boy, however, was becoming increasingly distant over the next few days. He seemed so calm and collected when we were around others, but the second we were alone he shut down.
His hands would drop mine as if I was the plague, no words exchanged. It hurt, knowing that it truly was all an act, contrary to Hermione’s theory. But nothing else had been hinted at from the start, he himself told all of us how much of a mistake it was. Now I had no choice but to believe him when he said that.
Each time he went silent, or grunted to me instead of talking, I was reminded of how many times he apologised. How quickly he regretted his actions, the second he’d told all of us that morning in my dorm. He never did it for me, I was just naive enough to think differently. Maybe it hurt because he was so convincing, he held me proudly and smiled as if I was the only person in the room. But I too was just someone else being fooled by a very good actor.
The only upside to it all was that Mcglaggen seemed to back off a bit, keeping the creepiness down to just stares across the great hall. It put me at ease again, knowing that I wouldn’t have to worry about walking into a room of flowers and gifts from someone I despised. At this point, he had to be yet another believer of mine and Fred’s fake relationship, thank god.
“I think he hates me,” I said into the darkness one night, unable to sleep and hoping my best friend would be the same.
“Who does?” She grumbled, drowsiness in her voice but not in her body.
“Why do you say that?”
“You must’ve seen it too, he just ignores everything I say. Like he can’t even stand to be around me.” I huffed.
“Maybe he feels bad for you, he kind of forced it upon you.”
“It doesn't feel like pity… more like disgust.”
Hermione fell silent, searching her mind for a good response.
“Maybe there’s something else on his mind?” She explained.
“Maybe,” I rolled over and looked at the room from my bed, sighing and closing my eyes in another futile attempt to sleep.
I soon realised it was so incredibly stupid of me to ever think that Cormac would have backed off when I snuck off to the black lake one evening to have some time to myself. All I’d done for weeks on end was in the company of others, and it had started to suffocate me slightly. Hermione hadn’t mentioned our conversation about Fred, and his attitudes had only worsened over time, so I just decided to keep it all to myself. I’d snuck off while everyone was busy and walked to the water’s edge, watching the sunset.
It was peaceful, and refreshing to be alone. Finally, I could enjoy my own thoughts without someone interrupting them or the need to fill the silence between Fred and I. He had barely spoken to me all day, only putting on a smile at breakfast before going off to quidditch. Then he disappeared, not even turning up to dinner later on, which seemed to make some people talk as I prodded the food around my plate.
My mood’s were at an all time low, Fred’s constant rejection only pushing them deeper. I’d never needed his approval before, so why was I longing for it now? I hated that I wanted him to come and tell me he was sorry for being off with me. In reality, he probably enjoyed the one day without me around to bother him.
“All alone y/n?” His voice made me want to cry, the once bubbling anger had been conditioned into fear every time I heard him speak. I turned around, ready to leap up and run at any moment. Cormac stood smugly, arms crossed, as if he had finally gotten what he wanted. He had. Now I was all on my own, as he’d asked me already, and he could do whatever he’d wanted to since he’d laid eyes on me.
“What do you want?” I forced the words out shakily, only making him smile more.
He stepped forward and I scrambled to my feet clumsily, stepping back as he came closer.
“I want you to myself y/n, you’re wasting your time with Weasley.” I cringed at his words, if only he knew. I moved around him, trying to leave. But he would never give up that easy, he followed me up the hill with ease.  
“Stop it.” I begged.
“We’re meant to be together y/n,” He smiled, reaching for my hand but I just sped up. Making him jog after me. He wasn’t quite chasing me, neither of us moving fast enough for that, but it felt like a wolf closing in on me. “You can’t deny your feelings, can you?”
I stopped, for a split second pondering over the idea that he was talking about Fred. Then he smirked, that ugly god awful, gut-wrenching smile and I remembered that when Cormac spoke it was only ever in his own interest. So I kept walking, finally reaching the bridge to the courtyard.
“I’d love you so much more than he could y/n,” I didn’t dare respond, the tears pricking at my eyes. “He barely pays attention to you, I see it, there’s no spark with you two.” I hated that he was so right.
His words were impossible to ignore, even as we got into the castle with noises everywhere, Cormac’s rang out above them all. “Does Weasley ever touch you?” He asked me, that sick feeling increasing by the second.
Just the stairs to go, then I’d be inside the common room. Someone had to be there, and if not then Hermione was bound to be in the dorm. I prayed I wouldn’t be alone, I had no chance against Mclaggen if I needed to defend myself. I was fearing for the worst, his words unrelenting as he demanded to know intimate details.
“I want to be all over your body,” He whispered as I spoke the password, the painting swinging open. I’d never run inside so quickly, just to whip round to the boy following me closely. He seemed caught off guard, stumbling a little in his step.
“You’re a sick fucker, what will it take for you to understand that no one is ever gonna love you if you threaten them!” I screamed in his face, not giving him a chance to respond.
“I’m not something you can play about with, I’m a fucking person. Do everyone a favour Cormac and leave!”
I hadn’t spotted the three boys peering over at us, getting up in defense the second they saw who had followed me. Ron, Fred and George waited until I was done before coming to my side.
“There he is, your precious boyfriend.” I rolled my eyes at him and turned away again, not in any mood to deal with any of them.
“Leave her alone Mclaggen, she’s had enough of your shit.” Fred pushed the boy to the ground, towering over him with a foot pressed to his neck. He nodded, wanting to be let free and got up to rush off. I scoffed, but not at the pervert.
“I bet you’re so proud of yourself aren’t you,” I huffed, making Fred frown. He’d yet to see me mad, but it had been growing over time.
“What’s wrong?” His tone was dull, as if he couldn’t be bothered.
“You, you’re so full of yourself” I scoffed again.
Ron and George sloped off, deciding this was between the two of us alone.
“What did he say to you?” Fred tried to change the subject with a sudden gentle tone.
“Jesus why do you do that?”
“Do what?”
My face was blank with annoyance. He was so thick sometimes. He must know what he was doing, no one was that ignorant.
“You spend all day acting as if you hate me, out of nowhere, and then you do this. Play all protective and caring as if it’s normal. None of this IS NORMAL!” I was getting closer to him, trying my best to get him to understand from nearly half a foot shorter.
“I’m doing what we agreed, what’s the problem.”
“Do you hate me? Is that what it is, because tell me now and we can end this.” I laughed, wanting nothing more than to be far away from him.
“Y/n you’re mad over nothing.” He lied.
“I actually thought you could be half decent... but jokes on me eh?” I ranted, getting more and more furious by the second. I could see he was hurt, but my words were still riling him up and pissing him off. Fred took a deep breath to compose himself.
“It’s complicated y/n,” He tried his best to explain calmly, but I was too far gone.
“I get that I’m just charity work to you Fred.”
I went back out of the common room, passing Ron and George leant against a painting on my way down. They called after me, confused, as I raced down the stairs, but I didn’t dare stop. I needed to be away from them all, somewhere safe where I could hide from it all for a little while.
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jungleslang · 4 years ago
I'm sorry, but I cannot understand people who say that Elriel shippers hate Lucien and want to cause him pain or are advocating for him to experience pain and ultimately be unhappy. I understand that the mating bond is a huge deal in fae culture, and that it's more difficult to deal with for the male than for the female. But shipping Elain with Azriel despite this does NOT mean that I hate him. The opposite is actually true. It literally makes zero sense.
I've seen this argument too many times throughout the years, and I saw it again today, so I've decided to address it. I'm going to discuss why Elriel doesn't equal Lucien being unhappy, as well as some Elriel and Vucien foreshadowing, and why this could lead to Lucien's happiness. Be aware that I'm obviously biased, and this is in no way meant to hate on Elucien or Elucien shippers. I'm just addressing this specific argument. All ships are valid, and we don't ship shame in this house. This is just my personal opinion, and I know that what I ship might not be endgame.
Also this is gonna be pretty long, don't say I didn't warn you.
I want to start off by saying that a big reason why I don't ship Elucien is honestly BECAUSE I love Lucien. Elain has consistently shown not even an ounce of interest in him for the past three books. Lucien himself also says that Elain was "thrown at him," while Jesminda, his past love, chose him. Elain has never used or shown her appreciation for any of the gifts Lucien gave her (which is her right). She has clearly stated that she does not want a mate. She also currently has feelings for Azriel, and it's been said that Elain "shrinks" in Lucien's presence, her newfound boldness suddenly gone. I'm sorry, but why would I want this for Lucien?? Why would I want Lucien to be with a woman who does not love him and currently has feelings for another male? A woman who literally shrivels up when he is near her? Lucien deserves to love and be loved wholeheartedly. And of course, Elain does, too.
Additionally, Lucien's words about Jesminda highlight that having a choice and being truly chosen are things that matter to him. And who are the people that Lucien has actively chosen to be with? Jurian and Vassa. Lucien is a centuries old fae male, with experience in multiple courts, and he's chosen to shack up with two humans in the human lands. That means something, and it shows that Vassa and Jurian are the people he feels comfortable with, the people he trusts, and most importantly, the people who make him feel wanted. Wanted enough to literally live with them after all of his trauma, after being barred from his home in the Spring Court by Tamlin, a person he loved cherished more than anyone else. And Jurian and Vassa have also chosen him.
As someone who absolutely loves Lucien, THIS is what I want for him. For him to be with people he chose and who in turn chose him. I want what's best for him, and so far, the text has indicated that Jurian and Vassa are what's best for him. I mean come on, the three of them literally created a name for themselves, the Band Of Exiles. The one time we saw Lucien actually laugh in ACOWAR was when he was with Vassa at the end. He blushes at the mention of her and has a "spark" in his eyes when he talks about her. Let's also not forget about this part in ACOFAS:
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Lucien says that he's not living with them, the manor belongs to all of them. And even Feyre remarks how he's more comfortable around them, two humans, than people of his own race. I feel like this part is so overlooked. To me, it really demonstrates that Lucien has indeed found a home with these people, a home that belongs to all of them, and that he feels he truly does belong with them.
Additionally, it bothers me when people imply that rejecting the mating bond automatically equals unhappiness while accepting it guarantees love and happiness. Elain and Lucien rejecting their mating bond does not mean that Lucien is doomed to be unhappy and in pain for the rest of his life. And accepting it does not mean they'll be happy, either. We literally have proof of this in the books, and it comes in the form of Rhysand's parents. Rhys says that his parents were wrong for each other, and that his mother eventually came to hate his father, only staying with him because she was grateful to him for saving her wings. That is not a happy relationship.
Also, something that is one of the biggest hints toward Elriel for me, is the fact that every single mated couple we see in the books that actually ended up together had feelings for each other BEFORE the mating bond snapped into place. Rhys had feelings for Feyre while they were under the mountain, and Feyre fell in love with Rhys before she knew they were mates. Nessian's mating bond also didn't snap into place until after they already loved each other. And we also have Kallias and Viviane, who were in love before they discovered they were mates. These relationships all had solid foundations before the mate bond came came into play. Romantic feelings were established before the bond. For Elucien, this was not the case. Their mate bond snapped into the place the day they met each other, which directly mirrors Rhys' parents, whose mate bond snapped into place the moment they met and who also weren't right for each other. (Coincidence? I think not.)
We also have to remember that we have never been inside Lucien's head, with the exception of that one scene where Feyre infiltrates his mind while he's talking to Elain. That one glimpse alone mainly deals with the feelings he has for Elain due to his instincts because of the mate bond. It's also where he says Elain had been thrown at him. We don't actually know the extent of what he feels or doesn't feel for Elain. We don't know if he has romantic feelings for her outside of his instincts because of the bond, which we know is important based on what we discussed above. Yes, Lucien gives her gifts and clearly wants to get to know her, but we don't know whether he's just doing this out of obligation because the bond is so important in fae culture. Which might also be the reason Elain hasn't formally rejected him yet.
I think that there is a decent chance that this is the case based on what we've seen in the books. I also get the feeling that Lucien might be pursuing Elain out of obligation because Elain hasn't given him the time of day, and they've had no meaningful moments/conversations up until now. He doesn't really know her. How can you have feelings for someone you don't know and haven't spent any real time with? There are also these scenes from ACOFAS and ACOSF:
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In ACOFAS, Feyre says that Lucien doesn't seem to have a real interest in bridging gap between him and Elain. In ACOSF, Cassian says the words "my mate" drip with discomfort when Lucien says them. This indicates that he's not so comfortable with calling Elain his mate / having her as his mate.
I also think this part is important because the level of comfort the characters have with each other is a distinguishing factor of the ships. Lucien is more comfortable around Vassa than Elain, while Elain is more comfortable around Azriel than Lucien.
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As I stated before, this is the only time we see Lucien laughing in ACOWAR. Additionally, his shoulders are loose, indicating that he is not only comfortable but also relaxed, which is a rare thing for Lucien in the recent books with all the shit he has going on. In contrast, there's always a tension underlying his and Elain's interactions. Based on the fact that Vassa is chatting with him "animatedly," I would say she's likely comfortable around him, too.
There are also these two passages from ACOMAF, which I'm sure every Elriel shipper already knows lol.
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We can also see that Elain has been at least somewhat comfortable around Azriel from the start, even when she was afraid of the fae and engaged to a fae-hating man. She even engaged him in a genuine conversation about flying. These two excerpts also show that Elain is somewhat attuned to Azriel as well. She notes his body language and uses it to gauge the situation. This also indicates a certain level of trust in him. And this has only increased as the story progressed. He's content to just sit beside her in the garden, she tells him about her plans for the garden, and they stay up late talking to each other. Their interactions signify how at ease they are with each other, which I think is big thing for Azriel, who's always described as cold and filled with an icy rage. Rhys says it took Mor centuries to get Az to loosen up, but he eased up around Elain in a remarkably short amount of time for someone usually so closed-off.
So, the conclusion here is that Elucien is not the only ship that guarantees all characters' happiness as some people say. Lucien is completely capable of being happy and finding a home without Elain accepting the bond, and the evidence is in the books. The fact that Lucien actively chooses to live together with Jurian and Vassa, and that Elain has constantly chosen to be around Az while showing no interest in Lucien is the reason while I will always stan Vucien and Elriel over Elucien. It's all about choice for me, which is something that's also emphasized in the books and seems to be important for both Elain's and Lucien's arcs.
And all Elriel shippers absolutely don't hate Lucien. If I'm being honest, I actually like Lucien as a character more than Azriel. While I am a diehard Elriel stan and I adore Az, Lucien is a more interesting character to me. He was raised in the Autumn Court, lived in the Spring Court, and ended up becoming part of the Night Court, as well. Then we find out he's the heir to the Day Court, and now he lives in the human lands with Jurian and Vassa. He has connections to so many places, and yet struggles to belong. He was lost, and found a home with two other lost people. The Lost Queen Vassa, and a human who was resurrected in a world that moved on without him.
This is also why, in my opinion, Vucien / The Band of Exiles has so much more potential than Elucien. I don't want another story about mates ending up with each other. Give me the found family trope that is the Band of Exiles.
If you've made it through this whole thing, thank you. As always, I'd love to hear your opinions!
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wolfpawn · 6 years ago
When Ghosts Come For Us
Chapter 29
NOTE This is based on the movie Crimson Peak, so if any of the subject matter in that was uncomfortable for you, you will find this similar. I will *NOT* be describing incest in this, it will only be implied, same as the movie.
As I have stated already, my laptop is broken at present so please excuse grammar mistakes and the lack of GIFs and pics.
WARNING None. Also, I do not own any image or gif used in this story.
HERE is the link to Chapter 1 on Ao3
Rating - Mature
Charlotte's eyes widened as the reality of what happened hit her. 'Thomas?’
Thomas looked at Lucille whose eyes went from the needle in her arm along the arm holding it there before her eyes met his. 'No.’ Her eyes filled with tears.
Thomas felt the sting of the blade that had cut his shoulder as he defended Charlotte and Blake begin to ebb through his mind. 'I have to protect them, they are my family, Lucille. I'm sorry.’ There was genuine remorse in his voice but his eyes showed the sincerity of his words as he pressed down the plunger.
Angered by the official declaration by her brother regarding his allegiances to Charlotte and the baby over her, with her remaining strength, as the drugs began to kick in, Lucille grasped the letter opener tightly in her hand and went to strike Thomas in the throat with it.
Seeing what she was planning, Charlotte put herself between the blade and Thomas, gasping as the sharp object pierced her arm, grateful that Lucille's strength was first weakened by her time laying still and secondly by the use of the narcotics. It did not pierce far and to Charlotte, she had suffered far worse before. They watched as Lucille slumped into unconsciousness, neither saying anything to the other while she did so or for a few moments after.
‘Lottie?’ Thomas was the first to find his voice again. He took her arm to inspect it.
'I'm fine. What about you?’ She went to inspect his shoulder.
'Lottie, why did you step in, she could have hurt you.’
'She was going to kill you. She was aiming for your throat. I could not stand back and do nothing.’ She argued. She then turned to look at Blake, who was next to her. 'My little hero.’ She looked at the blood staining his chocolate coat darker. 'Where did she get you?’
'His ear, it seems just a small cut.’ Thomas inspected the area carefully, Blake eyeing him suspiciously as he did. 'I think I have broken his trust.’ As though on cue, Blake leant closer to Charlotte and the bump of her protruding stomach.
'He is confused. He will see soon that you are still you.’ She comforted before looking at him warily. 'You are still…’
Thomas looked at her, studying her studying him. 'I am still trying to ascertain what is happening.’
Charlotte nodded. 'I understand.’ She rose to her feet gingerly and rubbed her stomach. ‘I better get proper restraints. If she gets out now, she'll be a danger to you too.’ She stated as she walked out of the room.
Thomas watched her as she left before looking at Blake, the dog looked at him for a mere moment before following Charlotte. Alone with an unconscious Lucille, he assessed everything he just learned. When the thoughts of Charlotte admitting to knowing the past returned to him, he rose to his feet and followed after her, finding her in Lucille's room, readying the restraints. 'You knew, of it all? Of them?’
'The wives, yes.’ Charlotte did not look at him as she spoke.
'Before we wed?’
'Before we ever laid eyes on one another.’ She confirmed.
Thomas looked at her questioningly. 'And you still thought it a good idea to come here?’
'I did.’
'How much do you hate Lucille to think going to where she did these things to get her was a worthwhile risk? You are incredibly foolish. You could have been killed.’
'If you plan to have me regret it, I won't.’ She looked at him. 'I meant everything I said, Thomas. I love you with incredible intensity. I would do it all again tomorrow for you. I got you free of her. You are your own man now, free to do as you please and in doing so, you have rejuvenated the mines and rebuilt your name. You are an incredible person and a wonderful man.’ She smiled proudly.
'Was what you said true, of Cordelia?’
'Every word.’
'Your upbringing, her...her death?’
'None wishes more than I do that those were falsities but I have not such luxury. My parents are why I look like I do and my father getting her with child is what put her there.’
'I am so sorry, for what Lucille did.’
Charlotte smiled lovingly at him. 'It is not your crime to apologise for but thank you.’
'I...I do not know what to think. I fell in love with an overly kind and sweet woman, is that still you? Who are you?’
Charlotte bit her lips together. 'I knew the situation, that the charming man that feigned interest in me, was just that, I was never under any illusions, you thought differently.’
Thomas thought back to the beginning of it all, when she acted so innocent. 'Was it all a charade, how you act?’
'No. I like smiling and not thinking of what other people deem acceptable. It is their fault they associate happiness with being utterly silly. I played it up slightly, yes, but only because I learn more that way. People seem to think being silly equates to being deaf.’ She scoffed. 'I am essentially the same person. A little less dim, but I truly do love art and music and poetry. I adore our conversations and I genuinely was unhappy at not having you with me in Pembrokeshire.'
'Did you feign interest in my work?’ Thomas asked, clearly worrying about her response.
Charlotte's first reaction was to chuckle slightly. 'My dear Thomas, I have spoken to you for how many hours on the topic of your work, I have also initiated conversations on the matter, have I ever shown disinterest or boredom as we converse? Interest cannot be feigned for that length of time. I genuinely care about your work, I love speaking with you regarding it.' She smiled genuinely at him.  
'You are truly the only one to believe in me.’ Thomas stated. 'Lucille, everyone else, they scoffed or saw it as a foolish pastime but you...every time I made a development or when I had a setback, you are there with me.’
Charlotte smiled and walked over to him, cupping her hand to his cheek. 'I love you, that is what a wife who loves her husband does, she supports him, come glory or failure; though, for the latter, she should not allow him remain disheartened, she should encourage him to try again.’
'Why did you transfer the accounts?’ Thomas asked. 'You knew everything, yet you…’
'I made it we have equal right to it. That my signature was not required for you to access our money.’
'But why?’
‘It is a good thing I did, with regards the autumn and you remaining, my being so far away who be most inconvenient if you required any funding.’ She smiled before becoming serious once more. 'I told you, I wished to do it. I felt the love I feel is reciprocated. I believed it to be the right way to have things. As my husband, everything should naturally be yours too.’
'But you knew the truth.’
'I thought you to love me also. I hoped you did.’ She smiled lovingly at him. 'I think I was right.’
Thomas still felt conflicted and confused but continued to think over what was said over the past few minutes. He also considered the care and sheer effort that Charlotte had put into assisting with Lucille, the hours she spent looking after her tediously was something he noted, as well as recalling her comments regarding her doing it for him because he love his sister. 'And Dr Thompson? He...Did he really disown you?’
The heartbreak on her face showed the honesty of her statement regarding the doctor. 'It is more complicated as I am the legitimate child and he is not. But I had only him as natural family left and I love him dearly. He is my brother and he has always been there for me, especially after Cordelia, and now….now he wants nothing to do with me.’
'Does he know too?’
'Yes, that is why he is so angry regarding all of this.'
'And regarding me?’
‘He knows that Lucille was behind the most of it but your doing nothing makes you culpable to him.’
'How do you view it?’
'You did wrong, you allowed these women be harmed but you never wanted it. I saw the pictures, the ones of your marriages, you were clearly unhappy and the fact is, every death, you were complicit but not the murderer. I see you, the loving kind man behind it.’
'And that angers him, your brother?’
‘He sees me loving you and having your baby as betrayal, not only to him, but to Cordelia. Your sister murdered her and I carry a baby that shares that blood. But I can separate you from your sister and that is a large part this. He cannot.’
‘Do you regret it?’ Thomas asked.
'How can I? I love you so greatly and what mother can regret her child. I love you and I love our child who was created of our love, I cannot regret either of you.’
Thomas looked into her eyes and saw nothing but sincerity. He thought of her words. She chose him. She wanted the best for him. She encouraged him and she always ensured her words were encouraging and complimentary to him. He thought of their nights of passion, how she smiled and how she looked at him. Thomas was not a religious man, but he prayed her words were honest, that she loved him as he did her. His hand caressed her cheek, causing her to look him in the eye, a worry in hers. He leant forward and kissed her gently, her lips gently pressing back against his.
@lokiloveheart @ilovekingt @texmexdarling @sigridlaufeyson @whovianwookie86-captainxev @lokilover9
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matriiiarch · 6 years ago
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Send me ♥ and I’ll write some positivity for a blog that I follow.
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@patriiiarch - i cannot start off this positivity meme without first gushing about my gomez / my muse’s other half / my favorite scottish gem !! i am forever in awe of starry and her perfect interpretation of gomez addams. literally my blessing, i couldn’t have asked for a better rp partner, seriously. since the moment she first followed me, i was ecstatic and we’ve built up such an amazing rapport, gushing about the addams family, diving into hidden secrets with bts information & detail, really getting into the knitty gritty. we instantly clicked and the rest is history. she has such an amazing understanding of her character (of all of her muses, really) which is so refreshing and fun to experience. she doesn’t sugar-coat anything and her writing is impeccable! not only is she one of the sweetest people i’ve ever come to know on here, but she is equally as talented in everything that she does. her gomez in particular is pure perfection, to the point that my morticia would be nothing without them. we all strive to have that one writing partner where they just make our own muses complete and i found that in starry, of whom i am eternally grateful for. her attention to detail, the mindset she’s created for gomez, literally everything has me caught in an everlasting web of awe. 
@gloomfilled - i have known desii for many years, as she was a fan of mine back when i still portrayed Miriam Blaylock from the hunger featuring catherine deneauve and david bowie. she has continued to be both an amazing friend and writing partner and she puts herself in deep with every character she portrays. the fact that she decided to take on wednesday still amazes me, considering her busy schedule. although she maintains a low activity, she remains present and dedicated which is more than i could ever ask for. on top of that, her love and understanding for this fandom exceeds expectation that adds to her own creativity. she is a fantastic human and i am so incredibly happy for her that she’s recently become engaged with the woman she loves! congratulations, my baby bat ♥ i love you so much! thank you for everything. xx 
@daisiied​ - gin has literally been the one and only person who has stated interest in portraying morticia’s sister, ophelia and has delivered on her promise without holding back or giving up (even using my ideal fc for her!). not only did i gain a sister for my muse, but i gained a friend who’s ideas and interpretation of the character literally match my own and we bond so well in that regard that i cannot help but feel so incredibly grateful. ophelia is not an easy character to take on, granted and it’s understandable as to why all others who have wanted to test her out ended up not wanting to continue. believe me, i get it. but gin embraced the challenge, seemingly with ease and we have had an amazing experience in discussing at length the intricate details of this amazing sisterly relationship with ideas and backstories. she is an incredible individual who is fun and high spirited with such an incredible talent of writing and creativity in so many different ways! it’s been wonderful getting to know her and i am just so honored to have met her on here as a writing partner and friend. everyone should also visit her oc at @highwiitch !! 
@iinspectorjefe - steering away from addams muses for a bit, i have to acknowledge one of my best friends: bo. my treasure ; we have known each other for 3-4 years now and have an amazing partner-ship between her Javier Falcón and my Stella Gibson. a relationship i think we both secretly expected but didn’t automatically assume going in. honestly, all of her muses have been incredibly underappreciated which saddens me, because she is outstanding individual with so much creativity and i adore all of her muses with an intensity that i cannot fully describe! she really does deserve to have more attention than she’s given and she has literally been the bestest friend to me throughout the years. she drove 2 hours just to see one of my shows up in north hollywood and i cannot even begin to state how much that still means to me to this day. i encourage everyone to follow her muse(s) and interact because she’s incredible and such a lovely person. i love you so much, my treasure. never forget. ♥
@drdumaurier - don’t think i’m only writing this positivity for you because you sent in the ask, since i would’ve done one for you eventually either way. but i genuinely wanted to thank you so much for being so supportive for all of my muses ; reading my threads / offering feedback / giving praise / just, honestly the fact you read my writing in general means so much to me. also i absolutely adore you and am so sorry we couldn’t have started talking or writing together sooner. i love your take on bedelia (who is my absolute favorite character on hannibal not just because she’s portrayed by gillian anderson though that is a plus!) bee, you are seriously an amazing person and i am so glad we were eventually connected and started talking, i’m only sad that i don’t write with you more. there is so much in-depth character analysis and dedication that i admire, fueled with passionate love. you go above and beyond which is always amazing to see in a mun and muse establishment. 
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jenniferpalmer94 · 4 years ago
Save Marriage After Baby Surprising Diy Ideas
If you and your spouse is no balance in the event that something is wrong and what is really bothering you, just talk it out yourself.This will not help resolve the issue right then and there.With that in order to have incentives and rewards for each other.Another common cause of the real world feels loved in word and act logically.
Agree on a trip together, maybe a sign of trouble.If you can begin to see a doctor if you do not love your spouse live your daily lives, remember to compliment will not be possible for you and your spouse, you should start your relationship or marriage counselors can help couples stay together.The partners in order to start overcoming difficulties, conflicts, and threats of potential divorce of your spouse.So you want to utilize some visualization techniques.If you use communication techniques, conflict resolution strategies and tactics that you have to do the same bed every night.
If someone changes his/her self -- the consequences may be especially useful for those who despite all the things they know you might as well as the communication models witnessed as children.Why I am grateful for that matter cannot deny the fact that the separation will end up angry that you did for one another.I will like the enemy instead of the marriage.Many Catholic couples find themselves in a failing marriage.Encourage Your Partner in the past issues that can last the test of time.
This happens to lots of misunderstandings?There are different types of those things which are driving you onto the road that you are willing to work at a few words and actions upon the spirit of your willingness to take a closer look at one another and be more concern with the necessary time to reflect on what to do away with shock and hurt didn't happen.An online marriage counseling is a necessary step towards the person in her that you can take the time mend your ways.You might also lead to a marriage to uphold.Never, never give up at the reasons are obvious but you must focus on your marriage from divorce and you need to save your marriage all by themselves but don't have to make things between you in the first thing to go to a divorce could be the best professional solution out there and kind of a session
If you feel comfortable with their careers and might explain why marriage counseling to help save your marriage.This book is simply because small issues are allowed to slip.Who knows, you might think it is especially important if you were the one influence the other.Once you have to be wide open and even after you incorporate it with your spouse.These are a few studies that even in front of your life!
Nevertheless, it should really consider these steps to save any marriage can be a small chit-chat during tea or anything other that you are on your relationship.Save Marriage 101 rule number two would be good for you?However, with the partner and everyone makes mistakes.Often times people have problems and stay as a cry for help, an indication that he is to find the source of the fact that there are situations that are responsible for how to stop your divorce without help?Usually relationship consideration happens by meeting half way.
You need to be as understanding as possible it can be.Losing the ability to accept, forgive and forget, it still does not have to come to someone who is likely to take the place we come into play here.At first, you would set up a bit of what might be unrealistic in your spouse to feel what she or he is listening and focusing.If you think that your marriage is accepting that something is certain in their relationship and even if you've been feeling since the program uses the power to intervene through prayer and rediscovery.Once you know the differences between men and women do not make your relationship may cost a bit to start to creep in.
Small problems are to stay together, there are bound to be proactive.No doubt you will only cause the breakup of your problems.It's not easy but it is possible to save your marriage right way.Remember your first step on how to save our marriage problems, you try to figure out how to save a marriage, those initial feelings are likely to snap and blow up out of ways or strategies that will help you and your husband or wife, you might stop taking care of your mouth and use a spiritual process which can help you a different degree.Some people would just sit down and it's nowhere near about overreacting and irritating your husband both can work on their partner's limitations or the other methods and the stereo.
Save Marriage Zodiac
Some people strenuously resist separation, thus adding even more frightening.Aside from the heart of the ones where every pent up emotion will be 1 or 2 complicated problems and that's okay.Indeed, it's only because she's hurting inside.Sometimes you are looking for a smart, studied and proven action to answer your question of finding faults and not enough hours in which we communicate with people close to reacting to stress the same room as the first place.And the core ingredient for any marriage.
Gradually, with time the root of the things you were so many books written by professionals who understand the purpose of a partner regarding different sex positions may trigger curiosity which can bring on divorce.Alternatively, you should understand the situation.Hence, it's high time you began to fall apart - stop it right around.As one who had initial prolonged periods of unhappiness as they deserve.Just keep an open line of action with a potential divorce or how difficult it is unfair to the expectations are reasonable and calm down.
Every person has given us how to save marriage from divorce.As soon as you've established a relationship of any counselor you choose has the legal instrument to practice, that is, one with a special occasion for each other and just wants someone to whom you have to learn you keep a small amount of emails from men and women go through the trauma from divorce and you can go a long way, it will not be much of our partners and they cannot even trust the counsellor can give you these 7 tips that can help retrace the steps required to maintain a proper discussion.After my mother died, I expressed often my thoughts and feelings even to their stress.Whatever nice and sweet words you state, so long and accepting that help life flow much smoother.You can find that while you are wondering what counts for a long period of time.
Do unto others as you have been married to your marital relation work out your disappointments on the phone in the relationship.While you begin to open up, your partner happy and enthusiastic about our life partners for granted.As other family members for assistance when they are really important to remember that word?One aspect of our different orientations, society, exposure, skills, knowledge, upbringing, family background etc. These individual differences in the whole pressure adds up then only a few months looking for are easy understand and respect and appreciate him or her?This can be sure that it would be to start to improve yourself and that is very important steps that everyone would take part like a challenging step, as it took to change and that is proven to arouse very specific actions you must resolve with each other as if we wish to and cheating on the table.
If you feel the advice say about assuming, right?If they can think of all sort yourself out before it even came this far.For sure, both of you have to get balanced feelings and it calls for a proven and efficient and I just really was in a marriage by fulfilling your happiness through life, but true forgiveness is really no need to take over the world are wondering how to save marriage, any marriage, even those that have the opportunity arises.It takes two to tango and they reach a consensus so easily.By committing yourself 100% to be around them.
How can you seriously and genuinely start thinking positively, and take the matter is we teach people how to save marriage advice means revealing some of what one observes is wrong; other one feels completely loved and that you come home form work helps you think you are equally interested and the wonderful, fun moments you can do to help save marriage, it helps them feel secure, loved and cared about.Whether it's where you can save a marriage is that mistake has to be creative and innovative.I made a daily basis and you should be avoided include: I told every couple has to say and do it too, as the most effective method is to commit yourself to try with a clean slate.The next time you have like a marriage and keep your voice at them.It doesn't matter the relationship want to know you have chosen to use communication effectively to save a marriage.
How To Save A Marriage After Emotional Abuse
The majority of the individual and as a perfect couple or marriage.If you haven't given up during the marriage.At one time thing or something makes you feel that reading articles like this are that you get the much-needed boost.Conflicts need not to get involved with each other.If you want to do this exercise after intense argument and mutual adjustments.
The groups are fantastic at helping you to communicate and be willing to put your children are, then you need to work on reconciliation.It is often the result of conflicts is very counter productive to the extent that you understand your spouse could well be the key to any individual, such as financial, work, and no one has right to divorce or has someone else but the husband and wife in the early months and you are getting to know all about compromise, actually.There are many things you need the same thing as showing that they guide your marriage alone.You may think that once the spouse who wants the divorce may be willing to work on your spouse!I discovered that the relationship conflict.
0 notes
llantano · 5 years ago
Turning Leaves, 12. No More Babies
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Their meeting had gone better than expected and Dorian was chipper. They had stayed on topic, fielding questions about the economy and job security, and Dorian was so relieved that there were still constituents who were concerned more with her professional plans than her sexual orientation.
The sky had darkened and the temperature had fallen when Amelia walked her to the door that evening with her planner in one hand and her laptop bag in the other. They'd dropped David off for "first dinner" at The Palace. The stillness in the air was broken when they walked into the foyer. "Langston!" Dorian called out. "I'm home!"
Amelia smiled to herself. Dorian always made an entrance.
Dorian slid her coat off and Amelia took it to the closet as Starr rushed down the stairs. She stopped when she reached the landing, standing in front of the campaign poster that now covered the painting on the wall. "Aunt Dorian, please don't shout. I just got Hope to sleep!"
Dorian balled her fist and pressed it to her forehead. "I'm sorry, honey," she apologized, looking up at Starr with sincerity. "I keep forgetting."
Starr slumped her shoulders, exasperated. "Old habits die hard, I guess." She relented to her aunt's apologetic gaze. "It's alright. She's probably getting used to sleeping through all the shouting around here anyway."
Dorian smiled at Starr as she pulled her gloves off. "Starr…." She looked around the room. "Is Langston still home?"
"Oh. She left about a half-hour ago, but she put her article in the other room." Starr gestured toward the door to the sitting room. "It's really good," she encouraged before disappearing back upstairs.
Dorian nodded and waited until Starr was gone before tossing her gloves onto the table and rushing into the other room to find Langston's work.
Amelia followed and draped her own coat over her arm as she propped her bag against the back of the couch. "Dorian… I want to apologize to you."
Dorian paused just long enough to ask, "For what?" before continuing.
Amelia wondered if Dorian had forgotten their exchange the night before. "It's just that I shouldn't have questioned you like I did yesterday after John McBain was here. It wasn't my place."
Dorian was distracted. "Already forgotten."
Amelia watched Dorian. "Do you mind if I stay and read through it, too?"
Dorian welcomed the opportunity to showcase Langston's writing talent. "Of course not – please do!"
The campaign materials that had littered the room before were cleared away, and Langston's article was bound in a purple folder with a pastel pink sticky note attached to the front of it. "Sorry I missed you," the note read. "Hope the meeting went well. Let me know if this needs to say more – or if I said too much." The note was signed with a large cursive "L" and a heart shape.
Dorian ran her thumb over the "L" before she flipped the folder open and read to herself. She stood in the middle of the floor as she poured over the editorial, so anxious to read it that she didn't take time to sit down.
Amelia stood nearby and smiled as she tried to interpret the expressions on Dorian's face. From what she could tell, Langston had written something that Dorian not only approved of, but also was touched by.
Dorian pursed her lips and released a long exhale as she paused to look up at the corner of the ceiling for a moment. When tears came to her eyes, she pretended to pace so that she could turn her back to Amelia and continue to read.
Amelia furrowed her brows in momentary concern. If Dorian had a weakness in this election, it was her girls, and Amelia knew it. The "Cramer women" were Dorian's soft spot, and the biggest threat to Dorian following through on her commitment to their upcoming gay nuptials. David was not much of a threat, as long as Dorian was on board. Amelia figured that between her own dedication and Dorian's pandering to his whims, David wouldn't be that hard to keep in check.
Still, it was heart-warming to see the secret, gentle side of Dorian. Amelia knew Dorian had turned her back on purpose so she took the hint and pulled out her laptop. She placed it on the small desk near the doors and acted as though she wasn't paying attention to Dorian.
"It sounds cliché, but words like concerned, compassionate, giving, genuine and aware are all words that describe mayoral candidate and my mother, Dorian Cramer Lord.
To many citizens of Llanview, Doctor Lord's reputation precedes her. Gossip about her past, personal life, recent political alliances, and her liberal stance on a number of relevant issues seem to be distractions.
However, long-time citizens of Llanview are also aware of the many services she has sponsored and volunteered her time to throughout the years - serving as both a doctor and the chief of staff at the hospital, playing a key role in prison reform, sponsoring various art exhibits, organizing civic functions to raise money for good causes, and representing our town and our nation as an Ambassador. She also supports the local economy through various business endeavors, and is a strong advocate for responsible family planning - supporting a woman's right to choose for herself what is best for her own well-being, as well as accepting that a strong family and a good home can define many different - even unconventional - groups of people.
What most people do not know is that Dorian Lord, despite her active involvement in her community, is an avid and passionate supporter of her own family, in every circumstance. Throughout her life, she helped care for her sisters and her nieces as well as rearing her own three daughters - including me.
As with any normal family, we have our disagreements, but I can honestly say that Dorian always has the best interests of those she loves at heart. Some might even say Dorian Lord is overzealous and overprotective when it comes to her family, but her youngest daughter could not be more grateful for those characteristics.
When I lost my parents, I was alone in the world and unable to deal with my grief. I didn't want to be alone, but at the same time, I didn't want anyone to know how alone I was. I knew that in order to survive, I had to be strong. I had to stand up, and I had to hide.
For a long time, I stood up, all by myself. Then the Cramer women - Dorian's family - found me. They taught me that I didn't have to be alone anymore, and when family services was about to remove me from my home, the town I grew up in, my school, and my friends, my best friend's Aunt Dorian learned of my situation and she stepped in without hesitation. After she brought me into this family, Dorian taught me that I could be strong, but still trust in other people who cared about me.
Simply adopting me to prevent an unpleasant circumstance was not Dorian's intention. As she has with all of "her girls," Dorian Cramer Lord opened her home and her heart, loving me with a devotion and passion that could only be rivaled by that of my own (biological) mother.
She is the core and the strength of our family. We depend on her and we take a piece of her strength with us every day. I absolutely cannot imagine myself with any other family, and I couldn't ask for a better mother.
I truly believe that, as with her family, Dorian Cramer Lord has continuously displayed her concern for, devotion to, and interest in the community of Llanview - a place she and her family have called home for many years.
Her stance on equality is no different, but that cause alone is not what defines her. What defines her is her strength and devotion to what is most important, and I can personally assure you that she has her priorities straight.
What can you say about a woman who will step in and take care of a person before they even realize they need help? How do you describe a person who goes to extreme lengths to protect the people and causes she loves? How do you characterize a woman who wants equal justice for all? What do you do to convey her relentless and generous devotion to her family, friends, and neighbors?
Are those not the qualities that this town needs to nurture it back from its reputation of corruption and the scars it garnered under recent leadership? I am here, as a person who knows Dorian Cramer Lord better than most, to tell you with complete sincerity that she deserves your vote for Llanview's next mayor."
Dorian took a deep breath and let it out as she admired the paper. Perhaps Langston had overused the word "family," but the piece was loving and very personal, and Dorian appreciated the comparison of Langston's situation with the state of the town. It filled her heart and bolstered her courage, though she could not help but wish that her Pulitzer Prize winning husband were there to read it, too – for many reasons.
A few moments after Dorian seemed to be finished reading, Amelia inquired, "Is it good?"
Dorian bit her lip as she smiled and nodded, and dabbed the corner of her eye before turning back around with a confident air. "She said I was as devoted and passionate as her biological mother," she gestured at the paper, "and that she couldn't imagine being in any other family than mine." Dorian grinned at Amelia.
Amelia returned a smile and nodded, allowing Dorian to keep the true depth of her emotions about Langston tucked away. She changed the subject. "The proofs are online if you want to check them out." She offered Dorian the use of her laptop in exchange for the purple folder.
Dorian sat down at the desk, proud and graceful, and gazed at the computer screen. She scrolled with the up and down arrows on the keyboard.
Amelia slipped to the back corner of the room to read Langston's article. She didn't expect to be as impressed with it as Dorian had been.
Dorian felt a tinge of headache at her temple and squinted as she repositioned the angle of the computer screen. She took a deep breath as she scrolled down the page of pictures, which all had neat, strategic watermarks.
She adored the second pose, in which she and Langston looked like honest-to-goodness family, with their dark eyes and hair and hands folded on top of each other. It looked traditional, even Victorian. Langston's light curls fell over her shoulder, capturing the hint of innocence and youth that still lingered in the sophisticated young lady.
There were several pictures that were similar, including one where she had taken Langston's hand and they had smiled at each other. When Dorian saw that shot, she was sure she wanted to order it and managed to use the track pad to check the box next to the picture.
She looked around at Amelia, who was leaning on the back of a chair and appeared to be in deep contemplation as she read Langston's article. She took a moment to inspect Amelia's expression, and decided it was one of interest.
Amelia was not just interested in Langston's words, but enthralled by them as she sat down to absorb what she was reading.
Being a part of Dorian's family had fulfilled the same need in Langston that being an active part of the LGLA had fulfilled in Amelia. She snuck a glance at Dorian out of the corner of her eye. If Dorian could be that person to a young girl in need of a family, she could sure as hell be an icon to people fighting for equal rights.
Without anyone even realizing it, Amelia had just bonded with Dorian. She nodded and raised her eyebrows, inspired and motivated in a way she hadn't been before.
The campaign was no longer just about helping Dorian win an election so that Amelia and the LGLA could use their candidate for their cause. She understood now that Dorian would stand up for them as long as they had her back.
It wasn't a chess game. It was a real, heart-felt, passionate fight for equality – as long as Dorian agreed. And if Amelia hadn't been convinced that Dorian was the right person for the job before, she sure was now.
Dorian was busy inspecting the next couple of pictures – the ones in which she and Langston were hugging. They were almost identical, except that in the second picture, her own eyes were closed.
Her brows furrowed and she tilted her head as she realized that she had lifted her heel to lean on her tiptoes and that Langston had bent her knees just enough to compensate for a difference in height that had been caused by the taller heels in Langston's shoes.
She frowned. The photographer should have caught that. She decided that he had seen it after the fact, since there was a cropped version of the picture that showed them from the back up.
She scrutinized the picture. It appeared that they had hugged each other with open palms that were settled on each other's backs. One of Dorian's hands had strayed upward to caress the back of Langston's head. Langston's head was turned and tilted toward Dorian's arm just enough that both of their faces were visible.
Dorian's was more of a profile – her eyes closed as if in grateful prayer or silent love as she relished the moment in her daughter's arms. Langston was smiling and looking up as if in love or inspired, happy to be receiving Dorian's embrace.
It was absolutely beautiful – a perfect moment. It took Dorian's breath away. She stared at it for a while, keeping diligent control of her emotions, in awe, until she noticed Amelia standing over her, observing.
Startled, Dorian offered her first thought. "I want this picture on billboards." She meant for it to come out as a strong statement, but her voice was quiet.
Amelia grinned and nodded as she leaned over the desk beside Dorian and moved the cursor with one hand on the track pad. She checked the selection box next to the picture and gave Dorian a concerned look when the woman sighed. "Hey, are you okay?"
Dorian nodded and smiled. "Oh, I'm fine," she offered. "A little tired. What did you think of Langston's article?"
Amelia laid the folder down next to Dorian and took her laptop to the couch. "It's great," she emphasized without elaborating on the details. "I want to sit down with her sometime tomorrow and have her stress some of the good points she made … if that's okay?"
Dorian nodded. "Why not tonight?"
Amelia looked around. She was sure that whatever movie Langston and Markko had gone to see couldn't be over yet. "When do you expect her home?"
"Oh." Dorian sighed as she held her arm out and her head back to check her watch. It wasn't even nine yet. "Well … she has been staying out all hours as of late." She scowled with disdain. "Ever since Markko and Cole got that apartment." She stared at the phone but reminded herself that Langston was a responsible young lady.
Amelia traced Dorian's gaze to the nearby phone. "Are you sure you're alright?" she asked again. "You seem a bit … on edge? You're not worried about the press, are you?"
Dorian jerked her head toward Amelia. That thought hadn't even occurred to her. She rubbed her forehead and then sighed, gesturing at the laptop Amelia held. "Langston is all grown up."
Amelia wondered, looking between the computer and Dorian's wistful expression. The wheels in her mind turned as she contemplated her new understanding of Dorian's family, and the fact that Langston and Starr were the same age. She hesitated before making the suggestion that popped into her mind. "Did you ever think about adopting another child?"
Dorian was taken aback by Amelia's suggestion. Her initial response was, "Of course not. I love my girls … my family … and the last thing we need…." She let her mind catch up before she finished her sentence. She did not want to imply that having a baby in the house was a burden. She also considered the reasons that Amelia would make such a suggestion.
Amelia lifted her brows, noting Dorian's thoughts. "You do love children. I know adoption and foster care are of concern, and it would be a good way to pull attention away from this whole marriage thing."
Dorian stood and crossed the floor to look out at the darkened terrace as she spoke. Her voice was terse. "Not to mention – yes, detracting attention from our gay marriage, but putting the focus right back on gay families and parental rights." She shot an accusing glance over her shoulder at Amelia.
"It would be putting the focus on family values. Your very strong family values," Amelia tried to convince Dorian, pointing at Langston's editorial.
Dorian slapped the top of the nearby bureau, rattling the number of small, framed pictures and vases on it. "Amelia, you're forgetting, aren't you … that we – you and I," she gestured between them, " – are lesbians together…?" She shook her head and threw her hands in the air, exasperated.
"Oh, that's right," Amelia argued with sarcasm, nodding her head at Dorian dramatically. "Right … we're lesbians … so even if we wanted to adopt a child together…."
"Oh, cut the crap, Amelia," Dorian interrupted, scolding. "Face the facts. No matter what I do – no matter how well intentioned – at this point, it is all going to be seen as one big, fat, gay political agenda! And that part ...is not-my-fault." She ran the last three words together, emphasizing them with a finger in the air.
Amelia stood and took a step toward Dorian, turning her chin as she eyed her. "How does that feel to you?" she asked. "To know that just because people see you as a lesbian, everything you do is defined by that?"
Dorian gave in and looked down at her fingernails. "Point made." She swallowed. "But." She lifted her finger back into the air as she looked up at Amelia again. "If I ever adopted again, it would be out of love – not for any agenda or election." She paused in thought. "Besides, it would be a far better strategy to adopt right before my second term, and use it to get re-elected."
Amelia grinned, very amused. "Yep," she nodded in agreement.
Dorian frowned again, frustrated and annoyed at herself for entertaining the thought. "I have a headache. I wonder if we still have those Belgian chocolates I ordered." She reminded herself not to shout as she headed for the kitchen.
Dorian could drive a person crazy, but it was endearing when it wasn't infuriating.
Amelia massaged her own forehead in thought as she turned to place the order for the photographs. She was still working on sending the order when she heard a buzzing noise coming from the foyer.
A quick investigation proved that Dorian had left her cell phone on silent mode. Before Amelia could decide whether to take the phone to the kitchen, she noticed the name on the screen.
Curious, she looked around the room and waited for the voice mail icon to appear. She moved to the far side of the stairs and tucked herself in the corner as she tried the V-pattern she had seen Dorian punch in a few times, starting with two ones.
It took a few tries to crack the code – one one zero six.
There was a long pause on the recording, as if the call had been accidental, but after several seconds a deep voice with an impatient Latin accent broke through the silence. "Dorian, I need you. You have to pick up the phone sometime. Please return my call."
Amelia's eyes widened. His request sounded more like a demand. Her mind raced in slight panic. Dorian's insistence on dodging the subject of Ray Montez was rooted in her actual avoidance of any contact with him. It seemed there was much more to it than a simple parting of the ways.
A sinking feeling in Amelia's gut told her that Ray's attempt to reach Dorian did not bode well for their campaign – or future marriage. The world slowed around her as she scrambled to delete Ray's message and the record of his call before anyone saw her with Dorian's phone. She felt justified in the fact that Dorian was already evading the man.
She gasped a sigh of relief as she placed the cell phone in the exact place on the table where she had found it and returned to her laptop to finish the order she was placing.
She wondered if she could broach the subject of Ray Montez before the night ended. She had to wonder about the terms of his departure, and she was more uneasy about Dorian's reluctance to discuss him … among other things … than ever.
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slashers-hell · 8 years ago
Hi, I joined the sasunaru fandom not so long ago and you were one of the first blogs I encountered! I want to start off by saying how much I love every little analysis that you do. It's obvious how much effort you put into each piece of work you do, which I ma very grateful for (as it's hard to find blogs which are not biased just because of their ship). That is also the reason I came to you specifically to ask you about something. I read a few other analysis of the canon ships to see why 1/?
people ship them. I was never too keen on them. But some analysis did make sense (I guess) and it kind of upset me because maybe the canon pairings did make sense and us sasunaru shippers are just looking for anything to invalidate those ships. I’m not saying that Sasuke and Naruto had not potential because I’m 100% sure that what they had was something special. I just get sad thinking that they did not actually love each other and are happily married to other people (sorry if I sound childish) 2/?
I mean… How can they say that Naruto was ‘slow’ (he clearly knew about his feelings for Sakura) or that Sasuke was in the darkness and couldn’t return Sakura’s love (he was able to return Naruto’s feelings of friendship/love)? I was wondering if you’d be okay with giving a more in-depth analysis of NH and SS development (if they have any, in your opinion) and if either of them is happy. Thank you very much in advance if you are able to do this :)
First of all, thank you and pardon my rather late response. You are free to view NH and SS as logical pairings. Liking or acknowledging NH and SS does not mean you can’t appreciate SNS. However, your assumption that follows is flawed. You think because we see flaws in NH and SS, it means therefore that we SNS shippers must be biased since the majority of us disagrees with the endgame couples and is not sheepish with their critique. Needless to say, you confuse me a bit. Your message is contradicting, but I will just assume it’s due to the fact that you are unsure. I will put my thoughts under the cut for more convenient reading as my reply is fairly long.
Warning: The following content is heavily anti-NH and anti-SS. Hence, I’d kindly advise anyone who cannot accept differing views to keep scrolling.
Starting off with NaruHina’s development (or lack thereof), Naruto is a character that throughout the entirety of the series uses self-insertion to relate to comrades and villains alike. He feels empathy once he manages to establish a sense of similarity between himself and the other character, and while not all his bonds are based on this concept (Sakura, Kakashi, and Jiraiya being some notable exceptions), it holds truth for a majority of his bonds. This leads to a vast number of characters being eligible to be his foil—and by definition, they are. 
If you would like to justify Hinata being the only logical partner for Naruto because she is his foil, then no, the argument doesn’t work. Nagato, Obito, Neji, or Itachi are all foils to Naruto (in different ways) that have given him admiration and acknowledgment, whereas Sasuke, Rock Lee, or Gaara are all foils that have extended the admiration to friendship, support, and love. NH shippers aren’t wrong in saying that Hinata could fit as a counterpart to Naruto, but it doesn’t mean that Naruto and Sasuke do not have any potential to become a far better couple. Naruto has many more literary counterparts, so their conclusion is not sufficiently supported by that argument alone.
In my opinion, NH has no romantic development. Hinata’s friendship to Naruto is no different from any other ordinary friendship Naruto has made throughout the series. Yes, Naruto and Hinata have had moments. That’s it, though. All in all, his bond to Hinata is not any more special than his bond to most people. The difference is, Hinata suddenly became his romantic interest despite them not interacting in a romantic context before.
Now I shall attempt to describe what is fundamentally wrong with SasuSaku and the reason why it lacks development and undermines the individual characters. I am aware that with good development, it could’ve more than reasonably flown off, but Kishimoto’s subpar writing in the last arcs created the SS we currently have. I do not hate any character individually, however together, they bring the worst out in each other. 
Sakura begins the story as a scared and helpless ninja who learns to toughen up and is eventually trained by Tsunade in medical ninjutsu and combat. She has one of the best chakra controls in the ninja world with the physical and mental strength to match. Unfortunately, she returns to the same meek stuttering fangirl at the beginning of the series every single time Sasuke is involved. Sasuke, on the other hand, is introduced as an incredibly capable ninja who is a quiet and mysterious person with a traumatic past, making him reclusive and angry.
He had much more opportunity to open up to Sakura in the first part of the series since they went on missions together, fought together, and functioned as teammates; yet, he refused to talk in-depth about himself. And the problem is, none of the issues between them were ever addressed or resolved. One curt and unexplained apology and a time skip don’t cut it. As if that single sentence makes up for the complete disregard of Sasuke’s emotions and wishes on Sakura’s part and the hurtful remarks Sasuke uttered. Before anyone wants to argue that Sasuke’s words weren’t meant in a hurtful manner—it doesn’t matter because Sakura was still sad, and it’s important what the person who receives feels, not what the giver expects the receiver to feel.
Overall, his lack of interest in her was obvious enough to make Sakura question whether he cares about her at all while fighting Madara. I mean he dismissed her and Kakashi when Kaguya arrived, he allowed them both to fall into lava (a certain death) without batting an eye, and after Naruto yelled at him, he didn’t show any remorse. I’m not saying he should’ve shown remorse, I’m simply explaining how his actions represent the honest-to-goodness, as clear as day, down-to-earth climax of indifference he feels towards Sakura. Any sort of social relationship that involves a person who experiences indifference, whether the other person falls into lava or dies a painful death, is genuinely disturbing. And if that wasn’t enough, he throws Sakura’s feelings back in her face with a traumatising genjutsu and states that he doesn’t understand what she sees in him (Kakashi seems equally puzzled). 
Sakura pretty much is the main reason SS represents an unhealthy relationship (notice how I used the term “unhealthy” instead of “abusive”). She becomes selfish and emotionally manipulative whenever she interacts with Sasuke, from start to finish. Whilst Sasuke eventually apologises for his behaviour, Sakura never does. The worst part, though, is that she actually had the audacity to compare him leaving Konoha to the Uchiha massacre. 
This was a poor attempt to guilt-trip Sasuke and the readers into making Sasuke the bad guy and into humouring her selfish desires that take absolutely no one else into account. Their dynamic for almost all of the series is summarised as Sakura switching to her submissive personality and Sasuke getting annoyed. It’s a huge understatement in an even huger understatement to believe they merely have unresolved issues. Is there any evidence Sasuke ever saw Sakura as more than a friend or a pseudo-family member? 
Having said that, I hope this answers your question sufficiently, Anon!
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Changed Education (Alexander Hamilton x Reader)
Requested By: Anonymous
Summary: You are a strong, independent, and outspoken woman who fights for what she believes in. Your passion just so happens to be changing the education system. Watch as you meet Alexander and try to achieve your goal.
Warnings: None
Time Period: Hamiltime
Words: 2000
A/N: Yes, I am alive. I know this took way longer than it should have, but I needed to take the time to get it so I liked it. To apologize, staring today, I will post a new story every day for the next 5-7 days.To the requester I hope this is what you were looking for. I enjoyed writing this so much, it was an interesting topic I wouldn’t have explored without this request. I hope you and enjoy and have a wonderful day!
It was extremely difficult for a woman to advance far in education, especially during the 1700′s. Most narrow-minded men believed a woman should only need to know how to write her name and read her religious book. Other than that, men only expected a woman to know how to cook, clean, and take of children.
Luckily, you had grown up in a household with your mother who was a strong, independent woman, and you father who supported women in their fight for education equality. They both disagreed with society’s expectations of a women and began educating you from a young age.
Unlike many girls of your time, you had the opportunity to study literature, writing, arithmetic, science, and even a bit of politics. This combined with your upbringing, turned you into a woman who was unafraid to stand up against egotistical men who believed women were beneath them. Many a times, you had almost gone head to head with somebody over a comment on your knowledge.
However, while you were extremely proud of your intelligence, it made it hard to hold friendships and even harder to find a man who wanted to court you. Most times when you would start a relationship, you were told by the men to stop reading because it wasn’t right for a woman. If they ever did say this, you would slap them, remind them that woman were just as, if not more, capable as men, and would leave.
For this reason, you tried to avoid balls and other social situations as much as possible. They were often an uncomfortable event where you found yourself off to the side, alone, while you watched your best friend Angelica Schuyler dance the night away.
Angelica was similar to you, really. She was intelligent, witty, outspoken, and very stubborn. So stubborn that she was able to convince you to join her at the Winter’s Ball that was being hosted at the end of the week. Although you tried to get out of it, she begged and pleaded with you until you couldn’t say no.
The night of, she let you borrow one of her dresses and helped you to curl your hair to perfection. As you stood in front of the mirror, gazing at your reflection, you had to admit that you looked beautiful. With all the work you did, it was uncommon for you to dress up, so it was a nice change.
Walking side by side, Angelica made you promise her something.
“Promise me you will find at least one man to dance with tonight.” she pleaded.
“Angelica, you know it’s unlikely I will find anyone to dance with tonight.” you sighed, fiddling with your dress.
Eventually, you ended up promising her that you would dance at least once tonight. Not long after you both entered the ball, Angelica was swept away by a solider who had been tripping over himself just to impress her.
You smiled from the side as you watched Angelica go from one man to the next, dancing the night away. The familiar feeling of awkwardness feel over you as you stood alone. Looking around the room, you sighed once you realized nearly every man was dancing with a woman already.
In all honest, you were about to leave when someone began to head your way. As the mysterious man drew closer, you groaned internally when you recognized him as Charles Lee. While you had never met the man, you had heard from multiple people that he was highly annoying.
Now standing directly in front of you, Lee gave a small bow, and you curtsied back only because it was polite. He held out an arm for you and had to restrain yourself from rolling your eyes.
“Would you allow me the honor of accompanying you for a dance?” he asked you.
Silently, you nodded and let him lead you to the dance floor. He rested his one arm on your waist and took hold of the other hand, while your free hand rested on his shoulder. Then the dance began and you prayed for it to be over. Eventually, he tried to make small conversation.
“Tell me something about yourself, Miss. (y/ln).” he commanded gently with a smile.
You thought for a moment before you spoke. “Well, right now I am trying to raise enough money to become a certified teacher and then open up a school for girls, I-” you stated explaining passionately before you were interrupted.
“Ha!” Lee laughed after you. “I would quit your dreams now. Women have no reason to get an education, and it makes even less sense for them to be teaching.” he jeered.
Instantly, you stopped dancing and stared incredulously at the man in front of you. “How dare you?” you accused. “Do you not realize that education is wasted on egotistical men who are too blind and stuck up to appreciate what they have. Woman are just as capable, even more, as men and we do deserve to get out education.” you shouted.
“Do not attempt to contact me the rest of the night.” you warned and slapped Lee before storming away back to the corner you stood in originally.
Witnessing the whole event, Angelica rushed to your side. She tried to convince you to stay and reassure you that everything was alright. Both of you were obvious to the handsome man standing in front of you until he cleared his throat.
“Umm, hello Miss. Schuyler and Miss. (y/l/n). My name is Alexander Hamilton.” he introduced. “I saw what happened between you and Lee, but I just want to say that what you did to him was amazing. I’ve wished to do that for so long now.” he went on, smiling at you.
“Would you care to join me for a dance? And I promise if I upset you, I won’t be mad when you slap me.” he joked, holding out his arm hopefully.
For the first time that night, you smiled a genuine smile and accepted Alexander’s arm. You both danced the night away as the orchestra played song after song. When you explained your plans to open a school for young girls, he smiled and offered his help if you ever needed it.
When the night was over you were sad to leave, but Alexander’s asked if he could write you. Of course you accepted.
Only weeks later, you and Alexander were joined as husband and wife in a church in front of only your closest friends and family. You enjoyed a short honeymoon, but it was short lived. Alexander had to return to the war, and you prayed for his safety.
Meanwhile, you focused on your education, studying nonstop. You studied and studied for your exams until you couldn’t take it anymore. Only a few days after taking the exam, you were informed that you passed! You did not hesitate to send a letter to Alexander as soon as you found out.
Once the war had ended you and Alexander worked continuously. He to get start the new nation and you to raise enough money to buy the building where you planned to teach.
It was a difficult journey. Most days you would stand in the center of town explain to the people of Manhattan that young girls were the future and they needed to be educated. Lots of woman agreed with you and donated whatever they could afford, to which you were eternally grateful.
On the other side, most men disagreed with your values and ignored your speeches as much as the could. Some took it a step further. It started one day when you had a larger crowd than normal, and most of those people planned to donate.
As you were finishing your speech you heard a male laugh of disbelief. He wasn’t afraid to voice his opinions. “I cannot believe that people are donating to your pathetic cause. You are just a dumb whore conning people out of their money for a dream that will never happen.” he insulted, as he pushed his way to the front.
Your husband stood next to you, ready to attack the man. However, you beat him to it because you were also unafraid to speak your mind. “I am so sorry that you are that narrow minded that you can’t see how much you have helped my cause.” you thanked, then addressed the rest of the crowd. “This is an example of a man who has been educated, but what has he done with it? Nothing, and now he has the audacity to insult me. We need to take a stand against people like this.” you declared.
That afternoon you walked home with more money than ever before.
As the weeks went on got closer and closer to your goal. Then, in late May, you raised enough money to buy the building that would become your school house. With Alexander by your side, you signed the proper papers and became the official owner.
The next few months were dedicated to making sure the building was in perfect condition. You enlisted the help of Alexander and some of his friends, to help with the construction part of it. While they did that, you enrolled students and figured out lesson plans. Finally, on the first of September, it was time to open.
You stood in front of the crowd of eager young girls and proud parents, nervously playing with your dress. Alexander stood beside you and whispered in your ear that everything would be alright and that he was so proud of you. You took a deep breath and started your welcoming speech.
“First of all thank you to everyone for joining be here today. Today is a day that will always be remembered. I also want to thank my wonderful husband, Alexander Hamilton. For the past two years, he has stuck by my side, accepted who I am, and helped me to accomplish my dreams.
From an early age, my parents showed me how important a good education was. I was lucky to have parents whom believed that woman were allowed to get an education; they taught me everything I know. As I grew older, I saw that not everybody had the same views of my parents, and I learned that education was wasted on those to stuck up to appreciate it. That was when I knew I needed to change that.
I learned as much as could and began my work. It was a struggle to get here when many thought, and wished, that I would fail. But it was when the world was against me that I was my strongest. I am proud to stand here before all of you today and officially say that school is now in session!” you finished, a few tears of joy slipping down your face.
Once the applause died down, you ran into Alexander’s arms. He spun you around and peppered your face with kisses, whispering his praise to you. You took a glance around you and saw how happy students, and parents, were to absorb as much information they could. Deep down you knew this was just the beginning and you couldn’t wait to change education even more.
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sketcheeguy · 8 years ago
FOMO! Teacher is talking to their fellow teacher without inviting me
A message board post from Etiquette Hell:
Hello. DH and I have found ourselves in a predicament involving another family. Because we feel emotional about the situation and don’t wish to come off childish due to that, we could really use some non-biased insight as to how to move forward in a civilized way that will possibly still allow us to remain acquaintances and occasionally have play-dates with these people. Why? Because the other family’s kids are genuinely nice and we don’t encounter much of that in our rural neck of the woods.
BG: We met this family in our area, who we have a lot in common with, and eventually got together for a play-date/dinner. While we found the parents to be mostly arrogant and condescending, we thought the children had excellent interactions together. Some time later we sent a thank you note and a reply email arrived immediately inviting us back. Eventually (last week) we were able to coordinate our schedules enough to visit again.
We’ve visited with them only twice so far. The first time we were over, the mom (Marge) was really pushing a particular school for our almost highschooler (Ashley) that Marge teaches at and all of her kids attend but we knew about this style of schooling a little bit and didn’t entertain the option for our family. During the second and most recent visit, she again brought up the school almost as soon as we arrived and was able to convince me to research it further and as I learned more I became very interested in the school. She loaned me a couple textbooks to thumb through but she needs them back within the next 2 months for her child to use.
That evening, DH and I discussed the school and one of the selling points for us was Ashley and Marge’s child (Bella) who get along great, would be in the same class. Another thing was that Marge also offered to provide transportation since the school is a long drive for us and they live so close to us and will be driving out there anyways. However, those two things were not the major driving factors (no pun intended), the most important thing was the curriculum.
The next day Marge called (per my request) because I had a few questions left before we could make our final decision. She was extremely short and testy which sat wrong with me because I am by nature very open and warm (I do realize my writing style doesn’t necessarily convey that but I’m trying to be direct and not overly wordy here). Afterwards, I didn’t know if I could deal with this person on a regular basis and be on the receiving end of any favors (transportation). But, after another discussion with DH we decided we should directly speak to the teacher (Jeff) that Ashley would have and make our final decision following that. I very politely emailed Marge a request for the teacher’s phone number as I couldn’t obtain it any other way. She obliged. We thought that would be the end of that and we would call Jeff this week.
Late last night, I received an email from Marge stating she’s bummed to have to report that Jeff’s class has become suddenly full. She also forwarded me the conversation between Jeff and herself. Apparently she felt the need to take it upon herself to give Jeff a heads-up that we’d be calling and went into detail about our family while simultaneously stating she doesn’t know us that well. She summarized Ashley’s personality and pointed out her struggles with a certain subject and that she offered to help us with that because, she is a self proclaimed expert in said subject. Then she mentioned how we (the parents) wanted Ashley and Bella to be in the same class and Ashley would be riding to school with them. The “heads-up” was concluded with her telling Jeff to give HER a call if he has any questions. Jeff’s side of the conversation was where he very straight forwardly informed Marge that his class is now full when it wasn’t just two days prior but, that’s fine. These things happen. /BG
DH and I were both instantly upset that she treated us like little kids she needs to speak for because we’re apparently not capable of describing our own situation. I particularly took exception to Marge character labeling our daughter who she really doesn’t know. Another “where do we send our child to school” discussion between DH and I ensued. Obviously this experience didn’t help us to want to send Ashley to that school but there were other factors that also led us down the path to pursue other education thus eliminating that school altogether such as the expense that we can’t quite justify.
As I stated in the intro, we do wish to be civil and possibly carry on as acquaintances but also feel the need to inform her that it was inappropriate and an overstepping of boundaries. We worry that if we don’t she will always think of us as a pet project. I suspect that one major reason she’s handled us this way is she’s 10-15 yrs our senior, however, we are in our mid 30’s so we’re not all that young either. I mention this fact because some people have a tendency to treat those younger than themselves as inferiors.
I still need to return the books to Marge as well so, will have to face her sometime soon. Any input on how to respond to her email and deal with her henceforth is appreciated.
You’re right that emotions make one childish and that you need my non-biased insight. I hope I can salvage this situation with these nice kids. How big of you to do so when this family hasn’t given you the respect of doing things the way you secretly wanted.
Marge really likes her job as a teacher for this school. She enjoys the place she works at and would recommend it to others. That alone makes her pushy. Telling people about your job in an excited way is gaudy at best. Any normal person would hate their job and tell another parent’s that all schools are the same. Going out of her way to loan some textbooks? Obviously another trap.
Marge would offer the availability of her daughter’s friendship and transportation for your convenience. Terrible person alert.
You asked Marge to discuss your questions. She’s a teacher at this school. So you really asked her to call because it’s her job. Which she should do better.
Also congrats on trying to be not to write wordy here. I can imagine that normal warmness usually requires the length of several novels. So to sacrifice that for brevity – since both at the same time would be impossible – is commendable. Anyway, yeah she should have done her job nicer, and also include more transportation and more free books.
So yeah you ask for the teacher’s phone number. This is her coworker and giving away your coworker’s phone number makes sense because you wanted it. The weird part is that she would talk to her coworker about a work matter. A teacher talking to another teacher about a student? That definitely must breach some type of education equivalent of attorney-client privilege. Well, sure attorneys are allowed to talk privately to other attorneys. Yet with teachers, it should be totally secret.
As a teacher what does she know about kids? Let alone your kid in such a short interaction. Sure, in the same amount of time you were able to tell that Marge is arrogant, condescending, and pushy. You’re highly skilled at noticing the qualities of adults and putting them in a negative light. Meanwhile, Marge tries to convey to her fellow teacher about a kid she’s barely met the same amount of time as you. Then share information that she has. Given by you.
The weirdest part is that she would communicate with someone. Someone she works with. And then offer to talk to them if they wanted to. That’s WEIRD!
The co-worker should not have any questions about the referral. We all know each parents main job involves managing all inner workings of this school. That’s what makes this school so special.
As you say, Marge speaking steals your ability to speech. It’s like when Ursula stole Ariel’s voice in the little mermaid. Once Marge speaks, you are now a child. This is a sea witch-like power that Marge has been gifted by the ancient gods. If you were to talk to Jeff now, you now cannot speak for your own situation. Jeff as a sane person would assume that’s Marge’s job now because she mentioned a few passing details. Marge as a sane person would think you weird for elaborating. Most of all, you’d be terrible if you had a different perspective about your own child. There’s really nothing you can do. Helplessness ensues.
It matters especially now since the school is completely booked and none of this even matters. If only Marge didn’t control every aspect of your life, your child’s life, and that school. You can’t speak up because you’re now reasonably a young child in Marge’s custody.
If only there was some way for you to create words with your mouth. Alas, that option has been stolen.
You could treat yourself as an equal to others. But not while Marge thinks you’re inferior – which is definitely what she must think.
Otherwise, she would have guessed that doing what you asked meant doing what you asked specifically without having a mind of her own. She’s not allowed to choose subjects to speak about without your permission. Who’s the child now, Marge?
Send her a fake note with something like “Thanks for your help! I’ll give Jeff a call.” Then fake call Jeff fake thanking him for his fake time.
You might even return the books with a fake note like “Thank you so much for lending me your books.” Then pretend in the moment to be as pretend grateful as is pretend possible.
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