#why does it keep happening to him šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
ftmgirlcunthole Ā· 2 days
Why are real men so perfect šŸ˜ i cant stop obsessing over them.
theyre 10 times stronger than me
larger than me
and could overpower me without even trying! šŸ’–šŸŒøšŸ’—šŸ’“šŸŒ·
compared to them my body is frail and round and soft even after being on T šŸ„ŗ but i'm mostly obsessed with their cocks āœØ
big, thick cocks designed to split me open. big sweaty balls slapping against me. I just cant stop thinking about real men holding my girl šŸŒøbody down and pounding hard into my soaked, gaped squirting vagina šŸ’—
The moment i remove my dildo, my pussy šŸ’“immediately starts to thinking on cock inside her again. one day i will really give in and let a real man prove to me im a woman. does anyone have advice to stop this from happening? šŸŒø
i want to be a real man so bad too, but my female cunt will not let me. she keeps squirting hard when she's stuffed full and stretched open, when the tip of my dildo itches my cervix, the most femalešŸŒ· part of me, i immediately squirt hard and my brain stops working šŸ’–āœØ
my naughty, swollen clitty trying so hard to be like the fat cock that pounds me is only useful for torture or rubbing in circles and making my hungry cunthole hungrier. šŸ’“šŸŒø
I bet even if a man tested me and tried to make me not cum and squirt in under 30 seconds of him putting his superior big piece of hard man meat deep in my slimey girl hole i would fail! its so embarrassing šŸ˜­
how come as a female it feels so right and good to be fucked powerfully as a fleshlight? does anyone have advice?
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writerfae Ā· 19 hours
Okay, so now that I'm awake: The mighty Willow dying, am I right?
Let's think about this! First off: Why is it dying, because I personally wouldn't want to give the Willow Court the Alder Court backstory, sooo...
But regardless, it's dying. And Callan has to sacrifice himself
The thing is that the whole court would be devastated, because Callan's a great king plus he's the baby they prayed for the moon goddess to save!
And imagine his friends! Rhys would lose his best friend!
Imagine Amelie!
And, of course: Henry...
I can't decide if Henry would accept Callan's decision or try and keep him from going through with it. I mean in the end he would surely realize that it's the only way to save the court but I could see him having a brief "I'm not letting you do this" panic moment.
And afterwards Henry just cries and cries and holds Callan in his arms. And Aiden would I think try to comfort him the best he can, but...
Another great angst idea:
Same concept but with the royal willow siblings! Because then here's what I think could happen:
All three of them arguing over who gets to sacrifice themselves and I can imagine a heartbreaking scene where:
Celene and Tamlen are arguing, Celene claiming that she should do it because she is the queen and the oldest, Tamlen arguing that that is precisely why she shouldn't do it, and he'll do it instead... and while they're arguing, Nolan sneaks over and does it himself šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
Haha do you truly were coming back for this xD
Okay, so hypothetically the Willow could die. All mighty trees can if their spirit or the tree itself get damaged. It doesnā€™t have to be like with the Alder court.
So this would be the backstory for this scenario.
But like maybe someone who isnā€™t the king could try to pull a Rook on the Willow (obviously they would fail, but they could damage the Willow enough for it to fall sick) or someone would find a way to like poison it or something.
And I totally see your ideas! Really delicious angst! With Callan doing it cause it has to be done and his friends and family grieving him. Henry especially, obviously. Heā€™d only let Callan do it if itā€™s the last chance they have, knowing he cant stop his beloved from doing what he put his mind on.
But let me raise you this: Callan sacrificing himself after Henry died. Callan, at this point an old king with grown up kids, grieving the loss of the love of his life.
Him sacrificing himself to the Willow not only cause heā€™s the king and this is the best and last service he can do for his people (especially his children, the one thing from Henry he still has), a death of far more use for them than one of heartbreak. But also because then he doesnā€™t have to live without Henry anymore.
I also like the idea to do it with the siblings. I could see them arguing about who will do it, all trying to keep each other safe. Also, I agree that if one of them were to do the sacrifice, Nolan would do it. Heā€™d be best suited.
The poor siblings though. In both scenariosā€¦
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thewrothode-if Ā· 3 days
Uhh, small rant about your characters?
MC's dad went through great emotional suffering when his wife died, and he let his pain manifest into anger towards MC.
MC went through great emotional suffering when their dad started acting like he hates them, and they let their pain manifest into anger towards gungir.
MC didn't make their mom go crazy, they had no control over their mom's behavior.
Gungir didn't make MC's dad start treating them so coldly, he also had no control over MC's dad's behavior.
Both MC and their dad went through something that was emotionally damaging to them, and they both coped the same way, by directing the pain outwards at a different person who actually had no control over the situation.
So, MC didn't cause their mom to go crazy, and Gungir didn't cause MC's dad to start treating MC like trash, but both of them get blamed for it anyway.
The parallels between MC and their dad are just delicious, especially a more angry MC.
The irony is that the reason why MC hates their dad is because of something that they themself are *also* guilty of. MC hates that their dad unfairly puts the blame on them for something they can't control, but at the same time, MC unknowingly does the exact same thing to gungir.
Maybe both the MC and their dad unconsciously have the mindset that they NEED to cope by blaming someone else for the bad things that happened to them, because if they COULDN'T blame it on someone else anymore then all the pain would be directed back inwards at themselves and it would just tear them apart.
The angst is delicious is all I have to say is: Like father, like child.
It's so fascinating how MC doesn't realize they're essentially doing the same thing to other people that their dad does to them.
I think if one person pointed it out in-game, how MC is basically acting like Dad 2.0, then that would be my character's major "Oh shit" moment and it would be the push I would need to do self reflection. Because it would be a huge realization for MC, and obviously I don't WANT to be like my dad, so that would be the turning point where I would notice the flaws in my own behavior.
Also is vƶlva pronounced like vulva because I keep reading it like "she's the vulva of her village."
I was scared this rant was going to be negative and I'm very glad it's not. šŸ˜­šŸ™
There definitely will be a scene where Gungir confronts you with the mistreatment he dealt with, even daring to compare you to your father. This will be a very dramatic scene especially if you're doing his romance. How you choose to respond will either make or break your chance of romancing him though, so be careful.
And I feel like if you say vƶlva enough, it will start to sound like vulva so I'm sure you're pronouncing it right, but seeing it switched out with the actual word makes it look so funny.
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walder-138 Ā· 2 days
Questions for Annika, Jack, & Oswald:
What's this oc's biggest fear?
What's this oc's mental health state?
What's your favorite thing about this oc?
How does this oc feel about physical affection?
How does this oc get along with people they just met?
1) Whatā€™s this ocā€™s biggest fear?
Annika: People. Not in a social anxiety typa way (scared of judgement etc), but of what they are capable of. Annika has been exposed to human cruelty from a young age, growing up as a child soldier in a terrorist organization convinced her that every single person around her wanted to hurt her.
Over the years, her fear manifested into hate for humanity. It was never real hate, but ā€˜hateā€™ was the only label she could put on it without feeling like a coward. Fear is weak, Anya. Fear is weak. Hate and anger protected her; who wants to pet a rabid dog?
Jack: His scientific ā€˜researchā€™ being exposed to the public. Jack is incapable of fear or anxiety; heā€™s a textbook sociopath, but he really doesnā€™t wanna stop performing his research and experiments (he worked on MK Ultra since he became a doctor) Seeing it flourish due to his involvement has been his greatest achievement, that being taken away from him would tear him apart.
Oz: Losing his daughter, Jenny. Iā€™ve said this before and Iā€™ll say this again; sheā€™s the reason why he got off drugs following Vietnam and stopped being a verbally abusive misogynist to almost every single woman in his life. Oz knows that if he lost her, heā€™d most likely have a pretty bad relapse and fall back into his old bad habits.
2) Whatā€™s this OCā€™s mental health state?
Annika: Take a wild guess.
Jack: Heā€™s balling honestly šŸ˜­ With everything that happened with Bell being a complete success, (assuming Annika isnā€™t Bell; she detonates the nukes) he basically saw his top project take off. Sure, the dumbasses in the safehouse didnā€™t listen to him about keeping Bell under that trance or whatever, but he can always start again; make another one.
Broā€™s walking on sunshine!
In reality, Jack canā€™t feel anything. All of his emotions are fabricated. There could be a spark; of hope, or pity, or amusement, or some kinda love, but itā€™s never enough. Heā€™s almost completely numb. He hates it sometimes, but Jack canā€™t miss what heā€™s never had.
Now about the state of his actual brainā€¦ uh ask Abbey about that. She fed him the curb
Oz: Shitty. He is constantly haunted by visions from his past. He can barely sleep at night without seeing his men -his sons- dead around him. The heroin, the morphine, and the LSD were the only things keeping him from having to see their mangled bodies scattered every time he blinked. Rehab helped him get over his addiction, but he hated talking to those damn prissy ass shrinks. But now that Jennyā€™s around, he canā€™t be high all the damn time, so Oz has to deal with it without any assistance from anyone but his ex.
Heā€™s stressed, and he thinks he canā€™t do it anymore, but he wakes up every morning and does.
3) Whatā€™s your favorite thing about this OC?
Annika: How far her developmentā€™s come along. I based her off me when I play video games (I rage a lot šŸ˜­) and had to think about how, realistically, someone with an erratic fighting style would come to develop it. Since I die a lot, I figured Annika wouldnā€™t have any formal military training except by the terrorist organization she was raised in. I really wanted to make her a reflection of my video game playing style, and Iā€™m happy to say that she does. Just with more depth now.
Jack: Heā€™s not far along in his development process, so this will most likely change but so far, itā€™s how two-faced he is. When you talk to Jack, he genuinely seems like a nice guy that youā€™d wanna crack a couple cold ones with on a nice, hot day, while all of his ā€˜patientsā€™ are horrified of him. Dudebroā€™s the reason Abbey doesnā€™t like British people šŸ˜­
Oz: Iā€™ve got two things. How real he is. Iā€™ll admit; a lot of my ocs are over exaggerated, but at least in my opinion, heā€™s the most realistic. Iā€™ve made a post going slightly more into depth about this a while back. The other thing is that Oz is somehow my 2nd most morally stable character after all the shit heā€™s done šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
4) What does this OC feel about physical affection?
Annika: She yearns for it. Annikaā€™s never felt the loving touch of any individual that wouldnā€™t later be used to hurt her. Now, Iā€™m not saying itā€™s a smart idea to abruptly give her a hug, unless you wanna pull back a bloody stump or youā€™re her girlfriend, as that scares her, tying back to her fear of people.
Jack: He doesnā€™t particularly care for it one way or another. Jack might tuck someoneā€™s hair behind their ears if heā€™s being patronizing, or pat them on the shoulder to reassure them, he doesnā€™t really get anything from it. He wonā€™t provide any physical contact if it doesnā€™t benefit him, unless itā€™s with his partner. Everyone else, even Jackā€™s own kids, can go to hell.
Oz: Oz is touched starved. At this point, heā€™d take any form of physical contact from anyone. The problem is, he doesnā€™t feel like he deserves it, so he recoils from it at every opportunity itā€™s shown. He says itā€™s unmanly, but if a woman even patted him on the cheek, broā€™s getting a bit excited šŸ¤­
5) How does this OC get along with people they just met?
Annika: Not well. Annika already hates the people she actually knows, introducing her to a person she doesnā€™t know will ensure hostility. Unless youā€™re going on a mission with her, she doesnā€™t want to know anything about you. She doesnā€™t want to know what you think about the weather. Her life wouldnā€™t be impacted if you lived or died, and she wants you to know it šŸ˜­If she can, Annika would just walk away after the initial greeting.
Jack: Heā€™s the opposite of Annika, at least on the outside. He introduces himself, shakes your hand, and offers to take your coat. Very gentlemanly, especially to women and children. He presents himself as a genuine caring and kind man, giving gifts and offering to listen/help anyone around him. So whenever people (Abbey) accuse him of doing something, everyone tends to be like ā€œNot Jack! He helped me sort through my divorce!ā€ even if they barely know him, cause Jackā€™s just so damn polite.
Oz: Oz is extremely awkward. Most of the times when heā€™s meeting someone for the first time he just kinda stands there likešŸ§ā€ā™‚ļøwaiting for his friend to finish talking so he can go watch the Patriots game. He isnā€™t rude about it though; heā€™ll smile and wave but he isnā€™t too good at small talk. Only when he starts to open up more will he start being the asshole we all know and love.
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mctwinkdom Ā· 4 months
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Oscar šŸ¤ getting penalized after being in the top3
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thewingedwolf Ā· 12 days
cam mj and angela NEED leah & quinn in this house to take at least one (1) shot at the triplets if they want both a path to f2 and any sort of win equity (well angela is toast but whatever), not getting kimo out maybe benefits chelsie a little but everyone is clearly refusing to think about what happens when theyā€™re on the block or in f2 with one of tā€™kimobina bc what happens is THEY LOSE
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starlooove Ā· 7 months
This is the dumbest thing to get mad aboutā€¦
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todayisafridaynight Ā· 2 years
lit cannot stress how much fuckability masato lost after becoming aoki like emo death is real and its so so tragic
#snap chats#sorry but this has been my truth for months its time i speak on it#its true tho i dont think this is a shocking revelation to anyone#s'just like saying grass grows and birds fly#i will not support his prep phase its not happening hes such a dweeb now#rgg knew this fact with him showing off his tit despite that being like. The Worst Place Ever to inject yourself#we already discussed how he wasnt physically able to fuck and that was a nerf it was to humble him and keep him controlled and thats awful#frame one got me lookin at the screen like šŸ‘šŸ‘ and then he open his mouth and my eyes get bigger and i sit in dead silence#was crackin jokes and chattin with myself every other second and then šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø Go On Beautiful Keep Talking Idc What You Sayin#im a man until he starts talking about 'his girl' and then suddenly im feeling some kinda way#tho that might just be cringe cause why does bro talk like how i used to in high school šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­#thats the funniest part about masato/aoki to me like. there's so much bullshit bout them that reminds me of high school#but thats the thing that was High School like im grown an shit this bro never grew up apparently AND HE STARTS THE GAME AT 23#wait back to the subject line of this post i be acting like aoki dont got me unwise a total of like. four time either#sorry everyone there was something in the water today and now im ill#its cause i cant draw this weekend so i have to be disgusting some other way#gonna make it everyone else's problem but worse#anyway i have to end this post because the more i t hink about the high school comparison the more i start to cringe
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vampyrluver Ā· 10 months
I love my brothers so much i want to protect them all wasaaa
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running-in-the-dark Ā· 10 months
not only do I get extremely obsessed with things (people), I also have to obsess over the fact that I'm doing it. every time. great.
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artheresy Ā· 1 year
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So Iā€™ve noticed that Honkai Star Rail loves to gatekeep women (Kafka and Himeko) from me and randomly give me men I wasnā€™t planning for at super low pity on single pullsā€¦
I see how it is HSR, I see šŸ™„
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priestfrommidnightmass Ā· 2 months
no iā€™m not catching legit feelings for some man i almost threw up when he reminded me that heā€™s actually leaving on wednesday and itā€™s not a joke for a totally unrelated and platonic reason
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hauntingblue Ā· 7 months
#i love this shit#OMG WANDA!!! NAMI GET YOUR GF BACK!!!#otama is alright......#is luffy gonna beef with kid on the exacation camp šŸ˜­#franky and robin on a date at sanjis noodle stand <3 yes that is what is happening#representation win! king and queen of the kaido beast army are two nearly divorced men#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 918#nami making cat noises ajdhaks#but why do they get the useless at their job shtick..... well i do know#i think sanji is running a failing bussiness there is no way he is charging the women to eat his noodles..... he can't do it for the hustle#how come kid and luffy get to keep their cunty outfits in jail.... all the other prisoners got the jail pyjamas#kid your beautiful full breasts have compelled me....#love how everyone is so scared of them they don't even think about not giving them food#why is the man inside the hippos mouth ajdhakshs#the hippo is wearing pants šŸ˜­šŸ˜­#i love everyones faces at their bizarre body structure#well everyone DOES eat digest and shit yeah#luffy cant whistle ajdhajsj him šŸ¤šŸ» peppa pig#episode 919#god i missed franky.... he isn't doing much but still..... also sanji looks so slay in his outfit#oh he learnt the suplex from seƱor pink... wow.......#omg a weird child.... usopp!!! your turn to fight#she has the same hair shape as sanji...#omg franky pantyshot...... treasured in my mind forever#i thot franky was curious about the oiran bc she said superstar not bc it was a woman.... disappointed.... usopp to??#luffy giving away his food tickets..... the importance of this.....#episode 920
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acerikus Ā· 7 months
Awwwww no, people keep saying certain uty fics are really good and popular and I instantly click into them excited for good content, then get instantly jumpscared by clover being misgendered :(
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chiistarri Ā· 7 months
whys everyone got ties to my crush all of a sudden
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skitskatdacat63 Ā· 1 year
For the blorbo bingus bingo: Lanceeeeeee ^:3
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