#why would you ask Loki of all the dieties???
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Narrator: "This is the moment he knew he fvcked up."
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recreationalfanfics · 2 years
Buddha + Loki falling for a Native! Diety s/o
Because as a native American woman who SIMPS for fictional men, it'd be nice to see fanfics of Native readers. Idk all the mythologies of other tribes so I'll try my best to keep it as Pan-Native American as possible! Obviously anyone can read this but just understand to respect the culture and know this is tailored to Native readers!
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- The both of you weren't so different in terms of your beliefs and philosophies, in fact, Buddha had admired you and your people's culture from afar and it was mutual on your side as well.
- You were a God for much longer than he was and he swore you were the only one who still retained any love for your people.
- So he wasn't surprised when he saw you sided with the Valkyries, unable to stop himself from smiling everytime he saw the soft and adoring look you'd give the humans as they cheered for their champions.
- Your people called you The Creator, however, you felt as though that title might be a bit to...pretentious to go by when you were around other gods so you simply went by (Y/n), instead.
- But it was a fitting title, in Buddha's eyes. Many times when he allowed you to sit under his tree with him as he napped did he secretly open his eyes and see you sculpt creatures out of clay, breathing life into them and setting them down as you chuckled and petted them.
- You were humble, kind, and ethereal...even by a God's standards in his eyes.
- You'd be surprised with how down bad Buddha is for you tbh, you figured because of his easy going and calm disposition that he simply tolerated your prescence until one day when he offered you one of his snacks.
"For me?" You blinked in surprise, the bobcat you were sculpting now pushed into the back of your mind as you saw the treat being held before you. Buddha smiled and shrugged as he handed the lollipop to you, "I don't see anyone else here other than us."
"Hmm, I always figured you to be stingy with your snacks." You teased slightly but considering how its seen as rude to you and your people to turn down whatever you're offered, you gently set the clay animal in your lap and went to reach for the lollipop until you remembered...ah, yes, clay covered your hands.
Buddha seemed to notice your hesitance and sat up, crossing his legs and unwrapping the lollipop he was meant to give you. You watched carefully before he finally held it up to your lips.
"Let me help with that." He said suavely, a smirk on his lips.
You felt your face heat up at his actions but instead smiled and obligingly opened your mouth and smiled as he pushed the lollipop in, but then, as if nothing happened, he continued to lay down and nap and you continued to sculpt. However, the smiles you both shared were hard to wipe off as you continued to bask in the comfortable silence.
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- Creator Gods and Loki didn't really mix, but it wasn't hard to see why. Tricksters weren't exactly seen in the best light in most cultures, so a Trickster God didn't have that much better of a reputation. It also probably didn't help how often he liked to mess with them.
- But you, you were different. Trickster stories were quite common in your culture and while they were sometimes punished, they were also portrayed as heroes too sometimes.
- He suspected that you yourself, the esteemed Creator who made creatures from clay, seemed to enjoy tricksters. Unlike the other hoity-toity gods and goddesses who'd shoo or chase him away, you'd smile as you sensed his prescence and would make casual conversation.
- Many other dieties have called Loki many names, mostly behind his back since few would be bold enough to say them to his face, but you called him the names of many renowned trickster characters from your story. From Coyote, to Fox, to Rabbit.
- Whenever he asked what made you call him "Little Fox" one day to "Tricksy Coyote" the next and so on, you simply responded with a shrug and cheeky grin: "Is it really that hard to figure out? Some days, you remind me of a sneaky little fox but other days, you seem to have the appetite of a coyote looking to cause trouble."
- You understood the importance of balance. Yes dieties like you were important but so were God's like Loki, so you treated him with respect like you would any other God and while that respect was a little one sided for a while, it was clear he started to slowly hold you in high regard.
- Did this stop him from messing with you? No, it absolutely did not, and you weren't foolish enough to believe that you were an exception and that didn't upset you, not in the slightest. After all, he kept things interesting.
- It was a shame that you sided with humanity, although he can't say that he was surprised, you held your people in high regard. He'd be lying if he said that he didn't cheer you on during your battles instead of the side he was supposed to be on.
He knew you would win, there would have been no doubt about it. Perhaps the God against you had underestimated your power, maybe that's what made the fight more entertaining, the way you lowered his gaurd by making yourself seem weaker than you actually were...but perhaps you should leave the trickery to him, dear (Y/n), since you may have gotten a bit too cocky and sustained not a fatal injury, but you still had to see a healer.
You walked down the hallways to the healing wing, holding your side and scolding yourself for getting too prideful too early. Perhaps you should revisit the many stories your people made of warriors and creatures and their consequences of becoming too confident too quick. But, at least you managed to rack in another point for humanity. As the healer was treating you, you tilted your head and smiled softly at them.
"I had no idea you were such a skilled healer, rabbit." You remarked with a warm smile. The healer looked at you in shock but soon transformed into the mischievous green haired God, "Rabbit? That's a new one."
You shrugged and tilted your head: "To what do I owe the pleasure, Loki? I'd assume you'd be throwing a temper tantrum with Zeus and the others."
"But how could I be angry when you were the one I was rooting for?" He asked, giving you a close eyed grin. You raised an eyebrow and opened your mouth, only to be cut off when he held an eagle feather in front of your face.
"This fell off during your hobbling down here too, by the way." He informed. Your eyes widened in worry but he only chuckled at your sudden distress, "Don't worry, I grabbed it before it touched the ground. Honestly, you should be more careful in future battles, I'd hate to see the only God who knows how to have fun get hurt."
Ah, so he was following me,You thought to yourself, your amused smile returning.
"May I?" He asked, breaking you out of your thoughts.
You nodded and moved your face closer to him, one hand maneuvered gently under your chin to hold your face still and his other intertwining the eagle feather back into your hair. When he was done, he brought his hand back but still kept the one under your chin where it was.
You looked into his violet eyes with half lidded ones.
Hmm, you were wrong. You assumed he was a rabbit, just in a silly little mood ready to play his typical tricks. But you saw the hunger of a coyote in his eyes instead...but not for mischief or chaos for any of the sort.
It looked like he was hungry for you.
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lilithizhere · 1 year
hiii! im a new follower and i saw the list of characters that you write for and i was wondering if you could also write for other characters, because there no “characters i will not write for” or any indicator that those are the only characters you will write for, so pls answer this question because i wanna request a “dabi x RoR reader” but i dont think you would write him
Hi! So, I do write for other characters, but the ones I have on the list are the ones I would like to see, but if you request a character on the list I will probably write it, but sometimes I can't.
Warnings! Fluff, Swearing!
Dabi x RoR Reader
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You met him while Record Of Ragnarok was happening, you are a Norse Deity of Reincarnated, Blue Fire, and Medicine and also Thor's Sibling, you weren't fighting, but Zeus and Brunhild did try to sway you to their side.
It didn't work. You weren't easily fooled, but you have to admit it the mortals have grown strong and smart. You were a Deity that wanted the humans to stay.
Back to what I said about meeting Dabi, you were on earth because you wanted to see all the things the mortals advanced on. They have powers!? When did that happen? You missed a lot. But that's okay.
You were walking around in a normal outfit, you gotta blend in, when you saw Blue Flames. You were curious and wanted to know who caused it. And all the sudden you see a black haired, male that Is burnt and another black haired man, who looks sleep deprived, chasing the burnt one.
To be honest you found this funny. And followed quietly, walking into a alley, you see the burnt man, trying to catch his breath, leaning against the wall. And you knew you had to say something as he stares at you.
"Why, do you look like a burnt chicken nugget?" That's the first thing you said to him. And he just looks at you. "What the Fuck-".
You were happy to meet someone, who can summon Blue Fire.
He was surprised to meet a Deity, he didn't believe you when you told him you were one, but you proved him wrong.
You were called to go help the healers for Ragnarok, and you were upset you had to go, but then you got an idea, what if you took him with you?
You ended up doing that asking him first of course. He was curious about Ragnarok, you had to explain to him what it was.
You realized something, you forgot about your Dad Odin and your Brother Thor and Loki.
Shit. They weren't gonna like this. You dating a mortal. Your mother wouldn't care as long as your happy. But, your brother Thor is overprotective over you. He would always handle the people who wanted to court you when you were younger.
Your Dad is probably gonna be pissed- along with Thor. Loki won't care as long as he treats you nice.
You and Dabi were siting in the stands with the other contests and people who already went. (You revived the people who died).
Dabi was siting in your lap because well your a Diety and that makes you tall a bit. At least your not in your full Deity form you are big as fuck-
Anyways, you were talking to Adam and Sasaki about random stuff like who you think is gonna win and Deity stuff, while Dabi was watching the match.
This match is Qin Shi Huang vs Hades. And you had faith in the human to do good.
You felt someone staring at you and Dabi, so you turned your head and saw your Dad, your older brother and Loki, who is smirking, glaring at Dabi- shit. You are toast- well actually mostly Dabi.
You knew this wouldn't end good when your brother waved you and Dabi over. Shit-.
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theanimekid · 2 years
Sweet Nectar
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Thor x (Servant) Deity Reader
Synopsis: You're Thor's favorite servant, one that he alone can have. So what will happen when he finds out that you're a nature deity who left her homeworld because of your arranged marriage to a stranger?
Warnings⚠️🖤: Heavy Smut, breeding kink, scent kink, past abuse, dom/sub play
“A flower’s appeal is in its contradictions — so delicate in form yet strong in fragrance, so small in size yet big in beauty, so short in life yet long on effect.”– Terri Guillemets.
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You loved flowers. Their beauty, colors, fragrances, everything.
You A diety of flowers and good fortune, but was before you fled your home, now you live secretly as a servant of The Mighty Thor. But at least it was better than the place you once called home.
Ever since that day, you felt as though you found peace in life, away from it all. But sometimes, while you served your lord, it feels like someone is watching you other than him. Out of all the servants, The Allfather had only you were able to get close to The God of Thunder himself, but you never asked why. Why does he let you get close? You know that Thor is a quiet man who hardly ever speaks to anyone if Loki was not annoying him all the time.
You started your routine as usual: Make breakfast, fix the bedsheets, Attend to his throne, water the plants. You have gotten used to life as a servant. You are not bothered by it. Especially when tending to his garden, well, your garden since he gave it to you after a long day of serving him, he wanted to reward you, A garden. The flourishing architecture, The flow of the river bank, the sound of the wind dancing in the flower beds. You sat alone on the marble bench and sighed as you brought the flute to your lips and played a symphonic melody.
Birds flew unto a small tree and sang along as you closed your eyes and continued to play. The wind blew softer than it ever was before. Flowers swaying ever so calmly. Unknown to you, Thor watched you from a near distance. His heart aching from his chest, eyes admiring your beauty when the sunlight shined upon you, your skin radiating like a gentle lamp. For the first time in his life. He feels as though fate has given him a chance.
Ever since Odin sent you to be his servant, he felt as though the whole world stopped for a moment, but he always hid his emotions. Thinking he does not deserve to feel this way. They were endless nights that he wished you were sleeping side in his bed, your skin pressed against him, your scent graved in his sheets. You had become an obsession to him. Not wanting to leave your sight when it come to you tending to the garden.
But this moment would not last long.
A flash of lightning burst the ground, making you stop what you were doing, and fearfully turned around. A tall man with a dark cloak appeared from the gray smoke. His eyes were furious and unwelcoming. He grabbed you by the arm, forcefully tugging you with him. You tried to fight back, but nothing happened. He then slapped you across the face. Making you fall in pain as he now carried you on his shoulder and ran out of the area.
You yelled and screamed, calling for your lord. " Thor! My Lord Thor! Help Me!!"
"Shut or else I'll make sure you won't ever utter another word again!" He warned in a raspy voice as he summoned a portal. Before he could take another step, he felt your body being dragged off his shoulder, making him almost fall on his back. He turned angrily, to now shudder in fear seeing who dragged you off of him. A red-haired god with lighting coming all over his body, and you standing behind him. Safe and protected. "Y/n, shield your eyes." He spoke calmly, but his face; leaned to say otherwise. You obeyed and hid your eyes behind him. With one swing of his hammer, he blasted the man into the portal he created, and the portal itself closed too. But there's a possible chance he won't make it back to where the man came from.
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You whimpered in his chest as you embraced him. "T-Thank you, my lord." Thor shushed you with reassuring words of affirmation, "It's okay, I'm here." He said calmly, as he carried you back home, with your legs wrapped around his waist. 
As he had carried you back to where you came, inhaling the sweet sensation of your hair, like a bouquet of flowers, at this point. He stopped in the middle of the forest. Thor laid his hammer on the ground, you awakened from sleeping in his chest, "What is going on-mmh".
You looked you to your lord with sleepy eyes fighting to stay awake. He trailed peppering kisses along your jawline and kissed away the pink mark on your cheek to your soft lips. You moaned in his as his tongue explored every inch of your mouth. He laid you on the grass floor, his hands wandering all over your body hiking up your dress, squeezing the flesh of your thighs, making you gasp in surprise, lips parting from his.
"How dare he try to take what is rightfully mine?" He said to himself. as unfasten your dress, untying the strings behind your back, revealing your perfect breasts. Not being to control himself anymore, he took one of the mounds in his mouth, sucking the nipple and nipping the skin. Your back arched at his advances. Then later, he repeated the same motion to the other.
He could feel you squirming beneath him. He finished the assault on your breasts with a loud pop. Your body felt hot, breathing out from your chest. The thunder god traveled down between your legs, hovering over the glistening entrance. He dipped his nose into your heat, smelling the sweet smell. She smells even better than I thought. He thought as he rose to look at your disheveled look, flustered and embarrassed. Just the way he wants you.
"You belong to me. And no one else, even if it means I'll have to make you a mother to make your stay with me." He mumbled into your chest. He moved the dress to the side and began his approach to your entrance. Using his tongue, he guides himself into your wet folds, stroking and sucking as a man starved. He can feel your thighs closing around him. Your moans and whimpers are music to his ears. He can feel coming to your climax, only for him to stop midway.
" Why y-you stop?" you asked breathlessly. Your fingers are wrapped in his long red locks.
"I am not finished with you yet. Now, be patient like a good little servant." He ordered. Being like a good little servant, you complied and waited helpessly for your next order. His tall stature stood above you as you watched him unclothe himself, reaveled his well toned body.
He spread your legs wide enough for your lord to come in. You knew he was huge but his cock was even bigger.
All loss of words came from out of your mouth as his cock entered your wet heat, feeling as though he will break you into two. You moaned and mewled as he pounded into your g-spot, his hands gripping at your hips making you keep pace with him.
Your mind was flooding with lustful thoughts. Keep going, don't stop, I love you, my lord, faster, harder, make me the mother of your children. Oh god. You started seeing stars, blabbering lustful desires to him, making him want you, even more, fuck you even harder.
"My Lord, please let me cum I'm so close," you whimpered as you feel your climax coming to you, your cunt squeezing him as he continued to thoroughly fuck you dumb. He can feel you." I know just a little longer," he groaned, as he is about to reach his peak too.
Moments later he ordered you to come to him, and make you his. You came harder than screaming his name like a chant as lightning struck from the sky. Thor sighed as he completely emptied himself to you, Your scent with his mixed with cum and sweat. He pulled you close and lay in the same spot which is now a flower bed of red roses. But you were too fucked to care, your body ached, and you didn't want to move from his warm embrace.
He nuzzled into your hair as you traced your fingers onto his chest. Feeling your eyes weighing down on you, " I love you, my Thor". He smiled into your hair, " And I love you, my little deity servant."
You'll ask him about how he knew later.
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Okay so I have had this idea for a while but I dont have the free time to write it myself and I love your works so I want to request some headcannons.
Imagine that the gods from all mythologies existed in the Obey Me! Universe.
How would the boys in the House of Lamentation react to an MC who has divine protection from a diety that isnt their father?
Like Loki - God of Mischief (Norse) or Anubis - Guide for the Dead (Egyptian) or even Hecate - Mother of witches, and goddess of magic and spells (Greek)????
So like everytime Mc is in trouble or needs help the diety will step in to assist or they show themselves and warns the brothers not to harm MC or mess with her in any negative way otherwise there will be consequences. Or MC has uncanny abilities because of her connection to said diety.
Im so obsessed with this idea. It has been consuming my soul.
tw for swears
sorry if this wasn’t what you were expecting, I’m not particularly happy with it but hopefully you are
I’m going to do Loki because I used to love Norse mythology when I had the spare time to read lots
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So I felt like the owning up to your shit speaks to most peoples MC so here we go!
MC (as usual) was causing mischief with anti-lucifer league
But, they were betrayed after Satan and Belphie left then stuck in Lucifers room
when they were caught, lucifer wouldn’t let them leave
and he is terrifying when he’s mad
even though you were abandoned you refused to eat out the brothers, though lucifer probably knew
you usually had the uncanny ability to get away with mischief but apparently not this time
he is sick of you not telling what you did, and turns to his demon form and goes to hit you (asshole)
then suddenly he notices a figure quickly appear and grab his wrist
just imagine marvel Loki because that’s what most people know
he holds him back apparently easily as he looks to you
he seems disappointed at you, after all he thinks if caught you should own up
so you sigh and do so
lucifer seems slightly less annoyed
then Loki tells him that ‘if you hurt them, you will have me to answer to’ with a snarl
Then he seems disappear, leaving you to explain that and how you seemingly are never caught but dubbed in it
he thinks your protection is incredible and is interested in learning more
He was shocked when he saw a man with you and the rest of the anti-lucifer league
he storms in demanding answers
you explain that he helps you out with causing mischief, but especially aiding with tight situations
Which often happens after prancing Lucifer
he doesn’t exactly understand why he protects you, and is jealous of your close relationship
he is kind of scared of him too
He’s pissed after his ruri-Chan figure is missing
he blames mammon and constantly abuses him verbally over it
you did it, and sold it
originally because you didn’t really like mammon you didn’t own up
Then you feel bad and own up to it
levi is raging, but seems more forgiving with you
When he wasn’t talking to you, Loki talks you through patching it up because he’s g feeling bad for you and wants to help you
Satan thinks he’s awesome
they are kind of friends
Though their views do oppose on the subject of owning up
they sometimes argue over this
he thinks it’s cool how you have a pact of sorts with a deity
he will ask you about it often and it adds something new to learn about you
and bonus that it helps him and Belphie annoy Lucifer
asmo - not Loki because idk what i would do
Asmo is friends with deities who make you pretty and all that you are
he thanks them for protecting you
he can be a bitch when he doesn’t have your favour over them or if they are more attractive and you say that
He is happy that you are protected, and that it helps you not get caught
but he doesn’t like owning up if it’s Lucifer
he just thinks it’s stupid with Lucifer and will push the blame and advocates that
he likes making schemes with you guys
he met Loki when he tried to kill you, and he saved you
Sorry I cant think for this very well because I have apparently forgotten everything I know about mythology
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lokasae · 2 years
I'm new to all of this and was wondering if the Egyptian dieties, such as bastet in particular for me, would be upset if I delved into other quote unquote religions or deities from other spaces? I always worry about offending her! Sorry if this is a silly question.
My last ask has to do with Baldur or Skadi because I have an interest in them and in other deities and didn't want to offend either of them!
Hey, no worries, we all start somewhere!
You're absolutely fine to worship gods from different pantheons together. IMO, the biggest thing is making sure you're able to properly develop a relationship with them. As long as you aren't making empty promises to the Gods by stretching yourself too thin, you shouldn't run into any issue.
This is usually the top reason I've notived for why sometimes you might see other practitioners saying "deity x got jealous I was focusing on deity z." Even with interhuman relationships, no one likes being pushed aside from broken commitments
So just be clear with your intentions and how much you are able to offer!
For your specific gods, I don't do much with the Egyptian pantheon, but from those I know who work with Bast she rarely has any issues with her devotees working with others across pantheons. Baldr falls into this category as well (I've also worshipped him along with Loki with 0 issue, which is a supposed no-no)
The only deity that Skadi has ever had issue with in my own practice is with Loki. I had them sharing a space and had to separate them, but even that was more of along the lines of Loki pestering her for the fun of it, which... fair, I'd want to be separated too
But TLDR; it's perfectly okay as long as you're honest with your intentions and don't overcommit. If one of them wants something moved (even if its being worshipped at different times) they will likely let you know if it's something they truly want
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mcwriting · 3 years
His Mobius
Lol y'all gonna hate me for this one but what can I say, I'm obsessed with this ship and slightly disappointed in the season finale.
Not my normal jam so sorry to those who only follow me for T. Holland content
Picks up where ep 6 leaves off. Don't read if you don't wanna get spoiled lol.
Ship: Loki vs. Mobius M. Mobius (one-sided)
Word Count: 1212
Warnings: it's sad boi hours in here y'all prepare to have your heart ripped out for a second; also spoilers
The color had drained from Loki's face as he realized what was going on when he stared at the giant statue of He Who Remains.
With the intense branching of timelines, Sylvie had kicked him into a random, newly-born universe.
He turned back to the man he knew-
No. He didn't know this man.
This was Mobius. M. Mobius, but not his Mobius. M. Mobius.
"I... I- I- I need a tempad, please," Loki begged the not-his-Mobius.
"Don't you have one? Wait- I'm sorry, who are you again? You never answered my question," not-Mobius said with growing suspicion.
He didn't know this Loki, or seem to know any Lokis at all, but he still knew to question guys who came up asking frantic questions and requesting other agents' tempads.
Loki didn't know how to answer.
For once he wanted to tell the truth, but there was no way he'd be able to explain things to this not-Mobius. He didn't have time. He needed to find his Mobius.
With a swift glance, he located not-Mobuis's tempad and with even swifter precision snatched it from the man.
"Hey wait!" he cried, but it was too late.
Loki had already punched in random numbers and opened a portal, stepping through into the unknown.
The yellow rectangle behind Loki closed as soon as he stepped through, and he knew that with all the chaos, he probably wouldn't ever be found.
As he got his bearings, Loki started to register the sights and sounds around him, along with the humid heat that made his already sweaty skin feel even stickier.
He blinked a couple times before realizing what he was looking at.
He was in a rainforest.
"Midgard. This- I'm on earth," he muttered to himself, brows furrowed.
Back before the TVA, he'd spent years plotting his takeover of the planet. The Asgardian libraries had contained books filled with knowledge about earth's nature and climate systems, something he'd used to his advantage when planning where he wanted to rule from.
While he didn't know a thing about earth customs or technology, Loki could easily tell the difference between a chimpanzee and a capuchin, or explain how hibiscus flowers were great in tea.
The real question was when is he?
Loki looked at his tempad.
Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica. 2015.
It made sense. Loki remembered that the country was known for its lush landscapes.
There was no telling what universe he was in. He wondered if he could find someone to fill in in the 3 years since the battle of New York, if that had even happened in this timeline.
He took a look around. The foliage was bright green, and he spotted a toucan on a nearby branch. There was the occasional scream of a howler monkey echoing through the trees.
A few feet away, just past a few trees, was a dirt path. Signs that people had walked this trail many times.
Of course, a worry popped into the back of Loki's head that claimed a hungry jaguar had paced there as it looked for a meal, trampling the grass in search of prey.
His fears were quelled, however, when he heard faint voices nearing.
He stepped behind a wide tree and watched carefully as a man in a neon shirt led a family down the trail.
Loki spotted 5 kids, who all looked between the ages of 8 and 18. Interspersed among them were 4 adults who looked to be in their 40s or 50s.
At the back of the pack walked two older men. A shorter guy with snow white hair who looked to be in his 70s, and a taller one whose hair was very much salt-and-peppered, likely in his 60s.
The brightly-clothed guide was explaining to them all of the wonderful things Costa Rica had to offer, from its diverse flora and fauna to the beaches, mountains, and rainforests.
Loki was about to pop out from the wood and ask if this family could explain what the avengers were up to, or if they even existed at all here. He knew he would look ridiculous with his torn up TVA clothes but didn't care.
Finding Mobius was more important.
Before he could call out a greeting, he stopped dead in his tracks, blood running cold.
That voice.
He knew that voice anywhere.
The shorter old guy had cut in to make a joke to his family.
"I need to know where to get a jet ski around here."
That was him, but what was he doing here?
Loki felt weird seeing what it would have looked like for his Mobius to live on earth up to this point, assuming that the TVA variants of him had been plucked from the mid-1990s.
"Daaaad," one of the middle aged women groaned.
He has a daughter. Are those his grandchildren?
"You know we brought you on vacation to get you away from your jet ski, right dad?" another of the middle-agers said, a man who looked to be the youngest in his generation group.
A son as well?
"I'll have you know that the jet ski was the greatest invention of our time, of all history, even!" old-Mobius explained light-heartedly.
The taller man next to him placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I think we can manage a week without, my dear."
Loki gasped.
That was him speaking to old-Mobius. Well, not him, but an old version of him.
It didn't make sense.
Loki was well over 1000 years old. An Asgardian diety. A jotun.
He wouldn't just age like that. Not unless he sacrificed something to do so.
Loki couldn't help but notice, though, that while old-Loki's face was considerably wrinklier than his own, the man he looked at was void of worry lines around his eyes and forehead.
He looked genuinely happy.
Loki shifted as best he could to stay hidden behind the tree as he watched what played out ahead of him.
"Oh, alright, alright. I guess I can manage going without ole Lightning for the week if it means I've got y'all to entertain me. But just know that I'm taking everyone out on the lake as soon as we get back to Texas."
Old-Mobius, or whatever his midgardian name really was, smiled at his old-Loki, placing an hand over his lower back.
"I think that can be arranged," old-Loki agreed, quickly pressing a kiss to old-Mobius's temple as he wrapped an arm over the shorter man's shoulders.
Loki didn't even realize that there were tears sliding down his cheeks until the pang in his heart made him turn away from the happy family.
Because it wasn't just Mobius's family, it was his.
He didn't know how the two had found each other, how this Loki had somehow evaded godhood to live a domestic, midgardian life.
Loki couldn't stay here. He couldn't disturb and be caught by them.
He needed to find his Mobius, maybe figure out how to start a life like that.
It wouldn't be easy, jumping through the multiverse searching for that hard-headed, sarcastic, witty, crazy TVA analyst Loki had somehow fallen for, but he had to try.
So with the coast clear, he reset the tempad and stepped through another portal.
For his Mobius.
A/N: my heart is going to explode. Why did I feel the need to torture myself in this way? Anyways, I wrote it, so y'all gotta read it.
I don't make the rules.
Let me know what you thought! I love and hate this simultaneously so I'd love some feedback. Thanks for reading!!
Once again, sorry for those who follow me for Tom Holland stuff but I really wanted to write this!
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Hey! So I am new here and I would like to become a pagan witch more and more. I am learning since three months or something like this and now I think Loki wants to work with me. But I am not sure about it and wanted to ask if someone of u all could help me!
Here the stuff why I think Loki wants to work with me:
1. I saw multiple tiktoks about the diety work with loki.
2. I dyed my hair red because i had the sudden urge to do it.
3. Two days ago I saw a spider right before my foot. (Maybe this is just imagination but i don‘t really see spiders and with the tiktoks about him it made me suspicious.)
4. I have depression since a really long time and since two weeks or something i am like really confident und just doing things, like i think of it and just do it. (Normally i am a person who is more likely to think about all the risks beforehand.)
5. I don‘t think about the others and what they will say about me, when i am doing something like before. I am just like „You got a problem with what I‘m doing? Ok, come here, fight me!“
6. My life always has been chaos but i think in the last weeks it is all coming together.
7. On the edge of my bed was a golden ring, like a pendant of a chain. (Maybe someone has lost it, but the only person in my room the last like month was my mother and she says it is not hers and it is not mine also. So i don‘t know what to do with it really.)
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prome-th3us · 3 years
I thought a lot about how I should set up this part of the series, if I should give a mythological background or not, and I came to the conclusion that no, I won't do that right now. I will talk about the Greek and the Norse Pantheons when I will be free from exams, but for now I will just give my personal experience with the Gods and how we've built our relationship during those years together.
Here you can find the rest of you are curious 💜
My dieties: Hekate
She has been the first diety for me (I mean I had Loki around but hey I didn't know yet). As I said in the previous part, she's one of the guardians of our family, so she has been with me since I was born too.
When I first started getting into paganism, it was natural for me to call out for her, I didn't have any doubt that the Goddess I was seeking for was her, and she didn't disappoint me.
She has always been present since I started to notice her energy, whenever I needed or I was calling out for her, she was right by my side. We've been through the worst time of my life together and even if I wasn't able to have a dialogue with her, I was never alone. She uses to touch my head when she's there and this is what made me know at that time that she was here with me.
Considering her loving presence and how many problems I have with my mum, with time I started to consider her a motherly figure and now she's the only goddess I'm "working" with and the only one that I trust (I have serious problems with trusting women in general, it takes me a lot of time and effort).
I can describe her like the goth mum who likes to hype her son/daugher and wants them to be their truly self: fascinating, intriguing and dangerous. Her energy is dark, powerful, but also very calm and fascinating, like a particular perfume; I associate her with with a mixture of spices and other smells: vanilla, lavender, incense, cypress, sandalwood, nutmeg. Like all together, it's very particular. The Goth Mum does smell good.
My work with her
We don't actually work together but she isn't here without doing anything. Considering that she is a goddess related to the Underworld and, to make it short, basically the main goddess who were invoked for necromancy rites, she had been helping me a lot to get in touch with spirits and how to behave with them.
She's also a protector of the household, so even though I consider her my foster mum basically, she always wanted me to get back to my real mother: for a long time I didn't want to, until my therapist made me do that too and when things get harsh, she's always there to give me courage and love. Also, she's the one who keeps away the bad guys, both "friends" and strangers: she made me do a wooden guardian with this specific intent as an offering for her. Jerry is outside near her altar.
She's a goddess and she embodies a strong and independent woman, as a lot of other goddesses: she knows my struggles with my gender and how much Loki helped me with it, and even though she knows that I don't really need labels for who I am she wants me to get in touch with my woman-side. She doesn't want to make me become a woman: she loves what I am and she respects that, but at the same time she knows how important it is to get in touch with both our feminine and masculine sides (we all have these two polarities and we should normalize this topic). We are currently working on this together, how I perceive femininity on me and on the others as well as working on its archetypes. Just let me say this: it has been months since we started and I'm still genderfluid but hey, I've never felt more comfortable in my body and in my mind, I'm just feeling in harmony with what I really am and I'm so fricking exited to start to balance both polarities (i've always been more on the masculine side), I'm sure it will be AMAZING.
I also perceive her as the goddess of choices: she is associated with crossroads and this is a place in which you choose your path, both physically and spiritually. Everyone at a certain point has to make a choice: she's there watching over us. She will never tell you if you're making the right choice because she knows that this is up to your free will, but she will always be there, challenging you to take those steps alone. This is what she taught me: I never got at advice from her about my spiritual and life paths, because she wanted me to be able to get through decisions alone, but this doesn't mean that she wasn't actually ready to help me if I really needed. She is a diety who will make you cross your own boundaries, just like Loki, and she will bring you to the edges of your personal reality: you will start questioning everything and everyone, every choice you make, until you understand that this isn't the point. She isn't thinking when she is crossing the line between the material and the spiritual world: she is using her intuition and this ability comes mostly from experience. This doesn't mean that she won't teach you anything: she taught me a lot of things but she never said when I was wrong nor she got angry. She patiently waited until I realized and then we had a talk about it. That's also why I consider her a mother: she gives me the independence I deserve but she's never distant and she's always ready to intervene if I mess up too bad.
For example, one day I really wanted to try necromancy. I knew it was a bad idea but hey, I just can't think about anything else when I get hyper fixated. While Loki and Hades were so concerned because I wasn't obviously ready and were trying to change my mind, she came and said:"let her do what she wants. If she's not scared, why not? And anyways it's better since we are here now. My dear, come with me and tell me what you had in mind". My idea was obviously terrible, it was just trying to remake what Odysseus did, but I tried anyway. I still don't know if I messed up or if I got really scared and my body reacted in this way, but I had this sharp pain on my right shoulder in the middle of the ritual. I started to have migraine and feeling nauseous as well (this was probably my anxiety or the fricking pain but ok). Loki and Hades were here as well but she made them swear that they wouldn't get involved unless she asked for their help. She came near me, touched my shoulder, and turned her key in the air. I immediately felt better except for the shoulder, since that day it's hurting from time to time. She looked at me and said:"sweetheart, I suppose we both agree on not doing this again for a long time, right? " Nothing else. This is how she teaches me things.
She does help tho if I explicitly ask: in spells especially. I had to do this protection spell which was active, not passive: this means that instead of just giving protection, it would do something to the person crossing her boundaries. She gave me that spell and it was my first time doing that, so I asked for her help. The spell lasted three hours and her candle was basically non existent when we started: that little flame lasted until I sealed the spell, to let me know she heard my call.
She is also the one who taught me that witchcraft isn't always safe: with a lot of spells are going to change the reality around you, this is what you are doing them for. She didn't go easy with me: we were doing basic spells together, but soon enough I learned that they can have bad consequences on your life, and she didn't help me fixing anything because I had to learn how to do that by myself. Thanks to her my practice is completely gray: one day I can do a self-love spell or a protection sachet and the next day I can throw an hex on someone who really did bad to me (please don't be moralistic: it's bad and everything, but trust me when I say that they deserve every inch of that hex. They made me go through a lot with my parents when I didn't do anything and still my relationship with them isn't ok due to those guys, so yeah). But as I said, mostly there's a price to pay and I know I will deal with the consequences sooner or later, the solution is the balance between those two aspects of my craft: dark and light always go together, that's the biggest lesson she gave me.
So yeah, at the beginning of my path she was very present and rn she took over Loki a little because I really needed to work on my feminine polarity, but we're doing this every Sunday (she gives me homework for the rest of the week), for the rest of the time I can perceive her coming to say hi, but mostly she doesn't interact with me unless it's needed. She's always watching, but from distance, that's because I call her guardian.
How I honor her
During the day I wear a key that I consecrated to her using her candle, so she knows that I always think about her.
When I do my makeup or I express my femininity, I say a little prayer to her because I'm honouring our work together.
As I do for the other Gods, I give her offerings:
Herbal tea
Moon water
Normal water
White wine
Dried fruits
Some sweets (just when I don't have anything else, she doesn't really like them that much)
A lot of keys
Some collectible dog figurines
Some jewelry I don't use anymore
Purple flowers
Dry leaves/flowers
Basically that's all about the material offerings. For the rest of the time, I keep in mind what she did for me so I try to behave like she taught me during this time.
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shyficwriter · 6 years
Unexpected Visitors
Guardians of the Galaxy Fanfic | Yondu, Reader, Unexpected Guest
Part 9 in a series: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13
Summary: A new visitor arrives in a strange manner. Will Yondu let him stay?
Word Count: 2080
You bolt upright in bed gasping and shaking slightly. You had just woken from a terrible dream.
A dream about Peter and the others. You were all laughing and having a good time when suddenly something hit the ship, breaking stuff and throwing you all around. You were thrown into a bit of broken metal and it impaled your stomach. Peter came to your aid and held you. You looked around and realized you couldn’t see the others anymore. You turned toward Peter with panic in your eyes and your mouth opened in terror as you saw him dissolving away into nothing. You wanted to scream, but no sound came out. As you watched the last of him fade away only one thought kept screaming in your mind. “PLEASE! DON’T LEAVE ME! PLEAS-” 
And that’s when you woke up.
You looked at the time and saw that you would normally be up in roughly half an hour anyway, so you decided to just stay awake. Not like you really felt like sleeping anymore anyway after your dream.
Still a little shaken you get up, go through your routine and get ready. You thought you might sit in the flight deck for awhile. Maybe Peter and the others would call soon? They had been gone for a several days now and you hadn't heard back from them since they left. This was more than likely the source of your anxiety and bad dreams. Once you were ready you grabbed your crutches and headed out the door.
You found Yondu already sitting in the flight deck once you got there.
"Bad dream?" Yondu said this in a way that wasn't exactly a question.
You avoid his gaze. "No," you lied.
"Don't lie to me, girl. I heard you cry out in your sleep from here."
You sigh and look down. "Look, it's just that-"
"I know. Yer worried about Peter and the others. But I know my boy. He's fine. Some missions just take longer is all. That refugee ship that called was probably just broke down, an' he's either fixin' it, pullin' it slowly with his ship, or makin' a bunch of trips to get everyone off that ship and onto the nearest safe planet. It's all gonna be ok."
You keep your gaze down and Yondu pulls you into a side hug.
"C'mon now. You know I'm right. Now show me a smile. Don't make me pry it out of you." He chucked as he started poking you in the ribs, make your face split with a grin.
"Ok! Alright!" You giggle, swatting his hand.
This tender moment would be short lived however, as it was cut off by a thud to the window that made you jump out of your skin, and Yondu too, though he'd try to call it 'moving to attention' or something.
You could barely make out what it was, just that it seemed to be moving slightly, before you heard Yondu calling for Kraglin to get up here immediately.
A while later after Yondu convinced Kraglin to go outside the ship and pull in what had just hit the ship you finally got a good look at it. Or perhaps you should say 'him.'
It looked to be a pale man with raven black hair, clad in clothes of black and green. His lips were dry and chapped and he was covered in scratches and some bruising. He did seem to still be breathing. Unconscious, but still alive, though you weren't sure how that could even be possible given how he was just floating around in space before he hit the ship.
You carefully lowered yourself to the ground and set your crutches to the side. You tried to nudge the man awake gently, but Kraglin had other ideas, using his boot instead to roughly jostle the man. This did prove effective as the man then woke, turning on his side and spluttering a series of coughs before falling back onto his back on the floor and looking around warily.
"Wher- where am I?" He croaked out. He moved to sit up and you helped him. "Who are all of you? Where's Thor?"
"You're on my ship, boy. Now who are you and what were you doing floating around in space?" Yondu asked, before adding, "...and how are you not dead?"
The man coughed again. "I am Loki, of Asgard," he started, "and it takes more than that to kill a god." He seemed to be getting his strength back about him and donned an almost smug smirk.
You, however, were obviously taken aback, and the others noticed. You sputtered out, "I- I'm sorry? You said you were... who?" Surely this couldn't be the same Loki from the stories you learned in school, could it? That was a myth! ...Wasn't it?
The man now let a weak laugh. "I said I am Loki, of Asgard. I take it you've heard of me?"
"Ya know this guy?" Yondu asked incredulously.
"I think the lack of oxygen got to his brain," Kraglin interjected, "he seems to think he's some sorta diety. That, or he's a major crackpot."
The man seemed greatly offended by this and attempted to stand, no doubt wanting to exchange a few "words" with Kraglin, but he did not yet possess enough strength to stand on his own and instead fell back to his knees indignantly.
You stammered answering Yondu's question. "He, ah, you see... back on Earth there are stories about him. Myths and legends telling about old Norse gods. I-I just didn't think they were real."
Yondu raised an eyebrow, not expecting that answer. Like Kraglin, he just thought the man was either some crackpot or was massively full of himself. "He dangerous?" He asked, readying his arrow as he noted your stunned expression. Last time Yondu dealt with a god-like being, things got messy, and he wasn’t looking forward to a repeat.
"Eh... define dangerous...?" you said, earning a look from the man that you thought almost looked like worry. "On Earth, he's known as the God of Mischief."
The man quickly donned a smirk again. "So you have heard of me." He chuckled and coughed again.
"Oh hell no. We already got you. We don't need anymore mischief on this ship." Yondu stated.
This made the dark haired man look at you with amusement. You blushed.
"Hey, um, what kinda stories do they tell about this here "god fella" where you're from?" Kraglin asked you, seemingly wary of him. “An’ he never did say what he was doing floating out in space like that. An’ who’s Thor?”
You looked at the man, Loki, and thought back to the stories you were taught as a child in school and what you read in books. You didn't want to tell any of the more... unflattering... stories, like the one where Loki got Baldur killed, as you didn't know what could be true or just fabricated myth. Yes, if he was telling the truth, then that did mean “Loki, God of Mischief” wasn’t just a myth, but that didn’t mean every story people passed down was true. You didn't want to risk giving Yondu a reason to throw a possibly innocent man out an airlock.
Your mind raced as you tried to remember an innocent enough story, and you thought you could see worry again in the man's green eyes.
In the end you panicked and said "Well, the stories say that Thor was his brother. I don't remember much else, but um, there was this one story where he did kinda... sorta... mate with a horse..."
Loki balked. His gaze rapidly turned between you and the two Ravagers. "She's joking of course." He said quickly, forcing a chuckle.
"...and then he got pregnant and gave birth to an eight legged horse, which he gave as a gift to his father..."
“It-It was a misunderstanding... really! Someone must have twisted the story over the years-”
The look on Loki's face was really amusing. His eyes were wide and his cheeks were bright pink. He looked at you like he couldn't believe you just told them that. You had to fight back a giggle at his expression.
Yondu pinched the bridge of his nose. "I don't know what a horse is, or how any of that would even work, but as long as he doesn't cause any trouble and pulls his weight, he's got a place to stay for now."
Loki, still looking embarrassed, nodded to Yondu. “Thank you-”
“IF, you tell us what you were doing out there.”
Loki blanked. “I, well- space is quite unforgiving, I don’t seem to remember-”
You looked at him. You did of course remember from the stories that he was also known as the God of Lies, with a quick wit and a silver tongue. Again, you weren’t sure if this was true, but he did seem to be trying to fabricate a story.
Yes, it was possible he didn’t really remember, but he was clearly weak and seemed as if he were having trouble thinking straight. After all, who knew how long he had been out there or what happened to him? In any case, it seemed as if he didn’t want you all to know what actually happened.  You didn’t know why, but for some reason you wanted to help this stranger. He seemed scared, but also like he was trying to hide it. You decided to help, you could always ask what really happened later if you got him alone as long as this prevented Yondu from throwing him off the ship.
“You were calling out for Thor, your brother, remember?” you started. “Did something happen to separate you from him? Maybe an accident?”
“An accident... Yes. There was an accident.” Loki seemed to be trying to figure out how he could run with the lines you were giving him. He gave you a strange look, almost if he were wondering if you were trying to help him draft a cover story for the one he didn’t seem to want to tell. “Our ship hit a... large rock...”
“An asteroid?” asked Kraglin.
“Er, yes, that. It came out of nowhere and must have blown our ship apart.” He looked around, seemingly noticing for the first time that there were no others from his party around. “Did you find any others? Thor?”
“I’m sorry, son.” said Yondu. “Ya was the only one. You jus’ smacked into our window, and we didn’t see any signs of any blown-to-bits ship.”
“Yeah, ya must have been blasted really far away from your ship,” added Kraglin. “an’ who know’s how long ya’ve even been out there? It’s gotta be a miracle you weren’t ripped apart. I doubt there’d be anyone left even if we tried lookin’ for your pals, bud.”
Loki looked down for a moment, before setting his jaw and straightening up the best he could. “Very well,” he said, not really looking at anyone. “then if the offer is still on the table I’d like the chance to earn your favor and join your ship.”
“Yeah, no need to be so formal about it, boy.” Yondu rolled his eyes. “Rest up a day or two to get your strength back then ya can stay as long as you pull your weight and don’t cause any trouble.”
“Thank you.” said Loki, trying to stand. Kraglin helped him keep his balance and Yondu instructed him to take Loki to a room with an empty bunk. Then, in a lower voice added that it should be preferably close to either of their own quarters so he could keep an eye on him, as he still wasn’t sure about him.
Kraglin led Loki away and Yondu turned to you, helping you stand back up on your crutches. As soon as you were up he looked at you with that “lecture” look.
“An’ don’t you think just cuz some ‘god of mischief’ or whatever is here means ya get to recruit him to help ya cause trouble lil’ missy!” He said in half-laugh, half-scolding tone.
“Ah! I’m offended you would even think that!” you exclaimed in mock-hurt, trying your best to contain a grin at his accusation.
Out of the corner of your eye you could have sworn you saw the black haired man turn his head and give you a mischievous smirk just before Kraglin led him around the corner.
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embrystarr · 6 years
Finally found my Patron!!!
So none of you are probably aware of this but I’ve been super interested in Wicca/Paganism since high school ( I’m now 25 ) I’ve dabbled in spells, tarot, talking to spirits, opening and closing circles, talking to the God and Goddess , etc. BUT the main reason why I’ve never been able to really fully commit is that I saw all these wonderful members of the pagan community gushing about their patron and matron dieties! And I just could NOT find anyone that really vibed with me. I researched Egyptian gods, Greek gods, Celtic and Nordic gods and although I found some super interesting ones that I wished I could have chosen I just ... didn’t feel anything. For over five years I’ve struggled with committing because I never really had any personal experiences with my own personifications of the God or the Goddess. It’s been super frustrating. BUT!!! Something absolutely AMAZING! happened a couple nights ago.
I’ve been super attuned to dreams ever since infancy. In fact, my first memory is a dream. I lucid dream like no other. I remember almost all, if not up to like six dreams when I wake up every morning. I’ve had prophetic dreams. Found past lives through my dreams. Dreams are a huge part of my life and actually one of the main reasons why I started pursuing paganism. I realized that reincarnation is real through my dreams and then started looking into Wicca not long afterwards. So finding my Patron God through my dreams is actually super perfect for me and solidified my knowledge that this actually happened and is real ( to me )
So I’ve been struggling with nightmares of a certain evil person from my past for over five years. They come and go. Some worse than others. Sometimes I wake up bawling in the middle of the night and it haunts me for days. Other mornings I wake up and I have this sick taste in my mouth and I know it’s because he was stalking my dreams. Anyways, I had an experience with this guy a couple weeks ago. And it was completely my own fault for meddling in the first place. But what I did, I thought would help me heal. Well... it didn’t. In fact, it made it worse. Unbearably worse. I was having multiple nightmares of him almost every single night. Super realistic, terrible ones too.
So I got desperate. I went to my local Pagan shop XD yes I know I should go to a counselor but I’m a Taurus and I’m stubborn and full of pride and the thought of telling a complete stranger my personal secrets is like asking me to shave my head. Just no. Anyways, this super nice lady helps me pick out some stones. Gives me a pouch. Tells me to put protective symbols on the pouch in sharpie marker and to talk to the stones before I fall asleep.
I do as she says and for the first night in a week, I don’t have a nightmare ! Instead, I have some weird dream about the Nordic gods. Second night comes around, I do the same thing except I call the elements to me as well to keep this guy out of my dreams. Well the second night ( two nights ago now ) is when my Patron decided to finally show himself to me! Maybe it was because I asked for help and this was super serious. Maybe he had been with me this whole time and only now did he decide to step forward. I don’t know. But who comes to me in my dreams ??? * drum rolls *
LOKI!!! He basically told me that he is my God. And if I want him to continue protecting me that I have three days to make an offering to him. We basically made a deal together. So... here I am. Second night after my first contact with my Patron and second night with different offerings.
Its actually quite comical, all of this because out of all the gods I looked up and studied, for some reason I never looked into Loki. I don’t know how I didn’t but I didn’t. So the morning after my contact with him, I wake up and start doing my research. And he is AMAZING!!! Everything about him vibes with me so much. Wit and cunning over strength and brawn. All my dreams of being chased by wolves but never getting harmed and one of his familiars is a wolf. Dreams of having pet snakes but never ever in my waking life wanting pet snakes. My love for spiders. Tricking my way out of sticky situations. Manipulating those around me who intend to harm me. It’s almost infuriating I didn’t realize this sooner.
Oh. And for those of you who have Loki as your diety, please know that I am fully aware that Loki can change genders and is very often not only a Patron God but a Matron God as well. I wasn’t aware of this at first and I apologize for thinking he could only be respresented as masculine. I studied though now and am fully aware of this. So please know that just because for ME he is my Patron, know that I in no way have any problem with or quarrel with anyone who sees him as a she or who has him/her as their Matron. Blessed be and thanks if you read all of this story. I was just so excited 😆
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diva4orce · 5 years
Lokean  If you are interested in any sort of witchcraft, the diety Loki will be a topic. Unfortunately if you get caught in the dishonor and embarrassment that is the god spousery heatwave , you’ve missed the point, but even if you are a spouse, be one that would make Odin proud(seeing as they are blood brothers). Now albeit that Loki is my Patron and I am honored he choses me as a client(and yes he’s real and he shapeshifts), there is  a deepened emotional bond that should start with friendship and stay there (and yes i am clairvoyant and all things pyscic). So why do you ask am I emoting as a fire-witch>? Well here is the deal seeing as Loki is born of fire he and I regularly whether on task or during play laugh and cry at shared experiences because fire is warmth but also chaos. Loki being proudly androgynous, has experienced many hurts and sheds tears about his struggles in confidence. He also admits to certain mental health challenges. Now any witch that has the honor to be chosen as a client of any
patron or a matron of any diety must emote at all times with respect, realizing that deities are technically non-human, but most times emote as humanoid. So if you are on social media suggesting you are a god-spouse, and you do have a “sexual experience” with him, check who or what you are channeling(and yes he’s omni- present so there is that aspect which doesn’t make it sexual), and keep your anger in check, reduce your arguments or representations of him respectful and decent, or expect wrath of the gods who are all his friends to come your way with out pause. The gods are all loving and full of love, but at the end of the day to be Lokean is to be truly loved and nurtured, and corrected by the ultimate all-father and all-mother, and most importantly a man of honor who sacrificed his dignity and lost loved ones and quite frankly did the hard things of life when no one said it counted. So please be respectful, minimize deviant preditorial behavior, and if you are talking to any deity, assume your on a clandestine mission so share with kindness and respect. After all if you really pay attention to how he Tyr,Heimdallr,Freya,Freyr,and Odin really operate, its all just military, and they love and parent hard so don’t forget it for the sake of those who experience nothing but love and kindness and are typically products of molestation or rape,and are sensitive to topics that promote such. And seeing as they are all human too, feel free to share a burger, play a game, and stay at work for the greater human good. And seeing as Loki,Odin, and other friends of Loki  asked me to include the following link, please see the below for how the all feel about how Loki’s followers often act(in some specific cases). Please comment with kindness or face Loki’s wrath >.
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