#Casey Clowes
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insane4fandoms · 2 months ago
I knew you,
In another life
Back at it again with another little comic of Casey Clowes and his brother runaway murder case. Not many are aware of how deeply rooted the hurt hatred the detective has to the child murderer, but most can make an obvious and reasonable guess. Though there is much more than what Casey leads on.
Despite all the horrors, pain, and hate they feel, they were and may always, despite one not wanting to, be brothers. Maybe Casey would like it, that in one lifetime, in all possibilities, life may not have been cruel to give someone to him only to tear them away.
@wouldntyou-liketoknow @crazy-obsessed-enby @iswmperson @lexusinsannus @sammys-magical-au
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Wouldn’t that be lovely?
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wouldntyou-liketoknow · 2 months ago
Things Happen After Dark...
(Disclaimer: one of the characters in this story do not belong to me. Casey Clowes was created by my amazing friend, @insane4fandoms.)
(Now, as for the fanegos who do belong to me: for more information on Caliban, go here. For more information on Azalea, go here. Murdock belongs to the Markiplier Cinematic Universe, and if you’d like to see my personal headcanons on him, go here.)
HAPPY NEW YEAR! (Only twelve minutes late...oh well 😅 🍾)
(Trigger Warnings: murder/death, blood/gore, violence, descriptions of illegal business, poisoning, strangling/suffocation, cannibalism, broken bones, beating/blunt force trauma, knives/blades/weapons, eating/drinking, strong language. Please let me know if I missed anything.)
Sections of the old concrete floor were slick, shining against the dim, flickering lights up above.
An unmistakable metallic stench hung in the air like heavy fog. 
Casey hated the fact that it lined up so well with how he could hear his own blood rushing through the veins in his ears.
The shivers were so violent, racing up and down throughout Casey’s ribcage. He ground his jaw; he couldn’t let his teeth start chattering. 
He’d already shown more fear than he’d care to admit—now, he couldn’t afford to show too much more. 
That would only make it easier for them…
To be clear, it wasn’t that Casey was unfamiliar with these sorts of places.
Old buildings that loomed on the sides of roads, basically out in the middle of nowhere, adorned by sun-bleached brick or faded paint and broken windows. 
The peculiar spots that had been left to rot for whatever reason a long time ago, that anyone could pass on their way to something better.
It was a bit ironic, really; he’d been hired to gather evidence against stalkers so many times before. And yet, sneaking around certain places at odd hours was exactly how he went about earning his keep and paying his bills.  
Sure, he wasn’t immune to cold sweat, or shivers up the spine, or having to duck and cover and just hold his breath until his lungs set themselves on fire and brace for some kind of horrific impact until he could finally, finally manage to peek out and move to safer ground…
But you just couldn’t be a private investigator if you couldn’t handle that kind of stuff.
It was just a fact of life: the more condemned a place was, the more likely people were to slip in through its cracks and do God-knows-what because they knew that pretty much everyone else wouldn’t venture inside.
He’d already snooped around two abandoned factories much like this one earlier in the year. 
Hell, those cases had even started off in a somewhat similar way to tonight’s shenaniganry: with a stroll through the Cove Port Inlets, just to review the facts—there never seemed to be enough—and get the juices flowing.
Granted, those other cases hadn’t involved him getting pulled into an alleyway so a few scumbags could practice for a chiropractic degree. 
Those other cases hadn’t involved him blacking out and eventually coming to with way more rope tightly coiled wrapped around his chest and arms than he remembered.
Those other cases hadn’t involved him being on the receiving end of an amateur stakeout.
Those other cases hadn’t involved near as much of a cacophony—screams that eventually bled into unintelligible whimpers and gurgles. 
Bones snapping under pressure, flesh practically sighing as metal was dragged through it.
Red either oozing down in ribbons to create viscous puddles, or droplets soaring through the air to splatter against the walls or, or, or…
It was almost made worse by the fact that he recognized the figures who were now pacing around the room, just a few feet from the corner he’d been bound to.
Well, the recognizing was sort of technical. 
This wasn’t the first close encounter he’d had with them (and his instincts demanded that he believe it wouldn’t be the last, either), but all the tricks, all the chases, all the near-misses just made things…strange. 
“Oh my God,” Azalea Crawford announced, stepping away from the mess to kneel down beside him, her big chestnut eyes glinting. “Is—is that a half-respirator?”
She reached out to carefully turn the small gas mask that rested on Casey’s collar from a strap stretched across the back of his neck. 
Casey took a subtle deep breath. The shivers cranked themselves up to eleven, so he had to try even harder than before to keep them trapped in his chest. 
She may have been petite—truly, she was one of the shortest adults he’d seen in his life—especially compared to him, but he knew better than to underestimate her. He’d heard of her reputation.
He’d watched her smile so casually when one of his kidnappers fell to the floor as though all his bones had just melted, wailing in agony and clawing at the same dart that had been shot from a small gun she’d pulled from her carob-colored vest 
“Hey, you left quite an impression that one time,” Casey finally answered, raising a sarcastic eyebrow. 
“That’s nice of you to say,” Azalea replied, fidgeting with the cherry-red headband that decorated her gently-curling locks. The venom-laced sugar in her voice made it clear that she remembered just as well as he did. 
“Ooh,” another voice called out from a bit further away, set in a Midwestern accent, a bit jagged around the edges yet somehow still managing to be silvery. “Trauma-incuded mementos are a classic!”
Caliban Crawford wandered closer, his mouth—well, pretty much everything below his eyes, to be honest—still dripping with gore. As he bared his red-drenched teeth in a shiny grin, his silver canine-cap almost seemed to be letting off sparks thanks to the flickering lights.  
“Guess that means I’ve gotta up my own ante, huh?” He asked as he stood beside his sister, appraising toward her and sinister toward the captive audience.
Casey grimaced, quickly shaking his head. “Please don’t.”
“I just feel like I’ve been challenged!” Caliban held up his hands, his shoulders popping up in a snide shrug. “Y’know, to see if I can make you get another protective trinket.”
“The human body’s already horrifying enough on its own!” Casey protested. He would’ve made a furious weeping gesture toward the fresh carnage across the room, but his hands were literally tied, so the most he could do was nod at it. “Look at that! How did you even do that?!”
Caliban paused, glancing over his shoulder to fix the viscera another hungry look.
“I mean, you were kinda watching all of us when it happened,” Azalea mentioned.
“Yeah, well I was TRYING not to!” Casey retorted. 
“A dollop of fairy dust,” Caliban finally proclaimed, folding his arms across his chest as his focus returned to the investigator.
Casey blinked, and if it weren’t for his restrained position, he would’ve felt his jaw hitting the floor. “...That’s nOT FUNNY!” 
“Yeah? Then why was I laughing so much?” Caliban’s eyes grew wider, his grin even sharper than before. 
“Oh, c’mon. He’s just having some fun with his job,” Azalea reached up to pat her brother on the shoulder. “What’s wrong with that?”
Casey was about to go on a whole tirade about how a-frickin-LOT of things were wrong with being so damn happy about a career in contract-killing and the Black Market, but he didn’t get the chance. 
“Hey, listen,” yet another voice piped up from just around the corner, steeped in velvetine oil. “I deserve some credit for all this too.”
Murdock Mallory came strolling into the room, a few tiny red spots still clinging to his black-tinted lenses. Really, it was a miracle how no blood seemed to have gotten in the raven hair that just about tickled his shoulders.
“I ripped the tag off a mattress this morning,” he continued, idly twisting the thin chain around his neck between his forefinger and thumb, causing its brass pendant to spin. “Pretty sure that set off some kind of Butterfly Effect.”
Casey wanted to shout, to sputter, to do something more to showcase how angry he was because that just felt like the only thing he had left right now…but he couldn’t. 
Instead, he just heaved a long-suffering sigh. “Oh, wow. And here I thought anatomy was the only science you guys were interested in.” 
“Uh, excuse you. I’m all about chaos theory,” Caliban huffed before turning away and beginning to scrape up the horrific remains that he was insane enough to deem as leftovers into what looked like a body bag. 
“You don’t need to have such an attitude about this,” Murdock chided, taking a few steps closer and tilting his head to the side. “Think: some sleazeball competitors of ours took you hostage to try and bait us. We could’ve just let them get rid of you, but no! We got rid of them instead! So, when you think about it, we’ve actually done you a pretty nice favor here.”
“Yeah,” Azalea agreed. Her voice was suddenly much closer, and Casey realized too late that he couldn’t see her anymore. “We could just leave you here for the cleanup crew to deal with, but we’re not doing that, either! Just think about that when you wake up, huh?” 
The question was punctuated by the distinct pinching sensation of a needle sinking into the small of Casey’s neck…
Of course, Casey wasn’t in the rightest mind to think about some things immediately after that. 
When he woke up on a park bench just as the sun began climbing its way into the sky, however, he had to admit: he had plenty to think about. 
…Mainly the fact that he had to have some begrudging gratitude about no chloroform being used. That stuff was way nastier than the movies ever let on.
@sammys-magical-au @the-matpat-ever @lampsforsocks @b-is-in-the-closet
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wouldntyou-liketoknow · 2 months ago
@sammys-magical-au @insane4fandoms @the-matpat-ever
(Sorry in advance if this is too random/obnoxious 😅 The following meme-idea just came to me out of nowhere)
I can sorta see this as, respectively:
Murdock, who's impatient but also being sarcastic because the car is already going way too fast.
Casey, who's a proud road-menace and almost never turns down dares in situations like this.
And Caliban, who's cackling and having an adrenaline rush because he's excited for an upcoming hit-job and his cravings are starting to kick in.
impatient man: bus driver can you go faster im late for work
worlds most obedient bus driver: whatever you say boss
guy on the bus who turns in to a hungry pack of wild hyenas whenever hes traveling faster than 30mph:
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truck451 · 3 months ago
Modern NASCAR Drivers Jimmie Johnson, Kevin Harvick, Casey Mears, Elliott Sadler, Matt Kenseth And His Son Ross, Carl Edwards, Brian Vickers, Denny Hamlin, Kasey Kahne, Regan Smith, And Johnny Sauter, Modern Formula One Drivers Nick Heidfeld And Jenson Button; NHL Players Derek Morris, Shane Doan, Martin LaPointe, Ryane Clowe, Cale Hulse, Jason LaBarbera, Tyson Nash, and Steve Begin; NFL Player Tom Brady, And MLB Players Steve Pearce, Mike Fiers, Tyler Collins, Brett Gardner, Kevin Millar, Matt Holliday, Billy Koch, Reed Johnson, Kevin Youkilis, And Reed Johnson; And Personnel With The Tulsa, Oklahoma Police Department By The Names Of Matt Frazier, Chase Calhoun, And Ronnie Leatherman Each Need To Consider The Needs Of People Like Yours Truly, The Owner Of This Very Blog; Who Is A Sclerotic Person
Modern NASCAR Drivers Jimmie Johnson, Kevin Harvick, Casey Mears, Elliott Sadler, Matt Kenseth And His Son Ross, Carl Edwards, Brian Vickers, Denny Hamlin, Kasey Kahne, Regan Smith, And Johnny Sauter, Modern Formula One Drivers Nick Heidfeld And Jenson Button; NHL Players Derek Morris, Shane Doan, Martin LaPointe, Ryane Clowe, Cale Hulse, Jason LaBarbera, Tyson Nash, and Steve Begin; NFL Player…
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jediskijumper · 2 years ago
Halvor is getting polonised
and Casey and MacKenzie are icons as usual
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flying-rusalka · 2 years ago
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ryoyiel · 4 years ago
uhhh, happy new year to you as well
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hojlundfc · 6 years ago
Balki, being the proud dad he is, serves us the right content
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ryoyuftw · 6 years ago
Mac being 30th instead of 31st tho👏👏👏
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insane4fandoms · 1 month ago
You changed,
You haven’t
A follow up to our lovely collab with @wouldntyou-liketoknow, this is more of a flashback to kinda get into the relationship between Casey and Mad through Mad’s eyes. It may never erase what he’s done, but it may show a glimpse as to why he can’t seem to let Casey go.
Has always been, and always will be known as a monster, yet one soul decided to take a chance, to hold his hand and make him feel something more than just a monster. He was more in that person’s eyes, and he never wanted to let go of that feeling. The simple single touch of another who never views him as nothing more than a…
Shame he no longer can feel the touch.
@crazy-obsessed-enby @iswmperson @lexusinsannus @sammys-magical-au @wouldntyou-liketoknow @the-matpat-ever
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He can only dream.
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wouldntyou-liketoknow · 2 months ago
The Gift That Keeps On Giving: Incorrect Quotes (please just ignore how none of them are holiday-themed...)
Remember this post? Well, unfortunately, it was pretty damn prophetic. The gift-story I've been working on will take more time than I expected. (On the bright side, maybe I can make a weird little New Year's Eve thing out of it.)
But I still refuse to not post something special for my friends on here for Christmas!
And if it can't be a full-on story, then I'll go for the next best thing: MIXING FANMADE CHARACTERS INTO MEMES.
(Disclaimer: two of the characters involved here do not belong to me. Casey Clowes was created by my amazing friend, @insane4fandoms. Sam Ryder, meanwhile, is the OC of another one of my wonderful moots, @sammys-magical-au! And as for the character who do belong to me...well, if you'd like to learn more about them, they'll each be linked as they're introduced.)
[Since they're sort of on the same page, Casey is trying to interview Sam. He's currently trying to discuss The Pentas Family with them.]
Casey: How did you even get into an alliance with them to begin with? How can you handle all the horrific stuff they do?!
Sam: *looking past Casey, watching through the window as Murdock, The Newcomer, Caliban, Azalea, and a few other Pentas members are chasing a few targets/rivals down in the streets*
Sam: ...Sometimes, I'm not really sure, either.
The Newcomer: *talking about the rest of The Pentas Family* “i CoUlD fIx tHeM." The Newcomer: Yeah? Well, I could accept these guys as they are. You don’t like murder? Grow up. The atrocities are part of my family, and I’ve decided they’re funny.
Casey: Oh, fiddlesticks! This really ruffles my feathers!
Murdock: *looking genuinely disturbed/concerned* PLEASE just say "fuck."
Garret: *kicks in the door to a target’s hideout* Your free trial of life has ended.
Caliban: Reverse tooth fairy where you leave money under your pillow and the tooth fairy comes and leaves you a bunch of teeth.
Casey: . . .Why?!
Caliban: *shaking a bag of teeth* Just because.
K.O.: If I got my foot cut off, then picked it up and swung it at you, would that be me hitting you or me kicking you?
Casey: Well, you'd really just mentally scar me more than anything!
Parker: Look, in my defense, I had some really good music on, and it made me want to do something kinda evil.
Casey: . . .
Azalea: Hey, there’s our old friend!
Casey: ...You and your buddies literally tried to kill me at some point.
Azalea: That was obviously just our way of getting to know you.
Val: People like to say “you can be part of the problem or part of the solution,” but I happen to believe you can be both
Casey: That is NOT how it works.
Sam: *shrugging* I mean...technically, sometimes it can be...
Two-Toes Johnny: I’ve had a lotta people ask me, “Hey, Johnny, are you a glass-half-full or a glass-half-empty kinda guy?” Two-Toes Johnny: And after some time to think, I can now confidently answer that question. Two-Toes Johnny: *pours some water into a glass. . .and then smashes that glass on the floor*
Phoenix: I can’t do this, it’s against my moral compass.
Casey: Your moral compass is a roulette wheel.
Phoenix: What's your point?
Miles: Nice opinion! One small issue, though. . . Miles: . . .I’ve planted a landmine in an undisclosed location inside your house. Every step you take is now a risky move.
Casey: I think my guardian angel drinks.
Sam: Join the club, dude.
Howie: *pulls up one of his cars with a few other Pentas members riding in the backseat; rolls down the window and honks the horn at The Newcomer* Get in, loser! We’re committing homicide!
Casey: My bounty is missing, and there's literally blood on your hands! What did you do?!
Garret: Alright, fine. I may have aggressively hugged him...specifically with my scarf...around his neck.
Casey: So you strangled him to death?!
Garret: No, no. I aggressively hugged his neck with my scarf.
Jay: *nudges one with his shoe* Honestly, not much.
[Sometime after Casey managed to steal a bounty from Murdock]
[Extra Context: Murdock is 5'10. Casey is 6'3]
Murdock: Listen, I get that we don’t see eye-to-eye on some things, but—
Casey: That’s because you’re short.
Murdock: . . .WHAT did you just say to me?
Casey: Oh, I’m sorry. Did you not hear me down there? Should I sPEAK UP?
Murdock: What are you doing?!
Casey: I didn’t say anything. What’s up? Ah, sorry, DOWN. ‘Cause that’s where you are.
Casey: “Kneecaps broken?” You gonna kick my shins or somethin’? ‘Cause that’s all you can reach, right?
Murdock: What is wrong with you today?!
Casey: Oh, do we have a short fuse today? DO WE. . ?
Murdock: Why are you being so insulting?! I—you—we were just having an argument—
Casey: Sorry, speak up. I can’t hear you all the way down there.
Murdock: . . .
Casey: Speak a little louder for me. Y’know, ‘cause you’re short.
Murdock: THAT’S IT, I’M GONNA—
Casey: Whoa, calm down there, you little IMP. ‘Cause, y’know, the shorter they are, the closer to hell—
[Sometime after Casey calls a truce with The Pentas Family. Recently, he's been struggling with a strange case, so he's reluctantly sought out some help/advice from Caliban. The two of them have been sneaking around the city late into the night; they're just now approaching the building where Casey keeps his office]
Casey: *turning the corner and looking up* ...SCOUT!
Caliban: *following Casey's gaze, his eyes widening and mouth dropping open* ...SNARE!
[Scout and Snare are currently sitting on the roof of the building, just above the back entrance]
[Neither Scout nor Snare answer, since they're respectively a beagle and a hare]
Two-Toes Johnny: *pouring himself a glass of wine* GOOD MORNIN'! Don’t forget to drink your water and mIND YOUR FUCKIN’ BUSINESS! Two-Toes Johnny: . . .This is wine, but you KNOW WHAT I MEAN! Two-Toes Johnny: If the things in your life are not bringin' you inspiration, income, or orgasms, they don’t belong in your life! So stop lettin' them linger around! Two-Toes Johnny: Ignore the judgmental people who always got somethin’ to say! They look like wildebeests, and you’d rather be the bitch that’s being talked about than the miserable bitch who’s talkin’! Two-Toes Johnny: So, thank you for comin' to my Sunday service. We fuck ‘em up, we fuck ‘em down, we fuck their friends when they’re outta town. Two-Toes Johnny: *takes a sip of his wine* . . .AMEN!!!
K.O.:*drives around, laughing maniacally. . .at least until he crashes the forklift into something, causing now broken shelves to start falling. . .*
Azalea: Okay, what does A stand for? Phoenix: Arson. Azalea: Aww, you're so good. Okay! B! What does B stand for? Phoenix: . . .Barson. Caliban: *laughs* Azalea: What stands for C? Phoenix: Commit arson. Azalea: D! Phoenix: Don't come near me, I'm going to commit arson. Caliban: *now on the floor, laughing even harder*
Parker: We are one hundred meters from your location and approaching rapidly. Parker: S t a r t r u n n i n g .
Casey: Sometimes I wonder why humans have different blood groups.
Caliban: So I can enjoy different flavors.
“What are you, exactly?”
Val: A mobster.
“No, what’s your gender?”
Val: I’m a contract killer.
“No! Like, what’s under your dress?!”
Val: *pulls out a minigun from their thigh-holster under their dress* A GUN.
[Casey has gotten caught up in one of Miles' booby traps. Surprisingly enough, it's not a harmful one, but it's still pretty damn aggravating since it ruined one of Casey's stake-outs. Sam has found Casey and is now helping him out]
Sam: Is there something you'd like to say, Mr. Clowes? Casey: *one eye twitching* Oh, there are SEVERAL things I'd like to say...
@the-matpat-ever @b-is-in-the-closet @lampsforsocks @bloodyhound12345 @yourannoyinglittlesistersteph @flaming-dolph16
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vierschanzentournee · 6 years ago
mackenzie 51st again im losin my mind
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truck451 · 3 months ago
Reasons Why NHL Players Josh Doan And His Sons, Martin LaPointe And His Sons, Rod Brind'Amour And His Sons, Steve Bégin, Jason LaBarbera, Ryane Clowe, And Darren McCarty; Along With Fellow NHL Player Derek Morris, Should Be Cast In A Pixar Movie As Antagonists
The Reasons Why NHL Players Josh Doan And His Sons, Martin LaPointe And His Sons, Rod Brind’Amour And His Sons, Steve Bégin, Jason LaBarbera, Ryane Clowe, And Darren McCarty; Along With Fellow NHL Player Derek Morris, Should Be Cast In A Pixar Movie As Villians, Are The Same Reasons As To Why Why Modern NASCAR Drivers Jimmie Johnson, Carl Edwards, Casey Mears, Brian Vickers, Kasey Kahne, Denny…
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jediskijumper · 3 years ago
I swear, today's
"Keeping up with the ski jumpers"
is not gonna be late
that's the one from 4th may aka STAR WARS DAY
okay, let's go
Red Bull gang
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the only one who posted training content yesterday
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aesthetic Robert
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translation: lunch
yes Mackenzie, that's the thing on STAR WARS DAY
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Nika and Miss Mici duo >>>>>>>>>>>
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only one part because yes
no Manuel content today, the biggest simp already posted it
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marsilainen · 7 years ago
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Two kinds of friends
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dailyskijumping · 4 years ago
Ski jumping teams for the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships (Oberstdorf 2021)
Philipp Aschenwald
Manuel Fettner
Michael Hayböck
Jan Hörl
Daniel Huber
Stefan Kraft
Lisa Eder
Chiara Hölzl
Daniela Iraschko-Stolz
Marita Kramer
Eva Pinkelnig
Vladimir Zografski
Mackenzie Boyd-Clowes
Matthew Soukup
Natasha Bodnarchuk
Natalie Eilers
Alexandria Loutitt
Nicole Maurer
Abigail Strate
Czech Republic:
Čestmír Kožíšek
Viktor Polášek
Filip Sakala
Vojtěch Štursa
Karolína Indráčková
Veronika Jenčová
Štěpánka Ptáčková
Klára Ulrichová
Artti Aigro
Kevin Maltsev
Antti Aalto
Niko Kytösaho
Jarkko Määttä
Eetu Nousiainen
Arttu Pohjola
Susanna Forsström
Julia Kykkänen
Jenny Rautionaho
Julia Tervahartiala
Julia Clair
Joséphine Pagnier
Markus Eisenbichler
Severin Freund
Karl Geiger
Martin Hamann
Pius Paschke
Constantin Schmid
Katharina Althaus
Luisa Görlich
Anna Rupprecht
Juliane Seyfarth
Carina Vogt
Virág Vörös
Giovanni Bresadola
Francesco Cecon
Alex Insam
Daniel Moroder
Jessica Malsiner
Lara Malsiner
Junshirō Kobayashi
Ryōyū Kobayashi
Naoki Nakamura
Keiichi Satō
Yukiya Satō
Yūki Itō
Kaori Iwabuchi
Nozomi Maruyama
Yūka Setō
Sara Takanashi
Sabirzhan Muminov
Sergey Tkachenko
Danil Vassilyev
Dayana Pekha
Johann André Forfang
Halvor Egner Granerud
Anders Håre
Robert Johansson
Marius Lindvik
Daniel André Tande
Frida Berger
Thea Minyan Bjørseth
Maren Lundby
Silje Opseth
Anna Odine Strøm
Dawid Kubacki
Klemens Murańka
Andrzej Stękała
Kamil Stoch
Jakub Wolny
Piotr Żyła
Kamila Karpiel
Nicole Konderla
Kinga Rajda
Joanna Szwab
Anna Twardosz
Daniel Andrei Cacina
Andrei Feldorean
Nicolae Sorin Mitrofan
Mihnea Alexandru Spulber
Delia Anamaria Folea
Daniela Haralambie
Alessia Mîțu-Coșca
Andreea Diana Trâmbițaș
Russian Athletes:
Evgeniy Klimov
Ilya Mankov
Mikhail Nazarov
Mikhail Purtov
Denis Kornilov
Danil Sadreev
Irina Avvakumowa
Irma Makhinia
Kristina Prokopieva
Anna Shpyneva
Sofia Tikhonova
Žiga Jelar
Anže Lanišek
Bor Pavlovčič
Cene Prevc
Domen Prevc
Peter Prevc
Urša Bogataj
Jerneja Brecl
Ema Klinec
Nika Križnar
Špela Rogelj
Astrid Norstedt
Frida Westman
Vitaliy Kalinichenko
Anton Korchuk
Yevhen Marusiak
Andrii Vaskul
Tetiana Pylypchuk
Erik Belshaw
Decker Dean
Patrick Gasienica
Casey Larson
Andrew Urlaub
Annika Belshaw
Anna Hoffmann
Paige Jones
Logan Sankey
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