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blushily · 1 month ago
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Eurobeat Catgirl (patron reward for Pumpkin)
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leidensygdom · 24 days ago
Okay, we all know about the usual warlock-patron dynamics. Creature with god-like powers tries to do their bidding or further their plans through a mortal, who is often going to be troubled by the pact. But, I'm here to propose some alternatives, specially for warlock deals that aren't inherently very harmful to the warlock themself:
This one is pretty typical, but the patron is a family member. If sorcerers can get cool powers from having a dragon grandpa, your fire genasi can have an auntie who is a big fire elemental who is trying VERY hard to connect with her family now, so she gives her nephew an allowance in the form of a Genie Pact
Your patron is undead (and your pact is Undying), but this person is not some power-hungry lich. This is someone you knew in life: A friend, or perhaps a partner. You had fought for a common cause, and they met their death trying to see the end of it, but they refused to leave you alone. Now, within you, their stubbornness has kept them from moving on, and they lend their newfound powers to help you in your common cause.
It's an eldritch entity, a creature beyond your comprehension. Your pact is that of a Great Old One. However, this creature doesn't quite have very concise plans to bring the end of the world- You're actually pretty sure it isn't even from your world. As time goes on, and as you realize their whims seem erratic, you realize that this thing you get powers from is... Probably the cosmic equivalent of a child. Maybe it's still cocooning in the depths of a distant dying planet. And it's incredibly bored. Someday, maybe, they'll terrorize the universe, but right now, they just really want you to be their eyes on another world. Call it enrichment.
Okay, this one is a fiend. Unequivocally so. But truthfully, they couldn't care less about your world, and you're not particularly concerned about what is going down in theirs. They kinda need few things done in your plane, few resources gathered, some people talked to, and between the lines, you realize that your newfound... ally is actually trying to oppose their boss or whatever. This one is a deeply legal-minded fiend, as far as you know: The hellish equivalent to a bureaucrat, after really digging around. Your party is convinced they will turn on you sometime, but eventually you realize you're just helping something that, for a lack of a better word, has to be an infernal-equivalent of an union effort.
That sword you picked was definitely cursed, and the voice within it has been calling to you. Eventually, you lend them your ear, and now you have an Hexblade pact. But this creature isn't bloodthirsty, nor talking to you about soaking their blade with your foes' guts. Truthfully, they hate being a sword. Trapped there as part of a vengeance, perhaps, this thing longs for freedom. And it has been used for evil in the past- Maybe the overabundance of skull motifs in their physical vessel didn't help. But this creature just wants to be able to experience a life that has been robbed from them. Your party may raise an eyebrow at you getting friendly with the possibly-malignant sword, but y'all are just making plans to get them to your favourite restaurant once they're freed.
This Archfey is the descendant of a powerful entity in Feywild side of things. The heir of some great lineage, or whatever is going on within their realm. You frankly don't know, because they're a bit of a... brat. One that kinda longs to escape their situation and get to live something more normal. You only find out this over time, when you realize you're kinda that friend their parents frown about. This entity, powerful beyond comprehension, just really wants to hang out with you and have a board game night with you. They'd love to meet your besties-- I mean, your world-saving allies. And you'd love to give them the opportunity someday, truth be told, but pissing off a fey court seems to be a high price.
You got stranded far into the ocean as a kid, and the rest of the people involved in the shipwreck did not make it out. But you attracted the attention of a group of merfolk, who had barely ever had the chance to meet someone like you. People had told you tales of how they'd drown and eat anyone coming into their territory, but these creatures were instead cooing about you. You're now grown up, and you can call them for power. Your party frowns at the idea of "I kinda got adopted by a sea polycule and I got a cantrip and few other boons about it", but you know they'll have to eat their words when you bring them for dinner- If you can find a way to table them in the middle of the ocean, that is.
the celestial patron is still a dick tho
Feel free to add onto these if you'd like, I'd love to hear concepts >:3
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caemidraws · 2 years ago
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[The Endless March]
Undead patron, Tome of Pacts zine by @/SleepyWyrm_Ed
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cupcakeslushie · 11 months ago
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One last feral Leo preview, before I can finish the rest and post it all here!
If you wanna see what I’ve done so far, it’s on my patreon!
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basketobread · 7 months ago
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Do you guys like Warlocks gay ass fiend patron. I had a few people send asks about this guy now so I decided I'd just make a post huehue... His full name is Pandion!
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thesunnyowl · 1 month ago
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Goddess of Wisdom, Courage, Warfare, Military Victory, Military Tactics, Strategy, The Defence of Towns, Heroic Endeavour, Weaving, Pottery, Handicraft, Practical Reason and Good Counsel.
Protectress of the City and Patron of Athens.
Member of the Twelve Olympians.
The Wisest, Most Courageous and Most Resourceful of the Olympian Gods.
The Favourite Daughter of Zeus.
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retropopcult · 4 months ago
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Women photographed by Alfred Eisenstaedt at the New York Public Library for a LIFE magazine story, 1944
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featheredsnek · 4 months ago
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what if DIO was epic
Patreon sketch for @dragonautie on bsky, thanks again!
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inkeyjay · 2 years ago
🫀 Eucharist of the Ravenous 🫀
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It started out as a bellyache, guts rumbling after two days of barely eating. An unfinished visage, featureless, fixing the blurry sockets it had for eyes into his soul.
The humble priest dropped his brush onto the cold floor of the chapel and stumbled backwards. The walls, towards the ceiling, all full of still fresh perfect faces framed by golden halos, that he had been carefully painting non stop for days. Faces of dead saints and prophets, long gone, commissioned by the high church as a display of power and opulence in an age of religious and political crisis. And this last saint, the one that still had some loose and tired brushtrokes for it's face. There was something about it that made the priest flinch out of his creative trance. He swore the paint moved, vibrated with anticipation at the touch of the brush.
He laid tired in the center of the chapel, exposed to a hundred pair of eyes that almost felt judgemental, knowing of the priest's internal thoughts. "Why am i doing this" "Why do i have to over exert myself with work to survive while i use pure gold to embellish... You. This" "Why"
And the faces remained still and silent.
"Why all this for long gone martyrs that had the fortune to die for their for their beliefs, or to let their God speak through their lips, bestow miracles through their fingers"
"Why this for a God that let them die at the heretical hands of the non believers. That leaves hundreds if not thousands of people to die of the pestilence outside this golden, rotten, WALLS"
The bottle of turpentine exploded and its contents dripped down the wall, dragging hours of work with them, dissolving like acid false flesh and gold leaf alike. And then blood, through the priest's hand, holding the neck of the bottle. He panicked and kneeled towards the wall, trying to undo the mistake with cloth, only to make a bloody mess. Red running through the gold, ichor like.
The priest cried holding his hand, a deep wound running through his palm, burning because of the chemicals. But the pain was not the cause of his tears.
"A sign" "I just need a sign"
But the faces remained still and silent.
The priest got up, slowly, and turned around towards the door. Why be here then. Why remain hungry, at the mercy of a dying church that kept their riches safe in mausoleums and layers of paint upon gold leaf upon stone, while its believers died in the streets famished and sick. The priest saw it clear now. If God did ever exist, it was long gone, uncaring for its creation. He might as well die outside, with his people. It would be like inviting the sickness into his chest but at least his last breaths wouldn't taste of incense. His steps echoed through the chamber, determined, reaching for the doors.
But the faces opened their lips. And with a cacophony of voices, each one vibrating with a torrent of beating wings, It spoke. No.
It sang.
Super happy to finally be able to show you this illustration i made for Tome of Pacts, a zine about warlocks, patrons and their pacts! There's a leftover sale going on right now! This is Pantheon, a shapeshifting entity that impersonates long absent gods and feeds on the faith of their followers, always hungry for more. But it's not for me to tell you.
! First of all, credits to @/gothhoblin, the writer of our team, for helping shape out this Patron "...and it spoke with a cacophony of voices, each one vibrating with a torrent of beating wings, a thousand or more." Is a marvelous line of her creation.
Tome of pacts has 11 more patrons and 24 warlocks for your enjoyment, all beautifully depicted by teams of artists and writers. Im super proud to have been able to participate in this project 💛
This short story is about an original character i created after the patron, just as an appetizer, pun intended. You get it right??
Hungry for a copy?
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yanny09 · 7 months ago
I find it so relatable when people say "oh, i dont understand signs!" but finally seeing signs is so comforting, alot of my signs come in the form of birds. I always tend to confide in apollo for my family struggles and he knows shopping is awkward for me so when im finally starting to come out of my shell (funny, this happened when i was leaving my car) a flock of crows flew over me. looking at the crows you can see there was a group closer and a group further away, like a little message of "it may be hard now, itll get easier with persistence" maybe it will lord apollo maybe so
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angelicstarsight · 6 months ago
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My current altar for Apollo. 🌻 He wanted to be on my desk where I study and create.
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blushily · 1 month ago
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Cassette Beasts Kuneko request
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bl00dfroma-fairy · 7 months ago
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spongepost-squareblog · 2 months ago
When I order bottle service at the Kuddly Krab
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cupcakeslushie · 8 months ago
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Got some more pages for part 8 of EW done over the last few days! If you wanna see those and the others I’ve done so far, check out my patreon!
We are really making progress!
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