It Is I, The Trash Man
530 posts
Just a person who reads shit and draws it because I’m like that (•̀ᴗ•́)و
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insane4fandoms · 8 days ago
First off? I totally realize a lot of hazardous things can throw people off because of smells, like nitroglycerin had been claimed to have the sweet scent of caramel. Not pure nitroglycerin, but certain substances containing nitroglycerin has a sweet smell.
I've also seen some people who handles fire a whole lot usually had a brush in hand to actually spread flammable liquid over things to burn. Don't ask me why they do it, they usually just use the method to light a campfire.
Poor Casey, just keeps getting knocked out 😭 I mean, to be fair on K.O.'s case, if someone is trying to fight me off of them when I'm trying to take them to safety, instincts would kick in and I would hypothetically have to knock them out.
I actually just recently visited a museum during my time away that had actual organs in jars, they're always so gently to see in real life. Just something to add Imao
Poor Scout, he's simply trying to do his job in being a good boy. Also Snare is always making me giggle with how he just appears, just imagining him actually materialize out of thin air to sneak up on people.
I'm always so fascinated by perspectives. Like how they have clues on what Mad has and have theories (hehe) on what he has plans with Casey, while on the other side of perspective we know the reasons and motivations Mad has with the investigator. Unreliable narrators or something-something.
I just love seeing the Pentas members not fully taking in the relationship between Mads and Casey, the pieces not connecting, if I wasn't one who knew what went down between their or their backstory, I would just think it's a Joker and Batman scenario, ya know? (In a way | think it is)
Ahhh, K.O.'s suspicions got them thinking! Whether Casey would ever want to confess on what happened between them, or even confess that he knew Mad all those years ago, he's definitely not going to admit it to a bunch of Mobsters who love to use any leverage they can.
Got me hitching my breath from what Casey said. I love you, Clowes, but just like Cory, you be saying out of pocket things in the WRONG TIME 😨
Yeahhhh, people to use animals for their own sick gain belongs to the deepest pit layers of hell. Give credit where credit is due, the mobsters don't have the same morals align no with Casey, but they ain't monsters (to a full extent lol)
Ijust imagine Casey, after everything is done, just drives silently with Scout looking as happy as can be, before passing tf out getting to bed. Guy just wants this nightmare to be over.
But of course, nothing can keep Mad away from targets, cuz the moment he has his focus on someone or something, he ain't stopping. Kinda like a Polar Bear, they actively hunt humans and won't stop until they kill you, but in this case Mads won't kill Casey, maybe the others if he can try.
lol not Azalea snatching his weapon away. Also that's a very reasonable question to ask yourself. Imagine you just got shot and you just woke up two more times just to see a variation of bandages or gauze wrapped around your body with your top clothes gone. Who has been near you while you were knocked tf out 😭
Yeahhhh, we bout to get another showdown!! Viciously foaming at the mouth as we speak. Time to get another comic strip with Casey's pov next!! Better watch out 😈
Don’t want to be a part of your fantasy,
I just want to be a part of your family
Guess who finally finished that comic 😎 (totally did not lost half of my work)
Some say the past can be a reason that you turn out to become the person you are today, yet it’s never an excuse. Mistakes are made, and mistakes can never be erased or fixed. Mad doesn’t regret the actions he makes, yet there are moments where he wonders if things would go different if he had been someone… different.
Life before wasn’t perfect, but there were still people in his life that truly held him in their hearts. The reasons they had he never cared to know why, but what he did care was having that small funny feeling in his stomach. It never faded during those years with Casey nor with Father Time, and it never faded when that grandfather clock…
Is it really a bad thing to gift Casey what he truly wanted out of Father Time? Is it too much to be a good brother and give Casey that pocket watch?
@wouldntyou-liketoknow @crazy-obsessed-enby @iswmperson @lexusinsannus @the-matpat-ever @sammys-magical-au
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Apparently so.
(Also yes Father Time is Arin Hanson-)
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insane4fandoms · 25 days ago
Happy Birthday! 🎂🎁🎉
Congratulations on surviving another year on this spinning hunk of space rock!
(Sorry if I'm a little late 😅)
Lmao it’s all good friendo! I thank you!
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insane4fandoms · 25 days ago
Happy birthday
Sniff sniff thank you
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insane4fandoms · 25 days ago
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insane4fandoms · 25 days ago
Happy birthday friendo! (Hoping I got the correct date, lol) Keep up the great artwork and hope you have a very special day
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Currently out with family celebrating, already a good night! 🎉
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insane4fandoms · 25 days ago
Forgot to mention to my moots that it be the day I mark on the day of birth
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insane4fandoms · 1 month ago
Late Night Talks with an Engineer
So I decided to throw myself back into ISWM for the sake of redrawing one of my earliest fanart of Mack and Captain.
Because good god why were you guys liking these 😭 THEY’RE AWFUL
Which is why I had to show off (not) my cooler (not) art skills. And wow, I posted that art 3 years ago, I’m proud to see how much my art changed. Hopefully for the better.
Mack, my beloved bastard of a character, you meant a whole lot to me during those trying times ♥️ what a journey it was going to be from blank backgrounds with characters to a full volume canvas.
@crazy-obsessed-enby @iswmperson @lexusinsannus @the-matpat-ever @sammys-magical-au @wouldntyou-liketoknow
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I appreciate how you guys support me ever since lockdown gang, love y’all 💪🏽
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insane4fandoms · 1 month ago
Ooh, I think Donn might be the very first fanmade KubzEgo I've ever seen! Kudos to you!
What made you decide to make a character like him? What inspiration did you take? (Also, does his name have any symbolism/meaning? Like the way Casey's name is wordplay?)
Thanks Anon! I was surprised about how some people not knowing about my boy Jay 😭 but this gives me the chance to open the curtains to his channel 😈
Anyways, I had a little rat on my shoulder saying I should totally make a character as a friend who is in the police force that helps Casey with his definitely-not-dangerous ways of catching criminals.
Ya know, someone who is higher up that may or may not be a little corrupted with how much he let things slide when it comes to the investigator.
So I thought “Why not make him based of a YouTuber who is actual friends with Cory?” Then it hit me… it had to be THAT DUDE!!
I know he doesn’t have a red streak in his hair, but he just felt not fully complete without his iconic red headphones, so I had to add a little red in there.
Then I came up with Donn Carter, whose name is just a combination of the meaning of “Chief” and “patrol” from Scotland and Ireland (they have cool names with cool meanings fr)
And yeah, don’t let the title of “Chief of police” fool ya, Donn’s just as unhinged as the real Kubzscouts is, and together with Casey they’re the MOST stoppable duo 🔥 (think of Jayce and Vi from Arcane, those two CANNOT do nothing if they’re close 😔)
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And here’s a dumb doodle of them based off a reaction meme I always have on the ready because it makes me laugh lmao
@wouldntyou-liketoknow gotta give credit where credit is do on who inspired me to make these tow goobers
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insane4fandoms · 1 month ago
Everybody buckle up!!
Cuz here we go!!
Guess who added another YouTuber ego for comfort purposes? This goober 😎 This time the YouTuber is your boy, the one, the only.
Say hello to Donn Carter! Chief of Cave Port Police, and a close friend to Casey. Was there to guide our former rookie cop around the precinct as a commissioner, the moment Casey began yapping, Donn knew he would take this guy under his wing.
He’s just as out of pocket when in a near proximity to Casey. Individually, they can handle themselves with cases and surviving on their own, but together? It’s a mystery to how they managed to live this long with how much they can get into.
(It was totally Donn’s fault that they blatantly walked straight into a hidden drug ring with their uniforms on, he thought it was a cool bar)
He is aware of the relationship between Madpat and Casey, and doesn’t like how obsessed he can get trying to find him. He thinks having someone search to find a family member can cause great mental tolls on them. But no matter how much he tries to persuade him to stop, Casey refuses.
He just hopes he won’t watch his buddy dig his own grave.
@crazy-obsessed-enby @wouldntyou-liketoknow @iswmperson @sammys-magical-au @the-matpat-ever @lexusinsannus
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Donn: Why do you need that child murderer when you have your good old drinking pal, little buddy! :D
Casey: I will knock your lights out. >:/
Donn: D:
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insane4fandoms · 1 month ago
Don’t want to be a part of your fantasy,
I just want to be a part of your family
Guess who finally finished that comic 😎 (totally did not lost half of my work)
Some say the past can be a reason that you turn out to become the person you are today, yet it’s never an excuse. Mistakes are made, and mistakes can never be erased or fixed. Mad doesn’t regret the actions he makes, yet there are moments where he wonders if things would go different if he had been someone… different.
Life before wasn’t perfect, but there were still people in his life that truly held him in their hearts. The reasons they had he never cared to know why, but what he did care was having that small funny feeling in his stomach. It never faded during those years with Casey nor with Father Time, and it never faded when that grandfather clock…
Is it really a bad thing to gift Casey what he truly wanted out of Father Time? Is it too much to be a good brother and give Casey that pocket watch?
@wouldntyou-liketoknow @crazy-obsessed-enby @iswmperson @lexusinsannus @the-matpat-ever @sammys-magical-au
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Apparently so.
(Also yes Father Time is Arin Hanson-)
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insane4fandoms · 2 months ago
I would like you to know that you are the single reason why my iswm/ego hyperfixation keeps coming back
The amount of dms I get from people saying I inspire them or make them happy got me like
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Cuz I never actually thought my account would go this far! And I should’ve get all the credit, cuz I got amazing moots from my iswm era that still inspire me to keep me going!
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insane4fandoms · 2 months ago
Always been fascinated with the Bystander Effect myself. It’s bittersweet that no one really does anything when one bad things happens until ONE person steps up to intervene. My theater friends has a running joke about it, as when we see one of us jokingly getting scolded by tech crew, we would run in and shout: “I will NOT be a bystander!!” Good times.
Ugh, Casey doesn’t even believe that someone like mad, a psychopathic child murderer, would actually tend to the bullets wounds and keep him alive if not wanting something from him. Mad just wants to have his baby brother back (he still believes that he can have a relationship with Casey as if the things he did doesn’t matter)
FNAF LORE MENTIONED!! Actually insane that the goofy puppet hand animatronics are possessed by the ghosts of children, the FNAF:TM lore is just as crazy as the game version cuz it’s doing too much 😭
OOOO POCKET WATCH COMIC MOMENT MENTIONED TOO!! Also, I can’t wait to put more dept into them as kids and their relationship with Father Time (the man under the clock for those wondering) and yes, he will be based on a YouTuber >:)
Ugh, love the way you described Mad’s robot hands, gives me chills legit. I also feel that despite the hatred, the small inner child of Casey who adored Mad is the reason he asked about his hands.
Now THIS is why he’s a detective/private investigator, he knows so much from just the evidence he gains and caught Mad off guard, that’s my man! (Proud creator moment)
Get him Casey, rip on him and his flaws and insecurities! Tear down his pride and make him feel insignificant against all those other criminals!! >:)
GOD the way Mad’s anger issues is written I was scared for my boy Casey 😔 I like the thought of him storming out to try and calm down to not and accidentally hurt him reminds me whenever I annoy my brother too much he’ll proceed to walk away into his room in order to not drop kick me.
Poor Azalea, having to be the one able to fit through the doggy door, but I guess that’s an upside to being the shortest ig. Cal will definitely make fun of her in the future lmao.
Casey is completely done with these people lol, my man just revealed himself from the shadows and only then actually gave those two a scare. Bro does NOT want to deal with Mad, nevertheless the Pentas members.
He doesn’t even believe that they willingly went out of their way to rescue him 😭 he needs to know there’s people who care about him (even if in a weird way of caring)
Poor guy, he’s having a ptsd moment. Would give him a big old hug if I wasn’t scared to go near him. (Also logically you don’t hug someone who is in a mental state while experiencing ptsd anyways-)
Mad stalking around looking Casey while he trying to coax him into coming out is giving when your siblings hits you too hard and they’re trying to make you not cry to your parents 🥲 that was me on both ends fr
Since Ethan is 5’8, I give his props for carrying Casey’s 6’3 ass away while Azalea helps her brother.
It’s giving that one blooper moment FNAF:TM where Matt accidentally threw the chair into the wall so hard it got stuck and they just stood there like 🧍🧍
Audibly chuckled on the Tuna melt comment, never fail to make me laugh Caliban.
RRAHHHG I CANT WAIT FOR MORE!! Waiting for more Phoenix lol. Bet Scout is excited to see Casey again, cuz I am excited to see more snippets!
You changed,
You haven’t
A follow up to our lovely collab with @wouldntyou-liketoknow, this is more of a flashback to kinda get into the relationship between Casey and Mad through Mad’s eyes. It may never erase what he’s done, but it may show a glimpse as to why he can’t seem to let Casey go.
Has always been, and always will be known as a monster, yet one soul decided to take a chance, to hold his hand and make him feel something more than just a monster. He was more in that person’s eyes, and he never wanted to let go of that feeling. The simple single touch of another who never views him as nothing more than a…
Shame he no longer can feel the touch.
@crazy-obsessed-enby @iswmperson @lexusinsannus @sammys-magical-au @wouldntyou-liketoknow @the-matpat-ever
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He can only dream.
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insane4fandoms · 2 months ago
You changed,
You haven’t
A follow up to our lovely collab with @wouldntyou-liketoknow, this is more of a flashback to kinda get into the relationship between Casey and Mad through Mad’s eyes. It may never erase what he’s done, but it may show a glimpse as to why he can’t seem to let Casey go.
Has always been, and always will be known as a monster, yet one soul decided to take a chance, to hold his hand and make him feel something more than just a monster. He was more in that person’s eyes, and he never wanted to let go of that feeling. The simple single touch of another who never views him as nothing more than a…
Shame he no longer can feel the touch.
@crazy-obsessed-enby @iswmperson @lexusinsannus @sammys-magical-au @wouldntyou-liketoknow @the-matpat-ever
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He can only dream.
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insane4fandoms · 2 months ago
Just a little thing to say about this TikTok ban, since this is kinda the first thing I ever said about it.
I thank whoever posts art, cosplay, sing, dance, and edits that you made my life significantly better for the past five years. I didn’t post much publicly, but the ones I only posted here meant a lot. The ones I liked and saved made me happy, and brought light to my life.
What will happen next, we can only hope that things will get better, though I doubt it will. But that won’t make me stop from doing what I love, which is give hope and joy to us here. I still have people here on this app that will help each other get through the tough journey.
I thank TikTok for many special moments of me simply scrolling endlessly, finding inspiration, education, news, and people who I befriended.
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insane4fandoms · 2 months ago
First of all, so happy to see Phoenix and K.O and getting a good feel on who they are through your writing. I somewhat relate to her with my fascination of fire lol. The way things burn and how hot it can get (sounding a little bit weird rn lmaooo)
I had my fair share of bees and wasp stings, and let me tell you they hurt like a BITCH, but getting injected with Japanese Giant Hornet venom, LIKE A SYRINGE FULL WHILE BEING ALLERGIC is legit crazy shit 😭 kudos to Azalea being able to do it cuz my poor compassionate ass cannot.
Let’s go with Newcomer being able to stop K.O from getting a drink cuz things would’ve been more deadly with Mr. Honey is he actually got hurt.
Poor Caliban, bro cannot handle his separation anxiety with Snare (Will probably burn the world down for that hare lol). The fact that he feels guilty thinking that Snare thought he didn’t care about him is so me fr, I be too busy to pay attention to my dog and I feel guilty later as if he thinks I do it on purpose 😔
I love with how the characters are when doing their usual hits. Each of them as their unique killing technique, with K.O. just taking his time with someone who was working with someone who tried to kill him as revenge. I mean I would too lmao.
There he is!! Scout my beloved boy!! 🕺 Fun fact, as Saint Bernards have barrels filled with alcohol to warm survivors, Scout’s barrel is also filled with alcohol, but it ain’t for Casey to drink, it’s very flammable, and very convenient for getaways.
AAAAAAHHHHHH MY FAVORITE CRIMINAL IS HERE (saying that put loud is wild ngl lmao) Ugh, I’m imagining Mad’s face while he carries Casey inside, smile not there so you know it’s serious, eyes focused and yet his grip on Casey it both gentle and firm, like he’s carrying something precious.
I knew you,
In another life
Back at it again with another little comic of Casey Clowes and his brother runaway murder case. Not many are aware of how deeply rooted the hurt hatred the detective has to the child murderer, but most can make an obvious and reasonable guess. Though there is much more than what Casey leads on.
Despite all the horrors, pain, and hate they feel, they were and may always, despite one not wanting to, be brothers. Maybe Casey would like it, that in one lifetime, in all possibilities, life may not have been cruel to give someone to him only to tear them away.
@wouldntyou-liketoknow @crazy-obsessed-enby @iswmperson @lexusinsannus @sammys-magical-au
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Wouldn’t that be lovely?
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insane4fandoms · 3 months ago
Watching Cory’s latest video makes me remember why he’s apart of my favorite YouTubers, he’s just makes me laugh.
Anyways, I got my little art out to show everyone. I also totally got inspired by a whole lot of character poses and wanted/needed to drawing my fav characters with them, starting with these murderous goobers, (the fazgang are next). Just the hit men coming along to bother our one detective because their either bored or had the same bounty. Either way Casey is DONE with them lmao.
@crazy-obsessed-enby @iswmperson @wouldntyou-liketoknow @lexusinsannus @sammys-magical-au
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insane4fandoms · 3 months ago
Well, life stuff has happened, and the brain juices have been, as usual, way more funky than they have any right to be…
However, a certain snippet should be ready and posted on either Saturday or Sunday! Stay on your toes, friendo!
(Sorry this first one has been taking a while 😅 Hopefully I’ll find a smoother flow with the next parts)
Ah no worries! I also have something up my sleeve! I think you’ll like it too mwahahahaha >:)
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