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heatherlucky29 · 2 years ago
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amelia-mariee · 2 years ago
remember how we thought black widow (2021) was going to be the darkest mcu movie, but then after the really well-done opening credits montage, the movie stopped being dark, and then two years later, a silly little Guardians of the Galaxy movie ended up being the movie where every person I’ve talked to said that they were deeply upset by it and they cried 6 times and that it was the most beautiful marvel movie in years and 100% the darkest movie that the mcu has ever made and was surprisingly gory and had the mcu’s first f-bomb and i even openly wept in a movie theater for the first time since avengers: endgame and there were points where i could just hear everyone crying and
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itsjuliak5 · 2 years ago
“The sky is beautiful and I’m flying with my friends.”
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“I love you guys,” *Dog Days Are Over by Florence and the Machine starts playing*
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theknightgeek · 2 years ago
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Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy by Matt Ferguson
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guardingthegalaxy · 1 year ago
all of you guys may have moved on but mentally, I'm still here:
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I know a lot of people don't like it, but this movie was just so chef's kiss for me in so many ways, I have so much love for it and I can't even really put into words why
y'all are just sleeping on it
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mischievous-thunder · 2 years ago
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Flashback scenes? More like a cry your heart out session
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sunshiny-rants · 2 years ago
something about the way that the guardians pack bond with literally every stray they meet, even and especially the ones that try to kill them. like they just keep collecting members because everyone forced to spend more than an hour with them can’t help but become attached.
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ellestra · 2 years ago
The good life
There is so many things I loved about GotG Vol.3 - the story, the action, the tears. Everything all the movies so far have built to in character development.
But I also loved how little fan service there was. Like the only shirtless scene is the new guy. Everyone else stays in clothes and those clothes are not super sexy.
There were parts of fandom getting all frothy about how "unsexy" Nebula looked on poster. How that was no push-up bra and form fitting suit. Same for Mantis new top - they kept the colour but not the tightness. Even Gamora's hair isn't a perfect as it was in other films. And that was so great.
And frankly, I thought they all actually looked more sexy in those comfortable clothes (and without dehydrating). I think Chris Pratt looks better a bit slimmer like this and I was glad that Dave Bautista didn't need to be half-naked all the time.
I loved how it shows that they no longer needed to court the audience this way but I loved even more what tells us about the characters.
I loved the soft t-shirts and the full, identical uniforms. I loved how comfortable they all look. I loved Mantis too long sleeve and Drax's hoodie. I loved that Kraglin's belly shows. That Peter has let his hair grow. And that Nebula got rid of her face implants. They look soft. They look like they have a life. Good for them.
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loopsisloops · 2 years ago
Me on the ride home from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3:
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goupii · 2 years ago
coloured version!
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sprout-222 · 5 months ago
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I neeedddd to talk about the fact that kraglin looks so sleepy here. He's staring directly at the clerk to make sure he doesn't try anything, but he's also soooo tired looking. Overworked. Underpaid. Forced to be yondus personal bodyguard while he looks at trinkets
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heatherlucky29 · 2 years ago
Guardians 1: The guardians learning to love
Guardians 2: The guardians learning to accept love
Guardians 3: The guardians learning self-love through the love they have for each other
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ich-theosaurus · 1 year ago
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you will take this kragdu. you will enjoy my brainrot.
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mlys05 · 2 years ago
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He's so short 😂
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gunsandspaceships · 13 days ago
MCU Timeline: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Many millions of years ago - the emergence of Ego.
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Over millions of years - he learns to control molecules, creating a planet around himself.
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Thousands of years ago - 2014:
Ego discovers other life forms in the universe. Disappointed with what he has found, he decides that his true destiny is to turn every world into himself.
He plants his spores in the soil of thousands of planets.
Faced with the limitations of his abilities, Ego impregnates members of other species on these planets in the hopes of producing another Celestial.
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After the children are born, he takes them to his planet in the hope that they carry his Celestial genes. But they all "fail" him, and he kills them without remorse.
Late 1970s - early 1980s:
Ego comes to Earth and falls in love with Meredith Quill.
He impregnates her and plants his seed on Earth.
After this, Ego returns to Earth 3 times to see Meredith. The last time, he places a tumor in her head so that he doesn't have to stop his Expansion for her.
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~May 1980 - Ego shows a pregnant Meredith Quill his seed, which he planted in Missouri.
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Late 1980 - Peter Quill is born.
Before 1988:
Yondu Udonta's parents sold him into slavery when he was an infant.
Yondu spends the next 20 years as a Kree battle slave.
Stakar, the leader of the Ravagers, frees him and offers him a place among them.
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Yondu, now captain of one of the Ravager factions, betrays the Ravager's code by kidnapping Ego's children and delivering them to him. For this, Stakar exiles Yondu.
1988 - Peter is abducted by the Ravagers. Yondu decides to keep the boy to save him from the fate of the other children of Ego.
1988-2014 - Ego is looking for Peter.
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Late 1990/1991 - Peter Quill becomes a 10-year-old spaceship pilot and takes possession of Milano.
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Summer 2014:
The Battle of Xandar.
Yondu places a tracer on Milano.
Ego hears about Star-Lord.
The main events take place in late September or early October 2014, a few months after GotG 1.
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Note: We can determine the month from the scenes with Ego's seed on Earth during his Expansion attempt. As you can see, it is the time of fallen leaves, while most plants are still green, which means it is most likely late September or early October.
Days or weeks before Day 1 - Nebula attempts to steal the Anulax batteries on the Sovereign and is captured.
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Day 1:
Evening - Guardians fight an abilisk for the Sovereign and kill it.
After the fight, Rocket steals some batteries.
The Sovereign's leader, Ayesha, gives them the captured Nebula as payment.
Team sets off to Xandar to deliver Nebula to the Nova Corps for a bounty.
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The Sovereign realize that the batteries have been stolen and pursue GotG into space until the team is saved by Ego, who destroys all of the Sovereign's remote-controlled spaceships.
Having sustained serious damage in battle, Milano makes an emergency landing on the planet Berhert.
Guardians and Nebula meet Ego and Mantis.
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Night - Ego invites Peter and Co to visit his planet.
Day 2:
On the planet Contraxia, while Yondu's Ravagers are enjoying themselves, he meets Stakar. Stakar decides to deprive the local brothel owner of her clientele from all the Ravager clans for servicing Yondu's clan.
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Ayesha comes to Contraxia to hire Yondu to capture and deliver GotG to her.
Morning - Peter, Gamora, and Drax follow Ego and Mantis, leaving Rocket and Groot to repair the ship and guard Nebula.
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On Ego's ship, Mantis puts him to sleep. She and the Guardians talk and she demonstrates her abilities.
Rocket sets traps around the ship.
~Noon - Ego's ship arrives on his planet.
Ego tells the team his story: he is a Celestial, and the planet is him too.
Afternoon - Finally, after many unsuccessful attempts to find someone among his children who would have the same abilities as him, Ego finds them in Peter. He teaches his son to use "light" to control the molecules of the planet.
Peter is having a great time playing ball with his father.
Meanwhile, Mantis tells Drax her short story and almost reveals what is really going on, but is interrupted by Gamora.
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Mantis shows Gamora and Drax their quarters.
Evening - Peter and Gamora argue about Ego and the place.
Gamora sits alone in a field when she is attacked by Nebula in a spaceship. They fight, Nebula wins but is unable to kill Gamora. They end up with a truce.
Night - After using all the traps, the Rocket is caught. Yondu only wants to take the stolen batteries to sell them, but a member of his crew named Taserface starts a mutiny. Groot frees Nebula, and she helps the mutineers capture Yondu by blowing off his arrow controller.
On the Ravagers' ship, the mutineers bully Groot and kill members of the clan loyal to Yondu (all Kraglin's friends).
Nebula stops the killing by making a deal with Taserface to hand over the captives to interested parties for a reward, and receives a new arm.
She heads off to Ego's planet to kill Gamora.
Yondu and Rocket are left together in a cell. Yondu tells his story and comes up with an escape plan.
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Mutineers make a Ravager suit for Groot and then continue to bully him until they pass out drunk.
Yondu and Rocket send Groot to bring Yondu a new arrow controller - a prototype fin. After many attempts, Kraglin comes to the rescue.
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Gamora and Nebula discover the bones of Ego's murdered children.
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Day 3:
Early morning - Kraglin turns on Quill's music and the three kill everyone on board and blow up the ship.
Before dying, Taserface sends Yondu's coordinates to the Sovereign.
On the detached portion of the ship, Yondu, Kraglin, Rocket, and Groot head towards Ego's planet, making 700 jumps at a time.
Ego tells Peter about the possibilities of their ability and his life's purpose - the Expansion.
A frightened Mantis wakes up Drax.
Gamora and Nebula return to the quarters, where Mantis tells them what's going on.
Ego unwisely confesses to Peter that he killed his mother by placing a tumor in her head.
Peter attacks him and ends up being hooked by an energy tentacle.
Ego destroys Peter's Walkman.
Noon in Missouri, Earth/Sunrise on Ego's planet - Using Peter as a battery, Ego launches the Expansion.
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Yondu and Rocket arrive in time and pause the Expansion by crashing into Ego's "human" body.
The Sovereign fleet arrives.
The Battle on Ego's Planet.
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Ayesha's fleet is destroyed again.
Ego is killed in a mind-blowing explosion.
Yondu sacrifices himself to save Peter.
Most likely later that day:
Rocket reassembles Yondu's broken arrow.
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And tells the other Ravager clans about what Yondu did.
Ayesha creates Adam Warlock.
~Day 4:
Yondu's funeral and cremation.
Gamora hugs Nebula. Nebula leaves GotG for her mission impossible - to find and kill Thanos.
Kraglin gives Quill a Zune digital player with 300 songs that Yondu got for Peter.
Peter gives Kraglin the arrow.
The Ravagers arrive and hold their funeral, posthumously accepting Yondu back.
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Some (short) time later:
Kraglin implants the fin into his head and learns to control the arrow.
In the process, he wounds Drax.
After a long separation, the Ravagers unite again.
"You are boring" "I am Groot" post-credits scene.
MCU Timelines: Phases One and Two MCU Timeline: Black Widow MCU Timeline. Captain America: Civil War MCU Timeline: Doctor Strange
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raccoon-coded · 8 months ago
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Guuyyyyyysssss, look what just came in the maaiiilll!
It's the GOTG VOL 3 art book! And it is beautiful ❤️
I am in the process of acquiring all of the art books, so expect more
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